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dip me in honey and throw me to the lesbians
Loss, The Holidays, And Misc. Nuances
Well Thanksgiving is finally over. It has not been without it's moments, @ 4:30am Thursday morning my Aunt passed away in her sleep. Dealing with the loss of her has been difficult, but she imparted some wisdom to me before she passed. "The dead are dead and can afford to be patient". With that Thanksgiving went forward, but it was weird...different. That and the boys were not there. Yet another holiday passes without the boys and THAT made me especially bitter to the Ex, but that cannot be helped. People say you will one..NO ONE should have to 'adjust' to being adjuducated to the role of poor, part-time parent. NO ONE..not ever...not even a little bit. will write more later
Since there is no one to talk to, I'll just vent here. I'm annoyed today and know exactly why. I've been ill lately with a couple people. The very people I believe to be my friends aren't and I'm tired of being used by them. I hope they all get wat they deserve......
If We Had Sex....
If We Had Sex....GAME. don't be scared. you never know who really wants to do you! (Reply so only I see it and Repost so others can fill it out). 1. Would you be in control? 2. Would you let me pull your hair? 3. Would you whisper in my ear? 4. Would you talk dirty to me? 5. Would you kiss me with a little tongue or a lot of tongue? 6. Would you say my name? 7. Would you go down on me? 8. Would you let me give you a hickie? 9. How many rounds would we go? 10. What would you wanna do afterwards? 11. Would you take off all your clothes then take mine off slowly? 12. Would you lick and bite me all over? 13. Would you like to play or get straight to the point? 14. Would you want me to take my time? 15. How freaky are you from 1 - 10? 16. Would you want me to go fast or slow? 17. Where would you want it? 18. Would you be loud or quiet? 19. Would you mind if i licked you? 20. Would you Fuck me today? 21. Would you Fuck me tomorro
Moron Or Not????
Ok I am on a rampage tonight......this guy came to my shoutbox and started a conversation with 'ur very 11 inches enuff for you?" I was a smart ass at first and tried to play it off as just a bad first line or conversation starter......he wasnt at all interested in getting a second chance to redeem himself to any degree.....i copied what i could of the conversation so I could put it here.....if anyone reading this knows this guy you might let him know that manners arent bad things to possess and the next time he wants to talk to a woman he might start off with hi how r you before he goes to the mauling or lunch.....btw he didnt even have the decency to rate or fan first isnt this tantamount to not buying dinner before expecting sex on the first date?????? READ FROM THE BOTTOM UP ->Dennis: have a suggestion for you...theres a site called literotica....they have adult chat and im sure you can find someone there that will be more than happy to talk dirty with you
Car Trouble
It was a very foggy night but i couldn't take being in the house any longer, so I decided to take a drive anyway, I had been driving about an hr or so, listening to a cd and just taking time for myself. The music was putting me in a strange but wonderful mood, i couldn't ignor the feelings i was having, so i decided to pull over onto the side of the road. I laid my seat back, just laying there relaxing at first then suddenly i found myself sliding hand up and down my inner thigh, thoughts of pleasure overwhelming my intire body. One hand rubbing my hot now wet pussy, on the outside of my thong at first, the other slowly undoing my blouse. My breast heaving with excitement, i couldn't believe i was doing this out in public, as cars wee passing by, it was foggy enough i thought to myself maybe no one noticed anyway. As i continue to please myself i quickly then removed my thong from under my skirt, then i very gently slide 2 fingers in fondeling my clitorus becoming more and more arous
Hospital Stay!
This is the only way I can think of to let my friends know I'll be in the hospital for awhile! They, The Doctors, Want to do something called exploritory on me so might be gone a bit. Not to worry. If you are my friends, I'll be back soon. If your not then I guess this makes no matter anyhow. LOL I'll be missing you while I'm gone so take care of each other and those I love the most will be in my heart and mind! I love you all but there's some that have embeded themselves deep! Hugs and kisses to you all. P.S. Thanks for the chicken soup but I don't think it's going to help in this case. LOL
I'm Ready
:: Focus :: ¢¾Love¢¾ :: Stability :: Passion :: Sex :: Success :: I'm Ready I've lost, I've gained, I've learned. I've had some of the most devestating things happen in my life so far, and a lot of the best. It's been a year unlike any other, I have grown up so much and feel just a little... wiser - for lack of a better word. But I'm ready for a new year, with some things in mind. I'd like to settle just a little bit. Just calm down, take a look at the things I need to work on, and shit... maybe even find a nice girl. I'm done with fucking douche bags who have nothing but a pretty face going for them. It's actually way more fun to be attracted to someone for their personality and who they are. Cus once you've got that, I think you'll find you like everything else too. Enough about girls, let's talk about me. ::Focus:: I would be an ignorant, lazy, not to mention stupid dick if I let my dream go to waste. I've been lucky enoug
Please Rate My Photos
lots of new ones
Blondie-call Me
Color me your color, baby. Color me your car. Color me your color, darling. I know who you are. Come up off your color chart. I know where you're coming from. Call me (call me) on the line. Call me, call me any anytime. Call me(call me)I'll arrive. You can call me any day or night. Call me! Cover me with kisses, baby. Cover me with love. Roll me in designer sheets. I'll never get enough. Emotions come, I don't know why. Cover up love's alibi. Call me (call me) on the line. Call me, call me any anytime. Call me (call me)I'll arrive. When you're ready we can share the wine. Call me. Ooh, he speaks the languages of love. Ooh, amore, chiamami (chiamami). Ooh, appelle-moi, mon cheri (appelle-moi). Anytime, anyplace, anywhere, anyway! Anytime, anyplace, anywhere, any day! Call me (call me) in my life. Call me, call me any anytime. Call me (call me) au revoir. Call me, call me for some overtime. Call me (call me) in my life. Call me, call me any sweet
Deaths Grip
Im choking, drowning, turning blue.. A sea of terror flowing through.. sinking fast no rope to grab darkness creeping in.. The shadowded figure outreaches his hand beconing me to his land, wanting what is his.. Gripping me tightly drawing me near no more fight left just my fears... Single tear left behind a footprint fading fast the flame went out and the end became clear.. Drowning i did for so long now the time has come goodbye to those i never knew goodbye to those i loved goodbye to those i hated for now death is here..
More Writting
Sunshine When I wake up in the morning Sunshine's falling on my skin And I call you up to tell you What a happy mood I'm in Feel the rhythm in my body And sing is all I wanna do I feel the day will bring me sunshine for it's another day with you
Forgive Me
I never meant to hurt you the way I know I have. Your love means more to me than anything and I'll do whatever it takes to prove that to you. Since the day I met you and your love touched my heart I knew that my life would never be the same. Please forgive me for the pain I've caused. I'll make it up to you every chance I get. You have my heart and my love forever.
Why I'm Doing, What I'm Doing.
I know you, Don't understand. What I'm, About to do. But baby please, Don't worry about me. Because I'm doing this, For us. I'm doing this, For you. I'm doing this, For my Country too. So please baby don't cry, Your eyes out. Because I hate it, When I see you pout. So please take, My hand. Because i want, You to understand. That I'm doing this, For us. I'm doing this, For you. I'm doing this, For my family too. So please take, My hand. So I can help, You understand. Tyler Montgomery 13 Dec 03
Slave To Love
You made me your servant Your submissive slave of love All dressed up in leather Anxiously waiting in cuffs Come on break me I must worship at your feet I want you to take me In our dungeon we will meet It's a lusty crime But it feels devine Beat me one more time Nasty shivers run down my spine Make me crawl on the floor - break me Make me scream for more - take me You rule. I adore - use me Use me, abuse me Make me sing with pain - brake me Make me go insane - take me Make me shout your name - use me Use me, abuse me You're my master I'm submitting all of me Blindfolded and naked In my bondage I'm set free Loving as you bind me Waiting patiently Praying that you'll take me Into pain and ecstasy It's a lusty crime But it feels devine Beat me one more time Nasty shivers run down my spine Make me crawl on the floor - break me Make me scream for more - take me You rule. I adore - use me Use me, abuse me Make me sing with pain - brake me M
A Rant.
Do you think it's possible for people to know about things that are before their time? For instance. In my case. Classical music. Vietnam. Kennedy. Einstein. Mark Twain. All before my time. Does that mean I shouldn't know a damned thing about them? Is taking an interest in the past a bad thing? Is LEARNING a bad thing? Lots of you weren't alive for World War One. does that mean that by taking interest in it and making comparison between it and other wars, you're a fake? you're trying to be something you're not? Were you born knowing EVERYTHING? or did you learn at some point? Are we not taught about the past? Paying attention to the world around you is a vital part of life, is it not? Do we not learn from what we're told, from listening, from studying, from experiencing? Or is someone like that stupid in your eyes? Regardless of if you care or not, I'm interested -_- Be rude all you want. so what if I'm still wet behind the ear
Cherished Moments
Affectionate Glances, Harmless Flirting, Joyful Giggles, Forbidden Thoughts, Magical Thrills, Hardened Nipples. Sexual Temptation, Fulfilling Fantasy, Moist Lips, A Million Goose Bumps, Melting Hearts, Sensual Licks. Exploring Tongues, Naked Silhouettes, Seductive Eyes, Burning Candles, Heightened Blood Pressure, Energized. Passionate Kisses, Childish Laughter, Dimmed Lights, Ticklish Nibbles, Sinful Pleasures, Sheer Delight. Warm Bodies, Souls Exposed, Yearning Desire Soft Caress, Expressive Moans, Raging Fire. Erotic Feelings, Tender Bites, Softly Sucking, Stimulating, Electrified Emotions, Playful Touching. Firm Grip, Grinding Motions, Wet Skin, Legs Locked, Hidden Treasure, the Lust Within. Breathless Climax, Salty Taste, Heavenly Delight, Happiness, Smiling Faces, Sleepless Night. Unforgettable Moment, Wild Lovemaking, Ecstasy, Tight Embrace, Unspoken Words, A Cherished Memory
Hide Your Porn Butterynipples.
Good news!! You don't have to download and delete porn every time you feel like rubbing one out. You can have a giant porn collection on your home computer and it will be completely stealth to any parental figure. Just do this: 1. Ceate a folder in c:/windows/system and name it something computer illiterate people find scary. Use words like 'protocol_21' or 'tcp_settings' or 'backUpOffMyPr0nBiatch'. 2. Load it plum full of your favorite jerkoff material. 3. In your 'Windows Folder Options,' uncheck the box next to 'hide known file extensions.' 4. Rename the files and give them new extensions. It helps to have a system where you know what extension to change the name back to. What I do is reverse it. (i.e. 'mpg' renames to 'gpm', avi to iva, etc...) If you have a huge collection, it will suck to go through and rename each file one at a time. To change multiple filenames at once, open command prompt and use this line: c:/windows/system/_protocol rename *.mpg *.gpm ren
Nickel-and-diming Our Wounded
this is a scandal. waving flags and supporting the war is NOT supporting our troops! original story with links at The Huffington Post Paul Rieckhoff Nickel-and-Diming Our Wounded: Iraq Vet Forced to Pay Back Army Bonus Posted November 27, 2007 Former Private First Class Jordan Fox was injured by a roadside bomb in Iraq. He suffered a serious back injury, and he lost sight in his right eye. A few short weeks after his honorable discharge from the Army, a letter came by mail from the Defense Department. Was it a letter informing him of local veterans' clinics where he could receive vocational rehabilitation or counseling? No. A signed "thank you for your service" from the Secretary of Defense, or perhaps the President? No. It was a bill for nearly $3,000. Since Fox was too severely injured to complete his military service, the Defense Department was demanding that he re
Come On Over Please Help
Pertains To A Fe People I Know!!!!
So you say you're ignored As it is, Well, give us your sad, sad trip You're right, I get it It all makes sense, you're the perfect person So bright, so wrong Let's all live in your imaginary life Assumed it's whether We're right or wrong We're doomed, and there's plenty for all How dare you catch me counting How dare you call at all How dare you call it suffering How dare you call at all You're right, I get it It all makes sense, you're the perfect person So bright, so wrong Let's all live in your imaginary life Press on these tannins They double in time The touch of life, once failed to mention so far Of course the law is fountains Or face to face remorse A fast and restless blackmail Like pent-up fetish force You're right, I get it It all makes sense, you're the perfect person So bright, so wrong Let's all live in your imaginary life Do you want enough? Do you want it all? Should you need it at all? Takes a minute to see Do you want en
I have entered in Fubars biggest giveaway. I have picked that i wanted to try to receive a 1 month VIP and for that I need 10,000 comments within 2 weeks of today. Can you please help me out with as many as you can give me. After you help, please leave a comment for me on this blog or shout me...hell even send a private message..whatever way you want to do it and i will help you all out as well. here is my link.
Ignorant Fuck Rant
Look for the S, P, and C of a Sentence: These are the Subject, Predicate, and Complete Thought. 1. A complete sentence will always include a subject. Always. The subject is the main focus of the sentence and is the "whom" or "what" the sentence is about. If there isn't a subject, it is not a complete sentence - it's a fragment. And it's incorrect. Learn these things, people! Let's see how this works, Class... Example: "Jared is a dragon." This sentence is about "Jared." Jared is the subject. 2. A complete sentence must always have a predicate. The predicate communicates what the subject does or what the subject is. Always look for the predicate; if there is no predicate, this should indicate to you that the sentence is not complete and therefore is not in standard written English. English is the language we speak in this country, is it not? Last I fucking checked it was. Let's get on the ball, Folks! Example: "Manda ate some chicken yesterday." The predic
Um, Cool?
My boss is in Virginia for a meeting with one of our biggest customers. She just called to talk to me cause she's bored. So i had to tell her some stories. Yeah. Um. Can I finish my coffee first before I turn into Aesop?! G'morning everyone. :)
This Is How I Feel About You!!!
True Love is so wonderful in many ways. I realize now that Love is wildly misunderstood although highly a desirable malfunction of the heart which weakens the brain, causing the eyes to sparkle, cheeks to glow, blood pressure to rise and the lips to pucker. The hours I spend with you, I look upon your beauty and smell a sort of perfumed garden and fall in love over and over.
Another Poem Taz Wrote
A friend is somebody Who knows you and likes you Exactly the way that you are. Someone who's special And so close in thought That no distance can ever seem far. A friend understands you Without any words, Stands by you When nothing goes right. And willingly talks Over problems with you Till they somehow Just vanish from sight. And whether you're neighbors Or live miles apart, A word from a friend gives a lift To your heart and spirit. That shows you once more Why friendship is life's dearest gift! love taz
Fun And Games...
Rules: Each Player of this game starts by writing 6 weird habits or things about themselves. The people who get tagged need to blog their own 6 weird things or habits as well as state the rules clearly. In the end you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment in their comment section that says that they are tagged and that tells them to read your blog section. 1. i eat ice almost constantly. don't know why...just some wierd oral fixation...I LOVE CRUNCHING ICE! yummy :P 2. i can't help but be lonely and totally anti-social at the same time. why is it that i yearn for closeness, yet shut myself away from everyone i know? 3. i enjoy watching porn. 4. nothing makes me happier than making people happy. 5. i fear growing old more than i do death. 6. instead of singing the words...i'll sing the guitar parts of songs.
A Surprise.
i was thinking of surprising one of my besties with tickets to bon jovi and daughtry. bon jovi i can deal with because i've seen them before and i like them lots, but i know she wants to see daughtry bad, as does her father. i don't know. we'll see what i have left tomorrow but i'm sure i can do it. :D now i'm gonna torture her and not tell her til tomorrow.
Big Things In The Small World
You know I always say it's a small world and that's why I don't lie about ish.. you always know someone that knows someone or see someone in a place you wouldn't think you'd see.. I don't need to get all caught up! lol! The small world gets a lot of people in trouble (not me.. I'm a good girl)... but it also works in good ways... One little hello can lead you into a whole new world of friends and experiences. Finding things you never thought you'd see, hear or feel before.. being touched in ways you never have been touched.. finding some of the best things in life.. ~M
Old Relationships
Im tired of guessing how people feel.I know how i feel well most the time any way.I think im gonna give up on the whole love thing and just stick with wat i got. I think ex's are ex's for a reason and should prabably stay that way and well since i am married i probably should put my effort into this relationship instead of hoping to find somethin better..
Lucky--a Short Story By Me
This is a short story I wrote, thought I would share. If you want to read its fine, if not, no big deal. Lucky By: Jess Baker She pulled into her driveway. It had been a long night at work and she was so glad that it had come to an end. She worked at the local burger joint working the drive thru window, and if anything could go wrong, it happened tonight. First she had it out with one of her co-workers over a day off. Then someone burnt two whole baskets of fries, filling the entire little resturant with smoke. It had been a Friday night and they were packed. Everyone had to be evacuated outside at the alarms went off and the fire department showed up. She had called home almost four hours ago to tell her mom that she would be late. They had a huge mess to clean up. She could hear her drunk father in the back, asking who that was. He always got a little mean and loud after a few beers. How her mother had put up w
Toxic Brew 2
to understand this you have to kind of skip when I'm talkin to my friend it was kinda like a rant but yeah anywho.... It's so strange how the words others need so much come out of my mouth. How they just flow out like breath at times of other's needs, but the words just seem jumbled and strange to me......I was talkin to a friend, who was missing her father who just recently died, and I saved some of the things I said to her..... this is what I have to's your boy it's your father's way of saying...well remember the story about the footprints in the sand? everytime someone dies who was important to me, I replace Jesus' name with theirs,I know I'm so sacreligious, but who says our angels aren't there to carry us through hard times? They wouldn't be with God, if he didn't use them to help us right? Sometimes, I realize, that when I hear someone praying or i catch myself saying "God please don't let this happen" or "God help me!" I notice, that I'm also saying "Gr
Make My Blood Boil.
Ever hear someone quote some hackneyed proverb or some stupid expression they read on a greeting card somewhere, which causes you to think: "man, what a stupid bitch, I would love nothing more than to bludgeon their head against the wall"? Sure, we all have. These are a collection of some of the phrases that piss me off most. May or may not be: Ever hear someone say "that may or may not be the case," as if there's some hidden third possibility that we weren't aware of? Thanks for pointing out the only two possibilities in the universe shit-cock. These are the worst kind of people to talk to because they try so hard to be open-minded that it sounds like the debate in a political science class where no opinion is too stupid for the professor to consider and the same fat kid keeps raising his hand to tell you his dumb ideas about free market capitalism as you fantasize about repeatedly stomping his face into a jar. I hate talking to open-minded people. They're the same kind of peop
TODAY! So internetz should be back soon! AND its a good thing bc i think mark is about to explode! I can get on at work... but he is stuck at home! HAHAHAH! But yea... i miss being a bitch in the mumms. and I miss my lounge... so JOIN! i have over 600 friends and only 30+ members... WHAT THE HELL! do something about it! JOIN AND SURPRISE ME! xoxoxoxo
Get Over It! Calls in Sudan for execution of Briton By MOHAMED OSMAN, Associated Press Writer 59 minutes ago Thousands of Sudanese, many armed with clubs and knives, rallied Friday in a central square and demanded the execution of a British teacher convicted of insulting Islam for allowing her students to name a teddy bear "Muhammad." The protesters streamed out of mosques after Friday sermons, as pickup trucks with loudspeakers blared messages against Gillian Gibbons, the teacher who was sentenced Thursday to 15 days in prison and deportation. She avoided the more serious punishment of 40 lashes. They massed in central Martyrs Square, outside the presidential palace, where hundreds of riot police were deployed, although they did not try to stop the rally. "Shame, shame on the U.K.," protesters chanted. They called for Gibbons' execution, saying, "No tolerance: Execution," and "Kill her, kill her by firin
First One - Test
Ensign: The Christ Before Christmas
All ye inhabitants of the world, and dwellers on the earth, see ye, when he lifteth up an ensign on the mountains; and when he bloweth a trumpet, hear ye. Isaiah 18:3 AN ENSIGN ON THE MOUNTAINS 30 November 2007 I think more people will admit that just leading up to the celebration of Christmas, the decorating, the gift-buying, the gift-wrapping (confession: I'm really not a fan of this part), and the seemingly endless whirl of parties and admonitions to be of good cheer come in an overwhelming barrage. I feel for whoever's working retail between Christmas and New Year's; their workplace is probably running Christmas carols all the time! (It was when I worked retail, anyway.) Before you go off calling me Ebenezer Scrooge, please hear me out. This year I recall the Christmas items coming into stores right after Halloween, and hopefully I'm not the only person who's noticed that the timing for that has been pushed further
Cat Vs Window Vs Cat
Have A Good One Guys!
have a fantabulous weekend. and i'll leave ya with this thought: My sister called me at work to see if I was drunk because I told her I was listening to Nas. LOL!
