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Pay It Forward
Coffee customers "pay it forward" by paying for those behind By Christina Siderius Seattle Times staff reporter What started as a small gesture of holiday cheer Wednesday has, in 24 hours, grown to involve more than 500 coffee drinkers in a chain of giving in Marysville. At about 8 a.m. Wednesday, a woman purchasing a drink at a Starbucks drive-through at 3725 116th Street Northeast offered to buy the drinks for the customers in line behind her. She told the employee who was working the window to wish the folks happy holidays, and she drove away, said the store's assistant manager Michele Case. Those customers were so touched that they paid for the order of the folks behind them. Countless gingerbread lattes and peppermint mochas later, the spirit of reciprocity carried on. As of 8 a.m. today, the line of giving had grown to involve 490 customers picking up tabs for those next in line at the store's drive-through and lobby, said Case. Case said it shows that
Pay It Forward/share Yours
Free Dinner last night I was very tired last night and I decided to go to McD's and just get a burger/fries. Bad for me I know, but it is what it is, lol! When I got to the cashier to pay he told me that the person in the car in front of me paid for my dinner and said Merry Christmas, pay it forward! How unexpected and always fun. I have done this over the years and enjoyed suprising folks here and there, and not just at Christmas time, but year round when the urge hits me. But I have never been the reciprocant. It made me smile and brightened up a otherwise stressful and challenging day for me. So pay it forward folks today with anything... a compliment, buy someone coffee or a meal, they don't have to know its from you either. Be creative, be simple. If your coworker next to you loves herbal teas, place a box of herbal teas on their desk, things like that! You would be suprised at how that can really make someone's day or impact them deeply. If you have done a pa
Paying Off Christmas.....argh!
It feels like it should be Tuesday even though it is Thursday. Next week is going to feel like a long week because there is no holiday to break it up. :( Oh well, I will get over it. Chris starts his medicine to help him wit focusing this weekend. He only needs to take it during the week for school and not on the weekends but his doctor wants him to start it a couple of days ahead of time to get him used to it. He said he should not really feel much but just be able to get everything done he is supposed to. He said it wears off about 12 hours later so he should take it an hour before school starts. I am hoping this helps because he is so smart but just can't sit still long enough to get any work done. I have been paying bills this morning and working. Oh joy. We spent a LOT on Christmas because of what Peter bought me. I had it all planned out with what we would spend and had the money set aside because we do a Christmas account and then he ended up spending $3200 more t
Paying For Things Online
So I'm curious why someone would pay actual money for services on here. To host a happy hour is $100USD. But what do you get out of that other than points and other bonuses related to this site? You can't cash that stuff in can you? I see blasts cost money and those ticker messages are $20. I just don't understand why people are willing to pay money for that. Well, I should be more specific. Why people would pay so much money for not much in return. Maybe a VIP could answer this for me and explain what's the deal. Are you just addicted to online things like this? Someone help me out here. Thanks. -Durious-
Paying Tribute -lilmsmaria
LilMsMaria My Fu-Owner!! Show her some Mad Fu Luv!! ~&hearts~~&hearts~~&hearts~~&hearts~~&hearts~~&hearts~~&hearts~~&hearts~ She is always there whenever anyone needs help. She is a wonderful Lady and a great friend. She's cute, funny and a never ending surprise. She is an overall beautiful person. So will you please visit her page... Rate Her, Fan Her, and Add Her! You will not regret it her page is filled with great music, graphics, and laughs! This link will take you to her page... LilMsMaria~R/L Wife of Russ 007~ Wicked Storm Crew~&~Sisters 4 Life~Rider of the Love Machine~@ fubar Once you've been to her page, please continue to show her love by help her out in a giveaway that she doing to get a 6- Month VIP! Click the picture below to go to the contest. Ge
Pay It Forward..
These folks will give you 20 minutes, if you need rates and comments, it will cost you nothing...nada. just shout or fumail them need help leveling or if it is for a contest please include link note: some folks are not interested in bombing your contest so do not be offended if they refuse to help. Be sure to R/F/A the person that is giving you their time this is a first come first served offer Please do not hate if I or anyone cannot get to you if everyone did this Fubar would be a happier Place Pay it forward will get you more points faster If you are interested in being a part of Pay it Forward PLEASE send me a fumail and I will add you to this BLOG Also feel free to make your own Blog named PAY IT FORWARD and ADD these folks P(•)KERB(•)(•)BS I will bomb your contest pic I will rate and comment your pic Island Girl I will bomb your contest pic I will rate and comment your pic Eyes of a tragedy I will
Pay It Forward! Still Get It Done!
Do Unto Others...Pay It Forward...Whatever you want to call it! You know how it goes right? You FAN/ADD and RATE each of these FUs that have showed loved to others and I will pimp you in the next bulletin so the love comes back to you! These Fu's need some extra lovin' cause they waited a few days longer to get Pimped! I've got lots going on but... I'M Keepin' My Pimp Hand Strong! HAHAHAHAHAHAH! So, get it done, and get pimped yourself! freakylibra**queen-buckma$ter**greeeter@jensbbwfortress**@ fubar This Monster Lives ♥s One Sexy BBW (Spankers/Shadow Leveler)@ fubar Abby♥Normal@ fubar blackpanthersrevenge72@ fubar ~GreenEyez1103~ Fu-Owned by ♥cottonblossom♥~Please Read My Profile Before You Add Me!!@ fubar ~BABS~ ""GODMOTHER""@ fubar leannan owned
Pay It This!
> PebblesinAZ says... These Awesome FUs have helped me in one way or another over the last few days. So, go show them lots and lots of love and FAN, ADD and RATE, RATE, RATE them! They will give the love back! After you have showed love to each and every one of these FUs, Private Message me and I will include you on the next Pay it Forward Bulletin! *Pink0828*~*~Owned By Tendercop~*~@ fubar SingleDad38 {{{{{ SHADOW LEVELERS }}}}}@ fubar *TAMPA FAN* Fu Owned by ~BrwnEydRebel~ Fu Owner of ^^Tat2BunnyLuv^^@ fubar DJ KIDD ROCK~LOVED & OWNED BY DJ DEVILISH DESIRE ~@ fubar NJ_Nice_Guy ~*~Humbly Fu-Owned By Mrs. Bubbles~*~@ fubar ♣~~♥~~★Ðå Ìrï§h þrïñ¢ê§§★~~♥~~♣~~W.¥.K.Ð~~@ fubar
Pay It Forward Game Train!
> PebblesinAZ says... This is a little different than my other Pay it Forward bulletins yall! SO... READ THE GAME INSTRUCTIONS! (in my nicest, sweetest voice!) 1st...of course you MUST FAN, ADD and RATE THE PROFILE of everyone included on this bulletin. Throughout the day I will be adding little tasks you must complete to be ADDED TO THE BULLETIN! (If you have some sort of goal you are tying to complete today...send me a Private Message...maybe you can become one of the tasks!) So... 2nd...Find the MOST RECENT TASK and complete it and I will add you to the GAME! 3rd...REPOST THE BULLETIN! The more people we reach...the better! FAN, ADD and RATE her AND RATE 50 of her pics OR 100 of her stash! ♣~~♥~~★Ðå §wêê† Ìrï§h þrïñ¢ê§§★~~♥~~♣~~W.¥.K.Ð~~@ fubar When you are done private message me and you will be added and we'll start from there! FAN, ADD and RATE these AWESOME FUs: MaMaFrea
Pay It Forward.....get Pimped!
> PebblesinAZ says... FAN, ADD and RATE each of the FUs featured in today's PAY IT FORWARD BULLETIN! Leave them lots and lots of love by rating their pics or stash! After you have showed love to each and every one of these FUs, Private Message me...PebblesinAZ... and you will be part of the next Pay It Forward Bulletin. This isn't a train! Each day those that go out of their way to help my friends and I will be featured on the next bulletin. BE SURE TO REPOST THIS BULLETIN so it helps everyone involved even more! keith67 ~~~~ Fu owned by Phoenix~~~Fu owner of Pink and Pebbles~~~@ fubar ♡JÁmï€-£¥ÑÑ R/L Girlfriend ؃ JÁkè the §Ñåkè♡@ fubar *AngelDawnKris*Fu-Owned By Barrylicious,Guidomedic, SweetThing & Tappinit*@ fubar Bleuskyhere $$$ PLEASE SIGN MY GUESTBOOK $$$@ fubar
Paying It Forword
> PebblesinAZ says... FAN, ADD and RATE each of the FUs featured in today's PAY IT FORWARD BULLETIN! Leave them lots and lots of love by rating their pics or stash! After you have showed love to each and every one of these FUs, Private Message me...PebblesinAZ... and you will be part of the next Pay It Forward Bulletin. This isn't a train! Each day those that go out of their way to help my friends and I will be featured on the next bulletin. BE SURE TO REPOST THIS BULLETIN so it helps everyone involved even more! keith67 ~~~~ Fu owned by Phoenix~~~Fu owner of Pink and Pebbles~~~@ fubar ♡JÁmï€-£¥ÑÑ R/L Girlfriend ؃ JÁkè the §Ñåkè♡@ fubar *AngelDawnKris*Fu-Owned By Barrylicious,Guidomedic, SweetThing & Tappinit*@ fubar Bleuskyhere $$$ PLEASE SIGN MY GUESTBOOK $$$@ fubar
Pay It Forward
Just when I thought this month could be any worse.... someone out of their own kindness decided to pay for my Iced Cappuccino at the Tim Hortons drive thru. It may be a small gesture of kindess but its the thought that counts and managed to a smile on my face. It is a fact that a total stranger decided to pay or maybe the guy thought I was cute and wanted to. *LOL*
Pay It Forword!
Recently I have had a lot of time to think. The economy is on a decline, gas and food prices keep going up and down, jobs are scarce because they don't pay enogh..... The society we live in is in turmoil and people are led to uncertanty. The goverment goes to war or proposes a bail out when all we realy need is the compassion of one another. With the way thing are right now, everyone is clinging to every last thing they have. All the while they are forgetting those who have very little if anything at all. We sweep asie those who are less than us like the single parent working two jobs just to make rent and never hast time for their kids. The homeless who just needs a bit of foo a hot shower and a nice set of clothes to get a job and turn things around. There are many out there with large bank accounts flaunting and wasting what they have to try to find happiness in the extravagant or material. I have found that happiness can be found in a simple act of kindness that all humans are cape
Paying 1,000 For Salutes To Me
I'm Paying 1,000 fubucks for salutes made for me... after you have made it send me a message on where to find it and i'll send ur bucks :)
Paying Ur Way To The Top
Paying 4 Comments
i need all my friends to help me i am trying to get a bling pack i need 15,000 comments I WILL PAY 100 FUBUCKS A COMMENT PM ME AND LET ME KNOW HOW MANY YOU HAVE DONE THATS 1000 FU BUCKS FOR EVER 10 COMMENTS up to a total of 1,000,000 dont forget to R/F/A the hostess of the giveaway. and thank you for all your friendships and help..
Paying The Piper
Note: This was originally posted on my myspace profile in June of last year (2008) So for the last 20 plus years, I am have smoked on and off, drank like a fish at times, polluted my body with any number of illicit narcotics (but not for over a decade for the record), and had possibly the worst diet in the history of the human species. Tomorrow I get to pay for my sins. A couple of weeks ago I was diagnosed with high blood pressure and my Dr. had me undergo a stress test and a nuclear image of my heart. Today I had my consult with the cardiologist and the result is a heart cathertization and likely stents implanted in the arteries around my heart. It's low risk but you know, there will be a tube from my groin in and around my heart. It aint a bed of roses. But the most troubling is the lifestyle change that will follow. I can quit smoking without any problems, and quit drinking for the most part as well. It's the dietary change that scares me. I just don't see it.
Pay It Forward
Has someone ever held the door open for you? Has someone ever given you a quarter because you were 19 cents short on buying that doughnut? Has someone ever helped you pick up something you dropped? Has someone ever told you your pants were unziped to save you the emarisment? Has someone ever fixed the tag on your shirt because it was sticking out? Has someone ever let you take the last box of cerial at the store? These things are nice small gestures that anyone can do yes even you! So today try and pay it forward to someone no matter how big or small. (warning, my blog has MANY mispelling in it, yes i know!)
Paying 30k For Folder Rate During Hh.
I will pay 30k FuBucks for rating my full folder named "Bomb/EZ Rate 1" during any Happy Hour or 10K for every 100 rates during HH. Please pm for payment, no gifts with the message included or sb either. Private message only and I wil be confiming your rates so any info associated will get payment to you quicker (who's hh, time of day, etc.). Thanks for participating in advance and thank you to all the people I have done this for. Have fun guys.
Paying 5 Mil For Autos
I am paying 5 mil for autos if anyone wants to trade
Paying For Rates
Paying Mega Buxx/ability Pts Etc For The New Blings!
Paying For Rates!
Okay all here it is, just like everyone else that does this, I will pay you 15k per 100 rates.  These rates need to be done during a happy hour and you need to send me a private message with how many you did after you are done so I can send payment. Also when you are done with each folder type folder rated in the comments so that I know you did them. Thank you all very much and happy rating!!!!
Paying To See Pics
Ok guys, and gals....I'm looking for more feedback.....   I've noticed during my time in Fu land that most of the girls have progressed to asking for bling packs or fubucks or whatever to see pics. I however will never stoop to that level. If i'm going to ask for payment of anykind, I want it to be the real green!!! LOL  Anyways, my questions are simple....   Would u or have u paid any price to see NSFW pics? If so, was it worth it??? Is there any one woman out there that you would not hesitate to pay to see, celebrities And knowing that ur paying to see these pics, just like a porn site or buying a playboy/hustler, do u have certain expectations of what ur going to see? To me I'd be expecting to see the whole 9 yards....but hey, i'm selfish and greedy like that :)   Now the most important question of all, to me at least......when u pay to see a chic's pics, do u have less respect for her cuz obviously she has very little for herself. Pls, leave any and all co
Paying For Nsfw Photos
Hello everyone, this is my first blog on here and I wanted to get everyones perspective on this. Guys why do you pay 50-100 dollars for auto 11s or Happy Hours for girls just to look at their tits and girls why do you charge for it? If you wanna post NSFW photos thats fine I enjoy looking at them but never will I pay to see ta-tas that will never ever be rubbed in my face. Guys we have to try to put a stop to this. Just because you bought her a Happy Hour and she lets you see her pics doesnt mean you will ever get a chance to touch them. I am a firm believer in expressing sexuality and for those that are exhibitionists good on you the more the better but can we please cut this having to pay for them. (Remember guys most porn site are only $30 a month.) Feel free to leave comments and let me know your way of seeing things. Also I understand if they are your friend you wanna help them out and try to get them to level but lets be real you probably will never see them in real life and if y
Paying 1 Million Fubux For 2400 Pic Rates
Ok....You might think I am insane...but I want to level before my VIP runs out in 5 days. I am 3.8 million points away from level 28!I will pay the first 10 people to rate all my pictures 1 MILLION FUBUX each. There are roughly 2400 pictures.  PM me to let me know if you are doing this. You will have 24 hours to complete. I will keep names on a list, if someone does not full fill the quest, the next person will get a chance to do it.I need you to leave comment at the end of each folder so I know you rated them. You will be paid as soon as it has been verified. Link to my profile♫DJ Carebear♫@ fubar
Paying 2m For A Vip
I am paying 2m for a vip...
Pay It Forward
When someone does you a favor, and they want nothing in return, is it a good idea to do a favor for someone else, and if you want nothing in return, to ask them to do someone else a favor?
[pay It Forward(home)]
I don't want to be here, he said as he beckoned her around the corner with a whisper and a haze, he smiled and swayed against her breeze I want to fade into the everlasting and the infinite, he said I don't want to be here anymore, he said with a brush of a finger upon her lips a subtle breath wrapped around the finger and brought him a sigh of warmth lost in the frigid freezing of night, in the foot of snow around their ankles a million flakes, all individual but essentially the same, like the people they were I want to live forever in the stars, lost in the ether of space, he said to clouded eyes that saw without seeing, without understanding what lay beneath the surface of his Forever, and his Skin and the Breath that hung from his Lips like a low fog she saw without seeing and did not understand as he said, I don't want to be here one more time from the lips of a confessing man boy child grown up lost under the current of the sea, sucking him back out to the oblivion.
[pay It Forward]
I had a long chat with my mother this evening. How I can't quite turn things around right now, and I think I've struck one of the primary causes. Every day I wake up thinking about balance justice. My code of "don't fuck with me, and I won't fucking kill you in a painful and expressive way". A code that worked for many years, and is constantly tested in my adult life. I wake up every day, dark, hopeless, and angry and emotionally prepared to murder someone, and not get away with it and not escape justice. The thought of me killing myself, or finding a way to kill myself in prison did make my mother cry. I don't like what I am right now. I'm impatient, sleep deprived, pained and exhausted. It was hard enough to fake being a person before, now I don't even bother, I'm just... bored with it, beneath bothering, and one mean old cuss in the process. First I wanted stillness... now I crave justice in the form of violence. Wonder what stage is next... Bargaining? I'm doing this w
Paying Greens For Drink
OK .. so I posted I would pay the first 10 newbies for Drinks   First was Griz's Girl Second was  this page looks fun glad to be here Alieta Bynum
Paying For Fu Crap??
how much money does one have to have in order to decide to waste it on Fubar stuff? like for real. you might as well just take that money and set it on fire because it's a fucking WASTE. you could have taken that money and bought a gift in REAL LIFE for someone you actually know IN PERSON and made a REAL LIFE CONNECTION. But instead you wasted it on some digital bling that won't benifit you in real life whatsoever! anyone who spends money on a social networking site is willfully falling for a scam. Fubar's owner is making money off of idiots like you, and all he has to do is sit back and count the bucks, laughing all the way to the bank thinking "i can't believe people are this stupid"
Paying To Be Programmed
A study by Kyung Hee Kim, professor of education for the College of William and Mary in Virginia, focused on the creativity of school age children between kindergarten and 12th grade using the measurement known as the Torrance tests of creative thinking. He found a ‘massive’ decline of creativity the longer the students progressed through the school system as ‘children have become less emotionally expressive, less energetic, less talkative and verbally expressive, less humorous, less imaginative, less unconventional, less lively and passionate, less perceptive, less apt to connect seemingly irrelevant things, less synthesizing, and less likely to see things from a different angle.’ These are all traits of the expansive, maverick, dot-connecting right hemisphere of the brain which the education (programming) system suppresses to allow the left-brain to dominate perception and collectively create a left-brain society. Young people all over the
Paying A Little Homage
hom·age   Noun Special honor or respect shown publicly. I am having a mushy moment so brace yourself I just wanted to take a little time out and pay a bit of respect and love to three extraordinary men who brighten my days who trust me, respect me, well enough to listen to me at least (haha) and who's support is a gift Pickle - my dear are a joy through the good times and the bad your someone i can lean on, depend on, and whom i have deep love for Tilt - my bff in the whole wide world, no matter whats going on with you or with me your always there when i need you a woman could ask for no better in a bff Tex - oh tex you make me laugh and you ground me at times keeping me on the level your the one friend id have who would go in to bat for me but not after stopping and assessing the situation and thinking yeah she probably brought this herself but ill go in anyway ... :)
Pay It Forward
Yes, life can be hard, it helps to distinguish the good times from the bad! And yes, it takes more energy to lift someone up than tear them down, but the energy you spend on lifting those people up, much like a pebble in a pond, just grows and grows! Go be someone's hero today and lift them up further than they ever would have anticipated and it will come back to you in ways you never would have expected!!! FUBAR Nation Please be excellent to each other!!!
Payin It Forward...
I have been thinking how I can honor a man that would have done anything for anyone.. and usually did. I have decided to do a good deed everyday in his honor for a complete stranger.. today I seen the effects of that gesture. I bought a gift card at the grocery store and asked the cashier to give it to the next person she felt was having a tough day and explained my sadness and struggle with his death this last week and this was my way of trying to find my happy again. after she finished crying she gladly rang it up, gave me a hug and said my grandpa would be proud of me. That one gesture will bring happy to at least 3 of us today. I knew quite understood why Gramps would do so much for people that seemed like they didn't appreciate anything. I now understand...   Thank you Grandpa for being you, I am eternally grateful that I learned compassion, empathy and your sense of doing the right thing for others.. I will not let that die with you, I will pass that down to my own children a
Pay It Foward, before I start my little story...just know that I'm not trying to boast or get any attention...I am just proud of myself for being able to do this....So, I got paid this morning and just got done paying a few bills along with a partial hefty college payment. Along with all this I still had to go grocery shopping. I didn't know exactly how much I would be able to spend on groceries, so I remember a store that a friend had told me about, Ruler Foods. Their prices are literally half, if not a third the price of regular grocery stores. I finished shopping and as I was bagging my own groceries (they are set up like Aldi), I could hear behind me at another register , a cashier telling a customer that he/she did not have enough for their groceries. I turned around, because well, who doesn't? But when I did, I was heartbroken. There I saw a couple with a cart full of groceries, but what got me was the 2yr old son sitting in the front of the cart and the not even 6 month old (from what
When it's time to catch the next bus I am going down town to see what the fuck is going on. I should not have to deal with this bullshit. I should get my check and be on my merry way to work . Actually I should automatically have direct deposit. I really hate this bullshit. Sometimes I wish i had just gotten that job at macdonalds and dealt with people who probably irritate me. Only a few more minutes and then I go to catch the bus. It's times like this I think to myself...If only I had applied myself in school.
