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Passion Of Love
NuttinButtSexxy Passion of Love Take a seat. Pick up a pen and begin to write upon the blank paper. My passion of love for you must be written for you to always have. Some would never dare to just write what must be said, When words get so lost within words, So here I go…. Kisses on your lips are my soul passion to dare love within each moment, I can taste you. These fumbling and trembling fingers pause as I write to think and smile about, All those times they touched your body. How can I say…. You are like liquid fire upon them, a fire that I can never dare walk from. When I look into your eyes, They haunt me with the passion of love that you hold within your heavenly body of love for me. Do these words touch your heart and soul like they do mine? If so, Baby, I want to say this to you. My heart belongs to your passion like life I breathe. Without you, I could never breathe or live again. Cause you are my passion of love that makes me be alive. ©2008 Fires
Oh how I long to be wrapped in those arms; Bodies pressed tightly together, skin against skin, Lips and tongues mingling through rapid breath, Hands exploring every surface, desire building within Lighting a passion, a fire so deep inside, Arousing in each other every sense, the animals awaken Taking each other past the brink again and again Ceasing only when spent and quivering, bodies left shaken Oh how I long to be held in those arms; As heartbeats racing abate and sweet slumber begins, Angel kisses on eyelids and lips so soft, Until relenting repose finds us again...
There is a fire within us.. that only needs a touch to bring forth a flame. Passion ignites.. when I hear you whisper my name. My body shivers... ohhh .... but not from the cold.. but from the sweet anticipation... of a desire that never seems to grow old. I lay my head upon your chest.. kiss your skin softly. I breathe in the manly scent of you... it intoxicates me like wine... making my senses whirl.. or maybe its the way your hands are softly caressing my back .. making me melt yes every nerve is tingling.. with the need of you. You gently lift me up and softly kiss my forehead.. senting chills all down my spine. Can't wait the anticipation.. Softly kiss up your body gently caress our lips.. My body fills with excitement and anticipation. Hands oram each others bodies Filling the silkiness of your skin. My heart starts pounding from pleasure.. As your fingers run over my treasure
Passions now inflamed Our latest kiss blamed Lips so softly touch More needed so much Naked breasts await Demanding their fate Either my moist lips Or eager fingertips Still fail to satisfy More! Your burning cry Urgent parting thighs Offer your ultimate prize All other thoughts gone As we again become one Ending, no possible other For you my precious lover
Passions Journey
I saw you on a hilltop the setting sun painting beams of light across the sky and along your every curve A cool breeze rising from the ocean below teased and tousled your hair spirits danced through each silky strand You looked so wild, so beautiful a young mustang on the open meadow untamed, unencumbered your beauty radiating with passion in the sensual moment you were one with the waning sun and the wind they brought you pleasure and exhilarated your senses I could see the joy overflow from your being You ran your fingers through your hair slowly slid your hands along your body to delight in the energy flowing through you The sight of you aroused me beyond belief I could smell the passion in your soul I had to be closer but a shifting wind betrayed my presence In surprise you bolted away I couldn't let you slip away I wanted you so I gave chase I knew not if your flight was of fright or play but as I got closer the flames of desire grew inside But yo
Passion Vs. Lust - Susan K. Rowse
Lust is as animals in heat with no name exchange, no emotions involved and sex shared in a brief incidental moment. Passion is released from the soul of your inner being. It is desire - mixed with emotion and a sense of being compelled to please and be pleased. It's a sensation that only the heart, soul, mind and body can share with another person. Lust is superficial and rests on the surface. It's strictly felt then disregarded after the moment ends. Passion comes from within. It has depth, thought and involves all the senses. Lust asks no questions and seeks no answers. It is merely sex fulfilled and final. Passion *is* compassion, in a sense, and a desire to give as well as receive. It is pleasure all things. Lust is selfish. Passion is not. Lust can last a minute, an hour or longer...but short-lived when compared to passion. Passion dwells inside the mind and embraces smell, touch, spirit and the lives of those involved
Passion Poem
PASSION Innocent yet detrimental you are. Bringing joy for most, then others just pain. Making some interesting, repulsive to others. Making rich your life, only to scare away those you desire. Driving some to glory only to see that unhappiness is their only friend. Thinking that alcohol, drugs, sex, and other vises mean so much. While money, friendship, and love are lost because of it. Bringing some into your life, only to make the ones you seek run from you. Healthy for the ones that are fortunate. Life threatening for the weak or unknowing. Bringing success at one moment, desperation the next. Some admire you for having it, yet they hold it against you. Something that comes so easily to some, tho others will never experience it. Why is something so natural so harmful? PASSION, like everything, is double sided, it must be appreciated yet feared.
Passion is so much Like a drug It draws you in And holds you snug Makes you want To have much more A desire like You've never felt before It draws you in So very deep A feeling you always Want to keep It fogs your mind And floods your heart Even the strongest Tend to fall apart So give it to me I don't mean to bug Can't get enough Of my favourite drug!
The charred remains of a soul That once was a blaze with passion, And as she fueled that passion, It grew hotter and hotter, Sucking the oxygen away from the air Surrounding them. His passion because an uncontrollable inferno, And she pulled away from the searing heat, He terrified her. Touching her soul in places Where she'd never been touch, And leaving his mark on her heart as well. His passion, like that for his life, Blazing uncontrollably until There was nothing left to burn. His own heart and soul consumed Until he was hers and hers alone, And then she put him out like Last nights campfire. She says I love you, but... I want you, but... I am in love with you, but... But nothing, his blazing passion Has brought him to the depths of hell, Where the searing heat Is consuming his soul. Let this be the day that it is learned, Passion without control Sends you straight to Hell. Robert J Nye (2008)
It hurts sometimes more than we can bare. If we could live without passion, maybe we'd know some kind of peace. But we would be hollow. Empty rooms, shuttered and dank. Without passion, we'd be truly dead. Passion is the source of our finest moments. The joy of love, the clarity of hatred, and the ecstasy of great passion. It lies in all of us. Sleeping, waiting, and though unwanted, unbidden, it will stir. Open it's jaws and howl.
In the deep of the night, I dream of your soft and unbridled. Nothing is more beautiful to me than dreaming of you....wearing nothing but moonlight and my kisses....kisses along your spine, your inner thighs, your neck. I can feel your fiery passion begging to be shared....A passion that leaves us breathless....begging to be released....begging to become one with each other. A begging that only exists with you.
Passionate Impatience
Your touch, I desire. Your lips I can taste. Help me calm this burning fire. Don't let it go to waste. Your tongue down my spine. Our bodies intertwined. Sweating together. Can't think of anyone better. The image is making my temperature rise. How much longer must I wait? See the passion in my eyes. Come feel my heart rate. Up against the wall, Or do you want me to crawl? Under a star filled sky, Or on a bed we can lie. You're takin my breath away You're the one I want, you're the one I need. I refuse to wait one more day. My body & soul to you I cede. By ME {Amitola} June 14, 2007
A Passion To Destroy
It's all over but the killing Of a milliion tiny demons White-hot passion burns up your distraction Melts your world away to look like mine But now mine is ours For my world was caught in the gravity-well of your bright star Cosmic collisions and merging of atoms to create something new, this new place of sharing Heating, explosions and cooling and gone But now we have the blue-prints to create another one Everything created will be destroyed Eager to self-destuct Eager to fuck
The Passing Of A Generations Hero
He was born in 1918 in small town in up-state New York. He was the star of a fledgling Cross Country Team and Track teams for his local high-school with records and trophies that still stand. He went away to school at Michigan University, where while he was away in his freshman year his mother passed away. He returned home after graduating for a few months until such time as what made him part of his “generation”. What makes him a part of his “generation” was that he joined the Marine Corp., the day after Pearl Harbor. He was with the 1st Marines that landed at Guadalcanal which was the first group of Americans who landed on foreign soil during World War II. He used to joke about how they watched the Navy ships sail off and leave them to battle the Japanese. He said it wasn’t till decades later that he knew how deep the “trouble” (well a cleaned up word) they were in. What brought him home from the war like many of his Pacific war buddies was Malaria; he would suffer from sympt
Passing Period
Tone sounds, everyone rushes. A sea of flesh and sweat, a solid wall of Stupidity. Suffocating, the scent of teenage hormones and weed. Trying to keep your sanity in this hell is futile. I try to navigate the ignorance, the clusters of bodies hold me back. They are like roaches... everywhere; impossible to get rid of! Voices everywhere, calling out the same old tired insults. Bad grammer haunts me at every corner, threatening my IQ level. Beady little eyes gawking at MY style, when they are just carbon-copied bullshit. Pushing, shoving, screaming... it's like traversing with cavemen! There's nowhere to turn, nowhere to hid from this mediocrity... And when all my hope has left, the dreaded Tone sounds again. I am late... But at least I can make it to the Damned classroom.
Passion Todays Comment To All!
Passionate Kiss
As I passionately kiss you Moving your tongue aside With mine I can’t help but Feel as though We merged I imagine With no boundaries A field of tall grass We run through Butterflies flying about The air is warm Makes your skin warm Warm to the touch I fondle you Becoming familiar with each and every curve Of your landscape I escape to a place where Only you and I exist No family No friends Only you and I You whisper in my ear Words of things to come My cup runnth over with anticipation This moment right here Is what memories are made of Shhh Can you hear that The beating of my heart That’s the footsteps of love Its coming The question is Do you have a place for it Tyrrie,
Passing It Over
THE RULES ARE: you have to write a blog with 10 things weird,random, facts habits, etc. about you. then you get to choose who you want to tag next. * NO TAG BACKS * HA HA! 1)hockey consums most of our time 2)big time coffee junkie 3)I'm on this site way to much:) 4)I swear to much (this is my only bad habit) 5)Moody 6)Always doing something for the wife or kids 7)I'm canadian 8)Into big trucks 9)Having a hard time coming up with 10 things about me 10)happy that this is number 10:D I tag, Miss Shady ,russianfoxx,tastey flutee
Yay!!! After so many months of being in school to become an EMT-B, I have finally made it. Took the state test on Jan. 19th and found out recently that I passed it. I knew for sure I had failed it, but I guess I was wrong. So now it's off to find an EMT job. Wish me luck
Passing The Time
Passing The Time The wind whispers in his ear as he sat neth the tree Alone and nowhere to go He just listens as the wind tells him lies His heart is alone His mind nowhere to go He just sits as the world glides by His mind is a blank His brain is a blur He sits as nothing happens yet the world flies by There is nothing he can say Nothing he can do He just sits and lets it go by His world has stopped His mind has paused as he just sits and stares No where to hide No where to run Just a place to sit and stare As he sits and waits for the end of day R. Alford Stewart 2/11/2000
Passion Runs threw my veins as we touch for the first time Passion flows threw us when we kiss and make love Passion runs threw me as the blade touches my skin as you left again. I feel the passion of the pain when i feel the blood run down my arm and falls on the floor. Passion comes in many forums. It comes in rough sex, pain, pleasure,kissing,touching.killing,holding on to something that is not really there anymore. But the most Passoin I feel is when me and some one i hold close have the most passionate sex one can have.
Almost felt like this when I went through Heathrow.
Passionate And Unforgettable Dreams
As I sit there, thinking, someone comes towards me and grabs my hand. Frightened, I jerk back; But he assures me that he is here to help me and love me. He begins to caress my neck, my shoulders, my back; And I give in to his orgasmic touch - And I trust him, though I have only just met him. And I touch him, his soft, silky skin, caressing him. Still sitting there, he wraps his arms around me and holds me for hours on end - And he tells me he cares, something never before heard by this lonely heart. Now, as we lay there on the beach, underneath the stars, his soft, sensuous lips touch mine. And I give myself to him, as we make love beneath the stars. And our hearts, minds, bodies, and souls entwine. He knows my every need, fantasy, desire - And he fulfills and satisfies each one of these as I have only dreamed. Now as we lie there, the sun begins to rise. It is not just a new day, but a new beginning as we plan to spend the rest of our lives
Passing By......
In the deep of the night, I dream of your soft and unbridled. Nothing is more beautiful to me than dreaming of you....wearing nothing but moonlight and my kisses....kisses along your spine, your inner thighs, your neck. I can feel your fiery passion begging to be shared....A passion that leaves us breathless....begging to be released....begging to become one with each other. A begging that only exists with you.
Passin Notes
Brian woke up one morning immensely aroused, so he turned over to his wife's side of the bed. His wife, Lisa, had already awakened though, and she was downstairs preparing breakfast in the kitchen. Afraid that he might spoil things by getting up, Brian called his little boy into the room and asked him 'Take this note to your beautiful Mommy'. The note read: The Tent Pole Is Up, The Canvas Is Spread, Hell With Breakfast, Come Back To Bed. Lisa, grinning, answered the note and then asked her son, 'Take this to your silly Daddy.' The note read: Take The Tent Pole Down, Put The Canvas Away,The Monkey Had A Hemorrhage, No Circus Today. Brian read the note and quickly scribbled a reply. Then, he asked his son to "Take it back to the Lady in the kitchen.' The note read: The Tent Pole's Still Up,And The Canvas Still Spread, So Drop What You're Doing, And Come Give Me Some Head. Laughing, Lisa answered the note and then asked her son, 'Take this to the poor dude up
Passover And Jesus Death
God begins the systematic, redemptive process of saving mankind with the Passover feast. This is the very first feast of His seven annual festivals. Each festival depicts a significant step forward to mankind's ultimate salvation as well as its glorious conclusion. Passover is not a Holy Day, but it is a feast; its primacy and meaning makes it the greatest of all feasts. For if there were no Passover, if Jesus as Passover never died for mankind, then we could forget about all the rest. They simply could not be fulfilled. Every feast that follows the Passover is utterly dependent upon it. Our Passover is Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 5:7). For over three decades Jesus lived a sinless life, though He was tested in all areas as we are (Hebrews 4:15). The hours before His crucifixion, He suffered great physical and mental pain for our healing (1 Peter 2:24). Jesus was nailed to a stake and remained faithful to God (and by extension, to us) to His death. He died when a Roman soldier pie
Pass Me By
"Pass Me By" "Does this excite you? Think about it! Does it not stagger the imagination? No builder on earth can concieve any structure to compare to the mansions above. Won't that be something when you go to live in your own mansion? There'll be no concern about paying for it, it's already taken care of. There'll be no worry about being moved out of it. It will be yours forever." [Shaggy 2 Dope] I got shot, ah!, the murder was heinous The bullet went in my eyeball and out my anus And I was hit, that was it, on the spot Flash, I woke up in a parking lot And I'm sittin in a '64 Reinkeys With Shaggy Dope written on the car keys I look around I can't believe that it's possible I'm dead, and I made it to the carnival I walk in, it's everything I dreamed of Everybody and they momma got clown luv Japanese, Lebanese, and Chinese, Portuguese, and southwest ghetto g's. (woowoo) Hangin' out with redneck truck drivers Instead of always givin' each other piledrivers I see
Passion Party
Passionate Sins
Passionate Sins By: Deborah Boyd The Night is Quiet The lights are dim We both lie here Oh what a sin The gentle touch Amongst my skin Send shivers of goose bumps From deep within The sudden passion So tense in force Send my mind wheeling Skin burning and scorched The desire grows deeper Oh what have you done My mind and body Is craving to become one The world spins around me Oh what do I care Nothing else matters When you are so near The cries of passion The clenching of hands The deep passionate kisses Is more then I can stand Then the next moment She awakes in a haze With the proof of what happened Her body is glazed She then looks upon What made her complete Knowing full well Her sins were a defeat
Passion 8
Watching the ripples of water caress the beach, A resounding peace has filled my soul, In a dream like reality surrounded by soothing sounds, This is a place I always know, Entranced by the reflections of the setting sun, Hearing the soft crashes of wave after wave on the sand, Seeing the seagulls fly about in their search for todays meal, Embraced in all its beauty, I sit back and feel the wind carry my hands, Sitting on this peer, is my serenity, Where I go to get away from life, To think, To exist, and just breathe, To get through any type of strife, The water is my soul, Free flowing yet focused all at once, The beauty of easing my mind can be found here, Gets me away from societies brunt, Seeing so many lost souls everyday, It tends to break my heart and lift them up, But once again i sink into my thoughts of my peer, And realize i'll never give up, My success, my fortune, my love, Is all the souls ive embraced and helped through what i know with no
im giving you a piece of my mind the one you run wild with the part that craves your tamed body Im giving you a peice of pleasure one you come back for everytime you think you got me I am passion! You with your manly gestures controll my every move squeeze my body and such my words
Passion 9
Passion Purple
Your Passion is Purple! You've got a ton of passion, but you don't always wear it on your sleeve. If something truly excites you, you let your inner intensity shine through. But otherwise, your passion tends to morph into energy ... which you never lack. You're a balanced woman, knowing when to turn on the fire in your heart. What Type of Passionate Woman Are You?
Passion The night was crisp and cool. The moon was full and the stars were brightly twinkling in the sky. Soft music is playing in the night. As I stand there under the stars you come up behind me and wrap your arms around my body. You kiss my neck and whisper into my ear that you want to make love to me. I turn around and look into your beautiful blue eyes and we begain to passionately kiss one another. As we kiss you pull me closer to your body. Every ounce of me wants you. My body tingles with excitement and I am wet with desire. You take my hand and we go into the house. As we walk to the bedroom you reach for me and we again kiss. As we embrace we fall to the bed and all the passion that has been built up in us just comes rushing out. You take your tongue and slowly go from my lips to my neck then to my breasts. You then go ever so slowly to my stomach then to my inner thighs. As I just about to moan you go between my legs. Your tongue feels so good to my wet pussy. As you f
fiery red on creamy white the biting pain of passion a moan slips past barely open lips the wave of ecstasy fades reality comes crashing back tears fall as emptiness returns
Pass The Axe
Passion's Flames
A touch, soft and tender. A whisper, full of desire A gasp of sweet surrender As passion fuels the fire No words spoken between them No promises to be kept No lies being told tonight No looking back - no regrets Longing to hold each other Such precious little time Both vowed to another Being lonely their only crime Tomorrow bringing sorrow A brief moment of shame With the memory of this one night A release from passion's flames
Passion Expressed
A warm smile A tender touch in the night, Gentle fingertips Delicate kisses placed just right. A heart captured Souls intertwined, The joyous smile On your face I find. Passion expressed A lover’s lust, The satisfaction Of desires a must. Treasured ecstasy Beyond mortal need, Wondrous sensations All emotions exceed. Limitless love Of a precious two, The unending contentment I find in you. These are the pleasures You have given to me, These are the reasons Only my love you’ll see. For you see my sweet Cat You are everything of beauty I know, So how could I ever resist the temptation Of letting my deep love for you show? How could I halt my feelings Of a true love that just might be? Yes, my sweet Cat how could I not pray That maybe you too, might love me.
'passions Prance'#4
A French Rose 'Passions Prance' The Night slowly slipped into a haze by words painted on a breath strange Moon and lanterns lights danced together Lady Jina soaking in literature feathered "la France, a stage in play, a lovers stage..." Dante La'bo continued his poetic say "Mis'ier La'bo, would you care to come nearer?" A French Rose asked with an anticipated quiver Silence was broken when he knocked on the door "Come in," she said, in a lady like roar He entered the room as if it were a cage Cradled his books and finger kept page "Sit here and read, my dear," Lady Jina said Seeing a Rose in the buff made his face red stabling to seat his feet tackled and stumbled clumsy, anxious and a clearing throat rumble "Humm, Thy love is not a tower I see ... but rather the perfume on a Pierre' breeze. My love is a candle that needs your fire Illuminating moi's passions and desires" Dante La'bo strung poems in a poetic pearl mesmerized and entranced was a Paris g
Pass The Axe
~ Passions On Fire ~
~ Passions on Fire ~ fires of passion ignite touches electrifying and light tenderness calms and soothe kisses covering release and loose hair flowing across shoulders bare awareness acute skin tingling everywhere oh you are the mystical queen always with me, always seen hearts on fire souls mingling bodies writhing fingers tickling smiles from lips tantalized eyes gazed answers mesmerized relaxed in arms tired bodies exhausted energies expired loving eyes peer and hazed closing sleeping delighted amazed. Peace.
This is a Passion Coupon for all of the hugs, kisses, and love that you desire. You can only redeem it in the bedroom, where you must strip off all of your clothes, kneel on the edge of the bed, and await my tender touch. Expect the most delicious night of passion imaginable, because that's exactly what I'm going to give you... and then some!
Passions Of Fire - Chapter One
A warm early evening, Friday as a matter of fact, he knew better than to take out it out of its quiet resting place. The mood he was in would only lead to trouble. Raising up the door as the street lights shined in on the chrome and reflected off the polished hood. The deep deafing thunder as the engine fired off. The vibration would be every womans best friend. Slowly easing out on the clutch, the cold engine wanted to refuse to obey, but its desire to drink of the methenol soon over took its resistance. Blue flames dancing out of the pipes grew ever so brilliant as the night grew nearer. Out onto the streets rolled the labor of love and so many nights spent working into the dawn hours to bring this fire breathing dragon to life. It costs him almost everything, including his own life. The last time it was much tamer and even then it was beyond living on the edge, now extreme wasn't even a close relation. Most people had already gone home and settled into the nightly routines. The
Passions Of Fire - Chapter Two - The Chance Meeting
Yes this is marked NSFW for a reason. She had always been interested in cars and going fast. There was something the turned her on nothing more than the power of racing, but she had no idea that was about to replaced by something not with a motor but with a beating heart. Most of her friends where hanging out at the Sonic as she came up. Getting out of her car, she hugged and greeting them. The night aire had a sense of something different. She was an attractive sort, not a barbie, but eyes that could melt hearts and shorten a breath. Quietly he eased up for a bite to eat. Shutting off the engine and rolling up to the order box. A glance around and he stopped short during placing the order as he looked her way. She over heared someone asking if they had ever seen that car before on the other side. She looked over to notice if she knew whom it may be. Finishing his order and waiting for it, he wanted to call her over, but shyness prevented that. After getting his food, maybe gett
Passions Of Fire - Chapter Three -fire Of Passion
OK, lets see you can handle the raw passions of fire! Fire Both of them could see the headlights coming closer and knew who it was. Doing the best she could to hold her blouse together with one hand and the other on the dash as he opened up the the throttle wide and opened up the cut outs. The sound of thunder rolled in the night. Even with the previous events of the evening, the shear power over took her as she had never been in a car so fast. Her heart raced fast as the engine. She glanced over to see the needle of the speedometer pass 150. All traces faded into the night of the car behind. He looked over her, keeping one eye ahead. He was concerned over the quickness of her breath, not knowing what was really going through her mind and body. After slowing down and coming back into town, they talked and found a connection between them. A spark was there, and the more they were together the hotter and brighter it become. He asked her if she wanted to stop by his house and
Passions Flames
A touch, soft and tender. A whisper, full of desire A gasp of sweet surrender As passion fuels the fire No words spoken between them No promises to be kept No lies being told tonight No looking back - no regrets Longing to hold each other Such precious little time Both vowed to another Being lonely their only crime Tomorrow bringing sorrow A brief moment of shame With the memory of this one night A release from passion's flames
Passions Volcanic
Dormant laid my passion, Hot runs my blood; Bursting without warning, My lava's fiery flood. I want to feel the friction, I want to feel the burn. You make my body hunger; You make my body yearn. I want to trap your fire inside me, Enslave you with my charms. I want to drink your molten lava, I want to explode in your arms.
Passion Of A Starnger
One night as you decide to out for a night on the town, you decide to wear a short black skirt and a red lace top with a black short jacket. your careful to show enough to make them stop and stare. As you are driving to a small local club, something catches your eye, a new place that you have never been before. The look of the place is somewhat alluring to you against your better judgment you decide to stop in and check it out. When you walk in the place is dimly lit and threes is only a few people in the bar, you decide to have a drink before you leave, you slowly walk up to the bar when you feel that there is someone watching you. You play it off and move to the bar, as you sit a the bar sip at your drink you feel someone slid down on the stool next to you. he accidentally rubs your arms, as you turn to say something he apologizes and introduces himself (me), as you turn to introduce yourself your eyes meet and you see a fire and passion behind his eyes that you have seen before. As
Beads of rain Slowly drizzle Down the window panes; Embers crackle and sizzle Amid dancing flames. The glow of the fire shines Upon the floor; there entwined, Two naked bodies lie. A shiver runs up her spine As he gently rubs her thigh. She whispers in his ear, "Make love to me now." "Take me! right here!" He reaches down, Holds himself and pulls her near. He gives her all he has With a gentle thrust of his hips. She gives a little gasp As he parts her juicy wet lips. Oh, heaven at last! A flash of lightning And a roll of thunder; Passion's heightening As she moans under His rhythmic thrusting. He hears her cries As he shudders Between her thighs. "Oh, God," she utters Amidst frantic sighs. Copyright 2007 Missy Harrell
Passing Judgement
Life is so short to be worried about passing judgement on people without bothering to get to know them and basing opinions on what other people think or say or do about someone....If someone is going to like/hate/or be indifferent towards me, please base it on ME and not on some thought someone else has put into your head, after all if you are incapable of your own thoughts and opinions your not worth my time anyway.
I would like to introduce you to my new owner. He is a real sweetheart! Show him lots of love. I quarentee you wont regret it!! >Passionman71~ Shadow Leveler~ & Fu-Owner Of Lady Kate~&~ Juggalette Angel~&~Say~&~Sweetfox2007~
Pass It On
This brought a smile and gratitude for all my friends! : ) LEMONS and SUGAR ... This should probably be taped to your bathroom mirror where one could read it every day. You may not realize it, but it's 100% true. 1. There are at least two people in this world that you would die for. 2. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way. 3. The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because; they want to be just like you. 4. A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don't like you. 5. Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to sleep. 6. You mean the world to someone. 7. You are special and unique. 8. Someone that you don't even know exists; loves you. 9. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it. 10. When you think the world has turned its back on you take another
Pass It On
THE BIKER I Saw you, hug your purse closer to you in the grocery store line. But, you Didn't see me, put an extra $10.00 in the collection outside the Store as I Walked in. I saw you; pull your child closer when we passed each other On the sidewalk. But, you didn't see me, playing Santa at the local Mall. I saw you, change your mind about going into the Restaurant. But, you didn't see me, attending a meeting to raise more money For the Hurricane relief. I saw you , roll up your window and shake Your head when I rode by. But, you didn't see me, riding behind you when You flicked your cigarette Butt out the car window. I saw you, frown At me when I smiled at your children. But, you didn't see me, when I took Time off from work to run toys to the Homeless. I saw you, stare at My long hair. But, you didn't see me, and my friends cut ten inches off for Locks of Love. I saw you, roll your eyes at our leather jackets and Gloves. But, you didn't see me, and my brothers donate our old ones to T
Passions Fury
Passions Fury by LateNiteFantasy© Irish stubborn Cherokee heart Commanche ways Apache warrior fierce, wild as the wind child of air rides midnight sun while storms rage beneath Could feel the wind whispering in her blood as angers fog set in masked moments too long little too late for second or seconds unknown Cold chill rocked through turbulent skies forces pull from all directions Beckons the child to their call Keeper of the winds spreads wings takes flight once again passions fury met with dust storm of illusion thus the heart concludes
The Passions I Have In My Life Thats Allows My Desires To Come True
Mornings that blessed it one with you in it,I can only describe the way you bring joy,peace,happyness,love,in to it.The passion you show out lights the brightest star,no matter what you do or go by far,wouldn't find the pleasures of you being there.Maybe it's the way you style your hair,but be certain that for all to see the true angel you've come to be.Just take a moment to believe in yourself,so that you can see all the desires thatare in yourself Love always wins.....
