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How Much Wrath Do You Have?
Your Wrath Quotient: 27% Sometimes you get really angry, but nothing out of the norm. While you may wish someone harm, it's pretty unlikely that you'd actually do anything about it. How Much Wrath Do You Have?
How Much Is Your Life Worth?
Your Life Is Worth... $540,500 How Much Is Your Life Worth?
How Machiavellian Are You?
You Are Somewhat Machiavellian You're not going to mow over everyone to get ahead... But you're also powerful enough to make things happen for yourself. You understand how the world works, even when it's an ugly place. You just don't get ugly yourself - unless you have to! How Machiavellian Are You?
How Much Is Ur Life Worth
Your Life Is Worth... $310,500 How Much Is Your Life Worth?
How Much Do You Love Nascar?
How much do you love Nascar? #1 Nascar fan ... way to goApparently u really love nascar and know your stuff. Take this test
How Much Of A Bitch Are You?
You are 79% Bittch! I can't believe it! Your almost a full bittch! I know you just sit there and think of ways to be a bittch! How Pathetic is that! You must be awful lonely! Cruelty hurts! Bittch!How much of a B*tch Are you?Create MySpace Quizzes
How Much Do I Hate Tv?
There has been a system in place now, pretty much worldwide, that if someone actually manages to create a new and more importantly popular television show, everyone else must immediately copy or only slightly alter the format. This will carry on until the viewing figures fall far enough to cause the rating junky execs to cancel it. The case in point is 'Big Brother' originally created by the Dutch it has multiplied and has infested far more countries then it should have. It has created more 'Z-list' celebrities (and I use the term celebrity in a completely incorrect way) and brought far too may aging or has-been actors back into the spotlight then anything else. There are now however far more programs of this nature popping up all over the place in the UK; dancing, ice skating, singing and god-only-knows-what-else type of this reality rubbish. Now this isn’t anything new but while it became noticeable after all the make-over programs kicked off in the 90’s and early 00’s things
How Much For Howard??
A Texas rancher got in his pickup and drove to a neighboring ranch and knocked at the door. A young boy about 9 opened the door. "Is yer Dad home?" the rancher asked. "No sir, he ain't," the boy replied. "He went into town." Well said the rancher, "is yer Mom here?" "No, sir, she ain't here neither. She went into town with Dad." "How about your brother, Howard? Is he here?" "He went with Mom and Dad." The rancher stood there for a few minutes, shifting from one foot to the other and mumbling to himself. "Is there anything I can do fer ya?" the boy asked politely. "I knows where all the tools are, if you want to borry one. Or maybe I could take a message fer Dad." "Well," said the rancher uncomfortably, "I really wanted to talk to yer Dad. It's about your brother Howard getting my daughter, Pearly Mae, pregnant." The boy considered for a moment. "You would have to talk to Pa about that", he finally conceded. "If it helps you any, I know that Pa charges $50 for the b
How My Words Hurt?
There is always someone on this planet willing to love you for who you are Who wants to love Take care of you Give themselves and everything they have to you Protect you Never judge you Every person has a special someone that they are destined to meet Keep your eyes open Because they are on their way If you have not met them already So open your heart Let the love pour in Because that special someone is on their way.
How Many Times Will Bush Say 9-11
how many times Bush use the excuse for 9-11?
How Many Inches Is Too Many??..snow That Is
Good Morning on this snow filled southwestern Michigan day. We were dumped on by lake effect snow to the tune of about 20 inches.. Yuck and I thought winter was going to continue this somewhat of an easy going venue. At least Jessica’s flight was not delayed and she is safe and sound home in St. Petersburg Florida. Her friend Lesley who also flew up to and brought her pug dog up with her and paid to carry the dog on the plane in a cage mind you. She had to stow the dog, oh hell the dog’s name is Toby and Toby rode safely underneath Lesley’s seat until Jessica came over while they were in the air and said hi to Toby and apparently Toby then began scratching to get out. Lesley wisely scolded Jessica and said “See that is why we don’t talk to him when he is in his cage” I told Jess when she was telling us this story “Hell you should of unlatched his door..” I could just see the dog scurrying through the whole plane. Do dogs scurry? I would think little snub nosers like that one would. I
How Many On Here Are In The Lifestyle?
Just curious as to who is in the lifestyle. Was told there was some on here and only know for sure about a few of you.
How Many Of Me???
HowManyOfMe.comThere is:1person with my namein the U.S.A.How many have your name?
How Much Your Loved♥
Of all the friends I've ever met, You're the one I won't forget. And if I die Before you do I'll go to heaven And wait for you I'll give the angels Back their wings And risk the loss Of everything Just to prove My friendship is true I'm thankful to have Friends like you! I LOVE YOU! Send to 7 people you love dearly whether it's friendship love or real love. If you get 5 back your spoiled! revised by: - Get Your Own
How Much Are You Worth??????????
I'm Worth $60.00 Body: Here's the deal. You look it over the following list and see how many of these things you have done. BUT you have to ADD up the money amount along the way. Then post the amount that you are as the title of the bulletin. PS: the smaller the better! 1. Had sex: $6.00 2. Smoked: $5.00 3. Got drunk: $5.00 4. Went skinny dipping: $3.00 5. Kissed someone of the opposite sex: $4.00 6. Kissed someone of the same sex: $4.00 7. Cheated on a test: $2.00 8. Fell asleep in class: $0.50 9. Been expelled: $5.00 10. Been in a fist fight: $3.00 11. Given oral: $5.00 12. Got oral: $5.00 13. Prank called the cops: $3.00 14. Stole something: $2.00 15. Done drugs: $5.00 16.Dyed your hair: $0.50 17. Done something with someone older (like a few years): $3.00 18. Went out with someone OVER 18 (if your under 18): $4.00 19. Ate a whole thing of oreos: $0.50 20. Cried yourself to sleep: $1.00 21. Sa
How Many People Have My Name?
HowManyOfMe.comThere are:5people with my namein the U.S.A.How many have your name?
How My Name Defines My Personality (kablarian Philosphy...somewhat Accurate)
Your First Name of: Patricia While the name Patricia creates the urge to create harmony with people, we call attention to the fact that it causes a restless intensity that defies relaxation. This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the fluid systems, and solar plexus. Your name of Patricia creates a desire for association with people and new experiences, many of which have been rather bitter. This name has given you a gregarious personality and a quick-thinking, creative, and versatile nature, but one that is very emotional. You desire change and travel and would enjoy opportunities that allowed you to be creative and to act independently, rather than to conform to system and routine. However, this name does not allow you to complete your undertakings, as farther fields always look greener.
How Much Lust Do You Have?
Your Lust Quotient: 74% You are a very lustful person - and it sometimes gets the better of you! You know how to hold back, but you hardly ever do. How Much Lust Do You Have?
How Much Lust Do You Have?
Your Lust Quotient: 56% You are definitely a lustful person, but you do a good job of hiding it. Your friends would be surprised to know that your secretly very wild! How Much Lust Do You Have?
How Machiavellian Are You?
You Are Somewhat Machiavellian You're not going to mow over everyone to get ahead... But you're also powerful enough to make things happen for yourself. You understand how the world works, even when it's an ugly place. You just don't get ugly yourself - unless you have to! How Machiavellian Are You?
How Much Do Teachers Make?
How Much Do Teachers Make? The dinner guests were sitting around the table discussing life. One man, a CEO, decided to explain the problem with education. He argued, "What's a kid going to learn from someone who decided his best option in life was to become a teacher?" He reminded the other dinner guests what they say about teachers: "Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach." To stress his point he said to another guest; "You're a teacher, Bonnie. Be honest. What do you make?" Bonnie, who had a reputation for honesty and frankness replied, "You want to know what I make? (She paused for a second, then began...) "Well, I make kids work harder than they ever thought they could. I make a C+ feel like the Congressional Medal of Honor. I make kids sit through 40 minutes of class time when their parents can't make them sit for 5 without an I Pod, Game Cube or movie rental... You want to know what I make?" (She paused again and looked at each and every person at the
How Much Have You Changed In 10 Years???
HOW MUCH HAVE YOU CHANGED IN 10 YEARS??? ---------------10 years ago--------------- 1.) How old were you? 33 2.) Where did you go to school? I didn't 3.) Where did you work? Twin Rivers Reginal Medical Center 4.) Where did you live? Hayti 5.) Where did you hang out? Some Bars 6.) Did you wear glasses? yes or contacts 7.) Who was your best friend? hmmm, Don't remember. 8.) How many tattoos did you have? None 9.) How many piercings did you have? None 10.) What car did you drive? 89 Nissan Truck 4x4 11.) Had you been to a real party? Yes 12.) Had your heart broken? Yes 13.) Single/Taken/Married/Divorced/Bitter: Divorced ---------------7 years ago--------------- 1.) How old were you? 36 2.) Where did you go to school? Didn't 3.) Where did you work? Kelly's Ideal's (My own business) 4.) Where did you live? Hayti 5.) Where did you hang out? Eagles 6.) Did you wear glasses? Contacts 7.) Who was your best friend? Kelley 8.) How
How Many Of Me..
HowManyOfMe.comThere are:0people with my namein the U.S.A.How many have your name?
How Many People Can You Name
HowManyOfMe.comThere are:51people with my namein the U.S.A.How many have your name?
How Many People Have Your Name
HowManyOfMe.comThere are:51people with my namein the U.S.A.How many have your name?
How Many Times....? YOU get off in one sitting? i don't mean back to back, i mean before you go and get into something else (ie: eating, errands, chatting, etc). for me it all depends. mostly how much time i have when i'm feeling really 'frisky', but sometimes i have time i just don't FEEL it ya know? for a while there i was going twice in a sitting, so far today it's only once, guess i'm not FEELING it. my max when i've had sex was 4 times, but that was only once, my dick felt like it was gunna fall off! it's usually once, but there is a good amount of time when i fuck her twice. i know girls u multi-orgasim, so i'm curious what's your 'typicial' number of O's?
How Many Of Your Name In Usa
HowManyOfMe.comThere are:437people with my namein the U.S.A.How many have your name?
How Many Of Your Name In Usa
HowManyOfMe.comThere are:80people with my namein the U.S.A.How many have your name?
How Many Have My Name ?
HowManyOfMe.comThere is:1person with my namein the U.S.A.How many have your name?
How Much Lust Do You Have?
Your Lust Quotient: 55% You are definitely a lustful person, but you do a good job of hiding it. Your friends would be surprised to know that your secretly very wild! How Much Lust Do You Have?
How Much Love Is In My Eyes?
You scored as The love in your eyes is... your eyes are what guys look into when they love u!The love in your eyes is..54%How Much love do u have in your eyes?created with
How Much Of A Stoner Are You???
You are 58% stoner You are a fairly regular stoner. You are probably the kid who is always smoking up at the back corner of the parking lot of your high school. You like experimenting with other stuff – although you are too clever to really get addicted to anything. Take this quiz at
How Much...from The Desk
How Much In January and February, I normally go into quiet time, in which I give myself time to think on things I have learned throughout the past year. Sometimes this becomes a time of simplicity in which I resort back to the basic and simple ways. Don't we all long for things to become more simple, in our rush around world these days in which it seems we have no trouble filling every part of our day with something or another. We often exclaim, that we just do not have enough time in the day to do all we want to do, because our lives are so filled with events, and distractions, not to mention the day to day duties we all have to get through each and every day. So if we don't ink out the time to just lay back and bring ourselves back to basic and simple, we continue rushing forward. Rushing forward we miss a lot, we are going here and there and doing this and that with hardly a moment to spare. This is one of the reasons I have now put into practice taking my life back to the sim
How Many Licks Does It Take...
How Many People?
Are up at 6:48 AM and willing to rate/comment on my nsfw? anyone?
~~how Much Is A Billion~~
This is enlightening! How much is a Billion? The next time you hear a politician use the word "billion" in a casual manner, think about whether you want the "politicians" spending your tax money. A billion is a difficult number to comprehend, but one advertising agency did a good job of putting that figure into some perspective in one of its releases. a. A billion seconds ago it was 1959. b. A billion minutes ago Jesus was alive. c. A billion hours ago our ancestors were living in the Stone Age. d. A billion days ago no-one walked on the earth on two feet. e. A billion dollars ago was only 8 hours and 20 minutes, at the rate our government is spending it. While this thought is still fresh in our brain, let's take a look at New Orleans . It's amazing what you can learn with some simple division . . Louisiana Senator, Mary Landrieu (D), is presently asking the Congress for $250 BILLION to rebuild New Orleans . I
How Many *licks* Does It Take?
....I don't really know, but I hope that you will come help one of my friends...she made it to the final round of this contest, and now she is in 3rd place out of 5, after bouncing between 1st and 2nd last night....
How My Day Is......
hey hello. I have been on this site for a while but never really spent alot of time here, witch I think is going to change. everything in my life is golden right now. however that will start to worrie me as it always does. when everything is going fabulous I start to wonder why instead of just letting it flow. I worrie about anything and everything anything witch might or never happen. I turn 26 next week, I don't think its any big deal, brithdays that is. it is just another day. however on the 28th I will have 3 years being clean and sober, well I have over 3 years now clean from drugs. not really sure of the date that I stoped smoking pot. but on feb 27th 2003 I had my last drink. my grampa was having his 50th year party in AA and yeah he played a big part in my getting sober, god took him home when I was 3 months sober and I miss him. however I have found true friends in AA that mean the world to me, sometimes I wish I could remmber all their names lol. anyways everyone, thanks for
How Many Have U Promised
?I promise you my heart? ?I promise you my life? ?I promise we'll never be apart? ?I promise not to hurt you? ?I promise to never make you cry? ?I promise to always trust you? ?I promise not to lie? ?I promise you forever? ?I promise you tonight? ?I promise you my respect? ?I promise to do things right? ?I promise to always be there? ?I promise until the end? ?I promise to always love you? ?I promise to be your best friend? ?I promise you my love? ?I promise you my life? ?I promise this forever? ?I promise our friendship is my life? how many of u out there have promised so many of these...
How Many Times...
How many times.... must i say im sorry How many times... must i almost lose you How many times... can I play this game How many times... will you run How many times... must i wonder How many time??? Copyright 28Feb2007 Erin Francis
How Much Iraqi Embassy Is Too Much?
'It's hubris.' How Much Embassy Is Too Much? 02 Mar 2007 The nerve center of Iraq reconstruction efforts, housed in an ornate former Saddam Hussein palace with soaring ceilings and its own espresso bar, the embassy in Baghdad is one of the largest foreign missions ever operated by the State Department. Its complexity and expense, some say, hampers reconstruction efforts and drains cash from diplomatic efforts worldwide. According to a State Department count, about 1,000 federal employees report to the U.S. Embassy in Iraq, not including hundreds of private contractors. The mission's closely guarded budget - $923 million for the 2006 fiscal year - is a source of controversy at State, and across the federal government.
How Much Is My Life Dollars That Is
Your Life Is Worth... $1,150,000 How Much Is Your Life Worth?
How Machiavellian Am I?
You Are Somewhat Machiavellian You're not going to mow over everyone to get ahead... But you're also powerful enough to make things happen for yourself. You understand how the world works, even when it's an ugly place. You just don't get ugly yourself - unless you have to! How Machiavellian Are You?
How Machiavellian Are You?
You Are Somewhat Machiavellian You're not going to mow over everyone to get ahead... But you're also powerful enough to make things happen for yourself. You understand how the world works, even when it's an ugly place. You just don't get ugly yourself - unless you have to!How Machiavellian Are You?
How Much Do You Love Cars?
MECHANIC Chris Donald loves his work — he has sex with CARS. And he admitted last night: “Some men like boobs and bums, but I much prefer curvy bodywork.” Chris, 38, has a recognised psychological condition that makes him physically attracted to motors. He has had sex with more than 30 different models in 20 years — plus two motorboats and a pal’s JETSKI. Chris, who DOES have a girlfriend, confessed: “A nice car for me is a feast for the senses. It’s about smells, feelings and tastes. If I see a gorgeous Mercedes I know I’d love to jump into bed with it.” His weird obsession mirrors that of electrician Karl Watkins, who The Sun revealed was jailed for having sex with pavements in Redditch, Worcs, in 1993. Chris has his own website devoted to his bizarre fetish — and claims there are 500 other cranks like him, including women. But unlike doggers who have sex with strangers in chilly car parks, the motor engineer uses a heated and carpeted double garage at his home f
How My First Appointment Went.
Well, where to start lmao this should be good, talk about knock you down with a ten tone whatever ya wanna call a ten tone thing but it felt like it. well i woke up today, feeling really sick and off my food and didnt want to drink but like i wasnt told by any member of the 'profession' i went and did my water sample for the midwife, the day dragged so much, n i was gettin more and more nervous, with each passing hour, wondering what would be said and what would be done. Time came for us to set off to the doctors, and with the bank screwing our money up, we had to walk, and thats another thing too, but ill talk about that in another bulletin. Once at the doctors, once asked what we were there for, and we told them we were there to see the midwife, once booked in, we waited in the waiting room. argh i hate waiting, makes me real nervous. then my name came on the light bord and the midwife had called us in. walking down this corridor looking for the 4th door o th right h
How Much Sex Appeal Do I Have??? Hmmm
You Are 72% Sexy Your Sex Appeal Is: Extremely High You're very sexy. You just have that certain something that takes over a room. You know how to attract, entice, and keep whoever you want. You are truly appealing. How Much Sex Appeal Do You Have?
How My Miracle Came About.
Well today marks two years from when the most amazing thing happened to me. I thought I would share...(this is rather long, and may not be worth it to some) It was March 13th and at the time my ex and I live in Michigan City, Indiana. I was getting really excited because on the 15th we had a planned C-section. We had so many ultrasounds and so many long drives to Indianapolis (3 hours south of us,where they have the best equipment and doctors). We also had so many hospital stays because at this time we knew something was wrong with our son but not to what extent. So I was happy to know our boy would be here in 2 days. So, March 13th comes, my ex at the time worked nights so before he went to bed we had went to McDonalds where they f*cked up my chicken sandwich (I still blame them for him coming early! Poor kid just wanted a crispy chicken, extra mayo!!). So we get home I eat and I lay down with my ex. about 3pm I wake up and have to pee so bad.. so I waddle my happy butt to the bath
How Many Times Can A Woman Shed Her Skin?
Every time, a snake sheds it's skin, it begins life as a "new" creature. It is the same, and yet, the SKINS are never the same. I watched a gaboon viper shed it's skin once. It looks purple during it's shed, but once it's off, and on the ground, it's like mother of pearl. Iridescent. Transcendent. The mother of all snake skin. There is no greater prize for a snake hunter than the skins of a gaboon viper. And they were everywhere in our neighborhood. John must have caught over fifty of them in one season, in our front yard alone. A good skin will bring a price of about $100 dollars on today's shoe/purse market. Italian designers pay more, and that's why Italians are always flying in and out of African airports. People are like that too, except the price for our skins is plummeting. In the space of two weeks, I've been bedridden with pneumonia, and told by telephone that my skin is worthless and to find another job. Well, okay, it wasn't THAT bad. They didn't SAY I was
How Much Lust Do You Have?
Your Lust Quotient: 96% Your lust is totally out of control. You definitely have let your animal instincts take over. And while your unbridled desire is attractive to some, most people see you as a bit of a freak! How Much Lust Do You Have?
How Much Sex Appeal Do You Have?
You Are 94% Sexy Your Sex Appeal Is: Off the Charts! Let's face it... you're one of the sexiest people around. And you don't let anyone forget it. You're crazy hot, and you deliver on what you promise. You are definitely one wild ride.How Much Sex Appeal Do You Have?
How Much You Love Me? Show It :)
i Wanna know how hott i am :) You're OK-----teddy bear You're CUTE----red rose I'd Do Ya!!----any spicy gift You're SEXY----dozen roses Let's Be Friends----kitten Wanna get Married??---any big pimpin' gift
How Much Do You Support Our Troops? Well This One Can Use Your Support Right Now
How Much Sex Appeal Do I Have?
You Are 84% Sexy Your Sex Appeal Is: Off the Charts! Let's face it... you're one of the sexiest people around. And you don't let anyone forget it. You're crazy hot, and you deliver on what you promise. You are definitely one wild ride. How Much Sex Appeal Do You Have?
How Much Hip Hop I Know!
You scored 87 West Coast and 88 East Coast! If you've got more than 60% I consider you know lots of little details about rap business. If you have less, you probably listen to good music anyways so, good game!!! This test tracked 2 variables. How the score compared to the other people's: Higher than 75% on West CoastHigher than 75% on East Coast Link: The Do You Really Know Rap Test written by Demmey on Ok Cupid
How Much Am I Worth
I am worth $2,014,000 on HumanForSale.comHow much are you worth?
How My Life Is Like Ass
Life is all about are either kicking it~~~busting it~~~ laughing it off~~~or kissing it!!!
How Many Have You Done?
How many have you done? 1) smoked weed or cigs 2) consumed alcohol 3) slept in the same bed with someone of the opposite sex 4) slept in the same bed with someone of the same sex 5) made out with someone of the opposite sex 6) made out with someone of the same sex 7) had someone in your room of the opposite sex 8) watched porn 9) bought porn 10) done drugs TOTAL: 11) taken pain killer 12) taken someone elses prescription medicine 13) lied to your parents 14) lied to a friend 15) snuck out of the house 16) done something illegal 17) cut yourself 18) hurt someone 19) wished someone to die 20) seen someone die TOTAL: 21) missed curfew 22) stayed out all night 23) eaten a carton of ice cream by yourself 24) been to a therapist 25) been to rehab 26) dyed your hair 27) recieved a ticket 28) been in a wreck 29) been to a club 30) been to a bar TOTAL: 31) been to a wild party 32) seen the Mardi Gras 34) had a spring break in Florida 35) sniffe
How Much You Mean To Me
How could you look me in the eyes And tell me all those lies How could you make me believe Then just get up and leave How could you cause this much pain And put my heart in all this strain How could you let me go? When all I did was let you know. How much you mean to me....
How Many Eatballs Are In A Meatball?
Copernicus Four hundred years ago people knew little about our lumpy universe. They thought that the earth was the center of the entire beef broth and that the sun and all of the assicles revolved around it. But then a/an cakesakian named Copernicus discovered the truth. The earth revolves around the eatball one times a year. Copernicus, whose last name was Blackhead, was born in Warsaw, and he used one of the first sloppy telescopes, which was invented by Gigglepiss. This primitive telescope was little more than two pieces of minced meat stuck on each end of a/an tuna casserole. In 1600 an Italian foot waxer named Galileo expanded Copernicus's farty theories, but during the Inquisition in Italy he was craptastically arrested. After flopping for six months in jail, Galileo was forced to glop.
How Much Sex Appeal I Have
You Are 66% Sexy Your Sex Appeal Is: Extremely High You're very sexy. You just have that certain something that takes over a room. You know how to attract, entice, and keep whoever you want. You are truly appealing. How Much Sex Appeal Do You Have?
How Much Sex Appeal Do You Have?
You Are 92% Sexy Your Sex Appeal Is: Off the Charts! Let's face it... you're one of the sexiest people around. And you don't let anyone forget it. You're crazy hot, and you deliver on what you promise. You are definitely one wild ride. How Much Sex Appeal Do You Have?
How Much Is Your Life Worth?
I WAS VERY SUPRISED IT WAS MORE THAN I THOUGH.... Your Life Is Worth... $691,500 How Much Is Your Life Worth?
How Much Will You Need To Save Each Month To Be A Millionaire At Age 65?
