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How I Look As A Cartoon Character
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How I Feel
If I could have just one wish,I would wish to wake up everydayto the sound of your breath on my neck,the warmth of your lips on my cheek,the touch of your fingers on my skin,and the feel of your heart beating with mine...Knowing that I could never find that feelingwith anyone other than you     Love is the greatest feeling,Love is like a play,Love is what I feel for you,Each and every day,Love is like a smile,Love is like a song,Love is a great emotion,That keeps us going strong,I love you with my heart,My body and my soul,I love the way I keep loving,Like a love I can't control,So remember when your eyes meet mine,I love you with all my heart,And I have poured my entire soul into you,Right from the very start
How It Happen?
How it happen? I don’t know how to tell you how it occurred. I can’t even explain it to myself, but I fell in love with you. It was a light that illuminated my soul, your laugh as a fountain that irrigated my life with impatience. It was your eyes or your lips, your hands or your voice; maybe it was the impatience to see you.
How I Feel
Life is about joy and passion, Not about misery and gloom, We lose many friends along the way, So let’s celebrate the people we have known.So many who have shown love and kindness, And some we have misunderstood, Maybe some we have done injustice, Where our actions should have only been good, To anyone reading this poem,I just hope that you do understand, My reason for doing the asking, As life, love and passion which for me is so grand.
How I Feel
Just some thing to know a bout me.  I try to go in to the military as soon as I got out of high school. I wasn’t excepted because I can’t read so well or right but I have gotten better not by much it’s still a work in progress. Lol another reason I was trend down was I have two screws in my right foot but my father was in the navy he was radio man on a destroyer one of my grandpas was in the air force in world war II and my dads four brother was in an Amy and the marines one of my uncles john was a sergeant and in the green brays and I am have had a relatives in ever war all the way back to the civil war.   I am prude of my family and my history I support our troops My father is in the legend of homer for the shrines if it wisent for our troops then this country would never know real freedom.  If I was ever drafted then I would go and I would know what to fight for all the thing that our honored troops fight for us and this country  !
How I Will Look At "friends" From Now On !!
There comes a time in life when you realize: Who Matters Who never did Who wont anymore And Who always will So, don't worry about people in your past, there is a reason why they didn't make it into you Future !!
"how I Spent My Weekend", Or "i Can't Decide If God Loves Me Or Hates Me".
Some of you are already aware that I was in a major car accident on Saturday. If you aren't, then sorry for the abrupt news. If you are, then here are more details.No other vehicle was involved. Both hands were on the wheel. Both eyes were on the road. The weather was fine, the traffic was light, and I was going the speed limit. I turned on my blinker to switch from the fast lane to the center lane, and the car must have hit some oil on the road or something, because the back end fishtailed and I couldn't get the car back under control. I went head-on into the wall. Thank God I didn't go over it. This was on a monstrous overpass, and if I'd gone over the's about 500 feet straight down into a Marathon refinery.The lap belt, shoulder harness and airbag saved my life. I got out of the car on my own because I thought it was going to explode. I only lost consciousness for a moment. There were three guys from the Border Patrol behind me that saw it happen, called 911, put their own
How I Feel
Toss me up into the sky and watch me tumble down If i land face up im fine ill get back up again but when i dont then youll watch me in darkness nearly drown I sob and scream youll bleed me dry I'll know no end to pain until you toss me up and see if i land face up again
How I'm Feeling Right Now !
Go check out the lyrics to Five Finger Death Punch's song The Bleeding (I have them posted in another blog) & Check out my stash Lamb Of God's OMERTA live ! These two songs represent the mood I'm in right now !
How I'm Feeling
I'm so tired of people not doing what they say they going to do and so tired of friends not being there when they say they going to be. I honestly feel like I'm alone here and I have no one here with me. I fucking hate this place even the people I cared about the most have let me down and you sir know who I'm talking too. You of all people know that I love you and your opinion mattters to me but apparently because of your new girl I mean nothing to you and it angers me. I try to talk to you and all you can say is what am I suppose to do? Be a fucking friend you jackass I tell you I have no where to go and you say what am I suppose to do fuck you stick your head further up her ass and go fuck yourself. Damn I never trusted anyone and I trusted you and you broke that trust and love. You don't care if you did you would say more than that and you would try to stop me from moving. You were all I had to hold onto and now I have nothing enjoy your girl and when you get hurt guess what I won't
How I Feel
When I fall in love, I will miss herthe very moment I say 'goodbye'and my heart will yearn forthe very moment I say ‘hello'.When I fall in love, all my old hurtsand pains will seemlost and faded away and I will be strong andbrave once again.When I fall in love, I want youto be happy always, everand feel like the happiestperson of them all . . .Because that's what I will feel,when I fall in love, with you. tell me wat u think
How I Feel
If you really want, I can take you there, To the place those lovers go. To be loved by you Is all that I can ask for, But I insist on asking for more. And you give to me willingly. Never a question asked. Ask me though and I will tell. I love to be loved by you, And you love to be loved as well. To be held in the middle of the night When you’re cold and need my warmth. I will hold you just to be close. So that I can smell the fragrance of your perfume.
How I Look So Good
fat loss diet fad diets
How I Make Money
The Best and Safest Way to Start a Home Based Business
How Is This Fair...
        How is this fair…..I reside in a small town in central California…Along with two partners all 3 of us being non profits trying to help others we purchased a large beautiful home with the intention of helping others that can’t afford the high rents of today…We have applied to our city to open this home as a boarding house which is well needed in this county as we have families living in the dry river bed that runs through our town…We followed the compliance set forth by the city and have done all that has been ask of us…We were even given a set of compliance rules which we have and our willing to except even though some of the rules do not pertain to a boarding house we were and are still willing to do all that is required by our city officials. . We have paid all the necessary dues required by the city ..We were ask to add another flight of stairs to the house and even told we needed to add an elevator which we really think is unne
How I Feel
All my life i wished for a woman like you. Then one day you came into my life. I felt like the world was all wamr and just right. Then one day a storm came up and covered everything in darkness. I relized then you was goine out of my life. It was my fault cause i never showed you what you meant to me. I didnt even make you feel like you was the most inportant thing in the world. I just wish i could show you how much love i have for you and it actuly mean somthing. I wish i could also get the woman of my dreams back. I love you with all my heart and soul always  have and always will
How I Feel...
How I feel ... It has been a little over 7 months since Robert's death ... As the morning I found out the news.. My heart and soul aches the same.. I miss him so very much more and more each and every day..They say it gets easier .. But when ?.. It isn't.!... As each and every day I put on a "mask" a mask that covers the hurt and pain that is underneath .. To feel the love again... He made me feel beautiful.. His kind word's are so very needed .. As each and every day I try to smile or even laugh.. But as I said it'sjust a mask ..It' get's harder to put on that mask .. I am trying to stay strong in hope , hope that something, just maybe, I can feel all of what I had again.. I am still waiting on that sign that everything will be okay butnothing... The sorrow and loneliness is almost overwhelming.. Imiss him so very much.. his smile, his wonderful kind words, his cornyjokes that was told over and over again, and his awfull singing ..Robert had shown me how love is really suppose to
How I Feel
People say Im the life of the party 'cause I tell a joke or two Although I might be laughing loud and hearty Deep inside Im blue So take a good look at my face You'll see my smile looks out of place If you look closer Its easy to trace The tracks of my tears............ **~No one says it better than Smokey!~**      
How I Fuck Up. Let Me Count The Ways.
1. I'm an impatient brat. Sorry. 2. I'm selfish. I blame that on being an only child. Sorry. 3. I trust no one. It takes time for me to believe what you say. Sorry. 4. It's okay for me to be a flirt, but not you. No fucking way. Sorry. 5. It only seems as if I try to find things to argue about. Ugh. Sorry. 6. I'm a cry baby. Sorry. 7. In fact, I've been on the verge of tears all day. Not sorry. 8. I do the superior dance a lot.  I'm good at it, but it doesn't make it right. Sorry. 9. I apologize, only to turn around the next day or minute, and be a dick again. Sorry. 10.I'm hard on you, but I am much harder on myself. Very sorry. This day is teh suck. I keep asking, WTF is wrong with me lately? This is a few of the things I came up with. It's difficult to look in the mirror and admit your faults. Hope you hold on.
How Interesting
The dreams we have and takeThese things that we makeSeems like show and tellWill it turn out wellRunning out of control I don't understand anymore
Howies Apprentice - If you become my apprentice, one of two things will happen...You will either rise with me to the top, and be well on your road to ultimate financial freedom...or...You'll end up "firing yourself" because you didn't follow simple instructions and show up to play ball.What's it gonna be?First, I need to do some "housekeeping" to make sure we're clear on a few points...As I said before, If you are brand spanking new to internet marketing, this might not be for you. You need to at least have a decent understanding of the basics.Also, Howies Apprentice is not about some idiotic "get rich quick" program that too many people spend wasting their time on instead of creating a real, sustainable business.And once again, you must have the mindset to treat everything we do together as a business, not a Saturday afternoon hobby.That's how the real money is made. That's the difference between those who become wildly successful, and those who sit around investing in Lottery tickets
How Ironic
There are those days that no matter what you do, nothing seems to work out and this could be one of them. When this happens all you can do is try to avoid bigger headaches, and end the day as quickly as possible. Go home and eat in, read a book, or watch tv. isnt it funny when your horoscope is on the money once in a while...
How I Feel
wat do u  do when u love a person so much and u want to be with them so bad and it hurts u hart long for this person who has my hart and soul he is my everything and he will always be my all in my world and in my life and i would be so happy to be his wife and his all and the mother of his children my life has changed so much and im so glad that god put him in my life i dont know wat i would do wit out him he has made me so happy in my life and i have such great friends to share all wit there has been times that i ncry cuz he is so good to me and it is so new to me and i dont want it to changed i want it to get u know that i will never hurt u and i will never leave u and u have my heart and my soul.  baby wat im saying is that u are my world and i love u so much
How I Feel
I see your face in my mind as I drive away'Cause none of us thought it was gonna end that wayPeople are people and sometimes we change our mindsBut it's killing me to see you go after all this timeMmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmmMmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmmMusic starts playin' like the end of a sad movieIt's the kinda ending you don't really wanna see'Cause it's tragedy and it'll only bring you downNow I don't know what to be without you aroundAnd we know it's never simple, never easyNever a clean break, no one here to save meYou're the only thing I know like the back of my handAnd I can't breatheWithout you, but I have toBreatheWithout you, but I have toNever wanted this, never want to see you hurtEvery little bump in the road I tried to swervePeople are people and sometimes it doesn't work outNothing we say is gonna save us from the fall outAnd we know it's never simple, never easyNever a clean break, no one here to save meYou're the only thing I know like the back of
How Im Feelin Today
so yall its been forever since i blogged. well i been feelin kinda down the last few days, comin up on christmas and its a hard time for me, that is my dads b-day, and its been a long road to get here but i miss my dad still, july 4th 2003 he was takin away from me by cancer, it sucks bad cause i really want him here to just talk to and i wa=onder if i made him proud ya know those kinda things that are on my mind. dad i miss and love you so much you always on my mind R.I.P dad and happy b-day on christmas
02/05/2004 "how I Feel"
I wrote this a long time ago when I was with my best friend once upon a time. But he wasn't the one. Best friends don't always work out.   I'm sure I'll find the one I really feel like this about eventually though. :) ---- I could swim in a pool of sorrowsJust to show you how I feelThat's how much pain is insideI tell you that it's real. Well maybe that's not what I want to doMaybe I'd hope to fall in love with you. I feel quite aliveI know I'd surviveA moment of pain for youBecause the beat of my heartIs in rhythm with yours too. I could fly for hundreds of milesJust to see your faceYou make me safe and comfortableI'm never out of place I wish you would hold meand never let me go.Every day is an eternityI just thought I'd let you know'Til the day we are togetherI'll be drifting with the stars Just glance up at the Northern lightAnd you'll know I'm not very far. 02/05/2004
How It Used To Be
I remember how it used to be when nothing else matter but you and me music, country roads, and future dreams. I miss you, I wish you could see although you are here, I miss you and me. I remember when you said how happy I made you and you really meant, it's just a phrase you say without thinking. I miss those days when you'd call just to say "hi" or "I love you"...the days it was so hard just to say good-bye for a while. I remember how wonderful it felt the first time you held me in your arms-and how after all those years you still made my heart melt. I miss the old you- and the old me The old us that could just sit and talk for hours and never run out of things to say. I remember when time simply stood still- when in each other's arms is the only place we wanted to be...forever. I miss us as I remember how it used to be... when nothing else matter but you and me.
How I Feel Right Now
Baby, Damn All This Strain GotMe Feeling Somethings Wrong, Pull Up To My Gate They Keep Saying He's Gone, Found Envolopes In Between MyDoor Biggest Day Got Me Panicing What The Hell This Letter Gonna ReadHell NoYou Say You Don't Want It No MoreHell NoYou Say You Can't Give Me What I WantHell NoHow You Just Gonna Leave When I Stayed Wit You Through HardTimes And You CheatedHell NoI Hate To Say It But I Need It Hell NoGod Please Talk To MeHell NoYour So Called Love Was So Deep When It Told You, You ShouldRun Far And Not Give A Damn About Me How Could You Leave Me When You See Me Desparately In Need OfWhat We Had BeforeI Cried So Many Times But Never Did It Cross My Mind To ThinkBut Let It GoDidn't Even Ever See If We Ever Meant This Shit Before Before But We BeenDown This Road Before How Could You Leave Me Baby Please MyHeart Is Beating For The Beat We Had Before How Could You Leave HomeNow I Need You Wanna Laugh Wanna Stand Wanna Get Just One More ChaceJust To See You All My Friends All
How I Feel
A special connection i have with this girl,when i'm with her, i forget about the world.She has a way of making me smile,and to stay in the moment for a while.The way she smiles lights up my day, It brightens me up when she comes my way.When she sees me her face gets bright,if around a million people, i'm the only one in sight.Constant thoughts of her steadily flow,if there were some way i could let her know.Her eyes shine bright filled with joy,not phased by people who try to annoy.Her touch is gentle filled with care.Her love, i know, she wants to share.I can't buy things like jewelry or fur,But i will let it be known, I am here for her.
How It All Started...nov.11th 2009
So here it is , my story. I decided to write this blog informing people of what happened to me,in hopes of maybe someone else won't make the same mistake I did. It all started when I started having extreme pelvic pain. It was so bad that at times I couldn't even walk.Ofcourse I confronted my doctor about it . She started running all kinds of test. I went for an ultrasound an nothing was visable.I went for a catscan an nothing was visable.So there was only one more step to find out what it could possibly be ,exploritory surgery or also known as endoscope. Seems harmless right? WRONG . I went in on Nov,11th completly expecting to come out being perfectly fine.I had complete trust in my surgeon thinking that she had done this procedure several times before an every thing was going to be fine. Well I came out of surgery feeling pretty fine. I went home because it was an outpatient surgery.   I staid home for two days .I couldn't eat or drink or even move. I was in extreme  pain an v
How It All Got Started
How It All Got Started It All Got Started With a 58 PanI Learned to be a Biker from My Old ManHe Bought it when I was just FiveThat’s when My World came Alive The Pan was a Police Special with a Hand Shift and Foot ClutchI thought that Old Harley was really just too muchI used to sit on Her with Dreams of the BreezeI Loved that Iron Horse Between My Knees I Loved to Hear Dad and His Friends Ride InTelling Wild Stories of Where They’ve BeenRidin Hard, Drinkin Beer, Bars, and FightsSparks Flying from Curving Hard those Wild Nights I Learned Brotherhood Honor and TrustDon’t Take No Shit when You’ve been CussedWhen a Biker is Broke Down Help Him OutSomeday You’ll Break Down there ain’t no doubt Now I Ride a Shovel I Ride When I CanSomeday I hope also to Own an Old PanAn Old Pan Chopper with Suicide ClutchA Real Long Front End that’s Near Too Much I Ride through the Hills with Curves and TreesI Love the Scenery and Feeling the BreezeI Love to Hear M
How I Love Thee Let Me Count The Ways...
SNOW, where the fuck we gonna put it all? I want... To wake up in his & the scent of Summer!
How I Am Bombing
I wanted to explain how I have been bombing. I have tried to help as much as I can anybody that wants to be bombed. I always bomb my family first. I am going to start bombing people who have a auto or bomb going and those who rate my pictures.  Those of you who think all you need to do is just ask can forget it. Its not fair to others who deserve it. If you cant find time to rate dont expect me to take the time to bomb you. Feel fortunate if your not running autos or a bomb that you even get bombed at all. When that startrf noway in hellI ever got a free ride.   Thats all folks    91vette  (Michael)
How I Love Big Titty Thursdays (part 2)
isthisronald: i mean slow until it all goes in isthisronald: call me now...4696856292 Suga Booba...: do you want it slow? it would be hard for me to do..I want to tear your ass up isthisronald: will u go slow Suga Booba...: if you'd let's really thick it might hurt you isthisronald: would u if i was closer Suga Booba...: well you're too far boo isthisronald: oh ya baby....whose ass you thinking? Suga Booba...: I think I'm gonna stick my dick in someone's ass..I'm horny isthisronald: or do you even want to talk anymore? isthisronald: would u want to call me?     Where's Anon?! He's begging me to call lmao!
How I Feel...if You Don't Like It Too Bad
I guess I'll use blue since that's how I'm feeling lately.   I'm just sort of in a funk lately. I've been losing a lot of friends. And I know it's only a matter of time until I feel like I'm gonna lose everyone else too. And over the last 10 years or so I've lost many friends to moving, death, marriage, etc. Everyone always starts out saying the same thing. "Oh we'll stay in touch I PROMISE"...everyone always promises. And out of all the people who have promised, I think 2 have actually kept the promise and that's VERY VERY rarely that I ever hear from them. And one of them is on Facebook that's the only reason I ever hear from her.   And I've lost a lot of people who I thought were friends on here to a certain bitch who thinks she's hot shit, thinks she knows me, and probably has a miserable life and likes to take it out on other people. A lot of you who will read this knows who she is.   But on another note...I feel like I've been replaced in a lot of peoples' lives. I sti
How I Love You...
I can't tell a soul I love you though my heart begs me to. Every romantic song reminds me of you, and every time I see a happy couple I wish they were you and me. Sometimes I write your name and stare at it wistfully as I imagine how great our lives together would be... but I can't tell a soul I love you. I can't even tell you. I wrote a poem about you, trying to express the depth of my emotion, hoping to make you understand the breadth of my devotion, but the words were not enough. I couldn't explain how strongly I feel about you; I couldn't describe the volatile mix of joy and pain, because I can't tell a soul I love you. Sometimes I feel like my need to see you is consuming me inside, and sometimes when I think about you I tremble... my love for you is never easy to hide. I called my best friend to explain how much I love you... but the words stalled on my tongue, and again, I had to pretend... because I can't tell a soul I love you. I sat on the b
How I Am Feeling Rt Now
"Let Me Be Myself"I guess i just got lostBein' someone elseI tried to kill the painNothin ever helpedI left myself behindSomewhere along the wayHopin to come back aroundTo find myself somedayLately i'm so tired of waiting for youTo say that it's ok, but tell mePlease, would you one timeJust let me be myselfSo i can shine with my own lightLet me be myselfWould you let me be myselfI'll never find my heartBehind someone elseI'll never see the light of dayLiving in this cellIt's time to make my wayInto the world i knewTake back all of these times That i gave in to youLately i'm so tired of waiting for youTo say that it's ok, but tell mePlease, would you one timeLet me be myselfSo i can shine with my own lightAnd let me be myselfFor a while, if you don't mindLet me be myselfSo i can shine with my own lightLet me be myselfThat's all i've ever wanted from this worldIs to let me be mePlease would you one timeLet me be myselfSo i can shine with my own lightLet me be myselfPlease would you one t
How I Feel
The pain. The depression. It's all gone away.Involuntary tears streaming down my face.Its all torn apart. Nothing left.All faded away.I ask you one more time.Where is my life direction.The path. My journey.The light above and beyond.Flowing down the tunneled drain.Twisting and turning.Far away. Slipping and sliding.Into the distant darkness.I scream. I reach. I strive.Distant fears and screams.Agonizing. Terrorizing. Tagonizing.Flaming brutal torture alone.Why I ask you.Why I scream. Throat burning.Am I treated like I am.Abusiveness. The long struggle...Fighting to stay alive.Hurt and depression...heartbreak and failure.Broken and bleeding.Torn and pleading.Down on my knees.I'm locked deep down inside.Fading into eternal darkness.Unable to breathe.Covered..and coated...and showered.In the realms of HELL i DO reside.
How Ironic Things Have Become
Lindsay Lohan, 24, gets her name and face all over the news because she went to jail. But did you hear about any of the following? Justin Allen, 23, Brett Linley, 29, Matthew Weikert, 29, Justus Bartett, 27, Dave Santos, 21, Chase Stanley, 21, Jesse Reed, 26, Matthew Johnson, 21, Zachary Fisher, 24, Brandon King, 23,
How I Feel About You
How do I tell you how I feel about you?When everytime I think of you my body shakes everytime I see you my knees grow weak and everytime I'm with you I dont want the time to end.When everytime I look into your eyes, I wish I was there everytime I see you smile my heart melts and every night before I go to sleep I pray we dont end.I've tried somehow to say you're the sun that lights up my sky the wind that keeps me cool on a hot summer day and sweet incense that keeps me on a natural highI want so much to tell you that without you with me each day my day isn't complete that since day one I've always wanted to be with you that no matter what's going on in my life you're the reason there's a smile on my face and that loving you seems to be all I need to know.But everytime I want to the words just wont come out to you it may sound mushy or too cute you may not believe it so it's better I keep my mouth closedThen to try to tell you exactly whats on my mind yet I wish to tell you that I'm be
How I Feel Today
I know, I know, go ahead and make's a bit amateurish, but I put my fingers to the keyboard, and this is what spewed forth.   What's this pain and aching in my chest? Please, someone, help me rest. I once felt close, but now it seems to far...its not a distance that can be fixed by car. You wrapped your arms around me, and everything felt right...I wanted to beg you to never let go, always hold tight.  For once in my life, I felt safe, I could sleep at night. The dreams I've dreamt since your arms released, are horrible and full of dispair and grief.  The scent of you lingers in my nose..OH god, I'll never forget the day you brought me a single rose. The memories flood in upon me, I'm drowning in a sea of good...please let me stay in this place forever, I finally know how it feels to love.