Look into my soul feeling this is only right Pull me close to you hold me just as tight Kiss me on my lips and shove the pain away Continue on please don’t stop, don’t delay Use your hands to feel my heart and soul Speak your voice to make me feel whole Let’s keep going I want to say I love you Words can’t express what this can do Look in through my eyes and find my hidden soul Peer into my thoughts and find that seeping hole Find all my love and see what’s inside See that from you I have nothing to hide Search for my heart and notice it’s full Ask me why, I’ll say you made me whole Hold onto to me close and with no space in between Grab me close into your arms is what I mean Don’t let go until we’re done I don’t care what they say or if they shun Keep me in your arms and don’t let me go I want to do this I want to show Kiss me on the lips and continue on down Devour my neck and relieve my frown Taste my chest and make me gasp Be sure no thoughts any I can
Passion Required
Visualised the scenes We lovingly acquired Both soaring toward The passion required With this musical style We dancing the beat Minds alike travelled Yet could someday meet This music to my ears Love playing tenderly My lips spilling words Whispering intimately Brown eyes met blue Romantics conveyed In written love affairs The songs never fade
Passionate Plaything
my passionate plaything with blindfold adorned flesh so pale and perfect just begging to be torn i do bask in this beauty that is tied to my bed draw my nails down her back leaving traces of red then come the sweet sound of the cracking whip again and again until the blood starts to drip the sight of the crimson drives my senses wild and across my face slowly forms a twisted smile i lower myself down to have a taste of her flesh i fill my mouth and feel as though im blessed i now realize my purpose is to be within her to make her my beloved immortal sinner bound to me and for me there is no escape our sickness has been decided by fate i dig my nails deep into her soft shoulders and my manhood grows bolder and bolder slowly i penetrate her oh so very deep
Pass The Mutha Fxckin Axe!!!
Passion Released
Pasion Released Placing myself in your care Intimacy and passion to share Feeling your gaze upon me Warmth, love, and beauty Your fingertips trace my arms A tingling whisper upon my skin As we look into each other’s eyes Any hesitations released in a sigh Giving myself up to you tonight You stir a passion I’m helpless to withhold You’ve awakened a hunger in my soul Feel my body, play it well Release me from within my shell Your sweet touch makes my body sing Fire flowing throughout my being I want to let go, release my control Give myself over to your desires I want to make love, I want more I am yours to explore I will follow your lead I will do as you say If you are kind and careful You can have your way Our bodies together, so bright, so hot Oh, I don’t want you to stop I feel so alive I want you so much Kiss me deeply give me your touch I am yours tonight Take me to the height Our passions will soar Our bodies in harmon
Just look into my eyes and tell me what you see and if you know me well enough you'll see you're the only one for me If you put your head to my chest and tell me what you hear you'd hear my heart beating way too fast and it's just because you're near Baby, just touch my soft body's skin then tell me what you feel you'd feel the heat, burning like flames you'd feel I want you for real Like a volcano, erupting with pleasure when your hands find mine when your fingers glide down my back and run it up and down my spine together we will go to that place, wehere you and I can be alone to that world of passion and desire where your mind will be blown Just close your eyes, just give in to me and I'll give you what you need i want you near, I want you here I want you to feel all my heat
Pass The Butter ... Please .
This is interesting . . Margarine was originally manufactured to fatten turkeys. When it killed the turkeys, the people who had put all the money int o the research wanted a payback so they put their heads together to figure out what to do with this product to get their money back. ! It was a white substance with no food appeal so they added the yellow coloring and sold it to people to use in place of butter. How do you like it? They have come out with some clever new flavorings. DO YOU KNOW.. the difference between margarine and butter? Read on to the end...gets very interesting! Both have the same amount of calories. Butter is slightly higher in saturated fats at 8 grams compared to 5 grams. Eating margarine can increase heart disease in women by 53% over eating the same amount of butter, according to a recent Harvard Medical Study.! Eating butter increases the absorption of many other nutrients in other
Passing Thought
The sun just barely collapses beneath the water line, and the red and orange shadows soon follow. The trees that landscape the beach hang over the sand giving of shades of black and green like a fine woven satin. Delca sits there, waiting for the tide to come touch her toes... to clean the sand from the bottoms of her feet. Her white dress absolutly soaked from the incoming waters and the falling rain. Rising to her feet, she takes a last look at the evenings first twylight, and then heads back to the cabin for a fresh set of clothes and her fireplace. After changing clothes she grabs a glass out of the china cabinet and poured a fine red wine. ....
He is my new Fu Owner and he Rawks... He is always helping people level and just a sweet guy so stop by his page if you haven't already and Fan/Rate/Add him and show him tons of love. Passionman71~ Shadow Leveler~@ fubar
Passions Uknown
Passions Uknown by LateNiteFantasy© No single word can articulate, the emotions she awakens in my soul. To dream of sensual ecstasy, that binds my body, tormenting my soul, fuming inside me. A feverish thirst yet to unfold.. I have no power, that is in her hands, Her wish is my command.. The music that plays is hauntingly erotic. The rhythm inside me, quite exotic A throbbing desire fuels the flame, ready to explode. My soul blazing, as I hold tight. While wave after wave of ecstasy consumes me. Her name upon my lips as it escapes, up into the heavens, as she explodes, into a million droplets. Quenching my thirst. Then falling back simultaneously, Before we become sated, satisfied to the very soul Oh how I love her more than she’ll ever know... My Body glowing, As I softly sigh !
Passionman71's Breaking Out The Bling...
Passionman71 is hosting his first Happy Hour on Saturday at 1:00 p.m. Fubar time, 4:00 p.m. Est. Stop by during his Happy Hour and show some love. He will have 3 rate folders set up too rate. Rate 100- 11's & 100- 10's Enter Drawing for 25 credit bling Pack Rate 300 -10's Enter Drawing for a 1 Month V.I.P. Rate 200-10's Enter Drawing for 200K in Fu-Bucks After you are done rating the folders please send a private message too him and let him know you are finished and with what you rated. So go show love and party with Passionman71 on Saturday during his Happy Hour. He will also be blinging randomly too those that are rating him during his Happy Hour. Passionman71~ Shadow Leveler~Fu-owned by Anna~@ fubar This Happy Hour Pimp- Out brought too you by : ¢¾BooBoo¢¾ Founder of Shadow Levelers.Owned By Lynne & Farscapecat Co-Owner of Cutterbum@ fubar Please repost
Pass The Knife
thus the night stood still lights dim the world cold hell has come come to my life consumed me hatred filled hatred dealt my life for yours pass the knife give me what i want give me peace pass the knife let it sink deep in your mind bury the living lay in my wake of destruct for i shall consume you all pass the knife
Passion Drives
Coming together as our clothes come apart a button at a time, revealing each others flesh passion drives together two bodies our lips and hands search for flesh beneath our clothes a button at a time, revealing each others flesh tasting and feeling each new curve revealed our lips and hands search for flesh beneath our clothes as our bodies respond to each others desires tasting and feeling each new curve revealed my lips move down your throat as our bodies respond to each others desires pressing together I feel your growing heat my lips move down your throat following the curve of your breast pressing together I feel your growing heat as you lift your hips against me following the curve of your breast my tongue plays over your erect nipple as you lift your hips against me and I squeeze your breast in my hand my tongue plays over your erect nipple till I hear your soft moans and I squeeze your breast in my hand then slide my fingertips across your stomach till Him Get Spotlight!
We all Love Passionman71 and some of us would like too give him a chance at having SpotLight one time before he levels. We worked as a team too put Gary in the Spotlight and lets pull together and help Joe. He gives countless hours helping Shadow Levelers and many people on Fubar level. Lets put him in the SpotLight for Next Sunday. We have a week too work together and raise the Fu-Bucks too help him. Please if you can send him any amount will help him. Anyone that knows Passionman71 knows that he will do anything for his friends. Click on his profile and send him a gift of Fu-Bucks. Passionman71~ Shadow Leveler~Fu-owned by Anna~@ fubar Thanks too everyone for all your help. Please repost (repost of original by '♥BooBoo♥ Founder of Shadow Levelers.Owned By Lynne & Farscapecat Co-Owner of Cutterbum' on '2008-06-22 11:43:25')
Passion Filled
Passion filled nights Full of velvety kisses. Caressing my body Fulfilling all my wishes. Loving me endlessly With all of your heart. Souls entwined Never to part. Now we are one... Emotions unchained. Giving ourselves completely; Our love never strained. Forever and eternity Blessed from up above. You and I... Forever in love
Passion Without Flesh
Passion Without Flesh All day I picture curves arching under me Dripping the sweat of passion, the heat Jeering at the bodies we use to strain for pleasure Equaled by no other. We quest together for the Coolness and calmness that follows it. Tonight I must make this image into reality. I cannot live on images. Sustenance craves Veritability of pleasure, not phantoms of fever. Each moment stretches into eternity; I Long to run my hand down the spine, cup Each buttock in turn, lick a line of Shivers along the spine hiding behind you. Soon I will make love to you.
Passions Spellbinding
Passions Spellbinding by LateNiteFantasy© How to describe such feeling.... The sky seems bluer, The food tastes better, The music happier. My passion awakens. The feeling in my heart is timeless, To hold you in my arms excites me, Your kiss fills me with passion, I ache in the cold night to feel you near. Passion begins. I long to have you with me through the long darkness, To have your soft warmth next to me, I want to hold you as we sleep, And wake up and smile as I see you next to me. Every night my passion grows. My heart calls to you, I long for you to answer, To respond to my prayers, And let me have your love. Let me have your passion. I have to touch you, Feel your body grow with excitement at my touch, Move my fingers lightly across your back, Kiss your neck as I move down your body, Share my passion. I want only to make you happy, My reward is your love and smile, We belong together, Our love can only grow. Passion becomes love.
Passing Of Uga Vi
on friday the beloved mascot of the georgia bulldogs passed away from heart failure we will miss you uga thanks for the memorys.
Passion moves As a window shade Blown by a sudden breeze; As a bare leg against smooth sheets; As a gentle sigh in dreaming. Passion moves In a sheening moonlit arc; In the softest sunrise Tiptoeing across the mountaintop. Passion moves Like the motion of the grasses When the wind lays them down Across the meadows; Like a whisper breath of spring Unwrapping buds in quiet splendor. Passion moves Me For you
Passion Revealed
Passions revealed, desires sedated, never once believed, such pleasures awaited. Romance claimed lost, desire now greed, no estatic long nights, just fullfilling a need. But with lingering glances, on satin smooth skin, through the night we languish, in the erotica of skin. A candle lit dinner, alone to test our will, champaine on ice , inhibitions to chill. A fire in the hearth, our only light, yet hold back the urges, as passion fills the night. Caressing your hair, a masage designed to please, your breathing grows soft, a sensual tease. Lips finally meet, so tender and hoping, tounges intertwine, searching not groping. Finger tips trace, from your neck down your spine, awakening nerves the pleasure , devine. Cloths whisper as they fall to the floor, bringing pleasure in the skin they show, no rush no hurry all night, to take it slow. A trail of kisses, the soft backs of knees, bodys aching yearning, eager to please. By the
Passing It On...
Only take what you need as forward you travel, Don't weigh yourself down with the woe of the past, Decide that your heart will have room to be happy, With space for good memories, ones that will last. Don't let past misfortunes stifle your dreaming, And stop you from reaching as high as you can, But use them as stepping stones to your life's purpose, The journey you started when your life began. Let the lessons you learn add depth to your living, Begin to reach out to all those passing by, A smile given lovingly could be a blessing, And help someone give something just one more try. Reach out through your own pain to someone in crisis, By touching a hand you are touching a heart, You might never know just how your intervention Enabled another to make a new start. So when someone says they can never repay you, For all you have said, or for all you have done, Just quietly say there's one way this can happen, Through sharing a blessing by pass
Passion You know that look in her eyes, The look that brings you alive, The look that stirs the depths of your soul, The look that makes you ever so bold. The look that leads you to a caress, Sending shivers up your spine no less, The touch of her lips set you on fire, Burning you up with such a desire. Pulling her close your body responds, Hating the clothes that you have on, Popping a button in all your haste, Hating the time you have to waste. Quickly now you fall on the bed, Only thoughts of her fill your head, Each of you knows where this Passion will lead, Neither satisfied 'til you fulfill all your needs. Harder and faster the Passion does drive, Letting you know that you are alive, Closer and closer you draw to the end, But neither really wanting this to end. Together you both explode in the night, Feeling that the whole world is now right, Collapsing together, both of you spent, Happy with how well this night has went. And there you lay
You know that look in her eyes, The look that brings you alive, The look that stirs the depths of your soul, The look that makes you ever so bold. The look that leads you to a caress, Sending shivers up your spine no less, The touch of her lips set you on fire, Burning you up with such a desire. Pulling her close your body responds, Hating the clothes that you have on, Popping a button in all your haste, Hating the time you have to waste. Quickly now you fall on the bed, Only thoughts of her fill your head, Each of you knows where this Passion will lead, Neither satisfied 'til you fulfill all your needs. Harder and faster the Passion does drive, Letting you know that you are alive, Closer and closer you draw to the end, But neither really wanting this to end. Together you both explode in the night, Feeling that the whole world is now right, Collapsing together, both of you spent, Happy with how well this night has went. And there you lay in each othe
Passion I ache to burn free from my restraints, and all the things that bind me. The swell inside seems to grow, like crashing waves upon the sea. My desirse burns like the candles flame, hopinf to untie me... And in a sweet lover's embrace is where my passion longs to be. Someday I know my soul will be filled, for you will set me free.
Passion Of The Ocean (sent To Me By A Very Special Friend Ty)
Passion of the ocean Like the ocean so wide and powerful with its waves rolling in and crashing against The rocks With the same force as my admiration towards the man I want to get to know I want to know and feel his strength, and feel the power of his touch, crashing against My soul I want to feel his passions his desires and the dreams he has Like the waters that go on Forever and ever I want to feel his tender touch caressing every inch of my body like the kiss of the sun over the ocean horizon, Faithfully each morning I want him to know that with each and ever word spoken is like a ripple that spreads throughout the deepest waters in My heart For the day is coming closer and the nights are getting longer in the desire To be near you I dream of that moment when the waters of the ocean and the rocks of the cliffs finally meet In a storm of passion, His every touch will be like a soft caress to the rocks of the cliffs below With each encounter will be like the water
Passionate Surrender
Sweet surrender from your heart to mine. Feelings of rapture, Heaven divine. Warmth like a river Floods over my soul, Love so completely To make me feel whole. Only you my love Can bring feelings So deep. If we cherish each other, These feelings we'll keep.
~ Passionately ~
A Passionate Night Between U And Me
wA passionate night between me and you I can't begin to tell you the things I want to do. First we can dim the lights and get closer..... No, wait, that's too fast, let's go back and move a little slower. I'll kiss your lips that are so soft and sweet, then move on to your cheek that's so smooth and unique. Then I'll move right along that little ear of yours... Whoa... my, my... let me move along your chest... Uh, oh I missed a spot, let me move back up to the neck As I move my tongue around and around you start to feel it as I go down slowly and as I kiss your chest your hands go up ...but I'm not finished yet.... I go further down towards your navel... As I move down past your waist line I begin to kiss.... Oh, I just wake up to realize it's a dream ! A passionate dream fueled by my deep love for you.
...The frost was clinging tightly to the already wilting Summer grasses and flowers. The leaves of the Aspens were turning their brilliant fall colors. I step outside with my coffee cup in hand to take in the fresh morning air. It was cool as it entered my lungs. Almost a burning sensation. Standing on the deck in only my sweat pants, it didn't take the cold long to reach the steel of my piercings. A shiver shot through my body and I retreated into the cabin. Quietly I shut the door behind me. She was still sleeping and I didn't want to wake her. She had had enough trouble sleeping lately and I thought I would give her this morning to sleep as long as she needed. I poured myself another cup of coffee and sat at the kitchen table. Looking out the window I started to reflect on the first time we were here together. It was Spring then. The snows had only recently departed and the Aspens were just budding their new leaves. There was a rebirth in the high country, ever
A Passionate Kiss
A Passionate Kiss Author: Gabriela A passionate night between me and you I can't begin to tell you the things I want to do. First we can dim the lights and get closer..... No, wait, that's too fast, let's go back and move a little slower. I'll kiss your lips that are so soft and sweet, then move on to your cheek that's so smooth and unique. Then I'll move right along that little ear of yours... Whoa... my, my... let me move along your chest... Uh, oh I missed a spot, let me move back up to the neck As I move my tongue around and around you start to feel it as I go down slowly and as I kiss your chest your hands go up ...but I'm not finished yet.... I go further down towards your navel... As I move down past your waist line I begin to kiss.... Oh, I just wake up to realize it's a dream ! A passionate dream fueled by my deep love for you
Her fingers tremble Candlelight glows on soft skin She's waited so long Naked against him Lost in his tender embrace Alive for his touch Inhibitions fade Her walls come down beneath him Can he read her thoughts? She wonders if he knows the true depth of her love will he ever know? the words escape her their bodies moving in time her message is sent without the cumbersome words she holds him so close her body is speaking to him
Passive Seduction
passive seduction passive seduction is the feeling you have when you ve been totally laid,that feeling of throbbing you have for hours afterward.It is the feeling you have when you turn over and feel the pillow next to you,and realize that you are in that bed look at the impression made,and wonder where in the night he or she left is the feeling you have when you laid in water,covered in suds and feel the is when you look admidst your lovers eyes and see you shining is the arms that holds you so tendlerly and tight and you know, you just know they won't let is the warmth back a fireplace,on a chilly winter night.a glass of wine,by the waters edge,and it is me,wrapped up in a warm blanket,feeling the desires of a woman.heeding the passion of her man,and smiling,because the calling of to the wild,nature takes its coarse and seduction becomes once again my fulfillment,my all,it is what lives inside me.
Passion Pink
Come and Own Me!! Check Out My Offer!! If you Come Up With A Great Bid I Will Add To My Offer!! Be sure to love up on the sexy host!! Lostsoul-fuowner,Dj_Lette,hotandfluffy, xkrazylilqtx,Fuowen,nyne, naughty&precioussub,redneck angle,pr@ fubar (repost of original by '*Pink0828 *' on '2008-08-09 18:03:04') (repost of original by 'Lostsoul-fuowner,Dj_Lette,hotandfluffy,xkrazylilqtx,Fuowen,nyne,naughty&precioussub,redneck angle,pr' on '2008-08-09 18:04:00')
Passion An Love
Passion and Love A Maiden wept and, as a comforter, Came one who cried, "I love thee," and he seized Her in his arms and kissed her with hot breath, That dried the tears upon her flaming cheeks. While evermore his boldly blazing eye Burned into hers; but she uncomforted Shrank from his arms and only wept the more. Then one came and gazed mutely in her face With wide and wistful eyes; but still aloof He held himself; as with a reverent fear, As one who knows some sacred presence nigh. And as she wept he mingled tear with tear, That cheered her soul like dew a dusty flower, Until she smiled, approached, and touched his hand!
This is just a half way one right now, I'll do a much better one when I get home. Passionman71 has bought me for VIP! He's kind enough to wait until I'm home to come through with payment so I can actually use all the 11s. Swing by and show him some fu lovin' ~ Shadow Leveler Team Leader~ Passionman71~ Proudly owned by~ Scarlett{Shadow Leveler}~@ fubar
My favorite relative, my uncle Edgel, passed away early this morning. He had melanoma several years ago, which metasticized into his brain. The tumors were inoperable, and although they tried radiation, chemo, gamma knife, and surgery, the cancer spread into his lungs and liver. He has been in a coma for nearly two weeks. He had a "No Heroic Measures" will, and therefore has had no nutrition, nor fluids of any kind. It is just the sheer Harper ruggedness that kept him going this long. There was a song written by an acquaintance of mine and recorded by Pine Mountain Railroad called "Beyond The Rain". He wanted me to sing it at his funeral, and his widow has asked me to do "Amazing Grace" with my guitar as well. It is going to be so difficult, but I will get through it with his help. He will be sorely missed!
AWESOMENESS!!!!!!!! Let me introduce you to my Fu-Owner, Passionman71. He is one of the friendliest men on Fubar and one of the best friends I have here. He knows what being a TRUE friend is all about. Passionman71 goes out of his way to take care of his friends. He's there for them to help them level or to just be a friend to talk to when you need him and never ask for anything in return. I can't think of a better friend to have!!! Please take a minute of your time and stop by his page to fan, add and rate him. I can promise you that you won't regret it one bit. He returns all love shown to him. ~ Shadow Leveler Team Leader~ Passionman71~ Proudly owned by~ Scarlett{Shadow Leveler}~@ fubar This pimp out brought to you by: Happy Country Girl {{Shadow Leveler}} {{Fu-Owned by Passionman71}}@ fubar
Passion Without Flesh
All day I picture curves arching under me Dripping the sweat of passion, the heat Jeering at the bodies we use to strain for pleasure Equaled by no other. We quest together for the Coolness and calmness that follows it. Tonight I must make this image into reality. I cannot live on images. Sustenance craves Veritability of pleasure, not phantoms of fever. Each moment stretches into eternity; I Long to run my hand down the spine, cup Each buttock in turn, lick a line of Shivers along the spine hiding behind you. Soon I will make love to you.
The Passing Of My Grandfather
On Sunday August 10th, 2008 my grandfather died. I never really got to know the man but for some reason his passing has hit me hard. Maybe it's because I didn't really get to know him, for fear of becoming like everyone else around him. He wasn't "rich" but he did have quite a bit of money saved up. It seamed like everyone who was close to him was squabbling over the littlest things. Even during the planing of his funeral services they would make comments about each other. and my own uncle and his shrew of a wife wouldn't even say hello to me. and people wonder why I don't attend family events....I need a drink :(
Pass The Butter, Please! (ty To Her World)
Pass The Butter .. Please. This is interesting . . . Margarine was originally manufactured to fatten turkeys. When it killed the turkeys, the people who had put all the money into the research wanted a payback so they put their heads together to figure out what to do with this product to get their money back. It was a white substance with no food appeal so they added the yellow coloring and sold it to people to use in place of butter. How do you like it? They have come out with some clever new flavorings.. DO YOU KNOW.. The difference between margarine and butter? Read on to the end...gets very interesting! Both have the same amount of calories. Butter is slightly higher in saturated fats at 8 grams compared to 5 grams. Eating margarine can increase heart disease in women by 53% over eating the same amount of butter, according to a recent Harvard Medical Study. Eating butter increases the absorption of many other nutrients other foods. Butter has man
"passion Is Who We Are."
"Passion - it lives, it breathes, it exists within us, To inspire us, to invoke us, to entice us to find adventure in all life." "It is the fire that burns within our blood, It is the little voice in our mind we hear, That urges us, that taunts us, that seduces us to go beyond even our fears." "Passion - it is the reason." "It is the reason that the sun seeks out the horizon with such intensity, To burn it, with its kiss of rays complete Filling then all of life with its passionate heat." "It is the source of all that is power in nature.” "It is the gale of a hurricane." "It is the flash of the lightning as the storm thunders out its name. "It is the cause of the frantic rush of the waves to kiss the shore. "It is the touch of a lover's lips to another in the beginning of a dance of Unending joy. "Passion is who we are." "Passion is either our very life's breath or the very final beat of our heart in its death."
Pass The Bud
Help me in boycotting Anheuser-Busch since they are sellouts. Drop your beer off at my house & I will dispose of it. We'll teach those bastards
The Passion Peach
1 Man, Naked 1 Woman, clothing optional 1 Peach, Large 1. From top of peach, cut a circle all the was through and remove, including pit. 2. With man standing, kiss, lick and apply gentle suction to penis, thights and testicles until penis becomes erect. 3. Slide penis through hole in peach. 4. Perform fellatio while rotating peach around the shaft of the penis. 5. Gently squess peach, licking juices as it comes out. 6. Continue steps 4 and 5 until orgasm or desired consistencly of arousal.
Passing On This Info From The Admins :)
You can now require people who drop comments on your page to have salutes by clicking the appropriate box in your Privacy Settings page. (This from a recent blog by BabyJesus.)
love is like a passion Something you never Have had through out your Childhood Love is like a Neverending story Love last longer then What people think It does, All they have to do Is to believe into It Then love will conter All things in life!
I have an awesome owner! He's not only a wonderful part of the Shadow Levelers he's a great friend who will go out of his way to help anyone. So swing by and rate him up! ~ Shadow Leveler Team Leader~ Passionman71~ Proudly owned by~ Scarlett{Shadow Leveler}~@ fubar Tell him I sent ya! lauria@ fubar
It's the feeling you feel for another, Not as strong as love, But just as deadly, For it destroys and create all at one time. Is it a love for a thing or a person, Or is it a hate for a thing or a person. Its color starts as the purest white, Then it goes to a light pink, To a glorious rosy pink, Then to a deep red, And in the end it goes to the darkest black. I see the purest red roses, When I am deeply in love, But when hate takes over my passion, I can see nothing, For there is only darkness in the black. When passion is upon me, I can smell the sweetest fragrance, But when hate is my passion, I can smell the pit fires of Hell. When passion comes upon me, I can hear the angelic choirs singing to me, But when my passion turns to hate, I can hear the demons of Hell laughing at me. I see passion, When I see the girl I love, I see hate, When I see the homeless and the dying. I feel joy, happiness, and total exhilaration, I feel warm and cold,
Pass It On If You Want
Mental Feng Shui This is without a doubt one of the nicest good luck forwards I have received. Hope it works for you -- and me! Lotus Touts: You have 6 minutes There's some mighty fine advice in these words, even if you're not superstitious. This Lotus Touts has been sent to you for good luck from the Anthony Robbins organization. It has been sent around the world ten times so far. Do not keep this message. The Lotus Touts must leave your hands in 6 MINUTES. Otherwise you will get a very unpleasant surprise. This is true, even if you are not superstitious, agnostic, or otherwise faith impaired. ONE. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully. TWO. Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their conversational skills will be as important as any other. THREE. Don't believe all
Passing Of An Angel!
The Passing Of A Friend :(
Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape. He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as knowing when to come in out of the rain, why the early bird gets the worm, life isn't always fair, and maybe it was my fault. Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than you earn) and reliable parenting strategies (adults, not children, are in charge). His health began to deteriorate rapidly when well intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place. Reports of a six-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition. Common Sense lost ground when parents attacked teachers for doing the job they themselves f
Passing On The Wisdom Of Others
Tim Gunn's 10 Essential Items Every Woman Needs • Basic black dress • Trench coat • Classic dress pants • Classic white shirt • Skirt • Blazer • Day dress • Cashmere sweater • Jeans • A comfortable alternative to a sweatsuit
Passion's Flames
A touch, soft and tender. A whisper, full of desire A gasp of sweet surrender As passion fuels the fire No words spoken between them No promises to be kept No lies being told tonight No looking back - no regrets Longing to hold each other Such precious little time Both vowed to another Being lonely their only crime Tomorrow bringing sorrow A brief moment of shame With the memory of this one night A release from passion's flames
As you enter you say I cannot touch. Naked with your hands and mouth all over me. Wanting to touch you has never been this much. I am in ectasy from what I feel and see. Our passion consumes us making it hard to restrain. My head is filling with fantasies for us to do. I am overwhelmed and my resistance is pain. Our lips now meet as I expose you too. I worship your body and cannot get enough. We come closer with a connection thats true. I realize why you did this even though it was tough. You made me want you more than I have ever wanted you
I wrote this just yesturday. Let me know what you think. "Passion" Our hearts racing Our bodies moving together Temperatures rising All because of this passion for each other Our souls connecting, becoming one Experiencing this extrordinary thing called love Our eyes meet Now feeling so complete Lying on the bed kissing each other softly Caressing one's body so tenderly The heat now rising As our passion is climbing Awakening each other's senses Not worrying about life's tensions Stimulating both body and mind Going slow, taking our time Getting to know one another on a different level Letting time pass by as we cuddle Because the passion you have for me & I for you I know will one day become true But until then I awake from this dream To get up, get ready, and get myself clean Because one day that day will come Where our eyes will meet & two can finally be destined to become ONE!!