HOW MUCH WILL YOU NEED TO SAVE EACH MONTH TO BE A MILLIONAIRE AT AGE 65? CURRENT AGE 6% 8% 10% 12% 0 $104.33 $37.62 $12.89 $4.26 5 $141.75 $56.21 $21.23 $7.74 10 $193.12 $84.10 $34.98 $14.07 15 $264.04 $126.07 $57.72 $25.60 20 $362.84 $189.59 $95.39 $46.60 25 $502.13 $286.45 $158.12 $84.99 30 $701.89 $435.94 $263.39 $155.49 35 $995.50 $670.97 $442.38 $286.12 40 $1,443.01 $1,051.49 $753.67 $532.24 45 $2,164.31 $1,697.73 $1,316.88 $1,010.86 50 $3,438.56 $2,889.85 $2,412.71 $2,001.68 55 $6,102.05 $5,466.09 $4,881.74 $4,347.09 60 $14,332.80 $13,609.72 $12,913.71 $12,244.44 Note: Assumption is that savings are held within a compounding tax-sheltered investment.
How Many Are There With Your Name?
HowManyOfMe.comThere are 275 people with my name in the U.S.A.How many have your name?
How Much Of My Staff Are Reliable True Staff?
this is the link to the contest.....Shannon put alot of hard work into this contest so i want all staff to please go and help us win this!!!!!! when you are done leave me a comment on this blog so i know what staff was there to recieve there gift! i want each staff to do atleast 100 comments!
How Much Sex Appeal Do I Have
You Are 77% Sexy Your Sex Appeal Is: Extremely High You're very sexy. You just have that certain something that takes over a room. You know how to attract, entice, and keep whoever you want. You are truly appealing. How Much Sex Appeal Do You Have?
How Much Would I Sell Out For
On Average, You Would Sell Out For $1,068,678 At What Price Would You Sell Out?
How Much Is My Life Worth
Your Life Is Worth... $668,500 How Much Is Your Life Worth?
How Many Times Will They Call You A Bitch B4 U Believe It?
Good question huh? This is my update for my last blog, it's been a minute so its due. Where to start. I really thought I was getting better about my attitude, becoming more caring, more helpful, and even a lil sillier per request of someone I know. Then there came the day (today) that I get called a bitch. *gasps* Yep, thats right, he called me a bitch. Its kind of funny because back when I started my whole adventure to the kind sarahness, no one was calling me a bitch, no one was telling me I need to be sillier, no one was taking advantage of me (not that that is anyones fault but my own for letting them). So with my new found niceness (if thats a word) comes its ups and downs. I take one day to sleep because I worked 14 hours that night.. and I get told Im not a very nice person for ignoring them.. I IGNORED EVERYONE, I WAS ASLEEEEEEEP!!! But no, that was not the person that called me a bitch.. lol Heres how the conversation went.. (NO NAME PERSON): : hi Sarah Leseman
"how Much Girls Mean To Guys"....this Is Soo True
How Much Girls Mean To Guys The Lovers of the Heart In order to form a more perfect kiss, enable the mighty hug to promote to whom we please but one kiss. Article 1: Statement of Love: The Kiss 1. Kiss on the hand = I adore you 2. Kiss on the cheek = I just want to be friends 3. Kiss on the neck = I want you 4. Kiss on the lips = I love you 5. Kiss on the ears = I am just playing 6. Kiss anywhere else = lets not get carried away 7. Look in your eyes = kiss me 8. Playing with ! your hair = I can't live without you 9.Hand on your waist = I love you to much to let you go Article 2: The Three Steps 1. Girls: If any guys get fresh with you, slap him. 2. Guys: If any girl slaps you, her intentions are still good. 3. Guys & Girls: Close your eyes when kissing, it is rude to stare. Article 3: The Commandments 1. Thou shall not squeeze too hard. 2. Thou shall not ask for a kiss, but take one. 3. Thou shall kiss at every opportunity.
How Many Women
After three years of marriage, Kim was still questioning her husband about his lurid past. "C'mon, tell me," she asked for the thousandth time, "how many women have you slept with?" "Baby," he protested, "if I told you, you'd throw a fit". Kim promised she wouldn't get angry, and convinced her hubby to tell her. "Okay," he said, "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven - then there's you - nine, ten, 11, 12, 13.."
How Much Sex Appeal Do You Have
You Are 92% Sexy Your Sex Appeal Is: Off the Charts! Let's face it... you're one of the sexiest people around. And you don't let anyone forget it. You're crazy hot, and you deliver on what you promise. You are definitely one wild ride.How Much Sex Appeal Do You Have?
How Much Do I Love You?
How much do i love you? This much. . . . count the raindrops as they fall. . . count the shoppers at the mall. . . count the fishes in the sea. . . count the reruns on TV. . . count the bears in yellowstone. . . count the diets that are blown. . . count the words in windy speeches. . . count the seashells on the beaches. . . count the paintings at the met. . . count the rivets on a jet. . . count the joneses, smiths and greens. . . count the easter jelly beans. . . count the snowflakes as they fall. . . count the stars from here to mars. . . add it up and when your through. . . youll know how much. . . I LOVE YOU!!! love ya babe!
How Much Have I Changed?
You've Changed 76% in 10 Years Compared to who you were ten years ago, you've changed a great deal. In fact, you're probably in a completely different phase of your life - and very happy about it! How Much Have You Changed in 10 Years?
How Many
mark it with an X 1 - [x] Gotten Drunk 2 - [X] Smoked pot/cigarette 3 - [X] Wrecked a car 4 - [x] Ridden in a police car 5 - [x] Saved an email 6 - [x] Said I love you 7 - [x] Fell in love with a friend 8 - [X] Came to school high 9 - [x] Hung up on somebody 10 - [x] Held hands with somebody 11 - [] Been to a Warped Tour 12 - [X] Bought clothes at Wal-Mart 13 - [X] Broke something in Wal-Mart 14 - [x] Back talked a teacher 15 - [X] Ripped up a detention slip 16 - [X] Got into a fist fight at a public place 17 - [X] Skinny Dipped 18 - [X] Gotten a caricature done of yourself 19 - [x] Gone to Six Flags 20 - [X] Cried in school 21 - [x] Broken a bone 22 - [X] Ran in a Marathon 23 - [] Been to the Masters 24 - [X] Ripped your jeans in a public place 25 - [X] Cried just so you'd get something 26 - [X] Ran away from home 27 - [X] Listened to music so loud the neighbors complained 28 - [X] Skipped detention 29 - [X] tYpEd lIkE dIs 30 - [X] Wore your pants so l
How Much Sex Appeal Do You Have?
You Are 73% Sexy Your Sex Appeal Is: Extremely High You're very sexy. You just have that certain something that takes over a room. You know how to attract, entice, and keep whoever you want. You are truly appealing. How Much Sex Appeal Do You Have?
How Much Do I Love You.................
How do I tell you what you mean to me? You see things in me, I will never see. I search for the words, and I find none. How do I make you see, you are the only one? I have never felt like this before, My heart so full of love, can I feel more? I miss you every minute of the day, All I can pray for, is for you to stay. What have I done to deserve a man like you? The world is full of males, but real men, there are few. You were sent to me by something bigger than me. When we first saw each other, it was destiny. I’ll love you forever, of this I am sure Your heart is my heart, our love is so pure. What fate brought together, let no one tear apart You are my love, my world and my heart. I will love you forever and ever. Janice Ilene 6/17/2006
How Many Ways Are There To Refer To Sex???
Laying, shagging, copulating, having marital relations, interpenetration of persons, joining, nuptial union, parking the pinkcadillac, mounting, plugging, penetration, coupling, sexual union, plowing, inserting tab a into slot b, knobbing, knocking boots, jig-jig, dancing the married man's cotillion, rogering, putting the wood to, creating one flesh, balling, doing the nasty, the french wrestling match, rolling in the hay, enacting god's plan, pulling the station wagon into the old garage, playing doctor, filling up the gas tank, docking the thumb drive in the usb, tangential differentiation, coitus coition, communion of persons, getting busy, doing the no-pants dance, laying pipe, making whoopee, the naughty, getting lucky, bow-chika-bow-bow, bumpin' and grindin', giving her the business, going at it, horizontal folk dancing, slamming, sexual congress, the ol' how's-your-father, jiggery pokery, showing her your "o" face, a dig in the whiskers, diddling, boinga boinga, exchanging dna,
How Much Lust Are You
Your Lust Quotient: 42% You are definitely a lustful person, but you do a good job of hiding it. Your friends would be surprised to know that your secretly very wild! How Much Lust Do You Have?
How Much Sex Appeal Are You
You Are 85% Sexy Your Sex Appeal Is: Off the Charts! Let's face it... you're one of the sexiest people around. And you don't let anyone forget it. You're crazy hot, and you deliver on what you promise. You are definitely one wild ride. How Much Sex Appeal Do You Have?
How Many Can U Remember???
1. What did Mother Goose ride through the air on?? 2. What did Little Bo Peep lose?? 3.Who did the black sheep have 3 bags of wool for?? 4.What was Little Miss Muffet eating?? 5.What did Jack and Jill go up the hill to fetch?? 6.Where did the old woman with so many children live?? 7.How many blackbirds were baked in a pie?? 8.Whose nose did the blackbird snap off?? 9.What 3 men were in the tub?? 10.What could Jack Sprat NOT eat?? 11.What did Old King Cole call for?? 12.In Pat a Cake, what do you mark the cake with?? 13.What did the Pussycat find under the Queens chair when he went to London?? 14.What does the third little piggy do?? 15.What did Humpty Dumpty sit on?? 16.In Hickory Dickory Dock what ran up the clock?? 17.What are little boys made of?? 18.Where was little boy blue?? 19.What did the three little kittens lose?? 20.What did peter peter pumpkin eater put his wife in?? 21.What did Little Jack Horner put in his Christ
"how Much More?" Explicit Content!!!
"How much more?" How much more can I take, until the point I finally break, my whole life has been in vain, now I can feel nothing but pain, all these thoughts inside my head, dreams of me just being dead, I cannot stand my lot in life, a bullshit job, no kids, no wife, nobody loves me, or even pretends, on days I pray, its for the end, I'm not sure why I'm forced to live, I've given all I have to give, for all my efforts are in vain, so it's no wonder I've gone insane, I trully wish that I could die, but God wont let me, or tell me why, there are things about me that many admire, but I'd give them away to have what I desire, my life is far from the way I planned it, I've been denied the things most take for granted, how I feel right now is hard to explain, like a shotgun blast right to the brain, thats how I feel, like theres nothing left, like I'm talking and the whole worlds deaf, I could put a gun next to my ear, and you'd walk right by like I'm not h
How Many??
OK so how many people really do read peoples profiles? Do they just browse around and add people with out reading what they are all about? They see ya and add you and then hit on you...OR they make a comment like "so whats it gonna take to get to see the other folder?" or "ill trade your folders" or "so wanna see my cock" "can i see your tits" that kinda shit.. If they took the time to read what people have to say and read what i want they would see there isnt a chance in fucken hell that i am gonna let you see UNLESS i want you to...I have added some people to see that folder and they are ones who got to know me..They think that there is pics of me in there that are dirty...NEWS FLASH THERE ARE NO PICS OF MY NAKED BODY IN THERE...and if you read my profile you will see that i will not post them on the internet for millions of people to see...When you post something like that only a few doesnt see it becuase LOTS see it...If they took the time to read my profile again they woul
How Much Life Experience Do You Have ?
You've Experienced 36% of Life You have the life experience of someone in their early 20s. You've seen some of what life has to offer - but you have a long ways to go. How Much Life Experience Do You Have?
How Much Can One Person Take
I have happily waited for you time after time, thinking someday you would be mine. to feel your loving embrassy. watch you sleep seeing all the lil smiles you make.Feelin you close and never wanting to let go. but somehow i always come in last, just a friend that you can count on in your time of need. when i wanted to love you in every way take the good & the bad face this life complete. for you & for me..But i have to take 2 steps back for you have someone recurring from ur past.All that goes threw my mind is to runaway fast. to a place where you cannot hurt me anymore...shut & lock the doors on love. hearing my screams i have had enough!!!!!!!!
How Many Stars Do You Think I'm Worth?
I never expect to get high ratings on these things..I'm not the norm..and thats clear! However, I am a big fan of promoting a site and I really like this site..I'm still on the top ten I'm happy.. If you get the chance, go by and rate me! thankx how many stars do you think I'm worth?
How Much Have You Changed In 4 Years?
4 Years Ago ------- 1.) How old were you? 39 2.) Where did you go to school? Out of school 3) Where did you work? Regis Salon Inc. 4.) Where did you live? Bluffton 5.) Where did you hang out? My apartment 6.) Did you wear glasses? no 7.) Who was your best friend/s? don't think I had any here 8.) How many tattoos did you have? 3 9.) How many piercings did you have? o 10.) What car did you drive? 97 ford pick up truck 11.) Had you been to a real party? nope 12.) Had You had your heart broken? yes 13.) Single/Taken/Married/Divorced? single -------------2 years ago----------- 1.) How old were you? 41 2.) Where did you go to school? Out of school 3.) Where did you work? Same as above 4.) Where did you live? Bluffton 5.) Where did you hang out? my apartment 6.) Did you wear glasses?no 7.) Who were your best friends? none 8.) Who was your crush? no one 9.) How many tattoos did you have? 3 10.) How many piercings did you h
How Much Of A Lesbian Are You?
You scored as Bisexual. You're a free-spirited bisexual. You like both guys and girls, and what someone has between their legs won't stop you from loving them.Bisexual100%Straight33%Big dyke!17%Trendy bi17%How much of a lesbian are you?created with
How Many
How Manly Are You?
My score on The Are You a REAL Man? Test: Sufficiently Manly(You are 71% manly!)Nice going, hot stuff! You're Sufficiently Manly. You've got a nice balance of rugged manliness and tender sweetness that drives girls crazy. You're manly enough to take on the best of them, but you're not quite the image of the REAL man. But who cares? If I'm using a picture of Brad Pitt to describe your category, you can't be that bad off. ;) Link: The Are You a REAL Man? Test (OkCupid Free Online Dating)
How Much To You Really Know About Sex?
How much to you really know about sex? You might consider yourself an expert on this subject, but here's an opportunity to learn whether or not this is true. True or false? 1. Normal, adjusted people don't have any sexual fetishes. 2. Happily married men usually don't like to listen to other males -- especially single ones -- talk about their sexual adventures. 3. Sexual perversions, or even the need for unusual and extreme sexual experiences, are usually related to early life in the home. They're usually a homemade product. 4. Males and females have the same expectations and seek the same results from sex. 5. So-called normal people can never become addicted to sex in any way. 6. While sex education is important, it's rarely needed once the couple have started their own family. 7. Men have always been considered more highly sexed than women. 8. The earliest age of sexual initiation takes place in the Northeastern part of the country. ANSWERS: 1. FALS
How Messed Up Are You????
You are 39% messed up.You are secretly messed up. Most people probably couldn't tell but you are messed up beneath your calm appearance. You are likely to plan elaborate schemes and be the instigator in events - so you can keep your messed up nature a secret. 'How messed up are you?' at
How Many People In The U.s.a. Share My Name
HowManyOfMe.comThere are 5 people with my name in the U.S.A.How many have your name?
How Massachusetts Are You?
You Are 44% Massachusetts You're likely a Massachusetts transplant. Big rotaries still scare you, and you probably live outside of 495. How Massachusetts Are You?
How Much For A Miracle
>>> A little girl went to her bedroom and >>>pulled a glass jelly jar >>> from its hiding place in the closet. >>> >>> She poured the change out on the floor >>>and >>>counted it carefully. >>> Three times, even. The total had to be exactly >>>perfect. No chance >>> here for mistakes. >>> She waited patiently for the pharmacist >>>to >>>give hersome attention, >>> but he was too busy at this moment. Tess twisted >>>her feet tomake a >>> scuffing noise. Nothing. She cleared her throat >>>with themost >>> disgusting sound she could muster. No good. >>>Finally she took a >>> quarter from her jar and banged it on the glass >>>counter. That did it! >>> >>> 'And what do you want?' the pharmacist >>>asked in an annoyed tone of voice >>> >>> >>> 'I'm talking to my broth
How My Memorial Weekend Went
Ok. First off I was busy as hell. the place was packed. The tips were good. The craziest part of the whole damn weekend is that I got suckered into being a backup dancer in a drag show. Now I am not one of those people that complain, but when I am backing up a dude with bigger tits than me, I start complaining. Oh well, they tipped me well for doing it. It was interesting to say the least. hell on saturday night, i was molested by a pack of gay guys. That was seriously wrong. But it was interesting.
How Mean Am I
I am 53% Mean!!More Fun Quizzes at
How Mean
I am 100% Mean!!More Fun Quizzes at
How Many Of You Know Our National Anthem -- All Four Stanzas.
"I have a weakness -- I am crazy, absolutely nuts, about our national anthem. The words are difficult and the tune is almost impossible; but frequently when I'm taking a shower, I sing it with as much power and emotion as I can. It shakes me up every time." *********************************** NO REFUGE COULD SAVE: by Dr. Isaac Asimov I was once asked to speak at a luncheon. Taking my life in my hands, I announced I was going to sing our national anthem -- all four stanzas. This was greeted with loud groans. One man closed the door to the kitchen, where the noise of dishes and cutlery was loud and distracting. "Thanks, Herb," I said. "That's all right," he said. "It was at the request of the kitchen staff." I explained the background of the anthem and then sang all four stanzas. Let me tell you, those people had never heard it before -- or had never really listened. I got a standing ovation. But it was not me; it was the anthem. More recently, while conducting a s
How Many Piercings Do You Have?
How Much I Am Like My Sign Scorpio
You are 73% Scorpio How Scorpio Are You?
How Men Categorize Pussy...
LAZY PUSSY- This is when there is no movement on the woman's part except trying to stop full thrust of the dick into the pussy. She says faster, faster but still is not putting any effort into the action at hand. THE WENDY'S "LATE-NIGHT PICKUP" WINDOW PUSSY- This is the girl you pick up around 12:30 am, when everyone is sleeping and she knows that you are coming so she is waiting by the door. You don't have to beep the horn or call her from the car because she knows the deal. She usually is not the best looking girl. You are never seen with this girl in public places and you hate that she mentions your name to her friends. There is no reason to ask how your day was because it is too late for conversation. It is all agreed upon before she even gets in the car. Nine out of ten times, there is no talk of relationship, because that might spoil the mood. THE CONQUERED PUSSY- This is the girl who teased you for about two or three years and finally you do get your chance and you pleas
How Many Women Does It Take To Screw Ina Light Bulb?
My wife asked me once, "how many women does it take to screw in a light bulb when that woman has menopause?" I looked at her and said, "Honey, darling and the love of my life, I don't know how many." She then turned at me and then said, "the lite blub over the stove, IS OUT!!" That is how many I knew it took. Just one.
How Many Licks Does It Take To Get To The Center Of,,,,,,*wng*
Recent research shows that there are 7 kinds of sex: The 1st kind of sex is called: Smurf Sex. This kind of sex happens when you first meet someone and you both have sex until you are blue in the face. The 2nd kind of sex is called: Kitchen Sex. This is when you have been with your partner for a short time and you are so horny you will have sex anywhere, even in the kitchen. The 3rd kind of sex is called: Bedroom Sex. This is when you have been with your partner for a long time. Your sex has gotten routine and you usually have sex only in your bedroom. The 4th kind of sex is called: Hallway Sex. This is when you have been with your partner for too long. When you pass each other in the hallway you both say, "screw you." The 5th kind of sex is called: Religious Sex. Which means you get Nun in the morning, Nun in the afternoon and Nun at night. The 6th kind is called Courtroom Sex. This is when you cannot stand your wife any more. She takes you to court and screws you in front of ev
How Many Have Your Name?
HowManyOfMe.comThere are 40 people with my name in the U.S.A.How many have your name?
How Much Cat And Dog In Me
You Are: 40% Dog, 60% Cat You and cats have a lot in common. You're both smart and in charge - with a good amount of attitude. However, you do have a very playful side that occasionally comes out! Are You More Cat or Dog?
How Many Stars?
there are days when i get talking to a few of my friends here on ct. i have always been a student of life. and one thing about life i have always found amazing is the ability to find light in dark places. there seems to be in us all a light and dark side. ct shows the dark in us sometimes. at first glance ct apeers to be of darker nature by showing the taboo part of us as humans. but during my time here i have found that with is everyone there are always the basic needs of life. to be loved,and to love. many have found them selves here out of the lack of love maybe. we all bring to this table human needs we cannot escape from. and we all meet in this field. even the darkest of dark people here on ct can be found to be nothing more than a man or woman who is searching for (i believe) for some sort of thing that can be tied to love,..attention,friendship,sex,communication. and we all have different levels of this in witch we search. after talking with my ct friends i find not the da
How Much Lust Do You Have?
Your Lust Quotient: 27% You are a fairly lustful person, but nothing out of the norm. You usually keep your lust under control, but sometimes it gets the better of you. How Much Lust Do You Have?
How Much Sex Appeal Do You Have?
You Are 73% Sexy Your Sex Appeal Is: Extremely High You're very sexy. You just have that certain something that takes over a room. You know how to attract, entice, and keep whoever you want. You are truly appealing. How Much Sex Appeal Do You Have?
How Many Middle Names Do You Have?
Knock-out name for baby girl Sat Jun 23, 9:50 AM ET Baby Autumn Brown has a name to live up - in fact she has over 25 of them. The little girl's mother Maria, in keeping with her boxing-mad family's bizarre tradition, decided to give her 25 middle names - all culled from the greatest exponents inside the ring. Her full name, which left register office staff in Perton, Wolverhampton reeling is: Autumn Sullivan Corbett Fitzsimmons Jeffries Hart Burns Johnson Willard Dempsey Tunney Schmeling Sharkey Carnera Baer Braddock Louis Charles Walcott Marciano Patterson Johansson Liston Clay Frazier Foreman Brown. Maria told the city's Express and Star: "The whole thing came about because both my mum and dad are obsessed with boxing and have a bit of a daft sense of humour. "When I was young I couldn't ever remember my name. It took me to the age of 10 to memorise it all." The 33-year-old mother added: "I'm hoping Autumn has a good sense of humour with her name. It's never done
How Men Act And Why?
This is the first part of more to come: First, since this website is set up in like a Bar format, I'll start there. At one time in my life, 15 years ago, I frequently visited the bar scene and I'm the kind of person who likes to watch how people interact with each other and this is my conclusion. The most attractive women do not get "hit on" as much as the less attractive women, which got me thinking of my own behavior. Let me demonstrate how this works, men are lions and women are the antelopes, The typical behavior of a lion is they see a heard of antelope and they sit back watching each and everyone of the Antelope. Once they pick out the weakest of the heard they go in for the kill. It's the same with the human male in a bar, they sit back and look over the women and find the weakest of the heard. That would be the less attractive women and the one the guy would have the best chance of going home with. Guys will pounce on the weakest of the heard. This isn't alway
How Much Do You Weigh
You Should Weigh 145 If you weigh less than this, you either have a fast metabolism or are about to gain weight. If you weigh more than this, you may be losing a few pounds soon! How Much Do You Weigh?
How Many People Has Same Like Me In Usa
HowManyOfMe.comThere are 9 people with my name in the U.S.A.How many have your name?
How Many Of Me....omg
HowManyOfMe.comThere are 2,945 people with my name in the U.S.A.How many have your name?
How Many Of Me....omg
HowManyOfMe.comThere are 2,945 people with my name in the U.S.A.How many have your name?
How Many Times
How many times have I thought, what if I'd done this or that or cried wondering, what went wrong or prayed, that I'd get another chance with you only to be given that chance and not sure as to what to do. What if we met earlier, what would my life, Our life be like, a question to ponder. Now I have another chance to see what may happen, my heart is screaming for you yet I'm scared to start anew. I know I love you I know we'd be GREAT together, but here I sit thinking, crying, wondering and praying...Is my heart, my soul, my all good enough this time. Or will you just use and abuse the trust the love I have inside or will you grasp me with all your might and think, cry, wonder and pray will she love me the same. Phyne C. Princess Copyright ©2007 Phyne C. Princess
How Much Sex Appeal Do You Have?