Pay More For Your Cell Phone Or You'll Pay Later
My "trusty" T-Mobile cell phone suddenly stopped sending picture messages this morning. Literally, every time I tried sending a new picture of banditgirly to my e-mail inbox, it RESET THE PHONE! After three tries, I chucked the damned thing against the wall. This is what you get when you buy a cheap phone, people. Suddenly it just stops working right. I'm getting a new Sprint LG phone this time. It costs more on both ends, but I remember being with Sprint before, and talking with ACTUAL HUMANS to resolve my issue. T-Mobile officially sucks a fat one (and it ain't mine). *Captain TMI was here*
Pay Me Pleny
I writing this entry cause need a job and or some money. Well, the point is if I do not get a job or some money I will be without a home/ a place to stay. I would clean any ones house for room and board cause I just enrolled to my town community college, I don't want to quit. I have been out of school for so long that I believe it is hurting my chances of getting work. I would do surveys online or clean out somebody's garage to make some extra change. I am in California. so If you live here and have a solution to my problem and not a rant concerning this topic it would be much appreciated.
Payment System Weirdness Over The Weekend
hey folks, paypal was acting weird over the weekend, and it might have effected a few peoples purchases on fubar. if you bought anything through paypal over the weekend on fubar and you didn't receive the item(s), please forward the paypal receipt to and we'll take care of it ASAP. thanks and sorry for the hassle! -mike
Pay Mistakes
One day, an employee received an unusually large check. She decided not to say anything about it. The following week, her check was for less that the normal amount, and she confronted her boss. "How come," the supervisor inquired, "you didn't say anything when you were overpaid?" Unperturbed, the employee replied, "Well, I can overlook one mistake but not two in a row!
Payment For Pain
When we travail up the hill it is aginst our natural tendency and inclination,which perpetually is to desend;and therfore we can not go on ascending without labor and difficulty.But there arises a pleasent prospect to pay us our labor as we ascend,and as we cotinue our labor, still the pleasntness of the prospect grows.Just so is a man paid for his pain and self denial,wisdom is the payment we get for pain.    
Payment Protection
Mis sold payment protection Reclaim credit card charges
Payment Plan
Pete and Gladys were looking at a new living room suite in the furniture store. Pete said to the salesman, "We really like it, but I don't think we can afford it." The salesman said, "You just make a small down payment, and then you don't make another payment for six months." Gladys wheeled around with her hands on her hips and said, "Who told you about us?"
Payments By C51 Creations
Hey... iC51 Here... CEO of C51Creations If your looking for a graphic to a Skin... to Lounge Help Then your in the right place! I sell cheep Graphics and web design , so if your looking for something like that here's what you do! Packages: Premere lounge Packet includes: -Background Skin -Cam Set Up -Color Coding -MOTD/SKIN set up -Player Coder -Buttons Customized -Banner Costomized -DJ Schedule in lounge Set Up All this for $20.00 USD For Individual Stuff For Lounges: -Banner/Buttons: $6.00 USD -MOTD/Skin Setup: $6.00 USD -Cam Set up: $2.00USD per Cam -Background Skin: $5.00 USD ===OTHER STUFF FOR FU=== -Personal Skin for Your Profile: $5.00 USD -A Graphic for you or someone else: $3.00 USD C51Creations Trackz in MP3 $2.00USD EACH ((((((((Click Link Bellow To Pay to C51 Creations))))))))
know more about some interesting about payment,come here,
The Payne Seat
My mother always fancied bagging herself an Australian cowboy, hence my name Sydney! ....which is rather daft for I'm female but none the less they still decided it suited the little redhaired child with the turned up nose! My father a Graham, married into a one of a long line of Paynes and thought it rather apt on discovering his wife to be's grandmother was an S&M dominatrix to most of Europe's aristocracy in her part time. My mother's refusal to believe that it was anything other than services to King and country and something one did, meant that it was NEVER talked about for fear of some weird official secrets act and the thought of betraying a King or a Queen was nothing short of high treason in her book. They spent the early part of their marriage blissfully happy and blissfully unaware that they were considered most strange by the village that surrounded the manor house. When my father died my mother refused to be parted from him so consequently had bits of him place
Pay No Mind
Better Graphics Top Codes Poems Images HOT Comments Click to Get Some
Pay No Attention To That Baby Behind The Shower Curtain!
It wasn't until last year I learned that the phrase "man behind the curtain" which refers to someone behind the scenes manipulating events comes from the movie The Wizard of Oz. If you don't remember where it is, it's right after Dorothy and her friends return the Emerald City after vanquishing the Wicked Witch of the West with a bucket of water ("So, you liquidated her, eh? Very resourceful."); then the Wizard says come back tomorrow. Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, the Cowardly Lion, and Toto have gone through a lot to get the Wizard to keep his promises, and by golly he's gonna! Toto sees the curtain rustling first and pulls it back; an old man is there manipulating controls who then pulls the curtain shut and says (through the giant head's booming, amplified voice) "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!" We usually wait until the evening when both Martha and I are home (now, since she's been working at Good Shepherd Day Care, she isn't there later than 6 PM
Pay No Mind
Graphics & Layouts
Pay No Mind
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it somply means that you are two steps ahead.
Pay No Attention To The Man Behind The Shower Curtain
Fractals build on awareness through capillary action into the nether regions of the hologram from which they derive. These shards of intricate codices embody a quantum-entangled subset of the whole, through which all can be revealed.   no, this won't make much sense
Pay No Attention To The Man Behind The Curtain.
Admiration and disappointment seem to go hand in hand. We all look up to others in our lives.. whether it’s to a role model, work superior, or family member.. because we feel honored to be beside a great mind, display of ethic, or big heart. What we need to be prepared for is that, no matter how much we admire them, there’s always a chance we’ll be disappointed. We can only perceive others to be mighty wizards for so long before we realize they’re just as human as the rest of us. It’s a risk we’ve all taken. It’s probably a risk in progress. It’s a risk most of us will continue to take. Be careful who you allow to be put up on a pedestal, and be just as cautious if someone puts you on one. In the end, we’re all standing behind curtains, and the ride back to Kansas is a lonely one.     [I actually posted this in my other blog this morning 'cause I can get to that one from my phone. Sometimes when things are on your mind, you hav
Pay Off Those Holiday Bills!!!!
The Pay Off...
You've had a tough row to hoe, but all that hard work will soon pay off in a beautiful bumper crop. Now you just have to bide your time. Remember that the universe works on a different timetable than yours.
Pay Our Rent.
Payolas: Eyes Of A Stranger
The Payolas: Where Is This Love?
Payouts And Total Counts
I would like to know if anyone else has a problem in getting payouts for specific days with the right amouts posted. This is like the third time I have tried to get into the rating contests and I for one do not think that the person or persons running it is keeping a legimate account of the ratings. I know that they do not pay the amounts offered for the ratings and this is getting to be a habit with some of the payers.   I have gotten to the level I am at by rating only and when the person or persons do not pay what is posted it is very discouraging to say the least.   I can not afford all the frills of bombs and autos and sure as Hell no one will give them to me so I thought entering a contest would be a fun way to aquire these things.  But the way it is looking it has been fruitless and un profitable for me but not the one getting rated. There is 7 more days to the contest and I will see where it ends up. If not a fair contest I will be writing another blog and naming names
Pay Per Click Model
Pay Per Click Model Read more about PPC Riches "Product" engines let advertisers provide "feeds" of their product databases and when users search for a product, the links to the different advertisers for that particular product appear, giving more prominence to advertisers who pay more, but letting the user sort by price to see the lowest priced product and then click on it to buy. These engines are also called Product comparison engines or Price comparison engines. Some Online Comparison Shopping engines such as use a PPC model and have a defined rate card. whereas others such as Froogle (also know as Google Product Search) do not charge any type of fee for the listing but still require an active product feed to function. Noteworthy PPC Product search engines include: Shopzilla, NexTag, and You need to move fast PPC Riches is coming off the market Service PPCs "Service" engines let advertisers provide feeds of the
Pay-per-click Advertisements (ppc)
Pay-Per-Click advertisements (PPC) Read more about PPC Riches here Advertisers specify the words that should trigger their ads and the maximum amount they are willing to pay per click. When a user searches Google's search engine on, ads for relevant words are shown as "sponsored link" on the right side of the screen, and sometimes above the main search results. Learn more about PPC riches The ordering of the paid listings depends on other advertisers' bids (pay for placement P4P) and the "quality score" of all ads shown for a given search. The quality score is calculated by historical click-through rates and the relevance of an advertiser's ad text, keyword, and landing page to the search, as determined by Google. The quality score is also used by Google to set the minimum bids for an advertiser's keywords. Read more about PPC Riches The auction mechanism that determines the order of the ads has been called a "generalized
Pay Per Click
Pay per click Interested in PPC Riches ? Pay per click (PPC) is an advertising model used on websites, advertising networks, and search engines where advertisers only pay when a user actually clicks on an ad to visit the advertiser's website. Advertisers bid on keywords they believe their target market would type in the search bar when they are looking for a product or service. When a user types a keyword query matching Click Here for PPC Riches the advertiser's keyword list, the advertiser's ad may appear on the search results page. These ads are called a "Sponsored link" or "sponsored ads" and appear next to, and sometimes, above the natural or organic results on the page. The advertiser pays only when the user clicks on the ad. Pay per click advertising is a search engine marketing technique. Pay per click ads may also appear on content network websites. In this case, ad networks such as Google Adsense and Yahoo! Publisher Network atte
Paypal Alert !! Plz Read !!
Indeed,this is important,so PAY ATTENTION if you have a paypal account!!! A few days ago i recieved a email supposedly from PAYPAL saying there was suspicious account activity and they needed to reverify information in order to give my account full access again(supposedly,my account had "limited" access because of the,i reentered my information.Well,today i got a phone call from BANK OF AMERICA saying that someone had tried to withdraw money from my bank account via WESTERN UNION and failed...BANK OF AMERICA froze my account up immediately as protection...and notified me.Well,whoever the asshole was that tried to get money out of my account didnt realise there wasnt much in it(lol),of course it failed.But i wanted to let EVERYONE know that if you got one of those "scam rings" paypal notices that told you your account now has limited access because of 3rd party activity,please DO NOT FILL IN YOUR INFO!!If you want to verify,go DIRECTLY to the paypal website and emai
Hmmmmmmmmmmm I am really annoyed now as I have just found out that you can purchase a blast through paypal so why the heck cant you use it to purhase vip! Summat needs to be done bout this!
Paypal Fraud Alert!!all Please Read!! (didnt Happen To Me, Got This From The Bulletin Board)
Indeed,this is important,so PAY ATTENTION if you have a paypal account!!! A few days ago I received a email supposedly from PAY PAL saying there was suspicious account activity and they needed to reverify information in order to give my account full access again(supposedly,my account had "limited" access because of the,I re-entered my information.Well,today I got a phone call from BANK OF AMERICA saying that someone had tried to withdraw money from my bank account via WESTERN UNION and failed...BANK OF AMERICA froze my account up immediately as protection...and notified me.Well,whoever the asshole was that tried to get money out of my account didnt realize there wasnt much in it(lol),of course it failed. But I wanted to let EVERYONE know that if you got one of those "scam rings" pay pal notices that told you your account now has limited access because of 3rd party activity,please DO NOT FILL IN YOUR INFO!!If you want to verify,go DIRECTLY to the pay pal website and
Pay Rise
He pulled into the station car park, just like he had done several times before. It was quiet, dark and the evenings rain limited visibility. He didn’t plan to stay long, just drop his PA off and then drive home. “Well I’ll see you tomorrow, bright and early” Mark said, smiling at his 18 year old PA. They had been on yet another conference and he was looking forward to getting home. “Thanks for your hard work today, tell me, how are you finding the job?” “Urrmm” she said hesitantly “I’ve been meaning to talk to you about this for some time now, I feel my pay doesn’t reflect my work.” She looked awkward at saying such a thing, he was her boss and she was a reasonably shy girl. “I appreciate that but you have to understand that if I pay you more, I’ll have to justify it to my boss – and unless you can prove to me how…dedicated you are, then I guess my hands are tied.” With that he undid his seat belt and reclined his chair. He began to unbutton his pants and before long had
A Pay Raise????
I the Penis, hereby request a raise in salary for the following reasons: I do physical labor. I work at great depths. I plunge headfirst into everything I do. I do not get weekends or holidays off. I work in a damp environment. I work in a dark workplace that has poor ventilation. I work in high temperatures. My work exposes me to contagious diseases. Sincerely, The Penis --------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Penis, After assessing your request and considering the arguments you have raised, the administration rejects your request for the following reasons: You do not work eight hours straight. You fall asleep after brief work periods. You do not always follow the orders of the management team. You do not stay in your designated area and are often seen visiting other locations. You do not take initiative. You need to be pressured and stimulated in order to start working. You leave the workplace rather messy at the end of you
Pay Rise
I, the Penis, hereby request a raise in salary for the following Reasons: I do physical labour. I work at great depths. I plunge headfirst into everything I do. I do not get weekends or holidays off. I work in a damp environment. I work in a dark workplace that has poor ventilation. I work in high temperatures. My work exposes me to contagious diseases. Sincerely, The Penis Dear Penis, After assessing your request and considering the arguments you have raised, The administration rejects your request for the following Reasons: You do not work eight hours straight. You do not always follow the orders of the management team. You do not stay in your designated area and are often seen Visiting other locations. You do not take initiative. You need to be pressured and stimulated in order to start working. You leave the workplace rather messy at the end of your shift. You don't always observe neces
Pay Special Attention To What You Read...
To the special people in my life, I am sending this to you to see how many of you actually read your email. Is anyone really out there? Your response will be interesting! Pay close attention to what you read. After you have finished reading it, you will know the reason it was sent to you! Here it goes: People come into your life for a Reason, a Season, or a Lifetime. When you know which one it is for a person, you will know what to do for that person. When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally, or spiritually. They may seem like a Godsend, and they are! They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any wrong doing on your part, or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometime
Paysheeda Mujhay Mayra Shehzada.
Paysheeda mujhay mayra Shehzada. Saath aap ka aankhaiyn is sabab bharaa hua ka zindagi. Nahin chupana aap khud minjaanib duniya. Ijazat dena mujhay taraf saaf door gham saath mayra ansoo. Layna mein mayra aap ka ruh aor dil. Ijazat dena mujhay taraf muhabbat aap jesa aap haqdaar hona. Shehzada, khoaahish aik zindagi woh aap kamaana kay liyay hona is sabab meetha. Mayn muhabbat aap. Hamaysha kay-liay aap ka Chand.
Pay The Freelancer!!!
Pay The Freelancers! In the business world, I understand there are different payment schedules but what about when there is a rush or immediate need for service? Shouldn't this be rewarded with an on time payment? Regardless of your career or status; freelancer, independent contractor, or employee, PAYMENT should always be made. Everyone works hard for their money and ignoring an invoice is disrespectful. In the freelance world, I have learned having a collection agency to contact clients who feel the need not to pay for my services has worked. After 60 days, if services are not paid for, I contact my collection agency who then contacts the clients who decide not to pay for services agreed to. Remember, with most communications through e-mail and IM, ALL conversations are journaled and the "he said - she said" game is no more. Many freelancers require payments to be made up front, before any completed work is exchanged. This is a good rule as clients feel the need NOT to
Pay The Rent? Lol
I have 2 roomates and we share a 3 bedroom house. One of my roomates (Yi) has been in the house as long as I, for 3 and a half years. The other has only been in for about a year (Brandon). So, you would think by now that at least Yi would know that the rent was due on the 5th of every month. Nope, every month I have to track him down and remind him like 30 times and still I get it late. I have to have roomates becouse I do not make enough to live on my own. One of many things in my life I seem to have no choice in. I am stuck in the job I have, because I can not seem to find a better one. Sad. People who have never been poor will never understand. You can try to explain to them, but they just reply with, "get a better job". As if that is all it takes. A if I can just walk in the door and say give me a job. They do not know how it is when you have to decide between eatting the next few days or putting gas in your car. I live a life of reactive instead of proactive. I try to b
Pay The Bill
Walking up to a department store's fabric counter, the pretty girl said, "I would like to buy this material for a new dress. How much does it cost?" "Only one kiss per yard," replied the male clerk with a smirk. "That's fine," said the girl. "I'll take ten yards." With expectation and anticipation written all over his face, the clerk quickly measured out the cloth, wrapped it up, then teasingly held it out. The girl snapped up the package, pointed to the old geezer standing beside her, and smiled, "Grandpa will pay the bill."
Pay The Bill Or We Dig 'em Up
ROTORUA, New Zealand, July 28 A New Zealand funeral home director allegedly threatened to dig up a teenager's body because his family hadn't paid for his funeral. Richard Bennison of Gray's Funeral Services in Rotorua said he hoped the threat would pressure the family to pay up, The Herald on Sunday reported. Bennison said he would not have been allowed to carry through on his threat, but the dead teen's sister said Bennison "gave me the impression that it would happen." Copyright 2007 by UPI
Pay The Bill
You read about climbing a mountain and think you're a fucking explorer - read this: you won't know how I taste until you take me in your mouth. You drink my gin and leave me with more limes than liquor - eventually, the bill must be paid - I'm not your goddamn bartender. My smoke rings last longer than your affection for me - I guess Tanqueray is not your aphrodisiac. What is? © All rights reserved
Pay To Angel
Free Comments & Graphics
Pay To See It For Free?
men are stupid, yes? although i never really have the time to watch porn or take the time to pay a girl on fubar to see her naked, I wonder why do people do this?its easy enough to take 1 min to find it all for free on the net. so why do people still pay to see what they can for free?
Pay Up
A little old lady is walking down the street, dragging two plastic garbage bags, one in each hand. There's a hole in one of the bags, and once in a while a $20 bill flies out of it onto the pavement. Noticing this, a policeman stops her. "Ma'am, there are $20 bills falling out of that bag..." "Damn !" says the little old lady....."I'd better go back and see if I can find some of them. Thanks for the warning!" "Well, now, not so fast," says the cop. "How did you get all that money? Did you steal it?" "Oh, no"! , says the little old lady. "You see, my back yard backs up to the parking lot of the football stadium. Each time there's a game, a lot of fans come and pee in the bushes, right into my flower beds!" So, I go and stand behind the bushes with a big hedge clipper, and each time someone sticks his thingie through the bushes, I say: '$20 or off it comes!' " "Hey, not a bad idea!" laughs the cop. "Good luck!" By the way, what's in the other bag?" "Well", says
Pay Very Close Attention...
Cuz I'm not saying this again. I'll just start deleting people... I'm sick of this shit. If you can't read my profile, I don't need you on my friends list... because if you can't take the 5 min it would take to read it, you're obviously not a friend anyway. I always do my best to be the best friend I can to everyone. Now obviously, I can't keep up with 3,000 people everyday. So, if I don't leave you comments and I don't talk to you all the time...forgive me. Also, if you add me as a friend just so you can see my pics and in hopes of seeing my private pics... don't waste your time. I'll take every fucking pic I have of me off this site if I have to. If you just want to see tits and ass, go buy a fucking magazine and get the hell off my page. Now if you're actually my friend and someone who gives a damn about me (most likely the 5 or 6 people who actually bother to read this) I have no problem with it. But if you send me a friend request and then immediately after I add you, send me
Pay What You Owe!
what your falvor
Paz Sin Fronteras ( Peace Without Borders)
This past sunday March 16th , there was a concert on a bridge linking Venezuela and Columbia .The music joined the 2 nations following political drama between the two South American countries .
Pb And J
The things I do to earn a living! Granted, I shouldn't complain. I shouldn't moan, I shouldn't get cross. I mean, after all, it isn't like I am doing anything physically demanding out in the hot sun or flipping burgers at the local greasy spoon (is there such a thing any more? And do burgers actually get flipped? I see at McDonalds they flat fry them on some sort of grill press and at the Burger King, they are 'broiled' on an evil conveyor belt...anyways, I digress.) So, my job, in various forms, is nothing to complain about. I write, I travel, I meet interesting people, I go to cool events, on occasion. Sometimes, it is boring. Sometimes, I have to go through things that other people have written and re-write them. Most of the time, when I do that, I have very little idea of what they have written about. It is often way too technical for my little brain. But, that doesn't matter. I just have to re-write or edit it into something that reads reasonably well. Mostly, though, la
Pbel City Launched New Tower Argentum Hyderabad @09999620966
Pbel City Appa Junction Hyderabad Pble City  has launched new tower – Argentum . Pbel City Located at Appa Junction Hyderabad . It has 13 residential and 2 commercial spectacular towers with G+18 stories comprising 12 and 8 flats at each level  of 2bhk and 3bhk towers respectively .  The Venture already accommodates 360 happy in Phase 1  with all International quality amenities.  The homes are well designed by international architect with elegant external view and pleasant interiors .  The major feature of the project is that 83% of the land is open to sky .  The project is being constructed by a multi national company and is equidistant from Hitech City, Gachibowli, Banjara Hills and Airport .  It is hardly 10-15 minutes drive from these location to APPA Junction . PBEL (PBEL Property Development India Private Limited), promoted jointly by Property and Building Corporation Ltd. (PBC), Electra Real Estate Ltd. and INCOR, is a Property Developmen
Pbell And Darnell Dockett. This Is A Unit That Has Potential. 2. Call Me Fitz - With The Exception Of Calvin Johnson, Is There A Bette
Reasons to Believe1. Defensive Building Blocks - The Cardinals defence showed a lot of improvement as last season went along. Yes, they finished 18th in total defence, but they were best in the NFL when it came to third-down defence. They also have some solid young talent to build around like linebackers Sam Acho and Daryl Washington, corner Patrick Peterson and defensive linemen Calais Campbell and Darnell Dockett. This is a unit that has potential. 2. Call Me Fitz - With the exception of Calvin Johnson, is there a better receiver in football than Larry Fitzgerald? He has gone for over 1,000 yards in each of the last five seasons. Despite middling quarterback play, he is a nightmare for opposing defences who have to roll coverages his way, which in turn should open up opportunities for the Cards to run the ball. 3. Many Happy Returns - Patrick Peterson and LaRod Stephens-Howling are as good of a return tandem as you will find in the NFL. Both can score from anywhere and opposing teams
Pb & J
Girls are like jelly when mixed with peanut butter like us guys because we tend to be the hard-headed and you girls are the soft-headed. You’re there to soften our hearts and minds when we think too much. Then again we’re there to harden your feelings and wills so that way you won’t break down every time. If you do break down there’ll always be the breads that’ll always squeeze us together because we’re like that. “Hard and soft on the inside but outside it’ll always be soft and warm.” It’s because that love is like a peanut butter sandwich, you can’t have one without the other or else it won’t taste good.