Passion With No Limit
Teasing lips and tantalizing eyes The sweetest face but a mind of lies You pull me close and kiss me sweet And speak of love as our eyes meet Is this a true love, one that's real? You touch me and my heart you steal My body aches for you to be close So you pull me near you as a toast As our souls do become as one with each other Our hearts start a fire that never will smother A passion hotter than the hottest flame A fire out of control with just us to blame
The mere darkness of the night radiates in the stillness of my room. My eyes closed to the world. While I dance in the essence of my dreams. The cool breeze of the night encircles the walls. The window is open to an everlasting nightfall. My unveiled body enclosed by the black satin sheets. My long curly dark auburn hair frames my face. She enters the room. Making her way to the bed I rest in. Her blue-green eyes are in taking the beauty of my intense voluptuous curves. She wants to taste me. She wants to feel my smooth soft skin. Her blonde hair pulled back. She undresses and the moons silver rays illuminate the frame of her delicate form. Her breasts perk with pink nipples. Her stomach is flat and her hips with a slight curve. Her genitals crowned with blonde hair. She lies next to me and her hands run over my neck down to my abundant hips. The feel of my skin makes her dampen. She wants me all of me. She presses her soft lips to my neck working her way to my full breasts. She intake
passed my last test but i dont know if i will ever return to martial arts may not have time for it havta work
The Passing Of A Lover, A Father And A Friend!
I recently lost my husband of 22yrs to pancreatitis. He fought a 3 1/2 month long battle! I have been gone for over a month from fubar, not just to take some time for myself to get adjusted to the changes in my life but also due to my pc crashing. I was overwhelmed at the messages of kindness and love that have filled my mailbox. I never realized I had so many wonderful friends here on fubar. It touched my heart so that my eyes filled with tears. I just had to write this and say thank you to everyone who has left me a message & who has called me personally offering me thier shoulders, ears to listen and hugs! You guys know I love you all, miss you all and I am trying like hell to get back to fubar!! Until I can return here's hugs and kisses for you all!!
Pass The Word Around Dj Ghost Has A Special For You
CLICK ON IMAGE BELOW TO BE TAKEN DIRECTLY INTO VAMPY'S VAMPIRE CAVE (repost of original by 'Haven - Co-Owner of Vampy's Vampire Cave' on '2008-11-14 16:10:07')
Passionate Silence: The Beginning
She sat in seat 13-A, looking silently out the window at the ground slowly moving by 35,000 feet below her, occasionally interrupted by a soft cloud passing by on the Friday afternoon. Her drink sat half-finished on the tray table dropped down from the seat back in front of her. She knew she wanted this flight; she had to get away, and she knew that what she would encounter at the other end was something she wanted, no, needed for herself—to feel like a woman again. This trip was the end of the slavish life she had left behind, a life that had started out well but had gone sour, corrupted and decayed by infidelity and the loss of trust that had come with it. The reward for that infidelity and breach of vows was her angry silence. In that dark time first she had shied away from everyone in her hurt, choosing silence over words that would hurt those that didn’t deserve it. When that threatened to overwhelm her, she had sought solace for her own needs in the other she wa
Passions Awakened
Passion awakened From deep in my chest it stirs A song without end
Passing Of Family
Death may be a fact of life yes. And alot of people do believe that it comes in threes. But as far as I am concerned it is one of the worst parts of life there os. No matter how inevitable it maybe. And as for it comes in threes well this is nothing but a bunch of crap. So far in the past 4 months alone. Me and my fiance have lost 4 Family members alone. An uncle, Grandfather(his), but the wors loses of all was both of our fathers have just passed away within months apart. Both of our fathers were the greatest men that anyone could ever have asked to know. And yet both of them were riped away from us unfairly. I know that death is never fair and my dad did leave a rich fuffiling long life. But my father in law did have more time if only the doctors would not have failed him. And so here I am trying to hold it together for my fiances sake. Hoping I dont fall apart trying to hide all of my hurt, anger, frustration, and at the same time hurt and the feeling that I should have done more. I
Passions & Erotic Lust
A touch of skin soft and slippery, With the hint of hint of sweat. We fought our resistance beneath the cool sheets, As the wind flowed from the window above us. Eyes met briefly and begged for the chance, To abandon all of our uncertainties. You began your work on my lips, Probing gently as if drawing sex, From a deep well of longing and need. Then heated tongues met in the midst, Of hot and quickening breath. And greedily we drank the wine of our lusts. Then intoxicated with those spirits, Our clothes found resting place on the floor. Piece by piece, Until there were no hiding places, For the two glistening and wanting bodies. Hunger revealed in this hot moment. Then skin meshed with skin, As the floor became the stage. You moved atop of me easily, And lowered yourself gently. Kissing me as I was filled with you. As a gasp broke the kiss, Your hands stroked the stray strands, Away from my forehead, then became entangled. Our slow rhythm gave way, To urgent
The Passing Of A Wonderful Man
As most of you know my grandfather passed away Oct 15 this year. It has taken me this long to really be able to write about it. As most of you know he had been in the hospital since May. He went in the day I got out of the hospital for my own surgery. On Oct 15 I was sitting here at home like always. My sister called me at around 11 am. I knew something was wrong by the fact that she is a teacher and was calling me at such a early time. Grandfather had been struck by a infection that quickly took its toll on him. With having been in the hospital so long infections were gonna happen and had. This one however had taken into his lungs and the docs needed us at the hospital. My sis, mother and I made the trip and once we got there sis and I were taken into a room to conference with his docs. We realized the end had come and it was time to not be selfish on our part but to let him go into Gods hands. We gave the docs our decision and we only asked he be in no pain. We went back into the roo
A Passage I Read About Love
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking. It is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.
A Passing. A Loss. I Need A Hug
A Passing. A Loss. I need a HUG! Current mood: sad morning wake up news was wonderously numb. I find out my G'Father passed on about 8pm, Sunday, 14 Dec. the midst of the snow storm we were having. Of all the flippin' days that my Mother and G'Mother take a trip over there to see him and they can't, cuz of the fuckin' weather. The news was he hadn't taken any fluids the day b4 and he was slowing slippin' into a coma. The cordless fone was put to his ear and Mother and G'Mother tried to talk to him. He was breathing fast, but he was trying to talk back to them and it was only coming out as grunts. Mom had a feeling it might be the moment of him going. Anyway! I was feeling numb thru my shower, getting dressed...and then head out the door. I almost couldn't get into my was that frozen. I almost gave up, too. But I didn't want to be inside the house...I wanted OUT!!! I finally get into my car and start it up for the warming it needs. And I gather up my b
Passage Of Time
Sitting alone in the dark of my room Feelings of despair foreshadow my doom Breathing becomes more troublesome I cant wait for death to come Heart racing over 100 beats a minute My chest hurts more deep within it Casting a shadow over my very being My eyes clouded over, I see nothing Its dark, cold and shivers go down my spine I pray for those I love going down the line My eyes are heavy, I cant keep them open now I've fallen over, I cant sit up anyhow My lack of strength has left my body weak My lips wont move, I can not speak My mind reels going over all I would miss Knowing there are lips I would no longer kiss I cant see whats right in front of me I cant think of somewhere else I'd rather be Your arms hold me close and safe, I'd hope No, You aren't there so I wont be able to cope I just want to let go of it all My last breath taken in before I fall Death stole the last bit of life I had Its over but its really not all that bad.
Pass This On....
ok, hopefully this link works if it doesnt, i'm sorry, i found this on youtube this morning and got a kick out of it, hopefully you do to, and i hope you pass it on, its kinda funny.... you'll have to highlight it and copy it into your url box at the top of your web browser.
This is just a story of a fantasy I have always had....hope to ! As I come out the shower and begin to dry my body the thoughts of the evening ahead run through my mind. With anticipation of the candlelight dinner and dancin he has planned for us I shiver. I smile. And begin to lotion my arms and legs soft and smooth. Then lotion my breast and stomach where I now feel butterflies fluttering thinking of his smile I cant help but think of his strong jaw and soft sweet lips....that I hunger to kiss before the nights end. I put on my robe and go to my closet where I pick my black,low cut satin dress. And find my heels that will enhance my firm, fit legs. I go to my drawer and find my sexiest stockings and silky black bra. No need for panties tonite or so I am hoping. I return to the bathroom to apply my make-up and do my hair. I think up with just enough hair down to tickle my neck as if his lips brushing softly against it. I put on my stockings, they feel good upon my soft legs, and my si
Passionate Storm
PASSIONATE STORM   A vivid flash of light igniting sapphire studded sky; The rolling thunder growling, like a tiger in full cry. The fury of a million raindrops, pounding overhead. Foretold in graphic warning when the morning sky was red. Now the tempest gathers impulse as the night is closing in; Like the power of his heartbeat ‘gainst the softness of my skin. And his fingers running gently through my golden strands of hair Spur the driving force of nature as he rises to prepare... The crescendo of the heavens, in a blinding cannonade Like a thousand philharmonics, as a symphony is played. There is lightning for the cymbals, there is thunder for the drums And the raindrops are percussion, and the wind, euphoniums. Soon our lips are touching softly, and our spirits are as one And I hold him to me gently, like its only just begun. There is thunder in the valleys there is lightning on the peaks As we tremble with sensations... such that neithe
passion passion is what drives us it makes us love it makes us hate it consumes us with every passing moment your love is my passion i strive to feel it every moment of everyday it fills my soul with energy my passion gives me the ability to love you with all i am it grows it takes me to a place i have never been your passion can make you hate or love it shows you what your made of it can take you to the heights of heaven or send you to the depths of hell it binds us together our passion gives us every emotion we feel sorrow happiness all because of our passion its what makes us human those who cause us to suffer use our passion against us pain caused by passion is a very strong emotion we loose our thought process we become enraged therefore not thinking which causes mistakes and the ones that seek to hurt us use that passion against us only the strong willed can defeat their enemies passion is the root of all humanity it gives you the strength to do what is right or the weakne
A Passing Thought
As always, my thoughts and I are alone Watching the clock hands here at home. And I wonder, if I died How long until I was found? If I fall Will it make a sound? Would emotions that come, For them be subtle? Or would the ripples Disrupt the entire puddle? The thought of suddenly passing, As random as fate can be, Shatters the cloud That was once holding me. And if alone, so be it, when I go. Despite my actions I did care, Just so they know.
Passion is not having sex; it's making love forever.
Passionate Silence: The Return
Passionate Silence: The Return He pulled up to the complex in his motorcycle, shut off the engine, and stepped off the black Harley with the blue flames. Removing the matching black helmet with the blue flames from his head, he shook his head to loosen the hair long-matted-down under the helmet, and then set the helmet on the bag in the sidecar. Reaching into his belt pack, he pulled out a comb and gave his long brown locks a quick combing out, more to straighten it and remove the “helmet hair” that he had gotten from sixteen hours of riding down the long and lonely interstate. He arched his back and stretched, stiff from the long ride. Cruise control was helpful, but the lack of a seat back was murder on his back and neck. He unbuckled his leather chaps and vest and stowed them in their normal spot in the saddlebags, next to another helmet, this one also black but with orange flames. Above him, a woman watched, and waited. ***** She looked up from her book as she hear
Passion Of The Ocean
Passion of the ocean by:blu Like the ocean so wide and powerful with its waves rolling in and crashing against The rocks With the same force as my admiration towards the man I want to get to know I want to know and feel his strength, and feel the power of his touch, crashing against My soul I want to feel his passions his desires and the dreams he has Like the waters that go on Forever and ever I want to feel his tender touch caressing every inch of my body like the kiss of the sun over the ocean horizon, Faithfully each morning I want him to know that with each and ever word spoken is like a ripple that spreads throughout the deepest waters in My heart For the day is coming closer and the nights are getting longer in the desire To be near you I dream of that moment when the waters of the ocean and the rocks of the cliffs finally meet In a storm of passion, His every touch will be like a soft caress to the rocks of the cliffs below With each encounter will be lik
Passing Through Me
Passing Through Me Here we are shadows Together but never touching We walk through each other As if neither are here Haunting this home With love’s lost torment Our teeth gnash at each other Ghastly figures clad in hate Our chains rattle They have bound us here Trapped for eternity Now just for amusement We torment those who enter Fresh meat we consider all Lured in by old tales We offer the fright they seek The living passing through me Just as we have done to the other Cold chills fill hearts They can feel deaths sting For when we died here So did our supposed love
Her fingers tremble Candlelight glows on soft skin She's waited so long Naked against him Lost in his tender embrace Alive for his touch Inhibitions fade Her walls come down beneath him Can he read her thoughts? She wonders if he Knows the true depth of her love Will he ever know? The words escape her Their bodies moving in time Her message is sent Without the cumbersome words She holds him so close Her body speaking to him
Passages/spirit Tracks
Spirit leads us, reluctant, through valleys of mirrors. Waves of shadows, shone away by bursts of light, rise and fall... As patterns repeat again and again, till masks are dropped one by one. Naked, meek, willing, the cup finally empty, gentle drops of peace cloth us in new Life, And we remember who we Are. Blessings John ~Teach Only Love~
Passionate Dream
A passionate night between me and you I can't begin to tell you the things I want to do. First we can dim the lights and get closer Wait, that's too fast, let's go back a little and move a little slower I'll kiss your lips that are so soft and sweet then move on to your cheek that's so smooth and unique let me move along your chest... oh I missed a spot, let me move back up to the neck As I move my tongue around you start to feel it as I go down slowly as I kiss your chest your hands go up but I'm not finished yet I go further down towards your navel As I move down past your waist line I begin to kiss Damn, I just wake up to realize it's a dream
Passionate Silence: Silence Broken
The sign said, “SOLD.” The truck drove away. The deal was closed, the packing done, the new job lined up. She looked at the sign as the taxicab drove her away, to the airport. This trip would be one way only. She looked back at the complex, a tear of nostalgia forming in her eye. Yes, this had been a good hideaway for her, away from a past whose chapters were now closed, distant memories. It had been a good place to find herself, to heal, and to live again. It had been there that she had found HIM… She turned around and settled into the back seat of the cab, thinking about all that happened in the past year—the day she moved in and had her first skinny-dip in the hot tub; the occasional date she would have over, only to find them lacking in both the bedroom and the heart; her one accidental lesbian encounter in that same hot tub; the first meeting of HIM online, and last month’s unforgettable weekend; the closing of the sale; and the packing. Yes, this was a good place,
Passing Time
I have spent too much time; holding back what was felt And now I can’t get right; when it only turns you left And I try to seek; what it is I am And that’s why I dream at night; to see the girl that I once had If it’s true that all good things fade, can they too come back to life? When all the memories remain, and I swear I’m changing time Seconds pasted but the minute hand rewinds as I kiss your lips And say I’ve been waiting for this for a lifetime Now what has come and past Like all my faith Only shows that Dreams can’t replace What it is to see you there Its been lonely nights, when I can’t look at myself Mirrors reflect a face; but the lights to dim to tell Who it is cause I didn’t recognize myself But I found him thanks to your help If its true that all good things fade, can they too come back to life When all the memories remain, and I swear I’m changing time Seconds pasted but the minute hand rewinds as I kiss your lips And say I’ve been waiting for
Passing Thought.
What use are dreams come the dawn, When shattered darkness, Dew becomes. The Thirsty morning, drinks it's fill.
Passions Creed
Bite Me Sink your claws into me Devour me Let me get lost in your need Cry out Ecstasy Till, With shaking and burning, Mercy you plead. Sexy Comments & Profile GraphicsAERYN
Passion Play
The Dawn has darkness sundered, The mourning sun has set. Still my heart wanders, among the tattered sets: left upon the stage, Abandoned.
Passions Unconscious Synergy
Two bodies lay, Curled within each others embrace, Entwined, Sublimely surrendered in the grace, That binds them, Then, without thought and without reason, With neither a glimmer of consciousness and utterly bereft of treason, They thoughtlessly transcend the depths of slumber, They bridge the void, Drawn together in the passion that feeds them, Like the skies tears and thunder, Such synergy, Replete with wonder
Pass It On
Feel your Bewbies... it could save your life. xoxo
Passing Of A Loved One.
How does one deal with the passing of ones parent? I am very upset even though I knew this day was coming for a long time. My father was sick for a long time, hes body slowing shuting down and his mind becoming lost into a sea of emptiness. In the end he didn't even Know who I was. My father always sheltered me from the world up until I was about 16. He was a very over protected man when it came to me. I have alot of his qualities myself, most of them taught, because I get called his name all the time by my best friend when I am acting like my father would. In my eyes he will always be a pillar of strenght, intelligence, love, and understanding. He will be truly missed, I only pray that he has found the peace he should have. I LOVE YOU DAD!!!!
Passion Returns
The clock moved slower than normal and surprisingly enough my chair seemed more uncomfortable than I was used to. That’s the price you need to pay when you are finally excited about something in your life. I looked around the office and it was almost empty. Unfortunately working the later shift, I had to wait until everyone else was gone. You had text me already to let me know that you had made it to the hotel all right, and were going to unpack and get ready for our mini vacation together. I know it was only for a 3 day weekend, but I can only imagine how much stuff you would have brought in for it. “Having to unpack?” The thought seemed crazy for a short trip, but at least it would give you something to do while I was on my way over. My phone vibrated as my computer was shutting down, but I didn’t have time to check the message. I closed out the computer as the phone vibrated again. I started to worry about you for a second hoping that
I walk in..... I see her dance and it drives me crazy. Watching that tight body move and gyrate in every direction...damn...I dont think I can contain myself. We lock eyes..she smiles...I must be dreaming. She knows I'm watching, her body tells me to talk to go to her she grabs me and starts to dance on me.Good Lord! Now she is close, I feel her dance upon me, I study her body, her movements.........she is soo sexy, the kinda sexy that makes you naughty, not care, lose all inhibition. I feel her even closer now... I want her so bad. I dont care about anything intentions change. Her movent put me in a trance, I move with her..I put my hand through her soft. Her scent is intoxicating, its the perfect blend of perfume, alcohol, and sweat. I feel her body close...I kiss her neck...touch the small of her back...I start to sweat..then she whispers... "Wanna get outta here? body cries..YES!! She is already trying to t
Passion Part 2
It’s the eye contact is what gets me...the incomparable connection between two individuals when their eyes meet. Many things can happen in this can see the future, the past, dreams, fantasies, passion...........I saw her and I knew, she knew, words did not need to be spoken, our eyes broke the silence. She had a Sunday school face, with a Saturday night body, so hot she could’ve made the pope blush. Her sweet smile beckoned me closer, it was too much...I look away hoping that all that was real in the world...that she was. I look back..and she smiled again. It sent shivers down my spine, I got that tingle in my chest, that one that makes you laugh a little. I could no longer resist, the look she was giving me vanquished all my anxiety and transformed it into desire. When she spoke her words flowed though me like poetry, looking at her, her beauty washed over me like rain. I found every part of her beautiful, she was an object of infinite desire. i desired her so, that the o
Passion Evolution
Passion evolution By Ashlae grisham It seems like I have been awake In a forever sleeping state Stuck in dreams Always the happy ending scene When in reality It was opposite day Passions being nothing But fantasy play Who am I to say When this is all I’ve known Stuck in this corner all alone Anger and resentment Building up a dark passion Yearning to have the unknown Lost and scared To venture from the accustomed Holding back Due to obligation Boiling over to frustration Can’t take this for Another long duration Bringing the passion to live To life Shut eyes tight Hold that breath Take that first step I’m not stopping for nothing My passion is to live Not to be a stone still creature. ©Ashlae Grisham
Passing Of Common Sense
Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape. He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as: Knowing when to come in out of the rain; Why the early bird gets the worm; Life isn't always fair; and maybe it was my fault. Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than you can earn) and reliable strategies (adults, not children, are in charge). His health began to deteriorate rapidly when well-intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place. Reports of a 6-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition. Common Sense lost ground when parents attacked teachers for doing the job that they thems
Password Tips
1. Randomly substitute numbers for letters that look similar. The letter ‘o’ becomes the number ‘0′, or even better an ‘@’ or ‘*’. (i.e. - m0d3ltf0rd… like modelTford) 2. Randomly throw in capital letters (i.e. - Mod3lTF0rd) 3. Think of something you were attached to when you were younger, but DON’T CHOOSE A PERSON’S NAME! Every name plus every word in the dictionary will fail under a simple brute force attack. 4. Maybe a place you loved, or a specific car, an attraction from a vacation, or a favorite restaurant? 5. You really need to have different username / password combinations for everything. Remember, the technique is to break into anything you access just to figure out your standard password, then compromise everything else. This doesn’t work if you don’t use the same password everywhere. 6. Since it can be difficult to remember a ton of passwords, I recommend using Roboform. It will store all of your passwords in an encrypted format and allow you to us
Passion Lips softly touch, hands caress, and embers heat inside, sending us desires, those ones we usually hide. Then, passion mute to language finds ways to be heard, making lovers join as one their eyes will say its words. Skin glides over skin like clouds through humid skies slowly building static to soon make lightning fly. Darkening clouds all fill the air, as thunder starts to boom echoing sounds of pleasure all throughout the room. A mighty storm now is spent and sunshine fills the air revealing lovers glowing with dampened, tangled hair. Their eyes send each a rainbow, a gift we all call love, as passion sits in silence to wait for clouds above.
This is what you do to me; You make me wild with love. This is what you do to me, Make me stalk you like a tiger... running through the jungle.   Wild with love, stalking, running... Is this what you want from me?   This is what you do to me... Laying in wait, in this jungle filled with wild, almost uncontrollable passion... You keep me from sleep.   Amy S. Graham written Easter 1993
A Passion Play...
Drowning in your fireBurning in your seaPassions  hot maelstromConsuming all of meDo not speak about tomorrowNO,Do not speak those words of loveJust dance within my firesAs we fall from up aboveA bright and burning starWe crash into the groundPenetrating darknessIn these flames that we have foundFeel the heat of my bodyThe sharpness of my teethGathering the moonliteLet my madness fill your need.  
passion  How Can I express how I feel?At times, I wish you knew what is on the insideI love youYou are a part of me alwaysHow can I express this to you?Need, want, jealousy, happiness, emptiness, the coldness, fulfillness, bliss, acceptance, understanding, warmth...It is a mixtureA silent storm that rages in me, unseen and hidden by the walls of my existenceI love youHow you evoke this passionYou are my innocence, my guardian, my loveHow can I express how I feel?You are a part of me, always...copyright jas 2009
 It burns intensely, deep within my fiery heart,Swelling, then subsiding, like the sea tide playing its part.The pressure builds inside me, I feel it push against my chest,A yearning to explode, a yearning to escape, how long can I protest.My senses react like lightning, when you come close to me,Your slender frame and delicate poise, such beauty, my eyes to see.Your enchanting fragrance, your sultry voice, my nose and ears rejoice,I desire to touch and feel you, I really have no choice.An emotional roller coaster, a glorious white knuckle ride,Feelings of exhilaration and fear, my emotions they divide.A sensual touch, an erotic kiss, my temperature starts to rise,My passion so strong, my resistance so weak, I succumb without a fight.My lips touch yours, I feel the flames, and the fire is out of control,My body entwines with yours as the inferno melts our souls.We bind together, joined forever as two become one,We fuel each other's passion and burn in the rising suncopyright jas 2007
The Passing Of My Sister On 9/4/09
some of u know that my little sister niome was sick with cancer. i got to speak twice with her on the day she sadly passed away,  on those two calls i told her that i loved her and it was time to let go and be free of cancer and pain.  although she could not speak she could hear me and i know in my heart she was telling me she loved me. then at 11:13 am in australia i got a phone call i never wanted to get again, it was to tell me that my sister had passed away. i collapsed on the floor in a blubbering mess, finally i pulled myself together enough to ring my mom neeky and aunty to tell them the sad news it was the second worst day of my adult life, i will never forget it.  the feeling i have had since then i cannot discribe and not sure how to. now i have to prepare myself for her viewing and funeral which is to be held on tuesday and wednesday.  so i'd like to say that i'll miss her her greatly and so glad i was able to be her sister and friend even if it was only for 26 years.   bu
~passion - I Will Be Here~
~I will be Here~  (The Video to this blog is in my stash under 'Passion ~ I will be Here'...plz take the time to listen to this young man's beautiful voice....he captures how I feel about all of you....I did not know how to put it on here....Thank You.) For All My Precious Friends Old and New...this song captured the Passion and Feelings I have for Our Friendship.....Each and Every One of You......Hope it brings a Smile to Your World as You do Mine......Peace.  ~I Will Be Here ~ Tomorrow morning if you wake up And the sun does not appear I, I will be here If in the dark We lose sight of love Hold my hand and have no fear ‘Cause I, I will be here I will be here When you feel like being quiet When you need to speak your mind I will listen And I will be here When the laughter turns to cryin’ Through the winning, losing and trying We’ll be together ‘Cause I will be here Tomorrow morning if you wake up And the future is unclear I, I will be here As sure as seas
Passionate Lies And Painful Feelings
Leave your hand prints on my body To show where you have been Make a memory in your mind Of all you have seen Taste my lips of poison Find what I hide Touch every part of me Fix all the broken pieces inside Drink my blood of life Stare into mysterious eyes See through to my soul Past hidden truth and lies Read my mind of pain Understand my every move Know every detour of my body From every last curve to groove Watch my body dance slowly To the wind of the song I hear Listen to my voice since sadly Know the story of every tear Don't see me as I show me But how you know it to be true See through all that is hidden How I really feel about you Watch me in my locked prison In a world of shattered dreams Where everything is so twisted And nothing is as it seems Break the bars around me Retrieve and set my soul free Watch me create a peaceful reality where the real me you can see Hold me under it's full moon with crying stars above kiss my cry
Passing Time.