Different Kinds Of Love
There's many kinds of love of this you must know a love you will always have and a love that will go. The love of a woman for the right man the love of a daughter for her dad. The love of a child for its mom the love of a father for his son. The love of Christ that will never be lost it was for us that he died on the cross.
The Girls Blowjob Rules-
The Girls Blowjob Rules- ~1. First and foremost, we should suck your cock often, like whenever you tell us, and we better act like we love giving blowjobs all the time, to so you don't need to go find someone else to do it. ~2. You can shoot it on my face, but if you do it in my mouth, I promise I'll swallow. Just try to keep it away from my pretty eyes, it burns. ~3. My ears are NOT handles. but my hair is! You can push on my head but you might make me gag and get puked on... ~4. I don't care HOW relaxed you get' it is NEVER OK to fart. ~5. Having my period means you get a bj every day it's not your fault I am out of service, you have needs, plus stuffing your cock in my mouth means you wont have to listen to me bitch and whine ~6. If I have to pause to remove a pubic hair from my teeth, don't tell me I've just "wrecked it" for you, I'm not done. Once I start sucking you off, I don't have the right to stop until you cum or you tell me to stop. ~7. If you like how
i just watched a movie called blad its an awsume movie but what i like about it is the swords that he weilds its better then a gun u fight with houner and knowladge, when u fight with a sword ur fighting for houner ur fighting for the truth ur fighting for freedom ur fighting for love ur fighting for all kinds of things and mainly to stay alive to me i rather die by a sword then by a gun, a gun is one shot one kill but at least with a sword u have a fighting chance to prove ur self to stay alive, and i like the way the sameri fought in those days the swords was made with houner and such feelings and u had to know how to weild one to use one, there long smooth and not always easy to use but at least u dies by the sword not by a gun that people use every day, some use it to kill for no reasone or over drugs even childreans lifes have been taken over stupied shit like that, so ya i like swords better at least, to some this may be dumb but if u really think of it what would u rather, b
Throw It All Away
I think too much. I try to stop it but I can offer little resistance with what strength I have left. Autumn leaves blown off the tracks by a passing train. I spiral to the ground and lie scattered in the dirt. Why? Why do I do this to myself? And the I realize I'm doing it again. I am a maelstrom of emotion forever swallowing itself whole, collapsing on itself over and over. I am Hadit. I am but a speck and growing smaller by the second. It makes me feel like one broken, poised on a ledge and ready to throw it all away.
Our Dance....this One Speaks Truth!
Our Dance Slowly the world turns under a midnight moon, Our bodies swaying to that special tune, Crickets sing under a summer's night sky. We hopelessly get lost staring eye to eye. Your breath brings chills to my skin, My kiss stirs something deep within. Forever in your arms is where I want to stay, Praying God never brings forth the light of day. Here we are Spinning Slow hand in hand, Feeling a love neither of us understands. I promise to do whatever it takes, And quickly forgive all your mistakes. ..You'll see it will all turn out right, Just dance with me through the night. RWSII ...this is published and copyrighted please do not copy without permission!
Within You
Within you ~ I lose myself. Wthout you ~ I find myself searching to be lost.
To Every Guy
this is how every girl should be treated Body: LET'S FACE IT, NO GUY IS LIKE THIS ANYMORE, BUT IT WOULD BE NICE TO SEE ONE PROVE ME WRONG.. To every guy that's said, "Sex CAN wait" To every guy that's said, "You're beautiful." To every guy that was never too busy to drive across town to see her. To every guy that gives her flowers and a card when she is sick or down. To every guy who has given her flowers just because thats how he rolls. To every guy that said he would die for her. To every guy that really would. To every guy that did what she wanted to do. To every guy that cried in front of her. .... To every guy that she cried in front of... To every guy that holds hands with her. To every guy that kisses her with meaning. To every guy that hugs her when she's sad. To every guy that hugs her for no reason at all. To every guy who would give their jacket up for her. To every guy that calls to make sure she got home safe. To every guy that would sit and wait for he
As sure the sun is destined to rise I can see charm and beauty in your eyes A rose bush has pedals But also has thorns Take the good with the bad Grab the bull by the horns Love is so fragile like a house full of glass If you throw stones of anger the love will never last Cherish the feelings you hold in your heart And the virtues of marriage will not fall apart Like roses in the spring time that bloom every year Your love is forever that is what i hold dear So i give you this ring with thee i shall wed I'll always be with you Be alive-be dead
Damsels In Distress Lol
please can you help us out,all we would like is your rates and comments on our pics we are in this competition i didn't know two of my friends are in to but they cool please rate there pics also to we would be very grateful,
Come Turn Me On 2 Est
Jody's Rockin Rodeo on Round Up 2 est come turn me on join the ranch party in our new chat room click on MY banner DIRECT LINK, Register confirm e mail and join us
1.Your Middle Name: 2. Age: 3. Single or Taken: 4. Favorite place to hang out: 5. Favorite pet/animal: 6. Favorite Band/Artist: 7. Tattoos and/or Piercings: 8. Whats your philosophy on life? 9. Tell me one odd/intresting fact about you: 10. What is the craziest thing you've ever done? 11. Ever been arrested/ gone to jail? 12. Do you think I'm attractive? 13. If you could change anything about me, would you? 14. If you could change anything about yourself, would you? 15. What do you wear to sleep? 16. What is your favorite thing to do in the world? 17. Would you go on a date with me if i asked you? 18. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together? 19. If you could kiss me anywhere in the world, where would we have our first kiss? 20. If you could kiss me anywhere on my body, where would you kiss me? 21. What's your favorite position? Why? 22. Whats your favorite picture of me? Why? 23. Wh
Help !!!
I need a drink !!!!
My Glamor Icon
   Your Glamour Icon Is The beauty of the world has two edges, one of laughter, one of anguish, cutting the heart asunder.
Burning Desires
I have this craving deep within to others known as the forbidden sin naked bodies rolling around left and right now up and down screams of passion fill the air scratching backs and pulling hair arching shoulders grasping hands laying down or while you stand riding rough, fast and slow fucking harder as you go breaths are shortened sweat drips from the body bad boy image gets you naughty raunchy phrases make you cum tingling sensations turn you numb always wanting extra pleasure i have found the golden treasure make it last caress my boobs we'll have some fun with our hands and the lube i cant help my horny ways lets have sex all night and day it is all due to my heat and your fire please put out these burning desires
It's 1 am in the morning. Smoke hangs over my head. As I sit and look out the window. At night the town seems so dead. It's 2 am in the morning. And I stand there over her bed. Watching her sleep so contently. While thinking of all that shes said. It's 3 am in the morning. And the bottle looks awfully dry. I drink not just to be drunk. But this is how I cry. It's 4 am in the morning. And my eyes cant seem to rest. Thoughts just will not be silent. The pain hurst so in my chest. It's 5 am in the morning. And god I feel so alone. Wish I could sleep like the others. Rest so well in my home. 6 just comes way to early. The sun soon shines in my eyes. And darkness finally leaves me. As I smile up at the blue skies.
Thoughts Of Love
There are times, That get you thinking. Why does love, Make you feel like your sinking. It drags you down, But you don't, Want to lose the feeling. I love you, With all of me being. Try to stay, Let way you are. Don't even change, If you become a star. I love you, Now, tomorrow, forever. So please don't leave me, Never ever ever. Tyler Montgomery 3 Dec o7
How Do I Make You Feel?
Create your own Mood-Meter
Tired Of Drama
im tired of drama & drama queen's if your tired of drama what do you do to kill the drama & not half to deal with it lets see what you think?
My Myspac
Level Me Up
Ok calling all Levelers, calling all Levelers it's time to get me to that next level if you don't mind so help get me there just a little over 10,000 now so lets get hot and get me down to a more manegable thanks
50 Things Women Should Know
50 things guys wish women knew; Universal guy truths that all women should understand: 1. Express yourself. It makes us proud, even if someone thinks you're wrong. 2. You look hot in running shoes and shorts. And that top thingy with the stripes. 3. Bare, tan shoulders are underrated. 4. If you think I’m speeding now, you should see me drive when you're not in the car. 5. If you're truly interested in us, don't play hard to get. 6. Shopping is a chore, not an activity. 7. When I screw up, go ahead and tell me--once. 8. No question need ever be asked through a closed bathroom door if I'm inside. I love you less with each syllable you utter. 9. I'm hot for you, not your sister or your friend or your coworker. 10. My guy friends. Not only are they not negotiable, they’re your best sign that I’m not a whack job. 11. Don't be afraid to ditch the makeup. Natural is sexier. 12. Leave the eyebrows alone. Plucked ain'
Hmmmmmm...rating Pics
She Should Be Treated Like This
o every guy that's said, "Sex CAN wait" To every guy that's said, "You're beautiful." To every guy that was never too busy to drive across town to see her. To every guy that gives her flowers and a card when she is sick or down. To every guy who has given her flowers just because thats how he rolls. To every guy that said he would die for her. To every guy that really would. To every guy that did what she wanted to do. To every guy that cried in front of her. .... To every guy that she cried in front of... To every guy that holds hands with her. To every guy that kisses her with meaning. To every guy that hugs her when she's sad. To every guy that hugs her for no reason at all. To every guy who would give their jacket up for her. To every guy that calls to make sure she got home safe. To every guy that would sit and wait for her for hours just to see her for ten minutes..... To every guy that would give his seat up... To every guy that just wants to cuddle. To every
~guy Rules~
Guy Rules 1. Any man who brings a camera to a bachelor party may be legally killed and eaten by his fellow partygoers. 2. Under no circumstances may two men share an umbrella. 3. It is ok for a man to cry under the following circumstances: a) The moment Angelina Jolie starts unbuttoning her blouse b) After wrecking your boss' Ferrari c) When your date is using her teeth 4. Unless he murdered someone in your family, you must bail a friend out of jail within 12 hours. 5. If you've known a guy for more than 24 hours, his sister is off limits forever, unless you actually marry her. 6. The minimum amount of time you have to wait for a guy who's running late is 5 minutes. Maximum waiting time is 6 minutes 7. Bitching about the brand of free beer in a buddy's fridge is forbidden. Gripe at will if the temperature is unsuitable. 8. No man shall ever be required to buy a birthday present for another man. (In fact, even remembering your buddy's birthday is strictly op
Free Legal Help......
anyone in vegas thats a lawyer or paralegal that can help me w/ adoption between family....thx
Mystic Warriors Tribe Update
Mystic Warriors Tribe Owner Mystic Warrior **MWT** Second in command Jim 'the real flirt ~ Royalty Leveler ~ & **MWT** second in command' Vice Platoon leader 'Queen B owner of the Tiger's Den & proud member of**MWT** Rainbow Warriors Platoon Leader Platoon Members Sandy 'mailbroad47**MWT** Cece 'even-in_the_rain**mwt**' Karen '~@Mary Kay Karen@~ **MWT** Sassy 'Sassyharleylady**MWT**' PLATOON LEADER cathy lostangel **MWT** Platoon Members 'Mystic Angel **MWT** Real Wife of Mystic Warrior **MWT**' Amanda 'Amanda The Seductress 69 ~ & ~ RLW To ~The Real Flirt~**MWT** Wind talker's Platoon~ Vice' Vice
Want Some Easy Fubucks
right now i have 354,356 fubucks i hardly use. so im giving away 10.000 fubucks to any one who rates one of my photo albums the more albums you rate the more money you get this is to only the peeps on my friends list EDIT i still have 148.000 left so you still have time to earn some fubucks
Christmas In Dixie
2012: Passing Through The Galactic Equator
2012: Passing Through the Galactic Equator thanks Matt P Its old news to me, but others that dont quite understand these physics of the galaxy should really watch this. Could a U.S. president confront these questions? I know at least a handful of scientists and archeologists could decipher the meaning. What im implying is there are things beyond the spectrum of presidential elections(not ot say that elections arent important) and that we should really concentrate on becoming aware of these new or incompletely discovered realms. Much Love to all of ya, Matt P. Thanks To It Feels good to be ME 2012: Passing Through the Galactic Equator Take an hour to watch these...about 10 minutes a piece...covers a great deal of information that will help continue bringing you and others up to speed on where we've come from and where we seem to be heading. WE ARE IN THE MIDST OF UNCOMMON hOURS AND HAVE A DATE WITH DESTINY. Grab your breath mints. Unfa
If I Could Be Like That
if i could be like that .... im not like most people who can just walk away without a word.... but here's to the jerk that played with my heart
Trying To Work And Party....
Hi there.. Trying to work and play at the same time.. not doing so well... Thanks for the Hello's though!
In Remembrance Of Sean Taylor (tribute Slideshow)
Off For A Little While
As some as you may know john is comming home well i have made a promise to him that i am staying offline till he leaves for korea in jan so i will try to chat as much as posssible by this friday i wont be back on here till jan so too everyone i hope u have a great holiday and a good new year
Music Music I Hear Music!
Well well after taking a break 4 a bit ive decided 2 post some of my originalz on my profile. Az 4 letting people download/purchase them...its not been decided on az of yet. Kicking it off with "Newrize". Stay Tuned. Xavier
Truck Lights
It’s highway markers With bigger numbers. The lining of truck lights, That would make your mother cry. To the winner with the lowest bid. I moved on faster than you did. I’ve been in so many haunted houses I’m starting to think it’s me. It’s when all the connections Start becoming dissections. On a dark June’s wink passing prairie Don’t those truck lights look so scary? The plate in front just says, “REPENT” So you put it in reverse. Mind the photo of me you kept in your wallet. One hand on the doorjamb looking back. The red freeways of fabric on my shoulders. I don’t know if you still have it. I haven’t seen you in so long. I was going to ask you something. In the photo, I was going to ask you something. You must think I’m pretty means you must want to fuck me means you love me. I kept scratching at it and it never healed. I kept scraping and I’ve never felt better. God forgive me when I whine, I’m running away, the world is mine. I’ve been getting out
X-mas Time ........ :-(
Well the last days i realize when i was walking down the streets and looking out of the window that X-Mas time is. Everybody is getting excited, everybody is being in a rush, everybody is making some decorations around the house. Usally i luv christmas time, i am getting always so excited, i luv to walk down the christkindelmarkt here in Germany and drink some mulled wine..but this year is the first time i am not in the mood for it. When u re alone and have nobady to share it, tis a kinda sucks. I realize i missed many important dates the last few month. I missed to pick somebody up at the airfield who is special for me, instead somebody else picked him up. I missed to be Thangsgiving with somebody i care, I also missed to be with somebody on his B-Day couple days i am gonna will miss Christmas with somebody, i would like to share it and also the New Years evening. Well it seems i missed all important days that year what somebody can miss. Hope all will be different next
Dropping Text On The Dock For Fast Results
Let’s say you’re reading an article online, and you read a sentence that you want to email to a friend. Don’t do the copy-and-paste thing. Instead, just highlight the text and drag-and-drop it right on the Mail icon in the Dock. It will open Mail and put that sentence into a new mail message. This tip also works in other Cocoa applications like TextEdit, Stickies, and Safari. For example, if you’re reading a story and want to do a Google search on something you’ve read, just highlight the text and drag-and-drop it on the Safari icon in the Dock. It will launch Safari and display the Google Search Results.
Language Warning A Cynical Willyism For The Fuckin' Day 10/10/07;
Ain't America wunnerfull? Here it's not only alright to fail it's fuckin' expected! Has there ever been a country with built-in excuses for failure? Like; "Oh he couldn't do it you know how stupid niggers are," "What do you expect from a dumb ass spic?" "How the fuck did he think he was gonna make it he's a goddamn guinea" "he, or she, never had a fuckin' chance their father's a drunken Irish prick" "I don't see why those stupid fuckin' hillbillies even try they should stick to watching wrestling" "why did that idiot even try with all those fuckin' tattoos?" "That fuckin' old bastard jeeze some people!" And then we have women; "Awe poor thing it must be the result of an unhappy marriage!" (Even if it's her 50th)! Feel free to change, add, subtract! I think for a first thought I fuckin' got everybody! I warned y'all yesterday this shows I was serious! Somebody tell me where I'm wrong? Not oh you shouldn't use the 'Ni' or w/e other word Inspired by Carlos Mencia some real fuckin' ethnic
Flushing Away The Crap: One Turd At A Time I can’t type and am wondering if I should be sitting here doing this. Listening to Rush. Love them…love ‘em. Subdivisions is hard for me to listen to as I don’t like to think about those days very often. They were not very happy, nor is there much I can take away from the experience except to be even colder, more distant and removed. …Not something one would ever guess. I put myself out there. Human interaction is key to growing as a human being. I would live a happy life of solitude. Don’t get me wrong…I love my friends. “Winter must be cold for those with no warm memories.” I love winter. I spent my adult years making warm memories to block the winter of my younger days. Now, when it’s cold, I think of someplace warm…in my mind and heart. Being lucky enough to have a past that includes people in places I would like to get back to, keeps me warm in the winter. I like to think that there is a future that is brighte
Nurse Jumbo Hypo
This won't hurt a bit! Price: 2.99
Naughty Kisses
A Dream Come True
A Dream Come True Once upon a dream I met this boy Who was like a dream He was no ordinary Guy This boy was very special He had a heart That twitched all my vessels I knew then and there we had a start As I got to know him I knew he had to be true And that I had to be with him He had eyes of brown Skin so soft Just as a teddy bear Not to mention his beautiful brown hair Lips so perfect, smooth and real His body so beautiful and rare One night in September To this day, I can still remember This dream came true And to say the least: ‘I will always love you’ {(c.m)i am always thinking of you night & day }
Unconventional Love Letters
To let you know I am thinking of you... Random reasons to adore you: When you asked in very specific detail about my ATM obsession, you had such a lucid and perceptive understanding. Why is this so significant? Because it not only shows that you are a sick, twisted cunt , but that you are psychologically astute, seductive, uninhibited and articulate. In one single exchange you revealed no less than five fantastically attractive facets. So I guess we can add ruthless efficiency... You have a smile which should carry at least a PG-13 certificate. You say how you feel, without reserve. There is so much we can accomplish together. There is so much I can teach you about so many things. So much fun we can have. Such a life we could build. I know we have come so far so fast, the pace can be giddying, but if we hold on tight I believe this could be everything we might have ever hoped for. If I had molded you myself from the clay primeval, picked your every trait and
I Love This Video And This Band
Help Me
pls come rate and comment me. all the help will be appreciated
My hororscope.... You're often telling other people how it is -- or how it should be -- but today, you need to turn the tables. Try not to say as much and really listen to everyone of any importance in your life. WOW..... seriously???? of all things.... WOW....
Hey almost there...i need 5865 more comments and i got it...then i will quit pestering you. you know if i dont get it, im just gonna enter more contests and pester ya some come help. click the pic and bomb away
Recover Your Happiness
RECOVER YOUR HAPPINESS I LOVE THIS... A--Accept Accept others for who they are and for the choices they've made even if you have difficulty understanding their beliefs, motives, or actions. B--Break Away Break away from everything that stands in the way of what you hope to accomplish with your life. C--Create Create a family of friends whom you can share your hopes, dreams, sorrows, and happiness with. D--Decide Decide that you'll be successful and happy come what may, and good things will find you. The roadblocks are only minor obstacles along the way. E--Explore Explore and experiment. The world has much to offer, and you have much to give. And every time you try something new, you'll learn more about yourself. F--Forgive Forgive and forget. Grudges only weigh you down and inspire unhappiness and grief. Soar above it, and remember that everyone makes mistakes. G--Grow Leave the childhood monsters behind. They can no longer hurt you or stand in your w
32 More Strange Things You Probably Dont Know
1. A rat can last longer without water than a camel. 2. Your stomach has to produce a new layer of mucus every two weeks or it will digest itself. 3. The dot over the letter "i" is called a tittle. 4. A raisin dropped in a glass of fresh champagne will bounce up and down continuously from the bottom of the glass to the top. 5. A female ferret will die if it goes into heat and cannot find a mate. 6. A duck's quack doesn't echo. No one knows why. 7. A 2 X 4 is really 1-1/2" by 3-1/2". 8. During the chariot scene in "Ben Hur," a small red car can be seen in the distance (and Heston's wearing a watch). 9. On average, 12 newborns will be given to the wrong parents daily! (That explains a few mysteries... .) 10. Donald Duck comics were banned from Finland because he doesn't wear pants. 11. Because metal was scarce, the Oscars given out during World War II were made of wood. 12. The number of possible ways of playing the first four moves per side in
Rev Warhol
ImpØrtÅnt Lïfë L맧Øn§!... Wïth MØrÅl§ TØØ!
