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when you hate me like i do. you hurt and hurt and want it to go away but death is your only option guilt is also the only way.. to die is to rest to rest is to die how much longer till i want to rest my heart and soul outta of this god forsaken world and just stop punishing myself for what i am and are not.. when will it be good enough to just be me without all the pain only they say god can answer these but then how can suicide be illegal if i just want answers???
Pain...without Love
Music Video:PAIN (by Three Days Grace)Music Video Code provided by Video Code Zone surprisingly this sounds like something i'v tried to write when i was younger
Pain Of Losing My Child
In March of 1997, I was pregnant with twins and one twin was pushed against my spine cause the other one absorbed in my uterus but the amniotic sack didn't. They never realized it until it was too late to do anything about it. I went into the hospital 8 weeks early and they were trying to keep the baby in me since the sack that broke was empty there was nothing wrong with the other one to give her a chance to grow. 3 days later, I called the doctors in and said I feel pressure I have to push, they said no you dont she is already out. I was only 16 years old. I was faced already with all the doctors telling me throught the whole thing to abort the pregnancy but like any mother I gave my child the chance that she deserved. Weighing only 2 pounds 10 ounces, she could fit in the palm of my hand and she had hypo plastic left heart syndrome which mean that only the valves on the right side of her heart worked the ones on the left didn't, so once the aeorta closed which is a path to help bloo
why must guys think it's ok to hirt girl's? why is it ok for a guy to hurt a girl but yet it's not ok for a girl to hurt a guy ? why cause so much pain and act like u love some one and tell them u mean it and not really mean it at all that's kinda messed up if u dont mean it dont use the word at all , it's shame how all guys seem to think its ok to do that to a girl and men say they dont understand women well news flash we dont get why would do some of the things that u do or why , u dont have tocome up with lies to kick it be ur self , dont lie cuz no matter wat some way or some how some one will tell that person or that person will find out cuz u will get caught , pain and they say guys really feel it when ? cuz i only see guys hurtin girls or cheatin on them or just flat out messing with there heart , yea and when do u ever hear about a girl hurtin a guy , well for me never still waiting to hear one story about a girl hurtin a guy , yea and thats after the fact that he cheated on o
The Pain Is Setting In...
the pain is settin in it feels like someones stabbin me in the head with a ice pick anf for variety somtimes using a pickaxe its gettin worse now help will not come its time to stop the maddness that tha pain brings but the pain is building growing evermore powerful by the second it is comming and i cant stop it...
Pain In The Ass Doctors
I am sick and tired to doctors playing the guessing game with me! I had an endoscope done and the doctor said my problem was a severe stomache spasm. So he put me on levbid to stop the spasms. It worked for the first couple of day, but not anymore. I am in constant pain again. Why can't they get anything right? Why do I have to suffer while they "play" doctor? I don't know what to do anymore. I'm sick of this.Grrrrrrrrrrr.....*shakes fist in anger*
The Pain
A small tear in my eyes, A little pain in my heart........... Its nothing............. But, It's too much.
Pain Loving Cum Slut
Your cock is soft and wet. Sweat covers every inch of your body as you lay back and catch your breath. You open your eyes and look down to the other end of the bed. I am there, naked, soaked with sweat. Frothy white cunt juice covers my legs and cunt. I am sitting in a pool of my own piss and cum, desperately scraping your cum off my face and into my mouth. You can't believe what a nasty fucking cumslut I am, the crazed look in my eyes as I try to find more of your cum to suck down. Too soon, there is no more for me to eat. Panic starts to set in inside me as I realize that there is no more. The sick fuckpig inside me that drives me on an on still needs more. You've been fucking me like an animal for hours. You've pounded my mouth, pussy and ass with your huge, hard cock until you thought they would break, but somehow I still need more.I start to crawl up your leg, heading straight for your cock again, begging you for more, telling you that I'll do anything for just a little more. You'
When they first told me about you My heart fell to the floor And my eyes filled up with tears My life would be forever changed How could YOU GAVIN Cause so much love and pain I didn't know what to do All I knew was that I loved you Choices came before me All that other people had done What would be best for me But all I could think of was you Preparations were being made As I got more and more sick I didn't know how to help myself But I knew I was hurting you Rushing into the hospital Pain shooting through my body I knew something was wrong I knew you were leaving me They held my hand all the while Hoping to ease my pain But never have they felt my loss They would never understand I wonder now what would have been How would my life be different What would you look like? I know one day I'll meet you My God will give me this Until then I love you I can't wait to be with you again.
The pain of the world crashing around, feeling all spaces and voids in heart so black and cold that u stop and wonder what happened 2 the real person that used 2 be there on the inside wondering why did they change so much in the world full of hate and pain why??? i used 2 think that the pain of this world would make me end my own life then it was time 2 fight or give up and let it take me over so many people in this world come to the same reasoning and have desided 2 end the pain and suffing thinking and wondering why there life is so bad im sry but there is much worst out there and i realised this a long time ago thru pain and heart break... so in this anyone who reads this please realise that no matter whats happening there is always somebody there and thats God!!!!
Pain Without Love..
Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all You're sick of feeling numb You're not the only one I'll take you by the hand And I'll show you a world that you can understand This life is filled with hurt When happiness doesn't work Trust me and take my hand When the lights go out you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Anger and agony Are better than misery Trust me I've got a plan When the lights go off you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing Rather feel pain I know (I know
I jump in the mosh pit, but I'm alone Between 4 trees I get it on My brain is hemorrhaging, it's them or me It ain't easy knocking over a tree (I pass out) I wake up the room is padded It would appear I've had it But hold up Close rip, wrap them around my neck And choke myself to death, no breath Now I'm out, I'm strapped down Wait, I can still move my head around I got about 4 inches between the back of my head And the metal gurney bed BOOM! Slamming it, retractions BOOM! I feel the back of my skull is cracking BOOM! A broken bone is piercing my brain And oh, I just hammered it in...
Paint Ball Insight
THIS WAS SENT TO ME BY MY DEAR FRIEND LOPAKA(LOCALBOY). HE WANTED TO SHARE THIS WITH EVERYONE BUT CANT POST BLOGS AT THE MOMENT. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE PICS OF THE SPORT-PAINTBALL- PLZ CHECK OUT HIS PROFILE PICS. IT LOOKS LIKE AN AWESOME SPORT TO GET INTO. CHECK HIS PROFILE OUT. HE'S AN AWESOME FRIEND AND WOULD ALSO MAKE YOU AN AWESOME FRIEND.. > > > even if you don't know about or don't like's pretty deep... > "It happens on a random Monday. Coming back from an event or late on a Sunday night, right before you get on the plane and your about to be frisked for the third time. Your driving...your flying....your sitting in an airport seat with boys from the team. Your drinking stale coffee trying to stay awake. Your explaining a fat welt on the side of your neck to a confused stranger or a best friend.....or running through the sidewalk at LAX trying to catch a plane. Your coming back to the other life....the one without paintball. Where no one understands why
The Pain : [
you reach into my chest as you wrap your grimy fingers around my heart, I can feel the seering pain race through my body as you slowly rip me apart. The smell of my own burnt flesh brings tears to my eyes, I can not fathom which is worse my dying heart or all your filthy lies. Your heart wrenching words of your forever undying love, Have like your soul floated to the devil who is now your god above. I can still see that angelic look on your face when you would give me a surprise, But what I see now brings from my throat a horrific cry. As your evil laugh penetrates me right down to my very bone, I can sense, even feel your heart turn to an unbreakable stone. The man I once loved has forced me down onto my knees, But before I take my last dying breath the world slows and I can see all the blossoms bloom on the trees. I slowly close my eyes I can see your hand holding my broken bleeding heart, As my lifeless body falls I can see god smile down upon me
Pain I see you lying there I look close no movement. Then I see you blink your eyes. I say is there pain. Nothing I hear nothing come from your mouth. All I hear is silence. Then I continue to ask is there pain. And again nothing not a word is uttered from your mouth. Finally I ask again you don’t speak. When I look up at you I feel you squeeze my hand. I then see all the pain on your face. The way it has your face lit up. I then ask myself why do you have to have pain. Then the pain gets so intense that you cant breath. It’s almost like the breath is being taken from you. When you see someone you love going thru that it takes your breath away. I constantly ask why all this pain. For some people the pain is so intense that they just give up. They think that there is no answer for them. That there’s no hope that no one can help. I lie my head down and later I am awoke to screams and cries. I walk down the hallway and go into
"Pain" Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all You're sick of feeling numb You're not the only one I'll take you by the hand And I'll show you a world that you can understand This life is filled with hurt When happiness doesn't work Trust me and take my hand When the lights go out you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Anger and agony Are better than misery Trust me I've got a plan When the lights go off you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing Rather feel pain I kno
Pain Of A Mother
I can see him there just lying on the couch, He may look dead to anyone but hes just strung out. Let me tell you about the life of a junky, I promise it won't be to long, How it all happens is very fast, so many things gone wrong. He was such a bright young man whos days went by ever so slow, The brightest one in his class always the star of the show. Everything he touched just instantly turned to high polished gold, His future was so bright he would still be popular even during his days of old. But one day the bright sky of blue started to give way to the darkness of night, The flames of his passions were not there, he started to stray from the light. He came home one day and looked like his life had been bled dry from his body, He stopped caring for things, he never bothered finishing his black belt for karate. His eyes were an unnatural color of dark crimson red, He stopped putting up his shades, he never got out of bed. He dropped out of sc
Pain Lyrics
THREE DAYS GRACE LYRICS "Pain" Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all You're sick of feeling numb You're not the only one I'll take you by the hand And I'll show you a world that you can understand This life is filled with hurt When happiness doesn't work Trust me and take my hand When the lights go out you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Anger and agony Are better than misery Trust me I've got a plan When the lights go off you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing
Painful Bliss
Painful Bliss My soul is constricted with anxiety your cruelty is shown by your lack of propriety. Might I ask just one question please? What is it that you see that beckons you to the sea? The sea of everlasting pain in which you are condemning the less fortunate so no happiness remains. You laugh in the face of death and cry when all is found what keeps your world turning round? I have no pity for your broken soul you made others unhappy now you must pay the toll. Eyes once filled with joy now a picture of pain the tears you cry becoming the rain. You are filled with regret as you make the journey to hell pondering your fate as you sit in your jail cell. No one will rescue you now a mountain can simply not bow to the wind as it sings its song of penance. Happiness lost in every continuing sentence. The joyous moments of your life gives you a kiss goodbye now painful bliss will never die. You will always find comfort in lies. Yes p
hopeing one day to be save from my darkness and be saved from the notheness that i become MY heart is frozen in a world full of pain and notheness. a fake smile to hide the pain and tears that i cry . i am so numb so i cant feel the hurtful words that he says . he always taken a part of me. every time i start to believe my life will get better, he pulls me back into the notheness were he wants me to be , he would rather see me in pain . then see me be the person i long to be cant he see he's killing me,
I have fallen in to a creative mood. Yay! I just finished a painting today that I had started a while back. I am pretty happy with how it turned out. Its actually not abstract so it is a bit unusual for me, lol. I will put a pic up once I get around to taking one.
Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all... You're sick of feeling numb You're not the only one I'll take you by the hand And I'll show you a world that you can understand This life is filled with hurt When happiness doesn't work Trust me and take my hand When the lights go out you'll understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Anger and agony Are better than misery Trust me I've got a plan When the lights go off you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing Rather feel pain I know (I know) I know (I know) I know That you'
well it freakin started again. i'm sure i've said something to the fact that i have chronic pelvic pain in other blogs. for the record i'm not writing this so everyone in the world can see my problems, it's kind of my diary. anyways my pain started yesterday and it sucks! it's a good think i don't have to work till monday lol. I hope i can get into the doctor soon! i'm gonna need some kind of pain meds if i'm gonna be able to work. seems to always help if i can have some sort of pain pill. i was scared when they put me on vicadin and then they put me on loratab's. i'm scared that i could get addicted to them so who knows guess we'll see huh?
Before every game the call is made. . . The crowd gets quiet. . . 10 seconds.... You're team is all around you. You'd trust these people with your life. 9 seconds.... Your marker is in your hands; you control it. It won't laugh at you, won't look down at you. 8 seconds.... Pods are filled, hoppers loaded. 7 Seconds.... You're focused. There is nothing else but now. The world outside of the field seems to disolve. 6 Seconds.... You know where everyone is going, you know where you are going: you and you're team are connected, are one. 5 Seconds.... You can't do this alone, everyone is in it for everyone else.. .there is no hero, only heros. 4 Seconds.... You're heart starts pounding, you dig your cleats into the dirt and lower your head.... 3 Seconds.... This is what it is all about. This is what you live for, you breathe for. 2 Seconds.... Every waking moment is spent anticipating what is about to come... 1 Second.... No turning back. With all your
The Pain Of Loss Is Just To Much I don't understand, The pain of loss is to much. Is that why I can't say sorry, The pain of loss is to much. I still love him, The pain of loss is to much. He gives me pain, The pain of loss is to much. I sense in coming, The pain of loss is to much. The pain to me, From him, The pain of loss is just to much. Kiva Forsmark
The Pain Of Parents
why do they always ask stupid question? they bull shit and worry about crazy shit i wish i would have moved out and never came back what bull shit
A Painting Called Mankind
  A Painting Called Mankind     Mountains of egos,Waterfalls of Greed,Rivers of Blood,Out in oceans of graveyards. All behind,A painting called ManKind.   Copyright © 2006 by C Hottran
Pain Redefined
Failing, falling, lost in forever Will I find a way to keep it together? Am I strong enough to last through the weather in the hurricane of my life? Can it be a conscious decision? Are the rightful ways to alter my vision? Am I speeding towards another collision in the early breeze of my life? Memories don't lie You're no better than Memories don't lie You're no better than Memories don't lie You're no better than Those who have fallen And memories don't lie You're no better than Memories don't lie You're no better than Memories don't lie You're no better than Those who have fallen And please believe me That my eyes deceive me Don't stand me up Just leave me I have fallen again This is the end Pain redefined Shaking, burning up with the fever In the realm of pain, I am the deceiver I will lie to myself, so I can believe her As she dissembles my life I cannot dispel the illusion All my hopes and dreams are drowned by confusion Can I find a way to m
The Pain
The Pain I shed a tear for that which was, and what shall never be. A dream struck down before the dawn, unfettered love be free. I walk my life on precipice edge, like tightrope walker without his net. Waiting for the fall to come, where life and love be met. This meeting with life's reality, shall tear me all asunder. Rip my heart out from my breast, how can love hurt, I wonder. But as in wounds, so heals my heart, and I shall move along dear. On down that lonely road of life, away from you I fear. Kevin F. Dustin
"painted Smile" - Moody Blues
I can sing I can dance Just give me a chance To do my turn for you There's a change i'll slip But with stiff upper lip I'll sing a song for you Laughter is free But it's so hard to be a jester All the time And no one's believing I'm the same when i'm bleeding And i hurt all the time deep inside I've shed a tear for the lying While everyday trying to Paint this smile for you Backflips, cartwheelings, Somersault feelings What is there left to do Laughter is free But it's so hard for me, A jester all the time No one's believing I'm the same when i'm bleeding And i hurt all the time deep inside Roll up, roll up Enjoy the show Pick me up, wind me up, put me down You'll see me go And this painted smile May miss for a while Then come back and steal your show I sing, i dance Give me a change to do my turn for you With backflips, cartwheelings, Somersault feelings What's there left to do Laughter is free But it's so hard to be a jester All the time
The Pain Of Love
Standing here all on my own, watching life go by, taking in those dreadful words, ...a tear drops from my eye, I stood there as i watched you run, and waited for the pain, love can be a painful thing, you used my love in vain, Why'd you leave me here to cry?, our love had felt so...right, why'd you go and break my heart, just like you did that night, let me kiss your lips once more, so I can see it's true, help me see your love is gone, that I can't be with you, don't leave me here to fall apart, to watch you fade away, tell me how you really feel, and why you just won't stay, I never thought I'd cry so much, I want to see this through... although you'll never feel for me..... I always will love you. By. Mark Havens
The Pain I Feel Is Real
The Pain I Feel Is Real My love for you was so strong....But not strong enough to hold you .... Here in my arms Is where I thought you belonged... I never knew love could hurt so much , Until you was gone .. I realize now it was only a dream.. something I made up in my head.. The thought of loving you and you loving me.. How happy It could be .. holding you close every night .. never wanting you out of my sight .. Loving you with my heart and my soul .. never wanting to let go .. It was that feeling that I had .. that needing to be loved .. And instead I end up sad.. And alone .. And very cold... It hurts to even think now ... It hurts so much .. How could I not know .. That your love was never there for me.. How could I not see .. One thing I know for sure ..... This pain that I feel is real.. For me .. (@)}---'--,--'-- ***Babyyy*** (@)}---'--,--'--
PAIN .... I can't believe this .. You've just ripped out my heart ..I've always told you the truth .. Right form the start ..I told you how I was .. Who I was .. I never held anything back.. I thought you were the same .. I didn't know this was just a game ..I felt my love for you grow .. I wanted to know how you felt about me I just had to Know ..I was afraid to know the truth .. I was afraid if I pushed you,you would go away... And I would be left here feeling this pain that I am feeling now..You got so close to me .. And to my kids .. what was you thinking ..How could you not see how this was going to hurt us all...You didn't really feel any love for me right ..I know you said those words ( I love you San ) I can still hear them now ..I feel like I can't breath .. Tears flooding my eyes I can't stop the crying .... Or the pain in my heart .. How could loving you lead to feeling this way .. Wanting to die inside .. Having to wake up to face another day .. Alone ..So much more alon
The Pain
ok i cut my eyebrow really good and deep about a year and a half ago and ever watch in a will it hurt like its a new cut well it has not hurt 4 the last 4 month or so i 4 get about it in tell the last week when one day it started to hurt again with i told u that to tel u thing i have a hernia scar that all out of now where started to hurt it only hurt where the scar is and now where else it hurt 4 about 4 or 5 mins like some one was cutting it open i love my scar but i hate that they hurt and my eye one cheeps hurting ans id right now
My feet hurt. My throat hurts. My eyes hurt. Im tired as fuck. It was the longest day in history. Not only did i have to work at the hospital but i had to work at my retail job. OMFG black friday. I HATE IT. I will NEVER EVER work on this day again. Ever. I refuse. And then so many people where in the emergency room i just wanted to cry. Im suppose to take gabby to the parade tonight but hahahaha. Thats just NOT happening i dont think. Im to tired. And i hurt. Everywhere. I want to lay in my bed. And just Lay there. Uh huh. Nothing else matters but my resting. Haha. So my hands are shakey. I need to do more christmas shopping. I need to get a drink haha. Ill stop bitching now. I really gotta do laundry. None of my clothes are clean. Ive got work on sunday. Tired of listening to me yet? Oh and today made me realize imh imh imh omfg imh. ♥ It was cute though. Im not even getting into it. I HATE ignorant people. More than i hate assholes. I have never met so many rude peop
It comes so inossent and so true One person good the other one blue. Pain could be anger it could really hurt, it could be been kicked in the head or thrown in the durt. Pain comes so quickly without no refrain, as long as you hurt you'll still have Pain.....
The Pain In My Heart
The pain in my heart was caused by betrayal. Betrayal of love or was it lust. It was caused by man who only loved himself. This is the worst love of all. Because you raise and you fall. You satisfy his every need and desire Hoping that you can hold on to the fire. The flame is dimming slowly. As you know that flame is dying You keep on flying. The higher you fly the less you can see. So now your blind and can't see a thing. But he is climbing to better sites with more heights. As you try to hold on he lets go and before you know it your all alone. Copyright ©2005 ALA --------------------------------------------------------------
Paint Me The Color Of Insanity, The Color Of Rage
She was leaning against the wall Blood soaked as it was She leaned Against it Cigarette inbetween her Finger...sss {Poison never looked so sinful} and she was Shouting in her hysteria {Upper lip lowered to hide her ... curse} But like I said She was shouting To the world To the moon To our Gods That the Apocalypse is coming And she'd be damned Before it takes her And fucks her Over and over and over and over Her exact words And they stung They stung hard and Can you believe it That I believed them? Not only did I believe it {Them, it, whatever} I believed Every.single.word. Naivety becomes you It does but Let's go back To the time when I stepped into the Lion...ess' den I figured she was a Painter {More like a Demon, a God} A painter let loose from the mental hospital {Hell} too soon and that her only therapy her psychotherapy was painting the walls in a mad frenzy (of red -- the color of rage) to hide her insanity (or sh
I don't drink to forget i drink so i can suffer twice as much cuz in this world of pain nothing breaks the memory of your touch what was i thinking i should have kept drinking to flood you face from my mind but now it's over and i'm sober enough to know you fucked my mind love can seem like slow death if it's not returned you will feel your body and soul start to burn with desire and unrelenting pain the tears they cloud my eyes i bite my tongue till i taste my blood so you won't hear my cries hiding in my private darkness i put you out of my mind my fear of death being overcome by my hatred for this life
Feeling so much pain inside and out wanting people to just understand even times I scream and shout I feel noone holds my hand anger takes a hold of me me fighting with all my might why can't the demons let me be I have no energy left to fight The times I feel i need someone the most have my back is what they should do instead it is a "ME" roast how about walk ONE day in my shoes? I will make it I know I can alone if I have to I will prove I never RAN and get stronger through and through Elizabeth 11/30/06
So I have been really depressed as of late...and wanting to go back to cutting. It's been three years since the last time I cut myself, and I want to do it again...there would only be one person who would find out about it...because they would end up seeing the cuts... I am so sick of people. They're your friends then not then your friends is most annoying. There are people I don't even really talk to anymore that I have known for years and years...sadly enough I don't even give a shit anymore. I'm pretty sure they know who they are. I swear I'm on the verge of a break down, we just found out my only brother is going to Iraq.... Now all I have to say to everyone is to fucking bring it on, I'm numb and don't give a shit anymore. Numb - Pink No sleep, no sex for you from your ex-girlfriend I was too deep can't let you call me just jump in2 At times I would push my feelings aside to let you feel I'm novocaine I'm numb and nothing's real Like the coldest win
Pain 2
"PAINT" sitting here thinking alone with the sounds mezmerizing my mind surrounded by everybody but yet still by myself my thoughts the wind music the end the beginning what will it be old or new me or you fast or slow how should i know could this really be are we free is this all just art for you and me it could be a beautifull painting a piece fo blank canvas ready to be stained or is it better plain i can't stand it i must know where will we go when this painting is through what wall will we hang on or will the art be gone will it be strong and last for long or will it fall on the floor to get stepped on trampled under foot boot after boot to be turned into root these questions we'll never know untill it's time to go so i'll just follow the road and let it lead me where it knows i should go lifes a painting let the paint flow Jo$hua
Pain In My Eyes
If I was who I wanted to be Then a different women would be standin before you Not known where im goin but ashamed of where I been Too afraid to go back there again Cant escape from a past riddled with sin You gotta be strong is what they say to me God forgives but depends if you believe Sometimes I think there is no hope for me My pedigree says im headed to the penitentiary And if I dont keep my head above water Then I fear for the slaughter The rath of the demon inside me That comes from the dark place that arose from the tragedy The pain that has scattered me the pain In my soul Lets me know that the women in the mirror is mad at me In the shadows I walk the line between good and evil All the hurt that I caused see thru the flaws I be the cause Theres pain in my eyes an
The Pain We Cause Eachother
his lack of lovedrew her to suicide the thought that he needed proof that she loved him tore something deep inside her plans started to carck in her mind would she always have to be proveing her love to him she gave her life to him commited herself to him craved to have him they shared ideas of there future he was willing to give her what she could only dream of having they had not known eachother that long but they felt las if they had knon eachother so much longer love broke her or was it the lack of it he said she never gave that he alwasy gave but never got the reason for nto giving him what he demanded the fact that she was affected by what ahppened to her as a little girl he didnt know that she was afraid of intimint acts he already knew she had done them but he didnt know that should would cry when she was alone after words
pain cause i love you pain cause i cant have you cry cuse i love you cry cause i love you and cant have you i try to get my feelings out out on pper but i just cant seem to write cuse i cant exsplain how i feel about you i cry i cry i just cry i will love u till i die
12 Pains Of Christmas
Shit bare with me I have so much goin on in my head right now. This may come out all wrong! To Neil and any of you that will tell him about this blog GO FUCK YOURSELF!! I'M TIRED OF HIS DAMN LIES!! This is the only type of diary that I have ever been able to keep up with and yes it is avalible to the public for everyone to see. It's my own personal feelings that are going on in my head and heart right now. Well in the past few months I have started and caught myself from falling to hard for two men. I knew it wouldn't work and so have closed myself off to them. I have always have fallen hard and fast for men. One of my short comings. But I am still trying to get my divorce and already have fallen in love with my couple. What scares me to think is that now I love my couple that they may not make it. I have always been careful about getting too happy. The reason being that anytime that I do something always happens to throw a very dark shadow over it. I have come to realize
Im going thru a lot right now... trying to keep my grades up... thats a task in its own. I need to pass these classes before they kick me out of school... my GPA is shitty... Im contemplating taking the January term off... etiher that or switching to g.s courses just for the ease to get my GPA back up there... idk... On top of that, my health is a major issue... Im calling the medical center tomorrow to schedule an appointment for a physical... so if any of my peeps read this, PLEASE CALL ME TO REMIND ME!!!! I cannot forget this!!! It is mucho mucho important that I make this appointment... its pretty much getting to life or death for me... thats how serious it is... Oh yea... and to really top the cake, my toothache has come back full force... if it tells you anything, in the past hour or so ive taken 4 extra strength rapid relese tylenols... just to ease the pain... I need to cut back on the soda for one... but im outta water and sunny d... so thats outta the picture for right
Pain; A strange phenomenon, not wanted, not expected, not hoped for…..but got it anyway. One of the first questions people ask themselves…WHY ME ?????. well the answer is quite simple…. WHY NOT!!!!, who are we to think this will not happen to us, I mean it happens but always to someone else and not close to home. And all of a sudden(????)…things get different, I’m in pain tooo sh**, f*** etc, but this is not possible I’m still young (40+) this is unacceptable, no whining and nagging just keep going on it will pas. Yep for a lot of people it will go away and for a lot of people it will stay, auch pain I’m so sad…. Haven’t done anything different lately, I really don’t get it. Okay lets go to see the doctor because the pain is everywhere in my body, if you are lucky you will be sent to a good specialist but if you are unlucky ( which happens most) you will get some magical medication and need to come back in 3 or 6 months. Where in the world do doctors get the magical 3 and 6 months??