You Are 70% Sexy Your Sex Appeal Is: Extremely High You're very sexy. You just have that certain something that takes over a room. You know how to attract, entice, and keep whoever you want. You are truly appealing. How Much Sex Appeal Do You Have?
How Much Worse Can I Feel
Ok, so not only have both my cars been messed up these past two weeks and have been having a horrid time at work, today I found out my therapist that I have only seen once has actually dumped me and is referring me out.... I have too many issues for her. What kinda of crazy person get's dumped by a psychologist?!?!?! ok maybe i am just way to stressed out but that is just simply wrong!!!!!!!!
How Much Caffeine Is In Your Soda?
How Much Caffeine is Really in That Soda? Posted by Zonk on Saturday July 07, @09:05PM from the buzz-buzz-buzz dept. The Fun Guy writes "The Institute of Food Technologists summarizes some recent research on food. All things considering, it should settle some arguments among geeks about the caffination of beverages. 'Caffeine is a well-known stimulant added as an ingredient to various carbonated soft drinks, but which drink contains the most, and how can consumers know? A study in the Journal of Food Science used high-performance liquid chromatography to analyze the caffeine contents of 56 national-brand and 75 private-label store brand carbonated beverages. Caffeine contents ranged from 4.9 mg/12 oz (IGA Cola) to 74 mg/12 oz (Vault Zero). Some of the more common national-brand carbonated beverages analyzed in this study were Coca-Cola (33.9 mg/12 oz), Diet Coke (46.3 mg/12 oz), Pepsi (38.9 mg/12 oz), Diet Pepsi (36.7 mg/12 oz), Dr Pepper (42.6 mg/12 oz), Diet Dr Pepper (44.1 m
How Many People On Cherry Tap Do You Love ?
How many people on Cherry tap do you love ? Merrian Webster's Collegiate Dictionary says Love (2): attraction based on on sexual desires: affection and tenderness felt by Lovers hmmmm Whatever happen to showing some ( Luv ) on Cherry Tap ? Are we sending the wrong signal out here? It maybe just me but I love my girl friend. I Love my Family (no sex there to clear that up) my son, my daughter and parents and such. I will stop by peoples pages and show them some Cherry luv. But this is the internet and kids do get on here, shouldn't we set an example. This are just my thoughts if I piss you off then our opinions differ. My love is earned , not just given.
How Men Choose A Wife Lol
Chosing a wife A man wanted to get married. He was having trouble choosing among three likely candidates. He gave each woman a present of $5,000 and watched to see what they did with the money. The first did a total make-over. She went to a fancy beauty salon, got her hair done, new mak e up and bought several new outfits to dress up very nicely for the man. She told him that she had done this to be more attractive for him because she loves him so much. The man was impressed. The second went shopping to buy the man gifts. She got him a new set of golf clubs, some new gizmos for his computer, and some expensive clothes. As she presented these gifts, she told him that she had spent all the money on him because she loves him so much. Again, the man was impressed. The third invested the money in the stock market. She earned several times the $5,000. She gave him back his $5000 and reinvested the remainder in a joint account. She told him that she wanted to sav
How Men Choose A Wife Lol
Chosing a wife A man wanted to get married. He was having trouble choosing among three likely candidates. He gave each woman a present of $5,000 and watched to see what they did with the money. The first did a total make-over. She went to a fancy beauty salon, got her hair done, new mak e up and bought several new outfits to dress up very nicely for the man. She told him that she had done this to be more attractive for him because she loves him so much. The man was impressed. The second went shopping to buy the man gifts. She got him a new set of golf clubs, some new gizmos for his computer, and some expensive clothes. As she presented these gifts, she told him that she had spent all the money on him because she loves him so much. Again, the man was impressed. The third invested the money in the stock market. She earned several times the $5,000. She gave him back his $5000 and reinvested the remainder in a joint account. She told him that she wanted to save for th
How Moses Got The 10 Commandments
HOW MOSES GOT THE 10 COMMANDMENTS God went to the Arabs and said, "I have Commandments for you that will make your lives better. The Arabs asked, "What are Commandments?" And the Lord said, "They are rules for living." "Can you give us an example?" "Thou shall not kill." "Not kill? We're not interested." So He went to the Blacks and said, "I have Commandments." The Blacks wanted an example, and the Lord said, "Honor thy Father and Mother." "Father? We don't know who our fathers are. We're not interested." Then He went to the Mexicans and said, "I have Commandments." The Mexicans also wanted an example, and the Lord said "Thou shall not steal." "Not steal? We're not interested." Then He went to the French and said, "I have Commandments." The French too wanted an example and the Lord said, "Thou shall not Commit adultery." "Not commit adultery? We're not interested." Finally, He went to the Jews and said, "I have Commandments." "Commandments?" Th
How Many People Don't Kno U?
* . . About You . . * Eye Color:: brown Hair Color:: blondish brown Height:: 5'2 Favorite Color:: babii blue and pink Screen Name:: gr33nguppy420 Favorite Band:: ne Favorite Movie:: cellular Favorite Show:: ne thing in particular Your Car:: 2003 firebird Your Hometown:: springfield Your Present Town:: don't have one just visiting Your Crushes First Name:: don't have one yet Your Grade:: graduated Your Style:: ne thing i wanna be at the moment * . . Have You Ever . . * Sat on your rooftop?: yes Kissed someone in the rain?: yes Danced in a public place?: yes Smiled for no reason?: yes all the time Laughed so hard you cried?: yup Peed your pants after age 8?: hell no Written a song?: all the time Sang to someone for no reason?: yup Performed on a stage?: yup well for school Talked to someone you don't know?: of course thats how u make friends Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: yup and got stabbed in t
How Many Awake Friends Right Now? Comment To Count Pls...
how many awake friends right now? comment to count pls...
How Much Would You Pay For A Dead House Fly?
Good Morning. How much would you pay for a dead house fly? Well China is paying roughly 7 cents for every dead house fly turned in. BEIJING (Reuters) - A Chinese city suburb has set a bounty on dead flies in a bid to promote public hygiene, Xinhua news agency said Tuesday. Xigong, a district of Luoyang in the central province of Henan, paid out more than 1,000 yuan ($125) for about 2,000 dead flies on July 1, the day it launched the scheme with the aim of encouraging cleanliness in residential areas. "I and colleagues believe it is the best way to push residents to do more for their living environment," Hu Guisheng, the office chief, was quoted as saying. The payment scheme is the first of its kind in Luoyang, a city of 1.55 million people which is striving to earn the title of "state-level hygienic city." But critics have questioned the benefits of paying 0.5 yuan (seven U.S. cents) per insect turned in, a scheme which has sparked an online debate. An Internet user said that although
How Many Of You Want Me Do This??
I know so many of you would love to have Me squashing your balls like this!! hahahaha, that would be sooo much fun!
How Many Women
After three years of marriage, Kim was still questioning her husband about his lurid past. "C'mon, tell me," she asked for the thousandth time, "how many women have you slept with?" "Baby," he protested, "if I told you, you'd throw a fit". Kim promised she wouldn't get angry, and convinced her hubby to tell her. "Okay," he said, "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven - then there's you - nine, ten, 11, 12, 13.."
How Mean Are You?
I am 13% Mean!!More Fun Quizzes at
How Much Do U Know ..
Body: This is funny. YOU fill in the blanks about ME even if u dont have any idea what they are and send it back to ME. But first post a blank one out to all your friends so they can return the favor to you. Be honest. My name: Who is the love of my life: Where did we meet: Take a stab at my middle name: How long have you known me: When is the last time that we saw each other: Do I smoke: Do I drink: What was your first impression of upon meeting me/seeing me/messaging with me: Do I have any siblings: What's one of my favorite things to do: Am I funny: What's my favorite type of music: What is the best feature about me: Am I shy or outgoing: Am I a rebel or do I follow the rules: Do I have any special talents: Would you consider me a friend/good friend: Would you call me preppy, average, sporty, punk, ahippie, glam, nerdy, snobby, or something else (what): What is a memory we have once had: Have you ever hugged me: Do you miss you
How Much Of A Stoner Am I? Lol
You are 92% stoner You are a huge stoner. You are probably stoned right now. You like the constant escapism and brownies… yeah definitely brownies. Your motto “Whatever gets you through your life, it’s alright” Take this quiz at
How Much Of A Gold Digger Am I??
You are 19% Gold Digger You are not a gold digger. Love means a lot to you and you would never compromise your chance of true love by trying to seduce someone wealthy. Take this quiz at
How Many Harry Potter Fans Are Here?
I was wondering how many Harry Potter fans are here among my friends and fans... I've had The Deathly Hallows book on reservation since February 2nd and have my wrist band to pick up two copies for my son and I! Actually he'll be getting the books at midnight for me as I have to get up at 3 am to be at work at 5 am... ANd I'm getting too old to do all nighters! LOL
How My Obituary Will Likely Read.
My Obituary James _____, 24, of Marquette, died today of injuries sustained as the result of intentionally driving a vehicle into the wall of an abandoned building. Seconds prior to impact Mr. _____ allegedly telephoned an anonymous friend, saying "fuck it, why not? At least it'll be pretty fucking cool. Tell the bastards to put 'Fuck you commies, I never liked you anyways' on my headstone.' Fuck 'em all, the bastard ratfucks. They can all piss off. This shit's played out. Alright, I'm out." Mr. _____ is survived by his brother, William G. ______ III, of Missouri, father Michael _____, of Escanaba, and mother, Katherine _________, of Missouri. Services will not be held, because Mr. _____ was a complete fucking prick, and nobody ever really liked him anyways. The body will, however, be put on display in the park, anyone is welcome to spit on or otherwise defile it from noon Saturday to noon Monday. The corpse will not be interred, but will instead be thrown in the city dump, wh
How Much Do You Cost? Lol
Here's the deal. You look it over the following list and see how many of these things you have done. BUT you have to ADD up the money amount along the way. Then, post the amount that you are as the title of the bulletin. PS: THE SMALLER THE BETTER!!!!! 1. Had sex: $10.00 2. Smoked: $3.00 3. Got drunk: $7.00 4. Went skinny dipping: $5.00 5. Kissed someone of the opposite sex: $5.00 6. Kissed someone of the same sex: $5.00 7. Cheated on a test: $2.00 8. Fell asleep in class: $0.50 9. Been expelled: $5.00 10. Been in a fist fight: $10.00 11. Given oral: $10.00 12. Got oral: $10.00 13. Prank called the cops: $3.00 14. Stole something: $2.00 15. Done drugs: $5.00 16.Dyed your hair: $0.50 17. Done something with someone older (like a few years): $3.00 18. Went out with someone OVER 18 (if your under 18): $4.00 19. Ate a whole thing of oreos: $0.50 20. Cried yourself to sleep: $1.00 21. Said you love someone but didnt mean it: $1.00 22. Been in love: $4.00 23. Got
How Many...
Q & A - Take 2 Q. You asked me how many men I have slept with. (This is a bit personal, but I don't mind answering since you were able to ask without being a pig about it.) A. I fooled around like most do, but I can count the number of play sessions on one hand leading up to the loss of my virginity. In my 27 years of life I am proud to say that I have only had sexual intercourse with one man. I met him when I was 19 years old and fresh out of high school. He and I are now married and will celebrate our 6th wedding anniversary this September. For our story click here xoxo K. :::IF YOU HAVE A QUESTION YOU WOULD LIKE ME TO ANSWER SEND ME A MESSAGE AND I WILL POST YOUR ANSWER HERE::: Rude or vulgar questions will be ignored. You can find a way to ask those kinds of questions tastefully.
How My Heart Loves You
I tell you I hate you because I love you so much You've ripped my soul in two telling me your sorry please forgive you My tears no longer have meaning yet I still feel blue Wishing and wanting you Smiles come with a price for life still I want your arms in the night Never looking forword in fear my secrets you could not keep Softly I watch my body die quietly I decay inside, still I lie Never telling you I am gonna die always living in your lie I wait for you to come and free my soul wondering if you will ever let me go
How Many
I have11.. to include breast(was one)hood and 7-9 ears.. husband three(had both also one), an ear and a pa..... come do tell
How Many People???????????
HowManyOfMe.comThere are 11 people with my name in the U.S.A.How many have your name?
How Many Awake Friends?
how many awake friends right now? comment to count pls....
How Many Are Here In Fubar
God bless all in FUBAR but its nice to find another British person in here lannyloo (please sign my guestbook)@ fubar How many more brits are here pop in and say Hi
How Many Men...
Q. How many honest, intelligent, caring men in the world does it take to do the dishes? A: Both of them.
How Many Men?
Q: How many men does it take to open a beer? A: None. It should be opened by the time she brings it.
How Much Can One Take?
This is a question that has been on my mind quite a bit of late, not so much for myself as it is for those I love. Last night, a member of our family was placed in protective custody and put on suicide watch. Over the course of the last week, there had been some behavioral issues with this person, but no indication of how bad he was feeling until yesterday and last night. Although not a shrink or anything, I have done a lot of research on the subject due to a friend who committed suicide when I was in my family member's case, there was never any indication/signs/etc. I'm even more concerned with my fiancee, who seems to have stuff constantly piled on her to the point where it seems like she's gonna break. Fortunately, she has not, but how much more can she take? Regardless of what happens, I will stand by her, but my concern is how much more can a person take before they are pushed too far....and what can I do to pull people away from the precipice....
How Much Does Your Loved One Love?
FUBARS CUTEST COUPLE I'm hosting yet another contest and this ones for Fubars cutest couple. I will need a pic to rip from each of you but your scores will be added together at the end. I will assume you are all going for the largest prize so in doing so as soon as the top prize is hit which is the Mansion it will be taken down and the contest and it will continue untill the next prize is won which is the Yacht. It will go that way till the last prize is won which is his and her rings. That makes a total of five winners in this contest.. If a prize is won and two couples have reached the next prize amount it will go to the couple who has the most in that area and down the line until all prizes have been won.. I only want people who are going to take this serously and fight to win. I will want 20 couples to start the contest.. Just hit me a shout or an email if interested... 1st. Place ~ The first couple to hit a combined total of 150,000 comments will each win a mansion. 2nd
How Many Dogs Does It Take To Change A Light Bulb?
1. Golden Retriever: The sun is shining, the day is young, we've got our whole lives head of us, and you're inside worrying about a stupid burned out bulb? 2. Border Collie: Just one. And then I'll replace any wiring that's not up to code. 3. Dachshund: You know I can't reach that stupid lamp! 4. Rottweiler: Make me. 5. Boxer: Who cares? I can still play with my squeaky toys in the dark. 6. Lab: Oh, me, me!!!!! Pleeeeeeeeeze let me change the light bulb! Can I? Can I? Huh? Huh? Huh? Can I? Pleeeeeeeeeze, please, please, please! 7. German Shepherd: I'll change it as soon as I've led these people from the dark, check to make sure I haven't missed any, and make just one more perimeter patrol to see that no one has tried to take advantage of the situation. 8. Jack Russell Terrier: I'll just pop it in while I'm bouncing off the walls and furniture. 9. Old English Sheep Dog: Light bulb? I'm sorry, but I don't see a light bulb? 10. Cocker
How Men And Women Shower
How To Shower Like a Woman 1. Take off clothing and place it in sectioned laundry hamper according to lights and darks. 2. Walk to bathroom wearing long dressing gown. If you see husband along the way, cover up any exposed areas. 3. Look at your womanly physique in the mirror - make mental note to do more sit-ups/leg-lifts, etc. 4. Get in the shower. 5. Use face cloth, arm cloth, leg cloth, long loofah, wide loofah and pumice stone. 6. Wash your hair once with cucumber and sage shampoo with 43 added vitamins. 7. Wash your hair again to make sure it's clean. 8. Condition your hair with grapefruit mint conditioner enhanced. 9. Wash your face with crushed apricot facial scrub for 10 minutes until red. 10. Wash entire rest of body with ginger nut and jaffa cake body wash. 11. Rinse conditioner off hair. 12. Shave armpits and legs. 13. Turn off shower. 14. Squeegee off all wet surfaces in shower. 15. Spray mold spots with Tilex.
How Many Family Are There On Fubar/feel 2 Comment It
how many are there on fubar
How Many Blogs Have You Post So Far
how many blogs have you post so far
How Much Longer?
Metallica - Loverman Lyrics There's a devil waiting outside your door (How much longer) There's a devil waiting outside your door (How much longer) Bucking and braying and pawing the floor (How much longer) Well, he's howling with pain and crawling up the walls (How much longer) There's a devil waiting outside your door (How much longer) And he's weak with evil and broken by the world (How much longer) And he's shouting your name and asking for more (How much longer) There's a devil waiting outisde your door (How much longer) Lover man! Since the world began Forever, Amen Till the end of time Take off that dress I'm coming down Ooh I'm your loverman Cause I am what I am what I am what I am L is for LOVE baby O is for ONLY you that I do V is for loving VIRTUALLY everything that you are E is for loving almost EVERYTHING that you do R is for RAPE me M is for MURDER me A is for ANSWERING all of my prayers N is for KNOWING your loverman's going to be the answer
How Much Beer Can You Buy With $100?
Well that doesn't matter to our lovely friend Shell! She's hosting ANOTHER happy hour, and yes, most of you {I hope have been to her page to show her the love she deserves} But this crazy chick updates stash daily, along with tons of adorable pictures! Now bitch as you will about "point whores" but guess what, you're one too! Deal with it. If you weren't then you wouldn't mind sitting on a level 2 with only 50 pictures...don't lie to yourself, you don't have to admit it out loud, but we all know deep inside we're point whores :D She's only 100,000 points away from leveling, so let's get her there tonight!!!!
How Much Hood Do You Have In You ??
GET A PENCIL AND PAPER BEFORE YOU START THIS 1. You've ever used an album cover for a dustpan. (5 points) 2. If you've ever run a race barefoot in the middle of the street. (10 points) 3. You had a candy lady in your neighborhood. (5 + 5 extra points if your house was the candy lady) 4. If you ever had to pick your own switch or belt. (3 points for each) 5. If you have ever had to walk to school or walked home from school. (2 points) 6. If If you have ever had to walk to school or walked home from school. (2 points) 7. If you ever mixed Kool-Aid one glass at a time because you got tired of other people drinking up the Kool-Aid you just made. (5 points) 8. If you have ever played any of the following games: hide and go seek, freeze, tag, Momma may I? or red light/green light. (2 points each) 9. If your neighborhood had an ice cream man. (2 points + 2 if he rang a bell) 10. If you refer to "Now and Later" candies as "Nighladers". (5 p
How Much Love Do You Have?
The color of your eyes tell how much love you have I have: Blue Eyes People with blue eyes last the longest in relationships. They are kind, pretty or handsome,very good kissers and are really hot. They always fall in love with their closest friends and never understand why. They are very funny, outgoing and don't care what people think or say. They are very satisfying and love to please. Are straight up WARRIORS when necessary. if you mess around with them, they'll knock you out. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Black Eyes People with black eyes spend the shortest time in relationships except for the one with their current addiction. They are leg humping friendly to borderline sleazy. They always fall in love with anything that has two legs, a pulse and a wet spot. They are great kissers----until they vomit all over you. They are very easy to please unless they haven't had their latest fix of alcohol, met
How Much?
How Much? She watched each drop as they gently fell on her lap, she forcefully wiped it away, Only to find new drops replacing the ones she had dried. She helplessly gave up the effort, they just wouldnt stop! staring blankly at her wet thighs she wondered..... "HOW MUCH WOULD A TEAR COST?"Att2911027yx0 If a single drop is worth half a cent she'd be blissfully lying down on a bed of paper bills.. How many drops must she invest in to avail of PEACE? How much for every PAIN and WOUNDED PRIDE? How much just to purchase a FORGIVING HEART? Trying to fight and hold back the tears that kept streaming down her cheeks and on to her lap .. She tried counting the days, months and years gone by... She thought questioningly.... "HOW MUCH SHALL I CHARGE FOR THE TEARS I HAVE SHED... -WHEN I HAD TO GIVE UP MY SELF-WORTH JUST FOR HIM? -FOR THOSE TIMES WHEN I HAD TO EMBRACE MY HUNGER PANGS JUST TO GIVE HIM THE LAST BITE OF MEAT. -FOR THE SLEEPLESS NIGHTS OF CAR
How Many?
How many breathes of 'O, my love' will it take to change your heart? How many days in the year will make you yearn for me? How many times do I have to cry for you to make you think of me? How many? O, how many? How many lifetimes do I have to wait for you? How many times do I have to hide from you to search for me? How many boyfriends will you take before you take me in? How many, my love? How many?
How Men See Me??
Got this from Maggie :D How Do Men See You?Men See You As PlayfulMen want a challenge and you are the perfect playmate You know how to push men's buttons and attract a wide range of guys You enjoy living and loving - it's one of your most attractive qualities Men are often consumed with desire for you, and you love that! How do you compare? Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic
How Much Emo Are You?
You Are 56% Emo You're not emo, but you're plenty thoughtful, unique, and even a little angsty. Are You Emo?
How Many More?
HOW MANY MORE ? Down the street we go- One drink, Two Drink, Three Drinks, More- Please oh Please Take It Slow- One Turn, Two Turn, Three Turns, More- Down The Last Street We'll Ever Go- One Flip, Two Flip, Three Flips, More- Down The Hill We Go- One Kid, Two Kid, Three Kids, More- Dead Just How Many More- One Life, Two Lives, Three Lives, Or More ???
How Much I Care
HOW MUCH I CARE I care so much for you- Even though I can't touch you- I Love You- At least I thought you knew- We've been so different since you left- I wanted so many times to tell you- How sorry I was- For what I put you through- I wanted you so much- How I longed for your touch- It hurt so much- When you weren't here for me to touch- I never thought about how you'd feel- When I betrayed you- I never forgot the relationship we had- When you left I was so sad- I remember how I felt when I saw you- How I didn't quite know what to do- When I saw you again- All my feelings surfaced- And I remember all the pain I felt- When I knew you were gone- I never thought that I would ever see you again- Oh, I felt so lost- I want you to know exactly "How Much I Care!"
How Many Movies Do You Own
how many movies do you own
How Many More Die, For Bushs Lies..
14 U.S. soldiers killed in chopper crash;_ylt=AsX_dVHo1Oqu2sztI_37u1Ks0NUE 14 U.S. soldiers killed in chopper crash By KIM GAMEL, Associated Press Writer 1 hour, 6 minutes ago Fourteen U.S. soldiers were killed Wednesday when a Black Hawk helicopter crashed during a nighttime mission in northern Iraq, but the military said it appeared the aircraft was lost by mechanical problems and not from hostile fire. It was the Pentagon's worst single-day death toll in Iraq since January and indicated how forces are relying heavily on air power in offensives across northern regions after rooting out many militant strongholds in Baghdad and central regions. But extremists are striking back. A suicide truck bombing against a police station in the northern oil hub of Beiji claimed at least 45 lives — 25 policemen and 20 civilians — amid a series of deadly attacks north of the capital. The growing bloodshed in the no
How Many Pics
does someone need of thereselfs
How My Day Went
Well My Day Was Pretty Good Today As I Got Hired Fulltime For The Company I Work For And Again We Held A Candle Light Vigil Luncheon For Nichole Today Her Parents And Friends And co Workers Gathered For A Memorial In Hall E Today And We Then Showed A video Of Her Life As A Child And Gathered Roses And Donations For The Memorial Service.
How Many Damn "babygirls" Are On These Sites?
Come on ladies... seems every damn one of ya is nicked "babygirl". Its reptitive, lame & played out. This is the first of many rants that will probably piss some people off. I really dont care, stay tuned for further stupid & maybe entertaining complaining
How Much
how much pain is too much? how much heart ache can we handle? how far can we crush? how much feelings for someone can we have then feel the tearing from our chests? i can answer that the same as always yet im dumb engough to open up, or gullable enough, or whatever the problem is. maybe i should stick with racing alone and never try to get close to a woman again.
