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10 Painful Things
1. Bringing back the feeling you've learned to forget. 2.Reminiscing the goodtimes. 3.Trying to hide what you really feel. 4.Loving someone who loves another. 5. Having a commitment with someone that you know wouldn't last. 6. Sheilding your heart to love somebody. 7.Loving a person too much. 8.Right love at the wrong time. 9.Taking the risk to fall inlove again. 10.You're all dressed-up and he called telling that he cant pick you without explaning. :((
Pain Surrounds This Soul
Pain makes this heart heavy Tears fall from these tired eyes Darkness fills this heart and soul Clouds form over this weary head One thing is clear the sun is gone Pain makes this heart heavy Tears fall from these tired eyes Darkness fill this heart and soul Clouds form over thos weary head Everything that comes with darkness fills this soul If theres one thing one word one way or one person who can take these clouds away Just lift all that surrounds this weary soul
Pain And Pride
I wrote this at time when my strength, resolve and faith were being tested...I finally came to a place where I accepted I just wasn't going to be "normal" again so I decided to be the best human being I could be because I now knew what it means to suffer. I am once again facing overwhelming pain and as a result I go through I thought it appropriate to post this so my new friends/passersby/or just plain curious could gain a little more understanding of me....well, at least the ones that do read this UNTITLED A long time ago, or so it may seem, my life was filled with such joys... An abundance of friends, a wife and some kids, a girl and two of them boys. Then one fateful day, when just cruising along, my life took a drastic wrong turn.... Now daily I struggle with pain and despair, and for happiness I constantly yearn. Did I do something wrong? Am I bad in some way? Why must it be me to endure?... Questions I've asked and still no reply, plea
Painting "this Is Awesome"
Physical Pain in dreams is an interesting phenomenon. Sometimes, a peculiar sleeping position becomes the trigger event for a painful dream. It's the body's way of saying, Hey stupid, roll over. However, the ability of the brain to produce physical stimuli that match the dream event is an amazing thing. It makes dreams that are emotionally realistic even more real. Many times, the pain sensation is related to a particular facet of body awareness or relationship disparity. Nowhere is this more apparent than in dreams of injury, infection, and amputation where physical sensations accompany visual images. Try to recall where the pain was centered, and relate that body part to aspects of your life that are applicable. Was the pain caused by you, another person, or an object? Was it caused purposefully, or by accident? Did the pain feel so great as though it may lead to amputation, or was it merely a nuisance? Psychological In dreams, we are often faced with dilemmas that cr
Does it ever go away sure in time it does but it seems like it takes forever for pain to heal the wound that has been cut so deep how can you love and then in hurt so much you can't breathe or sleep i guess i will never know that question sometimes I wonder if we have to feel pain in order to know what it is like... as pain progresses it seems to be more difficult to bare at times you try to cover it up so no one sees it but someone always does no matter how hard you try to hide it from others... When you lose the one you love sometimes you feel like you can't go on at times but you push yourself to wake up in the morning and smile so the pain don't show I wish this pain would stop so I don't have too feel it no more but I guess that is part of life that you learn along the way... Written By: DJ Angel Aka Ginnie
Painting A Picture
Sometimes I sit here and paint a picture of my life and ask myself what went wrong all the colors seemed to run all together now it looks like a big old mess little by little you wipe away all the dark spots and see the beautiful colors that are meant to show through.... Some people see a beautiful picture with flowers and trees and water.. Sometimes I see a cloud and trying to clear it away so i can see the beauty but it seems no matter what I do it turns out all wrong so i try and try to take the black away but it smears over the colors and want to give up but i keep trying till one day that perfect picture is shown through again and that the dark can never take over again.... One day that beauty will reveal as long as the cloud is chased away and not ruin the painting of a perfect picture.... Written By: DJ ANGEL Aka Ginnie
Pain...Pain, What is pain? Why do I cry? Why do I no longer that the will to try? Pain..What is Pain? Why this life I can nolonger take? Why these feeling I can't shake? Pain...Pain, What is Pain? When will things ever be right? When will I finaully see the light? Pain...What is Pain? When will I finaully be whole? When will I gain control? Pain...Pain, What is Pain? I feel I no longer can breathe I no longer want to grieve Pain...Waht is Pain? each day living with this sorrow will there ever be a better tomorrow? What is Pain
Pain For You
be warned,as i see you walk towards me death hangs watching you the stench of hatred flowing all around and you dare to pick a fight with me? patience no longer exists i've had enough,i can tolerate no more your words all fill me more with excitement my mind races with ideas,plans,ways and finally tis my time to speak "of all that you've said to me, you disgrace me with your presence you think it's ok,to speak to me that way well,i hope you've enjoyed yourself for it ends now,i hope you liked your tongue you'll be seeing it as i cut it out of your mouth i hope you've enjoyed your sight b/c when i'm done with you you'll regret it all the words you've said have lashed at me and as i prepare to mutilate your existance i rehear every word i have no sympathy for you nor regret for the things i intend to do i shall scoop your eyes out with a rusty spoon and as your eyeballs hang from your head and the blood pours down your face i hope you can feel the pain you've dea
The Painter
I was a dull portrait of life Reduced by emptiness Dismantled by a rusted knife And darkened by absence of happiness Till you came for me to change Brought a paint and sturdy brush Filled me with colors beautifully arranged With ease I know you're not in a rush Colored my skies with cold blue Scattered green across my grassy farm You were an artist which I loved so true Makes me feel away from any harm My days when they were dark and dim Summoned a glittering yellow ray Gliding across my face was your beam Of warm light that leads me to your way When I laid down for me to rest Sprinkled pieces of shimmering white Of stars that never twinkled to its best Then your vivid face makes everything alright As I rose with a motionless twilight morning You flew above and spread a violet atmosphere I sat down and thought you were a perfect being That made my life almost complete with you near In a valley I stood and gaze the colorless sundown Then
Pain (old Writen In 1989
All the pain The pain in my life you can't see it but i can Its horrible and discusing I wish the pain wasn't in my life But it is and its killing me The pain is causing me to lose my friends, family and people who i care about The pain is always there, in the car and at school and at home pain follows me everywere I can also see if another persons in pain or upset Pain is everywere in this world its even following you and me right now But the best thing to do is fight the pain I am and its helping a little bit It will either end you up dead or in the hospital Pain is everywere Pain Pain Pain
The pain will never go away; The wound will never heal. The evil that was done to you Is now your eyes, your heart. The black will never turn to gray; The blood will not congeal. The violence is never through; The past does not depart. Time will merely make you whole, Consuming what you are: Part sufferer, part comforter, Part victim, part new song; Part mother of an angry soul, Part child of despair, Part witness and part conqueror Of all that did you wrong.
K, where to start... Have you ever loved someone so much that it hurt? Have you ever had feelings for someone and they dont have them back or wont tell you they have them. Well that is what is going on with me. I love this person with all my heart and soul and in my heart I know it is supposed to and meant to be. But they have this problem with saying how they feel. For a while we were really happy together then things went bad. Life through rough spots at us, and instead of working through them, he gave up and walked away. Now time has passed and we both have learned from our mistakes, but 400 miles are between us and I am willing to try again, but he is not. No matter how much I try and show him I love him, he shows no signs of wanting to be together again. Instead its a constant reminder that things went bad in the past. Well I see it as the past is the past, if you can learn to forgive one another for bad choices then why hold it against them. When you love someone, the way I lo
The Pain That Hurts
I gripe a Pepsi and my Chocolate Sit down to listen to a sad country song on the radio Song remaind me of all the hell you put me threw I cry the blues when you left me I couldn't see pass the tears and the pain Seem like everything came to an end in my world My heart was reap a part Everybody said it would get easier I couldn't see how I was so miseraale I didn't care if my world turns or not Just wanted to be left a lone Nobody seem to understand why I wanted todo that I was trying to deal with what you had done to me With your cheating and lying ways I will not deal with it any more You need to go away I only ask you one thing to leave me alone So I can go on with my life with out fear That you will do something to me again I never could understand why you did what you did to me You were not happy unless things were going your way I always wonder were did I go so wrong All thats left is the pain and anger of it all Only time can heal the pain I feel Good-by
Painters Bulletin
This Is My Personal Pimpout To All the People That Helped Me Level,So Go By And Show Them Some Luv And Meet These Great People You'll Be The One Missing Out If You Don't! Be@uTiFuL @nGeL DrEaMs Of ThE SpIrIt LeVeLeRs's FaMiLy@ fubar **BaldPunk**Manager of Spirit Levelers**@ fubar GARY - Owner Dirty South Crew & Dirty Addiction@ fubar ~Rox~*Indian Princess*~The BLOCK Security~*Spirit Levelers Greeter*~Club F.A.R.~*@ fubar DJ IVORY TIGRESS(DSC)-DIRTY ADDICTION@ fubar Evonne~ Spirit Levelers~FUSISTA AND FUBROTHA'S LEVELERS AND BOMBERS ~~CLUB FAR ~~`@ fubar Sixtyninemunch2000~Founder ArchAngel Family@ fubar ~Krystal~*KrystalKlear*~Proud Member of Spirit Levelers~*PLZ SIGN GUESTBOOK..TY~*@ fubar Khandy {"Belongs To Tree Top Flyer"}~~Member of WTC~~Manager of Down Town Bombers ~~
The Pain
The Pain I am in I know I am a pain, But why does he run. Is it because he has something to hide Or because he is just a good friend I wish I knew because I feel like A piece of paper that keep being trashed But I seem to always blow away I'm sure he’s not running, Or at least I hope not Because I’m not sure, But I don’t want him to run from me. But to me as fast as he can, So we can be happy together. As we live in happiness forever, Please stop the pain.
tears of joy tears of pain i have nothing left to gain just a life full of pain and whatever remains cuz nothing ever stay the same u should be ashamed playin all them head games are u really gonna point the blame ooohhh please god let it rain and make him feel an oz of pain by:JENNiiFER
Pain In Blue Eyes
your eyes scream in pain your lips are ice the color in your skin now gone your shivering constant and precise. Your skin is stained with innocent blood as he hits you yet again the madness in your eyes as your heart tries to mend. All of your hate is building up inside your eyes are cloudy and grey theres no innocence left anymore as your soul starts to fade away. You dont cry anymore you barely even speak weakend by the fist and silenced like a sheep.
My pain is great,my heart hurt's,then mends and the hurts again.When will it end?I don't want this anymore.I want joy,happiness,pleasure.I want it all not just the pain.I want my head to stop spinning and being clouded with the memory of us.I want to hear the word's you so desperaetly want to say,the words that are lost in you.You have me in front of you,my full just give me more pain.I see it in your eyes.It's there.I feel it,on my skin with your touch but you pull away.I am a fool.I want so to walk away and to stay.I am lost out in a tossing sea and am slowly drowning.My body is cold,in a lonely world.I need you by my side,not to complete me,for I am complete.You are my other half,my calmness,my everything.I don't want anymore pain.take it away
I’m just writing this down now before it slowly eats away at me I just hope it’s a remedy to this pain that perhaps I caused upon myself maybe it’s an inevitable pain that was bound to happen regardless of who or where I am it hurts, but I wish it would stop—I know it will....eventually I’m counting down the seconds, minutes, hours, days until I can smile—smile like I used to do and not worry about the pain coming back—sneaking up on me again....I just wish I just wish it was so much easier than it sounds it hurts—there’s no pain like this one—of being emotionally hurt oh why can’t it be so much easier—I just wish it can
Sometimes i don't want to live, I just want to die. I take a blade to my wrist, Slice and then i cry. I want to see myself bleed, And prove that i am real. If it means i have to die, then my life i will steal. People call me crazy, and say that i'm a nut. But if they saw through my eyes, they'd keep their damn mouths shut. I don't want to feel like this, I don't want the pain. I wanna be like everybody, i wish that i were sane. and now my wrists are bleeding, i made the cuts way too deep. i reflect on all the things i've done, and then i start to weep. i know that i am dying, the bleeding i can't stop. darkness starts closing in, and my ears begin to pop. i wish i hadn't done this, i wish i went for help. but now there is no turning back, look what i've done to myself. i wanted to commit suicide, so i guess i just gave in. but i know if i had really tried, my thoughts could never win. i try to call out for help, from my family and my friends. but i kno
Heartbreak and tears, loneliness and grief, head hung low, why? One time in life, just once why can't it be easy, what left to hold onto if she loses, loses her reason. She'd wait forever, to just have the one thing she can't live without, shame fills her heart, it's all her fault. can she look into a mirrior, see herself, or see the guilt, the pain she has inflicted. she would give anything to fix it, but she guesses somethings can't be undone, why did he love her, all along she knew she brings pain to those who love her. she tried to run, to save him, but she couldn't she loved him to much, and he held to tightly. She believed again in fairy tales, her dreams becoming realities, now crumbles at her feet, bc the one thing that she feared happened she hurt him. She can try the rest of her life to mend the pain, but she isn't worth it, not really the truth hits her hard, as he says leave me alone. her tears fall, her heart breaks,
The Pain
You told me you loved me you said you would always care But when I needed you you were never there. You told me you loved me I gave you my heart then you laughed in my face As you tore it apart. You told me you loved me you said I was the one You told me forever and now you are gone.
The Pain
So many women and men are in so much pain love friendship life all combine to make the heart hard and sad. On the rare occasion that you find love and happiness time stress the pains of the world around you suffocate and drive your heart deeper inside of you, taking it away from the tenderness that you may have felt. When the time comes for the heart to feel and love its blocked by all the pain surrounding our lives. Fear of not being worthy of the love fear of not being able to love back equally fear of hurting or being hurt. We run from what may be what could be what might be and we shell ourselves and our heart. The world goes on around us the flowers blooom wars are fought and no longer it seems so we allow ourselves to love anything other then the children we bear, even then do we love them as much as we should or do we distance ourselves from them preparing them for the near future of thier hearts empty pain. We are surrouded by hollywood versions of love cloudign our images of w
All the pain The pain in my life you can't see it but i can Its horrible and discusing I wish the pain wasn't in my life But it is and its killing me The pain is causing me to lose my friends, family and people who i care about The pain is always there, in the car and at school and at home pain follows me everywere I can also see if another persons in pain or upset Pain is everywere in this world its even following you and me right now But the best thing to do is fight the pain I am and its helping a little bit It will either end you up dead or in the hospital Pain is everywere Pain Pain Pain
The Pain Is So Unbearable
this is why i have not ben on much this last 6 days or so this was my 17 year old cousin who was killed this last saturday night. For those of you on my end who don't know, my nephew, Ronald "Ronnie" Allen Fraga, was murdered on Saturday the 12th. Suffering three stab wounds to his abdomin, one was a direct hit to his heart killing him almost instantly. Take a look at all that is lost. The fourth generation...Someone's son, brother, grandson, nephew, friend, boyfriend, but most of all, someone's DADDY.With a 4.0 GPA and a job to take care of his son, Joseph "Joey" Ronald Fraga, Ronnie was going places. He was somebody.This is a devistating loss for our family. Having Ronnie stolen from us is crippling. My sister shouldn't have to bury her son, but she is. My mother shouldn't be outliving her grandchild as my grandfather shouldn't be outliving his great-grandson, but they are. Jessica shouldn't have to raise Joey by herself, but she is. Ronnie won't get to see his son turn a year old
Paint Shop
The Pain Was Worth It
so yesterday i got my nipples pierced.....yeah it hurt, but it was awesome!!!! as soon as these heal i am goin for 2 far i have an eyebrow ring, 6 gauge plugs, i had 5 tounge rings but i took 'em out ha ha ha!, and now the nipple studs.... hopefully i can get my tattoos soon enough XD
"pain At Hand"
This is the end of all that I am, The pain witheld inside, I tend to hide; Not knowing what could be of anything. I can't keep myself from feeling this pain, The thoughts I put in my head; Painless without them. I can't help but, make myself feel unwanted, Why must they do it to me? I let them walk all over me, I suffocate myself with pain; I drown myself with sorrow. I plant the seed of anger inside of me, Which grows in to the unknown; Anger from my pitiful life. The anger wants to come out, But I hold in with the thought of hurt; The hurt towards others. Nomatter who hurts me, I keep myself from hurting them; My pain built up for years and years to come.
We meet for dinner and hit if off really well we spend our time talking and getting to know each other. It ends with a second date and an extremely passionate kiss. The next day you come to my house each knowing that the time is right. I meet you at the door and lead you in. By the hand I take you to the room. You see it is set up like a dungeon and it excites you. You already begin to get wet thinking of whats to come. Begin to undress you slowly removing your blouse to see you have a cup less bra on. Then removing your skirt you are wearing garter belt and stockings and nothing else. I take you to the middle of the room where there are binds hanging from the ceiling you tremble with fear and yet are excited at the same time, I cuff you and then you see the blindfold fear and excitement again grip you as it is placed over your eye's. I begin caressing you all over lightly running my hands tantalizing you. Then I begin to play with your nipples pinching and biting them the pa
Pains Of A Breakup
It has been atleast 2 and a half weeks since my girlfriend dumped me because of her friend not liking me because i got angry one night drinking and slapped my ex and choked her slightly. I didn't mean to actually hurt her, just to wake her up because my friend that i had take her to my room was behind her with his zipper undone and her pants down while she was on bed facedown passed out. I knew it was wrong of me and i don't blame any women that read this if they want to call me a woman beater, but all i really want to say is that i miss my ex like crazy and wish there were someone out there nice enough to talk to me and make me forget my ex that i so dearly cling to even though we are no more.
Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding. Even as the stone of the fruit must break,that its heart may stand in the sun, so must you know pain. And could you keep your heart in wonder at the daily miracles of your life, your pain would not seem less wondrous than your joy; And you would accept the seasons of your heart, even as you have always accepted the seasons that pass over your fields. And you would watch with serenity through the winters of your grief. Much of your pain is self-chosen. It is the bitter potion by which the physician within you heals your sick self. Therefore trust the physician, and drink his remedy in silence and tranquillity: For his hand, though heavy and hard, is guided by the tender hand of the Unseen, And the cup he brings, though it burn your lips, has been fashioned of the clay which the Potter has moistened with His own sacred tears.
Pain - Three Days Grace
Pain lyrics Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all You're sick of feeling numb You're not the only one I'll take you by the hand And I'll show you a world that you can understand This life is filled with hurt When happiness doesn't work Trust me and take my hand When the lights go out you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Anger and agony Are better than misery Trust me I've got a plan When the lights go off you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing Rather feel pain
Pain.. I look down all the bruises are gone. I look in the mirror and my smile is back. This pain is unbareable but no one can see. The pain is still there. Stronger then ever. This pain is unbareable but no one can see. My heart continues to beat. I continue to breathe but... This pain is unbareable but no one can see. I walk around smiling and hiding the emotions. I lay in bed crying wishing someone cared. This pain is unbareable but no one can see. My body, soul and mind are deteriorating because... This pain is unbareable but no one can see. Dayna M Ward Copyright ©2008 Dayna M Ward
To rest.. to be weak.. to wearily close your eyes and dream. To open them to reality and let the stars and night sky fade to brightness. To have a need.. so painstakingly great consume you and your thoughts in the brightness of day. Pain is my friend. You cannot take my friend away from me. It is the comsumption of my thoughts.. the ONE thing that holds me where i kneel.. when i kneel. I do not bring this pain to myself.. although i wish i could.. give it to me.. want it for me.. tortured flesh so greatly in need of torture.. its quite the conundrum.
Painful Sorrow.."the Release Of Pain"
Painful sorrows, lost a friend..thought it would be me to be the first to reach the end...hurt me all as you may, i won't even feel it I'm in such dismay. Cover these wounds for they are deep...wanting to pass it along to eternal sleep.
The pain that u felt after u got hurt doing something aint nutin like this pain, The pain of losin someone that u care bout, The pain that u dont know if u will ever get them back in your arms again, That pain that hits you when u think bout how its goin to be with out them around, The pain not bein able to see there face like you did, The pain that u get when u see them with another person that isnt u, The pain that u get when you go to sleep thinkin bout them, All you can do is cry n think bout if you will ever have them back, That pain kills you like no other, The pain of seein that person kissin another person, It ripes your insides out though your skin, Like when you see them all you want to do is whip the duds ass so bad that he/she will not be able to walk again, That will fell so good to you but, you ever do that cuzz if you ever want the shot to be with that person that you love again you have to think smart n think bout them n think bout wh
Pain Of The Night..
Watch as this tear falls into empty space See it fall into life's nameless place Can you see the sparkle as it catches the light That sparkle once was happiness that is no longer in sight As it falls watch it, its color has changed From blue to bright red, it has a wide range There it goes all alone, it continues to fall With it, it takes the emotion, the emotion of all Wait, can you hear it? A sob has broke free Has shook the lungs cold, but yet it continues to be Here it comes, a force has been built between the eye A wall of shear water, it's now time to cry A shudder, a scream, darkness envelops your soul The darkness of the night has taken its toll
The Pain
The Pain I raised your son just like my own.... Knowing I was the only mother he had known..... Your anger and hate cannot subside.... All the hurt I feel inside..... Learning to cope with what you did..... Is like a knife being dug in...... A little boy so tender and true, What on Gods green earth did he do to you? You left him with me for a year to raise.... Not even knowing how much he prayed...... He prayed for a daddy to be there for him..... To do the simple things like learning to swim...... To work on his bike, when mom didnt understand..... Where to fix the chain or even begin....... He wanted a dad to praise his good deeds....... Tell him he did good even if he couldnt see....... I delt with the heartache of crying at night..... Him asking, mommy "Is daddy gonna come see me tonight?" I would hold him, and comfort him, and dry his tears...... All of this I done for a year...... Then when he was happy and settled in....... His new life without you was
Three Days Grace explains exactly how I feel in my life at this very moment: Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all You're sick of feeling numb You're not the only one I'll take you by the hand And I'll show you a world that you can understand This life is filled with hurt When happiness doesn't work Trust me and take my hand When the lights go out you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Anger and agony Are better than misery Trust me I've got a plan When the lights go off you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I
Pain + Endorphins = Sub-space
Over the years, there has been much in the way of terminology that is thrown around. Most of which is terminology that most "vanilla" individuals may not have even heard of let alone experienced. Today, I thought I would start with the most basic of terms that is heard quite often in the realm of BDSM & SM play. Subspace (or sub-space)... This term is used to describe what most submissive individuals find as a 'happy-place' where endorphin’s kick in after experiencing some type of triggering activity. Most of the time, subspace is accomplished when pain is inflicted. For some, it doesn't require much and for others that We like to call, "pain-sluts" it requires a great deal. Either way, the subspace can be reached in many different ways and in many different levels. Service sluts can typically find their space when in service. Whether it is sexual service or domestic service they find comfort and a safe place when put into action and left to do their thing. Spanking sluts typ
The Pain Women Go Thrue For Men
Life All hair removal methods have tricked women with their promises of easy, painless removal - The epilady, scissors, razors, Nair and now...the wax. My night began as any other normal weeknight. Come home, fix dinner, and play with the kids. I then had the thought that would ring painfully in my mind for the next few hours: "Maybe I should pull the waxing kit out of the medicine cabinet." So I headed to the site of my demise: the bathroom. It was one of those "cold wax" kits. No melting a clump of hot wax, you just rub the strips together in your hand, they get warm and you peel them apart and press them to your leg (or wherever else) and you pull the hair right off. No muss, no fuss. How hard can it be? I mean, I'm not a Genius, but I am mechanically inclined enough to figure this out. (YA THINK!?!) So I pull one of the thin strips out. Its two strips facing each other stuck together. Instead of rubbing them together, my genius kicks in so I get out th
Pain In The Neck
Well it looks like I will be having cervical spine surgery as all signs, MRI, CT scans are pointing that way. Am I worried, no not for me. But for my son. He idolizes me and I think this will be when he realizes Dad isn't the superman he thinks I am. I think we all go through that awakening when we see that our parents had their flaws and nuances. At 8 though is too young of an age. I'll be honest and up front as I think that is best for the most part. We'll see where that goes. If I disappear for a few, worry not. It just means I am enjoing the friendship of fatherhood. Tossing a baseball, watching a movie or something. Anything that gives me time with my son. Enjoy all
Painful Regrets....