Pain & Pleasure
Pain & Pleasure by annagee January 11th - I received a call from my husband Samuel telling me that he had an urgent business meeting and would be away for 2 weeks. I rushed out of the office and got home early to prepare dinner. I wanted the evening to be perfect and while preparing dinner, I anticipated that we would be making love that night. I had my satin lingerie on and I wanted sex pretty badly. To my disappointment, Samuel got home at a quarter-pass midnight, too drunk to do anything! He stumbled into bed and fell asleep as soon as his head touched the pillow. I was frustrated, angry and bitterly disappointed. Samuel left for the airport at 7 am and planted a kiss on my cheek. I wanted to scream at him but I decided that it would be best that I waited for him to return. It was a Saturday and I went about my usual chores. Went grocery shopping, had my nails done at the manicurist and got home at about 2.30 pm. It was a hot afternoon and I needed a nice cool bath.
Pain Part 2
So... yeah... I got an appointment to have my tooth pulled... the bastards are making me wait till the 20th to have it pulled... its a fuckin emergency and ive told them that and the best they can do for me is put me on the cancellation list... so that i get a call when someone cancels (provided its before the 20th) to get a sooner date... they perscribed me T3 & Penniclin to take in the meantime... and that totally didnt work... I went to the dr yesterday to see what they could do... and they gave me vicodin (YAY) to ease the pain... and thats working... so far... :-) The only thing that sucks is I (shouldnt) be driving... do you think thats stopping me thou? I got places I need to be... but yea... i feel pretty damn good now... lol. I'll feel even better when I get the fucker pulled... oh well... So.. yeah... I think thats it... PeAcE
When you run into someone who is disagreeable to others, you may be sure he is uncomfortable with himself; the amount of pain we inflict upon others is directly proportional to the amount we feel within us. - Sydney J. Harris
Pain Within Me
Pain Within Me Why do u make me care, Even when I know there is nothing there. I try to understand, But you snatch all hope from my hand. You make me feel so much pain, And none of this can I explain. But still I try to see into your eyes, Eyes so dark and full of lies. I want to watch you die, I want to see you bleed before my eye. Only then will the pain go away, And Then I can once again live today.
SpeedballAdd to My Profile | More Videos The video is of a speedball match my brother played on a trip we took out to ohio.. Don't ask me the name of the place.. I forget.. Anyway.. he's one of the guys in the back... actually he's the first one to go behind the bunker (the long yellow one in the back)... We all had a blast..and we all did quite well :) Unfortunatly I got no pictures of myself... but damnit.. I was there.. and not just as a photographer either.. lol.. there are pics in an album marked "paintball" (duh) go rate...
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The Pain
the pain inside, it hurts so bad. the pain inside, it drives me mad. when i think of what im not, i sit and wonder why i wasn't shot. i need to be free i can not see the end is near and i am here my pain lies within my heart from at which it had to start. i've been crushed inside ive lost my pride. the tears of blood are starting again. so when you die, i'll see you then.
Pain Of The Night
Watch as this tear falls into empty space See it fall into life's nameless place Can you see the sparkle as it catches the light That sparkle once was happiness that is no longer in sight As it falls watch it, its color has changed From blue to bright red, it has a wide range There it goes all alone, it continues to fall With it, it takes the emotion, the emotion of all Wait, can you hear it? A sob has broke free Has shook the lungs cold, but yet it continues to be Here it comes, a force has been built between the eye A wall of shear water, it's now time to cry A shudder, a scream, darkness envelops your soul The darkness of the night has taken its toll
Watch as this tear falls into empty space See it fall into life's nameless place Can you see the sparkle as it catches the light That sparkle once was happiness that is no longer in sight As it falls watch it, its color has changed From blue to bright red, it has a wide range There it goes all alone, it continues to fall With it, it takes the emotion, the emotion of all Wait, can you hear it? A sob has broke free Has shook the lungs cold, but yet it continues to be Here it comes, a force has been built between the eye A wall of shear water, it's now time to cry A shudder, a scream, darkness envelops your soul The darkness of the night has taken its toll
A Painful Death If I Fail...
To all my friends and fans, Myself and my "Dark Crew" of assistants are currently hard at work constructing a very dangerous and agaonizing new escape stunt we call "Hell's Grill." This brutal new escape is inspired by a particular torture suffered by ancient Christian martyrs at the hands of the Romans. In the ancient version, the victim was chained down to a large metal pan or metal plate which was then suspended over a slow buring fire. As the heat increased on the metal plate the victim was chained to, they would basically be grilled alive... slowly. With my version called "Hell's Grill", I am chained down to a metal plate about the size and thickness of an ordinary door. This plate is then hoisted up until it is suspended over 2 propane FLAMETHROWERS! Flamethrowers just like the ones we used in my New Year's Eve "Cremation Chamber" escape (video on my profile). The great thing about the Hell's Grill is that I am not out of sight in a vault or box and people
Pain with out love Pain cant get enough Pain i like it rough I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all
Pain is no description for the way I feel. This term doesn't even begin to describe the torment I hold inside I've been driven insane by all the emotions I have. I try to fight them but they always seem to win. Why the FUCK did this happen to me, this FUCKING torment is all I feel. This so-called pain is all I can feel. I can't take it any more; I just wish it would disappear. Pain is no description for the way I feel.
The 12 Pains Of Christmas
The first thing at Christmas that's such a pain to me Is finding a Christmas tree The second thing at Christmas that's such a pain to me: Rigging up the lights And finding a Christmas tree The third thing at Christmas that's such a pain to me Hangovers Rigging up the lights And finding a Christmas tree The fourth thing at Christmas that's such a pain to me Sending Christmas cards Hangovers Rigging up the lights And finding a Christmas tree The fifth thing at Christmas that's such a pain to me Five months of bills! Sending Christmas cards Hangovers Rigging up the lights And finding a Christmas tree The sixth thing at Christmas that's such a pain to me: Facing my in-laws Five months of bills! Oh, I hate those Christmas cards! Hangovers Rigging up these lights! And finding a Christmas tree The seventh thing at Christmas that's such a pain to me: The Salvation Army Facing my in-laws Five months of bills! Sending Christmas cards Oh, geez! I'm t
once again...not mine but i really like this song pain by everlast somewhere between the lies and truths borderlines get shady somewhere between the yeses and nos you can find a maybe somewhere between the highs and lows you can spot the middle and somewhere between the questions and clues you can solve the riddle somewhere along the road you might want a place to stay and somewhere along the road youre gonna have to pass away somewhere in space you still remind me of a reason summertime you still smell like my favorite season and it feels like pain its just like pain love is like pain some people like pain somewhere between the mountain and sea a river is flowing somewhere between the earth and the sky winds of change are blowing and somewhere between the two of us a space is growing and somewhere between suspicion and trust are the things worth knowing and somewhere along the road you might wanna hitch a ride and somewhere along the line youre
Pain Of The Night
Pain Of The Night Watch as this tear falls into empty space See it fall into life's nameless place Can you see the sparkle as it catches the light That sparkle once was happiness that is no longer in sight As it falls watch it, its color has changed From blue to bright red, it has a wide range There it goes all alone, it continues to fall With it, it takes the emotion, the emotion of all Wait, can you hear it? A sob has broke free Has shook the lungs cold, but yet it continues to be Here it comes, a force has been built between the eye A wall of shear water, it's now time to cry A shudder, a scream, darkness envelops your soul The darkness of the night has taken its toll
Paint Shop Pro
I just loaded paint shop pro on all the computers that I work with. That is one program that is kickin' to work with. I'm learning how to use it and I already have a couple photos done. I just need to get them uploaded. Now the fun begins.(AGAIN)
Curled up in a ball, the pain so intense. It rocks my body. Lost inside like a ship in a stormy sea, Eyes down, tear streaming. No comfort found No answers to my questions They only echo in my head. The burden so heavy, Shoulders slumped against the weight of it. No warmth on the coldest nights. No one to watch as the dusk turns to dawn. No one to share the burden with. Hearing every nasty remark, Over and over like rain on the roof. Embedded in my mind The never ending story. Whys and reasons No matter now Pain caused, bruises there in minds eye Though faded by light of day. No forgiveness to be given and Never forgotten. Destroyed by anger Never to be back Can not relive the past Lesson's learned in anger Destructive side of Love
The Pain
The Pain I hurt my self, to see if I still feel the pain.. The pain you caused.. The pain I've endured.... I wanted to see if I still felt anything at all.. I wanted to see if I still could feel you... The pain you left... the pain you bore... I wanted to see if I could still feel you here... I cut myself to see if the pain was real... To see if it would subside... To see my greatest fears.. My feelings have never changed... they will never fade.. They will always be, My greatest fear is losing you.... and my biggest fear is me. J.
The Pain Of Love
The dreams you dream are merely images of a darkened soul inflicting pain on me. Drown your acceptance and believe in me. The power of love is all I need. The warmth of your touch the motion, the feel entirely of your heartbeat. Do you love? Are you free? Can you let go of all those secluded worries? I love your compassion I can hear your heart beat for me, to love you like I do. Why won't you realize my love is for you I understand you are not sure if you want to leave and if you do I will loose you. But let it be known it was only Love for you I have ever shown And that never will be gone. So I am asking to find it in your heart, Forgiveness and lets make a new start.
twisting, turning, burning heart. make it stop. I want to die, I want to scream. I want to smile, I want to laugh. If it werent for my angels i wouldnt exist. my anger has taken over there is no turning back. dear god, give me the strength, to make this bad day go away. when i wake up, will i smile or will i be mad? will i feel stupid for crying myself to sleep....i wish this pill would kick in so i can rest....and make these thoughts go away.....i pray.
Three Days GracePainMusic Videos And Lyrics On Demand
As I sit here I think of all the evilness with in me... I want to cause someone pain at this very moment.. I have no one in mind but I know I must release the feeling inside me.. I want anyone to know what it is like to feel like the end could not come soon enough... I have asked before if murder was legal would you do it?... I think I would... when people first meet me they say I scare them and i must ask them why... They say it is because of the look in my eyes.. i don't care who hurts.. after all people who feel emotions are looking for pain... I feel why can't I be the one to cause it.. I enjoy the pain and missery of others... I know if people hurt the ones i care about they will pay.. i will make sure of it.. they won't know when or how but it will happen.. have i scared you yet? sometimes i scare myself with what goes on in my mind... if only i could tell it all. people would think the master of hell has come to earth...
The Pain In My Back
Going thru the dayz as your self making others happy in the end you feel ing not happy yourself neva at peace, no matter what you do you cant seem to hide from the pain every tear and worry every heart achin day it get harder and harder you wonder to yourself if your good enuff for sumone else or you would ant to trouble anyone else with your burden, you try to move on but the black shadows seems to follow you everywhere you doing reminding you of the past you tried to left behind, i reach to my back to find the knife ive been stabbed with but its not there its all in my head my emotions got the better of me shall i cut my wrist and let sum of the pain slip away or deal with it and take it to my grave, all i know is the pain is still there i dont think it will eva leave my side it became i empty piece of me...until another day until i find my happy place to wash my trouble sins away..:-(
With my life all fucked up I dont know what to do But I see its not my fault So Im blaming it on you And I know I cant live life this way So I try To hide this pain every day And it stays And now nothing has changed So it seems Like my lifes been rearranged With my life so fucked up now Im leaving you This is what I have to do You saw it coming and you know its true Yet it's still my fault Yet I keep blaming you To hide this pain every day Trying to make it all go away By:Stacey Forrester (copywritten/dont steal!)
So confused and sad I really just don’t now what to do Mt parents are fighting again They started smoking and drinking Then I get hit Broken promises Empty lies I just sit in the corner and cry My best friend is thin and sharp The marks he makes upon my arms As the blood drains down my arm I feel calm Then the pain comes again and I scream for help No one hears my screams No sees my pain All those secrets that I hide Broken promises Empty lies Someone help me out of this life
The Pain Will Never Go Away Child Abuse
The pain will never go away; The wound will never heal. The evil that was done to you Is now your eyes, your heart. The black will never turn to gray; The blood will not congeal. The violence is never through; The past does not depart. Time will merely make you whole, Consuming what you are: Part sufferer, part comforter, Part victim, part new song; Part mother of an angry soul, Part child of despair, Part witness and part conqueror Of all that did you wrong. posted By: - Get Your Own
I hate the cold weather. It is so painful for me. My legs have been constantly aching for the past couple of days and it shows no signs of stopping. I feel like the cold is permeating through my bones. I'm ready for the weather to warm up again.
I'm not sure what the hell is going on though I've got some pains on my right side an it hurts like hell, maybe the kidneys or something... Just may go to the doctor to see if it doesn't go away soon!!!!
(pain) three days grace this is so me "Pain" Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all You're sick of feeling numb You're not the only one I'll take you by the hand And I'll show you a world that you can understand This life is filled with hurt When happiness doesn't work Trust me and take my hand When the lights go out you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Anger and agony Are better than misery Trust me I've got a plan When the lights go off you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd ra
Painted Eyes 11/14
As I paint my eyes I cover their swollen lids The colors black and green Black because if reminds me of the darkness And Green because I hold onto hope Its color hides the redness. This is my mask This is my cover up I paint my eyes because I want to hide The gripping of my heart The sadness in my soul Your reflection in my pupils, as I look up it stains me Glancing in the mirror, the reflection still there How could there be so much selfishness Those feelings, the pictures of you looking back at me The tears again, I blink them away I reach for my paint again, As I pick the colors I look up Glancing at my reflection, only to see you.
Pain ;-/
not that ya care but i thought i'd share with you anyway... yesterday at work i moved some boxes and didn't realize till today that i hurt my back. my neck and my legs are pretty sore too. i moved them because we have 2 grown ass men that work with us in our immediate area and they bitch and moan about having to do things. so i decided instead of having to wait for them to finally decide to do it i did it myself. i am sure paying for it today. anyway that's the update.
Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all You're sick of feeling down You're not the only one I'll take you by the hand And I'll show you a world that you can understand This life is filled with hurt When happiness doesn't work Trust me and take my hand When the lights go out you will understand Pain, without love Paint, I can't get enough Pain, I like rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Anger and agony Are better than misery Trust me I've got a plan When the lights go off you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing Rather feel pain I know (I know I know I
Pain By Steve Cook No cuts, no bruises, no broken bones There’s nothing like this pain of being alone No blood just pain and tears to gain Heartache that can drive you insane Emptiness fills my body, a soulless shell I feel like I’ve been put through the fires of hell Sleepless nights with no one to hold My heart is growing bitter and cold Drowning my tears and sorrows for years With this empty liquor bottle I have no fears Hangovers from hell I sit and dwell About the cards I was dealt and the way they fell When someone gets close I push them away See no one can hurt you if there not here to stay You’ll be lonely and sad, depressed for a while But one of these days you’ll learn to smile So hold your head up have patience you’ll find That every heartache heals with time
The pain i feel is stabbing in my heart The pain i feel its just a start Somethings draggin me down deep into nothingness A war is waging inside my head and my heart Riping me into peices tearing me apart I try so hard but nothing seems to help How do you stop the pain the heartach the hurt How do you make it all just go away Digging deep within my soul i try to find the answers to what i did to deserve this pain What did i do wrong? I ask myself did i not love her enough did i not be there enough Great Goddess above please guide my broken heart and show me the way! As i will it So mote it be!
I don't wanna fall for him again. i don't think I can take the pain. i don't wanna have these feelings if he doesn't feel the same. i don't want my heart to jump, when i haven't seen him in awhile. i don't wanna see him grin, if i'm not the one making him smile. i don't wanna reach out, every time i see his hand. i don't wanna try to explain if he'll never understand. i don't want tears in my eyes every time i see his face. i don't want my heart to be empty, if he's the only one that can fill the space. i don't wanna have to smile at him, when i really wanna cry. i don't want him to wave hello, if he really means goodbye. i don't wanna get played, as a result of his little game. but all he has to do to get me back, is simply say my name.
Did you know that it fucking hurts when you go back to the gym after several months of being lazy and eatin what ya feel like? Yeah it does... BUT!!!! Today i went to the gym....and i hopped on that treadmill...and i'll be hurt like hell...but i managed to walk through it...then i was like a lil machine..:) YAY! YAY! YAY MEEEEEE! So why the sudden interest in the gym again? Someone who i think is just freakin awesome was talkin to me and frankly he told me point blank you have to want to do it... Well i got to thinkin...i do want to do it! So to my motivator...thanks dollface!
Painting Naked Words
Perched on my shoulders, this cogitation like a thick sky, imprinted in dark yellows and clear greys of some engrossed sundown. How long did it take to be woven of tangled sights and lapses of trees, spun, telling themselves leaf by fabled leaf, or yarn by slowly twisted yarn around the fingers, the words, along the path? (Will you strip me of it, moment by moment unravelled by lips, will you rewrite us, supple, in hues of night aglow and loose, devoid of trees but lavish in fruits strewing, ripe, the end of the path? Will you fly us, then, and the words, to the beginning, in transparent filaments, of a sky, fine and ductile as a water-coloured dawning, where, in raw time, I may read you – and me, naked and revived?)
Damn the pain it is everywhere i go no one can see it but me pain in my heart pain in my mind pain in my soul pain every breath and every word i see pain in others eyes pain is everywhere to me i dont know what to do to get rid of the pain it stucks inside me like a soul trying to get out of a body in my mind racing like a mouse looking for cheese in my heart burning like the eternal flames of hell i need to get rid of my pain
I was hurt today, I guess I'll get over it. Not like I have a choice, I'll remember for a while, Even if I pretend not to. It might never be the same, I don't know how she got back up so many times. She's stronger than I, And her strength was just one thing, Among so much that I yearned for. Maybe it isn't so bad, Maybe life isn't so terrible, Maybe just for today it is. Perhaps tomorrow morning the sun will shine, Maybe the clouds will be lined in silver, Maybe not. It might rain, I might cry, But either way I won't break, At least not all of me. My heart will heal, With saline glue, And even this in time shall pass.
Painful To Love
We learn early in life that it is painful to love. Caring about anything is a great joy, but it makes us vulnerable to heartache, and our emotions are nearer the surface. Our feelings are mixed because we want to shout to the whole world that we love and it makes us feel wonderful. It makes us feel superior, able to cope with things that once got us down. Suddenly, everyone is a friend and no one is left out of our circle of love--a da ge yu di. Some part of us wants to hide what we feel so not to shine too bright or be too enthusiastic. We need a little reserve of self so that we don't deplete that part of us that generates life in us on a daily basis. But for whatever pain that may go along with caring--we would not give it up for anything
As some of you who know me might already father has been very ill and battleing the end of a very long painfull fight with lung disease. He has been in the hospital for a month, a nursing home for 3 years. I have known for nearly a week he was going to pass, yet when I received that dreadfull call at 5:37 am this morning... my whole world fell apart.My father was only 57 years old. the fuck is that fair?!?!?!? What was go thinking?.. why must we all have to go through all of this right now? He was a grandpa, a young one at that. My dad is gone , my children have to grow up without a grandpa. Thier grandpas on their father's side of the family are all non-existant and completley uninvolved. I am not on the best of terms with my stepmom and her kids, time that has passed between my father and I and circumstnces reguarding our past and my present have driven a wedge between us. I want so badley to change this,.. i only pray that it is not to late. I love them all
Pain Or Sexual Turn On
Well i went and did what some others had said i should not do again. I got the nipples pierced again. This time they have to stay in they can not go to much further back anymore. Yes this is the forth yep i said forth you did not see wrong. The first time i got them i was overseas and found out about the enjoyment until i was in a bar and had chemlites hanging off of them. Then one of my friends that were drunk was falling. Well the bar was kinda dark so he grabbed for what he could see to keep from hitting the floor. RIIIIIIIIIIPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP out they came. I was drunk at the time to so all i did was laugh about until the next morning and then i was only pissed. So then i had them pierced again after they healed up and they were in for a while and then when i was throwing my niece in the pool they hooked into her bathing suit. RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIPPPPPPPPPPPPP and turned the pool bloody also once again the pain was more being pissed that there they went again. So then i wai
Painful Medical Humor
Let me tell you about my doctor. I call him Groucho. He is very good. If you tell him you want a second opinion, he will go out and come in again. Another time he gave a patient six months to live. At the end of the six months, the patient hadn't paid his bill, so the doctor gave him another six months. While he was talking to me his nurse came in and said, "Doctor, there is a man here who thinks he is invisible." The doctor said, "Tell him I can't see him." Another time a man came running in the office and yelled, "Doctor, doctor, my son just swallowed a roll of film." The doctor calmly replied, "Let's just wait and see what develops." One patient came in and said, "Doctor, I have a serious memory problem." The doctor asked, "When did it start?" The man replied, "When did what start?" I remember one time I told my doctor I had a ringing in my ears. His advice: "Don't answer it." My doctor sure has his share of nut cases. One said to him, "Doctor, I think I'm a bell." The doc
The Pain Of A Dear Friend
the pain that you feel, but cant touch. a pain you know of, but cant explain a pain so feirce you go insane the unknown pain that clutches your heart and burns in your soul the pain in your life to strong to carry on the unknown pain that clouds your mind and devours your every thought the pain of broken promises broken dreams the pain thats unheard of the pain that's not seen I feel your pain The pain in losing someone so close to us, The pain in losing someone so dear to us Knowing that they were just right here with us I feel your pain. We never really say good-bye Just I’ll see you home some day soon. The pain to us that any time or any day that Any time or any day that our love ones do not have long to stay I feel your pain the pain in knowing this has Happened to you. The pain in knowing what more tears we have gained. But through all this I feel your pain a dear friend came to the raven for his gift his help so much pain so deep the pain burni
sometimes the pain is the only thing keeping me alive. its the only ting that could take you so close to death and remind you that youre still living. blood and scars theyre all reminders.letting you know the pain is real.