How Many Newspapers Can A Woman Hold Between Her Legs? ;-))
how many newspapers can a woman hold between her legs? answer is; 1 POST, 2 GLOBES, and God knows how many TIMES ;-))
How Much Have U Changed
How much have u changed? 10 years ago.... 1.) How old were you?: 30 2.) Where did you go to school?:didnt 3) Where did you work? didnt 4) Where did you live?: Grand Rapids 5.) Where did you hang out? home with kids 6.) Did you wear glasses? yes 7.) Who was your best friend? Char 8.) How many tattoos did you have? 0 9.) How many piercings did you have?2 in each ear 10) What car did you drive? olds 11.) Had you been to a real party? yeah 12.) Had You had your heart broken? Nope! -----------5 years ago----------- 1.) How old were you?: 35 2.) Where did you go to school? didnt 3.) Where did you work? BAR 4.) Where did you live? Grand Rapids 5.) Where did you hang out? Home 7.) Who was your best friend? Kristin and Karmin 9.) How many tattoos did you have? 10.) How many piercings did you have? ears 11.) What car did you drive? 93 Explorer 12.) Had your heart broken? no 13.) Were you Single//Married/taken/Divorce
How Many Do You Have
Though Im new to FUBAR I have had accounts at other community based sites and have noticed something similar at each one. It blows me away to see how large some members friends list are. Now I understand (and trust me Im not bashing these sites) that the larger the friends list is the more things are available to the member on the site. This blog isnt really about the number of friends. What it is about is of all the friends on your list how many would you consider a real friend? How many do you talk to on a regular basis? How many do you would be there when you call them up and say :can we talk, Im having a problem"? Am I expecting too much to think that if I send someone a private message that they would respond? I would appreciate some thoughts and enlightenment to this. Thanks for taking the time to read this and to those who respond..a special thanks. Jere
How Many Have You Seen?
SUPPOSEDLY if you've seen over 100 movies, you have no life. Mark the ones you've seen. There are 208 movies on this list. (x ) Grease (x) Pirates of the Caribbean (x) Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest (x) Boondock Saints (x) Fight Club (X) Starsky and Hutch (x) Neverending Story (x) Blazing Saddles (x) Airplane Total So Far: 9 (x) The Princess Bride (x) Anchorman: The Legend Of Ron Burgundy (x) Napoleon Dynamite (x) Labyrinth (x) Saw (x) Saw II (x) Saw III (x) White Noise ( x) White Oleander (x) 50 First Dates (x) The Princess Diaries () The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement Total all together: 11 (x) Scream (x) Scream 2 (x) Scream 3 (x) Scary Movie (x) Scary Movie 2 (x) Scary Movie 3 ( x) Scary Movie 4 (x) American Pie (x) American Pie 2 (x) American Wedding () American Pie Band Camp () American Pie Naked Mile Total all together: 21 (x) Harry Potter 1 (x) Harry Potter 2 () Harry Potter 3 (x) Harry Potter 4 (x) Resi
How Many?
How Much Longer Till They Requre Everyone To Have This?
Microchips in humans: High-tech helpers or Big Brother surveillance? AP | Aug 2, 2007, a provider of surveillance equipment, attracted little notice itself -- until a year ago, when two of its employees had glass-encapsulated microchips with miniature antennas embedded in their forearms. The "chipping" of two workers with RFIDs -- radio frequency identification tags as long as two grains of rice, as thick as a toothpick -- was merely a way of restricting access to vaults that held sensitive data and images for police departments, a layer of security beyond key cards and clearance codes, the company said. "To protect high-end secure data, you use more sophisticated techniques," Sean Darks, chief executive of the Cincinnati-based company, said. He compared chip implants to retina scans or fingerprinting. "There's a reader outside the door; you walk up to the reader, put your arm under it, and it opens the door." Innocuous? Maybe. But the news that Americ
How Many People Think I Should Post Up New Pics Of Me
How many pics can I post up
How Manyluvs Can U Have?
How Many Here Are Single Fathers? I Want To Know...,
As a single Father I was wondering. How many are there at this site. Who knows ? As a single father I have had to forgo many obstacles and still have some to overcome. Because for many father's the constitution is ignored as well as many of the child support laws. This is not being said for the many single mothers that do the best they can. It is more said for the single mothers that do not allow visitation for the fathers and the many other ones who do not paty their child support. The numbers a greater of mothers that do not pat than are the fathers that do not pay. These are the real statistics. The numbers a growing of women who could not care less about their kids whether they have custody of them or not. And the ones that really care less are the ones that do not have custody and that is for good reason. So while you drink up tonight, just think about this? How much are your kids being abused by a non-caring parent? How many are doing the abusing? And who the hell
How Much More Can Someone Take?
I know that not everyone is going to please everyone but I really try to be nice and show respect to everyone I meet. For the last few months now I have been getting some nasty messages on my msn page from someone telling me I should do the world a favor and die and that I am just a waste of flesh. Now I am not foolish enough to know that I am going to make everyone happy but come on I don't even know you or what the fuck I did to deserve what you say to me. I know that I make mistakes but come on I am human and beyond popular belief I do have some damn feelings and they have been crushed lately. I know not everyone is going to believe me but I try to be nice, I am almost always there for my friends, I try not to say anything bad about anyone, but come on I am a human being and I do have feelings. To that person who keeps writing all those things saying I need to die, please stop you won, you have broken me down and I am truely crushed okay. You can stop now, I feel like the worst
How Much I Care..
Baby you know how much I care... When you're here.. now and there... I want to always see you.. feel you.. near...Me.. loving you..kissing you..and share... My heart.. my soul.. without you.. no air... There is to keep me alive.. not fair... If I ever loose could my heart bear... The pain.. the loneliness.. how dare... Could I ever live without your rare... I could find my a pair... You're on my mind.. second.. minute.. hour.. day.. month and year... Any time you think of me.. you give life... Without you.. mi vida.. cut with a knife... And maybe one day.. we perhaps join together.. forever.. and ever.. with happiness and no tear... done by christine
How Many Women.....
How many women do you really love in one live? If you really fall in love will this love last for ever or if love don't last will it mean that it not was a real love? If you really love someone, will you be able to forget her?
How Many Tootsie Roll Pops
They make 20 million Tootsie Roll Pops a day Now that's alot of tootsies' LOL
How Many Lessons Need Be Learned...
How Many Times Has This Happened?
How Much??? - I am for sale!
How Much Have You Drank ?
How Much Love It Told
you tell me you love me and i say i love you i wish you could see theirs nothing i wouldn't do in any way i can i want to help you i'd like to take your hand and forever say i do with you i'll grow old eternity will come to soon you keep me from being cold just like a perfect tune the love that we share it's a beautiful thing unbeleiveable how much i care makes me want to sing written by: William P.
How Many?
I just jumped out of the shower and I was wondering. Has anyone ever been given a bath? I mean has anyone ever sat down while you were in the tub and washed you down? Or the shower for that matter. I think its one of the sexiest things I can do for a man, if I had one..LOL Just wondering..:)
How Much Do U Fuckers Love Me?!?!?!?! its voted based on comments, so bomb the fuck outta me, unless u dont luv me no more *pouts*
How Much Do You Know About 80s Music?
You Scored 40% Correct You know some 80s stuff Like that Paula Abdul was a star back then But you're not sure who Suzie Q was And you don't know what Samantha Fox was really famous for! How Much Do You Know About 80s Music?
How Many?
How many? Times will i be able to hate you so little? How long can i try to hide all in which i have never feeled inside? How is it that i love you so yet when i tell you it rips my heart out. but when i hide it more and more i am torn apart. As if my soul has been sliced into two. The part for you and then all the rest of me. How many times will this all make me crazy. Why is it that only you could do this to me? Walk in my dreams. Snatch my heart. Only to haunt my mind for eternity. As will I wonder why was it not to be? Was it choice that purposly overlooked these feelings? Or was all this just make believe? How many time can a heart break? How much can it take? Until reaching one's insanity from all mistakes. How many years will it take until i can get over you? so much in my heart. out of all your hit was the hardest as when i fell onto your knife that pierced the sky the day my heart bled for you and cried. As the reddest of skies covered our eyes. As to my heart had i said good
How Many Profile Viewer
how many profile viewer do you have as of right now
How Much You Really Mean To Me
The sands in the hourglass of time keep on flowing But the fire in both our lives seems to have stopped growing All these thoughts and feelings that I’m having right now Started long before we each took the vow I had a hard time showing you how I really feel I hope that with a little time your wounds I can heal We have both made mistakes I want to make things all right I know it will be very hard, it won’t happen over night I’m trying so very hard to learn from my past I’m dieing for your affection but it never seems to last Like the petals of a wilting rose pieces of my heart are falling Each night I spend away from you I curl up and start bawling Right now I feel so weak, like I just want to die The thought losing you forever makes me really cry Like the waves of an ocean beating on the sandy shore My heart will always beat for you till it will beat no more We have such a great plan a goal for our life I really want you with me forever as my wife W
How Many Women Get Breast Cancer?
Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in the United States, other than skin cancer. It is the second leading cause of cancer death in women, after lung cancer. About 178,480 women in the United States will be found to have invasive breast cancer in 2007. About 40,460 women will die from the disease this year. Right now there are about two and a half million breast cancer survivors in the United States. The chance of a woman having invasive breast cancer some time during her life is about 1 in 8. The chance of dying from breast cancer is about 1 in 35. Breast cancer death rates are going down. This is probably the result of finding the cancer earlier and improved treatment.
How Much I Love U
I write these words for all to see, To say how much you mean to me, and for all who read i need to show, Just how much I love you so, I love you more than the skies are blue, Thats the love, from me to you, I love you more than the deepest sea, Thats how much you mean to me, I love you more than the desert needs rain, It helps me get through the pain, I love you more than the tears I cry, I'll have this love until I die, So to all who read this you now know, Just how much I love him so, So no matter how long I must wait, I will for you, my soul mate.
How Many Guy Are Like This .
I write this peom for the guys if you are like this then let a comment so the peom can find a home . but i know it found home with a person that is close to me . What is a real man? One who understand what it takes to insure his relationship with that partner he choose to spend the rest of his life with. A man who listen to his partner needs as well as making sure your partner understand that there are the most important person in there life. Love is precious and sharing the love with that perfect one. Never take the love of your partner for grated.Also when you find that perfect mate make sure you treat her like the queen that she is.You would treat her as you do with your mother.That`s what a real man is. done by christine
How Many Thought...
Hmmm, I just realized on my last post, "Call me?", that it may have been misleading. Sorry if anyone thought it was my phone number and wasn't... Was there anyone that wanted it to be my number? Let me know!
How Much Of A Slut Are You?
Congratulations your ALMOST a Slut! Just a wild night away! Go out and rack up some points! Your Motto: "I'll Try Anything Once!" Your Sign: "Rest Area Ahead" Let's Park! * Don't forget to pratice SAFE SEX! Take The Slut Quiz Now!"Slut Quiz - Female" is available here***starXtest v2.0***
How Much Lust Do You Have?
Your Lust Quotient: 65% You are a very lustful person - and it sometimes gets the better of you! You know how to hold back, but you hardly ever do. How Much Lust Do You Have?
How Much Are You Worth?
I am worth $1,468,696 on HumanFor How much are you worth??? Let me know...
How My Day Played Out..
So besides the whole fitzone thing I took care of a few things that I had been putting off for awhile.. including getting my insurance for my car, and my plates changed over from Hawaii to Michigan.. (goodbye rainbow plates) I also went to the bank..and spent what felt like YEARS in traffic! lol.. After all that was finally said and done, I went and picked up Cher and we went to a place in Livonia to get my hair cut because I haven't had it cut professionally in 5 years? .. soo.. I was really nervous but finally got up the nerve do it.. I took in a couple pictures that I thought were good ideas.. I'm still not sure how I'm feeling the cut.. but I'll get use to's just it's alot shorter than it use to be.. it's not short short or anything, it's medium length..but I'm use to hair all the way down to my lower back.. so I'll need some time. and Bangs.. it's been sooooo long since I have had bangs.. We then finished our night off hanging with Heather and watching Mrs. Winterb
How Many Animals Can You Fit Into A Pair Of Pantyhose....
-----------------From: CheriDate: Oct 22, 2007 9:22 PMPantyhose quiz Q: How many animals can you fit into a pair of pantyhose? Now, think about it.... Ready? ANSWER:10Little Piggies2 Calves1 AssAnd an unknown number of hares. And of course one (1) . . .
How Much Love Hurts
Here I am in the dark and can't see my way out is anyone going to come to me and help me out of this dark and deep hole that im in. Plaese someone come to me and help me out of this deep and dark hole. It is dark and very cold is this hole that im in. I know that I cant last very long in here without warmth and someone to hold me in there arms as tielly as they can. So I am calling to the one that has the key to my heart. He is the only one that can free me from the deep,cold and darkness of this hole that I am in. Oh please come my love I am calling out to you to help me throw this deep, cold and darkness of my life. For if you do not I surely will be no more in this life. I will just be an empty shall walking this world alone. Well you know who you are, so to my love come for you to help me please. If my beloved dose not come soon than i will surely be gone. Oh wait do i see you coming to me in far distants of my eyes for it is hard for me see that far away. I will call out your name
How My Life Has Changed...
SO THIS IS A COPY OF A BLOG I WROTE FOR MY MYSPACE... ALOT OF PEOPLE ASK ABOUT MY EX AND ABOUT HOW JAYDEN IS DOING AND ITS GOT ALL OF THAT SO I FIGURED I WOULD POST IT HERE TOO. ITS KIND OF LONG THO LMAO..ENJOY! So im sitting awake and its 4:35am, and i decided to write a blog about how everything in my life has changed. I guess i will start with Jayden. She is 7 weeks old, and god is she growing fast! she has gained a pound a week since she was born. Ive went thru quite a bit with her. First of all her failure of a father is nolonger in my life nor hers. First of all he didnt sign her birthcertifiate. Thru my hole pregnancy it was known that he wanted a dna test. why i have no fucking clue because he was living with me the hole month that she was concieved.. but anyways i told him if he wanted it then he had to pay for it. Well when we were at the hospital he could have had it done, but he didnt. I wasnt about to have it done anywhere else but the hospital. When i sign
How Much They Love Jager.
Don't watch Sideways, even if you aren't an impressionable idiot. Sideways is about two guys dealing with their pathetic girl issues. One is an aging actor who cheats on his fiance. The other is a lame ass who cares more about wine than scrogging chicks. I bought a bottle of Pinot Noir after the movie ended. As expected, it tasted like rotten grapes. It was so bad that I shoved the cork up my ass to feel better about myself. Merlot, Pinot Our, Shiraz, whatever the fuck, I don't care. This movie sucked, and so does wine. Wine is for people who think they're French. I don't think I'm French. Do you? Then why drink wine? I'll pay anyone five hundred dollars if they see me wearing a suit and sticking my chin out while I sip on a glass of fermented grape juice and batting my lips like a fish with quizzical eyebrows. Everyone knows the whole "acquired taste" concept is nonsense. The second a shot of Jagermeister first hit my taste buds, I was like "Fuck yeah, gimme another." But
How Much Of A Gold Digger Are You?
You are 29% Gold Digger You are a little bit of a gold digger. You like money, but you won’t marry someone just to get at it. You have your own crazy get rich quick schemes for that. Take this quiz at
How Much????
WHAAATTT????..well, the fubar-tickers used to be 100,000 fu-bucks, and now? they are 250,000 fu-bucks?...i think i will have to get a second fubar-job...........
How My Morning Went
What do you do when you find out the one you love, the one who you thought you was going to spend the rest of your life with, is a lying cheating bastard????? I loved my husband! I gave him everything he could ever want... hell i supported both of use so he could sit on his ass at home.... and what do i get for it.... I get up this morning and pick up his phone b/c it was laying in the floor... it beeps at me.... so i flip it open and it says he has 3 new messages.... well all the night before he said he was texting his best friend andy.... so I assumed it was him.... well to my suprise it's some fucking slut who is asking him if last night was good for him.... and talking about how the military uniform is hot.... so i leave! Figure i'll clear my head and walk around the park for a while..... well i get online... and get to snoopin around.... lo and behold i come across a messege between him and the texting girl.... talking about meeting monday morning after he drops me off for work.
How Much Is Enough?
For anyone who has read my other blogs, you know I am in love with a man who is suffering from a devistating illness that is eating him away from the inside. Every passing day he endures pain and frustration with such grace. I was talking to a friend about him and he told me that my love is the bravest man he ever met. I agree wholeheartedly. They have another serious diagnosis for him. I know this is horrible. He had an amputation and they are considering more radical treatments (and possible amputations) for him. I am losing him slowly and painfully.I just wish I was able to have the means of going to Texas to stay with him for a few days..If anything. He knows how I feel and I think my love would help him now. OK that was selfish. I want to be with him. Men do not understand what a woman feels or how strong and true a womans love is. I love this man and I need help. Please pray for the solution. If anything, I need to be there very soon. I will regret every day of my exis
How Machiavellian Are You?
You Are Somewhat Machiavellian You're not going to mow over everyone to get ahead... But you're also powerful enough to make things happen for yourself. You understand how the world works, even when it's an ugly place. You just don't get ugly yourself - unless you have to! How Machiavellian Are You?
How Many Things Have You Lived Through?
how many things have you lived through? Body: I have read a lot of books. I have been on some sort of varsity team. x I have run more than 2 miles without stopping. I have been to Canada. I have been to Europe. I have watched cartoons for hours. x I have tripped UP the stairs. x I have fallen down an entire flight of stairs. I have been snowboarding/skiing. I have played ping pong.x I swam in the ocean. x I have been on a whale watch. I have seen fireworks. x I have seen a shooting star. x I have seen a meteor shower. x I have almost drowned. x I have been so embarrassed I wanted to disappear. x I have listened to one CD over & over & over again. x I have had stitches. I have had frostbite. I have licked a frozen pole and got stuck there. I have stayed up til 2 doing homework/projects. x I currently have a job. I have been ice skating. x I have been rollerblading I have fallen flat on my face. x I have tripped over my own two feet. x I have been in a
How Much Is Enough
How much work is ebough work?
How Many Women With Menopause Does It Take To Change A Light Bulb?
Q: How many women with MENOPAUSE does it take to change a light bulb? Woman's Answer: One! ONLY ONE!!!! And do you know WHY? Because no one else in this house knows HOW to change a light bulb! They don't even know that the bulb is BURNED OUT!! They would sit in the dark for THREE DAYS before they figured it out. And, once they figured it out, they wouldn't be able to find the dumb light bulbs despite the fact that they've been in the SAME CABINET for the past 17 YEARS! But if they did, by some miracle of God, actually find them, 2 DAYS LATER, the chair they dragged to stand on to change the STUPID light bulb would STILL BE IN THE SAME SPOT!!!!! AND UNDERNEATH IT WOULD BE THE WRAPPER THE STINKIN' LIGHT BULBS CAME IN!!! BECAUSE NO ONE EVER PICKS UP OR CARRIES OUT THE GARBAGE!!!! IT'S A WONDER WE HAVEN'T ALL SUFFOCATED FROM THE PILES OF GARBAGE THAT ARE A FOOT DEEP THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE HOUSE!! IT WOULD TAKE AN ARMY TO CLEAN THIS PLACE! AND DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON WHO CHANG
How Much Do I Have To Do???
Yeah Yeah Ok.... The only time I do one of these things is to get some sort of crap off my chest. And this is one of those times! I feel sad. I feel empty. I feel alone. I feel lost. I feel numb. I feel tired. Well exhausted really lol. I feel as though I'm expected to be this pillar of strength for everyone around me. Yet I have no one here to be mine! It's not fair. I'm by far not a selfish person. Ask any genuine friend of mine and they will all know my life is 1st and foremost about putting others before myself. It's just me and my nature. But sometimes I step back and ask, what about me? I'm not a very strong person, although I do tend to show that persona on most occasions. I don't like being vulnerable, and I guess that could be why I hide me. I guess I just wish that just once in a while someone wouldn't just expect me to be there, expect me to run around for them, clean up after them, do so much for them, and that they might just one day do something for me. Just ev
How Massachusetts Am I?
You Are 72% Massachusetts You're pretty Massachusetts, but you're starting to slip. Go eat a bulky roll and flip off a New Yorker. How Massachusetts Are You?
How Much Do U Care ?
This is about showing everyone how much you care for them and HOW BAD YOU WANT THEIR ASS! Make everyone feel a little loved ( and roughed up!). Please don't take this too personally, BUT I JUST FUCKED YOU!!!!!!!!! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> F.U.C.K Stands for: Friends U Can Keep. So promise me we'll F.U.C.K forever! Send this to 10 people & ! back to me. To know who your true F.U.C.Ks are. "" 9,675,000,000 people in this world & yet i ended up with your crazy ass as a friend? Damn, Im lucky!-lol_send this to everyone you love. Get 1 back-ppl feel sorry for you Get 2 back-You have a couple true friends Get 3 back-You aight Get 4 back-Your loved Get 5 back-Your adored Get 6 or more-Damn your a celebrity
How Many Did You Know About?
How many did YOU know about? A sealed envelope - Put in the freezer for a few hours, then slide a knife under the flap. The envelope can then be resealed. (hmmmmmm...) ============================================ Use Empty toilet paper roll to store appliance cords. It keeps them neat and you can write on the roll what appliance it belongs to. ========================================= For icy door steps in freezing temperatures: get warm water and put Dawn dish washing liquid in it. Pour it all over the steps. They won't refreeze. (wish I had known this for the last 40 years!) ========================================= To remove old wax from a glass candle holder, put it in the freezer for a few hours. Then take the candle holder o
How Much We Love Our Vetetrans!!
How Many Beleive This
why do people think they can get away with everything you can't avoid vate it will alway catch up with you if you do sameone wrong you will pay no matter what you try to do to make up for it
How Much Is A Billion?
Too true to be very funny!! The next time you hear a politician use the word 'billion' in a casual manner, think about whether you want the 'politicians' spending YOUR tax money. A billion is a difficult number to comprehend, but one advertising agency did a good job of putting that figure into some perspective in one of its releases. A. A billion seconds ago it was 1959. B. A billion minutes ago Jesus was alive. C. A billion hours ago our ancestors were living in the Stone Age. D. A billion days ago no-one walked on the earth on two feet. E. A billion dollars ago was only 8 hours and 20 minutes, at the rate our government is spending it. While this thought is still fresh in our brain, let's take a look at New Orleans It's amazing what you can learn with some simple division . . Louisiana Senator, Mary Landrieu (D), is presently asking the Congress for $250 BILLION to rebuild New Orleans . Interesting number, what does it mean? A.
How Much Is A Billion?? Read This And Then Think About It.
Too true to be very funny!! The next time you hear a politician use the word 'billion' in a casual manner, think about whether you want the 'politicians' spending YOUR tax money. A billion is a difficult number to comprehend, but one advertising agency did a good job of putting that figure into some perspective in one of its releases. A. A billion seconds ago it was 1959. B. A billion minutes ago Jesus was alive. C. A billion hours ago our ancestors were living in the Stone Age. D. A billion days ago no-one walked on the earth on two feet. E. A billion dollars ago was only 8 hours and 20 minutes, at the rate our government is spending it. While this thought is still fresh in our brain, let's take a look at New Orleans It's amazing what you can learn with some simple division . . Louisiana Senator, Mary Landrieu (D), is presently asking the Congress for $250 BILLION to rebuild New Orleans . Interesting number, what does it mean? A.
How Many Of You Remember These?