Stand by my side, woman. Naked... body and soul. Reveal your true self to me. Shed the fear from your eyes. And let love bind us together. Can you not see my love Waiting for you with open arms. ....Oh, my sunlit-midnight The feelings that capture me when
"passion N' Instincts"
  "I sit alone & think of u, hoping u can hear me, if i close my eyez b4 i sleep i can see u clearly, even where i am now, where everything is dark n cloudy, i can feel you here beside me tugging @ my heart". "Anxiously i wait 2 hear a precious word or 2, something 2 let me know how u feel inside, is it real or just wishful thinkin, tearz n happiness will set u free, is this the sign that u will stay with me, i take the blame & apologize 4 those nights i'v denied you, but this gives me time 2 love ur mind b4 i lay beside you". "Let me take away ur pain, wipe ur tearz & guide u, let me ease ur mind with passion n bliss, late nite phone conversations anticipating our first kiss, i hope my words dont sound 2 strong but curiosity has no fear, each breath i take is ecstasy that builds up throughout the year"."There is no cure 4 what i feel its just the pain that ails me, no prescription from the doctors' modern medicine has failed me, and i know this is a lot 2 take but i mean each word - No.1 Sexy Online Dating Website! slogan is "Sexy Personals for Passionate Singles". This statement sums up beautifully of what can offer you! They have over 25 million members and usually have over 185,000 members online at any one time. Talk about a lot of members ready to meet you and, they are willing to show it all, with over 160,000 photos per week. is for the sexy single who is looking for an intimate encounter with one or more person. To Find Your Match, They offer several powerful features, which allow you to narrow your search so that you are able to find exactly the kind of person you, are looking for. On various occasions, They also add new features to make your time at a successful and fun experience. Please realize this is an adult dating site and you must be over 18 years old to join! 's current promotion is, 1 extra month for free if you sign up for a 3 month Gold Membership or 6 extra months for free if you sign up for a 12 month Gold Memb
Stand by my side, woman. Naked... body and soul. Reveal your true self to me. Shed the fear from your eyes. And let love bind us together. Can you not see my love Waiting for you with open arms. ....Oh, my sunlit-midnight The feelings that capture me when I merely think of you... I see a thousand lifetimes before me A vast expanse of eternity
Pass Me The Purple Pill
Dedicated to the one who understands me best... Pass Me the Purple Pillpost date:2007-08-12 19:02:01   And now for an exercise in modern folkloric imagery. The Matrix - Neo follows the white rabbit tattoo and finds his way to Morpheous. He's offered a choice: Take the red pill to awaken from the program of mundane "life" that has ultimately enslaved all of mankind, and allowed the computers to turn us all into little pods of battery power. -OR- Take the blue pill and forget the white rabbit, Morpheous, and any other little thing that is outside the scope of The Matrix. Return to the fantasy of computer generated "life" - and the pod job. Neo choses to take the red pill and through two more archetype filled movies we're allowed to root him on as he makes his way to The Architect and humanity's salvation. It's grim... I've modified the blue and the red motif to better suit myself. I chose to use my mortar and pestle and grind the two together and make a third choice: The Purp
The Passion Inside
I have walked threw the shadows of the valley of death, and feared no evil. I have been guided by the light in the darkness with truth and honor. The very sacrifice of my doomed soul is the price am willing to pay for the safety of the ones who don't know my name Medals of Valor under lock and key. My reward is my priviledge to serve sitting the recesses of my mind. The Years past by and the world changes and my convictions stay the same. I am an outcast to the society and people I protect. But with even the ever changing times I have no regrets. for I lived my life with the passion of my calling. So now I pass the torch to one so young and full of spirit. with the same passion and commitment. For me this is not the end. but the beginning. For life has changed its course. For me to sleep in comfort knowing that the new guard sits quietly and unrecongnized to his call of duty. So now I am able to live the dreams, that I fought so hard to protect. And by the grace of God. He has b
The Passion
I have lived so bitter and cold,  I survived on risk and being bold. Honor, duty, and glory were mine Reaching my goals passed the time The years go by and medals  tarnish No sunshine in my life , no kind of varnish admist  the darkness I see the stars they come close to me and fade real far the beauty and awe stood me still it was in that moment I found my will a will to survive and to come back home to find my love and never leave her alone I have earned the greatest reward The love a woman that I am drawn toward She does not stay in a shiny little case But poliish’s my life with the smile on her face A voice of an angel that can lay me to rest
I just got done watching a show on tv...and at the end of it.. two people admitted their love for one anything. they know it was there for along time. She tried breaking it off.. he left her place, but he couldn't let her go..So, he walked back into her place, told her how much he loved her and they embraced this long, passionate filled kiss.. You could see the heat, the desire they had for one another.. I want that so badly.. i want a man that couldnt live without me. i want that passion.. that heart.. I want a man to look at me and think "GODS, I gotta have that woman". I want to feel how it feels to be wanted, needed, desired and most importantly..LOVED! I've never felt that way before..Most of the time, I don't think I ever will. I am a firm believer that there are some people that are destined to be alone all their lives and to die the same way..alone. I am starting to think i am one of those people.
The Passing Of Jerri Fitzgerald
  Updated 9:54 a.m. CT, Wed., June 24, 2009 In this 1999 file photo released by the National Science Foundation, Dr. Jerri Nielsen FitzGerald, a National Science Foundation physician, is shown at the ceremonial South Pole. She died Tuesday at home in Southwick, Mass. BOSTON - Dr. Jerri Nielsen FitzGerald, who diagnosed and treated her own breast cancer before a dramatic rescue from the South Pole, has died. She was 57. Her husband, Thomas FitzGerald, said she died Tuesday at their home in Southwick, Mass. Her cancer had been in remission until it returned in August 2005, he said Wednesday. She was the only doctor among 41 staff at the National Science Foundation's Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station in winter 1999 when she discovered a lump in her breast. At first, she didn't tell anyone, but the burden became too much to bear. "I got really sick," she told The Associated Press in a 2003 interview. "I had great big lymph nodes under my arm. I thought I would die." Rescue was o
PASSION As I sit here gazing in wonderment at the starlit sky My mind wanders into the dark, forgotten past. Searching, envisioning, and trying desperately to remember A feeling that has long since vanished. Slowly, in the still of the night, the images begin to resurface --- The heat, the frenzied excitement, the longing for you To melt into me, become one with me. The look in your eyes that could only come from unadulterated love And the touch that made every ounce of my being come to life. Then, as tranquility comes over me, I softly smile And I know that I will feel that passion again.
passion  some sizzle with it  others fear it  the wild uncontrollable kind  rips through me  you can shiver in the corners i prefer to offer it my open embrace id rather burn up with passion  then sit back and die  a cold coward  to walk in the intensity  to feel alive  then weep and cower like a broken mess passion is not for the weak  it takes a strong person a heart , mind , soul  worthy of a warrior my mind reels at those  who bend under it  passion  stop fearing it  embrace it  open your arms wide  offer it your throat i did
Passed Away
Friday will mark the 3 year anninversary of my dad dying.  It has never been easy on me being the last of 4.  I spent my life with him when my mom and dad divorced, so this makes it even harder. He and I did alot together, and they say it gets easier as the time passes.  To that I say bullshit, it has not gotten any easier.  It still hurts as much now as when I heard the news and seen him on the stretcher.  The day we buried him I had amazing grace (his favorite song) played at it but the version I had played was on the celtic bagpipes.  Try listening to that WITHOUT shedding one tear!!  So as the days get closer to that date, I get more and more distant. If that certain someone that I hurt for some chance happens to see this, I am very sorry for what I did, time is to short not to tell that someone one last time "I love you".  I never had that chance with my dad......
 A woman was helping her husband set up his computer, and at theappropriate point in the process, she told him that he would now need toenter a password.  Something he could remember easily and will use eachtime he has to log on. The husband was in a rather amorous mood and figuredhe would try for the shock effect to bring this to his wife's attention. Sowhen the computer asked him to enter his password, he made it plainlyobvious to his wife that he was keying in........         P...       E...       N...       I...       S...       His wife fell off her chair laughing when the computer replied:      ***PASSWORD REJECTED. NOT LONG ENOUGH***
Pass You By
Dont let the momentgo by, might miss achance, and seeemotions run dry.You know who she iswhen heaven and earthcollide, the furure awaits,dont let it pass you by.
The Passing Of Way Too Many In My Life
Just found out that another ex boyfriend of mine passed away on the 3rd.  I've lost 7 wonderful friends since April. That's 7 too many :-(   thought this was fitting Beatles' song "In my Life"There are places I remember All my life, though some have changed Some forever not for better Some have gone and some remain All these places had their moments With lovers and friends I still can recall Some are dead and some are living In my life I've loved them all But of all these friends and lovers there is no one compares with you And these memories lose their meaning When I think of love as something new Though I know I'll never lose affection For people and things that went before I know I'll often stop and think about them In my life I love you more Though I know I'll never lose affection For people and things that went before I know I'll often stop and think about them In my life I love you more In my life I love you more
Passion And Pain...
We sat, she laughed, she looked on with kindled heart. My pulse raced as I felt my loins thrown to passions chariot. Her lips ripe, I touched them leaving the slightest mark. Violently I thrust my passion and sunk my lariat. Ecstasy... Our voices cried to the fates to let this moment last. But alas Passion and Pain can only be a memory. I lay there a fag burning through the sheet so fast. Engulfed in fires brimston I enjoy the pain sensory. Scream... Out of haze a white rabbit crosses my path. "Where am I white rabbit?" I found myself shouting. Briefly looking back he states the math. "I fear you are on the other side of the mountain." Chaos...
Passion Is....
Give me such PassionThat it knows no endLet my heart grow wingsAnd take flight againAllow me such loveThat I feel with each embraceOverwhelming firesThat grow with the thrill of chase Grant me such a kissThat my heart escapes my chestSuch a beating against my ribs that my pain tolerance is at test Bestow upon me such PassionThat nothing else existsWarm me with your armsBless me with your lipsTouch me with such tendernessThat I cannot believeThat such Passion could existInside someone like me
Passion Flames
A touch, soft and tender.A whisper, full of desireA gasp of sweet surrenderAs passion fuels the fireNo words spoken between themNo promises to be keptNo lies being told tonightNo looking back - no regretsLonging to hold each otherSuch precious little timeBoth vowed to anotherBeing lonely their only crimeTomorrow bringing sorrowA brief moment of shameWith the memory of this one nightA release from passion's flames
The Passing Of A True Patriot
I am so sorry to hear of the passing  of former President Corazon Aquino.  The world needs more people like her not less.  The Phillipines loss is a loss to all freedom loving countries.
Passion And Pain...
We sat, she laughed, she looked on with kindled heart. My pulse raced as I felt my loins thrown to passions chariot. Her lips ripe, I touched them leaving the slightest mark. Violently I thrust my passion and sunk my lariat. Ecstasy... Our voices cried to the fates to let this moment last. But alas Passion and Pain can only be a memory. I lay there a fag burning through the sheet so fast. Engulfed in fires brimstone I enjoy the pain sensory. Scream... Out of haze a white rabbit crosses my path. "Where am I white rabbit?" I found myself shouting. Briefly looking back he states the math. "I fear you are on the other side of the mountain." Chaos...
Passion And Fantasy
With candles lit all around the room, I turn off the lights to set the mood, Music playing-the best of old school, I’m ready for a night of love…   I grab my lady around her waist, My fingers grasp so firmly placed, I look in her eyes and drift into space, In my mind we’re floating above…   Picking her up I walk to the bed, Lay her down-run my fingers through her head, A sexy face that makes my heart thread, And beat with a rigorous thud…   As we proceed to strip down bare, She looks at me with a
A Passionate Kiss
A passionate night between me and you I can't begin to tell you the things I want to do.First we can dim the lights and get closer.....No, wait, that's too fast, let's go backand move a little slower.I'll kiss your lips that are so soft and sweet,then move on to your cheek that's so smooth and unique.Then I'll move right along that little ear of yours...Whoa... my, my... let me move along your chest...Uh, oh I missed a spot, let me move back up to the neckAs I move my tounge around and around you start to feel it as I go down slowlyand as I kiss your chest your hands go up...but I'm not finished yet....I go further down towards your navel... As I move down past your waist line I begin to kiss .... Oh, I just wake up to realize it's a dream !A passionate dream fueled by my deep desire for you.
Lips softly touch, hands caress, and ember heat inside Sending us desires, those ones we usually hide Then passion mute to language finds ways to be heard Making lovers join as one, their eyes will say its words Skin glides over skin like clouds through humid skies Slowly building static to make lighntning fly Dark clouds fill the air, as thunder starts to boom Echoing sounds of pleasure, heard thoughout the room A mighty storm now is spent and sunlight fills the air Revealing lovers glowing with dampened and tangles hair Their eyes send each other a rainbow, a gift we call love As passion sits in silence to wait for clouds above
It is what I crave, eyes of hunger the undeniable embrace pulling  a moaning gasp from deep inside as lips meet Flesh ignights suddenly alive to savor each electrifying connection of skin on skin souls uniting an all too brief moment forever changed        
If at first you cannot login, it may be your password, pleas try again
Passion Or Love?
 Rising from the shadows, a beautiful emododiment formed from the perfection of the Creator's hand. Setting my eyes on it i have become entranced with a passion burning from within that must rest as a deep dark secrete never to be spoken of again.with every passing day my mind ,body and spirit are held hostage among my own deepest desires to endulge in a temptation of furious passion.In his voice I feel a sense of strength and power that motivates submission of my being to the deepest part of my soul. a breeze trickles Gentely over my peachy skin  giving me a longing to caress every curvature of his seemingly fawless stature.In a glance of his eyes i have seen my own reflection like a canvas of human desires painted upon a wall for display.a consuming fire of lust burns in me as i wait for the quenching of  this sickining eternal desire to be put to rest. seeking desperately for one wish, that the barrier would fall away from us. I have discovered my attraction to him is more than infa
Passion's Flames
A touch, soft and tender.A whisper, full of desireA gasp of sweet surrenderAs passion fuels the fireNo words spoken between themNo promises to be keptNo lies being told tonightNo looking back - no regretsLonging to hold each otherSuch precious little timeBoth vowed to anotherBeing lonely their only crimeTomorrow bringing sorrowA brief moment of shameWith the memory of this one nightA release from passion's flames
Passion Tips From Me
How to Last Longer Fellatio Tips How To Give Great Head Cheapest Treadmills Good Discount Treadmills Pros and Cons of Solar Energy DIY Solar Panels Kamasutra Positions
Passion Of A Stranger
One night as you decide to out for a night on the town, you decide to wear a short black skirt and a red lace top with a black short jacket. your careful to show enough to make them stop and stare. As you are driving to a small local club, something catches your eye, a new place that you have never been before. The look of the place is somewhat alluring to you against your better judgment you decide to stop in and check it out. When you walk in the place is dimly lit and threes is only a few people in the bar, you decide to have a drink before you leave, you slowly walk up to the bar when you feel that there is someone watching you. You play it off and move to the bar, as you sit a the bar sip at your drink you feel someone slid down on the stool next to you. he accidentally rubs your arms, as you turn to say something he apologizes and introduces himself (me), as you turn to introduce yourself your eyes meet and you see a fire and passion behind his eyes that you have seen before. As
Passion's Flames
A touch, soft and tender.A whisper, full of desireA gasp of sweet surrenderAs passion fuels the fireNo words spoken between themNo promises to be keptNo lies being told tonightNo looking back - no regretsLonging to hold each otherSuch precious little timeBoth vowed to anotherBeing lonely their only crimeTomorrow bringing sorrowA brief moment of shameWith the memory of this one nightA release from passion's flames
Passion - Nsfw Erotica
The warm light streamed down around her as the emerald blades tickled at her bare feet. She glanced about the quiet meadow and giggled, the sound of brush being disturbed behind her set legs in motion. She ran forward, her path weaving through the grass as it played against her bare thighs and the soft autumn breeze caressed her supple form. She had long since discarded what clothing she had been wearing when first arriving at the location, and although she was not quite sure where she was, she was sure she did not care. Hands clawed at the ground, her speed building as she raced towards the meandering brook that languidly made its way across the meadow, laughing in its own knowledgable way.Pausing at the stream she dipped close to it, full lips pressing to its crystal surface to drink softly of the brisk liquid before curling up on a sun warmed boulder. Ears twitched amidst cinnamon strands as amber gaze wandered about the meadow, she listened to the meadow lark complaining noisily fr
Pass This On
Police Warning to Online MembersState police warning for online: Please read this "very carefully"..then sendit out to all the people online that you know. Something like this is nothingto be taken casually; this is something you DO want to pay attention to.If a person with the screen-name of DreamWeaverGrey contacts you, do notreply. DO not talk to this person; do not answer any of whispers or requestsfor private chat in Pogo. Whoever this person may be, he/she is a suspect formurder in the death of 56 women (so far) contacted through the Internet.Please send this to all the women on your buddy list and ask them to pass thison, as well. This screen-name has also been seen on Yahoo, AOL, AIM, andExcite so far.This is not a joke! Please send this to men too...just in case! Send toeveryone you know! Ladies, this is serious.Jennifer S. Faulkner Education/Information SpecialistRoanoke Fire-EMS541 Luck Avenue, Suite 120 Roanoke, VA 24016540) 853-2257 (phone) 540) 853-1172 (fax)IF WE CAN PAS
Pass A Smile
  I smile when I am shy I smile when I want to cry I smile when I am sad I smile, when I just go mad I smile when I am envious I smile when I am very jealous I smile when I am happy I smile when I feel shaky I smile when I am emotional I also smile when I act abnormal I smile when I am overloaded I smile when I miss my beloved I smile when I think something I smile when I think just nothing Do you know why I am smiling? When I smile at you? Dear, I think it’s a very tough question I asked you! ! Never mind whatever be the reason behind my smile, Dear, just pass me a smile, at least I feel good for a while   Missing the way you make me smile and brightens my day  
Passion's In Fashion
Passion is in fashion and you're longing for what you don't got Or can't have or won't go for or just don't want You're indiscreation aren't teaching you any lessonsOr you just don't want to learn Everyone's so special they're all becoming the same The souls are alright its the brain I wanna blame  
Passionate Poet(contessa)
Even on a day so gray and cold,She shines like a light over the sea.How have I passed this treasure so long,Why till now did I not see. The beauty that this one is,Such a pleasure to my soul.Springs life back to my heart,More that she'll ever know. I hope through my times,Contessa you would walk with me.And shine your beauty on me daily,It's what my eyes now long to see.
Passover Dates
  The passover is also a fetival time and I have included dating in my observation and ministry, after much prayers and meditiations :
Three passions have governed my life:The longings for love, the search for knowledge,And unbearable pity for the suffering of [humankind].Love brings ecstasy and relieves loneliness.In the union of love I have seenIn a mystic miniature the prefiguring visionOf the heavens that saints and poets have imagined.With equal passion I have sought knowledge.I have wished to understand the hearts of [people].I have wished to know why the stars shine.Love and knowledge led upwards to the heavens,But always pity brought me back to earth;Cries of pain reverberated in my heartOf children in famine, of victims torturedAnd of old people left helpless.I long to alleviate the evil, but I cannot,And I too suffer.This has been my life; I found it worth living.By Bertrand Russell:
Passion it lies in all of us,...sleeping waiting. And though unwanted, unbidden, it will stir, open it's jaws and howl. It speaks to us, guides us. Passion rules us all... and we obey. What other choice do we have? Passion is the source of our finest moments. The joy of love, the clarity of hatred, and the ecstasy of grief. It hurts sometimes more than we can bear. If we could live without passion, maybe we'd know some kind of peace, but we would be hollow: empty rooms, shuttered and dank. Without passion, we'd be truly dead.
Passion's Transition
    Is the wish for the touch of sweet fingertips the nature of the lyre? A delicate instrument who dreams of a sire to strum her tender chords across an empire. Does the muse search for the poet, like the poet searches for a reason to be inspired? A longing for completeness in all things comes hard-wired - yang to yin, masculine to feminine, even the Truth needs the Liar. Love is a fickle creature, and when strangled it's easily tired; denied the bellows, the inferno’s destiny is dire. Struggles for radiance lead to desperate attempts at breaths; the immolation of the conflagration becomes a funeral pyre. Whether positive or negative, understanding of vision is subjective. With this being said, could love be a phoenix - once exhausted could the bonfire be resurrected? New wings, alight with flame, to burn away the dark of pain - soaring away to heights unexpected. This is the game we play; the way we danced away the day - perfect partners divinely selected. F
Pass The Cypher
Ant the Rant Status: I couldn’t love this chick, it’s a trick she’s a flirt, yeah she got a lot going / pink lips and a short skirt, color contacts in her eyes, Yeah I’m surprised, wanna get rich get your fix from another guy, cause you… S-A-double-V said: She a Sex-in-the-City - a bangin' body, a Soul worthy of Pity, Lookin' hella' shiny, but her flavor kinda' shitty. The hocus-pocus, I refuse to buy it; I need a deeper focus, from the Queen I CHOOSE to ride wit'... Ant the Rant said: wit a smile that disarms, she's in-and-out of his arms, with no regard for whom it harms. red flag alarms, when you suffer through her charms. S-A-double-V said: She a self-esteem bandit, Pobre Cita, raised without her Ten Commandments, left the Righteous Path abandoned. Coulda’ had a man Lovin' her cum, wit' his tongue, while he speakin' Spanish. Ant the Rant said: ...but those days vanish, into thin air. Yeah, I've been there, but I shoulda never went ther
Pass Me The Butter, Please
I hope you will find this is interesting . .. .  Margarine was originally manufactured to fatten turkeys..  When it killed the turkeys, the people who had put all the money into the research wanted a payback so they put their  heads together to figure out what to do with this product to get  their money back..  It was a white substance with no food appeal so they added the yellow colouring and sold it to people to use in place of butter..  How do you like it?   They have come out  with some clever new flavourings..     DO  YOU KNOW the difference between margarine and butter?    Both  have the same amount of calories.  Butter  is slightly higher in saturated fats at 8 grams; compared  to 5 grams for margarine.  Eating margarine can increase  heart disease in women by  53%  over   eating the same amount of butter, according to a recent  Harvard  Medical Study.  Eating butter increases the absorption of many other nutrients in  other foods. Butter has many nutritional benefits w
Pass The Butter
Pass The Butter .. Please.     This is interesting . .. . Margarine  was originally manufactured to fatten  turkeys.  When it killed the turkeys, the people who had put  all the money into the research wanted a payback so they put their  heads together to figure out what to do with this product to get  their money back.   It was a white substance with no food appeal  so they added the yellow colouring and sold it to people to use in place of butter.  How do you like it?   They have come out  with some clever new flavourings..    DO  YOU KNOW.. The difference between margarine and butter?   Read on to theend...gets very interesting!    Both  have the same
Always remember to neglect this place.Dim flickering light. Wet rusty needles dipped in thick pools.Like the skittering fingers of disturbed refuse.The things that drag against your skin and leave cracked, drawn itch.Like a pollen of ichor and oil in the air.Settles and tints.Turns every sneeze gray.Ever wheeze mottled with red. This is the truth you craved.The hubris you prescribed.The opening to a close. Strange unwillingness to patronize.Even more deranged is the impulse to watch. You'd have it no other way.Watching a man starve in a stocked pantry.A dog drown in a desert.Humanity wither in an ever surging soup of mankind. Wallow in the spectacle of the third act.Just don't linger for the curtain call.  
Passion's Flames
A touch, soft and tender.A whisper, full of desireA gasp of sweet surrenderAs passion fuels the fireNo words spoken between themNo promises to be keptNo lies being told tonightNo looking back - no regretsLonging to hold each otherSuch precious little timeBoth vowed to anotherBeing lonely their only crimeTomorrow bringing sorrowA brief moment of shameWith the memory of this one nightA release from passion's flames
The Passenger
Hello there. Who I am doesn’t matter at all, really. You can call me Alan if you like. Always thought it was a cool name. Why write a blog? Why start one at all you may ask. Because I’m bored. Not a hero, not someone praying for attention, not a man that wants to teach. Just bored. And I won’t tell you all about me nor will I start posting pictures of me, or of things I like or shit like that, this isn’t about me, it’s just about life in general, about lessons, about experience. Consider me someone that gives you a lift in his car and we engage in a casual conversation on a car that never runs out of gas or smokes. And it will be night, not because I “function better at night” but because pillow talk more than coming with a pillow comes with the night that all hides and protects. Plus I got pillows in the backseat if I bore you so much you want to fall asleep. I’ll try to be someone that keeps you company whi
Passion's Flames
A touch, soft and tender.A whisper, full of desireA gasp of sweet surrenderAs passion fuels the fireNo words spoken between themNo promises to be keptNo lies being told tonightNo looking back - no regretsLonging to hold each otherSuch precious little timeBoth vowed to anotherBeing lonely their only crimeTomorrow bringing sorrowA brief moment of shameWith the memory of this one nightA release from passion's flames
Passions Fire And Emanon
Passions Fire and Emanon, the same person?
Passing It Up...
Okay, just got done watching an episode of STARGATE ATLANTIS... If you know me, you know this is my daily routine before going to bed. And for you BIG SG fans, it's season 4, episode "QUARANTINE"... For all you NON fans, it's an episode where the logical astro-physics scientist guy gets locked down with his biology-loving... ummm, biologist girl he's dating... Anyway, the base goes on LOCKDOWN mode right before he's going to propose to her. HE freaks out because he thinks he's the only one able to save the base. SHE does her best to calm him down and remind him of all his team partners who can do it. HE doesn't pay attention, he's too worried saving the base as well as himself... ... Long story short, he admits he was going to propose but says it's not important now... The last scene is him saying "Hey, we can still have dinner sometime, right?!?" SHE says "of course..." HE walks past the doors, and looks back before they close... SHE says "Goodbye Rodney..." .... Uggggh
Passion #2
To be passionate is probablythe most important ingredientto being happy and staying happyeach time you feelthat tug at your heartto be more,or do morelisten and move toward itif you dont,in the long runyou will end up feeling depressedpursue your passionswith vengeances and youwill always be happyeven though things might be thoughdont do what othersdeem to be the right thingdo what’s best for yourselfand most of alldo because it makes youfeel happy and satisfiedremember,you have one lifeso make it count.
Passing Souls
  Passing Souls Late in life two souls meet. There soft voices offer comfort To each other. The more they talk comfort turns to friendship. As time passes friendship turns to love. As there love grows the souls gain faces. As there faces become clear, fear creeps in. Fear of lost love or fear of image. Two souls soon part to stop the pain, the pain they felt so many times. Now fear has passes the pain still strong. They search for that comfort they once shared and hope to meet again to test there fate. So hold on to friendship every day and don’t let fear get in the way. Bye Mike 
Passion Pulls Us
PASSION PULLS US!I see you stand before me.You look into my eyes.And so I move close to you.By now I’m tantalized.I take your hands in my hands.Our fingers interlock.Your head rests on my shoulder.We dance the lover's walk.We gently glide in circles.Your legs in tune with mine.We’re moving to sweet music.You intoxicate like wine.And then the twinkle in your eyes,The sparkle of your smile,Tell me I will make sweet love to you,In just a little while.I bend to kiss you on the neck.I hear a girlish moan.And then your lips press tight on mine,Inside I also groan.I drop my hands and grab your waist,And pull you tight to me.I feel you pressed into my chest.I’m as happy as can be.Our hands both now caressing,Each others trembling skin.I’ve waited for this moment,That you would let me in.To both it seems quite scary.But passion pulls us through.In love I know that always,For me it must be you!   I love You Michelle
Lips softly touch, hands caress, and embers heat inside, Sending us desires, those one we usually hide. Then passion mute to language finds ways to be heard, Making lovers join as one, their eyes will say its words. Skin glides over skin like clouds though humid skies, Slowly building static to make lightning fly. Dark clouds fill the air, as thunder starts to boom, Echoing sounds of pleasure, heard throughout the room. A mighty storm now is spent and sunlight fills the air, Revealing lovers glowing with tangled and dampened hair. Their eyes send each other a rainbow, a gift we all call love, As passion sits in silenc to wait for clouds above.
                       Passion!Strike a match!     Ignite the passion in my soul...            Let the wick burn deep into my heart                 Such a blaze, it engulfs my heart                                                                and yours.     So very hot....              Puritanical walls melt                  Allowing sensuality to ooze through it’s cracks.Lustful arms, wrapped around your waist       Burning and seething for that which they hold.             Mouths joined with fury.....                   Drifting down.....                        Wiping sweat from your breasts with every kissOur nakedness taunts us with excitement....         We find our mark
Passion's Come Alive...
Passing Away....
