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Wealth From Crisis
Wealth From CrisisDo you have what it takes?Anytime you enter a new business venture, you have to wonder if you have what it takes. Do you have what it takes to make money.Do you have what it takes to be successful?It is normal to ask yourself these questions, no matter what the opportunity. First, though, understand your expectations?You want to make money online. No one can blame you for that. After all, it is a great way to get the money you have always wanted.There is a question that lingers,though,and you cannot make it go away. Do you have what it takes to make money online?The question is actually a lot simpler than you might think. You may think you need to have a degree in business and a skill you can tap into. The truth is, it is much easier than that. Normal people are making money everyday online, and you can too.What Sells OnlineThere is no secret formula to online sales. Instead,there is hard work and market research. When you use those two things, you are able to get the
We Almost Have Him Leveled 48 K To Go W00t Hehe
Ok Ladies Lets Show This Fu Lots Of Luv!!!! Add/Fan/Rate/ Bling & Crush Him.. He needs A lil Bit Of Extra TLC He's Been 60 days Wit No Smokes & He's feelin Pretty sickly Today :p Poor Thing !!!!!
*77 We All Need To Know About This
Subject: *77 FOLKS THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!!!! PLS PASS THIS ON TO ANY AND ALL. IF THE TIME IT TAKES TO FORWARD SAVES A LIFE IT IS WELL WORTH YOUR EFFORT!!!! YOU MUST KNOW *77 I knew about the red light on cars, but not the *77 It was about 1:00 p.m. In the afternoon, and Lauren was driving to visit a friend. An UNMARKED police car pulled up behind her and put his lights on.. Lauren's parents have always told her never to pull over for an unmarked car on the side of the road, but rather to wait until they get to a gas station, etc. Lauren had actually l istened to her parents advice, and promptly called *77 on her cell phone to tell the police dispatcher that she would not pull over right away. She proceeded to tell the dispatcher that there was an unmarked police car with a flashing red light on his rooftop behind her. The dispatcher checked to see if there were police cars where she was and there weren't, and he told her to keep driving, remain calm and t
Wealth Masters International Carbon Copy
Wealth Masters International Carbon CopyLearn about making REAL MONEY right nowCarbon Copy Pro is a USA Corporation based in the state of Texas, and it was founded by industry leaders in January of 2005. This is significant because it has passed the important three-year mark that many companies never reach.You also need to know the structure, or compensation model of the business.Carbon Copy Pro is not a multilevel marketing system. There are only two "levels": your direct sales and the sales of your team members. The compensation model is that same one used in the Real Estate, Mortgage and Insurance industries. Leaders who recruit and train new professionals receive a commission each time members of their team make a sale, but the largest commission goes to the person who actually makes the sale. Therefore, each member is rewarded for his or her own hard work.You might want to make certain the company you'll associate with is established with industry organizations.Carbon Copy Pro is
Wealth Masters International Jay Kubassek
Wealth Masters International Jay KubassekLearn about making REAL MONEY right now1) Wealth Masters organizes conferences and seminars all over the world, inviting the power houses of finance, motivation & wealth. We have a mission of helping to create new millionaires everyday. One thing I learned was that you must surround yourself with what you want or want to become... It took me years, but now I know not to try to re-invent the wheel... look for what works for you and copy it.Over my life, I started up several businesses, working long hours, waiting years to reap profits... I always did but, I recently decided to start with an established model. I spent over a year researching franchises (that experience would be a whole 10 pages of it's own). All to say that franchising is a game like any other & is very overwhelming! Having had experience in the media business, I decided to exploited the internet. We have all heard of the massive successes made online and I want my part of it. Wea
Wealth Masters International Carbon Copy
Wealth Masters International Carbon CopyLearn about making REAL MONEY right nowPeople come to the Internet by the scores, looking for ways to make buckets of money, for doing as little as possible. Is it any wonder that so many fail? The fact of the matter is this: network marketing requires work. Or does it? According to the gurus it requires that you buy all their books, videos and what-not, and someday, riches will arrive at your door.The major flaw in the guru plan is that the majority of the people buying and reading their material have absolutely no desire to put the information into action. Why? Because they want to get rich quick, with as little effort as possible. We all know that to make it in a home business opportunity of any kind, the war cry of the successful is, DUPLICATION. Give the same presentation to others that got you to enlist in the opportunity, and the money will come. Well, that's all nice and neat, but very few will actually do this; therefore, those who they
Wealth Masters International Jay Kubassek
Wealth Masters International Jay KubassekLearn about making REAL MONEY right nowThe headlines read $250,000 first year income potential. Type in almost any keyword about making money online or a homebased business and you will have two, three or more of these "carbon copy" ads to choose from. What is Carbon Copy Pro? Who is Jay Kubassek?Jay is currently part of the executive committee of Wealth Masters International. He has had internet success in the last three years and has established Carbon Copy Pro as "the" system to automate wealth generation online. Basically, the Carbon Copy Pro system acts as a funnel to generate leads into Wealth Masters International. While this company has some marketing power and name recognition, with a base sticker price of $1995 - $19995 the average person will not become a part of this opportunity.Jay's attempt to create a system that eliminates the human touch is admirable. My opinion is you will always need some follow up as you build your business.
Wealth Masters International Carbon Copy
Wealth Masters International Carbon Copy Are you sick of NOT MAKING money online? I’ve been associated with Carbon Copy Pro for the past 8 months and my experience with this online business opportunity has been nothing short of excellent. This program is not only easy to learn, but also, fun to do. CCPro is a premier home based online money making program giving serious entrepreneurs the ability to earn a realistic six figure first year income. What’s really nice about this online business program is that no special skills or employment background are necessary to succeed and earn profits. It’s also a business that can be conducted from anywhere in the world. I’ve been involved with online business opportunities for the past 2-3 years, and prior to that, I was involved in real estate investments. In order to make substantial profits in the real estate market, a lot of factors come into play. Market demand, interest rates, geographic location, timing and just plain luck are some of
Wealth Masters International Jay Kubassek
Wealth Masters International Jay Kubassek Are you sick of NOT MAKING money online? Carbon Copy Pro is a USA Corporation based in the state of Texas, and it was founded by industry leaders in January of 2005. This is significant because it has passed the important three-year mark that many companies never reach. You also need to know the structure, or compensation model of the business. Carbon Copy Pro is not a multilevel marketing system. There are only two "levels": your direct sales and the sales of your team members. The compensation model is that same one used in the Real Estate, Mortgage and Insurance industries. Leaders who recruit and train new professionals receive a commission each time members of their team make a sale, but the largest commission goes to the person who actually makes the sale. Therefore, each member is rewarded for his or her own hard work. You might want to make certain the company you'll associate with is established with industry organizations. Ca
We All Know
I have lost loved ones due to breast cancer. Both men and women, Alike. My work is is selling T-shirts, The one I am wearing in the pic. So for every picture rate and bling I get I will donate $100 dollars to this great cause. Help the boobees and neebies out. I have donated $800. so far just in the last week. I want to see more men and women surviving from this. I have kids, and I am sure you do to. They have a cure but it takes a but load of money to get it. So that is why I am donating to this. And if the speeling is bad. I apoloize for the miss spelling. my fubar is messing up on me tonight. had to type fast. Good night. The smacker
We All Make Mistakes
Last night me and several others were laughing at a womans unfortunate pics..some of us left comments. It was bought to my attention today that someone I considered a friend deleted me for these actions..Lala was nice enough to fill me in. Yes itwas mean..and I did feel bad which is why I apologized to the woman,.I cannot take back my shitty actions. It was a lapse in judgement..we all have those. I proceeded to write him and admit my wrongs and inform him that Ihad also apologized to her.   I guess I am a bit hurt that he has not responded..and never even bothered to tell ME why I was deleed. We all make misakes..him included I am sure. Sorry for the rant..I just think is is shitty to not even aknowldge and apology..even if it is to tell me to fuck off.   *end rant*
We All Need Money!!!
I have just startedtrying this out, and I'm already getting money, so I thought I'd share it with my fubar friends. 300 MILLION + HAVE AN EMAIL ADDRESS WORLD WIDE!96 MILLION + HAVE PAY PAL (Do the Math)!I am going to tell you a magic method for Earning thousands ofdollars.Believe me. Initially I was also skeptical but I decided to takethe offer.I did Exactly what was written in the message for around 20 days.Then I checked the account. Oh my God! My Account had received 3700USD.Again I started posting the message and in next 20 days my PaypalAccounthas ballooned to 12526 USDIt would take 15-30 minutes only and costs just $6.00. But it is100% worth it to make thousands so quickly. This is not another scamthat takes lots of your hard earned money;This is a no risk investment that will make you thousands of dollarsvery easily and quickly.Turn $6.00 into Thousands in just a few weeks. Just follow theinstructions exactly as set out below and then prepare yourself forahuge influx of cash ov
Wealthy Affiliate
Wealthy Affiliate Review Wealthy Affiliates Wealthy Affiliate Video Review
We All Deal With
We all deal with prejudice of one kind or another. I know I have and still do. Cheryl has a prejudice, although, she says she does not. I know that often she doesn't feel well because I am like that. She tries her best with me, however, she has never been with a white man and I'm almost white. I am not like that but am open to any woman, no matter what her racial back ground is. Even with the age I am open as long as she is 18. Far as religion, I am, again, open while others seem hell bent. Went to D's house to return the thing she gave me for my neck. She's not home but I'm invited in. Wont you know it an outsider, meaning not of the house hold says a racist thing against me. I could of easily responded but held my tounge for the sake of D who was not there and for the respective family members of her that was present. Certainly for the sake of children. I live in a predominantly Afro American area. While back I would get the looks from some of the white ladies because I can kiss an
We All Wanna Stay Fit, Toned And Sexy!!
We All Have At Least One... What's Yours?
Todays question is simple...   What is your most humiliating/gross/shocking/embarrassing moment during a sexual experience?       As with all other questions.. please stay on subject and IF YOU CANT BE HONEST - DONT COMMENT.     Please check out the other questions of the day.     Please Rate This Blog
We All Fall Down
We all fall down                               Maggi Smith                          9/03/10   Put your hands in mine, Pull yourself up to your feet, Get your balance, let go. You smile, you laugh, you fall down, you cry.   Take my hands again, Pull yourself up to your feet, Get your balance, let go. You take a step, you laugh, you fall down, you cry.   Take my hands once more, We’ll try it one more time. Get your balance, let go. You take a step, you laugh, you take one more, I smile… filled with pride.   I close my eyes a moment, Pull myself up to my feet, Open my eyes to see how quickly you have grown, You take another step, I laugh, I fall down, I hug you and  I cry.
We All Are One
I am Muslim, I am Jew,I am Christian, Buddhist, and Hindu,I am white, i am black,I am Asian, Hispanic, native to this land,And i refuse to keep my head buried in the sand,While you demean who i am & what i believe,Trying to convince the weak minded that i am genetically less than thee,I am a human being,And i will continue to stand along with my fellow man,No matter our outward differences, you i will never abandon,No matter the pigmentation of our skin, we all are one,And wherever you may call home, we all get warmth from the same sun,The same oxygen continues to fill our lungs,Whether your sitting atop the class ladder or your desperately grasping a hold to the last rung,We all are one,And though we may not always see the world in the same ways,Reality is were here for only a limited number of days,Lets accept each others differences and find a better way to exist together,No more bigotry and hatred for we all control our own weather,I'll step forward and start with my own daughter a
We All Regret Taking Sides
So you say I'm pathetic I'm everything you're not I'm not afraid of trying I'm not afraid to fail   I've tried to let it go I've tried so many times Speak one more fucking word to me and bitch I'll end you now   you know this is about you...   Oh no, you're never wrong You place the blame on everyone but you Oh no, you've gone too far You've gone too far but no, you're never wrong   I know one day you'll regret it while you're on your back taking them all inside you trying to find what you lack   You're not afraid of lying your lips have served you well now tell me who's in line for this disease you sell?   you know this is about you...   Oh no, you're never wrong you place the blame on everyone but you Oh no, you've gone too far you've gone too far  but no, you're never wrong   you know this is about you you know this is about you you know this ones about you you always were so vain...   Oh no, you're never wrong you place the blame on everyon
Wealthy Want Higher Taxes
source: Warren Buffett, one of the richest men in the country, wants to pay more taxes and thinks his super-rich friends should too. Buffett, who is estimated to be worth more than $47 billion, called on Congress to commit to "shared sacrifice" and raise taxes on people earning more than $1 million. Buffett said the rich are "coddled" by Congress "as if we were spotted owls or some other endangered species." "While the poor and middle class fight for us in Afghanistan, and while most Americans struggle to make ends meet, we mega-rich continue to get our extraordinary tax breaks," Buffett wrote in a Sunday New York Times Op-ed. Over the next three months 12 members of Congress will decide how to fix the country's fiscal crisis and cut at least $1.5 trillion from the 10-year budget deficit. Half of those committee members are from the Republican Party, which has vowed not to raise taxe
We All Die Young.
Wasted my soul, test my life For my bread Spend my time lost in space Am I dead? Oh let the river flow Through my callused hands And take me from my own The eyes of the damned It makes my stomach turn And it tears my flesh from bone How we turn a dream to stone And we all die young Oh, Tell me I know I lived so afraid And still we cry alone With words left unsaid We all die young.
We All Have Felt Em
How come you have enough time to go out and make other girls fall in love with you, but you don't have enough time to pay attention to the girl who already is. You really know you love someone when all you want is for them to be happy, even if that means that you are not a part of it. Love hurts when you break up with someone. It hurts even more when someone breaks up with you. But love hurts the most when the person you love has no idea what so ever. The worst way to miss someone is when they are right beside you and yet you know you can never have them. I love him but I cannot show it, want him but he cannot know it, need him but I know it'll never be, if only he needed me. I get the best feeling in the world when you say hi to me, or even smile, because I know even if just for a second, I crossed your mind. I wonder, what I could Do or say to make him like me. I wonder, what or who I need to be, to be his. I wonder, when just being me will be enough. Should I sm
We All Want To Fall In Love
"We all want to fall in love. Why? Because that experience makes us feel completely alive. Where every sense is heightened, every emotion is magnified, our everyday reality is shattered and we are flying into the heavens. It may only last a moment, an hour, an afternoon. But that doesn't diminish its value. Because we are left with memories that we treasure for the rest of our lives."
We All Need A Little Counciling Once In A While
We all must learn to live with drama, but not me. I dont. want to know how?:    well after years of violent mental torture i was used as a scape goat by my christian family. (they think they are), so i did exactly what i should of done before!! i choosed my own scape goat!!, what more perfect one is there besides LINDSAY LOHAN (LI LO) yes i blame everything that i get blamed for on her, and to tell you the truth it really does work! so therefore its all because of that chic that just refuses to get her life together and go down the wrong path, thx LI LO!!!!
We All Fall Down
Put your hands in mine. Pull yourself up to your feet. Get your balance. Let go. You laugh, you fall down, you cry.   Take my hands again. Pull yourself up to your feet. Get your balance. Let go. You take a step, you laugh, you fall down, you cry.   Take my hands once more. We'll try it one more time. Get your balance. Let do. You take a step, you laugh, you take one more, I smile, filled with pride.   I close my eyes a moment. Pull myself up to my feet. Get my balance. Open my eyes to see how much you've grown. I laugh, I fall down, I cry.
We All Need Someone To Lean On
yes we all seem to need someone to lean on and tell our problems and concerns to. i seem to attact the ladies that have man problems but then god sends me all types of ppl. i am a good listener and will talk only on things i know about and not try to speak on something i know nothing about. me im just looking for a nice lady ever now and then. sure im not a prize but im a real honest baltimore gentleman.
We All Know 1
I am amazed at people today. That all beauty is skin. Never looking deeper inside. Where true beauty begins. Aimlessly throwing people aside. But longing to be adored. Thinking all are beneath them. We're all trash and whores. Spend your daddy's money. While others push forward and true. I thank God for my heart. It keeps me forever being like you.
We Already Know
My lips parted just a little and waiting, for only you while our fates are debating. Perfection may be hard to meet, then the light wins the battle, so we can eat. Could be willing to say thanx, for the subtle cuddles, peanuts and dranks. Sure would like to recipicate, ane give you a reason to remember this date.   come up here baby, there is nothing to prove, we already know I can feel you move. I don't need to tell you exactly where, we already know, so be oh so fair.   I'm lost and here is you, wondering when I will come home, I would stay beside you as long as you wish for us to be alone. each of us can feel what the other is feeling, we guided our hearts to do the stealing. We skipped just taking it mildly slow, and no harm, no foul, because we alreay know.   Sometimes we might wonder, will the day come?? when we can ignore the rest of the world and become one. If its meant to be, it will take place, we can hold hands and suck eachothers face. Lingering reason
We All Want To Fall In Love.
We all want to fall in love. Why? Because that experience makes us feel completely alive. Where every sense is heightened, every emotion is magnified, our everyday reality is shattered and we are flying into the heavens. It may only last a moment, and hour, an afternoon. But that doesn't diminish its value. Because we are left with memories that we treasure for the rest of our lives."
Weapons Of Love
Love ya baby ... thanks so much for this I have no umbrella here to shelter me from pain. can't handle another downpour, still flooded out from the last wave of storms. Keeping all out and everything in, so high and thick, nothing can penitrate this fortress like wall I have constructed. Enjoying the security and comforts and detesting the loneliness brought with it. A dark knight armed only with love, encircles my castle like walls searching for a weakness to liberate his dark angel from her self imprisonment unleashing his arsenal of heart felt loving words, knocking only some dust away determined sending his words aloft, sending with more force than before dismantling blocks of this wall With a smile, he lets loose his largest and most destrutive of all weapons, his heart. Fearful, being alone so long, Don't know how to repel this assault Falling around at my feet, this wall has started coming down through the smoke walking slowly torwards me, this knight in black hands me a
Weapons Contest!
its not my conest!!!!! these rules are simple.. you get to enter 2 weapons on each area. the total is 7 in each cat so don't be reckless. first come for the 2 at once first served. u can add a pistol, a rifle, a sword, a Axe (preferly ether Serial Killer style or Medevil) and a knife. it can be warweapons from the army, replicas, even bb guns. hell even knives u bought on a infomercial is counted in this contest. the total contestents that can be added is 8 it don't matter the gender. Good luck to all who wanna enter. Enter here...just send a message with the pic(s) (please repost my bulletin to help a friend)
Weapons Of Love
I have no umbrella here to shelter me from the pain. I can't handle another downpour, Still, flooded out from the last wave of storms. Keeping all out and everything in, so high and thick, Nothing can penetrate this fortress like walls I have constructed. Enjoying the security and comforts and detesting the loneliness brought with it. A dark knight armed only with love, encircles my castle like walls, Searching for a weakness to liberate his dark angel from her self imprisonment unleashing his arsenal of heart felt loving words, knocking only some dust away. Determined, he sends his words aloft, sending with more force than before dismantling blocks of this wall. With a smile, he lets loose his largest and most destructive of all weapons, his heart. Fearful, being alone so long, I don't know how to repel this assault. Falling around at my feet, this wall has begun crumbling down. Through the smoke, slowly walking toward me, This knight in black hands me a heart.
Weapon Of Choice
Looks like we are going to have a WORTHY candidate for President in 2008!!!! In case you think that I am joking, all of this information can be found at the offical Christopher Walken For President website listed in my "Links" section . . . Actor Christopher Walken to run as Candidate in 2008 Presidential Race August 12, 2006 New York - Early today, actor Christopher Walken, 62, held a private conference at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York in which he announced his intentions to run for the Presidency of the United States in the 2008 Election. Said the Queens native, “I have always been a follower of politics. My father was friends with the mayor of Schodack (NY) back in the 1940’s. We would walk the streets of Schodack and the people, they would wave to him. The children adored him. That is what I love to be, a man of respect and love.” From a statement by Walken's agent, Toni Howard: “Mr. Walken has greatly admired the celebrities who have entered poli
Weapons Used In Attack In Southeastern Iran Come From U.s.: Report 18 Feb 2007
Weapons used in attack in southeastern Iran come from U.S.: report 18 Feb 2007 Explosive devices and arsenals used in a terrorist attack in the southeastern Iranian city of Zahedan on Wednesday came from the United States, the semi-official Fars news agency reported on Saturday. Relevant documents, photographs and film footage, which show that the explosives and arsenals used in the attack were American, would soon be made public, an "informed source" was quoted as saying.
Weapons There are many types of weapons But the ones that hurt the most Are the weapons made of memories And the deadly midnight ghost Not all wounds are red and bloody There are wounds that touch the mind These are wounds that always fester They're the never healing kind Why are we who've done our duty Plagued by wounds that never heal Made by weapons of our memories Which are worse than lead and steel
Weapons Given To Iraq Are Missing Weapons given to Iraq are missing 30 percent of arms are unaccounted for, GAO estimates By Glenn Kessler The Washington Post Updated: 8:22 p.m. ET Aug 5, 2007 The Pentagon has lost track of about 190,000 AK-47 assault rifles and pistols given to Iraqi security forces in 2004 and 2005, according to a new government report, raising fears that some of those weapons have fallen into the hands of insurgents fighting U.S. forces in Iraq. The report from the Government Accountability Office indicates that U.S. military officials do not know what happened to 30 percent of the weapons the United States distributed to Iraqi forces from 2004 through early this year as part of an effort to train and equip the troops. The highest previous estimate of unaccounted-for weapons was 14,000, in a report issued last year by the inspector general for Iraq reconstruction. The United States has spent $19.2 billion trying to develop Iraqi security forces s
A Weapon Of Mass Destruction....or Terrorism By Easter Bunny
Everyone has friends. At least we hope so. People we can tell anything to. People who will understand us, even when we have made complete jackasses of ourselves. My best friend is Sean. We have been friends for almost 22 years. It's frightening to know that he knows more about me than I know about myself. Being Italian, it's a big joke in our family about the Mob. We aren't "those kind" of Italians. We just laugh about them. People say "good friends will help you move the body" Sean would say, "But, Marina knows who did it." He's Irish, what does he know? Nothing except Guinness. Anyway, Sean came over to annoy me last night. This is the true definition of a friend. He drove 2 hours to sit and watch me fall asleep on the couch. I'm sure there are pics somewhere of me drooling onto the pillow. But I won't see them, until he posts them somewhere. At precisely 8:48pm last night, an explosion echoed through Rockford, IL. The reverberations sent tremors all the wa
Weapon I Am:
Weaponizing The Playstation 3
March 9, 2008: The U.S. Air Force is buying 300 PlayStation 3 game consoles. Not to play games, but because it’s the cheapest way to get the powerful processors that create the photorealistic graphics for PlayStation games. Air force researchers want to use these processors (similar to the ones found in high end video cards) to build faster computers for military use. The CPU manufacturer was not willing to sell the PlayStation processor separately, at least for a reasonable price. So it was easier to just buy PlayStation 3s. This use of video game electronics, for other purposes, is nothing new. Military researchers began doing this sort of thing in the late 1990s with graphic processors. This led to the introduction last year of modified graphic cards, which produce supercomputer type results, but at a very low cost. These were basically Nvidia 8800 graphic cards tweaked to just crunch numbers (one card equals half a teraflop of computing power). Each of these PCI cards costs abou
Weaponomics The Global Market For Assault Rifles
Weaponomics the Global Market for Assault Rifles Publish at Scribd or explore others: Reports Periodicals & Report global Market
Weapons Of The Mind
...weapons of the mind, which vanquish all others. Trenches of ideas are worth more than trenches of stone.  A cloud of ideas is a thing no armored prow can smash through. A vital idea set ablaze before the world at the right moment can, like the mystic banner of the last judgment, stop a fleet of battleships.   by Jose Marti
If someone tried to harm you, and the other person didn't have a gun, what kind of weapon would you use,  A. Something you can play baseball with  B. A big hulking knife?