LESSON 1 A man is getting into the shower just as his wife is finishing up her shower, when the doorbell rings. The wife quickly wraps herself in a towel and runs downstairs. When she opens the door, there stands Bob, the next-door neighbor. Before she says a word, Bob says, "I'll give you $800 to drop that towel." After thinking for a moment, the woman drops her towel and stands naked in front of Bob. After a few seconds, Bob hands her $800 and leaves. The woman wraps back up in the towel and goes back upstairs. When she gets to the bathroom, her husband asks, "Who was that?" "It was Bob the next door neighbor," she replies. "Great!" the husband says, "did he say anything about the $800 he owes me?" Moral of the story: If you share critical information pertaining to credit and risk with your shareholders in time, you may be in a position to prevent avoidable exposure. LESSON 2 A priest offered a Nun a lift. She got in and crossed her legs, forcing her gown t
Sexy Luv
Free and Magickal Graphics by
The Christmas Pageant
You do not have to be a parent to enjoy this! My husband and I had been happily married (most of the time) for five years but hadn't been blessed with a baby. I decided to do some serious praying and promised God that if he would give us a child, I would be a perfect mother, love it with all my heart and raise it with His word as my guide. God answered my prayers and blessed us with a son. The next year God blessed us with another son. The following year, He blessed us with yet another son. The year after that we were blessed with a daughter. My husband thought we'd been blessed right into poverty. We now had four children, and the oldest was only four years old. I learned never to ask God for anything unless I meant it. As a minister once told me, "If you pray for rain, make sure you carry an umbrella." I began reading a few verses of the Bible to the children each day as they lay in their cribs. I was off to a good start. God had entrusted me with four child
Pet Rules Copied Frm Dani
To be posted VERY LOW on the refrigerator door - snout height. > > Dear Dogs and Cats, The dishes with the paw prints are yours and contain your food. The other dishes are mine and contain my food. > Please note, placing a paw print in the middle of my plate of food does not stake a claim for it becoming your food and dish, nor do I find that > aesthetically pleasing in the slightest. > > The stairway was not designed by NASCAR and is not a racetrack. Beating me to the bottom is not the object. Tripping me doesn't help because I fall faster than you can run. > > I cannot buy anything bigger than a king-sized bed. I am very sorry about this. Do not think I will continue sleeping on the couch to ensure your comfort. Dogs and cats can actually curl up in a ball when they sleep. It is not necessary to sleep perpendicular to each other stretched out to the fullest extent possible. I also know that sticking tails straight out and having tongues hanging out the other end
I don't understand why people can't do things by themselves. I just got a phone call inviting me to a concert tomorrow night because one of my besties doesn't wanna go "alone". She's going with like 3 other people but would rather have me there. ............ What's wrong with just going with who you're with?!
Merry Christmas
Myspace Glitter Graphics
Harsh You Say??
a.. There will be no special bilingual programs in the schools. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * a.. No special ballots for elections. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * a.. All government business will be conducted in our language. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * a.. Foreigners will NOT have the right to vote no matter how long they are here. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * a.. Foreigners will NEVER be able to hold political office. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * a.. Foreigners will not be a burden to the taxpayers. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * a.. No welfare, no food stamps, no health care, or other government assistance programs. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * a.. Foreigners can invest in this country, but it must be an amount equal to 40,000 times the daily minimum wage. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Christmas Gifts?!?! :d
if you search images... you can give ALL kinds of gifts! Try it out lol
It's quiet as hell and I'm bored out of my mind. What's everyone doing? :)
Tazzy In Contest
SWEET BABY TAZZY CLICK PIC TO CAST YOUR VOTE AND LEAVE A COMMENT OR TWO!!!!!COME HELP OUT FUBARS HOTTEST SANTA!!!!CONTEST IS FOR RATES AND FOR COMMENTS!!!! LETS SHOW HER HOW MUCH WE LOVE HER!!!!!!!!!!!!! (repost of original by '»-(¯`v´¯)-»~£î£~wº£ƒ~ÐJ&¢ºØwñè®~ºƒ~HF&ߧ~»-(¯`v´¯)-»' on '2007-12-07 11:37:46') (repost of original by '{§HådØwWº£F} ÐJ @ HF&ߧ' on '2007-12-07 11:43:58') (repost of original by '»-(¯`v´¯)-»~£î£~wº£ƒ~ÐJ&¢ºØwñè®~ºƒ~HF&ߧ~»-(¯`v´¯)-»' on '2007-12-07 11:45:15') (repost of original by '{§HådØwWº£F} ÐJ @ HF&ߧ' on '2007-12-07 11:54:46') (repost of original by '»-(¯`v´¯)-»~£î£~wº£ƒ~ÐJ&¢ºØwñè®~ºƒ~HF&ߧ~»-(¯`v´¯)-»' on '2007-12-07 12:39:26') (repost of original by '{§HådØwWº£F} ÐJ @ HF&ߧ' on '2007-12-07 12:46:55')
Santa's Pick-up Lines (email)
* Hey Babe, when was the last time you had a really good sleigh? * Care to see my twelve inch elf? * I've got something special in the sack just for you! * Ever make it with a fat guy with a whip? * I know when you've been bad or good so let's skip the small talk, sister! * Some of my favorite toys run on batteries.... * Interested in seeing the North Pole? (Well, that's what Mrs. Claus calls it...) * I see you when you're sleeping and you don't wear any underwear, do you? * Screw the "nice" list. I've got you on my "nice AND naughty" list! * Ho-Ho-How'd you like to shake like a bowl of jelly? * I put the 'scroo' in 'scrooge! * I've got something you can hang a wreath on! * One hour with me honey and you'll see flyin' reindeer! * That is NO candy cane in my pocket, and I'm glad to see you. * Uh-yeah, that's right. I'm Kenny Rogers. * I got your stocking stuffer right here! * Giddy-up over here and say 'Howdy' to your fat, bearded cowboy of love!
im cleaning out my family and starting over if you are interested in being in my family drop me a line
Only Needs 3880 To Go For Her Vip Please Come Help She Is Out Of Comments
click and bombs away
Indiani D'america Riserva Lakota Lower B
Twizted Syn Train
This Train is A Fan/Rate/And Add Train The Rules Are As Follows. 1 Must Add The Conductor And All Riders. 2 Once Fanning/Adding/Rating Is Completed You MUST Message Me And Tell Me That You Have Finished And Then I Will You Add You To The Train. 3 When You Add Others From The Train In The Request You Must Type "Twizted Syn Train" Or You WILL NOT BE ADDED!!! Fair Warning Now. 4 If Your A Level 4 Or Lower You CAN NOT Be Added...Any One From Levels 5-9 MUST Have Atleast A Picture. 5 If You Are A Level 10 Or Higher You MUST Have A Salute And Picture...No Salute Or Picture...No Ticket 6 No Bashing Or Harasment Of Train Riders If Caught I WILL NOT HESITATE TO REMOVE YOU!!! 7 NO SCRIPTING...If You Are Caught Scripting I Will Remove You And Then Block You. 8 Merry Christmas Everyone ^_^ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- †Conductors† Ðj Twîztêd Çhåo§†Ðêmèñtèd§ Fîåñcë†Co-fdr øf Ðécadêñt Ðévîañçê@ fubar &#
Summer Kitty
Watch Me Dance!
This is pretty kewl! I am a Elf dancing around! Watch me boogie!
I will find out Monday what the extent of the damage is on my left hand. The swelling has gone down much, I am still having problems gripping things. I have managed to handle things pretty well though. I am considered a survivor ,and I will prevail over this
Why Do People Toy With You?????
Why is it that people toy with other people? Make you feel likeyou own the world and then rip everything out from under you? I just really havea hardtime understanding that.
Amazing Grace--the Neville Brothers
Washing Dishes...
Well, I was just curious to see how many people are lazy. I was doing a few loads of dishes yesterday when I got home from work... and I realized that I never wash my dishes before I run them through the dish washer... I just rinse them at most. I was emptying the dishwasher and noticed that some of the dishes still had stuff stuck to them... so, being the lazy person I am, I just left them in the washer to run though again. Again, after running them through for the second time; they were still dirty. So, my point to this blog is: How many people wash their dishes before running them through the washer... AND how many of you are lazy and keep running the dirty things through the washer? If you run them through and don't wash them, how many times will you let them run through before finally washing them?
You Gotta Know I'm Rockin' Round My Christmas Tree
I am currently up to 2700 comments. Thank you to everyone that has helped. If you haven't and would like to help please do. I need a total of 10000 comments and I have a little over a week to do it. Please help me out.
Buy Us!!
i find it strange that girls call me a pervert, even if i say one little comment about the nude pics they send me, that i never ask for, but they trick me none the less, i'm a male of course i'm going to be perverted it's in my nature, unless i'm at work, then i shut it off, i can't be a pervert around a group of nuns, damn, if someone is going to send me something, send me a gift or some money, seesh, i feel fucked up, i'm a nice guy for crying out loud
Sexiest Christmas Costume...
Nice Guys
Well i wanna drop few lines here for some people i care. I meet in the last past weeks few people..better to say i am talking about 3 of them, which i do like a lot and care. i am really glad i meet them. I have a lot of fun talking to, either on a funny way or on some seriously conversations. They start to turn out to some good friends and i really do enjoy it...and hopefully soon i got a chance to see them as well. What i wanna say to one person what i was arguing that morning...i never make u some hopes..i been honest to everybody and everybody knows (who can read) that i am not on here to find a men...everybody know there is somebody else i am looking out for..and that i have to wait 30 more days to see what happens. Seriously him and me, we know eitch other since a long long time, we had a lot up and downs in the past...and thats why i need to wait..see if feelings are that strong and if we both find a way to work it out. But i dont wanna lose u other once as friends..
Ho Ho Fucking Ho....leave Me A Present.
Pictures Nobody Will Ever See.
I have just one quick question. If you have pictures you don't want ANYBODY to see, why did you put them online to begin with? I'm not being nosy, I don't want to see everyone's private life or anything, I'm genuinely curious. What was the point of uploading the pictures if you never let anybody see them? From what I can see, you can set the pictures for either everybody, friends only, or just yourself. But why 'just yourself'? If you don't want anyone else to see, don't put them online. Just view them on your own PC. Now, if they had a setup that you could allow only one or two special friends to see, then that would make sense...
Love Me
shine bright for the heart to see, shine brigh for all to feel the heat of passion. looking into the eye of the true one, looking into the heart of the beloved. my heart beats slow, my mind wonders wild, love me pure even though i'm lost in time, love me true for i'm true to you. shining through the grey clouds, shining high above the people who hate me. looking for the heart to beat normal, looking for the people to care for me. my heart beats steady, my mind is a stray, love me even though i'm not rich, love me for me and not for something i'm not
Lol..... Bull Shit
Nope I don't care about points or rates. Nope I don't wanna put up my picture....I'm bald and sick and don't want to be hounded about it. I'm trying to help a nice lady on here and If ya don't want to hear about her or the fact that she's making military Christmas ornaments for our guys and gals over there well then don't read this. If you think you can tell me what to do and then just say your joking...tough...I don't have time to play your stupidity. This load of BS brought to you by my day...Aren't you glad yours was better.
Heartbeat Away
When all of my world seems upside down And life is lonesome and gray I just close my eyes And think about you And you’re only a heartbeat away When my life gets hectic And my patience wears thin And I can’t make it through the day I hold out my hands and draw from your strength And you’re only a heartbeat away When the distance between us Causes me pain And my heart aches for you every day I try to imagine your hand held in mine And you’re only a heartbeat away When the nights get too long And I miss you so bad Wanting you in the worst way I think of your touch and your deep gentle voice And you’re only a heartbeat away When I’m feeling so happy And things seem so right All of the hurt in my heart held at bay I smile and reflect on times spent with you Because you’re only a heartbeat away
Fuck All Of You
Just when I think All of the terror is gone I close my eyes For it all to return I drop my guards and begin to live Only to find I've nothing to give He took it all and left me to bleed I just can't want I just can't need And all my friendships have turned to dust Just constantly prove there's no love or trust They walk away when I'm crying and scared Then try to tell me they’ve always cared And they think I'm so blind to believe That all they want is for me to succeed Happy being caged as who they want me to be Never being able to be the real ME I have to make a stand and put my foot down On these so called friends and nightmares that come ‘round In the end who will be there When the dust settles and I clear the air Will there be anyone left for me to hold Or will I be alone and fucking cold To say goodbye to all of yesterday To open my eyes and make my own way So to all of those friends turning out to be untrue I have one thing to say ...
seriously babyjesus, why do we ned to know who is commenting other people?
Check Out My Christmas Tree
The Seer
I can see deep within, where others dare not go The things I see bare presently, the mysteries that unfold Missing pieces, hidden truthes, and lies Brought out into the light, right before my very eyes Fears of darkness, evil intent, the innocents concede The souls that cry out in anguish if only for reprieve I see the ones who seek forgiveness, the ones who have no shame There are those who worry, those who cry, those who have no name I hear their voices, their pleas for something more than they can ask All the things they need, unknown, inscribed on stone to task Listening now, watching carefully, I am an ambassador to their need Trusting me to show the world, all that I can truly see
Tonight, Empower The Knight - A Spell To Empower
For thy son, I would ask these things I invoke thee Huntress, inside this ring Bring about thy grace and power Inside this circle inside this hour Bestow upon thy son your might Empower him now this hour this night Protect your son from darkness' leer Banish eternally, all of his fears Embrace him now in armor and shields No more to fear shall this Knight yield I invoke thee now Great Huntress of the night Please impart these gifts by the dawn's first light I thank thee, I thank thee, for hearing my prayer Moon Goddess Artemis, Earth, Fire, Water, Air With harm to none, as I will, it shall be done So mote it be
Darkness hovers Loneliness arrives on a whisper of mist Pain echoes throughout Tears begging to flow cease abruptly Despair pines for reprieve Emptiness nests in the midst of finality
My Horoscope
If you're looking for romance, now is a great time to open your eyes and check out the situation around you -- especially at work or at school! If you're with someone already, things should go well. Kinda fucking weird these days with these stupid horoscopes... But dear god, look at my situation... what is with my crazy ass love life? Nope, can't have a normal one... no no no that would be way too easy i guess.... huh??? anyways, thought i'd point that out, cuz it's odd...
Some More Thinking To Do... And A Perspective Of A Respected Friend In The Lifestyle...
When I had left Master Trali as I had said I had a lot of turmoil running within myself. Although I was accepting of that part of myself in having a passion and not being able to leave the lifestyle behind... At the time knowing and accepting I was a submissive by nature, and had the knowledge to be a slave. It highly angered me and I would go around in circles in my head. This is where I started speaking with a dearly loved friend of mine in the lifestyle. I knew he had quite a bit more experience than I with it... being at least 12 more than I have delt with the BDSM ways. I was still very much broken up about Master Mirror and there were many things I had yet to understand about what had happened and what was going to happen. I had had many talks with him about the ways, he shared many experiences he had and gave me encouragement. I just could not get over my hang ups of the past. At this point I will say that because of my anger and hurt that I was feeling, He was the onl
~ Jim Croce - Operator ~
perator, oh could you help me place this call You see the number on the matchbook is old and faded She's livin' in l.a. With my best old ex-friend ray A guy she said she knew well and sometimes hated Isn't that the way they say it goes But let's forget all that And give me the number if you can find it So i can call just to tell them i'm fine and to show I've overcome the blow I've learned to take it well I only wish my words could just convince myself That it just wasn't real But that's not the way it feels Operator, oh could you help me place this call 'cause i can't read the number that you just gave me There's something in my eye's You know it happens every time I think about the love that i thought would save me Isn't that the way they say it goes But let's forget all that And give me the number if you can find it So i can call just to tell them i'm fine and to show I've overcome the blow I've learned to take it well I only wish my words could just c
Piece by piece reality crumbles around you as you sit there denying you have control over what is going on in your world so you sit and watch and wonder why the pieces won't go back together.
Insanity's Gift
Sitting there alone in the dark, writhing and gnawing upon their own soul. Hiding themselves from the revealing light afraid of what the truth really is. Devouring the illusion in false reality in which they are trapped. Swilling down the lies like wine and regurgitating it back as vintage truth. The mind creating walls and lies of delusion to protect fragile sanity from shattering under the pressure of the harsh truth. Call me insane if you wish, but I see what your mind hides from you, who then is more mad? Me for facing and surviving or you for living an illusion of reality? At least we who are termed insane have broken out of the closed mind of sanity’s make. So continue on shading the truth, blocking out bad memories, rewriting history in your minds to make reality safe for you to live in. And when your reality comes crashing down and your wall of protection falls in upon your heads, your mind will snap and then you will see the truth of
Driving With Grandma
The other day I went up to a local Christian bookstore and saw a honk if you love Jesus bumper sticker. I was feeling particularly sassy that day because I had just come from a thrilling choir performance, followed by a thunderous prayer meeting, so I bought the sticker and put in on my bumper. I was stopped at a red light at a busy intersection, just lost in thought about the Lord and how good He is and I didn't notice that the light had changed. It is a good thing someone else loves Jesus because if he hadn't honked, I'd never have noticed. I found that LOTS of people love Jesus. Why, while I was sitting there, the guy behind started honking like crazy, and when he leaned out of his window and screamed, "for the love of God, GO! GO!" What an exuberant cheerleader he was for Jesus. Everyone started honking! I just leaned out of my window and started waving and smiling at all these loving people. I even honked my horn a few times to share in
so my husband and I had a little misunderstanding between us. It was becoming the "norm" to fight all the time and be at each others throat. We were both unhappy and we sick of looking at each other. So he went and stayed with a friend and rode the snowmobile for a couple of days. When he came back we talked,and talked and talked some more. We both realized that we take each other for granted. It was the little things that we didn't appreciate about each other. We have alot more communication and spend more time with each other than we used too. We laugh alot more and crack jokes about each other and respect each other and our oponions. Needless to say I am sooooo soooooo soooooo much more happier now. Just wanted to share.....:)
Story O My Life
Sadly. LOL JJ
Because Of You
Because of you my world is now whole, Because of you love lives in my soul. Because of you I have laughter in my eyes, Because of you I am no longer afraid of good-byes. You are my pillar my stone of strength, With me through all seasons and great times of length. My love for you is pure boundless through space and time, it grows stronger everyday with the knowledge that you'll always be mine. Does this stuff show my soul? I try to put my feelings in words.
Naughty Hott Graphic I Like
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hey everyone sorry i wont be on much in the next few days. I had a little accident today and wound up with some third degree burns so I don't know how much i'll be on. When I am on here I hope everyone will pardon me if I type verry slow I have no use of my left hand at this time. Bad part is I'm left handed lol but I'll be ok in a couple of weeks the doc's just dont want me to move or use my hand. They said this because they want to keep scaring to a minumum. Ahh well another badge to go with the rest I have lol. Maybe I should post pics of all the scars (not). Hope to be back on and normall soon.
The Crunch
too much too little too fat too thin or nobody. laugher or tears haters lovers strangers with faces like the backs of thumb tacks armies running through streets of blood waving winebottles bayoneting and fucking virgins. or an old guy in a cheap room with a photograph of M. Monroe. ther is a lonelinees in this world so great that you can see it in the slow movement of the hands of the clock. people so tired mutilated either by love or no love. people are just no good to each other the rich are not good to the poor the poor are not good to the poor people are not good to each other i suppose they never will be too much too little too fat too thin or nobody. -charles bokowski
It Wasn't Enough
It wasn't enough ~Tony Martinez It wasn't enough I gave you evverything I had But for a moment in time I fell into darkness So you went away It wasn't enough I gave you my heart to hold take care of and keep You broke it instead It wasn't enough Now you had to step on it and grind it into the ground It wasn't enough I was going to give up everything for you But you couldn't wait Couldn't hold out Couldn't try to help just a little longer It wasn't enough Now I live with the pain Knowing Wishing You dont realize what you gave up But I guess It just wasn't enough Was it?