I will never forget the days we once had, The days when you were everything to me. My mind used to tell me we'd be together forever, But now I realize that was all a big dream. The feelings I have for you will never go... I wish I could take back that one regretful day, The day when I willingly let you slide from my arms. Never did I think of the astonishing pain of regrets, That I would once have to live through. The thought of you in someone else's arms, Makes my heart shatter into a million pieces. I sometimes wonder if you still love me as much as i do you, Or if to you, our perfect love is forever gone. I wish so very much that one day we can have it all again... But for now, I'll sit here silently, Remembering all the memories we once shared. Everyday my love grows much stronger... Hoping that one day you will take me back, And put back the pieces of my broken heart. ============================================ There once was a time if I just closed my eye
Painful Encounters
I cant believe my ex, had the nerve to even speak to me. even on civil terms i have a short temper with this girl, she was my first female lover, and possibly the last. im drunk as hell, pissed off, and i have no right to be. she just needed to talk to me. and she wanted to talk...about her fiance....who fucked shit up for nice is that? i mean....sure i am NOT perfect, but when i love one of the few people who will try to change anything i can about myself to make things work. and that wasnt enough for her. fortunately who i am right now is honorable, selfless and somewhat manic =. im trying to balance my life out, and its pretty hard to do when your past jumps out to test you every step of the fucking way. but life is full of options,and in the end ill be free of this crap. But im not giving up because of some girl, who cant get her shit strait, whom even after we brok up, still wants me to go down with her. but now even when im ranting....i cant hep
He sits bewildered at the moment When she caught his eye, And the shattered heart he held In his hand seemed to begin to mend, And it started beating again. Even in the pain that he felt, The crushing pain, the heat of being burned, It still holds in his memories, But they fade slightly As if her personality had medicinal value, As if she, herself, was a pain killer For a broken heart. He doesn't understand how he could trust, He doesn't know how she could touch His heart and make it heal itself. She has given him the cure Without even realizing it, Without even trying to be anything Except herself. She's what he needed, And what his heart desires, And he can stop taking these painkillers-- They never worked for a broken heart anyway. Robert J Nye (2008)
THREE DAYS GRACE LYRICS "Pain" Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all You're sick of feeling numb You're not the only one I'll take you by the hand And I'll show you a world that you can understand This life is filled with hurt When happiness doesn't work Trust me and take my hand When the lights go out you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Anger and agony Are better than misery Trust me I've got a plan When the lights go off you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing
Pain and torture of regret Words said in anger cut to the quick. Confusion and anguish of being alive Heartache is making me sick Losing you is a nightmare From which i cannot wake Desire to end the suffering A choice that i must make Refuse to die Refuse to die Refuse to die 02/20/08
Pain And Passion
You say you love me but I say if you did you wouldn't treat me bad. Is all I have with you premature love? Is all I have with you a lot of false hope? That's not what I want. I want a REAL relationship with a REAL man not a poor excuse for companionship with someone who lives in my memory, and not a half hearted attempt at love with a man I have to share with someone I never even met! I want reality and honesty and quality time and what do I get? Dreams, Deceit and a two minute phone call when YOU get around to it Dammit can't you understand that I am NOT a plaything? Can't you understand I have feelings and needs too? I'm too young for such impressions! But pain and passion made this reaction NOT ignorant youth ~SM written 1-3-89
I had my tendon released and I hurt---ouchyyyyyy
All alone, all alone, all alone… Starving and deprived Of life Staring into emptiness Barren and cruel A desert of thought Beat upon by two suns Fear and pain rule this place No companions to take my side No guide to help me through This place is taking its toll Slowly my sanity unravels Strand by strand What’s there to do I’m in the maw of pain Looking death in the face Lost in the maw of pain All alone, all alone, all alone… Kicking and screaming To no avail Fighting the undertow So useless Drowning in this sea of anger Can’t stay afloat To succumb to my pain Is merely an eventuality The inevitability of my end Is far from guised My mind caves in black And I sink under
In this hole That is me The dead are rolling over In this hole Thickening Dirt shoveled over shoulders I feel it in me So overwhelmed Oh, this pressured center rising My life overturned Unfair the despare All these scars keep ripping open Peel me from the skin Tear me from the rind Does it make you happy now? Tear me from the bone Tear me from myself Are you feeling happy now? In this hole That is me A life that's growing feeble In this hole So limiting The sun has set; all darkens Buried underneath Hands slip off the wheel Internal path-way to contention Peel me from the skin Tear me from the rind Does it make you happy now? Tear me from the bone Tear me from myself Are you feeling happy now? HAPPY?! HAPPY?! Are you feeling happy? In this hole That is me Left with a heart exhausted Whats my release?? What sets me free? Do you pull me up just to push me down again? Peel me from the skin Tear me from the rind Does it
Pain And Trust
I walk into the room knowing he lerks there. Thinking to myself how do i get out of this one. Then quick and silent he is upon me. Then as soft as possible a whisper comes to my ear "Did you really think I wouldnt find out?". I knew not to answer my time had came for i really do believe i brought upon this myself. As i wait for that familier feel of his paddle across my skin. For i do love this part. But i know some of you readers could never understand but this is the ultament trust you can give another.
Paint Me Perfect(not)
Take me and paint me perfect Put color into my sorrowful green eyes Paint over the tear stained cheeks Redden the lips of my mouth that lies Erase the numerous scars on my arms Dress me up like a little doll Take away my individuality Paint me fake like one of you all Strip my mind of all uniqueness Tell me what to say Paint me as a still pictured girl Make my life a written play Take me and make me 'normal' Just like the rest of you So fake all the same No emotion that true Take me and paint me perfect I'll act like a programmed robot I'd hate to be like that I'd rather die NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As I always have said I’m just mee Like me or leave me Why cant people accept Others for who they are
Pain Of Love
I pray that this pain will leave soon Its like salt in an open wound He put a knife right through my heart And tore my soul apart, When a heart has no love left to give Does it really continue to live Its beating sings a song of pain, Just as loud as the thunder and rain I feel it in my every breath Pain is something worse than death When will it end, Will I make it through I'm not sure but I owe this all to you.
Painting My Feelings
I went to a site called and answered questions to generate me a painting of how I feel: Click here to create your own painting.
Today as I lay sleeping in your arms, I had never felt a feeling of peace and comfort as I did at that very moment! Looking into your eyes, brought happiness into my life. After the time that I have spent with you, the laughter and happiness that we have shared has meant more to me than anything in the world! Now that the time has come that we have to part, I realize that this isn't good bye, because I know that I will see you again. I have realized that the feelings we share are not just lust or infatuation, but a true love that no one could ever tear apart. I promise that no matter how far apart we are, our love will continue to grow and we will see each other again!! I LOVE YOU BABY WITH ALL MY HEART!!!!!!!!!!!! Though we may be many many miles apart, I promise that I will love you enough for you to feel it that far away!
Pain So Deep It Takes Your Breath Away
(written for a friend) Been there too laying in that bed, but I was the one left with a fucked up head. The man I gave my heart and soul too, was married to another and she was pregnant too. He begged and pleaded for me to give him a child, while he was running home to his wife all the while. Never did I believe my heart could ever break, like it did, with the last heart beat of mine she did take. She stopped my heart with that phone call to my home, to let me know he left her all alone. To come to be with me for the week, I felt faint, near death so very weak. I at that time carried what I thought to be a seed of love, now I know it was a seed of deception and I wish we used a glove. But I bought into the lies and deceit, and all of his needs I did want to meet. But God must had another plan, cause I did lose my baby from that man. I hate myself for feeling a sigh of relieve, but only for the loss of a possible family with him I grieve. How horrible I
I'm in a relationship that I have left twice in 3 weeks already . Everytime he tells me he will change but never does!!! So I am wondering if I am a complete idiot for coming back!!!? I do love him but everytime he has to deal with his ex wife he treats me like crap .I don't even know why though and that pisses me off. If he is still in love with her he should just leave me the hell alone and go back to her . How do I realy know if it is me he loves??? So to the title of this blog I'm just screwed!!!
The Pain I Have......
the pain still cuts me even tho i know it is thru. i can still feel the knife blade cutting, like the wound was still brand new. magical lies were told to me and i beleived every one imagine my suprise now that all the magic is gone. nothing left but lies and tears for something that i could not control. all that i have left to show for it is this pulsing, gaping hole. maybe i will bleed to death when no one is around. maybe it will come swift and never make a sound. wishing for death is one thing but recieving is the plan becoz that is all that is left for me since i will never again hold ur hand.
Ill be cleaning all day today and then painting the bathroom- for now its about all i can afford. We had to put most of the redecorating/improvements on hold because not only am i broke, but I'm about $3,000 deep in credit card debt and i did have all of those paid off last year! ughh! Why is it when you cut up cc and return them they send ya new ones? grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Ya just know im gonna use em. In fairness though all that ive put on em is groceries, clothes for the kids, and gas. For all my wonderful friernds who continue to rate my stuff and leave me comments despite my absence, it hasnt gone unnoticed and sooner or later I WILL make it up to you. *smooches and lix* ~Temptress~
Painted Thoughts
Painted Thoughts By: Deborah Boyd The Painted Thoughts Are there each day Takes one imagination To see it that way They could be a cloud So high in the sky That looks like a rabbit Or a bird that flies It could be a painting So simple and rich That takes us away To places unpitched It could be just words So descriptive in terms That brings our thoughts there And makes our mind swarms Yet these Painted Thoughts No matter the cause Brings us such emotions And give our lives pause So cherish the thoughts These bring each day And life little treasures Are yours to stay.
Pain...without Love...pain...can't Get Enough...
3 days grace with the lyric of the day (this will be copy/pasted to my myspace so I gave it a lyric of the day)...its kinda ironic since pain is what this is about. I am hurting bad as hell right now. My spine is screaming at me because I did too much riding to the mall today. I hadn't been out much in a week so I went. BIG mistake! OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! This does not compare to the pain I will experience May 1-7. I am undergoing massive bladder surgery to repair several things...and I will be on heavy duty painkillers for 5 days and taper down after that. I am not lookin forward to it at all. That, and so much other shit on my mind, my brain is just totally out of whack...I am sorry all if I am not very talkative, and sorry for not being talkative if I haven't been to you this week. (those of you this applies to, you know who you are). With that, as my bro Mikey (quick plug: Mikey@ fubar ^^^
Pain With Compassion
When our heart hurts, and we must stand strong. It is a relief to know, that one shall be there to hold you. From a distance i offer my shoulder and ear, for you to rely on. From a distance i pass my sympathy and compassion for you to hold as your own. Till i can stand next to you, my heart weeps when you weep. Till i can hold you close i pass all my thoughts to you over the wind and across the seas. For when we ache it is hard to let it out, for when we cry its tears we tend to hide. But with me those tears i shall wipe from your cheek, i shall rock you in my arms, untill you feel safe. I will always be there even across the ocean, with a ear, and my heart ready for you to hold. No time, no distance, nothing shall keep me from you, for you are part of me now, a part i never wish to lose. Copyright Feb 2008, J.Stacy
"Pain" Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all You're sick of feeling numb You're not the only one I'll take you by the hand And I'll show you a world that you can understand This life is filled with hurt When happiness doesn't work Trust me and take my hand When the lights go out you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Anger and agony Are better than misery Trust me I've got a plan When the lights go off you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Ca
Pain may last a few hours,a day, a few days,weeks months or years, but eventually, it goes away. If i quit or give, that memory lasts forever. Never Let up. Be on the "full throttle" setting all through life. Or just cruise, and remember what it could have been like.
Pain Below
I liked having hurt, So send the pain below where I need it, You used to beg me to take care of things, And smile at the thought of me failing. But long before, having hurt, I'd send the pain below, I'd send the pain below. Much like suffocating, Much like suffocating, Much like suffocating, (I'd send the pain below...) Much like suffocating, (I'd send the pain below...) You used to run me away, All while laughing. Then cry about that fact, 'til I returned. But long before, having hurt, I'd send the pain below, I'd send the pain below. Much like suffocating, Much like suffocating, Much like suffocating, (I'd send the pain below...) Much like suffocating, (I'd send the pain below...) Much like suffocating. I can't feel my chest, Need more, drop down, Closing in. I can't feel my chest, Drop down. I liked, having hurt. So send the pain below, So send the pain below, (Much like suffocating) [I liked] So send the pain below, (Much like su
In the night it's like your there By my side I feel you there Dreaming of times from the past and times to come My eyes come open and I'm alone No one here just me at home My arm reaches over just to see Your not there it's only me I close my eyes and begin to dream Darkness is a deceiving thing Dreaming together, Darkness makes it seem By: Amanda In Loving Memory of Momma
Pain-let Me Know What U Think About Pain
pain is kile haveing your balls kicked realy hardyou fell hurt when u have evrything u could want or think what u want and to have all it taken frome u pain is that hurt deep down insde that u cant explane its hurts so bad u wanna die pain is being in love and not have the woman feel the same pain is wakeing up bye yourself and not haveing someone there to keep u warm pain is when your tummy hurt from all the love that was once there and now gone pain is to have a woman cheat on u pain is being alone pain is just what it says PAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Pain I Have.......
ya know sometimes a person falls for someone and that person falls for you and things become more than you could ever imagine..its like you and this person are from two different worlds and yet you are the same type of pesron. you love ,you care, you hurt you cry and you need someone that is special to you that you can love and be part of and then that person is gone not of their choice or even yours! it is the choice of god......... this pain hurts sooo bad i cant stand it sometimes.. this person is and always be in my heart and mind ! ( I LOVE YOU JESSIE) RIP 2-10-08
Pain And Whatnot Part 1
This is a 2 part blog...and I would really appreciate any input or any comments to justify that I am not in fact CRAZY =) Pain....and whatnot... I've been thinking about this for awhile and I think I have the whole "pain?hurting" thing down, sooooo here it goes. You hurt . You recover. You move on. Odds are pretty good you're just going to hurt again. But each time , you learn something. Each time you come out of it a little bit stronger, and at some point you realize that there are more flavors of pain than coffee. There's the the little empty pain of leaving something behind-graduating, taking the next step forward, walking out of something familiar and safe into the unknown. There's the big , whirling pain of life upending all of your plans and expectations. There's the sharp little pains of failure, and the most obscure aches of successes that didn't give you what you thought they would. There are the vicious , stabbing pains of finding others, giving them you
The Pain
Please someone take this pain away For I know not how much longer I can take it The pain is cutting into me like a knife The pain is making me lose my mind The pain is making me feel that I have no worth The pain makes me cry The pain makes me hurt The pain makes my heart break The pain is just too much The pain I just can not bare So, please I beg someone to take this pain away For I know not how much longer I can survive
Pain, And Hurt
How much pain, how much hurt and disapointment can a heart take, how to you deal with a damaged heart, how do you forgive the one who was suppose to bring joy to your life,and he turns to be a nightmare. There are dogs that are much loving then any man; and how ironic it is that most men are likely to be called dogs, because they just come to satisfy their appetite, their sexual desires, and they care less what the other one feels. If you have been dump before be careful my ladies, be ready to be dump again be ready for a broken heart, get ready for another dump after the needs are fulfilled. How, how can a woman know who's laying in their bed, how can a woman know if he who says he loves you, is not lying. We are all broke,we are damaged creatures, but Oh! men have got no blood in their veins, theres one big purpose in their mind, when it comes to women; sex is the only thing they think of. Man, they see a soft hearted woman and thats the woman they pick t
Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all You're sick of feeling numb You're not the only one I'll take you by the hand And I'll show you a world that you can understand This life is filled with hurt When happiness doesn't work Trust me and take my hand When the lights go out you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Anger and agony Are better than misery Trust me I've got a plan When the lights go off you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing Rather feel pain I know (I know
Painful Heart..
HIM: I want to hold you in my arms, but you tell me you need time, but, I need you, I want you, I feel as if we was meant to be. HER: I want you, and need you too, but my heart is to, scare to open up again. HIM I want, to hold your hand and guide you down the path, and do my best to show you that we can make it last. I will never let go, or hurt you in anyway. I'll show you that I can make you happy, and that there will be no regrets. HER: Even though you'll guide me, I'll still can open up. You may try to show me love, but I can not returned it yet. HIM: If you let me teach you, I will walk inside your heart and take you to a world you will never want to part. I want to take a chance because my feelings I can't hide. If it doesn't last, we can at least say we tried, so please give me a chance. HER: My heart can not be walked into. There is no room for love. So many times it has been stepped on, it has,leaved me with sorrows, and pain, and a broken heart. HIM: I will
It hurts in side this lonely heart It’s all the pain inside Pain with no love Pain with loneliness Pain Inside Lost Lonely Empty Confused Not knowing where to go Pain Inside Please stop the pain inside this lonely heart Lonely sprit Lonely soul I am hurting inside Needing love Needing someone to care Please stop the pain inside Pain Inside
Pain 2
There is a pain within this heart, My pain within my sadness through my eyes, My eyes are like a burden that you can see right through me, No pain I ever felt was that one single broken heart that had been left behind and never got a chance to be healed, There is way out of this pain but somehow I can’t see it, See the light, the hope, the happiness I once wanted to feel, Now I ever feel is this sadness, this pain, this heartache, A pain within these wall I can hear it say, There is no way out, No way to wash away the pain, The pain I feel.
Pain 3
Pain stuffed inside of me Can't let anyone near me Can't let anyone see the real me Can't let anyone even hug me All this pain that's held in me Why can't anyone see the real me Why can't anyone help me Why can't someone just hold me All this pain that's eating me Can't let go of the pain in me Can't get this pain from me Can't get this pain out of me When will the pain stop hurting me Why can't I just feel me Why can't I just be me Why can't someone take this pain from me
Ya know I always thought pain was a bad thing, well I still do, but I guess in some cases it's really not. Pain can be good. When you get hurt physically, pain let's you know you're not dead yet. So I guess that's a plus. I guess that should apply to your heart emotional wise. I guess even as bad as the pain can get, you're not dead yet right? So that should be a plus as well. You just really only feel that you should be. I guess somewhere there pain is supposed to make you grow. Emotionally maybe, physically I doubt it, but either way it still hurts like hell. Pain I guess can be a motivator. If you're hurt physically it makes you wanna fight to get better and p*sses you off so it fuels you to do something to get the help you need, and really in the same instance hurting from pain emotionally acts in the same manner. You're p*ssed from the hurt you feel and you have to find a way to make it stop so you do what you can to make the situation better. Sometimes thou
I feel like I have been pushed over the edge I am hurting right now I just want to make it stop I am so tired of the lonliness I have tried to do right with my life I have made mistakes I have tried I have failed I cannot make it go away I can't sleep I put on a front to the ones who love me I don't want them to see me hurting I don't want to hurt them I just want answers I want a solution I want to be whole again I want to feel arms around me I want to feel something other than pain...
Pain Inside
As my head spins I think about the reason. I dont know what to feel. My heart feels love but my mind questions it. I am so confused. The move I push for the truth the more I get lied to. My life has been based on nothing but lies. I dont understand why this happens to me. I let my guard down thinking it's safe and I get hurt by those I love. The pain seems to never end anymore. Nothing helps to ease the pain now. Maybe my life was ment to be filled with pain for some reason or another. I just dont understand what i'm destind to do that demands me to know such pain. I have no tears left to cry. Pain and sadness have become the norm. Will nothing take away this pain I feel Inside?
The pain is here Caused by fear Please let it end My heart needs to mend There is no love Not even from the skies above There is one final tear For the end is near I will not lie We all must die So now I must go But you all should know Fear is pain But from that you will gain
'painted Pony'
A Cherokee Rose~ Hot Texas winds swept across desert cactus combs as a blistering sun blazed over Little Deer’s new home At El Rancho La Grande the cattlemen outside all licked their lips at their neighbor’s new bride Drinking in her red beauty, they all stood there in awe but sadly they thought, “Heck, she’s just an Indian squaw” As he carried his bride over his ranch’s threshold, she was greeted a Texas warm welcome into the fold The honeys’ moon hung blushing with romantic glows as two lovers lay entwined without any clothes Their fingers touched hearts and two forever loved souls; honeysuckled kisses in sweet tasting tongue rolls Navajo rug that under a dream catcher sheltered the hot flesh of two that mixed, mingled and sweltered Her cowboy, in love’s saddle, rode all that night long as Little Deer, in bride’s heart, chanted a joyous song Awake, the morning sun to her brings soft surprises like no brave grabbing his squaw when he first arise
Paint Or Porch?
do i paint the house first and put the new back porch/steps on?... or do i put the new porch/steps on first and then paint the house?? HELP!
All this pain I hold inside as I fight back the tears from my eyes. The knife that's wedged in my heart forcing me back into the dark. With a blindfold on I walk through life struggling to disypher the wrong form right. Simple thoughts and nothing more avoiding complication just through the door. The past is crawling back again, I keep on pushing, but it's creeping in. The walls are slowly closing in, drowing the girl deep within. Looking over the edge I find a way something that promises a better day. It's not long before I jump 'cause nothing can save me from myself !
The Pain
I sit here with my heart bleeding, trying to stop my mind from turning, these thoughts are scaring me. Why do I love so hard? Why do I fall so fast? These I cannot answer. I wait here hurting, I stand here waiting, for you to stop this pain in me. To hear your voice is but a fleeting hope, To hold you again would be a dream come true, I can't stand feeling alone.. Why can't you talk to me? What is going to happen? The answers are yours to give. The hurting I can't stand any more. Put me out of my misery. Hold me close or let me go. Stop the hurting of me.
The Pain Of Someone You Love
i just found out yesterday that my 14 year old neice is pregnant with her first child and my heart goes out to her i know she i scared and now she is givin the child up for adoption. i wish there was a way i could get my great neice and keep her in my family i will never meet my great neice and it is something that will haunt me all my life. my sister is hurting to bad my heart goes out to her and having daughters to i hope and pray that they will learn from this mistake. all i want to do is cry because i love my niece and know this will be hard on her carryin the baby for nine months and giving the baby away will be very hard at for my sister being her first grandchild. i told them to keep the adoption records open that way the child gets older he or she can still know who their real parents are. i know my neice is scared but one day when she is older and that child is grown i believe that they will understand why she gave them up. but either way i will welcome them with open arms bec
Pain ,pleasure. Life(poem)ture Story
The Pain Inflicted
this cuts deeper then you will ever know. your selfishness and pride is preventing you from ever knowing the two greatest treasures ever bestowed upon you. all you want to see is me lashing out, i assure you that is not the case. me lashing out would be her in a hospital bed or worse. this is me protecting the things i love the most. but you don't want to see that. you think it is still all about you. it isn't anymore, now its about those two. those two beautiful innocent shining faces. the untarnished love that fills their hearts is being tossed to the side... and for what? they are a joy you will never know if you continue along this path... you break their hearts everyday. family is so much bigger than just you and me. how dare you think it otherwise. how dare you think you can just walk away and everyone be OKAY. WE ARE NOT OKAY!!!!! but you don't care...