How I Feel Today, August 19, 2010.
How I feel today, August 19, 2010. I felt more depressed his morning for I had slept until 11:34am. This is usual for me, since I would normally be up by 9:00am the latest. I found out yesterday, while online that two people who graduated with me had passed away with cancer. This made me sad and mad at the same time. Sad for the loss of two of my classmates and mad because of my ex and my children denying me access to the internet to stay in touch with my world in MA. I am feeling a little better now because my ex mother-in-law brought me a TV dinner for lunch. I am still waiting for the mail to be delivered since it is 1:14pm and still no mail! I am listening to classical music on PBS on the radio, this sooths my soul and is quiet and peaceful enough to think! My ex mother-in-law wants to move back down south, to Ray City, GA but I would rather be in Adel, a few miles east of there. But this is just a thought. My wish to be cremated is still there and I thought about it more this morn
How I Feel About Things
I have been through alot of things in my life. None of it has killed its only made me stronger in the long run. My latest problems no one thought I could fight it and stay free from it but I have proved everyone wrong (if you want more info about that message me privately and I will answer you) I feel like my stonger self has been pulled out from inside and I am able to show my best part of myself out so everyone can see what type of person I really am. That scared little girl that was out has went away. She grew up and decided to live her life and not be bossed by people no more. and whatever shes wants shes gonna get. So what ever my heart wants is what I go for if its getting back into school or a better place to live so be it cause I know that everything is within my reach all I have to do is keep trucking forward and not sliding back into the way I was living. Well anyway I am a very happy go lucky person easy to get along with if you take the time to get to know me. I dont pl
How I Lost My Mind.
It went numb.From the first note to the last feather fall.I could fix me.With a handful of pills.Or a spent brass shell.All equations can be solvedwith one well placed zero.Just another raw itchof a scab picked clear to the bone.No amount of acetone or moonshine will wash it away.Like a winter without blankets.A desert without sand.All it took was one pause.When there should have been a step.My world was never the same color again.
How It Works
            The Process:       • First, you see something you like. Either in my Anims album or in the scroll, or someone told ya where to get it. You've come to the right place :D     • Second, You -can- shout me to confirm, BUT ….. for a certain project you would like, I need your favorite color and any pix that you'd like to see in the animation. PLEASE PM me the links to the pix and the colors. (I get hundreds of shouts a day, i WILL lose your info !!!!!)     • Many have asked 'what's the cost?' … it usually depends on how much time it takes to create, render and upload your animation. Right now, they're averaging 20-50 mill fuBux and the usual bling/credits/pimpouts etc. It really all depends on complexity of the animation. I'm easy, i just like making em :D:D     • Depending on how busy I am, you'll have it in 30 mins up to a day or two. It really all depends, and I'll let ya know when i get your PM. :D:D    effective 05-2011: I'm s
How Is This Not Fucked Up? (a Random Rant Because I Can) [the Thoughts Of Mem Chapter 20]
Is It Right That Mothers Should Cry? Is It Right That Sons Have To Die?  For A War That Doesn't Mean A Thing. Because It's Not Our Freedoms We Are Fighting For. We're Fighting Overseas For The Freedoms Of Others.  We're Already Free To A Point. If We Really Lived In The Land Of The Free And The Home Of The Brave.  Then Why Are Murderers, Rapists, And Child Molesters On The Streets.  When There Are So Many People In Prison For Something As Innocent As Possessing A Nickel Bag?  I For One Thinks This Is Really Fucked Up.  I May Not Be A Parent But I Am A Uncle Who Loves My Nieces And Nephews Like They Are My Own. And If Someone Was To Hurt Them In Anyway...Well To Quote The Movie Casino... "I Would Crack Their Skull And Just As They Were Coming Out Of A Coma..I'll Be Getting Out Of Prison. And You Know What I'm Going To Do Once That Happens...I'm Going To Crack Their Skull Again." How Can This Be The Land Of The Free And The Home Of The Brave. When The People Who We Are Sup
How Is Tag Heuer Come From Find It On With Discount Replica Watch
  Tag Heuer Replica Watches_Tag Heuer Carrera watch_replica Tag Heuer was equipped with a Calibre 11 automatic movement with Microrotor, the famous Chronomatic, as well as a tachometric scale able to measure average speeds.Now the Carrera is equipped with the automatic Calibre 7 movement and features distinct improvements. The polished steel case and ultra-legible dial has an even larger diameter. It is now fitted with a scratch-resistant sapphire crystal and its water resistance has been increased to 500 meters. The famously understated design has also evolved. The Tag Heuer Replica Watches_Tag Heuer Carrera watch_replica Tag Heuer Twin-Time—with its dual time-zone function—comes in two versions: the black dial has a red GMT pointer, and the silvered dial has a blue GMT pointer. The minimalist appearance of the dial is complemented by a brown or black crocodile-leather strap or a black perforated leather strap. A special 18-karat yellow gold version and a model with a mo
How I Feel
I don't want what I'm about to say change the way things are, I'm a little scard of what you'll say 'cause I'd rather have you in me life as my friend then not have you in it at all. I feel so comfortable around you yet it's so hard to tell you how I feel about you, our friendship means so much more then that to me. I'm not sure where she stands with you all I know is that the time you spend with her was with me instead. I act like it doesn't bother me but, truth is I spend all my time wishing you were mine and I was in her place. It's hard to keep these feeling inside when all I wanna do is kiss you. I love how we can talk for hours, you just get me on a whole nother level, or how can sit in a room without saying a word and it still means so much. You're laugh makes me laugh and you're smile makes me smile. I bet you couldn't tell unless I told you but I wanna love you the way I want to, I want to be more then friends and I guess I was just wondering if you felt the same.
How I Feel done pretending I'm happy. I'm done laughing when all I want to do is cry. I'm done pretending I'm not hurting. I'm broken with nothing left to give.Is DONE with the negativity, put downs, and all the blaming on me.. game. I am who I am. Take it or just leave me be. This girl will find her own way, PROMISE!my silence spoke a thousand words...but u never heard themi just wanna run away, run away from all of my problems and pain and never come back, because i don't think anyone would miss me.realized today that i have no one willing to try and hold me together. i guess i will have to remember that when everyone else is falling apart.
How I Feel i just feel a fool
How I'm Feeling About Something And It Also Explains How I Am,sung By Luscious Jackson
                                                    Stardust   One day I was telling you all about coming from dust, cashed it in to buy a few locks I knew would'nt rust, If I lock you up,will the edges fade, would you understand, how simple I am?   I can walk for many miles thinking that I'll never comprehend, I can't argue worth a damn cause I know my questions never end, If I walk away,will the phrases play or would they all become one, under the sun,   And when the pleasure is done, why don't I wanna know it all,why don't I want to know it all? And when the measure is done, Said how I already know it all.   Answers never satisfy,I wear them out as soon as they come, I lye in between the sides,I'm happy when the fighting is done, So I'll read the news and I'll get the blues, And I'll make it matter, for a minute or two,   And when the pleasure is done, Why don't I wanna know it all,Why don't I wanna know it all? And when the measure is done, Said how I al
How I Feel:
How Is Every One Doing?
How is every one doing?
2011* How I Lost 100 Pounds, Interview With Ifpa Nicole Gray, & A Special Weight Loss Contest To Help Keep You Motivated!
It is a brand new year. For some it is an opportunity to start fresh, make changes, and work on improving oneself. This new year gives me hope. Though it is merely a date, it is still an opportunity. I want everyone to be able to accomplish what they want. So many men and women I know and talk to every day have the same problem: their weight. It is not solely about looking better, but more so about how you feel and improving your health. On all of my previous blogs about my weight struggle and journey I give tips and motivation to assist with your own weight loss journey. After you read this blog entry please take a few minutes over the course of the next few months to look back over blog entries. This will help keep you motivated and keep information refreshed into your mind. This entry is dedicated to anyone who wants to lose weight and improve their health. I am going to give specifics on how I lost weight and got myself 100 times healthier. I hope by d
How I Found Love Online
How I Feel
????????????????????????????????????????????????don't know how i feel ??????????????????????????????hurt in some ways????????????????something i just don't understand?????????????????????? i love you going to be 3 years in august??????????
How In The Hell???
Ok, I have to ask...I was in the military for 8 years....I can fold damn near any item of clothing known to mankind...I got a set of FITTED sheets for my bed for Christmas, and i decided to use them for the first time about 5 days ago....I wash them and when i went to fold them i swear it took me 45 minutest to even get them to look HALFWAY folded....Ok i know theres somebody out there with OCD that can help me out....i have never been so perplexed on how to fold a fitted sheet...I got so frustrated with them i was ready to tear off the corners just so i could fold the damn things properly!!!!!!   Any kind of suggestion would be appreciated...
How I Became A Total Slut
My name is Barb. I am a 53 year old, white female, 5’ 5”, 138 pounds, with 38D breasts. I think I still look very good for my age with a nice body. I have two sons, 25 and 28, and a 32 year old daughter. This is a true story that happened just over three years ago, a month before my 50 th birthday.It was the night my divorce was final from my second husband a couple years ago and I had gone out with my girlfriends to celebrate. I came home a little tipsy, but not drunk. My youngest son had some friends over partying and playing cards. I knew everyone and said hi. I then went upstairs and took a bath, laid down on the bed and started masturbating. A few minutes later I heard a loud bang downstairs so I jumped up, grabbed one of my robes and went down to see what happened. I was at the bottom of the stairs when I realized I still had my vibrator in my hand. I stuck it in the pocket of my robe before anyone saw it. This robe happened to be missing the tie for it, so I just had
How I'm Feeling About My Current Circumsances
So I don't normally blog but I feel like I need to to just get some things off my mind... I feel like the person I'm dating makes me happy, but I always feel like I want something different especially since things seem super boring at times more often than none.. I really am open to trying new things and would really like to experiment with dating other people and mabe come back to the person I'm dating now later on down the road and see if it works out....   Sorry this isn't much but it was just on my mind at the time so I had to get it down...
How I'm Feeling
Ok first off...I've been feeling out of it lately,not my ususal self,some of you have noticed,other haven't most of you don't care to notice and that's cool too,I've been there when ur busy playing the fu game you don't have time for things like that.   Before I go INTO why I am feeling blaaah if I even DO go into it because its no one's business but mine and the very few I allow into my personal circle of trust I will post the lyrics to the song "Aenima" by the band Tool...if anyone knows me they know that I am...into music to put into laimans terms and my moods a lot of times are best served by songs. So here are the lyrics to the song.   Aenima   Some say the end is near.Some say we'll see armageddon soon.I certainly hope we will.I sure could use a vacation from thisBullshit three ring circus sideshow ofFreak here in this hopeless fucking hole we call LAThe only way to fix it is to flush it all away.Any fucking time. Any fucking day.Learn to swim,see you down in Arizona bay.Fr
How I Feel!!!!!!!
Well, I couldn't tell youWhy she felt that wayShe felt it every dayAnd I couldn't help herI just watched her makeThe same mistakes againWhat's wrong, what's wrong now?Too many, too many problemsDon't know where she belongsWhere she belongsShe wants to go homeBut nobody's homeThat's where she liesBroken insideWith no place to goNo place to goTo dry her eyesBroken insideOpen your eyesAnd look outsideFind the reasons whyYou've been rejectedAnd now you can't findWhat you've left behindBe strong, be strong nowToo many, too many problemsDon't know where she belongsWhere she belongsShe wants to go homeBut nobody's homeThat's where she liesBroken insideWith no place to goNo place to goTo dry her eyesBroken insideHer feelings she hidesHer dreams she can't findShe's losing her mindShe's falling behindShe can't find her placeShe's losing her faithShe's falling from graceShe's all over the place, yeahShe wants to go homeBut nobody's homeThat's where she liesBroken insideWith no place to goNo place
How I Feel
How I Feelright Now. A Poem.
May 1st, 2011, today im feeling...heartbroken(not cuz youre leaving but because you gave up on us) unworthy(you chose an xbox over me and that hurt), exhausted(from a year of trying), lost(dont know how to feel...happy but sad and scared all at the same time.) a poem: Broken Promises. You told me you loved me I told you I loved you too You said together we'd always be I said I would be true You promised you would hold me You promised you'd be there I promised I'd cross the stormy sea To give you my loving care But you never kept your promise You aren't the way you used to be You just gave up on us And you just gave up on me You said let's take a break You said let's just be friends But please for my sake Just say the truth, cause it's the end You promised every day That you would be there You molded my heart like clay Into the shape of a broken chair You promised to me That we'd always have our love You said to me I was all you could think
How I Feel
the way i feel that im alone if your bf or gf dont talk to u and u feel ignored what do you do i mean is hard that you and your partner is states away but u dont know whats going on when you are not around and when you talk to them they dont talk back what do you do i feel empty when the woman i love ignores me or dont talk to me have you ever had that feeling why is your partner is ignoring you or dont want to talk to you i feel like there is somethin goin on but i dont know but all i know is you got to have faith and hope to be in a relationship cause without that the relationship wont last long and i want people to know about her im on fire for her longing for her need her with me to be whole again im lost without her i need her by my side to give me strength to give me confidence the passion the drive without her i am worthless and nothin basically whithout my and the person you are with we r nothin but a lonely empty shell needing and wanting your soul mate and the one i miss is m
How I Met Your Mother: Fubar Edition - Part 1
This is such a romantic place. I can see many bright futures formed from it.  "How did you and mommy meet, Daddy?" asked Bobbie Gene. "Well, I sexually harassed her on Live Cam Chat, and then I was like 'Do you have Skype?' and she was all cool with it. Then we both masturbated on cam and eventually met in real life after a lengthy six-month courting period, which in itself had more Downs than Ups", replied Daddy.  "See daddy was out of work, and what they call an 'alcoholic' and a 'sex addict', but that didn't really concern mommy because she had very low self image, and regrettable at best neck tattoos of her area code as well as redone tramp stamps from many a suitor's name prior to daddy.  Eventually, we pooled enough money from my job as Unemployed, and her job at Arby's, to buy an efficiency. Then one night, in a great drunken stupor, after meeting up with another swinger couple, I forgot to pull out, and that is how you got here. As for the divorce...", shrugged Daddy as he
How I Feel
i found out tonight that if your not a hot smoking guy u get ignored . its bullbutter everyones the same as if there skinny ,fat, muscular,.. im tempted to delete this site cuz thats real hurtful i cant help how i look .. bunch  of assholes .. ciao
How I Feel Anymore
lately all i keep doin is screwing up again.the only person i have in my life seems to be the one who alyways getting mad at me for dumb things.i just dont know whats wrong with me i try to do the right thing and all i seem to do is piss her off anymore.I love her with all my heart and soul but at the rate im going im bound to lose her and that thought kills me to even think abt that.everything i say lately always comes out wrong and i understand that she said she dont hate me and shes not mad but i feel like she dont even really wanna talk with me anymore cuz im such a loser. im sure shes gonna read this and im gonna get shit for putting myself down but at this moment in time this is how i feel
How I See Myself
I must put aside my ego. No matter how special, extraordinary, and unique I’d like to think I am, who I am is really a reflection of many other things put together. Numerous parts of different jigsaw puzzles pieced together to form a new picture. Vital pieces of whose absences would have made another person, not the one I am. I always say I’m different. Never quite what people expect on a first impression. One friend said she thought I was a nerd before she knew me. Another one was surprised to find out that I listen to rock music while studying. And there were still some others who didn’t know I had a few loose screws in my head until they found themselves laughing at my jokes and then realizing that I was capable of conceiving out-of-this-world ideas. There’s so much more to me than meets the eye, and I don’t expect to run out of surprises very soon. I have assimilated from the different people who have influenced my life Each layer is not a mask, but a
How I Make Love
  HOW I MAKE LOVE   I have been heard this question   If you had one night with me what would you do   One night, one million   Every encounter is unique   Every one is special   So I will tell a sample   A sample of how I make love   I would start with slow gentle kissing   Soft and timid just light brushing   Slowly so slowly becoming more   More passionate   More Intense   I will continue kissing and liking down your neck   Over you're shoulder and down you're arm   To you're wrist   Our passion both rising   I continue back up you're arm   To you're breasts I'll pause some to worship   To suck upon you're nipples, and to feel the flesh no mt cheeks   I then continue to kiss and lick down and up the other arm   I then as my long hair caresses you're skin   I kiss and lick down you're side   I move my lips and tong down your leg to ankle   Now I begin working my way up to the inner thigh   Here I slow down   Here I trade bet
How I Went From 0-50 On Fubar In Less Than 9 Months.
About 9 months ago a friend told me about a website called Fubar. I had no idea what he was talking about but thought I would check it out. And Ill be honest, he said there where lots of "hot" women on here. Which is true!  I set up my account and had NO idea what I was doing or supposed to do. I was very shy about talking to people on here that I didnt know. But I soon realized that was one of the purposes of the site. Almost right away I had people that wanted to be my friend (some still are!). And they where all very helpful. Ms. Flintstone was my first REAL friend here. She helped me through a lot of the stuff at the start. There were others too, but she is still my friend through all of this and she is one of my best buds here. So, like everyone, I flew through the first bunch of levels rather quick. People told me I was going to get addicted to the game. I couldnt see that happening. Well, they where right! I quickly realized that to play this game you needed to become a VIP, w
How I Broke My Big Toe- So Funny
I had gone down stair's an my step son's dog had pooped in the floor just at the bottom of the stair's. I called out to him an I told him to get down there an clean it up now. He said no an I started fussing. I had moved over an forgot an stepped down an when I did I slipped in it an I fell an my butt fell on my heel an crushed it into the floor an I heard it pop....... I also fell back onto the stair's an hurt my back an got a concussion. I started screaming and my daughter an step son came running. I was crying so bad. They said we need to call 911 an I said u better not I have dog shit all over me. It was up my back. They got to laughing an I started laughing an crying. My husband at the time was out of town on business.......... I got up an went an showered. Come to find out my last day at work was the next day. I went into work an showed my manager an she said why did u come to work an I said because today is my last day an I didn't want u all to think I was lieing. S
How I Found Fubar
     I was stumbling over different websites on the internet when I came across a girl named, Denise Malani.  She is a supermodel who won in a beauty contest over Jennifer Anniston and Angelina Jolie.  She's more than perfect.  She's a true 11.  I was so stunned that I googled her and came across what looked like a bunch of pics and videos of her.  So I clicked on one and the link brought me to  What kind of BS is this?!  So I signed up.  I started thinking that it was another one of those "hook up" sites or that was def a virus.  Then I started looking at women's profiles and not all of them were atractive, in fact alot of them were not good looking at all.  So that kinda ruled out the virus theory and I was still pretty sure that it was just a one night stand site.  So, knowing that my facebook friends weren't on here to call me out, I started hittin' females up, to find out that its not exactly a sex site.  It's also a dating site, but not really.  It's also a social site
How It Effects Me And When Its Started......
I was diagnosed with lupus (SLE) December 4, 2010 at the age of 25. I have been round and round with symptoms and doctors and specialists for the past 2 years (I had actually started Plaquenil the year before I was diagnosed). At the time I was diagnosed, my doctor also told me I had early symptoms of scleroderma. My early symptoms of lupus were joint pain, weight loss, hair loss, anaemia, leukopenia, sun rash, tachycardia, Raynaud's, and a positive ANA. I had heard of lupus, but had no knowledge about auto immune diseases or that this is life threatening. For me, being diagnosed with lupus was a blessing. I could confront a disease with a name. And I could accept that, yes, I am sick. Lupus is as emotional as it is physical. I've learned that I need to set goals each day and only do what I can do. If I over-do anything, I'm only fighting myself. I am in awe of the resources and support groups that are available. I hope to become an active part of Lupus MN and an advocate for lupus by
How I Feel Every Day.
I look in the mirror And what do I see This hideous creature Staring back at me I see all the things That I would like to change And hear in my head All the cruel things you all have said As the tears stream down my face All the mean words And hateful things That have happened to me Come rolling back to me Can’t you see you are hurting me Don’t you see how I have changed I no longer smile like I did when you first met me There’s an odd silence all around me I look away from the mirror and shut off the light Refusing to see my reflection staring back at me I hate what I see I just want it to stop I will do anything to make the changes That I see will make you like me Then the insults will stop I’ll be beautiful in your eyes again
How I See You
Have you ever known anyone that was so amazing..that you just couldn't picture your life without them in it in one way or matter how small....just knowing they are you the courage and the strength to get through never woulda thought you were capable of....I have...I do...and if I was asked to describe them....this is wat I would say....they are the the realist form...screwed up....but sweet....hurting....but loving...the prettiest picture I have ever seen...painted perfectly....the contrast of colors....blended magically....portraying the brightest light...there are all kinds of people in this world....but when one person consists of all of is the most beautiful image you could ever see....the kindest voice you could ever hear...and eyes you can look right through...feel their emotions...just from a stare in more powerful then any words could be....a person so wonderful that they can make you strong whe
How Internet Is Useful In Finding Packers And Movers In Noida
Are you looking for professional packers and movers in Noida and got confused from bunch of companies? Internet will be the good option for you to get the relevant information about professional packers and movers without any cost. Most of the professional moving firms of the city have their own well developed websites where you can get the detailed information about their services, charges and important policies. These days, internet is emerging as an excellent medium to get information about anything form anywhere at anytime. It is also very useful in search of required services, booking flight and railway tickets, etc. Internet is also commonly used by people in search of professional packers and movers. You can easily get the detailed information about the reputed movers of Noida over internet. Search packers and movers of Noida over internet according to your relocation needs and budgets. After getting detailed information about them select some reliable firms that suits your bud
How It Is
     i have lost my youngest baby girl an life has taken a twist no drinks or drugs could take the pain i have had break ups an reality checks an nothing is better nor worse i have cared for people an loved but some times feels the same i have been wanted an unwanted no diff to me doesnt make me or break me i stand my grounds fight my fights an wait till the day when it is all made right we hope for love we hope for peace for some type of relieve but what we get is the never ending road to what seize to exsist with a touch a smile a cry a single word could make my day or break the way the gates have opened do i go or do i stay should i run the other way some people live some people die some people wish they had a better life it gets no better not really any worse off we are who we are how we are we all cant be the same if the world was black an white how would we see red for love white for pure blue or any other live life as if you have no tomorrow love as if it was your last an laugh
How It All Began
I had gone with a "boyfriend" to a company picnic, he seen his friends went to talk and I just sat down under the shed at a table. I sat down all alone and there was no one with me when a older gentleman came and asked if it was ok to sit at the table I was at. He introduced himself just as Mike. He was dressed in black slacks boots and a white button down shirt. ( I will never forget that day) I did not respond to him and he was quick to say ''I AM SORRY, I DID NOT CATCH YOUR NAME" it was rather loud and very stern sounding. I softly spoke as I looked at the paper I was viewing my name is Angel. He told me it was very nice to make my acquaintance. I am just a small town little redneck girl and I have never had anyone respond to me in such a proper manner. When he said it to me like that I began to pay attention to him because I genuinely felt as if he was a gentleman and had something nice to say and could intrigue my intellect. I in all of my southern glory asked him how are you doin
How I Spent My 9-11: A Self Defense Review.