For The Little People
This blog is to all of those who have ended up being teased, cheated on, heart broken, steped on, accused, blamed, bullied, picked on, made fun of, or even dissed... Dont let the past consume you... Look at the people who makes fun of you, and tell them to shove it. I know plenty of people when I was in school, that was teased, and bullied... And you know what? They ended up to be the most perfect friends I ever had. So for all of those who doesnt like geeks, nerds, fags, or anyone else... F U C K Y O U!!!! -Skitzo™
A Cynical Willyism For The Fuckin' Say 12/12/07;
We are people; subject to all the shit that implies! Like jealousy, laughing at and putting down others forgetting where we came from, lying to each other, and thinking shit was so fuckin' much better in days gone by! Oh excuse me I fuckin' NEVER lie, or I do I'm just honest enough to admit it!
I'm Such A Pro At This....
So for the 9th time yesterday I became a Titi again. (In other words I'm an auntie again lol). Its about time because Destiny sure was taking her time getting here! Yay me!
Cabaret De Kinque Announces Opening Act
We are pleased to announce that the opening performer for the Cabaret de Kinque 2008 is everyones favorite milf...... Jezebel Tempting! So please be sure to come out and join me and my friends as we do up some good old fashioned hanky panky. Dark embraces and bloody kisses, Jezebel Tempting. Ps- Also join me with Vivian Ireene Pierce the fans choice of 2007 from Fetishcon at Cabaret de Kinque 2008 as we work you all into a fetish frenzy.
Here It Is Only 4 Weeks To Go Now Please Help
i only need 23,313 to go yet please help out if you can thank you very much from those who have helped out thus far and i will help you when you need it most when this is over thank you again
Human dreams... such fertile ground for the seeds of torment. You're so ripe, Joey. And it's harvest time. Save your tears. We'll reap your soul slowly We have centuries to discover the things that make you whimper. You think your nighttime world is closed to me? Your mind is so naked. A book that yearns to be read. A door that begs to be opened
Gross But Funny
This will give you a whole new outlook on getting in the hot tub with other's... especially if they're hung over and sick... lol
Just Wondering...
ok, so does it make me a lesbian if I go to a females page and rate her pics and/or say she is beautiful? I thought I was being nice, and appreciating a beautiful woman when I saw one- but a friend of mine said that some chick thought I was a lesbian or bi and that I wanted her. LOL Do any of you women out there have issues with another woman saying your beautiful? I find it more complimentary when a female says that to me, than a man. Because, lets face it girls, we are our competition. eh, just my opinion, for what its worth.
Time Has Changed Everything
It was time to go, And in her heart she knew. She never said good bye, She left without a clue. How different for her, Not to say a word, She always had to say something. She has come to realize, You never really cared. You used her as a means, To your own end. If it wasn't true, You wouldnt have acted as you do. She knows what is going on, Even though you think she has no clue. Maybe it is better for her, Not to be with you. They say that love, Can sometimes be wrong. Is there every going to be someone who cares for her. Her heart has mended, She has healed. All things she did lingering with you. They all thought she was dunb, Only hurting herself. Now they know, Why she lingered there with you. There is a new man. He is waiting for her love. She is a little hesitant, But is going to give it a try. For at the very worst, It will turn out like you. At the very best, It might be what she needs. DeeParenti All Rights Reserved
The Tao Of Steve: Chapter 4: Deborah
The Tao of Steve: Chapter 4: Deborah Deborah wanders around her place, thinking about doing her yearly clean up. She notices a box in the closet. She calls it "the toy box". It has always been is behind everything in the closet. She opens it. In there she has the dildo, vibrators and sexy lingerie. They haven’t seen the light of day for quite a while. Deborah tries on her favorite teddy and wonders when was the last time she had it on. It’s pink, lacey, and she loves the way it feels against her skin, her nipples. She likes the way the seam rides up between her legs, just like her jeans. She first learned about this seam while she was at work chatting online with a certain friend. He always seemed to have a way of getting her hot and bothered. It didn’t help that she wasn’t getting all she needed at home from her husband. She thought of Steve, her online lover and all they had in common, how much she craved what only he seemed to give her. She felt the usual wetness begin to form be
"Call Me When You're Sober" Don't cry to me. If you loved me, You would be here with me. You want me, Come find me. Make up your mind. Should I let you fall? Lose it all? So maybe you can remember yourself. Can't keep believing, We're only deceiving ourselves . And I'm sick of the lie, And you're too late. Don't cry to me. If you loved me, You would be here with me. You want me, Come find me. Make up your mind. Couldn't take the blame. Sick with shame. Must be exhausting to lose your own game. Selfishly hated, No wonder you're jaded. You can't play the victim this time, And you're too late. Don't cry to me. If you loved me, You would be here with me. You want me, Come find me. Make up your mind. You never call me when you're sober. You only want it cause it's over, It's over. How could I have burned paradise? How could I - you were never mine. So don't cry to me. If you loved me, You would be here with me. Don't lie to me, Just
How Cheap Is She ?
she's cheaper than a dollar whore on nickel night
Bored As Per The Usual.
im fucking bored as shit. its only 1 in the am. im here until god damn 430. im gettin tired. did i mention i was bored? a;lsdkhglasdhiga;sfldhga;lsdfhgla;sifdhgla;sidhg crap.
Fade Into You-mazzy Star
I want to hold the hand inside you I want to take a breath thats true I look to you and I see nothing I look to you to see the truth You live your life You go in shadows Youll come apart and youll go black Some kind of night into your darkness Colors your eyes with whats not there. Fade into you Strange you never knew Fade into you I think its strange you never knew A strangers light comes on slowly A strangers heart without a home You put your hands into your head And then smiles cover your heart Fade into you Strange you never knew Fade into you I think its strange you never knew Fade into you Strange you never knew Fade into you I think its strange you never knew I think its strange you never knew
Female Compassion. A man was lying on a blanket at the beach He had no arms or legs. Three women were walking past and felt sorry for the poor man. The first woman said " Have you ever had a hug" The man said "No", So she gave him a hug and walked on. The second woman said "Have you ever had a kiss". The man said "No", So she gave him a kiss and walked on. The third woman walked over to him, knelt down and whispered in his ear, "Have you ever been Fucked? The fellow looked up in amazement and said "No" The woman smiled and said "You will be when the tide comes in."
I - Tit
Apple announced today that it has developed a breast implant that can store and play music. The i-Tit will cost $499 or $599 depending on cup size. This has been hailed as a major breakthrough because women are always complaining about men staring at their breasts and not listening to them. Happy Holidays......hope you smiled.....Peace
Last Minute Gift Suggestions
Automotive Gift Suggestions - Just in Time for Last Minute Christmas Shopping If you have an "Automotive Minded" person in you life, these gift suggestions should be considered. 1. Tire Air Change Kit. This kit comes with everything you need to change the air in your tires. This highly recommended but often overlooked maintenance item is much easier now. Remember to change your air every 3000 miles or twice a year. $25 2. Blinker Fluid. You knew it existed but, WOW, is this stuff hard to find. 4oz bottle. $12 3. Synthetic Blinker Fluid. Better yet! 4oz bottle. $24 4. Light Bulb Filaments. Why throw away a perfectly good turn signal or stop light bulb when you can just install a new filament? Premium Filaments, made in the USA! $1 each. 5. Manifold Heat. Yes, your exhaust manifold should be HOT. If it's not, you may need this item. Sold by the pound. $3.50 6. Steering Wheel Gaskets. All SIZES available! Email for specific application. From $9.99 7. Tie Rod Tensio
I Hate The Snow
Its 12:30 in the afternoon and its snowing like mad....the kids have been let out early.....What the hell... I hate the damn snow... and I hate living in New England..... This weather sucks...its cold....its slippery....and now it is infested with the children....LOL....Please I need a drink... for we shall all be stuck for the next few days........
Re: Ed Brown Is Dying In Prison
RE: Ed Brown is dying in prison ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: *RC_REVOLUTION [resistance] -RONPAUL2008- Date: 13 Dec 2007, 22:58 ----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: Vance...what a goddamned circusIIDate: Dec 13, 2007 4:57 PMHe committed no crime. The criminals rule us.Thanx to:Bryan Maxfreedomfighter4allMatt Probert Matt (Pro U.S. Constitution, Pro Ron Paul 08)
Thanx To My Friend Mad Mike For The Pix Ill Be Posting
i owe you i was wondering where to get some tight ass pix my page will "rock"
A Few Years...
A few years ago As I remember correctly. There was this girl Who's life wasnt working. Away with her friends For some summer's fun. Alcohol was brought And drugs werent stoping. One thing happend And then another. Next thing you know She's calling her mother. Crying, feeling alone and scared. Her mother didnt believe her Daddy wasnt there. Her boyfriend came in the room Slamed the door shut. Throwing her on the floor Her arm was busted. He riped off her cloths And smacked her face. He was being to rough Too rough for her to take. A week went by of nothing but pain. He told her he loved her But no one will believe her. She ran inside And hugged her mother. "Momma still didnt see, Daddy called me a liar." She ran to her room And buried her face in her pillow. She cried and cried It lasted forever. Hours went by And she started to calm down. She heard laughter Out side the shutters. She got up and looked outside. She saw a boy from school Playing w
Well, She Was Happy!
I wish I had a video camera last night. Ginger was in her glory. As soon as I got home and let the dogs out, she went tearing up the back yard, literally leaping all the way. I let her stay outside while I shoveled. The others wanted nothing to do with the white stuff. She looked like she had been in a blizzard by the time she finished, and it wasn't even snowing at that point. Hope she is not too sore today. I think she forgets she is 12 years old.
Merry Chrismass
What I Have To Say About Dressing Your Child In Genr Styles Of Clothing
here is what i have to say.... if you want to dress your child like punk rockers... get them the ramones t shirts... and get them some jeans or cargos or something thats like classic punk and modern punk to me actually. get them a choker if you want i don't care it's your kid... they will wear what they want when they get older... but i will tell you this though the sex is better with the punk rockers and metal and thrashers lol so just remember you are planning them for some good sex on the way lol... but for real though really what matters is that you just need to be happy with your kid give them the world and let them make decisions they want to make when they get a chance... thats all i can say really it's not about what other say about how you raise your kid it's about how you and your kids feel about the situation...
The Divine
The sunlight cascades through stained glass, creating an unearthly hue. She stands before me, basking in the glory of the illumination, Her gaze heaven bound. There was something etched in her devoted eyes, Something strangely familiar: The determined joy, The awe of magnificence, The humbled faith of cradling hands. In her I could see through the window of my own soul, The iridescent light that shines from within. But the essence of the shared spirit is suddenly overshadowed by the rooftop. I recoil at the framework that entombs the higher truth. Careful not to disturb the holy hush, I exit the paradigm. And full of the divine, I walk into the unstained light.
Chets Song ( To Good Not To Share)
One Christmas Eve, a frenzied young man ran into a pet shop looking > > > for an unusual Christmas gift for his wife. The shop owner suggested a > parrot, named Chet, which could sing famous Christmas carols. > > ? > > This seemed like the perfect gift. "How do I get him to sing?" The young > > man asked, excitedly. "Simply hold a lighted match directly under his > feet." was the shop owner's reply. > > The shop owner held a lighted match under the parrot's left foot. Chet > began to sing: "Jingle Bells! Jingle Bells! ..." The shop owner then > held another match under the parrot's right foot. Then Chet's tune > changed, and the air was filled with: " Silent Night, Holy Night..." > > The young man was so impressed that he paid the shop-keeper and ran > home as quickly as he could with Chet under his arm. When the wife saw > her gift she was overwhelmed. > > "How beautiful!" She exclaimed, "Can he talk?" "No," the young man > replied, "But he
I Be Tsalagi
I Be Tsalagi This morning I looked in the mirror, I stared intensely at what I saw, Trying to figure out if it was My eyes, my nose or my jaw. Maybe it's my ears, I thought, or maybe it's my chin, I'm sure that I will figure out what is my "part' that is Indian. Maybe it's my arms or hands or some little internal gland, I sure hope I can soon find out what "part" is Indian. You see to some that means a lot to them it's a big deal, So maybe it's my knees or toes or maybe my left heel. But, you see, I don't understand what this "part" stuff means, Because in my heart I know just who and what I be. That from the top of my Tsalagi head, to the tip of my Tsalagi toes, With every beat of my Tsalagi heart Every fiber of me knows That it is not the "degree of blood" That makes me what I be. It is the spirit of Tsalagi that dwells within, you see. So with every breath I take I'm as sure as I can be that I BE TSALAGI!!
So I'm sitting here one night removed from going out and partying getting ready to go Christmas shopping. I'm wondering where my life is taking me. It feels like I'm just along for the ride. Maybe it's the after effect of drinking last night that is making me all opened or maybe it's something else that I had opened up inside me last night from someone I met. Is this Christmas going to be the same as last year? Well I guess it won't exactly be like last year's Christmas. Last year I was living in a house with my soon to be ex-wife, her boyfriend and my kids. Now I've been officially divorced for a while now, my ex is getting married sometime in early 2009 or maybe late 2008 and I get to have my wonderful kids on Christmas Eve. I guess what I'm really wondering is if I'm going to find that certain someone to spend the holidays with or ring in the new year. Not meaning this year obviously but what about 2008? If 2007 was an indicator of things to come then 2008 has got to g
Christmas Story For People Having A Bad Day...ho Ho Ho
Christmas Story for people having a bad day.... When four of Santa's elves got sick, the trainee elves did not produce toys as fast as the regular ones, and Santa began to feel the pre-Christmas pressure. Then Mrs. Claus told Santa her Mother was coming to visit, which stressed Santa even more. When he went to harness the reindeer, he found that three of them were about to give birth and two others had jumped the fence and were out, Heaven knows where. Then when he began to load the sleigh, one of the floorboards cracked, the toy bag fell to the ground and all the toys were scattered. So, frustrated, Santa went in the house for a cup of apple cider and a shot of rum. When he went to the cupboard, he discovered the elves had drank all the cider and hidden the liquor. In his frustration, he accidentally dropped the cider jug, and it broke into hundreds of little glass pieces all over the kitchen floor. He went to get the broom and found the mice had eaten al
Don't Hate Me
Don't hate me cause i'm lonely Don't hate me cause i'm chained Don't hate me when i say, i had a debt to pay Just know that just as You, i have my cross to bear For when i tell You something there was no one else with whom to share Don't hate me cause i'm aching Don't hate me when i'm breaking Don't hate me when i tell You, i don't know who i am For when these truths are shared, it's You to whom i ran
Wake N Bake!
Link To My Lace's Profile
Tracie "Im Back!"@ fubar
Ive noticed the longer i stay single and without a serious partner in my life...the easier it becomes to be alone, without the need for one....hmmm maybe i found the key to being truly happy ...maybe.
Striptease Dance
Music Video:STRIPTEASE DANCE (by Funny Videos)Music Video Code provided by Video Code Zone
Darling, I know that we've been chatting for a while now. On the phone and in shoutbox. I feel horrible that I have to tell you this because I feel like we've had some good times. Laughing about how you need viagra and how you'd hit on the nurses at the Old Folks Home. I think that I need to give you a dose of reality though. You're old Old men are yucky. You're like one of these guys
The Big Dipper
I saw the Big Dipper tonight for the first time ever since I moved to California. It was absolutely...awesome... I never see stars here...never..before tonight, I could see some stars, but when I couldn't locate the Big Dipper I got a little side tracked.... Some friends helped me locate some other constellations and from there, I found it. YaY. Happiness really WooT.
Twist Of Fate.
The tears of pain stream down my face. I wipe them away, As they are replaced. Never could I have imagined, How very hard all of this would be. I waited for the call, That I knew would come one day. It was an instant sickness when your voice said Mommie. Never did I think, I would not want to come. I got in the car to come to you. As I drove, My mind began to race. All the thoughts had became motions and actions, Leading us here today. I wonder what mistakes I made along the way. If I had done things differently, Would it have changed this twisted fate? Dee Parenti© All Rights Reserved.
Makes This Your Sign
Too Darn Pretty Not To Share
Catch A Falling Star
My Results: Are You Happy Being Single?
You Are Not Happy Being Single You're just one of those people who does better in a relationship. It's as simple as that. And most people who are honest with themselves feel the exact same way. Try to make the best of your single times. There's no rush to fall in love - even if being single sucks. Are You Happy Being Single?
Everyone Should Love
~ Elton John - Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word ~
Elton John In BBC 1976 What have I got to do to make you love me What have I got to do to make you care What do I do when lightning strikes me And I wake to find that you're not there What do I do to make you want me What have I got to do to be heard What do I say when it's all over And sorry seems to be the hardest word It's sad, so sad It's a sad, sad situation And it's getting more and more absurd It's sad, so sad Why can't we talk it over Oh it seems to me That sorry seems to be the hardest word What do I do to make you love me What have I got to do to be heard What do I do when lightning strikes me What have I got to do What have I got to do When sorry seems to be the hardest word
Keep Them Safe...
Never Too Late
"Never Too Late" This world will never be What I expected And if I don't belong Who would have guessed it I will not leave alone Everything that I own To make you feel like it's not too late It's never too late Even if I say It'll be alright Still I hear you say You want to end your life Now and again we try To just stay alive Maybe we'll turn it all around 'Cause it's not too late It's never too late No one will ever see This side reflected And if there's something wrong Who would have guessed it And I have left alone Everything that I own To make you feel like It's not too late It's never too late Even if I say It'll be alright Still I hear you say You want to end your life Now and again we try To just stay alive Maybe we'll turn it all around 'Cause it's not too late It's never too late The world we knew Won't come back The time we've lost Can't get back The life we had Won't be ours again This world will never be What I expecte
Who Knows?
well i just got back from my 2nd doctor visit and he says everything looks fine except for the absence of the 'yolk sack' and that i'm 6weeks and 5days along and there is 120 beats per minute today. my cervix is closed and my cyst is bleeding and to come back in 2 weeks. honestly i think this doctor is a quack and i need another opinion... who the hell knows? all i know is that i just want the whole damn thing over with cause i am tired of sitting around waiting for something to happen or someone to tell me what to do. what the hell ever.
Here Comes Santa
Right down Santa lane
Would You?
Would you kiss me under some mistletoe? If the answer is yes, then here's your chance.... go to my page and on the about me part of my page, you can plant a big smacker on me!!!! This is your chance, and yes I'M STANDING UNDER THE MISTLETOE ;) Kissesssssssssssssss The Evil Kissing ONE
Not Always Santa's Baby
The Night Was Dark
The night was dark, the sky was blue, down the alley the shit wagon flew. It hit a bump scream was heard. Somebody was killed by a low flying turd!
Baphomet: Lord Of The Witches
This Is The Time, There's No Better Time Than "right Now."
Everything that is, exists in this moment. This is the best time of your life because this is the time when your life is being lived. If you have been planning to take action, now is the time to do it. Within you is a vision of how great life can be, and now is the time to make it real. Now is the time when accomplishment happens. Now is the time when dreams are brought to life. Now is when you are free to choose the direction of your life. Now is when you are able to do what must be done. Life is now and you are here to live it. Do you realize what an enormous opportunity is now within your grasp? Breathe in deeply the sweet, powerful fragrance of this now moment. This is the time to fully and truly live. -- Ralph Marston
And, More Adam
Since I refused to bitch like i did in the previous blog... in a blog about adam, we're making two :D CCUUUUZZZ, it's 630 in the morning... I woke up and due to stuff, wasn't able to get back to sleep. SOOOOO, anyways, I was like, literally dreaming about Adam.... specifically, making out with him in wal mart over by the bikes.... lol fun stuff I'm telling you :D *sigh* Is it crazy to miss someone like this? Cuz, well, I do... and it seems a little crazy... But, I got up this morning at 505 to talk to Adam. It's soooo freaking awesome. God, I LOVE hearing his voice... it just, sets my whole day RIGHT it seems :) just, being able to sit and talk to him... it, really, seriously, makes me happy. HE makes me happy. We sat and talked for hours last night... which is by no means something new... it's just, so amazing. I'm really falling for this guy... I mean, yeah of course, when you find someone "new"... it always seems like they're perfect, and etc... because you overlook thei
A Cynical Willyism For The Fuckin' Day 12/18/07;
You know when writing fiction you have to make it at least possible the fuckin' truth can go way the fuck out there!
Well, just heard from the doctor and the yolk sack that is missing from my baby is what makes up the central nervous system and brain for the baby... meaning i would lose it in a few months or have a stillborn. So this friday i am going into the hospital to have it removed. then i can concentrate on the other things that are going on in my body, oh goody... thanks to all my friends and please keep me in your prayers, i really think it is helping :) love to all, suzy
Tampa For New Years!!!!!