Weapons Used, Alleged Victim Testifies
On Tuesday morning, the man testified that he performed sex acts on Paxton because he would have done anything to stop the beatings. Testifying for a second day against his former friend, the alleged victim said oral sex and masturbation would happen on a "spur of the moment, when Paxton was in the mood.” "Personally I thought it was disgusting, but I was in survival mode. I would do anything to not get beaten," he said. The alleged victim told court he asked Dustin Paxton to call an ambulance after a beating that left him with broken ribs and perforated bowels.burberry outlet cheap The alleged victim told court he asked Dustin Paxton to call an ambulance after a beating that left him with broken ribs and perforated bowels. CBC As the alleged victim testified about sex acts, Paxton appeared angry and uncomfortable, shaking his head and muttering under his breath. The man also told court that Paxton attacked him in the fall of 2009 with a metre-long two-by-four, leaving him wi
Weapons Used, Alleged Victim Testifies2
On Monday, the alleged victim told court Paxton used a cane, leash or extension cord to administer regular beatings. He testified he didn't leave because he didn't want to look like a "sissy." He said the daily beatings and choking at the hands of Paxton began on Oct. 31, 2008, when he moved to Calgary from Winnipeg. The man was dropped off at a Regina hospital in April 2010 weighing 87 pounds. By then he was suffering from a fractured eye socket, and most of his bottom lip and part of his tongue were missing. Back to a healthy weight but still disfigured, the man slowly described the violence he said his former friend inflicted on him. Dustin Paxton listens in a Calgary courtroom Tuesday as his alleged victim testifies.Dustin Paxton listens in a Calgary courtroom Tuesday as his alleged victim testifies.burberry outlet cheap Sharon SargentHis stepfather was at his side for support while he was in the witness box. A screen was placed in front of Paxton while his alleged victim spok
                                                               ** Only 10 per day Rusty Butter knife            Attack: 1           Cost: $175 Tennis Racket            Attack: 1 Defense: 1           Cost: $225 Wrench            Attack: 2           Cost: $300 357 Revolver            Attack: 2 Defense: 2           Cost: $1,075 Glock 40            Attack 3 Defense: 1           Cost: $2,100 12-Gauge Shotgun           Attack: 2 Defense: 4           Cost: $3,100 Lead-knuckle Gloves: used for backhands           Cost: $4,000 Tommy gun            Attack: 5 Defense: 2           Cost: $5,300 Tech 9            Attack: 4 Defense: 3           Cost: $6,500 M-16           Attack: 6 Defense: 3           Cost: $16,500 Fortified M-16            Attack: 17 Defense: 12           Cost: $100,000 Upkeep: $4,000 M134D Gatling gun            Attack: 11 Defense: 8         
** Only 10 per day Rusty Butter knife Attack: 1 Cost: $175 Tennis Racket Attack: 1 Defense: 1 Cost: $225 Wrench Attack: 2 Cost: $300 357 Revolver Attack: 2 Defense: 2 Cost: $1,075 Glock 40 Attack 3 Defense: 1 Cost: $2,100 12-Gauge Shotgun Attack: 2 Defense: 4 Cost: $3,100 Lead-knuckle Gloves: used for backhands Cost: $4,000 Tommy gun Attack: 5 Defense: 2 Cost: $5,300 Tech 9 Attack: 4 Defense: 3 Cost: $6,500 M-16 Attack: 6 Defense: 3 Cost: $16,500 Fortified M-16 Attack: 17 Defense: 12 Cost: $100,000 Upkeep: $4,000 M134D Gatling gun Attack: 11 Defense: 8 Cost: $150,000 Upkeep: $2,000 Remote Controlled Sniper Rifle Attack: 16 Defense: 4 Cost: $175,000 Upkeep: $2,750 AT4 Rocket Launcher Attack: 15 Defense: 6 Cost: $200,000 Upkeep: $3,500 **AA-12 Shotgun (upgrade only!) Upgrades: 12-Gauge Shotgun Attack: 17 Defense: 10 Cost: $220,000 Upkeep: $3,000 Uzi Attack 10 Defense: 6 Cost: $250,000 Upkeep: $15,000 M2 Browning machine gun A
We Are..
At a time were deversity is everywhere, and being who we are matters.Or does it? There are so many styles trends and clicks, that we forget sometimes, that it doesn't matter. Be beautiful first by loving yourself. I instil this to my children. My son 18, jeans, tshirt, computer game geek. Is what they call him. My daughter, 16, gothic, punk, dark, always in black, and wearing skulls on everything. She is the writer, poet. Both from the same woumb, yet there paths so diffrent. I feel that they should be proud of who they are. Cause mom sure is...
We Are Bound
We are bound in love We are bound at the soul We are bound with blood and silver Your scent awakens me Your touch enflames me When our lips touch The passion deep within ignites My dreams are with you, always I ache to hold you in my arms Even if only for the few short hours We steal every night My soul, my heart, and my mind Scream the love I have for you My love deepening for you each and every time we are together Our bond stronger now, but still grows stronger Through good times and bad Our souls screaming for each other Our hearts beating as one Our minds linked together Our souls soaring to the sky Alive in the Night Air Alive with each other ~Forever~ Copyright © 2001 LordDarkPrince
Wearing The Pants
A young couple, just married, were in their honeymoon suite on their wedding night. As they undressed for bed, the husband, who was a big burly man, tossed his pants to his bride and said, "here put these on." She put them on, and the waist was twice the size of her body. "I can't wear your pants," she said. "That's right!!" said the husband, "and don't you forget it. I'm the man who wears the pants in this family!" With that she flipped him her panties and said, "Try these on." He tried them on and found he could only get them on as far as his kneecaps. He said, "Hell, I can't get into your panties!" She said, "That's right, and that's the way it's going to be until you change your attitude."
The Weary Path Of Suffering!!!!
The Weary Path of Suffering The damnation called love begot with underhanded measures. A rotten festering dream that never became a future, but a hole to another deminsion of suffering and cold paths of ice. A beautiful thing turned festering postule on the lover and the loved. The Dreamers fallen and failed plans time and again, picking themselves up to walk a new path to more self destruction and pain. Isolation from thoes that would love them for the love shared that has rotted. What has become of the lover and the loved that has not become time and again. An open wound that hast not the time to heal nor the inclination. The woe of the pair a lament of wailing sobbs and inner turmoil never resolved. A bleak and weary future once and again, ever running into the same barricades of life and dreams unrealized. Hands of death delivered to the once beautiful love shared. A light goes out once the path seems rough, and the lovers crawl into their pain to die with the winter
We Are The Forebidden Fruit............ Are You Tempted?
We Arrived!
Yes! the plane ride was awesome! i ended up with the seat next to me open so i streched out a little bit. I was a little bugged by my ears and everything, but the view was sweet! That was my second time being on an airplane and i saw all the teeny-tiny cars on the roads. It was something ill never forget. So we got here at it was 85 degrees. Pretty good temperature cept i really dont like the humidity. I see a lot of bikers out and that makes me sad because i want one before it snows. Which apparently it did in souther MN but we just missed it! WOO HOO! So our suite is pretty bitchen, two queen beds and a pull out. My boyfriend and i get a bed and his parents get the other. His cuz came a long to and she will get the pull out. Last year around this time my brother was graduating from basic and we took a family trip down just like were doing now and of course his girlfriend came along. Im starting to see how she must have felt now. She had me to talk to so she wouldnt have to
We Are Family
Get Your Own! | View Slideshow.
We Are In A Contest!!!!!!!!!!!!
show us some lovin!!
Weary Wary Werewolf Dreams
Weary Wary Werewolf Dreams weary the man as he seeks his bed flesh and bone dragging almost dead wary is he of the moon full so white closes the window to block out the bright light shuts his eyes lets his body relax werewolf dreams all set to attack the mares of the night run full speed ahead the hour's at hand werewolf dreams rip deep rifts in his chest long hungry claws shred the peace of his bed far away just like the moon running the night stalking souls to devour lost lonely souls in the full moon hour the eyes of the werewolf deep yellow and bold looking and searching for what he not knows the peace of the night a deep comforting sleep for his bone weary being never finding a rest from the beast down within the dreams all tainted his spirit defiled issues demands the wee hours of dawn well underway werewolf wakens shivering cold and shaken the window wide open
"we Are One"
Brown, Yellow, Red, Black, White, Democrat, Republican, Blind, Deaf, Rich, Poor, Jewish, Christian, Buddhist, Moslem, Free, Prisoner, Servant, Professional. It makes no difference. Because to our Creator we are all the same, as it should be to us. A wise man said: don't judge another unless you have walked in their shoes. We have the same Capacity for Love in us, We feel the same amount of Pain, We feel the same amount of Joy, We feel the same amount of disappointment, The same amount of understanding The same amount of Misunderstanding. How do we choose? do we Love another because they look and live as we think they should? Have you ever seen a Cat & Dog that Love and care for each other? but yet they look so different, they think so different, they are completely alien to each other! but yet they know it really makes no difference and each allows the other, to be different, Love Knows no difference. If You feel down
We Are Getting Married!!!!
We Are
We Are Feel us? we are here. watching. waiting. listening. wanting. searching for a door. a vessel. ready? we'll show you things You never thought you wanted to know. secrets. knowledge. we know all. past. present. future. open the door... we are the ambassadors. we know what it is you seek, and don't. we were here before Time. we are Time. We Are. in your dreams, your soul, your breath, in the back of your hearts and minds. remnants of what you know, but forget. that nagging, that doubt that makes you question what your mothers and fathers taught you. like an old faded memory we hide feeding in your daydreams, in your rebellion.... we are. we are Your potential untapped. ignored. unused. we have the keys. open the gateways. open the doors. open your minds. we are waiting. Ready. 9:22 PM -
We Are Called The Ghost?
we ar called the ghost? we are the deadliest elite military force in the united states army. we move threw the dark of the night like a knife moving swift threw the wind. we kill all enemies of the united stsaes and those that hurt the weak and the innocent. we love this great nation. we will die and protect america and our loved ones at alllllll costs. we have honor, self discipline, courage, faithfullness to the corp, and hope and success for our futures and others. we are called the united states army green berets. we are called the GHOSTS.
We Are Having A Baby
Courtesy of Courtesy of MsTags.comand today is also my
Wear Sun Screen.
Ladies and Gentlemen of the class of '06 Wear Sunscreen. If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it. The long term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own meandering experience… I will dispense this advice, now. Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth; oh nevermind; you will not understand the power and beauty of your youth until they've faded. But trust me, in 20 years you’ll look back at photos of yourself, and recall in a way you can’t grasp now how much possibility lay before you and how fabulous you really looked…. You are not as fat as you imagine. Don’t worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum. The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind; the kind that blindside you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday. Do one thing ever
We Are Friends
We are steadfast friends come what may Walking beside each other day by day Your sunbright smile helps the blues allay And I know that everything will be okay Whenever my heart is heavy with pain Feeling life's such an enormous strain You listen quietly and never complain Your companionship helps to keep me sane Your bright smile lights up your whole face Making me feel safe in this embrace Your friendship I could never replace It is truly like the most delicate lace We share secrets and trust each other true Painful and precious times see each other through Through thick and thin we stick like glue There are not many friends like you It's because we walk together side by side Nothing from each other do we hide Together we tread through this life with pride Promising to be each others guide We laugh so much at a myriad of things Into each others life bright lights we bring With you beside me my step has spring This experience like a bird flying on the w
Wear The Pants
Jack was going to be married to Jill, so his father sat him down for a little fireside chat. He says, "Jack let me tell you something. On my Wedding night in our honeymoon suite, I took off my pants and handed them to your mother, and I said, here try these on." So she did and said, "These just don't fit." So I replied, "...Exactly. I wear the pants in this family and always will. Ever since that night we have never had any problems." "Hmmm," says Jack. He thinks that might be a good thing to try. So on his honeymoon Jack takes off his pants and says to Jill, "Here try these on." So she does and says, "These just won't fit." So Jacks says,"Exactly. I wear the pants in this family and I always will, and I don't want you to ever forget that." Then Jill takes off her pants and hands them to Jack and says, "Here you try on mine. So he does and says, "I can't get into these." So Jill says, "Exactly. And if you don't change your attitude, you never will." ========
We Are The Other People (warning May Be Disturbing To Some Closed Minded Christians)
We Are the Other People by Oberon (Otter) Zell The following is an Article published three or four years ago in Green Egg. "Ding-dong!" goes the doorbell. Is it Avon calling? Or perhaps Ed McMahon with my three million dollars? No, it's Yahweh's Witlesses again, just wanting to have a nice little chat about the Bible... Boy, did they ever come to the wrong house! So we invite them in: "Enter freely and of your own will..." (Hey, it's Sunday morning, nothing much going on, why not have a little entertainment?) Diane and I amuse ourselves watching their expressions as they check out the living room: great horned owl on the back of my chair; ceremonial masks and medicine skulls of dragons and unicorns on the wall; crystals, wands, staffs, swords; lots of Goddess figures and several altars; boa constrictors draped in amorous embrace over the elkhorn; white doves sitting in the hanging planters; cats and weasels underfoot; iron dragon snorting steam atop the wood stove; posters and p
We Are All Born For Love
Looking for a friend and more.To share things in life,good and bad.Someone to laugh and cry with. Someone that i am comfortable with and who is comfortable with me.Someone who is easy going and understanding of others. Don't like people who shout,are rude,unreliable,lie. Contact me
We Are Like Animals...
Your hot breath on the back of my neck makes me shiver.Your hands reach around me and are filled with my breasts. They are full and heavy in your hands, you squeeze them and pull me back against you.My back is pressed against your chest. Your hands work andfeel my nipples, even through my clothing, your fingers rolling and pushing them. You feel them stiffen as you hear my soft moans. Your lips kiss my ears and move across my neck, pushing my collar down so you can lick my shoulders as you cross over them.Your hands squeeze and fondle me and you feel my breaths now coming faster and deeper.You have me now.Your kisses become harder and wetter, and you whisper into my ears. Short and brief messages. "I want you"..."Your nipples are excited"...My cock is hard for you"...."You are mine now." Words that alone mean nothing, but in this moment, they stir me andthrill me with their implications and promise.I push back against you. You know I feel your cock hard against my ass.I shift my wei
"we Are An Elite Race Of Our Own. The Stoners, Junkies, And Freaks"
We Are Looking For Friends
who have kinky fetishes, like bdsm or are just unique people. We are a real couple who are open minded and like to have fun with everything from strapon play to S/m. I am a very creative sadist. ;) We are huge latex/rubber fetishists and love toys/clothes made out of these materials. We are also country buffs and love the rural outdoors. We love the wildlife and the mountains that surround our barn style home. We are enviromentalists and organic health nuts. We believe God/Goddess is all around us, in the trees, the animals, the water and ourselves.
We Are The World People!
We Are Part Of The Circle
We are part of the circle We have our power to choose, our human will and imagination, our courage, our passion, our willingness to act and to love. And we are not, in truth, strangers to this world. We are part of the circle. When we plant, when we weave, when we write, when we give birth, when we organize, when we heal, when we run through the park while the redwoods sweat mist, when we do what we're afraid to do, we are not separate. We are of the world and of each other, and the power within us is a great, if not an invincible power. Though we can be hurt, we can heal; though each of us can be destroyed, within us is the power of renewal. Source: Dreaming the Dark Starhawk --
We Are Making Changes...
Hi All... We will be making changes to our site. Trudy and I have combined out sites, not just LC but we will be doing the same with MySpace too. So hang on and be patient as we make some additions, deletions and changes. Thanks, Chris and Trudy
We Are Engaged!!
Mike made it official tonight and asked me to marry him on our 6 month anniversary at pretty much the exact moment that we first kissed. I love him so much and I am so happy with him. With what is happening to my body because of the baby...I needed something happy to happen for us because of my health and the fear that is happening inside me. I LOVE YOU MIKE!! PS go and congratulate him as well...he is in my family (jammingracebike)
We Are All Connected.
We are all connected. The connection of minds throughout the entire world is becoming more and more evident. Communication and the sharing of ideas have become almost effortless these days. A person can share his ideas to the entire world and in turn see the ideas of many others all over the world. A person can find that many other people have the same beliefs, opinions and concepts. A person can find that their understanding of the world is similar to ancient beliefs. In ancient times, "word of mouth" or what was written down and copied by hand limited communication. Ancient philosophers and teachers would spread their beliefs to only the people that lived around them. Yet in other parts of the world similar beliefs were developed at the same time. I see that some eastern philosophies have similar points to the Middle Eastern beliefs. I see that western religions have similar messages to Asian beliefs. Yet these cultures are not physically close, their beliefs evo
We Are Dropping Back Now :(
Things were going so great with all the love and support with the bulletin reposts getting people to come and rate our baby blog and getting to the top of the blog list but we got to #18 and it seems that people just kinda quit on me. Its really sad that support and love for babies lost too soon can be so fleeting. All I want is for it to make it to the #1 spot even if only for a little bit to see that people care enough to help me get the support and compassion out there to other parents. Where did everyone go?
We Are Women!
Fine tuned body Hung with silver and silicone Dress to impress in sequined halters And mini mini hiked up skirts Diamonds slink from earlobes and manicured fingertips just to hook a Sugar Daddy Appearances speak louder than those Feminist bumper stickers They fail to realize the meaning behind As busty bronzed bimbos blow kisses from brothel windows It's all love and chocolate 'Till someone calls her a bitch The only objection we have these days Then you're off to another steetcorner Bar club party To find another set of tits From which you suckle your machismo No broads boy No broads No baby girls for you to smack No more empty sex in bathroom stalls To make up for the nads you lack It's time we put our foot down Spike heeled as it may be We're no longer just Dressed To Impress We're WOMEN And we will make you see
We Are Bi-sexual, Not Confused.
A small amount of bisexuals are hypocrites.. I'm not one of them.. I can't stand when people discriminate and judge me or anyone else for that matter. Here's some valid points in defense of bisexuals. I found it on some random webpage. Bisexual myths More people are admitting to being bisexual - yet many of us don't really know what this sexual preference actually means. Bisexuality Defined A person who is sexually attracted to and engages in sensual or sexual relationships with people of either sex. A bisexual person may not be equally attracted to both sexes, and the degree of attraction may vary over time. Bisexuals have to like both men and women equally Wrong - There is no right or wrong way to be bisexual. You are the person who determines your sexuality. If you only date girls but are also attracted to guys, you can be bisexual. The same goes for people who date guys, but still like girls. Some people believe that your sexuality is always ch
We Are
Don t feel shame about you........ Live ur life........................ Don t hide urself behind a puter... Be honest especially with yourself.... Be UPFRONT............................ be PROUD of YOURSELF................ No matter if you are MAN/WOMAN/GAY/LESBIAN/ /TRANNY or TRANSSEXUAL YOU ARE A PERSON......DON T FORGET IT BE PROUD OF YOURSELF ASJA and I am proud to say I m TRANSSEXUAL
We Are
We are Friends I got your back You got mine, I'll help you out Anytime! To see you hurt To see you cry Makes me weep And wanna die And if you agree To never fight It wouldn't matter Whos wrong or right If a broken heart Needs a mend I'll be right there Till the end If your cheeks are wet From drops of tears Don't worry Let go of your fears Hand in hand Love is sent, We'll be friends Till the end!!!!
We Are All That Stands Between The Monsters And The Weak
We Are All That Stands Between The Monsters And The Weak: The sun beat like a hammer, not a cloud was in the sky. The mid-day air ran thick with dust, my throat was parched and dry. With microphone clutched tight in hand and cameraman in tow, I ducked beneath a fallen roof, surprised to hear, "Stay low." My eyes blinked several times before in shadow I could see, The figure stretched across the rubble, steps away from me. He wore a cloak of burlap strips, all shades of grey and brown, That hung in tatters till he seemed to melt into the ground. He never turned his head or took his eye from off the scope, But pointed through the broken wall and down the rocky slope. "About eight hundred yards," he said, his whispered words concise, "Beneath the baggy jacket he is wearing a device." A chill ran up my spine despite the swelter of the heat, "You think he's gonna set it off along the crowded street?" The sniper gave a weary sigh and said, "I wouldn't doubt it," "Unless there'
Wearing A Kilt At New Years Eve
So, I am going to this hotel at New Years Eve with some family. And it's a black tie kinda event. So, I'll be wearing a kilt and all the trimmings.... Those who want to see some pics of it posted will need to rate me and comment me so they can see the pics effective 01/01/2007 Let me know what you like. Love and Hugs S xxx P.S. The answer is yes, I am a true Scotsman..
~~we Are Stronger Then Ever With Pres Bush And Team~~
....I was very suprised that after the election, the third world countries were so happy that the republicans were out and the democrats were in because the middle east sees this move as easy pickens for them due to the perception that the democrats are such pussies and will offer minimal or no resistance to their movement! So this meant that Pres Bush and his team have had the balss to keep these assholes from the middle east at bay and the fanatic bastards see our President as a very strong leader! So I hold a very strong respect even more now for our President and his team........
We Are All About Peace, Man.
Anyone else a tad worried about this?