The Painter And His Muse
Artistic in his soulful way,he paints with tender brush Deep into the dark of night,when all the world is hush Surrounded by the silence,but for the beating of his heart A masterpiece in colours,his love a work of art Gentle strokes at midnight,rhythmic touches here and there Every now and then a glimpse,at his faithful model in the chair Posing as if frozen,within the beauty of his presence She dreams away inside,as she's drinking in his essence Many nights they've spent together,a painter and his muse She holds his every movement,he captures her in hues Candlelight adorns her ,casting shadows across her skin He paints away his worries,portaying her light within Across her sliken thighs,lie a dozen roses scarlet red And secretly he wishes, he were lying there instead Her hands beneath the petals,a smile softly plays Thoughts of holding him near,gentle strokes upon his face Together and yet apart,this is the way of every night One with dreams and hopes,the othe
PAIN: a sharp pain has taken over what i once thought love was and now i know the pain is greater. I've loved so much and lost everytime I've truely opened up. Why is it that this boys call them selves men when a real man should know that they dont like pain and niether do females. I'm in deep thought these last couple nights with out being able to really know what to do. When some one tells u they love u shouldn't they show that every day no matter how mad u make them? Why do u want to cause paing to the ones u love cuz i know thats not love at all. I have to wonder about them who say they love me and wonder why if u love someone so much that u dont show the love u say u have unless u think they are going to walk away from u for good. No one likes to be left i guess but if u love someone and all u plan to do is cause them pain why say u love them. Pain to me is about knowing I'm living. With out pain I'd have to think it was all a dream that is never ending. The world we liv
2 go down I feel nothing 5 more go down Still feel nothing 10 more go down Still feel nothing I pick up my phone Dial his number I say Hello He says why are u calling I tell him what I am doing He tells me I am stupid I start to cry harder then I already am He tells me to stop I say I can't He says just shut up Then he hangs up the phone on me I go to my medicine cabinet Find the Tylenol 3 with codeine I hold the bottle in my hand Just looking at the label It says take for "pain" I take the cover off There are 15 left I put them in the palm of my hand I separate them into 3 groups of 5 I take the first 5 Still nothing I take the second 5 Nothing yet Finally I took the last group of 5 Still nothing I go back to the bottle that I started with Which is a bottle of Ibuprofen I started with 200 in the bottle I already took 17 I keep on taking them Until there is 50 left in the bottle At the end I took 150 Ibuprofen and 15 Tylenol with codeine I was fe
The Pain Of Love
Man...this week has been the most stressful I can truly say I've ever had. The most hurtful. I've cried so much, I've been sick, in pain, stomach killed me. Over my man. I hated him at the same time that I loved him. I wanted to slap him at the same time I wanted to just stare at him and kiss him. I haven't been able to truly vent about it. Not till now. He hurt my's still broken. But, I stayed. I'm pregnant with our daughter and didn't think he'd kill me the way he did. He still has no clue just how deep it hurt. My trust? A zero. My love? Still strong. I just don't know. I am doing better, happier, etc. But, I still want to cry. Actually, I have been crying every other day. So depressed, I didn't know who I was. He couldn't get me to laugh, nothing. But, I still love him. My family still thinks we aren't together, except for one. They are happy at this. Another family member of mine even has a different guy they see me with and seems hopeful that we hook up. I can't. I won
Pain In My Heart
there was a time when all was right never needed an answer never wanted to fight layin in bed holdin ya tight kissin your lips all was right but im alone now dont what to do i give this pain in my heart all to you and the tears keep flowin and the hurt still there wish you knew how much i care
Painted Body
On one of my favorite shows a character said "Pain reveals our true selves". It was very profound to hear that. Pain can do things to people that reveal inner fears, strengths and sides. People can cry, get angry, go silent, or not even show it. Pain is physical and mental. Fear of pain causes people to do strange or hidden things as well. They may abandon loved ones or lift cars off of them. Pain releases endorphins into your body so in a way it can be a good thing. Part of why working out gives a "high". You are pushing the physical and mental limits of your body. How we react to pain inside is what is hard to show. Some of us wall it off to prevent further damage. Some of us do things to numb it. Locking our pain away means it grows and festers until the day it is revealed it will consume us. Confronting pain will bring joy in the end. There cannot be pain and suffering without joy and hope. I find the question still and ponder it even now. Does pain reveal
"pain" Three Days Grace
Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all You're sick of feeling numb You're not the only one I'll take you by the hand And I'll show you a world that you can understand This life is filled with hurt When happiness doesn't work Trust me and take my hand When the lights go out you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Anger and agony Are better than misery Trust me I've got a plan When the lights go off you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing Rather feel pain I know (I know
pray to the lord as i kneel to my knee i pray less pain be struck on me and if once more i'm to feel pain i ask for death while i'm still sane. and now i lay me down to sleep, i pray this pain to not get deep if i should die before i wake i'm free from anymore heartache
Painful Observance Of The Week:
When a girl you REALLY have the hots for constantly talks about how hot your friend is, despite the fact she knows that you think she's hot, and are interested in her to whatever degree. No fun at all. And yet, this is, the story of my life...
Pain Yup.
It sucks to try to be hungry but not want to get up and eat because every step you take you feel pain. I had to wait till I couldn't take it no more so I could get up to get my pizza. I could have asked for help but i guess my stubborn streak kicks in and I don't ask. I hope everyone is having a great day I am I don't let this get me down anymore lifes to short to sulk......
Painful Love
Why does it have to hurt inside? Why do I have to cry each night? I think I have to walk on by... Cuz I'm starting to lose my sight... What is it that changed your mind? Who is it that keeps you blind? Why did you change so fast? Did you really have to leave me behind? I start to think about all we had And how it turned this way... I guess I'll have to leave your side, And turn my face away... Although my soul will die... Although my heart will cry... I've got nothing else to do, I'm hurt deep inside But although I'll leave your side, You'll be always on my mind... My heart and soul will ache for you, Every day and every night... You're my never-ending love, The love that keeps me alive... You're the one I'll love forever, Although it hurts inside...
Pain And Love Together
why does the ones you love the most why do they die its a curse that they grow old and die always your love when they die it hurts so bad the love dies the pain is so bad you cant feel the love no more when the pain lessen i feel you in my heart again the pain is less i feel you in my heart the pain the love together i carry you in my heart my love that has been gone the pain is replaced
Pain reminds us that we still feel. Pain tells us we can still love. It shapes us, rips us and drives us insane. It doesn't have to scar us forever,but just be a reminder of something we once hand and then lost. Hold your head high and walk with grace and never show the pain on your face.
The Pain Of A Girl
The pain of a girl, the tears that she cries, she feels there is no option, only to die. Instead she endures the pain, the things that she sees, and now realizes that love is a tease. A broken heart that never heals, only hatred inside is what she feels. Not hatred to anyone, but herself. Time will tell if things will change, but it seems it stays the same. She cannot love, she cannot hate, she does not understand her fate. She cries and cries alone at night, because what she sees is an ugly sight. Not on the outside, only in, and this is a battle she just can't win. The wounds in her soul are so deep, that at night she does not sleep. The things she has done haunts her mind, rage and hatred both combind. If things don't get better, she'll just give up. when she has no friends left to care, the pain is just too much to bare. She continues to cry and cry with each passing day, And then finally the feling has gone away. No more pain, no
Pain Inside
It hurts in side this lonely heart It’s all the pain inside Pain with no love Pain with loneliness Pain Inside Lost Lonely Empty Confused Not known where to go Pain Inside Please stop the pain inside this lonely heart Lonely sprit Lonely soul I am hurting inside Needing love Needing someone to care Please stop the pain inside Pain Inside
Painted Faced Freaks. A.k.a Juggalos.
LOL. The hatchetman. LOL. FUCK a hatchet, I have a S.A.W. Oh what fun we will have!! Look at the tough guy with the paint face. LOL. PONTIAC Michigan RULEZ! JUGGALO! LOL LOL. All that crap is gay. They paint thier faces angrily cause they were kicked out of the Kiss Army. and Gene Simmons wouldn't sleep with them. LOL LOL I can't stop laughing at them! They are a source of amusement for me! LOL. Especially the drunk ones. The drunk ones get sex crazed and retard strong. LOL
I am pain I am real. I'm not a dream I'm the chain around your neck as you scream Surrender now You can't beat death at his ruthless game Make your bow Hang your head in shame I can't believe there is no way out... You'll find you are wrong You fill me with doubt... You were never that strong I am pain I am the wound that never heals It's all in vain No compromise, no deals... This is how i feel
Pain @ The Pump
Pain I'm in pain, from my head to my feet. The pain is in my chest, in my heart in my bones, my back, my arms, and my legs, but its not just physical pain, its emotional pain. I feel more alone every day and I'm haunted by LCpl ray and all the little kids, it is all so heavy on my heart that it brakes my soul. Sometimes I wonder if its just me, am I the only one that feels this way? I hope I am, because I would not wish this agony on anyone. Why is it that I have been made to suffer this way? Why dose my life have to be so hellish everyday? There is only so much a man can take before it becomes too much, before he cant take the pain one more day, but what can I do? I am dieing, but not fast enough. Because I fought a war for the Marines on my left, and on my right I sacrificed my body to save there's, so they could make it home. I guess this is the price I pay for doing the right thing… I hope that counts for something when I'm dead, and gone because it doesn't seem to now. I
The Pain
Falling Tears by SUSAN C When you turned around and walked away I thought I couldn't make it through the day. I felt my life was over- More like incomplete. I didn't want to be without you. There were many nights I couldn't even speak your name. Nights where all that came from me were tears. There were times where it took all my might to try to move on. Never did I know I was too weak to move on. I wish I could go back to the times When our love was true and happy, Hearing you say you loved me over and over again. My heart is breaking into pieces, Knowing that you're no longer here. I just wish I could go back to the time when we were friends, Before we fell head over heels for each other. All I want now is... you, again, So, I don't have to have all the tears that keep falling, Ever since you've been gone.
Painted Hands
Were I to cover my hands with paints to color your body so as to recognize you with my eyes open I'd start with yellow: creamy lemony yellow Tinted with the prussian blues of twilite; Adorned with Sirius and Orion and the pearl of a minted moon.
I am beginning to think I enjoy pain. Not the physical kind but the emotional. I seem to keep repeating the same patterns over and over.
Pain & Betrayal
Betrayed by a loved one, Forsaken by love, Damned at birth to endure nothing but loneliness and pain, Doomed to walk alone in a world of darkness, Silence is my enemy, Pain & Betrayal Shadows of my past haunt me always, My failings seem to surround me mocking me, I have become a cosmic joke, Nothing more than a used up tool to be tossed aside over and over again, You said you loved me but that was a lie, A fool I am for thinking that true love existed and conquered all, A fool of fate, A fool for love, A fool in general, My heart is dust , my soul in tatters, my spirit broken and bleeding, Reality is now crystal clear... Trust No One With Your Heart then you wont get hurt, I have surrender to my fate, I have but one question ... Why do I still love you M
This section despite my choice of name is meant to describe in detail, and examine what is the case, and how it is not or does correlate to what it ought to be. For instance I spoke about free will and examined the words linguistically, e.g. normative, dialectically, and perhaps a little etymologically, looking for their derivation. The last might be how the term 'free' predicates the subject 'will', and their relationship.
Pain In My Heart
Paint Her In Words
Paint Her in Words by LateNiteFantasy© I paint her with words, Rather than brushes, My fingers will not easily hold. My eyes can’t see the colors clear, But the description in my memory, Take me back to her youth. A fine lined porcelain face, With ruby lips and azure eyes, That danced when the devil took her due. How can any oils or color capture the love Of her? Or any brushstroke let flow Her kind and gentle ways. I paint her with words For word are all I have that flow Upon the canvas of the mind.
PAiNTiNGS I've painted you these beautiful pictures, works of art that apparently always went unseen. At first I denied them and denied you. I thought I was just being an artist. I didn't think they meant anything. I didn't know I felt so much and that it was all so symbolic. I was afraid to show them to you because I was unsure if you could understand or appreciate such a work of art, besides, I knew that you had your eye on someone else'. She drew a picture that was simple. It wasn't much but it was familiar to you, therefore, it attracted you. I knew it was only a matter of time before she showed you the drawing and when she did you would be more than willing to oblige. So I continued to hold back this masterpiece. Paintings, sculptures, and statues I've built in your name. Everyone has seen them and their mouths always drop. Their eyes always widen. They probably think to themselves that I must be insane to create such art for someone who will just never see it. So much and f
I Knew You’d Hurt Me Why are you here. Why are you making me feel like this. your such a sick cruel Sapphic entity the way you get inside of my soul touching me with those agonizing emotions, those painful fingertips grabbing me with masochistic kisses that violate me render the violence intolerable. making blood rush to my head leaving bruises to mar and scar my being. you hurt me. you hurt me so exquisitely making me tear and scream in agony the dreadful burden of knowing your body your mind your touches your scent is so unmistakably unbearable. I am so afraid of you deep in my vulnerability using it to terrorize me torture my mentality my emotional stability, topple me over the edge using my need as a weapon formed against me. hurting me so much inside. you are so good at brutalizing. I am realizing the mistake I made in bringing you into my fold, teasing my every yearning the burning the sensations of being kissed roughly nails digging in my flesh raking the skin off of my back
Pain My heart swells My chest grows tight My entire body feels weak Tears begin to flow The silent scream from within begins and breaks free Unable to hold back the pain Unable to control the tears for I truly love him Not sure he even knows My heart is hurting, unable to breathe In our room alone sitting on the bed crying into a pillow I feel his presence then his touch All I hear is I’m sorry & we’ll find away. unfinished
Have you ever been connected to one paticular person but yet are so far away that you can't seem to set foot in reality. i'm in that situation. i'm so connected to a person that whenever we talk i'm so drawn to her but most of the time i don't really have her full attention and it really hurts. me and her know we have a connection but it gets difficult more and more cause for each time we get closer, her attention is drawn elsewhere. i really do hope we can overcome that but sometimes i wonder if it's possible cause it happens sometimes when we are in close conversation or spending time together
wat do u do when uve been hurt so much u dont know love from hate? when it seems the worlds walk out on u? when the one u cud turn to.. turned on u? its hard to hold ur head up high! it seems i have no one i can trust.. no one to talk to... but i kno i have myself and thats all i need right? if that all i need then y do i cry on the inside at night? why do i still feel so much pain from the past? but in the end id rather it be me then sum1 else becus no one deserves this pain that i feel!! alot of ppl in this situation wud say better u than me but i say better me than u.. ************************************** i kno this probably dont make much sense but its jus sumn i needed to write down and get off my chest.. so if u read it thanx if not o well!
The Painful Wind Of Men
I feel the wind And it rattles me within So the shivering begins Sadness always wins The harsh sting on my face My blood pumping is a waste Because I could never be the case No smell No taste Hungry hands hungry for you Hurt people do what they do But they can't love like I do Lonely eyes cry for you I'm sitting in the sand Real life I can't withstand Broken hearts can't understand The painful wind of men
Paint Shop Pro Text Quickie Tip
Just a quickie text tip when using Paint Shop Pro ! To Have Nice text, and not all jagged looking Make sure you have Anti- Alias on ! In my psp version 9 and 10 I have option Sharp or smooth or off. but never have it OFF ! Unless using a pixel font! I use pixel fonts for credits! and remember to turn it back on ~ I always use sharp unless using a pixel font size around 5 or 6   !!! This option appears after you click on your text tool ! and appears up top !
Painting Your Picture Into Mine
Painting Your Picture into Mine by LateNiteFantasy© The pictures on my wall, In fifteen different colors, Starting with Forsythia The first flower of summer And I don’t think I’ll be finished Till I’ve begun to understand this But you are stretched out in the sunlight As your laughter fills my canvas As the sun falls into my fingers On your back against the blinds Tracing out your hours And filling in your lines I curl in your spirals As you silhouette the window When my brush forgives itself It spills lines upon your pillow And standing in the middle Of the lines you’ve laid down before Trying to paint my picture into yours When I paint you in the corner As your shoulders trap the light See the sunshine filling golden cups Smell the wine scent of the night I’ve seen your eyes in paintings As cathedrals cried to the Christ Let me paint your face in colors Hang your hair down in an elaborate mane You’re standing in the middle Of lines you laid down befo
if ii died, would you even know? one single bullet, one little blow what am i to you except a pain? if i were dead you would probably gain im so confused, my lifes a mess with death comes no stress would anyone even cry? i bet all eyes would stay dry this life of mine i wish i could end it if death was meant for me.. ii wish god would send it
Paint Jam
Painting My Thoughts
Painting My Thoughts by LateNiteFantasy© Looking at this empty page Thoughts racing rampant The ulimate power Painting thoughts in words Dreams in prose Images on paper Stirring my mind at fever pitch Making people see what I feel Or something different Alerting the senses Dreamworlds built Where there were none Unleashed from the brain For others to seek Knowledge, peace and pleasure *************************************** The soft velvetiness of your touch And the sweet way you blush The green envy you can show When you think I've not been alone The thorns that you can prick me with When you think I've been a dick The wonderful aroma of you And that all too beautiful hue Pleasure and pain I love you in vain Never knowing if you appreciate All the work you've been of late Beauty, blushing my fair Rose Is what I chose when I took you for your own **************************************** It’s 4 AM yet again Here I am words
Pain & Pleasure...............
Hunter slouched back into the large oak back chair...dressed in his knee high boots....his black leather pants clinging tightly to his body. The bulge of his manhood pressed against the front of the soft leather....his eyes moving to the direction of the door just as fawn stepped through the doorway. "Ah slut...guess you think your Master has nothing to do but wait on his bitch..." he spoke in his firm agitated voice...leaning forward in his chair...his eyes never losing contact with her beauty as she approached him. Fawn quickly tipped toed in her bare feet toward her master...dropping to her knees in front of him. Her head bowed...her hands grasped together like in prayer... "I'm sorry Master...the traffic caused me to run late.." she spoke in her meek voice. The quietness of the room was deafening as he slipped from his chair. The sound of the leather soles on the tile floor broke the silence as he walked behind her...his eyes never losing contact with her. "Bitch I don't wa
“We live in a world full of people wearing middle aged bodies. Yet they stumble to a crawl in their minds.”~CaptHowdy~ Strangeland how very true. The movie I watched tonight has brought my thought process on this subject to full circle. So many people are focused on what they have right now not what could become of their lives with experiences that are a natural part of the maturing process. We never see the beauty of the darker side of life simply because we choose to live in fear. Letting fear run your life seems stupid and naive to me. it doesn't do any good. pain is inevitable. Who cares if you get hurt, learn from it and grow Pain is a right of passage, that shapes and molds us to who we need to be to survive in lives to come. With out pain...physical , mental, emotional, or spiritual we cannot survive. Take the pain of losing a loved one for example. Its something that from my experience causes pain on nearly every level possible. We all need to realize death is a release not a
Paint Shop
OK, so I decided I need a new hobby, so I'm working on learning how to use Paint Shop to do things other than the basics... Hopefully. If anyone wants me to do a pic of them, let me know. I'm basically going through tutorials and stuff to learn how things work, and then I'll start doing some things on my own. Anyway, if you want a pic... lemme know! Hints and stuff are always welcomed too!
Pain Of A Thousand Years
I was going to write about your pain, how you must of felt, Then i started thinking, and i thought about me, Trying to remember whats in that lone hole, dug into my heart so deep, This whole thing started and i was so blind, it started in a week and i was terrified, But i had to live up to my word so i did it anyways, but forgot you forced me when i fell for your gaze, I loved you, and i always have, all these little things come up, all the things i think are really bad, I forget about the rights and start counting up your wrongs, the whole time thinking that everything, thinking its all my fault, I think about what's all changed about you, and i always think its because of me, How the pain must of changed you when i was to leave, But then i start wondering did you really change, or was i too blind to notices these things? I fall to my bed, just filled with the weight of my guilt, your so happy and have moved on, And then i start to think, did you ever really care about m
Painted Ladies
Right Before Your Eyes - Ian Thomas
Pain And Depresion
YES dear friends i am at it again!!!! i stumbled on to his video and its only labeled PAIN AND DEPRESSION... and most ofthe images are ones that some ppl have plastered up all over fu here... well u know me i go 4 the music, haveing both images, words and rythem to bring it all together.. i hope this little tidbit helps others understand what not only a teenager may see and feel but an adult as well... its all real...the pain and the depression
Painted On My Heart - The Cult
EVERYDAY I thought youd be out of my mind And Id finally found a way to learn to live without you I thought it was just a matter of time Till I had a hundred reasons not to think about you But its just not so And after all this time, I still cant let go Ive still got your face Painted on my heart Scrawled upon my soul Etched upon my memory, baby Ive got your kiss Still burning on my lips The touch of my fingertips This love so deep inside of me, baby Ive tried everything that I can To get my heart to forget you But it just cant seem to I guess its just no use In every part of me Is still a part of you And Ive still got your face Painted on my heart Scrawled upon my soul Etched upon my memory, baby Ive got your kiss Still burning on my lips The touch of her fingertips This love so deep inside of me, baby Ive still got your face Painted on my heart Painted on my heart Painted on my heart, oh baby Something in your eyes keeps ha
Painting By Irrational Numbers
I wasn’t around my typical online haunts yesterday (oh, blogless Tuesday, woe, blogless Tuesday!) because I was painting the inside of the office where I work. My boss Ray supplied two gallons of pearl finish latex paint, two mixers, two rollers, etc. and I supplied the labor. I wouldn’t have admitted it at the start of the day, but I had to agree with one customer my mid-afternoon; painting is relaxing. From eleven in the morning when I got to the office to a quarter to six at night – I leave work at seven, so I put in eight-hour days – I painted over brickwork and corkboard so when you walk into my office now it’s much whiter. Just pay no attention to where I stepped into some paint and stepped off the paper beneath it onto the carpeted floor … I’m scrubbing HARD with Quick n Brite, and it does make the dried paint fade somewhat (if anyone’s got another idea, let me know), but it’s a lot of elbow and finger grease! OK, the last time I wrote something about the Minot crowd
Pain squeezing my heart Pain ripping apart my soul Pain coursing through my body Pain clouding my mind Physical pain Mental pain Emotional pain When will the pain end? When will i find relief? When will i start hurting? When will i live again?......
Pain And Sadness
Since my family and I have moved to Virginia I have become separated from them in a few ways. I have searched and searched for ways to reconnect with the ones I love. However to no avail... My life it seems has become a farce of what it used to be. Love... from the person that matters to ME second only to one it seems has drifted so far away it will never be teathered again. My daughter is too young to be going through this. She is to naieve to understand what it is that is happening around her. I miss the warm embrace of my partner; the way she cuddles up next to me when she is sleeping. The way she smiles when she is truly happy. Even the moodiness she exudes when she first wakes up. Although I have not been with a woman in almost a year now I dont feel that any other woman would suffice. She holds my heart in her hands. My soul is a part of her. She has taken posession of many of my firsts in life. The most precious to me I gave to her willingly. I s
Paint Chips
Recently I found an amazing livejournal blog where people from Russia that were born between 76 and 82 share their recollections of various trends, habits, styles, slang words, etc that were "in" in the 80s and 90s Russia. It brought back so many memories that I almost lost, including a couple of really disturbing ones: I remember when we just discovered that there was such thing as gum, we started doing something completely repulsive: chewing concrete tar. I remember being 7 years old with my friends, peeling off little bits of fresh concrete off the ground, and chewing them like gum.. Same was done with a window sealant, that was white, thus more resembling gum. We also tried to make Russian gum resemble American colored one, and colored strips of gum with markers or mixed it with shavings from colored pencils. When some lucky kid had gum, that gum was passed around between 6 or 7 kids, from mouth to mouth. (yuckk) I guess this explains a lot about me ;p
i want to cry. i have no tears. i want to scream. i have no voice. this is pain i want to run. nowhere to run to. i want to be held. i have no friends. i cry. i scream. i run. i am held. for i know pain. i have conquered!
Painted Angel
With broken wings And silver rings The painted angel falls from grace Bleeding and broken with a smile on her face. Ink and blood and a promise written in skin Dreams shattered and hope drowned in passionate sin Fresh wounds disquise wounds of old As she wanders the world alone and cold The needle burns Her identity turns New secrets revealed Her wounds have healed She paints her skin with new wings She pierces her skin with metal rings The painted angel closes her eyes And remembers what it is to fly. -Angelic Descent
The Pain Of Mistakes
In our jouney called life,we cross paths with the lives of others. Some became enemies,some friends,some much more. We make mistakes in life all along the way,but with every step we should learn from our mistakes. We hurt those we care the most about with our words,as well as actions. From family members to friends. If you stop and think about it the ones we hurt the most in the end. Is ourselves,because we have to live with what we have done. We also have to live with our loses in life. Sometimes it seems it would be easier to just carry of into our own little corner of this crazy world,but we can't. Because were all human and we make mistakes Things happen in our lives for a reason,even if we don't understand why. We just have to hope the lives we have touched was for the best and not all bad.
Pain... And Always Without Love
What is pain? It could be so many different things for so many different people. Pain can be a broken arm or leg, a tattoo, or any kind of physical injury. I think the worst kind is mental or inner pain. Going through a divorce is painful yes but I think its even worse when the kids are getting hurt. If you love your kids and you see them hurting because of what you have done or your spouse, if your any kind of parent it will hurt you too. I'm going through an ugly divorce trying to get my 2 children and what hurts the most is seeing the kind of pain and suffering they're going through. My children are my world and I would do anything in the world for them. To bad they're mom doesn't feel the same way. The pain I feel comes from with in I haven't been the best father in the world hell I'm the first to admit that. I have made my share of mistakes I guess it all depends on how we learn from them. The pain I feel for my kids is nothing I have ever felt before or ever want to feel again. T
You know when you hurt. You know how much you hurt. Yet you still go though these painful times. Times where you dont want to be. Times were you dont want others to be. All these painful times in your life. what is onething that would make you happy. what is one thing that will take the pain away. Times come and go but painful Times remain.
Every Single thing I believed in I knew I could not win Without you I thought that I Would fail But in us I thought we had trust A passion; a lust To make everything Work out Bide our time It'll work out fine We will cross that line As soon as we Get there Do nothing Say nothing Be nothing It's taking away my Pain I have Many things that I regret But I'll take what I can get Even though I know it might Break me Web of lies Hides the truth inside Right behind your eyes I wish I knew how You felt Can't ignore What I've heard before Lunatic no more I listened and said Nothing Do nothing Say nothing Be nothing It's taking away my Pain Even without you, I feel it Taking away my Realize Realize what is right and what is wrong So you Want to walk on that fine line 'cuz I think it's about time To show you exactly what I mean Believe it You'll accomplish it It's the love of it That will get you through The day Have to try 'cuz you'll wonder
Pain Management
My niece, pregnant with her second child, was certain she wanted an epidural for pain management during childbirth. Her doctor asked her at which stage of labor she wanted the epidural administered. Her response: "Just meet me in the parking lot when I arrive!"