You all might remember I've had two previous self defense reviews. One, when I first started my job at, and another a little more recently, which covered current events all over the place.This one may be a little more laid back.In retrospect, I should have mentioned the Krav Maga seminar, on September 11th, 2011. But, to be honest, I didn't know how many people here would have been interested.  However, never fear: I did a four-part review of it for anyway.There was one part that reviewed how to use The Stop Kick to nail someone charging a third party, even though they may be armed. Trust me, I got kicked in the chest so often, my teeth rattled, and I had a shield.You do this to an actual attacker, it's gonna suck to be them. Then there was the choke... in this case, "the choke" is just a simple matter of t-rex arms.... you'll see what I mean.And, of course, there is the inevitable gun defense. And learning how to take down a gu
How I Ended Up In Denver On Saturday
The Montreal Canadiens have added on to Michel Therriens bench staff, hiring Gerard Gallant as an assistant coach, according to the Montreal Gazette. Darren McFadden Raiders Jersey . Gallant led the QMJHLs Saint John Sea Dogs to the Memorial Cup in 2011 and coached them back to the tournament last month. Gallant also won both the QMJHL and CHL Coach of the Year awards last season. Prior to joining the Sea Dogs, Gallant served as an NHL assistant coach with the New York Islanders during the 2007-08 season. He also spent seven years on the coaching staff of the Columbus Blue Jackets, serving as the teams head coach from 2004 to 2006. He was also behind the bench as an assistant coach with Team Canada at the 2007 IIHF World Championship in Russia, capturing gold at the tournament. Before joining the Blue Jackets, Gerard was an assistant coach with the American Hockey Leagues Louisville Panthers and led the Summerside Western Capitals to a Kent Cup Championship in 1997 as the MJAHL teams h
How I Spend Christmas 2012
Many have asked me since I was born and raised in Germany, how are our Christmas Customs.  My family does a mix of American and German customs in our home.  Even though I am German my children were born and raised in the USA so we compromise our traditions and blend them together.  The end result of Christmas is truly why we celebrate it.  As long as the end result is the same, that is truly what matters in our home.  So here you go folks.   The Advent tradition is a religious celebration in preparation for the arrival (or “advent”) of the Christ Child (das Christkind) on his “official” birthday, the 25th day of December. The Advent season and its celebration have changed over the years from a more serious, somber character (including giving up things, as for Lent) to one of a more joyous nature — including such treats as chocolate-filled Advent calendars. The four weeks leading up to Christmas Eve are a happy time—at least for those not too caught
How Important Web Analysis Resources Is For E-business
Each trip to a website by a guest makes details. On coming to a website a guest recognizes material of a website, flows them, browses WebPages, mouse clicks the links, downloading details, locations purchases, or simply locations some concerns and leaves the website. All these relationships with them by the guests are simultaneously registered by web analytic resources. This is done in order to keep close tab over the performance of the website and to redress the faults for improving performance of the website. Before we understand the importance of these resources, let's know some facts about them. There are two types of analytic resources. They are off-site resources and on-site resources. As for off-site resources, they record the details of the views of the users and share the outcomes of the studies across the web. On the contrary, on-site resources aid the internet marketers to evaluate the performance of his or her website and compare theirs with others. The analysis is performe
How In The World Do They Figure?
I got a notification yesterday that said they deleted my avatar because it did not follow the rules - it most like had bare chest, bra/bathing suit showing, bar skin, etc. So I click on the link to see what they were talking about. It was a poster that said, "I like to snatch kisses and vise versa" - Someone turned that in for not being safe for work. Now - it was not my profile picture. It was on my second page of pictures in my default folder. It was a neat way of informing others I am bisexual. I have seen MANY default folders as well as PROFILE pictures that have bare c*cks in them. I never turn them in even though they rightfully should be. Why? Because this is an ADULT site! I can be ADULT about it. I can either choose to ignore the pics, ohhh and ahhh over them, block the user, or simply get off of the page making a note not to return. But again, I am ADULT about it. Why people on Fu have to turn something they may not agree with in or why the people on Fu would find that offe
How Is It Kept - How Is It Lost -
Young people trade away their freedom for the safe shackles of the nanny state...while old people bound and discontented long for a taste of freedom...
How It All Started
So, I started my job at a restaraunt in the town I live on November 18. I thought I would love it and I do. I just don't like the people I work with. But, no job is perfect right? Right. Buuuuut, I think there are limits. It started with my boss flirting with me casaully which I thoguth was strange but it didnt really bother me. But it kept progressing. He asked me to go drinking with him and when I turned him down he ignored me for weeks. which i was actually fine with. but then he got his courage back. he progressed to touch my ass and pretend it was an accident. now my other coworker is a total attention whore. if all eyes arnt on her she'll get pissed and make your life hell. well when he started in on me and less on her she got really in my face about it. the whole work environment just isnt professional at all and when i confronted the head guy about it, he thought i was being ridiculous nd shooed me away. my boss went a step further this past thursday and thrust a picture of his
How I Am Hurting.
I hurt in ways you may not understand. It hurts to see and know that you make fun of me when you are mad at me. Its not far to feel like Im not attractive enough for you. It hurts to know you hide what you say to other women and what they say to you or what you both might say about me when  you are made at me. I just want to trun in to my self and not care any more what think about me. I just feel like i need to be angry cause of the hurt I feel. Thats why I feel that wall going right back up. I just want to stop hurtting. I want to feel the love I feel for you. At this rate I dont think I will feel that. so where do i go from here? Not sure right now. I just feel numb, hurt, sad, angry. So please baby help me stop hurtting for you. cause i do hurt for you to care for me the way I do for you. Im still in love with you. *~Hurtting~*
How Is It Possible??
My father was a great man and I might just be one of his daughters, but still. I am me and I might just be one member of alot of different sites, but still. I am not you and I might be only one pebble on the beach of life, but ya know what?? I shine when the sun is on the other side of the world. Each and everyone is unique and if you are not thinking so, you have another thing coming. The day will come, you will be shocked and in awe. It is possible too, so don't say it ain't. When you take into consideration that no one is a waste of space or taking up too much oxygen, its easy. This is a huge world. There is room for everybody.  When you suggest something, it would be the greatest suggestion if it helps someone and doesn't hinder. I have heard and experienced people telling others including myself to die. That is far from helpful, it isn't your decision either. If you think so, I feel sorry for you.  Just because you maybe totally different, doesn't at all mean I don't feel any emo
How I Became A Cuckold
                                                 How I was Cuckolded     This is a true story about how I was cuckolded without wanting to be cuckolded. I started out a dominant man wanting to be with women and over the last 12 years have become a bisexual male that wants to be dominated by a white woman or a black male. It all started in 2001. I was 26 at the time and very confident in myself and was dominant in nature. I had a much younger girlfriend who was 18 going on 19. Her name was Jessica and was not the kind of girl you take home to mamma. She had quit school and had moved to my city just a couple months ago. She had just ran away from a broken home. I met her through a friend of hers that my friend was fucking. She was so hot, curley long black hair, snow white soft skin, big dd tits with huge areolas, about 5"5 ,145 pounds and a big ghetto booty. We hit it off right away, I was fucking her the first night we met. She liked to drink and smoke pot and I was game as well. She
How I Love Omegle
This person was sooooo trying to make me made but it just made me laugh harder     You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hello! Stranger is using Omegle's mobile Web site You: hi Stranger: You are a stupid idiot and you can go die in yo mamas butthole You: wow You: impressive Stranger: I dont give a shit u stupid dumbass You: hurt me plz Stranger: Fuck u You: try harder Stranger: Fuck you and your stupid ass gay mother fucking family You: let the hate flow Stranger: I will kill u You: your only making me laugh,ket me know when your gonna try Stranger: Shut the fricken front door
How It Is...
I will never give up on you. I want my life to be your life. I want to spend every minute of every day with you. I want to experience all that life has to offer–the good and the bad–with you at my side. Thank you for loving me with so much intensity and passion. 
How I Wish Things Really Were....
When I was a kid, my Mom liked to make breakfast food for dinner every now and then. I remember one night in particular when she had made breakfast after a long, hard day at work. On that evening so long ago, my Mom placed a plate of eggs, sausage and extremely burned biscuits in front of my dad. I remember waiting to see if anyone noticed!All my dad did was reach for his biscuit, smile at my Mom and ask me how my day was at school. I don't remember what I told him that night, but I do remember watching him smear butter and jelly on that ugly burned biscuit. He ate every bite of that thing...never made a face nor uttered a word about it!When I got up from the table that evening, I remember hearing my Mom apologize to my dad for burning the biscuits. And I'll never forget what he said, "Honey, I love burned biscuits every now and then."Later that night, I went to kiss Daddy good night and I asked him if he really liked his biscuits burned. He wrapped me in his arms and said, "Your Mom p
How I See Things Now
I remember days that were filled with happiness and love Life itself seemed everlasting and the air amelled of sweetness Days lasted as long as a lifetime Time itself knew no bounds... The magic of love was around every corner And bounces down the street taunting you to try and catch it Smiles and good feelings come as easy as the blink of an eye Late night mysteries waiting to be solved... Now time just flies by,and its not for the better The smiles are gone and the laughter is silenced People walk around with heads bowed and eyes cast downward I sit and wonder what happened to the world I live in? Its cold,and its bleak,with no sun to be found Nothing seems to matter anymore...... There's no more love
How I Fu
So we all have rules as to what we will and will not do on Fubar. What is acceptable, when/who to block or report etc. and I have been wanting to write this for some time now just for my own personal reasons. Helping: If you need my help just ask me. If I can I will. If you come at me sideways and/or spastic because I didn't put you in my Family while running a Famplifier just because we live in the same town or some other stupid reason when I don't even know you, then chances are I will never help you. I don't hold grudges, but I also don't tolerate immaturity or disrespect. I will not get engaged or married on Fubar or any other social media site. To me this is a waste of time, money, resourses, and creates a false illusion of "love" for many here. With the exception of people who are already a couple in their personal lives. Ladies and Gentlemen: Online relationships DO NOT WORK!!!!! If your Default Picture shows you with your middle finger up, I will not like, rate, comment, bli
How I Feel
I cannot describe how I feel about Coleen, but I will try. She deserves to read this someday. There are not enough words in English or Italian to fully describe my feelings for this woman. I was scared to ask for her friendship. She scared me to death. Why? I suppose it's silly, but she scared me because she is so beautiful. She should be some model walking down a runway, or a public figure, something other than friending a loser like me. Yes, I'm self-depricating. Why? I know when I should have turned left instead of right, when I should've kept my mouth shut, etc. But I didn't, so- Loser. But Coleen, she's like no woman I've every met or seen. She has all these men panting after her, killing themselves to impress her. And she loves ME? She's so damn pretty and intelligent, and she loves me? An Oklahoman? Yes, I live in the "Land of the Red Man," and am a "Red Man," and here's this Italian Bella sending me love? Love I can feel? What's going on? I'm not worthy. Not by a long, long, sh
How I Polish Bling And Other Things
So, I've been meaning to write about this particular topic but since I evidently got someones panties in a wad today, it seems like a perfect time.  When I polish bling on someones page, I most often polish first THEN like and rate. I do it like that because my PRIVACY SETTINGS don't all work (go figure) and no one needs to know where I am polishing or I then have more people to compete with to polish those bling.  Make sense??? Now, sometimes it's possible I'm sure that I could get busy doing something else and forget to like/rate a person in the process OR their profile is set to private. If I forget, it is not intentional and I surely don't mind someone bringing it to my attention to correct it in a reasonable manner. If you have your settings to private where no one can rate you unless they add you .... well, I don't play by the "you have to add me" game so no, you won't get a rate and like from me then,  but you still get points for the bling of yours I polish. If I have not yet
How I See
I wear glasses, first of all. My mind doesn't see me the way some others just might see me. When I look in the mirror, I don't like anything I see. I never wanted to be selfish or have any kind of an ego. I'm just this way, I think of everyone before I think of myself. I have learned some people think its wrong. So it is like wrong if I think of myself and wrong if I think of others?? WTF!! I have seen beautiful and that is not me, I have seen miracles, holding their glamor in my eyes even for just a moment, made me feel like a theif. I am poor in wealth and failing in health, I am not the best at anything, but I would like to think I tried. I never made perfect grades, but I did get numerous best attendence certificates. If some people can't make up their minds, they can't complain if I have trouble sometimes. If I even think they might be injured they do something to confirm it, when they have spent no time in the hospital. Then they make a distorted joke on head injuries. They are
How Jealous Are You
How jealous are you? Only when you need to be...The perfect combonation of laid back and jealous. If you see something that raises a red flag, you don't hesitate to ask questions, otherwise, you are laid back and trusting. Take this test
How Jealous Are You???
How jealous are you? Raging!!!You jump to conclusions and are often too controlling. Give your partner some room and you'll be able to see the whole picture. Take this test
How Jealous Are You?
How jealous are you? Raging!!!You jump to conclusions and are often too controlling. Give your partner some room and you'll be able to see the whole picture. Take this test
How Jealious Am I?
You Are 35% Jealous You're occasionally jealous, but you wouldn't be human if you weren't You keep your jealousy under control. You accept it, deal with it, and move on. In fact, most people would be surprised to know that there's a jealous bone in your body. So congratulate yourself for keeping your emotional impulses under control! How Jealous Are You?
How Jealous Are You?
You Are 28% Jealous You're occasionally jealous, but you wouldn't be human if you weren't You keep your jealousy under control. You accept it, deal with it, and move on. In fact, most people would be surprised to know that there's a jealous bone in your body. So congratulate yourself for keeping your emotional impulses under control! How Jealous Are You?
How Journaling Can Help When You're Coping With Autism
Relieving Stress, Building Hope This article was written and made available to by Dr. Robert Naseef, a family psychologist and editor of "Voices from the Spectrum." “Support groups don’t seem to work for me. I do get something out of them when I’m there, but day in and day out, sometimes it feels like more than I can bear. Is there anything else that I can try?” This is a question I commonly hear from parents of children with autism or other special needs. Often we are told to take one day at a time, and that is a helpful concept when we are trying not to be overwhelmed about the future. But what can you do when one day is just too long and too hard? Try reaching for a pen and paper. Keeping a diary, or "journaling", can be an extremely effective tool for discovering our innermost thoughts and releasing tensions. Setting aside 10-15 minutes to put your thoughts into words may just help to reduce your stress or get its physical symptoms under control. Many people be
How Jealous Are You?
You Are 46% Jealous You're a fairly jealous person, but it's nothing to beat yourself up about. A little jealousy is perfectly normal, though sometimes you take it a little far. Recognize when jealousy is taking over your life, and try to hold back your impulses. You'll be a better (and happier) person for it! How Jealous Are You?
How Jane Taught Tarzan Sex
Click Here For Some of the Hottest Brazilian Ass Ever!!! One day Jane met Tarzan in the jungle. She was very attracted to him and during her questions about his life she asked him how he managed for sex. "What is sex" he asked. She explained to him what sex was and he said, Oh, Tarzan use hole in trunk of tree." Horrified, she said, "Tarzan you have it all wrong but I will show you how to do it right." She took off her clothes, laid down on the ground and presented herself properly. "Here," she said, "you must put it here." Tarzan removed his loincloth, stepped closer and suddenly gave her an almighty kick in the crotch and then, watching closely, stepped back. Jane rolled around in agony. Eventually she managed to gasp, "What the hell did you do that for?" He replied, "Tarzan check for bees."
How Jail
you know who you are and i know you are jordan loser
How Jolie Got Her Groove Back
 i'm confused about what year it is! i feel like it's 1994 &  i am 16 cos i'm wearing a Nirvana shirt & baby hair barrettes!my mom just told me i was pretty...which she hasn't said for awhile. i guess cos i've a big fat hoggy for a few years....,when i was growing up i never thought i was ugly cos my mom always told me i was pretty. when i got to high school i felt ugly cos i was a nerd with long stringy hair & glasses. i was just a total geek. but once i got outta high school i wanted to prove that i could look i got contacts & lost weight. even tho back then i was never ever really fat i just thought i was. i was always pretty skinny. i may have gained 10 pounds at the most my junior year. so when i was 19 & 20 i was the thinnest i've ever been & people always told me i was HOT & i liked it. my weight fluctuated A LOT in the following years. i'd gain 10 pounds lose 5 gain 15 & lose it. once i started drinking & going out to bars i loved being called a "hottie" & guys thi
How John Wayne Saved The Ussmc
THO' HE NEVER SERVED IN UNIFORM, HE DID A HELL OF A JOB FOR OUR ARMED FORCES' MORALE AND NATIONAL PRIDE   HOW JOHN WAYNE SAVED THE MARINES (GOD BLESS HIM!)  Today is John Wayne’s 104th birthday. He was born on May 26, 1907 in Winterset, Iowa, as Marion Morrison, weighing 13 pounds. His birthplace is a museum.  There is a guest book, opened to a page with the entry, in the entrant’s handwriting, Name: Ronald Reagan. Address: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington DC.   To celebrate the birthday of a truly great American, let me tell you how John Wayne saved the Marine Corps.  In theaftermath of World War II, the psychological letdown after years of war and bloodshed, the huge demobilization of servicemen, the desire to slash military spending, and  the antipathy towards the military by left-wingers in the Democrat Party all combined in a call by a number of Senators and Congressmen to abolish the Marine Corps.   In this, they were supported by the Doolittle Boar
How Justin Bieber Celebrated His 18th Birthday
Justin Bieber officially turned 18 on Thursday and made sure to celebrate his big milestone right at a bash with all of his closest A-list pals.   Surprised with a Friday cheap new era night party at the Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel put on by his manager Scooter Braun, his mom Patti Mallette and publicist Melissa Victor, Bieber spent the night with celebs including girlfriend Selena Gomez (who flew in from filming Spring Breakers in Florida), Kim Kardashian, Kylie and Kendall Jenner, Mike Tyson and others.   "Everyone danced all night," a partygoer told new era hats Us Weekly of the fete, also attended by Ashley Tisdale and Cody Simpson.   Dressed to the nines in a black wholesale new era and white suit, the man of the hour mingled with his grandparents and other friends who flew in from Canada for the occasion, but largely stuck by Gomez's side.   "He was all over Selena the whole time, walking her around by the hand. He kept kissing her," a source close to the pop star new e
How Kinky Are You?
You are 90% kinky You are crazy kinky. Do you ever think of anything other than sex? Take this quiz at
How Kinky Are You ?
You are 71% kinky You are kinky. You are always up for trying something new in the bedroom... or wherever else you chose to. Take this quiz at
How Kinky R You
You are 71% kinky You are kinky. You are always up for trying something new in the bedroom... or wherever else you chose to. Take this quiz at
How Kinky Are You -- Quiz Results
You are 90% kinky You are crazy kinky. Do you ever think of anything other than sex? Take this quiz at
How Kinky R U? Enlighten Me... Hehehe
Ok, this is a test that you must answer honestly, reply to it to my inbox or here because no one needs to know what you wrote except you and me. If you answer I will reply back to you! Have fun girls :) 1~ Have you ever had a one night stand ? 2~ Who do you want to sleep with ? 3~ Do you masterbate ? 4~ How often ? 5~ What is your most deepest sexual desire ? 6~ If you could have your partner do one thing what would it be ? 7~ Do you own sex toys ? 8~ Ever made out with the same sex ? 9~ Ever had a threesome ? 10~ Do you spit or swallow, or neither ? 11~ What is the kinkiest thing you have done ? 12~ Rough or gentle ? 13~ How often do you crave sex ? 14~ Anal sex ? 15~ Would you let someone lick your ass ? 16~ Do you shave or trim ? 17~ Do you like or love oral sex ? 18~ Do you like to give oral sex ? 19~ What is your favorite position ? 20~ Do you like to be in control ? 21~ Are you aggressive in bed ? 22~ Will you fill
How Kinky
You scored as Very Kinky. You are very Kinky. Yuo are not over the top but you like kinky arousements and you are willing to try something new every time. You will make a very fun sex partnerVery Kinky100%A Sicko60%Average40%A WUSS !!0%How sexual are youcreated with
How Kinky Am I
You scored as . Blind Folds92%Chains/Handcuffs92%Bondage83%Whips75%Biting67%Blood17%What's Your Kinky Turn On?created with
How Kinki Am I?