Victor Jara -plegaria A Un Labrador
Letting The Curves Take You Control
Trying to maintain control in this life is a bit like trying to maintain control on a roller coaster. The ride has its own logic and is going to go its own way, regardless of how tightly you grip the bar. There is a thrill and a power in simply surrendering to the ride and fully feeling the ups and downs of it, letting the curves take you rather than fighting them. When you fight the ride, resisting what�s happening at every turn, your whole being becomes tense and anxiety is your close companion. When you go with the ride, accepting what you cannot control, freedom and joy will inevitably arise. As with so many seemingly simple things in life, it is not always easy to let go, even of the things we know we can�t control. Most of us feel a great discomfort with the givens of this life, one of which is the fact that much of the time we have no control over what happens. Sometimes this awareness comes only when we have a stark encounter with this fact, and all our attempt
Sex Bulletins???
WHAT.THE.HELL?! What's with these bulletins advertising the need to get laid? Get off the damn computer and go to a party, a bar, hell even church! You have a greater chance of finding someone if you leave your house! FYI: if you're that pathetic that you need to put out an APB for the pussy, you WILL get deleted and blocked. REL
How Virgo Are You? My Results
Ironic since I am a Virgo born on the cusp of Libra! You are 87% Virgo How Virgo Are You?
Eid Mubarak
EID MUBARAK Dear brothers and sisters. This day brings great joy to our hearts and remind us of the strong eemaan of Prophet Ibraaheem and his son Ismaaeel Úáíå ÇáÓáÇã .
Help Is Needed Please
Hey all my sister is trying to get spotlight.. can ya'll please help out any way you can... FuBucks, rate, fan, add...anything helps! Thanks! ღღ Lady Sunmaid ღ I.B.I.C. ღ RL & Fu-Girlfriend to CELTICTHUNDER72 ღ@ fubar
I never knew I could have so much trouble finding a job! It seems like everyone wants you to have a damn degree in something, or just a high school diploma. But if you have experience, and a HS diploma, you're over qualified! I've applied to lots of jobs, but I just can't seem to get one! Lots of places are slow right now, but why put an ad in the paper if you're not gonna hire! Oh well, that's my little rant for right now!
My Sweetie
Isn’t it amazing how things just happen? I’m sure we all know things don’t just happen but that is the way it seems. Just when I thought that finding the ever elusive love of my life was all but impossible he strolls through the door. It’s as though all roads led to him and this moment in my life. It is so overwhelming. It brings tears to my eyes when I think of how awesome he is and how much he loves me. He is sweet and attentive and loving. (Did I say VERY HANDSOME?) I am not jumping up and down or giddy or bouncing off the walls. I am so calm and peaceful. It is as though this is exactly where God meant for me to be. It is as though this is the man God meant for me to be with. He put him right in my face. I am so thankful. I would move Heaven and earth for him so moving to Orlando is such a small gesture. Wish me luck! (with the move)
I try to help but get turned down. It seems no one wants me around. I voice my opinion and speak my mind. No one listens; I'm waisting my time. I'll wait until everyone leaves to speak. It's a common reaction; I'm way to weak. Voices around everywhere, They hit you like a stone in thin air. Floating high above the rest. Why am I so depressed? Stacie Arnold
Because Of You
Because of you I have the strength to go on Becasue of you I have the power to over come so much Because of you I am whole Becasue of you I can keep my head up and keep going Becasue of you I can see the love Before you I was weary and sad Before you I was scared and alone Before you I was broken Before you my days were dark and my nights were darker Befroe you I had walls around my heart and you broke through still to this day dont know how you did it I told myself I wouldnt let anyone in but you came and showed me you cared Because of you I have hope and for that I Love you
Letting Go
My heart breaks Tears fall from my eyes I dont have the strength to let you go My heart breaks Tears fall from my eyes I love you so much how am I gonna let you go My heart breaks Tears fall from eyes How am I gonna be able to move on and let you go My heart breaks Tears fall from my eyes Its gonna be so hard to walk away we have been through so much I wont have the strength to go on I love you so much but I have to let you go My heart breaks Tears fall from my eyes I dont want to walk away and let you go but I have no choice but before I let you go one thing you need to know is I LOVE YOU and always will
Ruby! Kenny Rodgers
Safe Sex!!! CHECK IT OUT!!!!
Just Lust
Lust is that look he gives you that you can’t resist. Lust is how you crave him to pin you at the wrist. Lust is how wild you feel clawing at his flesh. Where there is love, There is lust, No matter what you hear from above. Lust is that feeling you get when you watch her hips sway, Lust is that tempting feeling we get everyday. Lust is that urge to grab this and pinch that, And how you can’t take your eyes off of her back. It’s the love you have for their skin, And how you want to rush on in. It’s the reason you close your eyes when a hand runs up your thigh. Lust is that voice telling you to shove her up against the wall. That temptation to push up her skirt, and fuck here in the hall. This is why, if you try, you can have any one at all It’s the reason people do what they do, The reason you have to Reassure yourself that they really do Love you. Lust is what blinds you, Lust is what Binds you. Lust can tear you up from the inside out, And throw all these emotion
From Lsa Sweet, Thank You Behbe
Zeitgeist: A German term meaning "spirit of the time." It refers to the moral and intellectual trends of a given era.
Sweet Melissa--greg Allman And Dave Matthews
No Bird Brain Here
Photo Image Hosting
Son Of A F@cking B!tch!
Well I had plans to FINALLY post pics after 6 MONTHS of not being able to, and YET AGAIN MY FUCKING PLANS GOT DERAILED. Fuck it, I'm through trying. I am beyond frustrated and ready to drop kick all this old shit I use. Old comp, old digital camera, old fucking everything. DAMN!
Pot Suspect Served Hash Cake For Lunch
AMSTERDAM, Netherlands - A man being held in a Dutch police cell on suspicion of growing cannabis got an unintended treat in his lunch — a piece of hashish-laced cake, a spokesman said Thursday. "It was an accident," said Alwin Don, police spokesman in the southern province of Zeeland. The hash cake had earlier been seized by police in an unrelated investigation and stored in a refrigerator — close to lunch packets served to suspects being held in cells at the police station in Goes, 110 miles south of Amsterdam. "Clearly it looked a lot like the other lunch packets," Don said of the hash cake, which was served with a cup of coffee on Sunday. "Officers returned to the cell a half hour later and the suspect told them: 'I think you've given me something you weren't supposed to,'" Don said. The man had only nibbled at the cake and a doctor who was called to examine him said he suffered no ill effects. "It was pure coincidence that this man got the cake," Don said of the
I took It upon myself to rip pics of all our current members, If anyone does NOT want the pic I chose or did not want a pic ripped, just let me know and I apologize ahead of time for any annoyances ;) ~Phoenix~ The Dark Tower Tet Contents
Alone And Confused
well this is just another one of my rambling sessions cause i have noone to talk to that would even understand whats going on with me. why is it that guys say one thing and act a totally different way. there was this guy i was talking to and he persued me actually has been liking me for a year but the time was never right, finally he asks me for a chance and for some reason i decide what the heck sure why not. well that only turned out to be disasterous cause now supposedly he went back to his ex cause supposedly shes pregnant with what she says is his kid but anyway whatever i dont even care about that. for the last two weeks he has completely ignored me well at least to my face anyway. ive caught him looking at me when he doesnt think im aware and all. well this week with christmas coming and all i decided to be the bigger person and i gave him a christmas card along with everyone else now for the last three days hes been back to flirting with me. i just dont get it. how can he say h
Hey Friends Merry Christmas
Hello all I would like to wish you and your family a safe and happy holidays. I am thankful to have really awesome friends like all of you. An ringing the new year with more really great friends. Party ON!!!!!!
Cafe Dumonde--live Video
Tru--i'm Bout It Bout It
Poetry In The Making
passion without words. life without meaning. What's it all matter if we can't go on dreaming? Some say it gets better. Some say never fear. What's it all matter if you never have shed a tear? Art without canvas. A sky without blue. What's it all matter if I don't have you? Passion without purpose Life without death What's all matter if I don't have a breath? Some say life is too short Some say live for the day What's it all matter if you have nothing to say? Music without sound Paper without pen What's it all matter when you live in sin? Life is a mystery Life we live in mysery No end just stuck in a passion What's it all matter in mid session?
Here Comes Santa Claus
For My Rosie Girl
may your heart ever be filled with the very same love and happiness you have brought to mine. and you are such a good mother, sweetheart. mr. J is so very lucky to have you.
Looking For A Slut
Messing With Santa's Head
Messing With Santa's Head - Leave a plate filled with cookies and a glass of milk out, with a note that says, "For The Tooth Fairy." Leave another plate out with half a stale cookie and a few drops of skim milk in a dirty glass with a note that says, "For Santa" - Take everything out of your house as if it's just been robbed. When Santa arrives, show up dressed like a policeman and say, "Well, well. They always return to the scene of the crime." - Leave out a copy of your Christmas list with last-minute changes and corrections. - While he's in the house, cover the top of the chimney with barbed wire. - Leave lots of hunting trophies and guns out where Santa's sure to see them. Go outside, yell, "Ooh! Look! A deer! And he's got a red nose!" and fire a gun. - Leave Santa a note, explaining that you've moved. Include a map with unclear and hard-to-read directions to your new house. - Leave out a Santa suit, with a dry-cleaning bill. - Paint "hoof-prints" all over y
Re: Estulin: Neo-cons Behind Potential Hit On Ron Paul
RE: Estulin: Neo-Cons Behind Potential Hit On Ron Paul ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Paul Joseph Watson Date: 21 Dec 2007, 21:30 Estulin: Neo-Cons Behind Potential Hit On Ron Paul Investigative reporter Daniel Estulin has gone further with his bombshell revelation first voiced last week that political insiders are considering a plot to assassinate Ron Paul, today identifying the Neo-Con camp as being behind the potential hit.
The Witch Alone
The Witch Alone Beyond the town, beneath the moon Beside the standing stone There lives a woman, fair of faith We call the witch alone. She sings to sun and moon and stars And gathers herbs and weeds With which she fashions ancient charms And other magic deeds. She worships not at altars built, By hands of mortal men But deep within the misty glade Beyond the farthest glen. What need has she of flashing swords Of crystals glowing bright Of censors and of colored cords That grace the wiccan rite? Her tools are fashioned from the earth And wind and fire and rain Her rites are dances wild and free That call the gods amain. When spring and summer pass to fall And twilight fills her eyes She'll lie upon the browning grass A smiling as she dies. For though she leaves her mortal shell Of flesh and blood and bone She knows she dies to live again, as the witch alone....
Kottonmouth Kings Check Em Out
Under The Mistletoe
How To Handle A Husband
A couple was celebrating their golden wedding anniversary on the beaches in Montego Bay , Jamaica . Their domestic tranquility had long been the talk of the town. People would say, "What a peaceful & loving couple" The local newspaper reporter was inquiring as to the secret of their long and happy marriage. The Husband replied: "Well, it dates back to our honeymoon in America ," explained the man. "We visited the Grand Canyon, in Arizona , and took a trip down to the bottom of the canyon, by horse. We hadn't gone too far when my wife's horse stumbled and she almost fell off. My wife looked down at the horse and quietly said, "That's once." "We proceeded a little further and her horse stumbled again. Again my wife quietly said, "That's twice." We hadn't gone a half-mile when the horse stumbled for the third time my wife quietly removed a revolver from her purse and shot the horse dead. I SHOUTED at her, "What's wrong with you, Woman! Why did you shoo
A Cynical Willyism For The Fuckin' Day 12/23/07;
Give me time I'll forget you there's plenty more fuckin' fish in the sea! I need more bait so I'll just masterbate!
The Difficult Kind--sheryl Crow
Photo Image Hosting
Two Old Farts Fight Out
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas To All Especially Our Troops
5 Ways To Get Frisky On A Cold Night
Forget hot chocolate. These racy sex taboos will not only heat up a cold night; they'll have you wishing for a blizzard! That way your office will call a snow day and you can do it all over again tomorrow. (Anyone who says chocolate is better than sex has things all wrong.) 1. Play Dress Up Nurse outfits, baby-doll lingerie, catwoman suits… the idea of playing dress up, or fantasy role-playing, turns some women on — and makes others roar with laughter. Yes, you do pay through the nose for these outfits at sex shops, and they're not terribly well made either. But if you have the money and you're game for experimenting, why not? If you're less than convinced, shift your thinking from traditional (read: expensive) role-play outfits to simply putting together a sexy, home-spun ensemble. High heels? Check! Stockings? Check! Long, black, satin gloves and a push-up bra? Check! And that's really all you'll need to be totally sexed up without even feeling (terribly) silly. If you'r
Ok well I'm back. PLEASE............don't get up. Had alot of crap happen. Anyway leave me messages and love and stuff. You know you wanna. Peace out
hey everyone, just wanted to wish everyone merry christmas and hope all goes well and stay safe! i didn't even know this site had a blog thingy untill now :P, but like i say, i'm slightly new and learning slowly on here. lots to learn about on here and tons of new people to meet! :) well, take care and talk to you soon! angie
Some People Walk In The Rain. Others Just Get Wet.
Some people walk in the rain. Others just get wet. --Roger Miller Gifts are usually surprises. We don't generally know what the ribbons, bows, and wrapping conceal. Life's greatest misfortunes are, in retrospect, often referred to as gifts. While our debt can feel like a curse, when we finally get to the bottom of what's happened to us, we're surprised to find something good - a gift or blessing of sorts. Through our misfortune, we may have developed some true and lasting relationships, learned we had some admirable qualities we didn't know we had, or discovered the meaning of courage. Today, if I am struggling. I will anticipate the wondrous surprise to come.
Why I Believe In An 8 Yr Old
HIS ONE IS FABULOUS!!! > >It was written by an 8-year-old named Danny Dutton, who lives in Chula >Vista , CA . He wrote it for his third grade homework assignment, to >"explain God." I wonder if any of us could have done as well. ( and he >had such an assignment, in California , and someone published it. I >guess miracles do happen ! ) > >EXPLANATION OF GOD: >"One of God's main jobs is making people. He makes them t o replace the >ones that die, so there will be enough people to take care of things on >earth. He doesn't make grownups, just babies. I think because they are >smaller and easier to make. That way he doesn't have to take up his >valuable time teaching them to talk and walk. He can just leave that to >mothers and fathers." > >"God's second most important job is listening to prayers. An awful lot >of this goes on, since some people, like preachers and things, pray at >times besides bedtime. God doesn't have time to listen to the radio or >TV because of this
RISK The Parker Brothers were nothing short of geniuses. Their contribution to forms of enterntainment have lasted far beyond the technologies of todayis amazing. Who has not spent countless hours playing Monopoly, Clue, or even Sorry. Amongst all of these games of our youth, one comes to mind that brought me the most fun. RISK written just like that in big caps, with emphasis placed on the word that should permenately remain. The premise of this game was to stratagize and execute a plan to conquer the world. How coincedental the premise of ones life mirrors that concept. Can you or more importantly are you capable of taking the RISK to conquer the world you have built for yourself? Many will go thru life making all the safe choices that will not rattle the cage. Getting lost in the clouds of contentment somehow are thought to shadow them from the heat brought on by life. Soon Monday is no different from Tuesday, Wednesday feels like deja- vu, Thursday must
Drama Queens..
why is it that some people on this site have to be such queens?? some guy satan shouts me and asks "are you on" my reply "yes why" simple answer yes?? well his response get the pole out of my ass, i am a slut and whore and he did not like the way i answered him. kno what just because most guys only want tits and pussy and think they are a gift to women. dont mean i have to put up with disrespect and nastiness, grow the fuck up, or leave me the hell alone...........
Mumms Piss Me Off
Alright, I read a mumm about a lady who bought her kid some shoes, and her kids bitched about the shoes. Now this lady blames her ex-husband solely for his lack of presence, and that he answers her kids demands. If you read this mumm though you'll go to read her say that she bought her kids bad ass brand names, and whatever. Anyway the point is that just about every mumm this lady has posted has in some way been about money, and her ex-husband, and drama. Now she's calling her kids ingrates caused by a never-present father. I'm sorry to say the fact is that children build character from the role models they have around them, not the ones that are not there. Pretty much they way it sounds is that the lady is not only an ingrate herself, but as well a self absorbed narcisist, and doesn't realize that she is transforming her children into little versions of herself. The sad part is that when a narcisist is informed of thier problems they automatically take offense to the in
Hi Everybody
teenadavis13418@ fubar
Do They Know Its Xmas?
Westlife - Don't Let Me Go
So much to say But where do I start Would you listen if I spoke from the heart It's simple things That keep us apart You know it doesn't have to be this way Can't you hear it in my voice You gotta listen when I say Don't let me go when I'm this low Why can't we talk about it Why can't we figure it out I wanna know as people grow How do they sort it all out Work out what love is about So tell me now yeah I've gotta know When this feeling I've got won't let go Some people stop And some people stare I'm hearing whispers that you no longer care Should I stay Should I turn away Stop playing games now you know it's not fair Can't you hear it in my voice You gotta listen when I say Don't let me go when I'm this low Why can't we talk about it Why can't we figure it out I wanna know as people grow How do they sort it all out Work out what love is about So tell me now yeah I've gotta know When this feeling I've got won't let go You make me think I've g
Joyeux Noel !!!!!!
Graphiques animés scintillants best wishes, i hope Santa has been nice with all of you and, most important, i hope that love is in all your hearts
merry christmas everyone and happy new years
Bloodshot Records
Christmas And The Power Of The Dark Side
Christmas and the Power of the Dark Side December 25, 2007 The power of the dark side is a strange one. I’ve often heard, “Come to the dark side. We have cookies.” I suppose they must be killer cookies because I make some rockin’ cookies. No temptation there for me. I am strong in the force and cannot be swayed. Or so I thought. It was this unsuspecting Christmas morn that the power of the dark side compelled me to reconsider. My lovely 9 year old son got a Darth Vader/Death Star Transformer (like the one that Jesus got from his cousin on the first Christmas). Anyway, we were moving right along, cussing out boxes that held onto the toys with a super tight grip and cutting into packages with blades usually reserved for carving dead birds. And that’s when I was called. Darth made it safely out of the box and we were testing all the cool little things he says. That’s when my son pointed out the obvious, “Look, mommy, he’s even got a robotic wiener!” (He h
Forget Me Not
FORGET ME NOT forgettin you is hard to do forgettin me is up to you forget me not forget me never forget this message but not the sender
KISS if kisses wer rain id send u showers, if fun was time id send u hrs, if u needed a frnd id send u me!
My Best Friend
My Best Friend Diary There it is by me like a patient friend, Longing to talk to me, To tell my thoughts to , I am speaking to my Beloved friend It has been there when no one else has When I felt like I had no friends or family It was there to comfort me Allowing me to tell every deep dark secret that is in my heart I did not have to worry about anyone knowing my secrets Because it was the one that I could confide in Patient and kind, Even when I did the most stupidest things that I could not tell even the closest friend it was there. When I was angry, or afraid ,or scared ,or troubled abused, or dissapointed It was there I poured my heart out to it. I can be myself I can say what I please Even my sexual desires whether sexual or about life It was there Many do not understand the purpose of a diary. But it something that I can always count on, Whenever I need it . To all I love my dearest diary
My Brain
Well I decided to share somethin bout how my mind works. I think i am asshole. Every single girl i have seen here i look at like a piece of meat. Thinkin bout what i would do to them if i had the chance. I am sorry about it, But i still can't help it. Thats why i have decided i am an asshole. So thats it
Blast From The Past
Blast from the past - Have you ever wondered what happened to your very first boyfriend? Where he is and what he's doing now? Well my very first boyfriend came back into my life and wanted to see what kind of woman I had become . . . I promised myself I wasn’t going to be the oh-so-easy target this time and actually behave like a more sophisticated, worldly, married lady this time around. Read on as the guy who took my virginity oh so many years ago, comes back for a second shot on goal. Just Before - We had been together so many times before here and there, sometimes staying a couple of nights at his place or a motel. Those earlier times were like a dream, without a care in the world except for the sheer joy of two people joining together to become one and relive that wonderful feeling of ecstasy. Well I knew it would happen to my body at some point, what with all the dates we had and the almost daily, morning, noon and night frolicking ever since he had been away on business. A
Pin Number For Atm
PIN NUMBER REVERSAL (GOOD TO KNOW) If you should ever be forced by a robber to withdraw money from an ATM machine, you can notify the police by entering your Pin # in reverse. For example if your pin number is 1234 then you would put in 4321. The ATM recognizes that your pin number is backwards from the ATM card you placed in the machine. The machine will still give you the money you requested, but unknown to the robber, the police will be immediately dispatched to help you. This information was recently broadcasted on FOX TV and it states that it is seldom used because people don't know it exists. Please pass this along to everyone possible.