Whoever decided to call it "passing away" was an idiot.  "Passing away" sounds so peaceful.  But dieing is anything but peaceful in my mind.  I have had to fight to live for the past 3 years, I don't want to die.  I don't want my parents to die.  What is peaceful about someone who appears to have no health problems just dieing one night?  Especially when they are all alone and their spouse they saw yesterday had no idea anything was wrong?  What is peaceful about that?  It makes no sense. My best friends dad died 2 days ago.  He was in Mexico for a week and then he flew to Las Vegas for a business meeting and his wife flew back to Washington D.C.  His wife is a nurse.... she would have known if anything was going wrong with him... He never showed up for the business meeting so they sent someone to look for him.  They found him in his hotel room.... dead.  My friend.... my poor friend.... What do I say to her?  How can I comfort her when I haven't lost a father?  I have lost my soul,
 I failed to celebrate the best years of my life.It only occured to me well after I was over the better part.That awkward turn of being closer to thirty than thirteen.And I still find myselfincapableor perhaps unwilling to... to think that I'm just one loaded chamber from being a solution.A snippet in your paper.An awkward farewell. Why should going out be anything new?Awkward childhood, adolescence, courtship, friendship, ambivalenceand now adulthood. I never think about what I'd leave behind.Except the burden.I never get the resolve to say "this will be my last sunrise""last smirk""last headache""last tangerine" And that's all it is.Nerve.If not cheek. I just don't feel like running the race any more.I never intended to win.I never thought to place.So why finish? No satisfactory answers...was I asking the wrong question, or was the problem more elementary?
      I failed to celebrate the best years of my life.It only occured to me well after I was over the better part.That awkward turn of being closer to thirty than thirteen.And I still find myselfincapableor perhaps unwilling to... to think that I'm just one loaded chamber from being a solution.A snippet in your paper.An awkward farewell. Why should going out be anything new?Awkward childhood, adolescence, courtship, friendship, ambivalenceand now adulthood. I never think about what I'd leave behind.Except the burden.I never get the resolve to say "this will be my last sunrise""last smirk""last headache""last tangerine" And that's all it is.Nerve.If not cheek. I just don't feel like running the race any more.I never intended to win.I never thought to place.So why finish? No satisfactory answers...was I asking the wrong question, or was the problem more elementary
Passion And Commitment
I was looking through the statuses of my friends' list when I got to see this one: "is there any men out there who knows how to be good to a woman and love her the way she needs to be and not played so tired of the players.i ma a real woman and need a real man" from a girl. This was my comment: "The problem lies in the fact it's hard to tell those who say they are from those who really are. Most times, those who really are will generally not so say to not get mixed with those who only say it. Not judging anyone, mind you, just pointing out a fact. Hugs, Andrew" I thought, however, I would expand on this and made a post since I am particularly sensitive to the matter. My heart has been shattered and pissed on way many more times than I would have liked, Yet, I think the problem isn't just in love relationships. The problem is not just in relationships either, but it talks to the core of us as human beings. We all have moments/situations where we just don't give
Passwords In Fumafia
You know I use to enjoy playing fumafia. Then they decided to change up the game to where You just about have to have a password to spit across the parking lot. Every thing you do there that has to do with making yourself more powerful in defense an attack is password protected. And some that own these things like hospitals weapons an armor if you are not one of there friends of that turf. You cant get what you need. Its kind of like when you use to play games. Like football or baseball or basketball with your friends and if you didn't get picked to play on there team you were just SOL. They want us to get down on our knees an beg like a Dog to get a password. There are some out there that have to beg for food an a place to stay or a ciggarette. Thats bad enough But we do what we have to do. But begging for a password to play a game thats not happening.
Pass The Biscuit
PASS THE BISCUITS   When I was a kid, my mom liked to make breakfast food for dinner every now and then.  And I remember one night in particular when she had made brakeakfast after a long, hard day at work.  On that evening so long ago, my mom placed a plate of eggs, sausage, and extremely burned biscuits in front of my dad.  I remember waiting to see if anyone noticed!   Yet all my dad did was reach for his Biscuit, smile at my mom and ask me how my day was at school.   I don't remember what I told him that night, but I do remember hearing my mom apologize to my dad for burning the biscuits.   And I'll never forget what he said:  "Honey, Ilove burned biscuits."   Later that night, I went to kiss Daddy good night and I asked him if he really liked his biscuits burned.  He wrapped me in his arms and said, "Your momma put in a long hard day at work today and she's real tired. And besides... a burnt biscuit never hurt anyone!"  You know, life is full of imperfect things... and imperfect
A Passion For Ulysse Nardin Replica Watches
  Schnyder’s life has been a roller coaster ride of great experiences. After opting to travel to Asia on a frequent basis, he initially decided to venture into a company producing watch components in Kuala Lumpur. “Many people get confused between Precima and Ulysse Nardin” says Schnyder. “It is a totally separate company and I founded Precima in 1974” he adds. “It was a great experience and contrary to what people say, you can’t make all the parts in a watch yourself” says Schnyder of Precima. “However, I found my true passion lay in Ulysse Nardin Replica Watches_replica Ulysse Nardin_Ulysse Nardin watches and had to let go of Precima” he adds.    Aside from timepieces, the talented owner and president of Ulysse Nardin who calls Kuala Lumpur home, reveals a second passion – for Asia. “I had always dreamed of Asia when I was young and that was what made me decide to apply for a position with the Diethelm Company,
I sometimes find my heart lurching in several directions, searching for that one thing that will create a feeling inside me unlike any other.  What will it be today? A song, perhaps? Maybe a piece of writing, or the soft, sensual touch of a lover. I yearn for the sensation to well up inside my soul until it floods my entire form, filling me with the life I so desire to attain. What does it mean to truly live? That life found me today in a song by one of my favorite bands, 30 Seconds to Mars. It reminded me to live my life on the edge, to take risks without giving thought to the consequences that would follow. I have been stuck in a rut for what seems like decades in a state of despondency that has eaten away at my soul like a cancer, slowly feeding off my emotion until eventually I succumb to its relentless harassment. I tried to suppress it, and have been for 3 years now, and told myself that it would just go away with time, yet here it remains in the forefront of my mind. My comica
Pass The Butter Please
This was sent by a friend of mine!!! Pass The Butter ... Please.             This is interesting . .. .       Margarine  was originally manufactured to fatten  turkeys.  When it killed the turkeys, the people who had put  all the money into the research wanted a payback so they put their  heads together to figure out what to do with this product to get  their money back. 
I stepped into the hot steamy shower where he stood already waiting for me. The water glistened on his bright red hair and rolled down his face. He was just so gorgeous, my god, how did i get this lucky. He pulled me in closer where i could see him better. This was him 100% , no fancy clothes , no expensive cologne, no gel in his hair, just him in his entirety. He grabbed me and kissed me pushing me up against the wall. He began by pushing my hair back behind my ears and taking a second to breathe me in. He'd never wanted me like this, he kissed me with such eagerness if felt as is he'd waited forever to kiss someone like that, for that exact moment. His lips made tiny trails across my neck til they found their way to my ears, where he whispered how much he loved me and how beautiful i was. This man was incredible, even with my mascara running, my hair curling, and all my naked imperfections he seen the beauty in me, and that alone took my breath away. Down to the floor he laid me, pla
Passive Aggressive Social Maneuver
I stumbled across a great way to get bores and other undesireables to walk away & stop talking to me in social situations. I start selling em insurance!  Either they go away or my time spent with them becomes valuable for reasons other than thier company. 
Passionate Kiss
A passionate night between me and you I can't begin to tell you the things I want to do. First we can dim the lights and get closer..... No, wait, that's too fast, let's go back and move a little slower. I'll kiss your lips that are so soft and sweet, then move on to your cheek that's so smooth and unique. Then I'll move right along that little ear of yours... Whoa... my, my... let me move along your chest... Uh, oh I missed a spot, let me move back up to the neck As I move my tongue around and around you start to feel it as I go down slowly and as I kiss your chest your hands go up ...but I'm not finished yet.... I go further down towards your navel... As I move down past your waist line I begin to kiss.... Oh, I just wake up to realize it's a dream ! A passionate dream fueled by my deep love for you.
Pass Me By...
Pass Me By alone in this world,a shadow to itself,void of time and space,i sit watching life,pass me by,watching happiness,drift away,watching... waiting........ waiting Copyright ©2006
Passion's Fire Lost....
Passion's Fire has lost its flame....burnt out long before it was started....thoughts of what could have been.....never to come true...might not have been lies....just to good to be reality....I say goodbye...with a heavy heart...I hope you find...what you are looking for....I know it wasn't me....The fire of passion that once held us now smoldering into God's green earth.
Passion is candy sweet , love hands holding , lay in the sweet grass of the summer days of love, Passion runs with pain of hearts sweet hearts  in the sky, She trys to run to find them . Dark is near ... in her mind not knowing Passion so dear to her falling in the sky... she is falling she she she she falling ... Dark is near ... Passion is gone . Passion is candy sweet , love hands holding , lay in the sweet gress of the summer days of  love . Passion runs with pain of hearts sweet hearts in the sky, she trys to run to find them...She She She She falling ....
Passionate Kisses
Like soft whispers,Your kisses brush upon my lipsThey tantalize and captivate,Making my mouth salivate,Leaving me wanting moreA hunger fills you and I,As we draw together,No longer distant,Totally passionate,In love, rather than in lustEyes closed,Breathing shallow,My kisses trail to the corner, Of your delectable mouth,Onto your neck, pure alabaster and marbleColors and stars,Seen behind lidded eyesIt wouldn't be hard,To stand here,With you, foreverLicks and nibbles,Breath upon ear,I can't see you,But I know you are near,Passionate kisses make it clearLost, completely,In a moment often dreamt ofI'm afraid to open my eyes,Afraid it IS a dream,And that it will turn to dustA kiss so passionate,One that makes me weak in the knees,A kiss so devastatingly divine,Preferably from you,Is exactly what I need
Pass It Around
A man stands alone, on the side of the street. Dirty and cold, no shoes on his feet. People pass him by, without a single glance. He’s easily dismissed, doesn’t stand a chance. I bet he was once, someone who mattered. Then something happened, caused him to shatter. What is his story? I want to know. What makes him stand out there, barefoot in the snow? His eyes are heavy, something happened to this man. Why doesn’t anyone care, or want to understand? I look all around me, and the shoes I am wearing. Then I pull over, can’t help caring. I have been blessed, so I’ll pass it around. Give him a ride, to the shelter in town.
"pass Your Drug Test Guaranteed"
“Discover The Amazing Secret That Olympic & Pro Athletes, Actors & Actresses, High-Paid Executives, And Street-Smart Convicts Use To Pass Drug Tests In Just 1 Hour – GUARANTEED! If your job, position, freedom, or competitive status is at risk, this Manual will allow you to GIVE THE FINGER TO DRUG TESTING without fear of getting nailed.” This is the BEST KEPT SECRET EVER !!! Over 10,000 Satisfied Customers. This Works !! However you got here, consider yourself blessed. Today is going to go down as the day you were able to get your personal freedom back. Today is the day you say goodbye to worrying about being humiliated and destroyed by a failed drug test. Today is the day you can give the finger to anyone who wanted you to take a drug test or a job that requires you to pass a drug test. Because I am about to make you a bold promise about how to pass a drug test … By the time you have finished this Manual, you are going to know exactly what you need to do an
Passion Of A Stranger
One night as you decide to out for a night on the town, you decide to wear a short black skirt and a red lace top with a black short jacket. your careful to show enough to make them stop and stare. As you are driving to a small local club, something catches your eye, a new place that you have never been before. The look of the place is somewhat alluring to you against your better judgment you decide to stop in and check it out. When you walk in the place is dimly lit and threes is only a few people in the bar, you decide to have a drink before you leave, you slowly walk up to the bar when you feel that there is someone watching you. You play it off and move to the bar, as you sit a the bar sip at your drink you feel someone slid down on the stool next to you. he accidentally rubs your arms, as you turn to say something he apologizes and introduces himself (me), as you turn to introduce yourself your eyes meet and you see a fire and passion behind his eyes that you have seen before. As
Passoin Of Love
Passion of Love... Rolling in my head day after day wounding thinking of you , Are you thinking of me my love . Then night is full of love in the air making Love to you so close to you I can feel you near my heart I want to fall in Love again as the night falls so as the stars you put out for me in the night skies  Passion of Love ..... Rolling in my head day after day wounding thinking of you Are you thinking of me my love.
Passion Filled Night
Passion Filled Night Lying on the bed listening to the sounds Candles illuminating the room and sending fragrance all around Feeling your strong presence  and the warmth of your touch Wanting you more and more yet loving you so much Feeling the weight of your body pushing me to the bed Thoughts of endless passion running through my head “I love you” I whisper as u penetrate my love A feeling of sweet ecstasy  as if in heaven above Flows over my body, moaning in pleasure, my heart skips a beat Hearing the sounds of bodies colliding each and every time we meet A union of our love, our bodies and our souls Fucking me hard screwing out of control
Passo Facilità Di Acquisto Franklin E Marshall Abbigliamento
Arc abbigliamento flash non è solo auspicabile è fondamentale quando si lavora in circostanze pericolose, dove da un arco flash è una possibilità.Franklin Marshall Questi Indumenti protezione dal fuoco, funziona come ultima linea di protezione quando altre misure di protezione non e smettere di dipendenti di lesioni. In collaborazione con NFPA, OSHA ha scritto Franklin and Marshall alcune norme di protezione arco flash, che sono conosciute come le norme NFPA 70E. Questi standard OSHA rendere obbligatoria per i dipendenti in contatto con materiali potenzialmente dannosi per i cavi di istanza o quelle legate ai processi ad alta tensione di indossare abiti protettivi archi elettrici che risponda agli standard NFPA 70E. Questi abiti appositamente progettato funziona come uno scudo e proteggere i lavoratori dal calore e dalle fiamme che possono derivare da uno scoppio elettrico e così impedire ai lavoratori di ferite e ustioni. I proprietari Franklin Marshall t-shirt delle fabbriche dovre
Wild is the flame burns within me , brighter then almost u can imagine .. is the passion that burns .. that u can feel taste with each word i write .. everyone of them bathed in passion .. passion for people , passion for caring , passion for learning , passion for life .  each day despites lifes obsacles it burns brighter .. i sure believe without passion i would surely die. my spirit would would not soar high above the clouds .. and when things seemed to hard . there wouldn't that driving force to push me further and further ... i would feel empty .. disheartned and maybe even alone .. trappped in my own head .. 
Passionate ..
 I love you this night your so kind loving me, flowers growing in side me. You teats like fine red wine off my lips kissing me softly. You lay me down hold me dear to your heart. Feeling your breathe on my naked body I am falling , falling , deeper , deeper into your trance  I love you on this passionate night                              bY Christine    10/14/2012                                                                                                                                           time 3:55 pm
Burning passions raging sweetly within,Slowly causing my world to spin.Eyes half shut,hearing not one sound,Save for my heart as it begins to pound.My body forever yours to touch,Forgot that I could feel as such.Feeling your body close to mine,Losing track of all place and time.Can only look upon your face,Lost in eyes that make my heart race.I have to listen to my heart,Knowing you are my missing part.Always having felt like this before,Silently craving something more.
Passbook-ruby Gem For Rails
 Passbook-ruby gem for RailsI’m sure many of you are aware of the new Passbook app that came with iOS6. It is a very convenient and centralized way to keep all of your cards and passes in one spot. Passes can be updated by the vendor in case anything changes (ie. gate number, point balance). Passes can also be associated with your existing app.Read More -
Passion Embrace
PASSION EMBRACE In the dark of the night You come to me. I am heavy with sleep As you slide your body Behind mine. I shift and sigh, Settling in to your curves As you fit yourself to me Under cover of night And warm blankets. Slowly I awaken. Every cell aware of your presence. I breathe you in, Your scent, Your warmth, Your touch. My mind floats on clouds of Aroused awareness. As your hands explore My curves, My body awakens further. My nipples tighten With anticipation. My thighs flex, And my pelvic floor contracts With a rhythmic pulsing that matches The beat of my heart. I press into you, Feeling you hard against me. I open slightly in Invitation. I am moist with longing. My breath catches In my throat. Your fingers graze my nipples and I Arch and gasp in response. Your hand explores ever lower, Enslaving me with its power To bring pleasure. I am fully awake now. Awake and hungry. My body is taut with longing
Defined as a strong and barely controllable emotion, and a state of outburst of such emotion. Showing that you care, acting like you care. Doing something unexpected. Realizing your faults.  Appreciation. Never holding back or making assumptions. Understanding. Putting yourself out there, inspiring others, putting your heart and soul into it.
Can you see the fire The burning desire That blazes inside of me Love, Lust, Want, Need To have  it all with you Would truly be heaven indeed Lovers in the dance of forever An endless eternity Your heart entwined with mine Engulfed souls in love A passionate infinity
Passion is not for the weak at heart ..  It never goes away ..  It only gets stronger each and each day ..  The desire to write burn within till its written on the page ...  Its so sad that this craft is forgotten more and more  Men used to write Ladys letters , so many telling of thier love .. they used to write each other .. it sure was so sweet .. my grandmother kept her love letter she kept them very neat .. she tied them with ribbon , for a love she held so true .. so many not many years ago died for love ..  Women used to cry and grieve each and every time thier heart broke .. and spent time mourning so deeply and true  And now women almost act like Men, talk like men  and Men sometimes don't know what to do . It is  hard now to find lady one who will treasure your soul its hard now to find a gentleman .. who prove his love so true  Romance is a puzzling thing .. a lovely dance for two A Rose is as sweet as it ever was , and passion still burns true ...  A candle still
"Passion. It lies in all of us. Sleeping... waiting... and though unwanted, unbidden, it will stir... open its jaws and howl. It speaks to us... guides us. Passion rules us all. And we obey. What other choice do we have? Passion is the source of our finest moments. The joy of love... the clarity of hatred... the ecstasy of grief. It hurts sometimes more than we can bear. If we could live without passion, maybe we'd know some kind of peace. But we would be hollow. Empty rooms, shuttered and dank. Without passion, we'd be truly dead." 
Your wanting me...My craving you...Desires that control your thoughts,slip into your dreamsand become eventual reality.The unexplored attractionthat brings passion fed adrenaline…Your first touch drove me wildand every touch that followed.Your lips on my skin,the navigation of your handsacross my bodyand everything you left behind…Animal nature.My want for youis sometimes primalit commandeers my sensesand becomes all that I can feel,see or taste.Then that pivotal moment,when I first felt youinside of me...steering the very core of meinto oblivion.We are an emotion.That’s unattainable.Our bodies,our moment,in unison.For an eternitywe are lost.Forgotten.Captured 
Passions Embrace
In the dark of the night You come to me. I am heavy with sleep As you slide your body Behind mine. I shift and sigh, Settling in to your curves As you fit yourself to me Under cover of night And warm blankets. Slowly I awaken. Every cell aware of your presence. I breathe you in, Your scent, Your warmth, Your touch. My mind floats on clouds of Aroused awareness. As your hands explore My curves, My body awakens further. My nipples tighten With anticipation. My thighs flex, And my pelvic floor contracts With a rhythmic pulsing that matches The beat of my heart. I press into you, Feeling you hard against me. I open slightly in Invitation. I am moist with longing. My breath catches In my throat. Your fingers graze my nipples and I Arch and gasp in response. Your hand explores ever lower, Enslaving me with its power To bring pleasure. I am fully awake now. Awake and hungry. My body is taut with longing. I want . . . No
Passion   Passion is something so powerful A feeling should not be denied When someone has that much passion It is not something a person can hide   Give it everything you’ve got Keep giving until you are raw And then give again and again Push yourself like you have a lot more   Passion encompasses everything From within us when we are true When there is such passion inside us We apply it to all that we do   It’s not like the passionate choose Or get to decide when it will show It applies to everything in their lives Both a curse and a blessing they know   Don’t ever believe for a moment Nobody can see what’s inside It’s the ones that can see it most clearly They’re the ones we will keep, we decide   Some people can’t handle passion While others can’t survive without The challenge of passionate people How and when do you let it come out?     August 27, 2013 MPS©
Passionate Kiss
Passionate Kiss
7 Passes For 320 Yards And Two Scores. The Lions Pivot Also Added Eight Yards On The Ground. "i Missed A Few Throws That I Havent Missed In A Whil
The B.C. Lions delivered a championship-worthy performance over the Winnipeg Blue Bombers at B.C. Place en route to victory in the 99th Grey Cup. Lions quarterback Travis Lulay, the leagues Most Oustanding Player, found Kierrie Johnson and Arland Bruce for touchdowns in the second half helping the Lions to a 34-23 victory over the Blue Bombers. Lulay was named Grey Cup MVP after he completed 21 of his 37 passes for 320 yards and two scores. The Lions pivot also added eight yards on the ground. "I missed a few throws that I havent missed in a while, especially in the first half, and that unfortunately ended some drives. But its a championship game, and youve just got to keep on fighting and in the end its feels pretty sweet," said Lulay. The Lions are the first team in CFL history to start the season with five straight losses and go on to win the Grey Cup and they did so in impressive fashion. They also accomplished the feat on home soil, the first time a team has done that since the Li
“a Passing,…prayer!”….
“A PASSING,…PRAYER!”….Hear my Prayer,…as it, intercedes;Pleading, for your,…every need.With thanksgiving,…and, supplication;I submit,…these, implications!....Hear me, now,…and, hear me-out;On my knees,…I shall, shout.To You, Lord,…the Son-of-God;You’re, (Not), just peas,….in any, pod!....And, with this,…(“A PASSING,…PRAYER”);Your Angels, listen,…as, they stare.We, wishing only,…to be;A part, of them,…a part, of Thee!....Dear Lord, my Lord,…I call, today;Do unto, others,…as, You’ve done, to me.With Grace, so Grand,…and, Staff-in-Hand;Deliver Yours,…Deliver, me!....(“A PASSING,…PRAYER”),…dear, Jesus;Your Angels,…I pray,…will gather.Placing, at,…Your, foot-stool;My pleas,…my person,…your, brother!....Hear, me,…Oh’ Lord;My word, my wish,…my w
Passionate Tongue
Easing me are thoughts of your lips pleasing meTogether with  mine brings it to reality and this  where I want to beGiving me a long soft kiss that makes me more than hissHungrily sucking on my erect breast that clearly makes me pantAffections you are granting sends my mind into a frenzyI feel you hovering over me and the blows of heat are driving me crazyThrilled by the way your teasing me as I swell with the breezeTongue coming down so tenderly my body gets tense and start to swayNow it begins to dance with me as you slowly finger playLove over flowing between my thighs as you slide your passion deep insideLegs are open wide as I slowly grab your head and guideTongue fucking me so generously and the joyride's a natural high for meBody starts moving eagerly cause its about to reach its peakFor all the sweets that I release passionate's tongue takes over me
Pastor's Ass
> Pastor's Ass > > A pastor wanted to raise money for his church > and, on being told there was a fortune in horse > racing, decided to buy one and enter it in the races. > > > > > However, at the local auction, the going price > for a horse was so high that he ended up buying > a donkey instead. > > He thought that since he had it, he might as > well go ahead and entered it in the race and, > much to his surprise, the donkey came in third. > > > > > > The next day the local paper carried this > headline: > > > > PASTOR'S ASS SHOWS > > > > The pastor was so pleased with the donkey that > he entered it in the race again, and this time > it won. > > > > The local paper read: > > > PASTOR'S ASS OUT FRONT > > > > The Bishop was so upset with this kind of > publicity that he ordered the pastor not to enter the donkey in > another race. > > > > The next day, the local paper headline read: > > > BISHOP SC
u know i sit day by day wondering...why did i have to do it...why did that one person come into my life...i hate them...who knew someone u could care about could have such a black place in my heart...the pain the agony is like a dark anthem playin in my head as i walk to her touch her and say in the darkest most feared voice...karma is either a friend or foe...for u it will be ur demise...i start laughing cause i see blood rushing from her body pouring like milk from a carton...then i open my eyes and smile when i see her pic
Past Subculture
Okay, so phantomshadow is right about me. Fucker! You scored as Hippie. As much as Hippies are currently insulted it was widely this youthculture that opened the eyes of millions. Late 60s bashing is very popular, but above all it is mostly ignored that the hippies were the least pretentious of all youthcultures, even if they fell victim to their own ideals.Hippie63%Rave / Dance56%Hip Hop38%New Romantics / New Wave31%Rockabilly / Teddyboys31%Glam Rock31%Punk19%Mods19%Which Past SubCulture fits you best?created with
Pastor's Donkey
The pastor entered his donkey in a race and it won. The pastor was so pleased with the donkey that he entered it in the race again, and it won again. The local paper read: PASTOR'S ASS OUT FRONT The Bishop was so upset with this kind of publicity that he ordered the pastor not to enter the donkey in another race. The next day, the local paper headline read: BISHOP SCRATCHES PASTOR'S ASS. This was too much for the bishop, so he ordered the pastor to get rid of the donkey. The pastor decided to give it to a nun in a nearby convent. The local paper, hearing of the news, posted the following headline the next day: NUN HAS BEST ASS IN TOWN. The bishop fainted. He informed the nun that she would have to get rid of the donkey, so she sold it to a farmer for $10. The next day the paper read: NUN SELLS ASS FOR $10 This was too much for the bishop, so he ordered the nun to buy back the donkey and lead it to the plains where it could run wild. The next day the headlines r
Pasta Shells With Ricotta Cheese
1 (16 oz.) box lg. shells, cooked 1 lb. Ricotta cheese 1/4 c. diced Prosciutto, cooked Ground veal or spinach 1 egg, lightly beaten 2 c. hot tomato sauce Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Beat Ricotta, Prosciutto and egg together in a large bowl. Stuff approximately 2 tablespoons of the cheese mixture into each shell and place in a baking pan. Cover with aluminum foil and bake 15 to 20 minutes. Arrange shells on serving plates and pour hot sauce over.
Past Entries-re Entered
Tuesday, August 15, 2006 little hearts Current mood: anxious Category: Life I feel little hearts floating around, but again I know it is for the wrong person......why cant I feel something for good people> why do I always choose losers? I think I am starting to fit in here, I never did before.....but I know things will work out for me, they always do. I found a quaint little house with about two acres that I want to buy, its pretty inexpensive, but I dont even have that yet, hopefully it wont dissappear before I do. Lost ten pounds this past week, thinking about going coast gaurd, but I need to lose about thirty five more pounds........keep on the weight watchers I guess...y'know I never had a problem with the way I looked until the military showed up (big surprise). I hope I dont look sick when Im done.......still feeling a little regretfull over past issues, but I'll get over it, I used to get so pissed when people would say things like that but I guess I just have
The Past Is Just That.
Fallen, burned and reduced to the tear that stains your pale bitter cheek. I am but an angel on who you placed your hopes I'm not what you seek. look into the confusion. shhhh close your eyes, you'll see from where I come. I am the madness, the terror the love from which you could never run. Take my hand, dance the circle, play the game, Just make up your mind. Count the seconds, they rush past blending to minutes, you can never stop time. You can't take back the dreams and you can't unbreak promises. You could never say no. My possesion, is nothing but a place inside my heart in which I dare to go. Don't twist my words. confuse my meanings, then miss my value in this dream. The mirror shatter, tears fall and from your heart one final scream.
Comming to terms that a past fling is over and there is nothing u can do about, no matter how u try to justify why ur no longer with that person, well i'm doin right now, comming to terms with my ex, hes a great guy n all. soo for all who read this, keep ur man close, dont let anythig get in the way.