Pbj And Banana Sandwich
Everyone loves a peanut butter sandwich, but if you're concerned about the fat content, simply limit the amount of peanut butter you use and add some banana for a sweet and delicious, nutritious sandwich. Be sure to serve the sandwich on whole grain bread. INGREDIENTS: * Two slices of whole grain bread * 1 tbsp natural peanut butter * 2 tbsp all-fruit spread or preserves (I like raspberry) * 1/2 one small, ripe banana, sliced PREPARATION: PBJ and Banana Sandwich Two slices of whole grain bread 1 tbsp peanut butter 2 tbsp all-fruit spread or preserves 1/2 one small, ripe banana Spread one side of bread with peanut butter, and the other with fruit spread/preserves. dd sliced bananas to the peanut butter side and top with fruit-spread side of bread. Serves 1 for school lunch Calories: 422, Calories from Fat 97, Total Fat 10.8g (sat 2.8g), Cholesterol 0mg, Sodium 270mg, Carbohydrate 70mg, Fiber 6.8g, Protein 11g
"pb&j Crunch"...
I make a mean "PB&J Crunch"... creamy peanutbutter, jelly and lays origanal potato chips on white bread. would you eat that? would you make that? good for kids and adults. Please, let us know if you try this and how it turnd out. why or why not? TY. ok?
Pb&j #2 Lol
Its peanutbutter jelly time apparently!Add to My Profile | More Videos
Pbo Creed!
Pit Bull Owner's Code of Conduct Although this Code of Conduct is written for pit bull owners, it is not, for the most part, specific to pit bull owners. Most of the steps on this list should be taken by all dog owners, regardless of their dog's breed. However, pit bulls and pit bull owners are in a unique situation due to the pit bull / pit bull owner stereotypes. Responsible pit bull owners should take the necessary steps to break down the stereotype, not confirm it, whenever possible. I will train and socialize my dog to be a good ambassador of the breed. I will not allow my dog to exhibit aggressive behavior. I will spay or neuter my dog. I will not condemn my dog to a life of isolation. I will keep my dog indoors, as a member of the family, for its entire life. I will not crop my dog's ears or tail, make it wear a spiked collar, name it "Killer", or do anything else to make my dog appear vicious. I will never leave my dog unsupervised with a child, another dog, or a s
:p Boooooooored
ive been playin racin games cuz im so bored :O makes me think about maybe working on my mustang some more theres still a ton of parts i never got around to putting on it and theyre just laying there! LOL
Pbr Permit
Well, I contacted the PBR today, and found out Allen Godfrey has purchased a permit from the PBR. He sat in his lounge and told his followers he got it renewed, but it is not a renewal. It is a permit, which means it is a rookie card for the 2009 season. He purchased it today about 2:00 PM. I was also told he has never been a member of the PBR in previous years hence the first time permit which costs 400 dollars. To get a permanent member card he will have to win a minimum of 2500 dollars in a one year season. If he meets this requirement, then he can apply for a membership card for the next season. To remain a member of the PBR the person must have winnings of at least 2500 dollars every season! He purchased this card to take photos of it and post on his sites to try to prove and call people who have done research on him liars. Just like the CPRA card he has photos of, yet there are no records of him competing in a CPRA sanctioned event! If anyone wants the number to the PBR message m
Pbr Spokane Jan 17th
Pbr This Weekend
The Professional Bull Riders, Inc. (PBR) heats up the Pacific Northwest with the third stop of the PBR Team Shootout on Saturday, August 9 at 7 p.m. The two-man-team competition featuring the top 20 bull riders in the world will ride into the Molalla Buckeroo Grounds in Molalla, Ore. The action from Molalla will air on ESPN2 on Saturday, August 23 at 3 p.m. EST. Fans will have the opportunity to see bull riding legends like hometown favorite Ross Coleman (Molalla, Ore.); two-time and reigning PBR World Champion Justin McBride (Elk City, Okla.); 2002 PBR World Champion Ednei Caminhas (Presidente Alves, SP, Brazil); 2001 PBR Rookie of the Year Luke Snyder (Raymore, Mo.); and fan favorites Matt Bohon (Cole Camp, Mo.), L.J. Jenkins (Texico, N.M.), and Sean Willingham (Summerville, Ga.). Tickets can be purchased in advance for $16 or at the gate for $25. They can also be ordered online at or by phone at (503) 759-2855. Due to injuries, four teams have been refor
Pbs Show Judgement Day
If you’re not into politics or Evolution ignore it just bore you. Anyone catch the PBS special Judgement day last night? Awesome show it exposed the lie that is Intelligent Design (ID) and how dishonest those people are in trying to first get evolution out of the classroom and replace it with ID. It was a great show let the trial speak for itself and had both sides commenting. I had no problem if they want to fill their own kids head with that phony science ID, send them to some private school. But this special showed how they are trying to get evolution discredited and push ID. In the science part of the trial it should how completely foolish they appeared to the judge. A judge who was put up from the position by Rick Santorum the ex nut case right wing Senator and approved by the Shrub (bush) so he is certainly a republican judge. He smacked them down so hard in his ruling he is getting death threats now, got to love the Christian right eh. One of the best parts was the basic
Pbttt Hmmm
If you have a issue with me.. then just delete me. I am tired of trying to fit in..
new pics spring break o7 baby check um out
P & C
Perplexed and Confuzzled. --- 4 days ago, I was on the phone with a new friend. After this phone call, I couldn't believe what I felt. Well, I could - its my nature to quickly fall for someone. If I could change who I was? Eh, I might. Somedays I like what I am. Anyway, the next day comes and goes with little fan-fair ( Who ever celebrates weekdays? ) ... the day after that, she calls. My mind and everything does flips and somersaults. But then, after that call - I get puzzled. I start to wonder about being out of my league. That there is no way I could ever fit in to her world. Its nothing new, I had experiences like this in school. Always liking the girls that were not even in the same social class ... but one thing is different, this young lady talks to me. So, it leaves me puzzled. She knows my feelings already ( Thats a story to tell another time ) ... do I continue and know that I could be heartbroken yet again, or do I take the pain now, and tell her we can n
what is the best free music player on line that u can get
i will not be online for a while as my pc in going for repairs but please keep popping by and saying hi as i have use of the pc at work and also have the library will miss you all may take up to 2 weeks before i get it back miss you all already hugs paul p.s i love you di
Black Gray Case 15 inch Black Gray Flat Monitor Logitech wireless mouse/key board and slim speakers 18X DVD Burner/Dual Layer Windows XP SP2 WITH CD AND CD-KEY 250GB HDD 2 GIGS OF DDR2 667 3.2 LGA 775 PROCESSOR 800 FSB Gigabyte Blue LED CPU fan to keep it very cool ATI SAPPHIRE Radeon 1550 PCI-E 512 MB VIDEO CARD cost me 650$ to build 8 months ago make me a offer, asking for at least 400$ if you live in Houston I will deliver it myself
I can see you but you can't see me I'm lookin' into a box like it's a T.V. It's draining all my time, and what used to be my life But now it's gettin' old that's why I wrote this rhyme I don't give a fuck what any of you say This is the only way that I can exaggerate my pain By typing this up I admit to one thing That I'm either bored as hell or trying to be mean But still I don't care 'cause ya'll can't see me I hate this fucking thing, that's called a PC It's like 10 years old and it looks so weak I need some cash flow so I can be a true geek Get a good PC that actually runs nice It seems to be important no matter what the price This is my weekend and I have nothing good to do So pardon me for this rant and if you don't like it, fuck you!
Well a couple of weeks ago my cd-rom just disappeared off my laptop, so today thanks to a very dear friends we took it into the shop so they can try and fix it. It could be that my cd-rom is bad or that there is something wrong with my motherboard, i might have it back next friday they are suppost to call me Monday or Tuesday to let me know what's wrong with it. My very dear friends left me his comptuer to use while mine is in the shop but he doesn't have the same system that i do so this is going to be fun for the next week or so, but at least i can still get online and talk to all of those who are dear to my heart.
66/187 Pc
I thought about you all last night.And through until the mornings light kissed my cheek.When I stepped outside the days beauty knocked me off my feet.I forgot to think of you.Forgot to worry about us.This day was so beautiful just for me.And as the sun set and the shadows grew,My heart broke again and I sat longing for you.And as I tried to sleep I tossed and turned in our bed.Going back and forth with "what ifs" and getting lost in my head.Why do I feel you're absence so deeply in the dark?I'm all alone even when I am not.Our memories haunt me, but I think of all you've taught me."Don't miss me" you say..."I'm always with you and never too far. Now is just time for you to aim for the stars. Follow your dreams and keep me in your heart, and no matter what remember I love you and remember who you are."Words you've left me that I keep so near.I say them to myself when I am the most full of fear.I don't know how to be brave with you gone.I don't know how to be strong without you to lean o
Pc As Bs
I am a brown woman. That fact never seemed remarkable to me for a good part of my life. I never thought of my self as brown, or white, or as a member of any ethnic group in particular. Like many people I have been in, and read about, the South US. I know that there were, and are, people whose lives include ideas about white sheets as evening attire. None of this seemed part of my daily life until I became part of the academic community in California. I never thought of my self as the “them” in Us v. Them, until I got involved with teaching, and ran into political correctness (PC). Political correctness, for those who don’t know, is a very polite and respectable form of hate speech. It is a kind of upper middle class racism. Political correctness assumes that a person like me needs extra help and coaching to get through life cause dammit, I am just not smart enough to do anything on my own. Political correctness assumes that I do not have a deep enough awareness of my own ro
Pc Broken
I have been having alot of trouble with my computer so haven't been on the FU that much..I have been using a Piece Of Shit dinosaur Gateway to log in so please be patient with me in responding to you all. Cant do that much online with it. Hopefully I can either get the Dell fixed or get up enough $$$ to get a new pc, but it doesn't look like the $$$ is gunna come fast lots of overdue bills to hopefully I can get my Dell fixed faster lol..Again I am sorry for not responding to all the leveling requests and my shout box.. As soon as I get the pc fixed I will make up for lost rates and time
Pc Crash!!!!
Just want everyone to know that my home PC is in for repairs. I am using my slow, low-powered laptop for the moment, so it'll be a while before I can post really cool picture comments again.
Pcd Finalist
OK, I know a few of you know but most of you dont so her we go.... Most of you have seen in my name future PCD. First off PCD stands for PUSSY CAT DOLLS! on June 2nd I'll be in HollyWood getting the rest of the information I need an dI will update yo but for starters thisis what been going on. I have made the final 10 cut for the second season of The search for the Next Pussy Cat Doll. which airs Tuesdays on The CW. So far I know we are shooting from aorund the 13th of July till the 13th of September. alot ofthe show is live but then again some isnt so I promise to keep you all posted on what and when to look for .. Thanks to all my friends who have shown thier support and been there for me "you all mean the world to me" I swear I couldnt be happier. Well unless I win wich I do plan on doing. Once again thank you all for being such great friends and always being there for me. Promising to keep you posted!!!! Always Ella AKA LADY E.
Pc Down
well once again im off the boat and sending this damn laptop in so will be offline for 7 - 10 business days till it gets fixed since the wireless card went out and this desktop is as slow as a dinosaur if anyone ever reads this or comments :( i will return ratings and comments asap sowwy :( :( hope to talk to yall soon since yall are the only ones keeping my sanity going what little is there hehe
Pc Down
My comp is down for now. Tragically my power supply went down and fried my graphics card and processor (500 bucks down the drain) so no custom pieces for a while, but ill be back and for those who care yall know who you are ill be back with a vengance and tons of new ideas and pieces to spoil your lovely asses with!!
Pcd Stickw Itu
Stickwitu VideoStickwitu lyrics - Pussycat Dolls lyrics Pussycat Dolls Music VideosMusic Video Codes by VideoCure
Pc Google Android Tableau
Android Tablet est presque comme un PC, mais sous une forme extrême portable et de style avec un peu de quelques nouvelles fonctionnalités comme les écrans tactiles et les applications professionnelles à haute résolution et 3G dans le corps mince et spécifications intelligents qui peuvent être portés partout et est très facile à utiliser amicale. Il est en fait un logiciel introduit avec un système d'exploitation à l'aide de programmation Java. Ordinateur tablette est un appareil portable pour stocker et organiser votre musique et vos vidéos préférées. Il a également fait le partage de fichiers / transfert facile avec ses ports USB, mini USB et HDMI. Le port HDMI vous permet de regarder les vidéos sur votre téléviseur HD compatible. Google Android tablette est livrée dans toutes les tailles et de prix différents. Il a un corps de lumière, logiciel pratique et batterie amovible. Il porte également un navigateur open source intégré. Il vous permet de faire le multitâche, et a Internet s
Pc Help
ive been having a lot of problems with my computer lately, my most recent problem is not being able to see pics or where to rate i also cant see the graphics on my profile comments does anyone know the cause, or what could be?
Pc Help
I'm really hoping that one of you all can help me here. I'm sure if I had a Windows that I could understand, I could fix this problem myself, but I have Windows 8 and I hate it. I have Avast as my antivirus program. Every few minutes it will pop up that there was a threat. The threat is titled, "SecondStepInstaller.exe". After the threat pops up, I run the scanner and there are NO viruses.    Do any of you know what this second step installer is and how I can get rid of it?
Pc Industry Uses The Ifa As A Stage
The IFA in Berlin to give fresh impetus to business with consumer electronics. But also the PC industry uses the show to prepare for the holiday shopping season. Tablets and Smartphones, it is in a profound change. Alongside the consumer electronics is increasingly the PC industry at the IFA as a fair platform and won himself a place in Berlin. "We will see the biggest impact of hardware for Windows 8.1 at the IFA," announced Oliver Kaltner by Microsoft. In addition to the surface tablet from its own home alone 25 new units of hardware partners with the new operating system would be to see Windows 8.1. The smallest tablet lightweight notebooks, the range will ranging devices for professional use, Kaltner, who is responsible for the software group for the Consumer Division said. "The most important trend remain clearly touch & type products," said Wilfried Thom at Acer for the business in Central Europe. The company wants to introduce a wide range of devices from th
Pc Is Gay
i have come to the fact that my pc hates me.. it likes to putt 50 million pops up on me every 30mins or every hour.. thtas why i wanna throw my pc out the window if it keeps on it might happen
Pc Is Hosed
My pc is hosed at the moment... Im workin on fixing it but I have been up all night too so I will be passing out at any moment... once I wake up hopefully it will be fixed or close to it.
Pc Keeps Freezing
Pc Magazine, "l'ipad Est Un Succès Parce Que L'application De Tablettes Android Sucer."
Le magazine américain PC Magazine il ya quelques mois accordé iPad Choix de l'éditeur, une récompense donnée à un ou plusieurs produits dans les différents articles qui sont examinés appareils du même type. L'auteur de l'étude comparative explique que l'iPad n'a pas été choisi autant pour son matériel, même si elle est digne de remarque, mais parce que la qualité des applications disponibles sur la tablette d'Apple est plus complexe et plus généralement meilleures que celles offertes sur tablette Android 4.0. Vous avez entendu cette déclaration, difficile à prouver, à commencer par la disponibilité réelle de l'application soleil depuis Google n'indique pas le nombre d'applications disponibles et specificatemente optimisée pour la tablette. L'auteur a créé une liste d'applications à partir des classements basés sur la réalité de plusieurs app compilé par les États-Unis, y compris les applications gratuites et les applications payantes. Le premier problème avec lequel il es
Pc Me:thanks Claire, Love It! :)
Pc Of Love
Pc Parts
FFS i wish my Other pc's parts would come this slow ass laptop is driven me nuts (0.o)
Pc Performance Tools
free pc performance tool
Pc Police
Seems like anymore you cant say anything without someone jumping your arse. You cant say things like gay... Wanda sykes will kick your ass. (have you seen that comercial. I love that woman but damn... DONT ever say retarded or mentally retarded. Cause someone might know someone who knows someone who is related to someone who may be mentally retarded. OMG. And people still describe me as a bald guy.... I have hair... (on my ass). But what bothers me is... the people who are advocates... When they are not any of the things I wrote about above... mind ya own business okay?      
Pc Problems :/
Well, got new PC today. Working on setting it up, and somehow the heat sink isn't on properly, tho it'sconnected nice and tight... CPU temp is near 100C. Ow. Gonna see if I can do anything more with it in the morning, atm just glad I have a laptop for backup. *sigh*
Pc Problem
im having a major pc problem right now so if anyone wants to have an in depth convo please email me their number because i cant stay on long periods of time, my pc keeps rebooting over and over and i have to unplug it for a while just to get a little time on here virus scans dont work or anything like that oh and i found my glasses finally lol
Pc Problem
im having a major pc problem right now so if anyone wants to have an in depth convo please email me their number because i cant stay on long periods of time, my pc keeps rebooting over and over and i have to unplug it for a while just to get a little time on here virus scans dont work or anything like that oh and i found my glasses finally lol
Pc Problem
im having a major pc problem right now so if anyone wants to have an in depth convo please email me their number because i cant stay on long periods of time, my pc keeps rebooting over and over and i have to unplug it for a while just to get a little time on here virus scans dont work or anything like that oh and i found my glasses finally lol
Pc Problem
im having a major pc problem right now so if anyone wants to have an in depth convo please email me their number because i cant stay on long periods of time, my pc keeps rebooting over and over and i have to unplug it for a while just to get a little time on here virus scans dont work or anything like that oh and i found my glasses finally lol
Pc Problems
I am still having computer problems so until it's fixed I won't be online...hope your all doing well and hope to see ya all and hugs....God Bless all
Pc Problems
so yesterday i was sitting here waiting on a friend to get back from making lunch when all of a sudden my pc slowed down to a crawl and then everything went black. i was like oh shit not again!! it has done it a couple of times and i always had to take it in to get serviced and i was not gonna pay hundreds of dollars to get it back again. so anyways i figured out the problem and took those off of here and now i am back. i am sorry that it happened again but i had no other way of getting back on til i fixed it!!
Pcs Back Up N Going
Well lighting screwed up my pc, n been offline awhile, its working but not 100percent. need a new ran the phoneline while we gone, n got the dsl box if thats what its called too. this thing just has it quirks. missed chatting with all yall, n hope as is well with u. ps, n pleaaaaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee bear with me on beibg online, depends on if i can baby this thing n get online till i finally here soon get a new one.
Pc Stuff
If you need to scan for virus or worms do the following free scans All of these scanns are excellent A virus worm or trojan can kill your PC in a few days all of the simple need is to scan and keep it free of these malicious things. Its time consuming to scan but well worth it to do simple and easy read follow the directions and scan.
Pcs To Acquire Kinect ‘in A Formal Way’ – Ms Ceo
CES 2011: Steve Ballmer tells BBC that motion-sensing method will make its method to glass windows systems…eventually. At  2011 customer Electronics Show keynote address, ms CEO Steve Ballmer developed a terrific offer near to the Kinect, the Xbox 360′s motion-sensing system. The camera-based, controller-free peripheral shipped 8 million products last year, three million over the five million products the institution anticipated it to. Kinect: Coming to the PC…eventually. With the Kinect currently a strike near to the Xbox 360, countless people are questioning once the add-on will actually be released for Microsoft’s omnipresent product, Windows. Speaking using the BBC, Ballmer arrived out to validate that the PC-compatible Kinect will indeed be released–eventually, anyway. When asked “Will you possess the ability to plug a Kinect into a PC?” from the interviewer, Ballmer answered thusly: “We’ll help that
P.c. Taken To Far!!!!! AFP Santas warned 'ho ho ho' offensive to women SYDNEY (AFP) - Santas in Australia's largest city have been told not to use Father Christmas's traditional "ho ho ho" greeting because it may be offensive to women, it was reported Thursday. ADVERTISEMENT Sydney's Santa Clauses have instead been instructed to say "ha ha ha" instead, the Daily Telegraph reported. One disgruntled Santa told the newspaper a recruitment firm warned him not to use "ho ho ho" because it could frighten children and was too close to "ho", a US slang term for prostitute. "Gimme a break," said Julie Gale, who runs the campaign against sexualising children called Kids Free 2B Kids. "We are talking about little kids who do not understand that "ho, ho, ho" has any other connotation and nor should they," she told the Telegraph. "Leave Santa alone." A local spokesman for the US-based Westaff recruitment firm s
Pc: Voir Goldman Croissance Cuts à Presque Zéro, Ups Voir Tablet
Shope le projet de loi de Goldman Sachs, ce matin, est devenu le pronostiqueur dernière rue à couper les estimations de croissance pour le marché des ordinateurs personnels pour cette année à presque rien, tout en augmentant parallèlement ses perspectives android tablet firmware . Citant les données définitives du cabinet d'études IDC la semaine dernière montrant une baisse de 1,6% dans les unités d'expédition PC au dernier trimestre, bien au-dessous de 2,1% qu'il avait été enceinte, et pire que le rapport préliminaire le mois dernier d'IDC montre une baisse de 0,1%, Shope aujourd'hui coupé son estimation de croissance 2012 PC unité à la croissance de 0,7% à partir d'une estimation préalable de 4%. Il a également réduit sa vue 2013 à 4%, passant de 5,2%. "Demande de PC continue de se détériorer", écrit Shope, ajoutant: "Nous croyons que la faiblesse macro continue et de la cannibalisation tablette pèsera sur les unités et les prix encore en 2012 et 2013." Shope ne crois p
Pcw Tonight Arlington, Tx
Huge show tonight as I challenge PCW World Champion Mace Malone for the PCW Title Tonight. Let the ass kicking begin.