The Pain Of Sorrow
as i sleep . . hopin to drown my sorrow.. to see my pain .. as the days faded .. the love i had for u .. was the pain i hav now .. nights become my dreams when pain is gone .. when love was the light of my days .. keepin me happy . this pain .. never goin to faded away .... knowin that the love i had . never goin to hav my happy days . knowin my pain is all i hav left .. to keep my memories of u inside me .... so .. as i sleep tonight . remembering my pain that left behind for me ... so i rest my pain to sleep as i wait for another night of pain .. the pain of sorrow
pain It can make you feel helpless ,or more powerful than another It can make you wish for death,or let you know you're still alive It can let you know you're really in love,or make you realize lost it It comes more with doing the right thing ,it is easy to use for wrong a curse ,a blessing, a teacher,an alarm ,an emotion pain
"sex without pain is like food without taste" Author Unknown
Pain In Daily Living
In the last three months I have learned that pain is a constant part of my life. Why is that, because I hurt my back pretty bad three months ago.. Now I am learning that the system is flawed, and you have to be less then noble of virtue to get it to work for you. OR they will run all over you. These things are out of control, and when it goes with flowing with it-- their is the rub of the challange. Why do I bother to get out of bed some mornings.
heavy hands rip at my clothes why me? not again i fight but to no avail he pushes into me i try to cry for help but he throws his hand over my mouth he overpowers me what can i do but take it i thought i could trust him he was supposed to be a friend he broke the promise god has thrown me to the wolves he has done it again scenes flash through my mind a black man my two babysitters friends of the family who can i trust if not my "friends" a smack to the face brings me back to reality his other hand folds around my neck i feel the pressure building its impossible to breathe i finally get enough room to move i thrust my knee into him push him off of me he rolls to the edge of the bed i throw on my clothes run to the other room where i think im safe i feel disgusting i try to tell someone but no one believes me as usual this is my pain
How could you do this to me? How did this happen? All I wanted was for you to leave me be. How come you keep doing this to me? You say you love me! It can't be!! Why all the games? Why all the pain? Pain! Pain that is never going to go away! Why did you take my smile away? Why can't I be free? Are you ever going to stop hurting me? I long to be me. You can't take that from me! The years, The tears, This hell I'm in! Is it ever going to end? (I wrote this last night)
I can't feel anything It would do good to cry To mourn the loss I am numb Pain would be good To feel pain, know i'm alive I understand why people cut themselves In situations like these I cannot bring myself to do it To feel pain again, would be nice Physical or emotional, pain is the same I control the physical, that is easy To mourn the loss, to feel pain again Is it a question of control? Can i control this pain? Time controls me now Time controls the pain Ignore it, it'll go away Just like she did.
Well I Did It Again Pinched A Nerve In My Lower Back Man This Hurts So Bad!! I Think I Rather Have A Baby Then To Feel This Way!!
THREE DAYS GRACE LYRICS "Pain" Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all You're sick of feeling numb You're not the only one I'll take you by the hand And I'll show you a world that you can understand This life is filled with hurt When happiness doesn't work Trust me and take my hand When the lights go out you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Anger and agony Are better than misery Trust me I've got a plan When the lights go off you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing
i just got done playing paintball and i played my ass off....i got 9 kills 2 deaths..i think i did pretty good...besides when it was 3 on 1 and i was that 1 lol...i had no choice but to go running out and shooting and i got turn up that game...come on u try going up against 3 high power guns and get shot all at once lol..its not fun...but it was :) but all in all i had a good i am just sore :( and wanna lay down and sleep...
Pain - Three Days Grace
(This is an odd beginning for this particular group of blogs, but it's where I'm at, at the moment! Sorry!) Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain. I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain Than nothing at all. You're sick of feeling numb. You're not the only one. I'll take you by the hand And show you a world That you can understand. This life is filled with hurt When happiness doesn't work. Trust me and take my hand. When the lights go out You'll understand. Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain. I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain Than nothing at all. Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain. I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain Than nothing at all. Anger and agony Are better than misery. Trust me, I've got a plan When the lights go up You'll understand. Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain. I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain Than nothing at all. I'd rather feel pai
The Pain And Sorrow This Is A True Story About My Friend Please Read I Put My Name In Place To Protect Her Good Name
I'm going to tell you a tale about a little girl who's life god didn't put together very well. Her mom always beat her. she was raped at such an early age everyone she ever loved didn't feel the same. she couldn't stand the pain. she couldn't stand the sorrow everything she was waiting for she hoped would come tomorrow. her mom hit her so she would try to run away but every time she got caught it just caused her more pain. she never did anything to deserve such abuse her mom made her feel so low "please mommy stop" she would beg that cry would get her another blow she must not have been loved for she was punished by cigarette burns her face black and blue her little arm broken in two. she would hit her hard and call her names "your a waste and should be ashamed" I love you mommy was all she said. "shut your mouth" she would scream or i will hit you again. she couldn't stand the pain she couldn't stand the sorrow everything she waiting s
The Pain Is So Much, Not Even Motrin Covers It
I'm here dealing with this pain in my left ovary and only God knows how much it hurts, how much its taking a toll on my daily activity. I need help to do things, not all but some, around the house and my hubby just laid there. I understand, he had just came in from working a night shift. He knows I'm in a LOT of pain and doing most things kills me physically. But, I still got up, cooked him breakfast, washed dishes, cleaned up after my baby, etc. I just wish he would have tended the bed for me (I bend over quite a bit for that) or offered to help w/ the laundry. He said, "If you feel better and up to it, do my clothes." Great. I asked him if I ended up calling him to come home from work because the pain is severe, would he do it. At first, he said, "Yes." Then he said, "Try to deal with the pain as best you can and try not to call me. Do it ONLY if you really have to." I'm like, wow...I know if I had to get off work because he'd called and was in pain, I'd do it quickly. I then asked h
"pain" Three Days Grace
So what ya'll think of when reading this Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all You're sick of feeling numb You're not the only one I'll take you by the hand And I'll show you a world that you can understand This life is filled with hurt When happiness doesn't work Trust me and take my hand When the lights go out you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Anger and agony Are better than misery Trust me I've got a plan When the lights go off you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain tha
i wanna run away run from the pain that haunts me everyday i wanna stop the fealings i have in side runing like a knife thru my mind i want to kill the pain i feal inside the pain you placed so deep inside i want to kill you for what youve done to me end this misery deep inside of me how can i go on liveing like this the pain rules my every breath i want to stop what youve done to me that hot knife deep inside of me i want to kill you for what youve started in me the hate that rages inside of me i want to kill you untill i cant feal no more kill this desire im hurting from the rage is tearing my heart in two distroying what i used to do this pain eats me alive each day seeing your face brings so much pain i want to tear you apart so many times show you the pain i feal inside but mind bids me to wait contain the rage for one more day wait untill the time is right then let the rage take over my mind let the rage show you what you have done let the rage come undone remove you from my s
The Pain
ok yall i this is my 2 time to do this but i just have to get soemthing off my chest. as some of yall know i live with a guy im not married to him been with him for going on 4 years now. i love him i like have ever loved anyone i have been with i really thought he was the one for me my night and shining armer so i thought. but the last 3 years have been hard on me i lost my mom 3 years ago and now this guy im with well he does not have anything to do with my kids are me he stays gone never wants to be around us never wants to do anything with us he is more into his family. me and my kids are stuck here dayin and day out never go anywhere heck he is gone right now left this mornign and still have not seem him yet. i want to leave but i have no where to go so im stuck here right now till i can get on my feet. i live in a small down so no shelters or anything. well anyways im sorry for telling yall this i just needed someone to talk to. and thank yall so much for be my friends.....
Painful Desire
They love me, Some would loved me, Some will love me. This is a lie, That love was a lie, I'm in love, But with it that I might never get. Some said I'm living a lie, As I'm not who they think I am. My eyes can give it away, The truth of who I am inside. When a pink ray shined, I shut my sight, But when blue rays shines passed, I stared, and lust encircled my mind. Is this a curse? Or is it just natural? How will I continue living my life? As I keep masking the truth, my desire, the lust. Some thinks it's only about sex, But no, it's love I want, To be cared, To be hugged, To be fulfilled, But I just might not get all this. I might be killed, By myself, And I know by love ones, As it will kill them too. Help me please, My silent moan of sadness, My bloody tears, I'm lonely
The Pain Of Love
How do I encapsulate the pain that I feel the hurt deep inside that gnaws at my very soul? How do I tell you, to let you know how I feel? the longing I have, that grows deep inside my heart, How can I stop the pain from destroying my love? the love I have for you, that is so deep so true How can you understand, that your love hurts so much, the immeasurable love filling my very soul. How can I wait to be with you once more my love? the hours linger, and the days never ending, How can this powerful love we have be so wrong? the love that grows from trust, honesty and respect.
Pain And Passion
Pain Pain has never left my heart. I cry inside so no one will see my tears. Do I really want to find love again? So I can only cry somemore. Can my heart take that pain ne more? No I don't want to love ne one ne more. I don't want to open my heart to a man that will never see me no more then just a friend. Too many times have I been hurt. I'm done with love and looking for Mr Right. I dare ne man to try to change my mind and to break this wall that I have built around my heart.
The Pain In My Heart
I knew it for some time this was coming but closure is always painful. The Love I have in my heart for someone has been completely ripped from my soul....I spend hours and days in tears wondering "why" would this be? I have done nothing but been honest, open, loving and understanding...When he hurt..I felt his pain..the connection is so strong. Aching I opened the mail this morning for "That" letter..painfully I read feeling my eyes swell with tears. "I Love you and miss you and long for your touch" is the phrase that made all the tears flow down my face. Never did I think that kind of pain was possible more than once in my life. Reeling from the ex husband and ex fionce who shattered me emotionally in the past I vowed never to have anyone hold my heart in that manner again. Much to my consternation I find myself back in the pits of agony. I learned in my life one thing....The definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results. At this point
Pain-it's Only Them
Since I was a kid I've seen greedy people just grabbing all they could take I promised myself I'd never become like them I can feel they're closing up on me, closer than I ever thought how could I have been so dumb, why didn't I see it, feel it, smell it, taste it it's only them coming from all directions walking all over me again and again they're feeding off your kindness, squeezing life right out of you like a vampire sucks you dry, you cannot run and hide if you give them a helping hand, they will take your whole life without thinking twice, the only thing they want is more and more and more now I got a parasite into my life I didn't see it coming 'til it almost broke me down it's only them, you don't give - you're a taker it's a matter of the size of your wallet and the money that you're making it's only them and nothing is sacred they don't care if you break your neck as long as they'll make it it's only them coming from all directions walking all
Pain-just Hate Me
I gotta think of something to make you think less of me, that I am nothing to hold on to, 'cause we are through I dislike you [refr.] I wish that you could hate me then things would be so easy just get me off your mind if the bitch would have a son then I would be the one so hate me geese, flying from the winter that's what I should do, do, do or become a sprinter and run away 'cause we are through I dislike you I wish that you could hate me then things would be so easy just get me off your mind if the bitch would have a son then I would be the one I am being mean like no one's ever been just hate me... I wish that you could hate me then things would be so easy just get me off your mind [Refr.] -------------------
Pain-end Of The Line
My gun is pumping - you're down on your knees A closer step to death I think I'm coming, are you ready to recieve I spray you full with my killer disease I'm coming inside, I'll break you down Your end of your life I stole your soul, I'm in control I just made you mine It's the end of the line You're broken to pieces Crushed by the facts It's the end of the line It's not what it supposed to be How could this be Face the enemy and meet reality How could you be so blind Now you're lasting death it controls your mind Suffering years ahead I came inside I broke you down I ended your life I stole your soul I was in control and I made you mine It's the end of the line -------------
Tell me what do you see when you see yourself I don't really get it, how do you make it through the day without killing yourself Bye bye, why don't you go and Die die, I'll fuck you up You want me on my knees but I'm not going down Bye bye, leave me alone or Die die, it's your choice No time for games, so just leave me the fuck alone Do you know, you're all the same Got to play these stupid games You're getting on my nerves, so just stay the fuck away Who died and made you god This time you've gone to far I think it-s time for you to understand: this is war There's nothing to see here, I don't wanna be here Get me out of here right now I can not sit around and wait for you to drive me insane Bye bye, why don't you go and Die die, I'll fuck you up You want me on my knees but I'm not going down Bye bye, leave me alone or Die die, it's your choice No time for games, so just leave me the fuck alone So you think I'm unreasonable Do you really think I am a toy t
Well this is the first one of these i've wrote on here. this is just to let ppl know what's been going on with me here lately. everything for the most part is going good. my son and fiance r doing great. i'm doing good now... i've been in the hospital for almost 2 wks now. my right lung collapsed again and they had to put a chest tube in this time. i also had to have surgery on my lung as well. anyway i should be going home sunday hopefully. the one good thing that came from this is me and my fiance both quit smoking.
Pain-suicide Machine
I never do it for nothing It's never been for free I never cared about nothing Unless it satisfied me My only game is surviving And try to stay alive I'm struggling in the underworld That suffocates my life Suicide Machine - locked up in this cage Suicide Machine à I don't understand They tried to shut me up They tried to shut me down They tried to throw me away I'll never give it up I'm never gonna stop I will fight to the end Suicide Machine I'll stand tall, I'll break bones I'll give them hell No bullshit à I'm still here You Better catch me dead You have always tried to crush and break me down But I will never ever give up without a fight I am the man à it will always be me Dreaming of a life in peace, but it was never meant for me Suicide Machine -------------
The Pain Inside Me
Alone So i'm sitting here alone. Without you, not talking to you not hearing your voice for more then the answering machine, Yet i call just to hear it. I wonder what have i done to deserve this, what did i do so wrong to you to make you hurt me like this. You couldnt wait 30 days.. You couldnt be away further then jacksonville. So you took the easy way out knowing how i would re-act to you and another guy. I hope you know what you have done to me. I hope you know you have left a gapping hole inside, where my heart use to be. Where you use to love me, I guess it was not meant to be. I hope one day you wake up and see the pain you have caused me, And the pain i have gone threw not just tonight but over the past week because of you. We were seperated a year and ahalf because of that which i could not control and you swore to me you would not leave me, you would not hurt me so. And yet you have and so i hope one night you lay awake and feel all the pain in one night that
So many of us have pains buried deep in our hearts. The more we try to mask them or fight off these feelings, the more they control us. Hiding hurts will only intensify the pain. Think about it like this, if you cant talk about it, its controlling you. Pick an accountability partner and have the courage to be honest. Dont wait until the pain exceeds the fear of exposure. The truth will set you free.
Pain By Three Days Grace
Music Video Codes By Music
Paint A Picture
im gonna paint a picture i picture with a twist ill paint it with a razor blade right across my wrist from my broken body the sacred life will flow allong with all the pain and hurt i guess you'll never know Hectate will comfort me through the flood of tears i cry in her arms i shall fall as she bears wittness to my crimes so now my pictur is painted the one with a twist i used a sharpened razor blade slashed across each wrist
Pain Killers
Brown neuroscientists have discovered why painkillers such as morphine and other opioids are so effective. The findings were released online on Feb. 11 and will appear in the March edition of Nature Neuroscience. Jesica Raingo, a postdoctoral research associate, authored the findings along with Professor of Neuroscience Diane Lipscombe and former Brown graduate student Andrew Castiglioni PhD'06. The scientists found that morphine and other opioids inhibit pain signals by blocking a special kind of N-type calcium channel, a protein that controls the passage of pain signals between nerve cells, according to a Feb. 15 news release by the University. Lipscombe is an expert in N-type calcium channels, which are "cellular gatekeepers" that control the release of neurotransmitters at the synapse, the point of intersection between nerve cells. Neurotransmitters carry messages, including those for pain, between nerve cells. Lipscombe and her team discovered a unique form of N-type c
The Pain
the pain of work suck ever felt like no one cares that no one every says thank you ... or not one cares about what they do ... sometime i think im the only one who cares any more i try so hard to be so good but am i really any better then them all i want is to be good at what i do .. i dont wanna be better then anyone .. i dont think its right how people are ... why is it so hard to be the only female where i work yeah there other girls there but not in my part .. i feel so alone and it all falls on me i just want a thank you or your doing a good job is that so hard to ask for ... i get so mad just its not fav but who said life is fav .. oh well days gose by i make good money and i keep pushing tho so what i am who i am
Pain And Shame As Told By An Expert
Sometimes I feel like I need to explain certain things about myself so people, especially ones that are close ot me, will understand why I do the things I do and act the way I act. I had a very…disturbing childhood. I know we’ve all heard that before, in one way or another, from almost everyone we know. Nobody’s childhood was perfect, unless your name is Beaver Cleaver (even that poor boy had to deal with the knowledge that his mom was the only mom in the world that vacuumed in pearls). Everyone has some dark little secret, some deep down shame that they hide from the world, sometimes even hide from themselves. Sometimes its safer to ignore things, its easier to deal with day to day life, forever walking as far from pain and hurt and shame as possible. It may have been all their fault, it may have been something completely beyond their control. It doesn’t matter, shame is shame, whether you brought it upon yourself or were forced, kicking and screaming into it. We all have somet
The Pain Inside
Tell me one word, One word that you'll stay even through the rain, You’ll stay with me, Watch the falling rain with me, Don’t leave me here alone, I don’t want to wish for your love, I don’t want to beg, I want you to look at me and tell me you love me, Tell me you’ll never leave. When the nights come I want to hear your heart, Beating beside me, When the years pass by I want to know, That you’ll always love me, No matter what I do, No matter what I say, I know deep inside I’ll never hurt you, I’ll never let you go, Even if one day, Your love grows old from mine. Even in the rain, I’ll watch you through the pain of loneliness, I’ll remember you If one day, The pain in my heart begins to grow again, I’ll remember of those beautiful days, And be happy, Happy knowing that, I’ve met you, I’ve had your love beside me.
My mood right now Happy lyrics In this hole That is me The dead are rolling over In this hole Thickening Dirt shoveled over shoulders I feel it in me So overwhelmed All this pressure centerizing My life over turned But there than despare All these scars keep ripping open Peel me from the skin Tear me from the rhine Does it make you happy now? Tear me from the bone Tear me from myself Are you feeling happy now? In this hole That is me A life that is growing feeble In this hole So limiting The sun has set all darkness Buried underneath Hands slip off the wheel Internal path until contention Peel me from the skin Tear me from the rhine Does it make you happy now? Tear me from the bone Tear me from myself Are you feeling happy now? Are you HAPPY Are you HAPPY Are you feeling happy? In this hole That is me Left with a heart exhausted Was that real hate? What tense be free? Do you pull me up just to push me out again? P
Pain Was Not Even The Answer....
Well as of 1 A.M. yesterday morning, I went with my next to oldest sister to go get her a tattoo... Needless to say we made it a sister bondin tattoo instead. Knowin I did not have 150 dollars to spend on a lizard I agree'd and WAAAALLLAAAA... it is on the top of my left foot. And let me tell you, that shit hurt like hell.... lol. SO that means I now have 2 tats and THERE WILL be more to come. I will posts pics soon. Well HUGS AND KISSES!!!!! *~*Pixie*~*
Painfully Numb
Today I am painfully numb....but yet aware. I plan my next attack carefully....protecting my own. Why is it that some people are so full of themselves that they dont see that they are hurting the most important person in my life. She should be the most important person in his life to but he is too self centered to even think of anyone else but himself. Alright want a dirty fight then so be it. And make no mistake, mark my words ....She will win! I dispise people who hurt kids, in any way, shape or form and he is hurting her. The gloves are off fucker so prepare to meet your end. Karma has a way of coming back and kicking your ass....and after all you have done.....expect Karma to be kicking your ass for centuries and life times to come.
Today was worse. Excerpts: Gabe got hurt by one of Mike's video game books he left lying around. Mike fell down the stairs. Mike and I argued and I was grabbed again. This time, no bruises yet. His mom told us if we couldn't work it out, there's the door. I feel like this whole rotten thing is my fault.
Pain Away
the great and secret show of the hopefull, enlightend by the simple act of kindness.from afriend or stranger. no need to push the hate down just let it fly on its way from the happiness inside. thanks stephanie.
The Pain Inside
It's So Hard To Say Goodbye To YesterdayAdd a video to your site Music Video CodesMyspaceUpdates
Tearing, Ripping, Burning, Pain without love. Consuming, Overwhelming, Torturing, Pain without love. Sickening, Disturbing, Twisted, Pain without love. Love is pain, It always stays the same. I try to change it, I try to bend it, Pain without love. Love is pain, It always stays the same. I try to deal with it, I try to conceal it, Pain without love. Love is pain, It always stays the same. I try to accept it, I try to bless it, Pain without love. It has consumed me to the point of death.
Painted Sex
PUT YOUR SEX ON THE WALL FOR EVERYONE TO feast thier eyes on. Scenerio" You just got married and you step in the studio and there are turtle tubs with different colors you choose your color and gently lower yourself into it rolling round ,, or thrash your way into it WHOOOO HOOOO fun your partner does the same and there lays your canvass . and when all loving huggin squeezin licking nibbling is done , let painting dry and Mount it (on the wall) WHAT A WONDERFUL ARTISTIC WAY OF SHOWING HOW YOU MAKE LOVE!
The Pain You Bestow
The pain you bestowed upon me, did nothing but increase my strength. When you put me through constant misery, it took my courage to greater length. You tried to bring me down, my spririt you almost did break. In my depression I almost drown, My sould you failed to take. Without you, you said I would be nothing, that you were certainly misktaken. On my own I am certianly coping, I can not be easily forsaken. On my own, freedom I did gain, your control on me you did lose. My suffering and pain did wain, while you lose your self in your booze.
PAIN By Nicole The only thing I feel is pain Why won't it go away I fear it is making me insane I can sense it in everything I do and say Every night I cry myself to sleep Finally I start to dream Then in my dreams it starts to creep I awake to hear my own scream Burning up and covered in sweat It's strange I feel to my life I am my very own threat Then I look down and I see in my hand the knife I wish someone could help me I wish to be happy again It is now nothing more than a plea I dread that I will always feel this pain
"paint Me A Birmingham" Tracy Lawrence
"Paint Me A Birmingham" He was sitting' there, his brush in hand Painting' waves as they danced, upon the sand With every stroke, he brought to life The deep blue of the ocean, against the morning' sky I asked him if he only painted ocean scenes He said for twenty dollars, I'll paint you anything Could you Paint Me A Birmingham Make it look just the way I planned A little house on the edge of town Porch going' all the way around Put her there in the front yard swing Cotton dress make it, early spring For a while she'll be, mine again If you can Paint Me A Birmingham He looked at me, with knowing eyes Then took a canvas from a bag there by his side Picked up a brush, and said to me Son just where in this picture would you like to be And I said if there's any way you can Could you paint me back into her arms again? Could you Paint Me A Birmingham Make it look just the way I planned A little house on the edge of town Porch going' all the way around Put her
I tried to sleep and hoped I the pain would go away. Instead I rembered the last time i was hurt this bad. I have to admit the counsler raely got me to belive what cam out of her mouth. She told me that it was ok to trust someone.that is something i do not do. Untill i opened up to you. I know that your sorry and i know that you didnt mean to. I just wonder when I am going to be able to feel that peace again. I did nothing wrong this time and I have no b;lame. All i have is hurt something I never though I would get from you
Pain To The Pleasure
He closes his eyes and does as he is told she's in tottal control. His will is not his own he is in her mercy as she begians to tie him down. She grabs the leather straps as she begians to bind his hands above his head. his legs are spread aparrt and tied to a sepreate end of the bed. There's nothing he can do. As a flame is place to the candle wick. The wax slowly starts to melt. She hover's over him, the candle is tilted as the wax starts to drip. It sloly fall's thourgh the air and on too his chest. Soft moans escapes his lips as the wax stings his skin. She sets the candel down and leaves him alone; only to return short time later . he has no idea what is instore for him" close your eye's" she say's, he obeys her; She place's a ice cube to the wax and peels it off and runs it down his bare chest and across his nipples. She runs it all over his body till it hasfully melts; she then begins to lick what remaing water that is on him. Softly nibbling at his skin, her hands explaore hi
Pain! Nov/1/05 Why am I alone with this pain in my heart? I thought I had friends! You know the one's that call to see how your day went or just because? How about ones who call to see how our feeling or doing after you just had a major surgery? Guess that's where I'm wrong I have no friends. Here I sit alone and in pain but yet I hear no phone or doorbell ring. To see how I'm feeling or if I'm all right. How can one call them selves a friend when not only do I have pains from the surgery I have pain which my friends have caused! The pain I feel and have will be a scare not only on my body but also in my heart.