We Are Better ;)
A large group of Taliban soldiers are moving down a road when they hear a voice call from behind a sand dune.... "One US soldier is better than ten Taliban" The Taliban commander quickly sends 10 of his best soldiers over the dune, whereupon a gun-battle breaks out and continues for a few minutes then ssilence. The voice then call out..... "One US soldier is better than one hundred Taliban" Furious, the Taliban commander sends his next best 100 troops over the dune, and instantly a huge gunfight commences. After 10 minutes of battle, again silence. The voice calls out again.... "One US soldier is better than one thousand Taliban". The enraged Taliban commander musters one thousand fighters and sends them across the dune. Cannons, rockets and machine gun fire ring out as a huge battle is fought. Then silence. Eventually one wounded Taliban fighter crawls back over the dune and with his dying words tells his commander..... "Don't send any more's a trap....
*we Are The Champs*
*ITS GREAT TO BE A FLORIDA GATOR*IF YOUR NOT A GATOR YOUR GATOR BAIT*Just Ask The BuckEyes Roflmao.41-14 That Was Not An Ass Beatin That Was The GATORS WALKIN A MUD HOLE N WALKING IT DRY!!!Never Mess With The Gators:D
We Are The Weft
thru cobwebs i see my window is covered with old nests and webs left over morsels of arachnid dinners dirt from the outside roadside and a day covered by cloud the dim grey light attracts this vision skyward small birds sing amongst branches encrusted with petro chemical emissions oblivious of our unleaded footprint we cover the earth with no where's sacred anymore untouched by motorcades high overhead our world has fast become 1 big parking lot for our mad misadventure of travel and communication we're drowning in the depths of every1 elses sorrow no more todays tomorrow today is something very expensive and tomorrow is already on sale noodle e string (c)
We Are Teaching Everyone
Hello my friends, we are teaching all our methods to our friends so they may be successful together along with us. Aaron Martirano and myself Kathy Hamilton are taking off globally. As most of ya all know Aaron and myself are highly motivated and our mission is to help everyone,We are everyones angel on there shoulders. And Most of ya all know that Aaron and myself are now known and referred to by as "The Angels of the Internet." We are going global and we soon will be linked under Oprahs organization angel network as we want to help and provide to all.We have several organizations that are highly publisized that we are linking ourselves to. We have many ventures that are going to be huge and we are taking our friends with us. So we would like to invite you to our new group we have over at BizPreneur here is the link- so after you are there we will find you and invite you to our network it is called bizpreneurfriends.
We Are Never Alone...
Do you know the legend of the Cherokee Indian youth's rite of passage? His dad would take him into the forest blindfolded, and leave him - alone. He was required to sit on a stump the whole night...and not take off the blindfold until a ray of sun shone through it. He would be all by himself. He could not cry out for help to anyone. Once he survived the night he would be a MAN. He could not tell the other boys of this experience. Each lad must come into his own manhood. The boy was terrified... could hear all kinds of noise. Beasts were all around him. Maybe even some human would hurt him. The wind blew the grass and earth, and it shook his stump. But he sat stoically, never removing the blindfold. It would be the only way he could be a man. Finally, after a horrific night, the sun appeared and he removed his blindfold. It was then that he saw his father - sitting on the stump next to him - at watch the entire night. We are never alone.
We Are What We Are
Sometimes we devote so much effort to being what we are not,that we lose the chance to be what we are. We have one identity for this person and another for thatone. Our co-workers, neighbors, friends, and family all expect different tings from us, wondereing who we actually are.How can we be so many different things to so many people? God wants us to be only who we are. We were created with unique characteristics for a purpouse, even if thatpurpouseisn't alwaysclear to us.We need to be who we really are, and to be the best we can be, knowing thatGod approves because God created us as we are. I will be the best me that I know how to be. Fairy Fantacy
We Are At War You Know
We Are At War You Know.. This is my first political blog so bare with me as I get rolling and maybe ranting and raving a bit. I am just an old Hippy in some ways but I am also a veteran that left blood on the ground in the past. So I wanted to put to type my opinion on my country’s condition and positions in the war we find our selves. And make no mistake we are in the early stages of World War 3. This is a war that has been waged for 1500 years on and off . Now these words come from a atheist so it can’t be said I have a religious bend to my views. If we take 5% of the worlds Islamic population , and that’s the percentage that has been verified many times to having sworn to give their lives to kill all non Muslims and in some cases Muslims also, we have an enemy force larger than all the military we fought during WW1, WW2 and Viet Nam combined. I’m not talking about the 76% of the Islamic world that has stated they support many of the views of the 5%. I’m talking on
We Are Seven
A simple child That lightly draws its breath, And feels its life in every limb, What should it know of death? I met a little cottage girl: She was eight years old, she said; Her hair was thick with many a curl That clustered round her head. She has a rustic, woodland air, And she was wildly clad; Her eyes were fair, and very fair; --Her beauty made me glad. "Sisters and brothers, little maid, How many may you be?" "How many? Seven in all," she said, And wondering looked at me. "And where are they? I pray you tell." She answered, "Seven are we; And two of us at Conway dwell, And two are gone to sea. "Two of us in the churchyard lie, My sister and my brother; And, in the churchyard cottage, I Dwell near them with my mother." "You say that two at Conway dwell, And two are gone to sea, Yet ye are seven!-I pray you tell, Sweet maid, how this may be?" Then did the little maid reply, "Seven boys and girls are we; Two of us in the Churchyard lie, B
“we Are The Court Fools
“We are the court fools, who must ridicule the ideas and suppositions put before us. By our pranks, we force people to challenge their assumptions, and look at things in another way. By our pranks, we reopen the minds of others to another view of reality. By our pranks, we make people think."
We Are Back Home
Whew finally we are back home. My son was released out of the hospital today. we went in 1-24-07 and found out he has type 1 diabetes. He is getting insulin 4 times a day. I have alot to learn but he is safe and sound back home. In about three months I will have to take him to Vanderbuilt in Nashville for a follow up check on him. I want to thank everyone once again for your support. I would have been lost at a couple times the past few weeks if it hadnt been for the support i got from such great friends, and of course my family here. Lots of Huggzz go out to you all!!! Luvs ya my friends, Michelle
" We Are One "
We Are All The Same
We are all the same living here in the world The black, the white, the boys, the girls We are all the same we all have knowledge and common sense We all have problem to worry about we all get tense We all want to do great in life Every man wants to be a good husband to his wife We are all the same we need clothes and food We all feel sad we all get angry or feel blue We all need help one time or another We all need a home with shelter for cover We are all the same a mouth, a nose, and two eyes We all feel pain, one day we all will die We are all the same we have to obey the laws We are all the same remember we all have flaws Damon Latrell Taylor
Wear You
I long to wear you like a softly-scented cologne, to smell your essence around me when I'm all alone, to inhale you with each breath from the moment I wake, to taste you on the wind with every step I take. I long to wear you like a satin or velvet glove, to run your hands across my skin, yearning for your love, feel you play my body like a harpist on his strings, lightly touching my flesh with the brush of angel wings. I long to wear you like a sparkling golden band, always look upon you like a jewel on my hand, see the star-light in your eyes as you look up to me and know that you are exactly where you long to be. I long to wear you like honeyed sunlight in my hair, to feel your touch upon me, your kisses in the air, to have you wash over me like a wave from the sea and to feel your wet tongue as it savors all of me. I long to wear you like the joyous curve of my smile, to wear you like the laughter which echoes all the while, to dissolve in the mist of you, the beat of
We Are Back Online!
Just to let you know that we are back online. Can't wait to catch up with all you sexy cherries!
We Are Always Searching
It's a cold dark night, Hallows Eve upon the crest, In a parking lot of vampires in suits to look their best, And the music, and coffins made of gold, With friends and lovers freshly buried. Her beauty washes over me, so let us hide and we'll dance the night away. Kiss the rise of the sun, then we'll melt away, that's who we are. We are always searching, always searching. For you In a white dress, with no eyes, Black suit red devil bow tie, The king and queen are crowned Victorian. "Is this the last of our haunting?" She says as she floats like an angel. "You will never know until you let me go, I'm hoping this will never end!" Her beauty washes over me, so let us hide and we'll dance the night away. Kiss the rise of the sun, then we'll melt away, that's who we are. We are always searching, always searching. For you The haunting, where we fell in love. The haunting, where we fell in love. The haunting, where we fell in love. The haunting, wher
We Are Rockin Out!!! New Radio Station In Our Bar
We Are Awesome.
Check out the new addition to my profile!!!! Stina is the bestest! She's smart and gave me that idea!
We Are Hiring!!!
WANT TO START YOUR OWN BUSINESS??? Let Us Show You How To Start A Prosperous Home Based Internet Business!!! Turning Fun into FORTUNE!!!! Take a vacation while making commission$$$ Benefit from HUGE TAX BENEFITS, Travel Agent Discounts & Unlimited Income Potential Visit our site today!!!
We Are What!
Myspace Graphics Okay yesterday my hubby was online and had a rather wierd if not callous conversation with another member. She started out saying that she was sorry... Hubby asked, what for? She responded with , I'm sorry you're so unhappy in your marriage He :What makes you think that? She: Because you are here on this site The conversation wasn't much longer than this as hubby informed her that we were not unhappy and that we were here because we were invited by a good check it out. We did and decided to stay! Let's get one thing straight RIGHT now! We are VERY happy together! We also like to make new friends...etc. Etcetera being hang out, chat and keep in touch with those who are genuine. We get online rather than going out after dealing with every day hell and since our conflicting work schedules detere us from doing so. NOT because we're sad! WTF!? We are friendly people...I of course am the friendliest....lmao and hubby isn't mad...just
We Are Going To Own Our Own Restaurant!!!
well we received word last night that my dad might buy my husband his own little restaurant last night. We will be serving breakfast and lunch. he is really excited. we will know more later on in the week after they look over the books to make sure it is really what they want to do. can't wait to tell my job that i won't be working for them like i am now and that i might just work a couple of nights for them.
We Are The World
I dont how many of you will understand the video below but I guess I wouldnt mind translating. As I was viewing the thing, the first thing that came to mind was "wow are they hacking the shit outta this song". As they joined together as a group I was like "Holy Shit, that actually works". I guess it makes alot of sense, meaning together we make up the world. As individuals we may not stand out much at all, but together we make an impact that's incredible. Yes RIGHTEOUS does see things ya may not expect. I do ask you to actually sit through the entire vid and drop your opinion. I garantee you will be touched at the outcome of the entire group...and be sure to look at the people who are involved. I posted the oringinal is in my stash and that brought me to this one, Thanks!"RIGHTEOUS"
~~wearing The Thong~~
Subject: Thongs - LOL The Right Way... and The Wrong Way... To Wear A Thong. The Right Way!! THE WRONG WAY!!!! Send this to any woman who could use a laugh, and any man with a good sense of humor! Life is short ~ Dance Naked ~ And Wiggle Your Ass!!!
We Are So Happy
Well as alot of you all know me and my future hubby.....Eightiezjunkie.....are due to get married in a few more months. I know that of course will be a big day. But I have even greater news. For a while we have been trying and now it is offical. WE ARE PREGNANT!!!!!! We are so happy. Shaun has never had a baby. So this will be his first. I have an 8 year old so it will be started over... but it will be well worth it
We Are Marshall {part 1 }
Contemporary News Accounts of the Marshall University Football Team Tragedy See also: * The 1970 Marshall Football Team Crash * The Marshall Plane Crash A tribute to the 75 who lost their lives * November 14, 1970 Radio Network Newscasts These are MP3 files averaging about 500 KB: cbs_marshall1.mp3, cbs_marshall2.mp3, cbs_marshall3.mp3, mutual_marshall.mp3, UPI State Broadcast Wire, Nov. 14, 1970 CWR21 URGENT (HUNTINGTON)--A DC-8 PASSENGER PLANE IS DOWN NEAR HUNTINGTON'S TRI-STATE AIRPORT THIS EVENING. AUTHORITIES SAY THE WRECKAGE HAS BEEN LOCATED SOMEWHERE NEAR THE AREA OF WHERE THE INTERSTATE 64 BRIDGE CROSSES THE BIG SANDY RIVER OUTSIDE OF HUNTINGTON...ABOUT A MILE-AND-ONE-HALF FROM THE AIRPORT. THERE IS STILL NO WORD ON POSSIBLE INJURIES. (MORE) FM844PES 11/14... UPI State Broadcast Wire, Nov. 15, 1970 CWR1 FIRST WEST VIRGINIA NEWS SUMMARY -0- HERE IS NEWS OF WEST
We Are Marshall {part 2}
'It's Always With You' For almost 30 years, the loss of 75 people in a plane crash has loomed over this West Virginia town like a mountain. But slowly, Huntington is finding its way into the sun. This article appeared in the Chicago Tribune magazine section on Sept. 5, 1999. By JULIA KELLER I was born with the sound of a railroad whistle in my ears, the mountains at my back and the river at my feet. Everyone in Huntington, W. Va., was born that way because the city was captive to those elements. The coal was spooned out of the West Virginia mountains, heaped into railroad cars, then loaded onto barges and pushed down the Ohio River. Huntington, named for railroad magnate Collis P. Huntington, was the spot where the railroad met the river. If you lived along the Ohio River, as I did, you could stand on the bank and marvel at the great, flat coal barges sliding past like dirty black wafers. At night, their searchlights would sweep the riverbank on each side; there was som
We Are Getting Married
yes thats right we are april 21st
We Are The Other People
We Are the Other People by Oberon (Otter) Zell "Ding-dong!" goes the doorbell. Is it Avon calling? Or maybe even Ed McMahon with my three million dollars? No, it's Jehovah's Witnesses again, just wanting to have a nice little chat about the Bible... Boy, did they ever come to the wrong house! So we invite them in: "Enter freely and of your own will..." (Hey, it's Sunday morning, nothing much going on, why not have a little entertainment?) Diane and I amuse ourselves watching their expressions as they check out the living room: great horned owl on the back of my chair; ceremonial masks and medicine skulls of dragons and unicorns on the wall; crystals, wands, staffs, swords; lots of Goddess figures and several altars; boa constrictors draped in amorous embrace over the elk horn; white doves sitting in the hanging planters; cats and weasels underfoot; iron dragon snorting steam atop the wood stove; posters and paintings of wizards and dinosaurs and witchy women, some proudly naked;
We Are The Other People - Continued
Get that? Yahweh himself admits that he had lied! In fact, and in Yahweh's own words, the Serpent spoke the absolute truth! And moreover, Yahweh tells the rest of the Pantheon that he intends to evict Adam (and presumably Eve as well) to keep them from gaining immortality to go with their newly-acquired divine knowledge. To prevent them, in other words, from truly becoming gods! So who, in this story, comes off as a benefactor of humanity, and who comes off as a tyrant? THE SERPENT NEVER LIED! This story, to digress slightly, bears a remarkable resemblance to a contemporary tale from ancient Greece. In that version, the Serpent (later identified as Lucifer, the Light-Bearer) may be equated with the heroic titan Prometheus, who championed humanity against the tyranny of Zeus, who wished for people to be mere slaves of the gods. Prometheus, whose name means "forethought," gave people wisdom, intelligence, and fire stolen from Olympus. Moreover, he ordained the portions of animal sacrif
We Are Here!
hello everyone. my boyfriend and i arrived back in my hometown we are staying with my parents at about 11:30pm last night. talk soon char aka sexymom07
The Wearing Of The Green!!!
The Wearing of The Green by Dion Boucicault (1820-1890) O Paddy dear, and did you hear the news that going round? The shamrock is forbid by law to grow on Irish ground; St. Patrick's Day no more we'll keep, his colours can't be seen, For there's a bloody law against the wearing of the green. I met with Napper Tandy and he took me by the hand, And he said, "How's poor old Ireland, and how does she stand?" She's the most distressful counterie that ever yet was seen, And they're hanging men and women for the wearing of the green. Then since the colour we must wear is England's cruel red, Sure Ireland's sons will ne'er forget the blood that they have shed. You may take a shamrock from your hat and cast it on the sod, It will take root and flourish there though underfoot it's trod. When law can stop the blades of grass from growing as they grow, And when the leaves in summer-time their verdure dare not show, Then will I change the colour
Wear Red On Friday
Will you give this to my Daddy? As a Company, Southwest Airlines is going to support "Red Fridays." Last week I was in Atlanta , Georgia attending a conference. While I was in the airport, returning home, I heard several people behind me beginning to clap and cheer. I immediately turned around and witnessed one of the greatest act's of patriotism I have ever seen. Moving thru the terminal was a group of soldiers in their camo's, as they began heading to their gate everyone (well almost everyone) was abruptly to their feet with their hands waving and cheering. When I saw the soldiers, probably 30-40 of them, being applauded and cheered for it hit me. I'm not alone. I'm not the only red blooded American who still loves this country and supports our troops and their families. Of course I i mmediately stopped and began clapping for these young unsung heroes who are putting their lives on the line everyday for us so we can go to school, work a
security purposes...
We Are All Fantasy Creatures
Are we really here, or are we all just a figment of someones elses imagination?
We Are One
We Are Crazier Than Bin Laden
WATCH IT, BIN LADEN. WE JUST MAY BE CRAZIER THAN YOU To those extremists that perpetrated this crime against our nation, I have a warning for you. There are those of us who look at your actions as irrational, twisted, and completely inhuman. By all measures, what you have done can only be seen as insane. I have news for you. We're more nuts than you, and it should scare you s***less. You may think that when you die for your cause, you go to Paradise with 72 virgins, can leave reservations for 70 members of your family, all your sins are forgiven, and you sit at the side of Allah. Big deal. We had 39 guys who rented a Beverly Hills mansion, cut off their nuts, built a web site, and proceeded to poison themselves to death to hitch a ride with aliens out on the Hale-Bopp comet. You shoot guns into the sky to celebrate victories over enemies, and people are killed by the bullets raining down on them. We not only do this for New Year's Eve in some cities, but we burn houses down
We Are Strong
A special world for you and me A special bond one cannot see It wraps us up in its cocoon And holds us fiercely in its womb. Its fingers spread like fine spun gold Gently nestling us to the fold Like silken thread it holds us fast Bonds like this are meant to last. And though at times a thread may break A new one forms in its wake To bind us closer and keep us strong In a special world, where we belong.
Wear Your Seatbelt!
Weary Eyes
As time passes, I grow fonder and yearn more for that one touch. As time passes, my heart bleeds and aches. As time passes, the days grow longer and longer. As time passes, there is nothing I can do, but sit and wait. The feelings that yearn through of wanting and needing seem to over take what should be. I can't help, but long so much for his touch, his breath on me, the feelings of tenderness that overcome every inch of my being. Yet so far away and although in time he will be at hands reach, but to grasp hold will be a life time away, will it be?
We Are The Thunder
Wear The X If Ur Unhappy With Ct
As in I might leave soon ...thinking about it after GF not sure yet ...wait and see game now! Thanks ALL this auto delete program is not right. not at all Just click the x above and rip it to your gallary and set as primary!
Wear The X If U Don't Like It!
As in I might leave soon ...thinking about it after GF not sure yet ...wait and see game now! Thanks ALL (repost of original by 'Achilles' on '2007-04-05 18:37:44')
We Are All One.
I'm not into isms and asms. There isn't a Catholic moon and a Baptist sun. I know the universal God is universal.... I feel that the same God force that is the mother and father of the pope is also the mother and father of the loneliest wino on the planet. --Dick Gregory
We Are Watched...
How the house is built... declassified intellicence documents with research data... The U.S. Intelligence Community This excerpt from Second Edition (soft), pp. 167-197 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 167 Chapter 8 SIGNALS INTELLIGENCE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Signals intelligence (SIGINT) is traditionally considered to be one of the most important and sensitive forms of intelligence. The interception of foreign signals can provide data on a nation's diplomatic, scientific, and economic plans or events as well as the characteristics of radars, spacecraft and weapons systems. SIGINT can be broken down into five components: communications intelligence (COMINT) electronics intelligence (ELINT) radar intelligence (RADINT) laser intelligence (LASINT) non-imaging infrared. As its name indicates, COMINT is intelligence obtained
We Are Who We Think We Are.
What is the image you have of yourself? Who and what do you think you are? If your self-image is in conflict with your goals, the self-image will win out and the goals will fall by the wayside. Yet when your image of yourself is in agreement with your goals, those goals will be achieved in ways that seem almost effortless. Who you think you are has a tremendous impact on the person you actually become. And fortunately, you can choose precisely who you think you are. Others will often try to tell you who you are, but you don't need to pay any attention to them. Instead, decide to see yourself as the person you would most truly like to be. The way you choose to see yourself exerts a steady and substantial influence on all the other choices you make. And those choices add together to build the reality of your life. Truly see yourself as the person who can live the life you most sincerely desire to live. Who you think you are is precisely who you will come to be. -- Ralph M
We Are The Travelers
"John Twelve Hawks lives off the Grid." That one-sentence blurb is about all the reading (and probably the publishing) world knows about the author of The Traveler (ISBN 038551428X), a 2005 novel that reads at times like Winston Churchill spoke of Russia as a riddle inside a mystery inside an enigma. With an anonymity Thomas Pynchon (another author who doesn't like the spotlight -- the most circulated photo of him is from his high school yearbook) would envy, Twelve Hawks keeps in touch with his publisher Doubleday through an "untraceable" satellite phone. With the main characters of the novel . . . calling Gabriel the Traveler found by the Harlequin Maya who protects him and other Travelers from the world-controlling machinations of the Tabula "heroes" would be a stretch . . . making their own attempts to live "off the grid", you'd think as I did that the novel's semiautobiographical. (Whew! That's my long word for the week.) And maybe it is . . . aha! just as you thought, there is mo
We Are Answerable For One Another...
They say people have their ways And people stay the same Accept the way it is Accept that things don't change Some people make it worse Some people don't want to listen In the end it all works out In the end, they learn their lesson But I don't believe this shit I know I can make things better I know it will take some work But I'm not afraid of the dirt What if I do nothing? What if I just turn my back on you? If I say nothing What if I just walk away from you? Walk away I could never walk away from you I want to give you life I want to give you shelter I want to take away your pain I want to give you freedom I want to educate the world I want to educate my parents I want to turn all the wrongs right And save the lives I can They say people have their ways And people stay the same Accept the way it is I know that I can change Walk away I could never walk away from you
We Are The World
There comes a time when we heed a certain call When the world must come together as one There are people dying Oh, and it's time to lend a hand to life The greatest gift of all We can't go on pretending day by day That someone, somehow will soon make a change We're all a part of God's great big family And the truth You know love is all we need We are the world, we are the children We are the ones who make a brighter day so let's start giving There's a choice we're making we're saving our own lives It's true we'll make a better day just you and me Well, send'em you your heart so they know that someone cares And their lives will be stronger and free As God has shown us by turning stone to bread And so we all must lend a helping hand We are the world, we are the children We are the ones who make a brighter day so let's start giving There's a choice we're making we're saving our own lives It's true we'll make a better day just you and me When you're down and
We Are Evil Us Woman
A woman went up to the bar in a quiet rural pub... She gestured alluring to the bartender who approached her immediately. She seductively signaled that he should bring his face closer to hers. As he did, she gently caressed his full beard. "Are you the manager?" she asked, softly stroking his face with both hands. "Actually, no," he replied. "Can you get him for me? I need to speak to him," she said, running her hands beyond his beard and into his hair. "I'm afraid I can't," breathed the bartender.. "Is there anything I can do?" "Yes. I need for you to give him a message," she continued, running her forefinger across the bartender's lip and slyly popping a couple of her fingers into his mouth and allowing him to suck them gently. "What should I tell him?" the bartender managed to say. "Tell him," she whispered, "There's no toilet paper, hand soap, or paper towels in the ladies room."