The Past
I want to burn the bridges, I want to forget the past, and I long to get away from that which will never last. Moving on with the present, I'm leaving the past behind. I progress to the future, not knowing what I will find. I realize I can't forget what has happend in the past. Like chasing after the wind, It's an impossible task. I realize that I am trapped In the sorrow and the strife. I realize that I can't escape the past that is part of my life.
Pasta With Sautéed Vegetables
Preparation Time: 10 minutes Cooking Time: 15 minutes Serves: 4 Ingredients 1 Tbsp. olive oil 1/2 lb. jicama, peeled and chopped 1 red or green bell peppercooked 1 carrotcooked, peeled and chopped 1 small onioncooked, chopped 2 cloves garlic, minced 2 Tbsps. tomato paste 1/2 lb. recipe-ready crushed tomatoes 1/2 cup chicken stock 1 tsp. oregano, crumbled 2 Tbsps. cilantro, chopped 3/4 lb. rigatoni, or other small tube pasta 2 Tbsps. grated Parmesan cheese Instructions Heat oil in a heavy nonstick skillet over medium high heat. Sauté next 5 ingredients 5 minutes. Add next 5 ingredients and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer, stirring occasionally. While sauce is cooking, cook pasta in boiling salted water 8-10 minutes or until al dente. Drain well. Serve sauce over pasta and sprinkled with Parmesan.
Past Couple Days...
basically the past couple of days have been crazy. last week around like idk thursday i started to get sick and slowly it just started to get worse and stuff. homecoming was saturday. i didnt wanna go and the only reason i did was because they bought me the ticket and shit and like i had my dress and all that so i was like what else is there to do on a saturday nite. the entire time i was there all i thought about was him and like i know thats why the entire thing just blew...i wanted him there and he obvisouly couldnt be there...i danced a little bit but other then that i just sat there and talked to a couple people...i left like a hour or so early and shit too because i had this amazing plan to talk to andy and guess what IT WORKED! woo! i felt bad tho because like me and nikki hadda go back to get everyone and cole was being fucking retarded and like everyones being REALLY retarded in the car and like i think andy got all pissed a bit cuz i was basicaly ignorning him...i w
Past Life Lmao
Past Life QuizIn Your Past Life You WereA GladiatorFind out your past life at
Paster And An Nuns Ass
paster and an nuns ass A Pastor wanted to raise money for his Church, and on being told there was a fortune in horse racing, decided to purchase one and enter it in the races. However at the local auction, the going price for a horse was so that he ended up buying a donkey instead. He figured since he had it, he Might as well go ahead and enter it in the races. To his surprise, the donkey came in third. The next day the local paper carried this headline: PASTOR'S ASS SHOWS! The pastor was so pleased with the donkey that he entered it in the race again, and this time it won. The local paper read: PASTOR'S ASS OUT FRONT! The Bishop was so upset with this kind of publicity that he ordered the pastor not to enter the donkey in another race. The next day, the local paper read:BISHOP SCRATCHES PASTOR'S ASS! This was to much for the Bishop, so he ordered the Pastor to get rid of the donkey. The Pastor decided to give it to nun in a nearby convent. The local paper, hearing
The Past
I started this on myspace..but this place looks cool i will start by reposting everything for all the fun people here...... away we go.... Sunday, June 04, 2006 6-1-06 Current mood: chipper I'm single , 36 as of early this year I was married for over a decade , 11 of those years were heaven , until I woke up. Now before you think this is another "My wife left me I'm miserable" thing let's get one thing straight , I may ramble about my past marriage at times but this blog is about one thing, the truth about being single at 36 and beyond. It's about breaking out and being who you are. That person that is always in the back of your head , you conscience.. good and bad , Fuck good...fuck bad. Meld them together , thats how you become you. Everyone has there own morals , beliefs , ideas on what right and wrong. I'm a product of the 70's and 80's. I was adopted , born May 6th 1970. Born in New Jersey. 9 months after Woodstock.... you do the math. I raised myself fr
Past Part 2
6-2-06 Current mood: working Ok that whole intro was written while I was waiting for AM#2 (all girls are numbered to save their identities, Am= after marriage and bm would be before marriage.) am#2 was found online in a singles website on yahoo We sent a few messages back and forth but for me to contact her more yahoo started to want money...Fuck you yahoo...I don't pay anyone for that shit. I'll wine and dine and buy drinks at a bar ...but the hell with paying a website for contacts. I did a little homework and with what I had learned about her I found her on my space. My You go Tom! I have 1/2 to wait before I find out if I�m going to her place tonight she gives the most amazing blowjobs I ever had and she love taking it from behind and she's tight as hell!. It's awesome! ranking a 7.5. But more on that if anything happens later or not. (later that day/night) Got an instant message from AM#2 she went on about being newly separated from her husband. And did
Past Part 3
6-3-06 Current mood: tired Ok am..3 was a go last night She tore me up. Hicky's all over my chest and claw marks all over my back. On the outside she is shy as hell and there are some walls that need to be torn down. She's going to have to learn to initiate more. For example i waited for her to take my pants off and she didn't. she was naked save her soaked panties. And there she was dry humping me for an hour. So I had to take them off. One turn off for me is a completely passive woman. I want the one who will fight me for control in the bed. You want the best out of me ...fight me with your sex..... After she loosened up ( An hour of oral and 3 orgasms later.....) she let the tiger out. I had inadvertently (umm yeah sure) introduced her to light anal play. There is a test to see if they are into it and you never even have to ask them if they are... While you are down on them... use her wetness to lube one of you fingers up...the pointer works best. Start playing with her and w
Past Part 4
6-4-06 Current mood: calm Ok Sundays are the worst for tail chasing for me . 90% of the time i have to work late till midnight or later. The best thing that has ever happened out of those Sundays is my meeting my soon to be new room-mate. I'll call him ringmaster. You all know him. He's the guy that knows where all the hot spots are to hang out , has a different babe with him every night , and a steady girlfriend. Everyone is welcome in his outer circle...but very few are allowed in his inner circle...(unless your a female...) He reminds me of me at his age. I am older than him by quiet a bit. But I look no where near my age.. my looks cut a good 5-6 years of my actual age. But back to ringmaster. We are a compatible team. We can improvise any situation, Know each others thought from just a glance. And for our mentalities of things... we are equals there as well. Let's just say if you think some of these stories are off the wall now. Wait till we move in... But anyway. Am..2 got
Past Part 5
6-05-06 Current mood: calm My only day off... a day to blow off steam...Am-2 called me and said she was up all night throwing up. Something bad she ate..ok fine. we rescheduled for a movie and probably dinner Sunday night. (What normally keeps me at work late is not happening) so i went out. I started and a major chain bar/restaurant got some food and a beer. Boring place. Phony people everywhere you look. Went to a local place next.. not that exciting either.. so I moved on to the next. This one i had known from a long time ago. It was a hopping place back then and it has grown bigger now and was even more exciting. I worked my way to the bar , planning to order a beer and stroll through the crowd. Man the poor girl was slammed. A guy told me the bartenders name and told me to ask her for what i wanted... poor sap. The bartender saw me looked me in the eye and I already knew her thoughts. Working in the industry just by that she had told me , I'm trying my best dear. I'll get to y
Past Part 6
6-6-06 Current mood: tired Woo hoo.. the world is going to end must be a Tuesday...I could never get the hang of Tuesdays.... Anyway.. Well I worked .. then me and ringmaster went out to see the omen in honor of this silly numerogicle debacle. When we got there it was sold out. I had 3 other people with me 2 male one female. Ringmaster had one of his female followers and that was the group. We got to the theater and the show was sold out so we got tix for the next one at midnight . With two plus hours to burn till then we went to our favorite hang out. Our favorite hang out is not any of the places we go to hunt. It's in the center of downtown Asheville almost hidden but not quite. We normally start out there or just spend the night chilling out. We had 2 in the group that had never been there before so they had to take our initiation drink .It's Called a Flaming Jamaican Bobsled Team. It was made by accident in the very spot we were at. Ringmaster and I ordered a flami
Past Part 7
6-7-06 Current mood: happy Ok I went out to try and catch up with the two I met on Monday , Ringmaster was with me. We went to the place I met them. No luck. Well after all they both had boyfriends. We hung out there for a drink. Wednesdays are odd here. If it's one of your days off your out. If it's not your a serious barfly. . We left after the drink and on our way down the street the place has a street front area that is open. As we walked passed we spotted two girls wearing togas. I kept one of them in my vision as we walked passed and she did the same., I gave a smile and she returned it. 3 steps out of their vision and me and ringmaster looked at each other and said in unison "Yeah". we turned around and started to talk to them. We invited them down to our regular hang out. But they were torn between our invite and a party they had to go to... hence the togas. We got to our place and chilled. Now being separated I let my soon to be ex-wife live in our house because she has
Past Part 8
06-08-06 Current mood: happy Ok Thursdays are one of my busier days. I see my son on those days and we go out have some fun , then dinner. (My son is my life first and foremost. No matter what you read or think). I got back to my store. and worked till it closed . Ok. just so you know yes. Thursday will be boring for you guys to read...maybe... LOL
Past Part 9
06-09-06 Current mood: sore Ok crazy day here . This is where it takes a good mind to keep things together. Fridays are my absolute busiest days of the week. Saturdays can give it a run for it's money...but it is my best day. So I had the usual stuff going on and then am-3 came in asking if I had any plans... She wanted to fuck.. and she had something to show me.. Ok Cool.. She was hanging out for quite some time... then in came ringmaster , His girlfriend and a red head i have been drooling over for a long time. Ringmaster and I have had this talk once before. He is in control of the red head... So Ive been shying off of her... who knows how long this can last since red heads are my weakness... (ever since Nichole Kidman made BMX Bandits) And my biggest fantasy left to act on is a redhead in a nurses uniform....) well the redhead was what I think was flirting so I was playful back.. they were also chilling while am-3 was here. Then I had am-2 online trying to chat with me... Prett
Past Part 10
06-10-06 Current mood: mellow Saturday... Busy day working. Normal craziness during the day. And the night was a little slow. I had some stragglers that stayed later than normal so i didn't get out to far. Went to the one hot-spot I go to, It was slammed packed full of people. Didn't see any good prospects that didn't already seem to have company so I chilled for a while there. They have 2 of the best bartenders in Asheville so it is always entertaining to watch them. Stayed there for a while , drank a few Newcastles then called it a night.
Past Part 11
6-11-06 Current mood: mellow Ok.. Sunday.. Worked the day away and ended up closing 9ish. Sundays are good for me because I have Mondays off. So I can tear up the town. I went back to the hot-spot and walked in and had a target right away. An old co-worker from a previous Job. She was such a bitch...and a user. So i wanted to have a little fun . It was well over 3 years ago and I forgot her name. She was sitting at the end of the bar and had another woman/girl with her. (more woman than girls , she's 43 after all. 7 years older than me. But FUCKING hot. I spent many moments at work thinking of tearing her up.) Well after two beers I still couldn't get her name in my head. So I went down to their end of the bar and stood there to order my next drink. She recognized me and we ended up chatting for over and hour. I coached her phone number out of her and set a date to bring her down to the chill-out place we go. It may take some time to set this up. It may not happen on the first nigh
Past Part 12
06-12-06 Current mood: tired Ok. It was Monday. My one true day off. I went out did some shopping . Got some clothes and i book i have been waiting for months comes out on Tuesday. But knowing my work schedule like i do it would be next Monday that I would finally get a chance to buy it. So i went to the books store and flirted with one of the clerks until she let me have it a day early. Sweet! I went to get something to eat , And decided i would take a night off from hunting. So i went to the chill-out place we go to so I could kick back and read. I was there about an hour and a half reading when in walk 4 girls , the place is a private club so they did ot look like they were members , I asked them if they were and they said no. So I took them to the bar and signed them in as my guests and paid for their first round. I sat back down and continued to read. They later looked over to where i was and said thanks so i strolled over the where they were. we chatted small talk stuff for a
Past Part 13
6-13-06 Current mood: sick Ok.. hello Tuesday. Ringmasters girlfriend works for me at my store. We had a good time and at one point am-3 was there. She was begging for attention. But I try to keep what I do out of my business hours. After hours anything goes. Well I decided to give the book reading a try ..again. But no luck. I got to the chill spot and it was covered up. Ringmaster called just after I sat down and said he would be there in a few mins. There were 3 average girls and one above average on my left. I had just made an opening commenting on her shoes. (black and pink vans) i myself wear vans ..a black and white on one foot and a blue and white one on the other. She smiled and in about 2 mins I could make a move. Ringmaster showed up right before my move and well it was not good for me. Ringmaster had dated one of the other girls and it was a bad break up. So within a minute of him showing up they left. We chilled for a while then called it a night.
Past Part 14
06-14-06 Well today i met with the girl who wanted to meet me from the blog We met at a chain restaurant , but graduation stuff was going on so it took us a year and a day to get a table. We sat and talked a while , but i didn't hit it off with her. So we both left. I went back to the chill spot. I did meet another girl there who was amusing , we were starting to have fun and with the drinks from both places getting in my head we left and went back to my place. We talked some more and fooled around a little , she was shy all the sudden about me getting below the waist , so we called it an evening .But she wanted to meet again tomorrow and watch a movie or something .
Past Part 15
06-15-06 Current mood: cheerful Ok.. so work work work.... Then my new friend ...yes. am-4 came over. She had never seen any of the saw movies so I put both on for her. I asked her what she wanted to drink before she got here and she said wine. White Ziff. , Ok.. little dated ..but again it has it's time and place. Personally ..late at night and to relax I prefer a Riesling. But, what the lady wants she gets. So popcorn is way of the chart with wine. so I quick ran down to get a good nice sharp cheddar and some stoned wheat crackers (Guys don't be losers.. cheese in a can is not even food...and there is nothing romantic about a Ritz.... get some class....) Well she made it through the first movie and about a 3rd of the next. We started kissing and that blew the whole movie thing. She was ravenous.. When I got her pants off I found the cutest shaved pussy ever.. It was small...I was worried about hurting her actually. Then she dropped a bomb... She has been celibate for 3 years. i i
Past Part 16
06-16-06 Current mood: cheerful Ok so here we are at Friday again. We all know it's one of my busy days. Well I got out early for some god unknown reason and was called down to a party at a local chain restaurant ringmaster was at. I had am-3 with me so it was her first time out with us. She knows she is not the only one. and as a matter of fact only am-2 is not aware of my activities. So at the party my favorite redhead was there , am-3 got occupied with some boy toys , so i too full advantage of that and started hanging and flirting with the red head. Ringmaster and i did our mind reading trick a few times. Bought many drinks. I had a big wad of cash in a money clip and when I took it out reds eyes got real wide , so i tossed it on the bar in front of her. She immediately grabbed it and put it down her shirt , I told her she could hold it for me but the next time i needed it i was going to get it myself. She grinned. She has an awesome grin. Almost and elfish look. So she broke o
Past Part 17
Thursday, June 22, 2006 06-19-06 Ahh a day off... since i was busy being sick on fathers day i spent all morning and afternoon with him. We Had lots of fun. So after i dropped him off i was real hungry. I hadn't ate a good meal in over 48 hours. So i called up am-4 and asked her to dinner. Italian , she jumped at the chance came racing over and off we went. We had a nice bottle of Chianti a muscle appetizer and wonderful dinners. The greatest part of going to that place is you always have lunch for the next day. So we went back to her place, watched a movie. Then she got frisky. After a few minutes of foreplay she was almost ready to climax , so i let slip in to it And she let it fly... i noticed my arm was getting wet.. could it be..... Isn't that only a myth.....some porno trick???? Holy Shit it does happen .. SHE'S A SQUIRTER!!!!!! I made her cum 3 more times just see it happen again..OMG it's amazing! after that we got down to the deed , i love this girl.. her pussy grips
Past Part 18
06-20-06 Worked then got the call from ringmaster to come down to the chill spot. So I did. I left work early and had one of the girls close up for me. Hell I had just ordered a pizza. So I gave my employee stuff to pay for that and headed out. I got there and ringmaster had one girl with him. The one from the omen. So after about 20 mins we had another 4 people show up. I called the am-3 and told her to get her ass down there too. She wanted to bring a friend. So I told her only under 2 conditions. 1. you go get my pizza and bring it here , and 2. The friend has to bring a tithe of Pineapple (ringmasters idea. what the hell we can make that a new tradition , new people need to bring pineapple) And they did. LOL....well all told we had about 9 people chilling and cutting up... Also the red-head was there. She came over at one point and said that I need to be here protector... I can't allow her to have more than one drink a night...LOL...umm sure. After a Flaming Jamaican bobsled tea
Past Part 19
06-23-06 Current mood: cheerful Friday.. busy work day , am-4 stopped buy during work. She never saw the place when it was busy , but because of a big industry event taking place at the same time as the normal stuff I do it wasn't that busy. At one point I was outside smoking and she came up and whispered in my ear , "Do you want a blowjob when everyone leaves ?" .... Well what would you say? So everyone ended up leaving about 11:30 ish. We chilled for a little while ... some small talk then she got busy on me. After she finished she hung out for a few more minutes and asked if she could come back Sunday night. I told her we'll see then. Then she left.
Past Part 20
06-24-06 Current mood: chipper Ok work was still slow due to the same thing as last night, So I decided let's go out ,we'll get a big group together and have fun. By the time I closed the store I had 11 people here ready to party. We all headed to the chill spot. Among those were am-3, ringmaster, his girlfriend, the red head, and a good friend of mine who will be called funnyman... 'cause he's funny... get it... It's not rocket science here folks...LOL , and my oldest friend , Pirate. Just a name... Well I started out with a tab. and had everyone going good , But then it started getting abused so I shut it down , The chill spot has a vip area and someone told me I should go up and kick out everyone there to make room for us , not a bad idea! I went up there and it was the camp counselors I met t weeks ago. I said Hi and let them be...I went back and told everybody they would be leaving in a little while. They did. We took it over. We were all having a great time. Ringmaster told m
Past Part 21
Wednesday, June 28, 2006 06-27-06 Current mood: ecstatic Woke up. Took shower. Had a meeting at 9 am. then spent the rest of the day looking for stuff for the apartment i am hoping to move into. Found a big soft queen-sized bed for about $550. Big bed soft...good for fucking! found some awesome stuff for the kitchen since i am a cook . And was looking for some gothic candle holders. went out to dinner with my son. Then grabbed my book and went to the chill spot. Am-3 showed up all on her own with a friend. we all chilled then i got a phone call. It's official. the room mate is moving out ...I'm in. All i can think is ... my dick is going to be sore. but that apartment will be fun.
Past Part 22
06-28-06 typical day at work. After i had been invited to our cool spot by am-3 and her friend. We were there having fun. I had my arms around 2 women and in walked a mother and daughter who were out having a good time. The cool spot is more than just a bar. there are foriegn custom accsesories that people use there. It's realy the main draw. So the owner of the place was busy and me and ourt crew are there so much we help out (we even have become un-official , freinds of the lounge..a step up from member) so the owner has me get the mother daughter started and here i am .. 2 girls on my arm feeding me my drink and the mother flirting with me. It was a scene. I ate up every minute of it. The mom had gotten a little to tipsy and they had to leave. Am-3 came home with me and we usual.
Past Part 23
07-01-06 Current mood: relaxed Saturday was a slow day at work so by closing time we had Pirate, Ringmaster, and some one new... I'll call him Bones. Bones is a major bouncer here in Asheville. So right away we hit some of the hot spots. A lot of them I had never gone to before. By 2 o'clock (we hadn't got out till about 11:30) we had hit 3 clubs each with covers that were waved due to bones. I felt bad at one point. We went to one bar and he never sat down he bounced 3 people while we were hanging out. I suggested we leave because I didn't think he was having fun so we went to a martini bar that was great. We had about 4 martinis..And before that 2 captain and cokes, we left there and ended up at the cool spot. It was closing time..But we got served anyway. Ringmaster and I were outside smoking at one point and two girls had walked by. Ringmaster said joking, "You're going the wrong way!" never expecting that line to work ...but it did. They came inside and hung out for a little b
The Past...
When I look over my shoulder The past is all I see Things I've done when I was young Somehow keep haunting me You cannot change the past it's true For those trials are what molded you At times when I have lost my faith I look into my childrens face They see the world so differently Much tougher than life was for me Dreams can sometimes get you through All the tests life hands to you Something new each rising day Bringing laughter or dismay What I have learned and have found The worst thing is to just lie down In struggle how you hold your head Can help you on the road you tread IMspidey/M.M. 9/06 Copyright © 2006 *** The above poem has been chosen to be published in the upcoming book "Immortal Verses" by The International Library Of Poetry ***
Pasta Seafood Salad
DRESSING: 1 c. mayonnaise 2 tbsp. lemon juice 1 tbsp. Dijon mustard 1/4 tsp. salt 1/8 tsp. red pepper SALAD: 1 lb. med. pasta shells, cooked & drained 8 oz. imitation crab legs, bite-size pieces 4 oz. fresh snowpeas, cut in half 1/2 c. red onion, chopped 1/2 c. cilantro, chopped Mix dressing ingredients in a large bowl. Add remaining ingredients and stir gently to mix and coat. Cover and refrigerate until 30 minutes before serving.
Pasta Vegetable Salad
Ingredients: 2 Tbsp cider vinegar 2 Tbsp tomato sauce 2 tsp sugar (may use sugar substitute) 2 Tbsp olive oil 1 garlic clove, minced 1/4 tsp dried marjoram leaves 1/4 tsp basil 1/4 tsp salt, or to taste (optional) 1 cup uncooked penne or similarly shaped pasta 1 large tomato, cubed 1 small zucchini, cubed 1 medium red or yellow pepper, seeded & chopped 1 cup broccoli or cauliflower florets Instructions: Combine vinegar and tomato sauce in a large serving bowl; stir to mix well. Stir in the sugar, oil, garlic, marjoram, basil and salt (if desired). Set aside. Cook the pasta according to package directions. Transfer to a colander and rinse under cold, running water. Drain. Meanwhile, add the tomatoes, zucchini, pepper and broccoli to the bowl with the dressing. Stir to mix well. Stir in pasta. Serve immediately or cover and refrigerate 1 hour or up to 36 hours before serving. Stir before serving. Nutritional Information: Nutritional Information (per 1/2 c
~past, Future, And Present~
I release my past accepting that all that was - was all that could be. I reach toward my future aware that both joy and pain will nurture me. I embrace today not knowing my destination but trusting the path. We may not choose to remember everything but somehow we can't forget. You tend to hold on to what you know but to know is not always good. I don't forgive you to let you off the hook but to release my anger I hold within. My heart may love you but you are not worthy of that love. I never wanted you back I just could not let you go again. You are my past. Never my future. Always my present. Author Unkown
Past Life
In a Past Life... You Were: A Lazy Assassin. Where You Lived: Turkey. How You Died: Killed in Battle. Who Were You In a Past Life?