You scored as Very Kinky. You are very Kinky. Yuo are not over the top but you like kinky arousements and you are willing to try something new every time. You will make a very fun sex partnerVery Kinky90%A Sicko50%Average50%A WUSS !!20%How sexual are youcreated with
How Kinky Are You?
You are 90% kinky You are crazy kinky. Do you ever think of anything other than sex? Take this quiz at
How 2 Know How A Girl/guy Feels About You...
Girl Facts: When a girl bumps into your arm while walking she wants you to hold her hand. When she wants a hug she will just stand there. When u break a girls heart, she still feels it when u run into each other 3 years later. When a girl is quiet, millions of things are running through her mind. When a girl is not arguing, she is thinking deeply. When a girl looks at you with eyes full of questions, she is wondering how long you will be around. When a girl answers, "I'm fine, " after a few seconds, she is not at all fine. When a girl stares at you, she is wondering why you are so wonderful. When a girl lays her head on your chest, she is wishing for you to be hers forever. When a girl says that she can't live without you, she has made up her mind that you are her future. When a girl says, "I miss you", no one in this world can miss you more than that. When a girl is mean to you after a breakup she wants you back, but she's sca
How Kinky Are You
You scored as Bondage. Your turn on is bondage... all out. You don't have a specific part of kinky sex that turns you on more than any other... everything working together turns you on. And why shouldn't it? Sex isn't sex without all the trimmings.Bondage75%Chains/Handcuffs67%Biting58%Whips50%Blind Folds42%Blood8%What's Your Kinky Turn On?created with
How Kinky Are You
You scored as Very Kinky. You are very Kinky. Yuo are not over the top but you like kinky arousements and you are willing to try something new every time. You will make a very fun sex partnerVery Kinky60%A Sicko50%Average20%A WUSS !!20%How sexual are youcreated with
How Kinky I Am!
According to experts, I am : 89% KinkyTake the Kinky Quiz at
How Kinky Are You
You scored as Chains/Handcuffs. Your turn on is handcuffs and chains. You like being cuffed/chained to the bed, or cuffing/chaining your partner down. You love the pure ectasy of being in complete control... or letting someone else have complete control over you. Sex isn't sex without control.Chains/Handcuffs75%Bondage67%Blind Folds67%Biting50%Whips25%Blood0%What's Your Kinky Turn On?created with
How Kinky Are You?
You scored as Bondage. Your turn on is bondage... all out. You don't have a specific part of kinky sex that turns you on more than any other... everything working together turns you on. And why shouldn't it? Sex isn't sex without all the trimmings.Bondage83%Whips75%Chains/Handcuffs67%Blind Folds67%Biting58%Blood25%What's Your Kinky Turn On?created with
How Kinky Am I??????
You scored as Whips. Your turn on is the "good ol'" whip. You either like to feel in charge during sex, or you like to feel pain. Sex isn't sex unless it's rough.Whips50%Chains/Handcuffs50%Bondage50%Blind Folds17%Biting0%Blood0%What's Your Kinky Turn On?created with
How Kinky Are You Test
Take the "Just How Kinky Are You" Test... My Score *Snickers* is 342... You have kinky playful tendencies... Hmmm ~ LMAO with snorts & giggles... I'll have to work on that one...
How Kinky I Am
You scored as Very Kinky. You are very Kinky. Yuo are not over the top but you like kinky arousements and you are willing to try something new every time. You will make a very fun sex partnerVery Kinky60%A Sicko30%Average20%A WUSS !!20%How sexual are youcreated with
How Kinky I Am Test
You scored as Bondage. Your turn on is bondage... all out. You don't have a specific part of kinky sex that turns you on more than any other... everything working together turns you on. And why shouldn't it? Sex isn't sex without all the trimmings.Chains/Handcuffs100%Bondage100%Whips83%Biting67%Blind Folds50%Blood17%What's Your Kinky Turn On?created with
How Kinky Do U Think I Am?
You scored as Whips. Your turn on is the "good ol'" whip. You either like to feel in charge during sex, or you like to feel pain. Sex isn't sex unless it's rough.Whips67%Chains/Handcuffs67%Bondage67%Biting58%Blind Folds17%Blood0%What's Your Kinky Turn On?created with
How Kinky Are You?
You are 47% kinky You are kinda kinky. You like to fantasize and try some new things sometimes, but overall you’d rather stick to sex you are comfortable with. Take this quiz at Ok this one kinda surprized me...
How Kinky Are You
You are 71% kinky You are kinky. You are always up for trying something new in the bedroom... or wherever else you chose to. Take this quiz at
How Kinky Are Yuo?
According to experts, I am : 78% KinkyTake the Kinky Quiz at
How Kinky Are You??
You are 66% kinky You are kinky. You are always up for trying something new in the bedroom... or wherever else you chose to. Take this quiz at
How Kinky Are You? Lol
table border='0' cellpadding='5' cellspacing='0' width='600'> You scored as Very Kinky. You are very Kinky. Yuo are not over the top but you like kinky arousements and you are willing to try something new every time. You will make a very fun sex partnerVery Kinky70%A Sicko40%Average30%A WUSS !!20%How sexual are youcreated with
How Kinky Are You
You scored as Bondage. Your turn on is bondage... all out. You don't have a specific part of kinky sex that turns you on more than any other... everything working together turns you on. And why shouldn't it? Sex isn't sex without all the trimmings.Biting100%Chains/Handcuffs100%Blood100%Bondage100%Whips67%Blind Folds0%What's Your Kinky Turn On?created with
How Kinky Are You
1) would you have a 3some? 2) you like to be in control? 3) like to be taking control of? 4) bi or stright? 5) like to be whipped/smacked 6) like to whip or smack 7) enjoy porn? 8) enjoys sex toys? 9) like to wear lingerie? 10) in to crossdressing or to crossdress a guy? 11) spit or shallow? 12) like giving oral? 13) like to receive oral? 14) anal sex? 15) favort postion? 16) group sex? 17) swinger? 18) want me?
How Kinky Are You?
You are 86% kinky You are crazy kinky. Do you ever think of anything other than sex? Take this quiz at
How Kinky Hehe
My score on The Kinkyness Test: Pretty kinky!(Grats! You're 72% kinky!)You kinkscore is pretty high. Most likely you're up for trying anything at least once, which show open-mindedness. You're probably a great lay, so just keep doing that thing you do! Link: The Kinkyness Test (OkCupid Free Online Dating)
How Kinky Are U
br/>According to experts, I am : 96% KinkyTake the Kinky Quiz at
How Kinky Are You?
You scored as ouch.., hmmm i think you could do better than this, maybe just a bit more and you'd reach your peak..ouch..65% Almost kinky but not quite..40% YES! Fat computer child Molester20% As kinky as it gets10% How kinky are you!?created with
How Kinky Are You
You scored as Very Kinky, You are very Kinky. Yuo are not over the top but you like kinky arousements and you are willing to try something new every time. You will make a very fun sex partnerVery Kinky100% A Sicko60% Average50% A WUSS !!20% How sexual are youcreated with
How Kinky Am I?
You are 62% kinky You are kinky. You are always up for trying something new in the bedroom... or wherever else you chose to. Take this quiz at OMG YES THESE ARE THE GOOFIEST QUIZZES EVER LOL
How Kinky Are You
You scored as Very Kinky, You are very Kinky. Yuo are not over the top but you like kinky arousements and you are willing to try something new every time. You will make a very fun sex partnerVery Kinky100% A Sicko60% Average40% A WUSS !!0% How sexual are youcreated with
How Kinky Are You?
You are 86% kinky You are crazy kinky. Do you ever think of anything other than sex? Take this quiz at
How Kinky Are You?
Congratulations! Your Hotlanta Kink Test score was 658! Here is the chart so that you can see how you are rated: 100 or less You need to lighten up and live a little! 101 to 200 You have an average sex life in need of kink. 201 to 300 You have sweet hints of a kinky nature. 301 to 400 You have kinky playful tendencies. 401 to 500 You are definitely a kinky player. 501 to 600 You are kinkier than most! 601 to 700 You are a major league kinkster! 701 to 800 You live and breath kinky!! 801 to 900 Wow! You're too kinky for most!!! 901 or more SUPER FREAK ALERT! You da BOMB! The maximum score for this test is 1000.
How Kinky Are You?
How kinky are you? What is one of your typical fantasies? Being cuffed/cuffing someone else. An elaborate dungeon scene involving many torture devices. Doing it with you celebrity crush. I don’t fantasize. How many sex toys do you own? 0 1-2 3-4 4+ Have you ever had sex in public? Yes. No. No, but I want to try. Does teh great outdoors count? How far would you go in a movie theatre? First base. Second base. Third base. All the way. Where is the kinkiest place to do it? In front of a window. In a car. In a tree. Subway. How many people are involved in your ideal sexual situation? You and one other person. You and two other people. You and three other people. You and four other people. What is the most sexual sport? Lacrosse. Horse back riding. Golf. Dodgeball.
How Kinky Are You?
You are 57% kinky You are kinky. You are always up for trying something new in the bedroom... or wherever else you chose to. Take this quiz at
How Karma Works
How Karma Works by Sarah Dowdey Introduction to How Karma Works The idea of secularized, new age karma is having its moment in the limelight. Newspapers and magazines use the word to spice up headlines or subtitles with colorful flair. Restaurants plaster their tip jars with signs promising good karma for only a dollar or two. Singers ponder over the power of a vaguely vindictive karma in songs like "Instant Karma" and "Karma." And according to the Social Security Administration, "Karma" even made it into the top 1,000 baby names for girls in 2006 [source: SSA]. But what is karma, and how did it get transplanted from Eastern religion to Western pop culture? Karma is a central concept in Eastern religions like Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism and Jainism.The word "karma" has its roots in the Sanskrit word "karman," which means "act." In general, it is believed that actions affect the quality of life and the quality of future lives. Good deeds create good karma and evil deeds cre
How Kinky Are You?
You Are 85% Kinky If you've heard of it, you've tried it. You're that kinky. You're open to any and all sexual experiences, as long as they're safe. You see the bedroom as the primary place for all your adventures. But that's not to say that the bedroom is the only place you get kinky! Are You Kinky?
How Kinky Are You?
You Are 100% Kinky If you've heard of it, you've tried it. You're that kinky. You're open to any and all sexual experiences, as long as they're safe. You see the bedroom as the primary place for all your adventures. But that's not to say that the bedroom is the only place you get kinky! Are You Kinky?How kinky are you?
How Kinky Are You?
You Scored as Very KinkyYou are very Kinky. Yuo are not over the top but you like kinky arousements and you are willing to try something new every time. You will make a very fun sex partner Very Kinky 100% A Sicko 60% Average 50%
How Kinky Are You?
HOW KINKY ARE YOU?!?!?! VERY KINKY LOVERWILL DO ANYTHING!! AND I MEAN ANYTHING AND EVERTHING!! TOYS INCLUDED. :) How do you compare? Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic  
Howllllllllllllllllling At The Moon
Not really sure what a blog is.... I'm new at this stuff. Hope to be a faster learner than my computer is. I'm a southern lady, Part Irish, part Cherokee Indian. Old enough to know better, but young enough at heart to try new stuff. Save a horse Ride a Cowboy....... I'm coming to your City.. If you know who sings them songs you know my taste in Music. I also love 70' -80's rock. God Bless our Soldiers and the family they left here to be FREE. Our first breath is a dying breath, live each one wize. Not real sure what I'm suppose to type here, hope this gives people a idea of how well I know about this place.
How Lucky Are You?
Your Luck Quotient: 61% You have a high luck quotient. More often than not, you've felt very lucky in your life. You may be randomly lucky, but it's probably more than that. Optimistic and open minded, you take advantage of all the luck that comes your way.How Lucky Are You?
How Long Will Your Relationship Last?
You'll Last A Few More Months Your relationship is like a carton of yogurt right now It's got a few weeks left when things are smooth enough But any longer than that, it will get more and more sour each day And eventually, you'll know it's time to give it the heave hoHow Long Will Your Relationship Last?
How Lucky Are You?
Your Luck Quotient: 67% You have a high luck quotient. More often than not, you've felt very lucky in your life. You may be randomly lucky, but it's probably more than that. Optimistic and open minded, you take advantage of all the luck that comes your way. How Lucky Are You?
How Life Should Be....
I think the life cycle is all backwards You should start out dead and get it out of the way. Then, you wake up in an old age home feeling better every day. You get kicked out for being too healthy; go collect your pension, then when you start work, you get a gold watch on your first day. You work 40 years until you're young enough to enjoy your retirement. You drink alcohol, you party, you're generally promiscuous and you get ready for high school. You go to primary school, you become a kid, you play, you have no responsibilities, you become a baby, and then... You spend your last 9 months floating peacefully in luxury, in spa-like conditions; central heating, room service on tap, larger quarters every day, and then, you finish off as an orgasm.
The Howls Of The Night
THE HOWLS OF THE NIGHT As the sounds of life fade into a night time howl, I look up as the wind sweeps through the trees. While I'm looking deep into the night sky, it howls louder and more forceful. I can hear it roaring towards me from down the road, hearing its winding turns and swirling movement. It's air, how can you hear where its going to go? I look to my side and see a child standing by me. She is small, and dressed in a flowing cloak. Her hair is long and glides into the wind. I somehow remember her, but cant see it clearly. She asks again, How can you hear where the wind is going to go? I turn to her, Listen to its livelihood. Listen to its mighty majestic howl. can you hear it now? She grins a large evil grin, at that moment I realize who she is. Looking back at her big brown eyes filled with wonder, that evil little smirk, she's a memory of me from when I was but yet just a girl. we both stood still and silent for a moment, listening to the mighty growl of the wind.
How Long?
How long do i have to wait for you to turn ma gray skies blue? How long do i have to sit here thinkin of you to show? Thinkin that you will come knockin on my door! How long do i have to love you? How long do i have to wonder if you love me too? Is it all in my mind? Am i makin it up just to past time? Or are these feelings real? Is this really how i feel? What is the deal? Why dont I kno? Why do these question comtinue to grow And the answers im loking for never show? How long will i feel this way? Thinking of you everyday! Trying not to a stray from my thoughts! How long do you plan on playin this game? Trying to make me think that things are still the same! But i can see that things have changed! How long do will i pretend? Pretend that we still have something! Pretend that i cant comprehend the situation that we're in! How long will is last? Will it ever end? Can we remain just being friends? How long has it been? It's been 4 months and 15 days! A
How Long Will It Take
well girls just for fun if i get all of you to come rate my pics, how quick can i make LEVEL 7. so come on i think it can be done in a few hrs but lets see how fare you get me by tomorrow. the love will be returned. THE MAN AKA ( BIG DADDY )
How Lustful Am I? I'm A 30-ish Woman Who Doesn't Get Enough; You Figure It Out!
Your Lust Quotient: 79% You are a very lustful person - and it sometimes gets the better of you! You know how to hold back, but you hardly ever do. How Much Lust Do You Have?
How Low Can You Go?
How low can someone sink purely to sustain their own callous motives? How self-righteous, does one have to be, that they can ride roughshod over another persons life? with no care or regard for the damage they may be causing? How low can an individual sink to prove a point? how much hate and spite has to be perpitrated to gloss over any feelings for another human. How much of your soul do you have to give up, to become so loathing? Is it a sign of the times? are we really as a species becoming so shallow and embittered? that we feel it is neccasary to wreck havoc on another individuals life? All for what? a Few 'Atta boy's and pats on the back, which only serve to maintain a belief in our own self-worth? Have we sank so low that justifying our own opinion will be achieved at all costs? Has our self-respect fallen so low that we can respect no one, let alone ourselves? our morals and values, cast aside in our rush to seek out approval for our actions. Our lack of concern for
How Like A Winter...
How Like a Winter Hath My Absence Been by William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616) How like a winter hath my absence been From thee, the pleasure of the fleeting year! What freezings have I felt, what dark days seen! What old December's bareness everywhere! And yet this time removed was summer's time, The teeming autumn, big with rich increase, Bearing the wanton burden of the prime, Like widowed wombs after their lords' decrease: Yet this abundant issue seemed to me But hope of orphans and unfathered fruit; For summer and his pleasures wait on thee, And, thou away, the very birds are mute; Or, if they sing, 'tis with so dull a cheer That leaves look pale, dreading the winter's near
How Long Would You Last In A Horror Movie?
How long would u last in a horror flick?OMGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!! CONGRADULATIONS!! u got the highest ranking! u are- the unstoppable curse. u take ur job very seriously: ur the lifeless killer. u kill to live and u live to kill. like the Grudge, you cannot be destroyed. i see many sequels in ur future! (me:^_^)Take this quiz! Quizilla | Join | Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code
How Libra My Girl Is (yes, She's A Libra)
You are 47% Libra How Libra Are You?
How Lucky Are You?
Your Luck Quotient: 81% You have an extremely high luck quotient. Not only do you consider yourself lucky, probably everyone you know does too. But you're smart enough to know that you've mostly made your own luck. By being positive, open, and flexible, a lot of luck has come your way! How Lucky Are You?
How Long Does Love Last
How Long Does Love Last (@)}---'--,--'--, As Long As ... The Pain Of Normal Life Is Being Eased. As Long As ... Our Hearts Are Pure And True. As Long As ... There Are Good Times And Bad Times To Share. As Long As ... This Crazy World Keeps Us Sitting On The Hood . As Long As ... I Need You and You Need Me . As Long As ... We Are Both Happy (@)}----'--,--'--, ***Babyyy***
The Howling
Austin sat in his room while the wind began to howl. Such energy whirled around yet none of it reached his soul the way it used to. Disconnection with the energies of the outside world were beginning to leave him exhausted yet unable to sleep. Still sitting Austin brushed his medium length black hair out of his eyes. Some would call him a goth but in truth he was nothing or so he thought. Wearing all black was ussual for him and depression seemed common these days but the label was bothersome. For some reason no matter how much he longed to be a part of something he hated to feel categorized or even be part of things. Social anxieties had often weighted him down and being in large groups was more pain then it was worth. Funny when you want something but hide from it because it seems to only bring you pain. It seemed to him that life was one big circle. If you get something you want it ends up not being what you want and when you find something that makes you happy it goes wrong
How Long Can You Last
had 2 guys over for some fun, first guy I unzipped his pants got his cock hard lubed up my tits and slid his dick between them, he came instantally from un zip to blast off a whopping 20 seconds, he was devistated all we could do was lol I felt bad but omg. the next guy lasted a bit more at a whoping minute and a half. they never made it to my pussy so what I want to know is how long can you last?
How Lose Your Job...
How Lustful?
Your Lust Quotient: 77% You are a very lustful person - and it sometimes gets the better of you! You know how to hold back, but you hardly ever do. How Much Lust Do You Have?
How Lame Am I
Ok so I love cherry bucks but I don't want to spend them!! How lame is that!! I mean they aren't real but I want to keep them!! Maybe I'm thinkin that if I keep them long enough they will turn real, prolly not but hey it's a shot!! Ok so I can't believe that fuck face might be married.. Call me crazy but I'm still stalking his ass and it's ok.. I mean he told me that he could see us being married and he went and got hitched with that fat ass! what the fuck is up with that!! Ok I'm done talking about him.. And if you see me, just slap me! Thanks bitches!
How Little In Me Is Not Touched By You
How little in me is not touched by you! A friendship is a light that fills the heart, Painting with its gold each darkened hue, Providing warmth to each sequestered part. You are the mirror of my better self, Verifier of the best in me, A bridge across the unsuspected gulf Lodged between what can and ought to be. Expectations can be wings, not bars, Necessary to sustain our flight. The faith of friends in us is wholly ours, Incoming to uplift us to its height. No soul can see itself, but must depend, Each on each, upon a trusted friend.
How Long Before You Love After The Lust?
So, how long is it before you fell in love after the lust? Come on now, be honest!!
“COME ON SKYLAR!!! Get the lead out!” Genevieve shouted at her best friend as she checks her costume one last time before heading out to the city’s 100th Halloween masquerade ball. “I’m almost done. Go start the car I be there in 5 minutes.” Genevieve is dressed in a in black leather with traces of lace in her outfit. Her outfit barely passed her tight joggers butt but her legs are incased in knee high boots and fish nets. She grab her mask and headed for the car. Starting it up and waits a few more minutes on Skylar. Genevieve bangs on the horn until Skylar almost ripping off the door handle to the front door to their apartment. Her costume is unbelievable but Genevieve wasn’t real shock. Lisa was in a very sexy if not skimpy devil costume with tail wagging as she ran to the car, her red glittered mask in hand she gets into the car. “ About damn time bitch.” Genevieve stated jokingly. “Suck my nipples, I had to wigging and hold my breath in order to get into my costume. Her costum
How Leaders Are Stealthily Transforming Usa Into North American Union
It seems unthinkable. But then, so did 9/11 before it happened. Can it really be possible that Americans are witnessing a governmental program designed to merge – slowly but surely – the United States, Mexico and Canada? That question is generating a major amount of below-the-media-radar buzz. In recent months, e-mails and telephone calls have poured into radio talk shows and congressional offices asking: Is there a plan to create a "North American Union"? Will a new currency, the "amero," replace the dollar? Is it true that Mexicans will now get Social Security? Yet Congress (except for a few representatives like Tom Tancredo and Ron Paul) as well as the establishment press (with notable exceptions like CNN's Lou Dobbs) turn a blind eye – despite major evidence mounting daily. Just recently, for example, confirmation surfaced that the U.S. government is indeed planning on providing full Social Security benefits to Mexicans – which critics predict will bankrupt the already-
How Low Can I Go...........