We Are Looking For You
Wear Your White!
*repost this if you want* As you all know Friday will be April 20th, or 4/20. There is going to be a movement bigger then the date. It has to do with the heart. Most of you know of the horrible massacre that happened at Virgina Tech on Monday, and many horrible acts of hate and indifference going on all around the world. But what is asked of you to do is about LOVE and PEACE. Friday April 20, 2007 we are asking everyone to show your own personal STAND against hate. Wear a white t-shirt all day to promote PEACE and LOVE. Decorate the shirt with what LOVE and PEACE mean to you. Or just simply wear the White T-Shirt out of a sign of LOVE and PEACE. We're not asking for your money. We're not asking for your time. We're asking for your HEART. WEAR YOUR WHITE
We Are Virginia Tech
When a native of Virginia thinks of institutes of higher learning, at least six can come to mind to the common Virginian: University of Virginia, Virginia Tech, Virginia Commonwealth University, University of Richmond, James Madison University and Radford University. Naturally all of these schools have one rival or another, but the one that really stands out is UVA vs. Tech. I have to admit that I am a fanatic of UVA. It was never something that was drilled into my head, I just couldn't understand who could like a school whose mascot was a turkey. My animosity towards Tech turned into seething hatred when those damned Hokies beat my beloved Caviliers year in, year out in football. That all changed on April 16, 2007... Unfortunately in life, it takes a tragic incident that can change one's views on age old rivalies. We all know of the senseless act of violence that Cho Seung-Hui carried out of the faculty and student body of Virginia Tech. The massacre rallied our commonwealth
We Are So Stoked To Be Hosting Our First Monday Mayhem Battle Of The Bands
XTRM PROMOTIONS and CHARLIE'S Bar & Grill have decided to have a battle of the bands to promote new and upcoming local talent!!!!! If this is a success then it will be come an annual battle to help promote bands!! We have the Eagle 97.7 , The Music Stand and several other Sponsors on board!! We will also be doing radio ads pushing every monday show and the bands names !!!! BATTLE OF THE BANDS The Battle will consist of 3 (Three) Rounds of Competition: 1st Round - will consist of 9 (Nine) weeks with 3 (Three) bands a night all on Mondays. There will be 1(One) Winner per night to move on to the Semi Finals! 2nd Round - will be the Semi Finals for 3 (Three) Weeks with 3 (Three) band per Night as well with 1 (One) Winner to move on to the Finals! 3rd Round - is the FINALS and will be for one night on a Weekend on the Outside Stage and 1 (One) Winner Crowned as the Charlie’s Battle of the Band Champ!!! Bands Must Sign Up, by paying a $15 Entry Fee & Filling o
We Are On The Right Track My Fellow Pagans
Please read! For our fellow pagan troops who sacrafice their lives for this country we are now on the right track to having our symbol on our headstone approved thru the VA. Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2007 23:41:44 -0400 (EDT) To: circletimes@... From: Circle Times Subject: [circletimes] More Veteran Pentacle Quest Update Additional media links and other materials have been just added to the Veteran Pentacle Quest website: EDITORIAL: Inside the First Amendment: The Nature of Discrimination Charles C. Haynes, Senior Scholar of the First Amendment Center, has spoken out about the need to uphold religious freedom for Wiccans and for everyone, in this editorial published on-line and in newspapers around the nation, such as in April 3, 2007 issue of the Courier-Journal newspaper of Louisville, Kentucky. Here is the excerpt about the Quest from this editorial. A link to the entire editorial is under Media Coverage at the Veteran Pentacle Quest website: http://www.circles
We Are Close To The Goal
I want to thank those fans and friends who helped me by rating my pictures and profile so I can advance to the next level and display all my pictures from my trip to Europe. There are still other supposed fans and friends who have not taken the time to rate my pictures and profile. May I ask you to take the time and rate my pictures and profile so I can share with you more of my pictures from Europe. I am sorry if I am taking some of your valued time. Again, thanks and I look forward to talking to you all soon. Pete
We Are Still Around, Just Not As Often
Hey Fans, Friends & Family: Just wanted to say HI to you all. Let you know we miss being here and talking with you. LIFE gets busy and crazy sometimes as you all know and it seems for us lately, we just get home from work, get all the cooking, cleaning and etc. done each night and then it is time for bed. Where does the time go? As most of you know, I lost my only child to Cancer - and in May (May 8th to be exact) it will be 3 years since he passed. Doesn't seem possible - again, where does time go? Ryan's birthday is in May also and so isn't Mother's Day - so needless to say that these dates have significance to me and well, I don't think anything more needs to be said. If I am more scarce this next month, well, I hope you will understand why. Don't get me wrong - I don't miss Ryan MORE on these particular days/dates, they just are significant dates in my life. EVERY day I miss Ryan... EVERY day I think of Ryan... EVERY day I wish that he was here... EVERY day I s
Wearing Red On Friday's,see What Is Meant By Red Friday.
Subject: Wearing Red on Friday's SEE WHAT IS MEANT BY RED FRIDAY. Last week, while traveling to Chicago on business, I noticed a Marine sergeant traveling with a folded flag, but did not put two and two together. After we boarded our flight, I turned to the sergeant, who'd been invited to sit in First Class (across from me), and inquired if he was heading home. No, he responded. Heading out I asked? No. I'm escorting a soldier home. Going to pick him up? No. He is with me right now. He was killed in Iraq I'm taking him home to his family. The realization of what he had been asked to do hit me like a punch to the gut. It was an honor for him. He told me that, although he didn't know the soldier, he had delivered the news of his passing to the soldier's family and felt as if he knew them after many conversations in so few days. I turned back to him, extended my hand, and said, Thank you. Thank you for doing what you do so my family and I can do what
We Are Joining The Bombfest.
OK guy's,hitman wants to see if we can be the family he is hoping for.We have joined a private contest being held by Joker's Wild for bombing families only.ONLY family member's with verified salute's are eligible to bomb,so if you do not have one...get one.All member's with verified salute's must go to Joker's wild,rate/fan/friend request,only his friends can bomb and he will not add you without a verified salute.This pit's family against family,no friends can help a family as the contest is private.Opens May 13,so if you do not have a verified salute,get one.C-mon guy's let's git-r-done.
We Are Family
We Are Getting Married
We are getting married next year and i am so excited... we already have a draft od the plans!!!
We Are Vampires
Throughout history, legends have been told of an earlier civilization. The legends speak of a Golden Age before history, when Gods walked the earth and ruled mankind. ...mankind found comfort in obedience, and an advanced technology produced "miracles". The Gods never left. We are Vampires
Wear Your Medals
Nicholson: Show Pride, Teach Younger Generations WASHINGTON – To show their pride in military service and teach younger generations about the value of serving our nation, Secretary of Veterans Affairs Jim Nicholson urged veterans across the country to pin on their military medals on Memorial Day, May 28. "Wearing their medals demonstrates the deep pride our veterans have in their military service,” said Nicholson. “It also reminds all American citizens -- especially the young -- about the sacrifices our veterans have made for their freedom.” He encouraged veterans to display their medals no matter what they are doing on Memorial Day, but especially when attending public events. Nicholson said he believes the movement will become a tradition. Nicholson first urged veterans to wear their military decorations last Veterans Day under a program called "Veterans Pride Initiative.” About 24 million living Americans have served in the armed forces, with nearly 18 million wearin
We Are Back
We Are Not Pimps And Hoe's We Are The Real Deal
Bikers clubhouse is the real deal we help are friends and family and help out children.Thats what we are about
~~we Are Getting Milked~~
We Are New And Looking For You
We Are Looking For You Come On In And Chill
We Are Rhyme Sayers........
Yeah, we your rhyme sayers, who lead you like a beacon of light, out of the chaos, cuttin down overzealous players who stare, when the winners of the game walk in well prepared, climbin the stairways to heaven while you scared of the people livin under- -ground heard the sound of the clap, made you wonder If it was a gun, the crowd, or some thunder All of that was out my window when I was younger talib kweli & bahamadia----chaos
We Are Pimps And Hos...wat
HEY GUYS COME PIMP OUT THESE NICE AWESOME FUCKING PEOPLE Gary-Dirty South Crew Founder~¢¾*♫ ¨¢j Whoda ♫*¢¾~@ CherryTAP BigDaddy@ CherryTAP Dubber¢â - Kali's Stalker & Cassie's Man - AKA: Sean¢¾Sunmaid¢¾{Dirty South Crew}¢¾I.B.I.C¢¾CT Wifey of **Just Me**D.S.C**@ CherryTAP * * KATT * * I.B.I.C n DSC@ CherryTAP DJCRAZIECRUNCHIE♥Dedicated To Splendid ♥ No LImit and The Haunted DJPIMPED BY ME YOUR VERY OWN CASSIE¢¾Cassie¢¾DSC¢¾Seans¢¾Porn¢¾Star¢¾@ CherryTAP
We Are Not A Planet Of Animal Lovers.
If you like animals and eat meat, watch this film, it's a nasty so be warned. I like meat, I am not a vegetarian but to watch this film and hear the sickening sounds of those at times, tortured animals, is enough to put anyone off eating meat. The 21st century and we can't even show humanity to the food we eat, it it now wonder this planet is doomed.
We Are Eternal, All This Pain Is An Illusion...
~*This happens to be one of my very favorite TOOL songs and I''ve been lisenting to it quite a bit today so I thought I'd share... Parabola (Parabol Intro) So familiar and overwhelmingly warm This one, this form I hold now. Embracing you, this reality here, This one, this form I hold now, so Wide eyed and hopeful. Wide eyed and hopefully wild. We barely remember what came before this precious moment, Choosing to be here right now. Hold on, stay inside... This body holding me, reminding me that I am not alone in This body makes me feel eternal. All this pain is an illusion. *** We barely remember who or what came before this precious moment, We are choosing to be here right now. Hold on, stay inside This holy reality, this holy experience. Choosing to be here in This body. This body holding me. Be my reminder here that I am not alone in This body, this body holding me, feeling eternal All this pain is an illusion. Alive, I In this holy reality, in thi
We Are The World!! (from The Bulletin Board)
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from S e x i l u v . c o m Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from S e x i l u v . c o m
We Are The World!! (from The Bulletin Board)
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from S e x i l u v . c o m Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from S e x i l u v . c o m
We Are Here For Some Fun
Things that irritate a sane person 1. A piece of foil candy wrapper makes electrical contact with your filling. 2. A station comes in brilliantly when you're standing near the radio, but buzzes, drifts and spits every time you move away. 3. It's bad enough that you step in dog poop, but you don't realize it till you walk across your living room rug. 4. People behind you in a supermarket line dash ahead of you to a counter just opening up. 5. People who ask "Can I ask you a question?" 6. People who point at their wrist while asking for the time. 7. The car behind you blasts its horn because you let a pedestrian finish crossing. 8. The elevator stops on every floor and nobody gets on. 9. The person behind you in the supermarket runs his cart into the back of your ankle. 10. The radio station doesn't tell you who sang that song. 11. The tiny red string on the Band-Aid wrapper never works for you. 12. There are always one or two ice cubes that
We Are Alone Right Here
This shadow blankets my fears from your eyes to judge. You will never be what I expected, for now I have to walk alone in my mind. Trying to cut the memories out of you, but all they do is cut back. I can still feel your warmth on the back of my neck. I can remember breathing in your life into mine. You left me haunted memories, to tear me down everyday. I can remember your shadow disappearing into the hazy fog because you couldn't save me. And so on and so forth we will move into a darkness to fight what we all fear inside -Raven
We Are A Dying Breed
To every guy that was never too busy to drive across town (or across the state) to see her. To every guy that gives flowers and a card when she is sick. To every guy who has given her flowers just because. To every guy that said he would die for her. To every guy that really would. To every guy that did what she wanted to do. To every guy that cried in front of her. To every guy that she cried in front of. To every guy that holds hands with her. To every guy that kisses her with meaning. To every guy that hugs her when she's sad. To every guy that hugs her for no reason at all. To every guy who would give their jacket up for her. To every guy that calls to make sure she got home safe. To every guy that would sit and wait for her for hours just to see her for ten minutes To every guy that would give his seat up. To every guy that just wants to cuddle. To every guy that reassured her that she was beautiful no matter what. To every guy who told his secrets to her. To ev
We Are All Strange..........
We are all strange in some way, Some of us like Myself are just better at it. By TheInkAddiction at 2007-07-17
We Are Marshall First of all I want to say Hands down this is the best Football movie I have ever seen.I think we need more stars than 5 cause I dam sure wanted to rate this higher.Friends listen to me,Make this movie a top priority.A true story of a school that lost its team,and a town that lost their hope until one day 1 man stepped up to a brutal challenge of trying to change that town.Matthew McConaughey delivers a Stellar performance as coach Jack Lengyel,he moved his family into the town in the middle of the worst pain and devastation they had ever known,and proved to them as long as you dream,and never give up you can change a team and a town.I kid you not,Man or Woman this movie WILL make you cry! And you will hold your breath until the final moments of this tremendous film,and finally it will make you want to jump out of your seat and with a thunderous Roar Scream "We Are Marshall!"SEE THIS MOVIE ASAP!!!!!!!!!
We Are The Other People
We Are the Other People by Oberon (Otter) Zell "Ding-dong!" goes the doorbell. Is it Avon calling? Or perhaps Ed McMahon with my three million dollars? No, it's Yahweh's Witlesses again, just wanting to have a nice little chat about the Bible... Boy, did they ever come to the wrong house! So we invite them in: "Enter freely and of your own will..." (Hey, it's Sunday morning, nothing much going on, why not have a little entertainment?) Diane and I amuse ourselves watching their expressions as they check out the living room: great horned owl on the back of my chair; ceremonial masks and medicine skulls of dragons and unicorns on the wall; crystals, wands, staffs, swords; lots of Goddess figures and several altars; boa constrictors draped in amorous embrace over the elkhorn; white doves sitting in the hanging planters; cats and weasels underfoot; iron dragon snorting steam atop the wood stove; posters and paintings of wizards and dinosaurs and witchy women, some proudly naked; sc
"we Are A Dying Breed "
We're a dying breed... Body: To every guy that's said, "Sex CAN wait" To every guy that's said, "You're beautiful." To every guy that was never too busy to drive across town (or across the state) to see her. To every guy that gives flowers and a card when she is sick. To every guy who has given her flowers just because. To every guy that said he would die for her. To every guy that really would. To every guy that did what she wanted to do. To every guy that cried in front of her. To every guy that she cried in front of. To every guy that holds hands with her. To every guy that kisses her with meaning. To every guy that hugs her when she's sad. To every guy that hugs her for no reason at all. To every guy who would give their jacket up for her. To every guy that calls to make sure she got home safe. To every guy that would sit and wait for her for hours just to see her for ten minutes To every guy that would give his seat up. To every guy that just wants to cuddle
Wear Red On Friday
-Re-post this if you support.- If the Red shirt thing is new to you, read below... Last week, while traveling to Chicago on business, I noticed a Marine sergeant traveling with a folded flag, but did not put two and two together. After we boarded our flight, I turned to the sergeant, who'd been invited to sit in First Class (across from me), and inquired if he was heading home. No, he responded. Heading out I asked? No. I'm escorting a soldier home. Going to pick him up? No. He is with me right now. He was killed in Iraq , I'm taking him home to his family. The realization of what he had been asked to do hit me like a punch to the gut. It was an honor for him. He told me that, although he didn't know the soldier, he had de livered the news of his passing to the soldier's family and felt as if he knew them after many conversations in so few days. I turned back to him, extended my hand, and said, Thank you. Thank you for doing what you do so my family and I
We Are Not Living In A Free Country! Couple Terrorized, Assaulted and Arrested For Flying an Upside Down U.S. Flag Police officer recently returned from Iraq smashed into Kuhn's home, choked husband and then claimed they assaulted him Prison Planet | July 31, 2007 Alex Jones & Paul Joseph Watson A North Carolina couple who were terrorized by a police officer who had recently returned from Iraq are now fighting back, after sheriff's deputy Brian Scarborough broke into their house, assaulted them and then arrested the Kuhns for the crime of flying an upside down U.S. flag. Mark and Deborah Kuhn of Asheville, North Carolina made headlines last week when they were arrested for flying an upside down U.S. flag, a commonly recognized sign of distress, in their backyard, after police claimed they were violating a statute for "desecration of the flag". As is supported by the United States Flag Code as well as
We Are Alone
This shadow blankets my fears from your eyes to judge. You will never be what I expected, for now I have to walk alone in my mind. Trying to cut the memories out of you, but all they do is cut back. I can still feel your warmth on the back of my neck. I can remember breathing in your life into mine. You left me haunted memories, to tear me down everyday. I can remember your shadow disappearing into the hazy fog because you couldn't save me. And so on and so forth we will move into a darkness to fight what we all fear inside -Raven
We Are Home!!!
WEEEEEEEE are home!! We are HOME!! We are Home!! I'll write more later but I have things to attend to. :p **laughs**
We Are A Dying Breed
A Dying Breed: We're a Dying Breed Let's see if you can get this: To every guy that's said, "Sex CAN wait" To every guy that's said, "You're beautiful." To every guy that was never too busy to drive across town (or across the state) to see her. To every guy that gives flowers and a card when she is sick. To every guy who has given her flowers just because. To every guy that said he would die for her. To every guy that really would. To every guy that did what she wanted to do. To every guy that cried in front of her. To every guy that she cried in front of. To every guy that holds hands with her. To every guy that kisses her with meaning. To every guy that hugs her when she's sad. To every guy that hugs her for no reason at all. To every guy who would give their jacket up for her. To every guy that calls to make sure she got home safe. To every guy that would sit and wait for her for hours just to see her for ten minutes To every guy that would give his seat up.
We Are A Dying Breed!!!!
TO EVERY GUY To Every Guy that's said, "Sex CAN wait" To Every Guy that's said, "You're beautiful." To Every Guy that was never too busy to drive across town (or across the state) to see her. To Every Guy that gives flowers and a card when she is sick. To Every Guy who has given her flowers just because. To Every Guy that said he would die for her. To Every Guy that really would. To Every Guy that did what she wanted to do. To Every Guy that cried in front of her. To Every Guy that she cried in front of. To Every Guy that holds hands with her. To Every Guy that kisses her with meaning. To Every Guy that hugs her when she's sad. To Every Guy that hugs her for no reason at all. To Every Guy who would give their jacket up for her. To Every Guy that calls to make sure she got home safe. To Every Guy that would sit and wait for her for hours just to see her for ten minutes To Every Guy that would give his seat up. To Every Guy that just wants
We Are Finally Here!!:d:d
Well, luck has pretty fastly changed!:D We are now living in a mobile home trailer that we are buying, its a rent-to-own for $3,000. It's a fixer-upper, but its home.:D By next year we will have it paid off. I am also working a $9/hr. job as a Patient Care Advocate for Express Scripts mail order pharmacy, I take inbound and outbound calls from patients (and doctors and pharmacists) about the patients medications... it's not as easy as it sounds, i'm in my 3rd of 5 weeks training right now. Everything has happened rather quickly here lately. Well that's all I am going to update for now, I have new pics in both my folders on here if anyone wants to check them out.:D
We Are Rewarding For Doing Wrong CBS 46 Ex-Teacher Accused Of Rape Gets Raises POSTED: 1:57 pm EDT August 10, 2007 UPDATED: 2:06 pm EDT August 10, 2007 MOBILE, Ala. -- Getting fired from the classroom does not mean losing a paycheck. A review by the Associated Press found that a fired Alabama teacher charged with raping a student is still receiving paychecks, collecting nearly $100,000 and getting two raises, even though he hasn't been in the classroom in two years. Alvin Penez Taylor awaits an Aug. 20 trial in Talladega County. He is the beneficiary of a legal twist in a 2004 Alabama law that was supposed to reform the state's teacher dismissal process. The law, pushed by the state teachers' union with the backing of Gov. Bob Riley, has allowed at least two other education system personnel to continue to collect paychecks for 11 months and longer after being fired. One was Terry Wright, a former agricultural science instructor in Lauderdale Count
We Are Starting A Very Fun Site Were Everybody Can Have Some Fun On The Webcam this is the link to our site take a loke and give me some coment about the site how you like it our not... we want to start nect year a welness club in belgium were you can relax and have some erotic fantasie come true... you can come for fitness, sauna, beautyfarm our you can com for a exclusife night club were you can make your dreams come true... if you want to become a member and you like to be updated about it gif me your e-mail adres and i will make sure u are updated about the welness club... thank you take a loke at my site please and have some webcamfun try these
We Are Back Togther
Wearing Red!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If the Red shirt thing is new to you, read below... Last week, while traveling to Chicago on business, I noticed a Marine sergeant traveling with a folded flag, but did not put two and two together. After we boarded our flight, I turned to the sergeant, who'd been invited to sit in First Class (across from me), and inquired if he was heading home. No, he responded. Heading out I asked? No. I'm escorting a soldier home. Going to pick him up? No. He is with! me right now. He was killed in Iraq; I'm taking him home to his family. The realization of what he had been asked to do hit me like a punch to the gut. It was an honor for him. He told me that, although he didn't know the soldier, he had delivered the news of his passing to the soldier's family and felt as if he knew them after many conversations in so few days. I turned back to him, extended my hand, and said, Thank you. Thank you for doing what you do so my family and I can do what we do.
We Are Open!!!!