How many do you remember? Candy cigarettes Wax coke-shaped bottles with colored sugar water inside Soda pop machines that dispensed glass bottles Hoola hoop contests Buying milk from a vending machine for a quarter, with your penny change taped to the side Coffee shops with tableside juke boxes Blackjack, Clove and Teaberry chewing gum Home milk delivery in glass bottles, with cardboard stoppers Party lines Newsreels before the movie P. F. Flyers Butch wax Telephone numbers with a word prefix .... (Drexel-5505 Peashooters Howdy Doody 45 RPM Records Green Stamps Hi-fi's Metal ice cube trays with levers Mimeograph paper Blue flash bulbs Beanie and Cecil Roller skate keys Cork pop guns Drive ins Studebakers Wash Tub wringers The Fuller Brush man Reel-to-reel tape recorders Phonographs The "twist", "mashed potatoes", and "funky-chicken" Tinkertoys The Erector Set The Fort Apache Playset Lincoln Logs 15 cent McDonald hamb
How Much Do You Know About Christmas?
You Know a Lot About Christmas You got 6/10 correct You know tons about the history and traditions surrounding Christmas. When you celebrate the holidays, you never forget their true meaning - or all the little fun details. Random Christmas fact: Most Christmas trees are edible. The needles are a good source of Vitamin C. How Much Do You Know About Christmas?
How Much More?
In the last year, these things have happened: Got divorced after 21 years His family cut me off after 26 years Lost house Soulmate keeps going and coming back Left job of 8 years that I loved Granny got breast cancer and I'm all she has No money Son moved away to college Major Surgery Almost died from complications 2 years ago: Separation from spouse Found the love of my life, lost him, repeat Trouble at work Estranged from Dad Father in Law killed Moved to house didn't want 3 years ago Mom died suddenly Insomnia How much can one person take, really? They say god doesn't give more than you can handle, I wish He didn't have so much faith inme! I'm collapsing under weight of my sorrow See, don't you feel better about YOUR life now?
How Much More Can U Take?
When u care for somebody thats a good thing, but how much more can u take or have u to take? Let me see, ure a not couple right now, but both having feelings for eitch other, that means that isnt bad at all. That means both are care for eitch other, i guess. I know a single is a single and can do what the heck he wanna do....there is no exlaining to do...but like i said above, when u care for somebody else..u would slow down in u re private activities, Thats is my opnion about it and also showing the other person u care for. Well i can only talk about me, cuz i have no freaking idea what is going on in a mens head...not even sure if they using that part at all. Everybody knows i care for him, if its friends or even his Ex lol..but i am not sure if somebody understands that there is a level and everything what is going over that level is enough. When u hear every freaking day the same bs over and over again and u not even wanna hear it, that make u sick. It makes u sick hearing how
How Much Would You Like To See?
How Many Folks Are Using Their Bfs Or Gfs Profile?
While chatting through the shoutbox with one of my female pals here, I found out I wasn't actually chatting with her, but was chatting with her BF! And likely have been for about a week or so... That would explain the sudden not so friendly change in responses to some of the usual flirtatious banter I sometimes use.. which I find harmless... It's not like I'm going to meet the person in the real world or something like that. I've always found that folks using other people's profiles or fictitious ones online as rude and offensive. While we all try to present our idealized selves here, there is a limit. I've been a participant in various online communities since 1986 when I started with Compuserve's CB chat, and I still find deliberate misrepresentation and online deceit offensive... Have other folks encountered much of that here at Fubar? And if so, what have you done, or not done, about it?
How Much
Another day come, Another night gone. So lost without you, I hide away. I wince at the light, And cry in the dark. Thinking only of you, And what went wrong. I place the blame, upoun fear itself. Knowing what it really is, Wondering why it came. How can love become, Fasle evidence appearing real? Where shall I turn, When my words have lost meaning. How do I show you, While being so far away? Holding myself tight, I wish it were you. Lost in a distance memory. I began to weep again. No shame in my pain, No regret in my love. A love so strong, No pain can extingish it. One day you will see, How much I really love you.
How Much Can One Person Take
have u ever heard anyone say that sooner or later a person will believe what he is told if a man is beaten down enough then sooner or later he will believe that he amounts to nothing i have been physically, mentally and emotionally abused all my life by my step father and others and now this late in my life i have come to accept the fate that life has dealt me in believing that my life is in consequential to that of the one that i love so i am wondering whether or not i should change who i am an lose another piece of myself or should i bend and comprimise simply cuz i love the woman and give her her way i have always been the person to make the other happy at all cost no matter how miserable i was but now i am content in the fact of living my life to make myself happy instead of making others happy but i am still concerned about making others happy so i know deep down that i should jsut comprimise an all but i jsut dont want to change but hey i guess i should jsut go with
How Much Longer Can We Afford A Democrat Senate Majority?
The costs of the Democrat Congress are clear and mounting: $300,000 earmark for the San Francisco Exploratorium museum in the Labor-HHS-Ed appropriations bill proposed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi $1 million earmark for the Woodstock Museum proposed by Senators Hillary Clinton and Chuck Schumer $2 million earmark for the Charles B. Rangel Center for Public Service, the Rangel Conference Center and the Charles Rangel Library in New York City proposed by Congressman Charlie Rangel $3 billion in border security funding stripped from the defense spending bill by Democrats $23 billion in additional spending proposed by Democrats over the President's budget request $313 billion in additional spending proposed by Democrats over 10 years $1.3 trillion in additional taxes proposed by Democrats in the "Mother Of All Tax Hikes" How much longer can we afford a Democrat Senate majority? What would happen if there was a Democrat President?
How Much
How much more Do you expect from me I'm doing my best Don't you see. There is only so much That I can do . I'm Trying Real Hard Because I love you I'll keep trying To please you But I'm not sure How much more I can do I LOVE YOU done by christine
How Much Do You Love Me?
Heartistic Soul is doing a new contest called the $100,000,000 Valentine. Please check her blog here: And be sure you think of me when your FUbucks start burning a hole in your pocket. ;) I ♥ hearts.
How Much Do You Cost A Nite?
Natural hair color: [x]Brown..$100 [] Blonde-$50 []Black-$15 [] Bald-$5 [] Others-$75 Eye Color: []Brown-$50 []Green-$75 [x]Blue-$150 []Hazel-$100 []Other-$5 Height []Over 7..$200 []6'8"to7--$175 []6'to6'7"--$150 [x]5'4'to5"11'--$85 []Under 5"4-$95 Age []50 to 56-$175 []46 to 50-$150 []41 to 45-$125 [x]31 to 40-$100 []26 to 30 -$75 []21 to 25- $50 []19 to 20-$25 []0 to 18-$100 Birth Order [] Twins or more then twins-$750 [x] First born-$320 []Only child-$250 []Second born-$150 []Middle child-$100 []Last born-$100 []Third born-$550 []Forth born-$300 []Fifth born-$400 []Sixth born-$215 Drink? []I did like once-$400 [x]Only Holidays-$250 []Sometimes-$215 []Yes-$200 []Only weekends-$300 []Everyother day-$50 []Once a day-$15 []I live from the bottle-$Bankrupt$ [Back to Zero] []No-$600 Shoe Size []13+-$300 []12.5 to 13-$250 []11 to 12- $400 [x]7 to 10-$500 Under 7-$450 Favorite Colors(two) []Green-$750 []Red-$600
How Many Of You Think I Could Be Your Man(rate Me)
I want to know what you think. Rate me from "No way!", "Maybe", or "You are the man for me".
How Many Of Us Really Have Friends?
How Much I've Been Ruined By American Culture:
You've Been a Little Ruined by American Culture Whether you live in the US or not, deep down you're a little American. And there's nothing wrong with loving American culture, but it may have negative effects on your life. Slow down and enjoy what you have. Reconnect with life's simple pleasures. You don't need to be in a consumerist rat race. Life's too short to overwork yourself! Has American Culture Ruined You?
How Much Does Love Cost?
How much would it take to hear "I love you"? How much is the price of what was lost? How much is the fee of joy? How much does love cost? Does it take a broken heart? Or maybe just the tears? Does it cost your happiness? Or maybe just the fears? Is a commitment too much to ask? Or maybe not enough? Is loving you worthless? When life seems so tough? So does love have a price? Even though you cannot buy it? How much does love cost? Is it the fact you cannot deny it? There's nothing I wouldn't do, To retreive what was lost, Just tell me one thing, How Much Does Love Cost? done by christine
How Many Times
How many times have I thought of you And the many things I'd like to do. I sleep at night with you on my mind, One night with you, would be just fine. Your white robe is what I see, I wonder, I dream, how it would be. If I could touch your lips with mine, The thought of this is so divine. I want to see you without that robe, Your body to touch, caress, and probe. I'd lay you down, your body to admire, One look at you, sets my soul on fire. I want to feel you, touch, and kiss, send you into . . . . heavenly bliss, I want you, need you, feel my desire, Me inside you, I would never tire. I could make love to you all night long, It would feel so good, it couldn't be wrong, These are my thoughts, what I fantasize, You're all too perfect in this man's eyes.
How Many Times....
How many times have my wishes and my dreams and my prayers for you hidden beneath my breath? How many times have I looked at you, heart in my throat, hands in my pockets, a smile on my face, just wanting to say...
How Many Women Truly Want This?
How many women out there truly want this sort of thing? I mean I find it kinda hard to believe that this is exactly what women really want. I only say this because in my past experiences this is not what they wanted. I was actually told once that i was "to accommodating". ( whatever that means ) So I found this and read it and just had to post it in hope to see what I get from everyone. when she walks away from you mad follow her *when she stare's at your mouth kiss her *when she pushes you or hit's you grab her and dont let her go *when she starts cursing at you kiss her and tell her you love her *when shes quiet ask her whats wrong *when she ignore's you give her your attention *when she pulls away pull her back *when you see her at her worst tell her she's beautiful *when you see her start to cry just hold her and dont say a word *when you see her walking sneak up and hug her waist from behind *when shes scared protec
How Much Have I Changed In 8 Yrs
8 years ago......January 2000 1.) How old were you? 24 2.) Where did you go to school? no where 3.) Where did you work? gaberial brothers 4.) Where did you live? south point ohio 5.) Where did you hang? home, desotos, champs 7.) Who was your best friend? jackie 8.) How many tattoos did you have? 2 9.) What piercings did you have? 1 IN EACH EAR 10.) Did you drive a car? yes 11.) Had you been to a real party? yes 12.) Had you had your heart broken? yes 13.) Single/Taken/Married/Divorce? single 14.) Any Kids? 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 years ago..... January 2004 1.) How old were you? 28 2.) Where did you go to school? i wasnt in school 3.) Where did you work? stay at home mommy 4.) Where did you live? winfield 6.) Did you wear glasses? NO 7.) Who were your best friend(s)? none 8.) How many tattoos did you have? 3 9.) How many piercings did you have? 1 IN EACH EAR 10) What car did you drive?
How Many People Have The Same Name As You?
HowManyOfMe.comThere is 1 person with my name in the U.S.A.How many have your name?
How Many Do You Get Back?
THIS IS A TEST TO SEE HOW MANY GOOD FRIENDS YOU HAVE.. YOU MUST SEND IT TO AT LEAST 10 PEOPLE, INCLUDING THE PERSON WHO SENT IT TO YOU *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* You are my friend...And i hope u kno thats matter what happens... i will stand by u... i will be there for u... when ever u need me... to lend a hand.... to do a good call on me....whenever u need me... i will always be there...Even to the bitter end...Send this promise to all your friends to show your friendship and watch who sends it back to u. ____xxxxxxxxxx______xxxxxxxxxxx ___xxxpassxxxxxx___xxxxxxxxxxxxx ___xxxxxxxxxxxxxx_xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ___xxxxxxxthexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
How Many Friends Do You Have??
Someone turned to me and asked "How many friends have you?" Why 10 or 20 friends I believe And began to named a few... A blessed one you are To have so many friends But think of what you're saying... A friend is just not someone To whom you say "Hello" A friend is a tender shoulder On which to softly cry A well to pour your troubles down And raise your spirits high A friend is a hand to pull you up From darkness and despair... When all your other "so called" friends Have helped to put you there A true friend is an ally Who can't be moved or bought A voice to keep your name alive When others have forgot But most of all a friend has a true heart For from the hearts of friends There comes the greatest love of all! So think about all this For every word is true And once again answer please... How many friends have you? After much thought I answered I really only have just one "It's You!" A Friend Is
How Many Dogs Does It Take To Change A Light Bulb?
* Golden Retriever: The sun is shining, the day is young, we've got our whole lives ahead of us, and you're inside worrying about a stupid burned out bulb? * Border Collie: Just one. And then I'll replace any wiring that's not up to code. * Dachshund:- You know I can't reach that stupid lamp! * Rottweiler: Make me. * Labrador retriever: Oh, me, me!!!! Pleeeeeeze let me change the light bulb! Can I? Can I? Huh? Huh? Huh? Can I? * Tibetan Terrier: Let the Border Collie do it. You can feed me while he's busy! * Jack Russell Terrier: I'll just pop it in while I'm bouncing off the walls and furniture. * Poodle: I'll just blow in the Border Collie's ear and he'll do it. By the time he finishes rewiring the house, my nails will be dry. * Cocker Spaniel: Why change it? I can still pee on the carpet in the dark. * Doberman pinscher: While it's dark, I'm going to sleep on the couch. * Boxer: Who cares? I can still play with my squeaky toys in the dark... * Chihua
How Much Do You Cost A Nite?
Natural hair color: []Brown..$100 [] Blonde-$50 []Black-$15 [] Bald-$5 [x] Others-$75 Eye Color: []Brown-$50 []Green-$75 [x]Blue-$150 []Hazel-$100 []Other-$5 Height []Over 7..$200 []6'8"to7--$175 []6'to6'7"--$150 []5'4'to5"11'--$85 [x]Under 5"4-$95 Age [x]50 to 56-$175 []46 to 50-$150 []41 to 45-$125 []31 to 40-$100 []26 to 30 -$75 []21 to 25- $50 []19 to 20-$25 []0 to 18-$100 Birth Order [] Twins or more then twins-$750 [] First born-$320 []Only child-$250 []Second born-$150 []Middle child-$100 [x]Last born-$100 []Third born-$550 []Forth born-$300 []Fifth born-$400 []Sixth born-$215 Drink? []I did like once-$400 []Only Holidays-$250 [x]Sometimes-$215 []Yes-$200 []Only weekends-$300 []Everyother day-$50 []Once a day-$15 []I live from the bottle-$Bankrupt$ [Back to Zero] []No-$600 Shoe Size []13+-$300 []12.5 to 13-$250 []11 to 12- $400 [x]7 to 10-$500 Under 7-$450 Favorite Colors(two) []Green-$750 [x]Red-$600 []Black
How Moses Got The Commandments
HOW MOSES GOT THE 10 COMMANDMENTS God went to the Arabs and said, "I have Commandments for you that will make your lives better." The Arabs asked, "What are Commandments?" And the Lord said, "They are rules for living." "Can you give us an example?" "Thou shall not kill." "Not kill? We're not interested." So He went to the Blacks and said, "I have Commandments." The Blacks wanted an example, and the Lord said,"Honor thy Father and Mother." "Father? We don't know who our fathers are. We're not interested." Then He went to the Mexicans and said, "I have Commandments." The Mexicans also wanted an example, and the Lord said "Thou shall not steal." "Not steal? We're not interested." Then He went to the French and said, "I have Commandments." The French too wanted an example and the Lord said, "Thou shall not co
How Men Think
How Much Work Does It Take To Be Ajerk
Mr.Dickhead This is a dick head !!! there are many found and not far they are all around in fu-bar they come in disguises in shapes and sizes some have testicles others have Breasticles they talk there shit and show their tits In fu-bar they are not far they commonly attack when you turn your back haters and down-raters misandrist and misogenist don't forget the misanthrope who is beyond all hope Beware they are everywhere Warn your Friends so they are aware!! for the sake of all good fu-barians copy this repost and save us all ------- Have a Great Day!!AND ABIG THANK YOU GOES TO MY BUDDY DREAMCASTER4U MUAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
How Many Swallow
How Much More
Today is was a bad day and tomorrow will be worse. I have lost all control over everything. My heart is broken, my girls are fighting, my dog is restless, I want to die. Today is was a bad day. I had to stop my daughters from fighting, and I had to send one child away so the fighting can stop. Now I'm really in trouble. I don't know what to do next. I have so much to do,, and I don't have any way of doing it. My friend came by, the one I said I was going to have sex with, he didn't come for that, he came to give me a shoulder to cry on. Sex wasn't on his mind and I really appreciate that, sex is not what I want, I don't know what the Hell I want anymore. I had a goal, a plan, but because of this, all that has changed. My friend asked me if I had called the Mister, I told him nothing to say to him, I don't want to have to say anything to him. I just want to stop wanting him. 9.5 years is a long time and just to give it up like this is harder than I thought. I want to go home., but I do
How Many
How many hours will I wait by the phone Before I hear your voice? How many times will I call out your name wishing your could hear me? How many nights will I reach out Before I hold you again? How many times will I think about your lips Before I kiss them once again? How many days will go by Before I get my answer?
How Much Do You See God In His Creation?
Have I looked at the sun shining in the skies, or the moon walking down its silver pathway, and been secretly enticed to worship them? If so, I should be punished by the judges, for it would mean I had denied the God of heaven. Job 31:
How Much Have You Changed In 10 Years?
You've Changed 32% in 10 Years Ah, the past! You may not remember it well - because you're still living in it. While you've changed some, you may want to update your wardrobe, music collection and circle of friends. How Much Have You Changed in 10 Years?
How Much Do You Know About Me?
I thought this might be fun to do and I can't wait to see your answers! Laurie sent it to me to fill out and I never had the chance to send it to her so here ya go Sis! ;) Copy it and send it in a P.M. to me if you would like. Have fun! :-) Where did we meet? Take a stab at my middle name? Do I smoke? Color of my eyes? Do I have any siblings? What's one of my favorite things to do? What's my favorite type of music? Am I shy or outgoing? Am I a rebel or do I follow the rules? Any special talents? How many children do I have? If you and I were stranded on a desert island, what is one thing that we would bring?
How Much More?
Why is it when you get banned from a lounge for no reason at all. It takes several attempts for me to ask the owner to unsubscribe me and still has not done it yet. Is it to make it look like your lounge is huge? I have asked several times to be unsubscribed and still over a period of two weeks I am still subscribed to the lounge Dark Realm. Do you have to hold onto me for a reason, I mean come on get over it and let me go like I have done you.
How Much I Love Her
More than you! I Love her more than a cop loves donuts. More than a puppy loves being scratched behind the ear. More than a pimp loves a caddie with rims. More than Oprah loves being a whiny cunt. More than a stripper loves pasties. More than a hooker loves anti-rash creme. More than that
How Many Of These Did You Know About?
A sealed envelope - Put in the freezer for a few hours, then slide a knife under the flap. The envelope can then be resealed. (hmmmmmm...) ===================================! ======= == Use Empty toilet paper roll to store appliance cords . It keeps them neat and you can write on the roll what appliance it belongs to. ============================================ For icy door steps in freezing temperatures: get warm water and put Dawn dish washing liquid in it. Pour it all over the steps. They won't refreeze. (wish I had known this for the last 40 years!) ============================================ To remove old wax from a glass candle holder , put it in the freezer for a few hours. Then take the candle holder out and turn it upside down. The wax will fall out. ================================================= Crayon marks on wall? This worked wonderfully! A damp rag, dipped in baking soda. Comes off with little
How Many Times?
How many times are we gonna do this? How many times can we fight through this? I messed up and see that I was wrong But I know in my heart that I belong Without this my life means nothing You give my soul something To believe in with all my heart I wish I'd known that from the start I fall to pieces in my dreams I'm fallin apart at the seams I fight another day to keep it in To hide the sadness deep within You've given me so much grief At night I pray for some relief It's killing me to see you hurt I want to give you what you deserve It's like nothing can ease your pain It's like we'll never be the same I try to tell myself that we're ok And it seems to kill me more each day I'm dying inside to save you But still it seems we won't get through Can we save you, can we save me Can we fight the world just to be In love and wrapped in each others arms Where we'll be kept safe from harm Is it over.... you gotta te
How Many Newspapers Can A Woman Hold Between Her Legs?
how many newspapers can a woman hold between her legs? answer is; 1 POST, 2 GLOBES, and God knows how many TIMES ;-))
How Many Licks Does It Take To Get To My Lollipop Center ??
I have created a family called the Lollipop gurlz! Im looking for honest,drama free,fun,sweet girls to join my Club. It's not about bombing its about making more friends & having a sweet title to your name. If your all of the above but most importantly drama free then please come join us!!! 1.PLZ F/A/R all Lollipop gurls! Tell me when your done. 2. Please fumail me a picture you would like to use for Lollipop tag. 3.Must make a Lollipop Gurlz tag within a 21 day mimit of joining....if you cant in that time frame please u must let me know we will work it out :) 4. Lollipop fun already gurlz!!! THANX!currently we have 40 members and going strong Tequila Gurl Creator & Owner of the Lollipop Gurlz Club owner to tinytears@ fubar ~OUR BODYGUARD~ LOLLIPOP GURLZ BODYGUARD@ fubar ~~OUR RECRUITOR~~ REV SLIM~DJ@ForbiddeN ~Lounge OUTKAST~~R/L FUBBY 2 HYPNO~FreakSHOW mbr ***(OTB)@ fubar ~*Huggable*Lovable*Kissable*Jen*~Fu Wife 2 "Goofball" Fu Owner of "Firemanm88" @ fubar Troubles
How Many Of These Did You Know About?
How many of these did YOU know about? A sealed envelope - Put in the freezer for a few hours, then slide a knife under the flap. The envelope can then be resealed. (hmmmmmm...) Use empty toilet paper roll to store appliance cords. It keeps them neat and you can write on the roll what appliance it belongs to. For icy door steps in freezing temperatures: get warm water and put Dawn dish washing liquid in it. Pour it all over the steps. They won't refreeze. (Wish I had known this for the last 40 years!) To remove old wax from a glass candle holder, put it in the freezer for a few hours. Then take the candle holder out and turn it upside down. The wax will fall out. Crayon marks on walls? This worked wonderfully! A damp rag, dipped in baking soda. Comes off with little effort (elbow grease that is!). TOOTHPASTE WORKS WELL ON THIS AND INK TOO. Permanent marker on appliances/counter tops (like store receipt BLUE!) -- use rubbing alcohol on paper t
How Microsoft Is Fighting A War On 3 Fronts
Saturday, March 8, 2008 at 8:56 PM PT mix08.pngMicrosoft is fighting a war — one in which it’s being attacked on three sides. Cut through the flurry of announcements out of its Mix conference this week and what emerges is the Redmond giant’s three-pronged defense strategy: consumer, enterprise and developer. Only by understanding the battles Microsoft is fighting does it become clear where the company is headed. So we’ve broken it out for you here. The consumer attack The front: Desktops, handsets and consoles. Flanked by Apple’s cooler desktops and devices, Google’s insight into users, and the Nintendo/Sony console world, Microsoft is struggling. Windows Mobile isn’t a consumer handset like the iPhone. Live hasn’t really taken off. Vista flopped, with the company embroiled in claims that it overstated the number of machines on which it would run. And the Xbox, despite its success, has an alarmingly high recall rate. Perhaps most frighteningly, it’s becoming clear that when it
How Many People Are There With My Name?
HowManyOfMe.comThere are 19 people with my name in the U.S.A.How many have your name?
How Many?
How many times will people that I thought I could trust stab me in the back? I just learned that Mike, Gabriels father, is moving up to the Poconos with Little Man. I'm not talking just an hour away either. He is moving almost two hours away and that is going to make it very difficult for me to see my son. He said that he had wanted to talk to me about it to make sure that I was okay with it. Mike never talked to me about it, and just decided to go. So again, I ask how many people are going to stab me in the back? This will be the seventh person to do this to me. Tami, Dad, Harriet, Kenny, Crystal, Andrew, and Mike! Anyone else want to join the list?