I have been feeling so low the last few weeks.As some of you know I lost my job as a med-aid,a job I loved.To make ends meet I got a job working at a 7/11 like place and my hubby started looking for work.For a time we both had jobs him a part time and me a full time job.But even with both of us working we still didnt make what I was making befor I lost my job.......Then it looked as if our everything was going to be ok!!!!My hubby got a new job that pay well,but we are very very backed up on the bills may have things truned off.Nothing we cant live with out just the net for a bit...........Then the week of x-mass the owner of the place we have lived in for the last 4 years calls want wants to have someone look at the place b/c he is thinking of buying it!!!!!!!!!!!So he comes over looks at the place and says if he dose buy it we will be renting it to us.After he and the owner go I get to thinking it was all a put on so the owner can have a look at the place to see that we are keeping i
How Low Will You Go
How Libra Are You?
You are 40% Libra How Libra Are You?
How Leo Are You?
You are 87% Leo How Leo Are You?
Howl Of Freedom
HOWL OF FREEDOM Listen to the sound of midnight Silence, Silence, Silence, And then, suddenly from a far distance miles away and deep inside your soul The sound The call The howl of freedom
~~how Liberals Came Into Being~~
Humans originally existed as members of small bands of nomadic hunters/gatherers. They lived on deer in the mountains during the winter and would go to the coast and live on fish and lobster in the summer. The two most important events in all of history were the invention of beer and the invention of the wheel. The wheel was invented to get man to the beer. These were the foundation of modern civilization and together were the catalysts for the splitting of humanity into two distinct subgroups: 1. Liberals; and 2. Conservatives. Once beer was discovered, it required grain and that was the beginning of agriculture. Neither the glass bottle nor aluminum can were invented yet, so while our early humans were sitting around waiting for them to be invented, they just stayed close to the brewery. That's how villages were formed. Some men spent their days tracking and killing animals to B-B-Q at night while they were drinking beer. This was the beginning of
How Long Does Self-discovery Take?
personality, journals, and something or other Similar themes, different ways by Jan 23, 2007 So, how long have you known yourself? People still take various personality tests to learn more about themselves after knowing themselves for as long as they do. And sometimes it leads to more understanding about themselves even after being around themselves, and such for as long as they have existed. People are often still trying to " discover " themselves after they become adults. It seems like you should know yourself better than anyone else in the world. Can you guess my next question? So why is it that people sometimes feel they can sum up others after about 5 minutes with them????? Or sometimes one day? One week? A whole year? You've been around yourself for a long time, and you are still learning about yourself, but you know mostly about how this other person is after your first glance, first conversation, first impression,.... Wou
How Lucky Can I Be?
So I won tickets to go see Finger Eleven, Chevelle, and Evanescence tonight. I am so happy. YAY... The only bad part was the fact that my nose is so stuff that they played "me" on the radio and I sounded like on idiot but oh well I don't have to get up early satuday to make sure i get tickets to the show now.
How Long?
wow whats smokin all u sexy cherrytappers?i'm sittin here all alone and smokin and bored but i love this place it really rocks.its alot better than anything else i've been much shit you can do.what fun.hahahahhaha
How Lustful Am I
Your Lust Quotient: 72% You are a very lustful person - and it sometimes gets the better of you! You know how to hold back, but you hardly ever do.How Much Lust Do You Have?
How Lexx Are You?
Create your own Friend Quiz here
How Love Hurts
How Love Hurts You told me that you loved me, you told me that you always will. Then one night as I sit home waiting for you to call I heard that you didn't want me and that you went out with your old girlfriend. As I heard this the tears just wouldn't stop falling. Then you called me and I asked you about and you started to yell at me. As you yelled I could feel my heart break into. To me it was so perfect, to me it was going fine, i never thought i'd lose you i thought you'd always be mine.How come i never noticed, how come i couldn't see, that you were changing your mind, the way you felt about me.We could of worked it out, wecould of talked it through, but you left it so long, there was only one thing you could do. You tried to tell me nicely, you asked me if i'd cry, but my heart just tore apart, as i let out a sigh. We hugged for the last time, and i didn't wanna let go, but i finally pulled away as i told myself no! i held i n my tears i began to walk away, when peop
How Liberal Are You?
Your Political Profile: Overall: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal Social Issues: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal Personal Responsibility: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal Fiscal Issues: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal Ethics: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal Defense and Crime: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal How Liberal Or Conservative Are You?
How Long Has It Been?
An old but still ruggedly handsome Sergeant Major found himself at a gala event hosted by a local liberal arts college. There was no shortage of extremely young, idealistic ladies in attendance, one of whom approached the Sergeant Major for conversation. "Excuse me, Sergeant Major, but you seem to be a very serious man. Is something bothering you?" "Negative, ma'am. Just serious by nature." The young lady looked at his awards and decorations and said, "It looks like you have seen a lot of action." "Yes, ma'am, a lot of action." The young lady, tiring of trying to start up a conversation, said, "You know, you should lighten up a little. Relax and enjoy yourself." The Sergeant Major just stared at her in his serious manner. Finally, the young lady said, "You know, I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but when is the last time you had sex?" "1955, ma'am." "Well, there you are. You really need to chill out and quit taking everything so seriously!? I mean, n
How Long
How Long by Jackson Browne Album:"World In Motion " (1989 on Elektra Records) "How Long" is an eloquent cry for peace and change and includes a beautiful acoustic lap steel guitar from David Lindley. Because I think it is one of the most meaningful songs Jackson has ever written, I choose to include it on our list of Protest Songs in spite of the fact that it was written in the 80's and not the 60's. Lyrics: When you look into a child's face And you're seeing the human race And the endless possibilities there Where so much can come true And you think of the beautiful things A child can do How long -- would the child survive How long -- if it was up to you When you think about the money spent On defense by a government And the weapons of destruction we've built We're so sure that we need And you think of the millions and millions That money could feed How long -- can you hear someone crying How long -- can you hear someone dying Before you ask yourself
How Long I Will Last
Not sure how long I will last on this site had no idea they think Cannabis is NSFW. I don't know how I would get through work with out being high. Well I will try and continue to educate and make my voice heard. We need to band together and stop being the silent MAJORITY and become the LOUD VOICE that gets heard!
How Life Is Going
Hello everyone, I hope this fine everyone going well...Things are going good just been busy with life and kids...Let see beau was off last weekend and the kids was gone to Manda and Amy's house...So I went and got my hair done on Saturday Why Beau and Cassi was out doing there thing...We went bowling later that night and had a great time... IF YOU DON'T KNOW CASSI IS BEAUS GIRLFRIEND....She has a lil girl that is so cute...I will have to get pic up of all of us together...So now we have 5kids in are family and we couldn't be any happier with it...But anyways I need get off here and get things done with the kids that are at home...Hope everyone gets out and has a great day in this get weather that we are having.... Hugs N Kisses The Whittington Family PS... For those of you that have my space you can see my new pic on there
How Long Do We Have?
How Long Do We Have? About the time our original thirteen states adopted their new constitution in 1787, Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh, had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some >2,000 years earlier: "A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government." "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." "From that moment on, the majority always vote for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship." "The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years." "During those 200 years, those nations always progressed through the following sequence: 1. fr
How Long #139
How long must this go on Before my heart is finally strong. How long must I wait times passing by and it getting late. How long must this continue Before my heart turns on you?
How Long
how long have you been alone nights been cold all alone laying there night after night while your friends are out there til dawn's light how long has it been so long do you remember once your song how you sang it how you danced now alone so sad romance seems like a memory yet all it takes to not be alone a chance to make a chance to be a chance to live how long alone a chance to give once you were happy once you had dreams once you knew it all once it seemed so right so real so everything and more til the now alone you've cried at the door what will it take what will you do to not be alone do you need a clue take a chance be afraid but still take a chance anyway even if it hurts take it on romance you've been hurt before now go out the door take a chance even if it hurts you've been hurt before now go out of the door and live your life once more
Howl-ing At The Moon
It's late at night, I can't sleep.. There's a strange fire in the pit of my belly. There's a feeling that.. things could start to happen now.. or perhaps things are happening.. This with the podcast, just cause I messed around with some blog software a little and changed how its set up... Normally I feel like we won't be heard which.. is maybe not a bad thing for the moment, while we try and get our shit together.. but now I have the feeling like.. no... we'll climb that mountain.. and I feel as if I'm part of the people who are climbing now or have climbed.. climbed higher then me anyway.. and I suppose we are all doing it together.. and its an amazing thing... I hope this doesn't sound arrogent.. you ever search for what is special about you? What is special about you? There is perhaps something special about us all? Maybe? Perhaps.. I think I have a certain analytic inteligense... I think its sorta social sciences orientated.. that seems monumentally powerful
How Lil-shaq Would Find A Soulmate!
Someone asked me via e-mail....Shaq, How would you find a soulmater? Then I seriously thought of tips on How I would look for a soulmate: Finding your Soulmate Love at first sight is a myth - your eyes only see the similarity to a favorite movie star or novel hero. It's the time you spend together, where you share your innermost secrets, that builds the bonds of soulmates. Be Available It´s no good complaining about not finding a soulmate if you only go out with the same group of friends all the time, or stay at home watching TV. Your soulmate can´t see through walls to find you! Make sure you´re out in places where your soulmate has a chance of finding you, and doing things your soulmate would realize are important to him/her. Comfortable and Trustable Sometimes people expect soulmates to hit them like lightning out of the blue. They go on looking, while the perfect partner is there with them every day, listening to them, being available, being fully trusting. A
How Lame
How lame con some poeple get. If your going to be a low class moron and rate someone low, at least have the balls to admit and be a man. I was hoping this place wouldnt have as many gomers as yahell, but it isnt looking like it lately.
Howl Alone.
"Howl alone" he says to me. I look a little startled. Three years of silence. And this is all he has to say to me? Words in my heart. Why is he always right? I scratch that firm bud behind his ears to show him I understand. "I miss you Grey. I miss our talks." His paw lands...playfully...wistfully...sagely on my knee. And he's gone. The campfire is dead, the hum of insects replaced by the glide of industry and automobile. Cold pale light of the moon...or is it streetlight? Twilight... Midnight... Why didn't he skip the spirit journey bullshit and told me straight up "You're being a dick to the people you love."
How Long?
What would you consider long enough to wait before you move on? Like on a person in general.
How Long?
Subject: How long... A guy sticks his head into a barber's shop and asks: "How long before I can get a haircut?" The barber looks around the shop full of customers and says: "About 2 hours." The guy left. A few days later the same guy sticks his head in the door and asks: "How long before I can get a haircut?" The barber looks around at the shop and says: "About 3 hours." The guy left. A week later the same guy stuck his head in the Shop and asked: "How long before I can get a haircut?" The barber looked around the shop and said: "About an hour and half." The guy left. The barber turned to a friend and said: "Hey Bill, do me a favor. Follow that guy and see where he goes. He keeps asking how long he has to wait for a haircut, but then, he doesn't ever come back." A little while later, Bill returned to the shop, laughing hysterically. The barber asked, "So, where does that guy go when he leaves?" Bill looked up, t ears in his eyes and said: "Your house."
How Long
A guy sticks his head into a barber's shop and asks: "How long before I can get a haircut?" The barber looks around the shop full of customers and says: "About 2 hours." The guy left. A few days later the same guy sticks his head in the door and asks: "How long before I can get a haircut?" The barber looks around at the shop and says: "About 3 hours." The guy left. A week later the same guy stuck his head in the Shop and asked: "How long before I can get a haircut?" The barber looked around the shop and said: "About an hour and half." The guy left. The barber turned to a friend and said: "Hey Bill, do me a favor. Follow that guy and see where he goes. He keeps asking how long he has to wait for a haircut, but then, he doesn't ever come back." A little while later, Bill returned to the shop, laughing hysterically. The barber asked, "So, where does that guy go when he leaves?" Bill looked up, t ears in his eyes and said: "Your house."
How Little Green Men Do It…
How Little Green Men Do It… If anyone has read the Postulate on GUT’s blog and has stopped rolling on the floor in fits of laughter then I’ll explain how the little green men show up to check us out every now and then. As per Einstein no massive object can attain the speed of light due to the relative mass of the object would increase to the point it would require infinite energy to accelerate the mass of the object. So this would mean that no craft could visit earth because any life that could travel the distances required would have to have a 10,000 year life span. And even at half the speed of light a molecule of hydrogen would punch a hole clean through our little puddle jumper. Also inertia would make the occupants become a sticky mess on the wall starboard wall if you tried to make even a slow turn to port. So lets inject the postulate that the universe is indeed a quantum state where all matter is connected by the indefinable energy that was the quantum point of
How La Attorney Persuaded The Judge To Sentence Paris Back To Jail For 45 Days
updated at 3pm PST - Paris Hilton Is Checked In To The Twin TowersNow that Paris Hilton has been ordered back to jail, what exactly happened in the court room today?(Associated Press picture shows distressed Paris Hilton being taken back to jail this afternoon) Los Angeles city attorney Rocky Delgadillo argued at today's hearing that the LA Sheriff's Department violated the court order that Hilton not receive any special treatment - no house arrest, no monitoring anklet, no deals other than 45 days in jail for violation of her probation for DUI (see court document charging Hilton with DUI).Delgadillo argued that Hilton's ?shortening? time was unlawful, that the LA Sheriff's Department never notified the court that Hilton would be released early and that the undisclosed "medical condition" was too vague to warrant her release.The judge was persuaded and ordered LA Sheriff's to immediately take Hilton back to jail at the Twin Towers correctional facility, where she arrived at approximat
How La Attorney Persuaded The Judge To Sentence Paris Back To Jail For 45 Days
updated at 3pm PST - Paris Hilton Is Checked In To The Twin TowersNow that Paris Hilton has been ordered back to jail, what exactly happened in the court room today?(Associated Press picture shows distressed Paris Hilton being taken back to jail this afternoon) Los Angeles city attorney Rocky Delgadillo argued at today's hearing that the LA Sheriff's Department violated the court order that Hilton not receive any special treatment - no house arrest, no monitoring anklet, no deals other than 45 days in jail for violation of her probation for DUI (see court document charging Hilton with DUI).Delgadillo argued that Hilton's ?shortening? time was unlawful, that the LA Sheriff's Department never notified the court that Hilton would be released early and that the undisclosed "medical condition" was too vague to warrant her release.The judge was persuaded and ordered LA Sheriff's to immediately take Hilton back to jail at the Twin Towers correctional facility, where she arrived at approximat
How Long Can I Confuse You For?
Your rock-solid advice is decorated with a light sugarcoating of flirtation. Someone's not sure what it is you're trying to tell them. Go on and confuse them a little more. Secretly, they're enjoying themselves.
How Long Has It Been Since You Took Really Good Care Of Yourself?
How Long Will It Last?
Your Relationship Will Last... A Long Time! This may be hard for you to swallow, but you and your guy might not last At least not forever. He's somewhere between Mr. Right... and Mr. Right Now No doubt your guy is a great catch - and generally good to you The odds are, however, that someone better is out there! How Long Will Your Relationship With Your Guy Last?
How Long?
I am losing myself in the maze of her - giving giving giving; around each new corner - old corners; new turn - old turns. I am uncertain - oh, to find her in the middle at the end somewhere anywhere here. How long? My words are failing me in the brightness of her smile voice laughter - I am mere mortal now, not some artist god king - only a man in love and famished, starved for the touch of her. Am I disappearing in the shadow of this unseemly need? How long? © All rights reserved
How Long?
I am losing myself in the maze of her - giving giving giving; around each new corner - old corners; new turn - old turns. I am uncertain - oh, to find her in the middle at the end somewhere anywhere here. How long? My words are failing me in the brightness of her smile voice laughter - I am mere mortal now, not some artist god king - only a man in love and famished, starved for the touch of her. Am I disappearing in the shadow of this unseemly need? How long? © All rights reserved
How Long Can I Survive?
How long could I go with out food? The rule of thumb is 60 days; presently the world record is 123 days. How long could I go without water? The rule of thumb is 3 days give or take depending on the environment; the world record is 13 days. How long could I go without air? The generally accepted maximum time is 6 minutes, can be extended if the body core temperature is lowered; a verified case in Alaska a child lived after being immersed under ice for 38 minutes. How long can I go without hope? Ask a POW or a Holocaust survivor, the survival rate is zero.
How Long Do Americans Have?
This is the most interesting thing I've read in a long time. The sad thing about it, you can see it coming. I have always heard about this democracy countdown. It is interesting to see it in print. God help us, not that we deserve it. How Long Do We Have? About the time our original thirteen states adopted their new constitution in 1787, Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh, had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years earlier: "A democracy is always temporary in nature; it s imply cannot exist as a permanent form of government." "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." "From that moment on, the majority always vote for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always follow
How Life Is
I Believe... I believe- that we don't have to change friends if we understand that friends change. I believe- that no matter how good a friend is, they're going to hurt you every once in a while and you must forgive them for that. I believe- that true friendship continues to grow, even over the longest distance. Same goes for true love. I believe- that you can do something in an instant that will give you heartache for life. I believe- that it's taking me a long time to become the person I want to be. I believe- that you should always leave loved ones with loving words. It may be the last time you see them. I believe- that you can keep going long after you can't. I believe- that we are responsible for what we do, no matter how we feel. I believe- that either you control your attitude or it controls you. I believe- that regardless of how hot and steamy a relationship is at first, the passion fades and
How Long Is Forever
How long is forever Does forever last Look into the future Not into the past. How long is the future Don’t you wish you could see How you’ll live What you’ll grow up to be. How old will you be when you die Because you won’t live forever You can hope to live awhile But not forever, never. How long does hope last You decide on that And it is also you That will choose your path. How long is forever Does forever last Look into the future Not into the past.
How Long
How long.... How long do I have to wait? Ive asked you time and time again. How long do I have to wait? Ive been honest from the get go, no beating around the bush. How long do I have to wait? Ive begged and pleaded, what can I do. How long do I have to wait? You know what I need, How hard can it be? So..again..Ill ask... How long.....
How Latex Gloves Are Made...
How latex gloves are made... A dentist noticed that his next patient, an elderly lady, was looking very nervous so he decided to tell her a little joke as he put on His gloves. "Do you know how they make these gloves?" he asked. "No, I don't" she replied. Well," he spoofed, "there's a building in China with a big tank of latex and workers of all hand sizes walk up to the tank, dip in Their hands, let them dry, then peel off the gloves and throw them into boxes of the right size." She didn't crack a smile. "Oh, well. I tried," he thought. But five minutes later, during a delicate portion of the dental procedure, she burst out laughing. "What's so funny?" he asked. "I was just picturing how condoms are made!" she said. Gotta watch those little old ladies! Their minds are always working!!
How Long Will It Take?
How Lustful Are You
Your Lust Quotient: 55% You are definitely a lustful person, but you do a good job of hiding it. Your friends would be surprised to know that your secretly very wild! How Much Lust Do You Have?
How Loved Do You Feel ?
October 29, 2007 @ 1:03 pm Love you to death. If I don't get this back, I understand. But I have a game for you. Once you read this letter, you must send it to 15 people that you really care about, including the person that sent it to you. If you receive at least 7 back, then you are loved. Nobody knows what they have until they loose it. You never leave the person whom you love for the one you like, because that person who you like will leave you for the person whom they love. Tonight, right at 12:00am, your true love is going to realize that they LOVE you! Then something is going to happen to you between 1:00 and 2:00 a.m. Tomorrow, be ready for the greatest shock of your life. If you break this chain, you are going to have bad luck in love for the next years of your life. Send this to 15 people in 15 minutes. Do it if you wanna know who your real love is ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOVE YOU, ii LOV
How Little Green Men Do It…
How Little Green Men Do It… If anyone has read the Postulate on GUT’s blog and has stopped rolling on the floor in fits of laughter then I’ll explain how the little green men show up to check us out every now and then. As per Einstein no massive object can attain the speed of light due to the relative mass of the object would increase to the point it would require infinite energy to accelerate the mass of the object. So this would mean that no craft could visit earth because any life that could travel the distances required would have to have a 10,000 year life span. And even at half the speed of light a molecule of hydrogen would punch a hole clean through our little puddle jumper. Also inertia would make the occupants become a sticky mess on the wall starboard wall if you tried to make even a slow turn to port. So lets inject the postulate that the universe is indeed a quantum state where all matter is connected by the indefinable energy that was the quantum point of big
How Likeable Are You?
You are 100% likeable You are a very likeable person. You have good manners and you are very friendly. You have tons of friends and no enemies. 'How Likeable are You?' at
How Long Can You Last In Bed
How Long Can You Last In Bed?Over 60 minutes really know how to work it and keep the heat up for a long time. You probably experiment and tease a lot. Your partner thinks you're a kinky bitch and loves doing it with you. You keep it coming and know how to make it fun. You really know how to pull an all-nighter and make it extra special. You get the caressing, teasing, and experimenting in all in night. It makes you even more irresistible and the sex even more intimate.Sex-Intimacy Quizzes
How Life Works
Well not that everyone knows but i already have a son who is 9 months old now i left his fater 3 months ago and i found out a few weeks ago that i was pg again by my son father i was upset but i got over it life goes on. Well make a long story short i lost the baby so no more baby i was upset but things happen but i am kind of happy at the sametime if u knew the whole story u would know why but i just wanted to get this off my chest not that everyone wanted to know but oh well sorry.
How Life Treat You
she lyes there drowning in her tears... wanting to give in to deaft.. knowing nothing good can come out of her hurts so bad she cries as her heart tears in two.. she curls in a ball ((rocking back and forth trying to make the world explode in her mind... wishin she could just know why life has to be so hard...when your as young as she is... wishing she didnt get so strong of feelings for him ((that she thinks shes in love with)).. she really dont no wat it is or might feel like ... she hates how ppl lie and just throw it around so much.. cuz it makes
Howling Blood
Howling Blood 1
The Howling
Here is a random conversation I had while watching The Howling on TV last week: D: Why doesn't she just stake it in the heart? Me: That's for Vampires Well, how do you kill a werewolf then? Silver bullets Where do you get silver bullets from? Coors
How Libra Are You? My Results
Ironic since I am a Virgo born on the cusp of Libra! You are 60% Libra How Libra Are You?