Hey everyone!!! The Slightly insane lounge is open. I am ready to serve ya some alcohol, we have awesome music goin on! Come on in, chill, relax and have some fun. Click on the pic below to get in. If you arent a member of the lounge you can do that too. :D Looking forward to seeing you there!!! Hugs Mystical
We Are One
We Are One I am in you and you in me I am the flower blooming And the wind blowing, and the bird soaring And the earth spinning We are all one I see in you what I see in me We are mirrors for each other In this moment I have no face, no race We are souls walking a human path together We have been together forever it seems I can be me because you are you When I let my light shine I give you permission to do the same And together we can fly Beyond our wildest expectations We are one, connected on many levels Bonded by our common humanity Living in a spirited earth The joy of life washes over us Where you and I are one Brightest Blessings my friends, always!
We Are The Lightworkers
We are the Lightworkers There are more of us than you think...
We Are Going Backwards..not Forwards School segregation on the rise: report By Matthew Bigg 1 hour, 15 minutes ago Public schools in the United States are becoming more racially segregated and the trend is likely to accelerate because of a Supreme Court decision in June, according to report published on Wednesday. The rise in segregation threatens the quality of education received by non-white students, who now make up 43 percent of the total U.S. student body, said the report by the Civil Rights Project of the University of California. Many segregated schools struggle to attract teachers and administrators who are highly qualified, do not offer good preparation for college and fail to graduate more than half their students. The Supreme Court in its June ruling forbade most existing voluntary local efforts to integrate schools in a decision favored by the Bush administration despite warnings from academics that it would compound educ
We Are Sorry To All Our Friends And Family Members
We Are All Roman Facist's...dont Belive Me? (repost)
We Are Going Backwards..not Forwards Residents: Nooses spark school violence, divide town Residents: Nooses spark school violence, divide town Story Highlights Attorneys to ask judge Tuesday to reconsider Mychal Bell's case, conviction Bell, five black teens -- aka the Jena Six -- charged in attack on white student Victim's mother: Charges warranted because attack could have killed her son Attack, other violence came after white students hung nooses from campus tree By Susan Roesgen and Eliott C. McLaughlin CNN JENA, Louisiana (CNN) -- Mychal Bell was like a lot of boys his age, his mother says. The always-smiling 16-year-old often spent weekends on the couch, munching Little Debbie snack cakes, watching football and dreaming of a day he might join his heroes in the NFL. That was before police arrested the star running back and five other teens -- dubbed the "Jena 6" -- on attempted murder and conspiracy charges after a December 4, 200
We Are Hot
We Are Kicking What??? Overheard in Australia, Bush tells minister 'we're kicking ass' in Iraq 09/05/2007 @ 11:04 am Filed by John Byrne Things are going well in Iraq, according to President George W. Bush. Upon his arrival in Sydney Wednesday, Deputy Australian Prime Minister Mark Vaile "inquired politely" about his stopover in the war-torn country. "We're kicking ass," Bush said. The remark was overheard by a reporter for the Sydney Morning Herald and caught by an Australian blog. According to the paper, Bush arrived in Australia in a "chipper mood." "Despite his unpopularity in" Australia, the paper said, "Bush used yesterday's media conference with [Prime Minister John] Howard to try to bolster the Prime Minister's electoral prospects in the next poll. Labor was quite happy at the spectre of one unpopular leader backing another but should not underestimate the defiance and polished performance Bush
We Are Looking For The Holidays
halloween then thankgiving and then christmas then new years yahoooooo
We Are A Big Family And Wanted To Say Much Love And Respect For Everyone Thats Is On The Crew
When I first started Dirty South Crew 6 months ago I didn't think it would catch on, but it did and I'm very glad it did! We are 151 members strong and growing daily. I have met some awesome people and have made some amazing friends. Without all of you, there would be no crew and I wanted to take a minute and thank each and every one of you! All of you are f%#kin awesome!! These are the people who make DSC what it is! Gary-Dirty South Crew Owner@ fubar MyZtErY~{Dirty South Crew}~I.B.I.C.@ fubar rumney pride - Dirty South Crew@ fubar DJ *Brenna* Extreme " X" ~*~{Dirty South Crew} & ~I.B.I.C~@ fubar ~ JADA ~ Loves Her D.S.C. and Is Away Dealing w/Life ~Miss You ALL ~{I.B.I.C}@ fubar smoggy£{dirty south crew}@ fubar ~*Sunshyne*~ SSV Crew *~ SSV ~*Angel Eyes's Fubar Wifey*~ {~Dirty South Crew~}@ fubar Tim ~SouthernOutlawBiker~DirtySouthCrew~Jamies Fubar Fiance~@ fubar ~TNK~ ~DSC.~IBIC~ÌñÐêþêñÐêñ† Fåmïlψ Recruiter©
We Are Home & Starting To Mix... What The Hell Does That Mean Click Here To Find Out
Morning! I'm back again (although it seems that people have gotten a little bored around here and started to visit elsewhere!! Dont blame you lot - its been pretty quiet recently) and I figured I would check in briefly before my day starts. We are back home in ohio, putting our world back together after the tour. Once my head stops spinning I'm gonna start posting a video blog for better or worse.We had an amazing time, and thanks to everyone we met on the road, and who came to see us, and all the new friends and fans we made. I'm still in a screwed up nocturnal state, but Im acclimating to life nicely. My cat is still alive, no one stole my car, and weather here is unpredictably perfect. Next week we start mixing!! We hoped the mixing stage would have started while we were gone BUT we had to wait for a part for the studio. So with that being said you can look for a new song being posted very soon. We are also going to try to write a few more songs just to see what else we can come
We Are Seekng New Members!
I am the founder of Seekers of Unexplained Louisiana (S.O.U.L) Currently we are trying to branch out our team to cover additional ground more easily. Therefore we are seeking new field investigators, location investigators and researchers. Additional information on the positions and other related issues will be discussed via personal email. No experience is necessary. All our new members undergo extensive training. We are looking for reliable, responsible and enthusiastic individuals. For more information on us you can visit our website: If you have any questions you may contact me here, or email me @ If you live anywhere in Louisiana you are welcome to apply!
We Are The Champians
We Are Change Fundraiser Not Over Yet, $10 Shirts Still Left
The fundraiser is not over yet. We are waiting for the ticket money to come in from the venues. We are overstocked with event shirts. You can help us by donating a minimum of $10.By donating $10 you get a t-shirt.The shirts cost us $3 each, therefore donating a minimum $10 will give the Feal Good Foundation $7. Please help us out we don’t want to be stuck with all these shirts.We guarantee you that NO MONEY will go into any WeAreChange members’ pockets. As of 9/12/07 & All profits donated to will go to the Feal Good Foundation. Please help us out.
We Are Change
Wearechange Takes Over Geraldo Show - I Made It On Faux News
I'm holding the black and white "9/11 Truth Now" sign! THE VIDEO THAT IS BLANK CHECK LIVE LEAK
We Are A Dying Breed
To every guy that's said, "Sex CAN wait" To every guy that's said, "You're beautiful." To every guy that was never too busy to drive across town (or across the state) to see her. To every guy that gives flowers and a card when she is sick. To every guy who has given her flowers just because. To every guy that said he would die for her. To every guy that really would. To every guy that did what she wanted to do. To every guy that cried in front of her. To every guy that she cried in front of. To every guy that holds hands with her. To every guy that kisses her with meaning. To every guy that hugs her when she's sad. To every guy that hugs her for no reason at all. To every guy who would give their jacket up for her. To every guy that calls to make sure she got home safe. To every guy that would sit and wait for her for hours just to see her for ten minutes To every guy that would give his seat up. To every guy that just wants to cuddle. To every guy that reassured h
We Are Change The 9/11 Families Movement 9/11 Mysteries (video) Judy Wood at Cooper Union (video) Loose Change 2nd edition RECUT (video) "9/11 Revisited: Were explosives used?" (video) David Ray Griffin, "9/11: The Myth and the Reality" (video) 9/11: What We Know Now that We Didn't Know Then (video) Religious, political, and moral dimensions of 9/11 (video) 9/11 Truth: Podcast with David Ray Griffin (audio)
We Are Homeowners...almost
ok, we go sign the house papers on Friday!! Woohoo!! I can't wait! This week will be a busy one. Most everything is already packed and ready to go. I am working in the kitchen packing up pots and pans I have not used in a while. Some things are going out not to be kept some is in boxes to go to the new house. My plans this week is to get everything we are not using or don't need in boxes and ready to go. I want to get the keys to the new house and go over and clean it (dust, sweep, mop) on Friday night with the kids. They have not seen the inside of the house so they are so ready to go!! This weekend we will be busy loading and unloading our things. Jeff has taken next Tuesday and Wednesday off so we can move the furniture and stuff I don't get over there. so we will be offline for a few days but we will be back. I can't wait to get pics up so everyone can see our new house!! ~~smooches~~
WeAreChange Colorado We Are Change Minnesota WeAreCHANGE Christine Ebersole
Wearechange Confronts Giuliani...
WeAreChange confronts Giuliani... Body: again, in the pit at Ground Zero on 9/11/07
We Are The Only Country That Sues Each State For Non Compliance U.S. sues Ill. over immigration law By RYAN KEITH, Associated Press Writer 1 hour, 15 minutes ago The Bush administration is suing Illinois over a new state law it says complicates federal efforts to crack down on illegal immigration. The Illinois law would prevent employers from participating in a federal program that verifies whether workers are legally authorized to work in the United States until a federal database is more accurate. The U.S. attorney's office for central Illinois filed the lawsuit Monday, asking a federal judge to block implementation of the law. The voluntary federal program, created by Congress in the mid-1990s, helps companies verify employees' identity and employment eligibility in an effort to reduce the hiring of illegal immigrants. The new Illinois law, approved by state lawmakers and signed into law by Gov. Rod Blagojevich last month, bars companies from participatin
We Are Beings Of Light
Beyond The Physical We are all beings of light. Put another way, we are spiritual beings having a human experience. As children, most of us know this, but other human beings who have forgotten what they really are and who cannot help us to know ourselves train us to forget. As a result, we are led to believe that magic is not real, that our invisible playmates do not really exist, and that we are limited beings with only one earthly life to live. There is enormous pressure to conform to this concept of ourselves and so we lose touch with our full potential, forgetting that we are beings of light. At this time, many of us are reawakening to the truth of who we are, because we are living amidst such large-scale changes in the world. We need to access this light in order to not only survive but thrive as we shift into a new order of consciousness. As the changes around us proceed in rapid progression, we will want to be able to trust our own ability to sense what is happening an
We Are Change Confronts Mitt Romney
We Are C.h.a.n.g.e. Confronts Bill Clinton (new)
WE ARE C.H.A.N.G.E. CONFRONTS BILL CLINTON (NEW) Body: *REPOST THIS BULLETIN*(to repost hit reply then copy code then paste code onto your bulletin) ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Marc sound Date: Sep 30, 2007 4:38 PM From: robert Date: 01 Oct 2007, 00:29
We Are Change Seattle Confronts Rudy
We Are Change Seattle CONFRONTS RUDY
We Are A Grandfather...
At 17:29 BST, Kieran Edward John came into the world, weighing in at 9lb 11oz... Mother & son are both doing well... Truth Tv Trutubelive 911 Was Inside Job Truth TV TruTubeLIVE 911 WAS INSIDE JOB Watch wearechange live video and chat on Watch trutube live video and chat on Watch beck911truth live video and chat on
We Are United !!!!
We may feel weak on the inside, but on the outside we're strong. We may be drowning in tears on the inside, but on the outside, we are a rock. We may want to crawl in bed and sleep until our man comes home, but instead, we get up and go on with our daily lives with our men in our hearts. We may feel like we're slowly dying with each day we spend apart from our men, but instead, we put one foot infront of the other, and take each day as it comes. We are strong, and we are proud. We have more love in our hearts than we ever thought possible, and for this, we are thankful. We are thankful for our men and also for each other. We are Military girls, and we lean on each other. Alone we are weak, but together, we are strong. We help each other, and we survive. To all you Military girls out there, hold your head up and be proud. We are connected, ALWAYS.
We Are One
We Are All Like This
We Are Loved ~ Dont Give Up
To all my friends ~ Beleive me .. in the darkest of hours in our lives we all question ourself, our paths and our direction. I certainly have. I am extremely sappy today considering all that Taylor and my life have been through lately. This song hit me right where I needed it today and I wanted to share. This is soo true for me and I know this song has become my theme and my reality. YOU are loved too. Lets all try to be kinder and more understanding of those around us and their life struggles... Kindness truly gets your further... I am living proof Thanks for all your support. We love you and appreciate you more than you will ever know EnableContextMenu='0' Da>=utosize='true' au'1' ShowStatusBar='0' loop='true' tostart='1' src='' width='300' height='260' ShowControlsisplaySize='1' pluginspage=''>You Are Loved (Don't Give Up
We Are Halfway There!
We are halfway to our 30 person limit on the HH Contest! See the Lip Lovers Contest Blog if you would like to enter! It wont be long before we get this party started, so make sure you have your back-up ready! Any questions? Fu-mail me! Mwah!
We Are Change Nyc Is In Your Extended Network
We Are Change NYC is in your extended network
We Are Change!
Please go view this web site.
We Are Artists
I keep expecting you to fade, to wake up one morning and not care, so I keep myself one carefully measured step away in anticipation of your loves decline. So, when your cheek turns and your attention wanders elsewhere, my heart will not be left all awkward, hanging from an elastic thread you forgot to pull off your old pair of socks. For it is in your nature to lose interest suddenly. We are both artists who suck the marrow out of each lovely bone. It just happens to be my lovely bones this time. How bare.
We Are Change Nyc Confronts Norman Podhoretz
We Are Change NYC confronts Norman Podhoretz
~ We Are Not The Only Place With Immigrant Problems ~
Funny how the press there, hides the immigrant status like they do here. I tell ya, Countries need to take back thier own contries, starting here!!! Once again the Muslim religion of Peace shows me how they feel about women. Increase in rape by immigrants in Sweden Swedish girls Jenny and Linda were on their way to a party on New Year's Eve when they were assaulted, raped and beaten half to death by four Somali immigrants. Sweden's largest newspaper has presented the perpetrators as "two men from Sweden, one from Finland and one from Somalia", a testimony as to how bad the informal censorship is in stories related to immigration in Sweden. Similar incidents are reported with shocking frequency, to the point where some observers fear that law and order is completely breaking down in the country. The number of rape charges in Sweden has tripled in just above twenty years. Rape cases involving children under the age of 15 are six - 6 - times as common today as they were a gen
Wear It Proudly!
I attended a meeting today of one of my families.... out of 30 members there were at the appointed start time only 3(count them-3!!!)but we attained the great number of 7 before we ended the meeting 2 1/2 hours later...granted some were out,or had company,but even though it was called on short notice I'm sure there were more than the 7 of us available to give input,output,and any other put there might actually be...... The 2 biggest concerns in the family are the fact that even though only required to "drop" 150 comments minimum,some don't even attempt it on an every other day basis sorely depleting the energy of the remaining bombers.... and refusing to put the family name into the tagline on their names.... If you have enough chutzpah to want to join the family (any family)then you should have the cojones to wear the name of the family with pride.... And if you belong to so many families that you can't even abbreviate the titles into the tagline,maybe you should rethink your po
We Are Not Angels
For knowing not only love but lies... and empty promises, and hidden meaning behind every word. The inevitable loss of everything. New eyes would be nice, eyes that see only beauty and never the pain that lies behind everything that is lovely But we are not angels. We are not God’s blind demons with white wings. We are only the lost, the tortured. We are what the world denies, a reminder of the pain that they try to hide from, the death they fear, but we will live with this toxic knowledge with our eyes wide open, no matter how unbearable, and we may wish to die, but we will instead survive, and they will never know our pain, and that it is beautiful in Hell.
We Are Getting A New Pet Next Year!
A 13 year old girl!!! Ok, so she's not a pet and frankly, I'm terrified at the thought of instant teenager but I am also looking very foward to having my daughter come home!
We Are Home
Well after 4 days of eating hospital food and dealing with the hustle and bustle of the hospital, Ravyn is FINALLY home. Her daddy and I are exhausted, but ever so grateful that she is doing better and back home where she belongs.
We Are All The Same
We are all the same in one way or another. We all cry, we all laugh. we all say things that we don't mean, We are all the same in one way or another we all have feelings We all have secrets that we keep hidden deep inside. We all get angry, we all get scared sometimes. We are all the same in one way or another We all cry, we all laugh. We all have good days we all have bad days. we all stand under the same blue sky We are the same in one way or another so why do we hate, why can't all get along. It doesnt have to be this way. We are all the same in one way or another.
We Are In The Air...25 On Cappys Flight Now Join In
CAPPYS FLIGHT A place to gain Friends/Fans/Rates so step up and hop on CAPPYS FLIGHT Its Pretty simple to join in if ya want to.Its just a fun way to meet some new peeps on FUBAR ALWAYS GO TO MY LAST FLIGHT BLOG TO ADD THE PEOPLE IT WILL BE THE UPDATED FLIGHT SCHEDULE FOR ALL PASSENGERS THANKS CAPPY (1) Must add Pilot and Co-Pilot and all Passengers (2) Contact me when you have all people Fanned/Rated/Added (a) when adding make sure you tell the people your from CAPPYS FLIGHT (b) CONTACT Pilot (me) or Co-Pilot by fu-mail (3) I want LEGIT people only so im makeing this FLIGHT to where you must have a salute to be added to the flight. Basically NO PASSPORT (salute) NO FLIGHT (4) NO DRAMA and NO LOW-RATEING rate with only 10's or 11 ONLY or DONT JOIN the FLIGHT (5) All I ask is to got to everyone on the list and FAN/RATE PAGE/ADD you may rate pics and stash if wanted and all people will return fubar LOVE.
" Wear Red"
I received this in email from a friend: " Worthy for a BLOG here @ Fubar" Please read and comment.Den. Last week, while traveling to Chicago on business, I noticed a Marine sergeant traveling with a folded flag, but did not put two and two together. After we boarded our flight, I turned to the sergeant, who'd been invited to sit in First Class (across from me), and inquired if he was heading home. No, he responded. Heading out I asked? No. I'm escorting a soldier home. Going to pick him up? No. He is with me right now. He was killed in Iraq. I'm taking him home to his family. The realization of what he had been asked to do hit me like a punch to the gut. It was an honor for him. He told me that, although he didn't know the soldier, he had delivered the news of his passing to the soldier's family and felt as if he knew them after many conversations in so few days. I turned back to him, extended my hand, and said, Thank you. Thank you for doing what you do so my f
" Wear Red" 2
Here are two very touching photos honored at this years International Picture of the Year. First Place: Todd Heisler The Rocky Mountain News When 2nd Lt. James Cathey's body arrived at the Reno Airport, Marines climbed into the cargo hold of the plane and draped the flag over his casket as passengers watched the family gather on the tarmac. During the arrival of another Marine's casket last year at Denver International Airport, Major Steve Beck described the scene as so powerful: "See the people in the windows? They sat right there in the plane, watching those Marines. You gotta wonder what's going through their minds, knowing that they're on the plane that brought him home," he said. "They will remember being on that plane for the rest of their lives. They're going to remember bringing that Marine home. And they should." Second Place: Todd Heisler The Rocky Mountain News The night before the burial of her hus
We Are Sad
Sisters Many have messaged me about Rain and I just wanted you all to know that is she is not a part of the family anymore...You can still show her love as you would any one of the lovely people on Fubar and I personally say to you Rain I am sorry you left the family we will miss you
We Are The Dinosaurs! Rawr!!!
Laurie Berkner - We Are The Dinosaurs ( Jurassic Park )Add to My Profile | More Videos
Wear Blue Every Friday!
We have so much to be thankful for..... Will You Wear Blue? International Picture of the Year Here are two very touching photos honored at this year's First Place : Todd Heisler The Rocky Mountain News When 2nd Lt. James Cathey's body arrived at the Reno Airport, Marines climbed into the cargo hold of the plane and draped the flag over his casket as passengers watched the family gather on the tarmac. During the arrival of another Marine's casket last year at Denver International Airport, Major Steve Beck described the scene as so powerful: 'See the people in the windows? They sat right there in the plane, watching those Marines. You gotta wonder what's going through their minds, knowing that they're on the plane that brought him home,' he said '! They wi ll remember being on that plane for the rest of their lives. They're going to remember bringing that Marine home. And they should.' Second Place : Todd Heisler The Rocky Mountain News The night before
We Are All Capable Of Being Worthy.
If you must love your neighbor as yourself, it is at least as fair to love yourself as your neighbor. --Nicholas De Chamfort We sometimes find it difficult to accept a compliment. We may feel we don't deserve such attention, and point out reasons why the compliment is untrue. When we act this way, we show a lack of love for ourselves. We’re taught to love our neighbors as ourselves. Yet, before we can love anyone, we must believe we are worthy of the same love. No creature is undeserving of love……NONE. We can stop hiding behind feelings of unworthiness. There's nothing stopping us but ourselves. Sometimes it takes courage to say thank you when we get a compliment. Let's exercise that courage, and each time we do, we'll find our self-love growing. When I thank people today, will I have the courage to smile, too?
We Are Home :d
So... The trip went well, although it was long. Lasted almost 23 hours, but it was ok and kids were great. It feels great to be having christmas here and cant wait to see what adventure life will put me thru next. So for now, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, make it a great one. :D Christina Aguilera Videos | Music Video Codes | Big Bear Cabins
We Are Behind
We Are One
I love my Creator, and you say I don't believe in God. I honor all creation, and you say I worship animals. I talk to my Grandfathers and you say I commune with evil spirits. I feel Mother Earths heart beating and you keep building your churches on her. I respect the old ways-- and you say--"come join our modern society". To me everyday is Thanksgiving and you set your birthdays by our calendar. My life reflects my walk and my way; yours is based on conversion to a religion. I see the gathering of nations, and you stick to your denominations. You live this way with no respect for my beliefs-- and you say I am lost.
We Are Change Confronts Tim Russert (video)
We Are Change Confronts Tim Russert (video)
We Are Change Confronts Tim Russert
We Are Change Confronts Tim Russert
We Are Djin Live In Lounge Envi
Hey yall, we got a live DJ right now in Envi Lounge.. come on in and chill with us. we Take Requests
We Are Friends
TELL HER WE ARE FRIENDS After I gave you frozen agua, so that each tear of longing could melt into your thirst, drop by drop, as she watched, wondering why that woman was so nice to you and how long had you been drinking? There is only platonic love between us, as we gaze at each other, steady and clear, our needs forever unmet. She can have you every day. Your socks, your hunger. I'll take your thirst with me and drink from those wide eyes that look at me always, letting go. Go ahead. Te amo.