Pc Xmas
'Twas the night before Christmas and Santa's a wreck... How to live in a world that's politically correct? His workers no longer would answer to "Elves". "Vertically Challenged" they were calling themselves. And labor conditions at the North Pole Were alleged by the union to stifle the soul. Four reindeer had vanished, without much propriety, Released to the wilds by the Humane Society. And equal employment had made it quite clear That Santa had better not use just reindeer. So Dancer and Donner, Comet and Cupid, Were replaced with 4 pigs, and you know that looked stupid! The runners had been removed from his sleigh; The ruts were termed dangerous by the E.P.A. And people had started to call for the cops When they heard sled noises coming from their roof-tops. Second-hand smoke from his pipe had his workers quite frightened. His fur trimmed red suit was called "Unenlightened." And to show you the strangeness of life's ebbs and flows, Rudolf was suin
Pd 13!
I work at a hotel, and PDA is on top of my pet peeves. When people can't wait to get into each other's pants right when I'm checking them in. I understand your hooker charges per hour, but you only need 10 min, so you can wait 'til you get into your room. Fucktards
I went ot BJ's this morning after breakfast, was just meandering around looking for stuff to spend money on that I didn't need. Amazingly I got out of there spending less than 20 bucks. Anyway, as I was walking around the corner, I saw a couple comming down the aisle and one leaned over and gave the other a kiss. It made me think, wow I miss that. It's been over a decade since I had been involved like that with anyone. A real relationship. But then on the same note, I've been single and independent for so long, I find it hard to open up enough for that possibility. As with many men and women, when you get to be our age, too many broken hearts and false promises tends to leave one slightly jaded..
Hello from Jena, East Germany. Here for 1 morE day then off to LEIPZIG, Germany to see SANTANA, ( It was a x-mas gift from last x-mas) Jena is a growing town. Lots of Colleges, universities and research institutes. some of the main sites are: The 13th century Town Hall ("Rathaus"). It has astronomic clock featuring the "Snatching Hans" ("Schnapphans"). The Gothic St. Michael's Church ("Michaelskirche", 1506). It has a bronze slab of Martin Luther's tomb Monument to John Frederick the Magnanimous (1905-08), in the Market Square The Old Castle and numerous towers from the medieval fortifications, including the Powder Tower (13th-14th centuries) House of Friedrich Schiller and his Wedding Church. The Botanical Garden, founded in 1580, the second oldest botanical garden in Germany Jen-Tower, a research edifice built in GDR times. There is a restaurant and viewing platform at the 27th floor. Today Jena is a manufacturing city, specializing in precision machiner
P.d.a. We Just Don't Care
P Day!
Pdems Or Mbms?
I have just be diagnoised with a rare but potientally very deadly syndrome. It's called PDEMS (Premature Deletion of E-Mails Syndrome). What happens is someone who suffers from this reads an E-mail only once and than delete it without responding to the writer. The cause of this is unknown at this time. There does not appear to be any cure but it is easy to spot. If your friend or loved one doesn't respond to messages or ask you for information or photos they know you give them but they can't fiind it they could suffer from PDEMS. PDEMS should not be confused with MBMS. Multi blog Messaging Syndrome which has to do with someone belonging to more blog sites than they can keep up with. The messages are still available they just can't remember where they read it
P1553d 0ff!!
So I get home from work to find 6 pics flagged. Most I can understand but 1 follows the "guidelines" my face is visible, I have clothes on, and i'm not being suggestive but I'm now told its a "butt" shot!!! WTF I thought I joined an adult site.... the same pics are on myspace for heavens sake! Surely if they are ok for Myspace they should be ok here! Now granted I don't sign in on myspace much any more thats because I'm on here. After almost 3 years i'm truely ready to leave. 10 pics ended up being flagged the rest by the bouncer I asked for help!! FFS!!! Needless to say the pics of myself are Friends only now!!! Grrrrrrr
P Diddy
im watching ellen,and diddy is performing,now he is also one of my favorites,i have always been into music,and its a big part of my life,when i was younger i worked at gilleys in pasadena tx.i got to meet alot of different artist,mostly country,but some were not,now im not into country music to much,but it was a blast working there.but i think music calms the soul....
Music Video:COME TO ME (FT. NICOLE SCHERZINGER) (by P. Diddy)Music Video Code provided by Video Code Zone
P Diddy... Busted
P Diddy Feat Keyshia Cole-last Night
[Diddy:] Last night, I couldn't even get an answer. Tried to call, but my pride wouldn't let me dial. And I'm sitting here, with this blank expression. And the way I feel, I wanna curl up like a child. I know you can hear me I know you can feel me I can't live without you God please make me better I wish I wasn't the way I am [Keyshia:] If I told you once, I told you twice, you can see it in my eyes. I'm all cried out, with nothing to say. You're everything I wanted to be. If you could only see, your heart belongs to me. I love you so much, I'm yearning for your touch. Come and set me free, forever yours I'll be, baby won't you come and take this pain awayyyyy. [Diddy:] Last night, I couldn't even get an answer. Tried to call, but my pride wouldn't let me dial. And I'm sitting here, with this blank expression. And the way I feel, I wanna curl up like a child. [Keyshia:] I need you, and you need me. This is so plain to see, and I will never
P Diddy Feat Sting-i'll Be Missing You (live)
Seems like yesterday we used to rock the show I laced the track, you locked the flow So far from hangin on the block for dough Notorious, they got to know that Life ain't always what it seem to be (uh-uh) Words can't express what you mean to me Even though you're gone, we still a team Through your family, I'll fulfill your dream (that's right) In the future, can't wait to see If you open up the gates for me Reminisce some time, the night they took my friend (uh-huh) Try to black it out, but it plays again When it's real, feelings hard to conceal Can't imagine all the pain I feel Give anything to hear half your breath (half your breath) I know you still living your life, after death Chorus: Faith Evans Every step I take, every move I make Every single day, every time I pray I'll be missing you Thinkin of the days, when you went away What a life to take, what a bond to break I'll be missing you Verse Two: Puff Daddy [Puff] I miss you Big It's kinda hard with
P Diddy-bad Boy 4 Life
I'm the definition of: half man, half drugs Ask the clubs - bad boy, that's whassup After bucks, crush crews after us No games, we ain't laughin much Nothin but big thangs, check the hitlist How we twist shit, what changed but the name? We still here, you rockin wit the best Don't worry if i write rhymes - i write checks (hah!) Who's the boss? dudes is lost Don't think cause i'm iced out, i'ma cool off Who else but me? (who else?) and if you don't feel me That mean you can't touch me, it's ugly, trust me Get it right dawg, we ain't ever left We just, moved in silence and repped to the death (yeah) It's official, i survived what i been through Y'all got drama, "the saga continues..." [chorus] We ain't, go-in nowhere, we ain't, goin nowhere We can't be stopped now, cause this bad boy for life We ain't, go-in nowhere, we ain't, goin nowhere We can't be stopped now, cause this bad boy for life [black rob] Hey yo straight from the harlem streets I don't play, i pu
P Diddy Bad Boys For Life Videos
P Diddy Videos | Music Videos | Vacation Homes
P.diddy Ft. 112 & Faith Evans - I'll Be Missing You
Verse One: Puff Daddy (Yeah... this right hear... goes out to everyone who has lost someone they truly love) Seems like yesterday we used to rock the show I laced the track, you locked the flow So far from hangin on the block for dough Notorious, they got to know that Life ain't always what it seem to be (uh-uh) Words can't express what you mean to me Even though you're gone, we still a team Through your family, I'll fulfill your dream (that's right) In the future, can't wait to see If you open up the gates for me Reminisce some time, the night they took my friend (uh-huh) Try to black it out, but it plays again When it's real, feelings hard to conceal Can't imagine all the pain I feel Give anything to hear half your breath (half your breath) I know you still living your life, after death Chorus: Faith Evans Every step I take, every move I make Every single day, every time I pray I'll be missing you Thinkin of the days, when you went away What a life to ta
P****d Off
I posted a Mumm yesterday about the little girl Maddie who is missing in Portugal, I got some comments on it from someone who thought it was funny to make jokes about the situation and I used his CT name and link in another Mumm to highlight his ignorance. The consequences were that I had my Mumm deleted by CT and I am now barred from posting Mumm's. What the hell is going on? I post a Mumm, someone makes jokes about a very serious situation, so I reply letting everyone know who the idiot was and I get Barred, WTF? Something is seriously wrong in the CT camp if they allow others to comment on something in a totally derogatory and uncalled for fashion and then censor the person who posted the Mumm who is just defending themselves.
Pdp Scene ( Exert From D.s.p. Book 3 )
Scene opens at some sort of nightclub / bar in space. (Ari) “I don’t think this is a space diner. There playing metal and . . . There’s blood on the dance floor!” (Me) “Why does this place seem familiar?” A woman with long very red hair and very large breasts pulls a gun on a group of patrons and demands they pay their bill. (Me) “Deadchick!” (SLDC) “Hey Cap.” *smiles and walks away with a fist full of cash* (Ari) “You know her?” Everyone in the club suddenly notices the Captain and yells “CAP!” (Me) *waves at everyone* “Holy shit! It’s Purgatory Dance Party, I know just about everyone in here.” (Sibene) “I thought we were going to a space diner for the experience? How did we end up here without you knowing where we were?”
hear bout the land slide,... wonder if the homeowner realizes that the reason why it slid was due to a water main break. oh wait, god for bid,... the city would have to pay for that... wonder how gulable the homeowners who live there are going to be , until they realize that the city fock'd up. wonder how long the city is going to make excuses and blame the homeowners before they say , oops our bad.....
Pdyabitches Drop Guru
Peaceful Morning Thoughts
Enveloped in the morning silence I sit here feeling a mixture of peace and yearning. I enjoy the serenity of being alone with no tv to pervade my thoughts. Mornings like these actually make me feel like I do have some small amount of sanity left within me and that I can make it thru anything set ahead of me. I need that strength now more than ever. The yearning eats me up inside as I sit here with Randy on my mind. I woke with thoughts of him this morning as I always do a smile upon my face. I picture his eyes and his smile in my mind and it always makes me smile and warms my heart. How I yearn for the next few months to just be over with so I can get the hell out of this place. I want to be able to see him to look into those beautiful brown eyes and the thought of just finally being able to touch and hold him sends chills though me that I can't explain. The anticipation to of being with him builds in me every day. Sometimes I still wonder if he is a dream and I will awaken one
Peaceful Day
i was thinking that when life seems at its darkest a little bit of light shines though. today it was quiet so i desided to pratice my guitar. i am just a rookie at it :) then later my nephew came into my room while i was messing with my webcam. when i am feeling down i can always count on the little monkey to put a smile on my face. . i hope i have more days like this :)
Peace of mind is what we seek throughout the world that never changes Believe in one deny another erasing all others certain past reveal thru that we numb from circling life with no escape like a whirlpool of depression Seeking in life a plaque from another side protraying aliens in ones eye channeling evil with such discuss no one sees striaght living in darkness is all we can intake in this world of pure hate desiree brown 5-23-05
In white she walks Furrowed fields of dreams Haunt her brow Crystallised indentations fold around her feet Making it difficult to walk straight and narrow pathways to her soul seem so far away She wants to float above it all Leaving the scars behind the locked door to serendipity Inner peace is the one thing she craves Dipped in white tranquility Watching herself float above the blood stained broken strips of grass In the colour of night Deep blue skies hold her whilst she exhales letting all the rancid air free from her soul In whiteness she drifts Above the fields of the deepest blue
Peace The Lord Is My Shepard; I Shall Not Want, He Meketh Me To Lie Down in Gree Pastures, He Leadeth Me Beside The Still Waters. He Restoreth Me In The Paths Of Righteousness For His Name's Sake. Yea, Though I Walk Through The Valley Of The Shadow Of Death, I Will Fear No Evil: For Thou Art With Me; Thy Rod And Thy Staff They Comfort Me. Thou Preparest A Table Before Me In The Presence Of Mine Enemines; Thou Anointest My Head With Oil; Muy Cup Runneth Over. Surely Goodness And Mercy Shall Follow Me All The Days Of My Life; And I Will Dwell In The House Of The Lord Forever.
Peace Plan
You gotta love Robin Williams......Even if he's nuts! Leave it to Robin Williams to come up with the perfect plan. What we need now is for our UN Ambassador to stand up and repeat this message. Robin Williams' plan...(Hard to argue with this logic!) "I see a lot of people yelling for peace but I have not heard of a plan for peace. So, here's one plan." 1) "The US will apologize to the world for our "interference" in their affairs, past & present. You know, Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Tojo, Noriega, Milosevic, Hussein, and the rest of those "good 'ole' boys", we will never "interfere" again. 2) We will withdraw our troops from all over the world, starting with Germany , South Korea, the Middle East, and the Philippines. They don't want us there. We would station troops at our borders. No one allowed sneaking through holes in the fence. 3) All illegal aliens have 90 days to get their affairs together and leave We'll give them a free trip home. After 90 days the remainder wi
Peace, Love And Trust.
A friend, "Victoria", recently crafted a poignant blog concerning the loss of faith and trust. I couldn't help but be moved to add my own dissertation as it moved me deeply and stirred-up long harboured but unexpressed beliefs. The loss of these valuable traits began when man desecrated the cycle of life created by the deities that a spirit may wax, wane, transition and be reincarnated in it's natural progression. We are now inundated by the unnatural extension of physical constraint to this world when karmic debts are paid, lessons are learned and yet the spirit is not allowed to move on. This, in turn, has created incresingly hostile and unnatural vibrations that contaminate the ethosphere the world over, propagating animosity and distorting the connection that we all maintain with the energies that are God and Goddess which is what binds us. The only thing that differentiates the initiated from the masses is realization. We have done nothing but use the same abilit
Lake Sangchris
Peace Prayer (repost)
Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace; where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is dipair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is madness, joy; Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled, as to console; to be understood, as to understand; to be loved, as to love; for it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. -St. Francis of Assisi
All is quiet and still. Take a big breath. Now let it out slow. Look at the glow. The sun's glow. As it dips below Below the horizon. Look at the colors, The hues of pink Blended with blue and yellow The sky is ablaze But all around is a deep quiet As though nature itself Is in awe of the beauty the beauty of the sunset And all around in this quiet Is a feeling of peace Fill your heart with this peace For soon it will end And reality will kick in As the last rays of the sun sink below the horizon nature resumes its hustle and bustle and you return to your busy life there to await the next sunset and the next moment of peace
Don't spoil it....just do it Pick a fruit and comment, then pass it on >>> >>>Which fruit will you pick if you were handed these: >>> >>>1. Orange >>> >>>2. Apple >>> >>>3. Banana >>> >>>4. Coconut >>> >>>5. Pineapple >>> >>>6. Papaya >>> >>>7. Mango >>> >>>8. Cherry >>> >>>9. Black Grapes >>> >>>10. Peach >>> >>>11. Custard Apple >>> >>>12. Pear >>> >>>What is your pick??? >>> (Pick before you scroll down ........... Do Not CHEAT!!! >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>ORANGE - If orange is your favorite fruit, it speaks of a person who has enduring patience and willpower. You like to do things slowly, but very thoroughly and are completely unda unted by hardwork. You tend to be shy, but are reliable and trustworthy friend. You have an aesthetic bent of mind. You select your partner with care and you love with all your heart, and not in for just a fling. You avoid conflict at all costs >>> >>> >>> >>>APPLE - If apple is your favorite fr
The Peach
A farmer goes to the patent office to patent a peach, and the patent officer says- "you can't patent a peach, the peach has already been patented!" And the farmer says, "Oh no. Not THIS kind of peach. Go ahead, try it!" So the patent officer takes a bite, and then- "oh, wow! This is so good! It tastes like- blackberry pie!" And the farmer says "Yeah, and Do you like vanilla ice cream? Well then you gotta flip it over & try the other side". So the patent officer does and he's like- "Man! that really does taste like vanilla ice cream! I can't believe it!" So then the farmer looks around a bit and lowers his voice almost to a whisper, and says: "Psst! Have you ever tasted pussy?" "Oh yeah, I've eaten plenty of pussy!" "And you like it, right?" "Yeah I LOVE the taste of pussy" says the patent officer, starting to get excited. The farmer says, "OK, then take a bite, right there" So the patent officer takes this HUGE bite, and then his eyes widen & he spits it out all over th
Ever drink Bud Light and Peachtree Schnapps together? It's fucking goooooddd!!! Hehe!! Made me think of this song!! Only wish I could've found a video for it or something!! LOL movin' to the country gonna eat a lot of peaches i'm movin' to the country i'm gonna eat me a lot of peaches i'm movin' to the country i'm gonna eat a lot of peaches movin' to the country i'm gonna eat a lot of peaches peaches come from a can they were put there by a man in a factory downtown if i had my little way i'd eat peaches everyday sun soakin bulges in the shade movin' to the country i'm gonna eat a lot of peaches movin' to the country i'm gonna eat a lot of peaches i'm movin to the country gonna eat a lot of peaches movin' to the country gonna eat a lot of peaches i took a little nap where the roots all twist squished a rotten peach in my fist and dreamed about you woman i poked my finger down inside makin' a little room for a ant to hide nature's candy in my hand or c
Peach Pie With Coconut
INGREDIENTS: * 2 eggs * 1/2 cup milk * 1/2 cup light corn syrup * 1/4 cup melted butter * 1/4 cup granulated sugar * 1 teaspoon vanilla * 1/2 cup self-rising flour * 1 1/3 cups shredded coconut (1 small can) * 2 1/2 cups chopped peaches, fresh, canned drained or frozen thawed * 1/2 cup chopped pecans * cinnamon PREPARATION: In large bowl beat eggs; add milk, corn syrup, butter, sugar, vanilla, and flour; blend well. Stir in coconut and peaches. Pour mixture into a greased and floured pie plate. Sprinkle with pecans then sprinkle generously with cinnamon. Bake at 350° for 40 to 50 minutes, or until a knife inserted in center comes out clean. Let the pie cool before cutting.
A Peace Of You
I am always wishing to be with you To feel how it is to be enclosed in your embrace I am always sighing how it cannot be For me to touch you and to even hold you But I am always happy to receive e-mails from you My smiles are up to heaven and my laugthers are all gay 'coz a little piece of you even thru letters would suffice...for now... for I know they come from you and only you...
Blistered, hated, unknown. I love it when I'm like this...
Peaceful Dreams...
Peaches Lipz
Your Pornstar Name is:Peaches Lipz Take this quiz at
Greetings and Salutations, Hello to all first and foremost, I am new to Cherry Tap and bewildered because like I said I am new to this. So please feel free drop me a comment and I will fire bac at yous. Thank Yous.
About this piece: I just couldn't resist it was just one of those perfect pictures
Peace Beyond Comprehension
Philippians 4:6-7 Once, after Dr. Stanley gave a sermon on peace, a woman came up to speak with him. She explained that her son had been in a terrible accident. Despite the fact that doctors had given him little chance of survival, he was slowly recovering. “What you said about peace passing our understanding is true,” the woman told Dr. Stanley. Even when her son was on the brink of death, her heart was certain the heavenly Father was near and in control. Paul wrote from a prison cell to remind believers that giving their concerns over to God would result in peace. Having a quiet spirit in a storm of trouble does not make any human sense. We are “supposed” to become anxious. It’s only natural. But our God is supernatural. He is living inside us in the form of the Holy Spirit, so we can remain peaceful. No matter what harsh circumstances may challenge our faith, peace that is grounded in Christ cannot be broken. With the Father’s all-powerful hand prote
Fire and Ice two things that live without each other like love and hate, peace and war or life and death. Everything completes each other, my second has yet to found. I have evil but hardly any good, I have war with myself but no peace, there is always mad hate with me but harly any love. My thoughts always make me seem to be very depressed and sad but i guess is to be true. I like the facts I'm around people that care about now. But I wish I knew what people really thought of me. Sometimes I think people are walking on eggshells around me trying not to start a fight with me. I wish could prove to myself that I could be a man of good and be sane. I can feel unstablness inside me. To worships the gods is not enough, to live through will never make anyone happy. To sit like a rock will just make you a rock so it is time for me not to be a rock but the wind instead. Ever changing and expanding see the world and put an impact there. Licitus at numquam concedere vita. Numquam Mortuus
People uniting Everyone helping America stands together Come together everyone Everything will get better
Peace Quotes
If we are peaceful, if we are happy, we can smile and blossom like a flower and everyone in our family and our entire society will benefit from our peace. It is not by going out for a demonstration against nuclear missiles that we can bring about peace. It is with our capacity of smiling, breathing and being peace that we can make peace. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize that at the center of the universe dwells the Great Spirit, and that this center is really everywhere, it is within each of us. ~ Black Elk Better than a thousand hollow words is one word that brings peace. ~ Buddha Every day the most important thing I do, is to make sure that there is a smile on the faces of my children. That is why I work so hard and that is what I live for. ~ Mr. Hung Phan All works of love are wo
Peace All Have Fun
A Peacock A peacock represents your sexual appetite. You like to look good to attract potential lovers and you are very preoccupied with sex – not that that is a bad thing. You are into fantasizing, and enjoy sex a lot. Take this quiz at
Peace is NOT a season it is a WAY of LIFE, and WE should NEVER FORGET that.
Peace To Friends
What shall I bestow upon a friend?? Laughter to sustain when sorrow may bring pain?, a bright song of life, a belief that winter ends in the glory of spring, and a prayer of hope for peace that will stay forever. Written By: Lea Palmer I thought it befitting my friends who know that they can count on me through and thin. Kim
You Are 83% Peaceful You are the epitome of inner peace and total calm. You are grounded, emotionally mature, and very wise. While no one's life is perfect, you have a great amount of perspective on the world - and you place in it. How Peaceful Are You?