Pain By: Dustin W. Dennison Pain stuffed inside of me Can't let anyone near me Can't let anyone see the real me Can't let anyone even hug me All this pain that's held in me Why can't anyone see the real me Why can't anyone help me Why can't someone just hold me All this pain that's eating me Can't let go of the pain in me Can't get this pain from me Can't get this pain out of me When will the pain stop hurting me Why can't I just feel me Why can't I just be me Why can't someone take this pain from me
long for the day when the darkness claims me. I long for the day that the grim reaper comes for me He will take me away from all of this pain I will gladly lie down and let my body’s blood drain away I pray he will come soon and take me from my misery Please Death come for me soon I cant take the pain anymore Come for me and release me from the bondage of pain Ease my souls yearning. Please release me from the prison I am in. I beg you please come for me please Death come for me
How can one be so mean and so cruel. How can one be so unfeeling. How can one be so deaf to a hurtful cry. How can one be so dreadfully sick with darkness. How could one be so blind. How can one just keep inflicting the pain and meanness over and over again without a second thought. Do they get pleasure in our pain and suffering. Do they get pleasure on wounding us so deeply and severely that the scars do not show. Why does one want to torment with a watchful eye. Why do they get to escape from the pain, suffering, hurtfulness that go in so deep it goes to the core of one Why do they get to just leave and walk away. Why. They need to pay they need to see what their actions have done. How can one be so extremely mean, cruel verbally abusive so very deeply hurting one in one instance and then hours later can be so nice like nothing had ever happened. How can they live with themselves. How can they not say they are sorry and actually care. How
Painted Black
I see a red door and I want it painted black No colors anymore I want them to turn black I see the girls walk by dressed in their summer clothes I have to turn my head until my darkness goes I see a line of cars and they're all painted black With flowers and my love both never to come back I see people turn their heads and quickly look away Like a new born baby it just happens ev'ry day I look inside myself and see my heart is black I see my red door and it has been painted black Maybe then I'll fade away and not have to face the facts It's not easy facin' up when your whole world is black No more will my green sea go turn a deeper blue I could not foresee this thing happening to you If I look hard enough into the settin' sun My love will laugh with me before the mornin' comes I see a red door and I want it painted black No colors anymore I want them to turn black I see the girls walk by dressed in their summer clothes I have to turn my head until my darkne
I am in just a lil bit of pain. i stepped on an electrical plug. It obviously didnt like me very well. it cut a chunk of flesh out of the bottom of my left foot. kinda hurts to walk having a hole in the bottom of my foot.
THREE DAYS GRACE LYRICS "Pain" Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all You're sick of feeling numb You're not the only one I'll take you by the hand And I'll show you a world that you can understand This life is filled with hurt When happiness doesn't work Trust me and take my hand When the lights go out you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Anger and agony Are better than misery Trust me I've got a plan When the lights go off you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing
The Pain In Pleasure
When the burning of day is over night beckons us to sweet surrender. Under the cooling glow of the stars we open our eyes and let our restless desires taste the sensation of pain in pleasure. Beyond law and morality lies a freedom so unfettered that each step is the first of a new journey. Each breath taken grants our bodies chemical reactions so exciting and fresh. It is not what we seek but in our seeking that pleasue holds us to its sensual warmth. It is not the destiny but the journey; not the orgasm but the delight of anticipation. During the moments when time spans out into eturnity it seems almost possible that such a deep pleasure might never end. How is it that a moment so powerful and passionate could be so fragile in time? And when the song is over and the sweet dance of pleasure comes to an end are we to lay naked and ashamed or revel in the new world that spans before us? When we stand on cusp of paradise should we hear the calls of a stale past? Is it pos
Pain N Love
nobody ever tol me love would be so hard trustin in the one u love only to be left scarred lookin into the eyes of the person u thought was true only to find out those pure eyes could lie to u for whatever reason she thought about being unfaithful to me the way I once saw her, can again be i still love her, forgiving her for those mistakes i pray she will be true, for its my heart thats at stake
whats with all this pain it hurts so much why did it happen i guess i'll never know why i'll just have to figure it out so i can get rid of some of this pain why do bad things happen to good people and cause all this pain why can't people tell me why i am in pain i guess i'll just have to live with this pain by Melissa Dumler
Pain is weakness leaving the body the Mind the Spirit the Heart M
All i ever did was love you all i ever did was care All you ever did was hurt me All you ever did was not be there All i wanted was to hold you in my arms All i ever wanted was for you to be there Where are you now when the pain is to much Where are you now when i need you the most Where are you now when i need you close Where are you ? I know where Sharing the heart of another while mine lies broken Never again will i know love Never again will i care Love? What is Love? An evil hateful thing Love is just a game, No More Love is just another word for pain So where were you when i was in Love In the arms of another and left me dying there!
I remember the time when I was able to relax and chill a lot more than I do now. Ever since I bought a house it really seems that my time is not my own anymore. Don't get me wrong though, I love improving the house but it really seems like a never ending struggle. I miss the days of calling the apt manager to come and fix whatever. Well I'm off to paint the first of many many rooms. *grin* Da-PatPat
Is this real? Is it a dream? Within my dark prison I scream Crying out in the night,from my cage no response do I hear to my cries the pain deep within cuts my soul like razor blades slashing apart my heart ripped open and bleeding lies in pieces scattered on the floor my mind is a turbulent sea of insanity I rage in the night seeking calm the peace that won't be found here peace never to be found again, mind is lost. I rise, not phoenix from the ashes, oh no. more a beaten, bloody mess lurching onward trying to find the overgrown path back to my sanity, back to reality.
Ok... I learned a little lesson tonight... It really hurts trying to put nipple shields on ur nipples... At least it hurt mine... DAMN!!!!! Does someone wanna rub them to make them feel better? Have a great night all!!
Pain?!!! A Glimpse
Pain the life blood, the inner sting that lets us know we are alive, could we truly say that pain is bad, no we cannot. I feel my pain let it nurture me, cause with out it I would never know joy. Without heartache i would never know love, without anger i would never know peace, without fear i would never find courage. My inner peace comes from this pai, my ability to fight for myself and who I am. Do not run from pain, embrace it and be greatful for it, cause without it you are numb. I say this cause my life my poetry my being in itself is the mix of pain and pleasure, and I need not shed a tear for myself but share my soul with others
Pain, Hurt, Love
I still see your face in my dreams It hurts and it doesn't help at all I still want you in my life as crazy as that seems I want you to catch me when I fall I still remember the first time we met There was something so different about you Your friendship was something I wanted to get That smile when you said hi to me was so new Out of no where you called me on the phone I wanted to sit there and talk to you forever You were so new, so crazy and unknown I just knew that our friendship would never sever Two years and we are barely holding it together What happened to the way this all used to be I never wanted you out of my like ever I sat there for a long time pretending not to see We decided to go out and make it all all right It didn't work out of course we knew it couldn't We couldn't even really stand each others sight It shouldn't end this way but it did and I shouldn't I miss you and everything you were to me Ten years from now we will look back on it
The Pain Is Too Much Right Now
I just found out today that someone that I hold dear to my heart. Is no longer here. She was like a second mother to me. If it werent for her. None of you would know me right now. Literally. She has saved my life twice. Once when I had severe alcohol poisoning. I was poisioned so bad. Not only was I throwing up alot. I started to bleed internally. I was curled up in a ball from hurting so much. I didnt know all of what was going on. I tell her son my best friend I need help. He miles away not able to do anything. He called her. She lived right down the street from where it happened. Here she is at age 62 at the time. Saving my life. Taking me and carring me from that party. Taking me down to her house. Pumpimg home remedies down my throat. Till I was alble to fully walk on my own feet again. At close to midnight or later. The second time she saved me was when I got into some serious trobule street racing. I almost got killed. I didnt know what I had got into. I just knew they people th
Pain On The Skin, Not Deep Within!
Is it wrong to like pain? I have always kind of liked it. Not pain like when I found out my wife was married to another man or when I cut half of my foot off with a lawnmower. I am talking about the stinging pain that one experiences when they have a superficial injury. The pain on the skin, not deep within. I have always been into piercings, but now I have ventured into the mystical realm of tattoos. I know what you are thinking, how many does he have. Well I only have one. It is awesome though. It is a bear's head and paw tearing through the left side of my chest. I don't know if I will ever get another one, but it is real possibility. It felt like he (Dan-O at West Coast Tattoo) alternated between burning me with a cigarette and cutting me with a razor blade, and oddly enough I enjoyed the experience. I have always been a blood donor and the last few times I donated platelets. It is a lot like giving blood, except they hook you up to a machine that takes your blood ou
The Pain Of Love And Loss! 04/04/07
I have died what was inside I cannot feel when will it heal I can hide it for Now when will it show I dont know how I will hide what I know I wish to go away not to see another day In the dark I will remain Hiding from this pain will sustain My thoughts of susicide that is what I now must hide I cant bare to think of you And what will happen when I do I know I shouldnt have loved you but for some reason I know I do My love reaches the end of the earth cause to me thats what your worth! SO I will tell you one last time I wanted you to be mine Obviously I wasnt good enough for you So you did what you had to do Im sorry I couldnt please you and even with every thing I tried to do You werent happy with me SO now I will leave and let you be! I love you and I always will I dont care about what Happened in the past but even so I know that you are the one for me . who knows maybe you didnt see me the same way I saw you b
If I runaway tomorrow please dont follow, please let me run...for if you follow I shall crumble to the ground like dust and my soul will wither and blow away in the storm of time. If I runaway tomorrow please dont follow, please let me run... for if you come towards me I will weep tears of oceans and flood the lost souls of all time. If I runaway tomorrow please dont follow, please let me run...for if you catch me I will have to face you and come undone and the seams that hold me together will be tattered pieces of my heart. If I runaway tomorrow please dont follow,please let me run...for if you touch me I will remember all the pain and make me realize that I have not forgiven you at all.... So please just let me runaway.... *Perhaps the pain of the past can hurt you in the sands of tomorrow...and can make a clear day pass with storms of the soul* ((And not a day goes by that I dont think of you.......damn you))
All the pain The pain in my life you can't see it but i can Its horrible and discusing I wish the pain wasn't in my life But it is and its killing me The pain is causing me to lose my friends, and people who I care about The pain is always there, in the car and at home pain follows me everywere I can also see if another persons in pain or upset Pain is everywere in this world its even following you and me right now But the best thing to do is fight the pain Im thinking it little bit, is to end up dead Pain is everywhere inside me, mostly in my heart Pain has broken my heart again Pain I just want you to end Pain I think that the end is near Pain I just want to go away and cry these lonely tears. Can anyone give me a Reason to stay, if you are my Friends? I am so depressed today, that Im thinking of ending it all!!! Sir George
Pain Pain, Just seems, To like to find a home inside of me. I look up to clouds and wonder how this could be. Look up, Wishing for the knowledge I will never keep. I seek the reasons, look for blame. Look for the one that threw out my name. Shall I cradle, and hold, This pain that seems born into me? It's in my abdomen, In my skin. Consumes my shoulder and it hurts to grin. So shall I crumble? Just cave and give in? I can drown so easily. Shall I cave? So easy to drown, Getting harder to swim. Harder to bring life back within 4/4/07
A Painful Get Well...
A "Get Well Message" ........... A motorcycle patrolman was rushed to the hospital with an inflamed appendix. The doctors operated and advised him that all was well. However, the patrolman kept feeling something pulling at the hairs in his crotch. Worried that it might be a second surgery the doctors hadn't told him about, he finally got enough energy to pull his hospital gown up enough so he could look at what was making him so uncomfortable. Taped firmly across his pubic hair were three wide strips of adhesive tape, the kind that doesn't come off easily. Written in large black letters was the sentence. "Get well quick..... from the nurse you gave a ticket to last week."
Everyday struggles are starting to overwhelm me Stress is taking over my mind And i'm starting to believe that hell is for me And I have no place to confide... I can't do my job, and school is too rough I feel like there is no way out And I try to overcome, but its becoming too tough And failure seems more than a doubt... Why won't someone just come to my rescue Please don't leave me all alone If the tables were turned, I swear I would help you Please... I can't do this on my own... Then one morning, my good friend reminded me In order to acheive pleasure, there is pain And despite the pain, you can can always confide in me Becuase our friendship will never change... Now that didnt fix all my problems But one thing did become plain That I'm not alone in trying to solve them And that reduced some of my pain... -Nemesis the Nazerene-
well, i busted my knee again today... i'm placing my two weeks at work tomorrow and i got to try and get this surgery in this summer.... blah fucking pain
I've been working out every night. My body is screaming in pain at me, but it'll all be worth it. I can feel the pain in my arms and legs the most. I need to work on my mid-section. Weather is crappy right now. Hopefully by Saturday it's better. I want to go riding!
Paint An 8
Seven less sorrows, seven more mistakes Seven things to borrow, seven more to take Seven times I've fallen, seven times I'm up Six times I've wondered, where was one more Why did I sleep so late Lost my mind seven days straight If I go for seven more Paint an eight on my door Sevens windows and seven doors Seven sisters and seven boys Seven full words and seven lines Same old story same old crime Why did I sleep so late Lost my mind for seven days straight If I go for seven more Paint an eight on my door Why did I sleep so late Lost my mind for seven days straight If I go for seven more Paint an eight on my door
i was just watching montel tryin to fall asleep since i been up for like 3 days straight and i busted in tears. it was about families that are over in war.and it all brought up pain that im feeling about my moms death.her death was unknowing and unexpected. the day i got the voicemail from my uncle(my moms brother lenny) and said she was life flighted to ruby memorial i morgantown cause they thought she was havin a stroke i was shocked,i called her cell and left a mssage sayin nothin was gonna happen to her that she'd be ok and that i loved her, but then when the dr called me and said she had suffered severe brain damage on the left side cuz she had, hada spontanious hypertension anorism,and there was nothing else possible for them to do to save her and that i hadta get there in person to give permission to take her off life support that moment i totaly lost it, and from that moment i might look and act strong on the outside but truthfully on the inside im just withering away to no
Pain In The End
I have found in my mind Things I once left behind Now without a second thought I know the pains I wrought Apologies of dissappointed blame When I already did the same Rather not just one faulty of lies We choose to act greater and more wise Looking to what we can find Only enable to see as if to be blind Hating our untruths caught Tying webs of deceit in knots Pointing out others shame Treating life as a game Caring less as to why Giving in as we all slowly die Forgetting forgiveness is easily said As others lie in our bed Hurt being promised not In the end that is all I got...
Anyone wanna paint for free? I hate it and so does the old man. I'd rather not have to pain, but would like it all done for me. :)
A Pain In My Heart
We pledged our undying love for each other promised we would always be together believed that a love as great as ours was created by a divine power There was never a doubt in my mind that you weren't the one for me you've given me the best year of my life I would have died for you in a heartbeat Never having to think it through I would have done anything for you your happiness was my happiness your sadness was my sadness Whatever that would hurt you would surely hurt me too With each tear I saw you shed I was literally devastated I would rather suffer all the pain then to see your beautiful heart ache you would never know a day of sorrow If I had anything to do with tomorrow And when you laughed and smiled it was just the most beautiful sight that could ever grace my eyes the utter joy it brought deep inside You brought out the very best in me made me the woman I wanted to be knowing I was loved by you there was nothing I couldn't do And like a
A Painful Heart
HIM: I want to hold you in my arms, but you tell me you need time, but, I need you, I want you, I feel as if we was meant to be. HER: I want you, and need you too, but my heart is to, scare to open up again. HIM I want, to hold your hand and guide you down the path, and do my best to show you that we can make it last. I will never let go, or hurt you in anyway. I'll show you that I can make you happy, and that there will be no regrets. HER: Even though you'll guide me, I'll still can open up. You may try to show me love, but I can not returned it yet. HIM: If you let me teach you, I will walk inside your heart and take you to a world you will never want to part. I want to take a chance because my feelings I can't hide. If it doesn't last, we can at least say we tried, so please give me a chance. HER: My heart can not be walked into. There is no room for love. So many times it has been stepped on, it has,leaved me with sorrows, and pain, and a broken heart. HIM: I will
Feeling nothing but Pain, Standing in the cold rain, Its been weeks since hearing from you, Then tonight you come thru, Three weeks crying day till night, Hoping that all things would be made right, I moved on and left you behind, Now thoughts return in my mind Could you not have just left me be, I forgot all the misery! Written by Matt Strouse If this day could not get any worse. A girl that i spent three weeks crying over has decided to come back thru tonight flooding my mind with memories. Is not three weeks enough pain and agony, now I have to go thru more? Yes we had alot of good times, matter of fact, we were engaged, the three of us to be married. Things moved too fast too soon though and she stopped talking and climbed in a shell the very same night she was given the ring. Now she comes back thru?
Pain And Pleasure
pain and pleasure go hand and hand so give it to me as only you can blood on my back from your nails and bites god this extasy feels so right they call me sick cause pain makes the sex stable i'll fuck you harder if you use that cable wrap it around my neck and whip me with the slack leggs to ass, ass to back blade to chest, hear the whip "crack" a slave with his master, a domanate one is best someone to go alnight, puts your body to the test scream and yell, beg and plead you torture my body fulfeeling my souls needs the day started so slow boreing and mondain eating your pussy again and again you came i called you weak and you say its my turn that was foreplay, making love now as my flesh burns dont call me weak as my back you whip i laugh and say i was joking bitch the mader you get the more pain you bestow as i think to myself should i call her a hoe sex without pain is just boreing to me i love to hear you cum and make my body bleed pure bliss, pu
Pain-by Three Days Grace
This is what i feel right now... i can't help it i need him i want him but he's gone and i cannot breath thinking about him Pain lyrics Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all You're sick of feeling numb You're not the only one I'll take you by the hand And I'll show you a world that you can understand This life is filled with hurt When happiness doesn't work Trust me and take my hand When the lights go out you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Anger and agony Are better than misery Trust me I've got a plan When the lights go off you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain,
why do i feel pain for others, I dont know maybe its because I care so much for ppl and they dont see it, maybe its because i can see where they are in their life and reflect back when I was in there shoes. But I think the main reason I feel pain is I dont want ppl to make the same mistakes I made when I was growing up. My friends are the ones i count on and no one else...This is why I feel pain for others is because I understand where they are coming from as the saying goes BEEN THERE DONE THAT!!!!!! that is true in my book....Thanks to all the friends that have been there for me...
Pain In My Side
Ouch! Why won't this pain go away. I'm falling apart and I'm only 24. Is this some kind of punishment. I can't eat, I can't sleep. Nothing makes the pain go away. Stupid doctor vampires that take my blood and never give me answers. At first it was just diarrhea and vomit. Good old stomach flu that never went away. At the same time, check blood sugar. Want to make sure its not diabetes. Twelve hour fast...nada...nope I don't have diabetes!!! Yeah for me but still there's pain. Ok..draw blood for another test. Nope no ciliac sprue. Yeah I can eat what I want. Now the pain is worse. Go back to the doctor. They don't know whats wrong with me. When do they ever know! It's just a guessing game. Have to get an ultra sound...yet another 12 hour fast. No results yet. Where are they? Hey..doc says you have to go on a clear liquid diet. Just water, juice, jello, tea, and popsicles! Five days of hell!! Eat for one day and oh my g** the pain! Again doc says..go back on the die
Paint Brush
i keep my paint brush with me wherever i may go in case i need to cover up so the real me doesn't show i'm afraid of what you'll do you might laugh or say mean things i'm afraid i might lose you i'd like to remove all my paint coats to show you the real, true me but i want you to try and understand i need you to accept what you see. so if you'll be patient and close your eyes i'll strip off all my coats real slow please try to understand how much it hurts to let the real me show now my coats are all torn off i feel naked, bard and cold and if you still love me with all that you see you are my friend, pure as gold i need to save my paint brush, though and hold it in my hand, i want to keep it handy in case somebody doesn't understand so please protect me, my dear friend and thanks for loving me true but please let me keep my paint brush with me until i love me too -Bettie B. Young
Pain And Your Children
Paint Ball Fuck
I have always wanted to play paint ball. Hunting, being chased, hitting your target,,, total turn on! Suiting up in camo's and regulation army boots (don't laugh, its my fantasy). Of course I would get the top one size to small and tie it up around my waist…have to look hot, its to my advantage. Being on opposite ends of the playing field the hunt is on. Peeking around the corner of the wall to see where you are, Bam your first shot lands on the wall 12 inches from my head. Stunned I see you smile a wicked smile at me as you disappear behind the wall. This totally make me want to kick your ass and rip your clothes off at the same time. Hearing foot steps in the distance I get up and decide to dive for the next wall seeing your position. Getting on my belly I take the sniper position and wait for you to move again. Pop, pop, pop, your shots ring out landing in my general area. Shooting back I almost hit your foot as you slide it back behind the wall. Knowing your going to tr
The Pain Of Silence
Love when kept keeps hurting inside. love you didn't expect would puzzle your mind. love unexpressed will never give you rest. the risk of love not taken, will hinder your dreams to happen. love, you are kind. will you keep out of my mind? My heart shouts for your name my eyes cry for joy. but my mind does not command for me to fall in love. love, you are kind, please don't let me fall for him he is my friend and i don't want our friendship to end. Truth hunts me. Yes, i am in love. In love with a friend. Would I love and be silent? be hurt but to keep the friendship? Or would i speak and take the risk? the risk of losing our friendship? Now, I am happy, for you are my friend, but my heart is crying expressing deep sentiments of love unexpressed my heart would cry more knowing that this is what we'll ever be--friends.
Pain(fave Kittie Song)
Kittie - Pain Lyrics I feel your pain Almost lost it all You are all the same The wounded bleed to death Tarnish my name You deserve nothing at all... You knew that life was a game... You deserve nothing at all... You must endure your own PAIN! Life in the dark without a light Hollow empty Let’s get it right You deserve nothing at all... You knew that life was a game... You deserve nothing at all... Red dress serpent... Just stop it.. Just stop it... Red dress serpent and you’ll stay here! You deserve nothing at all... You knew that life was a game... You deserve nothing at all... YOU MUST ENDURE YOUR OWN PAIN!
Pain Of The Past
Pain of the Past Why did they do it? People were supposed to care They scarred my heart There's layers of pain All the heartache I thought I was through But it keeps coming and coming It's a flood of pain They didn't understand What it meant to care They'll never care what they did To the heart of this man I'm trying to get through The pain of the past But if the past keeps coming There might be nothing left of me
Pain In The
Okay i generally blog on myspace. which is good. except i have inlaws checking in to make sure i'm not doing something rotten to their son. Anyway. I am who i am. I'm 27 years old soon to be a first time mom and I am married to a wonderful guy who at the moment has done some rotten things. I currently live in ohio actually i've always lived here. More than likely gonna stay here. Things get to me alot. Like good friends lyng to you telling you one thing and doing something else. People thinking they can get away with stuff when in all actuality things will come back to bite them in the ass. Nothing in life is ever what it seems. And whoever said pregnancy is beautiful has never been pregnant. And on the day that Men were made God did leave out an important part of their design and that Is the brain and the ability to do whats right and not cheat and not lie. sooo anyway i know i can appear a tad bit pissy and all that jazz but ya know what i could lie like some do and blame it on somet
Paint Me
Paint Me Written By: Peggy A. Rowe-Miller ©March 19, 1995 Paint me a picture Draw me a dream Show me what is inside of you, let me see. All the world is a stage, honey.. You are on your mark.. let me inside of you.. let me be your friend. No strings attached to this. there is just the warmth from within. Let me look in the window... the window to your soul... Let me see the depths, that other people know. And if we become lovers.. Let it be in every sense of the word. Show me what you are... and who, or we can't get too far. I've been with a lot of men.. and not one has fit like you... so let me see inside of you.. I want to make sure we fit. Already the longing is with me... already my body stirs... show me, honey... show me what you are made of within.