Man once agan i hurt myself.. I hurt my knee big time playin paintball... the doctor said today that I messed it up good this time. And im lucky if I get to play paintball or soccer at all.. Man come on what other bad things can happen to me. First i loose my man then i loose the two things that let me be me.. the two things im good at.. god damn it why do i have suck bad luck....
Pain, Pain is good for all of us. It lets you know you are still alive It lets you know you have feelings It lets you know you did it right It lets you know it is working It lets you know it was worth it It lets you know you cared It lets you know you are human Pain is good for any of us
Nobody knows pain the way I do. It’s hard to describe how much the pain hurts. Hating each and everyday that comes my way. Pain of a million daggers piercing my heart and unable to die. Crying endless tears of shame feeling I am to blame. Unending sorrow only longing to borrow a small bit of happiness. Feeling the blackness consume me. Falling forever in the void of darkness. An empty shell with a terrible hell for a past. No where to turn. No one to trust. Tell me the truth or forever lose me to the abyss. No way out and no one to hear me shout. Scream in silence as they all pass by without even a glance. No escape from the hell we make. Rejection and emotional mutilation clinging to my soul as I become more and more empty. Black hole from within devouring what it may. A desperate cry and a longing for love. Run away and never look back. Hide from everyone who can get near. Never trust, never love, never get hurt again. Live alone, scream alone, die alone. Fear and torment always near
Pain Inside
Don't look in my eyes If you don't want to see pain Don't look for the sun Where there's only rain. Don't look into my heart For nothing is there Don't look inside me My soul is bare. I feel dead inside My love's not enough To keep the life we're living From being so rough. Sometimes I wish I could sleep And never awake Maybe it'd be better For everyones sake. No more sorrow No reasons to hide No more crying Or hurting inside. Just happiness and joy Peace and love Standing with our God In heaven above.
I sit here looking back at a time when my heart was so full of love n happiness. A time when it was so full of light. I look at my heart now so empty n dark. So cold n alone. I think back to a time when u filled it to over filling. A time when all i ever wanted n need was ur love. Then i see u walk away. I see u take all the love n light with u. I am left with an empty shell. A place that is dark n cold. A place filled with hurt n pain. Filled with shattered pieces. I sit here looking at whats left of my heart. I finally get the courage up to stand up and slowly walk to the door of my heart. I stand looking back in to the darkness, I feel the lump in my throaght grow and the tears sting my eyes. I slowly open the door to my heart and walk threw it. I turn slowly and place my hand on the door and push it closed ever so softly. The tears streaming down my face. I slowly walk away from my heart never to open the door again. T
Painless Scars~
Looking at these scars I created and seeing such great design I think of what I was doing in this tormented head of mine.They kinda look like road maps that lead closer to my heart and cutting more each day until my skin just falls apart.I dont feel pain when Im slicing for my blades are rather sharp but I seem to bleed alot and leave a nasty mark.These scars will slowly fade away and make room for new ones to appear and maybe one day I will cut deep enough and just simply disappear...But for now you see I sit here and watch my skin heal and see the old scars slowly...Slowly begin to peel...Away the layers that bind me and hold my inner soul I know Im finally losing it as my eyes begin to roll.I can feel the darkness enthrall me and grab my every last thought on how I had to sit here and slice away my heart~
Paint The Town Bonobo Red
No matter how organized, there’s something fundamentally debauched about a painting party. Especially when skin is involved. Bodypainting, or even just fingerpainting, is always a sensuous, wild yet essentially innocent endeavor, wet color splashing here and there, bodies speckled like rare birds, faces streaked with warpaint. Of course, here at the Speakeasy, we call it peacepaint (tm). War or peace through pleasure, we threw a hot wet painting party in Sara Sioux’s new room at the Speakeasy Annex, painting the town bonobo red, blue, pink and purple, and painting ourselves right into the town. Alas, we were not naked, as we were for our fabulous Nude Body Painting for Peace Show...But we were more productive in that we actually accomplished the painting of Sara’s room which is now a splatterific phantasmagoric purple, pink and blue temple of sin. Nude Body Painting for Peace (playing this Sunday on RadioSuzy1TV) features a multi-colored, multi-cultura
I guess its true what they say u never know what u have till u lose it...and man did i lose it..and now im losing my mind.. the 2 best things in my life have been gone for almost 5 months and i swear these months have been hard..ive done alot of thinking and even more i swear i would give anything to have back what i had 5 months ago...but it looks like im fucked on that... ive wondered for the past couple of weeks what life would be like today if i would have done some things alot different....but ill never know so all i do is sit in my apartment,work, and stare at pics of times past and wish i could turn back the hands of time.....i miss both of u.... forever urs Gremlin (since u gave me the name,ill never stop using it)
Pain Meds And My Job.
So, me being the dumb ass that I am have gotten myself into one hell of a pickle. I had a minor accident at work and got popped with U/A. The results came back that I was possitive for opiates, no surprise there to those who know me... Anyway, I won't be fired but I may have to attend drug and alcohol classes for a week before being allowed to return to work. Having been clean and sober for one week now and thinking clearly, I honestly believe that this turn of events is for the best. I was at the point where I was taking as many as twenty vicodin/percocet at one time. And thats way bad! Way, way bad! I am most greatful that I still maintain my good standing at the foundry and will be allowed to continue working for Atlas. At any rate. I guess the point is that nothing is worth losing a good job over, NOTHING!!!! And did I mention that those little pills are spendy? For reals! I'm glad that it's over now. I can focus on what's really important to me and get on with things. Here's to fo
Paint It Purple!
Just wanted to know if anyone's caught a fart and painted it purple before........Lmfao:P
Pain - Jimmy Eat World I don't feel the way I've ever felt. I know. I'm gonna smile and not get worried. I try but it shows. Anyone can make what I have built. And better now Anyone can find the same white pills. It takes my pain away. [Chorus] It's a lie. A kiss with open eyes And she's not breathing back. Anything but bother me. (It takes my pain away) Nevermind these are hurried times. Oh oh oh I can't let it bother me. I never thought I'd walk away from you. I did. But it's a false sense of accomplishment. Every time I quit Anyone can see my every flaw. It isn't hard. Anyone can say they're above this all. It takes my pain away. [Chorus] I can't let it bother me. [Guitar Solo] It takes my pain away. [Chorus] Takes my pain Takes my pain Takes my pain Takes my pain away
Pain And Life *poem #1*
I sit here in my room and think of everything we have been though the pain and suffering all the tears and laugh we shared we live and we learn to lose the pepole we love i feel as if right now i am losing my friends and family That is so dear to me i feel as if they are all just dieing or we just can;t seem to talk much it hurts to think that one day i might be alone In the world you are givin pepole some make it to your life is seems complte and when they leave or you feel as if its sliping away you just want to cry well thats where i am at the moment I feel as if i am slowly loseing the pepole i love.
This is a poem I wrote back in September in 2005. It had to do with a guy I thought was the guy of my dreams and the guy I would stay with till we both died together.... I try to hid the pain in my heart from dancing across my face. I know you see it anyways, What can I do, where can I go? I just want you to hold me near, and tell me it will be okay. It will never happen, so I'll keep wishing You'll never understand the hurt you put me through. I will never be the same! I try to hide the pain in my heart from dancing across my face.
Paint Me.
Paint me in pretty colors. Red, black, green, and blue. I'll be a work of art. I'll be anything for you. Paint me as you see me. In colors muted or bright. Take me from this darkness. Pull me into the light. Paint me on a canvas. Of your own design. I'll guide your hand in even strokes. Your dream of the divine.
Pain Never Forgotten, Love Never Expected
Pain Never Forgotten, Love Never Expected Could this be what Iv always wanted I could have sworn I was unwanted For many years the pain was there I cried every time my heart would tear With every end I felt the reason lied within me Wishing to mend to find love but none would let it be With every lie and usage worthlessness grew within me Wishing these misleads would die away along with thee Never did I give up my search nor did I end my life My longing has ended at last away with my strife I have found love that was never expected Pain never forgotten Love never expected She has come to me in my time of need My wounds would heal pain would recede My pain would never be forgotten This unexpected love will be remembered
im fealin sick in my head like im already dead but i dont know why but all i see is your eyes. they flayed the flesh from the skin of my bones yet reasons unknown i feal like its home. i scream in my sleep at the dreams that have reape. from what youve sown from this hate filled dome. the temple my body that you have tainted will be not the same from the blood that you painted
The Pain!
The Painful Truth
My blood is my sadness and so I am filled, your breath is my pain and so I am consumed. Did you ever think that maybe I can't be who you need? God knows you can't be for me. But please don't take that wrong, for your words I suspect, create the boundaries of my world. How I hate when I lose, and I lose even when I win. And maybe you just don't care, and maybe I should just shut up. But should you ever decide to leave, finding my inconsistencies maddening, you must leave knowing this: I'm the best contradiction you'll ever meet.
is this real? all the pain i feel? is this the life im destined to live? dont you think its been fulfilled? why is it that no matter how much i sacrifice or how much i go through its never satisfying enough for you? like you always need a little more a little more blood a few more tears a little less love and a whole lotta hate ive been taken from heaven and placed at this gate... the decision is mine do i take it or hide? but instead .. i swallow my pride i open the gate , and face my fate consumed by the fire .. infatuated with the pain lost in this world never to be seen again
PAIN (by Nick Bentley) They say that pain is the world's greatest teacher. And with that, I must agree. Too many times in my life have I put myself, both purposely and accidently, in pain's line of fire. And the results are never pretty. There's always a lesson to be learned when it comes to pain. How one incorporates the result of pain in their life solely depends on that particular person's nature. Most people have to learn the hard way. For some, it takes just one time. For others, they may go many, many times before they finally surrender. And then, there are those that just aren't going to get it. Pain comes in many different shapes, sizes, styles, attributes, and elements. Generally, those genres spawn from two foundations: mental and physical. Perception of pain usually depict how those life lessons are absorbed. For example, some may experience pain, whether mental or physical, and dwell on the fact that they are in pain without the necessary drive to treat it. Othe
Pain Distracts Pain
Master often talked of having my nipples pierced, the thought always aroused me. But enduring constant pain if not properly pierced, stop any positive response from me. This time, His words were made clear that the time was near. That this was what He wanted and wanted it to happen in a very erotic setting. Master has a way of Him to keep me on the edge...and with this, my pussy drips with wetness as it does when He talks of taking my ass. my ass is tight, never has it been taken by anyone. Master's cock is so long and thick i didn't think He would try. So i brushed it off as i have with the nipple piercing. But that day came and came again. Even using a butt plug trying to open my ass did not seem to work. Using our safe word many times, before His cock's head was totally in. W/we met at our usual spot. Sliding into His car, Master looks at me..." you are to focus on *only* how pain distracts from pain, understand?" "Yes, Master Chris," my thoughts went into a bl
Pain Pain for a day, Pain for a night, Yelling and screaming is heard from the walls, Pain and defeat isn't all, The same death will hurt inside, No matter what is deep within; The walls of hell is deeper within the body and soul whether are not the pain will grow; For pain is hidden deeper within the body and soul not knowing whether are not the pain will grow; Now is the time to let it all go! By: Jess L. Burris Jr. This Poem Was Wrote At The Age Of 15 Years Old My First Poem To Write And The First One To Be In 5 Books After 8 Years Of Hiding It!!!
A Painful Truth!
Love, Interrupted I love you, I need you, I want you, SHUT UP! I'm tired of all this nonsense. I'm tired of tryin' to slap on romance, and endin' up with a "Keep on yo pants!" It's makin' me so sick that I can't even eat; I'm tired of hearin' this nonsense from the time I wake up till the time I go to sleep! It's haunting my dreams, interrupting my thoughts; I'm not gonna do this anymore, I'm not gonna give it all I got anymore! The fighting is too much, my heart can't take, its over, face it, we are never gonna make it! They say Love is special, and that it is grand, but look at us, we don't even hold hands! Our hearts are shot, our minds are corrupted, this is our life, welcome to Love, Interrupted.
Pain And More Pain~
Well went to the Dr about my shoulder.. Had a steroid shot in my left shoulder, felt like heaven the first day, after that has felt like hell... Dr ordered a MRI of my left shoulder and most likely will have to endure shoulder surgery to either clean the area up bone fragments and such, or complete repair of any muscle damage... So for now Im on heavy doses of Vicodin, my god I have to much of that and I get a major headache its like I cant win, major shoulder-arm pain or a headache....
Pain Again
It seems today as the pain will never stop, The constant hurt of being incomplete, This pain has troubled me for quite some time now, I guess that I had hoped it was nearing it's end, My smiles may not be so bright, My short days turn long nights, This however will not hold me back, I am strong, I will endure, I will prevail, I'll not be beaten down by this same nemesis, Over and over again, So if by chance our paths do cross, Just ask me how I am, I'll probably reply, I'm dealing inside, With this terrible pain again
The Painter
The Painter His soul flows onto the canvas with the grace of an angel Brilliant colors emerge portraying every emotion in his heart His brush and inner thoughts dance in perfect cadence Creating the perfect window into the essence of him He is an artist forever willing to bare himself to all Though he may not control the world he lives in The oils on his palette allow him to become the creator In jubilation, his spirit dances with precious freedom Brilliant shades of blue, purple and red Give birth to the essence of life itself While yellows, browns and greens Provide the foundation of mother earth He smiles with the rare serenity his creation gives him. For even he discovers more about the artist as he gazes. With contentment he signs the reflection of this stage in life. Claude Monet
So, as I was going to feed my cat, there was a stray in our garage trying to get to her food. My dumb ass decides to try and catch it. Well, my entire arm is scratched up and it gotta pretty good deep bite on my finger. Now, I almost passed out from the blood loss, but managed to get to the couch and now, im sitting here with a paper towel wrapped around my fingers, and the finger it bit is swollen and numb. I have to type with only my left hand. Someone cheer me up plz. If any of you say i need a rabies shot stfu I wont get it.
The Pain
If you wish to be killed you will be If you wish to live then you shall live If you try to survive then you shall die And all the world will run and hide Please save us from this stormy tide Ours souls have gone and hate has come Your minds will walk and join as one To fear this pain is true and clear But still you wish to drink that beer Save for time and live for taste Your mind will be a barren waste Drink the blood of a thousand men Taste the foam of your true sin Drink it down Drink it down Let your pain become then drown Drink it down Drink it down Fear yourself and not the pain Drink this drink and go insane You say to me that you will But still you want to go and kill Your body's pain is yours not mine Save yourself and free your mind Try and you shall surly fail Drunk and weary you will cry and flail Drink for me and not for you You speak all that is not true For now I see that it is not you Save for time and live for waste Your min
Pain Redefined
"Pain Redefined" Fading, falling, lost in forever Will I find a way to keep it together? Am I strong enough to last through the weather in the hurricane of my life? Can it be a conscious decision? That I look for ways to alter my vision? Am I speeding towards another collision in the alleyways of my life? Memories don't lie You know better than Memories don't lie You know better than Memories don't lie You know better than Those who have fallen in Memories don't lie You know better than Memories don't lie You know better than Memories don't lie You know better than Those who have fallen in Please believe me That my eyes deceive me? Don't stand me up Just leave me I have fallen again This is the end Pain redefined Shaking, burning up with the fever In the realm of pain, I am the deceiver Now I lie to myself, so I can believe her As she dissembles my life I cannot dispel the illusion All my hopes and dreams are drowned by confusion Can I find a w
Pain Another Poem From Me
Pain No one can see my pain inside and out It hurts like a knife when you do the things you do sharp but yet quick cutting though the body and soul. When steal wraps around your body and breaks bones and sharp pain runs though you You stay strong not to cry but it to much. The pain of the heart when you cant stop the bleeding. You hurt then you get over it but the pain will always be there. The pain in love sucks because you live with it for life and cant get over it Pain my cause anger and anger causes misery. Pain sucks and I know to much about it family friends and people who say they love me Taken from one of my favorite songs a line about pain: Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Three Days GracePain Music Video Codes By Music Pain lyrics Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Caus
Pain And Sorrow
I am beginning to feel that the Gods have cursed my life, everywhere I turn, every time I begin to feel a small measure of joy. Something occurs to damage that or totally destroy it. What in my past has caused this, I know that we pay for and learn from past mistakes on this plane. But, why in the infinite wisdom of the Gods, must it always affect someone else as well? The pains I suffer should be mine and mine alone to face, no one else. I have recently, without choosing to, caused great pain in someone very dear to me. Someone who has touched me deeply and shown me things that have allowed me for the first time to experience a more enriched view of life. My life has always been so very dark and for once I could see the potential of finding true happiness, now I grow concerned because so many causative factors are working to destroy that. I pray the Gods are just testing our resolve, but it is all to familiar to me. I hope the answer comes soon, I am not sure I can b
Pain Of Loosing A Mother My Mothers Last Days
As I sit her alone I start to wander, How can she love me This I ponder Could it be love Or maybe just lust, This I don't know But one it must She intrigues me To no extent, She has my attention For now I am content She enlightens me I don't know why, I haven't the words She caught my eye There are no words To say how I feel, It's in my heart Where it is sealed All I want is to tell you I want to explain, But for now I guess It's just pain
I am pain, it is me. I spent my life with blurred vision, see? Blurred vision from unshed tears, Blurred vision from unsaid fears, Blurred vision from the knife, That will take my life, Blurred vision from the gun pull the trigger, BAM!! Done. Blurred vision from the grave. Blurred life that could have been saved
Pain And Pleasure
Pain and Pleasure I have gripped both The blade and the hilt Of this double-edged sword Of whirlwind emotions That courses through My animated corpse I want this freight train roller coaster To be derailed forever I no longer want To hurt or to be hurt by Myself or anyone else I’m so tired of pain That I am willing To forfeit pleasure To forever escape it.
The Pain Barrier
When you come up againt the pain barrier how do you get through it? Not just a physical pain barrier, but also things like severe boredom or indifference when youre doing some boring?
Pain Form Something Fake
its fake.. not real.. but it hurts still i don't want to be happy i want to be mad i want to be sad i want to scream no trust never trust never say anything good never trust again believe it all lies truths everything just go on believing
Pain In The World
Heart full of hell Room to burn Heart full of something Unclean Dreadful to know Fair in the mirror Hard on the soul They should have known it From birth Pain Had come to this world Crying Pain has come to the world Dying Pain in the world Heart full of sin Breeds so slow Should have killed it from birth This treacherous son Angel of wisdom See how it's grown Agony's bastard of lies Coming down upon Crying Pain has come to the world Dying Pain in the world Heart full of hell Indifferent and cold Heart full of misery's seed You should have learned Hate is your mirror Like it or don't Angel of suffering smiles Coming down from above Crying Pain has come to this world Dying, yea Pain in this world Crying Dying, yea
The Pain Inside
i am in this room alone again your presence is gone and the darkness is moving in i try to resist but your love was the light that kept the darkness out i cant help but feel alone all i have wanted in life was you your love your soft touch and your heart you shared that with me but took it back also taking mine and you broke mine into a thousand small pieces and left me to sit and cry in this darkness and all i can ask is how could you do this to me but i get no answers i was there for you when you needed me the most i never wavered in my love for you and now here i am alone and broken hearted with no answers and nothing but questions and now i have to find a way to put my heart back together and move on because i cant just crawl into the darkness and hide i have to live and you made your choice and you have to live with it but there will always be a spot for you in my heart
I still see your face in my dreams It hurts and it doesn't help at all I still want you in my life as crazy as that seems I want you to catch me when I fall I still remember the first time we met There was something so different about you Your friendship was something I wanted to get That smile when you said hi to me was so new Out of no where i called you on the phone I wanted to sit there and talk to you forever You were so new, so crazy and unknown I just knew that our friendship would never sever Two years and we are barely holding it together What happened to the way this all used to be I never wanted you out of my like ever I sat there for a long time pretending not to see We decided to go out and make it all all right It didn't work out of course we knew it couldn't We couldn't even really stand each others sight It shouldn't end this way but it did and I shouldn't I miss you and everything you were to me Ten years from now we will look back on it
I love this song. It has meaning to me. I have grown over the years and have overcome this. In times of pain, I am reminded but I will never go back. A Baltimore Love Thing (HD DVD Quality) - 50 Cent
Some nights are easy...some a fight, its funny the way...nothing seems right, the bruises hurt...the pains unreal, the hold he has over a chill, she knows its not right...she knows she should fight, walking away that's whats right... turning from him is her fear, she knows upon her leaving...he wont give in, he continues to torment her...throughout her life, in every way possible,till her last breath from life. Copyright ©2009 Stephanie Michelle Herrera
Pain And Suffering
Pain and Suffering I try to hide my pain behind a fake smile many cannot see it for they ignore everything yet those few who care see right through me all the way to my suffering within those few who care is my true love for her I want to be strong not feel the pain I feel yet she has a portal to my soul knows when I am suffering she comforts me with her voice a small part of her lies within my heart she is always with me so when I feel pain and suffering I look to my heart there I find peace for she is with me through it all Christopher Wayne Rhea Copyright ©2009 Christopher Wayne Rhea
'painting' The Stain
'Painting' the Stain They're back. We are again being "entertained" by TV commercials attacking candidate Barack Obama and his 'liberal friends' - Chuck Schumer, Chris Dodd, Joe Biden et al. As usual these commercials never tell us what's wrong with being 'liberal', they just use the phrase in the sneering way they've been using it for 30 years - as an indictment, a slur, a poisonous label signifying anything anyone wants to think of as bad, evil - and worse- UNAMERICAN!!! The slurring began when conservatives started talking about "bleeding heart liberals" who throw money at programs to keep everybody happy…and then progressed to "pinko, Commie liberals". The words of Ronald Reagan, doing the best imitation of a President in modern times and using his "B" movie abilities as an actor to 'communicate' with the right reading of a word or sentence to make sure we get his meaning, simply said that liberals would enslave us in Socialism making government our masters and the masters
Painted Love Letter Box
A hand-painted love letter box, with the look of antique lace. It's easy with paper doilies! Love letters need a special place for safe-keeping. Here is a cozy letter box, with the look of hand-painted, antique lace. It is made easy with paper doily place mats, and a romantic Valentine postcard trimmed with a lace ruffle. Materials Vintage Valentine postcard (Adobe PDF file), printed on heavy photo paper or cardstock. Cardboard cigar box. Embossed paper doily place mats – you might need 3-4. Ruffled lace trim, about 20”. Decoupage medium (like Mod Podge). Spray paint. We used dark red, matte finish. Craft paints. We used pink, yellow, dark green and medium brown for the antiquing wash. Oil or water-based polyurethane. Craft glue. Hot glue gun. Craft knife (or razor blade) and cutting mat. Scissors will work fine. Instructions Spray paint the cigar box with at least two coats, inside and out. let it dry between coats. Carefully cut the lacy border from th
I sit herre engulfed by darkness my soul on fire this pain engulfing me completely adrift in a see of loneliness my heart lies at me feet bleeding with wounds of my own making to sleep the sleep of oblivion to end the suffering walking through each day as if a dream or yet a nightmare when will it end teetering on the brink of a chasm one step only to be completely engulfed in the darkness to feel no pain to end the emptiness
The Pain I Promised You
This is the lyrics to a song I wrote. you got me runnin, hidin, I'm gaged and I'm bound and then you kicked me and left me to bleed on the ground ya want my money then honey, then you go away and when i'm achin to see you, ya say go away. I'm willin to take your tourtued love I'm willin to keep my head above the hate your drowning me in cause your gettin under my skin the pain you promised me..ugh, love ya got me bleeding from your whips and chains and ya keep on playin these foolish games I'm gettin sick and tired of all this abuse cause next time its my time and this ain't no rouse I'm willin to take your tourtued love I'm willin to keep my head above the hate your drowning me in cause your gettin under my skin the pain you promised me..ugh, love now this time I ain't gonna be so nice I'll put your fingers in a vice I'll knock you down on your knees then make you say "PRETTY PLEASE" this time its mine, tatterd love. I'm willin to take your tourtued
I paint you from memory The way you look When you woke up In my arms Sleep gazing your eyes Like a velevet curtain Just waiting to be drawn A yawn peeking out From between your lips Before you pull me close And lose yourself In the smell of my hair Lips pouting into a smile As you tickle my sides You roll on top of me Propped up on your elbows As you lean down to kiss me softly
The Pain I’m In
I know I am a pain, But why does he run. Is it because he has something to hide Or because he is just a good friend I wish I knew because I feel like A piece of paper that keep being trashed But I seem to always blow away I'm sure he's not running, Or at least I hope not Because I'm not sure, But I don't want him to run from me. But to run to me as fast as he can, So we can be happy together. As we live in happiness forever, Please stop the pain.