The Peace begins with you. yourself and your appointed Task in life.or meaning. Everyone has a spirit that can be refined, A body that can be trained in some manner, A suitable path to follow. You are here for no other purpose Than to realize your inner divinity And manifest your innate enlightenment. Foster peace in your own life And then apply the Art to all that you encounter. bryan.aKa.the writer you can see more in my blogs on my page
Peace Of Mind
I wanted to feel, smell, hear and see, but not see with my eyes and my mind only. I wanted to see with CANTE ISTA-the eye of the heart." Why is it what some people seem to have peace of mind every day? How do some people remain so darn positive? How do you stay positive if you work or live in a negative environment? How is it that two people can observe the same difficult situation, but one person is upset about it, and other isn't? Two people experiencing the same situation react entirely different. If each morning we ask the Creator to allow us to see with His understanding and with His love, we will open a new way of "seeing". This eye of the heart is a free gift given to us if we ask for it in prayer each day. Grandfather, allow me to see the world and all things You have made through "the eye of my heart." I was always taught to make sure I did things from the heart. I turned my back and closed the eye for quite a few years and did not do as suggested by
Peace Of Heaven
There has got to be something better than this! You decieving .... I can't think, i can't sleep, i'm wasteing time. I've been so blind, i should of known better .... But, i thought you were the one, all i wanted was, trust, understanding and tender hands. I always thought that you would be kind but fate has done me wrong, for here we are, stuck together with no way out .... I've tried so hard to keep our dreams alive but do dreams really come true? Or do they come undone? I thought you were the sweetest gift a beacon in my life, but your light is not that strong, and this dark storm that threatens to drown me, I sail upon it constantly .... Was i put here on Earth just to be criticised? Never to complain, never to be asked what i like? Sometimes i think Man is still stone age! I wash, i clean, i cook, look after the kids even go out chopping wood and gathering sticks and all he can do is moan all day .... How about we reverse the roles, I'll sit back w
Peace Everyone
You Are 75% Peaceful You are a very peaceful person. All is good in your world, no matter what's going on. Occasionally you let your problems get to you, but you generally remain upbeat. Your inner strength is inspirational - much more so than you may realize. How Peaceful Are You?
There are people out there who don't understand how I could WANT to be alone. The answer to that comes in one simple word...PEACE. Peace to do whatever you want, whenever you want, peace from having to worry about offending someone, and most of all the peace that comes with knowing your heart can never be broken again. To me, love (of the romantic type) is nothing but one big cosmic joke from the gods. One to see how miserable one person can get, and I for one am tired of falling for it. Anyway, enough of my ranting for one night. PEACE!!!
Peace For This Day Pt 3
Well you can imagine with Part 1 & 2 running through my mind. I was feeling quite rough and doubting my faith for a moment and knowing good and well I can't be doing that. Matter of fact I was a Church service last night and the Pastor there gave us one of her newsletters. Guess what the first page I turned to "YOU SAY ......... BUT GOD SAYS !!!" Here I was feeling unloved and she had this passage saying that " YOU SAY THAT NOBODY REALLY LOVES ME" GOD SAYS .... I LOVE YOU. JOHN 3:16 & 13:34 She had a whole page of passages that made me feel a little bit better as i read each one. So i decided to share these thoughts with you guys today. I am really tired now i have been at choir rehearsal for 3 hours with a bunch of teenagers , then i had to come home and fix dinner, feed my mom and my son, plus now i have to wash the dishes my sister couldn't wash it was just too much for her. I wish everyone peace for the rest of this day.
Peace Video
provided by VIXYN OF CT to help me spread the word of peace!! Free Video Hosting
[ [ peace.. ] ] worlds crumble. bombs drop. mushroom clouds arise. peace not found. little children frown. we are bound. WAR. with eachother. wither our selfs. what can be found? no truth, not justice. so let the money flow. we can all grow!
Peace Or War? Repost
Peace Upon Deliverence
Night whispers scream within the night of miles that stretched forth its hand before to me. I see you in the distance wondering in the majestic sunset under the moon, that looks down upon this lonely lost soul screaming from within the prison locked down by the chains of despair, reaching out to the pure soul sitting upon the throne. my love I yearn for your touch the purest of life for my dark soul piercing the light. can the light ever kiss the darkness and can the darkness lick the light? With you the visions I see haunt my soul with the truth. Convicted..... Set this captive free from the bondage of his own mortality and wonders when the day will come when I am face to face with you before your presence. I long for the day that the distance between us is no longer and we are togethor as the stars are yet to be numbered. Embrace me with sovernty of this life as it is hushed with the gasp of lifes breath for will I ever live to die again, another day the ministers come to me wh
Peace Movement, War.
Recently, I have viewed many candle lighting ceremonies being performed. I did not participate in these ceremonious affairs largely due to the fact that I refuse to light a candle for peace. This is why. Lighting a candle for peace is showing your support for an Anti-War Movement. I do not support the anti-war movement, I support war. I support going to other countries to kill the enemy, and I support our nation doing what they need to do to keep us safe here within our home front. Does this entail murdering and maiming people? Yes it does, does this entail innocent people getting caught in the crossfire? Yes it does. I know my stance is harsh, but it’s called reality. We can not live as a peaceful nation without war, hence why any Anti-War Movement is just ridiculous in my eyes. Do I not admire the fantasy of world peace? I do, but guess what? It's never going to happen. I still to this day support the war, the troops and I still agree with going into Iraq. The popular thing to do
people say you can't have peace you have to fight for it you can find peace in alot of things you don't always have to fight for it you can find peace in the air on the streets in your home peace can be found in alot of places just look you will find peace you can't always need to fight for peace by Melissa Dumler
Peace From The Quantum Level - David Lynch & John Hagelin
I did some more digging and here for you more of Dr. John Hagelin Dr. Hagelin’s “Creating Peace” talk from the Miami “Prophets Conference” series (June 4, 2005) Click on link to see directly or to download: right click "save target as" Play all (90 min.) 1. Discovery of the Unified Field 2. What is Consciousness? 3. Experience the Unified Field 4. The Unified Field is Consciousness 5. Human Potential is Unlimited 6. Global Citizenship 7. Consciousness-ba
i feel at peace right now. Unsure of things I want to happen, but I feel pretty at peace with myself. I might even dare to say happy. I have so many new people in my life to thank for that. Especially since all this shit went down, i found out who some of the true people in my life are. And ya know what, it was a pleasent suprise. I just hope the good things keep coming because I am lovin it right now. I cannot wait for easter! I love seeing my crazy as fuck family. but what's even better is ONE WEEK TIL MY BIRTHDAY!!!! WOOOO! All I have to say is, you better get me something good! (Those of you I'm talking to, you know what I want =P ) Oh well, im gonna lay down for a nap now.
Peace In The Kingdom Returns
well all has been fixed and my queen and goddess remains by my side for our love will always remain no one can change that
Peace With Rachel Finally!
So I'm finally healthy. I spent a few weeks being crazy, not thinking about my family or my kids. I did what I wanted and did not care what others thought. I hurt a few people, I took things and people for granted. I was not myself, or maybe I was. So here I am about 15 days away from living with my parents. Actually happy about it. I've packed I've traveled, I've found people who get me. Who expect me to be me, and are ok with me being a consistant parent. My kids are my life, and I'm finally seeing how me being a nice, hands on mommy is working in my favor. I love my life finally at 27! It is important to give myself weekly checks to make sure I am doing the right things. I need to find a new job one that pays better, I need to go back to college, I need to save up as much money as I can. I need to be a good daughter, sister, and above all else a wonderful mother. Yes eventually I will be in a relationship, hopefully he will understand my kids come first. I enjoy the t
Peace & Strength
Peace to the world and strength to us all to want peace and a cleaner, safer world. Bless you all.
A Peach Of A Site
Truthfully, I don't know why but I am getting more and more pissed off at Shrubya and Company today.  Therefore, I am trying to make sure people know about  People who feel that Shrubya deserves impeachment can go to the DIY Impeachment Process here, while those who think he walks on water (or at least oil) can go to the reasons for impeachment here.tag: impeachment, shrubya, bush, president, antibush -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-Ave Satanas!Join me at
1-2-3 Peach Cobbler
Ingredients 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, ground 1 tablespoon vanilla extract 2 tablespoon cornstarch 1 cup(s) peach nectar or apricot nectar 1/4 cup(s) pineapple juice, unsweetened 32 ounce(s) peaches, canned in juice 1 tablespoon margarine 1 cup(s) biscuit mix 2/3 cup(s) flour, all-purpose 1/2 cup(s) sugar 2/3 cup(s) milk, fat-free evaporated 1 tablespoon sugar, brown Preparation 1. Combine cinnamon, vanilla, cornstarch, peach nectar, and pineapple or peach juice in saucepan over medium heat. Stir constantly until mixture thickens and bubbles. 2. Add sliced peaches to mixture. 3. Reduce heat and simmer for five to 10 minutes. 4. In another saucepan, melt margarine and set aside. 5. Lightly spray 8-square-inch glass dish with cooking spray. Pour hot peach mixture into dish. 6. In another bowl, combine pancake mix, flour, sugar, and melted margarine. Stir in milk. Quickly spoon this over peach mixture. 7. Co
Peace Of Mind
Ooooo oooooo Peace of mind, Peace of mind [chorus] We want peace whoa We want a peace of mind It's times like this I wanna leave the world behind We want peace whoa We want a peace of mind I wanna take a little piece of my herb and get this whole world high. [Richter] Some body please explain Cause all we want is to be treated the same Just live in peace with peace of mind Enjoy the earth, this life and my kind (my kind) Right now it's time to celabrate Relax, Kick back put your feet up forget to hate. [chorus] [Daddy X] Is it me or has this world gone crazy Last chance, Last dance force maybe Bombs are droppin body's poppin like the last days Now I finally understand how crime pays Its the plan that's designed through corruption Total domination, mass destruction Or mass distraction you do the math When 1+1 don't equal 3 no It's like a sickness that they don't want the cure for Apocalyptic and only been sured for It's like we're doomed and were head
Peace & Quiet Finally
I just feel like sitting here and writing for a few. I guess I'll just explain what is going on with me right now. I'm so happy. My boyfriend is getting his own place on Saturday and he wants me to come and be with him. Finally, we are going to have some peace and quiet to where we can devote our time to each other to see how things are going to work out. So, he's going to be busy with moving this weekend. My Best Friend Linda in Eugene asked me to come down and go to Cinco De Mayo with her, so I think I'm going to go. I haven't seen her for a few months and am looking forward to going and visiting with her. She has helped me through an awful lot of SHIT in my life, along with my Golden Best Friend Chris and my Sisters/Cousins that I currently live with. I am so ready to settle down--once again--and get my life back in order. I'm so happy to be up here with my family, and am glad to be here. I only work part-time right now and that is so exhausting for me. My job really
A Peaceful Mind !
A peaceful mind There is enormous power in peace. Seek to let your mind be filled with peace, and your life will benefit greatly. Worry wastes your precious time, resentment destroys your effectiveness and anxiety drains your energy. A peaceful mind, on the other hand, puts you firmly in control and out of the reach of the world's negative distractions. Peace comes easily and naturally when you stop fighting against what is. Accept the reality of this moment, let go of the need to need, and experience the peace that is already here. Peace is what you find when you let go of everything else. Peace requires no real effort other than the realization that you already have it. Beneath the noise, beneath the chatter, there is beauty, and there is peace. Visualize your concerns as moving quickly away from you, until they disappear into nothingness. Empty your mind of the stressful thoughts, and peace will fill the space left behind. Be at peace, and every thought, ev
I wrote this earlier today when I was feeling depressed. I hope if you feel the same way you will be up the one lifted by what it says. Lord you are the one I love, You are the one I worship. You have set the path of my life, Even though I can not see what is ahead, And wonder about some of what I have come through, I take comfort in knowing, You know the plan you have for me. Though sometimes I worry about the road ahead, And wonder if I will make it through, I know that your will be done not mine, And even when I don't understand why, You have given me what you have. I take joy in knowing one day, All life's struggles and pain will someday cease, And I will live forever in Your perfect peace. Amen
A Peaceful Mind
There is enormous power in peace. Seek to let your mind be filled with peace, and your life will benefit greatly. Worry wastes your precious time, resentment destroys your effectiveness and anxiety drains your energy. A peaceful mind, on the other hand, puts you firmly in control and out of the reach of the world's negative distractions. Peace comes easily and naturally when you stop fighting against what is. Accept the reality of this moment, let go of the need to need, and experience the peace that is already here. Peace is what you find when you let go of everything else. Peace requires no real effort other than the realization that you already have it. Beneath the noise, beneath the chatter, there is beauty, and there is peace. Visualize your concerns as moving quickly away from you, until they disappear into nothingness. Empty your mind of the stressful thoughts, and peace will fill the space left behind. Be at peace, and every thought, every action, every moment wi
"Peace is when You know that God Is holding your hand Every step of the way."
~~peace Through Superior Firepower~~
~~The most effective defense is the good offense~~
Peaches Performing Fuck The Pain Away @ Irving Plaza
Peaches - I'm The Kinda
Have you had cold showers of pain My friend, you've stood in my rain Deathly feeling of loneliness No need to feel shameless I've been there before Not wanting to feel any more Your heart has been broken in half Mind still living in the past Cold dark thoughts of suicide Why don't I do it tonight Don't worry it will go away Learn to love another day Put it in the back of mind Let it rest and you will find Dark clouds begin to part New love will mend the heart Thoughts of suicide disappear Self- esteem will reappear One day you'll be able to say My friend you've stood in my rain © Andi 2007
Peace Train
Peace Of Mind--boston
I'm in such a quietly peaceful mood. I've no idea why but I'm totally chill right now. Its. . . nice
Peace And Quiet
Peace and Quiet You bring me peace and quiet simplicity of the moments we talk the gentle, soft whisper of your voice taking me into a place of solace Since knowing you no shadow near or far has dared to reach my heart for it is in the palms of your beautiful hands hidden from view from the harshness of the world I can't imagine what more wonders will I experience when finally we fall into each others' arms I will finally touch the face of peaceful dreams and know tranquility embodied in angelic form, at long last Justice will be served, avenging our loneliness the bitter past will be swept away, the slate all clear I will know peace and quiet in your embrace and you will know my love is yours for All Time. - RRS 2/11/2006
Peaceful Harvest
Lord, when I try to make peace with other's in my world, I often think of the blessing's of not having arguments, problems, and unresolved issues. I can'y say I really look at the big picture, when just having the immediate blessing seems so good. But You promise me that as I make peace with, family, and co-workers, I will reap something else--goodness. I'm thankful that Your blessings are not small ones. As I obey You for the little things, You often give me an extra, even better blessing. Thank You for Your generosity. With this second harvest I want to do good for others, as well as myself.
Peaceful Harvest
Lord, when I try to make peace with other's in my world, I often think of the blessing's of not having arguments, problems, and unresolved issues. I can'y say I really look at the big picture, when just having the immediate blessing seems so good. But You promise me that as I make peace with, family, and co-workers, I will reap something else--goodness. I'm thankful that Your blessings are not small ones. As I obey You for the little things, You often give me an extra, even better blessing. Thank You for Your generosity. With this second harvest I want to do good for others, as well as myself.
Peaceful Harvest
Lord, when I try to make peace with other's in my world, I often think of the blessing's of not having arguments, problems, and unresolved issues. I can'y say I really look at the big picture, when just having the immediate blessing seems so good. But You promise me that as I make peace with, family, and co-workers, I will reap something else--goodness. I'm thankful that Your blessings are not small ones. As I obey You for the little things, You often give me an extra, even better blessing. Thank You for Your generosity. With this second harvest I want to do good for others, as well as myself.
Peachesdoubledz Is A Liar
The problem is people think peace is boring we have lost our imagi- nations. We have forgotten the fluidity of peace how it is like all the muscles rippling to lift the dancer’s leg, how it is the slow rhythm of tidal rivers how it is clouds forming and dispersing how it is a flock of birds turning as one in evening sky how it is food laid out on a round table and honest struggle between lovers and friends how it pulses in our blood how it sings in our ears how the death of each tiny thing is held secure in its arms with the life. We have forgotten how boring it is to kill each other how predictable. There is much more suspense in peace
Peace Often we look at the outside world and find it in a state of seeming chaos or disorder. We feel compelled to transform the situation from one of turmoil into one of peace, yet we are often disappointed in our best attempts to do so. One reason for this is that we cannot bring to the world what we do not have to offer. Peace starts in our own minds and hearts, not outside of ourselves, and until its roots are firmly entrenched in our own selves, we cannot manifest it externally. Once we have found it within, we can share it with our family, our community, and the whole wide world. Some of us may already be doing just that, but for most of us, the first step is looking within and honestly evaluating the state of our own relationship to peacefulness. Interestingly, people who manifest peace internally are not different from us; they have chattering thoughts and troubled emotions like we all do. The difference is that they do not lend their energy to them, so those thoughts a
Peace May Protect Us
Friday, June 29, 2007 peace may proect us the divine bestowed of peace may protect us from the evil & destructive forces as he has the capability to do so with his sharp & penetrating arrows. thanks mahesh sharma
Walking for hours down the lonely streatch of beach looking and pondering the meaning of life. MY LIFE. He came to me one day, walking out of the darkness like a specter, whe he talked I didnt understand, he said many things to me that sounded like gibberish, ramblings of a man that has been out for way to long, he came, and after talking to him for hours I began to realize somethings, we all carry our burdens, some we have carried for many years, some for only a short while, we tell everybody you just dont understand, I told him that, he didnt understand what I have been through, but he didnt have to understand, he didnt even need to know the details, he told me that the burdens we all carry, are ours, and nobody else's and only we can put those demons to rest. We continued to talk for hours, me gaining more and more insight, him never really saying anything of importance, except I am here for you, I always have been, now it is your turn, to lay your burdens down or carry them,
"peace Of Mind"
"PEACE OF MIND" Carry me out the ocean, where my drifting thoughts flow free. Guide them to a far distant land, that only the mind can see. There I shall paint a great portrait, of what this world should be. A place without senseless wars, and human poverty.
The Peace Of Wild Things
THE PEACE OF WILD THINGS... when despair for the world grows in me and i wake in the night at the least sound in fear of what my life and my childrens lives may be, i go and lie down where the wood drake rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds. I come into the peace of wild things who do not tax their lives wth the forethought of grief. i come into the presence of still water. and feel above me the day-blind stars waiting with their light. for a time i rest in the grace of the world,,,and am free......
Peaceful And Calm
You can choose to be annoyed by just about everything. But why would you wish to be annoyed by anything? As easily as you can choose to be annoyed, you can choose to be peaceful, patient and understanding. Instead of putting your energy into being annoyed, you can put it into more valuable and productive pursuits. Would you like to make yourself into a victim, or would you prefer to be firmly in control of your life? Peaceful patience, tolerance and acceptance will keep you in control. If there is a situation that needs to be changed, take action to make that change happen. Don't waste your time with being annoyed. The next time you encounter a situation that would normally annoy you, stop and remember that you have another choice. Instead of letting outside events control your attitude, choose to control it yourself. Being annoyed is a waste of your life. Be peaceful, calm and powerful instead. -- Ralph Marston
If war is not the answer, then what is? The practical instruments of peace negotiation, aid, and development assistance, the psychological instrument of respect for human dignity and equality, and the political instruments of human, juridical, and civil rights provide a more effective, just, and moral answer. History tells us that nonviolent social movements have played a key role in bringing about significant social change. Around the world, nonviolent movements have fostered democracy, struggled for freedom, taken action for justice, protected the earth, and toiled for the survival and dignity of human beings everywhere. In the United States, many specific changes in public policy — women’s suffrage, the eight hour work day, steps to curb racial segregation, environmental safeguards, stopping the Vietnam War, limiting nuclear testing, creating the American Disabilities Act, winning labor contracts for the migrant poor through the United Farm Workers, and many others — were t
Peace And Serenity
Peace Of Mind
Just arived home from court for the restraining order i filed for judge granted it but this ass sat there saying ( the guy who jumped me ) that he was raised better than to touch a woman...the judge didnt want to see the pics but i think he knew the score cause not only is the guy not alllowed ANY where near me or my home if ANY thing happens to me or my things he will serve 6 months in jail also he was ordered within 6 months to pay me back my court costhe thinks he just got out of paying lol....the judge also told me ( on the side on the sly ) to throw everything thay have here out NOT to sell it or try to keep anything since it has been over 60 days getting close to 90..< evil smile > hope the guy can find his bike i just gave away that will be said it was dug out the trash LMAO i may be out over $5000.00 but this ass has NOTHING but his clothes he took backs are a bitch lol
Peace Be To Whom Ever Reads This!!!
yo check my beats if you like d&b goto myspace page...!
Peace Of Mind
Have you had cold showers of pain My friend, you've stood in my rain Deathly feeling of loneliness No need to feel shameless I've been there before Not wanting to feel any more Your hearts been broken in half Mind still living in the past Cold dark thoughts of suicide Why don't I do it tonight Don't worry it will go away Learn to love another day Put it in the back of mind Let it rest and you will find Dark clouds begin to part New love will mend the heart Thoughts of suicide disappear Self- esteem will reappear One day you'll be able to say My friend you've stood in my rain
Peace In Mind
Peace In Mind… To which i dub thee....we find inside, our greatest harmony. And yet, there seems a glitch, some darkend evil called my bitch.. No woman but, just as strong, it kills me while i sind my song.. Drunken state, i mumble on....but check your i wrong????? Dizzy D
Peacock Loving
An old man was sitting on a bench at the mall. A young man walked up to the bench and sat down. He had spiked hair in all different colors:green, red, orange, blue, and yellow. The old man just stared. Every time the young man looked, the old man was staring. The young man finally said sarcastically, "What's the matter old timer, never done anything wild in your life?" Without batting an eye, the old man replied, "Got drunk once and had sex with a peacock. I was just wondering if you were my son."