We Are Here
We Are HERE I got the video from Realm of Logic. Thanks Ben - I voted for Ron Paul today! Date: Feb 6, 2008 3:35 PM We have secured a bare minimum of 24, and we're projecting 42 delegates from Super Tuesday. Plus delegates from Louisiana, which we may win outright. We're also still facing the likely possibility of a brokered national convention, which means that all of the delegates will ultimately vote at the national convention not for whom they were bound by their primary or caucus, but for whomever they choose. Which means: WE CAN STILL WIN THE NOMINATION. And moreover, we will force the Republican Party to choose between McCain or Paul. And they will either choose Paul or go the way of the Whigs. We need everyone working harder than ever. If you are in a state that has already has its primary/caucus, or if you're from Utah, there's a new button beneath Step 3 on your list to call voters in upcoming states and help the Precinct Leaders out there. Please rem
We Are Change Colorado Confronts Bill Clinton
We Are Change Colorado Confronts Bill Clinton
Wearechangela Reaches Out To The Simon Wiesenthal Center
WeAreChangeLA Reaches Out to the Simon Wiesenthal Center Body: Towards the end of 2007, WeAreChangeLA reached out to the SImon Wiesenthal Center regarding the testimony by Mark Weitzman of the Simon Wiesenthal Center before Jane Harman's Congressional Committee. Mr Weitzman gave a presentation to the committee in support of H.R. where he positioned the Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth website as an "incubator of 9/11 conspiracies and disinformation."
We Are From Nawlins
""We from New Orleans, Louisiana. Where niggas can go to Oakwood Mall, Esplanade, Lakeside, and, The Plaza to stay fresh!! We the home of the New Orleans Saints, The Hornets, Cash Money Records, No Limit Records, Bounce Music, Bayou Classic, Food, Super Sunday, Mardi Gras and The gangsta streets of the Da WesTBANK Da East, Uptown and Downtown. You can go to the Lake on any given Sunday and it be poppin, you could hit up The Plaza and The Grand on any holiday or Saturday and it be poppin, And Canal Street after the Bayou Classic. We come from a Hood where its most likely to go down even if you stay in a nice Hood like EastOver and English Turn. And The most Gangsta niggas come out IBERVILLE, P-Town, Gert-Town , Dat 9th Ward, 13th Ward, 7th Ward hardheads, 8th Ward Animals, VL, 3rd Ward Souljas, Dem Eastbeast,Da Gap, Da Goose, Da WestBank, Cross The Canal - Cut Throat City, HOLLYGROOVE, 6th Ward, Dat Wild Side, 10th Ward Villains. Some people have two parents but the majority have just o
'we Are One' 1-29-2008
my soul is free fianly!!!! i can live again a life of a whole person not a broken world is alive with hope again..becouse of you my sweet love. you made me whole once again... together we are one..and we will never be torn apart again not threw fate or unfortunant longer will i cry for the love i lost...i love my soulmate with every fiber of my being....he is the only one i need...not family or freind or foe can stop me now,for me soul can never be held back again for toughter we are heart one mind one soul...wether together or apart we are strong ..our strengh will never founder...nor fail..for together we are strong,we are one..
We Are One
Walking into the night I see the yellowed moon. I gather close to The Spirits. They tell what I am to do. I sit my Vision Quest, surrounded only by the talk of the bear, the eagle, the buffalo, the wolf and the hawk. As the transformation begins, I am enraptured by the messages they bring. I listen and I learn why I've been given these wings. I am quiet. I do not speak. I listen to The Spirits as they explain my quest to me. It is foretold that those who listen will gain the reason for their mission. I am learning. I am yearning. Eager to tell the stories as they have been told to me. I ache with heartbreak at the sorrow in the telling. I know that I must learn so that others who may pass my way will know the stories I keep. I must soar with the messages for others to hear. It cannot be left undone, they must fall on all ears. We are One We will not be undone
WeAreCHANGE /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Money Bomb 2/16 Spread the Word and Donate for the February 16th Money Bomb for our 9/11 hero’s - 9/11 1st responders. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Interview with 911 Hero’s Interview with John Feal Interview with First Responder John Quibell Interview with First Responder John LaPenna Interview with 9/11 Victim's Family Member Michele Little - /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Live Broadcast Alert - WeAreCHANGE along with
We Are Looking For Bombers For Our Squad
We Are Never Really Prepared To Say Goodbye
How To Say Goodbye by Michael W. SmithAdd to My Profile | More Videos
We Are Leveling Newbies Today
hi everyone, today is my anniversary - 8 years with the same man that i met on the internet woohoooo to celebrate, i saved my happy hour won from Stephanie Lynn in her giveaway and will be having it today at 11pm UK time, 6pm EST, 3pm PST. my plan is to hit the newbies and help them level up during my happy hour. feel free to join me or just rate my rubbish LMAO i'm hoping to get some points back from the 17 million taken from me when i got reset. i hope you can all join in and have fun ;o) please repost for me too cheers thanks for reading ¢¾ MishNumber1 ¢¾ have a great weekend Michelle aka MishNumber1 xoxox (repost of original by 'MishNumber1 ¢¾ FuOwned By Photobug & BigSexy ~ World Cruise&WISEUKF Owner ¢¾ SUP & ClubFAR' on '2008-02-29 11:56:23')
We Are A Brand New Lounge.... But Come Check Us Out.. Rejects In The Rafters
(repost of original by 'HarleyMoon Official NutBuster*BadAssBytch(CoFounder)' on '2008-02-29 19:10:23') (repost of original by 'Joyridin2w' on '2008-02-29 19:13:47')
We Are Of The Same Nature
We Are of the Same Nature After you wake up you probably open the curtains and look outside. You may even like to open the window and feel the cool morning air with the dew still on the grass. But is what you see really "outside"? In fact, it is your own mind. As the sun sends its rays through the window, you are not just yourself. You are also the beautiful view from your window. You are the Dharmakaya. Dharmakaya literally means the body (kaya) of the Buddha's teachings (Dharma), the way of understanding and love. Before passing away, the Buddha told his disciples, "Only my physical body will pass away. My Dharma body will remain with you forever." In Mahayana Buddhism, the word has come to mean "the essence of all that exists." All phenomena--the song of a bird, the warm rays of the sun, a cup of hot tea--are manifestations of the Dharmakaya. We, too, are of the same nature as these wonders of the universe. - Thich Nhat Hanh, Present Moment, Wonderful Moment from Everyday Min
We Are The Ones.
We Are
So much heaven, so much hell So much love, so much pain So much more than I thought this world could contain So much war, so much soul Moments lost, moments go So much more than I think this world can hold We are just children, we are just dust We are small and we are lost We are nothing, nothing at all
We Are Back In Full Effect
Hey all we are back on in full effect. The only deference know is we are back in our home town of copenhagen NY baby upstate NY. so hit us up and lets have a ball. and to all you out there that tag my photos NSFW that werent go screw your self. to everyone else lets party and get drunk.
We Are Gathered Here Today
Chance You'll Live to 100: 39% Okay, so living until you're 100 is a long shot... But who knows how good medicine will get in the future. Take a little better care of your body, and you'll might actually see the triple digits. Will You Live to 100?
We Are Like Famous Peps
Which celebrity relationship are you?Jennifer Anniston + Vince VaughnYou were at first a little shy about the relationship, because of youre friendship before it, but you really are good for eachotherCelebrities-Fame Quizzes
Wearechange Confronts Larry Silverstein 3/13/08
WeAreCHANGE confronts Larry Silverstein 3/13/08 http://www. youtube. com/watch?v=EtPC0W4HII8
We Are In Need Of Everyone Tonight
Wearing The Inside Out - Pink Floyd
From morning to night I stayed out of sight Didn't recognize I'd become No more than alive I'd barely survive In a word...overrun Won't hear a sound From my mouth I've spent too long On the inside out My skin is cold To the human touch This bleeding heart's Not beating much I murmured a vow of silence and now I don't even hear when I think aloud Extinguished by the light I turn on the night Wear its darkness with an empty smile I'm creeping back to life My nervous system all awry I'm wearing the inside out Look at him now He's paler somehow But he's coming around He's starting to choke It's been so long since he spoke Well he can have the words right from my mouth And with these words I can see Clear through the clouds that covered me Just give it time then speak my name Now we can hear ourselves again I'm holding out For the day When all the coulds Have blown away I'm with you now Can speak your name Now we can hear Ourselves again He
We Are In Trouble
We are in trouble... The population of this country is 300 million. 160 million are retired. That leaves 140 million to do the work. There are 85 million in school. Which leaves 55 million to do the work. Of this there are 35 million employed by the federal government. Leaving 15 million to do the work. 2. 8 million are in the armed forces preoccupied with killing Osama Bin-Laden. Which leaves 12.2 million to do the work. Take from that total the 10. 8 million people who work for state and city Governments. And that leaves 1.4 million to do the work. At any given time there are 188,000 people in hospitals. Leaving 1,212,000 to do the work. Now, there are 1,211,998 people in prisons. That leaves just two people to do the work. You and me.
We Are What We Eat...
Good Morning… I had thought today I would write about the TV Show “Moment of Truth” No…no I do not watch it and have not watched it, the girls have at one point or another…I have just seen the commercials about it and was not at all happy. But, my focus turned to a issue happening in Georgia, A Georgia Elementary School to be exact in Waycross. This is where a group of third grade students…Girls and Boys aged 9-10 years old plotted to hurt their Teacher with a knife…You know…this is appalling…to say the least… I will not write word for word what has already been written and I will not go into the two separate videos I viewed on this where officials were interviewed and police and school personal gave their opinions of what had happened… I will let you see for yourself and deduct what you may or may not from this case…We are what we eat…I can’t say it any better then that. We are what we eat! Let me give you examples of why I say this. Producers, Directors, News Casters, News Papers Edi
We Are In Love!!!!
Hey everybody writing to say how much Im in love with a wonderful guy!! his name is joe and i couldnt be more happier !! i never thought that i would find someone like him in my life!! he is wonderful@oh my god when we make love its so amazing !! we are so perfect together so those of u that havent found that speacial someone there somewhere !!I love you joe!!
We Are Virginia Tech
It was one year ago today that my hometown was shaken to the core. As everyone was on their way to work or just arriving the news was unsure and tragic. All that was known is that there was shots on the Virginia Tech campus, no one knew the extent of the damage yet. Frantically, people attempted to contact loved ones who attended the popular school. Whether it be friends, family or loved ones. I woke up that morning and made it all the way to work before I even heard anything. The television was on in my restaurant and all of the customers were silent in horror at the possibility that lay ahead. While everyone was watching the television I was attempting to reach one of my best friends who was on campus that morning, and later I would find out in classes in the building next to Norris Hall. Once I reached her she was even more clueless than the public audience. Once she had heard the shots and the campus police had she was told to run and get out of there, so that is what she d
We Are All Beautiful
"Dissimilar things were fitted together to make something beautiful and whole." --Nippawanock, ARAPAHOE Sometimes we look at something close up and it appears to be ugly; but then we drop back and look at it as a whole and it is beautiful. If we look at an insect close up, it may be ugly, but if we drop back and look at the whole insect it becomes beautiful. We can drop back even more and observe what its role and purpose is, and the insect becomes even more beautiful and whole. How are we looking at ourselves? Are we focused on something ugly about ourselves, or are we dropping back and looking at ourselves as a whole? We all have purpose, and we are all beautiful. Grandfather, today, let me see the beauty of the whole Elder's Meditation
We Are Doing Great
We Are Looking For You!
If Your A Dj Looking For A Home Or A Listener Looking For A Station To Call Home Click On the Banner Click On The Banner To Go Directly To Power 92 RADIO~THE BEST HITS ON THE NET
We Are Hiring New Bombers
We Are All Atheists
We Are Bombing This Pic
any help would be appreciated....xoxoxoxo
We Are Fans..dont Mess With This;_ylt=AhklFPpyTPFUTRF7WxGXG73tiBIF Yankees-Red Sox argument ends in murder Tue May 6, 3:59 AM ET A New York Yankees' fan was accused on Monday of murdering a Boston Red Sox supporter and injuring another by running both down with a car after a heated argument over one of America's oldest sporting rivalries. Ivonne Hernandez, 43, pleaded not guilty on Monday to reckless second-degree murder, aggravated driving while intoxicated and two counts of reckless conduct after the incident in a Nashua, New Hampshire parking lot last Friday. Prosecutors say Hernandez was drunk when she drove her car across a dirt parking lot outside the Nashua City Hall into Matthew Beaudoin, 29, and Maria Hughes, 21, after exchanging words with them about the Yankees and Red Sox baseball teams. The spat began at a local bar where Hernandez said she was a Yankees fan, according to witnesses quoted by the Nashua Telegraph
We Are.
What I am is not something I really hide from people. True, a lot of us in the community do NOT make it known what we are; but, some of us do. I have it stated clearly in most of my online profiles exactly what it is I am. I don't hide it. By stating what it is I am in my profiles, it helps weed out certain individuals who are closed-minded, mocking, or just complete assholes. Those who wish to continue talking to me after reading my profile(s), do. Those who don't wish to talk to me after reading my profile(s), don't. Now, even though I was interviewed for a documentary, most people I meet in life, on the street, etc., do not know this, nor do they know what I am upon first glance/talk/meet. That's fine. In most situations, I do not volunteer the information. However, I don't really go to extreme lengths to HIDE what I am, either. If the topic comes up in conversation, I am completely honest about it. If they are interested to know more, to be informed, I gladly talk
We Are All Like Computers I Guess...
We Are All Like Computers. Accessing The World On Our Own Terms.Connecting In Ways That We See Fit, We Present And Share What Information We Deem Neccesary. No Matter How Much We Show, Or How Much We Share, We Always Harbor Secrets Well Hidden, Under Secret Names And Set In Secret Stores Within Ourselves. To Protect Ourselves We Put Up Walls To Prevent Just Anyone Gaining Access To What We Want To Keep Hidden, What We Hold Sacred, What Would Shut Us Down If Gained Access To By The Wrong Hands. Hackers Come And Using False Promises Or Sly Tricks, Attempt To Gain Entry beyond The Facade. Sometimes We Fall Prey To The Empty Promises Believing Words For Their Face Value, And Never Knowing The Reprecusions Until Its Too Late. Today Has Been A Weird Day. The Weather In NYC Has Changed More Times Than My Emotions And That Is Saying Something. There Is Lots On My Mind, And Had To Sit In The Park Off Of Baxter And Bayard To Collect My Thoughts. So Much On My Mind And Not Enough Time Or Pa
We Are In Trouble...
The population of this country is 300 million. 160 million are retired. That leaves 140 million to do the work. There are 85 million in school. Which leaves 55 million to do the work. Of this there are 35 million employed by the federal government. Leaving 15 million to do the work. 2.8 million are in the armed forces preoccupied with killing Osama Bin-Laden. Which leaves 12.2 million to do the work. Take from that total the 10.8 million people who work for state and city Governments. And that leaves 1.4 million to do the work. At any given time there are 188,000 people in hospitals. Leaving 1,212,000 to do the work. Now, there are 1,211,998 people in prisons. That leaves just two people to do the work. You and me. And there you are, Sitting on your ass, At your computer, reading jokes. Nice. Real nice.
We Are The World By Usa For Africa
Comment on this video! More videos at myYearbook
We Are All On Drugs
When you're out with your friends In your new Mercedes-Benz And you're on drugs And you show up late for school 'Cause you think you're really cool When you're on drugs And you put on your headphones And you step into the zone When you're on drugs But the world don't care If you are not there 'Cause you're on drugs GIVE IT TO ME We are all on drugs yeah Never getting enough (never get enough) We are all on drugs yeah Give me some of that stuff (WOO) And you twitch in your seat 'Cause you wanna hit the street When you're on drugs And you cause such a fuss 'Cause there's no one you can trust When you're on drugs And the best of your days Will vanish into haze When you're on drugs And you wish you can quit 'Cause you're really sick of it But you're on drugs GIVE IT TO ME We are all on drugs yeah Never getting enough (never get enough) We are all on drugs yeah Give me some of that stuff (WOO) I wanna confiscate your drugs I don't think I can g
"we Are Not Evil.
"We are not evil. We don't harm or seduce people. We are not dangerous. We are ordinary people like you. We have families, jobs, hopes, and dreams. We are not a cult. This religion is not a joke. We are not what you think we are from looking at T.V. We are real. We laugh, we cry. We are serious. We have a sense of humor. You don't have to be afraid of us. We don't want to convert you. And please don't try to convert us. Just give us the same right we give you--to live in peace. We are much more similar to you than you think." Margot Adler 4 "If you take [a copy of] the Christian Bible and put it out in the wind and the rain, soon the paper on which the words are printed will disintegrate and the words will be gone. Our bible IS the wind and the rain." Herbalist Carol McGrath as told to her by a Native-American woman. 5 "I don't think witchcraft is a religion. I would hope the military officials would take a second look at the decision they made." G.W. Bush (R), as Governor of Tex
We Are Standing Attentiona Dn On Our Knees Praying For Those At Soldiers Playground 2
The Lounge for Past, Present and future Military personal and families At Solders Playground 2! Click to Enter the most amazing lounge ever! You know you wanna come join us so do it....CLICK THE DAMN PICTURE SOLDIER!
We Are Having An Auction
Wearechange Stands Up To Secret Service And Police At Bilder
WeAreCHANGE stands up to Secret Service and Police at Bilder
Wearechange Confronts Rockefeller On New World Order Crimes
WeAreChange Confronts Rockefeller on New World Order Crimes
We Are Blessed...
If you woke up this morning with more health than illness, you are more blessed than the million people who will not survive the week. If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture or the pangs of starvation, you are ahead of 500 million people around the world. If you attend a church meeting without fear of harassment, arrest, or torture of death, you are more blessed than almost three billion people in the world. If you have food in your refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof over your head and a place to sleep, you are richer than 75% of this world. If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in a dish some place, you are among the top 8% of the world's wealthy. If your parents are still married and alive, you are very rare, even in the United States. If you hold up your head with a smile on your face and are truly thankful, you are blessed because the majority of us can, but most do
We Are The Tru Anicent Egiptians !!!!!
2nd 2 Nun
We Are Looking For You To Join Our Staff
We Are Blessed ...
Jay Leno wrote this; it's the Jay Leno we don't often see.... As most of you know I am not a President Bush fan, nor have I ever been, but this is not about Bush, it is about us, as Americans, and it seems to hit the mark. 'The other day I was reading Newsweek magazine and came across some Poll data I found rather hard to believe. It must be true given the source, right? The Newsweek poll alleges that 67 percent of Americans are unhappy with the direction the country is headed and 69 percent of the country is unhappy with the performance of the President. In essence 2/3 of the citizenry just ain't happy and want a change. So being the knuckle dragger I am, I started thinking, 'What are we so unhappy about?'' A.. Is it that we have electricity and running water 24 hours a day, 7 Days a week? B.. Is our unhappiness the result of having air conditioning in the summer and heating in the winter? C.. Could it be that 95.4 percent of
Wearechange Ohio Confronts John Mccain About Pnac
WeAreCHANGE Ohio Confronts John McCain about PNAC ----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: We Are Change NYC Date: 14 Jul 2008, 00:22 http://www. youtube. com/watch?v=RBeU6llGDkAMcCain asked about PNAC and 9/11 at town hallDavid Edwards and Muriel KaneThe Raw StoryPublished: Thursday July 10, 2008 During a town hall event in Portsmouth, OH on Wednesday, John McCain was asked by a member of the audience whether his links to the parent organization of the Project for a New American Century explain why he has been reluctant to support calls for a new investigation of 9/11.The questioner began, "I was curious about a document· Back in September of 2000, the Project for a New American Century, or PNAC, whose members included Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Jeb Bush and Paul Wolfowitz, wrote a document entitled 'Rebuilding Americans Defenses.'" As McCain turned and paced away from him, the questioner continued, "In it, they state, quote, "The
We Are All Idols
We are all Idols with our fifteen minutes fame. American fools! Despite our dreams of grandeur, we can't all live forever. 1-25-03
We Are At 6 So Far Who Want To Be In This About You?
*HERE IS WHO WE HAVE SO FAR THAT WILL BE IN THE AUCTION FOR YOU TO BID ON YOUR OWNER* Rev./DJ Cooter™ Owner of Cooter's Bar John Co-Owner of Cooter's Bar DJ Big Daddy Dream aka Kat Greeter@Cooter's Bar DJ pinkypunk Angi *sarge's bad girls* ~TexasAngel~ Name: Bid on Your Owner Starts: 08/10/08 @ 9AM EST/6AM Fu-Time Ends: 08/16/08 @ 11:59PM EST/8:59PM Fu-Time Details: Cooter's Bar sponsors auctions each month with a different theme. The next one is: BID ON YOUR OWNER". "Slaves to be" bid on who they want their owner to be, *BUT* this is a twist. *YOU* have to show your owner your appreciation for them. Thats right it turns on *YOU*! This is perfect for those who have secret crushes on or want to show someone how much they mean to you because *YOU* get to spoil them. If *YOU* win, you have to: Give @ least 50-10 rates when able Have on your name "Owned by" then whoever you won Give @ least 1 salute pic, make a graphic or something to them tha
We Are Taking A Trip
As you all probably know we are moving again! This time we are moving to Florida. Hitman6 was offered a very good job and he has taken it. He has been down there already for a little over a week. On Thursday, myself and the rest of the household is going down there to find a house. We will be gone till at least Tuesday morning. At least that is the plan for now. I will keep everyone posted as to when the move will take place. I hope everyone has a great day and don't forget to leave both Hitman6 and I lots of love while we are gone. LOL ~ANNE~
We Are Lookin For The Best On Fubar ~ And Are Willing To Give You Rewards For Being The Best!!!!!!!
Dirty Deeds Radio is hiring!! Are you looking for a fun place to hang out, meet great people, earn fubucks?? Then look no further! We are looking for ppl for the following positions: Not only would you be working for the best lounge on Fubar, but you get rewarded for doing your job too!! You could earn fubucks, fu-gifts, even cash gifts! So come on over and check us out at Dirty Deeds Radio! If interested contact our General Manager: ~♥Ðani♥~♫DJ SMURFETTE♫~GM @ DiRtY DeEdS RaDiO~
We Are The Same
Remember, remember we are the same No matter what they say We, too, will be able to do The same things as them some day Just keep believing, go and do your best Although times can be tough You may sometimes feel down But remember, you've suffered enough Gleaming out of windows, dreaming of past-times Sitting inside-alienation and despair Although the trauma sometimes seems to much But I know there are people who really care So remember, you deserve a chance just like them All us wretched souls-we all fall So hopefully you'll remember what i've said And you'll one day be confident and stand tall.