How Lucky Can A Guy Get? Aka Anatomy Of A Country Band
I am one of the luckiest guys in the world! I play guitar with a top-notch KC area Country band. They are the best group of guys (and gals) that I could hope for really. Dean Saul sings the lead vocals. Dean is the baby (youngest of us all) and though he is usually a bit nervous, Dean has the best voice of probably anybody in Kansas City for Country music. Furthermore he is just a really nice and fairly laid-back guy. I've played in bands with Dean since the mid 90's. Mark has played with me in groups since the early 90's and plays Drums. Mark is a real character and is left-handed but plays drums in a unique way that keeps more drummers 'busy' wondering how he does it. He's a bit unconventional and probably the one most responsible for the way we sound as a group. Mark is stubborn and forthright...but a true friend and just a great guy to be around. We're lucky to have him. Rick has fast become one of my best friends. We have so much in common outside of the band that we just cl
"how Life Should Be"
"how Life Should Be" life should be how ever. u make it. one way life is. happy. making ur own way. threw life.
How Long
how long dose it take to get a devores in fl
How Long Can U Last N Bed?
How Long Can You Last In Bed?Over 60 minutes really know how to work it and keep the heat up for a long time. You probably experiment and tease a lot. Your partner thinks you're a kinky bitch and loves doing it with you. You keep it coming and know how to make it fun. You really know how to pull an all-nighter and make it extra special. You get the caressing, teasing, and experimenting in all in night. It makes you even more irresistible and the sex even more intimate.Myspace Quizzes
How Long Should Someone Put Up With It??
How hard can it be to find the person you are meant for, the person that is meant for you. Why is it that when you get to know someone things seem to be good then all a sudden the lies start, they go away on a trip and string you along and tell you they will call a certain time, then when that time comes they dont... and each time there is another excuse given... How long should one put up with this? How long can one put up with the lies? How long does someone think that another person can handle all the lies and continue to be forgiving of the person? How long would anyone else go before they give up? Reasons given seem to get more lame as time goes on. What would YOU do if a person you started to gain interest in, and "seemed" to have interest in you, started to play mind games with you and tell you things, then backtrack those statements to something else... You can only backstep so many times before someone goes insane. How long should someone put up with t
How Long Will We Last
How Long Will Your Relationship Last?Wow! It was meant to be! Just hold on to it!Congratulations! You have true love! Just don't let any one or anything stand in the way of it!Love-Friendship Quizzes
How Liberal Or Conservative Are You?
Your Political Profile: Overall: 35% Conservative, 65% Liberal Social Issues: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal Personal Responsibility: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal Fiscal Issues: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal Ethics: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal Defense and Crime: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal How Liberal Or Conservative Are You?
How Life Is Going With Me
Hey Everyone, Hey How are You all doing? I am doing really Good. I am currently seeing a wonderful woman In My Life. Her and I have alot in common an very strongly in Love with One another. She Means The world To Me Like You wouldn't belive. Life Has Been pretty Good so Far and Been really busy takenin care of the house and what not. But Yeah Like I said before in this blog and The Woman Of My Life is My world and My Breath and The reason I wake up in the Morning and The reason For Living each and everyday to the fullest I can do and ask For. Her and I Have Been datin For about a week now and each and every day that goes by and It just keeps gettin stronger and stronger. I can't ask for Much More. There are Nights I lay in bed and just sit there an think about that day an when it comes an I'll get to see her. It Tears Me Up alot an But I know the wait an pain sometimes will be WORTH THE WAIT I KNOW FOR SURE IT WILL BE. I Love You Baby SO Much and You Have no Clue How Much You Truely
How Long Will It Take???
Ok Bad Girls ..One Of Our Own Is About 500 K From Godmother..How Long Will It Take For Her To Get There?? Let's Do What We Can To Get Her There A.S.A.P. Here Is Her Link Spank Her Good With Rates Twisted and Transparent
How Love Met Chaos- A Short Story
Love was a beautiful maiden that everyone assumed only had this wide eyed innocence. What they did not realize is because of her close relationship with her cousins Hate and Pain that she had developed a strong worldly knowledge. Not many would court her due to her polite unassuming nature. They were afraid of her snaring and taming them with her quiet beauty. Love however has an equally beautiful sister named Lust. Lust was a wildly wicked girl who attracted the attention of many men but never stayed true to a single one. Lust often causes her men to feel pain when she departed but could never change her ways. She knew her sister Love more then anyone else. She knew what Love hides beneath those innocent eyes was far from naïve and tame. She decided Love just needed to be introduced to the right man. When Lust introduced Love to Chaos the attraction between the two could not be denied. They had a passionate affair that soon brought out Chaos’ true nature. He too was fooled by he
How Long Is Average In Length? How Big Is The Perfect One?
If you ask an Idiot a Question, Do not blame the Idiot when they give you a Stupid answer. Content of a question is not determined by the person asking the question, but by the person they expect to answer the question. Validity of a question lies not valid by ones asking the question, but who they have chosen to answer the question. A question is only as resourceful and helpful as the answer that follows it. All questions are good questions, unfortunately few answers are good answers. The mind is like a tank of gas, when relying on an empty one you get no where, when relying on a full one, you can go anywhere.
How Lupus Affects Me
I am a 24 year old female just recently diagnoised with lupus, but have had symptoms for years. First was joint pain that could not be explained. It was so bad it took me 15 minuets to even get out of bed I was so stiff. Then this past summer my hair started falling out. The dr only said to use rogain, which of course didn't work. In May I had to go to urgent care because of the pain again. Luckly the dr I saw did blood tests, which is not normaly done there, and sent then to my pcp. It took almost a month and 9 tubes of blood to figure it out. The hardest part was having my supervisor force me to take a lower postion with less hours and less pay. But I am lucky in the fact that my family help and support me, and make sure I take care of myself. I have been taking meds to help, but still have days where I hurt. The only problem I have now is a burning in my fingertips, which can get so bad they turn bright red you can feel the heat. All I can do is pray I wake up in less pain than when
How Long Will It Take
As Of A Few Minutes Ago.. Sarge's Bad Girls Is Officially On The Quest To Godfather... your fubar level just increased to '24' (Fu-King)! 6 mins ago How Long Will This Quest Take??
How Long Will Americans Stay Apathetic To The Reality
Howlin' Hotties (the Bad Wolfy ) Auction Come And Bid On Me!!!
Own me!!! Yes' I'm Back for Auction!!! I know what your thinking not again! Well here is the deal The Bad Wolfy is having he's 1st auction and I'm In Here is my link: Yes I want you to Own me!!! And put those Cuff on me! Now can you please go and bid on me? xoxo Bad Kitty
How Life Is Measured
I had a very special teacher in high school many years ago whose husband unexpectedly and suddenly died of a heart attack. About a week after his death, she shared some of her insight with a classroom of students. As the late afternoon sunlight came streaming in through the classroom windows and the class was nearly over, she moved a few things aside on the edge of her desk and sat down there. With a gentle look of reflection on her face, she paused and said, "Before class is over, I would like to share with all of you a thought that is unrelated to class, but which I feel is very important." "Each of us is put here on earth to learn, share, love, appreciate and give of ourselves. None of us knows when this fantastic experience will end. It can be taken away at any moment. Perhaps this is a way of telling us that we must make the most out of every single day."...... Her eyes beginning to water, she went on, "So I would like you all to make me a promise. From now on, on y
The Howl Of Freedom
The Howl of Freedom by Whitewolf Listen to the sound of midnight Silence, silence, silence... And then, suddenly from a far distance Miles away and deep inside your body The Sound The Call The Howl of freedom Open your heart and join
How Long Do We Have (not Original)
How Long Do We Have? About the time our original thirteen states adopted their new constitution in 1787, Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh , had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years earlier: "A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government.' "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury.' "From that moment on, the majority always vote for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship.' 'The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years' 'During those 200 years, those nations always progressed through the following s
How Long-the Eagles
"How Long"~The Eagles Like a blue bird with his heart removed, lonely as a train I've run just as far as I can run If I never see the good old days shinin' in the sun I'll be doin' fine and then some How long, how long Woman will you weep How long, how long Rock yourself to sleep Well I been doin' time in lonesome prison, where the sun don't shine Just outside, the freedom river runs Out there in that shiny night, with blood hounds on your mind Don't you know it's the same sad situation? How long, how long Woman will you weep How long, how long Rock yourself to sleep Everybody feels alright you know, I heard some poor fool say (Somebody Ooooo) Everyone is out there on the loose Well I wish I lived in the land of fools, ¨' no one knew my name But what you get is not quite what you choose Tell me, how long, how long Woman will you weep How long, how long Rock yourself to sleep How long, how long Mud
How Long...
Does it take for a salute to be approved????!?!?! Damn!!! LOL I want my pts already!!!
How Long Should I Wait
For how long must I wait to be in your arms. An hour? A day? A week? I shall wait for how ever long it takes. I'm not a very patient person, you know that. But for you I will wait a lifetime for, Without a word, just the reward of your heart at the end. To have your heart in the grasp of my hands, I would keep it safe, protected from all who cause pain. Never again will pain be painted across your face. Never again will you shed another tear. For I will protect you, my body as your shield. I love you more than these words can say, And i will always love you even past my dying day. Listen to my words and embrace them, they are of truth. You are my everything my body, my mind., my soul And most of all my love.
How Low Can They Be?
To those who really are my friends, I am no longer a part of DLS. Thanks for all you have done for me. Just to set the record straight......... I have been away taking care of my dad who has cancer and not able to be there for my sets. I was told by the Co-Owner that I am being put on the "Fill In" DJ list. I found out later that evening that my Mods were taken away from me. This morning when I signed in to Fubar I found out that I was no longer a STAFF member. If this is how they want to treat loyal members, then I dont want any part of it so I unsubscribed and will no longer be there. Good luck to all who are there.
How Long?
You smile at me, You sing to me, You let me ride with you, And all this time, I thought there could be, Something between us two, But now I know that something, Was really something less, And now I know there's someone else, You'd like to have instead, You joke with me, You lean on me, And you caress my skin, And as you say, "You're beautiful", My heart beats fast within, But you just want attention, And you've been playin' with my heart, I always fall for guys like you, But I'm never what they want, How long were you gonna just let me think, I had a chance with you, How long were you gonna keep playin' this game, Of maybe I like you, How long were you gonna keep toyin' with me, When you know how I feel, To bad that how long's over now, Cause I know it wasn't real. I don't know what she looks like, I only know her name, I know you have a thing for her, Before I ever came, I started falling for you, From the day that we first met, I've almost tak
How Long Does The Christmas Season Last In Ireland
The Christmas season officially begins on December 8 in Ireland. A few days later, on December 12, some people in Ireland still carry on the old tradition of celebrating "Women's Christmas", or Nollaig na mBan in Gaelic. Click here to read more about this and more Christmas traditions in Ireland. Although many here in America believe the "12 days of Christmas" end with Christmas Day, they actually begin on December 25. In Ireland, Christmas is celebrated beyond December 25, though. Christmas Eve ends with a midnight Christmas Mass. Then Christmas Morning arrives with gifts from Santa and the big feast. The day after Christmas is celebrated too...St. Stephen's Day. And the Christmas season doesn't officially end until January 6, the day of the Epiphany. Also known as "Little Christmas" in Ireland. Read more about the Christmas traditions associated with these festive days in Ireland. For Irish Christmas folklore, look no further than the traditional Christmas carol, "The
How Long Will You Stand Aside?
How long will you stand aside? I have stood aside and watched while the once greatest, most civilized, and most humane nation in history was being converted into a jungle. I have stood aside and watched white the greatest good will the world has ever seen between multiple white nationalities within one nation, was being deliberately changed into suspicion, dissension and hatred. I have stood aside and watched while this “land of the free and the home of the brave” was being conditioned by traitors to seek peace at any price-even at the price of independence and freedom. I have stood aside and watched while our courts encouraged and our press glorified the perpetrators of crime who have spread riots, vandalism, robbery, and murder across our land. I have stood aside and watched while our colleges have been taken over by misguided children without the slightest understanding of the civilization they have inherited, or of the evil forces by which they have been duped by.
Howling At The Moon Train
The Rules: 1. Stop by W1ld4ss's page and rate his Wolves folder... Start with this pic... 2. Rate, Fan, Add, and Comment each person on the Party List. If you are already friends with someone, check to make sure you have re-rated him/her and leave a comment... "Howling at the Moon" or something like that... 4. Private message Carrie when you have completed rating each party guest. She will make you a thank you tag... And add you to the guest list... 5. When new people join the party... You must rate/fan/add/comment them back... DO NOT just ACCEPT the friend request 6. Repost the bulletin so it can be seen by as many people as possible. 7. NO DRAMA... You agreed to the rules... So, be sure you follow through... No cheating... Please... ****************************** Below is the gift tag you will receive... Feel free to save and upload your tag or rip it... But if you rip it, you will NOT receive points when someone rates it on your page. Please l
How Lucky I Am.
How Lucky Are You?You are a Lucky Penny. You lead a pretty regular life, but every so often luck tosses you a penny and you grab it! Sometimes you win small amounts at the lottery, but not always. Although you aren't the luckiest kid on the block you still have a pretty good life.Find Your Character @
How Long Should It Take?
..When it comes to how long sex and foreplay should last every individual has their own personal preference right? I mean for some folks, especially women in particular, during foreplay the average man either doesn't give enough oral love or he doesn't stay down between her legs long enough. Now as far as the men are concerned, at least the ones that I know, their chief complaints were that some women either don't give head long enough or not at all? So moving along to the sex act itself, many women say that they hated men that put in an hour long foreplay session from the ones I know, but only put in 10 or 15-minutes of sex. However quite a lot of women also told me that they hated men that put in long foreplay sessions but coupled with FOREVER AND A DAY sex sessions. So as you can tell blogland everyone is feeling something different when it comes to foreplay and sex, so different that I decided to write this blog and find out where all my other friends on this site think ab
How Like Him Kennycheney/? Yes Or No Im Just Ask A ?
/albums/n160/howling31/kenny%20cheney/?action=view¤t=a1b.jpg" target="_blank">
How Leo Are You?
You are 73% Leo You are 73% Leo How Leo Are You?
How Long Will It Be Before Death Claims Obama?
How long will it be before death claims Obama? I will be the voice of reality. I feel, see and have come to know deep within my heart and soul; we place a bi-racial man in the White House, but how long Barack Obama will last there. I don’t see him lasting long. Sorry, but life is not yet ready for him. He is just walking in three men footsteps, who were assassinated. How long will it be before Obama is assassinated? We compare him to Martin Luther King Jr. and JFK, plus Lincoln. All three were killed because life didn’t want them in life or power. Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by a shot in the back of the head. John F. Kennedy was assassinated by a shot while riding in his car along side his wife. Martin Luther King Jr was assassinated on April 4, 1968. I wish him all the best, but he is walking upon a dangerous and deadly pathway now. I just pray his children are kept safe from harm. I wander if he knew the risk he was placing his family in. I know there have been threat
How Long Will It Take You To Run Outta Gas?
24 miles per gallonCreated by The Car Connection
How Long Does Amerika Have?
HOW LONG DOES THE USA HAVE ??? This is the most interesting thing I've read in a long time. The sad thing about it, you can see it coming. I have always heard about this democracy countdown. It is interesting to see it in print. God help us, not that we deserve it. How Long Do We Have? About the time our original thirteen states adopted their new constitution in 1787, Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh, had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years earlier: 'A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government.' 'A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury.' 'From that moment on, the majority always vote for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose f
How Long?
Not sure what day it is Not sure that I care Lost all desire to move or be part of life The hole is black and has no side At least none that I can feel Tears flow from me like blood Leaving streaks of me where ever they fall How long has it been now Since you left me like this To lie in my own pool of blood pouring freely from my eyes I loved you the first time our eyes met Now your eyes look upon another And yet my eyes see only you and blackness Oh for the courage to jump The courage to take a thousand pills or to slice my wrists But I know I will not. I'll just lie here, as tears flow like blood Feeling the flood from my heart dying You have to come back to me I can't move, I can hardly breath I've not eaten for days Lying here, wasting away. How Long has it been now. How many hours how many days Days seem like years Lying here in a puddling of my own tears.
How Long
Sleep prys into my head. And I begin to dream of you. With all the distance between us. Theres nothing else I can do. Images of you float through my head. As my heart smiles at night. My mind holds you as long as it can. Till dawns morning light. Another day to let go by. More time with you being gone. More of my soul crying. When will it end,how long.
How Lucky Are You?
Lucky Quiz »'s fun quizzes! ~ Barack Obama's IQ ~ Honeymoon Sweepstakes ~ The Dumb Test ~ Quizzes | Movie Trivia & Movie Quizzes | Dumb MySpace Quotes
How Long Does It Take To Give A Rate/comment To One That Loves Soo Well?!
How Long Do We Have?? (not Original!!)
How Long Do We Have?About the time our original thirteen states adopted their newconstitution in 1787, Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh , had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years earlier:"A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government.'"A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that votersdiscover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury.'"From that moment on, the majority always vote for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship.''The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from thebeginning of history, has been about 200 years''During those 200 years, those nations always progressed through thefollowing sequence:1. From bondage to spiritual fa
The Howling
We've been seeing what you wanted, Got us cornered right now Falling asleep from our vanity May cost us our lives I hear them getting closer Their howls are sending chills down my spine And time is running out now, They're coming down the hills from behind When we start killing It's all coming down right now From the nightmare we've created I want to be awakened somehow (Wanna be awakened right now) When we start killing It all will be falling down From the hell that we're in All we are is fading away When we start killing We've been searching on and on But there's no trace to be found It's like they all have just vanished But I know they're around I feel them getting closer Their howls are sending chills down my spine And time is running out now They're coming down the hills from behind When we start killing It's all coming down right now From the nightmare we've created I want to be awakened somehow (Wanna be awakened right now) When we start killing It all will be falling dow
How Long Have You Been On Nine?
 How Long Has Your System Been Running?Here's how you verify system uptime:Click Start | Run and type cmd to open a command prompt.At the prompt, type systeminfoScroll down the list of information to the line that says System Up Time.This will tell you in days, hours, minutes and seconds how long the system has been up.Note that this command only works in XP Pro, not in XP Home. You can, however, type net statistics workstation at the prompt in Home. The first line will tell you the day and time that the system came online.
How Low Lyrics
[Intro: Chuck D. sample]How - low - can you go? How - low, can you go?How - low - can you go? How - low, can you go?How - low - can you go? How - low, can you go?How - low - can you go? How - low, can you go?[*sped up*] HOW - LOW - CAN YOU GO? HOW - LOW, CAN YOU GO?HOW - LOW - CAN YOU GO? HOW - LOW, CAN YOU GO?HOW - LOW - CAN YOU GO? HOW - LOW, CAN YOU GO?HOW - LOW - CAN YOU GO? HOW - LOW, CAN YOU GO?[Ludacris - Verse 1]Hahaha, LUDA!She can go lower than I ever really thought she could - Face down - {ASS UP!}The top of yo' booty jigglin outcho' jeans, baby pull yo' pants up!I like it when I see you do it, better than I've ever seen I done befo'A lot of, women, drop it to the ground, but HOW - LOW - CAN YOU GO?Lower, than yo', mama's, ever, seen it, in her, life-timeNever, would of i-magined it, not even in her right mindPractice in front of that mirror, now you, doin it, on the dance flo'Mad 'cause I can't get wit you, "Chick, just show me how to dance" {OHH!!!}I may not wanna get low,
"how Long Could She Pretend That She's Okay?"
And she breaks down and criesCause she`s living a lieThen she peels of her smileRevealing tears in her eyesAnd her makeup`s runningThe fire is burningHer heart is breakingHer world`s left shakenHow long could she pretend that she`s okayAnd her mask is meltingHer dreams are fading She`s slowly losing The life she`s makingHow long could she pretend that she`s okay?She knows what she wantsAnd she knows how to get itBut she`s suddenly lost all sense of directionShe wakes up and looks at the skyNot understanding, she`s asking why She goes to bed and looks at the floor Because deep down she knowsShe can`t take anymoreAnd her makeup`s runningThe fire is burningHer heart is breakingHer world`s left shakenHow long could she pretend that she`s okayAnd her mask is meltingHer dreams are fading She`s slowly losing The life she`s makingHow long could she pretend that she`s okay?Whenever she smiles she`s telling a lieBecause the girl on the insideIs losing the fightBut she grew a spineBecause her tea
How Long Do These Thoughts Last?
Why do i always lose, where others always win?All i can think of is how happy we should have been.i sit here afraid, in tears...alone,My friends all sick of hearing my moan!My heart was ripped apart, the scars they will remain,Gave you so much, gave you my heart,You knew me so well, so why can't you see my pain?What am i supposed to do?Can't tell you how i really feel,but i can't bring myself to move on.Stuck here feeling low,Stuck here feeling numb,Stuck here with thoughts of you,Stuck here... forever??? 
Howl By Allen Ginsberg
HOWL by Allen Ginsberg (Yea I know it is long but I
How Life Changes Suddenly
theres 2 sections to this please read the 1st, then continue on...wrote by dallas angel nov 17 2008a little of what is going and punisher been talking on here for 2 years and were great friends then after a while we started having feelings, i knew of his feelings but untill 2 weeks ago he never knew of mine, i gave him my number and we talked for 9 days straight now i am living here i am truely inlove with him and he loves me i left a bad marrige of 17 years and never knew what love was till me and punisher started talking now that i am here it is so awesome to find my true love i know it sounds weird and the way things played out but we are both very happy if i had to do it over again tomorrow i would i truly love him so wish us the best of luck any questioins just ask we will try and answer btw just because we are inlove you can still be friends with him or me thanks dallas angel and punisher 4 life now for part 2, very important..wrote by punisher 12-28-10after a 2 year
How Life Really Is!