Peace Through Superior Firepower!
I am Patriotic in a way that I don't expect some of you to get, and if you don't, then that's okay. You see, I am third generation in the United States. My family hails from Portugal and My grandfather is our first blood born on American soil. My Grandfather served in World War II My Father served in Viet Nam I served in Desert Storm My Oldest brother served in Desert Storm Also. And my youngest brother shall be honoring his country soon. I have SERIOUS issues with Bleeding heart liberals. I have SERIOUS issues with tree huggers and daisy chain makers. These are the Assholes that run and hide behind those who have an M-16 or an SAW when conflict arises, but at their first opportunity, they will hand make a sign out of Poster paint and cardboard that reads "3,215 Dead! Are you happy yet?" When I see these assholes on the street holding their signs, I prompty give them "the" finger and say "Are you a Bleeding Heart Liberal by choice or by DNA?" I hate those fuckin
Peace With Inches Speech
This is one of the most amazing speeches I have ever heard... if you really pay attention.
"May there be peace when we meet." The Elders tell us the greatest gift we can seek is peace of mind, to walk in balance, to respect all things. For us to do this, we must have peace within ourselves and peace within ourselves cannot come unless we are walking the path the Creator would have us walk. Sometimes the tests on this path are difficult, but we know that each test makes us stronger. Oh Great Spirit, I ask You to whisper Your wisdom in my heart. You are the only one who knows the secret to peaceful living and the mystery of harmony. Teach me of Your peace, understanding and balance and guide me onto your good path. "Balance is a necessity in our lives not a convince". In order to grow in good ways we must seek balance, Life is somewhat harder without it. The tests that come forth give us a chance to see just how much balance we actually have in our lives. Are we willing to seek a better path to walk or do we want to stagnate and not grow? Do I want balance in my
Omg i feel so love. Then again i feel so lost. I dont know what to feeel. So im gonna cry
Peace Angels
Sun shines, Birds sing,Garden Angel's flowers bring. Sweet Angel of Peace On earth she is found Touching your heart With love that abounds Heart that is peaceful Her sweetest bouquet Bringing you comfort In softness today Call on her daily When you are alone Heart there to greet you With love you now own Gentleness enters With sweet gentle prayer Angel of Peace Her heart we must wear Seeking her beauty It comes from within Touched by her softness The love now begin Dove sent from heaven To fly on the earth Touched by her heart now Her peace gives rebirth.
A Texas rancher was selling his peaches door to door. He knocked on a door and a shapely 40 something lady dressed in a very sheer negligee answered the knock. He raised his basket to show her his peaches and asked her," Would you like to buy some peaches? "She pulled her negligee to one side and asked, "Are they as firm as this? "He nodded his head and said, "Yes ma'am," and a little tear ran down from his eye. Then she pulled the other side of her negligee off and asked ..."Are they nice and pink like these?" The farmer said,"Yes," and another tear came from the other eye. Then the lady unbuttoned the bottom of her negligee and asked,"are they as fuzzy as this?" He again said ."Yes ," and broke down crying. The lady asked," Why on earth are you crying?" Drying his eyes he replied."The drought got my corn, the flood got my soy beans, a tornado leveled my barn, and now I'm gonna get screwed out of my peaches."
Peace Of Mind
“You can have peace of mind only if you forgive rather than judge.”
I just want all my friends and family that the time has come for to sign off of Fubar. I really want to thank all those who showed me lots of luv and support. For all the haters kiss my ass lol. If u want to still holla at me u can hit me up at kasanice4 on yahoo IM. If not I guess i see ya around sumday. I have met sum good ppl along the way and u will always hold a special place in my heart u know who i am talkin bout. Yall take care of urself and be easy. PARTY LIKE A ROCK STAR FUCK LIKE A PORN STAR AND SHOP LIKE AN ALL STAR
Peace One Day
What would the world be like if for just one day we had a complete ceasefire and no violence? A day of peace. At first thought, it sounds downright impossible. But this is the vision of British filmmaker Jeremy Gilley, who directed a film called Peace One Day to record his journey to establish an annual global day of peace. I learned from this documentary that in 1981 the United Nations established the UN International Day of Peace, which originally fell on the third Tuesday of September. Jeremy’s vision includes not only having this day commemorated by the UN on a fixed calendar date, but that it be a day of action, where people unite globally to hold their governments accountable with a day of ceasefire and nonviolence. A day of peace not only sends a clear message to the world that peace is possible, but more important in the short-term, it allows access to sensitive war-torn areas for delivery of humanitarian and medical aid. Over a three-year period, Jeremy tirelessly met wi
Peace Takes Work
PEACE TAKES WORK Making peace, I have found, is much harder than making war. ~ Gerry Adams "Peace is not a matter of prizes or trophies. It is not the product of a victory or command. It has no finishing line, no final deadline, no fixed definition of achievement." ~ Oscar Arias Sanchez Peace is a never-ending process, the work of many decisions by many people in many countries. It is an attitude, a way of life, a way of solving problems and resolving conflicts. It cannot be forced on the smallest nation or enforced by the largest. It cannot ignore our differences or overlook our common interests. It requires us to work and live together. ~ Oscar Arias Sanchez It would be naïve to think that peace and justice can be achieved easily. No set of rules or study of history will automatically resolve the problems … However; with faith and perseverance … complex problems in the past have been resolved in our search for justice and peace. ~ Jimmy Carter It is easie
Peace Within
The Frog Does Not Drink Up The Pond In Which He Lives. There Can Never Be Peace Between Nations, Until It Is First Known That True Peace Is Within The Souls Of Men. We Will Be Known Forever By The Tracks We Leave.
Peace With Inches
This is one of the most amazing speeches I have ever heard... if you really pay attention.
Peace Groups Challenge Congress To End The War
----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: nierika Date: 06 Sep 2007, 11:02 Peace Groups Challenge Congress to End the War On Sept. 5, 2007, at noon, on the West side of the U.S. Capitol, representatives of various Peace Groups challenged the U.S. Congress to end the Iraq War. The activists held a public signing of letters seeking a meeting, and a dialogue, with Congressional leaders. The Peace Groups want Congress "to cut off funding for the war in Iraq and to safely and swiftly bring the U.S. troops home."The National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance (NCNR) coordinated today's event. Participating were activists from Code Pink, Declaration of Peace, Democracy Rising, Dorothy Day Catholic Worker, Gold Star Families for Peace, Jonah House, Peace Action, Veterans for Peace, Voices for Creative Nonviolence, Voters for Peace and the Washington Peace Center. Check out the Declaration of Peace's web site at: for informatio
Peace Of Mind
Affirmation: My mind is now peaceful, and I know that all of my needs are automatically taken care of. I can rest easily, assured that all is well. I need to make peace my highest priority. Commit to taking the steps to ensure my peace of mind and take them without delay. I need to meditate more and be more forgiving. This affirmation may be a little difficult... A dear friend and I are not speaking because of my attitude towards his best friend. She never should have said what she did and he should have stopped it if they are truly "just friends" She makes me feel that I'm not good enough to be friends with anyone on this site especially him. Ya know he's my friend too and I should be able to speak to him, to feel comfortable speaking to him so forgivness...thats a mighty big word and I'm not sure I can.
Peace 9/11/07
Angels of high unite Let there be peace in the world tonight Take away our fears, Wipe away our tears, Take away our anger and pain. Our hearts are heavy, Embrace us, give us hope Replace hatred with love, Sorrow with memories of joy, Let our hearts be light Angels of high unite Bring peace to us tonight.
Peace At Heart
Great tranquility of heart is his who cares for neither praise nor blame. - Thomas a Kempis
Peach Comments To Bomb With
update...go to the right side of the page some where there is a place to make these..its called glitter txt maker or something like that....what i do is copy and past codes of the ones i make and paste to notepad and keep on my own you have them handy for can make what ever you like and in your style...have fun with it...
Peaches And Cream-112
Now, God be thanked Who has matched us with His hour, And caught our youth, and wakened us from sleeping, With hand made sure, clear eye, and sharpened power, To turn, as swimmers into cleanness leaping, Glad from a world grown old and cold and weary, Leave the sick hearts that honour could not move, And half-men, and their dirty songs and dreary, And all the little emptiness of love! Oh! we, who have known shame, we have found release there, Where there's no ill, no grief, but sleep has mending, Naught broken save this body, lost but breath; Nothing to shake the laughing heart's long peace there But only agony, and that has ending; And the worst friend and enemy is but Death.
oh im sorry...were you under the impression something important would be typed here? i'd say im sorry to disappoint you...but im not. out of safety and peace of mind its safer to retreat to the private place. cuz im me...and if i have a choice...between prying eyes and non prying eyes? well gee...which one do you think i'll pick? ciao.
Peaceful Warrior
"If there is such a thing as a Peaceful Warrior, it is someone who acts assertively when necessary without sacrificing their center. This is the puzzle: how to stay sweet and open, to not lose my vulnerability, while still being forceful when it's most needed." Taken from an article from Sage Woman.
In Jerusalem, a female CNN journalist heard about a very old Jewish man who had been going to the Western Wall to pray, twice a day, everyday, for a long, long time. So she went to check it out. She went to the Western Wall and there he was! She watched him pray and after about 45 minutes, when he turned to leave, she approached him for an interview. "I'm Rebecca Smith from CNN. Sir, how long have you been coming to the Western Wall and praying?" "For about 60 years," said the praying man. "60 years! That's amazing! What do you pray for?" says Rebecca. "I pray for peace between the Christians, Jews and the Muslims. I pray for all the hatred to stop and I pray for all our children to grow up in safety and friendship." "How do you feel after doing this for 60 years?" The praying man says, "Like I'm talking to a fuckin' wall,"
The only time that I'm at peace is when I'm close to one!
Peaceful Bliss
peaceful bliss a breath of air a stary night with heavy breathing two become onefor hours on end tosing and turning sweat dripping the moaning and screaming soon comes to an end one become two out of breath eyes close sleep sets in snuggled together in peaceful bliss ~me~
KNOWING PEACE AFTER TRIAL Families I see happy where kids, live happily with both parents. Sometimes make me cry. Even though I know my parents are just being happy being friends. They're day when I wished, I had our family back the way it was. The nights I was alone I look at pictures of us all together wished for those times again. When I could wake up seeing both my parents Christmas morning. Holiday were hard for me to deal with, epically those days. Some nights were tough for me, once in awhile I would pray and hope, to have my family back again. They're times I wished everything was back to the way it was. I know now that God have good plans for me. Realizing the more time I spend with God the emptiness slowly fades away. The pain and hurt has vanished God is filling my heart and soul with peace. Feeling joy deep inside my soul. Knowing that both my parents love me.
with all the anti morman propoganda out there i guess I can understand the views out there, but the thing is the lds church has never come out with anything negative against anyone they have never picketted anyone and they have never killed because of ignorance. Why are we so hated can't you focus on the kkk or white sepremicists (sp) ? why is there so much hate towards a group that focuses on family, equality, and the phrases like love one another and choose the right? ok ok lutherans and non cristians have missionaries too... and yes they denied blacks moving up in the church in the past, but not anymore. An african american can be anything in the church now. Almost every church had downfalls in the beginning also the lds church was in the usa so giving blacks higher powers would draw even more attention to an already persecuted group... but its not my job to preach to you only to defend what i believe in. and christians are the people who killed us so you can kill us and stand outs
Peaches N Cream Bath Salts
Peaches & Cream Bath Salts in a Jar Guest Author - Susan Materials and Supplies for Peaches and Cream Bath Salts: 12 tall jelly (12-ounce) canning jars with lid and rings 2 4-pound cartons Epsom Salts (approximately 16 cups) 4 pounds sea salt or Kosher salt (approximately 6 cups) 1/2 teaspoon glycerin, divided 12 to 15 drops peach essential oil 12 to 15 drops orange food color 2 pieces cardstock (for tags) Instructions: Wash, rinse and dry canning jars. Empty one carton Epsom Salts into large mixing bowl or batter bowl. Add 3 cups sea salt, stir well. Stir in 1/4 teaspoon glycerin and 6 to 8 drops essential oil. Mix well. In second large mixing bowl, empty one carton Epsom Salts, and add 3 cups sea salt. Stir well. Add 1/4 teaspoon glycerin, 6 to 8 drops essential oil, and food color. Stir until completely blended. Color should be even.
Peach Loves You!!!
Peace Within!!
I recently made the decision to end a relationship after a year and a half. Before the final decision was made, I tortured myself over it. I knew what choice was best for me and my happiness, but it was the worst for his. How was I going to look him in the face and tell him my decision was to carry on without him and watch his face turn to such sorrow? I do truly believe that he loved me in his own way It just was not the love I needed in my life I am the type of person that it kills me to hurt someone else in any way. I fought back and forth on the pros and cons, and the cons were always out weighing the pros. But I still was finding some reason to put off the inevitable. For weeks I was in agony trying to make sure this was the best decision. I already knew deep down, I just had to face the facts. You see, over time I had slowly let this person take away the things that I enjoyed, slowly I was letting him kill a part of me. I can not blame anyone but myself. To have been blind to
peace in your arms a multitude of sins washed away by your kisses your the one I need when my heart begins to bleed I find peace in your arms
Peace Of Mind...
That's all I want and need right now...I am so tired of having mixed emotions...Been like this for months now...Have you ever experienced that before?!?!...Or am I the only one?!?!...Is it the norm to feel this way after so many disasterous relationships?!?!...­­­ ­ Do you ever just want to disappear for a while, run away from everyone and everything?!?!...Not­­ tell anyone where you are going...Just want to be left alone?!?!... I Do! Do you have a secret place that only you know off and run to whenever you feel like your world is falling apart...whenever you feel like no one cares... I Do! Do you ever get tired of being told that only time will tell?!?!...Do you believe that absence makes the heart grow fonder and do you believe that it also can make you physically sick?...I Do! See this picture below this entry?!?!...I wish I was there right now...all by myself...When I first saw this picture I thought," Wouldn't it be great to have a place of solitude like this, where
Peace Begins In The Home And In The Heart
Peace is not something you fight for With bombs and missles that kill, Nor can it be won in a "battle of words" Man fashions by scheming and skill... For men who are greedy and warlike, Whose avarice for power cannot cease, can never contribute in helping To bring this world nearer to peace... For in seeking PEACE for ALL PEOPLE There is only one place to begin And that is in each HOME and HEART- For the FORTRESS of PEACE is WITHIN! Written By: Helen Steiner Rice
Peace Be With You
Peace, Man-- My Religion
I'm Brittiny. I'm only 19, yet some describe me as "19 going on 2 going on 21." I can be the biggest kid in the world, but I'm still more mature then many my age. I've seen many things that are wrong in this world, and I've also seen many good things in this world. I cannot truly say one way or another whether the world we live in is either good or bad, yet I can say that everyday I see more and more things that need fixing. Since the age of 13, after denouncing my involvement in the "religion" of Jehovah's Witnesses, I was an atheist. As I continued to grow, I saw more things that grabbed my attention, and I changed religions constantly. I'm pretty sure that my family quickly grew irritated with me, despite the fact that each time I could voice my reasons quite well. Soon after, I was agnostic, the hopeful side of me not sure if their was a "God" out there. That was the shortest religion ever. I think that lasted maybe a school year, before I decided that their was no "God" and th
Peace And Love
Hello to all my friends and family members, I wish everybody peace and love for the Holidays and all year. Lets continue to show each other the love we suppose to show.
Peace In Spiritual Death Pt 1
Vapors eminate from the soils of lost souls Intoxicating vibrance of decaying flesh Bones shiver in the cold and moonlight I can hear them sob on the breeze Despair is never-ending, above or beneath Pressure and weight crushing the air out of me Is the damp, desolate soil weighing down upon my corpse? Do the deceased suffer less? Do the tears still fall, but instead give life To the soil and nature above? Will anything shine through this dense freezing cover that is my existance? Answers are like words, what are the use? When my mind hears nothing but ferocious screams Tearing apart what sanity remains Leaving a hollow mask of flesh With eyes that stare out from pitch black corners of your mind
Peacemaker Project Worldwide Movement
WE NEED YOUR FEED BACK AND COMMENTS!!! THIS BEGINS HERE IN NASHVILLE, TN, BUT ITS A WORLD MOVEMENT SIGN OUR GLOBAL MAP AND LET THE WORLD KNOW YOU ARE A PEACEMAKER Http:// embed> It's time for a change. We've pledged to protect and serve our communities. The rise in violent crime in Nashville, Davidson County among the youth/young adult population has increase the need for a more responsible response from those who wish to bring about a change in the lives of our children as well as the community. The Peace Makers are an organization of individuals who have been involved in crime, drugs and the criminal justice system. We are men and women who believe that the culture of violence and sexism that is perpetuated in the music that our youth/young adults listen to play a major role in how these youth think and behave. The violence in this city has touched each one of us personally. We've all lost someone we care about. And if
Peaceful Pagan
Peaceful Pagan I'm a peaceful person, all I do is worship the earth. I'm the same as the person next to me, I don't look any different, I have a job, pay taxes and keep a roof over my head. So why do you still think I will do you harm? Just because you and I have different beliefs does not make me a bad person. If we go through life believing all the bad things we hear, crushing people with different beliefs than ours, then society will have a lot to answer for. I am not evil. I do not worship Satan. My beliefs are nothing like any movie or TV series. I can not conjure up demons at the turn of a page, nor would I want to. I can not, and wouldn't if I could, turn you into a frog, nor make you fall in love with me with a spell. I will never alter your thoughts with potions or spells. I can only change your eye or hair colour with the help of contact lenses and dye. I will never try to convince you that my Goddess/s is better than yours. And, I will always respect you
Peace Train -- Yusuf Islam (cat Stevens)
Happiness is in the heart of the beholder. So with this I smile because God has my heart. In the world we live in, we often forget the most important thing in life.... God. We get busy, trying to please those around us, family, friends, boy friends/girlfriends,or husbands/wifes. We often push away the one who is always here for us no matter what. The one who has never hurt us. Why do we do this, I don't know, nor am I going to justify it. I'm guilty of it beyond a question of a dought. tho I'm not proud of it, I am neither ashamed to admit. When we push God off to side, it is at that moment that life as we once knew it is no more. This is the moment when things go from bad to worse. I know that with me, I ofter forget to thank God as soon as things start to head south. and everytime this has happened I have notice that things then began to spiral out of control, and I just wish I where dead. Sometimes it is easy to submit back to God, other times this isn't so. This last tim
Peace Out A-town
haha, I had to be retarded. Well you guys, don't miss me too much. I am driving to Austin tomorrow night after work and partying down with my best friend. Here's to a well deserved 3 day weekend and only a week or so from my birthday!!! Yup, January 23rd!!! &hearts later guys
A Peaceful Dream..
When Given a Breathe of Life... Current mood: artistic passion alive feelin inside.. Given to fate, a mind mustnt wait... truth,, for true love has no wait... Ones desire for life.... The completness, Two hearts, one deepth. Devine Love at its best...... Arouse the life and given breathe... By (Swtangl) LOVE AT CHALLENGE, GIVEN TO REST. A PEACEFUL DREAM, AT ITS BEST... TRUTH BETOLD I NEVER TAKE SOMETHING SOMEONE ELES TOLD.. ToHAVE A PASSION A DESIRE TO RHYME AND YOUR JUST JEALOUS, I CAN CHIME... MUAH LOVE YA'LL (SwtAngl) Or better know to my freinds Mrs Bitch... ofcourse i am.....
Peace Of Mind Eludes Me
The sun shines in my window, sliding through the blinds to grace my eyelids. The room is alight, the shadows hide beneath me. I am nothing, I am air. The chords in my head are striking my silence, my nonexistence. They sing to me, they lie to me. I need to escape the music that impales me with its disturbing cries of memory, its blood of reminder. Earplugs are out of my budget, and I am lost in my past.
'peacefull Dawn' 11-11-2002
peacefull is the dawn the dawn of our love....beautiful as the eagle in the morning dew on the rose our love is pure..pure as the driven will last for all time.everything stands still basking in the glory that is out love...our love is the truest form of love...sure as the marks men's bow..
Peace Out :p
OKies well Im just getting a bit too excited and impatient to start over. I want to do it fast and quick because its gonna be soo hard to leave this name and start over.. I just hope I dont cry hahahaha! Sooo I will be doing it well I dont know when.. could be in an hr or not till tonight.. hehe If you want to stay my friend let me know now!!! So I can save your link and re-add you! I just hope I got everyone I need too, if I forgot anyone Im sorry and I hope we can find each other again on this site and can re add then! Last Blog of Godfather GamerChick hehe soon to be GamerKitten Freshmeat lmao :P Peace out
Peace At Last
A lot has changed science the last time i posted anything so let me fill evryone in. Well my son turned 1 year old in feburary, and my middle child turned 2 years old in december. But now to the good stuff as i said in my last entry i am finnaly with the love of my life and couldn't be happier, that is until now. After getting our taxes back we packed up our kids and belongings and mooved to a new town to start over. So far evrything is going great and we are very happy. It seems that evrything is falling into place for us (finally). I may have left the comfort and saftey net of my family but deep down I know all is well and my kids and i are going to be just fine. My honey may have to work alot of odd hours but I know that he loves me and our kids. Its not as bad as it sounds though, I may have left my family but we are around his and are accepted. So with that here is to new beginings!