about two year ago all my friends and family didnt talk to me because i got into trouble and then it just went down hill from there had to spend two months in jail and not beable to see my children let tell you this the stupid shit we do for the pepole that we are suppose to care about or that are suppose to care about us but now that i have learnde my lesson and everything it is alot better i have learned from my mistakes but the one person that i did upset for a very long time would not talk to me for almost a year or more and i also looked up to her and still do and she knows who she is if it was not for her in my life i would not be the person that i am right now thanks you to my aunt and that i love you very much
Pasta With Irish Bacon And Brocco Li
PASTA WITH IRISH BACON AND BROCCOLI INGREDIENTS: 4 slices Shannon Traditional Irish Bacon, cut crosswise into 1/4 inch strips 8 ounces dried corkscrew or quill-shaped pasta 2 cloves garlic, minced 1 small onion, finely chopped 1/2 cup de-fatted chicken broth 1/8 teaspoon dried hot pepper flakes 4 cups fresh broccoli florets 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese METHOD: Cook pasta in large amount of salted boiling water. While pasta is cooking, in non-stick skillet over medium heat, cook bacon strips just until they begin to brown. Stir in garlic and onions; cover and cook for several minutes or until onion is soft. Raise heat to medium-high. Add chicken broth, hot pepper flakes and broccoli. Cover and cook for 7 to 8 minutes until broccoli is crisp-tender and still bright green. Stir in grated Parmesan and salt to taste. Toss with hot cooked pasta. Serve immediately. Serves 4
Pasta Diet
The Pasta Diet and Your Health ITALIAN PASTA DIET -- IT REALLY WORKS !! 1.. You walka pasta da bakery. 2.. You walka p asta da candy store. 3.. You walka pasta da Ice Cream shop. 4... You walka pasta da table and fridge. You will lose weight! And... For those of you who watch what you eat, here's the final word on nutrition and health. It's a relief to know the truth after all those conflicting nutritional studies. 1. The Japanese eat very little fat and suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans. 2. The Mexicans eat a lot of fat and suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans. 3. The Chinese drink very little red wine and suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans. 4. The Italians drink a lot of red wine and suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans. 5. The Germans drink a lot of beers and eat lots of sausages and fats and suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans. CONCLUSION Eat and drink what you like. Speaking En
Pasta Masquerade
Recipe Rating: Prep Time: 10 min Total Time: 35 min Makes: 6 servings, 1 cup each 1 lb. extra lean ground beef 3 cups water 1 medium onion, grated 1 medium carrot, shredded 1 medium zucchini, shredded 1 jar (26 oz.) spaghetti sauce 3 cups rotini pasta, uncooked 1 cup KRAFT Shredded Mozzarella Cheese BROWN meat in large skillet. ADD water, vegetables, spaghetti sauce and pasta. Bring to boil. Reduce heat to medium; simmer 20 min., stirring occasionally. STIR in cheese just before serving. KRAFT KITCHENS TIPS Substitute Use a different bite-sized pasta shape for a different look. Creative Leftovers This dish is perfect for lunch the next day. Or, cover and freeze it for another time. NUTRITION INFORMATION Nutrition Bonus: This low-calorie, low-fat meal will quickly become a family favorite. It also provides more than 1/2 cup of the recommended 2-1/2 cups of vegetables per day. Diet Exchange: 2-1/2 Starch,1 Vegetable,3 Meat (L) Nutritio
Pastors Buiseness Card
Pastor's Business Card: A new pastor was visiting in the homes of his parishioners. At one house it seemed obvious that someone was at home, but no answer came to his repeated knocks at the door. Therefore, he took out a business card and wrote "Revelation 3:20" on the back of it and stuck it in the door. When the offering was processed the following Sunday, he found that his card had been returned. Added to it was this cryptic message, "Genesis 3:10." Reaching for his Bible to check out the citation, he broke up in gales of laughter. Revelation 3:20 begins "Behold, I stand at the door and knock." Genesis 3:10 reads, "I heard your voice in the garden and I was afraid for I was naked." Remember when the funniest jokes were the clean ones? They still are! "A cheerful heart is good medicine" (Prov. 17:22)
A Pastor's Ass
The Pastors ass The pastor entered his donkey in a race and it won. The pastor was so pleased with the donkey that he entered it in the race again, and it won again. The local paper read: PASTOR'S ASS OUT FRONT The Bishop was so upset with this kind of publicity that he ordered the pastor not to enter the donkey in another race. The next day, the local paper headline read: BISHOP SCRATCHES PASTOR'S ASS. This was too much for the bishop, so he ordered the pastor to get rid of the donkey. The pastor decided to give it to a nun in a nearby convent. The local paper, hearing of the news, posted the following headline the next day: NUN HAS BEST ASS IN TOWN. The bishop fainted. He informed the nun that she would have to get rid of the donkey, so she sold it to a farmer for $10. The next day the paper read: NUN SELLS ASS FOR $10 This was too much for the bishop, so he ordered the nun to buy back the donkey and lead it to the plains where it could run wild. The next da
Past And Future
Questions - what does our past dictate? How much of our future is dictated by our past? Some of it? All of it? We are supposed to learn from the mistakes we make in the past in order to make our future more successful right? Why do we as humans, as mammals even, continue to make the same mistakes over and over and not learn from them? Do we expect that one day those mistakes will turn out to be our futures saving grace? Do we notice the mistakes that turn out to be good ones or do we rely on the bad ones to get us through? I know that when I go through my life, I blame past experiences for the things I do now. For the person that I am. Our past experiences do make us who we are to a point, but where do we draw the line between laying blame for those experiences? Why can't we come to terms that this is who we are no matter what has happened to us in the past? Bad relationships in my past, make me unable to make a successful one. I know what has happened and I expect it to happen a
The Past
Many people are so caught up in their past. Either because they think it was better than their present or they use it as a crutch for how they are now. The majority of people I've seen use the past as an excuse to be difficult, bitter, depressed, unmotivated, etc... Then there are those who always want to relive the past because, in their minds, they have made it out to be some kind of paradise. They think their present is so bad, they have purposely forgotten the rough times in their past. I guess what I'm trying to say is, most people are so busy looking behind them, they don't see what's in front of them. None of us have really had it easy. Every person can look back and at some point in their lives, and pick out more than one traumatic moment. Abuse, neglect, a loved one dying, being picked on... Some big, some small. Fact of the matter is, we all have those things in our past. Here's the trick. Learn from your past, but don't dwell on it. Recognize it, own it, accept
Past 2 Weeks
these past 2 weeks have been hell for me we got this chick an her daughter callin our house an i know who it is but everytime i answer they hang up so i cant tell em to quit callin they are trying to cause problems between my hubby an me again an well this time im not pregnant so i can do something about it i wish sometimes i could just go up to her an knock her the hell out cause thats how pisses i am at her an i wouldnt mind putting her in the hospital for awhile an get a restraining order on her cause this is bs i know i cant go an beat on her like i want to cause i have kids and i want to be there for them not in jail ya know but this chick is the c word (i have to type like this cause my one kid is up) anyways i love my kids way more than i would like to bash this chicks face in ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it sucks but oh well
Does this have any meaning to anyone Standing alone bathed in the blood of the moon Sorrow's tears mix with blood so pure hope is born As the flame ignites one falls to thy knees In awe, because for an instant the weight of the world is lifted With a slight bow of the head the weight gladly returns Though the weight is hefty it is an honor worthy or baring Maybe again will love help carry the burden No matter how heavy, no matter how difficult The honor of the burden will be carried By the strength of sorrow's tears mixed with the blood of the moon Fueled by hope itself Graciously accepting the burden one stands To carry forth into a world that shall never know Nor remember the one who carries Their hopes and keeps their fears at bay Quietly with a slight smile and a remaining tear Upon a cheek of one who alone carries the weight of the world Slips into the unknowing bustling crowd Maybe again love shall come to wipe away That last tear
Far away demons come back to haunt my mind They’re ripping and tearing and shattering time I’m plagued again by the same old fears They come back to destroy me after so many years The pretend to be kind just to lure you in Then they turn evil and kill your soul again
Pasties And Such
If you haven't seen the pictures from my birthday and the day after check them out. I'm deleting them tonight. Although they are some of my favorites they have apparantly become quite the conversation piece around the workplace so bye-bye they go. As well as some of the naughter ones in the pic gift and contest folders. They're NSFW obviously so no I'm not doing this as a stunt for all my haters. For the millionth time you don't get points from those pics! Off to shower and take more pics...clothed ones..sorry boys :)
Past Is Real
His spirit haunts me and I cant run away from it Will you ever give up and quit? I just wanna move on and pretend like my past isnt there And then I stare At the red lines scratched across my arm And I know that my past is real Its glaring right at me
3 Past
What a Moon Brings Light that shines pale and bright Shared Illumination of the night Knowing it shines first on me Travels to where you will be Carries to you my fond thought Dreams and wishes of all we wrought The bond of peace that we share Forged by a friendship beyond compare Where we enjoy each as we are Matters not that distance is far For we touch each deep inside A wonder and a joy none can hide Rare and a beauty to behold Timeless adventure forever bold Free to express feelings deep Giving myself yours to keep Missing you more as passes the day We have the moon that passes your way A comfort to know that you think of me As you lookup at it where every you’ll be By R. Thomas Dinsmore Understating Princess Understatement is the nature of the princess fair For she so often says less about her certain flair She thinks we see her flaws and that we see them most Yet the beauty of her laugh is a most angelic boast Royal to the last i
Past My Face
Past My Face I could never love you till I could know for sure, that everything you felt for me was honest true and pure. I could never believe in you till I got the chance to see, that you were honest and sincere and had some faith in me. I could never give you my mind, my soul, my heart, faith, trust and love which is the basis from which we start. And even if you gave me everything from silk to lace, I could never love you if you wouldn't look past my face. Christine
Past Life
Past Life QuizIn Your Past Life You WereA Traffic WardenFind out your past life at
The Past.
I was recently.. Ejected.. From a 2 year relationship.. Thats gone.. Like hell for the last year... Still dealing with ALOT of BS... But surviving... Chasing that next distraction. Afraid of what i'll feel like if I slow down at all. Hopelessly searching for love.. Or lust.. Wherever I can find it. And coming up screwed every time.. Everywhere... Not even a freakign rebound available to help me bounce back or cope with this shit. Cest la vie... (Such is life) I guess... I do find I always want the things I can't have the most.. But shit happens right? Everyone says it's supposed to get better. I laugh and know it'll probably always be the same shit, and am WAITING for someone to prove me wrong. The worlds to screwed today.. To corrupted.. Life's to complex. To much.. Useless BS... And drama... Put me back 50.. 100.. 200.. 1000 years ago... Gimme a sword and shield.. Or an axe... Send me rampant for some cause... I've got a hopeless Romantic Warrior's spirit... I want to believe in thi
The Past 5 Years In A Nutshell.....long Blog
Ok here goes....... My ex and I were married in '81-'83. When he divorced me it left me devestated, but I moved on. 18 1/2 years later we run back into each other. When we do run back into each other I am just getting out of my 9 year relationship with my ex-gf. He was just moving out of the trailer that he and his gf were living in. They had been caught selling marijuana within so many feet of an elementary school and were facing a class C felony. His gf had asked her PO to write it up as terms of her probation that he and she could no longer live together. That is how I came to run back into him. His gf's cousin had to go talk to his gf about helping her move out, and I was with her. I about shit myself when I saw him sitting on the couch for I still had so much love in my heart for him. I never thought I would ever love another man again. I thought I was forever a lesbian now. That is until I saw his face again. He and his gf came to my house one day to sneak and see each other
Past Battering
Past Life Figures...
Past Life QuizIn Your Past Life You WereA Medieval Court JesterFind out your past life at
A Past Never Meant To Be
So you finally admited it after so long has gone by You have delt your last card you have played that last hand You've sent your last dagger into my skin, It pierces my heart or at least what little was left of you. You've made me bleed that final time i hope you are happy with what you have given me. I suppose i should be happy the truth has set me free yet it still wounds me. I have no more tears to shed no more words for you to grab. No way of controling my life. No more ways you can strike fear inside of me. Yet part of me still morns you part of me wishes for you still. Part of me knows better and a part of me never will. For a past That was never meant to be
Past Friendships
The Past Year
Lets see, lets go back to march, just after i left my ex. If you remember from a previous blog, she has just bit a hole in my chest, and I'm also bleeding from a head wound (the phone hit me the second time). Well, i left, and took my daughter with me. I went to my brothers, and hid out there for a litle bit. Unfortunately the ex knows where my brother lives. and she showed up with the cops. Since we weren't married, and i hadn't had time to file the domestic abuse report yet, they took my daughter and gave her back to her mom. well that first month, i spent without my little girl, and the ex and her mom wouldn't let me see her at all either. In fact, until i went to the lawyer and filed for custody of my daughter, i wasn't allowed to see Aurora. That was pretty miserable, but really probably a blessing, cause it gave me a chance to get offa drugs and alcohol. Well we made a settlement agreement, which gave us joint custody of AJ, i would have her for a week, and her mom for a week. wi
Past Two Days
I am working...I kinda enjoyed it. Was a simple job..just serving people at a 24hr cafe diner. I work it out with my bro that I'll take the car to drop him off..and while at work he can drive. its agreed. But someone wasn't happy. My mother. The one that pays the bills and has to have control over everything she can get her hands on. I came home from work to say I'm heading out to see a gf. She explodes, smacks me across the face spewing the house rules and to be safe...odd way of gettin it across yes..but thats my psycho mother. Get a phone call Monday morning....was my boss he said I was a horrible server and that if I wanted me paycheck I needed to return the apron. My mother caught wind...said "I only let you live here if ya have a job, or your in school..and I don't see any text books for ya"...thus I wasn't welcome back into her home untill I had a job I got lucky..a gf put me up for a little bit and my bro actually let me have the car as long as I was a taxi for him to and fr
Pastor's Son
> >>> PASTOR'S SON >>> >>> Every Sunday afternoon, after the morning service at >>> the church, the Pastor and his eleven year old son >>> would go out into their town and hand out Gospel >>> Tracts. >>> >>> This particular Sunday afternoon, as it came time for >>> the Pastor and his son to go to the streets with their >>> tracts, it was very cold outside, as well as >>> pouring down rain. The boy bundled up in his warmest >>> and driest clothes and said, "OK, dad, I'm ready." >>> >>> His Pastor dad asked, "Ready for what?" >>> "Dad, it's >>> time we gather our tracts together and go out." Dad >>> responds, "Son, it's very cold outside and it's >>> pouring down rain." >>> >>> The boy gives his dad a surprised look, asking, "But >>> Dad, aren't people still going to Hell, even though >>> it's raining?" Dad answers, "Son, I am not going out >>> in this weather." >>> >>> Despondently, the boy asks, "Dad, can I go? >>> Please?" >>> >>> His father
Never regret your past, its what made you what you are today... If you ever fall in love, make sure he loves you back! I'd rather be loved for who I am, then hated, for someone I am not... Life is too short for regrets, live it like there is no tomorrow!!!
The Past
Let me take this time to Ask you, inform you Of all the things you did not know I’m sorry I can’t be the cure for your life You where always by my side Life spent without rain You will always be the heart in me You will always be The past the love the memories
Past Life
You scored as butterfly. butterfly79%guy71%Dog54%tree38%Girl33%rock29%What were u in ur past life?created with
Past Recolection
This Shame it makes me scream Your pain brought on by me Lessons never learned Repetition how it burns My force of concentration brought you here but you weren't alone I damned you that day i didn't come home She's trapped with you Do i have the power to fix this No I don't Your sacrifice has broken me Soon I'll end up cold and dry frozen from the seduction Frozen from the fear I've been sucked dry Put me in the ground Nectar of life cannot be found Klinz 2/19/07
The Past
thinking back to when I was in school and young a very bad kid and really dumb starting fights and giving dirty looks when the teacher left the class I tore up her books standing up when the teacher said sit down when creighton was in my class we were the class clowns not doing home work and I cheated on test I got all D's I wasn't trying to be the best I graduated but I didn't wanna go I heard them call my name but I was a no show that was years ago I think I changed I look back on those years and it's kinda strange I think sometimes why didn't I listen I think about how much knowledge I was missing but if I could go back it would all be the same I'm a big kid and I'll never change Damon Latrell Taylor Copyright ©2007 Damon Taylor
Pasta With Shrimp & Wine
12 ounces shrimp, shelled 1 cup onions, chopped 2 tablespoons butter 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 cup dry white wine 1 tablespoon instant chicken bouillon granules 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon white pepper 1 teaspoon dried basil,crushed 2 medium tomatoes, peeled, seeded and chopped (1 cup) 10 ounces pasta, cooked 1/4 cup butter, melted 1/2 cup parmesan cheese, grated 1/2 cup parsley, snipped Thaw shrimp, if frozen. In a saucepan, cook onion in 2 Tblsp. butter and olive oil until tender but not brown. Stir in wine, bouillon granules, basil, salt and pepper. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer, uncovered, for 12 to 15 minutes or until about 1/3 of the liquid is evaporated. Halve shrimp lengthwise and add to wine mixture. Cover and simmer about 5 minutes until shrimp is just tender. Stir in tomatoes and heat through. Toss pasta with 1/4 cup butter, melted. Add shrimp mixture, cheese and parsley. Toss until pasta is coated.
The Past Revisited
It's funny how past acquaintances come back around and past feelings become renewed. I've always been one to believe you should never forget your past, but learn from it; grow from it. But sometimes when your past revisits you, you need to grab it with both hands and never let go. I guess we'll see how it all works out. ~latez
Past Present Future
think of times gone by, people missed, not forgotten, those were the days, weren't they? Darts and drink, concerts and black eyes, those days, gone, gone, gone. but alive in memory. Those people, those places, artifacts in time, treasured, But, moving on time for new monuments.
The Past Present And Future
Old ashes of the past On fire in my heart Burning to cleanse the way to the future Temporal dreams are spinning out of control When we all fall down in realities life Serenities way is a wishful dream Smoldering nightmares Encrothching encrotching slowly Presents time fighting Fighting always sadiness and loneliness Seeking the silver lining or rainbow For joy and happiness Alone, alone stands time Presents moment are like snails The words of the past are just that the past The words of here and now are both truth and lies Yet the words of the future are just unknown So seek the past not Nor seek the future Be here in the present
The Pasta Diet
ITALIAN PASTA DIET -- IT REALLY WORKS !! 1.. You walka pasta da bakery. 2.. You walka pasta da candy store. 3.. You walka pasta da Ice Cream shop. 4.. You walka pasta da table and fridge. You willa losea da weight! AND..... CONCERNED ABOUT TOO MANY CARBS IN YOUR DIET? For those of you who watch what you eat, here's the final word on nutrition and health. It's a relief to know the truth after all those conflicting nutritional studies. 1. The Japanese eat very little fat and suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans. 2. The Mexicans eat a lot of fat and suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans. 3. The Chinese drink very little red wine and suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans. 4. The Italians drink a lot of red wine and suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans. 5. The Germans drink a lot of beers and eat lots of sausages and fats and suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans. CONCLUSION Eat and drink what you like. Speaking Engli
The Past And The Future
I may have fucked up in the past with a really great friend but here and now I want to make it right! After YEARS of not talking to a man I once considered my best friend over some really dumb shit (and a dumb bitch), I realize just how bad of a friend I was to him.... I am sorry man... I was an asshole to let that shit go the way it did. What I did was way more fucked up than what happened so many years ago. Laters David AKA "WORK"
Past Present Future....dead And Reborn Again
As a present never opened always a suprise, waiting for the package inside never disapointed in the return. Always satisfied like nothing can go wrong. Belonging to the indefinite, whether or not our love grows strong, your heart belongs to someone else, never given the chance to shine, stopped shit on a dime, scared to commit and learn shit from the inside out. Have no doubts couldn't handle the trouble, out in a double trouble jumpin jack flash. Said you didn't care bout the cash. Left me with you on my mind. Didn't know how to be kind. said I didn't care when all it did was put wear and tear to my heart & soul. How could someone be so cold. Never knew how to define or explain my feelings inside. When did LOVE become so blind that you walked away with no chance at.. Redemption, conception of my being for you Left unsaid with no chance to be told, let the cards unfold & the future fortold, with nothing left to realize that I was here for the LONG-HAUL Never saying I would leav
The Past
They say the past should be left as it is. Yet I believe it is a reflection of who we are. The past can haunt you from the secrets kept deep within your soul. Also released so that mistakes will be lessons that we will preach. AS we all know My own past continues to find me, not that I mind for I have no shame in the choices I have made. I have grown from that girl into the woman I am today and I give thanks to my past. The love that I gave was pure and real and thinking of those memories bring a smile to my face, for I know now that love is everlasting even over 20 years, I gave my heart once long ago to share life with you was a dream but now I see you are still in that dream for you have found me across the miles and the years past. We have moved on and created our lives as meant in this world. I thank you for all that you showed me for that has helped me till today. And now I see our friendship never ended we just grew. I will always love you. As the girl that become the
Past Sanjaya's Expiration Date
Considering the title of today's blog, I probably should have chosen another photo; the United States Post Office announced this series of Star Wars stamps which they're releasing in May, and I am a fan. To wit, I was planning to start with my take on last night's American Idol, the semiannual competition to determine which singer Clive Davis can draft as a new workhorse for life. (Hmm . . . cynicism is just not me, is it?) I don't even like the show that much, but this season is bordering on the ridiculous -- it's appealling that Randy, Paula, and Simon are saying what we're really thinking about which singers go on next week and which don't, and this season Ryan and the show are actually fielding questions from the viewing audience . . . but sometimes you wonder what they're on. One of the final twelve is a seventeen-year-old named Sanjaya -- sorry about the lack of detail if you don't watch the show; I wouldn't watch it if Martha didn't record the show religiously -- whose sing
Past Weeks Events
im enjoying the past weeks events very much...Im thinking that fun isnt so hard to find or have or make for that matter...Im also investigating ways to be creative in my endeavors...all in all, its been a great time and i hope that in some small way i have touched others lives and made them have happy thoughts and smiles....
I haven't cried or held your hand In over six weeks And every time that we do this we promise Never to repeat And every time that we do this we kiss And we get some sleep Then we wake up and we go out And we find something to eat, well Let's move to the country All our city friends will envy We will find the time for blue skies Always called you baby I never called you honey or dear Because you fill me with good spirits And you help me clean my beard I'd like to thank you oh so much For the last couple of years Just lock the door when I am gone We will both shed tears, well Let's move to the country All our city friends will envy We will find the time for blue skies I hope they all wil never find you And your blue eyes stay clear I hope you know I love you And that my words are sincere, well Let's move to the country All our city friends will envy We will find the time for blue skies
The Past Few Days
I have not updated in days I know. I’ve just been busy or unmotivated. Let’s see here. Last Friday Phyls and I had our girl’s night. FINALLY. Haha. We ate and we watched movies with hot boys. Saturday I was pretty much just depressed for some reason. That night was not a good night. Sunday morning there was a little argument with me and James – that was not fun at all! We worked it out of course. He finally got the other package of cds and I’m glad. I need to send the rest out to him soon. I love him dearly. He’s moved into a new room which is good for him in a way but also bad because it doesn’t provide any signal for his phone meaning our time on the phone is limited to his curfew. Blah. Monday I was seriously stressing out. I have this history research proposal I was freaking out about. Basically what happened is, there’s 3 parts. Each part gives you a number of points. The total of the 3 combined must equal AT LEAST 70 points in order for you to be able to write the actual term pa
Pasta With Tomato Meat Sauce
Pasta with Tomato Meat Sauce Some call it sauce, others call it gravy -- and everyone loves it! If you can't find nice ripe tomatoes at the market, feel free to use a 28-ounce can of your favorite brand of plum tomatoes. Servings: 4 Ingredients: * 1 pound uncooked pasta * 8 ounces lean ground beef * 1 medium onion, chopped * 2 cloves garlic, minced * 6 large tomatoes, peeled, seeded and diced * 1/2 teaspoon salt * 1/2 teaspoon oregano * 1/2 teaspoon dried basil * 1/2 teaspoon sugar * 1/4 cup red wine Directions: Prepare the pasta according to the package directions. While the pasta is cooking, combine the beef, onion and garlic in a large skillet; cook until the meat is no longer pink. Set aside. In a blender, combine the remaining ingredients; process for 30 seconds. Add the tomato mixture to the meat; simmer about 20 minutes. When the pasta is done, drain well. Add the sauce to the pasta and serve.
The Past
The Pastor's Donkey
The pastor entered his donkey in a race and it won. The pastor was so pleased with the donkey that he entered it in the race again, and it won again. The local paper read: PASTOR'S ASS OUT FRONT The Bishop was so upset with this kind of publicity that he ordered the pastor not to enter the donkey in another race. The next day, the local paper headline read: BISHOP SCRATCHES PASTOR'S ASS. This was too much for the bishop, so he ordered the pastor to get rid of the donkey. The pastor decided to give it to a nun in a nearby convent. The local paper, hearing of the news, posted the following headline the next day: NUN HAS BEST ASS IN TOWN. The bishop fainted. He informed the nun that she would have to get rid of the donkey, so she sold it to a farmer for $10. The next day the paper read: NUN SELLS ASS FOR $10 This was too much for the bishop, so he ordered the nun to buy back the donkey and lead it to the plains where it could run wild. The next day the headlines read: NUN ANN
The Past And Present
ok so chris is my ex. we still get on well. we argue when we r together but when we are friends we dont. i love him so much but thigs ent expected to be perfect. if the world was perfect i would still be with chris. i love him so much but he doesnt really understand that. i love you chris if you are reading this and please will you have me back. love your danni
Past Few Days
i wanted to let everyone know that on friday morning morning me and my son were involved in a car accident and were both sent to the hospital we both have head and neck injuries and i have an additional back injury i wont be on as much until everything is settled with this. me and my son have numerous drs apts and physical theropy not only that but visits to my lawyers srry i havent shown much love to my friends but i will get on it soo i promise when im able to...
Past Present
im thinking alot today... looking forward and backward... looking at myself closely... trying to know me... lookin at my past and regretting nothing, but looking forward and seeing nothing... 05 save me.mp3
Pastor With Guts
Pastor with Guts This Pastor has guts!! Thought you might enjoy this interesting Prayer given in Kansas at the opening session of their Senate. It seems Prayer still upsets some people. When Minister Joe Wright was asked to open the new session of the Kansas Senate, everyone was expecting the usual generalities, but this is what they heard: "Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and to seek your direction and guidance. We know Your Word says, 'Woe to Those who call evil good,' but that is exactly what we have done. We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values. We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery. We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare. We have killed our unborn and called it choice. We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable. We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self esteem. We have abused power and called it poli
Past Life
Chapter 1: The Sun Your Sun is in Sagittarius (Tropical zodiac). Great expanses of space, including the seemingly endless expanse of oceans, are likely to call to you, Emma-Jane, and in them you probably find some of your most quieting and comforting experiences. For example, traveling long ago as a Spanish, English or even Japanese settler, pioneer or explorer, you may have crossed the oceans in search of a better world. You were then part of a strong sea-faring culture which frequently set out --over a period of many centuries -- to explore, invade and often defeat enemies and cultures usually much greater in strength and size. Jupiter is the planet which rules or symbolizes the heart of Sagittarian energies, supplying you with a broadly courageous -- though at times daredevil -- quality. Yet underneath this often exciting exterior lies a calm but calculating mind. Another characteristic experience is one or more past lives involving a lot of movement, change and sepa
The Past Week Or So.
I have been hanging out with my friend for the past week or so... She and I have a lot in common. We are both mothers and neither of us get out much. So, we got together and decided we wanted to go out. Well, because she wanted to go out, her mother and her baby's father hate me. The father is jealous of me because she wants to go out with me, but that is not my fault. All he likes to do is sit at home on his ass and not talk. Anywho.. My friend and I went to this place called The Banque. It is a country bar with two-stepping and a lot of nice looking "cowboys" and "southern gentlemen". It's really fun to hang out there. I am planning going there for my 21st birthday, and hopefully doing it on a thursday when the Southern Gentlemen put on a nice little show. :) woo hoo lol..
Past & Future
?" don't worry about the people in your past.....there's a reason they didn't make it into your future
CAN WE FACE OUR PAST? "MY HAIR IS GOOD-EVERYTHING IS FINE" Life looking good,sometimes it,s even smile.It.s nice how seasons goes by.There is hard times and good times. You find your place in your life,but there are those moments when you ask yourself:" IS EVERYTHING FINE?" Something bottering you from your past.You dont even sometimes see that..or feel that. Why you do things way you do? Why these feelings allways come up your mind?What,s wrong whit you? It just that you never be in face to face whit your past. Past influence our life,but it not have to rules of it. It,s sad if is happend like that man who goes to doctor,because he thinking that he is a dog.And that "doc" ask him how long he being feel that way? He answer:when i was puppy. When you face you past ,you have to face sometimes shame,sorrow,guilty and that you never can forgive someone. When people shame ,they cant look others eyes.yes? We can live IN shame,even that we know. And it,s different th
Past Although we will never be together again, Even if so, it would cause too much pain. Times when I look back and smile Whatever was it that made me run that extra mile? That extra mile I shall no longer run, For that part of my life, history is already done. Whatever I did wrong, I do not know Even today, it remains unwritten so. But at heart a true friend you will be, Many think I’m mad, but I can’t stop being me! Everything is in the past now, far far away. It’s the future of tomorrow which brings us a new day. But now its time to close this door, To lock, to turn the key once more. (c) Angel
The Past Week
Ok....I havn't been here for a while and I want to explain why. Last weekend I went to WV to be with my mother for Mother's Day. I also had a special meeting planned with a very special person. Well, I got there Friday night around 11pm to rush my mother to the emergency room. Her fever was 103. After sitting in the ER the entire night they finially admitted her for an absess on her colon and an inflamation of her bowels. After she was in her room and setteled i went to take a shower and meet with my special person. Things didn't go as planned but I had a wonderful time with him none the less. Anyway, I got back to the hospital and my mother and I slept for a while. I was going to head to my mother in law's and get some sleep when she told me she was freezing. I took her temp and she had started running a fever again. I went to the nurses station and told them and went back to her room. She was laying down and all the sudden she looked at me and said that she couldnt breathe. I sit her
The Pastor's Ass
The pastor entered his donkey in a race and it won. The pastor was so pleased with the donkey that he entered it in the race again, and it won again. The local paper read: PASTOR'S ASS OUT FRONT. The Bishop was so upset with this kind of publicity that he ordered the pastor not to enter the donkey in another race. The next day, the local paper headline read: BISHOP SCRATCHES PASTOR'S ASS. This was too much for the bishop, so he ordered the pastor to get rid of the donkey. The pastor decided to give it to a nun in a nearby convent. The local paper, hearing of the news, posted the following headline the next day: NUN HAS BEST ASS IN TOWN. The bishop fainted. He informed the nun that she would have to get rid of the donkey, so she sold it to a farmer for $10. The next day the paper read: NUN SELLS ASS FOR $10. This was too much for the bishop, so he ordered the nun to buy back the donkey and lead it to the plains where it could run wild. The next day the headlines read: NUN ANNOUNCES HER
The Past And The Future Meet In The Memory Of The Dead
I would call it the West end of town. Fredericksburg starts to trickle out after you get to the Catholic cemetery. I have walked through that cemetery time after time again. Intrigued by the stories, perhaps some long forgotten, of the former citizens of this fine hill country town, or just to seek a quit moment of reflection of what might have been. No matter how many visits, or trips through the tombstones, I find myself constantly pulled to the grave of Raymond Ottmers. To a young man whom death claimed far too early, too far away. To a young man who I never knew, yet I feel, as if I’ve known him all my life. You see, not so long ago; I wanted to be just like him. A country boy born to the parents, of the greatest generation, like so many others, they struggled through the depression just to make ends meet. They witnessed perhaps, history’s greatest struggle in the Allies victory in World War II and then the gallant effort of the United Nations army, consisting mostly of U.S.