The Pain Thats In My Heart And In My Body
i just want every1 to know who cares to read this that i have a hard time gettin on this thing anymore. my body wont allow me to sit here for as long as i use to. i have been diagnosed w/ mialfasha which i cant spell it or even care if im close. lol. but what it is, is just like fybermyelga if any1 knows what that is. its like arthritis to the joints and muscles. so im in a lot of pain sometimes and those doctors wont give me anything good for it, damn it. lol.. i had a bone scan done of my entire body which shows my skeleton. it shows im covered w/ arthritis all over my body which makes things even worse. my hip joints and spine are all thinning out already. well theres more but u get the point. if u think im on, my comp maybe just connected so i can check whats going on from time to time. this pain is so hard to bare but the worst part is im having a hard time w/ my son and he spends a lot of time w/ my parents. i see him a couple days a week he stays some nights but a lot of times i
So, I wake up last Thursday, and guess what? PPAAIINN!!!! My back hurt so bad, I could hardly walk. So, like it's happened before, and after a day or two, I'm back to normal... Well, then comes along Monday. Guess what? After laying in bed all weekend, the pain is not only still there, but WORSE!! So, I make a doctors appointment and he doesn't do much other than ask questions and test my reflexes. He then orders an x-ray and prescribes me some anti-inflammatory medicine and muscle relaxers. So, I get home, and it's too late to make the appointment for the x-ray, so I wait until Tuesday to do that. Well, they tell me they can't fit me in for a week and half. Ummm? I'm thinking... WTF??? Okay, so I tell my boss and he gives me the name of his chiropractor, along with an excellent reference. Okay, so I call them Wednesday morning. They say they can take me in two hours. What? Two hours? Holy crap!!! And, they have an x-ray machine ON-SITE!!! So, then I make my 1-1/2
Pain Drama Tears Depressions
5/3/2007 Hello Readers: Note: Read this newsletter to the end for the Super Deal. The last New Moon Party went just fantastic, many of my friends, clients and students flew from all over and the "pool party" was a total success. People began arriving around 3:30 PM and the show kept going all the way to 1:30 AM. The next New Moon Party is set for Sunday May 20th from 5 PM until 3 AM and you are welcome to comeback and bring more of your friends. My friends are not only smart but also highly spiritual and you will have a blast with all of us. Dress casually and bring your swimming suit it will be hot by the pool. With a bit of luck I will have my new book "Beyond The Secret" available and you will get your signed copy at a discounted price. I spent hours talking with four Los Angeles movie Producers willing to combine their efforts to turn this book into a movie and a series of documentaries is planned to be produced by my good friend Edmund Executive producer and Directo
grab a razor make a fist watch ur pain flow out of ur wrist pain and sorrow all in one fuck the razor grab the gun
why do we bleed we bleed so we may feel the madness why do we feel so much pain we feel so much pain so we can feel so much love why do we cry we cry so we may laugh why we go so far but not far enough we go so far to find out we had it all back home why do we need so much we need so much to find out that we need so little
Pain And Sorrow
Pain and sorrow fill every part of my being. I lost what I most wanted. A dream shattered into a million pieces. Never to be put together again. I see you and want to reach out to you ,hold you like I did so long ago.To tell you its alright,everything will be alright. A lie. One I must continue to tell myself to be able to go on. Thoughts of you constantly run through my mind. I know you have moved on. My pain and sorrow so strong. Just wanting to see you to be near you. To touch you to hold you once again. Yet another dream never to be realized. I will go on living with my pain and sorrow. Till another angel shows me the light I long to walk into and take me out of this hell that has been created by the loss of a dream
How can I forget? Your love was so strong I felt nothing could ever hurt me. But I was wrong. Many nights alone I cried myself to sleep. Wondering where you were, what you were doing or whether you were still alive. You'd come home and Id ask you where you were. Your reply "Out...just out that's all." I never let you see the hurt. You never knew my pain. How could you when I kept silent? Our lives started to fall apart. We didn't talk. We clashed at every turn. One of us had to give so I left. I see you now and I long to be with you. I long to touch you and hold you in my arms. I want to fall asleep and wake up with you near me. My heart melts whenever you smile at me. My body quivers at every touch. No matter how much I want you or long to be with you. I cant forget. The pain never spoken. The pain never heard.
Pain Of Disspair
i look around for u, but i dont see u there i try so hard to find u don't u even care i turn behind me and look i think your standing there oh yes i look behind me right into the face of pain of disspair It's coming over me now And i don't know what to do i cling to something solide In high hopes that it is u It stares back at me and chill's me to the bone its stares right at me tell me i am not all alone i feel the chill come upon me and i kick and scream and fight i start to feel sick so i curle up in fright it set's there and waits i hate what i am about to do it sit's there and hate's tell me this isn't true. i sit there and start to cry i sit there all alone all the sundden i start to feel it there is no way to start over again i start to feel the pain of disspair within
Pain And Womanhood
I woke up this morning at 6 am , I was in so much pain i didn't know whether to cry or puke well i went to the ER and apparently I had 3 cysts possibly more and one on my right side(size of it was unknown) had burst. I now only have 2 and both are the size of golf balls or larger. I was in the ER from 630 am till 330 pm. I am doing better but for all i have been through in the past 6 months i have had enough being a women is not worth it anymore. How much of this shit should any women have to go through in 6 month span. First they found abnormal cells on my cervix in January and informed me i have Polycystic Ovary Disease. Mind you that 1 year ago from that time everything was normal,then in the end of January start of February they did biopcies (very pain full but i dealt with it fine) which they found to be end stage Dysplasia. So in the end of Feb and start of march o had surgery to have it removed by way of a LEEP procedure. This didn't go as planed extremely pain full and
Pain Music Video Code By Three Days Grace :
Music Video:PAIN (by Three Days Grace)Music Video Code provided by Video Code Zone
As i see the glistening of my emotions I pick it up and start with pressure. This pressure sliding against my skin, freeing the pain held inside. The pain is streaming out into a red pool relaxing my body, freeing my emotions and pain.
Pain And Betrayel
Did you think I cared, did you believe my promises Did my kiss make it seem like forever, did they come true, your wishes Did you lay in your bed at night and thank god I forgave you Were you planning our future, belive all your dreams came true Now that you know better does it hurt, are your tears like fire.. Do you question every word, every touch, is death now your desire Is there pain in the pit of your stomach, cutting at your soul Are you wondering if you'll ever love again, your life out of control I know what your thinking, the anger, the pain, how your feeling I'm feeding off it, it soothes my pain, it is the beggining of my healing You thought it was behind us, your hurtful words forgotten, never I could never, it was too deep, the scars a reminder, my way of life I hope you hurt now, maybe next time, you won't cut with that knife
At last I've come to realize that this is how it's going to be no more denial of simple truth no more fighting destiny I will take a thousand hands and heal a thousand lives I will wipe away a river of tears from a thousand crying eyes I will listen through the darkness at endless tragic woeful tails and mend the thousand broken little lives that seem so hopeless and so frail I will tell the lie of hope and the greater lie of love and I will promise them brief happiness and the power to rise above Then I will send them on their way these birds from the nest have flown and I will wake to yet another day hauntingly alone
The Pain You Make Me Feel
I don’t know what to say to you I love you is not enough for you I want us to be together You and me forever So why did you turn me down Rip my heart out and spin it around You know how much you meant to me You were the only one for me I don’t know what to say to you I love you is not enough for you I want us to be together You and me forever Now I have no other option Than to hate your every convulsion I didn’t think I could hate this much But you proved me wrong to my disgust I don’t know what to say to you I love you is not enough for you I want us to be together You and me forever You f***ing bastered you hurt me even more You have no idea of the pain you put in here You killed me inside And your allowed to live Without any idea of the pain you placed in here I don’t know what to say to you I love you is not enough for you I want us to be together You and me forever People tell me to move on But they don’t know how much yo
Pains Of Your Close Friends Stabing You
NightwishWish I Had An AngelMusic Video Codes By Music i am sorry to those that are my friends for venting in this joyfull occasion im getting remaried on june second to my wife but enough is enough Anger building up So close to exploding I am so close to the edge No second thoughts before knowing My body shakes with anger The line is so close Slowly starting to overstep that line My eyes start to tear up Softly falling down my cheeks Anger invades me Precisely and carefully taking over Anger...Anger...Anger The human passion that can help or destroy me I feel like I'm alone in this small world But the anger becomes my friend My body crumbles to the ground I wake up screaming From being stabed in the back again Time after time by those close to me Those calling them self good friends or close friends even lovers in the past How much pain can one take before exploding How much abuses can one take before going mad I try to be nice and friendly to
I feel this pain deep inside me I can't control it Within me it is hiding Waiting to be released From the depths of my heart When it comes out It tears me apart... My arms are bleeding My mind is racing... Will this pain ever end?? Is there any hope for me??? Can someone truely love the person I really am???? Perhaps you could love This mut I've become... Maybe your the one That is supposed to Pull me out of this darkness That I have been drowning in...
Pain Bleeding heart Empty body Without life Without hope. Trying to heal Trying to feel Hoping for something Hoping for anything. Lost is my mind Lost is my soul Reaching for you Holding on to nothing. Pain is all I feel Pain is all I have And all that I know Is that I'll never heal. Balance in life There isn't such a thing Balance in death Is all that I need. Written by Mara Drotar I wrote this poem on december 18th of 2005
ok im in very bad pain who wants a cold and a hurting wisdom tooth thats trying to come though?
It was ripping her insides apart, her lower back feeling like someone was driving a nail straight thru the bone. Though she curled up in a ball, moaning incessantly, she refused to cry out, to show weakness. It was worse this time, this curse of her womanhood. The very scent of food made her nauseous, though she forced herself to eat to stave off the weakness. No matter of medicines helped, so all she could do was bear thru a few more days until the end of her cycle. Yet there was something different this time- she felt a changing within her, like something was being coaxed from within her, clawing its way free despite her resistance. She felt like a predator seething, trapped, but too weak and in too much pain to pursue her prey. This filled her with both dread and excitement, this haunting presence that called her away from everything she knew.....
"pain And Misery"
I see the pain and misery, that everyone is going through. The pain of a broken heart, and the misery of the scars of a great loss. I feel the pain and misery, just the same as everyone else does. For I too, am going through it. I gave my heart away, just to have it thrown away, like the evening paper (received,used & tossed) I fear the pain and misery, that we're all going through. I can't help wondering, Will we get past this? Will we survive? (when) Somehow, someday it'll all be better, I have to believe it's true because, I don't want to see, nor feel, nor fear, All the pain and misery no more. BL 6/9/94
Pain By Three Days Grace
"Pain" Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all You're sick of feeling numb You're not the only one I'll take you by the hand And I'll show you a world that you can understand This life is filled with hurt When happiness doesn't work Trust me and take my hand When the lights go out you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Anger and agony Are better than misery Trust me I've got a plan When the lights go off you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing Rather feel pain I kno
I am a poet writing of my pain. I am a person living a life of shame. I am your daughter hidding my depression. I am you sister making a good imperssion. I am your friend acting like i'm fine. I am a wisher wishing this life wasnt mine. I am a girl who thinks of suicide. I am a teenager pushing my tears aside. I am a student who doesnt have a clue. I am the girl sitting next to you. Can you see my pain if i don't tell you? And would you feel it if i did tell you? Would you even care???? not bout me jus a poem! lol
"pain" -- Three Days Grace
"Pain" Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all You're sick of feeling numb You're not the only one I'll take you by the hand And I'll show you a world that you can understand This life is filled with hurt When happiness doesn't work Trust me and take my hand When the lights go out you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Anger and agony Are better than misery Trust me I've got a plan When the lights go off you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing Rather feel pain I kno
Painful Anger
this is what happened to me on friday June 8th. I spent the night at my bosses and his wife house because I had to be to work by 8, after work I planned on picking up my kids and going over to my sister's house to collect some of the money she owes me. Mind you she has not made a payment in two months and I am gtting very angry because I have two kids to take care of. So I get to my mom's house in a bad mood and guess who is there? My two sisters that owe me money. I walk over to the van to see if they got money for me and of course they dont, they rather do drugs than pay me back, so I already mad. I ask my other sister if she has money for me to pay for the bed I bought her on a loan and she says no to. I tell her fine then I am going to come repo my bed because you are not going to pay me and I am tired of your games. That is when everything went wrong. She called me a bitch and stating talking about my house and my kids. So I punched her in the face. Things really got bad after tha
The Pain Of Not Telling! (by Me Tasha)
This heart is sore this is true It has a feeling just for you. An emptyness is deep inside. Makes me want to run and hide. I have a mask that I wear. I care for you and theres my fear.. You'll never know how i feel. Cause it can never be revealed.
The Pain
This is for someone and if they read it they should know that it is for them:)
Paint Me A Picture
Paint me a Picture of a love unrefined. One that is simple with no complications inside. Show me the way to become what it should be. Give me the answers that I so simply seek. Paint me a picture of love. So simple & True. Tell me how and what to do. Allow me the chance to do it all right, Allow me the freedom and allow my heart to fly. Day upon day, I reach for that love. I see the whole big picture and all the colors of that love. Still it seems distant and always out of reach. The picture that once was so simple is now, many colors and beyond my reach.
Pain, without love Pain, can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all You're sick of feeling numb You're not the only one I'll take you by the hand And I'll show you a world that you can understand This life is filled with hurt When happiness doesn't work Trust me and take my hand When the lights go out you will understand Pain, without love Pain, can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Anger and agony Are better than misery Trust me I've got a plan When the lights go off you will understand Pain, without love Pain, can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing Rather feel pain I know (I know I know I k
You beat me as if i am nothing but yet your friends all look down their nose at you. You kiss me as if to make up for all the blows but yet your hits left their marks. You leave me as if its the end but yet I know you will try to come home again. You made my deep dark grave so now please let me rest in peace. I hope ya'll like poetry
Pain, without love Pain, can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all You're sick of feeling numb You're not the only one I'll take you by the hand And I'll show you a world that you can understand This life is filled with hurt When happiness doesn't work Trust me and take my hand When the lights go out you will understand Pain, without love Pain, can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Anger and agony Are better than misery Trust me I've got a plan When the lights go off you will understand Pain, without love Pain, can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing Rather feel pain I know (I know I know I k
the pain that you feel, but cant touch. a pain you know of, but cant explain a pain so feirce you go insane the unknown pain that clutches your heart and burns in your soul the pain in your life to strong to carry on the unknown pain that clouds your mind and devours your every thought the pain of broken promises broken dreams the pain thats unheard of the pain that's not seen
The Pain Inside
Would you hear my cries from miles away? Would you know that I'm suffering just by looking at me? Words I cannot express, pollute my mind, my soul, and my heart. I'm the shadow of what I once was. A shell of myself, Hollow inside, and all I can do is hide behind my facade. Tears have fallen in darkness Heartache a silent assassin. There are no rainbows, no sunshine Only cold, dark, hollows. The pain eats at me. The fear stabs at me. I have no hopes of a better tomorrow. Only darkness of the days past.
Pain Eternal Pain changing colors Pain showing way through shadow. Hurt screams the heart Hurt showing through the soul Hurt paints pornographic pictures in the mind. Fear shoots through the abstract sorrow Fear follows my thoughts down Fear makes shallow the belief of man. Jubilation at the though of you standing there, the loss of your touch darkens my day. I feel you looking down at me, staring at me, the sharp daggers of your judgment stab through me. Music playing on the radio, Memories of the day running though my head. White, red, black, All merging together to scare us all into reality. I lose myself to the idea of you, We both die in the ecstasy of ignorance. Videos, like memories, flash across my eyes, I drown in the simple sorrow you bring within me. Pain Hurt Fear All exist within you, Within me.
shattered reams. .broken hearts. .trapped souls is where i believe. .pain is what i empty soul.. a lost spirit is who i am gone into darkness.. wanting no light.. hopes for nothing.. dreams of sorrow
All the pain The pain in my life you can't see it but i can Its horrible and discusing I wish the pain wasn't in my life But it is and its killing me The pain is causing me to lose my friends, family and people who i care about The pain is always there, in the car and at school and at home pain follows me everywere I can also see if another persons in pain or upset Pain is everywere in this world its even following you and me right now But the best thing to do is fight the pain I am and its helping a little bit It will either end you up dead or in the hospital Pain is everywere Pain Pain Pain
Paintjam (the Painter )
Why does this always happens to me I think I find some one And then I just say something wrong And it pisses them off Why don’t you just rip out my heart Cause I don’t want it any more I don’t need it All I want to do is die I want to take the knife That sitting right next to me And run it along my arm To watch the blood run out For I can’t be happy Not any more Its been way to long Since I’ve know that feeling What would you do if I just left this world for good Would you miss me then Well we can always find out I won’t be here much longer Your time is running out
Ok ... those of you that have spoken with me at length know somewhat of what I deal with. Sometimes it is easier to put down how terrible you are feeling and maybe it can be a catharsis to help ease the strain. I feel like some awesome force of nature has chosen me to rage upon. The nights creep by every moment an eternity. Waiting, hoping for the winds to shift and this to pass. Lying there staring at the ceiling terrified to move. Unbidden the tears exude from my eyes. I can not stop the flow. Each ragged breath I take causes a cascade of agony. The passage of time does little to assuage or comfort me. I long for a bygone time when the simple pleasures in life were enjoyable. I abhor the wretchedness of this affliction. I aspire that there is some indiscernible way to emerge from this to the light on the other side. To once again be able to function like a sanctioned member of society. To not be shackled by habitual anguish.
Pain (sorry)
It hurts inside, all the pain is sucking up energy within Everyone says just be yourself, but the truth is I dont know who me is I've been someone else for so long that I lost who I am In a world where if you're not a certain way you get judged I dont know if i could ever be whole again, but then again you can't make something whole that never was It's like a missing peice of me Without it I can't live After all I've been through you'd think I could handle this, but the thing is I can't take it anymore and I don't think I could make it I want to reach out to someone, but I'm scarde to let someone in Scarde I might get rejected So many people have betrayed me in my life, so many people have left me, so many people never actually got the chance to know me before they walked away I only let people in so far...don't get me wrong I'm just misunderstood I want to let people in I try to reach out, but they just don't get the clue I used to look in the mirror seeing the person I
A Painful Experience
Let me tell you what happen to me when I was 13. I was watering cotton here in the Rio Gand Valley of Texas when I notice a lot of the Texas Red Harvester Ants floating by in the ditch. Didn’t pay much attention to the ants I was busy keeping my water flowing down the mile long rows of cotton. I got stung on my legs by a couple of ants. No problem just brushed them off and went back to work. Soon I felt “tickling” sensation in my goring area so being out in the country I grab my crouch and you gust it wham I got stung on the tip of my penis. I screamed so loud my Dad heard me a ½ mile away. Down came my pants followed by my underwear. Got the ant crushed it with my fingers and fell into the ditch in throbbing with pain. Luckily the ants had floated by and were down stream of me. Dad drove up wondering why I was in the ditch with my pants and underwear down around my ankles. I told him what had happen. He was laughing so hard that he couldn’t help me out of the ditch that was on
Pain Was the pain so bad you couldn’t talk to me about it What happened to you that caused you to take your life in such a way Was it love for something you could not obtain Success seemed wonderful for you Such a sweet and caring life you had I would gladly trade my life for yours to prevent the pain But knowing this you still made that final decision – so inane You will be remembered by one who still cares for you Deep in that darkest part of the heart that holds on to those that have lost Remembering each smile, glance and look Your death caused me pain today whether intended or not But forgiveness and love is all I have for you not trials nor tribulations this day Neither sorrow or sadness crosses my mind The only thought is the pain for you is gone away You were my friend and family and I love you now and forever Created by SF
Pain Ray
"Pain Ray, Please," Says Exotic Weaponeer By Sharon Weinberger June 29, 2007 | 7:01:00 AMCategories: Bizarro, Lasers and Ray Guns, Less-lethal This is part 2 of a dinner interview with John Alexander, the former Green Beret who's become one of the best-known advocates for exotic arms. Part 1 is here. Danger Room: You've been pushing for nonlethal weapons for a long time. Do you think the Pentagon's Joint Nonlethal Weapons Directorate is doing a good job? John Alexander: They need to do more. They’ve got a new director [Col. Kirk Hymes], a good guy. DR: What should the Joint Nonlethal Weapons Directorate be doing more of? JA: I think the issue they’ve got to think of is range, even for existing systems. One of the problems with things like pepper ball and those kinds of things is in order to increase range; you’ve got to increase launch velocity. When you do that, you increase the minimum safe distance, and increase the probability of lethality close in. DR:
I set here and wonder about the meanins of life and love, realizing that pain comes and goes and leaves an impact in your life. when ppl come into your life and you give them everything and you show them everything and they leave you for someone else how much more pain could that be... to have someone rip your heart out from your chest and stomp in into the dirt can that be considered ultimate pain... no I dont think so because ultimate pain is never ending love cycles and the heart can mend itself in many ways... I vowed to myself that I wont give up on love, but why can it be so diffucult why does it hurt. they say that love causes you pain I believe that. Now it is time to move on.. slowly back into the life we once had pushing our way through becomming stronger.. pain is bearable pain is life pain is what shows us that we are alive.. pain shows us that we are still breathing and we can go on and live another day... yes bring on the pain I relish it... because with pain I know I am
A Painted Smile.
Every morning, she paints a fake smile on her face. She makes her way to work. And secretly feels out of place. She fakes a few laughs, cracks a few jokes. But when they ask how she is doing. She kind of chokes. She feels the tears welling up. But tell herself not to cry. SO she covers it up. And tells them another lie. Everyone loves her. But secretly she wants to die. So once she gets home. She locks herself in her room And starts to cry. She wants to be happy. So tomorrow she will try. But in the end gives up. And tells another lie. It's not that shes unhappy. Just shes out of place. You probably couldn't tell, Except by that painted smile that's on her face.
THREE DAYS GRACE LYRICS "Pain" Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all You're sick of feeling numb You're not the only one I'll take you by the hand And I'll show you a world that you can understand This life is filled with hurt When happiness doesn't work Trust me and take my hand When the lights go out you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Anger and agony Are better than misery Trust me I've got a plan When the lights go off you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing
you don't even know the pain i feel when i start to question what is real i know you're the cause my lust for you gnaws its way, through my brain and i'm here, alone standing by myself, with tears of understanding rolling down my cheeks now i know my bended heart won't be mended by your love.... no longer will i cry or ask for help from up above i don't blame thee i blame myself for my insecurities this time i'm really confused about what i should do i have this fear of never being satisfied i can't find stable happiness, i've tried and tried this isn't easy, i'm the butt of my own joke i want some affection, this is all i hope now i know my bended heart won't be mended by your love.... no longer will i cry or ask for help from up above and i'll live my life until i die wondering if i'll ever be satisfied it's not easy being the butt of your own joke i want some affection, this is all i hope
Pain, without love Pain, can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all You're sick of feeling numb You're not the only one I'll take you by the hand And I'll show you a world that you can understand This life is filled with hurt When happiness doesn't work Trust me and take my hand When the lights go out you will understand Pain, without love Pain, can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Anger and agony Are better than misery Trust me I've got a plan When the lights go off you will understand Pain, without love Pain, can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing Rather feel pain I know (I know I know I k
Pain Inside
I left because you treated me badly, Didn't you understand that I loved you madly? You were never there when I needed you, What else was I supposed to do? You never talked to me except when you wanted to, How dare you put me last When I'm supposed to be the one you had loved. You love? Now thats a laugh, I don't think you have the heart, Not now that I see you for who you are, You want to know why I had to go? I had to get away from you, I got you back for hurting me, I didn't believe you when you said sorry, I still don't, I never will again, You lied one too many times, Just to get back into my heart, Well it is the end, my old friend, You will never again be in this heart of mine. Was there even a moment where you had loved me? Just give me a sign, I tried to believe in the words you spoke, But I have to admit... What a joke! You hurt me more than anyone, in the end, So I got you back, and believe me, I am no longer your friend, I will not ever forgive you,
Pain - 3 Days Drace
Painless Birth
Painless Birth A married couple went to he hospital to have their baby delivered. Upon their arrival, the doctor said he had invented a new machine that would transfer a portion of the mother's labor pain to the father. He asked if they were willing to try it out. They were both very much in favor of it. The doctor set the pain transfer dial to 10% for starters, explaining that even 10% was probably more pain than the father had ever experienced before. But as the labor progressed, the husband felt fine and asked the doctor to go ahead and bump it up a notch. The doctor then adjusted the machine to 20% pain transfer. The husband was still feeling fine. The doctor checked the husband's blood pressure and was amazed at how well he was doing. At this point they decided to try for 50%. The husband continued to feel quite well. Since it was obviously helping out his wife considerably, the husband encouraged the doctor to transfer ALL the pain to him. The wife delivered a healthy b
Intense in it's journey throughout the weakened body it travels. Radiating through the being causing thought to slowly unravel. No relief can be found from it's constant persistence. There is no cure only the body's natural resistence. The source internal, disturbing body and mind. The answer lost somewhere that we have yet to find.
Pain Management
I was sitting in the dentist's chair in Salinis, thinking, as the needle descended into my mouth, that my life has been all about pain management. Now, don't get me wrong, I have a pretty great life all in all. I am well-employed, surrounded by friends and family, and have done things that others can only dream of. However, I can't deny that there have been longer stretches of time where I have shouldered more than my fair share. The army, without a doubt, has been a cruel mistress. She has beaten me up pretty good over the years. The knees don't work like they used to and the back is tender from years of heavy rucking. lol....I guess that it is better to look good than to feel good. However, today, more so than most, I am tired: I have to go back to the doctor.