Benazir Bhutto Killed In Attack
Benazir Bhutto killed in attack Benazir Bhutto had been addressing rallies in many parts of Pakistan Pakistani former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto has been assassinated in a suicide attack. Ms Bhutto had just addressed an election rally in Rawalpindi when she was shot in the neck by a gunman who then reportedly set off a bomb. At least 15 other people died in the attack and several more were injured. President Pervez Musharraf and his government called on people to remain calm so that the "nefarious designs of terrorists can be defeated." Ms Bhutto had twice been the country's prime minister and had been campaigning ahead of elections due in January. Nawaz Sharif, also a former prime minister and a political rival, told the BBC her death was a tragedy for "the entire nation". "I can't tell you what the feelings of the people of Pakistan are today," he told BBC News 24 after returning from the hospital where she was brought. It was the second suicide a
Valentine's Day
Well, last night I started noticing... FUCKING VALENTINES DAY SHIT IS OUT ALREADY!!! So, like the curious person I am... i made an extra trip through the V-D section :D And like all VD, it's contagious... soon, half my co-workers were over there with me awwwwing and ooooing at the cute little things. And, also like all other VD, once you catch it, it's a pain in the ass to get rid of... Man, i love myself... humoring myself with referring to valentine's day as an STD, go me... Anyways, of course, I'm a chick, i FUCKING LOVE valentines day. And, in the 5 years of being married, not once did I have a GOOD valentine's day. Why? Because his birthday is on Valentine's day!!! And before that, well, valentines day 01 was pretty awesome! I was with Lindon, and he did a lot of cute stuff... I know I never want to get married on Valentine's day. And probably not ever proposed to... I think thats cheesy cuz EVERYONE does it. I want that to be reserved for special dates, like, our "first
New Year
The year has come and gone, left behind many tears alot of heartache. Things now in the past. I start this New Year with lots of new hopes new dreams, and hopefully a brand new start. I have left the tears behind in hopes that this new year i can cry only tears of joy. I left behind alot of pain in hopes that this new year i can start out fresh. And maybe this new year will be better. This year has come and gone a New Year is upon us now so i wish the best for all of you in hopes that all your dreams will come true. Maybe this new year we will cross each other's path and give that hug we have been wanting to give. This year has come and gone and now a New Year is upon us, i hope that we will always be friends through this new year. This year has left behind the pain and the many tears that i cried, the hopes that this new year will bring nothing but joy. I wish you all the best this new year. I love you all thank you for getting me through this year.
This Year Has Come And Gone
This year has come and gone, Like a plane it flew out if sight, yet there's memories that can't be forgot, memories i wished i could just forget. Although not all the memories are bad, some i will treasure forever. Like the new friends i have made, the laughter and the tears. the hopes and the dreams, never will be forgot. Although this year has come and gone, and the new year will soon be here, and i will have to say goodbye, but no not forever. I have shed alot of tears this year, but hope next year i wont have to cry. if i do cry i hope it is because i am happy. This year has come and gone and like a plane it flew away. I am not sure if i understand why this year flew by so fast or why it was such a struggle but i made it through and now i am ready to face the new year with love in my heart, and lots of wishes for you my friends. This year has come and gone, but a new year will soon be here. Best wishes for you my friends. I love you all so very much
FarAway And the journey started with a song, a great ballad from yesterday. The pilgrims plight, is and endless flight, to the land called Faraway On the journey he saw shades of night, and he passed through skies of gray. But, he stayed forthright, as he searched for light, and the land called Faraway. On the journey he made countless friends, and avoided countless enemies. And he prayed each night, that he'd earn the right, to the land called Faraway. Though, he longed for glory, his body grew old and fray. A soul long lost, is the dreamers cost, in the land called Faraway. He lay down in a green meadow, for he knew his time was nigh. He relived each scene, of his minds sweet dreams, to the land of Faraway. And though each breath was labored, each heartbeat found the truth. And he saw that life, was both joy and strife, in the land called Faraway. And as the darkness took my, hopes were bright and happy. For im one, with the setting s
Just Another Day
sam sat in his living room..there was not a thing on tv but action movies and soap operas which bored him to tears. he led a life of boredom, losin most his friends to getting married, or moving to other locations, he had no family left cept a few who didnt bother to call, write, or even visit. he had nothing to lose or gain, just another day in his boring life in hell. The loneliness crept into his life like so much mold on bathroom was killing him tho he fought it off like so much mud. Suicide was out of the questiuon he didnt believe in that, not because he was religious. oh hell no...he chuckled to himself but why waste a perfectly good human like him? he stood up from his recliner and went into his kitchen finding a beer he bought last night in the fridge he popped the top and drank some hoping to catch a buzz, but nadas happened..."figures" he said quietly to himself....he strode back to his room turned the tv onm his fave channel an d flopped on the bed...took anoth
For You
The music of your affection surrounds the air I breathe The wonder of your passion My soul will never leave Within my heart it glides As we dance the dance of love These moments with you I could never have too many of Your kiss to me tonight Soft as an angels wing Came out through my lips In this verse I sing I know your out there waiting I hear your voice away so far And the beauty of your words The distance cannot mar Our bond it only strengthens And as the nights go by I feel your arms around me As I gaze up to the sky The smile upon my lips It will surely never die
Indian Winter
One Step At A Time
Life...what's it about you ask yourself. It's about keeping everyone else around you happy, everyone you love smiling, right? Or is it about keeping yourself happy? What do you do if you can't satisfy everyone no matter how hard you try? You choose the lesser of 2 evils, but is there such a thing when someone is getting hurt either way? How do you measure one person's pain against another's? You do what's best...what hurts the fewest people the do what you believe is right. You try to take advice from people but they can't possibly know what you're going through - or at least so you've convinced yourself. Everybody goes though hard times and everybody thinks that nobody could understand what they're feeling – but this time it's different...this time it's true...nobody understands... You can't fight the world alone so why did you distance yourself from everyone and tell them to go away? You're crying out for help – you need them now more then ever –
Slap Fight
The lonely soul wanders Alone in the walks of life No other soul as his companion The lonely soul wanders Alone in the daybreak He does his duties In the walks of life The lonely soul wanders Alone in the life He meets many other souls Who comes to be Unfit for the lonely soul The lonely soul wanders As the days pass by The lonely soul became More lonely, with no other souls as his companion The lonely soul wanders Alone in the walks of life The lonely soul decides Not to die, but to face LIfe in all its hardships The lonely soul wanders
My little twin cousins, Kaitlyn & Kate. I love these two! They crack me up :D REL
A Gorean Nadu
A Gorean Nadu "The position of nadu is one a slave spends the most time in. There is a slight variation in types. The slave kneels before the Master, with shoulders straight, chin raised upwards, as her eyes remain downcast. Legs folding under, with thighs parted widely. Her back is arched, with breasts thrust outward. Hands rest on thighs facing upward. A variation to this nadu is called "tower position". The slave kneels as before, but thighs are closed, and while hands still rest upon thighs, they are facing downward. This position is usually held by slaves that are white-silk, or slaves serving their Master in a non-sexual way. Typical nadu... .... slender legs moving with grace, she lowers to kneel upon the fur at His feet, settling into the warmth...long legs folding beneath her, as thighs part widely raising her chin, lashes flutter softly upon tender cheeks as emerald eyes remain lowered. Her back arching deeply, as breasts thrust against the sheer fabric of silk
Let Me Introduce My Self
I am DJ Stone I am the owner of Stonehenge Radio and I am bringing my station to FU bar at the request of DJ Enigma and The former DJ Love (who is allowing me to stream to his old server for you here on Fu bar). Love has told me about what happened to his old Radio Station and Lounge and all I can say is that was BULLSHIT people need to be loyal if they are to be a part of something. I will not tolerate the BS or black balling so don't even try it! If you want to know more just ask me!
Anniversary Gift...lmao
Message: Bob was in trouble. He forgot his wedding anniversary. His wife was really pissed. She told him "Tomorrow morning, I expect to find a gift in the driveway that goes from 0 to 200 in 6 seconds AND IT BETTER BE THERE !!" The next morning he got up early and left for work. When his wife woke up, she looked out the window and sure enough there was a box gift-wrapped in the middle of the driveway. Confused, the wife put on her robe and ran out to the driveway, brought the box back in the house. She opened it and found a brand new bathroom scale. Bob has been missing since Friday.
I Dont Fucking Care
People say I talk to much I don't care I talk to much Momma say I failed in life I don't care I failed in life Daddy says I drink to much I don't care I drink to much People say i'm headed nowhere And I don't fuckin' care Jimmy Johnsons gonne die Sarah Suzies gonna die Everybody Dyin' slow I don't give a fuck though I'm always short like $50 bucks I couldn't give 50 fucks I could really use some help You can go and fuck yourself Everybody's gonna die, terror fallin' from the sky Mothers wit' they children cry, and I could give a fuck why They say you'll never walk again Well plug the Sega in I think somebody stole my truck Tell someone who gives a fuck My entire World is falling, entire World is falling- Repeat twice How much do they charge in there? Wait a minute, I don't care Ima shoot you in the face I'll tell ya how the bullets taste Critics say you imitate I don't give a fuck-u-late 50 million people dyin Aww...i'm cryin (tounge sound) You te
Do I Qualify As Sane??
I'm kinda havin' an existential break right now. I am admittedly about a half bubble off plumb, but I think that maybe I'm farther than that anymore. Now, I ain't sayin' that I wanna die, or start datin' members of my own sex, but I am starting to wonder about my sense of self and justice. I used to know what I was capable of, my skills and whatnot. Now, I don't really know, or maybe I don't really wanna. I can still do amazing things with steel and wood, but I find myself starting to wonder why I can do what I do. If you hand me a flat piece of good steel, I'll hand you back a good knife that's ready for war. Give me a drawing and the appropriate supplies, I'll give you what you asked for. You want a tank, I'll build you a tank. Now on the flip side, you hand me a gun, I'll hand you back a highly tuned tool of warfare. It's my nature. I have an M1911A-1 .45acp pistol that'll run perfect and punch 8 holes into 2" no matter what. I have a Beretta m96 .40 S&W that'll run all day and grou
Trance Bomb
Trance Bomb This set is a mixture of Deephouse, Hardhouse, Happy Rave, Hard Techno & Trance. This is a 30min Sample mix from the full 80min set.
Moving On!
Moving On this is a great time to let go of the past and start a new my life has been full of sadness for the last 6 years so i am going to let it go and begin a new life let the pain go away and find a new happiness.. if You know me at all You know what i have been through today i begin a new life... finding new love in my life...thank You to all who have helped me...i love You all...XOXOX
Short Of My Goal
i wanted to have 5k fans by the new year... im so far behind i shouldnt have even blogged it lol cmon.. FAN ME! xxoo
Second Or Last
im tired of coming in second im tired of coming in last maybe one day ill meet someone whos not an ass a person who will understand why i get mad if you blow me off someone who will be there when i need them the most or maybe im just better off
So Are You Getting Drunk On New Years Ok My Fubar Friends Are You Getting Drunk Tonight Or Are You Playing That Sober Role Oh I Can’t Drink Because I Don’t Know When To Stop I Just Finish Rehab LoL Ha Ha He-He ! $ PRICELESS $ Buried at
I Am Going To Be Off For Awhile...
Ok I wont be on for now so all that want to contact me on here leave me some love. I will be doing a special opps mission for a few weeks an I should be safe. So just leave me comment's, emails, or anything like that. So have a Happy new year and good time... Love Slim Shady
Valued Memories
No more night time whispers No more love filled morning kiss No more hugs of needed support These are things that we will miss No more glowing smile No more words of kindness said No more encouragement will be given No more of your knowledge to me fed These are all things that made you special The memories of you that I have inside How you touched my heart so deeply How you opened my eyes so wide I carry this emptiness in my heart Not allowing it to fill with pain I only open it for those who care Sharing the valued memories that remain I hear the lonely notes that are played The sharp report of rifles fire this day In your final rest your body is laid In my heart precious memories this will stay I watch as the nations flag is folded In remembrance of you that to us is gave Of one who gave unselfishly hen asked Protecting loved ones, you stood so brave No tears will I shed for you Dealing with this great loss in my own way Be assured that all you gave to me
"fighting Words"
"Fighting Words" A fight is like an infection It just gets passed along With most people Catching the anger Before they know who's wrong Friends start choosing sides Exchanging picks and nudges Causing us to hurt And making lasting scars Called grudges Sara Holbrook
When you love someone…. Take everyday one by one. Take the time to say I Love You, even when you feel like there is no time to slow down. Kiss one another with the passion you had the first time you met and like you may not ever see one another again. Make love every chance you get. Tell one another how special you are to each other. Thank each other for the little things and respect the differences you have. Don't let time overcome and absorb you…. Leaving no room for one another, creating a distance between you that cannot be mended or reconnected. Take the time… You only have one chance in this life… Live, love and laugh. This is your chance to be happy in love…don't let it slip by. It is lonely on the other side! Stephanie
Crappy Couple Of Days
Ok so yesterday I was assaulted by a so called friend who has been taking advantage of my generosity. Some of you may know about "sweet aminah" my roommate. (well ex roommate now) Well it turns out she's been lying to me, she came up here from GA b/c her dad kicked her out and left her two kids with her dad & step mom...or so I was told, turns out her dad didn't kick her out she just threw a hissy fit temper tantrum and left on her own left her kids of her own free will! UGGHH! ANYWAY, so she's been "missing her kids" so she says I no longer turst anything she said! But yeah, her dad told her he wasn't going to pay for her to go back to GA that if she wanted to go home she had to pay for it herself (again so she said he may have told her she wasn't allowed to go home period, I sure wouldn't blame him)and she went fucking psychotic on me! She got a fucking attitude and long story short ended up throwing her fucking phone at me not once not twice but three times (although the third was a
Not a contest...but for fun and from my friend Achilles.. I need to have 25,000 comments posted....So maybe you guys can help me out....I get a 30 day blast for doing so!!...And he has given me 6 weeks to do it...hehe..So thank you for helping me..Kisses always, Donna aka sexymomma712!!.. Have fun and a Great New year!!! Click on my picture and it will take you where you need to go:)
Found Out The Truth
so after four years my girl decides to tellme she doesnt love me and doesnt wantto get married ok it hurts but u know i can live with that but then she leaves and the truth comes out i find she has been cheeting on me hooked up with a guy the same way i got her ...from another guy....but then she lies about it nice and yet more comes to the fan ifind she hasnt paid n e bill for our house soafter a week of oh poor me i love her y y y y i get overit andfind i had to drop olmost 2,000 tokeepeverything from being shut off the day nice they always say u wonte ever understand a woman but u know that is fine but at least give us a why thanks for reading and letting me bent love all u guys and thak u for being there
Update To Happy New Year Blog
I now have pictures of the house before any kind of work has been done in my photo albums under house photos...
To realize The value of a sister Ask someone Who doesn't have one To realize The value of ten years: Ask a newly Divorced couple. To realize The value of four years: Ask a graduate. To realize The value of one year: Ask a student who Has failed a final exam. To realize The value of nine months: Ask a mother who gave birth to a stillborn. To realize The value of one month: Ask a mother who has given birth to A premature baby. To realize The value of one week: Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper. To realize The value of one minute: Ask a person Who has missed the train, bus or plane. To realize The value of one-second: Ask a person Who has survived an accident. Time waits for no one. Treasure every moment you have. You will treasure it even more when you can share it with someone special. To realize the value of a friend or family member: LOSE ON
New Years Eve 2005
New Years Eve 2005 As the title suggests, this was my new years eve 2005 mix. Originaly this was mixed for the Tsunami Disaster Appeal and sales from the CD helped raise £200. This is a 35min short version of the full 80min Club Set. For the full track listing please visit my website @

thelatinromeo77@ fubar
We live according to time and there is very few of moments when the world closely monitors the arrival of one thing. 2008 is now upon us, no longer a number chased the time is now. Amazing how the emphasis place on that day wiped the slates clean in the minds of hundreds of millions. If looked at under the microscope one might confuse it as hope on the grandest of scales. I would love to own the word resolution and not have to work the entire year for how much it is said. Honesty is the key right? Well forget all that smoke of the moment and set fire to what it is you really want to accomplish. Resolutions often become revolutions around a dream. Just going in circles and riding the highs and lows. I want to congratulate each and everyone of you for the one thing you can achieve this year. Your PHREEDUM, the person you have wanted to be, the person you have become. Whatever you have been dealing and fighting with, putting off due to circumstance, and all the other things you know
Sometimes U Have To Let The Rain Fall
Quietness, no sound no drama, no crap, just me, all me, single ... alone Happy, content..but lonely at times. I love the fact im single, do as I please Also hate the fact no one to hold me, watch me sleep So independent, confident, and happy, yet fragile the envy sets in, envy of love proud to be who i am and sad to be what i am not happy to be here but wishing I was there instead Feelings that I will be forever this way incircle my thoughts There are the days Im so involved with me My life so fulfilling and joyous That i somehow start to forget about my loneliness But always for some reason, something pulls me back And the sweetest things make me sad Im the hopeful, optimistic person, always seeing the brighter side of things Then there are the days the rain falls It falls fast and heavy and never seems to stop And I wish I could just give up Lay down in the street and just let it sweep me away But yet I make my
I Am Right Brained.
Right brained people tend to be subjective, creative, intuitive and holistic.
Men And Lies
Why is it that a man can say they found the one they are looking for and the one they want, but all its all lies. Do they do it because they think thats what a women wants to hear? Why can't they just be honest and truthful instead of lying. All any women wants is a meaningful relationship with out the lies and bull shit. At least when i women says they care about some one they mean it they dont lie about it. So why do men always lie? Is it to get the womens attention or is it there big freakin ego? I hate liars playes and cheaters. there is nothing worse than that. I would like to hear your comments on this.
This Is Sadly True....
I live in pennsylvania, and when buying wine, wiskey, rum, ect, you have to go to a state store... early last year, I went to buy some captian morgan, and standing in the check out line a young looking kid was in front of me, the teller was an old man, he asked the guy for some I.D. (the kid must have a fake one or just turned 21). The kid showed him, and payed, went on his way, I approached the counter and pulled out my driver's liscense, here, you have to look 27 or older not to be carded. The old man rung up my bottle and asked for the amount, I asked if he needed my I.D., He said without a skip, "Those days are over, you better get used to it...". I damn near cried...
Never Get A Mime Talking...
"Never get a mime talking. He won't stop." - Marcel Marceau
Re: Rangers 2 Dundee Utd 0
RE: Rangers 2 Dundee Utd 0 ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Glasgow Rangers Date: 05 Jan 2008, 17:52 Goals from Steven Naismith and Barry Ferguson secured three points for Rangers and put Walter Smith's side top of the SPL for the first time since September 23.Smith stuck with the starting eleven that had earned three points at Easter Road last week after an impressive display in Edinburgh.Despite the quality on show in that match and United coming off the back of a 4-1 over Hearts it was a slow start to the game.After a well observed minute's applause in memory of Phil O'Donnell it was a subdued beginning to the first half with both the teams and the crowd struggling to make any early impact.If anything it was United who made the better of the early possession. Noel Hunt forced a corner in the sixth minute but Barry Robson's delivery was poor and his second attempt was well cleared by Davie Weir. It was just the wake up call that Rangers needed thou
Please Help Me - Rate And Comment Bomb Me Please
(repost of original by 'Joyridin ---Dirty Bitch Crew' on '2008-01-03 18:43:14')
Free Fall
In a place above the trees I fall... As if the sky was closing its door on me Not because the door was not meant to be open for me, But because I am not ready to fly. Instead, i have been let go to fall among your branches, Where each hit is a kiss, And every limb bent, is your hands meeting mine. As awful as falling should feel, It's breathless because you are my net. And right before I land I gasp for air, But everytime I am awaken by your longing stare. You caught me when I didn't think I could land, But instead of flying you have made me stand. Among a beautiful world, Holding my hand. Written by: Kearra Gurule 5/27/07
Name It Yourself
He stands before you hidden by shadow, In a voice so empty and hollow, Show him not your growing fear, Fore that is why he is here, His eyes gleam with a gentleness, Though his body shows bitterness, With sword and sheild he is ready, His breathing is slow and steady, As the wind blows his cloak moves, A knight wanderer from the far sea coves, To you he shall kneal and only you, His might is now your own he is your knight true.