The Pain Boss, The Pain
This morning I woke up pretty groggy and disoriented, not a big deal for a morning. However, after about five minutes I still felt that way, which usually isn't good. I thought I knew what was coming, but I just had to wait for that one symptom to...ouch, there it is. The sharp stabbing pain on the left side of my head. I have a migraine, yay. I spent about a minute this morning staring at a pair of pants because I wasn't sure if it was the right pair of pants, even though I knew these were the only pair of pants I had like this. Today is going to be a really fun day. Other randoms: I don't like the way my toothpaste/mouthwash mix. It tastes funny. I left my sunglasses somewhere. I hate that. Shampoo doesn't work so well if you have no hair to lather. Finally, I think I may have missed several spots shaving this morning due to not being able to really see out of my left eye. Is it Friday yet? P.S. I can't stand the lady in the "common area" next to my office. Sh
Paint Her Soul
subject: Paint Her Soul post date: 2007-10-05 18:09:51 views: 28 comments: 1 ratings: 0 Paint Her Soul --------------- V.I ---- You wake up hard, and it always seems That your waking life is nothing but a dream The hurts too close, to keep it all inside You hold on anyway, afraid to let love fly B.I ---- Even though she's gone for good, you want her love to show So let down the wall, go ahead and paint her soul CHORUS.I --------- Everything you touch is colored with her love And you know she's watching over from above You're her living canvas, we all see unfold So let down the wall, go ahead and paint her soul V.II ----- The weeks drift by, you're feeling uninspired You move on in a daze, broken down and tired You feel your heavy heart, dragging you down Moving forward but you can't tell where you're bound B.II ----- Trapped within your own mind, there's no place left to go So move beyond the wall, we wanna see you paint her soul CHORUS.I
Its over for us Im at peace now Well peaceful as I can be But your still in my mind It's over for us I'm never going to be the same My life has changed For the good and bad Its like death Both good and bad Bad because it's gone Good cause the suffering is over Connect it with drowing Rough at first Cause your fighting it But once you give in Its then a peaceful ending But if you never loved You have never lived ------------------------ I used to love pain But loseing the one you love Is not the pain to enjoy But as the old saying goes Its better to have loved and lost Then never to have loved at all
The Pain Of Helplessness
The Pain of Helplessness There is pain in my heart for another. I cannot comfort him, I cannot be with him, I share his pain, ease his suffering, show I care. Why must it be so hard? Why did it happen to start with? The unanswerable questions ring out to the stars, and only silence replies with it's smooth sound. I scream with anguish, and the pain of helplessness. "There must be something I can do, mustnt there?" The whimpered query hangs in the air, "please?". But only silence and time remain, once a comforter, the other, a healer. So why am I not comforted, or healed of my pain, and only my misery remains?
Painted Wine Glasses
Painted Wine Glasses Holiday Craft Ideas These painted wine glasses are an easy and classy way to dress up inexpensive clear wine or champagne flutes for your New Year's Eve party! Or, they make a wonderful host/hostess gift to bring if you are attending a party. Anyone can do it, just follow the step by step instructions below. This technique can also be used to decorate the disposable plastic wine or champagne glasses if you use those at your party.
Pains Recognition
Twisting, I wind in through the familiar……. Staring, so strangely Into oblivion Curious…… At this cost? What will be delivered……? If only those words would have meant just a little bit…. More….. .... Now in one breath, one conscious decision I left behind the doubt that hides beneath the burden But in those tears, she cried I could taste her confusion- Behind the bitter sweet taste of regret lies the illusion .... So dream of a place, as you drift away Anywhere at all, anywhere to escape Know now. What was done, for some it is hard to take But for her it truly meant Every god damn thing For her it took Everything….. Away .... Bitter sweet as she shared her thoughts of regret And how she feels like she has…. Nothing to live for, nothing at all left If only at those times, there would be no submission If only in this life, w
Pain Killer
This one is for Gracie Brat 2 oz Pusser's® dark rum 1 oz cream of coconut 4 oz pineapple juice 1 oz orange juice Shake or stir ingredients, and pour over ice in a tall glass. Sprinkle nutmeg on top, and serve. Get numb Grace.
Painless Sleep
silent slumber little one peaceful dreams wrapping you in loving arms no sadness to consume your soul you no longer feel the pain that makes you cry out you are sleeping now so softly you sleep in a dreamless wonderland wrapped in caring arms of people that love you your angles are watching over you as you sleep kissing any tears that fall down you lovely little cheeks they hold you and tell you that all will be alright not letting you feel any sadness inside you will only feel love in a painless world till you are to wake up till then you will sleep softly in a place where angels watch over you as you sleep
The Pain Of Loneliness
by C.A. Pruit How is it possible that one can feel so completely empty in a sea of people? Yet here I am watching as they hurry about, each doing what they've done a thousand times before. I feel the pain of a broken heart as my despair throws me deeper into the abyss. I long for that soul that knows my agony,and is sympathetic to my plea. Where is that spirit that knows my sorrow, that we may share our feelings together? Where is that being who desires to feel compassion and companionship as deeply as I? How I dream of the joy I would feel if only someone understood my need. Someone whose passion and desire is as intense as that which beats within my chest. Yet, my fear prevents me from crying out. I fear being discarded once again. How often I have felt this pain, and yet I subject myself to it's anguish constantly. I am grieved with the thought that unless I announce my presence, I will forever be passed by. I dread the feeling of being unseen
Pain Or Bliss
The past few days when I've gotten online and checked my fubar I've heard a lot of peoples stories. Bartending for so many years I got to the point where I stopped asking if people had some one special and started asking, "what's your love story?" Today I was adding some new quotes to my fubar and some funny pics as well and one thing I noticed is that quotes, by mass majority are about love or heartache. So it made me wonder is there a grey area? You hear people all the time say "I'm happy being single", or "I love being single". But do we really? Or are we singles in heartache? I believe in some way we are. Some more than others. Bottom line, love hurts either way. Whether you're in it or out of it, it hurts you in some way. There is no happy ending all ends in heartache. Whether you lose your love along the way or you spend your whole lives together. Either your crying and moving on to the next or your holding your love on their death bed when you're 80, either way...hea
I still see your face in my dreams It hurts and it doesn't help at all I still want you in my life as crazy as that seems I want you to catch me when I fall I still remember the first time we talked There was something so different about you Your friendship was something I wanted to get That smile when you said hi to me was so new I wanted to sit there and talk to you forever You were so new, so crazy and unknown I just knew that our friendship would never sever What happened to the way this all used to be I never wanted you out of my like ever I sat there for a long time pretending not to see We decided to go out and make it all all right It didn't work out of course we knew it couldn't We couldn't even really stand each others sight It shouldn't end this way but it did and I shouldn't I miss you and everything you were to me Ten years from now we will look back on it all We will be older and finally be able to see That love will stand the test of tim
I have seen and lived enough pain in my life to kill most people... I wake up everyday not knowing how I will make it thru.. I thank GOD and all my TRUE FRIENDS that stand beside me and help me walk this hard road. WITHOUT YOU AND GOD I WOULD NOT MAKE IT!!!!!!
Pain And Suffering Due To Stupidity!
OL dating is it worth the time? I am wonder why do ppl even bother? I tried and all I felt was utter loniness for that person across the country I think it's playing games with your mind and unhealty really....
The Pain I Feel Is Real
my tears and fears are real as real as a self inflected knife wound the tearing of the jagged edge againt my flesh the pretty red flow of warm blood dripping from my body feels the need of the constant pain the need to be wanted really wanted the need to just be held my mind racing with so many thoughts as of way the gods have delt me this mental affair roller coaster the constant urge to cut just to have a different kinda pain releses bad pain and brangs a coffy numb feeling to me as the pretty red flow of warm blood dripping from my body is a calming relaxing comfort ladycaiaigh 3/13/09
Living in the agonizing pain of your memory, not knowing what is to become of this. The floor painted red, a shiny mirror in my hands.
THREE DAYS GRACE "Pain" Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all You're sick of feeling numb You're not the only one I'll take you by the hand And I'll show you a world that you can understand This life is filled with hurt When happiness doesn't work Trust me and take my hand When the lights go out you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Anger and agony Are better than misery Trust me I've got a plan When the lights go off you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing Rathe
You tell me you love me? You say I am what you live for? How can such lies be spewed forth so easily? Every word from your mouth is a falsehood. A corruption of god and man. There is no love. No empathy. No emotion. You are a lifeless soul. Living in an even deader world. Your touch is a curse. Your voice makes me sick. Your eyes are unfilled voids. Your heart is coal to all emotion. Every time you look at me. Your gaze tears my heart asunder. Your kisses are poison. The very reflection of you makes me recoil. You have caused all this. No other. This pain belongs only to your mark.
I feel very compelled to tell you that I feel your pain. Not like others say they do but in the same way with different details. Society only grieves with us for about a week. They then give "us" about another week or two maybe. At this point all is expected to return back to normal. They however fail to realize that we didn't just lose our life partner and part of our soul, but who we were died with them. Every plan, goal and dream included went into the ground as they did. We have to start over and find the "me" without the "us" the whole time having no desire to do so. Nobody unless they have been where we are can fully understand it. They think their words of comfort and encouragement will fix it. In reality all we need is to be held and rocked. No resolutions offered just let us pour out our soul and listen. Let use share memories to give our soul confirmation that we have not lost the only thing we have left of them, their memory. You are not gone until forgotten. Our bi
Painting-poem Written 3/23/09
Words spill out of my mouth like paint onto a canvas The end result will be my self portrait What will I look like to the outside world? Art is what is perceived by the viewer This is why it matters so much what others see Do they see the scars and tear stained face from too much pain on the inside Or do they see the butterfly I have finally become painting a rainbow with my wings For too long the only people in my life commented on the negative never seeing the beauty within Now I am expected to live my life with confidence When I cannot even look at myself in a mirror and be confident that the reflection is really me. A body that compares to those who I longed to emulate all of my life But looks can be deceiving…no one sees the scars or the sadness from the past They are covered by an external picture that is more appealing to view. © Nicole L. Jarvis 3-23-09
Pain can be pain It can be love It can be hate But it cant be pain Hurt can hurt Hurt can bleed Hurt can see But it cant be pain Love can be real Love can be happy Love can be joy But it cant be pain Tears can be happy Tears can be sad Tears can be wet But it cant be pain Blood can be red Blood can be black Blood can leak But it cant be pain Pain can be real Pain can be fake Pain can be me But it cant be pain Thanks for reading
Ok I am in alot of pain and trying to keep up here I dont know if i will be on much more it is really killing me I am to the point that i was B4 and it sucks I hope I dont have to have Surgery again...Omg just venting and in alot of pain!!!
Painting Of Oneself
To paint a true picture of oneself you must use the heart as a brush and your soul as the canvas. By Michael Dougherty
Pain Of Love
As i lie here thinking of what i did wrong. i started thinking of you all alone. like a rose without water u left me alone. 4 some1 to take ur love that is gone. tears roll dwn my face. i hide my eyes in discrase. the day u left. Is when then the pain came. you were the reason i was alive. now ur the reason why i lie awake and cry.
Pain Of Love 2
A waterfall of blood from my hand. god damn wish i was dead. put a bullet in my head. Wishful thinking. life now cascading. my life 4 the taking. broken heart and recreation. a soul not 4 the taking. blinded by the darklight. Soul burns out of sight. Searching the brake of daylight. no comisarating. death by a mental patiant. captured my soul in hells damntion.
the pain was like a sudden release truth bliss found my heart started to pound just by the sound the blood starts to drip i had to get grip teeth start to tare all i could do is stare and open my eyes and Indore this true surprise knowing that the feeling was so strong i knew this emotion i would always hold on. my pain my bliss. the curling of my fist screams i hold back as something holds me back. pain i never knew that this love for you could be so true.  dont even care if i turn black n blue.
What hurts the most is the fact I still breathe. I hate everything about me. I am a wound that forever bleeds. I am forever broken. Never 2 be free. Someone take these chains that bound me and choke me. I hate to say it but I give up. I hate the image I see in the mirror. Forget about me smiling because me being happy is a myth. I will never be that no matter how much you care. This pain I have is too much to bear. I am so lost I can't even shed a tear. If you have a brain you would just give up on me and let me wallow in my self pity and leave me be. For no matter how hard you try to save me there is no chance in hell. I am far beyond help. I'm a waste of time. A hopeless case. I am a black hole nothing is safe around me. Because every time I find happiness it is sucked from me. 26 years of living it is such a waste. I can't even bear to look at myself I am a disgrace. I failed my friends horribly. I know I did. You may think different say what you want. That is why it's a opinion. It
When will this end? Every day I go through the motions, an actor in someone else's life. Then I stop off the stage and my entire world falls apart. I stumble, I fall, and I shatter, broken pieces of me scattered for everyone to see. But they don't do they?
you would think vicoden would stop the pain right....nope... i am hurting so bad right now.... omg....   this is crap.... i hurt eating SOUP
Paint Me A Birmingham
Tracy Lawrence, Paint Me a Birmingham Lyrics Artist: Lawrence Tracy Song: Paint Me a Birmingham Album: Strong He was sittin' there, his brush in hand Paintin' waves as they danced, upon the sand With every stroke, he brought to life The deep blue of the ocean, against the mornin' sky I asked him if he only painted ocean scenes He said for twenty dollars, I’ll paint you anything Could you Paint Me A Birmingham Make it look just the way I planned A little house on the edge of town Porch goin’ all the way around Put her there in the front yard swing Cotton dress make it, early spring For a while she’ll be, mine again If you can Paint Me A Birmingham He looked at me, with knowing eyes Then took a canvas from a bag there by his side Picked up a brush, and said to me Son just where in this picture would you like to be I said if there’s any way you can Could you paint me back into her arms again. Could you Paint Me A Birmingham Make it look just the way I planned
Pain Of Love
Paint For Me
 Paint me a pretty rainbow and color it with reds; Bring to me a dream to spin with golden gilded threads And sing to me a song that lifts and puts on me a smile And when you're walking through my mind, stay in there awhile. Place upon my lips a soft blown kiss and if you'll be so kind; Leave behind a memory to impress upon my mind. Slowly back away from me when walking out the door And tell to me once more, what you're leaving for. Plant a rose of deepest pink to grow outside my window And after removing the thorns; a cutting upon my pillow. Make the moon again to shine and the stars to twinkle; Whisper to me a word of love that brings my eyes to sparkle. Come with me and dance once more; a slow romantic waltz, And p
Pain Of Love
pain of love the pain of being in love with someone that dont share teh same love for you can be more hurtful then being hit by something, but at teh sametime it can make someone stronger also.but there are those of us that it just litteraly kills us.
Pain In The Face Part Two!
So i went to the dentist today to fix my tooth.. and now my face is hurting worse... I was at the dentist 3 hours... and had the maximum amount of novacaine... that means i had over 20 shots in my mouth.... and now the novacaine is wearing off (almost 4 hours later and i am still numb and swollen....) and i can feel every shot spot....   I am hurting again.. and I have to go to work soon... can i cry now?
for lack of better words hurt? devastated dying? aren't we all lonely? every second without her suicidal? i think not coping? medicated happy? far from it sorry? to no end love her? with my all
Paintball Team
Hey whats up? Not much here just decided to start my own blog about my paintball team Assassin Nation. We are a 3 to 7 man woodsball / senario team thats brand new and currently lookin for sponsors or donations to off set the cost of the team. We are currently paying for everything out of pocket. Let me tell you a little about my self. Im going to be 33 next week. Im getting old lol. I was a scout in the army served 1 yr Ramadi Iraq. Now Im out of the military I spend much of my time playing paintball. My team Assassin Nation are in serius need of sponsors to keep the team a float. In we return we would put your company name on our sleve of our jersey and put a link from our website to your.
i sit here alone waiting for hope that one day i'll finally be able to stand up and say no to the one thing in this world that has always had a hold over me. no matter what i do it seems that i will always give in to my heart it has a cotroll over me that i just dont understand i've been hurt so many times by this pain that i live with every day for the past 4 years but how happy i become when she comes back even just to be friends i know ill get hurt every time but i am in love with this person so much i guess im willing to put up with the pain but at least i can feel something in this lonely heart. im 40 and getting older my life is not what i wanted but i deal with it hopeing one day the  one thing in my life i need will finally come true and that one thing is true love as i go thruogh this life i come to realize that some people  will never find that love and im starting to think i am one of those people.  i love this person more then my own life how ez i could give it up just t
I lost my brother in a motorcycle accident almost 2 months ago and the pain is so bad.I didn't get alone with him very well and now I never will have that chance again. So if you have a love one that you are having problems with than do all you can to change things before it is to late.I loved to ride motorcycles and now I have a fear of them that I can not shake. Just seeing one or the sound of one makes me sick to my stomach. I hope that in time this will pass.
you know something so simple as a word can be so god damn complicated and painful, life is all about making mistakes to learn from them and grow into a better person, but how come it has to be so painful to try and deal with and over come i mean yeah it's not spose to be easy but gosh... i have delt with alot of this in the last few weeks and they are all starting to snow ball and headed down a huge long as hilla nd getting way out of control. how can you lvoe something so much and be told to just let go and move on, how can someone be so important to you and they get sick or hurt and we end up so powerless and unprepared? I sometimes wish my name were the true thing and i could just twinkle my nose and make all things bad good, and take all pain away. i guess i have to keep telling myself what my grandmother always told me "what doesn't kill you will only make you stonger" man it's hard to live with that some days...Life is taking many turns for me right now and i feel like the brakes
Pain Nourishes Courage!!!!!
Pain nourishes courage. You can't be brave if you've only had wonderful things happen to you.
Painting Pretty
My husband told me recently that I paint pretty pictures. He did not mean that my still life entitled GRAPEFRUIT ON THE DOOR KNOB was astoundingly beautiful - even if I were to have really painted it (which I did not, alas). He meant that I recounted things in a better light than what truly had a little more shadow to it. I thought this was called OPTIMISM. Like the line I stole from my oldest son - I AM GONNA EAT THIS COAL I GOT FOR CHRISTMAS AND SHIT DIAMONDS!;Obviously the updated, more hardcore (NO PUN INTENDED) version of taking lemons and making lemonade. So this morning I was laying in bed and looking at my husband, and I was struck by the thought that when he was a very old man, and had fought the fights of life and delighted in its gifts, he would look like the picture of Geronimo that I have in my photo gallery. Geronimo is what you shout when you take leaps of faith, off into the space of I SURE HOPE I LAND WELL. I shout Geronimo a lot. Today I am going to paint pretty - GER
Paint Or Penis??
Monica and I are arguing over if this chick has a penis or if it is body paint... I say body paint she says she has a penis LMFAO.. ( i know it's been awhile for her but sheesh) sorry pic is below cause i can't finger out how to put in pic fucking fubar changing shit that aint broke grrrrrrrrrrrrr      
Painting The Stars
I am a professional painter in Upstate Ny, I have just finished painting the house of Stephen Lang. He is a Hollywood actor. He has a movie coming out w/ Johnny Depp in July. It's called Public Enemies.He is also in a new movie called Avatar. Look him up. His family just moved to Kinderhook, NY. How cool is that. I also painted the house of Dr. Shaw who operated on Christopher Reeves after his accident.
Nobody sees deep down Down Inside were the pain is The pain that has caused so much hurt The pain that has caused so much grief The pain for those lost in the months past The pain that everyone thinks is over The pain that stays day after day They ask are you ok?
yesterday is gone, today is here turned back no less, with more i fear the pain and suffering, today i feel no less than yesterday, but more than real once alive, i know no death but dead alive, with no less than one more breath the more thy dead, the less alive a wise man once said take thy chance and live thy dead. walk thy path and thoult shall see one shall die, if thoult live the live meant for me
Pain By The Game
[Chorus: Keyshia Cole] See, ever since the day I got the chance to make a change I've been in this game, it's a new day And I'm making it known 'cause I just want the world to know I'm paying my dues, and I got the utmost, I just wanna let you know I'm payin' homage 'cause you've paved the way for me, yeah [Verse 1: The Game] I swear to God, it feel like every day is my birthday Let the top down, California's my birthplace So I'ma take you there like B.I.G took niggaz to New York "Juicy" had us feeling like we was from New York And that's real shit blazed the Philly It's summertime shout out to Will Smith 'cause who didn�t wanna be the Fresh Prince Flat top, gold chain and some fresh kicks? My nigga Nas told me money make the world go round And Uncle Luke showed me how to make my girl go down I've been around Hip Hop since '85 She had her ups and downs but she stayed alive I used to think LL stood for Love LA He from Queens, how the fuck he put that with Cool J? Red Kangol hat,
It's been three fucking days since sleep has taken me away I found the remedy to erase you from my head I can't find a pulse to feel this I'll never feel again So say your last goodbyes and I'm taking back my sins I'll take back the heart I should have never let, never let you in. So say your last goodbyes, today I'm not coming back I won't crawl back again I never loved you I never cared. I never loved you. You won't fuck the life from me again Now your hands are filthy with narcissistic identities A slave another junkie, you're haunting the streets You're looking to feed But I won't be your carcass, You cant add me to your pile of dead bodies I'm driving the nails through your hands So you can't fuck the life out of me You won't fuck the life out of me You can't fuck the life out of me I never loved You You can't fuck the life out of me You won't fuck the life out of me.
The Pain Of Love
The Pain of Love  Love is great and love is grand, say all the little children walking hand in hand, but love has teeth and love breds pain, just look at what love has lifts your spirts and then crashes them down. It gives you hope, before knocking you down.Love always comes when you exspect it not and leaves you with a vacant hole in your heart.Love will save they all used to say, just to come back and hurt you another day.Love I've held and a Love I tought true, but love walked away again, just to make me feel blue.Love has never brought me once ounce of luck, it just comes in and takes out another chunkLove is great, or doest bring joy.  Love just comes to hurt and play you like a toy.   Love has come to hurt me for the very last time,  i wont let it near enough I wont be that kind. I have got to take a hard stand agisnist all  that pain, if I dont love will come and hurt me again. I once held love in high regard, it always rewards me with a broken heart.   by Bobby Hayn
I'm choosing one hell over another right now. the hell of movin back in with my family, restrictions ranging from eating dinner with them every single night to not dating for at least a year. i will become a prisoner to my own mind. that hell is nothing compared to the pain i feel sitting next to someone i love who can't even hold me when i cry because i have caused him too much pain and cost him too much of himself. i hurt the one person i tried my damnedest not to. i said i never wanted to be the one that caused him misery and i failed in that aspect. he says its for the best, and he probably is right. i don't care about right or wrong at the moment. all i feel is dead inside. my heart is shattered, like humpty dumpty on the fucking wall, it will never be put back together again. he scared me like someone else last year, with all the right words and the ease of which i let myself trust him. i knew it was going to happen this way. i ruin everything. i can't take care of myself on a
PAINShe slowly smiles trying to hide the tears that will betray her,Showing the world how sad she really is.If only if she could smile for real.If only she can  hide it a little longer.She hates for people to see her cry.She doesn’t want anyone to ask her if she is ok.All she ask is to die alone in this cold world All she needs is a sudden death. Something to take this pain away quickly.Maybe if she is lucky,Death will be knocking on her door tonight.If only if that would be true.She knows that she will never be love.There for she will never try to love.The poor girl had been broken.Her poor heart cant take it no more.There are to many pieces to even try to mend Everyday is a count down to end.Everyday she puts on her mask and hides her feelings.Maybe one day someone will see though it.Maybe someday someone could save her.Save her from her pain.Save her from herself.Good bye my loveI am sitting here begging for death Oh please come to me tonightOh when will he put me in my placeA
Pain In The World
Heart full of hell Room to burn Heart full of something Unclean Dreadful to know Fair in the mirror Hard on the soul They should have known it From birth Pain Had come to this world Crying Pain has come to the world Dying Pain in the world Heart full of sin Breeds so slow Should have killed it from birth This treacherous son [ Danzig Lyrics are found on ] Angel of wisdom See how it's grown Agonies bastard of lies Coming - down - upon Crying Pain has come to the world Dying Pain in the world Heart full of hell Indifferent and cold Heart full of misery's seed You should have learned Hate is your mirror Like it or don't Angel of suffering smiles Coming down from above Crying Pain has come to the world Dying Pain in the world
Paintings For The Fallen
I have seem to have lost my path on what is important to me,but I have found a place of focus and this is what I want to do. A project called a A Painting For The Fallen. I want to get the word out to anyone with Who has lost or knows of a fallen troop to contact me so I am able to I do a painting for them.,in between the painting's I am working on.   I will get with my Web Master as soon as I am able, so I can set up a picture to be sent and all the info required. I want to give back at least a little part to those who gave all. I will donate all the supplies and my time, it is just the shipping cost is what I will need. I am literally a starving Artist here. Thank you and pass the word Brandon.