I am a soul filled with pain. Trapped in darkness, having NO hope of getting out of this thick darkness. The things that can cause this are very few. They may be few but they are deeply scaring my soul. For one, I moved away from my home town. The town I've been raised in since I was one years old. Second, I then had to move again to a new place that I didn't like very much. Until i met Monica, Who is like a big sister to me now. And Shannon, who is like a big brother. Third, I had to move up here. In the hell hole of really deep darkness with a lot of pain. Everyone thinks they can play with my emotions and push me around. I've been pushed around since I was in first grade. That is what's brought me here, to this deep painful darkness. If you have any of these problems or ones simular to them, You are in pain. I have them all so I am in a very very deep painful darkness. Which I call pain. Written on: 12-12-90
Pain Pain Please Go Away
Death What is it? Where do you go? Will My Pain Stop? That is ALL I WANT! I want ALL My Pain to DISAPPEAR!! Maybe if I ran away Far away & Forget this Life that is Mine.... To become someone NEW Start a NEW Life WITHOUT Pain! Without ANY Memories of My PAST SELF.. This cannot happen in Life This IS NOT REALITY!! So with KNOWLEDGE of this I FEEL I can have ONLY ONE CHOICE... PAIN PAIN PLEASE GO AWAY!!!
Pain. What exactly is it? Is it the physical or the mental, or is it perhaps both? What causes it? Breaking up with the love of your life? A family member dying? Falling off your bike & scraping your knee? Or is it all of them? How do you explain heartbreak? because you feel the pain...but its indescribable. I've recently found this out. Trying to explain why i dont feel good to my friends. Heartbreak. I recently went thru a break up with my boyfriend of 19 months. We were in love. and the break up was out of nowhere, my guess is another girl. oh joy. It makes me wonder if i wasnt good enough, not perfect enough. But all good things must come to an end...
this pain i have inside me changes every few minutes one minuute all i want to do is hurt something then the next i want to hold everyone aorund me these issues consume my whole life over and over i know nothing but what i have lost and i know i can never get them back but as i wait to see whats around the corner i wonder who is going to be next and hurt me cause thats all it seems anyone does when i fall i fall hard i wish i could stand up and not fall hard but i havent been able to find a way not to fall hard yet i just wish this pain that i have would finally die and go away
Pain Caused By Men(i Should Say Boys)
Well where do I even begin with this one. Oh well I guess just that I need to vent and this is usually how I get my feelings out(by writing them out). First I will say this I don't go for my ex's let alone go for anyone that I love ex's. But we made and exception and now are paying for that. It seemed that it was meant to be but now we know diffrent. We allowed an ex to enter our family even gave him our family pendant (which is hard to get from us). Second I don't take being lied to very well at all. Especially when its about a person that causes things to fall apart between us. I caught him in a lie about how he treated his son and that makes me wonder what else he lied about. Third lets just say I had to cleanse our house today and had to stop the binding spell I was doing cause he came home. I will finish it later tonight, besides I found that doing a binding spell at night works better. I finally slept well last night after putting up a protective shield to pro
I can say this all who check out my profile are either friends or sexy ass women only. Or i will bring the pain.
Ever feel like you heart was ripped outta your body and beat with a hammer over and over?...Thats how i feel right now. I'm devistated and i don't know what to do. I lost an amazing guy and he isn't comming back. We ended it on a clean note though but it still hurts like hell. He made me feel amazing and for the time we were together i was extremely happy. I felt like i had something to look forward to. i know some people think its silly that people fall in love online but not me. You get to know someones personallity and heart before anything else. If you havent already read my sticky bulletin i posted going on a fubar break to get my head straight and heal my heart a little bit. Thank you to all my friends who have been there for me trying to cheer me up. I know this pain isnt ever going to completly go away...When you love someone you can't just forget. But with time i will feel better and the tears will stop. I Will always miss him though. I gave him a part of me i've nev
Demons trapped in my heart Pain funning through my veins Dark clouds blanket my soul Lonely inside no one here Muist fight my own private battle Must win the war Won't be happy till all my fears are gone Children playing running through the grassLaughter is heard I have temporary relief Is it ove for now maybe But not Forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Paint Me A Portrait...
Impassioned portrait sketched in words of lust Enticing me to reconsider all. It traces doubt with grey upon my trust And intimations hide behind the scrawl. Relinquish every preconceived intent, And paint my face with violet crystal tears. I cannot take them back, so I relent, And let the brushstrokes cover all my fears. The sharpened edges blur with every hue - Impressionist emotions, tinged with red. I dip my fingers lightly into blue And dare to replicate those things unsaid. Kandinsky never could imagine these Colors of my heart’s geometries. ©RoxyRoxRocker™
CLOSURE Farewell to arms that never held me Farewell to arms that never loved me Farewell to arms that only hurt me Farewell to arms that will remain empty I hate you for the life you’ve stolen For a childhood lost, mostly forgotten Eyes that are swollen with undeserved tears The screams of pain still ring in my ears I longed for you, the love of a mother Got none from you, not me or my brother You raped our minds, bodies and souls Now in hell you’ll burn eternally old My feelings may seem a bit confused But they are quite normal, for experiencing you So goodbye my mother don’t rest in peace Your death to us has brought some relief Farewell to arms that never held me Farewell to arms that never loved me Farewell to arms that only hurt me Farewell to arms that will remain empty
The Pain Inside
Would you hear my cries from miles away? Would you know that I'm suffering just by looking at me? Words I can not express, Pollute my mind, my sould, and my heart. I'm the shadow of what I once was, A shell of myself Hollow inside, and all I can do Is hide behind my facade. Tears have fallen in darkness Heartache a silent assassin. There are no rainbows, no sunshine Only cold, dark hollows. The pain eats at me The fear stabs at me I have no hopes of a better tomorrow Only darkness of the days past.
Pain is the reminder that we are alive. It is the only thing sepreating us humans from Gods. To numb to deny the embrace of life.
My back hurts. It hurts so bad I can barely sit here and type. I wish I knew what I did to make it hurt so bad. I just want to break down crying right now. I just want to go home and lay down and go to sleep but I can't, I dont have any time I can take off work and I have stuff I need to get done here. Ahhhh.
The Pains Of Today...
I find myself in a strange place I don't want to be in. Lately i've been isolated and thats fine usually but without the love and affection I thrive on, its a very cold and lonely place. I've been single for 8 yrs. now and dating random women is not only old but not at all satisfying. One man, one woman, that's how it's suppose to be is'nt it? That's all I can think about lately. Seems like that's an impossible dream for someone who's 35 and whos car broke down...grrrr. Oh well, I guess it'll find me. I'm so tired of waiting...
Pain-free Through Food
Pain-Free Through Food James N. Dillard, MD, DC, CAc Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons reprinted from Daily Health News, June 28, 2004 URL: Believe it or not, the foods you eat may be making your chronic aches and pains worse. To learn about the dietary approach to chronic pain, I spoke with James N. Dillard, MD, DC, CAc, assistant clinical professor at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York City and author of The Chronic Pain Solution (Bantam). Dr. Dillard is formally trained in three health professions -- acupuncture, chiropractic and conventional medicine -- and is an all-around pain specialist. He emphasizes an integrative approach to pain management -- one that combines the best in conventional and traditional medicine, including his own pain-control diet. THE PAIN-CONTROL DIET As you've read many times in Daily Health News, the typical Americ
why must i live with this pain, found a person i can not tame, what is there really to gain , i can live with all my pain, thoughts run threw my head, sometimes i wish i were dead, my friend is on the phone,hello fred, he says take a pill and go to bed, that is the last thing to do, because i am not with you, if we were together we would be two, my bottle is empty i took the last few, is that sleep that i see, oh no !!! that can not be, why do i do this to me, going outside to hang from a tree, pain pain pain everywhere , maybe i should cut my hair, i know you are there , but do you really care
Paint It Black
I have 100 covers, My preference for this blog, is perhaps the WASP or Type O negative, although could also be the incubus or the manson. Naturally Stoned, and Doors are fabulous, and try the Vanessa Carlotn (take my word on it, its worth the dl) I see a red door and I want it painted black No colors anymore I want them to turn black I see the girls walk by dressed in their summer clothes I have to turn my head until my darkness goes I see a line of cars and they’re all painted black With flowers and my love both never to come back I see people turn their heads and quickly look away Like a new born baby it just happens ev’ry day I look inside myself and see my heart is black I see my red door and it has been painted black Maybe then I’ll fade away and not have to face the facts It’s not easy facin’ up when your whole world is black No more will my green sea go turn a deeper blue I could not foresee this thing happening to you If I look hard enough into the sett
Pain You Cause
In life there are times when we go through things, we dont have to just for love. Now why is that? Maybe because we feel that we are not worth more than that, or is it that it's what we;ve came to belive from all the things we've seen in our lives. Now answer me this, why would you hurt someone you love or care about? Why would you call them names, or raise your hand, does it make you feel more like a man? Well this is how I see it, If you have to hurt someone to love them, them you dont deserve them. Leave them be and become someone to love, love yourself first. because if you dont then noone else will. Don't hurt the ones who love you, charish them, because one day they will be gone and who will you have left to say I love you, or I miss you NO'ONE JUST YOU SO BE TRUE TO YOURSELF AND OTHER'S WILL BE TRUE TO YOU! BY JULIENIA, JUST NOW
Pain & Confused
idk wtf to think anymore, im in love but he hates me and is playing me, im so hurt and cinfused
Paint It Black
Prologue: Once again, I return to that lucid reverie… Gather my wits (or whats left of them, at least) I: It’s August 3rd, Friday night ooops Scratch that, Saturday Morning.. 1:35 am. Andrew and Lauren are in the other room playing Magic. I bored of that hours ago… drinking, alone. Surfing fubar and the House of the rising sons blog, listening to music online … Wild horses.. sing it, Mick, you motherfucker. I guess it isn’t going to take wild horses, after all. Just one VERY determined woman. Moving out of the house next week… 10 years gone. Blows my mind just to consider it all. Getting old. Friday night- and this house is empty. Unreal… Once upon a time, that wouldn’t have even been thought of… Life changes. “There goes my hero, watch him as he goes…” I was my own hero,- for such a long time. … Now, not so much. All the pride, all the immediacy, all the anger, all the pain, all the fire…All the things I loved so much to hate, All the
The Pain
Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same.
All that I wanted, needed and desired...........I told her today............I was setting her free. To take off the collar..........and be mine no more. Then I looked at her see her smile again.............only to remind much I hate being me. Before I let you go, give me just one more night to show you just how I feel. I lost all my control, if it takes my whole damn life I'll make this up to you. Kind of like the waves, that roll their whole life towards somewhere crashing on the shore That's blown in by the wind that carries the clouds to hide my wish on a fallen star A different kind of pain, is someone there to hold you is someone there to take you away from me.(x2) I tried to let you go I wish I could turn back time and show you just how i feel i needed you to know, if it takes my whole damn life i'll make this up to you Kind of like the waves, that roll their whole life towards somewhere crashing on the sho
~paint Me A Picture~
((A little into what this poem is about... To me poems-writings are 'pictures made with words'. They tell the story of the writer's feelings and emotions. 'Pictures' that carry with them a smile or a tear. They can lift your spirits or have you feeling the pain the writer is experiencing. And thus... 'Paint Me A Picture' was created. :) **thanks for stopping by** ~ ~ ~ ~ Paint me a picture to sooth my mind, Create lasting visions of rhythm and rhyme. Paint me a picture show what's inside, Tell of your feelings which from the world you hide. Paint me a picture of a loving caress, Wrapped in the warmth of which your heart rests. Paint me a picture of darkness and light, Tell of your struggles between what's wrong and what's right. Paint me a picture found only in dreams, That in which nothing is quite what it seems. Paint me a picture your story to tell, Of feelings and emotions that in your mind dwell. ~Candyce~
The Pain Within
The pain on the skin Slowly fades away But the pain thats within Is there to stay The scars on the surface May seem to fade But feelings in a furnace In the heart theyve laid Burning deep inside Till they turn to coal Emotions hard to hide Concealed in the soul The tears flow. Weighted with feelings, Every drop so pure Escaped emotions, face aglow, But not the final cure. The longing and desire To see a flood Overflowing Crimson River Silky ribbons of blood. Visions in the darkness A darkened dream Of outlines so lifeless A long silent scream You see the still body Lying lifeless on the ground Rigid, cold and face pale Lips utter no sound Enthralled by the sight Of yourself, robbed of life Vision giving no fright, Of the hand with the knife. Cloaked figure at large Every suicide, his murder Over minds he takes charge Then no notion is further After every whim of hope Light snatched from your day No longer able to cope A death-w
The pain is to much I cant take it enymore> It hurt's. I try to let go but I cant. I think about it nonstop. Over and over agan. Am I not good enough for them. Why dont thay want me to be part of there life's. Thay keep pushing me away/ "Your never going to be enything in life." Over and over I hear there voices. "Your nothing the world would be better off without you." The voices are going to drive me crazy. Why me what did I do. Why wont thay shut up. There going on and on. " Your just a waist of life." Finly thay stop. Silence nothing not a sound. Once agan I am alone. Darkness covers my soul. No more acting. I can be myself. But there's No one to see the real me. So I just lay down and sleep. Hopeing when I close my eyes I never open them agan.
The Pain I Feel And Have To Face......
Bette MidlerAdd to My Profile | More Videos I sit here pooring my heart out. I want to go see my Grandpa but he is 200 miles away buried at his resting place. I am so lost right now. I am about to give up and say fuck it all. I am tired of all the shit I got to hold in all the time. I long to put a rose on my Grandpa's grave. But with Bills and Time I don't got nothing on my side. Is someone playing against me,I have no clue. I wish I did... The pain alone is so hard,I can barley breath. I mean I have my Family and my Children and my Husband,And my closet friend.. But I long to break away from it. My heart is in another place. I have not been to put flowers on my Grandfathers grave in 3 years. It would be easier if he wasn't so far away from me.. But he was military. And he earned that right long before I was born. And of top of it.. Every time I try to do something to get ahead and save money. Everything seems to back fire in my face... No o
Pain In The But
Today work was just that a pain in the but. We jsut got through Inventory week and now are getting slamed w/ a lot of grocy and General Mertandice trucks. Talk about total chayos and absolutly no room for any more palats of merchandice in the back room. I supose it is the price one must pay when working for a store like Wal-Mart and hopfualy we will get every thing worked and the amount of trucks coming in return back to normal so it isent half as bad as it is at curent. At least my shift is over for another day. Time to get to bed and start a whole new day of work again.
Nothing ever is good, it's always bad I don't deserve love, I never have Ripped out my heart, torn in two Love is an art, I never knew Now I'm just dying, a slow death No ray of sunshine, nothing left I'll just give up now, just no use, Goodbye to my love, it's all abuse
The Pain
It comes with a vengeance. Turns in on itself.... Pulsing and bleeding, Eroding my health. I try to ignore it, Get on, through my day, But it just grows stronger, In it's endless decay. As toxic as cancer, It eats through my soul, Carnivorous hunger, Intent on control. I turn to my family, But, soon, I recall, This illness is all mine, Not their fault at all. So, inward, I huddle, I hold the pain close, It soothes and it comforts, This is what hurts the most. How can I survive this, This agony of life, When I'm no longer able, As mother or wife? Will anyone miss me, When I'm no longer here? Of course they will, idiot, And that's what I fear! It all seems so easy! I could take myself out! I want to, I beg to! I whine, worry, pout! But, I know the feelings, I would leave with each child, I've worn them myself, Under a fake, lifelong smile! Guilt is a burden I can't bear to face, Yet, neither am able, To keep, in it's place. So h
Painful Love
Watching you from across the room sends searing pain through my heart. I think back to a year ago, when I thought we'd never part. My love for you just won't die down - it just grows with each new day. I wish you'd dare to look at me and hear what I have to say; "I love you and I want you back - " but these words you just won't hear. You don't seem to remember them - all the memories I hold dear. You were my first love and everything and now you don't even care. How could you just blow it away? We were the perfect pair. You seem content to let me go - You're doing fine as you are, while I'm still missing how we were. We had the best love by far.
Why do people hurt each other mentally, physically, and emotionally....especially, if you were thinking that person was for you for the rest of your life but she/he betrayed you...what would you do?!
Pain Without Words
The words are unspoken But the meaning remains the same Without the use of language The message is meant to pain Cutting swift and deep inside The tears resemble winter rain Do they like the power they weild And will they use it again and again Emotions are not a toy So please try to refrain Do not needlessly hurt me If our love is to sustain. March 10, 2004
Pain In The Grass Concert
Painful Email
The following is from a colleague in Britain: -----Original Message----- From: Edwin Panford-Quainoo [] Sent: Mon Nov 28 20:06:32 2005 To: Wiley, James Subject: Good Answer!!!! >> >> >> >> Apparently going around NY at the moment. 1st is a girl's apology >> >> email >> >>> >for cheating on some bloke. 2nd is his reply which was Bcc'd to his >> >>> >entire address book. >> >>> > >> >>> > >> >>> > ---------------------------------- >> >>> > >> >>> >Brad, >> >>> > >> >>> >It would be difficult for me to be any more miserable right now, >> >>> I feel >> >>> >like the worst person ever. First, let me start by saying that I am >> >>> >truly truly sorry, and I hate myself for hurting you. Of all the >> >>> people >> >>> >in the whole entire world, you were honestly the last person that I >> >>> >would ever want to wrong in any way. There is no excuse at all or >> >>> >anything that happened, so I won't even try
Pain. Eats my insides. Sculpts my masks. Escape. Is that what you call it? States of mind that are unconscious of reality, Of the electric warmth of the world. The prick of truth. Escape in dreams, The unconscious mind fantacizing. And the unconscious must always wake up To the pain. The stinging pain. The driving pain that summons me from the unconscious, And beckons me into the darkness. Must resist. Must not give in. Must let the pain pump through my veins, And run its course, Like the blood that gives me life. The life that gives me pain.
Pain Watch as this tear falls into empty space See it fall into life's nameless place Can you see the sparkle as it catches the light That sparkle once was happiness that is no longer in sight As it falls watch it, its color has changed From blue to bright red, it has a wide range There it goes all alone, it continues to fall With it, it takes the emotion, the emotion of all Wait, can you hear it? A sob has broke free Has shook the lungs cold, but yet it continues to be Here it comes, a force has been built between the eye A wall of shear water, it's now time to cry A shudder, a scream, darkness envelops your soul The darkness of the night has taken its toll
The Pain
The End The waves crass over my bleeding heart Carrying the spilt blood back to the hungry sharks of desire. The sharks feast on the blood spilt from my dying heart. The heart that you ripped open to bleed to death without love to heal it. I hope that upon my death you are free And open to the pain you put me through. The dark cloud that hung over me for so long I have sent to weigh heavy on your heart. Your soul to be forever haunted by the sounds of my voice And the images of my face. I hope you fair better than me Living with your guilt and actions As I have lived with mine. I throw myself now to the sea Where my heart still pours blood from its open wound. And as I fall farther into the abyss The sharks tear me limb from limb and Release me from my prison of pain. By: Sarah Pruitt
Ever felt physical pain when you couldn't fuck who you wanted? It fuckin' sux ass, I hate it. All I want is one night to show him how much he's wanted. Is My Life.
This is gonna be kinda long and rambling.....but bear with me.....a lot in my head that needs to come out...... You know, I get a lot of people that tend to look at me strange when I talk about my life and about the crap that life has thrown at me over the years….as if they don’t believe me….as if I exaggerate to what extent life seems to enjoy making me miserable. That for every ounce of happiness that seems to sneak it’s way into my life, there’s a pound of pain and sorrow that comes along with it. That life just wants to tease me with happiness….to allow me just the tiniest taste of happiness….as if to just dangle in front of me what I could have only to snatch it away just before I’m able to grab it. And I’m sure that there’s some on here that have heard what I’ve had to say since joining this site, and believe that I’m just like every other fake on here. That I have a little act that I do when I get on here…..a mask that I wear. Well, allow me to prove to you doubters othe
Pain #1
PAIN Pain inside my heart- It wont go away- I long to be near you- Everynight and everyday- It's like a fire deep in my soul- It's flames are tearing at my heart- I wonder if it will ever go away- But at last it still burns away- How will I ever be able to live my life- Without you in it- You're just a memory of suffering pain in my soul
Pain #2
PAIN The pain in my heart is dwelling- It goes deeper and deeper into my soul- I have nothing left to share with anyone but myself- The pain in my heart is the strongest- And the deepest emotion- That can ever be felt by one person- Pain can hurt everyone- There are too many types of pain- With nothing left to gain- So don't hide your pain- Because there is nothing worse- Than going through life with all of that hidden- Pain.
"painful Reminder"
Overdose is such a bitch Now I've got this fucking twitch A constant reminder for all time Of how I put my life on the line My future could have been lost From my hand that coin was tossed Just because I wanted to fly Just searching for that higher high I did survive but not without harm 'Ever scarred from that shot in my arm Tremors, twitches, shakes and shudders I hate how my heart now flutters Permenant damage to body and mind Dope, bitch-goddess, your thick web I did find I'm glad I survived that horrible night But wounds are forever in shameful sight Gimped for life for that shot that I did What will I tell my wondering kid?
Pain With Pleasure
I recently opened myself up for hurt.. & Hurt i did painfully receive. Why is it that pain can't go well with pleasure, Why do people give up so easily? Just because shit isn't perfect,Life isn't perfect ,So apparently that would logically tell you that no relationship is going to be either. rightttt?! I don't mind working hard ,When it comes to someone i want.It sucks that most guys i seem to be interested in,just give up on us. Makes me feel like shit. I can't put my finger on why i am interested in guys who are weak . oh ya,i remember now.. Because they claim to be the strong type, They Claim to be more then what they seem i suppose. Does this make me a fool probably,I'm a fool to believe that when a person says i'm strong enough to be your really aren't..They are just stupid little monkeys looking for an easy way out.
Pain Fear Love
It has become very apparrent to me that most ladies I meet have grown to fear love, they have become engulfed in the worlds mis-guided beliefe of what the true meaning of love is. I am convinced that most ladies whom I have met through various means of communication cant even comprehend what love actual is intended for or if they have ever truly experienced true love and all of its attributes. First off just set aside all you have been taught about love through all of your learned behaviors and all of the sources that have been able to corrupt your mind , heart, soul and spirit. Love is so easy , love is not difficult but we do make it difficult to receive. We have put our own learned boundries on love. We have allowed our instilled thoughts to dissillusion us, we have allowed the purety of love to become tainted by not being able to accept it freely.This usually is the result of a person not able to love themselves thus rendering them selves not worthy of being loved so therefore the
Pain Or Not
Sometimes love can work out right. Sometimes you´ll never know. But if it only brings pain in your life. Don´t be afraid to let it go....
hey ya'll just thought id let you know why i havent been on here .. My 14 yr old pulled several muscles in his chest and is in a lot of pain.. it hurts for him to breathe.. We were at the hospital til 1 am this morning. they did a ekg and xrays.. turns out he pulled several muscles in his chest and it feels like numoinia. . i probally spelt that wong but i dont care.. have a nice day..
*Pain inside* So dead inside so why do I even try, a worthless waste of space. I hide my pain beside the fake smile, but really inside I cry so hard trying to make the pain go away. I don’t understand how you can hurt me so bad Nothing but an object something you use till you get bored with me. So until I find someone to love me for me I’ll hide the pain inside for no one else to see
The Pain..
anyone have any good ideas on how to make my jaw stop hurting?? i have a wisdom tooth coming in.. well two of them.. and the fuckers HURT!!!!!!!
It's all about the pain The jewellry and ink are just souvenirs.
Pain Of A Dying Broken Heart
she sits alone in her room crying as her heart breaks no one to listen to her no one to care she wonders why she is even still there... all her life she prayed for one special friend just for one person to listen to her just for one person to care... and yet she feels so alone still as her prayers have never been answered. he sits all alone on the street corner thinking deeply to himself about how things are he just wishes he could turn back the hands of time to take back everything said and done and through his thoughts he wonders why he is stillt there living where he is all his life he just prayed for someone to love him for someone to like him and he thought he had found that one special person but she took everything he had from him away his family friends and life leaving him now in the dark corner of the street freezing his prayers unspoken never answered their time is running out their faith is running low why cant time be gentle to them why cant they be shown someone car
Pain Meds
So I called my doc friday and she hooked me up with Dilaudid. Helped MUCH better! I'm still healing from surgery but feeling less pain. Thx for the love perc's and vic's suck for me.