How Many Of You?
HowManyOfMe.comThere are 97 people with my name in the U.S.A.How many have your name?
How Much Am I Worth To You?
I'm up for auction.. once again.. If you want to bid on me.. The only thing you can bid is fubucks. That way everyone has a chance to own me without having to use their own money. So, come one come all.. What am I worth to you? Auction Host *blog background designer* Bidding Starts on: May 20th @ noon *KaTman presently owns me and will for as long as he'll have me. I love you KaTman!* The Fu-Milf Queen™ in Fubuck Auction
"how Much Longer"
Just close your eyes, and let this be. Spill your mind, for all to see. Stop caving, and craving... insanity sucks you inside out. Your better than this. I've seen it before. You gave me the key, please open the door ? I miss you intensely, tremendous breath's taken in your absence. Always so dark, when your gone, my world seems to cry. All around me I see beauty fade and die. If I said you meant the world to me, I'd only be lieing. You mean existance to me, and far beyond even that. I fear I'll never find words to fully express, my undying love for you. I promise you this, forever to be true. I'll never stray, or fade away. I'll never stop feeling this very same way. My heart beats strong, but only for one. Behind this man stand a woman so longed for. So loved, and needed. So cared for, and sweet. Such beauty that stretches from hair strand to feet. You've forever pinned me down, and forever I'll stay. Forever you love, forever this
How Much?
How well fo you know me? I wanna knw everything that you know about me and what you wanna know about me.... send me a message if u have questions that are too personal lol... but otherwise im open to any questions u wanna ask
How Many Time Can U Take Your Heart Being Broken
How Much????
GUESS WHAT IM UP FOR AUCTION !!! YOU KNOW YA WANT TO OWN ME !! TRY ME !! YOU MIGHT LIKE ME !! JUST CLICK THE PIC !! BIDDING ENDS !! SUNDAY !! ~**.. ImPerFeCTiOn..**~..~**Co-Owner of Club Sweet Thing**~@ fubar (repost of original by 'DJ KIDD ROCK~LOVED & OWNED BY DJ DEVILISH DESIRE' on '2008-06-19 16:25:56')
How Much More Before I Blow?
Ok, I dont know how much longer I can do this. I mean I have been dealing with Chris and her kids for almost three years now, trying my damnedest to make things work, but the more I give, the more they want.I can't keep this up. Physically I am literally hurting, my muscles are constantly tense and just being around them anymore makes me irritable. Something deep inside me says that I should leave ... I know I should leave but, Chris has my daughter and soon to have my son and I just can't bring myself to leave them. I've said it before and I still feel the same way, I refuse to have this nut case raise my children without me being there to make sure that she doesn't screw them up the way that she has screwed her first two up.If you have been reading this journal from the beginning then you know the difficulties that I have been dealing with when it comes to Chris and the kids. If not, well, Chris doesn't clean..... At all, she does very little at all to discipline her children and whi
How Much?
Q & A - Take 3 Q. "How much did they cost?" A. You don't have to pay for things you are born with. So... I recently received a comment on one of my photos regarding the authenticity of my breasts. He auto-assumed they were fake instead of taking a second to ask me. He simply said "how much did they cost?" I am pretty sure he intended the comment to be hurtful; however, it actually made me smile a little. When someone believes my breasts are fake I take it as a compliment! If he had just asked me I would have told him that they are the real deal. My chest is 100 percent natural. I got lucky in the boob department and if you look through my photos it is obvious that I am pretty proud of my rack. Are they perky? Yes! Do I have children yet? No! Haha. I am waiting on the days following child birth and breast feeding when they head south and at that point I will absolutely treat myself to a lift! At the present time the only alterations I have made to my physical appe
How Much Better Can I Make My Life Today?
Always think of what you have to do as easy and it will become so. --Emile Corie How we think about the activities before us is very important. If we think cleaning the garage is hard, dirty, and no chance for fun, that's just how it will feel. We'll be tired before we even begin. However, if we approach it like a treasure hunt, expecting to rediscover some long-forgotten treasures, we'll enjoy the task. In fact, it will feel like a game. The thoughts we carry in our minds determine whether our tasks are fun or not. What good fortune it is that we can control those thoughts. If we approach an assignment for school or a job believing that we're able to do it, that it's not too hard for us, we'll finish with ease. Our thoughts determine our successes. In this way, our lives are in our own hands. How much better can I make my life today?
How Much Does It Pay To Just Lay Around?
Good Morning, have you ever just wanted that job that did not take a lot of thinking to do it? That job that was so easy to do you could just lay there and do nothing all day…Well NASA is looking for you cupcake! In May, NASA sought subjects for a study into the effects of microgravity on the human body and offered each participant $17,000 to lie in bed for 90 straight days. Wow, think about it…(wait I said no thinking…hmmmI am going to have to redirect my thought process) OK no thinking I will do the math…17,000 grand over 3 months would net you 68,000 grand a year for just laying around. Color me happy. No more unhappy customers to deal with…No uneasy feeling of having to loose weight…heck NASA made you weightless! You get to wear those cooler then hell white suits with the bubble helmets. Oh Oh OH!!!!! And you get to have that starry thingy flying around on a NASA name arm badge…how cool is that! I am thinking that is supposed to be a comet…what ever! You can tell all your friends y
How Many Times Do I Have To Say I Love You
How many times do I have to say I love you When will you believe what I say is true Why can't you believe my love is not physical What do you expect from me, My love for you hurts so much It's funny the lengths I go through just to see you Everything I go through just to spend the little time with you And yet you ignore me, What am I to you Am I just another guy you think who just wants to fuck you Am I just a pain in your ass Am I anything at all to you, I guess I'll never truely find out the answer As I try & try & try again to phase you out of my life My inner feelings & love for you pop up with a vengence But our love was never meant to be.
How My Mind Works for how I behave online and in situations where my inhibitions are relaxed substitute enfp in those links. I never knew that only 4% of people are like me. No wonder I sometimes think no one understands.
How Much
How much can i take I have been through a lot in my lifetime and im still going through it all and keep a smile on my face but the question is how much can i take how much by cleon
How Men Fucked It All Up For Everyone
As messed up as men think women are, all they can do is blame themselves. Most men have this problem of wanting to have sex with a woman no matter what if they find them attractive (or not even attractive, they are just addicted to pussy way too much.) What does this do? Well you give the women of this world the upper hand and all the power. If you are one of those men who think "all women do is lie, cheat, manipulate, and are just fucking evil!!!"---Why do you think that is? BECAUSE YOU GIVE THEM SEX ANYWAY!!! What the hell are you thinking? I have heard a lot of guys say things like "I don't care, I'm gonna fuck that dumb bitch!" like its some sort of punishment lol. DUMBASS! You know what you are doing? You are rewarding that woman for being a "bitch" (a selfish, disrespectful, BAD Person) with your COCK! You never make one woman earn your cock, you just give it up. How many of you dumbasses have your cock posted multiple times in your pictures???? I'm guessing A BIG
How Much Is That Fat Man Worth?!
I lol'd at this. I read my awesomeo friend Amykins who I
How Much Do Americans Know About Europe??;-)
How Many Do You Know?
How many of these did YOU know about? A sealed envelope - Put in the freezer for a few hours, then slide a knife under the flap. The envelope can then be resealed. ( hmmmmmm...) ============================================ Use empty toilet paper roll to store appliance cords. It keeps them neat and you can write on the roll what appliance it belongs to. ============================================ For icy door steps in freezing temperatures: Get warm water and put Dawn dish washing liquid in it. Pour it all over the steps. They won't refreeze. ========================================! ==== To remove old wax from a glass candle holder - Put it in the freezer for a few hours. Then take the candle holder out and turn it upside down. The wax will fall out. ============================================ Crayon marks on walls? This works wonderfully! Use a damp rag, dipped in baking soda. Comes off with little effort (elbow grease, that is!). ===============================
How Moses Got The 10 Commandments - This Is In Fun Only!
God went to the Arabs and said, "I have Commandments for you that will make your lives better." The Arabs asked, "What are Commandments? " And the Lord said, "They are rules for living." "Can you give us an example?" "Thou shall not kill." "Not kill? We're not interested." So He went to the Blacks and said, "I have Commandments. " The Blacks wanted an example, and the Lord said, "Honor thy Father and Mother." "Father? We don't know who our fathers are. We're not interested." Then He went to the Mexicans and said, "I have Commandments. " The Mexicans also wanted an example, and the Lord said "Thou shall not steal." "Not steal? We're not interested." Then He went to the French and said, "I have Commandments. " The French too wanted an example and the Lord said, "Thou shall not commit adultery." "Not commit adultery? We're not interested." Finally, He went to the Jews and said, "I have Commandments. " "Commandments? " They said, "How
How Much For A Nibble?
A guy was walking down the street when he sees a woman with perfect breasts. He says to her, "Hey, miss, would you let me bite your breasts for $100?" "Are you nuts?" she replies and walks away. He turns around, runs around the block and gets to the corner before she does. "Would you let me bite your breasts for $1,000?" he asks again. "Listen, sir, I'm not that kind of woman. Got it?" So the guy runs around the next block and faces her again. "Would you let me bite your breasts... just once for $10,000?" So the woman thinks about this for a while and says, "Hmmmmm, $10,000?" She thinks a bit "OK, but just once, and not here. Let's go to that dark alley over there." So they go to the alley and she takes off... her blouse to reveal the most perfect breasts in the world. As soon as the guy sees them, he jumps on them and starts caressing them, fondling them, kissing them, burying his face in them... but not biting them. Finally, the woman gets all annoyed and says, "Are you gonn
How Much Life Experience Do You Have?
You've Experienced 76% of Life You have all of the life experience that most adults will ever get. And unless you're already in your 40s, you're probably wise beyond your years. How Much Life Experience Do You Have?
How Much Life Experience Do You Have? I Know....i Said I Was Done, But I Can'
You've Experienced 48% of Life You have a good deal of life experience, about as much as someone in their late 20s. You've seen and done enough to be quite wise, but you still have a lot of life to look forward to. How Much Life Experience Do You Have?
How Many Would Answer If God Called My Name?
HowManyOfMe.comThere are114 people with my name in the U.S.A.How many have your name?
How 2 Make Love!!!
how to make love: ingredients: 4 laughing eyes 4 well shaped legs 4 loving arms 2 firm milk jugs 2 nuts 1 fur-lined mixing bowl 1 firm banana directions: 1. look into laughing eyes. 2.spread well shaped legs with loving arms. 3.squeeze and massage milk jugs gently. 4.gently add firm banana to mixing bowl,working in and out until well creamed for best results countinue to massage milk jugs. heat rises, plunge banana deep into mixing bowl and cover with nuts, leave to soak. 6.the cake is done when banana is soft.if banana does not soften repeat steps 3-5 or change mixing bowls. notes: 1. if you are in a unfamiliar kitchen,wash utensils carefully before and after use. not lick mixing bowl after use. 3.if cake rises leave town
How Many Nascar Fans Are On Fubar
send coments
How Much I Love You
you are you my mind every day and you are in my dream very night I love you so much more then words can tell You are women of my dreams I have been looking for all my life every time I talk with you. You make feel so wonderful like am am teen ager again you make so happy found you before I meet you I was so down now am so happy I found you I love you with all my soul you are my heart and soul I know you don't have be lonely anymore thank you for loving me like you do
How Much Greed Do You Have?
Your Greed Quotient: 51% You are somewhat greedy, but your greed is probably a healthy motivator. Wanting nice things is normal, as long as it doesn't take over your life. How Much Greed Do You Have?
How Men & Women Think!!!
WOMAN'S DIARY 28 July 2007 Saturday Saw him in the evening and he was acting really strangely. I'd been shopping in the afternoon with the girls and was a bit late meeting him, thought it might be that. The bar was really crowded and loud, so I suggested we go somewhere quieter to talk. He was still very subdued and distracted so I suggested we went somewhere nice to eat. All through dinner he just didn't seem himself - he hardly laughed and didn't seem to be paying any attention to me or to what I was saying, I just knew that something was wrong. He dropped me back home and I wondered if he was going to come in, He hesitated but followed. I asked him what was wrong, but he just half shook his head and turned the television on. After about ten minutes of silence I said that I was going upstairs to bed, I put my arms around him and told him that I loved him deeply, He just gave a sigh and a sad sort of smile. He didn't follow me up immedia
How Much I Feel-ambrosia
How Much I Care.....
You are my happiness, You are my laughter, You are my soulmate, My everafter, Your eyes are like diamonds, Picked from the deep blue sea, I'm so ever grateful to have you, You fell in love with me, So blessed i feel, Because uhappened to find, A love powerful, Ut's truely one of a kind, You'r skin is like silk, I adore you tender touch, Never in my life, Have i loved a woman so much, You'r kisses are like strawberrys, Covered in ice cream, You make me happy Your my best ever dream, And if one day, Your love for me departs, Know i'll always love you, Your always be in my heart, Your my eveything, And i cant bare to lose you, Cos my love if u do leave me, My life would be meaningless, And i would die inside, If i lost you, I Love You So Much Baby
How Many More?
I got to school this morning only to find that ANOTHER of our students, along with her father, was killed in a motorcycle accident last night! This makes AT LEAST one student death in each of the past 5 years. I NEED to vent or maybe the "men in the white coats" WILL be stopping by to take me away. As the father of a 14 year old, I worry about this sort of thing EVERY DAY and it makes me wonder if there is a GOD, does he have a plan for these "children" who have yet to live their lives??? I can't seem to rationalize the why's of any of these tragedies and don't understand why they happen. MANY of my students were grief struck this morning and the school provided crisis counselors and psychologists to try to help with their grief. I gave MANY hugs to students who knew her and tried to explain the reasons why these things happen, but I know my words were basically meaningless and really felt helpless in trying to help. As a musician, the song, "Only the Good Die Young" keeps
How Much More Can I Give?
Its never enough, youre never happy with me. When you open your eyes, its only my faults that you see. Why cant you just take what I have as a gift? Cause I really dont have much more left to give. Its not me that you want, its perfection you need. But no matter my efforts, that - I cannot achieve. Why cant I just be happy? Why cant I just live? Why do I always have to have more to give? The yelling and screaming and everyday fights, I cannot change everything in one single night. Why do I get blamed for things I dont even do? But when YOU do those things, its okay cause its you? Why must I change, while you remain just the same? Why am I the only one that has problems to tame? My heart has gotten much too heavy to lift And I really dont know how much more I can give. It hurts me to think that Im never enough. God! Why is "just me" not ever enough! Im starting to feel like happiness is a myth Cause I really dont know how much more I can give.
How Many Zeros In A Billion?
This is too true to be funny. The next time you hear a politician use the word 'billion' in a casual manner, think about whether or not you want the 'politicians' spending YOUR tax money. A billion is a difficult number to comprehend, but one advertising agency did a good job of putting that figure into some perspective in one of it's releases. A billion seconds ago, it was 1959. A billion minutes ago, Jesus was alive. A billion hours ago, our ancestors were living in the Stone Age. A billion days ago, no one walked on the Earth on two feet. A billion dollars ago was only 8 hours and 20 minutes ago at the rate our government is spending it. While this thought is still fresh in our brain.... Let's take a look at New Orleans... It's amazing what you can learn with some simple division. Louisiana Senator, Mary Landrieu (D), is presently asking Congress for $250 Billion to rebuild New Orleans... Interesting number. What does this mean? Well.... if you a
How Many Times Will I Break Til' I'm Shattered?
Last night I cried myself to sleep, and the phone call that I very well deserved I never got..What was I thinking?? Wow, I let someone in and they left me torn apart. How am I suppose to explain this to the ones that mean the most to me? Looks like I'll be wearing long sleeves for awhile. As if someone else hurting you isn't enough. Why is it that when you get hurt, you feel the need to take it out on yourself? Is there a pill that you can take to not remember??? Maybe my doc needs to up my dose. I'm cancelling my cardioligist appointment, right now, I dont care what is going on with me. I thought my words mattered...hell I thought I mattered. Boy was I sadly mistakened. I use to think that the internet can kill a relationship....that's not true, when someone is happy with what they have, then the internet means nothing. Make that a lesson learned. People use the three little words way too lightly. I dont believe that they should be said unless they are true, but I cant control the wor
How My Day Went!
So, I had court yesterday, from what i did in June, and it went well. I have to do 8 violence classes, which cost 200 bux, but instead of payin that fee ima do 20 hrs community service, which isn't nothing, considering i volunteer my time for a lot of things anyways, and they are lookin into the 500 dollar restitution, cuz i don't think the estimate is right for a door jam that i know for a fact isn't worth no 500 dollars, and my next court date is Nov 14. I will keep ya'll posted! Thanks for all your support! And if no one knows what i did in june, here is the low down bout it! I was datin this guy for over a year and he was an alcoholic, and he was good to me at first, then as time went on, i started to see the real him,, he tried to change me, and i wasnt' having it, ( i change for no one) so he started to treat me like shit, and me the type of person to give the benifit of a doubt kept forgiving him. Well i finally got tired of him beatin the crap outta me (on new years, valent
How Many Remember??
Ok, so I'm laying in bed last night and began thinking of my childhood and of all the fun things back then. I finally fell asleep after going through TONS of different things (ahhh arent the "mind spins" great when you're tired? ) - Let's see how many of you remember the things that you did when growing up! Feel free to add to the list! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Licking the bowl and beaters of batter w/out dreading "raw eggs" Eating raw hotdogs 13 Channel TV's and NO remote or cable Rabbit ears (tin foil was optional) Actually only having ONE TV in your house and having to take turns to watch your favorite show! School House Rock Afterschool specials Little House on the Prarie Grizzly Adams HEE HAW Saturday morning cartoons 8 Track tapes 33 and 45 LP's (you were lost when you lost the little disc to play a 45!) Reel to Reel Drive In Movies Your first scary movie (mine was Jaws) Mud Pies Playing outside til the street light came on (dinner
How My Ex Treats Me
i just hate the way my ex treats me ! they (all my exs) say one thing and then if i don't CRAWL back on my hands and knees. they still treat me with no respect. Take for instance my ex that i kicked to the curb.( he told everyone " he kicked me to the curb" and then he expects me take him back ! yeah , right ! and just today, a guy that we both knEw told me that he stuck my picture w/a needle. how immature can he get.(MY EX) and yesturday, i got my bike baack and he was (crying) like a little girl. all he did was just use me and then trashed me. i mean , why can't men just grow up and stop trying to control me. Yeah, i may of been naive in the beginning but come on ...... i have learned alot from my exs. that is why, i am now single and loving it.
How Much Of A Tv Genius Are You
You are 25% of a Television Genius!  Get up and watch some TV. You should really watch TV. No I am serious- watch TV. Why should you watch TV? Well, I watch TV. ......actually I see your point. James' Quiz of GloryTake More Quizzes
How Much Sex Appeal Do You Have?
You Are 40% Sexy Your Sex Appeal Is: Average You're about as sexy as the average person on the street. There's no secret to gaining more sex appeal - you just need to be a bit bolder! How Much Sex Appeal Do You Have?
How Much Did I Drink?
This is everything I had to drink last night: 25 shots of Washington Apples 5 shots of Wet Pu$$y (it's a shot, look it up) 1 Pina Colada 2 Strawberry Daiquiris 2 Miller Light 6 Rolling Rocks Do you even realize how much booze that is? And the bartender was making mine extra strong because it was my birthday, lmao.
How Many?
How many country singers does it take to screw in a light bulb??? 3, one to screw it in and 2 to sing about how much they miss the old one.
How Much Is That Scarlett In The Window
How Many Languages Can You Say "merry Christmas" In?
You Can Say "Merry Christmas" in 12 Languages You can say "Merry Christmas" in: English Spanish Japanese French German Swedish Greek Gaelic Hawaiian Dutch Korean Esperanto How Many Languages Can You Say "Merry Christmas" In?
How Much Do You Remember 2008?
You Remember 50% of 2008 Okay, you were somewhat paying attention during 2008. But you're not going to impress anyone with your knowledge of what went down. You know the basics about what went down, but little else... Let's just say you won't be writing the history book for 2008. How Much Do You Remember 2008?
How Much
What I see, how I feel, what I want Is to lose myself with you To react from the deepest depths of my soul Knowing you'll use against me what you know I don't know if I have everything you want Or if I can give you everything you need But I'll be the person that brings you to your knees For what I have to offer is given passionately Take of me what you want, what you will Rule the spread of my thighs Make me shameless...make me hot I want you to fuck me inside out Bring the torrid hurricane down on me And I promise to scream your name in return Wrap my legs around you so tight Take everything you have to give every night I'm all yours, body, heart and soul Every morning I'll erase all your doubts of life and love As I crawl on top of you And prove just how much I love you 10 pm, Dec. 29, 2008
How Many Times Do I Have To Say I'm Sorry?
Approximately six year ago, I did something terrible to my sister. Then I hid it from her for years, eventually telling her and apologizing for it. However anytime she gets mad at me she throws it up in my face, and makes me feel like hell all over again for doing what I did. How many times do I have to say I'm sorry?
How Many Is A .....
A Blonde is watching the news with her husband when the newscaster says 'Two Brazilian men die in a skydiving accident.' The blonde starts crying to her husband, sobbing. 'That's horrible!!! So many men dying that way!' Confused, he says, 'Yes dear, it is sad, but they were skydiving, and there is always that risk involved.' After a few minutes, the blonde, still sobbing, says, 'How many is a Brazilian?'
How Much Of Our History Is A Lie?
How much of American History is a lie? The news keeps reporting that we have the first black president in history. We in fact do not have the first black president in history, we have the first mixed president in history. If he takes the black title then he is robbing any future black president of their place in their part of making history. The fact is that he has just as much white in him as he does black, therefore, making him mixed. Isn't being the first mixed president important enough for him? Does he really need to deny in front of the world, in front of our country that the white half of his family exists? That just makes him a liar and a thief for steeling a rightfully deserved title from any future black president that we get. How do you erase a whole half of your family like it doesn't exist just to suit your political needs? How do you suppose the white side of his family feels about that? And if our history writers will lie about this, what else have they lied
How Many Times Will You
how many times are you gonna use me.youd think that i would know by now.why do i let you treat me so many times are you going to break my have lied to me,how many more times are you gonna, you abuse my love,and dont say it isnt see it in my eyes,dont say you dont see it,its not something that i can hide. you give me lonely nights,you cant hear me cry,and you deny your love for me.youre never gonna change,you cant accept blame for what youre doing to me. how many times more are you gonna break my heart,why do i let you treat me so bad. today i am drying my eyes,and i am not going to feel ashamed anymore,i will find someone else who will appreciate me and who'll always love me. how could you leave me here all alone to think about you,you should be here with me.i have given you the best of me,and you leave me here to face each day without a is so unfair,i feel like i wanna die,give me a last goodbye. i have waited for days for you to come home,i
How Much It Costs To Connect To The Internet
Hello All, This is my first ever blog so here goes. I am still reeling from being hit for a monthly interner bill for January of $2200.00 Yes, one month connection charge of $2200.00 and all I did was spend my time on Fubar and no where else. As you may therefore guess I wont be spending very much time on Fubar everyweek, maybe a couple of hours every weekend. Sorry I wont be doing mass rating anymore as this seems to have been one of the things that burn up my connection allocation. I can be reached on my Yahoo, email and messenger at I do hope you will drop by or send me an email, it maybe paradice here but gets bloody lonely. Kisses and Cuddles Alexxxx
How Many
I cant remember how many days or times i have cut my skin and hurt myself but for the first time i can remember something in life. I remember two things how many days i havent cut myself (1) and how it was the best feeling in the world. For the first time in 13 years i have not taking the cold steal of a knife and hurt myself with it. It is the greatest feeling every i truly think i have beaten this shit. Hell i hope i have this is the first time ive ever stoped doing it. The first time someone too the time to say hey you dummy wake up look at what your doing to yourself everyday for what to so said let stress go. Uh ah it dont work like that. For the first time i am able to think free minded and be open to people i would have never been open with before. I truly dont want to do that to myself anymore. And for once in my life i am strong enough to say fuck the knifes i wont do it again.