Pain- Same Old Song
music to die for
Pain- Supersonic Bitch
whats in my car
The Pain Begins
I knew it would happen. Fubar became my enemy. Fu has been used against me. They come on here and read thru my thoughts...browse thru my pics and take it all in..just like they did years ago. People you think are close to you will stab you in a second to get what they want. They will take everyone you love more than anyone else in the world and use them against you. It has been done again with the only person I love more than anyone in the world. The only people I have left that I love are my parents and siblings. They took him away from me and left me like a shell... romantic  love does not has always been stolen from me like my I filled it with the person I have always loved and always really did love more than anyone in the world. Now..that person is gone. My heart is ripped again from me... The deaths last year left me hurting. My close family members still flash thru my mind like I just saw them recently. One person was as close as a mother to me and I neve
Pain Is Pleasure
To Her Pain Is Pleasure From the prick of the gun when she gets ink done To the crack of the whip when it meets with her skin She knows no other pleasures She has no other Highs Her drug of choice is deeper then you could ever apply She is like some dark seductive hellion who you love to know Though she has this dark secret no other knows She waits for His commands To order her to obey Him and only Him She feels the soft silk around her wrists and awaits the puriest of pleasures She feels the wind of the whip across her body before it meets it's target For she only knows the truest of pleasures That of which is yielded by His hands , His lips and His body To her ...Pain is Pleasure ....and Pleasure Is Pain.  
It seems the word is not getting out for the Paitnings for the Fallen. Should I try for the spotlight ? Because this is important to me.
Paintings For The Fallen
The following blog is a copy from a friend.. his link is below.. please add, rate, fan, and help support. Please look at his paintings.. they are amazing pieces from a gifted Marine Veteran. ******************************************************* I have seem to have lost my path on what is important to me,but I have found a place of focus and this is what I want to do. A project called a A Painting For The Fallen. I want to get the word out to anyone with Who has lost or knows of a fallen troop to contact me so I am able to I do a painting for them.,in between the painting's I am working on. I will get with my Web Master as soon as I am able, so I can set up a picture to be sent and all the info required. I want to give back at least a little part to those who gave all. I will donate all the supplies and my time, it is just the shipping cost is what I will need. I am literally a starving Artist here. Thank you and pass the word Brandon. $safe_uid_dname@ fub
Pain reminds us that we still feel.Pain tells us we can still love.It shapes us, rips us and drivesus insane.It doesn't have to scar us forever,but justbe a reminder of something we once hand and then lost.Hold your head high and walk with grace and never show the pain on your face.
Pain- She Whipped
Music I love
Pain Of Life!!!
                                                               ~xWICKEDxKINGx~                                           THE ONE MAN AGAINST ALL ODD'S          He 's  now here but in a trans of the past that haunts his thoughts... day by day he        reflects  by the  mirror pushing for the truth? A truth to why so  much pain has        been  sent  for  him 2 deal with?..  though he's made it this far he wonders if it will      ever come to it's end...              ...Placed  in  the  harsh's  reality was the  begining for this young man  I speck  on,       can u  pictuer your world starting out with unspeackable? turTh on sundays was a      escape from the  home known as hell or the daily visits 2 his lil' cuz's 2 play on the         frountier of 2 free the young boys mind. As time pased he grew and the hood     became  something like a home, gangs ,repin the set 2 the fullest came first hand and      easy 2 deal with. a mother who left and a father who was put 2 the payvment
Sweet pain. Something that helps me realize that I am alive. The pain of missing a part of your heart. The pain of a love that could never be. The pain of a broken heart that will never mend. They say that pain is just a weakness leaving the body. So if pain helps my world go round. Then bring on the pain.
    In a darkened room Beyond the reach of God's faith Lies the wounded, the shattered remains of love betrayed And the innocense of a child is bought and sold In the name of the damned The rage of the angels left silent and cold Forgive me please for I know not what I do How can I keep inside the hurt I know is true Tell me when the kiss of love becomes a lie That bears the scar of sin too deep To hide behind this fear of running unto you Please let there be light In a darkened room All the precious times have been put to rest again And the smile of the dawn Brings tainted lust singing my requiem Can I face the day when I'm tortured in my trust And watch it crystalize While my salvation crumples to dust Why can't I steer the ship before it hits the storm I've fallen to the sea but still I swim for shore Tell me when the kiss of love becomes a lie That bears the scar of sin too deep To hide behind this fear of running unto you Please let there be light In a darkened room    WHY DOES LO
I cry all the timeFor reason not knownI search for that girlThe one that is home grownI dream of how she would beAnd how great she will actOne day i will find herI know for sure thats a factI know that when i doAway will go my painUntil that day happensI continue standing in the rain
PainHiding things broken hearts secretsA pain like no other liesAll told to meWhy? Did you enjoy causing this pain What have I done  To make you hate me  this way And cause  this painI wonder now if I can trust you at all You told me liesYou hide things you cause me painYou make me wish I was 6 foot under This pain you caused you just don’t understandThis is not the type of pain you can just forget It takes time to go away
"Pain" Life, always bring the bitter edge of this Viceral Pain, Take it all into yourself.Is this life even consdered sane? It brings you in, grabs at you, tearing. Feeds on Fear. Is living worth the pain? After life, death comes near. It's the one constant, Takes you down. Will is ever end? Bring, bring the pain again Make me bleed, 'till I let this go Take from me, all that I could love Darkness come, release me now You walk through the halls of school, dead to them all. Their actions hurt, but you take it, trying to stand tall You belive in Karma, hoping they get theirs in the end But you also know that they hurt you, making you bend Will this ever end? No end in sight only the familiar hate. Bring, bring the pain again Make me bleed, 'till I let this go Take from me, all that I could love Darkness come, release me now The bell rings, you return home, the darkness seething Still the same. More fights and hate, occasional bleeding These walls should bring solace to you, peace, s
The Pain In Life Hates
The sweet sick sour bitterness love that never settles blowin over hot tea kettles. I find myself sittin here writin doin nothin. While some boring love song roams on. My life is endless & it sucks my world & everyone in it. Grownin anger eyes. I despise see through flies. A whole bunch of speck of lies through hate insights. So much of bullshit the corporation, the pollution that suffercates through the flesh, the sickness that pours in the skin the diseaseness. No one's talkin to the pain i suffer the pain. I feel the distinction the tase i wanna kill. This soul that reaps beneath me. Everyone under me. Everyone that hates me annoys me or i annoy them. Bubblin rage the tickin sound the hallowed ground. The frown on my face that can't be misplaced. Poisoned with lace no trace. Stayin away choppin dead ex's heads off. Watchin the blood spur out their neck for the harm they done to me. Wish that some just die & go away & leave me be with nothin to see again. Shall be nothin more quote t
When everything goes wrong, push! When you wish for something, push! When people don't understand, push. When you wish for love, P-ush U- ntil S-omething H-appens! Love is not about finding the right person, but creating the right relationship. It's not about how much love you have in the beginning but how much love you build till the end, coz love is all there is. Love has its ups and downs, its twists and turns. Love leaves you pain, teaches you until you learn and even if love takes so long, it always takes you to where you belong. Women listen to music because they are in love. Men listen to music because they want to fall in love.
My body goes thru different levels of pain on a daily basis ranging from a 7 to a 10. A year ago, I would pray for a 5, now I pray for a 7, and dread the almighty 10, which is the hospital equivalent of your intestines being ripped from your body as your bran is leaking from your ears. I have not been able to sleep, nor have I been able to get comfortable in bed due to the pain. When this occurs, I often tend to induce pain elsewhere, causing the pain in my back/tailbon/leg to go down a bit. I haven't done this in awhile because I have been happy in my life despite the pain...... but am serously thinking about it again. I can't continue to fight the pain in my normal manner..... which is hide. My father yells at me because I am not sucking it up like he does. My mom yells at me because I am not babying myself like the doctors tell me to. I scream and cry because I feel alone sometimes in this battle. I wish people would just sit back and shut the hell up because even the arguing hurts
Pain   Physical Pain in dreams is an interesting phenomenon. Sometimes, a peculiar sleeping position becomes the trigger event for a painful dream. It's the body's way of saying, Hey stupid, roll over. However, the ability of the brain to produce physical stimuli that match the dream event is an amazing thing. It makes dreams that are emotionally realistic even more real. Many times, the pain sensation is related to a particular facet of body awareness or relationship disparity. Nowhere is this more apparent than in dreams of injury, infection, and amputation where physical sensations accompany visual images. Try to recall where the pain was centered, and relate that body part to aspects of your life that are applicable. Was the pain caused by you, another person, or an object? Was it caused purposefully, or by accident? Did the pain feel so great as though it may lead to amputation, or was it merely a nuisance? Psychological In dreams, we are often faced with dilemmas that cre
"57% of women cheat on their partner"   How can things seem so right and then just fall out of place I felt like you were the one now tears are running down my face I gave you all i had to give I thought i could trust you but you abused what we had I thought what you said was true you hurt me more than you realize far more than i will let you see I would have given my life for you how could you lie to me? I hope you enjoyed your time with him I'm sure it was truely special I wonder if i even crossed your mind you have made my life a living hell you promised it would nnever happen because you had been through the same thing I guess you just forgot that part you forgot about the stinging pain it is hard not to hate you hard to just let go hard to think about the "love" we had I just wanted you to know it hurts everytime i see you out and when i hear those stupid songs it hurts when i find pitcures of us you'll never right these wrongs I felt so comfortable w
The Pain
The pain is in my head The pain is in my hand The pain won't go away It's more than I can stand So I'll take all my pain And I'll make it go away The world fades to black But it won't bring you back
the tears fall like rain,trying to wash away the pain,i try to forget,all the past heartache,lies,death and bullshit, my heart is place on a shelf,i hate myself,there is no one who knws hw i feel,there is no love around for me to feel,i am so empty and lonely,it is the world against me only,i cut  myself as i watch the blood pour,as it falls to the floor,as i look in the mirrorall i see is a tear,tryn to relive my pain,as i slowly go insane,nothing is reasl,ther no luv left to feel!~meow~
Pain And Hurt
If a ladie that's out there that want's to dominate me. I would be her slave.   On the filp side, I am looking for a baby girl looking for daddy.  
Nobody knows its emptyThis smile that i wear,The real 1 is left in the past Bcoz U have left me there.Nobody knows Im cryinThey wont even see my tears,When they think that Im laughingIm still wishing U were here.Nobody knows its painfulThey think that Im strong,They say that this wont kill meBut I wounder if they were wrong.Nobody knows Im prayingThat U will change my mind,They think that I had let U go When U left me behind.Nobody knows I miss U They think I feel set free,But I feel like Im bound with chainsTrapped in the mystery.Nobody know I need U They say I can do it on my own, But they dont know Im cryin When Im all alone.
Nobody knows its emptyThis smile that i wear,The real 1 is left in the past Bcoz U have left me there.Nobody knows Im cryinThey wont even see my tears,When they think that Im laughingIm still wishing U were here.Nobody knows its painfulThey think that Im strong,They say that this wont kill meBut I wounder if they were wrong.Nobody knows Im prayingThat U will change my mind,They think that I had let U go When U left me behind.Nobody knows I miss U They think I feel set free,But I feel like Im bound with chainsTrapped in the mystery.Nobody know I need U They say I can do it on my own, But they dont know Im cryin When Im all alone.
Painful Consequences...
Okay am bored and when I told a friend about this this morning she couldn't stop laughing at the same thing saying OUCH...... Okay every one knows I go commando I hate wearing boxers and my little half inch penis [whistles] hates to feel restrained...So early this morning when I got home I was in a rush to hurry to the store before the sun started coming up... so i took a quick piss...and...and...part of my penis skin got caught in the ZIPPER..fuck I think that hurt more then a fucking paper cut took me a few to get it out, any guy know if that ever happen to ya the last thing ya wanna do is just quickly zip it down..okay and that is the VERY PAINFUL CONSEQUENCES ... of going commando..yea I have issues but whatever that shit hurt lmao
pain is fear leaving the body  
A Pain So Pure
a pain so pure Current mood:  cold Category: Romance and Relationships im fucked up because of what they done to me but i dont express it   i cant i just hold in all my feelings and hope they subsideit never had to be this way but they did it to me anyways so i hope for a better day where this will all go away i cant get away they all wont go away its here to stay with me always wheres the fucking lighti cant see and i feel so alonethe pain itches all over me to my ultimate fantasy here i am this is me if you cant deal with it dont say you love me please help me up and stay with me again dont leave me alone with my insanitywhy cant i feel something but thisi want it to all disappear but it wont happen today please dont  go away this pain is so pure it will kill me im sure cringing as i cry hopeing i will die....
I know that you'll tell me to go to the doctor, but I can't at this time.  I am looking for advice.   Sunday a week ago I quit smoking. I haven't cheated or anything.  Tuesday my breasts started hurting really bad.  Almost like when you're about to start your period. Only I am not due to start my period for 2 more weeks.  Every day they hurt more and more.  I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem...seriously.   Cause this shit hurts like motherfucking hell
Pain / Love
in my life i have been thoght heartache and pain my heart has been ripped out and ripped to pices and then just haned to me to place it back for me to move on to use it to love someone but i found someone who took it and fixed it took my soul and made me feel so great about myself and lets me be myself and will never put me down and will always put me on top and will never hurt me and will always help me in everything i do in life and wants to gave a family with me and loves me for me and will never put me down and u always make me smile and laff and u will never make me cry tears of sadness always tears of joy and i want them to always to be tears of joy being wit u im always will be happy and i know that u feel the same about me        BABY I LOVE U
Pain In Love
How do you get over someone who you are so deeply in love with but come to find out that they are not in love with you at all. how can you help the pain go away. and how do you begin to trust women again if you have been toyed with by so many of them in the same way every time. please leave your thoughts and help me to move on with my life.
Some people feel pain to know they are alive Some people feel pain to hide Some people feel pain so the can fell something Some people cause pain to make their pain less Some people cause pain because it is all they know Some people cause pain because they were told So with all this pain how do you find happiness and joy find the strengh to keep going. It is in the pain I find the will to over come all things that hurt me and smile while i am still in pain
The Pain Never Stops
the pleasure of painthe pain of pleasurethey are one and the samethe sweet lustto give leave to this temptationand the love of self-mutalation
WOW! remembering when Iheld you for the first timein my embraceyour arms wrapped around meyour warm body against mineyour hands caressing meI felt a sweet sensationA sensation my body never feltI felt your soft kisses and tonguefor it was an angel to me God dealtStarting at the top of my earmy body shivered with blissslowly moving down to my neckWe sat on the bed and began to kissmy hands wrapped around your waist my lovethen slowly kissed your silky skinsoftly moving to those piercing breastsMy body tingled, my mind began to spin soon making love so pure and sweetIt had never felt so rightA distant, hidden fantasy of lovenever imagined it would happen that night the day my heart was open by mysoulmate the one that had the key
The Pain Us Women Go Thrue For Men
All hair removal methods have tricked women with their promises of easy,painless removal - The epilady, scissors, razors, Nair and now...the wax.Mynight began as any other normal weeknight. Come home, fix dinner, and playwith the kids. I then had the thought that would ring painfully in my mindfor the next few hours: "Maybe I should pull the waxing kit out of themedicine cabinet." So I headed to the site of my demise: the bathroom.It was one of those "cold wax" kits. No melting a clump of hot wax, you justrub the strips together in your hand, they get warm and you peel them apartand press them to your leg (or wherever else) and you pull the hair rightoff. No muss, no fuss. How hard can it be?I mean, I'm not a Genius, but I am mechanically inclined enough to figurethis out.(YA THINK!?!)So I pull one of the thin strips out. Its two strips facing each other stucktogether. Instead of rubbing them together, my genius kicks in so I get outthe hair dryer and heat it to 1000 degrees.("Cold wax
Pain Of The Night
Watch as this tear falls into empty space See it fall into life's nameless place Can you see the sparkle as it catches the light That sparkle once was happiness that is no longer in sight As it falls watch it, its color has changed From blue to bright red, it has a wide range There it goes all alone, it continues to fall With it, it takes the emotion, the emotion of all Wait, can you hear it? A sob has broke free Has shook the lungs cold, but yet it continues to be Here it comes, a force has been built between the eye A wall of sheer water, it's now time to cry A shudder, a scream, darkness envelops your soul The darkness of the night has taken its toll
The Pain Of Break-up And Aloneness
There's this place in me where your finger tips still rest... your kisses still linger and your whispers softly echo... It's the place where a part of you will forever be a part of me.   Me, I'm scared of everything. I'm scared of who I am, what I saw, what I did, but most of all I'm scared of walking out of this room and never feeling for the rest of my life, the way I felt when I was with you.  The passions we ignited within each other, never to to blaze high again.
A Pain So Pure
a pain so pure Current mood:  cold Category: Romance and Relationships im fucked up because of what they done to me but i dont express it   i cant i just hold in all my feelings and hope they subsideit never had to be this way but they did it to me anyways so i hope for a better day where this will all go away i cant get away they all wont go away its here to stay with me always wheres the fucking lighti cant see and i feel so alonethe pain itches all over me to my ultimate fantasy here i am this is me if you cant deal with it dont say you love me please help me up and stay with me again dont leave me alone with my insanitywhy cant i feel something but thisi want it to all disappear but it wont happen today please dont  go away this pain is so pure it will kill me im sure cringing as i cry hopeing i will die....
Painful Pleasure
  Take from me my most painful pleasures reflections I re-play in my mind of your hands hot upon me pleasing me enticing me engulfing me with torrid yearnings your arms hot upon me
                People tend to love to deeply and hurt just as bad, but that is what makes us human. People tend to push other people away when they were hurt by that person and in the end only hurt themselves. But that is what happens because who wants to be in pain all the time. People also rush into something when they have been hurt just so they don’t feel pain anymore but in the end they only hurt themselves more when that turns bad as well.              No one likes to be lied to and no one wants someone they love lie to them. Normally when someone is lied to they tend to lash out to hurt that person because that entire lie only hurt them.  But the thing is the person who lied knows it hurts the other person and does it to do it because either they were hurt or mad.              When someone is hurt by the one they love with all their heart they tend to get really depressed and either try to get that person back or do something stupid. And worse when that same person see
Pain And Love
Most people tend to think that physical pain and mental anguish is the worst pain a person can feel  but those tend to let u know ur alive and that your human. One of the worst pains one can feel is that of ones heart.  Most say that you can control how your heart behaves but that is untrue. For your heart moves in mysterious ways and no one truly knows what it has in store for us. It causes one to love unconditionally and not to second guess as to the purpose of such an emotion. Everyone wants to be and feel love for that is human nature. But then there is those of us who have been hurt to the point your walkin on egg shells when it comes to anything that deals with love. Many try to explain the way a persons heart moves and does what it does but it is like tryin to explain the mystery of life. No one truly knows but all try to rationally explain it in one form or another. Love that one feels is the purest of all emotions. But so many take that emotion and twist it to suit their purpo
I really think when it comes to medical bills, doctor visists, perscriptions, whatever, you shouldn't have to pay shit until AFTER whatever you had to do/buy that stuff works. And I think for as much money as doctors make, they should bite the bullet if it takes em several tries to figure out the problem, or several medications. I'm tired of hurting all the time. I'm tired of something always being wrong. I hate my chronic migraines. It makes for a tough day each day. It's hard to get things done when your head feels like it weight 100lbs every day trying to hold it up. I'm tired and done with the dentist at this point. I'm in a lot of pain and discomfort from that fucking root canal yesterday. I didn't get any pain medication and it wouldn't have gotten as bad as it did if those assholes would've fixed the problem the first time I went to the dentist a few months ago instead of jerking me around. Between all the times I've been to the dentist for whatever reason the last 2 months, I
Pain By Three Days Grace
Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all You're sick of feeling numb You're not the only one I'll take you by the hand And I'll show you a world that you can understand This life is filled with hurt When happiness doesn't work Trust me and take my hand When the lights go out you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Anger and agony Are better than misery Trust me I've got a plan When the lights go off you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing Rather feel pain I know (I know I know I know I know) That you're woun
pain is n the heart that's where it start's then n ur chest it begins 2 burn n ake n other pain's accur emptyness hit's like a rock but don't stop, love can be joy n happyness if it's truest of love's nothings perfect we'll have are ups n down's, but working through it, we will, no arguing just talking just here 4 1another we stand as 1 helping with everything without hesitation no matter what it is, massage a shoulder just here n always n always here with n open ear an all of r deapest darkest secrets r like n open book nothing shut just opened up.... writtin by RICHARD O C
The shadows of darkess over takes my soul, as the goodness        tries to over power the evil. The shadows are closing in on everything I know. The hatred and killing are all I will ever know. My childhood still rings in my ears as I try to get away from the pain. I stand in the way of all evil and will let no good pass through. The angels tell me to obey, but its hard to believe what they say. Everyday I listen to the good and bad, I try to choose what path I take. Standing outside my body looking in at myself, and wondering            why Iam the way I am.
Pain No More
To everyone that knows me, my bond has been broken, and my heart       torn apart once again. I loved my marine soldier, or was it just the thought of being with him        that made me happiest. I love him now and I love him always even though hes not walking this         earth no more. Life never knows its twists and turns but my heart knows what it feels.  
My life is going pritty good for nowMy girl friend thinks i'am weird butI dont give a fucking dam if i'am.I wish i can change my self dramaticlyBut i cant my last gf carrie betrayed me.,She hurt me more than ever more than amanda willever will.Every fucking time i get pissedI feel death & when i'am not i feeldarkness in my vains.I like to have people read my shitthat i have on myspace so they to can feel my pain inway.I end up with a broken heartevery time i look in to her eyes thinkinwhat i shoulda have done with my life.My life aperntly sucks ass bc i wish mylife would  go better my life is hard at timei really hate it so much. my gf dos not understand howmuch pain i've gone threw.Theres so much sorrow in my lifeI wish it would go away & leave me aloneBut I'am happy for Jenise & Dale i hope theystay together for a long time to come.with love comes pain,but I would rather love,then die with no pain. I would rather die in your armsinsted of some 1 else's. I will keep you for everif you
The Pain Of Love
How can i take the pain awaydoes it grow more and more everyday?I feel it in your voiceI hear it on lineour love can standthe test of timeI want the hurt to go awaybut it seems to buildand get in the way.Yes it effects meas much as it does youhow can it not becauseim so in love with you.This time will go fastat least i wish it willso at last my heartwill be able to feelDont let the pain tear usapart. That is somethingthat has worried me from the start.A start is what we havea future is what we wantand eternity for you and I..
whats the point in living when i cant live a life with you, i want to be ur everything, i want nothing more then to be ur girl, i bleed inside everyday, it hurts all the time i just want to make it go away, nothing will heal this broken heart of mine 
A Painted Romance
As I whisper I love you in your ear.....the wind blows gently through your hair...The smell of roses sets the mood...while a spanish cuarteto plays in the backround in a courtyard that can be seen from the mountain range....This moment shall live and be painted on our hearts of J.E.Bischoff
Pain Pain Go Away
Pain pain go away! Please do not come back another day. Tears falling down my face oh how I wish for his warm embrace. Wonder if he cares about me. Wonder if this is suppose to be. How can he stand there and break my heart How did we allow us to grow so far apart? My dreams of us being happy is not going to come true all I am feeling is down and blue. Pain pain go away bring me back to another day where he loved me and we thought we were meant to be. I will not stop loving you that much is true but I will be stronger in time and not feel so blue. you will always be in my heart even when we are apart. One day I will have that warm embrace and tears will stop flowing down my face. Pain pain go away leave me alone and do not stay.
The Pain, That Hurtz So Sweet
I think about youand I smileI think about youand I wonder how you are isit feels like foreversince I heard your voice danceIm sitting here todaymissing you my friendthe laughteryour smart azz wayzI think about youand I begin to laughremembering our talksand telling you of the lil' stupid things I doI cant think of any other timeI felt full of joyits the little things like thathaving me inspired to all my artistic wayzits some one special like youthat has me dreamingmy heart begins to poundand my mind becomes the rocketand up up up and awayand Im goneIm carried awayto worlds that only the wonder can createtaking me away to a placewhere all the wonderful thoughts liveits not easy, to do this without youits not easy to bring my thoughts to lifeits like as though they only live off your auraits like food to my heartand when its nourishedI am fill with endless emotionlike drowning in the deep dark oceanI think about youand life is as simple as a smilenowsince you have been goneI think about
The Pain Inside Me
I write poetry to soothe my painBecause all the world just seems the sameThis twisting, burning, breakingAll because of one little gameWhat you said to me.How you hurt me so.The cut is just too deep.Deepness scereing into my heart.I want to know why...This pain inside me,Just will not stop.The burning, breaking pain.The cut you left is hard to healAnd i cant seem to stop the bleeding.I hope you are happy now.With the pain you made me feel. 