Being A Pagan In Today's Society
Want to know what a persecuted pagan goes through? Find some enlightenment...if you dare! As a pagan, I find that there is an overwhelming sense of horror when issues of religion come about. It seem that there is a complete misunderstanding of what it means to be pagan in the 21st century. "Pagan", when originated, meant "hill dweller." Now that's not the case. For any of you who may be wondering, "What makes a person a pagan?", I have a simple answer. Paganism, by today's definition, means "a person not following the Judaic, Islamic, or Christian faiths". So, technically, by default, if you're an athiest, you're therefore pagan by default. Contrary to popular belief, Satanist, no matter what banner they fall under, are NOT pagans. Satanists believe in, and follow, Satan, who is, by all definition, a Christian character. Some Spiritual Satanists may argue this point, but anyone can see that Satan is the antithesis of God, and pagans do not believe in God, so...Satanists aren'
Nordic Gods Summoned In Utah...
Good Morning. I like to think that I have heard and seen some of the goofiest things known to man before, but this one takes the cake this week that is. A man who is serving time for robbery and aggravated assault in Utah has filed a lawsuit in hopes to have his cell and surroundings more to his likings. Here is the story: In December, inmate Michael Polk (serving time for robbery and aggravated assault) filed a federal lawsuit against the Utah Department of Corrections for denying him the right to properly practice his religion, Asatru. According to its teachings, adherents must communicate with ancient Nordic gods (such as Odin, Thor and Heimdall) and for that, it is crucial that they have a Thor's Hammer, a Mead Horn (for drinking Wassail), a drum of wood and boar skin, a "rune staff," and a sword (though Polk graciously said he would accept a cardboard sword). [Deseret Morning News, 12-20-07] hmmm I would just like to add, isn’t Thor the dude with the golden wings on his helmet? Ok
Prison 'thriller'
Leash Laws Cause Dog Bites, It's As Simple As That.
Leash laws cause dog bites, it's as simple as that. Around the world, responsible dog owners are facing breed bans, strict leash laws, and brutal restrictions that make properly socializing their dogs nearly impossible. What happened to the concept of "man's best friend"? When did the world start hating dogs? To figure out how this anti-dog sentiment has grown to absurd levels, we must look objectively at the changes in how we keep dogs in human society. To quickly summarize, it is clear to us that leashes cause aggressive behaviours, when used inappropriately. All the evidence shows that tethering dogs is unethical. Most experts equate the "fight" response in dogs to this sense of being unable to flee, whether tied to a fixed object or the dog's owner via a leash. Dogs who know they can't flee will often feel the need to fight, it's as simple as that. Since leash laws were enacted, many people now seem to believe that since dogs must be leashed, they don't have to "
Beginning Again
Written by Luke, the physician who wrote the Gospel that also bears his name, the book of Acts serves in the New Testament as the link between the time when Jesus Christ walked the earth after His resurrection and the building of the early church. The fact that so much of Acts (formally called the Acts of the Apostles) focuses on the people who taught and healed in the name of Jesus with the power of the Holy Spirit and not or cross-shaped architecture – nearly every church if you look overhead is built in the shape of a cross – should tell us where the heart of the house of God really is. Luke begins what we read in the first chapter of Acts with a dedication to his friend Theophilus. We’re not told who he is or even if that’s his real name – Theophilus means “friend of God”; he’s also the dedicatee for the Gospel of Luke (Luke 1:3) – but he is designated both times as “most excellent”, a superlative one in Luke’s day would often use for someone of significantly higher social s
From Now Until Forever
I’ve never known a love like yours Nor thought it could be true, But every time I kiss your lips I feel what love can do With hair like silk And lips so tender, Each moment with you Makes my heart surrender I couldn’t live, I couldn’t breathe Without you by my side, Never will I let you go, My love will never hide And in my heart you’ll always be From now until forever, No matter what, no matter where We’ll always be together g07
Ten99 Club In Reno, Nevada, Usa
These parties start at 8 PM and can last for up to 6 or 7 hours. The cover is only $10. Your boundaries/limits will be respected. Please respect ALL, if you attend. Floyd & Barb (Hosts) 1099 South Virginia in Reno, NV 775.329.1099 January 19 - 70's & 80's Retro February 09 - Pretty in Pink March 15 - Who's Your Lucky Charm? April 19 - Passion & Fantasy May 10 - Slave June 21 - Just Because July 12 - Hawaiian Luau & BBQ August 08 - Leather August 09 - Lace September 06 - Lingerie September 27 - Leather Vibrations October 18 - Halloween Costume November 22 - PJ December 13 - Sexy Santa's Helper     Unfortunately, this Club closed it's doors in July of 2011. The Chapel Tavern is now located here. I haven't been to this establishment, yet .. after I visit, I will write a review.
Dave Edmunds/rockpile: Girls Talk
Contest Update!
At this exact moment, I need a little over 10,000 more comments and rates on my pic for the contest! Thanks so much to everyone that's helped me! If you want to help more, or have friends that might, feel free! Thanks again everybody!
Coming out of the store and I see a woman take her cart and push it right against the back of my Durango!The cart return was only two more spaces down.She simply turned around and went to her car like no big deal!When she had turned and seen that I saw her, she made no attempt to get the cart or apologize for what she did.What happened to common courtesy and just asking for help if you need it? I of course bitched the woman out which wasn't that polite,but hopefully embarrassed her enough that she won't do that again!Please if you need help just ask and if your going to just half ass something then don't bother!!!
Hitachi's 1.5" Lcd Tv's
Sick of hearing that phrase yet? I know I am, but I digress. Most major manufacturers are debuting HDTVs that are super thin. How thin you ask? The most impressive display I had the pleasure of laying my geeky eyes upon is Hitachi’s Ultra Thin 1.5 series. Hitachi says these new HDTVs are not for the average consumer, but rather the "luxury consumer." Hitachi even claims the frame on the display has a "subtle bevel to present the picture as if it were a work of art." Clearly, lots of work went in to designing these new displays. And I must say, I'm a hard critic, but you have to give credit where credit is due. And Hitachi certainly deserves praise for their new line of thin HDTVs. The displays will be available in Hitachi's Director's Series, V Series and S Series. The Director's Series and V Series will feature one HDMI 1.3 and one RGB input with audio input. The S Series will have a built in ATSC/NTSC tuner, three HDMI 1.3 ports and two component inputs. Each series will ha
so you think Iam crazy you ain"t seen nothing yet. Step to me and see what happends. I can get a hole hell of a lot more crazyer then what you think. You may think you have seen it all. But not realy. I have held a lot of it back mess with me and see what happends. I can get pretty dirty if I need to don't push me over the edge or you will be sorry. Step to my face and then tell me how crazy iam afater i show you what crazy realy is. I mau not look like I can do some damge. But I can dodamge in more then one way let me show you with my words let me show you with my body let me show you how i get down and how crazy i can get.
Feeling Dooped I never write about what's going on in my personal life, but had to get a few things off my chest. This should be a mumm I have been in a relationship with a man for a little over a year now. We met online. Fell head over feet for him. He says that he is going to move here to be with me, and yet he seems to have a few excuses as to why he can't come when he says he is. I am starting to believe that I was rooked...BIG TIME!! A HUGE ASSED cell bill, to add to it as well! I just feel wronged is all. Kinda blows my trust for ppl. I told him that I was not willing to wait for him anymore and he said to me...well do what you want to do. Now...if he truly loved me don't you think that his response should have been different than that? Anyhow...that's enough for me for one blog! Thanks all for reading...Becky Leanne
So Use 2 U
i got so use to how u would hold me how u would just let me be free. i got so use to how u break my back make me feel every night. how u would take me to a level dat i never been every night. i would think about the other night wondering how would u take to me to this new level the next night. i got so use to you that i would be craving for you at work trying not to play with my self in my office. try not havin my juices flowin so much that i have wet spots on my panties. i would try not to hold my breast and play with and pretend it is you holdin them and pinching them....damn i got so use to how u would make say ur name and thank god and jesus that u are in my life. i would thank u so much that i was speakin another language and speakin in tongues. i got so use to you that now that ur home wit me i have to play wit myself and pretend it is ur hands moving all around my body. feelin up on my spots....takin my self to that new level....damn i go so use to u
~~sign My Guest Book Plz~~
Hey all..Please feel free to sign my guest book when u check out my page...THANKS...MUAH****
Dreams Come True
An Epic Mile Stone - Mill Stone Finally Gone 21 June 2007
An epic Mile Stone - Mill Stone finally gone 21 June 2007 Today I thought it worth noting that finally my book arrived from India. All that is needed is for me to ask my dear neighbour to proof-read it yet again and then all will be underway. There is not much to add except that I am still fit free which is one year and two months so that is pleasing, in fact wonderful and worth any inconvenience that may or does occur. They being that I cannot stand anyone standing and fiddling or rather fidgeting to the right hand side of me nor the sound of rustling plastic bags. Also I remember now having had the letter back from my Neuro-psychologist that I said I was having focussing problems. This is so but not bad. It is just that I cannot put up with something in front of my right eye when I am trying to do something at a hands distance, like washing food in the sink with the mixer tap in my way or field of vision. I do not sleep more than six hours a night but it has done no harm,
Jesus Christ/the Musical
Wish To Bleed
Wish to Bleed I could straight throat an entire bottle while feeling sorry for myself, A broken heart is impossible to beat, Though I poison myself with every swallow, In prayers I see my maker at the end of that bottle And behold the pale white horse, and its rider is death, I suffer no more I take its last breath, Sicken to be by mornings light, I awaken my eyes yet still bare sight, I am no coward but I fear to live, As true poison is life, and it maketh my heart sick, May it no longer course its way through my veins, May it no longer run thick I wish to bleed. -Rod P. Stapleton
Miss You
Comment on this video! More videos at myYearbook
Job Interview!!!!
That's right! For the first time since November, I finally got a job interview! It seems like it'd be really easy. It's a call center for insurance windshield repair. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers once again, that I can get the job!
Dave Chapelle Kneehigh Park Ft. Snoop Dogg & Q-tip
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Wow, That Was A Strange Night
Well, On Sunday night something really interesting happened. I met some one for the first time, but it felt like I have know them forever. Her name was Amber. What was strange was the fact we have the exact same birthday! March 16, 1982. We were also born only about 100 miles apart. Even worse than that, we think alike. The thing is, she opened up something inside me that i had forgotten about. I am not sure what it was, but now, things seem different. Colors seem brighter, food tastes different, my cigarettes even taste more flavorful oddly enough. I seemed to be drawn to her. Like I needed to touch her, like I needed to hear her voice. It was strange. I met this woman, and yet, I felt like I needed to kiss her. Yet i didn't. She also gave me a massage, and my body accepted her. She worked over my body, and i became extremely relaxed. I have never felt that way. We went to play pool after we spent time at the Waffle Shoppe. And i still felt her presence inside my head. It
Life Learning...
Live Life.........Taste Death. Sound a little crazy, here's the D/L. Imagine being 17 again and riding your motorcycle over to your girlfriends house on a Sat. evening. After a night of hangin out like kids do, you kiss her goodnight and head home. Four days later you wake up in intensive care, with no idea what the hell happened. What happened was a hit and run. The car was full of drunks and smoked me on my bike going 50 mph. I broke both legs, left arm, and jaw. Graduated in a wheelchair and spent a year learning to walk. Now, 9 surgeries later, I have metal rods in both legs, wrist and plate in jaw, artificial hip socket and knee cap. Due to the fact that I learned first hand that you may just die today, I live everyday as if it is the last one. Enjoy my kids, music, cars and bikes, anything that makes me feel alive. Now everyone go out and get a tattoo, kiss someone you do not know, shoot an AK, and remember: When you feel too scared to try something, remember that you c
Falling Apart
My love is not enough for you You have yet to say so But I fear it's true You questioned again how I feel I don't know what to say Or how to prove it's real I told you no one could break us apart Yet you still sit there And question my heart I hate that you doubt me The pain I can't take But I can't make you believe I'm sorry for giving you my all It doesn't seem to do any good And maybe tonight apart we fall
Dream Date
HA! you opened this thinking it was one of those silly quizes...sorry its not, its just me rattling... Today a friend and I were discussing who, if anyone, in the world we wanted to go out with who would it be and why? And then we had to describe how we would meet said person, strickt fantasy but we were goofin around... Had to be a famous person. I picked Kenny Chesney. Why? Truthfully, has nothing to do with his being "famous" it has everything to do with someone I see in his eyes, even through the TV screen there is something pure. Something real. I get a feeling that relationships have been as bad to him as they have been on me. I feel a connection to him, if he wasn't famous I would still want to date the man. So how we would meet? This took some thought on my part but here's the scenerio... I'm on my way home from class one day and I turn the corner onto my street, theres a big black truck in front of my house and 4 guys are standing on the pourch talking to
3 More Days Left
Please Help On The Contest/Giveaway I'm In? PLEASE cOMMENT,RATE AND FAN THE HOST~! my contest giveaway im in last ONLY 3 more days So Please Cum Show ur Love. First is for a 3 month VIP if I win second place is a weeks blast The third is a BIG Pimping give(mens diamond ring) I'm going for the VIP and with MY FRIENDS help will get it because I got the greatest friends on earth!
Being Drunk's A Lot Like Loving You
Well I drank til I stumbled I drank til I fell When the drunk part was over it hurt me like hell Now I know about drinking so I know one things true Being drunk's a lot like loving you Cuz I loved til I stumbled I loved til I fell When the loving was over it hurt me like hell Now I know what a taste of the wrong love can do Being drunk's a lot like loving you And I've woke up some mornings and sworn off the drink At that I've done reasonably well I think But I haven't done well swearing off you and me At that I've felt miserably Well I've felt the hangover of loving all night I've sat at the bar all alone in a fight I've bottled up feelings and poured 'em out too Being drunk's a lot like loving you And I've woke up some mornings and sworn off the drink At that I've done reasonably well I think But I haven't done well swearing off you and me At that I've felt miserably Well I drank til I stumbled I loved til I fell When the drunk part was over love
When I was a young minister, a funeral director asked me to hold a grave side service for a homeless man with no family or friends. The funeral was to be at a cemetery way out in the country. This was a new cemetery and this man was the first to be laid to rest there. I was not familiar with the area and became lost. Being a typical man, of course, I did not ask for directions. I finally found the cemetery about an hour late. The back hoe was there and the crew was eating their lunch. The hearse was nowhere to be seen. I apologized to the workers for being late. As I looked into the open grave, I saw the vault lid already in place. I told the workers I would not keep them long, but that this was the proper thing to do. The workers, still eating their lunch, gathered around the opening. I was young and enthusiastic and poured out my heart and soul as I preached. The workers joined in with, "Praise the Lord," "Amen," and "Glory!" I got so into the service that I preached and pre
Go Insane
In Pharmacology, all drugs have two names, a trade name and generic name. For example, the trade name of Tylenol also has a generic name of Acetaminophen. Aleve is also called Naproxen. Amoxil is also call Amoxicillin and Advil is also called Ibuprofen. The FDA has been looking for a g eneric name for Viagra. After careful consideration by a team of government experts, it recently announced that it has settled on the generic name of Mycoxafloppin. Also considered were Mycoxafailin, Mydixadrupin, Mydixarizin, Dixafix, and of course, Ibepokin. Pfizer Corp. announced today that Viagra will soon be available in liquid form, and will be marketed by Pepsi Cola as a power beverage suitable for use as a mixer. It will now be possible for a man to literally pour himself a stiff one. Obviously we can no longer call this a soft drink, and i t gives new meaning to the names of "cocktails", "highballs" and just a good old-fashioned "stiff drink". Pepsi will market the new concoction by th
So Tired Of It
just sittin here bored to tears almost..ready about to scream bloody murder, ive watched History channel like 4 t imes and other channels 10 times same old shit diff day...loneliness is a tiresomething, no one to do anything with, be about i just drown my sorrows
Well those that are and have made comments thank you on my last blog. And I as I say that somethings comes to my mind. As something I like to think makes me keep looking forward. Even though I ponder the past. Is the title of a song a group I listen to Nickleback. Some day I am gonna make it all right, but not right now. I hope that is one of the things that keeps me going. And I appreciate all that do show there concern, it is very appreciated THANK YOU, WITH LOVE.
I Will Find You
I will find You...with my eyes close I will find You... into my dreams then I will find You...with my eyes close Over and over again..... Don't be mind my Love Please don't run a way Sure as a space of though I will find the way.... You are everything to me Don't You understand Where i want to be More than just the friend..... No one can take You Away from me tonight I will be with You Untill the morning light.....
Good In Bed Test Results
Sexpert Extraordinaire! Go on, gloat -- you deserve it! Game to try anything once, gregarious and confident in bed, you've not only got few inhibitions and a high sex drive, but you're as sensitive to your lover's needs as you are to your own (and more than capable of satisfying both). Your huge appetite for hedonistic pleasures attracts swarms of partners. Match up with an equally skilled lover who's as adventurous, imaginative and nonjudgmental as you are and erotic, earth-moving encounters happen daily. You leave your lovers with a sloppy grin on their faces, and your exes not only still find you excruciatingly attractive, they like you heaps because you're as good at relationships as you are at sex. You give as much as you take; you masturbate both with and without your partner; and you aren't afraid to speak up in bed, encouraging your lovers to do the same. Flexible and gloriously liberated, you'll try anything once trust develops. Go straight to the head of the
Let's Sail......
We cannot direct the wind but we can adjust our sails...
Help Me Win! I was asked to be in sexist hair contest this morning, and agreed.. So i need commnets on my picture!!! Please help me out.. Thank you!
Congrats To Brayman For His Website!
CONGRATS TO BRAYMAN FOR HIS WEBSITE! ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Prothink Date: 13 Jan 2008, 02:29 He started this a couple months ago but still doing excellent. This is in regards to:Before my original 'prothink' account was deleted off of myspace I had about 4,200 people on my friends list. I had the account for over 3 years. Right before myspace deleted it, I had approx. 27,000 page views. I used to spam the message boards with all types of information. Now looking back I wish I wouldn't have wasted my time. I realized that all the information I was spreading WASN'T leaving myspace and on top of that, I was just preaching to the choir of people on my friends list. THIS ISN'T DOING ANY GOOD!!!! I started my own FREE website less than 3 months ago and I have already received over 35,000 hits, versus the 27,000 hits in 3 years on myspace. Another stupid reason posting info on a myspace bulletin instead of a blogspot with good i
In Luv With A Beautiful Women.
i am totally in love with my fuwife, bbG . she means the world to me, and she is the most wonderful women. she has made me a better person and has shown me the light at the end of the tunnel.i truly respect and appreciate her. i am posting this blog cause i want every one to know how i really feel about my fu wife.
Tap Vs. Bottled–what Should You Drink?
Tap vs. Bottled–What Should You Drink? Posted Mon, Jan 07, 2008, 1:10 pm PST Glug, glug, glug--that’s the sound a ginormous number of us make as we sip bottled water in our cars, at the gym, behind our desks. The sound you DON’T hear is the thwack of 60 million bottles a day being tossed into U.S. landfills, where they can take up to 1,000 years to biodegrade. If that’s not enough to turn your conscience a brighter shade of green, add this: Producing those bottles burns through 1.5 million barrels of crude oil annually--enough fuel to keep 100,000 cars running for a year. Recycling helps but reusing is even better. Invest in a couple of portable, dishwasher-safe, stainless steel bottles like Klean Kanteens that won’t leach nasty chemicals into your water. (Don’t get into the habit of refilling the water bottle you just emptied; the polyethylene terephthalate it’s made of breaks down with multiple usings.) 4 REASONS TO TURN ON THE TAP 1. Tap water is tested dail
whats the difference between a 1 nite stand and a washer???? the washing machine doesnt follow u around for a week after u put your load in
"Sorry" Oh I had a lot to say was thinking on my time away I missed you and things weren't the same Cause everything inside it never comes out right And when I see you cry it makes me want to die I'm sorry I'm bad, I'm sorry I'm blue, I'm sorry about all things I said to you And I know I can't take it back I love how you kiss, I love all you're sounds, and baby the way you make my world go round And I just wanted to say I'm sorry: This time I think I'm to blame it's harder to get through the days You get older and blame turns to shame [Pre-Chorus] [Chorus] Every single day I think about how we came all this way The sleepless nights and the tears you cried it's never too late to make it right Oh yeah sorry! [Chorus]
About CAER ARIANRHOD The project/band: In spring 2005 Michele thought about starting a viking/black metal band, so he searched for other musicians finding none. He gave up until fall of 2006 when he started working on some riffs and lyrics written during the years and use them for my project; this time he decided to work alone until the time were right to find other players. The 5th November 2006 at Amon Amarth gig in Milan he was talking with some guys about my project and this was when him meet me. I said: "Hey, I'm a drummer and I'd like to join the project". After the gig we talked a lot. He said: "I was really lucky to met him 'cause we have the same ideas and also a great rhythmic feeling." In spring 2007 we officially started rehearsing and gathering stuff. In summer we came in touch with Alessandra who found our contacts on Vision Divine forum; she proved to be a good guitar player and to have. To begin rehearsals we decided to cover up our favourite bands which, of cou
Update On My Niece
I talked to my brother-in-law earlier and Kylie is doing well today, so far no seizures today. Thank you to all who have been praying and thank you for your continued prayers, please continue to pray and have your friends/family pray as well. We still don't know why she's been having them, and are praying they can find out soon, we're also praying that the medicine continues to work this time and not have to raise the dose again or change medicine again. I have two photos of her in a folder if you have not seen them yet feel free to check them out, one is from my daughter's birthday the other is from this past Sunday of her at the hospital. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart for your prayers for my darling niece.