It is always nice to think that you have all of the time in the world.  Time to meet the person you want to share your life with, grow old with, but sometimes reality has a way of stealing all of that from you.  I know that I took a break from here and it was not something I wanted to do but I do feel that I can let my friends know now that is going on.  I have been undergoing medical issues for over a year and a half here in Arizona with multiple tests, multiple specialists.  You begin to feel like the neverending pin cushion but finally one day they come up with an answer. You hope for the best prepare for the worst and when the words come out of their mouths you try to control yourself.  I did find my diagnosis its not the greatest and ultimately will take me away from everyone that I love and care about.  According to my cancer doctor I have Myeloid Myplasia, eventually will turn into Leukemia and then go from there but then came the hidden diagnosis the one I was expecting.  I hav
How Long Do U Have To Wait To Be With The One U Love? When He Is A Truck Driver....
how long do we wait to be with the one we love when they are a truck driver?
How Long?
How long must I be denied? The love I gave so freely  You take without question I stand by you even when I am not there You left standng me alone as if you do not care You hardly say a word just a poke me here and there A hug or a heart sometimes a smile Cast me aside  if I mean nothing to you Just tell me before you do
I worked until it didn't hurt any more.Til I was a hoarse mass of sweat and screams.Too dry and angry to carry on.I worked until the cries were grunts.Til the grunts were hollow.Til the nails driven into skulls became uncountable.Til the great cleaving hacks were a reaped field of enemy.Til I wasn't lonely.Til I wasn't empty.Til there was just tight heat and mad drive.The strikes became clumsythe guard all but forgottennothing but rage and ripping sinewTrembling when stilled.Digging a sharp, itchy abrasion into cheek and bare chest.Cooling.Damp.Heaving.Fight.Howl.Defeat.Was I the last?The only?Did I care any more?Win?Lose?Hate.
How Low Will You Go?
This is a true story, but the names have been changed to protect some of the innocent victims...this is a 55 yr. Old man who has got to be one of the most self-serving, greediest person I've ever met on fubar in my entire 4 ½ yrs. on here. He asks for advice, but never takes it. He's going to do what HE wants to do in any aspect that I've seen on mafia and fubar.   He had friends in our turf whom he had added to his family. These family members do not beat the bushes to level up on fubar or want to waste their money on those ability blings, but everyone enjoys a chance to level up, even those with no hope to.   This man, I'll call him Dan... proceeded to ask his mafia friends in our turf to add him to their family. And of course, none of them questioned why, they just obliged him. Then he told them he would be removing them from his family but still wanted to come back and rate and comment on their page. These folks were shocked and some went ahead and removed him because he w
Howling Jack: Honey Pumpkin Mead
This mead is the color of a ripe peach and smells like autumn leaves - perfect for a Harvest party or Sabbat.1 sound, hard-rind pumpkin (approx. 2 quart capacity)Paraffin wax1 1/2 quarts of water4 lbs. honey2 each oranges and lemons1 pkt. wine yeast1 tea bag (black tea)Prepare yeast starter.Sterilize honey and water by boiling for 10 minutes, skimming the froth as it rises.Remove from heat; stir in sliced citrus fruits, including skins.Cool to room temperature; pitch yeast.Allow to sit overnight.Prepare pumpkin by cutting off the top with a sharp knife. The top must "mate" with the bottom so cut carefully. Clean out the seeds, strings, and membranes of the pumpkin. Rinse out with water.Pour the must into the pumpkin, leaving an inch of air space between the liquid and the rim of the opening. Replace the top.Prepare the paraffin/water bath: Fill a plastic bucket with hot water, melt the paraffin wax and float it on the water.Dip the pumpkin, bottom first, into the warm paraffin until it
How Luxury Packaging Design Can Transform An Industry
Packaging is the art, science, and technology of protecting or enclosing products for storage, sale, and distribution. The most renowned use of luxury packaging design can be found in department stores of beauty and fragrance industry worldwide. Bottles and containers full of fragrances, oils, lotions, and powders are beautifully displayed in luxury bags, luxury boxes and pouches aimed at exciting and enticing the consumer. Some industries are keeping luxury packaging design technologies better than others. Luxury packaging can move your brand from a commodity driven item into a premium and innovative product category. Not just that, it can boost sales and create its own single niche with no competition. Entire new product categories have been created around a unique niche market that may not have amazing but also excited a few years ago. Why are so many firms not considering to this? They keep on the old packaging strategies that are "trite" and "tired." Businesses bend t
How Lucky I Felt
How lucky I felt when I kiss your hot tight between my lips, your voice when my heart hit the walls of my chest when you look me choked breath when your touch up my whole body, but all this was only my dream.                           When your love of my memory erased all that was earthly, became vice when your happiness my heart when your thoughts have become my dreams waves ship when in your arms nest stood the temple of my soul.                            When words become flowers, flowers have become music and music became litter creeps second violins strings caught the moments we love dozens of losers-in eternity ...                            Grace touched my soul with your love love ...
How Long Can A Man Be Strong
I've been restless for a long, long time. Trying to find a home for heart of mine.  The nights are long and the days are long. Its hard to find a reason to carry on.  But all the searchin' is it ever gonna end? Must I keep on losing' again and again?  Tell me how long can a man be strong? How long must he carry on?  With out the love of a woman to call his own? Tell me, how long can a man be strong?  Its on every man's mind to find that special girl, some of them get lucky but I'm alone in this world. Still I know she's out there somewhere, so I'm gonna keep tryin',  someday I'm gonna find her, its just a matter of time.  As long as I have been waiting, I know she has been waiting too, hold on a little longer, I'm on my way to you.  Now ever since this world began, it takes a woman to make a man.  Now I need someone, don't you know I need someone?  Ooh!! But all this searchin' is it ever gonna end? Must I keep losin' again and again and again  Yeah, oh keep on waiting, O
How Much Of A Gold Digger Are You?
You are 19% Gold Digger You are not a gold digger. Love means a lot to you and you would never compromise your chance of true love by trying to seduce someone wealthy. Take this quiz at
How Much Fear - 09/24/01
How much fear Why do I have to be so scared. So much fear, of my life. The way it goes. The way it doesn't go, at all the way I want. And put me in places I don't wanna be. Sometimes I feel I want to run away. From the life I lead and find another. Drift listlessly off the pages of this book. This dream. This fear. A little or a lot. How much fear.
How Much Of A Redneck Are You
See how southern or northern you REALLY are...go to this web site and take the test. then put your name and result in a comment below
How Much Have You Changed In 10 Years?
You've Changed 72% in 10 Years Compared to who you were ten years ago, you've changed a great deal. In fact, you're probably in a completely different phase of your life - and very happy about it! How Much Have You Changed in 10 Years?
How Much Is Your Life Worth?
Your Life Is Worth... $879,000 How Much Is Your Life Worth? I wonder if my insurance agent would agree....lmao
How Much Do You Cost
Look over the following list and see how many of these things you have done. But you have to add up the money amount along the way, then post the amount that you are as the title of the bulletin. Smoked pot -- $10 Did acid -- $5 Ever had sex at church -- $25 Woke up in the morning and did not know the person who was next to you -- $40 Had sex with someone on MySpace -- $25 Had sex for money -- $100 Ever had sex with the a Puerto Rican -- $20 Vandalized something -- $20 Had sex on your parents' bed -- $10 Beat up someone -- $20 Been jumped -- $10 Crossed dressed -- $10 Given money to stripper -- $25 Been in love with a stripper -- $20 Kissed some one who's name you didn't know -- $0.10 Hit on some one of the same sex while at work -- $15 Ever drive drunk -- $20 Ever got drunk at work, or went to work while still drunk -- $50 Used toys while having sex -- $30 Got drunk, passed and don't remember the night before -- $20 Went skinny dipping -- $5 Had sex in a pool -
How Much Does It Cost To Buy Hazel Ice?
If you were to buy me, it would cost you $850,902.74! What are you worth? Find Out Here
How Many Children Do You Have?
After losing my first baby,Kevin.and no longer looking pregnant,I dreaded the day that I wouldfirst be asked this question,becauseI didn't know how to answer it.But then,it seemed like months passed without anyone actually asking me,and so I began to become irritated that I hadn't been asked-I felt as if I was being denied the opportunity to affirm Kevin's existance by mentioning him in a response to the question. Eventually.of course,I was asked,and although I do not remeber now what my response was,I know that I made it through the conversation without breaking down.Over time,I developed various responses to the question that I use depending on the situation.If,for example,I am in a situation that does not seem to allow for mentioning KevinO(or my little one I miscarried in 2004)Such as prehaps when I am making small talk with new people,whose trying to get to know me.I will say something like I have four children two in heaven and two on earth.This response feels ok to me.This w
How Much Life Experience Do You Have?
You've Experienced 64% of Life You have all of the life experience that most adults will ever get. And unless you're already in your 40s, you're probably wise beyond your years. How Much Life Experience Do You Have?
How Many Tears Must I Bleed For You????
How many tears must I bleed for you? How many silent screams before you get a clue? My heart can only be torn so much Before it becomes to cold to touch We can't continue this way, at this rate The love we've shared for so long will soon turn to hate Do you even know what you said I hear it echo through my head Do you even realize how much you hurt me I just want you to stop being so angry I'm not shouting anymore I'm trying to fix the heart you tore I'm silently broken Every time you hurt me you tell me you don't want to lose me But somehow you know i'll never leave anyway I'll apologize & take the blame that is not mine in the end And i'll forgive you again & again Hosted by Sparkle Tags
How Many?
How many tears must I cry before this pain goes away? How many tears must I cry before this love turns to hate? How many times must I say "it's ok" ? How much longer must I cry before going fully insane? How many tears? How many tears must this old lady take? How many days does she go without vain? How many days can she handle more pain? How many days can she just erase it all away? How many tears? How many tears can this old lady take? Can she hold on another day with tears flowing down like blood through her veins? Breaking down into a mindless lunatic. Breaking down. The bones are starting to decay. How many tears? How many tears must this old lady cry until her dieing day?
How Many Damn People Do I Look Like Lmao
How Many Of You Have Made A New Friend Today?
No, I don't mean added a new name to your friends list, I mean actually met someone on here today that you've talked to, spent time with, had a conversation with, you know, made friends with? Sometimes it's easy to get so caught up in your own little world, or circle of friends, that you miss the new guy standing on the sidelines, we all do it, but he'd like some friends too. Lost Cherry isn't just about the members that you've always known, it's about the new people too. Wouldn't it be nice if we could all say we made a new friend today?
How Many Do You Remember Doing?
How Much Do You Know And Care??
Answer these so I know how much you know and care 1. Who are you? 2. Are we friends? 3. When and how did we meet? 4. How have I affected you? 5. What do you think of me? 6. What's the fondest memory you have of me? 7. How long do you think we will be friends? 8. Do you love me? 9. Do you have a crush on me? 10. Would you kiss me? 11. Would you hug me? 12. Physically, what stands out? 13. Emotionally, what stands out? 14. Do you wish i was cooler? 15. On a scale of 1-10, how hot am I? 16. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. 17. Am I loveable? 18. How long have you known me? 19. Describe me in 3 words: 20. What was your first impression? 21. Do you still think that way about me now? 22. What do you think my weakness is? 23. Do you think i'll get married? 24. What makes me happy? 25. What makes me sad? 26. What reminds you of me? 27. If you could give me anything what would it be? 28. How well do you know me? 29. Do yo
How Many Agree Or Don't Agree That There Should Be A Marital Status And Sex Selection
How many agree or don't agree there should be a marital status and sex selection to check...I feel there should be one cuz u never know who or what you are talking to.
How Much Do U Know About Sex!!!!
You have a sexual IQ of 123 When it comes to sex, you are a super genius. You have had a lot of experience, and sex interests you so you know a lot about it. You pride yourself on being a source of information and guidance to all of your friends. Take this quiz at
How Many Licks
do you take a bite or the pic..
How Much Of A Gold Digger Are You?
You are 14% Gold Digger You are not a gold digger. Love means a lot to you and you would never compromise your chance of true love by trying to seduce someone wealthy. Take this quiz at
How Many Of You Have Other Pages ??
ok I think this may be my favorite page (found it through a bull on one of my myspaces lol) anyway i will give the links to my public pages and if you have others give me the links in a comment and i will add you if i am on that site also lol lataz (my screen name for the gaming clan is SucCubus so had to have a page lol) this one is my private pro tho there are some of you i would consider adding not sure if im keeping this one its the one i do the least on lol so take a look and let me know k
How Much More Can A Person Take?
I got a call from one of the apts (the one I really wanted to live at) I was turned down due to the children's father not paying rent...omg that was 15 years ago and just because my name was on the lease also I am being penilized for it now...he made my life hell while married to him and he's still doing so even after the be honest I am not sure why I am so surprised because from the time we got the divorce he's been trying to get the children from me...LOL in Florida the social worker used to bring over donuts and sit and have coffee cuz he knew the alligations were all lies...I've been fighting to keep my children even to this date but each time they find I am a good mom to my children and will give them what they need, make sure there is a roof over their heads and always a full children have always come before me and I will continue to do that until the day I die... after calming down I decided to go to walmart and get some boxes...walking down the isle I
How Much Greed Do You Have!!
Your Greed Quotient: 15% You're anything but greedy. You're eager to share and give to others. For you, collecting material possessions is more trouble than it's worth! How Much Greed Do You Have?
How Much Lust Do U Have
Your Lust Quotient: 26% You are a fairly lustful person, but nothing out of the norm. You usually keep your lust under control, but sometimes it gets the better of you. How Much Lust Do You Have?
How Much Pride Do U Have
Your Pride Quotient: 25% You're a little prideful, but nothing out of the norm. Like everyone, you enjoy attention. But you're also good at sharing the spotlight! How Much Pride Do You Have?
How Much Pride
Your Pride Quotient: 42% You have your proud moments, but you're also likely to be a little ashamed of them. Don't be too hard on yourself. It's normal to want to make a stellar impression. How Much Pride Do You Have?
How My Weekend Is Going To Happen
It is finally my weekend. I have the next to days off of work. Today will be a relaxing day and just packing things up for tomorrow. Jen is going in for surgery tomorrow at noon. She is really just glad to be having it done with. I'll update later as I'm sure she won't be able too, she will have to many drugs in her I'm sure. In other news I am in a good mood today. I am coughing less though I'm sure those who talk to me won't agree. To those I just ignore that lil fact and tell them I am getting better lol. OH and work last night went well I was done by lunch time. I had all night to just make my dept. look pretty. Which believe me at this time of year is a major thing. UPDATE UPDATE ON TOYS!!!!!!!!! WE DO NOT HAVE ANY TMX ELMOS! I had this phone call so many times last night. It was so bad that everytime a call came for toys the manager got on the PA and said NO we do not have any elmos. Sigh now if people would just understand that we don't have them and to leave me al
How Many Me's Are There In The U.s.?
HowManyOfMe.comThere are:938people with my namein the U.S.A.How many have your name?
How Many Me's????
HowManyOfMe.comThere are:301people with my namein the U.S.A.How many have your name?
How Many Are There Of Me?
HowManyOfMe.comThere are:114people with my namein the U.S.A.How many have your name?
How Many "me's" In The Us
HowManyOfMe.comThere are:441people with my namein the U.S.A.How many have your name?
How Mature??
You Are 88% Grown Up, 12% Kid Your emotional maturity is fully developed, and you have an excellent grasp on your emotions. In fact, you are so emotionally mature - you should consider being a therapist! How Emotionally Mature Are You?
How Many Are There Of You ?
HowManyOfMe.comThere is:1person with my namein the U.S.A.How many have your name?
How Many Friends I Really Have?
How Many Ppl Have Ur Name
HowManyOfMe.comThere are:12people with my namein the U.S.A.How many have your name? would really like to know after u take this??!!!!
How Many Have Your Name?
HowManyOfMe.comThere are:1,175people with my namein the U.S.A.How many have your name?
How Many People In The Us Have The Same Name I Do.
HowManyOfMe.comThere are:202people with my namein the U.S.A.How many have your name?
How Many
HowManyOfMe.comThere are:11people with my namein the U.S.A.How many have your name?
How Many Times Should I Say
i try an say the words i go throught the acts i walk the line i shudder from this act i see th look in your eyes i kills me so wondering how i can say baby this can't go on i know this will hurt i feel tears fall down i try an control my fears i know this must be done but baby how can i do this when you've been the only one i know you may learn to hate me this i hope not for even apart my love shall never stop
How Many Have My Name
HowManyOfMe.comThere are:9people with my namein the U.S.A.How many have your name?
How Many Have Your Name
HowManyOfMe.comThere are:241people with my namein the U.S.A.How many have your name?
How Much Are U Worth
Okay so here's the deal. You look it over and see how many of these things you have done, BUT you have to add up the money amount along the way, then post the amount that you are as the title of the bulletin such as "$15" or "I'm worth $78" or something like that. Remember to reply to the person who sent this to you letting them know "How Much You're Worth!" Smoked pot-- $10 Got drunk, passed and don't remember the night before-- $20 Went skinny dipping-- $5 Had sex in a pool-- $20 Kissed someone of the same sex-- $10 Had sex with someone of the same sex $20 Cheated on your g/f or b/f -- $10 Cheated on your g/f or b/f with their relative or close friend--$20 done oral-- $5 got oral-- $5 done / got oral in a car while it was moving --$25 prank called the cops-- $5 Stole something-- $10 Stole something worth over more than a hundred dollars--$20 Had sex with someone 10 years older-- $20 Had sex with someone under 21 and you are over 27--$25 Cried yours
How My Night Turned To Hell
this is a very depressing but true poem about my past so don't read it if you don't wanna be saddish... and don't feel bad for me, I've come to terms with it The night started like normal Arguments at home Had enough and walked out Needed to be alone I walked and I walked I ran and I ran Searching for answers Looking for a plan Sat on the moors Rain drenched my skin Cried into my hands Ached so bad within Looked around to face darkness Did not think I’d be so scared Picked up my pace Until voices I heard Turned to see a car Following so slow Full of men I knew I needed to go They were shouting out their windows Telling me to wait My heart beating so fast This couldn’t be fate Searched my pockets for a phone Tried to focus my head Looked around Ignored what was said Next I felt hands on my waist Pulled me into a back lane Tried to scream but was silent I feel so ashamed The car turned in after And the men all got out 5 of them, and me I opened m
How Might One Untie The Knot
How Might One Untie the Knot How might one untie the knot That binds one to God’s love? For love imposes innocence, And innocence, remorse. The tenderness that time forgot No caustic can remove: The laws of cause and consequence Are cut off at the source. Love comes simply as one is, Condemning one to hope, Restoring culpability, Awakening one’s pain. So loved, one cannot be but His, Though one be moved to grope Towards some amoral liberty That seeks the void in vain.
How Many Calories Do You Burn Durig Sex
How many calories do we burn during sex The diet literature explains calories burned while jogging, playing tennis or golfing, but similar information concerning sexual activity has, until now, been unavailable. Yet, a survey of 206,000,000 people indicated that 96% devote more time and effort to sex than jogging, tennis, or golf, and we felt that the time was right for a new type of sex manual. EXAMPLES: 1 hr. intensive foreplay Burns Off: 1 slice (large) chocolate cake. 25 min. nonstop lovemaking Burns Off: 2 slices of pizza with cheese & mushrooms. 53 min. of kissing partner Burns Off: 1 cheeseburger with 14 french fries. 53 minutes kissing yourself Burns Off: Christmas turkey with all the trimmings. PREPARING THE BEDROOM Includes setting the snooze alarm and dimming the lights: 42 (calories burned) ADDITIONAL LAST MINUTE PREPARATIONS Hiding the sex manual: 3 Decanting the wine: 4 Without a corkscrew: 268 MAKING THE FIRST MOVE If y
How Many Times .............
How Many Agree With This
Breathless kisses Burning touches Soft-spoken words of love Urgently spoken words of passion. A man and a woman One complete love Since time began Predestined to be as one. We've been together before In other lifetimes We've fought dragons And have been torn from each others arms Yet our love prevailed. We've walked on this earth many times together Perhaps for a moment Perhaps for years But our heart is one heart And we were meant to be. So when our time on earth Once again comes to a close Have no worries my dear For we will find each other again And again And again. For our love is ageless Eternal A love for all time.
How Much Lust Do You Have
Your Lust Quotient: 59% You are definitely a lustful person, but you do a good job of hiding it. Your friends would be surprised to know that your secretly very wild!How Much Lust Do You Have?
How Much Can One Person Take.....?
Well, the past few days have been hard on me.. When you had enough its enought. Why cant women take a hint. If the guy is in engaged u just leave him alone..ok for the people who want to know what the hell is going me: Yeah he is...him and i are i talk to him everyday other women: k.......thats all I needed to know......tell him I said hi, and have agood life...... me: so stop calling him!!! other women: now that Im not gonna got to keep in touch with him while he was with me.....and until he tells me to leave him aint gonna happen........ me: umm sorry to say he was never with you other women: where do ya think hes been for the last 6 months..... other women: like I said.....until he tells me to leave him aint happenin, because no matter what you wanna believe, its not the truth.. me: let me see here..he hasnt talked to u in how long? take a hint other women: didn't.......why do I have to t
How Many Pollocks Does It Take To Start Rumors???!!!
well boyfriend's friend called me up and was like "hey beautiful, will u go out with me" and i'm like "ahh no" but anywayz then my boyfriend's sister calls my bf and says that i have a date with the guy this weekend is that possible when i'm gonna be spending the weekend with my bf? i think she did it cause he's her ex and she's jealous that he has a crush on me either that or him or my friend tammy put her up to it ......and then my ex asshole starts talkin shit and tellin my sis to tell me to leave him alone and to stop telling my friend ang that i still love him ....ang says she never said that and that means asshole must be still up to tryin to cause me problems...and to think everyone thought he was innocent except my friends and fam ...ha whatta joke ...hell datin him was the biggest joke ever ...i just wish he would disappear ....but anywayz i'm over the drama shit ...tomorrow night me and bill get to be alone all night long and he says i gotta stay up and watch mo
How Many Times I Thought Of You
How many times have I thought of you And the many things I’d like to do. I sleep at night with you on my mind, One night with you, would be just fine. I, wonder, how it would be. If I could touch your lips with mine, The thought of this is so divine. I want to see you face to face, Your body to touch, caress, and probe. I’d lay you down, your body to admire, One look at you, sets my soul on fire. I want to feel you, touch, and kiss, send you into . . . . heavenly bliss, I want you, need you, feel my desire, you inside me, I would never get tired I could make love to you all night long, It would feel so good, it couldn’t be wrong, These are my thoughts, what I fantasize, You’re all too perfect in this girls eyes.