Peace Of Mind
Kottonmouth Kings needa open up YOUR mind with tha KIND come and get a little DOSE of REALITY. Think about the GOOD THINGS in life, because NEGATIVITY only brings FATALITY, FATALITY brings BROKEN HEARTS, tears, flowers, caskets, people cryin', loved ones DYIN'. I see my friends goin' down the wrong path so I realize keep on strivin' stay TRUE to MYSELF and try to find MY PEACE of MIND. -D-loc
Peace (a Poem)
A dream won in bloodshed Splattered across a nation broken promises, hearts and bones golden eyes glistening A poisoning of lead the glory of temptation life cast on an iron throne are you even listening? Do plants not compete for sunlight animals for a mate Fire and water to quench peace is in denial Can you see the peace fight? killing us in a days fate niggers were lynched so we smiled, to be senile be offensive be proud god smiles at your sins poly mono STD bombing WTC stock market Jesus some one feed us
Once upon a starlit dawn Bare feet walking on the frost covered grass A butterfly fluttered searching for a place to land. Masters of old always said you cannot catch a butterfly with a closed fist I opened my shivering hand as frosty air come out of my mouth. The butterfly landed on my palm gracefully and gently resting. It seem to look up at me as to say, your open hand gave me shelter and some air to breathe Your closed fist trapped precious air and was not available for shelter. Remember the lesson the butterfly taught, open your hand to give a gift' Open you hand to let someone else breathe. Peace
Peaceful Waters
Let's take the long way home tonight Just cruise along the boulevards Let's shine a little, we're the street lights Dream ourselves away to mars Let's follow all the stars above Maybe take the subway home These days are mine I'm gonna take it slow Like the peaceful waters flow I'll make it up as I go That's all I really know So let's take the long way home Let's cry a little if we wanna Or laugh out loud the best we can Let's meet the comfort of convenience Search a silence deep within Let's stay a while and take it easy If that's something you can overcome Let's take a minute just to slip away Linger here before it's gone These days are mine Like the peaceful waters flow So let's take the long way home
Country Life: There's a stream rippling slowly as it runs through the woods, A deer lifts its head proud and majestic where it stood, Birds are singing and flying through the air, Animals are rambling and searching as much as they dare. Skies are clouding, and rain's coming close now, Farmers are circling in fields on their tractors and plows, Women are hanging clothes out on their line, Children do chores and go to bed around nine. (Copyright: Sharon Gay Watson)
My life blood runs cold, And my heart turns black. This pain never ends, It has me in a hold. To never feel loved is blinding, And makes me close my eyes. It rips my heart apart, I can find no binding The pieces fall all around, My hands can't catch them. They slowly stop beating, Darkness is all that can be found. ~~~D~~
Peacey Made This Of The Mummers
Life has hit me hard and in a few weeks I won't be able to be on here as often as I would like, so I just wanted to pass words of wisdom on: Don't ever EVER assume you know anyone without getting to know them for the person that they really are. Don't believe every fukin word you hear come out a females mouth (and yes I know I'm a female but I prove my shit) There's Hoes everywhere u go...even here on Fubar LMFAO If you must meet up with someone from Fubar to fuck...please please please wear protection. I know I'm sounding like Mama now but honestly, we in 2008 and if they that easy to get the pussy/dick from, then a few others from Fubar has gotten the pussy/dick as well! Keep true to yourselves and honesty and loyalty in your hearts and everything else will just mesh together fine. Until we meet again, stay sweet fubarites!!
Peace Anyway
You're not promised a hot meal It's just another raw deal Just another rainy day, everyday yeah So you say that you cannot relate No, no its not up for debate You know your bills they cannot wait But you still have time You'll find Peace Anyway You'll find Peace Anyway Just got to look baby, alright Listen So your bright eyes, they don't shine And your watch, it don't keep time Well guess what, neither does mine Neither does mine It just makes you want to cry Just drink it all and say goodnight But giving up don't make it right alright, alright You'll find Peace Anyway You'll find Peace Anyway And well I know that you might get so scared Well, about what you find What it means to you baby when you get there You'll find Peace Anyway You'll find Peace Anyway You'll find Peace Anyway
Peaches - F*ck The Pain Away
Peaches Set It Off
Peaches - Boys Wanna Be Her
Peaches - Slippery D*ck
Peaches - Operate
Peaches & Tone Loc - "wild Thing (2007)"
Peaches - I'm The Kinda
Peace Of Mind
We seek to find Some peace of mind A piece inclined to Seek divine Information aligned Inspiration cosigned Where dreams dare to be Both deep and wide Both wined and dined And love inclined Where Despair is resigned With sleepy eyes... And every mind is aware... Awake, alive Aware to break the souls of lies Caring to create spirits that rise Awakening worlds We live through lines Where alive words live And dead words die Where minds grow wings And our words fly That is where we will find So wonderfully... Some peace of mind
Peace Sells
What do you mean I don't believe in God? Talk to him every day What do you mean I don't support your system? I go to court when I have to What do you mean I can't get to work on time? Got nothing better to do What do you mean I don't pay my bills? Why do you think I'm broke? Huh? If there's a new way I'll be the first in line But, it better work this time What do you mean I hurt your feelings? I didn't know you had any feelings What do you mean I ain't kind? Just not your kind What do you mean I couldn't be President Of the United States of America? Tell me something, it's still 'We the people', right? If there's a new way I'll be the first in line But, it better work this time Can you put a price on peace? Peace, peace sells, peace, peace sells Peace sells, but who's buying? Peace sells, but who's buying? No, no, no, no, no! Peace sells Peace sells
Peace In Her Heart
Peace in Her Heart by LateNiteFantasy© I looked deep into your beautiful eyes as they’re crying in the rain, You try so hard to hide your sadness but I can still see your pain, A life time seem’s lost to the wind and only you know what it’s price, To leave behind what you loved the most. The Peace in Your loving heart !! Now that it’s gone! Can you ever get it back? Your life once so full of light has turned as to gray in the night Your happiness now only sorrow; your today’s vanish into tomorrow’s. Your beautiful sunny days have turned into rain, You’ve lost the gift of your beautiful sparkling eyes, And that wonderful smile that is you The Peace of your Loving Heart
Peach And Poppy Seed Muffins
Peach and Poppyseed Muffins 3/4 cup pureed peaches 1 teaspoon baking soda 10 tablespoons butter 1 cup sugar 2 eggs 1 1/4 cups flour 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon vanilla 3 tablespoons poppy seeds Stir soda into peaches and set aside. Cream butter and sugar until smooth. Add eggs, one at a time. Add vanilla. Combine flour and salt. Alternately add flour and peach mixture. Then add poppy seeds. Fill 12 muffin cups nearly to top. Bake at 350F for 20 to 25 minutes.
Peaches And Cream
well i'd start by softly kissing the base of your neck, moving my way up to your lips; at the same time i'd be caressing your lower back, massaging whatever muscles were tense. after that i'd remove your shirt and kiss the tops of your breasts, licking the nipples and sucking on them while at the same time i'd be slipping my left hand down to your pants clasp. i'd undo it deftly and slip my hand down under your panties. id find your sweet spot and caress your clitoris. all this time i'd have been kissing u and sucking on your nipples. i would lower u to the bed and remove your pants and your panties. at which time i would kiss your breasts moving down. i'd kiss your belly licking a little as i go down south. when i got to your sweet spot i'd flick my tongue backward and forward stimulating your clit. I'd then bring my right hand over your left leg and massage your g-spot. while im doing this i'd tongue screw u my goatee stimulating your peach even more. i'd do this until i made u relea
~ Peaceful Waters ~
Peach Crumb Cake Mix In A Jar
Peach Crumb Cake Mix in a Jar Peach Crumb Cake Mix: 3/4 cup sugar 3/4 cup quick oats 3/4 cup brown sugar 2 cups flour 2 tsp. baking powder 1/2 tsp. salt Layer the ingredients in the order given into a WIDE-MOUTH 1-qt. canning jar. Pack each layer into place before adding the next ingredient. Attach a gift tag with the following mixing and baking instructions: Peach Crumb Cake 1 jar Peach Crumb Cake Mix 3/4 cup butter or margarine 1 (29-oz.) can peach pie filling Preheat oven to 350. Empty contents of jar into a mixing bowl, stirring to combine. Melt butter and stir into dry ingredients to form a crumbly mixture. Press half of the crumbs into a greased 9x13 inch pan and top with the peach pie filling. Sprinkle remaining crumb mixture over filling. Bake for 30 to 35 minutes. Source: "Gifts in a Jar: Cakes & Cobblers" from CQ Products NOTES: Make sure you use a wide mouth jar. I made this using a 21-oz can of peach pie fi
Peace Be Thine
God looked around his garden and he found an empty place, He then looked down upon this earth and saw your tired face. So He put His arms around you And whispered, "Come with Me." With tearful eyes we watched you suffer. And saw you fade away. Although we loved you dearly, We could not make you stay. A golden heart stopped beating, Busy little hands to rest. God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the best. He knew that you were suffering, He knew that you were in pain. He knew that you would never get well on earth again. He saw that the road was getting rough and the hills were hard to climb, So he closed your weary eyelids and whispered, "PEACE BE THINE". It broke our hearts to lose you, but you didn't go alone, For parts of us went with you the day God called you home.
Peaceably Place
sometime seting along the beach looking at the beauitful blue water and sky wondering how peaceble it is to get away from verything all the pain and worry's of verthing wonder where verything want wrong in your life, as your see all the beauit around you wishing that verything could be like this all the time you can hear your own heart beating as you just seting there. If kisses were water, I will give u a sea. If hugs were leaves, I will give u a tree. If LIFE was a planet, I will give u a galaxy. If friendship is life, I will give u mine.
imikimi - Customize Your World
Peacefull Nightmares
Peace, Helpful Hints
O God, lead us from death to life, from falsehood to truth; lead us from despair to hope, from fear to trust; lead us from hate to love, from war to peace. Let your peace fill our hearts, our world, our universe. Amen. -- Satish Kumar
Peace One Day
The Peach
The Peach Random Gentle Love Master (RGLM) Playful, kind, and well-loved, you are The Peach. For such a warm-hearted, generous person, you're surprisingly experienced in both love and sex. We credit your spontaneous side; you tend to live in the moment, and you don't get bogged down by inhibitions like most women your age. If you see something wonderful, you confidently embrace it. You are a fun flirt and an instant sweetheart, but our guess is you're becoming more selective about long-term love. It's getting tougher for you to become permanently attached; and a guy who's in a different place emotionally might misunderstand your early enthusiasm. You can wreck someone simply by enjoying him. Your ideal mate is adventurous and giving, like you. But not overly intense. Your exact female opposite: The Nymph Deliberate Brutal Sex Dreamer Always avoid: The False Messiah (DBLM) Consider: The Loverboy (RGLM), The Playboy (RGSM), The Boy Ne
Peaches Is Under 700k...
Till she becomes fubar's next Godmother. She's a really good friend and has Auto-11s active. All rates will be returned. peaches ~ Rate Spankers Member ~@ fubar
Peacin Outtie
Peaches And Cream Muffins
Peaches and Cream Muffins 1 egg 1/2 cup milk 1/4 cup vegetable oil 1 1/2 cups flour 1/2 cup sugar 2 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 cup chopped fresh or frozen peaches, thawed In a bowl beat egg, add milk and oil. Combine flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt. Stir into egg mixture just until moistened. Next, stir in peaches. Fill greased or paper-lined muffin cups 3/4 full. Bake at 400 degrees for 20-25 minutes or until muffins test done. Cool 5 minutes before removing from pans. Yields 10 muffins
Peachtown Is Open
come join the family in peachtown need staff and if u want to be a cam girl or cam guy need them to so come on in and kick back and have fun
Peachtown Lounge
Come check out my lounge got webcams, the best music by hellfire radio.. lets rawk the place
Peachtown Lounge
come check out my new hot lounge need Staff and webcam gurls and guys so come on in and lets have some fun and jam out to the hotest music ever from HELL FIRE RADIO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Peace And Happiness
Peace and happiness are available in every moment.Peace is every step. We shall walk hand in hand. There are no political solutions to spiritual problems. Remember: If the Creator put it there, it is in the right place. The soul would have no rainbow if the eyes had no tears.
Peace And Happiness
When it comes time to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with the fear of death, so when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song, and die like a hero going home. ~ Chief Aupumut, Mohican. 1725
Peach Cobbler
PEACH COBBLER Melt one cube of butter (1/4 lb) in a long baking dish in the oven. Pour over it the following batter: 1 cup sifted flour 1 cup sugar 1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 3/4 cup milk Over this, pour a number 2 can of peaches in syrup. Add 1 cup sugar and some nutmeg and 1/2 cup water. Bake in 400 degree oven, about 1 hour or until brown. Fresh peaches or other fruit may be used. Makes 6 to 8 servings.
Peachtown Lounge
Come check out peachtown lounge let have fun hope to see u there
Peaches Is Just 100k Away
from becoming Fubar's next Disciple. She is a good friend of mine and has most likely helped you out before, so here's your chance to help her out. Msg her and she will return the rates. Thank you and have a great night. peaches ~ Rate Spankers Member ~@ fubar
Peaches Are For Eating Not-----
perhaps perhaps we trample the garden in order to see it destroyed maybe sometimes we wish to see if it is strong enough to take it perhaps it is a good motive,just perverted and twisted could it all just be pure spite?to make tears flow both day and night to take a beautiful smile and cast it aside to hurt something fragile to nurture foolish pride but ask yourself at the end of the day why would i choose to let anyone ever make me feel this way when all it takes is a simple action ignore all the hatred,its just another distraction its easy to make it all cease to trouble your soul reclaim your heart and stand up again whole in strength-in beauty-and in love amen and amen 3:33 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove after all ILLUSION: no more sadness,no more tears,let my caress,dispell all fears,allow this embrace to wash the pain away,awaken tomorrow and enjoy the fresh new day
Be wise, disciplined and non-violent and you will find peace. Be aware both night and day, continue your practice, and you will attain Nirvana. - Buddha
The surface of life is also in a state of constant flux, with good days and bad, victory and defeat. To maintain, as the ocean does, a deep inner calm, while the storms of misfortune, reverses, fears and worries lash at the surface of life, is to discover the secret of serenity. Years ago, when Thomas Edison's factory burned down, he wasted no time bemoaning his fate. Immediately after the disaster the reporters found a calm, quiet man already at work on plans for a new building. When Emerson's home was destroyed by fire and his precious books were being reduced to ashes, Louisa May Alcott came to console him. The great philosopher said, "Yes, yes, Louisa, they are all gone, but let us enjoy the blaze now. Isn't it beautiful!" Some people are ocean personalities. In their inner depths they are not defeated by what happens to them. The towering waves of circumstances cannot reach us when we go deep within to seek the peace that passes all understanding. While the surface of l
Peachy Chicken With Red Wine
Prep Time:20 min Start to Finish:40 min makes:4 servings 4 boneless skinless chicken breasts (about 1 1/4 lb) 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 1/4 teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons whole grain pastry flour 1 tablespoon olive oil 3 shallots, thinly sliced 1/2 cup dry red wine or Progresso® chicken broth (from 32-oz carton) 2 firm ripe peaches, sliced 1/2 cup loosely packed fresh basil, sliced 1. Use hands to flatten the chicken breasts to an even thickness. Season chicken with pepper and salt. Coat with flour, patting off excess. 2. Heat a large nonstick skillet over medium heat; add 2 teaspoons of the oil. Add chicken breasts; cook 12 minutes, turning once, until an instant-read thermometer inserted into the thickest portion reads 160°F and juices run clear. Remove chicken to a plate. 3. Add remaining oil and shallots to the skillet. Cook and stir over medium heat 2 to 3 minutes or until shallots soften. Add wine; stir to scrape up any brown bits. Increase heat to med
Peace & Thoughts!
One drink, Just another stumble, One thinks clarity, Peace & thoughtfull dreams, Forgets about lifes problems, Hopes & wishes drown, Down the sink, One takes meds, Off various kinds, Let it be, Trip on rainbows, Trip on stars & the moon, Its always there, Shining bright, So very lumincent, Under the lovely glow, Off the light fantastic, Your still alive, Heed these words, Take some advice, From those in the know, uffering hands hold blades of glass overtaken by the mass Pete says: off human incececy left to wander & crawl, scratch at the surface, Of thick ice or clay! Blessed Be!
Peace In Pieces...
Rakes the sharp edge across her skin, watches as crimson drips flow.... doesn't worry whom it disturbs, no matter of whom may know.... Takes a sip of liquid, red wine to calm the rush takes a pill to calm it's inner, to make it silent, for her to hush... Blows out the candles flicker, a darkened room she fancied most.. wraps herself with a woven blanket, to mimic a warm embrace drawn close... as linen white sheets turn reddend, as her skin grows gray and pale, she dreams of how her life brought her pain, her lifes being, her mortal hell... as her weakened eyes grow hazed, a soft whisper from her lips fell "Might this shattered heart lay in peaceful pieces, within pain I know longer dwell" as written: Twist'a Fate
Peach Melba Ice Cream Pie
* Active Time: 20 minutes * Total Time: 6 hours 20 minutes INGREDIENTS o CRUST o 1⁄4 cup butterscotch or caramel ice cream topping o 2 Tbsp stick butter o 28 vanilla wafer cookies, broken up (4 cups) o 3⁄4 cup peach preserves o 3 pt vanilla ice cream, softened o 1⁄2 cup raspberry pourable fruit o TOPPING o 1⁄2 pt raspberries o 2 ripe medium peaches, sliced o 1⁄4 cup raspberry pourable fruit PREPARATION 1. Coat a 9-in. pie plate with nonstick spray. 2. Crust: Heat topping and butter in a bowl in microwave on medium or in a saucepan over low heat until butter melts. 3. Process cookies in food processor until fine crumbs form. Add warm mixture; process until crumbs are moistened. Scrape into pie plate; press over bottom and up sides. 4. Stir preserves vigorously into ice cream in a large bo
Peace & All That....
I you and all but you about to EXPIRE!!! Soon, I many days does it last anyways..anyone know?? her...please... I beg you... LMFAO!!! *will make the deal sweet* bling a ding your blingy dingy dong..blingy? ♥ ~PoSTal
The Peace In Nature
subject: The Peace in Nature post date: 2007-10-08 08:50:55 views: 15 comments: 1 ratings: 0 The Peace in Nature Life Is Full Of complex Contradictions Only Nature's beauty can soothe my woes To sit beneath a tree and feel the wind Passing the day Pondering My own Sins And Sins of Evil men Who destroy the Harmony and balance with their carelessness We should seek to protect places of peace Killing the world We once loved So much More
Peace And Whales Come In Pods
“Wars and terrorist attacks will always make headlines, but it’s remarkable how many of the world’s 6.7 billion people now live in peace. In recent decades, despite the growth in population, the number of war casualties around the world has declined, according to the Human Security Report Project from Canada’s Simon Fraser University. And despite a new fear of terrorism following 9/11, terrorist casualties have been declining in recent years. In some earlier generations, a quarter of the male population died violent deaths. Over the past century, even counting the world wars, a person’s chance of dying from war or violent civil strife was less than 2 percent, according to John Mueller, a professor of political science at Ohio State University. That means that the scourge of war is now comparable to the statistical risk of driving a car in the United States.” Point two of this month’s Reader’s Digest article, “It’s A Wonderful Life” makes a point to me that I don’t have to wor
Peace And Love..,
Every one- enjoy Life, cause it's soo.. Great. Have fun an Drink up, moderetaly..OK!
Peaces Of The Fallen
Peaces of the fallen I thought my life was finally starting to begin, When in the background it was only starting to fall apart. I thought for once i was finally starting to be happy, When the only happiness i had was in someone elses hands. My world is shattered and now my heart lay in peaces, My compassion has fled away and my will is no longer with me. I have given up my heart, my happiness, Now I'm left to live in the dark. ~Peaces of the fallen~ 3-4-09 By: Wingsy
A closed hand has no place for a butterfly to land A fist is used for violence a fist traps air for someone to breathe open your hand let something beautiful land extend your fingers release some air let your neighbor breathe.
Farming is Tough   A farmer was selling his peaches door to door.  He knocked on a door and a shapely woman dressed in a very sheer negligee answered the door.  He raised his basket to show her the peaches and asked, 'Would you like to buy some peaches?' She pulled the top of her negligee to one side and asked, 'Are they as firm as this?' He nodded his head and said, 'Yes ma'am, they are' and a little tear ran from his eye.    Then she pulled the other side of her negligee off asking, 'Are they nice and pink like this?' The farmer said, ¿Yes, they are' and another tear came from the other eye.    Then she unbuttoned the bottom of her negligee and asked, 'Are they as fuzzy as this?' He said, 'Yes, nice and fuzzy' and broke down crying. She asked, 'Why on earth are you crying?'   Drying his eyes he replied, 'The drought got my corn, the flood got my soy beans, a tornado leveled my barn, and now I think I'm gonna get screwed out of my peaches.¿  
Peace, Bitches!