Painful Pain
the painfull memory of a damge childhood that haunts me like a nightmare destorying me leaving me helpless and weak can't defend for myself because i'm blinded by the hate that runs through my body like a drug being injected into my vains make me not see thing so clear, everthing is so dark when you are all alone with no one to hold you when you are dying on your back laying in a pool of your own blood and have nothing to show for what you did in your life only the mistake you did and the scares you got from the painfull memorys of your childhood nothing seem to make sense to you your inncote is takin from you at a young age each day you face a new challege of what would life throw at you next when will life take you away with just one breath not know what life will do. life play it's sick joke that will haunt us to the day we die and hope that are mistake will not be repeated life painfull memory show me that life is just a dream on the way to death, if this is my hell then give me de
slave_ness2: hi i am slave need a Mistress 4 control me online if u like take me ur slave plz send me PM me: Good for you slave_ness: yes slave_ness: 30 m iran slave_ness: u like control me ? me: Why would I? slave_ness: i want pain me: Then walk in front of a bus slave_ness: ? me: You walk in front of a bus, you'll get hit and there's your pain slave_ness: :| me: You wanted pain. Geesh  
Pain Killers.
I'm counting the flecks in the cement.The odd bits of sandrock that look like asteroidsor displaced cancer.That cold metal taste in the back of my headas your foot grinds into my hairmy nose is numb.My fingers tingle.Everything's getting fuzzywhat little I can see.Red mites, an ant reporting back to base.The stucco of blood and skin on the sidewalk. Last time it was the tiny desert.One, two, six worlds away.Last time it was hot. The kind you cut your hair for.Wild swings, dead flowers on the wall, meat against bone. Staggering into mediocrity.Unremarkable in every category.Except that tear down both shoulders.That burn as you lift off, cut loose, and the cold haze comes over. Don't stop.Til it pools instead of splatters.Til the tingle becomes empty.Til the screaming stops.Til both arms fall off.  
I want to thank a recent experience for teaching me the value of pain and for those that want to claim responsibility for that pain…YOU CAN’T HAVE IT. It is mine and one of the things that this experience has taught me is that these is a side to me that has become en-caged and if you wanted to unlock the darkness inside of me then congratulations for I have come to realise that the one thing that kept Me as Me was my ability to live a life in hope and to dream… I have also come to know that there are several types of death and I have found one of those which is the death of the Spirit and with that death of Spirit comes the realisation that the nicer side of me is no as for helping people in this life right now I am tired of being the nice guy and never achieving even a semblance of the dream that I have been given. So I am going to go through this life just being like every one else as a self centred idiot that thinks of himself before all others
Life has lost meaning This is the end of the begining Love is lost But at what cost As tears run down my face Love is put in its place Out sight out of mind As the regret slowly reminds Me of the lvoe i once knew But when I was alone I flew The pain will always be there As clear as the air As my heart Slowly tears apart Teh tears run down my face Love is put in its place out of mind out of sight Love is no longer Bright Like a star I once followed when left afar Wit hyou heart of black Why would I ever want you back? You caused all this pain MY love for you has been slain But the tears run down my face Love is put in its place Out of sight out of mind I'll allow you to find the pain I feel You'll see it's real You don't have a clue Do you? May all your passions die And you never get your wings to fly As tears run down my face Love is put in its place out of mind out of sight Lets se you win this fight It will be a bloody end As you lose a dear dear friend
I hope no ever reads this , I fill that I am at my wits end. I can not take anymore.  Life will never get better, it never has! I fill as though I will never escape the binds that hold me in hell.  How long must a soul suffer , how long? Crying over all the pain trying to pretend that life will get better yet it never has! They broke me long ago!  Know I have nothing left no heart, no soul no hope and no love! Wishing that the end was near!
Pain Of Missing
Why can't we speak when we have so much to tell? Why can't we write when we have so much in mind? Why can't we sing when there's music in our heart? Why can't we dance when there's rythm in the air? Too many words left unspoken Too many things left undone Why can't it be and why can't we? For all we know this pain deep inside Took the gladness from our heart. Is this the pain of missing the both of us? Is this the reason behind it all? Hear the agony of our heart Longing for love and touch Feeling lips, feeling face Missing kisses and warm embrace. When will the waiting ever be over? For as long as we are apart we can never be whole                                                       I just want you to know                                                That our heart is aching because                                                                                     WE'RE MISSING EACH OTHER!'  
why must i live with this pain, found a person i can not tame. what is there really to gain , i can live with all my pain. thoughts run threw my head, sometimes i wish i were dead. my friend is on the phone,hello fred, he says take a pill and go to bed. that is the last thing to do, because i am not with you. if we were together we would be two,my bottle is empty i took the last few. is that sleep that i see, oh no !!! that can not be. why do i do this to me,going outside to hang from a tree.  pain pain pain everywhere , maybe i should cut my hair, i know you are there , but do you really care .
Sometimes things in life just hurt. No matter how much you try to put them into perspective they just do and there are no words to explain why. What's worse is giving your heart to someone that simply can't give theirs back to you. You try to reason in your mind but the heart has a mind of it's own. You can't fault them for the way they feel because they have reasons of their own but there comes a point in time where you have to begin to think selfishly about your own heart. What makes it worse is when that person you finally give your heart to is also your best friend. You don't want to push too hard and lose that love because you also stand the chance of losing that bond of friendship.  But when the love is one sided I guess sometimes you have to gamble. You then stand at a crossroads because you know this is all you will ever be but try telling that to someone's heart. You can try and turn a blind eye to what you see but it's always there in the back of your mind...sending you littl
The Pain Inside Me
I write poetry to soothe my pain Because all the world just seems the same This twisting, burning, breaking All because of one little game What you said to me. How you hurt me so. The cut is just too deep. Deepness scereing into my heart. I want to know why... This pain inside me, Just will not stop. The burning, breaking pain. The cut you left is hard to heal And i cant seem to stop the bleeding. I hope you are happy now. With the pain you made me feel.
                "PAIN"   I open my eyes. You close them tight Why cant you let go without a fight? You call this the end, I call it the start I swear to god your not very smart. You think you have won just like its a game Thats the mindboggling shit that makes me insane I was never right and you were never wrong But who turned out to be lieing all along.   -Kyle-        
Pain And Sorrow, I Can't Take This No More.
Pain and sorrow, I can't take this no more. screaming in pain on the floor, ripping and tearing out my hair, with tears burning down my face. In a room with only four wall I scream like there was no more. Rage and fear over takes my soul as I pound out my rage and scream out my words with so much hate, that the whole world runs in fear. There is so much darkness with no room for the light to shine through and maybe I don't want it to come true. I rather live in my own world where I can't get hurt and be brused. I don't care if I am missing out, at least I am safe in my own little room of darkness. Where you can't see or hear the pain and sorrow over taking my soul. I have so much hate and rage that even God runs in fear. Maybe I don't care if he can't come through. He took my soul and crushed it through and giving me so little love. Pain and sorrow, I can't take this no more.
Pain And Happiness
looking in the eyes of everyone...seeing the pain they suffer...why can i see this..oh god why do i....i see the pain that people suffer..i feel the pain they have gone through..i can't take this suffering anymorelooking down as i walk through time not wanting to see the pain but can't help but to look upi feel the torment that they feelwhy do i feel this...oh god why can i...i feel the torture that they have been through...i feel the love that they lost...i feel the love that they have..why have me feel the torture and happiness they feel...keep my eyes to the groundbut it don't help cause i can still feel the painwhy me god....i suffered enough on my ownwhy god...why pick me to feel this pain
The Pain Of Losing A Friend
You think back on yesteryears to when you met,The memories come rolling in one by one.Happiest of memories will be forever cherished,for the way that you’ve made me feel special.Now my heart bleeds in its mourning tears,Being felt to the very depths of my very soul.Death’s dark dusk cloaks its shadow over you,Helplessly I stand watching as my heart breaks.To see you swiftly taken away from the world,So young, so innocent—we will all feel a loss.But in our hearts we know this was your destiny,to shine graciously upon us in the heavens above.   written by Sandra Carter aka Dj Chinadoll
Painted Faces
Blocked for photo comments, it has happened to me twice, in a way it is a badge of honor =D
Pain Inside (revised)
Pain Inside In The Shadows Of The Cemetary Where Darkness Collides Lying At The Grave Of My True Love Just To Hear You Talk  Waiting, Yearning For Them To Arise To Once Again Walk Through This World Till Theres No More Pain Inside.   >Blades Of Darkness
Pain - Three Days Grace My Life Story?!?!?
"Pain"Pain, without lovePain, I can't get enoughPain, I like it rough'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at allYou're sick of feeling numbYou're not the only oneI'll take you by the handAnd I'll show you a world that you can understandThis life is filled with hurtWhen happiness doesn't workTrust me and take my handWhen the lights go out you will understandPain, without lovePain, I can't get enoughPain, I like it rough'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at allPain, without lovePain, I can't get enoughPain, I like it rough'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at allAnger and agonyAre better than miseryTrust me I've got a planWhen the lights go off you will understandPain, without lovePain, I can't get enoughPain, I like it rough'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at allPain, without lovePain, I can't get enoughPain, I like it rough'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothingRather feel painI know (I know I know I know I know)That you're woundedYou know (You know you know yo
The pain of being depressedThe pain of supressing my angerThe pain of being aloneThe pain of wanting a shoulder to lean onThe pain of feeling the worldThe pain of being afraidThe pain of worrying how to keep goingThe pain of wondering whyThe pain of not feeling worthy of being happyThe pain of wanting the pain to stopThrough all the pain , one thing remains the same....will it ever change?
Pain, Dreams, The Ethereal
I sit here, virtual pen in hand and set about the task before me. It is not a duty i take lightly. it is my only outlet to adjourn myself to, that will distract my minds eye from the ravages of my person.  The pain rises and ebbs within me as the tide. It crashes against my soul, and just as i feel my self go under it lazily drifts back only to rise again. The points inbetween i have come to think of as my life. How so cruel and merciless a jailor could be within the confines of this form i know not. But, a cruel torturer he certainly seems to be. Thoroughly and effectively, taking pride in his duties so not to dissapoint his quarry. i have sought to have him purged from my kingdom, but the best knights and magicians cannot remove this fallowing character. I am to live with his torment, for it is not fatal, the wounds he causes. Again it rushes over me and again i rally all restraint, and again it crashes taking me down. It is interesting the parley we are willing to particpate in, giv
The Pain
I really wasn't so sure how today was going to go. I was hella worried, I thought that actually when I finally got moving, and went to turn in the few things that I needed to, that I was going to have enough time and not end up running into dickface. Well I was wrong, when we pulled up and I seen the truck sitting there I about flipped. I didn't want to have to deal with him at all!! I went about and did my business thinking that I was going to be able to just get in turn it in, and than go on about our day. Well needless to say he managed to follow me around like a fucking lost puppy, and tried to start shit. I did my best to keep my kuhl. I kept my temper which was a really really good thing. I thought that since we were in a public place that he would just let me be, and go about my business, but that was a big fat NEGATIVE! I couldn't believe the balls that he had to even THINK of wanting to start shit with me. I can say that I didnt allow him to ruin our day, but it did have an im
The Pain Of It Being Over
Pain In Sorrow
my ex just show up with her new bf hinding behind the door a 33 year old woman needs to bring her new bf to see her old one reason how i new there was someone was there was by the shadow of the guy i seen it hurts to know that she had to take it that far she came to take her name off the lease told me to put on some cloths since all i had on was my boxers i told her no and i noticefy the office that tommrow or later on today i wll be over there to take care of it and it makes me think if she ever really did love me maybe it was just a phase either way you would think iam use to pain but it never gets any easier anyways thats what happen today can you belive it and and yet iam still here but with alot of doubts in my head after all i been with this woman off and on for 3 years this is the womani ended up pulling a knife on my ex roommate to protect her this is the woman who i sat in jail for 2 months and was facing prison for this is the woman who i would have bleed and sell my
Pain In The Ass
My 9 year old nephew has this little female friend, that I swear is the most obnoxious kid I've stumbled across in quite some time. The kids start school at 8:30 and can't even be at the school until 8:20, yet every morning she's ringing the doorbell at 7:15 to wake him up and get ready. Fuckin why? When he walks around the house trying to get ready, she follows him everywhere, including attempting to follow him when my sister says she needs to talk to him alone. I'm sorry, but I see no reason she needs to be there that early. She knows on Monday-Wednesday mornings he's at his dad's. Does that stop her from ringing the bell that early? No. Worst part is she'll text him at 6:45 to tell him to be ready when she knows he's there. If he's at his dad's and doesn't text back, she just comes over and rings the bell for no reason. After school when he's with me, my nephew has to do his homework before going out to play. He tells her right away he has to do homework, and she still comes over 5
Never thought I could get hurt and my sprits be broken down so much like they have sense friday... Friday I had been Dating this guy I took a Whole day to go spend with him and the whole time he did nothing but txt and talked on the phone to me yes it was very rude... So of course i was very upset and on the way home i didn't say much we got back to his house he like whats wrong and kept on well I am the type if you keep on i am going to say what i have to say well i told him how i felt he got pissed and about 2 hr after i left he txt me said he done ok not a problem yeah i cared about him but if your going to give up on me that easily then you don't wanna be with me anyways....yeah i was hurt more my feelings then anything but so one of my friends i thought was a good friend but apparently also really could give a shit less about me or he wouldn't of let someone do there kniving bullshit that they done..but anywho i went over there for some conf this person has always been there for
long ago their was this boy, 2 year later he was given a brother only for the brother to die 3 days later.. year later, he was given twin sister, and year after that a half brother.. then 2 years later, a dunbass was getting a trailor ready to move in and was unhooking a stove, while holding a cigarette the stove blew up, blowing this boy out the front door, into sum trees not remembering wat happen, except his legs hangin out of the window of the car on the way to the hospital, where he would leave for aobut a year.. learnin how to walk, talk, and write all over again.. then a few years after that, iwas hit by a truck, while riding his bike.. then when he was 12, his mom took off with a 16 yr old kid takin him with her.. they want to all different places til she ran out of money in this town in texas. so she called her mom(his grandma), and the grandma came and got him, he was traded for a bag of food, and $50.. never to hear from her again, til he was going on 18, and
Pain Life is an unbearable wasteland of misery,upsets and downfalls,small lights of hope,flickering in the distance,an ominous silence,all of a sudden a small perk of happiness,crushed ever so slowly,the pain,the ever so unbearable pain,Pain...given oh so unknowingly,once more your life drops,in to a pit of agony you fall,deeper and deeper still,no one one cares.   Copyright ©2006
"People are afraid of themselves, of their own reality; their feelings most of all. People talk about how great love is, but that's bullshit. Love hurts. Feelings are disturbing. People are taught that pain is evil and dangerous. How can they deal with love if they're afraid to feel? Pain is meant to wake us up. People try to hide their pain. But they're wrong. Pain is something to carry, like a radio. You feel your strength in the experience of pain. It's all in how you carry it. That's what matters. Pain is a feeling. Your feelings are a part of you. Your own reality. If you feel ashamed of them, and hide them, you're letting society destroy your reality. You should stand up for your right to feel your pain."
sometimes past are very painfull being alone is best,coz nobody will hurt you believe in yourself.thats how you will forget past never cry in front person who hurt you.the way to hurt them this by a action which is 'SMILE'  
i want to cry.i have no tears.i want to scream.i have no voice.this is paini want to run.nowhere to run to.i want to be held.i have no friends.i cry.i scream.i run.i am held. for i know pain.i have conquered!
pain is my only gain,pain is my friend,pain so deep and cold,i feel at home with the dark pain,i love pain pain is my friend,pain will bring back my love,pain will give me life once again,pain so deep and cold,is the only way i can have,my love and my friend,pain is the worlds friend,pain shows us if we do wrong,pain shows us who we are,pain is not only in the dark,but in the light as well,pain is so deep and cunning,pain can show me who i am,pain shows the world who we are,pain is my only friend,with out love theres pain,with out anyone theres pain,with out the sun with out the moon,theres pain so as you can see,pain is with us and always will be,pain will never leave its a marriage,its a soul and a part of you,that will never leave,pain is my friend and it is your too....
Painkiller Recalled After Suspected Sabotage
The makers of painkiller Nurofen Plus have recalled the tablets in Britain after anti-psychotic and epilepsy drugs were found to have been placed in packets in acts of suspected sabotage. "Nurofen Plus is being recalled," said a statement on Friday from manufacturer Reckitt Benckiser. "Consumers are being asked to return packs of Nurofen Plus to their nearest pharmacy following five reported cases of other manufacturer's medicines being found in boxes." It added: burberry outlet "Sabotage is suspected and we are working with the police on a formal investigation to find the person or persons responsible." Distribution and manufacture of Nurofen Plus had also been halted while investigations take place, said the company. There had been no serious health consequences for consumers but the manufacturer said it did not want to take any risks when it came to the safety of its products. There are around 250,000 packets of Nurofen Plus currently in customers' hands, the company added. Police i
Pain is painPain is miserable gloryPain stainsLike a sad storyMy pain is miseryLike stinging cutsMy pain controls me.Can you hear itThe sound of my painYou can at least feel itIt's like the presence of rainI hate feeling this wayNeglected and usedBeing emotionally abused.....  
"pain And Misery"
Pain And Misery Are Things No One Person Needs..But Those Things Do Happen And Its Wht Causes The WorldNothing But Confusion...Everyday Events Will Cause These Problems...Stress, Fighting, Death, And Even Luv; All Hve A Certain Effect....If U Look Around U Ppl Get Hurt From Those Every Second...Fighting Can Lead To Stress, Which Will Eventually Lead To Death,Its All Caused B/c The World Refuses To Stop The Bickering Of SmallThings Such As A Boulder From One Place Is On Anothers And Starts A War..The One Thing Tht Causes The Most Pain And Misery Isnt Just Death, But Luv...Why Is It One Can Fall In Luv With Another But Turn Around And Hurt Someone..Yes Luv Is Something Thts Suppose To Be Sacred But No One CanReally Define The True Meaning Of Luv..I Thought I Did At One Time, But It Wasnt It, The Spark Wasnt There Nemore And Then I Got Hurt All B/c The Other Was Hurt As Well...A Person Once Showed Me Tht Its Hard To Move On, And I Understand Every Bit Tht Person Feels. Its Not Uncommo
Pains Of Relationships
Pains of Relationships   Like a thorn brushing against your skin leaving it scratched, and burning but not bleeding is how a short friendship ending feels   Having a thorn scraped against you leaving it stinging, burning and bleeding some is how a longer frienedship or relationship ending feels   Now when you fall in love and it ends that's a different kind of pain It feels like you'll never make it through another day without them   It feels like someone just grabbed your heart out of your chest, body and soul and just chewed it up, ran over it than stabbed it over and over Until there's nothing left but a speck   Scrappy Jan 6.2006   
Have you experienced pain in your life?THE THOUGHT FOR TODAY IS ABOUT LIFE'S PAIN ..."May you find SERENITY and TRANQUILITY in a world you may not always understand. May the PAIN you have known and the CONFLICT you have experienced give you the STRENGTH to walk through life facing each new situation with COURAGE and OPTIMISM.Always know that there are those whose love and understanding WILL ALWAYS BE THERE, even when YOU FEEL MOST ALONE.  Remember the SUNSHINE when the STORM SEEMS UNENDING."MAY A KIND WORD, A REASSURING TOUCH, AND A WARM SMILE BE YOURS EVERY DAY OF YOUR LIFE, AND MAY YOU GIVE THESE GIFTS AS WELL AS RECEIVE THEM!With LOVE and RESPECT my friend, Reginna
Painful Blisss.
If you knew pain like me, maybe you wouldnt be so afraid. Pain is bealtiful in everyway, watch my heart just melt away when you peirce me, burn me, do what you want.. I hear the beat of a thousand songs, my hearts racing.. So what have I become? Sadomasichism takes over my life, and who will be the one to hold the knife? Too afraid of blood and despair. But I love it, listen. Hear the happiness and pleasure in my screams, see the smile benethe my tears.. Pain is beautiful.. I will show you.
Paint Shop Pro....
Do any of you have Corel Paint Shop Pro X2? I got mine years ago and I've lost my serial number for it.    If you have it, could I PLEASE use your number?
Running through the rain fast as I can air burning through my lungs. Mad and disgusted with myself to really think that such a love was mine to be had. Running and feeling the fire once again of rejection, the stab of connection yet again it is not enough. Blinded by the water that cached down my face, the light hurts my head in my darkess of hours. Screaming, pissed at the creator why must I be the ass of every joke, causing others healing and happiness and I have to drown in silence and pain. Running, running away not wanting to feel not wanting to care, what the hell is wrong with wanting someone to love me and not use me. Trust to freely bleed on the grass look to the heavens and laugh as smiling angels come to comfort as I lay here weeping. As they sing their praises of good job, work well done agian I want to scream out my hurt and rage. How many times must I walk this path of rejection, what did I do in a past life so bad that I am punished to only taste love and have it
We can never understand another's pain unless we ourselves have experienced the same exact same type. There is a difference though, everyone's mental anguish is uniquely their own. No one can ever know what someone else goes through in their own head. The torture of coping & over coming if they can, to reach for that small strand of their old selves. Remember to smile because that may be all someone else needs to regain themselves.
 wherever o r,where ever u r,think so, u r going to set sweet example for others
Pain Of The Broken Heart
Tears of blood fall from my broken heartI never thought we would be apartWhen you held me you said "forever"Now that you're gone I know you meant "never"Saying you love me with that look in your eyeAnd that was a cold hearted lieYour tender touch, a soft kissTwo things about you I will missAs I sit here thinking about youMy face is wet with tears past dueI should've cried a long time agoBut I loved you soI know they say love is blindBut I had only you on my mindA hurt so deep it cuts like a knife But wounds heal and I'll go on with my life 
Pain Of Loving You
In the gloom of darkness , praying for sleep.Wanting to erase our final night together.You told me I no longer had your love.That sad night you had cut our tether.You had lied and hurt me once before.Now again you've caused me pain.I believed you when you wanted to return.You told me your love would sustain.Months have passed, now you've called again.Wanting us to talk tomorrow.I said I needed time to think, and to ponder.Seeing you again would revive my sorrow.You called for my answer, hope in your tone.I told you it was not to be.Because of your whims, I've suffered much.It's time my heart is set free.I said "no" to you, and a love without trust.I can't go on with your whimsical ways.You'll hurt others that might love you.Hopefully, I'll find much better days.What I didn't tell you was that I still care.My heart still aches for your gentle touch.I hunger for your comforting arms to hold me.I'll always love you so very very much.
The prettiest smiles hide the deepest secrets. The prettiest eyes have cried the most tears and the kindest hearts have felt the most pain.
Painting The Porch
Painting the Porch A blonde, wanting to earn some money, decided to hire herself out as a handyman-type and started canvassing a wealthy neighborhood. She went to the front door of the first house and asked the owner if he had any jobs for her to do. "Well, you can paint my porch. How much will you charge?" The blonde said, "How about 50 dollars?" The man agreed and told her that the paint and ladders she would need were in the garage. The man's wife, inside the house, heard the conversation and said to her husband, "Does she realize that the porch goes all the way around the house?" The man replied, "She should. She was standing on the porch." A short time later, the blonde came to the door to collect her money. "You're finished already?" he asked. "Yes," the blonde answered, "and I had paint left over, so I gave it two coats." Impressed, the man reached in his pocket for the $50. "And by the way," the blonde added, "that's not a Porch, it's a Ferrari."  
Pain Is So Close To Pleasure - Queen
Ooh, ooh, pain is so close to pleasure, oh yeah, Sunshine and rainy weather go hand in hand together all your life, Ooh, Ooh, pain is so close to pleasure everbody knows, One day we love each other then we're fighting one another all the time, When I was young and just getting started, And people talked to me they sounded broken hearted, Then I grew up and got my imagination And all I wanted was to start a new releation, So in love but love had a bad reaction, I was looking for good old satisfaction, But pain is all I got when all I needed was some love and affection, Ooh, ooh, pain is so close to pleasure, yeah, yeah, Sunshine and rainy weather go hand in hand together all your life, Pain and pleasure, Ooh, Ooh, pain and pleasure, When your plans go wrong and you turn out the light, But inside your mind you have to put up a fight, Where are the answers that we're all searching for, There's nothing in this world to be sure of anymore, But if you're feeling happy someone else is always
i want to paint this weekend  , what color should i use for my living room, any suggestions?