We Are Making A New Id
Wearing A Mask
i find it a lil humorous that people online find it necessary to make up stories about themselves to impress others into liking them or wanting them i mean seriously what is the point in doing that when theres a 0 possibility of even meeting the person that you are corresponding with im flat out honest on who i am and what i do im not going to lie about that i seriously have no reason to im 26 soon to be 27 live with family which i didnt have a choice in the matter due to certain things and i dont have a job but i am always looking geezus that was so effin hard for me to tell the truth.................NOT i have no problem in speaking the truth to anyone about anything so why hide behind a mask of who you really are for in the end the only person your going to be hurting is you because when if your not upfront and honest and true about yourself you will lose a lot of friends and miss out on a lot of things and eventually no one will ever tru
We Are Leaving Lacrosse
Dear friends and family......... I am moving out of lacrosse to another state. Due to the fact that the friends we are lagving with do not want the location disclosed, I cannot disclose the location to you. I will try my best to keep in touch with everyone. All I can say is we have tryed to get jobs here and nothing has worked. So we arew moving to another state, and hoping for the best. Plus all the drama-maker and dramaqueens and dramakings here in lacrosse are better left behind. The drama here gets old. So Hal and I are hoping for the best. The people we are leaivn with are like family to us, so we trust them alot. I will miss you all, And I love you all very much. ****(((To FRIENDS; I am only sending this letter to people I consider real friends, and no one else. So if you know someone I talk to that didnt get this letter, i either forgot (and if there is anyone close to me I forgot, I am terribly sorry.) Other than that, if you didnt get one, you probably know why.)))**** I
We Are Proud To Be Americans...let's Show It!
Subject: Get YOUR FLAG Ready to FLY Please join us in this FLY THE FLAG campaign and PLEASE forward this Email immediately to everyone in your address book asking them to also forward it. We have a little less than one week and counting to get the word out all across this great land and into every community in the United States of America. Please post this on your blog! THE PROGRAM: On Thursday, September 11th, 2008, an American flag should be displayed outside every home, apartment, office, and store in the United States. Every individual should make it their duty to display an American flag on this seventh anniversary of one our country's worst tragedies. We do this in honor of those who lost their lives on 9/11, their families, friends and loved ones who continue to endure the pain, and those who today are fighting at home and abroad to preserve our cherished freedoms. In the days, weeks and months following 9/11, our country was bathed in American flags as citizens mo
We Are Doing A Garage Sale And I Am Clueless
GARAGE SALE!!!! Oh my gosh…I am the Garage Sale Boy today… Yes it is true, me the Salesman extraordinaire is in a full blown 4 day event…YUCK!!! I would rather try to sale Computer and Telephone to the Amish…. So here I am in need of Help… I have no clue what to sell anything for…Pricing wise that is…The girls have collected Beanie Babies over the years with the TY tags still on and I am quite sure they have not seen the light of day since these were purchased over the years…They have been kept in two air tight 30 gal tubs…Books galore…A Baby Changing Table made out of oak and it is also a dresser… holey crap glass zillions of vases is it vace or vase? Looks like Spell Check Granted Vase the winning pole position…Oh lets see what else…Clothes but I am not doing those, the girls can do that crap, I do not want thirteen dozen soccer moms rifling through endless amounts of clothes, Costumes, (Halloween, Dance, Pageant gowns) and taking advantage of me, well on second thought being taken
We Are Change 9/11/2008 What Meda Dint Show Yesterday
We are change 9/11/2008
We Are Change Uk - Notting Hill Carnival 2008
We Are Change UK - Notting Hill Carnival 2008
We Are Change Uk - September 11th 2008
We Are Change UK - September 11th 2008
We Are Perfect In This Union.......
Living in this very moment, experiencing the heaven that's been created by us coming together and coming together..... I fold you almost in half, your screams of absolute lust and some pain but it is loved as do we the tears. I can't hear you or is that you rushing through my veins , my brain as my ears pound in near insanity at the pleasure you are bringing me and I know that I am bringing you because of the shrillness in your voice now. you scream it over and then yet again you scream out the very name of the one punishing you and loving you and loving and pleasuring you....... Isn't it perfection if it is a solitary thing and there is no other like it so how could it not be perfection.... It Is absolutely perfectly what it is I SAID! Yes. I said we are perfect in this union....... Allow it to be. ~Undergroundlabs
We Are The Soldiers
We are the Soldiers For three days I've been crouching in my hiding place Laying here praying the enemy doesn't see my face. My muscles have been cramping for two days now. Still I lay here in utter silence; I'm not quite sure how. My training has taught me how to be like a machine. I'm controlled, calculating, and trained to be mean. I am the sniper that determines distant people's fate. My job is to eliminate them in the middle of their gait. I've been at sea for three months with three more to go. I'm having trouble visualizing the faces of people I know. My brothers-in-arms are my family on this giant carrier. I strike fear into the enemy when I fly in with my harrier. Diving, dodging, and trying to avoid their anti-aircraft guns. Taking out enemy emplacements and any vehicle that runs. As I return to my ship I know that at the end of the day. I did my part to get this desert battle to swing our way. I am the marine that clears the path for all the others. I
We Are Getting Rid Of...
.....Our computer cause we have to sell it to be able to pay rent and eat, we will be getting rid of the internet here in a few days. Its been a nice run but when faced with the decision to surf the internet and fuck around on fubar, and paying the rent or eating, we have no choice. Our boy has to eat and this machine is the only way for us to make any money. I wont be deleting my account on here but I wont be on very often at all, not enough to be in auctions or repost anything or do anything of that nature on here anymore. There is absolutely nothing that can change this so talking me out of it. Thanks guys, have fun, catch ya on the flipside.
Wear Sunscreen
Ever since I got in college, i've been too busy to process my thoughts for writing, yet I have so much to write of, I can only keep it as short concise sentences I feel like a friend is fading away, and well, I can't do much to stop it, I don't get too shook up over it anymore, I understand how school's made me a dullard, but I'll be out of prison soon, but it will be too late, they've found a better source of love and affection, something I could have given them if I wasn't locked up Since you're all filthy whores and pimps, I don't expect any of you to understand long-term commitment and deep affection, who cares about one night stands when you wake up the next morning back at square one...alone Being weird helps me block out such depressing issues, but life's too short to pout over pilfered poptarts, so here's a video, aye?
We Are All Diseased
mankind is such a disease to the face of planet earth no matter how hard some of us try in the end we destroy our very lives sometimes i truly believe we're nothing but a virus sometimes its so hard to think positively about what the future may hold for us we're all loved by the same being that made us yet we deserve to be annihilated just as much what happened to humanity? why is compassion sacrificed for greed? the only true religions anymore are nihilism and misanthropy seems like no one really gives a damn does everyone have blinders on their eyes? i'm not immune to the disease do my best to stay positive for my children's sake do my best to teach them wrong and right hope to god that i raise them right teach them to love their fellow man teach them to give a damn
We Are Firefighters
We Are Not In This Too...
we are not in this life to.... Current mood: loved We are not in this life to judge the wrong doings of our past.. We are to make our future last..make ours lives what they may be.. For others to see what we have done to succeed. So as we shouldnt push our expectations on the world, but onto make our life as it shoud be.. To love and To be loved for what we are.. and what we want to be not for what we have been and people percieve us to be or want us to be..we are and thats all we may be living in this world with many other confused beings So in saying this i want to tell you that I LOVE YOU not for what you have been or preceived to be for you and who you are and what you want to be To love you as we grow individually and as we grow as a couple to make you understand that i am here and not there staying where i am to give you the changes we may face.. love we shouldnt judge on what was past bu
Weary Of Life...
Ok, that doesn't sound very good. No, I'm not suicidal or anything. I'm just tired. Tired of hearing that I have to learn to love myself before anyone else will love me. I swear that I just have a loser magnet stuck in my body and every asshole in the world is attracted to me. I wish that I could hang myself out on a clothesline and air out my aura. I need to have a spiritual and psychological cleansing. Anyone have any ideas? I just don't know what I'm doing wrong.
We Are Universal Consciousness
We Are All Connected
There are times when we may feel disconnected from the world. Our actions can seem like they are of no major consequence, and we may feel like we exist in our own vacuum. Yet, the truth is that our simplest thought or action - the decisions we make each day, and how we see and relate to the world - can be incredibly significant and have a profound impact on the lives of those around us, as well as the world at large. The earth and everything on it is bound by an invisible connection between people, animals, plants, the air, the water, and the soil. Insignificant actions on your part, whether positive or negative, can have an impact on people and the environment that seem entirely separate from your personal realm of existence. Staying conscious of the interconnection between all things can help you think of your choices and your life in terms of the broader effect you may be creating. Think of buying a wooden stool. The wood was once part of a tree which is part of a forest. A perso
We Are All Going To Hell
We Are Up For Auction!!
We are up for auction!!! Do you wanna own THE hottest couple on the FU?? You can own us as a couple thru our joint profile or you can own either of us individually!!! Yep thats right we are loaning each other out for a month!! LoL So click on the links below and come make a bid on us!!! You know we are worth it!!! ~Jake~ ~Jamie Lynn~ ~Jake & Jamie~ And while your there, check out all the other sexy peeps up for bid!!
We Are Americans First
Yesterday, Rudy Gulliani said something very interesting when asked about what will happen if Obama won the election. His response: "Tomorrow we wake up not Republican, not Democrat, but American. We must back whomever is elected because if he fails, we fail as a nation." Personally, I'm not thrilled that a majority of our nation chose to send in the rookie quarterback while the team is 4th and 20, but there's nothing we can say or do now to change that. All we can do is hope and pray that the right decisions are made and that we do what needs to be done to fix what is broken. We will never fully agree with every decision made and direction our new President takes us in, but we can't do to him what the left did to President Bush. History was made last night. Whether you supported him or not, history was made in terms of racial equality in this country. Never again can someone say that the political playing field is not level for all. I am and will always be a true, Die-hard
We Are One
I pray we, all children of the earth, no matter our path to enlightenment, come to realize that we are one. We may walk our own paths, but we are not alone, for we walk at the same time, toward the same end/beginning. From our individual perspectives, be we Pagan, Christian, Muslim, Jew, Buddist, Taoist, or Hindu, are the same. I pray that we all feel the love of our Creator(s) and by example learn to see each other as brothers and sisters, allowing the boundary lines of religion to fade away. May the Lord and Lady bless your path. May you always have enough, and may you give enough in return. Blessed Be.
We Are Having An Online Dance Off .... Lol
We Are Hiring
Devious Hearts Lounge Is Hiring That is right i said devious hearts lounge is hiring staff dj's ( must know what you are doing ) promoters and enforcer's if you think you can handel the job hit me up thru this blog or drop into the lounge below is a taste of what we are like and below that is a direct link to the lounge stop on in and kick LADY CATHRINE:
We Are
His grip tightens my heart weakens his voice whispers and my control is no more.... i allowed this he did not stop me i follow the rules he is pleased we laugh out loud we move in time we are nothing more than just.... what we are
We Are Not Super Human
Some people think we are super human, what little do they know We are not any different, we just do not let it show They do not see the tears when a baby has been abused They do not see the anger when an abundance of drugs have been used They do not see the disgust when a bottle of booze has cost A teen his legs, a girl her pretty face or a life has been lost They do not see the fear when a loved one has passed away They do not understand that we deal with this everyday They do not see the sorrow when we face a broken bone They do not see the caring hearts when a nursing home patient wants to go home They do not see the worries when a call comes in that is bad They do not see the abuse we take and the things that make us mad They do not see the happiness we feel as a patient gives us a hug The thanks we get for what we have done to help the ones they love They do not see the laughter that keeps us going between the calls They do not see the
We Are Vampyre
In the light, we sleep, Night is just to bleed you, The crimson blood of life, The life draining from you, We watch and wait for you, Stalking you like prey, You may be able to sense us, But you won’t live to say, Keep your crosses to yourself, They cause us no pain, We laugh as you try to win, And bleed you just the same, It’s more fun when you struggle, To save your feeble little lives, As we sink our teeth in, Piercing you like knives, The blood flows into our mouths, And we love the sweetness, You taste like the life we crave, As you fall prey to our irresistibility.
We Are In Control...
We are in control of our own destiny. BE a great day means CHOOSE to have a great day and act on it! :)
We Are Lighting It Up
PyRoTeKnIcS™ Wanna experience a fresh lounge with live turntables? One that has friendly, laid back members? With the hottest Dj's and pimpest Staff? A lounge that doesn't hate on other lounges? Wanna be apart of something fierce and kickass??
We Are Cops
We're the people that you may see every day and night. We're the people that you depend on one way or another. We're working for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. When you and your children pass us in the store and you can't control them, you make them afraid of us. You tell them if they don't behave, you'll tell us to "get them". My friend we are not monsters. We don't want them to be afraid of us. We want them to know that we're their friends, and they can trust us. Do you know who we are? Sometimes, we have to play the role of lawyers, judges, psychiatrists, reporters, medics, marriage counselors, investigators, firefighters, and many times, just be a good listener. Those are just a few of the skills that we must be able to utilize at any moment in the performance of our job. We're constantly scrutinized by the media and you, the public. We're bashed by you. If one of us makes a mistake it sometimes makes the local news, and possibly even the national and wor
We Are Trying
We Are Hiring Sales Reps!
If anyone is looking for extra cash drop me a line. We are currently hiring online sales reps. Pagan Man is launching its sales subscription positions and would like you to be part of our team. Can be easily worked along side your present employment. “Nice little earner”… No sales experience, well don’t worry. Below is a brief outline as to what it’s about and how you can make money. Subscription Sales The cost per yearly subscription is $49.95. For each yearly subscription you sell you make $14.98 Pagan Man Publications Pagan Man Publications is an online Adult Magazine publisher, providing high quality content to the adult market, replacing the need for printed top shelf magazines. Pagan Man Publishing has released its first publication, Pagan Man, in conjunction with Hustler & Dennis Publications International Based Sales: Subscription (full time/part-time) The first of a new generation of sales, delivering targeted lead generation and sales for
We Are Hiring Sales Reps!
If anyone is looking for extra cash drop me a line. We are currently hiring online sales reps. Pagan Man is launching its sales subscription positions and would like you to be part of our team. Can be easily worked along side your present employment. “Nice little earner”… No sales experience, well don’t worry. Below is a brief outline as to what it’s about and how you can make money. Subscription Sales The cost per yearly subscription is $49.95. For each yearly subscription you sell you make $14.98 Pagan Man Publications Pagan Man Publications is an online Adult Magazine publisher, providing high quality content to the adult market, replacing the need for printed top shelf magazines. Pagan Man Publishing has released its first publication, Pagan Man, in conjunction with Hustler & Dennis Publications International Based Sales: Subscription (full time/part-time) The first of a new generation of sales, delivering targeted lead generation and sales for
We Are As One!
We Are On The Locals Only Podcast
You can join their Facebook page and doing search for 'Locals Only Podcast' in Colorado. Here is the link to the podcast.
We Are The Future!
nan neh seh sang eun neh gah sue sue roh man duel guh yah! dok gah tuen sarmuel gang yoh hah jee man neh ah neh suh koom tuel deh nun seh roh oon seh geh~ nan kee wuh gah geh ssuh!
We Are Supposed To Be Adults. Grow The Hell Up!
Okay,so everyone has a blog and I guess it was about time that I wrote one. This will be my only one, so pay attention. I hate drama. I hate liars. I hate that so many people come on sites like this to actually meet people and end up with a bunch of bull shit drama. Listen people, we are all fucking adults. Everyone needs to just "grow the hell up" as some people put it. But you know what, most of the people who say that, are the ones that need to be growing up themselves. We all don't have time to be letting bullshit take over our lives. I mean, come on, it's just ridiculous. All I know is if you like drama, are involved with drama, are a FUCKING LIAR, and want to start drama with me, my friends, or family, then just go fuck off. I don't have time for it and I'm not putting up with it. So don't even bother taking the time to look at my pics or rate my page. Mess with me, my family, or my friends and is on. Ima bitch and I'm not afraid to tell you how it is. And that's all I have to
Wear A Face
Wear a face Sometimes late at night No-one's here But breathing sounds Standing small Sleeping on empty dreams Move as one Memories A blanket of stars Can't keep you warm When all you love is gone And only one heart Can hug you home A river of stars Can't wash the rain Emotions drowned in pain For sorrow has no home Shadows wave As you shake your fears Nobody's here But clouting trees Question more Absorb the bitter truth Move as one It won't let you be A river of stars Can't wash the rain Emotions drowned in pain For sorrow has no home.....
We Are All In The Gutter, But Some Of Us Are Looking At The Stars
I believe everyone has a little good in them, even if it's hard to find. We all have a fire within us which burns endlessly. People tend to put a barrier up because they have been hurt before or had certain things happen in their life. So this blog is about people, discrimination and hope. I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge.I believe that dreams are more powerful than facts - that hope always triumphs over experience-that laughter is the only cure for grief. And I believe that love is stronger than death. Why do people need to find something wrong with someone? Why is it that people need to pick each other appart? Are we really that bored? No one on this planet is perfect. Race, Weight, eye color, Hair and anything else you can think of. That's all bullcrap. People should treat each other with respect & dignity. I'm tired of living in a society that's based around "I", "Me" and people who run around stating " I don't care it doesn't effect me". Am I really that di
Wear Blue!!!
Friday YOU WEAR BLUE??? International Picture of the Year Here are two very touching photos honored this year First Place (picture in album) Todd Heisler The Rocky Mountain News When 2nd Lt. James Cathey's body arrived at the Reno Airport , Marines climbed into the cargo hold of the plane and draped the flag over his casket as passengers watched the family gather on the tarmac. During the arrival of another Marine's casket last year at Denver International Airport , Major Steve Beck described the scene as so powerful: 'See the people in the windows? They sat right there in the plane, watching those Marines. You gotta wonder what's going through their minds, knowing that they're on the plane that brought him home,' he said 'They will remember being on that plane for the rest of their lives. They're going to remember bringing that Marine home. And they should.' Second Place (picture in album) The night before the burial of her husband's body, Katherine Cathey refus
We Are Part
We are Part by Jeffrey A. Griswold Neither knew what happened, it took us by surprise. I felt a strange new feeling, when I looked into your eyes. I hadnt felt this way, in such a very long time. I knew somewhere deep inside, god would make you mine. I felt a tugging at my heart, and knew that it was true. Someone somewhere planned this, that I'd be here for you. I look into your pretty face, and see a dream made real. I knew inside the things I felt, were all too very real. So I send to you my dear, these words from in my heart. I hope that you will see it too, that of each others lives we are part.
We Are Getting Married
Yes Tina and I are finally going to make our selves legal we have been together for four wonderful years going on five in august, and it's time for us to make sure every one knows that we are more than just together. We are one mind spirit and body. We have gone through some real tough times over the past four years but we have survived them and become a stronger and more secure couple. We will survive the tests and tribulations that life sends our way. We have each other to lean on and support when times are tough. God has blessed me with a wonderful lady and a woman I will always call my wife .
We Are Vampires
We lurk in the shadows.We ride the night.We come for your soul.We come for your blood.We are creatures of the night.Feeding on the flesh and blood of humans.We are never seen.We know what you have done.We hear your screams at night.We know your darkest secrets.We Are Vampires!
We Are Family--happy Birthday Syd
We Are Going Way Too Fast
     Have you ever noticed just how fast we live our lives? fast food. fast cleaners. fast cars every thing has to be fast now day's. you know it wasn't that long ago when some one had to walk down the road to talk to the neibors. If you wanted to see a friend you had to go to their house and keep going back until you cought them at home.      Now we don't even use English to text. LOL and all that. because we are in too big of a hury to say exactly what is on our mind's. Heck I bet some of you are skim reading this cause you just want to get to the point and don't want to take the time to enjoy it word for word.      I just think that every thing is becoming too fast and think that we should all slow down just a little. Leave for work 10 minutes earlier than normal and just look around and enjoy the drive. You may be suprised at what you see that you have been missing all the time that you have been driving that same route.
We Are Rock Hounds!
We Are Rock Hounds! (for the rock and mineral club to which I belong)   We are Rock Hounds, the shapers of stone, petrified wood and calcified bone; rich amethyst and azurite, opals and agates and corpolite; all of the treasures this earth has sewn. Digging through tombs like thieves of reknown, prizing jewels from an earthly throne, prying those jewels from their mantles tight...                                            We are Rock Hounds! We hunt together or all alone, we gather our treasures widely strewn. searching holes or precarious heights for stones to shine all pretty and bright; trinkets we can call our very own.          &nbs
We Are As One
You sit there alone on the bed With thoughts running through your head I walk up and kiss you softly Running my fingers over your bare body I lay you down and slide on top of you So I can show you what I want to do You wrap your lips around my nipple Which are soft and supple Then you run your fingers through my hair Being gentle and with care Then you slide your cock inside of me Plunging it hard and deep As I begin to softly moan You take me places I've never been shown You plunge it deeper and faster Going softer then harder Making me yell out with enjoyment Making it seem so heaven scent I look into your sexy blue eyes Knowing you will Never tell lies As you bring me down and hold me close You are the right one that I chose But we are not to that point yet As you slam me to the wall,my pussy dripping wet You shove your cock into me And you smile listening to my scream Now you throw me down on the bed Placing your hands underneath my head You softly slide
We Are Tied By!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“We are tied by emotions , Connected by dreams , and Reinforced by our hopes”
We Are Soul Mates.
Like a pair of dolphins playing in the waves and following a ship, that’s the way we always find ourselves. Like a pair of doves who are always seen together at a church tower, that’s the way we love each other. We are tied together until the end.  Like two palm trees that grew together alone on the field, that is the way we always are.  Like two stars that look as one in the open sky, that’s the way we love each other.   If you jump I jump, If you fly I try, Nothing else matters if you are by my side.  If you walk I move, if you win I succeed, if you are feeling sad, I also feel the same.  We are soul mates.   We are one, sharing one heart. Our souls always seek each other and you are for me.  There is no doubt I am perfectly for you.  We are soul mates.    You are for me and our destinies are tied together.  We have identical feelings, so I am for you.  Like two rain drops, you are for me.  You are for me because I always follow your way.  I am for you becau
We Are Not Forever
If you luv your SOMEONE so hard to the core and you know this and they love you so hard back to YOUR core and you BOTH know this, You better love EACHOTHER as hard as you possibly can - We dont last forever and tomorrow DOES come~~~
We Are "surprising"...?