How Many Have My Name
HowManyOfMe.comThere are:0people with my namein the U.S.A.How many have your name?
How Much Of A Flirt Are You?
Your Flirt Quotient You are 27% Flirt How Much of a Flirt Are You?
How Much Have You Changed In 10 Years?
You've Changed 40% in 10 Years Ah, the past! You may not remember it well - because you're still living in it. While you've changed some, you may want to update your wardrobe, music collection and circle of friends. How Much Have You Changed in 10 Years?
How Much Lust Do You Have?
Your Lust Quotient: 33% You are a fairly lustful person, but nothing out of the norm. You usually keep your lust under control, but sometimes it gets the better of you. How Much Lust Do You Have?
How Men Think
A woman was in a coma, she had been in it for months. Nurses were in her room giving her a blanket bath. One of them was washing her private area and noticed that there was a slight response on the monitor when she touched her. They tried it again and sure enough there was a small, recognizable movement. They went to her husband and explained what happened, telling him, "As crazy as this sounds, maybe a little oral sex will do the trick and bring her out of the coma." The husband was skeptical, but they assured that they'd close the curtains for privacy. The husband finally agreed and went into his wife's room. After a few minutes the woman's monitor flat lined, no pulse, no heart rate. The nurses ran back into the room. "What happened?" they cried. The husband said, "I'm not sure. Maybe she choked."
How Many...
One question...How many of u in Cherry TAP have been fantacizing of someone or someone's on this here sight? Be honest and ask yourself how many times this someone has made your toes curl... I will b the first to admit I have had my toes curled over a few...Now u may think Dayum a few..But think about it never met in person..Thank goodness!! ...Reality set back in and I say Dayum glad I Bumped my head and u know what I can see CLearly now HA HA!!! now answer the question lol
How Many?
As I was going to St. Ives, I met a man with seven wives. Each wife had seven sacks, Each sack had seven cats, Each cat had seven kits. Kits, cats, sacks and wives, How many were going to St. Ives? Shout out to me or private me if ya know the answer.
How Many?
As I was going to St. Ives, I met a man with seven wives. Each wife had seven sacks, Each sack had seven cats, Each cat had seven kits. Kits, cats, sacks and wives, How many were going to St. Ives? Shout out to me or private me if ya know the answer.
How Many?
As I was going to St. Ives, I met a man with seven wives. Each wife had seven sacks, Each sack had seven cats, Each cat had seven kits. Kits, cats, sacks and wives, How many were going to St. Ives? Shout out to me or private me if ya know the answer.
How Men Interpret Language
HOW MEN INTERPRET LANGUAGE It's really very simple, once you get the hang of it. A few examples: 1. "I'm going fishing." Translated: I'm going to drink myself dangerously stupid, and sit in a boat with a stick in my hand, while the fish swim by in complete safety. 2. "It's a guy thing." Translated: There is no rational thought pattern connected with it, and you have no chance at all of making it logical. 3. "Can I help with dinner?" Translated: Why isn't it already on the table? 4. "Uh huh, sure honey." or, "Yes, dear." Translated: (Means absolutely nothing -- it's a conditioned response.) 5. "It would take too long to explain." Translated: I haven't the foggiest. 6. "I was listening to you. It's just ... I have lots of things on my mind." Translated: Huh? I wasn't listening. 7. "Take a break honey, you're working too hard." Translated: I can't hear the game over the vacuum cleaner. 8. "That's interesting, dear." Translated: Oh, are you still talking?
How Many Of You Are There??
HowManyOfMe.comThere are:177people with my namein the U.S.A.How many have your name? 177 of me.... that is a damn scary thought!
How Men See Me
Men See You As Choosy Men notice you light years before you notice them You take a selective approach to dating, and you can afford to be picky You aren't looking for a quick flirt - but a memorable encounter It may take men a while to ask you out, but it's worth the wait How Do Men See You?
How Many Of You Can Do What They Do?
How Much Of A B*tch Are You?
You are 45% Bittch! Well about half way there to becoming a full out Bittch! It won't be long now! I think you have a little devil and little angel in you! Right now there are fighting! Maybe the devil will win and you will be a big Bittch!How much of a B*tch Are you?Create MySpace Quizzes
How Many Have Your Name
HowManyOfMe.comThere are:9people with my namein the U.S.A.How many have your name?
How Much Am I Worth?
How much am I worth? The results are in, and your body and soul for sell for around... $950,878.32!!! Out of Over a Million people, you are ranked #516,181 What are you worth? Find Out Here Click on that and leave a comment on what you are worth...have fun..
How Many More Things Wrong With Me Physically Do I Have To Endure?
That's right...add one more to the list of my personal hells. I just found out today that I'm asthmatic on top of everything else. I found this out by going to the doctor today barely able to breathe and coughing so hard I passed out. It took them all of two minutes to decide that all those other times when the doctor's told me it was just a chest cold were all asthmatic/bronchial attacks. So now, on top of everything else, I have to carry around an inhaler for the rest of my life. I know it's not that big a deal, and that millions of people live with it too, but just how much more can my body take before it flat just gives up the ghost. I'm going to be honest here dear ones, I am quite down. I've often wondered if I didn't have it, especially since Mom did, and now we know. I'm shaking so hard from the breathing treatment they gave me at the doctor's it's not funny and I've got a beautiful headache on top to match. Anyway, we all know that my life can't go along too well
How Many Times Will You Hurt Me
How many times will you hurt me. will you always lie. will you always tell me i am the one when i know deep inside your with others. how many times will you hurt me. you tell me you love me yet you do things that show otherwise. you say you want me but you do things that prove other wise. how many times will you stab a knife through my still bleeding heart. will you always be this way. will you always let me down will you always tell me you love me and it be a lie. why why why do you hurt me like this.
How Much Do You Know About The Middle East?
So you think your all pro-American. You know a few folks in the military and you hate those Middle Eastern fundamentalists, right? Well, test your skill at even naming the countries and their locations by clicking HERE! Feel free to respond with your score. I love it when people show their total ignorance....
How Much I Miss You
How Metal Are You?
How metal are you? METAL!!!You squeak when you walk my friend. The world is your oyster. Don't forget the oil can. Take this test Hahahaha... it's not true. I'm not metal. I'm very picky about what I like, and I adore Hair or Pop Metal too. That would not make me very "cool" to a lot of metalheads.
How Many Of Me
HowManyOfMe.comThere are:41people with my namein the U.S.A.How many have your name?
How Much Are You Worth???
If you were to buy me, it would cost you $216,518.58! What are you worth? Find Out Here
How Many Of Me
Michael Leary HowManyOfMe.comThere are:13people with my namein the U.S.A.How many have your name? Stacey Cary HowManyOfMe.comThere are:8people with my namein the U.S.A.How many have your name? Stacey Leary
How Many Have Your Name
HowManyOfMe.comThere are:755people with my namein the U.S.A.How many have your name?
How Many Ppl In The Us Have My Name?
HowManyOfMe.comThere are:0people with my namein the U.S.A.How many have your name?
How Many People Have My Name?
HowManyOfMe.comThere are:96people with my namein the U.S.A.How many have your name?
How Much Is 2+2?
A housewife, an accountant and a lawyer were asked "How much is 2+2?" The housewife replies: "Four!". The accountant says: "I think it's either 3 or 4. Let me run those figures through my spreadsheet one more time." The lawyer pulls the drapes, dims the lights and asks in a hushed voice, "How much do you want it to be?"
How My Brain Works......or Doesn't:-)
1. Have you ever ridden a mechanical bull? No - But have fed one. 2. Do you ever intentionally vomit after eating? Depends who I am having dinner with. 3. If you were working on a pirate ship, what would you most likely be? A Pirate or Semen 4. Have you ever called anyone a slut? Myself, looking in the mirror wearing female clothes. 5. How many people do you think would come to your funeral? One - A priest with a box of matches. 6. How many of them would come just to make sure you're dead? One - He is getting paid. 7. Do you have more enemies or more friends? Morefiends 8. Have you ever sent an anonymous letter? Yes to myself on Valentines Day. 9. Have you ever turned someone down for a date? No - Never been asked on one. 10. Are you smarter than your friends? What friends? My imaginary friends lie to me. 11. Have you ever had anything stolen by your friends? Yes - My heart. 12. Do you use your teeth when "doing it?" No - I take them out fi
How Many Times
How Many Times how many times must i cry how many times should i say goodbye too often i see my mistakes as often as the day breaks i tried to see how i hurt you i couldn't stand to see you blue i said and wrote to you how much i love you but often i went amiss so what can i do now as i see you walk away cry and cry is only thing i have that's my way Martin Stephen Clark Copyright ©2006 Martin Stephen Clark
How Mean Are You?
How mean are you Yur not mean at allThats good Take this test
How Much Do You Know About Sex?
Sex Act Quiz?Congratulations, according to our experts, you scored : 75% which makes you Pretty GoodPretty good, you know more than most but there are still a few things you could learn. Consider yourself one of today knowledgeable people thoughTake the Sex Act Quiz at
“how Many Times?”
“How Many Times?” How many times will I ask myself why, how many times? How many times will I ask myself why, how many times will I cry? (2x) [Violent J] How many times will you honk your horn and say fuck you? Now what the fuck does that do? Ya feel better now? I didn't let ya pass How 'bout I stop my car, and beat your fuckin' ass? How many times will my neighbor beat his wife? Somewhere in that house there's a butcher knife Fuckin' drunk, swingin' his fists about Why don't she wait till he sleeps then take him out How many times will I sit in a hot car? Traffic jam, been sittin' for a fuckin' hour Must be an accident, I hope nobody died Finally get there, and the crash is on the other side The gawkers roll and they creep slow Hoping they can see a mangled body show Some park, and stand there and watch it all With their kids, they point, and fuckin stare (and just look) I remember one time I was pulled over Handcuffed, the cop was like, show'
How Much Of A Leo I Am
You are 60% Leo How Leo Are You?
How Many Animals Can You Fit Into A Pair Of Pantyhose?
HERE'S A RIDDLE FOR YOU. Pantyhose quiz Q: How many animals can you fit into a pair of pantyhose? Now, think about it... Ready? Answer: 10 little piggies 2 calves , 1 ass, and an unknown number of hares. And of course one (1) . . . Kitty!!!!
How Many
Thanksgiving is finally over. I hope i never see or smell another turkey till next year. Although my moms cooking was the greatest like always. Christmas is coming so fast. Its not fair! Crystal is having a hard time with it, and Ashley not being here. Some of the family thinks she just needs to get over it and go on. I agree and disagree. Its hard on all of us dealing with the loss of a loved one but she does have 7 other kids that need to have Christmas celebrated. It will be hard. No garentees that there will not be tears but we have to pick up the pieces sometime and live for her. what do you think? How did you deal with it, if you've been here before?
How Much Do You Know About Me?
Create your own friendquiz here
How Many Mc's By Blackmoon
How Much Life Experience Do You Have?
You've Experienced 72% of Life You have all of the life experience that most adults will ever get. And unless you're already in your 40s, you're probably wise beyond your years.How Much Life Experience Do You Have?
How Many More...
How many more of our brave men & women will we lose before the great "Decider", decides to let them come home. I would rather have my friends and family home and safe than fighting some forsaken war on foreign soil...for people who'd sooner piss on our ashes than welcome us. We are not wanted there. Sure the whole government could collapse if we pull out today. However, the likelyhood of the government *ever* being stable enough there is slim. Hell, we could stay there 10 years and lose countless men and women...and still have the "new government" collapse when we finally leave. It will never be over. The middle east has been unstable for thousands of years, what makes the great "Decider" think he can make the difference? My heart goes out to each and every serviceperson and their families. I honor you and the burdens you bear. My hope is that you can soon come home and put those burdens down. May you come home whole and healthy.
How Much More Right Does It Get???lol
You Are a Star For you, the holidays are all about dressing up and indulging in fancy cocktails! What Christmas Ornament Are You?
How Many Of You Can......
How many of you can take a walk in the middle of December with no jacket on??? Took a walk a little while ago and it was an awesome night.... just a slight sprinkle, but it soon quit.... very nice night out tonight!
How Manly Are You??
1. In the company of females, intercourse should be referred to as: A. Lovemaking B. Screwing C. Taking the pigskin bus to tuna town. 2. You should make love to a woman for the first time only after you've both shared: A. Your views about what you expect from a sexual relationship. B. Your blood-test results. C. Five tequila slammers. 3. You time your orgasm so that: A. Your partner climaxes first. B. You both climax simultaneously. C. You don't miss ESPN SportsCenter. 4. Passionate, spontaneous sex on the kitchen floor is: A. Healthy, creative love-play. B. Not the sort of thing your wife/girlfriend would agree to. C. Not the sort of thing your wife/girlfriend needs to ever find out about. 5. Spending the whole night cuddling a woman you just had sex with is: A. The best part of the experience. B. The second best part of the experience. C. $100 extra. 6. Your girlfriend says she's gained five pounds in the last
How Many Have Your Name?
HowManyOfMe.comThere are:120people with my namein the U.S.A.How many have your name?
How Many Of Me?
HowManyOfMe.comThere are:1,373people with my namein the U.S.A.How many have your name? This is my maiden name HowManyOfMe.comThere are:24people with my namein the U.S.A.How many have your name?
How Much Does It Help??
Do you really gain alot of points by whoring your page for a contest??? I see contests w/ 3000 comments, is that really necessary??
How Much Sloth Do You Have?
Your Sloth Quotient: 19% You're certainly not lazy. If anything, you're super charged, hyper, and always going. Slow down a little. You can enjoy a slow afternoon without becoming a total couch potato. How Much Sloth Do You Have?
How Much Envy Do You Have?
Your Envy Quotient: 37% You are an occasionally envious person, but jealousy doesn't usually get the better of you. You're wise enough to know that envy feels horrible - and does nothing to improve your life. A little jealousy is normal: so go ahead and let yourself feel it. But don't let it bum you out! How Much Envy Do You Have?
How Much Lust Do You Have?
Your Lust Quotient: 54% You are definitely a lustful person, but you do a good job of hiding it. Your friends would be surprised to know that your secretly very wild! How Much Lust Do You Have?
How Many Of You Have Tried Writing Your Own Vows?
Really how many of you have tried writing your own vows? We had a couple who wrote their own vows and man let me tell you that was the most sickest shit I have ever heard of.
How Much Yule Do You Put Into Christmas?
How Much Yule Do You Put into Christmas? by Stazya This is a difficult topic. I didn't think it would be until I started. In fact, I thought it would take about two paragraphs to describe how I celebrate Yule by myself and then participate in Christmas with the rest of my family Until now, that's the way it's been - separate. And lonely. I remember last year vividly - I shut the bedroom door, laid out a full altar, substituted a small piece of pine incense for my Yule Log since we had no fireplace, and sang of my wishes in a hushed voice, trying to drown myself in the raised volume of the television. I did this not because I was hiding from my husband in the next room, but because I didn't want to "disturb"; him with my ritual. A week later, we were in Danvers, MA sitting in the Congregational church with his family and as I watched the minister light his candles and listened to his words, She leaned over and whispered in my ear. "You've been here before." It clicked later
How Much Do U Know
You have a sexual IQ of 133 When it comes to sex, you are a super genius. You have had a lot of experience, and sex interests you so you know a lot about it. You pride yourself on being a source of information and guidance to all of your friends. Take this quiz at
How Many With My Name?
HowManyOfMe.comThere are:437people with my namein the U.S.A.How many have your name?
How Many With My Name In The Us!
HowManyOfMe.comThere are:0people with my namein the U.S.A.How many have your name?
How My Day Went.
Had many Moods today.This morning I felt Spiritual,after getting stoned,acoarse.Reading about Spiritual Wolves an Paganism.Sorta had out of body exsperiance this Morning. Sorta how my dreams have been lately.2 weeks ago was smoking out of a Gravity Bong,an I saw the light at the end of the Tunnel,which is good in away cause atleast I kno now that I'll go to Heaven.Pryer to this exsperianced I didn't no if God wanted me or not.Since Christmas I have this dream Catcher Hanging above my head.Been haveing all sorts of vivid dreams,plus I'm sleeping without taking my trazadones as well.Some in Sobriety say I should Meditate.I don't no whats happening but I'm haveing some sort Illusion of Evolution.All the weird stuff behind us now.I had a very injoyable afternoon here at the Cherry.Rateing Beautiful Ladies,Images an Various other artifacts.Usually internet weekends are Boreing,but today was nothing like that.I'm starting to write a bit again.I guess 103 days Sober has done me Good. Peace to
How Many Of You Share Our Views?
How many of you share our views? I don't think being a minority makes you a victim of anything except numbers. The only things I can think of that are truly discriminatory are things like the United Negro College Fund, Jet Magazine, Black Entertainment Television, and Miss Black America. Try to have things like the UnitedCaucasianCollege Fund, Cloud Magazine, White Entertainment Television, or Miss White America; and see what happens...Jesse Jackson will be knocking down your door. Guns do not make you a killer. I think killing makes you a killer. You can kill someone with a baseball bat or a car, but no one is trying to ban you from driving to the ball game. I believe they are called the Boy Scouts for a reason, that is why there are no girls allowed. Girls belong in the Girl Scouts! ARE YOU LISTENING MARTHA BURKE? I have the right "NOT" to be tolerant of others because they are different, weird, or tick me off. When 70% of the people who get arrested are bla
How Many Coronas Does It Take For Ct To Be Tapped Out???
LOL... See systems error message below from Mike!! 2007-01-02 20:08:30 sorry, i broke photos for a bit. should be working again now.. lesson learned: stop playing with network devices after 3 coronas, not 4! -mike
How Many People Have My Name
HowManyOfMe.comThere are:4people with my namein the U.S.A.How many have your name?
How Much I Love You
How much I love you I can't say: It's more than words can hold. You're all at once my rich, red clay, My potter and my mold. Yours the words that shaped my voice, The spirit within mine. Yours the will that shaped my choice, My fortune, and my sign. How lucky I was to have had you At the core of me! Wise and good, you always knew Just what I could be. And so I came to be someone Whom I could be proud of. For this I give my swollen sum Of gratitude and love.
How Much Fun Is This...
How Much Fun Is This... Part Duex
How Much Have You Changed In 10 Years?
10 years ago 1.) How old were you? 16 2.) Where did you go to school? M********* High 3.) Where did you work? I didn't, but I was very active in the Drama program... too bad it didn't pay. 4.) Where did you live? M*********, before my area changed to H***** ****** ****. 5.) Where did you hang out? The stage/drama room. Under the tree with the D&D boys. 6.) Did you wear glasses? Nope. 7.) Who were your best friends? Rachael, Kaci, Danyelle, Mekaela, Norah... tight group except when Ollie caused that big ruckus. 8.) How many tattoos did you have? 0 9.) How many piercings did you have?: 6, three in each ear. 10.) What car did you drive?: Haha, funny. An invisible one. 11.) Had you been to a real party yet? No, but I was close. 12.) Had your heart broken? Not yet... give me one more year. 13.) Single/Taken/Married/Divorced/Bitter: I believe we are right about when Sean was going to break up with me. It was one of those two-week long things. FIVE YEARS AGO:
How Much Have You Changed In 9 Years?
9 years ago.... How old were you? 25 Where did you go to school? i was out of school Where did you work? Didnt Where did you live? Rio Rancho, New Mexico Where did you hang out? Slate Street, The Anchor.. What was your hair style? Red and White Did you wear glasses? No How many tattoos did you have? 5 How many piercings did you have?: 8 What car did you drive?: Grand Am What was your favorite band/group? um..Eazy E Frost...Night Owl.... What was your worst fear? No Fears Had you driven yet? yes Had you been to a real party yet? many Had your heart broken? yes Single/Taken/Married/Divorced/Bitter: married By who? John FIVE YEARS AGO....................................................... How old were you? 29 Where did you work? Porn Store Where did you go to school? wasn't in school Where did you live? Abluquerque, New Mexioc Where did you hang out? Sonny's and Knock outs How was your hair style? Red a
How Many O Fme?
HowManyOfMe.comThere are:4people with my namein the U.S.A.How many have your name?
How My Name Is Defined In A Sexual Dictonary
Amanda -- [noun]:A steamy steamy shower 'How will you be defined in the sexual dictionary?' at
How Many Bands Can You Spot!
How Many Bands Can You Findclick here to see answers - 420 Music Lounge
How Much R U Worth
here's the deal. You look over the following list and see how many of these things you have done. BUT you have to ADD up the money amount along the way. Then post the amount that you are as the title of the bulletin. PS, the smaller the amount the BETTER!!!!! 1. Had sex: $6.00 2. Smoked: $5.00 3. Got drunk: $5.00 4. Went skinny dipping: $3.00 5. Kissed someone of the opposite sex: $4.00 6. Kissed someone of the same sex: $4.00 7. Cheated: $2.00 8. Fell asleep in class: $0.50 9. Been expelled: $5.00 10. Been in a fist fight: $3.00 11. Given oral: $5.00 12. Got oral: $5.00 13. Prank called the cops: $3.00 14. Stole something: $2.00 15. Done drugs: $5.00 16. Dyed your hair: $0.50 17. Done something with someone older (like a few years): $3.00 18. Went out with someone OVER 18 (if your under 18): $4.00 19. Ate a whole thing of oreos: $0.50 20. Cried yourself to sleep: $1.00 21. Said you love someone but didnt mean it: $1.00 22. Been in love: $4.00 23. Got caugh
How Many Is Enough
How many pictures can one take of their face? I see people with a hundred pictures of their face, each one only a degree off from the next. Rate one ya rated them all

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