So I've come to the conclusion I have no real reason or desire to hold onto this profile on this website anymore. So, it's on the chopping block. I'll leave it up for the next couple days and post my messenger id's for anyone that wants them so you can contact me. Then, this thing hits the black hole. Yahoo ID: thexpricexofxfidelity MSN ID: AIM ID: Handgun Lullaby
  Agatha Christie: One is left with the horrible feeling now that war settles nothing; that to win a war is as disastrous as to lose one. Alex Noble: If I have been of service, if I have glimpsed more of the nature and essence of ultimate good, if I am inspired to reach wider horizons of thought and action, if I am at peace with myself, it has been a successful day. Andre Trocme: All who affirm the use of violence admit it is only a means to achieve justice and peace. But peace and justice are nonviolence...the final end of history. Those who abandon nonviolence have no sense of history. Rather they are bypassing history, freezing history, betraying history. Anton Chekov: We shall find peace. We shall hear angels. We shall see the sky sparkling with diamonds. Aristotle: We make war that we may live in peace. Benjamin Franklin: There never was a good war or a bad peace. Carl Sandburg: ChooseThe single clenched fist lifted and ready,Or the op
Peace By The Sea
The bitter cold of the early morning floats through the room. The sky is cloudy and gray, with a definite sense of gloom. Today my heart fits the sky, wieghed down with heavy thoughts. My mind's running a thousand miles an hour and my stomaches all in knots. The only place I find serenity is standing on the waters edge. And for that instant I dont feel like screaming and jumping off the nearest ledge. I watch the waves come and go without a care in the world. With the blindness of a brand new baby that into this messed up life was gently hurled. The amazing thing about standing here is my life is put into perspective. Instead of being overly critical I quickly change to being reflective. I feel so small and insignificant and I like how it makes me see... That there are issues and problems with the world that are bigger than me. For those few moments that I am standing there, nothing matters at all. But all my anger, frustration, and pain away from this ocean I still have t
In all honesty I do not regret being on Fubar! I have met some wonderful friends that I now call family. You have all been there to an extent and I thank you all! But to those (who know who they are) you will stay in my life. No I am not deleting my account but I will no longer be on any where near as much. Those certain few will remain just as close as before and I can honestly say I love you guys! Enjoy your time spend it well and never loose hope! Catch you when I do get on I hope!
Peace Out
I just barely got over a major blow to my health, only to recieve bad news about a realative.   So, basically I'm still recovering physically and now must deal with recovering emotionally.   I'm not gonna be in contact with people for a while. This is what I do. I close myself up to others when I need to focus on getting myself better. Sorry, but that is just who I am.   I don't really know what I'm gonna do, but odds are I'm gonna spend this week in Arizona. Don't know when I'll be back, or what I'm gonna do about work.
Whatever your goals in life may be.Wheather they be short term or long term . Make your ultimate goal be peace and when you find it pass it on to someone else
Peacey Haz Cookies!!
WOOT!!!   hehe   Ain't he sweeeeeet??!!!   Thanks hun! oh and kid is like totally all over the Harry Potter bling! If someone, ANYone would get her ANY of them, I will love you forever!!! If someone gets her the Scarf of Courage, I will will love you beyond forever!! lol She is geeKISSexy in my family!
Peace Of Mind
Peace of Mind   Some people say that physical pain is better than the loss of life and love I say that pain and love are one in the same, just a different edge of the blade Some people say that all that matters in life is that you find your light I say what happens if that shred of light is never found…forever gone? Sometimes the pressure is so much, you just want to give up…   I know….all I want is some peace of mind.. To drown out these dark screams of mine I walk this painful path, not knowing the end What I do know is that I need solace, some time to mend The darkness comes forth, not giving me any light   Others say no matter what, you will find happiness, that ray of light But what if that  happiness has already passed you up, that final chance gone? Others say that no matter what, things will get better, things will look up But what if they never truly understand why you cry yourself to sleep every night? No one knows the true pain someone
Peace Of Mind Through Control
Freedom through submission is not a startling concept. Not everyone in this life is meant to be a decision maker, an individual who can stand alone in the winds of life and weather the storms that come by. Many need to have leadership and guidance to make those difficult decisions that face them everyday. Life's decisions are often very stressful to make. It can be very hard to do the things that one knows one must do. What many need is someone in their life that will take on the responsibility of making sure that the proper things are done each day and hold them accountable when the path prescribed is not followed. This does not mean that one who embraces this concept has the absolute freedom to behave as they wish, on the contrary, it means that one has to answer to the Guide that one has decided to give the control o
Peace And Love By Blessed Union Of Soul
May every star you wish apon   and every hope your hangin' on come true   out of everybody in this world   there is no one who deserves them more than you   I hope you find   everything you've been dreaming of   only good things   no inbetweens just, Peace and Love   These words did not come easily   Still you know I had to write them down   You must know what you mean to me   I wish that you could always be around   I hope you find   everything you are worthy of   I'm gonna miss you   I only wish you, Peace and Love   Peace and love   tears of joy   kindness of strangers   All of your roads   paved with gold   by gaurdian angels   whereever you may bein this world   my salutation says it all   May you always have enough   Peace and Love   I let you go unselfishly   Cause eveyone needs time to be alone   well maybe time will bring you back   andif it does, you'll always have a home   I sign my name   no one to blame it on be
Peace To All That Read This.
As I walk through the valley of death I feal no evil for I've lived and breath it.I fear no evil for I've seen It and done it.As I walk alone. I'm not people who walked before me and the ones to walk behind.I'm not alone.When you can feal me but not see me.When i walk through sand and no tracts are there and i am.Then you would have knowed me for me.And loved me for all the right reasons.I'll miss and love you all.Go find your internal happiness no matter how big or small as long as you like for you. because in the end thats all you have. Go in faith that you lived like you was dieing because we all die one way or another.Peace to all that read this.
Peace/love/friends And Family
"Thank You" to each and everyone. Thank you especially for the support, care, kindness and love i recieved.....  I wish you all a majical New Year filled with loving wishes and beautiful thought.  May 2010 mark the beginning of Tidal wave of LOVE, HAPPINESS, BLESSINGS and BRIGHT futures.....  Those who need someone special, may you find true love.....  Those who need money, may your finances overflow.....  Those who need care, may you find a good heart.....  Those who need friends, may you meet lovely people.....  I wish you all a very BLESSED and PROSPEROUS  2010!!! 
Peach N Cream
To be the hand,That touches that face.To behold such beauty,With all her grace. I can only wish,Imagine if you will.Exactly like,How wonderful it must feel. For now,a dream all I have,To enter into each day.And with the luck of God,Someday may you come my way.
"Everything we do is infused with the energy with which we do it. If we're frantic, life will be frantic. If we're peaceful, life will be peaceful. And so our goal in any situation becomes inner peace."
May we find some peace on this Palm Sunday. Glory to God Norio
Am I wishing upon a star that will never come true?Am I praying to nothing that hears me?Am I being naive, a foolish dream?A silent cry that doesn't break from the nightfall?The summer breeze soars my energyTrying to wake my peaceCaress my face, I feel a tremble afarThe ease in fact, is hard to reachRise up, daytime starBefore the darkness catches meYou're too blind to seeWhat's beyond sightThe Heavens try to callYou ignore, walk past the lightAll will collide into paradiseOr deeper than the grave, your fate is awaitingI am an invisible shining starAll too much captured to catch onRead between the skinInto the soul that is mineI am prepared to showAnd touch the pieces you are missingTo feel contentmentHeavy heart is too busy soaking inFeel the rhythm of beatRest your eyes, remember the currentThe sensation streams through your bloodCherish the gift of nature, don't hideBreathe in, free your worriesThey cannot exist any longerYour grudges are in the pastThe machine factoriesThe city lig
A Peace Of Me
I find myself happy, liking who I am.  Im comfortable as a lazychair I'm honest, loving and I do care.   I blame noone for how I become, or for all I've done. I was once a sports car lightening fast I run , now to a putter I roll off to life . trying to keep it going speaking softly and angerly I mutter.    I need a break, sometime for myself, a place to go,  a place I don't know.       I need to be excited, too laugh so hard , to see a piece of this world that would make my head wrirrel ,  But I'm finally old and not so bold and I am comfortable .....with who I am .
✿The peace you experience comes from who and what you are,and how you choose to be.The world around you can be full of turmoil and strife,and yet you can be completely at peace in your own heart.Peace is one of the surest signs of strength.Inner peace brings true outer strength.Those who lack confidence feel the need to lash out.Those who are strong have what it takes to stay calm and peaceful.When your identity and fulfillment are tied to fleeting,superficial things, it is impossible to remain at peace.When you invest your being in true and lasting values,and when you remain ever vigilant to those values,you develop the confidence and strength to be peaceful.✿Ralph Marston✿
Peace Of Mind,
All I want is a dam peace of mind. Thats all. Why so F@#$ing hard. I'm not a bad guy. I'm the nice guy thats ok with wining last the point is i was done. Shit sucks. o well.
Peace :)
Get More Comments At!
Peace , Love & Light Through Destruction!
The road's are growing further apart, Shadow's in the distance seem to be mocking me, As the one heart I had is slowly slipping into dust, We tried everything to turn table's, Get those wheels rolling, Spikes & ice on the road, Impede even the strongest of will's,S creaming desperately unto the cold cold night, Dream's are embedded in the concrete again, Just like his every footstep leading to you, We may have fallen but never beaten, I shall not rest until you are fixed, We have thought's, Feeling's & regret's, Looking for an Angel of light & carry us ,Across continent's & clear blue sea's, Keep your belief's open & wish & pray, They can answer your prayer's as they do, Your eye's are the window's to your soul, If they are true you shall shine
Peaceful Easy Feeling
Peace is good. I'm not asking you to contact me either. I just know you are going through a lot of hell. And I know it's not too late for you to find true happiness, without bullshit. I'm not asking for favors....not tonight.   Sympathy (For Tomorrow) I'm not asking for favorsnot tonightI look up in the sky...all the rockets fall down (fall down)too many promisestoo many lies too many faces for me to know Sometimes I sit among the markersand contemplate my next lifesays something less sympathetic-"a little more unconditional respect was buriedhere" "But it never livedand it never died it never came from themit was always inside..." I don't care if time just passes us byI can stand the change...but not the crueltytoo many promisestoo many liestoo many faces for me to know Sometimes I sit among the markersand contemplate my next lifesays something less sympathetic-"a little more unconditional respect was buriedhere" "But it never livedand it never diedit never came from them
Peace Of Mind
"For every minute you remain angry, you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind." -Ralph Waldo Emerson
Peaceful Hugs To You Are Given!!
There comes a time in every life living that you need to step back from the action and just lose yourself in a hug. The kind that warms you inside and out. Just when it seems too rough; it gives you hope that things will get better. You know what?? Its free to give and free to get!! When a pat on the back won't do, a hug will suffice. I hug people in real life and I try to on Fubar, cuz a hug helps. I know everyone might have different ideas about what helps. All the way from seeing feet to booze. I don't judge. I believe it isn't my job to judge because I don't wish to be judged. I don't yet love any of my neighbors, but I am working on that. If a huge majority of them didn't seem to be bi-polar I guess it would just be too easy.   I do believe in few things because I have been proven wrong on so much. I continue to be laughed at. Here is me thinking, if people could feel the pain when someone else laughs at you, they might stop. Just hoping, I guess. I have been injured. So when I
Peach Cobbler
I doubt anyone will read this but for the few people that actually still bake from scratch like me this is for you :D   Peach cobbler    Filling depending on what size pan you use the measurments vary i use 2 8x8 desposable pans with lids so this recipe is for that   6 large slightly mushy peaches half a cup of brown sugar and 1-2 teaspons cinnamon if the peaches are hard or firm i use 1-2 tablespoons of butter in the filling to help soften them up and add some more flavor so now that you have your supplies assembled go ahead and peel your peaches then slice them into weges the pit will pop out on its own as you slice i also cut out the red parts in the center then i dice them into small cubes i toss the finished cubes into a bowl with the cinna and sugar and or butter if it's needed and toss them to get the peaches evenly coated then i divide them between the two pans getting them as even as possible and that is your filling it's amazing how easy cobbler is :)   The Crust  
When your peace comes from someone else It is not yours Heads up Fucking reeeeeeeeetards And why the hell would you want that anyway? Are you so boring and horrible that you need a break from yourself? That you NEED fucking peace?? You will have that when you are dead Why hasten the process REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETARD
The Pea Farm
The Pea Farm The Pea Farm is an old, unused prison that lies deep in the woods of South Shreveport.  It is covered in vine and debris and it is said that you can hear moans and screams coming from it at night.  It is posted and is covered behind the trees and cane.  There is also rumored to be a female prison a few yards away from it.  It is said to be haunted because of the beatings and killing of the prisoners.  Also, during the 50's, a local artist by the name of Clyde Connelly was the wife of one of the Pea Farm's superintendents.  Mrs. Connell lived on the Pea Farm and used many of the inmates there at the time for inspiration for her art.The following is an e-mail from a man that was an inmate at the Pea FarmHe claims that he was incarcerated there briefly in the 50's, which was right before it closed down.  It was built around the turn of the century and the main building is the one that was used to house the violent criminals.  The lower portions were used mainly as rec room
The Peak Of Pleasure
If she were being honest with herself, she'd have to say it started with them mostly out of convenience. She was lonely and he was available and willing. Maybe he was lonely too. He was an old friend with some free time. They used to say, "Hey want to get together and have a beer?" Sometimes they finished that beer and sometimes not. It was never about the beer. But from the first time she gave in to his question - "Why not? Who's it going to hurt?" - she couldn't stop thinking about him, couldn't stop imagining what they would do the next time they got together. What he would ask for, what she would say, how it would feel, how long she could make him last… That very first time, he'd gotten her off more times than she could count, and she was hooked. On nights when he wasn't around, she'd lie in bed, touching herself with eyes closed and making up scenarios - different places and positions. She'd wonder what it would feel like if he touched her here, like she was touching herself
The Peak Of Passion
sit here in my garden on a warm summer night Gazing up at the clear sky dotted with stars Trying you chase away the deep loneliness With the presence of those twinkling stars Among them I see one larger than the rest Blinking and bouncing from place to place Or is it winking at this lonely desolate man? As I trace the route of this winking star With my delirious dark searching eyes Of a sudden I see an unbelievable vision A beautiful woman clad in pink transparent Nightgown braided with golden laces Standing at her bedroom window Looking up at the clear night skies longing Is she seeing the same winking star I see As I wonder it dawns on me pleasantly She is the one I love with all my heart Her flaming red hair flowing sweetly Reminds me of her passion filled Emerald green eyes always taunting A teasing smile on her pouting rosy lips Proud chin and beautiful lady neck Just above those white round mounds With their peeks of ever hardened rosebuds My body tr
Peaked With Interest
The things we do in life. Is it for show or strife? The interest of others we may peak. Sometimes its what we do, not speak. Some actions speak louder than words. But some of those are smaller than birds. So truely what do we really seak? Clothing or jewelery? Or something sheak? More often than not its hooking interest. That of others is what we seek atleast.
Peaks Of Pleasure
With my head between your breasts The aches of my world grow dull muffled in their softness allowing me to feel so small My eyes can no longer see all the frightening things around blinded within soft globes of flesh only sweet darkness can be found My ears can no longer hear the cries of woe and cries of grief only rhythm of your heart to lull me into silent peace My lips can no longer taste all bitterness that life brings only your salty sweet skin as you press closer to me. Nestled between your breasts oh, how you soothe me so cleansing my senses of this world to face it again tomorrow
Peals Write
Hi I would like people to wirthe to me
Peanut Butter Chip Chocolate Cookies
1 c. butter 1 1/2 c. sugar 2 eggs 2 t. vanilla 2 c. flour 2/3 c. cocoa 3/4 t. baking soda 1/2 t. salt 2 c. peanut butter chips Cream butter, sugar, eggs and vanilla together. Mix dry ingredients and stir into sugar mixture. Stir in peanut butter chips. Shape into balls and bake at 350°F for 8-10 minutes. Makes 3-4 dozen.
Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cake
Prep: 15 min, Cook: 35 min. * 2-1/4 cups all purpose flour * 2 cups brown sugar * 1 cup peanut butter * 1/2 cup unsalted butter * 1 tsp. baking powder * 1/2 tsp. baking soda * 1 cup milk * 1 tsp. vanilla extract * 3 eggs * 1 cup chocolate chips Preheat oven to 350°F. Combine first 4 ingredients in a bowl. Remove 1 cup and set aside. Add remaining ingredients, except chocolate chips, to flour mixture. Beat 3 minutes. Transfer to a greased and floured 9x13 inch pan. Sprinkle with reserved flour mixture and chocolate chips. Bake 35-40 minutes. This recipe serves 12 people. Due to the nature of this recipe, it adjusts the number of servings in multiples of 12 only. Per serving: calories 508, fat 24.7g, 42% calories from fat, cholesterol 70mg, protein 10.4g, carbohydrates 66.5g, fiber 2.7g, sugar 46.6g, sodium 160mg, diet points 12.2. Dietary Exchanges: Milk: 0.1, Vegetable: 0.0, Fruit: 0.0, Bread: 1.0, Lean meat: 0.7, Fat: 4.4
Peanut Blossoms
1 3/4 C. Pillsbury all-purpose or unbleached flour 1/2 C. sugar 1/2 C. firmly packed brown sugar 1 t. baking soda 1/2 t. salt 1/2 C. shortening 1/2 C. peanut butter 2 T. milk 1 t. vanilla 1 egg Sugar 48 Kisses milk chocolates, unwrapped Heat oven to 375° F. Lightly spoon flour into measuring cup; level off. In large bowl, combine flour, 1/2 cup sugar, brown sugar, baking soda, salt, shortening, peanut butter, milk, vanilla and egg; mix at low speed until stiff dough forms. Shape dough into 1-inch balls; roll in sugar. Place 2 inches apart on ungreased cookie sheets. Bake at 375 F for 10 to 12 minutes or until golden brown. Immediately top each cookie with 1 milk chocolate candy, pressing down firmly so cookie cracks around edge; remove from cookie sheets. Yield: 4 dozen cookies.
Peanut Butter Streusel-topped Cream Cheese-banana-nut Bread
Prep: 15 min., Bake: 1 hr., Cool: 40 min. Warm bread is yummy, but to get perfect slices, let bread cool 30 minutes, and cut with a serrated or electric knife. 3/4 cup butter, softened 1 (8-ounce) package cream cheese, softened 2 cups sugar 2 large eggs 3 cups all-purpose flour 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 1/2 cups mashed bananas (1 1/4 pounds unpeeled bananas, about 4 medium) 1 cup chopped pecans, toasted 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/2 cup plus 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour 1/2 cup firmly packed brown sugar 1/4 cup butter 3 tablespoons creamy peanut butter Beat butter and cream cheese at medium speed with an electric mixer until creamy. Gradually add sugar, beating until light and fluffy. Add eggs, 1 at a time, beating just until blended after each addition. Combine flour and next 3 ingredients; gradually add to butter mixture, beating at low speed just until blended. Stir in bananas, pecans, and vanilla. Spoon batte
The Peanut
One evening a man was at home watching TV and eating peanuts. He'd toss them in the air, then catch them in his mouth. In the middle of catching one, his wife asked a question, and as he turned to answer her, a peanut fell in his ear. He tried and tried to dig it out but succeeded in only pushing it in deeper. He called his wife for assistance, and after hours of trying they became worried and decided to go to the hospital. As they were ready to go out the door, their daughter came home with her date. After being informed of the problem, their daughter's date said he could get the peanut out. The young man told the father to sit down, then shoved two fingers up the father's nose and told him to blow hard. When the father blew, the peanut flew out. The mother and daughter jumped and yelled for joy. The mother said to the young man, "That was wonderful. You should be a doctor!" The ungrateful father jumped up, twisted the boy's arm behind his back and yelled, "Doctor, my ass!
Pea 'n' Cheese Salad
Original recipe yield: 8 servings PREP TIME 10 Min READY IN 10 Min INGREDIENTS * 1 (20 ounce) package frozen peas, thawed * 1 cup chopped celery * 2 hard-cooked eggs, chopped * 1/4 cup chopped green onions * 1 cup cubed Cheddar cheese * 1/2 cup thinly sliced radishes * 1 cup mayonnaise * 3 tablespoons sweet pickle relish * 1 teaspoon sugar * 1 teaspoon seasoned salt * 1 teaspoon ground mustard DIRECTIONS 1. In a bowl, combine the first six ingredients. In a small bowl, combine the mayonnaise, relish and seasonings. Stir into pea mixture. Cover and refrigerate until serving.
Games by
Peanut Butter And Chocolate Smoothie
Ingredients: 8-10 oz. ice cubes 2 oz. soy milk 1/2 oz. half and half (can substitute with soy milk) 3 tablespoons of sugar-free chocolate syrup 3 oz. plain non-fat yogurt Heaping scoop of peanut butter Chocalate soy powder Splenda to taste Instructions: Mix all of the ingredients in a blender until well blended. Then pour and enjoy. Nutritional Information: Per Serving: Total Fat 10g; Saturated Fat 2g, Monounsaturated Fat 4g; Polyunsaturated Fat 2g; Cholesterol 3mg; Total Carbohydrate 10g; Dietary Fiber 1g; Protein 8g; Sodium 140mg; Potassium 265mg; Calcium 108mg; Iron 1mg; Zinc 2mg; Vitamin C trace; Viatmin A 431U; Vitamin B6 1mg;Vitamin B12 3mcg; Thiamin B1 1 mg; Riboflavin B2 1mg; Folacin 18mcg; Niacin 3mg; Caffeine 0mg; Alcohol 0; Exchanges: Lean Meat 1/2; Non-Fat Milk 1/2; Fat 1 1/2
Peanut Butter Confections
Easy peanut butter bonbons are made with rice cereal and chocolate chips, along with butterscotch chips and peanut butter. INGREDIENTS: * 2 cups peanut butter * 1/2 cup butter (4 ounces) * 1 pound confectioners' sugar, sifted, about 4 1/4 cups sifted * 3 cups crispy rice cereal * 1 cup semisweet chocolate chips * 1 cup butterscotch chips PREPARATION: Easy, no-bake chocolate peanut butter bonbons. In a medium saucepan, melt peanut butter with butter. In a large mixing bowl, combine confectioners' sugar with cereal; pour hot peanut butter mixture over cereal mixture.Blend with hands, and form into 1/2-inch balls. Chill well. Melt butterscotch and chocolate chips in separate pans or double boilers. Dip half the candies in the melted chocolate, and the other half in the melted butterscotch, Swirl the tops with the back of a teaspoon; place on waxed paper-lined cookie sheet or baking pan. Chill well before serving. Makes about 8 dozen peanut butter cand

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