How Much Have I Changed In 8 Years
How much have you changed i 9) How many piercings did you have? 2 10) What kind of car did you drive? ronny had an 85 iroc z28 camaro...... 11) Had you been to a real party? no not really 12) Had you had your heart broken? plenty of times 13) Were you Single/taken/Married/Divorced? taken 14) Any Kids? hell no ***5 YEARS AGO**** 1) How old were you? 18 2) Who were you dating? still fucking ronny 3) Where did you work at the time? no where 4) Where did you live? my dads 5) Where did you hang out? school, church, kaylas 6) Did you wear contacts and/or glasses? no 7) Who were your best friend? chelsey, kayla, manuel, lc, ashley, 8) How many tattoos did you have? none 9) How many piercings did you have? 2 10) What car did you drive? none 11) Had your heart broken? yeah 12) Were you Single/Taken/Married/Divorced? taken 13) Any Kids? nope ***2YEARS AGO**** 1) How old were you? 21 2) Who were you dating?
How Many Girl Scouts Does It Take To Make A Box Of Thin Mints?
How big of a Rat Bastard does one have to be to cheat the girl scouts? Apparently there are people who thought what the heck why not and did. BREMERTON, Wash. - Someone is cheating Girl Scouts, using fake $20 bills to buy cookies. One troop in Bremerton is out $100, and some fear the fraud is spreading to other Girl Scout troops. Beneath the cheer of the annual Girl Scout cookie sale in Bremerton smolders a flash of anger and betrayal. "We get to go camping, the zoo, swimming pools," she said. But the girls found out someone used fake $20s to buy cookies. "That makes you feel really mad," said Swanson. "It's just beyond me," said Deborah Bernard, customer. "I can't even imagine that. These are little girls." Trooper leader KC Gettings made the discovery Saturday while making change. "I went to the bank, right inside Safeway, and she told me two of the $20s were fake," said Gettings. Gettings quickly left, returning with a counterfeit detecting pen. Its mark shows yellow on real
How Many Scumbags?
How many scumbags do you have to associate with to be president of the UNITED STATES of AMREICA? OBAMA is still counting and looking for more.
How Many More Times
How Many More Times--zeppelin
How Much You Mean To Me...
From The Moment I Saw You... From The Moment I Looked Into Your Eyes... There Was Something About You... I Had Found A Once In A Lifetime... And A Treasure Thats Is Impossible To Find...When I'm With You, I'm Complete... To Hear Your Laugh... To See Your Smile... To Listen To Your Beautiful Voice... To Stare Into Your Eyes... Makes Me Complete... All I Want From You Is To... Hug You... Kiss You... Hold Your Hand... Hold You In My Arms... Why... Because You Are Everything To Me... To Me, Your My Friend, My World, My Heart, My Soul... I Want To Spend The Rest Of My Life With You... You'd Never Know How Far I Would Go For You... I Would Give My Life In the Place Of Yours... I Want You To Know... I Will Always Be There For You... When You... Need Someone To Talk To... Need Someone To Cry With... Need Someone Who Will Listen... Need Someone To Be Mad At... Need Someone To Lean On... Anytime You Need Me... Day Or Night... Know That... I Will Always
How Much Are You Worth?
Your Life Is Worth... $918,500 How Much Is Your Life Worth?
How Much Does A Miracle Cost?
A little girl went to her bedroom and pulled a glass jelly     jar  from its hiding place in the closet. She poured the change out on the floor and counted it carefully. Three times, even. The total had to be exactly perfect. No chance here for mistakes.   Carefully placing the coins back in the jar and twisting on the cap, she slipped out the back door and made her way 6 blocks to Rexall's Drug Store with the big red Indian Chief sign above the door. She waited patiently for the pharmacist to give her some attention, but he was too busy at this moment. Tess twisted her feet to make a scuffing noise. Nothing. She cleared her throat with the most disgusting sound she could muster. No good. Finally she took a quarter from her jar and banged it on the glass counter. That did it!   "And what do you want?" the pharmacist asked in an annoyed tone of voice. I'm talking to my brother from Chicago whom I haven't seen in ages," he said without waiting for a reply to his question. "
How Many?
How many times dose a person get's hurt until they found the right person for them. The kind of person who like's the person for who they are and not juge them by apearance's. The type that will apreate for the little thing that you do for them and the kind of person that will make any situaion funny or when you are mad at them they say or do something that will make you luagh and that kind of person will make you smile!
How Much Of A Re Re Are You!!!
You know its pathetic when lame asses post mumms and bash other countrys . My feeling on that they are attention seekers looking to stir up shit for their own amuzment.  Sad you have to sink that low just to get your kicks.  I am sure if the tables were turned and your country was being put down you wouldnt like it . Are you that insecure or jealous?  you must be.  Any one that brings down another person or a culture or the place they live must be insecure about their own identity,  and jealous.  Its sad enough in this world we have such hate mongers and racist people that more have joined in. Cant you put your mind and words to better use then to act so imature and racist towards others. Why not try and figure out how to feed the needy and figure out how to get the home less off the streets and in to warm secure homes.  We all deserve to be treated as we would treat others.  And if this be littling people ,  cultures and their place of which they live is how you act towards
How Many Ppl Have I Helped
how many ppl have i helped on here and no one has the nerve to help me back.  I am so sick of buying autos and bombs for ppl and when they get a chance do you think that they would return the love to me hell fuck no they don't all they do is care about themselves and personally i am tired of helping ppl.... i have sat for hours rating auto 11 and bomb after bomb.  do i even get help back nope not a damn bit of help.... i have 16 mil to oracle and because i am not skinny and don't have nsfw pics of me no one takes a second look at my profile.  I have even done vip's and blings and this is what i get in return nada zilch none and i am done being the nice one and trying to share my love with everyone for no one to give a flying fuck about me so here it is if you don't start showing me love and really hitting my page then fuck all of you........
How Many Animals Can You Fit In A Pair Of Panty Hose?
how many animals can you fit in a pair of panty hose? 2 caves, an ass, a beaver, a shitload of hairs, 1 camel toe and a fish no one can findhope you enjoy a good laugh.
How Many Want To Join
Im looking for some ppl to ride with me on the weekends. You got have a bike or would like to ride.  Let meh know.
How Much??
how much i miss you??!!how bad i want you??!!since u lefti did wish that i was blindthat my eyes wont see anyone ,anything after youthat your image is the last thing my eyes sawafter u lefti did wish i am a handicapthat wont walk any place, wont go anywherethat last trips last walks were with youafter u lefti did wish that my hands get cutthat i wont touch anyone anythingthat last touch was ur skini did wish my tongue get cutthat i wont speak or say any more wordsthat last words were for you,were about you,to youi did wish i got deafthat wont hear any soundany voicethat last voice would be yourslast words i heard were yoursthats how bad i want youthats how much i miss youthats how i do love you------------------------------W.B: FM
How Much Have You Changed In 10 Years
****10 YEARS AGO**** (June 1999)1) How old were you? 142) Who were you dating? No one3) Where did you WORK? I was too young to work4) Where did you live? Fresno and Julian, California5) Where did you hang out? at home or at the boarding school6) Did you wear contacts and/or glasses? no7) Who was your best friend at the time? Sarah Manning8) How many tattoos did you have? too young9) How many piercings did you have? ears10) What car did you drive? I was too young11) Had you been to a real party? a few12) Had you had your heart broken? No13) Were you Single/..taken/..Married/..Divorced? Single14) Any Kids? Yes***5 YEARS AGO (June 2004)***1) How old were you? 192) Who were you dating? No one3) Where did you work at the time? I was a secretary4) Where did you live? Bakersfield5) Where did you hang out? At home or Ricky's6) Did you wear contacts and/or glasses? Yes7) Who were your best friend(s)? Ricky8) How many tattoos did you have? none9) How many piercings did you have? just ears10) Wha
How My Man Shows His Love
How Many Friends
"How many friends have you" The old man turned to me and asked,"How many friends have you?"Why 10 or 20 friends have I,And named off just a few. He rose quite slow with effortAnd sadly shook his head"a lucky child you are," he said,But think of what you are sayingThere is so much you do not knowA friend is just not someoneTo whom you say "Hello" A friends a tender shoulderOn which to softly cryAs well to pour your troubles downAnd raise your spirits high A friend is a hand to pull you upFrom darkness and despiar...When all your other "so called" friendsHave helped too put you there A true friend is an allyWho can't be moved or boughtA voice to keep your name aliveWhen others have forgotBut most of all a friend is a heartA strong and sturdy wallFar from the hearts of friendsThere comes the greatest love of all!!! So think of what I've spokenFor every word is trueAnd answer again my child"How many friends have you??" And then he stood and faced meAwaiting my replySoftly i answered
How Many Times Will Life Throw Curve Balls At You?
Everytime you turn the corner life will always be throwing something new at you, whether its good or bad or even unnoticable. Many times I look back on my life and look at the things that have happened in my life and I see mostly bad things. And many times I just think all this has happened and yet I still don't have anything to show for it, and then I begin to think that hey I'm only 20 and I still have many MANY more years and different experiances to live and many opportunities to blow and try to make up for. But then I begin to think if everything has been bad so far, why would the future be any different. One day I may be able to see the beauty of things in life but yet I just don't think I can at the moment.
How Much I Love You
i love you so much when im around you my world is right and i feel alive i love you so much that when we are apart even for a few hours me world is so dark if i was to ever loose you i would be so lost i wouldnt know what to do my mind body soul and heart is yours and always will be when your hurting im hurting when your upset i am upset i feel like im not ever good enough for such a woman like you cuase when im around you and holding you i am in a world where it is all sunshine where i am use to the darkness of being alone but i also know i cant go with out your love or having your around i love you more then anything in the universe
How Many F's
There are no Tricks to the test. Read this sentence: FINISHED FILES ARE THE RE- SULT OF YEARS OF SCIENTIF- IC STUDY COMBINED WITH THE EXPERIENCE OF YEARS. Now count aloud the F's in that sentence. Important, count them ONLY ONCE: do not go back and count them again..   Answer Below No PEEKING !!         keep going                   and going                     a little more                       almost there                   Finally                   Answer is given now !! One of average intelligence finds three of them. If you spotted four, you're above average. If you got five, you can turn your nose at most anybody. If you caught six, you are a genius. There is no catch. Many people forget the "OF"'s. The human brain tends to see them as V's and not F's.
How Much More Can She Take?
As most of my friends on here know,my 14 year old daughter was diagnosed almost a year ago with Melanoma.She has gone through many surgeries and had her lymph nodes removed because the cancer had spread.She has been on a type of chemo called Interfuron 3 days a week since Jan of 2009 and will be on it until Nov of 2009.Things have been looking up for her.The chemo is rough but she is strong and she is so looking forward to it being over.We just got back from Disneyland thanks to Make~A~Wish and her hopes were high. Then we get a call yesterday from her doctor's office.Jess(my daughter) has been having alot of pain in her hips so they sent her for an MRI a couple days before we left for our trip.The results said her hips were fine,but the reason her belly was cramping was she has ovarian something(I forget what they called it,and forgot my notepad where I wrote it down at work).Basically she has cysts on both her ovaries and they are bleeding.So now she has to go to the gyno and have t
How Many Would Miss Me
How Much Do You Love Your Dad?
Apparently it's a good way to treat cancer. I breastfeed my dad:    As Georgia Browne breastfeeds her baby son Monty, nothing could seem more normal or natural. At eight months old, Monty thrives on his mother’s milk, but someone else is also thriving on Georgia’s milk – her father Tim!    That’s because Tim’s battling cancer. He drinks his daughter’s breastmilk every day to boost his immune system and give him the strength to fight the disease.    After researching the idea on the internet, Georgia, 27, expresses her breastmilk as often as she can for her father to drink. He has the milk on his bowl of cornflakes every morning. It’s been his daily routine for the past six months and Tim believes the milk has given him a boost.   And now you know why guys are always eyeing your chest. Because your chest could save our lives! lmao      
How Men Can Amuse Themselves When Taken Shopping!!!!!!!
How men can amuse themselves when taken shopping!!!!!!! HOW MEN AMUSE THEMSELVES IN TESCO'S Proof of what can happen if a wife or girlfriend drags her Husband or boyfriend along shopping This letter was actually sent by Tesco's Head Office to a Customer in Oxford : Dear Mrs. Murray , Whilst we would like to thank you for your valued custom and use of the Tesco Loyalty Card, the Manager of our store in Banbury is considering banning you and your family from shopping with us, unless your Husband stops his antics. Below is a list of his actions over the past few months all Verified by our surveillance cameras: 1. June 15: Took 24 boxes of condoms and randomly put them in people's Trolleys when they weren't looking. 2. July 2: Set all the alarm clocks in Housewares to go off at 5-minute Intervals. 3. July 7: Made a trail of tomato juice on the floor leading to Feminine Products aisle. 4. July 19: Walked up to an employee and told her in an official
How Men Think
How Men ThinkA woman was in a coma, she had been in it for months.Nurses were in her room giving her a blanket bath.One of them was washing her private area and noticed thatthere was a slight response on the monitor when she touched her.They tried it again and sure enough, there was a small, recognisable movement.They went to her husband and explained what happened, tellinghim,"As crazy as this sounds, maybe a little oral s * x will do the trick and bring her out of the coma."The husband was skeptical, but they assured that they wouldClose the curtains for privacy.The husband finally agreed and went into his wife's room.After a few minutes the woman's monitor flat lined, no pulse, noheart rate.The nurses run back into the room. "What happened!?" they cried.The husband said, "I'm not sure, maybe she choked".
How Many Can I Get? In Email:))
Name:_______________ Number:_______________ text messaging (yes or no): ______ picture messaging (yes or no) _________
Howmanyofme.comthere Are People With My Name In The Many Have Your Name?
How Much I Love You
yesterday morning i woke up alone. My hubby just got up and walked out ,,,,,no goodbyes,,didnt even tell me. I just found a note saying he was sorry to do this. i tried to contact him while he was still in s.a.,,when we finally texted  he was on his way back home to North TX. I wish he knew how much i care and love him....... last night,,after he had a night out w/the guys  we texted//spoke  even tho he was shit faced  he said he loved me & still wanted to be together,that i was still his wife. but this morning when i texted him""good morning.can we talk" there was no response,,thinking he was still sleeping i called,the first time he just didnt answer,,the 2nd time the ## was disconnected....... NOW, his family that i do speakto  arent even speaking back,,, i dont know what i did wrong,,he kept saying it wasnt me  that he just didnt like the city life & wante to be back in the country and that he was tired of being sick & stressed,,but alot of his sickness& stress was due to hi
How Much I Hate People
here are some of the reason why i hate people1. why is it so hard for someone to say hey iam not all that interested in you rather playing you like a fine turn violin2.why is it so hard to be bluntly honest and when you catch someone in a lie they try and turn it back on you rather then admitting to the crime 3.why is it so hard to openly admit that you have a bf/gf/married/open relationship4. as i said before i hate people who are hypocrite and cynical when they cant fix them self but they expect others to followi plan on deleting a lot of my profiles on a lot of different sites i was even thinking of deleting my my space page but i wont only becuse of the people who i do talk toi plan on keeping my myspace and my facebookother then that iam deleting everything iam tired of the lies the head games the dramai thought high school was long gone but people sure seem to live in it stillyou know i love it when people tell me something and then there action speaks differentlyit happens all t
How Many Can I Get? In Email:))
    Name:_______________ Number:_______________ text messaging (yes or no): ______ picture messaging (yes or no) _________
How Much I Love Him....
I sit here and think of nothing but you all day...You are the last thing I think about each night and the first thing each morning...everytime I hear your voice I get chills that run all over my body...I say your name to myself just to feel that rush that comes over me and I feel butterflies in my tummy...I look at your picture and the love that I feel for you just runs through my body and gives me a warm fuzzy feeling...I sit and wonder if you feel the same way?...Do you think about me all day as I think of you?...Do you yearn to hear my voice?...Ask yourself how much longer we can actually be apart?...I have put my heart and soul in your hands and all I ask is that either you love me the way I love you or you have to give me back my heart and soul...I know that you COMPLETE me...and I want to do that for you...So tell me this am I the one who completes you?...For all these longing questions I will wait for you...I LOVE YOU AND ONLY YOU...
How Much I Love You
How much I love you   You've changed my life from a blink of the eyeThe feeling in this heart of mine I cannot denyYou've made each day one I'll never forgetEverything we go through I will never regretYou are the gold I will treasure till the endYou are my soul mate and my best friendYou've done so much for me which I'm thankful forYou will always mean the world to me and so much moreYou are my guardian angel sent from HeavenThe best thing in my life - my sexy number elevenYou are the meaning to the word loveMy heart agrees and so would any doveYou have chased away every single fearYou are my tissue that'll wipe away any tearYou've given me life that I could live worthwhileThank you for the laughs and every smileMy days are a dream that has come trueEvery day is beautiful all thanks to youNow I have found what I've been looking forIt's you heart and soul and nothing moreYou've showed me the world in such short timeBut we've got the rest of our lives - a whole lifetimeIll end
How Much Wood Can A Woodketch Chuck?
It finally happened to me – every man’s fear.  A couple of months ago, I was in the throes of passion when I suddenly had an “equipment failure”.   ** waits for you to stop gasping **   Yes, there I was, all prepared to mambo when Mr Wigglyflops decided to take the day off.  Needless to say, I was quite distraught over the incident.  In my defense, I had imbibed in more than a few alcoholic beverages that night.  That DOES tend to desensitize one’s naughty bits just a tad.  But I had never before succomb to a full on case of “drunk dick”.   Fortunately, I took matters into my own hands a couple of days later ( sober ) and managed to put my mind at ease.  Whew!  Everything worked.  Hopefully, it was just an isolated incident.  But it got me thinking and reflecting a bit on my recent erectile abilities.  When I was but a young, fancy lad, I would pop a woody without the slightest provocation.  It might just have been the sight of a pretty g
How Many?
How many dogs does it take to change a light bulb?  (see each breed's answers below) Golden Retriever: The sun is shining, the day is young, we've got our whole lives ahead of us, and you're inside worrying about a stupid burned out bulb? 2. Border Collie: Just one. And then I'll replace any wiring that's not up to code.
How Many
How many does her smile touch,Will it touch deep like mine.In how many others like her,Would this I ever find. Her smile true like her heart,I would hold both with care.Her love for all close,Along with her beauty,so rare. I hope forever her smile shines,And to me each and everyday.She will remain forever in my heart,Always,forever she will stay.
How Many Can Handle This Input??? (the World And Universe)
Just got this off of Craigslist DC  While I don't agree with everything that's written, it certainly is a good start.  Enjoy There are so many reasons that frankly, it's hard to pick a place to start: First of all.....when 28% of you brain dead fucking morons give a blithering IDIOT like Sarah Palin positive approval ratings and think she ought to run for president in 2012, it really makes me sick to know I am lumbered with that many mouth-breathing Cro-Magnons I unfortunately have to consider as my fellow me.....I don't. You motherfuckers are beyond help. And before you go thinking this is a "liberal" based rant.....that brings me to one more item on an ever-lengthening list. This "Liberal" versus "Conservative" paradigm that so many of you simple dunces buy BOTH parties sell you out to the multinational corporations, banks and special interests that actually run Washingto
How Mexico Treats Its Illegal Immigrants -- Taken From The Washington Examiner, April 29, 2010
The Mexican government will bar foreigners if they upset "the equilibrium of the national demographics." How's that for racial and ethnic profiling? -- If outsiders do not enhance the country's "economic or national interests" or are "not found to be physically or mentally healthy," they are not welcome. Neither are those who show "contempt against national sovereignty or security." They must not be economic burdens on society and must have clean criminal histories. Those seeking to obtain Mexican citizenship must show a birth certificate, provide a bank statement proving economic independence, pass an exam and prove they can provide their own health care. -- Illegal entry into the country is equivalent to a felony punishable by two years' imprisonment. Document fraud is subject to fine and imprisonment; so is alien marriage fraud. Evading deportation is a serious crime; illegal re-entry after deportation is punishable by ten years' imprisonment. Foreigners may be kicked out of the cou
How Much Do You Wish You Hated Me?
the words you put into my mouthtasted bitter, and jealousthey were taintedi spat them out as quickly as you ran from conflict some things are best left unsaidbut understand i'm thinking themdo you understand now? i grabbed you by the hair and pulled your head back,pulled your face out of the grassi stared into your eyesalready your face had started to swell.your eyes were wide with fear and hate i feed off of that energyi can smell fear on youas well as those drinks you hadin your system that allowed youbravery, if only for a few moments. i spoke in even, calm tonesdo not ever, ever speak to me like thatnot ever again. nod if you understand.i briefly let your hair go, and your neck, weak with strainlet your head fall back into the mud and the grass.i rolled you over with my shoe,you coughed a little, it was weak and faint. i said, do you understand me?you whimpered then, barely audible.your tears were enough of an answer for me. i kicked you in the disgust m
How Much Is Washington Willing To Tax America?
The Obama administration risks overseeing the largest tax increase inhistory if it allows the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts to expire at the endof the year. Low-income families will see their income tax rate jump fivepercentage points, while everyone else will see increases of three to4.6 percentage points. Capital gains and dividends tax rates -currently 15 percent for most investors - will leap to 20percent and 39.6 percent, respectively. The death tax, which isfinally gone, will be re-imposed at a 55 percent rate.Not only would these increases hurt families during stable times, butthey will further devastate our already-wobbling economy. Instead ofraising taxes to previous high levels, which will dolittle to control the rising deficit, lawmakers should tighten theirbelts and rein in spending. Tax hikes only encourage morespending and higher deficits.
How Many More Asshats
How many more asshats need to call me Skippy?
How Many
How many believe that the Pimphand is used as just a funny toy or mainly as a dictatorial weapon?
How Many Songs?
You may think, hmmm songs are about 5 mins long, so if I run for 9 songs that's 45 mins.  I found out it's more like 10 songs, even if one of them is Eulogy by Tool.  I really figured a Tool song would cut me down to 8.  Nope...  oh and by the way.  Ow!
How Many
Deb went looking for me on myspace and told me she came across 200 plus Norio Osborn. I said how many? That's impossible because I've only known two other people with the first name of Norio. One was motorcycle racer from Japan. Anothe a CEO of either Toyota or Sony. That being said, Comcast 411 is telling there is someone with my name living in Somerdale when I went looking for my Uncles. Ever check yourself out only to find multiples? In my case someone searchnig for me. Glory to God N  
How Many
How many mind their pics being ripped or right clicked as long as they are given some kind of recognition? A. Less than 50% B. More than 50%
How Much For That Rookie Card?
Nope it's not Honus Wagner or Micky Mantle.  It's the rookie card for Washington Nationals phenom Stephen Strasburg. From an article in Asylum dtd 25 June 2010 by Brian Fairbanks it seems Topps Trading Card Company released the autographed red border rookie card of Stephen Strasburg.  There was only one copy of this card released.  Yes only one copy.  So this card is very rare indeed.  According to the author at the time of his article the highest bid on the card was for, now get this, $999,900.00.  That is not a misprint.  The article stated the auction has days to go.  When I clicked on the author's link to the auction the page informed me the auction was over.  When I googled for the card several links verified the amount.  The link to the Washington Examiner also confirmed the amount and that was around midday of the 25th of June.  The Washington Examiner also contained more info.  It seems due to the large amount of the bidding the owner of the card added restrictions with permis
How Many People Can I Piss Off Today?
Read the title!