Every day we sit and ponder.  Each day a heart is broken. Some people endure pain and it breaks them right away.  Others endure a pain that no heart or soul should ever imagine.  At some point in time a person will break if it reaches that breaking point of no return.  Some times there is no returning from such pain.  I strive every day to fight through pain that I thought I couldn't even dream up in my worse nightmare.  How far should a person push themselves until they can't push no more?  
Pain Hot stabbing pain in my Womb go away I hate that You are making Me feel this way Odin give Me the strength to fight Send Me the healing light I love my body and all it brings Just take away what stings Oh dear Womb please heal Give me the pleasure to feel a Small baby inside of Me Let Me be the Woman I want to be Hope is all I know To give Me the power to grow. I can't take this pain anymore It's becoming a huge chore I want to be the being I was before Whole and Healthy I don't care about being wealthy Just give Me what I want in the whole wide world A New Baby thats all I want
Paintoy A !! Update!!
It is time to update with some infos and material of my Paintoy A it is the best when she does introduce herself on her own: Hi. My name's Alexandra, but I prefer Alex. I like to read, write, draw, take walks, and have sex. Im quite shy, and pretty reserved. I mostly keep to myself and just stay quiet. I enjoy attention from both the male and female population. I expect that this is going to be pretty difficult and painful, but Im sure Ill get through it. What I love about this is the pain, attention, and how it makes me stronger. I have a greater pain tolerance now. What I like about my Sir is that hes forceful, but hes also understanding. When he wants me to do something, he makes me do it. But there are also times where he will let me rest and do what he wants later. Im looking forward to continuing my training and pleasing my Sir.   Paintoy A just started with her Position training as you all can see:             soon you will find new material and infos ab
People are afraid of themselves, of their own reality; their feelings most of all. People talk about how great love is, but that's bullshit. Love hurts. Feelings are disturbing. People are taught that pain is evil and dangerous. How can they deal with love if they're afraid to feel? Pain is meant to wake us up. People try to hide their pain. But they're wrong. Pain is something to carry, like a radio. You feel your strength in the experience of pain. It's all in how you carry it. That's what matters. Pain is a feeling. Your feelings are a part of you. Your own reality. If you feel ashamed of them, and hide them, you're letting society destroy your reality. You should stand up for your right to feel your pain.
I've noticed a lot of girls one here romanticize pain but I wonder if they would still feal that way if they had to live with it 24/7/365. For people like me that live with chronic pain there are no "Good Days" only "barely bearable" where you plod on and hope to accomplish something to "intolerable" when you just want to give up. The amount of Morphine I take would make most people incapable of stringing together a complete sentence yet for me it just takes enough of the edge off of the pain so I'm not curled up in bed wishing I were dead! Today was the kind of day where it hurt to do anything but some things had to be done. Every pothole was jarring and each accumulated to the last so by the time I was home I just crawled in bed and quit.   Let me try to explain the type of pain I'm talking about. If you've ever head a broken bone you might be able to understand. It's like a break (braket?) that has been healing for about a week or two and then constantly banging it with enough fo
The Pain Of Love
~paint Me White~
Tera wiped the sweat from her brow and turned to look at the clock. 1 P.M. Mike would be home soon for lunch from the office. She put the paint roller in the tray and sat down. The forecast was to be humid and sunny, temperatures in the mid to upper 80’s. She had the fan running and AC on too, but she couldn’t have them on in the room’s she was painting over until she finished. She stepped out of the room and in that instant felt the cool relief of air conditioning. Tera: “Whew! Thank You!” She walked to the bathroom and took the bandana off her head letting her hair fall loose. Since they moved into the new home as a couple they decided on a few changes to the exterior of the home. Landscaping, Paint, and so on. It would be a steady process of course, but one that would benefit them. Tera had since started on re-painting the spare bedrooms, as well as the back deck once she got the proper stain for the wood. Just then her thought chain was broken by the
“People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway.If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway.The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway. For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.”
As some of you have read in my status, I'm in pain. I've been in constant pain for about 3 weeks now.  It started my second week of bowling. Just a dull pain in my lower back/upper leg. Now it feels like my hip is popping out of place every time I walk. I know it's not, but that's the best way to explain it. The more I'm up and moving around the better it feels. However today it's decided to rain. The fucking pressure is killing me. No matter what I do it hurts so bad. I've taken medication for it, but it doesn't work. I can NOT take lortab, which my  Mom offered. Those things knock me out. I was prescribed some 5mg a few years back for a hurt shoulder and I took HALF of one, which is only 2.5mg...I was asleep for 2 days. With the said pressure, my wrist and arm are killing me too. I can't put any pressure in my right hand, my wrist hurts too bad. I kid you not. I went to the store today after work. When I picked up the gallon of milk, I almost dropped it. Ugh.   But all is well. T
Pain In The Ass
Friend: I missed you Me: no one misses a pain in the ass Friend: gay guys do O shit That came out wrong
The Paint. But Golden
PHILADELPHIA -- A lost year has reinvigorated Joe Blanton. Von Miller Jersey . The Phillies right-hander pitched seven-plus strong innings and Placido Polanco homered for his 2,000th career hit to lead Philadelphia to a 5-1 win over the Houston Astros on Monday night. Blanton (4-3) allowed six hits and one run, struck out seven and walked one while pitching in a steady light rain throughout. He continued his solid recent stretch, improving to 3-0 with a 2.10 ERA in his last four starts. "He got there pretty easy," Phillies manager Charlie Manuel said of Blanton reaching the eighth. "Hes pitching real good." Its been quite a turnaround for Blanton, who missed most of last season with an elbow injury that limited him to 41 1/3 innings and eight starts. But the time away proved beneficial -- both physically and mentally. "Physically, I feel better than I have in a couple years and mechanically, too," he said. "Im having fun with the game again. You feel like a kid again after missing so m
Painfully Paved
Driving away from the store, I felt we were saved. But little did I know, it was painfully paved. That road was my path, bitter sweet and long. And in-order to survive it, I would have to be strong. I didn’t understand, the tragic events of that night. As my mother’s tears fell, reliving her fight. The battle she lost, by saving my life. I find myself wondering, if she made the right. Choice, If both of us, would have been better off. If she had just chose to let that, gun go off. My pain would have ended, right then and there. Instead of carrying this burden, around everywhere. I go, in everyone I meet. It all takes me back, to one more defeat. I see everyone, in the same light. Doing as she did, reliving the fight. This war within myself, that cannot be won. Longing for that unconditional love, from someone. Anyone really, but too scared to try. The memories from that night, tell me exactly why. For, if my mother and father, couldn
Pain Pleasure Torment Love.
Kneel, a simple command followed by simple  movment. I can circle this being like preditor to prey like lover to loved slave to master I can hear the breathing as she kneels face down  her pale white skin shivering not of cold nor of fear anticipation "please" its a whisper I hear often  as I circle this pale white body It follows the request  Pain Pleasure torment love. This being in wich I may do as i please Pain pleasure torment love a lash with the whip hard and sift a reminder  a reminder of things to come "please," she whispers a whisper i hear often It follows the request Pain pleasure torment love These are the things the things she comes for the things she craves and needs Desverves and desires these are the things i will give but nothing more pain  pleasure torment  love. Rope meeds whip  Gag meets scream  wax meets skin sweat meets tears  breath gets lost eyes become blind PAIN PLEASURE TORMENT LOVE! but in the end we remain alone. till
Longing"Come to me in my dreams, and thenBy day I shall be well again!For so the night will more than payThe hopeless longing of the day.Come, as thou cam'st a thousand times,A messenger from radiant climes,And smile on thy new world, and beAs kind to others as to me!Or, as thou never cam'st in sooth,Come now, and let me dream it truth,And part my hair, and kiss my brow,And say, My love why sufferest thou?Come to me in my dreams, and thenBy day I shall be well again!For so the night will more than payThe hopeless longing of the day."
The Pain Of Love
The first time I saw you deep inside my heart I knew My heart was only made for you I believed you were my soul mate I thought you felt it too We had great times and made memories I'll never forget You showed me how wonderful love could honestly be You quickly made me see what I was meant to be living for Simply for your smile, your laugh, and your touch But most importantly for ours hearts to be combined as one And for us to show each other a whole new world of love Now you say its over and you need your space You must not see how this is killing me It's leaving my heart feeling like just an empty place I now feel cold and useless instead of warm and alive What use to be my happy life is now just a miserable race I can't stop the tears from overflowing down my face I know I am suppose to forget and try to move on I've cried so many tears now I have so many fears You took my heart and tore it apart I haven't yet learned how I am suppose to get along without you
I Have been having some issues lately..with pain.  Alot to due with kidney crap.. Anyways. monday i  had 2 hr spell of pain at work. I ended up leaving early to go get a cat scan done. Found out a day was due to a cyst on my kidney.  pretty good size but doctor said it looked benign. said it wasnt pushing or blocking anything..and that I can live with it..unless it causes me pain..or problems down  the road.  IF anyone knows me they know I am cheap..and do not go to doctors often because i dont wanna rack up a bill. So I will just let it be.  On another new great dane..domino..whos pregnant got into a fight with bruno 2 days ago. He bit her pretty damn a gash on her snout below her eye.  She instantly got infected the next day.  Today her who face is puffy.  So I have to take her to vet.  So..please keep her in your prayers :D and her babies.. Anyways..this is whats been going on in my life.  Some knew about my pain and such but havnt really had time
Dropped on my right ball. Hurts like a bitch - never dance in ur chair, fellas.
Pain Pain Go Away
Pain pain go away!Please do not come back another day.Tears falling down my faceoh how I wish for his warm embrace.Wonder if he cares about me.Wonder if this is suppose to be.How can he stand there and break my heartHow did we allow us to grow so far apart?My dreams of us being happy is not going to come trueall I am feeling is down and blue.Pain pain go away bring me back to another daywhere he loved me andwe thought we were meant to be. I will not stop loving you that much is truebut I will be stronger in time and not feel so will always be in my hearteven when we are apart.One day I will have that warm embraceand tears will stop flowing down my face.Pain pain go awayleave me alone and do not stay.
The Pain
Blood flowing down my arm heals the pain!Being without you is driving me insane!Your love has gone away and I want it back!Pain in my chest feels like a heart attack!I will love you from the sky down to the sea!You and me baby are so meant to be!I will just sit back and give it some time!I just hope you come back and once again be mine!I want you back to stay forever in my life!In hopes that one day I can make you my beautiful wife!But for right now it feels like we are miles apart!But baby you will always hold the key to my heart!
pain is all i ever felt in my life hurt is all i know tears is all i cry . smile i never knew how to laugh how to smile and or how to love i was never taught those things i was taught to never be happy never speak my mind never stand up for my self i was taught i said something wrong i got beat and thats all i have ever know is pain and hurt . when i was younger everything i did was wrong to my parents my sister and who i was with at the time i spoke something they didnt like i got yelled at or hit i went some were i shouldnt have gone i got yelled at or hit . it seemed like nothing i did was right in there eyes or in there minds i still feel like i have to watch what i do and what i say so i dont get hurt or yelled at again i hide in my shell like a turtle to protect myself from harm . harm from men harm from family and most of all harm from myself iam tired of having to shelid myself hope one day as i grow older i can take my guard down and not be so afraid and not be in so much pain
The Pain Wise Words That Come
When we lose someone we love many emotions kick in. We know not how we should feel.  We become numb and empty inside.  We go through each emotion like it was the last. The pain and the anger and the questions of why keep flooding in.  I have sat here going through the emotions and wondering what what Starbeams really want me to do.  Then last night words from the innocent came back to me.  Several years ago when someone was leaving from a life they didn't want it hurt a little girls heart.  That little girl with tears in her eyes knowing it wouldn't be long look at a friend of mine and said, "The next time it rains you will know an angel got her wings.  The first snow fall you will feel me all around you."  I know deep within my heart that Starbeams only wants me happy.  Even though she has left this life she awaits me and Reaper in the next.  She doesn't wish for tears to fall and us to be sad.  She only wishes for our life to be fullfilled with the happiness that she felt when she le
The Pain Of Love
It was once said, Love was never supposed to hurt. Then why do you keep hitting me, Is it in anger or rage? Or is the trail of bruises you leave, Showing you love me? You left me on the side of the road, Barely alive, close to the edge of death, I could feel the reaper’s icy kiss upon my soul. Battered, beaten and broken, I awoke and the blood I tasted was my own. You think you got the upper hand, Thinking you destroyed me. But here I am, alive and breathing, You didn’t win the fight, I am a survivor of your hell. What you did was wrong, It proved you wasn’t a man.
The Pain Is So Real But An Illusion
As I sit here all alone , wondering where the years have gone..... I've lost the twinkle in my eye and all hope has flown...... I use to laugh , sing & dance . I use to worship but have lost my chance. As I wonder through this maze, looking , begging to find a way .  To excape this harsh reality , even if it's only my mind that goes.  In that finality I can survive , but I promised my kids , I'd fight somehow, All I want to do is return to the dust I was started with ,  But I promised a stupid vow .  How can a woman who has given so much ,  End up without even a human touch ?  My soul is screaming for release , my heart is empty . I truly think I must brake this vow , because the pain  Is waring me down , I just want to fly in the clouds so high , And looks like I'll have to seek the magic somewhere upon  A mountain high .....When all I really want is to finally die. 
Pain But More So How A True Person Who Feels So Hurt How They Talk Themelves With Their Minds Right Out Of True Love When They Put Their Hearts Behind
what did she throw in my face not knowing I would understand because I was more then blind ,,,,,,,,, I wanted to be more then even blind for how many cruel were out there in the world & what was done,,,never thought bad of her and anything she has done in her life,,very few can catch my eyes but can ever even come close to capturing my heart for even just a moment can they but if they do for what ever reason my heart takes that jump & risk,,they 4ever will be in my heart or have just another piece of it then if they leave the sight of my eyes then after they have seen the way my heart and my eyes are for them
Pain, Pain, Go Away
my mind dreams to be from all the hurt I heart beats only to love to replace the love soul yearns to be complete......but only to feel more body cries out in pain......a pain that not even pills can take away...
Pain And Reality
Pain and Reality:   How do you differ the pain of reality from the pain of the mind, I wish I could. Sometimes the pain of the mind overwrites any pain inflicted upon the body. Sometimes it just feels better to self inflict the pain so the mind can rest, so that there is a moment of distraction, a moment of clarity. But then the moment is gone, and it returns. The questions the thoughts, the need to self inflict pain rises again, filling every thought, every notion of common sense is overwritten by a single thought “you need to die” so again pain must be inflicted, be it emotional or physical their must be another moment of clarity, a semblance of peace, a moment of lucidity. So where is the voice of reason? The voice that says you are not to do this, you are not suppose to feel this way, you are not supposed to live with constant pain? What would the rest of the world do? What would you do for a moment of clarity? A moment where you can feel yourself? Without thoughts
How does one continue to live after having lost everything? You may hear the words.. But you cannot understand the sadness. Cannot feel the pain. Cannot hear the screams. And will not ever see the tears...   If you listen.. You may hear the echoes within the cold, broken shell that was once a heart.. It screams out for peace.. To be saved.. Screams that will never be heard...   The depression is a great and terrible all-consuming inferno...   It dwells deep within the darkest of shadows.. corrupting and devouring all that comes within its fiery grasp..
The wall is crashing down... the feeling inside is about to come out... how do I keep it locked in so it don't have to be shown.... the pain the sorrow makes me feel alone... I know some day I'll see you again but it don't help the pain I'm in....         
The Pain Of Breathing
i hear someone telling me to open my eyesso i do and suddenly i'm towing over everythingi look to my reflection and all that i know of me has blurredi squint my eyes to look into myself and i'm small; tiny eveni've faded away and i'm fuzzy like TV staticthe steady thump of my heart hypnotizes mebut i'm still here even though everything i see has become strangely opaqueso i lose all sense of time and sink into the floori try to reach out my arms but i cant moveso i open my mouth to scream but no sound comesi am stuck in a place with no windows or doors and no ceilings or floorsjust this emptiness that suspends me in black and whitei feel no wind, i feel nothing on my skinbut i'm feeling smothered by this and tears well up in my eyesi'm so afraid of myself because this void is my mindwith an occasional glimpse of myself looking distortedin the bottom of a bottle surrounded by memories that are slipping awayand i'm stuck here   and there is nothing to comfort this pain of breathing
“Pain is a pesky part of being human, I've learned it feels like a stab wound to the heart, something I wish we could all do without, in our lives here. Pain is a sudden hurt that can't be escaped. But then I have also learned that because of pain, I can feel the beauty, tenderness, and freedom of healing. Pain feels like a fast stab wound to the heart. But then healing feels like the wind against your face when you are spreading your wings and flying through the air! We may not have wings growing out of our backs, but healing is the closest thing that will give us that wind against our faces.” 
idk whose going read this im just fucking around cuz im bored. i had a tooth ache and fucking dentist took out the wrong tooth. the end
Pain ...
As I sit here with tears streaming down my face all i can say is.. God I am screaming inside.. 
The Pain And The Hurt
A Pain Worse Than Death
The knife becomes cold, sliding across your skin. You feel it sinking deeper in. You can feel your life, slipping away. Dismissing the possibility, you are taking away.   Life became too much, every day was a fight. You just couldn't take anymore that night. Longing and searching, but it just wouldn't end. The pain was too intense, the wounds wouldn't mend.   With everything they stole from you, they are still wanting more. The past is too powerful to ignore. Then that day rolls around, like every year before. And you drop to your knees, from behind a locked door.   You scream out you're sorry, to the one you love the most. Hoping that one day, he can talk to your ghost. Longing for hope, a pain worse than death. Reality has given you, shortness of breath.   Looking at the light, you now see his face. Something too beautiful, for even death to erase. You are not sure how or even when. But suddenly you start breathing again.   The beat becomes stronger, and you
A Pair Of Pants
Pair Of Shoes
An eye witness account from New York City, on a cold day in December, some years ago: A little boy, about 10-years-old, was standing before a shoe store on the roadway, barefooted, peering through the window, and shivering with cold. A lady approached the young boy and said, "My, but you're in such deep thought staring in that window!" "I was asking God to give me a pair of shoes," was the boy's reply. The lady took him by the hand, went into the store, and asked the clerk to get half a dozen pairs of socks for the boy. She then asked if he could give her a basin of water and a towel. He quickly brought them to her. She took the little fellow to the back part of the store and, removing her gloves, knelt down, washed his little feet, and dried them with the towel. By this time, the clerk had returned with the socks. Placing a pair upon the boy's feet, she purchased him a pair of shoes. She tied up the remaining pairs of socks and gave them to him. Sh
A Pair Of Singles
Another one written by Heather and myself. Enjoyment of this confession As mastered in independent sway Brings about fulfillment More subtle than hearts convey A new intervention Revives the mundane Something which did not exist Until one very fine day When not seeking redemption For lessor sins than minds command beauty of an ordinary life Minus conflict and social demand Frees the mind of troubled thought Allowing stilled pain to disband As ego breathes its final gasp A calm and peace arrive And take you to a brand new place Where you're happy and alive Love emimantes from every pore What once was blocked can now soar Sailing smooth on sovereign seas The song, so singularly sweet Cannot compare to the fevered pitch Of when hearts in harmony meet As fear finds it's antidote And love unveils their cure A bliss of shared emotion In this vale of varied time Softly inspires a stirring need and makes the ordinary sublime Tenderly this gen
A Pair Of Irish Ditch Diggers
A pair of Irish ditch diggers were repairing some road damage directly across the street from a house of ill repute. They witnessed a Protestant Minister lurking about, and then ducking into the house. "Would ye look at that, Darby!" said Pat. "What a shameful disgrace, those Protestant Reverends sinning in a house the likes of that place!" They both shook their heads and continued working. A short time later they watched as a Rabbi looked around cautiously and then darted into the house when he was satisfied no one was looking. "Did ya see that, Darby?" Pat asked in shock and disbelief. "Is nothing holy to those Jewish Rabbis? I just cannot understand what the world is coming to these days. A man of the cloth indulging himself in sins of the flesh. T'is a shame, I tell ya!" Not much later a third man, a Catholic Priest, was lurking about the house, looking around to see if any one was watching, then quietly sneaking in. "Oh no, Darby, look!" said Pat,
The Pair-robert Ellis
The Pair Robert Ellis Running Pair He and she Coats of white They live to be A matched set Mates for life Across frozen creeks And fields of white They fear no creature Great or small Side by side They defeat them all Love and devotion Bonded together in this life or the next Always forever Not just bodies But hearts mated too A pair of White Wolves Me...........and you
A Pair Of Ballet Slippers
A Pair Of Ballet Slippers A pair of ballet slippers are all that she needs. To walk on her toes without bending her knees. To dance across the floor feeling as free as a bird. Listening for the crowd to give her a good word.   Dancing on stage while the audience give rave. To her best performance with all the desire she gave. You are feeling good inside for seeing her in all her glory. But when people get home it's a whole nother story.   Then what they read the very next day, that the little girl never made it home not even to play. Another child was stolen in broad daylight. Not even a second thought you will give her tonight.   She taught you joy and laughter and style. In a pair of ballet slippers that was well worth her while. A family in pain from a child they just lost.
Pair Accused Of Stealing, Eating Pet Dog
Pair accused of stealing, eating pet dog Wed Jan 23, 8:30 PM ET Two former golf club employees have been charged with theft and cruelty to animals in the death of a pet dog the owners say was cooked and eaten. An Oahu grand jury indicted Saturnino Palting, 58, and Nelson Domingo, 43, both of Kalihi, after the Moanalua Golf Club fired them as maintenance workers. They are charged with stealing a dog owned by Frank Manuma and his wife, Debbie Weil-Manuma. The 8-month-old German shepherd-Labrador mix named Caddy had been tied up near a maintenance shed on Dec. 16 while Frank Manuma played a round of golf. Manuma said police told him the two men butchered and ate his pet. The charges are both felonies punishable by up to five years in prison and a $10,000 fine. "We're delighted that it's moving forward," Manuma said when told of the grand jury indictments. He said the club had given him permission to bring the dog to the club. Witnesses told golf club officials t
The Pair
The Pair Robert Ellis Running Pair He and she Coats of white They live to be A matched set Mates for life Across frozen creeks And fields of white They fear no creature Great or small Side by side They defeat them all Love and devotion Bonded together in this life or the next Always forever Not just bodies But hearts mated too A pair of White Wolves Me...........and you
A Pair Of Glasses
A Pair Of Glasses A pair of glasses is all that he needs, To see the words that could set him free. But this pair of glasses is a special pair, For all the world to be well aware.   You put them on and the things you see, Will make you want to take them off and run away free. From the darkest of hays and the mist in your way, You find yourself trapped deep in a maze.   With trees that say you better beware, cause with your life we do not care. Watching these trees sway back and forth, as you are praying for this game to abort.   Deep in a maze you find yourself dazed, without any wind these trees will amaze. Spinning you around and around and around, until your mind is as soft as the m
The Pair
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A Pair Of Home Run Droughts With A Three-run Shot That Helped Miami Beat The Washington Nationals 8-2 Tuesday Night
Anaheim, CA (Sports Network) - The Anaheim Ducks signed left wing Jean- Francois Jacques to a one-year contract on Wednesday. The 26-year-old Jacques played in 51 games for the Edmonton Oilers last season, recording four goals and one assist. Selected by Edmonton in the second round (68th overall) of the 2003 NHL Entry Draft, Jacques has nine goals and eight assists in 160 career games with the Oilers. . Home run, home team. Adeiny Hechavarria ended a pair of home run droughts with a three-run shot that helped Miami beat the Washington Nationals 8-2 Tuesday night. . On the eve of the match, assistant coach Jordi Roura was as circumspect about Messis chances as teammate Xavi Hernandez was confident. Roura says Messi is making good progress from a right hamstring injury but that doctors and staff would wait until the final practice session before making their evalu
Paisley Does Dallas
i do.. don't believe me, google it.. yep, that's me, dj paisley amoeba, dj and ex porn star..
Paisley To Quit As First Minister
Paisley to quit as first minister Northern Ireland's first minister Ian Paisley is to stand down from the post in May, he has announced. He also said he would be resigning as leader of the DUP, a party he has led for almost 40 years. He will continue as MP and MLA for North Antrim. Mr Paisley, who will be 82 in April, became first minister in May 2007 following the suspension of direct rule after a period of five years. Peter Robinson, the party's deputy leader, is expected to take his place. "Unionists are no longer protesting against a London/Dublin deal with which we have no truck," Mr Paisley said. "We are inside the building administering British rule over Northern Ireland." Mr Paisley stood down as moderator of the Free Presbyterian Church in January amid concerns about his duel role as the church's leader and first minister. "I came to this decision a few weeks ago when I was thinking very much about the forthcoming investment conference and what w

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