Pasta With Shrimp Scampi
1-1/2 lbs. unpeeled, medium-size fresh shrimp 1-2 tbls. chopped chipotle pepper in adobo sauce 2 garlic cloves, minced 2 tbls. veg. or olive oil 1/2 cup dry white wine or chicken broth 1 tbls. prepared mustard 1 tbls. Worcestershire sauce 1/2-3/4 cup butter, melted 1/2 tsp. salt 2 tbls. fresh lemon juice 1 lb. spaghetti, cooked 1/2 cup fresh parsley, optional 1/2 cup shredded Parmesan cheese Peel shrimp and devein. Saute peppers and garlic in hot oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat until throughly heated. Note: (you could and should slice open peppers to remove seeds to tone down the heat. Depending on pepper size, one large will do. You adjust to taste.) Add shrimp and cook, stirring constantly, 2-3 minutes or just until shrimp turns pink. Remove shrimp and set aside. Stir in white wine, mustard, and Worcestershire sauce, cook over high heat 3-4 minutes. Return shrimp to skillet. Stir in butter, salt, lemon juice, cook 1-2 minutes or until combined and th
Pasta With Shrimp And Scallops
6 tbsp. olive oil 2 lbs. ripe tomatoes, peeled, seeded and chopped 3 tbsp. capers, drained 2 tbsp. anchovies, chopped 1 tbsp. garlic, chopped 3/4 lb. raw shrimp, peeled 1/2 lb. sea scallops, halved 2 tbsp. olives (Kalamata) chopped, optional Heat oil on high heat. Add tomatoes, capers, anchovies and garlic. Cook until tomatoes releases their juices and mixture thickens, stir occasionally about 10 minutes. Add shrimp and scallops cook about 2 minutes. Cook pasta (fettuccine or linguine). Pour sauce over pasta and serve.
Past Lives And Present Relationships
We are like rivers. On the surface we are all shiny and clear, shimmering with freshness and life, but deep within us run powerful unseen currents of soul-memories and desires. These deep currents are the cumulative effects of ages of soul-life and many incarnations in the Earth. They cause us to love one person and despise another; to feel wonderful vibrations with a particular individual in one aspect of our lives only to feel awkward and uncomfortable with that same person in another aspect of our lives. Patterns and habits have formed deep within our inner-consciousness and shape the way we interact with people around us. Everyone involved in our present lives was very likely involved in our past lives. Actually, it is likely they have been involved in many of our past lives. Our parents, brothers and sisters, spouses, children, friends, colleagues, bosses and employees, and even our enemies began sharing life with us long before the present lifetime. The effects of these ma
Past Memories
Ok. I've been working in the grocery business for almost 13 years now. I used to be the number 3 guy in a small town store. One time close to the Christmas. I had a lady come in and wanted to charge about $100 in groceries. I explained to her that we don't do personal charge accounts. Then she offtered to do and exchange of services with me. I was confused on that and had to ask her what she met. She told me that she would have sex with me for the groceries. I explained to her that would get me fired from my job. The lady I'm referring to is very attractive. Her husband was a real dead beat. They never had more then a couple bucks on them at any time. She explained to me that she wanted to give her family a good X-mas dinner instead of what ever welfare has to offer. I explained to her that I would like to help but I couldn't allow a personnel charge. She left the store crying. One of the city police officers was in the store and heard the whole conversation. We talked
Pasta Carbonara
1/4 lb package of mild Italian sausage 1/4 lb prosciutto ham, thinly sliced 1/2 cup minced parsley 3 well beaten eggs 1/2 cup Parmesan cheese 2 tablespoons melted butter 1/2 package thick spaghetti Cook Sausage until almost done. Add prosciutto and parsley until all is cooked. Cook the pasta according to package directions; drain. Add to pasta the butter, eggs, parsley, meats, cheese and pepper. Mix well and serve immediately.
Pasta/seafood Dish
4 tbsp. olive oil 1 lb. seafood (shrimp, scallops) 2 onions, sliced 1 green pepper (julienne) 1 red pepper (julienne) 1 bunch scallions, sliced 2 tomatoes, seeded, peeled and diced 4 oz. green beans 1 lb. angel hair pasta Heat 2 tablespoons of oil. Stir-fry seafood (1 to 3 minutes); remove from pan. Add remaining oil. Stir-fry vegetables. Keep seafood and vegetables warm while cooking pasta. Pour stir-fry mixture over drained pasta.
Pasta Stir Fry
1/2 lb. turkey breast, sliced thin 1 clove garlic, minced 2 scallions, sliced diagonally 2 med. carrots, sliced diagonally 1/2 green pepper, sliced 1/2 c. broccoli tops, cut up 2 tbsp. vegetable oil 1 can stewed tomatoes 2 c. cooked pasta Stir fry meat in hot oil for 2 minutes. Add garlic and onion. Cook 1 minute, stirring constantly. Add remaining fresh vegetables and stir fry until crisp. Add tomatoes and cook for 2 minutes. Add pasta and cook 2 minutes. Serve immediately.
Pasta With Shrimp And Scallops
6 tbsp. olive oil 2 lbs. ripe tomatoes, peeled, seeded and chopped 3 tbsp. capers, drained 2 tbsp. anchovies, chopped 1 tbsp. garlic, chopped 3/4 lb. raw shrimp, peeled 1/2 lb. sea scallops, halved 2 tbsp. olives (Kalamata) chopped, optional Heat oil on high heat. Add tomatoes, capers, anchovies and garlic. Cook until tomatoes releases their juices and mixture thickens, stir occasionally about 10 minutes. Add shrimp and scallops cook about 2 minutes. Cook pasta (fettuccine or linguine). Pour sauce over pasta and serve.
Pasta With Vodka
1 lb. penne or other tubular pasta 5 tbsp. unsalted butter 2/3 c. vodka, preferable Polish or Russian 1/4 tsp. hot red pepper flakes or more to taste 1 can (16 oz.) Italian plum tomatoes, drained, seeded and pureed (can use 3/4 c. crushed drained tomatoes) 1/2 tsp. salt 3/4 c. Parmesan cheese, grated In a large pot of boiling salted water, cook the penne until al dente (tender but firm) for 8 to 10 minutes. Meanwhile, melt the butter in a large noncorroding skillet over moderate heat. Add the vodka and hot pepper and simmer for 2 minutes. Add the pureed tomatoes and cream and simmer 5 minutes longer. Season with salt. When the pasta is al dente, drain well and pour into the skillet with the hot sauce. Reduce the heat to low, ad the cheese and mix thoroughly. Voila! Serve with a salad and good bread (it's pretty rich and very potent). Serve 4 to 6.
Pasta Fasol
1 grated onion and few tsp. olive oil (saute) 2 cans of tomatoes OR 1 qt. jar put in blender or processor 2 cans of bean soup (with water added) Minced garlic Salt and pepper to taste Wide dumpling noodles (12 oz.) Combine onion, tomatoes, bean soup and seasonings, simmer on low heat. Boil noodles, rinse and add. Simmer another 15 to 20 minutes. This a quick version of an old Italian recipe handed down from my father's family. It has become a favorite for those cold winter evenings. Serve with a baked loaf of Italian bread. This meal will make you feel warm all over.
Pasta Con Pollo Y Salsa De Maní (pasta With Chicken And Peanut Butter Sauce)
Peanut butter sauce is featured in many Ecuadorean dishes. Ingredients: 12 ounces pasta, such as fettuccine, uncooked 2 tablespoons plus 1 teaspoon sesame oil 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into strips 2 red jalapeños, stemmed, seeded, and minced 2 cloves garlic, minced 2 teaspoons minced ginger 1 red bell pepper, stemmed, seeded, and cut into strips 1/2 cup chicken stock 1/4 cup peanut butter 1 teaspoon brown sugar 1 tablespoon rice vinegar 1 tablespoon soy sauce 1 8-ounce package frozen snow peas, thawed Preparation: Cook the pasta in boiling water until almost al dente. Drain and set aside. Pour 2 tablespoons of the sesame oil into a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add the chicken and sauté until just done. Remove the chicken with tongs and set aside. Add the remaining teaspoon of sesame oil to skillet. Add the jalapeños, garlic, ginger, and bell pepper. Sauté for 2 minutes, then reduce heat to medium, cover, and cook for 2 additional minutes or un
Pasta Puttanesca
1/8-1/4 cup pancetta, finely diced 3 tablespoons olive oil 5-8 cloves garlic, peeled and minced 1 large can (approx 35oz) whole peeled Italian tomatoes 1 dozen oil-cured black olives, pitted and chopped 3 anchovies, finely mashed (optional) 2 tabelspoons red wine vinegar a pinch red hot pepper flakes 2 tablespoons each fresh basil and oregano 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley (save a little for sprinkling) 1 bay leaf Romano or Parmesan cheese (for sprinkling) 1 lb pasta, cooked according to package directions salt and pepper, to taste Note: If you don't have fresh herbs available, substitute 1/2 teaspoon each dry oregano and basil. In a large skillet, sauté pancetta over low heat in olive oil until soft and translucent; bring heat up and allow to pancetta to brown slightly on edges. Add garlic, oregano, basil, red pepper flakes, parsley and olives. Mash the anchovies well into the oil, using the tines of a fork. Tip: You can do this with the garlic after it's cooked,
Pasta Shells With Turkey Sausage And Peppers
Pasta Shells with Turkey Sausage and Peppers Rather than calling for actual turkey sausage, this recipe uses ground turkey, garlic and fennel seed as a healthier but just as tasty alternative. This is one of those easy, family-friendly meals that you're bound to make again and again. Servings: 4 Ingredients: * 8 ounces medium pasta shells * 1 pound ground turkey * 1 teaspoon salt, divided * 1 onion, chopped * 2 red bell peppers, cored, seeds removed, cut into 1-inch pieces * 1 green bell pepper, cored, seeds removed, cut into 1-inch pieces * 2 garlic cloves, minced * 1/2 teaspoon fennel seeds * 1/8 teaspoon pepper * 1 tablespoon olive oil * 1 cup chicken broth * 1/4 cup chopped flat-leaf parsley Directions: Cook the pasta according to the package directions. Meanwhile, in a 10-inch nonstick skillet, cook the turkey with 1/2 teaspoon of the salt over medium heat, breaking up pieces of turkey, for 4 to 5 minu
Pastelillos (spicy Meat Pocket)
Goya dough rounds (frozen section) 1 lb ground beef 95% lean fresh recao (chopped), to taste fresh cilantro (chopped), to taste 1 packet Goya Sazon 1 teaspoon Goya Adobo 1 teaspoon cumin seeds 1 teaspoon coriander seeds 1 teaspoon chili powder 1 tablespoons sofrito (Goya) 1 onion chopped 2 small green chilies whole 1 teaspoon chopped garlic juice from 1 lime salt and pepper, to taste shredded cheese Remove dough rounds from freezer 1 hour in advance to thaw. In a pot over medium heat, sauté onions until soft. Add meat; brown thoroughly. Add remaining ingredients except cheese. Simmer on low for 1 hour, stirring every so often. Turn off heat. Rlace 1 dough round on a flat surface with parchment still attached. Place 2 tablespoons of shredded cheese in the center of the round. Place 1 large tablespoon of cooked beef on top of cheese. Pick up 2 corners of parchment and join sides of dough together, forming a half moon shape. Peel top parchment back with a for
Pastelillos (spicy Meat Pocket)
Goya dough rounds (frozen section) 1 lb ground beef 95% lean fresh recao (chopped), to taste fresh cilantro (chopped), to taste 1 packet Goya Sazon 1 teaspoon Goya Adobo 1 teaspoon cumin seeds 1 teaspoon coriander seeds 1 teaspoon chili powder 1 tablespoons sofrito (Goya) 1 onion chopped 2 small green chilies whole 1 teaspoon chopped garlic juice from 1 lime salt and pepper, to taste shredded cheese Remove dough rounds from freezer 1 hour in advance to thaw. In a pot over medium heat, sauté onions until soft. Add meat; brown thoroughly. Add remaining ingredients except cheese. Simmer on low for 1 hour, stirring every so often. Turn off heat. Rlace 1 dough round on a flat surface with parchment still attached. Place 2 tablespoons of shredded cheese in the center of the round. Place 1 large tablespoon of cooked beef on top of cheese. Pick up 2 corners of parchment and join sides of dough together, forming a half moon shape. Peel top parchment back with a for
Past To Present
There they were years ago, Not knowing, feelings there others around. life happens, They go separate ways. meeting years later, big smiles, maybe wishing, things to be different. Loosing touch again fate happening, talking again. feelings start, all over.
The Past Weekend
Aside from missing my bf wicked bad this weekend, he worked his butt off all weekend, while I was at motorcycle license training surprizely enough I PASSED! Woo Hoo Lots of Cherry Love Chow Chow
The Past
You sit and point fingers at the life you have jaded when all along it was you who had raided a young soul and heart and mind. Never taking into consideration the future you were creating and the relationship you were taking--away-- with your lie and dollar consumed high. As you watched the bruises form and the young mind became cynical, it was all okay even today. Never taking any blame for watching your wallet get fat while the young soul fell flat. You are the only one to fail, left a young life to derail, spinning out of control. Now that it's twisted, take a long look at what you have created. With each crack of the leather to see the love and trust deflated. Was it worth it?
The Past
think we should always look back on our own past with a sort of tender contempt. As long as the tenderness is there but also please let some of the contempt be there, because we know what we're like, we know how we hustle and bustle and shove and push, and you sometimes use grand words to cloak it. Dennis Potter (1935-1994) Dramatist and screenwriter
Past & Present
It's truely amazing how people come in and out of your lives and it takes a while for you to realize what kind of impact they have on you. I have been given the opportuity recently to revist the past and learn a lot from it. I am hoping to keep what I have rencently found around awhile... long while, in any manner that we choose. A lot of "Damn"s have been given out, and its all good... really liking it... lol Anywho, if you know me then you know what the heck I am talking about and many ~hugs~ to you.
Past & Present
The problem about adding people back from the past, in my past is that they still rarely talk to you. To me it's the new friends that make an effort to talk. Is it just me or is that how it seems too anyone else?
Past & Present
The problem about adding people back from the past, in my past is that they still rarely talk to you. To me it's the new friends that make an effort to talk. Is it just me or is that how it seems too anyone else?
Past & Present
The problem about adding people back from the past, in my past is that they still rarely talk to you. To me it's the new friends that make an effort to talk. Is it just me or is that how it seems too anyone else?
5 Past Midnight Here :-)
A Past Truth
Every single beat is like a lifetime that has become waste Time passes without knowledge of what could have been The flame is still burning & won't ever be replaced This love, from above the heavens, can still be seen. She may have you, but its not real She doesn't know you like I do Deep down inside we both know the real deal Our love was solid and true. Maybe we made a mistake Maybe it really is over But this feeling will never break Because you were always my 4 leaf clover. We've gone our separate ways To only find ourselves talking again within days Why did we have to end I'm still waiting for my heart to mend. June 15, 2007 By NYBella
A Past Unreleased
How do you know when its time to say goodbye? What if it makes your heart die? How do you know if you're ready? What if everytime you try, you're heart won't stay steady. Our time has been up for years now. I've wanted to let go, but never knew and still don't know how. When I wasn't looking you captured my heart And in the end, your actions caused us to break apart. The history, memories and all that we were In my mind, like a broken record, continue to reoccur We had a weird, but unthinkable connection I miss your love, eyes and affection I'll never understand why I wasn't what you wanted Yet even my dreams you've haunted. June 2007 By NYBella
Past Thoughts
today i was sitting intop of the humvee in 125 digree weather heat in iraq and i thought abou twhen i used to live in okinawa japan and when we went to thiland for an excersize and i got to see the exact island where they fillimed the movie in cosa moui. i downloaded mobe's porcelain , its a song from the movie the beach and i listened to it when i stood there on the beach and when i jumped form the water fall cliff and it was .................... idk how to even put it in words when i stood on that beach i was in another world, the song the place it let my spirit free and i smiled as wide as i could and let my arms rise to my sholders and just let my spirit flow out and dance int he pure tanquility of the naiture and glow of this hidden paradice and i had just wished to never leave for i was so happy and just in pure bliss.................. why couldnt i have had her to share this with. By her i mean this girl im supposed ot meet when the time is right?????? i think i have found
The Past Few Days
Well I made it in one piece to Arizona. The flights were bumpy and very sickening. A big smile came over my face when I seen my man even though it went away when we spent 45 minutes looking for my bag. Only because my bag looks like everyone elses. Im adjusting well to the hot heat, not yet sunburned:) Im trying to get a job at UPS, go for an interview on Wednesday. I plan on dieting and working out cuz im tired of the extra fat on my body. Well I will update you guys again on things in a couple of weeks. Hope all is well.
Past 'idol' Hopefuls Release New Cds
In 'Idol' withdrawal since the season finale last week, Daniel Bubbeo and Ronnie Gill were enlisted to rate and review past 'Idol' hopefuls' recently released CDs for Newsday.The rating system:1. That was absolutely dreadful2. It was a little karaoke3. Song selection is so important4. A little pitchy, but you're a star5. Yo! You're in the dawg pound!Here's a sampling of their thoughts on the new tunes...CHRIS DAUGHTRY, "Daughtry"He said: With more than 2.5 million copies of this disc sold, Daughtry is surely the valedictorian of last year's class. Staying true to his rocker roots was a smart move, and his gutsy vocals give muscle to the hit "It's Not Over" and the gritty "What I Want." Still, the disc also points up the problem I had with Daughtry on "Idol" - a failure to bring much distinction to his songs. But since the guy's disc has already gone platinum, does he really care what I think? 3.5She said: The fourth-place finisher's debut effort is rock solid and likeable on the first
She sits... The box clutched in her bleeding hands. The box of their past, from her love and their friendship. Tears fall quickly, dripping, staining the floor before her. She sobs as she places the box on the floor to open it. And from it, she pulls the dedication, the Object of his declaration, the color of blood. "Hello little friend..." She caresses the texture and slices her finger on its point. "Hello, dear love of mine." Her hand falls limp and when the Object hits the floor, it reverberates throughout her core. She sobs once more and throws herself forward; her head hanging from her shoulder blades, her body shaking with her depression. She just cried. Where had it all gone wrong? she wondered. When had she lost her best friend? "I blame you..." she whispered. "I have not changed. I am the same." But she knew it did not matter, because he was different. What pain he brought her. How her heart broke every time his v
The Pastor's Ass
The Pastor's Ass The pastor entered his donkey in a race and it won. The pastor was so pleased with the donkey that he entered it in the Race again, and it won again. The local paper read: PASTOR'S ASS OUT FRONT. The Bishop was so upset with this kind of publicity that he ordered The pastor not to enter the donkey in another race. The next day, the local paper headline read: BISHOP SCRATCHES PASTOR'S ASS. This was too much for the bishop, so he ordered the pastor to get Rid of the donkey. The pastor decided to give it to a nun in a nearby convent. The local paper, hearing of the news, posted the following headline The next day: NUN HAS BEST ASS IN TOWN. The bishop fainted. He informed the nun that she would have to get rid of the donkey, so She sold it to a farmer for $10. The next day the paper read: NUN SELLS ASS FOR $10. This was too much for the bishop, so he ordered the nun to buy back The donkey and lead it to the plai
The Pastor' Business Card
Pastor's Business Card A new pastor was visiting in the homes of his parishioners. At one house it seemed obvious that someone was at home, but no answer came to his repeated knocks at the door. Therefore, he took out a business card and wrote "Revelation 3:20" on the back of it and stuck it in the door. When the offering was processed the following Sunday, he found that his card had been returned. Added to it was this cryptic message,"Genesis 3:10." Reaching for his Bible to check out the citation, he broke up in gales of laughter. Revelation 3:20 begins "Behold, I stand at the door and knock." Genesis 3:10 reads, "I heard your voice in the garden and I was afraid for I was naked." Remember when the funniest jokes were the clean ones? They still are! A cheerful heart is good medicine" (Prov. 17:22) Now, pass it on!
Past The Point Of No Return
I have brought you, that our passions may fuse and merge - in your mind you've already succumbed to me dropped all defences completely succumbed to me - now you are here with me: no second thoughts, you've decided, decided ... Past the point of no return - no backward glances: the games we've played till now are at an end ... Past all thought of "if" or "when" - no use resisting: abandon thought, and let the dream descend ... What raging fire shall flood the soul? What rich desire unlocks its door? What sweet seduction lies before us ...? Past the point of no return, the final threshold - what warm, unspoken secrets will we learn? Beyond the point of no return ... You have brought me to that moment where words run dry, to that moment where speech disappears into silence, silence ... I have come here, hardly knowing the reason why ... In my mind, I've already imagined our bodies entwining defenceless and silent - and now I am her
Past Pain
Pasta Primavera With Chicken
This recipe serves: 6 Preparation time : 15 minutes Cooking time : 30 minutes Ingredients 1 pound fettuccine 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 pound boneless, skinless chicken cutlets, cut into strips salt to taste freshly ground black pepper 2 medium carrots, cut into thin strips 1 1/2 cups low-sodium chicken broth 1 red pepper, cut into thin strips 1 pound asparagus, cut into 2-inch lengths 1 medium yellow onion, thinly sliced 1 clove garlic, minced 16 ounces non-fat sour cream 1 1/2 cups freshly grated Parmesan cheese 2 tablespoons chopped chives Cooking Instructions 1. Bring a large pot of well salted water to a boil. Add the fettuccine and cook for 10 to 12 minutes unitl the pasta is al dente. Drain. 2. Meanwhile, heat the olive oil in a large heavy skillet over medium-high heat. Season the chicken cutlets with salt and pepper. Add the chicken to the pan and cook for 3 to 4 minutes until the chicken is golden brown. Transfer the chicken to a pla
Past, Present And Future
The past is something you cannot change but can only learn from. To hold onto it in any manner of anger hurt or distrust is not in any way benificial to the present and will only affect the future. You cannot judge people places or things by the people places or things in your past. Only use what happened in the past to adjust and perfect the current state of being and thus ensure yourself a more perfect future. Everything in the past teaches a lesson or enlightens us to what we should change inside of ourselves in order not to make the same mistakes again. No person is perfect. No situation perfect. No concept perfect. It is all how you relate to them that matters. It changes the outcome of the future for the better if you admit that you were selfish or immature in the past situation and due to that realization your current or future situation will turn out very differant in the end. If you believe in yourself, others will believe in you. If you trust yourself others will trust you. I
Pasta With Zucchini And Roasted Garlic
Pasta with Zucchini and Roasted Garlic In this easy and delicious summer dish, garlic is mellowed in the oven with oil and herbs and then combined just before serving with zucchini that's been cooked in the same pot as rotini pasta (or your favorite shape of macaroni). Credit: National Pasta Association Servings: 4 Ingredients: * 8 cloves garlic, unpeeled * 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme * 1/2 teaspoon dried rosemary, crushed * 2 tablespoons vegetable oil * 1 pound rotini pasta, uncooked * 3 medium zucchini, coarsely grated Directions: Preheat the oven or toaster oven to 450 degrees F. Lay a 12-inch-square piece of foil on the counter and put the garlic on it. Sprinkle the thyme and rosemary over the garlic. Pour the oil over the garlic and herbs. Draw up the edges of the foil and make a sealed packet. Bake for 20 minutes. While the garlic is baking, cook the pasta according to the package directions. About 2 minutes before the pasta
Past Becomes Present (ally
Past becomes present..... When past becomes present is it a message from hell or is it heaven sent am i to suffer and dwell on a pain long past she came so fast there she was standing there i seen her eyes and the flow of her hair my heart let out a million sighs hugs were given pasts forgiven how did it come to be what made those bad times the reasons i still cant see did i commit some crimes did i hurt ur pride by wanting to be by ur side these reasons remain unknown perhaps thats how they will remain forever lost to you for me to never own yet my heart will always jump at your name that night was amazing when it was like only me and you were dancing when past becomes present should we cower and run or is it an angel sent down to brighten our lives and be our sun the past may be pain but the present may allow happiness to remain....
The Pastor's Donkey
The pastor entered his donkey in a race and it won. The pastor was so pleased with the donkey that he entered in another race and it won again. The local paper read: PASTOR'S ASS OUT FRONT. The Bishop was so upset with this kind of publicity that he ordered the pastor not to enter the donkey in any more races. The next day the local paper headline read: BISHOP SCRATCHES THE PASTOR'S ASS. This was too much for the Bishop, so he ordered the pastor to get rid of the donkey. The pastor decided to give it to a nun in a nearby convent. The local paper, hearing of the news, Posted the following headline: NUN HAS THE BEST ASS IN TOWN. The Bishop fainted. He informed the nun that she would have to get rid of the donkey so she sold it to a farmer for $10. The next day the headlines read: NUN SELLS ASS FOR $10. This was too much for the Bishop, so he ordered the nun to buy back the donkey and lead it to the high plains where
Ghosts I'm a soldier, meaning that I'm both the defendent and the judge. I'm standing on both sides of the fire, going around turns. Overtaking death and life, I'm running to fight with the shadow of a lie. No matter how many threads deception would weave Truth will show its face of light. I'm a soldier, born to stand in this waking hell. I am witnessing more than I can compute. Pray myself we don't forget lies, betrayed and the oppressed. Please give me the strength to be the truth. People facing the fire together. If we don't, we'll lose all we have found. After a dream to the edge of a chasm. Only that way can the world be saved Don't you cry Hide the tears Because a new day will start Your fire will be heated by thousands of hearts But now get up Hide the pain and fear far The one who's right will win Know that everything is in your hands
MySpace Graphics & MySpace Codes
Pastafarianism ~(o_o)~
Pastafarianism ~(O_O)~Pastafarianism: a new religion that worships Flying Spaghetti Monster, initially created to protest the Kansas State School Board's decision to teach "Intelligent Design" in schools. Also known as the FSM cult Codes of conduct: # Prayers are ended with the word RAmen rather than Amen. Benefits of conversion: # Like the great noodles they worship, Flying Spaghetti Monsterists have flimsy moral standards. # Promise of a stripper factory and a beer volcano in Heaven. (?) A rival faction, based on SPAM (Spaghetti & Pulsar Activating Meatballs), has formed and is calling for a Holy War against FSM. SPAMation claims to have the One True Letter to the Kansas School Board. pastafarian: Worshipper and follower of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Pastafarian (noun) Someone who believes in the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Pastafarian (adjective) Having qualities relating to a Pastafarianistic ideal. FSM = Flying Spaghetti Monster:What would FSM do?WWFSMD? F
The Past Week Or So
SO I found out that a close friend of mine committed suicide....then found out this past Sunday that another person I am close to was almost killed. I can't even begin to process any of this. People keep asking me if I am ok saying they are worried about me in light of receiving two blows at once. I am not going to do anything stupid....the only thing I see happening is a damn breakdown. I have that alone feeling, yet I feel so overwhelmed with people comforting me. It's odd.
Pasta With Lemon Vodka Sauce
The heavy cream sauce that covers this pasta is a grown-up version of alfredo. Ingredients 2 lb. pasta 4 large lemons 1/2 C. vodka 2 C. heavy cream 1 tsp. pepper 1/2 C. chopped parsley 1 1/2 C. Parmesan cheese Directions In large pot bring water to boil with 1/2 C. salt and cook pasta for 8-10 minutes. Grate rind of one lemon and reserve and squeeze the juice of all lemons and reserve. In medium sauce pan heat vodka and heavy cream until it thickens. Add the lemon rind and juice to the cream mixture. Stir well. Add in the pepper, parsley and parmesan. Heat for 1 minute and remove from heat. Drain pasta and place in large pasta bowl. Pour the creamed mixture over it and toss well. Serve. Place extra parmesan on table for guests.

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