How Many Psychoannassgarbs?
How many psychoannassgarbs are on fubar.  A.  Alot B. A little C. What is a pychoannassgarb?
How Many Times Does It Take To Get Pregnant
I would like to take a survey of women who had sex for the first time without a condom or birth control pills and got pregnant. I don’t have any statistics but my gut feeling would be 50%. The teen pregnancy rate is still a cause for concern with the CDC. Here is a survey from Briton which tells us that it takes a female 104 times of sexual intercourse to get pregnant. That’s good news for all the guys who don’t use condoms. If this survey is correct why buy condom? For the story,2933,599665,00.html BlastFM only takes a listener once time to get hook. Once you listen to BlastFM you come back again and again. Click it!
How Much Are Your Children Worth?
Many of you already know what my opinion is of CPS and the various state-by-state agencies. Here in Oregon, it's known as the Department of Human Resources, and I will be referring to it as such. Just know that this includes DHS, CSD, CPS, and many many more. Also know that I do not think that every single DHS worker is a bad one. Many of them actually do a good job and protect our children. However, in recent years there have been an increasing number of cases that have been mishandled almost to the point of criminal misconduct. I have come to the opinion from my own experiences, those of friends, and of research of done on the subject that while there are those few employee's that do a good job, DHS itself has become almost as much of a danger to our children as the things they are supposed to be protecting our children from. There are a couple things that need to be understood about DHS policy and guidelines, the first of which being that they have the power, without proof of any
How 2 Make Her Smile
When she walks away from you mad [ Follow her ] When she stare's at your mouth [ Kiss her ] When she pushes you away [ Grab her and dont let go ] When she start's shouting at you [ Kiss her and tell her you love her ] When she's quiet [ Ask her whats wrong ] When she ignore'...s you [ Give her your attention ] When she pull's away [ Pull her back ] When you see her at her worst [ Tell her she's beautiful ] When you see her start crying [Just hold her and dont say a word ] When you see her walking [ Sneak up and hug her waist from behind ] When she's scared [ Protect her ] When she lay's her head on your shoulder [ Tilt her head up and kiss her ] When she steal's your favorite hat [ Let her keep it and sleep with it for a night] When she tease's you [ Tease her back and make her laugh ] When she doesnt answer for a long time [ reassure her that everything is okay ] When she look's at you with doubt [ Back yourself up always tell the truth no matter what] When she say's that she like's y
[how Much Is Too Much Asthma?]
Apparently I have "severe" asthma.Thank god they still over the counter those $20 off-cure enhalers.Back to the "severe" part."More than 2 asthma attacks a week"HAH!If I'm having asthma attacksthey're every night.And without fail.For at least 7 days in a row.Kinda sucks if I plan to start working out again.I've been cleared.Month has already passed.Most days I can swallow without a loud CLICK in my headand I'm not in a perpetual state of ache and fatigue.The good news isif I go get the otc enhalerand start drinking more coffeeShabazzle!I'll be one of those anorexic/body building do-it-yourselfer speed takers.Cuz speed is wrongbut taking the exact same chemical combinations that just aren't synthisized into one illecit drug in the same doseagetotally different.Recreational drug tiiiiiiiiiime!!!*waves hands about*...oh what the hell*runs around the house waving hands*I may as well act the tweaker part.I mean surebeing a caffeine tweaker < actual meth or speed.But... then the ephedrine co
How Much Time Do I Have For Your Problems?
  Atrractiveness 10 10 30 44 54 65 73 9 8 27 40 50 60 68 8 6 24
How May A Slave Express Her Feelings To Her Master Without Speaking?
There are some ways, universally understood as a culture by Goreans, for a slave to signal a Master her wishes or feelings. Some are: Turning both palms up as she kneels before him indicates her wish to be used, her surrender, and her desire for him. Wearing a talender in her hair is a silent indication that she cares for or loves her Master. Offering him a larma or a Gorean peach is a signal to him that she desires him to use her. Tying a knot, called the bondage knot, in her own long hair on her right, at her cheek or shoulder, also signals to him her desire that he use her. Quotes to illustrate: ..... "Then, delicately, in a graceful gesture, she turned her hands, putting their backs to the floor, exposing her palms, and the soft flesh of her palms, to him, indicating her surrender, her submission, her vulnerability and her readiness." ~Rogue of Gor~p 196~ ........ On Gor, the female slave, desiring her Master, yet sometimes fearing to speak to him, frightened that she may be
How Many Types Of Women Are There To The Mind Of The Gorean Master?
The Goreans have a saying, "There are only two kinds of women, slaves, and slaves." ~Kajira of Gor~p 137~
How Many Of You Will Rread This
i posted this to see how many people will read this.....
How Many
How many people do I piss off everyday?  Or is it countless, because there are just too many?
How My Ex Girl Friend Did Amateur Porn.
My ex and I decided to try swinging, it was very interesting. She was not the prettiest woman in the world, she have a great body and attitude. We invited to a gangbang and she got more attention than the woman who was suppose to be getting the gangbang. The guy who set up the event was a producer and asked if would be interested in doing some videos and we said sure. She never did any feature type stuff she not pretty enough, she did the fill in stuff to make gonzo videos and video clips for porn theaters. We were in South Florida working for someone doing some clips and someone had brought in a new guy who was very well endowed, this guy was scary hung. The actress he was suppose to be with was not going anywhere near him it was very funny. Everyone else said no too. My girl always looking for a challenge said I will try. So she went a freshen up and grabbed a bottle of lube , she laid back and I filled her up. It started the usual way, with a blowjob, she could hardly get his head i
How My Libido Almost Accidentally Made Me A Scientologist
I recently read an old article in the New York Post (which I don’t make a habit of reading, I promise) that was written by the guy originally tasked with writing one of the biggest cinematic dog turds of all time: Battlefield Earth. Battlefield Earth, for those of you who don’t know, is a novel penned by L. Ron Hubbard; the guy who invented (yes, invented) the “religion” known as Scientology. The Post article (written by J.D. Shapiro) chronicles how he basically visited a Scientology center in Los Angeles in an effort to meet women. That visit led to him writing the screenplay for the cinematic version of Hubbard’s Sci-fi story. It’s a good article, and you should check it out if you can find it. Anyway, the article reminded me of my very own brief brush with Scientology. I’m always looking for great topics for my blog, so I thought I’d tell all of you about my experience. This takes place way back before your ole’ pal Judge Fudg
How Much Will You Spend???...
Welp, how much? here and follow the link to vote..... Click here & then link in stash!... Thanks stay cool and have a good weekend...
How Many Kinds Of Swimsuits
  Design Categories Dresses - Top (upper) and bottom (lower body) is connected to type. Mainly floral designs, including many style Monokini design - design is back as the Bikini A-line - designed with a skirt on the bottom Slingshot - designed to be contiguous to the bottom of the neck just two straps` Two piece swimwear  - Top (upper) and bottom (lower body) is an independent type Separates - bikini designs with reduced feeling Tankini swimsuit - design that combines the top and bottom of the tank top or camisole type Sexy bikinis - Small fabric design Bikini triangle - a triangle-shaped bikini top and bottom Micro Bikini - Bikini cover only a minimal swimwear,One piece swimwear,Two piece swimwear,Bikini swimwear, Tankini swimsuit,Sexy bikinis,Skirt type swimsuit,Leopard grain swimsuit,Floral and bright prints swimwear,Japanese swimwear,Mens brief,Mens trunk ,Sports swimwear  
How Many
how many people actually read this? HONESTLY
How Much Do Women Really Want Sex?
I always wondered: How much do girls really want sex? As a man I can attest to the fact that most of our brain cells are burned to conjure up sex scenes, situations and scenarios, but do our female counterparts even remotely desire sex in the realm that men do? Popular culture, i.e. Hollywood and more so porno flicks, make womens' desire of sex almost unbelievable. From the Hollywood scenes of women chasing men to the porn scenes of women actually lusting for men, they both seem quite unreal. The truth is probably somewhere in between. Life definitely imitates art, so the women of today make their sex desire as Hollywood would want it to seem. THe question is, where exactly does art end and life takes over? 
How Many Of You?
How many of you have other pictures on here that you use as your profile picture other than yourself ? I know I have seen alot. Rather it be quotes, flashy pictures or whatever. Just curious?
How Men Can Date Online Successfully
    A lot of people have taken to online dating like ducks to water because it does work or, at least, it can do. Women are, more often, squeamish of meeting a man that they have been chatting to on the Internet. All they have heard about are the scary things that can happen and, I must say that they have a right to be careful to the extreme. That's not only wise but vital. So what is a nice guy to do? You aren't a pervert, a sexual predator, or a weirdo. You are just a nice guy looking for the right girl for you. You must be patient above all else. Do not press her for private data like her real name or where she lives. Keep your conversations light and amiable until she feels comfortable talking to you online. Don't attempt to rush her into meeting you one on one. She will only think that you are desperate or a pervert. Be patient, patient, patient!. Just be completely honest about what you look like and your job. A good relationship has never been, and will never be, built on fabr
How Many Have You Read ?
1 Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen2 The Lord of the Rings - JRR Tolkien3 Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte4 Harry Potter series - JK Rowling5 To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee6 The Bible7 Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte8 Nineteen Eighty Four - George Orwell9 His Dark Materials - Philip Pullman10 Great Expectations - Charles Dickens11 Little Women - Louisa M Alcott12 Tess of the D’Urbervilles - Thomas Hardy13 Catch 22 - Joseph Heller14 Complete Works of Shakespeare - read some, but not others...15 Rebecca - Daphne Du Maurier16 The Hobbit - JRR Tolkien17 Birdsong - Sebastian Faulk18 Catcher in the Rye - JD Salinger19 The Time Traveller’s Wife - Audrey Niffenegger20 Middlemarch - George Eliot21 Gone With The Wind - Margaret Mitchell22 The Great Gatsby - F Scott Fitzgerald23 Bleak House - Charles Dickens24 War and Peace - Leo Tolstoy25 The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams26 Brideshead Revisited - Evelyn Waugh27 Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoyevsky 28 G
How Many Calories Should One Consume
The number of calories we need in one day differ from one person to another and to function these details you'll want to know a number of parts of information regarding your self which will help you create the working out. Down below in this particular the number of calories should you have a day to shed weight calculator portion we will offer straightforward description as to ways to have your personal calculations to determine what number of calories you require a day. Simply by giving an answer to the question 'what number of how many calories should i eat per day must I have to have a day?' you are purely discovering the amount of calories that your particular system needs to operate normally, for most of the functions that occur in your entire body the whole day to happen effectively. The amount you get using this calculation may see you maintain your identical body weight in the event you take in that particular sum of calories every day, when you eat much more you are going to g
How Many Calories To Lose Weight
The number of calories you need each and every day differ from one individual to another and to work these details you'll want to know many parts of specifics about your self that can help make your own calculations. Beneath within our what number of calories should you have a day to burn fat calculator segment we will give you a straightforward description as to ways to have your particular calculations to find out what number of calories you need to have a day. Simply by giving answers to the question 'the number of calories can I require a day?' then you're just discovering the sheer number of calories that the system necessitates to function normally, for almost all the operations that happen in the body daily to happen correctly. The quantity that you receive from that calculation can see you retain the very same body weight for those who take that specific number of calories every day, in case you eat much more you can expect to gain pounds and in case you consume lower than that
How Much Should I Weigh Calculator
The most typical uncertainties obtained in your email messages is actually - exactly how much do i need to weigh with regard to the height? Outlined in this article, we are going to clarify the most typical ways this may be measured. To figure out just how much you ought to weigh numerous components might be of interest, which include years of age, muscle-fat percentage, height, sexual category, and also bone mineral density. A lot of people advise that determining your Bmi is actually the the easy way determine if one's body weight is perfect. Other folks claim that Body mass index can be incorrect since it doesn't consider muscles and the hip-waist rate is best. A particular persons perfect bodyweight could possibly be totally different from another's. In the event you do a comparison of yourself to relatives and buddies a person risk both looking way too high if you're encompassed by overweight as well as fat people, or even far too low when every person near you does the job like t
How Much Protein A Day To Build Muscle?
Protein is really a complicated macromolecule, that includes lots of nitrogen, carbon, oxygen, hydrogen plus sulfur. It is actually constructed from unbranched chains of amino acids. A standard protein is made up of almost 200 or 300 amino acids. It's a elementary piece of virtually all living cells. Proteins must generate, manage as well as fix almost all protein components of our bodies which includes our bones, hair, your skin, muscle mass along with other body parts. Proteins perform a serious part in the production of bodily hormones, enzymes and in many cases genes. Additionally they offer vitality, however not that much as carbohydrate food do. Proteins are obtainable out of a variety of food products like dairy foods, eggs, animal meat, seafood, fresh vegetables along with beans. The requirement for ProteinsProteins are considered as being the blocks of the overall body. They're necessary for regular working of the whole body. The proteins have a vital role in the creation of D
How My Life Always Seems To Go !
copy`d from my facebook, about now till Saturday ( family reunion day ) had to send a posable date this note, seems i`m always between a rock and a harder place all my life, i wanted you to come over then this stuff for Saturday, but us is not the only thing it will mess up, my dad wanted to bring me some cartens of smokes on Saturday because he lives in Delaware and there cheeper there, but he has to get a friend to bring him and Saturdays are better for the friend, so me going Saturday will mess it up, dad says he could still get some here some time but don`t know when, and buying here till then will take a lot of my moneys, and i have not had the moneys like i use to to get my hair and things done like i`d like to have done before you came here, women just want to look nice frist times meeting ' we just feel better about our self`s if we look nice, so with everything on my mind, i`m so confused ""
How Much More Can....
 How much more can I take. My head is spinning around, the wind It's blowing, blowing my mind . Spinning around I fell to the ground. Dreams in my mind. I can't think what's going on in my head it's hurting just to think my luck is running out as I run to you.  They say your not good for me. What the hell do I do. I keep running to you. How much more can I take my head is spinning around in the wind. The wind is blowing, blowing. Dreams in my mind can't think what's going on in my mind. it's hurting just to think about you. My mind is racing thinking about you as I run to you.   They say your not good for me. What the hell do they know. I keep running to you my heart is beating fast. I have to leave town to stop loving you. I hold on to you. kiss, on your lips all I have for you. Lets take a ride for the last time. My heart is beating so fast for you. I have to leave town to stop loving you. You know that.....   bY Christine   This so old... I had to fix it this is one of my first po
How Many Wives
A little boy was attending his first wedding. After the service, his cousin asked him, "How many women can a man marry?" "Sixteen," the boy responded. His cousin was amazed that he had an answer so quickly. "How do you know that?" "Easy," the little boy said. "All you have to do is add it up, like the Bishop said: 4 better, 4 worse, 4 richer, 4 poorer"
How Much You
I can't begin to tell youHow much you mean to meMy world would end if ever we were throughI can't begin to tell youHow happy I would beIf I could speak my mind like others doI make such pretty speeches whenever we're apartBut when you're nearThe words I choose refuse to leave my heartSo take the sweetest phrases the world has ever knownAnd make believe I've said them all to youI Can't Begin To Tell You
How Many People Are For Legalization Of Marijuana For Medical Use
i would like to hear from everyone just be honest ty
How Much Of What The Cheapest Tablet Pc? Which Is Best Google Tablet Pc
Today, people are either entertainment, work, or learning, have been inseparable from the Tablet PC. Want to have a tablet computer, people generally will view the offer Daquan Tablet PC, Tablet PC latest offer, and then on the Tablet PC forums, see Tablet PC evaluation done by the IT experts, and the last two combined, cost-effective high Tablet PC as their choice. U.S. Tablet PC is the vast number of consumers "cheap and good tablet computer onto the Tablet PC Leaderboards! Tablet PC which is better? How much of the cheap tablet PC? It is understood that, currently on tablets baratas the market, the cheapest tablet computer as long as a few hundred dollars. Product quality to be fine. Speaking of tablet PCs, the general public beginning may not be very familiar with its European and American IT elite, has long been a well-known professional Google Tablet PC brand, its reputation even more than Apple Tablet PC! Original Tablet PC has been taking the road to professional
How Much Do You Like Me.
This one was a bit of a challenge cause I done this befor they changed the rule about not being able to use ablilty bling. But now u can use a star but its only 12 hours. If I had a star it would have been simple for me. Not sure if I should even say what I had to do to get itwithout bling.     What I would do first is use a blast that u can get for 10 mill bux once a week and maybe buy another! The more seen you are the better, Wait till u get the message that is has been approved.. Heck if u can buy a happy hour.  But also need to have alot of help from your friends! U will need a pimp buddy to trade with. Its better to have this agreement befor hand. Have some extra credits if u need to reset your abilities. Some of you may not need to do all of this.. Its just a few Ideas ok? Also u will need to post some mums. Give it an hour inbetween them for new or different people too see you. Change how many more likes you need in your name . *200 more likes to go* (example) Post a new
How Many??
If you have been married once 'yea for you'. Twice is okay too. Three times I hope you finally found the one you were looking for. I can't claim I will ever trust like I did before. Maybe I just took the dangerous side, accepting only the offered ride. I don't usually get any of what I want, so in my memory the images will always haunt. Not the ones that got away, the once I didn't want to burden to stay. Everyone is free and I am no imprisoning cage, I have tempered my own feelings of unaccepted rage. Till I take my final choked breath, I know there will be those that wish for my death. I don't want anyone to worry, I too am in a blasted hurry. Sometimes it feels like I won't need to wait that long, all my words will never find their destined song.  
How Many Times Have U Been Told I Luv U Then Found Out Different
how many times have u been told i luv u then find out they actually been lu and caring for sumoneelse
How Much Can One Love ?
So in our day and age we call falling in love something that happens when someone is so special that you cant see the day without them saying hello ,Or a night where they say good night . the desire to hold them through the days and nights just to feel the warmth of their hearts . To see joy in their eyes and know that you have put it there . So if this is correct it seems so easy to fall in love with someone new or the same each day  depending on how you perceive it . Never gets old always refreshed with dawn of a new day . Marriage is just that staying with a friend till the end but to think your the only one that loves the one is a fantasy, As everyone loved is done so by  many more then just one . So don’t get jealous just know you have been blessed with so much more then others .as you know where that  love rests . Love is given freely with out condition. So feel free to love with your heart and soul . But remember the body stays with one.. 
How Many Different Receivers He Hit With The Ball. I Think Their Offence, Period, Is Playing At A Very High Level." From Sta
FOXBOROUGH, Mass. -- Tom Brady and the New England Patriots made it to the AFC championship game with a high-powered offence that piled up points and yards. Ray Lewis and the Baltimore Ravens got there with a hard-hitting defence that made it a major challenge for opponents to move the ball. On Sunday, one of those teams will advance to the Super Bowl because, most likely, of what they do best. "Weve got our hands full this week," Lewis said. "You watched what they did last week against Denver, just the way they came out and ran their offence, how efficient (Brady) was, how many different receivers he hit with the ball. I think their offence, period, is playing at a very high level." From start to finish, Brady picked apart the Denver defence in a 45-10 divisional playoff win. The Patriots (14-3) needed five plays to score on their first series on Bradys 7-yard pass to Wes Welker. It took them seven plays to reach the end zone on their second series on Bradys 10-yard pass to Rob Gronko
How Many Roads Have I Walked Down
visited 27 states (54%)Create your own visited map of The United States or website vertaling duits? visited 5 states (2.22%)Create your own visited map of The World or website vertaling duits? visited 3 states (23.0%)Create your own visited map of Canada or Free android travel guide Not very impressive actually. :(
How Normal Am I??
hmmm this is strange lmao You Are 50% Normal While some of your behavior is quite normal... Other things you do are downright strange You've got a little of your freak going on But you mostly keep your weirdness to yourself How Normal Are You?
How Normal Are You?
You are 80% normal You are shockingly normal... and since normal doesn't really exist, that is kinda scary. In fact, you are scarier than the most abnormal person. Go you! Take this quiz at Holy ape shits im somewhat normal!! How the hell did that happen lol
How Not To Get Kicked Out Of My Place:
1. Don't lie about ripping up a check supposedly written to me, but in fact written for shopping. ( It's great working with banks :P ) 2. Don't badmouth me behind my back to some dude you met off myspace who you've never actually met right after contemplating the distance between yourself and Ocean Springs, MS (Hi Josh) but still wanting to "meet up". 3. Don't tell your family lies about me, pertaining to your work status. I.E. "The asshole made me lose my job." 4. Don't write me a check KNOWING it will bounce higher than your boobs. 5. Don't make plans with your "friends" to have "fun" when you go back home to visit your parents and make up a lie saying your "real" friends set you up on a "blind date." 6. Don't spend over $250.00 (most of it mine) on prepaid phone cards in one month to secretly talk to some dude that lives in Utah that you met from the internet but have never actually met so that the home phone bill won't show the calls. 7. If you're going to change
How Naughty Are You?
1. How old are you? 2. What is your sexual orientation? 3. Have you ever given somone oral sex? 4. Have you ever received oral sex? 5. How many sexual partners have you had? 6. What is your pubic hair style? 7. What is your choice of underwear style? 8. Have you ever had anal sex? 9. What is your favorite position? 10. How often do you masturbate? 11. Have you ever kissed a girl? 12. Have you ever had sex with a girl? 13. Have you ever taken, or been in naked photos? 14. Have you ever had multiple partners at once? 15. Have you watched porn? 16. Have you ever been to a nude beach or nudist area? 17. Have you ever watched others, or been watched having sex? 18. Spit or swallow? 19. Have you ever had an orgasm? 20. Do you own any sex toys?
How Not To Approach A Bouncer 101
I got this today, if you want something taken care of or looked at, I'd not suggest using this approach: === 'XXXXX' spewed forth the following at '2006-10-14 21:33:10'.. > > i have marked my photos in the god dam bitchs > profile as adult and its your job to go mark them as adult so she can not use them as profile picture the sorry whore >
How Not To Talk To Women On Lostcherry
Okay this did not happen to me, but this type of thing happens all the time. Some people just suck. ( bottom to top) ->luv2pullha...: i see your a newbie here..well dear just fucked yourself..have a nice day luv2pullha...: NOT EVEN I BEEN DOUBLIN UP SINCE 19 82 luv2pullha...: LOL ITS REAL SILLY I HAVE MORE ->luv2pullha...: yes n you probably get more disease s Nitro: back ->luv2pullha...: yes..its humor..much like your fake pic luv2pullha...: OH BABY I GET MORE ASS THE A PUBLIC TOILET SEAT REALTIME luv2pullha...: LOL OHH I GET IT IT IT'S HUMOR ->luv2pullha...: many women has that line a ctually worked on? not counting the hairless toothless ones? ->luv2pullha...: how am i all talk? never said id do or show anything..i dont even know you luv2pullha...: HA HA ALL TALK BUT WHEN IT COMES DO WN TO IT YOU RUN ->luv2pullha...: hmmm lemme luv2pullha...: GOING TO LET ME USE THAT HOT LIL PU SSY FOR SOME GOOD POUNDIN ->luv2pullha...: not he
How Not To Be Horny...
Yesterday i saw a 6 yr old kid with his phallus erected staring at a poster featuring a female dancer actually half nude. He actually asked his mom why is his penis suddenly stiffening, and she quickly said that no you're not allergic to women. And i was laughing my ass off to finally figure out what was happening. Wouldn't it intrigue you how on a fine Saturday morning u wake up to find your penis actually standing up in a position even mother Gaia would want to suck? And how by just getting caught in an overloaded bus makes you wanna pinch the old lady's bum and pretend that it was an unavoidable accident? So practically there isn't any elixir that can help u avert this horny sensation because its natural and it's extremely ok to always feel horny, even just by staring at the reflection of ur torso in front of the mirror for 3 long hours. And no, i'm not implying that narcissism is an okay religion. I was watching this porn video where a girl of perhaps 3 yrs old actually sucke

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