Pain; Malevolence;poetry
People shielding themselves with an armor of ignorance, Walking around in a malevolent trance, Ceasing to see the path of their destruction, Muddling through each day, they barely function. Never understanding their negative impact on others, Their mothers, sisters, wives, children & brothers, Unfortunately, the children are the most harmed, Noone in this country, however, seems too much alarmed. Lost souls thriving for a place to be, As we overlook those with the greatest of needs, The homeless and abused, Mistreated and used, Like the child who is unloved and unwanted, The teenage crack whore, who will be forever haunted, How about the welfare mother, that can't afford to feed her babies, As we preach all our should haves, could haves, and maybes, No one knows what tomorrow will hold, The future is ours, just left to be told. Donna R. Forrest Copyright dated June 20, 2006
have you ever hurt so much you can't seem to cry wanna snuggle up , and slowly die heard that drum , beatingfast how long can this aching pain last have you ever , cryed so much you fall collapse and hit yourself against a concrete wall felt the blood dripping down still no pain , to this new found
“I think about the meaning of pain. Pain is personal. It really belongs to the one feeling it. Probably the only thing that is your own. I like mine.” ~Henry Rollins
Pain And Love
Hell-hot tears streaming down my face A love for years ending in disgrace My love for you lost, after I gave all of me Such a hopeless cause, how cruel love can be Rain used to cheer these odd moods of mine Now it deepens the gloom of what's left behind Sunshine is the enemy to the place I dwell It should let me be, stay down where I fell Fell so far, fell so deep Cringing hard, as the blood begins to seep Trained to withold my pain My sorrow is my shame I keep it buried within I could really use a friend.
Pain,You just have to ride it out, hope it goes away on its own, hope the wound that caused it heals. There are no solution, no easy answer. You just breathe deep and wait for it to subside. Most of the time pain can be managed, but sometimes the pain gets you when you least expect it.hits away below the belt and doesnt let up. Pain. you just have to fight through,because the truth is you cant outrun it and life always makes more.
The Pain Inside
the pain inside is growing and i hate living and knowing that the woman i love and so beautiful wants nothing to do with me. im dying inside and my life just really sucks as long as i dont have my love. i cry all night long hopeing that ill have help from above but as i see it now ive lost her and wish i knew how to get her back. i miss her so much its killing me she on my mind constantly and i want nothing more then to be with her. i love her with evrything i have even more then myself and i hate this feeling inside of pain and heartache i know shes the one i want for the rest of mylife but i dont see that happening now and i just want to cry.
Pain And Regret
Tiny cuts is all I need To make you see All the pain you put me through Will you fell bad When I’m gone Would you want to Try and stop me From ending it all Would you do things Different if you knew It was going end like this I know I would have I wanted you More then I wanted anything In my life I knew from the moment I meet you That we were Meant to be But what I don’t get Is how you can hurt me so And not even know That I gave you my all And now all that is left If nothing but pain and regret I wish that I Could turn back time Changed what happen Made it so I wouldn’t have fallen so hared You’re an ass and I thought you should know I will never get over what you did I will never for give you
Pain, you just have to ride it out, hope it goes away on its own, hope the wound that caused it heals. There are no solutions, no easy answers. You just breath deep and wait for it to subside. Most of the time pain can me managed, but sometimes pain gets you when u least expect it, hits way below the belt and doesn't let up. Pain, you just have to fight through, because the truth is you can't out run it, and life allways makes more.
The Pain
i have a pain that is so deep not just on the ouside but very damageing on the inside badly it feels like a blackhole that just keeps sucking and just when i think i got rid of it just for a small min it eats me up quickly i dont no if anything can be done sometimes i even cry my self sleep wish i would not feel nothing at all sometimes beig happy never last long much iam not asking you to feel nothing for me that not what this is abount/ its just so you no more abount me since no one really reads the profile
I still see your face in my dreams It hurts and it doesn't help at all I still want you in my life as crazy as that seems I want you to catch me when I fall I still remember the first time we met There was something so different about you Your friendship was something I wanted to get That smile when you said hi to me was so new Out of no where you called me on the phone I wanted to sit there and talk to you forever You were so new, so crazy and unknown I just knew that our friendship would never sever Two weeks and we are barely holding it together What happened to the way this all used to be I never wanted you out of my like ever I sat there for a long time pretending not to see We decided to go out and make it all all right It didn't work out of course we knew it couldn't We couldn't even really stand each others sight It shouldn't end this way but it did and I shouldn't I miss you and everything you were to me Ten years from now we will look back on it
Pain~three Days Grace
Love is true, Love is deap, LOve will always make you weak, When you love someone you shall know Because when love hits it hurts like hell!!
so i was listening to my brothers favorite song in the whole world...who knows why its his fave song...and then while i was listening to the lyrics it hit me and i heard them and i know why its his fave song and i cant stop fuckin cryin and if u know me u know how bad that frustrates me. and now i dont have my one friend that i wanna talk to online bc he's sleeping or something i guess, and im just in limbo right now. for those of u who havent met my amazing brother or dont know about him lemme enlighten you. my brother is an amazing man and i love him so so so very very much and i miss him so damn bad. he is in iraq right now and its killin me to be so far away from him, and not be able to talk everyday like we used to before he moved to where he was stationed. and not to mention that today is 9/11 and that doesnt help my case any. for those of you who protest the war, i am not trying to take ur rights away but the wonderful, amazing men and women who are over there fighting for ur ri
i can feel the world around me i can sense your doubts you could have guessed that it was coming back around to you yea you should have figured it out and this is pain in from the world outside your window so much pain was it really worth the price? i don't like to point this out i hate to see your flaws you're like a car crash with no survivors and noone feels the loss and this is pain i see through you like a window do you like pain like another fool i know copyright metalwolf music. 2004
Paint It Golden
Run away from money Quit your job and climb a tree One with hearts instead of leaves Build a sandcastle big enough for us to sleep Paint it golden with the sunrise Chorus: Cause we are Like a wingless bird Crashing down To the helpless earth And if somethin's gonna break it See it all around you Feel it in your body You'll be hiding in the shadows Where love is still alive 'Til all of it is burning Through a field we're walkin Empty as the open sky We escape from all the troubles Found a waterfall and Took a dive to cool our skin Finally we found this feelin' Run away from money Quit your job and climb a tree One with hearts instead of leaves
Pain Bagnat With Shrimp
Wolfgang Puck Literally "bathed bread" in the local dialect, the name describes how the peasant loaf on which it is based soaks up the flavorful juices of the filling, which features sun-ripened tomatoes and other signature summer vegetables. However you embellish your pain bagnat, one bite will magically transport you to the south of France. Ingredients 1 large French baguette or 4 individual 6-inch French rolls 3 Tbs. extra-virgin olive oil, plus more for drizzling 8 jumbo cooked shrimp, about 1/2 lb. total weight, peeled and deveined 1/2 C. finely chopped onion 1/4 C. balsamic vinegar 3 anchovy fillets, finely chopped 1 tsp. sugar Kosher salt Freshly ground black pepper 2 large vine-ripened tomatoes, cored, halved, seeded, and cut into 1-inch chunks 1 hardboiled egg, peeled and cut into 8 wedges 1/4 C. Nicoise olives, pitted and chopped (about 30 olives) 8 basil leaves, coarsely chopped Directions Preheat the broiler. If using a baguette, cut it with a bread
Pain Of Existence (1999)
The pain of existence is often worse than the cure the pain of unbearing is often better than joy At least with resistance, the mercury will fall again the joy of containment speaks of eternal pain the judgement of severance and the delusion of fear a heir of injustice and the deliverance of fear nightmarish pain and an illusion of joy a disciplined arrogance an illigitimate boy
Pain And Sorrow
Pain and sorrow... Blind prophets seem to borrow... Promises of peace for a non-existent tomorrow... Truths created by lies twisted with fiction... Too much friction is caused when kids challenge the diction... Of my speech, blood cold, too shallow to reach... Too many people out here are afraid to practice what they preach... Scared they might find some truth in their lies... Skin fried, electrocution, guilty until proven innocent... More time wasted on prosecution, would be better off spent... Seeking out the honesty in the litigations of the defendent... Hypocritical Christians damning souls to hell... Pulling the same stunts Lucifer did when he fell... Into the abyss of darkness, never to return to the light... But his sins were no less mortal than images on the news everynight... Most try to fight, the truth that stares deep... Some cry to the heavens at night, praying for peaceful sleep... A select few are humble and at ease with their presence... But others are
The Pain Ive Caused.....
the pain i feel is overwhelming.... its eating away at me like a disease....... questions keep running through my mind over and over..... things i regret......people that i've hurt...... the feelings i have are to confusing for words..... i loved one and yet i wanted something more.... the one i love still stands beside or a question beyond me... the one i wanted probably rather see me dead....i dont blame you....for this i should be.... i couldnt keep it all inside any longer.... not only do i feel pain for myself and what ive done..... i regret hurting them....i regret putting them through this..... i regret not saying something sooner.... i was the one trying to live two lives...not meaning to...but i did..... this pain will not go away.... letting it go is harder than people think.... something i never thought i would do....yet i did.... to the ones i hurt i'm sorry.... sorry might not be good enough but its al
Pain Like No Other!
okay, so it's the day after the marathon and so many of you (which I appreciate) are showing concern towards my message I have. I did the Rochester Marathon yesterday (26.2 miles) and up and after the finish my legs are cramped up. I'm glad I did it, but I wasn't prepared for the amount of fatigue my body would go through. Oh well, rest day for me today. Everybody have a great day....I will be trying to. Take care. Remo
Painful Love
Love is Pain They say you need to be a certain age to know love There are many things you need to wait for, but love is not one of them You don't need to be a certain age to feel pain why would you need to be a certain age to know love? Love is a feeling just like pain, and in some ways so much worse Love is pain its just drawn out and delayed While other pains eventually fade love is forever, and nowhere near as merciful
Painful Lov
You're driving me insane My eyes long to see you As my lips crave to touch yours, My hands wish to grope your skin I want this heartache to disapear The crying nights, painful thoughts to vanish I need your juicey kisses Why did you leave me like this? I need your soothing voice Kiss me and say you'll stay with me forever, My love
*This fits real well*
A Pain In My Neck!
Oh boy! My day started early this morning. Like 3:30 in the morning, I hear some noise in the bathroom and I ask Peter what he is doing. He tells me he has heartburn and is looking for Tums. Then, about 4:15 in the morning, his damn cell phone starts ringing. I tell him that his phone is ringing only I realize that he is not in bed. Now it isn't a normal cell phone ring or a nice song. It is an obnoxiously loud BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH! It does this over and over. He did not answer it, he was out front getting ready to leave to go up to the mountains! I try falling back asleep but it takes me a while. I finally wake up and I have a kink in my neck. I can't move it to one side. I have spent most of my day reading which I never do. As the day seems to go on, it is getting worse. I have had this trouble before and have a prescription from the doctor to relax the muscle. One is not fazing it so about an hour after I took the first one, I have taken a second. The pain is
The Painter In Me
The Painter I Wish To Be... If I were a painter, I paint a beautiful picture 4 all 2 see, If that was the only way 4 you 2 be with me. We be there 2gether just like we use 2 be.... underneath the swirling sky 4 all 2 see, an I'm dreaming of a place were I can see your smiling face and I think my brush would take me there, but If only I was a painter, and could paint a beautiful memory I climb into the swirling sky 2 be with thee.... Hoping you climb outside the swirling blue sky 2 be with me 2 ........ This was written for me by a good friend a long time ago...
Sometimes things are to much to bear, At times I wish I just didn’t care. I look at others with so much envy, How can they stay so happy? Nothing seems to get them down, I hardly ever see them frown. That’s when I realize its just an act, Truth is they have it just as bad. Some even have it far worse than I, But to the world they choose to lie. Not wanting anyone to know what’s real, Hiding the pain and the real way they feel. Smiling faces all around, How many are really frowns? Looking into their eyes you can see, Pain and sadness… they too are unhappy. But why do they put on this show? Why don’t they want the world to know? All this time I thought I was alone, Not knowing that others felt the same cold. The cold that you feel when your sad and depressed, When you cant figure why your life’s such a mess.
Im thinking of deleting my fubar. Think i should??
Pain In My Heart
Oh the sweet taste of pain that i feel in my heart. Why do u fill my heart with such pain and sadness. I say this the heart i once had is gone all there is now is pain anger and biterness that i feel in the new heart that i have. Thus as days go by and i hear no words from you why should i try if u don't want to try as well. My nights are long can't sleep because the thoughts of u but all that is done i wash my hands of you and will start over again. Today i sit and think what is now done and over no more tears will fall as i hold them at bay. I have grow cold and dead insaid all the walls i had are now back up and will not come down any more.
Painful Touch...
I want to dig my teeth into your skin I want to make you squirm in painful delight I want you to overpower me and prove false anger onto my body I want you to enjoy this unnatural sin. I want to close my eyes and be surprised by the scratches left on my skin I want to scream in pain and ecstasy I long for your painful touch I long for your bruising lips. I long for the fleeting heart known only from pain and submission I long for the curling back and toes and tongue known only from complete overtaken. unnatural lusts pleasurable pain domination submission a world of reds blacks blues yellows blood bruises dirt tears and screams a world only of lust a world only of pleasure a world of backward loves a world of paining the one you love. A world of doing that which is desirable to your lust partner your love partner doing that which is painful, because they love it.
The Pains Of Sleep - Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Ere on my bed my limbs I lay, It hath not been my use to pray With moving lips or bended knees ; But silently, by slow degrees, My spirit I to Love compose, In humble trust mine eye-lids close, With reverential resignation, No wish conceived, no thought exprest, Only a sense of supplication ; A sense o'er all my soul imprest That I am weak, yet not unblest, Since in me, round me, every where Eternal Strength and Wisdom are. But yester-night I prayed aloud In anguish and in agony, Up-starting from the fiendish crowd Of shapes and thoughts that tortured me : A lurid light, a trampling throng, Sense of intolerable wrong, And whom I scorned, those only strong ! Thirst of revenge, the powerless will Still baffled, and yet burning still ! Desire with loathing strangely mixed On wild or hateful objects fixed. Fantastic passions ! maddening brawl ! And shame and terror over all ! Deeds to be hid which were not hid, Which all confused I could not know Whet
Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all You're sick of feeling numb You're not the only one I'll take you by the hand And I'll show you a world that you can understand This life is filled with hurt When happiness doesn't work Trust me and take my hand When the lights go out you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Anger and agony Are better than misery Trust me I've got a plan When the lights go off you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing Rather feel pain I know (I know
Life isnt easy. I know this, we all know this. But why not try?? Why not want things to maybe be, not easy, but a little easier? Is that so wrong? You know...I have a story...everyone does. I really have noone to share it with, but here I am pouring my heart out to a keyboard. I am so sick of everyone saying "it will be ok" and "things will work out". NO IT WONT!! My life is one big ball of confusion. I dont know what is up or down anymore. I am alone. I am alone. Why? Why do people that mean well and try to do everything right always seem to be the ones that are hurting? Well I am sick of feeling this anger & pain inside of me. I need to escape my own life, leave my thoughts behind. Maybe leave it all behind. Who would really notice anyway?
The Pain Of My Past Supressed By My Destiny
drag the blade across my skin feel the pain settle in feel the rush to my head laying down in my bed see the blood flow from the wound overwhelming emotions consumed as these dark thoughts fill my head on the inside i feel dead when will all this bullshit end all this hurt i want to mend but the darkness wont go away in my head and heart it plays constant waves of hurt and pain always running threw my brain want to scream out want to cry wanting nothing but to die all of this is in my past but new tension is building fast makes me think of wicked things what good can tomorrow bring? dont want to slip in that old routine destiny is what keeps me sane so i supress all my pain hide it deep and hide it well locked up inside under this shell shes my world my everything never know how much joy her smile can bring shes my rock what keeps me sane fuck the past and all that pain live for her and each day is new start to forget all the hurt; i got my daughter shes
The Pain Is Real
~The Pain Is Real~ Can you see what I see, even when your not around to comfort me, you hurt me like no one else will know, inside I feel I'm ready to explode, Do you feel what I feel, you said words to me that will never heal, I cant help myself inside i want to bleed, your friendship and generousity was all I would ever need, But now it has came and it has gone, and somehow my twisted little fucked up life will move on, what is sad is many men wish death upon me, it's like I'm not even meant to walk this earth or even be, My mother said I was an accident sometimes I think it's true, I didnt think it was when I met you, but now its over and I have to live with the consequences, just know that I still care regardless of the morose and awkward faces, Look into my eyes you will see pain deeper than a flesh wound, why is it that a baby is so innocent while resting in his mothers womb, is it because they know not the difference between right and wrong, or be
A Painfully Sweet Fact...
A painfully sweet fact: Theres always going to be that one thing you wish for, but can never get... That one mistake you can never take back... And most of all, That one memory you would do anything, just to have it again... (",)
Pain, My Teacher
Pain, as I see it is a state of mind. For we are born into pain. For we bear the pain of others. For we see pain in others. For we see pain in ourselves. We look to avoid Pain. But pain is there by our side. Holding us, Loving us, Showing us the way through life. Being with us forever till the end
The Pain Is Real
~The Pain Is Real~ Can you see what I see, even when your not around to comfort me, you hurt me like no one else will know, inside I feel I'm ready to explode, Do you feel what I feel, you said words to me that will never heal, I cant help myself inside i want to bleed, your friendship and generousity was all I would ever need, But now it has came and it has gone, and somehow my twisted little fucked up life will move on, what is sad is many men wish death upon me, it's like I'm not even meant to walk this earth or even be, My mother said I was an accident sometimes I think it's true, I didnt think it was when I met you, but now its over and I have to live with the consequences, just know that I still care regardless of the morose and awkward faces, Look into my eyes you will see pain deeper than a flesh wound, why is it that a baby is so innocent while resting in his mothers womb, is it because they know not the difference between right and wrong, or be
For those of you who care or want to know why I have strange status sayings, I have some major health issues. I take 14 meds a day. I am a diabetic (another term for human pin cushion), I have OA in my knees, RA in my hands, spine, hips, and shoulders. I have Fibromyagia, a rapid heart rate among other things. SO if I don't stay on much and leave strange status messages, it's just what I live with.
The Pain
the pain the pain that you feel, but cant touch. a pain you know of, but cant explain a pain so feirce you go insane the unknown pain that clutches your heart and burns in your soul the pain in your life to strong to carry on the unknown pain that clouds your mind and devours your every thought the pain of broken promises broken dreams the pain thats unheard of the pain that's not seen rhiannonm franklin
I move it burns I lay still it throbs I stand it tightens I sit it aches I sleep it screams I wake it laughs I shower it hurts I bathe it rips I swim it drowns I die it rests
THREE DAYS GRACE LYRICS "Pain" Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all You're sick of feeling numb You're not the only one I'll take you by the hand And I'll show you a world that you can understand This life is filled with hurt When happiness doesn't work Trust me and take my hand When the lights go out you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Anger and agony Are better than misery Trust me I've got a plan When the lights go off you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing
Holding onto the slats of the stairway My face pressed against the wooden bars A prisoner, struggling to hear the warden I hear their yells and I know I am helpless Pain is memory's glue It's what keeps things important It places value on ordinary life. On my bike with a mile to go I take the back way through the wood They won't look for me there I see the fallen tree and know Before I see the five of them I am helpless Pain is memory's glue It's what keeps things important It places value on ordinary life It's Christmas and the house is full I have a room mate for the holidays As the light goes out I know I am helpless Pain is memory's glue It's what keeps things important It places value on ordinary life I'm half dressed in the middle of winter He's drunk as I'm propelled out the door I'm at a disadvantage Far from helpless Pain is my friend It helps me focus It keeps me creative and strong I'm in a strange land when the rocket hits I'm
i just caught my girl in bed with someone else and it about killed me .im shareing this with you because .i know the r others that have felt that same pain .if not worse. im just saying be strong. there r way more fish in the it means youlle feel good when the pain goes away
Pain The scars that never heal The blood that never cools The life you live The heart that hurts The words you can never take back The actions that sting the soul The world that turns it back The love that can never be again Try to make it right Try to love again Try not to let it hurt Try to see a better day Try not to let the world see the pain Tears Lies And a soul that Cries That is what pain is.
The Pain Of Love
At one time I believed in the saying till death do us part of the vowels you take on your wedding day!!! I would have never thought that the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with only wanted to spend 10 years with me. I never thought that she would not want me in her life, then one day she left. I fought hard to save my marriage until I couldn't fight any more then I went into a dark place inside my self. Now I am embracing the darkness and turning it into light, yes being single sucks, yes devorce sucks, yes I am a little upset with women in general, but not all women are evil, just like not all men are assholes. The only problem I have is the dating scene really and truly sucks big time. You may feel a connection with someone but ether they have issues or you have problems, then tere is my favorite, we can be friends but I don't think that anything can happen, WHY because I'm still trying to get over a bad relationship.(like I am Not. Most men get this reaction Why????
Pain, Fear And Loss
This morning I was woken by my best friend, calling about a man we both worked with. He has Stage IV cancer and he underwent surgery to remove his tumor yesterday. Overnight he had to MIs and is in a coma. He is not expected to make it. His cancer was detected late...only a couple of months ago. He is a good man with a good family. And I cried, and I prayed. Just now I read about a sweet little baby girl named Breanna, who passed away today. Her mother and grandmother are both members of Fubar and I reposted the bulletin requesting support for the family. I have never known a child that I've lost so I can't fully grasp the pain that Breanna's mom and grandmom are going through. But I do feel their pain, and I prayed. My mother called me this afternoon to announce that her divorce from my mentally, emotionally and physically abusive stepfather was finalized. She called to celebrate the end of an era of pain, self-doubt, and dispair. We shared, and I prayed. That prayer was in
The Painter
Let me paint your face, as the light is changing Let me touch your hair as the sky is gold, pink, red, purple Let me blow smoke in your eyes as the sun says good evening to the land for the night Let me make you beautiful, when the light changes and hold a frame around your heart - to capture your heavenly spirit Let me kiss your lips with the tip of my brush, for the light is changing Let me love your nose, your arms, your neck when I caress your skin with my palate of color, as the light changes Let me lay my head on your shoulder as I weep when the light was changing Your beauty overwhelms me as I capture your soul in a frame Let me paint your face, as the light is changing Let me love you, when the light changes
I know this is a song, but I don't care it fits!! Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all You're sick of feeling numb You're not the only one I'll take you by the hand And I'll show you a world that you can understand This life is filled with hurt When happiness doesn't work Trust me and take my hand When the lights go out you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Anger and agony Are better than misery Trust me I've got a plan When the lights go off you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel p
Pain Is Love? Love Is Pain?
how can someone love someone so much? It is breath taking, and it hurts when they treat you soo good one minute and like shit the next. I don't know how much longer my heart can take it, I am a mess...They say you never know what you have until its gone, but why does it have to go that far? Don't he see what he has NOW? Why do I still give him my heart-why can't I just walk away? I just want to go hide in the corner and cry, but where will that get me-NOWHERE :( Gosh how the pain just runs through my body like like a dagger. I try and try. I just wish he would love me back the way I love him.
Pain And Pleasure
She could not believe how hard her nipples were. They stood up from her breasts proudly and she fairly ached for them to be touched. She could practically feel the blood rushing into them. They formed almost perfect circles of crinkled flesh with their rosy red tips. He looked down at her and smiled. She could see the approval and arousal in his eyes. He reached out and very lightly touched one nipple. She sighed and arched her back, thrusting her breast toward Him, eager for His touch. His fingers manipulated the sensitive flesh and she began to moan. It felt so incredibly good. Involuntarily, she began rubbing her legs together looking for friction for her burning clit but He reached down and spread her thighs apart. "Wait," He said and with an effort, she did. He reached to the table beside the bed and picked up the clamp. She stared wide-eyed at it and watched Him very closely. Silently, He worked to adjust the width of the opening then paused and leaned over to kiss her deeply.