Naughty Way
Time Spent On Fubar
Just to let me family and friends here know that school is back today and my team has arrived back in school. My quiet time is over and things pick back up as we enter our fourth season of the school year. Road season is a long season that will end with Nationals in Colorado in May. Please understand if I am slow to respond or just don't send out as many messgaes as I have, I am still here and will be on when I can. Hope everyone is having a good year so far with lots of positives to look forward to. Doug
To My Love
I try to count the days and seem to lose track every time. All I can really say is that it's been over a month. But for some reason, it seems longer. Time seems to pass quickly on the normal, but slowly on the things that are special. My friends tell me that they can see a change in me. I seem happier. And I think maybe they're right. I don't dwell in the pit of blackness and despair that I had once called home. I had a reason not to flee this hellhole of a city and retreat to the sanctity of my lame-ass one horse hometown. I still look back on the past and chafe at all the pain it caused me. I curse those who betrayed me on the most intimate level and then abandoned me. But looking over and past all that pain, I'm eternally grateful to you for finding me. Maybe now I can get past all those nervous and mental breakdowns and pathetic attempts at suicide I've had in the past year and look toward something bright and maybe hopeful. I don't know what the future holds for
I've come to the conclusion that whether i realize it or not i tend to sabatage any relationahip i'm in when it gets too serious. sometimes i realize i'm doing it, often to late to fix it. guess i'm still afraid i'll end up with a man like my ex husband and anyone that knows about my past will understand that is a very legitimate and real fear. maybe it's going to take a man that loves me enough to say fuck your fears I love you too much to loose you. obviously that man hasn't walked into my life yet or i'd be 31 and happily married instead of 31 and single lol. or maybe he has and we just aren't there yet who knows......i've got a lot of guy friends but i doubt any of them like me that way. and on that note to my guy friends you guys are awesome! thanks for knocking sense into me when i need it and being the shoulder to cry on then say wake the hell up. like all this week lol thanks guys you the mans! lol
Im Tired Of Tha B/s
ok its ma fukin lyfe i will date whoeva tha fuk i want yes ma babidaddy is black n yes i love him to death but u have no rite to judge me n talk shyt so do me a favor stop talkin shyt about me callin me shyt lyke diz whitetrash_with_tat2s: ur a RACE RADE AND MAKE WHITEWS LOOK BAD whitetrash_with_tat2s: its ok i saved all ur nude pics lol they on a racist site as a nigger lover lol
What Classic Pin Up Are You??
What Classic Pin-Up Are You? You're Betty Grable!Take this quiz! Quizilla | Join | Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code
Past The Cover
Past The Cover The beauty of a woman, isn't in the clothers she wears, The figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman, must be seen from in her eyes, Because that's the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. The beauty of a woman, isn't in a facial mole, but true beauty in a woman, is reflected by her soul. It's the caring that she cares to give, the passion that she shows, And the beauty of a woman, with passing years, only grows.
ONE. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully. TWO. Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their conversational skills will be as important as any other. THREE. Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want. FOUR. When you say, 'I love you,' mean it. FIVE. When you say, 'I'm sorry,' look the person in the eye. SIX. Be engaged at least six months before you get married. SEVEN. Believe in love at first sight. EIGHT. Never laugh at anyone's dreams. People who don't have dreams don't have much. NINE. Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it's the only way to live life completely. TEN.. In disagreements, fight fairly. No name calling. ELEVEN. Don't judge people by their relatives. TWELVE. Talk slowly but think quickly. THIRTEEN! .. When someone asks you a question you don't want to answer, smile and ask, 'Why do you want to know?' FOURTEEN. Remember that great love and g
Being Stab In The Back
I dont know.. I have been doing alot thinking...I know scary really think I am done with all this dramn in my life... I have good friends here in tennessee know most of them all my life..But when you really think you know someone they turn around and stab you in the back...
yeah i am im going back to bed
Hey U Guyz
today is a very boring day, but this sunday is jr.1st b-day party and im really happy that he is one. She is almost walking and the talks alot. His thing that he like to do the most his to head butt them and slap them around. its funny. My daughter is getting big too. just the other day she told this guy to go home cuz no one in the house liked him but grandma. all i did was laugh. Next person on my list that is having a birthday is my daughter and she still has a way to go.
Strong Women
A strong woman feels deeply, loves fiercely,her tears flow just as abundantly as her laughter.A strong woman is soft and powerful, she is both practical and spiritual.A strong woman in her essence is a gift to all the world.A strong woman knows another strong woman and what it takes to be one.
Drunkin Poem
Into light i have been caste, The pain taken away from my past, where once hatred ruled, My mind and heart is now cooled, With tenderness i was brought foreth, Now i must walk upon this new course, As the sun shines bright, Now i know i dont have to fight.
Cant Play The Game Forever
Pretty Sly For A Short Guy
My own rendition of Offsprings Pretty Fly for a White Guy done by Horny, the unknown 8th dwarf, singing about getting it on with Snow White. Enjoy And by the way, if you enjoyed the song, refer some people to the post. I like to hear comments on my work. Pretty Sly for a Short Guy Give it to me baby, Hi Ho Hi Ho Give it to me baby, Hi Ho Hi Ho Give it to me baby, Hi Ho Hi Ho And all the other dwarves think Im sly for a short guy Uno dos tres cuatro cinco cinco seis Our mine's have had a fair share of pussy in the past But they were all whores and we tired of 'em fast Then along comes a princess, whos runnin from this queen She gets a bed and breakfast and all she does is clean So guys dont get mad, Ive gotta be bad Im gonna spank her ass and make her call me dad Gonna play her field, wrapped up in a shield I hope it dont brake, child supports at stake I might just flip her, bet shes a double dipper Bend her over and say I fucked your little sister Just grab
Pray For Them :(
PMIn the early morning hours of Monday January 7, 2008 the man above threw his four small children ages 1, 2, 3 and 4 months off of the Dauphin Island Bridge.It all started Monday the January 7th, when police say Luong reported his children missing. Authorities say Luong then confessed to killing his children by throwing them off the DauphinIslandBridge. John Tyson, Jr., the Mobile County District Attorney, said, "[Luong] committed a capital murder involving the death of all four of his children. It's stunning news."That confession set off a massive and costly search and recovery operation that's involved several law enforcement agencies, the Coast Guard, and many trained volunteers. Sheriff Cochran said, "It has been a good meaningful search by the many different agencies. We'll pick up the search all day long tomorrow and as we've said from the get-go… we'll be here 'til we complete the mission."The Mobile County District Attorney said Luong is still charged with four counts of capit
Sasi Sex Toy
'Sensual Intelligence' Gives New SaSi Sex Toy an Erotic Edge Regina Lynn Email 01.18.08 | 12:00 AM The SaSi personal massager uses "sensual intelligence" to figure out how best to stimulate you. Image: Courtesy of Je Joue Given the number of smart toys infiltrating the rest of our lives, it puzzles me that it has taken so long for sexual devices to incorporate "sensual intelligence" into their designs. But we're finally starting to see sexual appliances that can compete in coolness with The Sharper Image's kids-of-all-ages catalog, although not necessarily with the Roomba robotic vacuum. British company Je Joue launched a new product, the SaSi, at the Adult Entertainment Expo last week in Las Vegas. If the original Je Joue oral-sex simulator is like a 60-GB iPod with multiple playlists you design yourself, the SaSi is like an iPod Nano with an automated Most Popular playlist. The SaSi takes the best of the Je Joue -- soft surface material, firm massage finger, sensual mo
.A guy who purchased his lovely wife a pocket Taser for their anniversary submitted this : Last weekend at Larry's Pistol & Pawn Shop I was looking for a little something extra for my wife Toni. What I came across was a 100,000-volt pocket/purse-sized taser. The effects of the taser were supposed to be short lived, with no long-term adverse affect on an assailant. The idea is to allow my wife -- who would never consider a gun --adequate time to retreat to safety. WAY TOO COOL!! Long story short, I bought the device and brought it home. I loaded in two triple-a batteries and pushed the button. Nothing! I was disappointed. But then I read (yes, 'read') that if I pushed the button AND pressed it against a metal surface at the same time; I'd get the blue arch of electricity darting back and forth between the prongs and I'd know it was working. Awesome!!! (Actually, I have yet to explain to Toni what that burn spot is on the face of her microwave). Okay, so I was home alon
I Want Sex
IT'S PRETTY FUNNY THAT YOU OPENED this because in the next seven days you will: *have sex * have someone fall in love with you * find money you've been missing * your luck will change for the better in all areas... love, happiness, job, money, BUT...first you will have to repost this with 1 of these titles: "I'm a lesbian" "I'M HORNY" "I GOT ARRESTED" "Just to settle all the rumors...yes I did!!" "I'm getting married!" "My dad got the job!.. I'm moving to Japan!" "I miss him" "Guess who I kissed last night!" "I guess it was never meant to be" "I'm gonna be a daddy!" "I'm gonna be a mommy!" "I'm moving!!! "I miss her" "I want SEX" "I'm Moving out of state!" BEWARE IF YOU DON'T REPOST THIS U WILL HAVE BAD LUCK FOR 2yr
The Gift Of Knowing You
THE GIFT OF KNOWING YOU There are gifts of many treasures For both the young and old, From the tiniest little trinkets To great boxes filled with gold. But, put them all together And they could not stand in lieu, Of the greatest gift of all The gift of knowing you. When your times are filled with troubles Sadness, grief, or even doubt, When all those things you planned on Just aren't turning out. Just turn and look behind you From the place at which you stand, And look for me through the shadows And reach out for my hand. I will lift from you your burden And cry for you your tears, Bear the pain of all your sorrows Though it may be for a thousand years. For in the end I would be happy To have helped you start anew, It's a small price to pay For the gift of knowing you.
I Wan't My $15 Back
Don't waste your time in seeing Cloverfield. It is not worth it. Don't get me wrong loved the action, loved the monster but didn't really like the camera work and how it doesn't really give you and ending. Pretty much the story goes there is a bunch of friends at a going away party. They are making a video of it. Well the monster attacks the city. Then the one guys goes and tries to save the girl he loves. But it never tells your where the monster comes from, what it really is or what happens in the end. I am just very disappointed in it. I waited so long to see it. It kinda reminded me of The Blair Witch Project. I just wish I could get my money back cuz it was not worth $15 for two people to go in and see.
Meditation For January 20
I want to be at one with the Divine Spirit of the universe. I will set my deepest affections on things spiritual, not on things material. As we think, so we are. So I will think of and desire that which will help, not hinder, my spiritual growth. I will try to be at one with God. No human aspiration can reach higher than this.
My Celebs
Usually I get Colin Farrell or Justin Timberlake... this picture got me some strange ones...
Sts-122: Atlantis Looking Good Ahead Of Flight Rationale Green Light
With just over half a month until the launch of shuttle Atlantis on STS-122, her return to a launch posture picks up the pace with a set of Flight Readiness Reviews (FRRs) over the next 10 days. Image Above: Space shuttle Atlantis stands on Launch Pad 39A at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Photo credit: NASA/George Shelton 1-21-08 The FRRs will give a final review of flight rationale, following the replacement of ET-125's LH2 Feed-through connector - along with other elements of the shuttle that have been sat on launch pad 39A since November. Two FRRs will be conducted, a Level 2 Space Shuttle Program (SSP) on Friday, with the Level 1 FRR to follow on January 30. While these won't be as large as the original FRRs for STS-122, the main topic of conversation will be the final check on the replacement Feed-through connector installation. The weather has been the only problematic element of the superb engineering effort to continue Atlantis' return t
It Happens Presently
We use words such as premonition and precognition with certain belief systems attached. These belief systems come in two forms. First, that they imply foreseeing the future; and second, that they are a specific type of phenomena. I dislike these approaches. Rather, I feel that often an answer can be found in the present; and they do, infact, cover a multidude of possible causes. In this essay I will explore just one of many possible explanations, found in the present. ABERFAN On 21 October 1966 a slag heap slithered down a hillside and buried a school at Aberfan, South Wales. Over a hundred children and adults were killed. However, following the tragedy, John Barker recorded over seventy premonitions in the two weeks prior to the event, leading him to set up the British Premonitions Bureau. One girl who lived in Aberfan dreamt of ’something black’ falling on the school. Another dreamt that on arriving at the school all she found was a big black hole. Further afield from the vil
Life Is In Motion.....
Life is always in motion, so one cannot be "stuck". It is not possible to stand still or be stuck, because energy, and therefore life, is always in motion. Things are always changing. The reason it may feel to you as if you are stuck is because you are continuing to think the same thoughts while these things are changing.
Lutin In Contest
Getting Physical
i know i dont look like a brd pitt or any other celebrity u may think is HOT or dreamy or any of the other things ppl think when they see thier fav celeb or"dream person". that doesnt mean that i am ugly, physically speaking, ill give u that one. for all u vien ppl out there in dreamland, get a damn life. nothing is fuking perfect, not even u. so get off ur high horse and join the real fuking world. i appoligize for nothing i say in this blog. to the real ppl out there, u know that a persons true beauty is not on the outside, but what's on the inside. to the vien ppl, here's a real shocker for ya. we all bleed red blood, we all live on the same planet its called earth. here is an example of what i mean be inner beauty vs outer beauty. someone could have the body of a god/goddess and the personality of a tree or the worst personality in the world and thinks they r better than everyone. to me, that is an ugly person. the same can be said for someone who to most are not phy
What Is Love And What Would You Do For It***
Full Heart, Empty Arms
Thoughts of you illuminate my spirit; Never a flicker of flame, but with Arching bolts which strike with a force That disturbs my equilibrium. My mind races as waves of passion flush over My pale skin, causing me to gaze upon visions Of impossible romantic possibilities. Pathetic is this woman who anticipates the True rhythm of love, with a man she will never hold. My imagined discourse of thoughts leave me suffering, As my lips quiver with the words I shall never speak to his: "I have loved you more than anybody in this world."
012308 Dilbert
Valentine Application
If interested in being my valentine ,please answer all questions and send back to me. Thanks Oh and Have Fun 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Fave Color: 4. Whats your sign? 5. Phone Number: 6. Location: 7. Height: 8. Hair (color and style): 9. Piercings/tattoos: HERE COMES THE FUN ... 1. Are we friends? 2. Do you have a crush on me? 3. Would you kiss me? 4. ...with tongue? 5. Would you enjoy it? 6. Would you ever ask me out? 7. Would you make a move on me in a movie theater? 9. Would you take care of me when I'm sick? 10. Do you want to tell me something that you couldn't before? 11. Would you walk on the beach with me? 12. If you heard a rumor about me, would you defend me? 13. Do you/have you talked about me? 14. Do you think I'm a good person? 15. Would u take a nap with me? 16. Do you think I'm cute? 17. If you could change anything about me -would you? 18. Would you dance with me? 19. Would you come over for no reason just to hang out? What Do You Thi
Jeweled Tears
You see them sparkle like diamonds Aren't they beautiful to admire Crystal clear they shine for all to view Falling softly faster and faster Touch one and watch it disappear Then slowly and majestically one slides down Blood red it creeps along its path In the soiled wake of a lovers aftermath
Gotta Love This
should be laying in my bed, dreaming of you instead I lay awake thinking of you Someone I love so many miles away I'm gonna wake up missing you
Asking For Help...
You know , I don't say too much on here but, when i see people asking for help to level up when they need 250,000 + to go. I don't understand it. Shit like that is just stupid to me. Maybe I am wrong, If I am . Oh well.
Help For 11s :)
Ok so this contest ends today and we really wana win so i have decided i will give away 25 11 to anyone who leaves 100 comments on this picture. you just need to send me a msg and let me know u did it. I will however do them during a happy hour so that u will get double the points. PLS help!!!
Fu Bucks Anyone????????
I am having a contest it will be for 2 weeks. The rules are as follows. NO drama. Comment bombing is encouraged. The contest will start as soon as i have at least 10 people that enter. The most comments wins. The prizes are as follows: 1st place-250,000 fu bucks 2nd place-150,000 fu bucks 3rd place-100,000 fu bucks and everyone that enters will get a trophy!!! So private message me to the link to the photo you want to use. and no NSFW pics will be accepted. Still need 9 more people to enter so if interested please send me a private message. Kim`~~~Proud member of SBG Bombrs ~~~@ fubar
In Memory Of A Loved One Lost
I see your face in each sleepless night and awake with tears in my eye I see you in the morning light and can not help but cry. You were the friend who knew me best, and I adored you above all the rest. Yet God he took away your love, so now you look on from above. I know that you are watching me and seeing each tear I shed. I wish that I could be set free and it would have been me instead. I toss and turn every night to awake with eyes moist and red. I only wish you could take away the fright that has me longing for death instead. Still I know that life will go on even without you here, so I will say goodbye, for you are gone live a life of sorrow but live on. Copyright ©2007 Nicole Marie Betts
Ok People.
Lets be serious here can we? Im sure you all know..that i greet everyone i add the same way... "Welcome to the wonderful world...that friends list. Do remember to keep all hands, feet and other sexual objects in the cart through out the ride. Management does not assume any liability from accidents resulting in not following the above stated rule. Thank you and enjoy!" I had someone call that perverted just now. What i would like to how is this perverted? I see humor. Most people see humor. The ones that dont....still dont acknowledge any perversion in it. Give me some opinions.
Place I Work.
And all the sushi I make. enjoy =]
Photo Update
Happy Friday ! The weekend is almost here !! I have added some photo's to my 'animals cute and funny 2', 'cartoon stuff and funnies' and 'cool pics' albums. Please stop by and leave love. Many thanks Lin xx
Bedmaking Secret
When we put our house up for sale, I stressed emphatically that my sons make their beds each morning. I left for work before they left for school, and I wanted to be sure that the house looked presentable when the agent showed it to prospective buyers. I was surprised and impressed that my 15-year-old son's bed was perfectly made each day. One night when I went into his room, I discovered his secret. He was fast asleep on the floor in his sleeping bag.
Once I was condemned just as the man that drove the nail To spend eternity with Satan in a place called hell I read a book that taught me of Jesus’ saving grace How I could be forgiven and spend forever in a better place I fell to my knees and his precious name I cried In an instant I felt him as if he were by my side As I ask for forgiveness through eyes filled with tears He granted me a pardon and relieved all my fears My heart was filled with tremendous joy and peace Thank you precious Jesus with a sweet release Jesus told me he loved me and that he was my best friend I was given a second chance I was born again He will never forsake me in anyway And by my side he will surely stay Mom Dad, Its done Michael Pettrey We found this poem in my brothers things from jail. We are not 100% sure if he wrote it but it was in his handwriting. It made us feel at peace when we read it. Helps us realize that maybe his heart was in the right place.
Dying From Your Kiss
Latest song. I think this will be a good gothic rocker. Beautiful words, never spoken A beautiful heart, forever broken Beautiful lies outshine the truth But they can’t give me back my wasted youth If you could feel what I felt Would you find the words to break the spell? I’m clinging still to fading light While you’re waiting for eternal night The words that I need to say Stick in my throat and there they stay And I can’t let you see me cry All of these thoughts I conceal Wondering if this could be real But this pain I can’t deny I’m trapped in your eclipse There’s no escape from this Fatalistic bliss I'm dying on your lips Dying on your lips Dying from your kiss. Beautiful child, never born Beautiful hope I’ll always mourn Beautiful eyes that I see in my dreams But no one can hear my silent screams If you could know what I knew Would you find a way to help me through? I’m reaching out but I can’t see Will you still find your way to me? Am I

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