Pain In Its Various Forms
I discovered this little piece of my mind in a journal of sorts from a few years ago: (written in late 2005) -Pain In Its Various Forms- An Essay Of Sorts Pain. Whether experienced physically, mentally, or emotionally, it is undoubtedly the strongest sensation a human being can know. It has recently come to my attention that pain may also be the greatest form of proof that one is, in fact, alive. -Physical- Have you becomes both mentally and physically numb; with no real assurance as to whether or not you are alive? Well, you might consider turning to the world of physical pain. This is the most fulfilling choice for the masochist in all of us. You will not only feel the infliction; you will see it. In dragging the razor blade across your skin (though not with the intention of committing suicide; remember, you are not yet certain that there is a life to take), you discover a satisfying sting and you see the blood flow. You are ali
Pain - Just Hate Me
The Pain Is Real
Can you see what I see, even when your not around to comfort me, you hurt me like no one else will know, inside I feel I'm ready to explode, Do you feel what I feel, you said words to me that will never heal, I cant help myself inside i want to bleed, your friendship and generousity was all I would ever need, But now it has came and it has gone, and somehow my twisted little fucked up life will move on, what is sad is many men wish death upon me, it's like I'm not even meant to walk this earth or even be, My mother said I was an accident sometimes I think it's true, I didnt think it was when I met you, but now its over and I have to live with the consequences, just know that I still care regardless of the morose and awkward faces, Look into my eyes you will see pain deeper than a flesh wound, why is it that a baby is so innocent while resting in his mothers womb, is it because they know not the difference between right and wrong, or because they are a new bor
Pain is a figment of your imagination they say, Then why cant i make it go away. I feal the pain of life everyday and know in the future it will never go away. My life is pain you see, no one understands me. The will to feal is gone, and the darkness consumes me. Pain is real i say, i feal it everyday. The pain from love, the joy of hate. I try to ignore it, but it only grows. Pain is my life and destiny. It is what was planned for me. To see others in love and happy, while i live this tragedy. I know now that the pain i feal will never go away, no matter how much i try. All i want to do is cry. The true love of mine, i will never find. Pain is a figment of your imaginaion they say, then why do i feal it everyday? Death is the cure to my pain,but not yet you see because it is my destiny to be on this earth doomed forever in tragedy.
i was listening to a song by six feet under and its called Nonexistence and now i sit here woundering if i would be happy at lest i wont have to worry abount no more pain or suffering of any kind like someone once told me if you dont se it or feel it wont hurt you iam thinking he is right in the song it says iam going to cut out ur eyes and rip out ur tongue and peunched my ears you no what the saying is right see no evil speak no evil and hear no evil
The Paint Brush....
I keep my PAINT BRUSH with me, wherever I may go... In case I need to cover up, So the REAL ME doesnt show... I am so afraid to show you ME, afraid of what you'll do... You might laugh, or say mean things... I'm afraid I might LOSE you... I'd like to remove all my PAINT COATS... To show you the real, true ME... But I want you to try and understand, I need you to LIKE what you see... So, if you will be patient and close your eyes... I'll strip off my coats real slow... Please undertand how much it hurts, To let the REAL me show... Now all my coats are all stripped off, I feel naked, bear , and cold.... If you still love me , with all that you see... You are my true friend, pure as gold... I need to save my PAINT BRUSH though, And hold it in my hand... I want to keep it handy, in case somebody doesn't understand... So, please protect me, my dear friend.... And thanks for loving me TRUE... But, please let me keep my PAINT BRUSH with me... Until I love ME too...
The Pain
the pain the pain is worse than hell for wht reason i cannot tell i sit n wonder wht life will bring all these tests dont mean a thing will they end or carry on causin havoc by the ton the devil wants my soul today i fight i fight to keep him away the fire is hot the days are long torture to feel all night long the pain the pain too much to bear some days i even forget to care my kids my life n keep me goin on n on till my heart start sewing a new time will come this im sure just waiting just waitin to get led to new shores!
Pain And Sorrow
Pain and sorrow ..>..> ..> ..> Pain and sorrow thoughts of yesterday shown in tomorrows' pleasurable plots. Seeking the future through casting lots... Been through the school of hard knocks, watched friends rot away from smokin' ice rox. People hung them selves, even blown thier brians out on the corner of them blocks that I use too walk. Soakin up years of pain and sorrow from watching the earth getting raped our mother , the provider The main sustainer.. I am that rider with the words I put out on the tree that was given from nature... are the greatest annilater. Been splittin wigs with my pen,since I have been old enough to dig in to the last supper like it was heater.. the hotest degree that you never register simply because I never had to use a 9mm to this together. Something that naturally comes to me.. yet instead of battlin with rage, I rest and allow peace to pathe the way......
It's hard for me to make this decision. I am going to make some drastic changes in my life and more then likely one of them is going to be leaving Fubar. if you want to reach me send me an email There is alot going on emotionally for me so i'll be absent for a while before i make the final decision. I hope each of you finds what you are looking for.
Painting A Porch
A blonde, wanting to earn some extra money, decided to hire herself out as a "handywoman" and started canvassing a nearby well-to-do neighborhood. She went to the front door of the first house, and asked the owner if he had any odd jobs for her to do. "Well, I guess I could use somebody to paint my porch," he said, "How much will you charge me?" The blonde quickly responded, "How about $50?" The man agreed and told her that the paint and everything she would need was in the garage. The man's wife, hearing the conversation, said to her husband, "Does she realize that our porch goes all the way around the house?" He responded, "That's a bit cynical, isn't it?" The wife replied, "You're right. I guess I'm starting to believe all those 'dumb blonde' jokes we've been getting by e-mail lately." A short time later, the blonde came to the door to collect her money. "You're finished already?" the husband asked. "Yes," the blonde replied, "and I had pa
the pain that you feel, but cant touch. a pain you know of, but cant explain a pain so feirce you go insane the unknown pain that clutches your heart and burns in your soul the pain in your life to strong to carry on the unknown pain that clouds your mind and devours your every thought the pain of broken promises broken dreams the pain thats unheard of the pain that's not seen
Painting Rainbows
Have you ever met someone who always knows the right things to say, the right look to give, the perfect touch to offer in times when you felt no one else could 'connect' with you? Recently I have been blessed with the beauty of someone who I like to think is one of the few people who put the colors in rainbows...They walk into a room and EVERYONE around them becomes a beautiful shade in a perfect color palette. In my life I have noticed that the most elegant and perfect poems are always signed by "Anonymous" writers..and I've often wondered why or how someone could create such beauty and not take credit for it. I now have a deeper understanding...The author wants the beauty and credit to be souly on the lines in the poem, and not on themselves~ one very unself act. I feel that same way about the person whom I've recently came to know on a deeper level....there's not any need to reveal whom they are...for once you've crossed paths with them, you are well aware of their perfect identit
The Pain
Physical pain. Emotional pain. Popping pills. Chasing with alcohol. Nothing eases the pain.... The pain you inflicted upon me. Nothing eases my broken heart. My tattered soul isn't worth the blood that seeps from it's cemented walls. You see me smile. You hear me laugh. But you don't feel the rage and pain inside of me. Pulling me this way, Dragging me that way. Burying me in a hole of darkness. No daylight for days. The tears they come so easily. Why can't they drown me and forever end this turmoil within? **written 10-22-07**
pain is the way the body tells us to quit, pain is the way the body says submit. Pain is the way we take control, Pain is the way we lose control. Pain is the way we know ourselves. Pain is the way, I want to feel.
The Pain
pain is the way the body tells us to quit, pain is the way the body says submit. Pain is the way we take control, Pain is the way we lose control. Pain is the way we know ourselves. Pain is the way, I want to feel.
Holding onto the slats of the stairway My face pressed against the wooden bars A prisoner, struggling to hear the warden I hear their yells and I know I am helpless Pain is memory's glue It's what keeps things important It places value on ordinary life. On my bike with a mile to go I take the back way through the wood They won't look for me there I see the fallen tree and know Before I see the five of them I am helpless Pain is memory's glue It's what keeps things important It places value on ordinary life It's Christmas and the house is full I have a room mate for the holidays As the light goes out I know I am helpless Pain is memory's glue It's what keeps things important It places value on ordinary life I'm half dressed in the middle of winter He's drunk as I'm propelled out the door I'm at a disadvantage Far from helpless Pain is my friend It helps me focus It keeps me creative and strong I'm in a strange land when the rocket hits I'm
Pain A drop Enters the stinging pond Crystal clear Like my memories of you Within the shattered whispers of dreams Rain A painful shower Falls on my tear stained cheeks Soaking wet Salty Around the painful wounds Thunderstorms That don't disappear When the sun comes out Splashing Into the pools of eternity Dropping from The clouds of my heart The pavement is slick After my rain falls Dangerous to travel After the acidic dew Covers the roads Flowers bend towards the earth As my pain Fills their lovely petals Lightening from the clouds Pierces the sky Leaving only a fleeting impression Or worse It begins a fire of anger In the beautiful, quaking Forest of my soul That can only be put out By the falling Of more pain.
Pain: Written By Moi
Pain Fostered yet kept so brightly-eyed, To the devil's succulent and clutching hold, Grasping tightly as we go Down to the seducive and dark waters Below. I see you there so innocent and worried, Reaching amungst the shadow's pull, So anxious there, so kind and sorry, I am not the jealous tool. Quaint with fury at the fire's edge, You lend me words to end my pain. 'Til then I drift on what the keeper said, So all my pain is all in vain. My sadness fills my empty soul, May it not consume me for far too long. I suffer deep and shallow walls that corner and insult me to where I belong. Time shall committ me to my home, Where nothing absolves this fear of alone. I shall not see nor disappear, As long as your memory still holds me near. And the longer I stay in this whirlpool of hope, I may never succeed. I will never succeed. My pain loves me because I am torn. It kisses me and comforts me, Through my sorrow
I really want to use my blogs as rants really I used to write editorials back in college and was known for my acerbic wit but today instead my first humble offering is more sentimental and personal, my dog is dying. I was raised with dogs and owned one nearly all my life, with the exception of some yrs. in my 20s when I lived in apartments and couldn't have one. One would think that I would be used to a dog dying, but I'm not. Sam, my current dog, is a big fluffy mutt just 4 yrs. old. He used to weigh a robust 98lbs. but alas his dwindled to a skelatal 68. They say Sam has kidney disease and may have been born with geenetically poor kidney's, I think it's from the recent contaminated food because the food I raised him on and he ate every day were part of the recall. The prognosis is not good. Sam was given a 99.9999% chance of dying and so for a week now I've been on death watch. What's really crazy is that I'm in sales, I'm a cold hearted salesman. And yet each day I come hom
Ok so I just got home around 4:30 from the dental clinic from seeing the oral surgeon. I had 2 teeth extracted and 2 stitches where the one tooth was extracted. I was there for like 2 hours cause waiting to numb up and then the poor toothies didn't wanna come out. :( Plus the one tooth he pulled he had to shave down the bone a little bit before pulling the tooth cause it was resting on some bone fragments. Ouchies! Glad I was numb at the time. The novacaine is almost done worn off but I just took a Percocet and I'm off to lay down. My dentist gave me a prescription for some vicodin too but I don't think I should mix the two meds right now. Hopefully in 2 or 3 days I'll feel a lot better, In the meantime I need lots of hugs, meds, and some soup. lol PS. I've always hated anyone all up in my grill like dentists do...unless I'm giving oral or making out. haha ;) Goodnight all. Love you Ron baby! Can't wait til Thanksgiving together! muahs!
When I'm dealing with big emotional turmoil the first thing that pops into my head is to have lots and lots of sex so that the pleasure of my body will help me ignore the pain of my emotions. So who's up for some random meaningless sex? :|
Pain, without love Pain, can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all You're sick of feeling numb You're not the only one I'll take you by the hand And I'll show you a world that you can understand This life is filled with hurt When happiness doesn't work Trust me and take my hand When the lights go out you will understand Pain, without love Pain, can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Anger and agony Are better than misery Trust me I've got a plan When the lights go off you will understand Pain, without love Pain, can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing Rather feel pain I know (I know I know I k
Painting Has Coded Sound Track
ROME - It's a new Da Vinci code, but this time it could be for real. An Italian musician and computer technician claims to have uncovered musical notes encoded in Leonardo Da Vinci's "Last Supper," raising the possibility that the Renaissance genius might have left behind a somber composition to accompany the scene depicted in the 15th-century wall painting. "It sounds like a requiem," Giovanni Maria Pala said. "It's like a soundtrack that emphasizes the passion of Jesus." Painted from 1494 to 1498 in Milan's Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie, the "Last Supper" vividly depicts a key moment in the Gospel narrative: Jesus' last meal with the 12 Apostles before his arrest and crucifixion, and the shock of Christ's followers as they learn that one of them is about to betray him. Pala, a 45-year-old musician who lives near the southern Italian city of Lecce, began studying Leonardo's painting in 2003, after hearing on a news program that researchers believed the artist and inve
Though I try and try to make it end I can’t seem to find the strength to try again Burdened by the weight of a cold hard world My anger and sorrow building like a runaway train I slit my wrist to release my pain I feel the depression flowing out my veins I plan to keep typing until the bloody deeds done As I sit here dripping, remembering my waste of a life Wishing for a magic button that says rewind So I can go back and begin anew This fucked up existence That I’ve been through Or ………at least enough time To explain…………… you All the shit I’ve had…………. to deal with The shit I’ve……….. Had to do But my head is growing heavy ………………. My sight…………….. Is growing dim Going to try to hit……………. Enter Before all my pain………………ENDS.
Azurite skys beautiful eyes I see butterflies, telling bitter sweet lies as they fly softly through the falling skies I feel innate so i suffocate Since i can't conjugate that which i subjugate All my goals onced burned like hot coals But a moon eclipsed over many souls Making me cold now i have nothing left to hold Having nothing left i felt i should meet death So he could take away my very last breath Left without a trace i lost my grace I fell into a dark silver embrace
Pain The Foreshadowing
Pain In My Heart
Theres a pain in my heart so deep and so dark makes my skies black and the energy i lack Theres a pain in my heart i cant count the scars cause theres been so many and ive cried rivers at the end of the year dont know what it is about these holidays is it just stress its just something about these holidays im not sure what it is Theres a pain in my heart that i cant describe but it aches like hell no, it doesnt feel well as tears fall down i dont feel like doing anything at all i feel like crap wishing lightning would zap me and take all this away Theres a pain in my heart and alcohol comes to mind wanna drink liquor perhaps ive grown bitter wanna get drunk and be a forgiver Theres a pain in my heart why is it there dont wanna be like this forever but i feel like this is gonna change never then i look around and see im not alone theres millions of people like me
The Pain I Feel Is My Own Desire In Which Im Drowning
Waiting to be set free, Wanting him to see the different side of me. Wanting him to except me. Their is a story behind theese eyes, Please! Don't say your goodbyes. Just sit and listen to what I have to say. Your special to me in every way. I want this pain to go way. things just seem to be falling apart. you say hurtful things, But you say your jokeing. Wish you could see me chokeing. My childhood fears, I cant get rid of I only pray to the higher power above! HELP ME PLEASE!I dont want to be alone, But then again I want to fly away from home!
Pain Of The Night
Watch as this tear falls into empty space See it fall into life's nameless place Can you see the sparkle as it catches the light That sparkle once was happiness that is no longer in sight As it falls watch it, its color has changed From blue to bright red, it has a wide range There it goes all alone, it continues to fall With it, it takes the emotion, the emotion of all Wait, can you hear it? A sob has broke free Has shook the lungs cold, but yet it continues to be Here it comes, a force has been built between the eye A wall of shear water, it's now time to cry A shudder, a scream, darkness envelops your soul The darkness of the night has taken its toll
I don’t understand how so many people can intentionally hurt or cause pain to others, especially those that are called loved ones. I don’t understand the need to tear down others to make one’s self feel or look better. Why do some people think that causing pain in someone’s life even remotely acceptable? I have hurt people in my life, as we all have. I have hurt those that I love and care for the most and I wish there were ways I could take away the pain. I know that in life that we all will hurt others, and most seriously the ones that we love, but when we do so without any remorse or even worse do it on purpose is just so wrong. So many people are used and abused by ones that they have given all their trust to and it’s no wonder that they become numb, untrusting and apathetic. The damage that is done becomes a permanent scar on their lives and can shape who they become. While it is true that great strength and growth can come from past hurts when a complete healing comes about, it
A pain with no gain where only sorrow will remain that's tried to be corrected but failed in vain. It'll leave me confused and possibly insane and mentally scarred because of all of the pain. The only hope given is that I will be forgiven, for the life I live in and the attempts I've tried. What must I do to show I'm still true to you. What is it that you would like me to be? the perfect vision of a friend for all to see or am I that bad that I can never be me. Shall I be enslaved to your idea that my true self can never be free? Shall I hide my true self away and lock it away with your emotional key? Or can I be myself for the world to see.
O.K. most of you know I have been sick ya know stuffed nose head pain stuff like that, yesterday I was feelin so much better I was like kool Im not gonna be sick for long! Then this mornin I wake with massive pain in my tummy Im thinkin great what now then I learn what now as I go runnin to the bathroom to vomit It hurts I dont like this pain! Why wont it stop? Have I not been through enough? well anyway had to just rant for a minute. thanks for reading.
Pain reminds us we're alive Love reminds us why
Pain ( Just A Rant )
i really can't describe how i feel right now, crushed for one, the love of my life and best friend moved back to alaska, taking with him my heart. and i like a dumbass opened myself back up and apparently too soon after he left only to be crushed again. and now the man who i gave everything to for so many years, doesn't even tell me he even misses me anymore. i should have gone with my first thoughts and stayed alone, that was what i wanted, but apparently we can't control how we feel. will i ever find somebody who will love me with just as much passion and heart as i do? i feel like i've lost my best friend in the whole world.
Pain And Love
life is to short for u not to love life is to short for the pain to come love in 1 hand pain in the other thay all ways come to gather as i look in to ur eyes i see lust, love ,pashon, hate for me i c the fear u have of me i take ur hands in mine and give u my love, as i take ur pain with love in mine and pain in urs we live and love and keep going on life is to short not to love life is to short for the pain to come with love in 1 hadn and pain in the other it dont mater cus im with u
Pain To The End
Eyes closed tight at the nightmare ahead Hands trembling, blood in your bed A single whimper escapes your lips Icy hands upon your hips Clawing and screaming begging not to go Terror knowing, you reap what you sew Is it to late, is this how it ends Satan’s waiting his collector he sends Life flashing before you, ashamed of your role Begging for the chance to change life’s goal Flesh now ripping as your drug below Yes hell is waiting he owns your soul Muscle and bone fiery flesh The smell of brimstone strong and fresh Pain sweet pain, your only release Embrace it as yours fore it’s your only peace Just as in life, you suffer in pain For eternity now it shall keep you sane c. l. cooper
Pain Why does life hurt so much? Why cant things be right? I dont understand it hurts so much inside... Im proud that im gonna be a father, and I brought a new breath in tis world, I wanted out child to have the life we never had... I wanted that family, that love of my life, and all in one night it all gets taken away. I dont know how to deal, I dont know how to cope, You might as well tkae a knife and cut my fuckin throat, you took my breath, you took my heart, you splattered it all, now im coated in blood, I cant take the pain or the hurt, just one more cut, just a lil more squirt, a few more minutes, and all ends soon, Wait... I cant leave this world yet, I love my my child, I want the normal life, maybe just a lil while, I love you so much even though you you hurt me so bad, I hate this feelin a pain so bad, I want to make you laugh, no more tears, I want it all to stop ill drink no more beers... You left without a clue no warning, no sighn, all I ever wanted was for you foreve
12 Pains Of Christmas
The first thing at Christmas that's such a pain to me Is finding a Christmas tree The second thing at Christmas that's such a pain to me: Rigging up the lights And finding a Christmas tree The third thing at Christmas that's such a pain to me Hangovers Rigging up the lights And finding a Christmas tree The fourth thing at Christmas that's such a pain to me Sending Christmas cards Hangovers Rigging up the lights And finding a Christmas tree The fifth thing at Christmas that's such a pain to me Five months of bills! Sending Christmas cards Hangovers Rigging up the lights And finding a Christmas tree The sixth thing at Christmas that's such a pain to me: Facing my in-laws Five months of bills! Oh, I hate those Christmas cards! Hangovers Rigging up these lights! And finding a Christmas tree The seventh thing at Christmas that's such a pain to me: The Salvation Army Facing my in-laws Five months of bills! Sending Christmas cards Oh, geez! I'm t
Pain By Three Days Grace
Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all You're sick of feeling numb You're not the only one I'll take you by the hand And I'll show you a world that you can understand This life is filled with hurt When happiness doesn't work Trust me and take my hand When the lights go out you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Anger and agony Are better than misery Trust me I've got a plan When the lights go off you will understand Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all Pain, without love Pain, I can't get enough Pain, I like it rough 'Cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing Rather feel pain I kno
I keep my paint brush with me Wherever I may go, In case I need to cover up So the real me doesn't show. I'm so afraid to show you me, Afraid of what you'll do - that You might laugh or say mean things. I'm afraid I might lose you. I'd like to remove all my paint coats To show you the real, true me, But I want you to try and understand, I need you to accept what you see. So if you'll be patient and close your eyes, I'll strip off all my coats real slow. Please understand how much it hurts To let the real me show. Now my coats are all stripped off. I feel naked, bare and cold, And if you still love me with all that you see, You are my friend, pure as gold. I need to save my paint brush, though, And hold it in my hand, I want to keep it handy In case someone doesn't understand. So please protect me, my dear friend And thanks for loving me true, But please let me keep my paint brush with me Until I love me, too.
Pain Unparalled
Are you looking at the moon tonight? Watching the stars as they light up the sky? Are you thinking of what we've missed? And upon those stars have we wished the same wish? I wonder what you look like now.. Is your hair still blonde or has it turned brown? Are your eyes the same crystal green? Do they share the sadness I see in my dreams? How tall are you now? Will I ever know? I wasnt there to watch you grow... Do you still have that sweet little lisp? And I wonder if I am the one that you miss? Does a day go by without wondering why? Why is it I thought I could fly? So many pages have we both turned.. Without each other to teach and to learn. Are you still that shy little sprite that used to hide under my skirt in fright? Have you awaken to thoughts of me in the night? And was he there to let you know its alright. Do you feel me as I think of you in and day out its all that i do. I wish I could look at your sweet little face and let you know no ones take
PAIN It's like u cut me open with a rusted knife to watch my insides fall on the floor like spagettie. Then you took a spoom and scraped out the rest like a discarted pumpkin,do you know how bad you hurt me? I dont think u do, you will never understand my life, I'm scared to open up,cause every time i let someone in i get hurt. And you wer the last. My heart burns like a thousand suns, my stomach feels as if every man, women, and child in the world put a pair of golf shoes on and begun to stomp, over and over untill there is nothing left but a stain on the ground. You have made me into a monster that no one wants to look at or be around, I am now a freak thanks to you. I can't eat,sleep, or think about anything else except the pain u have caused me in my life. It would'nt hurt as much if you had taken meat hooks and hung me bye the skin of my toes, if u would have soaked me in gasoline and set me on fire, If you would have cut my head off with a spoon. Because if y
The 12 Pains Of Christmas (video Song)
Pain Everlasting
My shoulders are heavy. The weight of the world is pushing me down. I'm slowly slipping out of my mind, Slipping from reality. I'm breathing heavy, I feel so cold, So blind. But I wont give up. I'm to strong. As long as I keep on believeing... As long as I can trust... Pain is everlasting. But love... Lasts forever.
The 12 Pains Of Christmas
The first thing at Christmas that's such a pain to me Is finding a Christmas tree The second thing at Christmas that's such a pain to me: Angry husband: Rigging up the lights And finding a Christmas tree The third thing at Christmas that's such a pain to me Man getting over being drunk: Hangovers Rigging up the lights And finding a Christmas tree The fourth thing at Christmas that's such a pain to me Exhausted man: Sending Christmas cards Hangovers Rigging up the lights And finding a Christmas tree The fifth thing at Christmas that's such a pain to me Five months of bills! Sending Christmas cards Hangovers Rigging up the lights And finding a Christmas tree The sixth thing at Christmas that's such a pain to me: Nervous wife: Facing my in-laws Five months of bills! Oh, I hate those Christmas cards! Hangovers Rigging up these lights! And finding a Christmas tree The seventh thing at Christmas that's such a pain to me: Nervous wife's husband: Th
12 Pains Of Christmas
Pain I Feel
A great vortex in my head Pain ripping thru my veins Fire, reaching from my soul A pleasure to feel loves desire Dream of beauty in the fields of fantasia The dark warrior Finds his shining light But the wind in my ear speaks to me of and endless fear that has now forever sealed my fate I lived for love and all it brought was pain and now my love I shall die in vain.
The Pain
here a small poem about a good old friend. I Can See The Pain by me I still see your face in my dreams It hurts and it doesn't help at all I still want you in my life as crazy as that seems I want you to help me when I fall I still remember the first time we met There was something so different about you Your friendship was something I wanted to get That smile when you said hi to me was so new Out of no where you called me on the phone I wanted to sit there and talk to you forever You were so new, so crazy and unknown I just knew that our friendship would never sever we once had a row , it was wrong , i was wrong We decided to go out and make it all all right It didn't work out of course we knew it couldn't We couldn't even really stand each others sight It shouldn't end this way but it did and I shouldn't I miss you and everything you were to me Ten years from now i will look back on it all i will be older and finally be able to see That love o
i pray to the lord as i kneel to my knee i pray less pain be struck on me and if once more i'm to feel pain i ask for death while i'm still sane. and now i lay me down to sleep, i pray this pain to not get deep if i should die before i wake i'm free from anymore heartache.

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