Minus Fyder All Stars. the band name...the band i sing for again. more players, bigger name to fit em in. how funny last night's jam session was to have a few hipsters come have a listen. but while i was warming up...singin "warming up"...i could barely hear the drums over some chick's know it all voice and stories. of course, nothing against people hanging out and listening to us jam...but jesus god!! i think this girl wanted to be heard over the music. and i realized how far off...these people were. no clue what we were chance of learning that fast. and i was stuck. i couldnt sing...all i heard was that yappy drunk high pitched voice. but..i know the rest of the band felt it. or heard it. and noticed that the people not playing anything were feeling left out haha. hipsters...rockstars...indie cool folks that need to be acknowledged non-stop. i sang over it all. the guest guitarist seemed scared...he "never played this kind of music" haha it didn
We Are Not Prepared
We are not prepared By Walter Richters     It is the calm before the storm I smell water but the air is still Everything is quiet I know it is coming   We all walk around trying to ignore the sudden calm As long as we have shopping malls and fast food.. Then we have the illusion As long as we stay tuned out.. Then we don’t have to know   But eventually what happens thousands of miles away hits our door steps This is a world in crisis A horizon on fire So many are not prepared for this Tragedy awaits like wolves, and we are sheep
We Are Looking For Dedicated Staff For Our Lounge That Is Now Open Come And Check It Out If Interested Sb Me Tysm!
Wearing My Stuff @!i Will Feature You!
wearing MY STUFF @ WWW.CAFEPRESS.COM/JONNYWADD2!I will feature you! We have a new album on our Myspace that will feature you guys wearing MY STUFF @ WWW.CAFEPRESS.COM/JONNYWADD2 !! If you have a picture on your profile that you want to submit in one of our tops, just leave a comment here and we will post you. � Want to email somebody a link to this photo?  
We Are Getting Older
TO ALL THE KIDS WHO SURVIVED the 1930s '40s, '50s, '60s and '70s !! First, we survived being born to mothers who smoked and/or drank while they carried us. They took aspirin, ate blue cheese dressing, tuna from a can, and didn't get tested for diabetes. Then after that trauma, our baby cribs were covered with bright- colored, lead-based paints. We had no childproof lids on medicine bottles, doors, or cabinets, and when we rode our bikes, we had no helmets, not to mention the risks we took hitchhiking. As children, we would ride in cars with no seat belts or air bags. Riding in the back of a pick up on a warm day was always a special treat. We drank water from the garden hose and NOT from a bottle. We shared one soft drink with four friends, from one bottle, and NO ONE actually died from this. We ate cupcakes, white bread and real butter, and drank soda pop with sugar in it, but we weren't overweight b
We Are The Road Crew....
Im going to see Motorhead in Toronto on the 2nd of September.   Nothing else, just felt like bragging.
We Are Supernatural Beings
Being one with the UNIVERSE gives us ORDER and brings us the REAL MEANING OF WHAT LIFE IS ALL ABOUT. Yes, nothing to be afraid of...we have enough experiences in our life which could make life better and more significant. Yes, we could take charge over these events by being one with our mother-nature which is the UNIVERSE. No more fears!...if we die because of flood or tsunami well let us swim with the mermaids in the waterworld!...if we die because of plane crash then our giant brothers Orion and Hercules would just lift us up in the skyworld...and when meet accident on the road, then the earthworld would just swallow us sweetly. See, no more FEARS!!!...just be one with the UNIVERSE...and things will work in order according to what the we desire. We are all supernatural beings borne out of the Gods and Godesses of the Skyworld, Earthworld and the Waterworld and we are in control of everything...we just have to look back to what we have had in the past and use these as tools in faci
We Are All One.
We Are Change Colorado: Military Confirms States Deciding Mandatory Vaccination
Source: Colorado Change While asking questions with the CDC Pentagon representative, We Are Change Colorado was able to get a video confirmation that States will be deciding on the issue of mandatory vaccinations, not the Federal government. We Are Change Colorado attended a CDC meeting held in Denver, Colorado to advise on a vaccination program. They educated everyone at the event on vaccinations and the reality of what we are faced with right now, the Military representative from the pentagon who was there was so frustrated with our objections and questions he left before the meeting was even done. Also, We Are Change Colorado is launching a website dedicated to Vaccination Awareness called where free downloadable fliers and information will be made available as well as videos and so fourth. The website is in development now and will be up soon. It will offer DVDs as well for actions and begin a Vaccine truth day similar to the 11th of the
We Are Looking For All Staff And Some Managers Spots For The Real Baby Dolls Lounge We Are Looking For Dedicated Honest Peeps Do You Have What It Take
The Weary Traveler
I'm barreling down I-90, twelve hours out of Austin. I've somehow made a U-turn in the middle of America. I meant to be well on my way to sipping Canadian whiskey, but instead took a left when I saw mountains. It doesn't seem to matter how many cigarettes I smoke, I can't seem to shake the smell of her off my clothes. And believe me, I've tried. I've made six gas station stops and scrubbed my hands at every one. I've tried every cheap cologne I can find. Nothing works. I can't shake her smell any more than I can the thoughts of her. It sucks. Maybe that's why I'm on the road again. It's amazing to me. In just twelve hours, I could've been in an entirely different world if I'd continued north. In only a day, you can change the world you live in, like some sort of strange transporter. You can drive for a day and go from America's asshole to armpit. In just twelve hours, you can run away from all your problems. Instead, I took that damn turn. I swore to myself I w
We Are Trusted, Reliable Pharmacy
Order your Soft Cialis the fastest way BUY NOW AND GET BIGGER DISCOUNT
We Are Trusted, Reliable Pharmacy
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We Are Family
We Are Family Humanity When it comes to our families, we sometimes see only our differences. We see the way our parents cling to ideas we don’t believe, or act in ways we try not to act. We see how practical one of our siblings is and wonder how we can be from the same gene pool. Similarly, within the human family we see how different we are from each other, in ways ranging from gender and race to geographical location and religious beliefs. It is almost as if we think we are a different species sometimes. But the truth is, in our personal families as well as the human family, we really are the same. A single mother of four living in Africa looks up at the same stars and moon that shine down on an elderly Frenchman in Paris. A Tibetan monk living in India, a newborn infant in China, and a young couple saying their marriage vows in Indiana all breathe the same air, by the same process. We have all been hurt and we have all cried. Each one of us knows how it feels to love someo
We Are All Beautiful - Amen
Amen - so be it. 
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We Are Complete
We are born into this world incompleteHalf a person growing up in search of the half that completes us Each life gets but one chance at eternal happinessOne chance to join with that person who completes our lives Once a long time ago our lives did touchOur hearts did sing in harmony and our love grew instantly But we were so young and so impulsiveWhat our hearts knew our minds did not We chose different paths, ignoring our crying heartsHearts that knew they had found what few ever find; their other half I grieved; my heart in torment, my mind depressed and my pillow soaked in tears for youSo dark, so deep the hole in my heart that I couldn’t know it would never heal We moved on; neither knowing where the other had goneWe moved on; both to suffer at the hands of others who could never complete us Then a miracleA miracle by the divine grace of God would occur We found each other again in our darkest of hoursAs if our hearts followed our trail of tears backwards, a second ch
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We Are Not The Same.
I see so many of them...these people who sing a song of sorrow yet always they try again they always welcome the destruction of there own immortal soul. I can not understand this driving force which makes people welcome this agony into life. I do not understand how people will open the gate way to the very core of there being to another just to have that person jade the purity that was once there. Is the idea of being alone truely so horriable to some? Is it truely so hard to be fine with yourself and no one else? I don't get how you can be so welcoming to destroying yourself and do not misjudge I know it works for some of you. I know some of you will find a happiness in another. But what of those who don't? What of us who choose to be alone? Those of us who consider our emotions to be nothing more than an error in our system, to be a disease upon the body? I find it funny how people don't consider that what they chase is not always love sometimes it is but attention you seek and hones
We Are Family
you know i find it a shame how people are racist on both the net and in real life damn i thought we had matured from that along time ago but i gueass not some one wanted to be my friend on here,im not a hater so no name will be given they know who they are,any way after looking at my page they said and i quoat "man your a nigger lover and have to many canadains on your page i dont need friends like you".this up set me alot cause people are people no matter what this is what i was taught and what i belive so there is no no misunderstanding whatso ever the fallowing is what i look for in friends, and if there is any questions on this at all wll then just deleate me andgo on about your busniess cause there is no deveations on this subject and i want tolerate raciest ty........... It makes no difference If YOU are:North American,South American,European,African,Asian,Australian Or from anywhere In between,We are all of one world...EARTH!And one race... HUMAN!Of the People,By the People,For
We Are Pitching Our Tent Of Love..
THE INTEREST WITHOUT THE CAPITAL The lover's food is the love of the bread; no bread need be at hand: no one who is sincere in his love is a slave to existence. Lovers have nothing to do with existence; lovers have the interest without the capital. Without wings they fly around the world; without hands they carry the polo ball off the field. That dervish who caught the scent of Reality used to weave basket even though his hand had been cut off. Lover have pitched their tents in nonexistence: they are of one quality and one essence, as nonexistence is. ~Rumi ~~ yes, this is my art..
We Are,
What I am is not something I really hide from people. True, a lot of us in the community do NOT make it known what we are; but, some of us do. I have it stated clearly in most of my online profiles exactly what it is I am. I don't hide it. By stating what it is I am in my profiles, it helps weed out certain individuals who are closed-minded, mocking, or just complete assholes. Those who wish to continue talking to me after reading my profile(s), do. Those who don't wish to talk to me after reading my profile(s), don't. Now, even though I was interviewed for a documentary, most people I meet in life, on the street, etc., do not know this, nor do they know what I am upon first glance/talk/meet. That's fine. In most situations, I do not volunteer the information. However, I don't really go to extreme lengths to HIDE what I am, either. If the topic comes up in conversation, I am completely honest about it. If they are interested to know more, to be informed, I gladly
The Wearing Of The Grin
An old Porky Pig cartoon. Sure and it's quite appropriate for the time of year!     That's all for now! Dance a jig, get your Irish on and let the party start! =D Rock on! Shawn, AKA Botox O'Callaghan
Wear Stunning Wedding Bridesmaid Dresses And Be In The Memory Of The Day
You have been given the honor of being the bridesmaid in your best friend’s wedding. So, what’s next? Looking for a nice wedding bridesmaid dresses is not an easy task. Apart from the excitement of being a bridesmaid for the first time, there are also a lot of questions popping out in your head. What to wear, the right jewelery and accessories and also the duties that you are required to fulfill on that meaningful day. Bear in mind, that this event are meant to be picture perfect and the stories would be shared by you and your girlfriends many years down the road. Most importantly, you and your team of bridesmaid have to wear wedding bridesmaid dresses that are set to impress.Bridesmaids are known to be members of the bride's wedding party in a wedding who is often a close friend or sister. She attends to the bride and assists her on the day of a wedding or marriage ceremony. I bet the toughest ordeal would be to choose the correct bridesmaid dress which would withstand the
We Are Back In California
Our summer vacation on the motorcycles is almost over. We rode into California this morning and are at my daughter's house until tomorrow morning. The ride today was uneventful. T-storms were predicted so we left our hotel early to avoid them. It was windy but mostly clear and warm. By noon I'd taken off my jacket. The roads in CA are by far the worst of all 16 states we have ridden in. With such high fuel taxes, I constantly wonder what we are paying for. Certainly not good, quality road maintenance. My butt is tired of bumpy roads! I've logged close to 6,000 miles in the 21 days we have been on the road. My longest day of riding was 520 miles. The least was just over 200 (in the Black Hills when we were cruising around one day). My bike was parked for two days total and I either rode with my husband (Canada trip) or took a shuttle (Milwaukee). My bike is a mess. I think I will be washing it as soon as I get a little settled in at home and have checked on all of the animals. There sho
We Are Too Sexy
You’re too sexy for my love too sexy for my love My love is in vain   You’re too sexy to be hurt too sexy too sexy to be hurt Too sexy to flirt And you’re too sexy for my hand too sexy for my hand You won’t hold my hand   And you’re too sexy for my wit Too sexy for my wit Just one laugh is all I’m asking   You’re a model you know what I mean And you do your little turn on the catwalk Yeah on the catwalk on the catwalk yeah You do your little turn on the catwalk   You’re too sexy for this bar too sexy for this bar Too sexy fubar And you’re too sexy for all that too sexy for all that Is nothing worth holding   But I'm a person you know what I mean And I do my little dance on life’s catwalk Yeah on the catwalk on the catwalk yeah
Wear Red On Friday!
As a Company, Southwest Airlines is going to support "Red Fridays."  Last week I was in Atlanta, Georgia attending a conference. While I was in the airport, returning home, I heard several people behind me beginning to clap and cheer. I immediately turned around and witnessed one of the greatest act's of patriotism I have ever seen.  Moving thru the terminal was a group of soldiers in their cameos, as they began heading to their gate everyone (well almost everyone) was abruptly to their feet with their hands waving and cheering. When I saw the  soldiers, probably 30-40 of them, being applauded and cheered for it hit me. I'm not alone. I'm not the only red blooded American who still loves this country and supports our troops and their families.  Of course I immediately stopped and began clapping for these young unsung heroes who are putting their lives on the line everyday for us so we can go to school, work and home without fear or reprisal!    Just when I thought I could not
We Are One
  i love sitting with you under the starry filled night sky listening to the sound of your voice as you talk about this or that just the two of us, kicked back in our chairs  sometimes we share a beer, sometimes i have a smoke you holding my hand or caressing my hair  the rest of the world just melts away  this night belongs to us  we are bound to it in love  we are one  
We Are Here
What is the Illuminati?What is Zon?   The Illuminati has its origins in the biblical Abraham who smashed the idols four millennia ago in establishing the existence of only one reality. Ever hear of the Illuminati? For the past two centuries, they have been condemned by nationalistic governments and mystical religions. How about the Bilderbergers, the Club of Rome, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission? They are semi-secret organizations that for the past several decades have been linked to one-world conspiracy theories. Consider the controlling influences behind those worldwide organizations -- businessmen, such as today's quiet businessman David Rockefeller. He, for example, is seldom seen or mentioned in the mainstream media. But, he is hysterically attacked as the epitome of evil by the ultra- conservative media, the nationalistic-populist media, and the religious-right media. Yet, David Rockefeller is among the world's most moral, clear-thinking, respo
Wearing Cosplay Wigs
The original purpose of the legal wig was said to provide a form of anonymity and safety. Hong Kong barristers and judges continue to wear wigs as part of court dress as an influence from their former jurisdiction of the Commonwealth of Nations. In July 2007, judges in New South Wales, Australia voted to discontinue to wearing of wigs in the NSW Court of Appeal. New Zealand lawyers and judges have ceased to wear wigs except for special ceremonial occasions such as openings of Parliament or the calling of newly qualified barristers to the bar. A number of celebrities, including Dolly Parton and Raquel Welch have popularized wigs. Cher has worn all kinds of wigs in the last 40 years- from blonde to black, and curly to straight. They may also be worn for fun as part of fancy dress, when they can be of outlandish colour or made from tinsel. They are quite common at Halloween, when “rubber wigs”, are sold at some stores. Orthodox Jewish religious law requires married women to
Wearing Hermes Birkin
 His accession, is bound to make the casting Tangmen hidden weapon to a new vertex.      Tang did not know because of his story today, with this simple conversation, thousands of years, with a story Tangmen hidden weapon in the words of the finished product, is the only word Tang and finished with a hidden weapon par priceless.      Eyes suddenly lit hermes kelly up, most people eyes, some hermes bags are not suited. On the platform in front hermes bags of more than out of a beam, the beam, the old man was about Pentecostal standing there wearing hermes birkin a dress.      "Welcome to the VIP visit. Next Sidi Today's auction is about to start.  Please sit down, though the auction will be all old friends, but I have to repeat in the bidding process, please give from the seat next to the brand of your bid as a sign, while the price quoted, though not known, but I hermes outlet hope each and every scene can be satisfied guests return. "      Please calm the opening. This old man is the
Wearing Sexy Swimsuit To Bath
Sunday to invite boudoir to bath, enter the door to see new club bath department have a big pool, few people inside. Suddenly thought of several days ago the new Bikini swimwear_swimwear_One piece swimwear online haven't tried water, immediately turned and ran out foreign to car took NKTM swimsuit return to inform the maiden honey: you advanced sauna bath, I go to swim, a short while coming back to find you. Change My Bikini swimwear_swimwear_One piece swimwear to the mirror repeatedly appreciation, returned to datangshengshi see 234-131 over reincarnations Yang. Look at the mirror swimsuit beauty, figure pour also concave and convex have send, just suspect mirror surface effect, this a bit plump? How can so women This is absolutely the effect after days food. Ok swimsuit design and color is satisfied. Although do not say to go up enchanting, but also is sexy. Came to pool staff there ask, and then down to the water is shallow pool, see clear pool water cannot help could swim up a doze
Wear A Tradional Wedding Dresses At Your Big Day
If you've just began to plan your wedding and you're getting all excited at looking at the most gorgeous bridal dresses on line before you go to the bridal shop to start trying them on you won't have realised a few things yet.Traditional wedding dresses, are very heavy, there is a great deal of fabric used to create on and this fabric is usually quite heavy especially if it's quality satin. They are also usually bulky too with the different layers and embellishments. like the kinds of Wedding Party Dresses.The wedding dresses you find in bridal shops tend to need either a net underskirt or a hooped underskirt to give the skirt of the dress shape and don't have the same effect if you don't wear one.such as you order a Plus Size Wedding Dresses or a Plus Size Wedding Dresses,it is a Ballgown dresses but without a underskirt ,it is will be errible even you can wear it. The wedding gowns floor length with a train which gives a great effect when walking down the ausle but not so good if you
We Are In Mourning!!
Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape. He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as: - Knowing when to come in out of the rain; - Why the early bird gets the worm; ... - Life isn't always fair; - And maybe it was my fault. Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies, don't spend more than you can earn and adults, not children, are in charge. His health began to deteriorate rapidly when well-intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place. Reports of a 6-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition. Common Sense lost ground when parents attacked teachers for doing the job that they themselves ha
We Aren't Human Beings Having A Spiritual Experience ( We Are Spiritual Beings Having A Human Experience )
So maybe we are pure energy and are projecting out existence onto this plane....... a matrix (by choice or some convention?) maybe we aren't meant to know but I don't believe that. The more cosmology evolves our understanding of the Universe, the more it is starting to look like reality is more bizarre then we could possibly imagine. If current theories of rapid expansion due to energies in the vaccuum of space hold true than the perceived Universe is vastly larger than we imagined. It's true size relative to our perceived size of it could be compared to the difference between the size of an atom and standard accepted model of 14.3 billion light years across. Einstein postulated through his theory of relativity that nothing can exceed the value of "c" so if the sun were to disappear this instant in theory we should not know this for about eight minutes as that is how long it takes it's failed light to reach us, but plumbing the depths of relativity has revealed that we
Wearing An Important Spyder Snowboard Jacket Rrs Really A Very Good Choice
You'll find skiing jackets available thatrrrs available all this may grown to be difficult for you to decide on that get you noticed should purchase. It is a good choice for anyone to look online and look at for many ratings with reference to snow materials in addition to which probably branding is a viable. It spyder coat will help you to a great deal jointly with your North Face UK decision having nevertheless also have to take into consideration your allowance in addition to your form.In conjunction with the a variety of makes accessible, Spyder would most likely be the better. For skiing accessories current market, Spyder would be the first wear manufacturer who uniquely bundled attractive design because of ski-specific work. This can be confirmed with the tie-up while using You and me Ski Company, which is a really well-known staff members for private snowboarders worldwide. Canadian Country wide Snow Crew is likewise loaded by Spyder.Most Spyder bags are developed for
Wearing Canada Goose Can Most People Chicness
  You want skiing feasible, you will want to need to enjoy a particular utility to boost enthusiasm including at the same work-time for being a cardigan stay the particular cold out. You suffer from struggling of selecting Canada Goose Coats countless of seen in many interior the industry for the explanation why you don't need to find out that sometimes Canada Goose Shirt is a lot more effective and thus which one is proper and in addition designed for . You need to read the info that's about the most trendy snowboarding cardigan rrn order that we can help picture resolution whatever Two you're state.Canada Goose Coats Right at this moment, A on more or less the a good number of respected numerous are likely to be the convergent cover. The absent appearances related with the jacket are generally Hilly Technological garments and venture may possibly accustomed it contains ports to switch the oxygen. Does someone investigation numerous apparel to keep you warm? And you'll do e
Wearing Beautiful Ol Business Suit To Become Office Queen
  Long ladies turndown business suit Contracted style, super cultivate one's morality turndown business suit coat. Pure and fresh and generous appearance is very favorable degrees. Can directly buttons is wide open to wear take a or wear, with belt modified girth line also very good. The use of the scarf let collocation more fashionable feeling.   Collarless collect waist women double-breasted dust coat Contracted style, super cultivate one's morality double platoon to buckle dust coat coat. The waist of fashion, very good foil was born shape line. Double platoon to buckle design, draw the outline of perfect body. Khaki temperament conspicuous, let a person unforgettable.   Double color smart fashionable short leather jacket Delicate and cabinet brief paragraph joining together small leather, agile have a type of dress up will allow you to easily change street tide female. Double lubricious Mosaic style, the interpretation of the fashion trend classics. Tie-in skirt outfit or t
Such a frustration and gift Weariness My kindness is amplified And yet my disdain still abides Like the "Siamese Twin" Attached to me by luck Happenstance AH the curse of a dual personality And the gift of it
We Are Looking For New Staff Come And Put One In Get A Job All Is Open
hi my name is mr heckathorn i just open up Heckathorn Police we are hiring all staff we need more staff asap come in look at the lounge and joine and get a job if you like to go and start have fun 
Wear See Shang Chi Asked Her
Her go down to the article content extremely shocked looked on reports published in a international news in this version, although the layout is Nike Superfly and adidas predator x trx fg not, but in black and white newspaper has let her enough to understand. The news is - Italy Windsor Green Card Leeds family today, Mrs. Louise Green Card Leeds statement of a lawyer, this statement publicly announced that his grandson Leo? Green Card Leeds Green Card Leeds huge legal heir of the family business. In related news that Leo Green Card Leeds for his father, Fei Lade Green Card Leeds and a Chinese woman born Leo Green Card Leeds, the Mercurial Vapor Superfly and F50 adizero TRX FG person in charge of the new green card Andreas family in meaning of half-breed ... Wear see Shang Chi asked her, her panic took the Mercurial Vapor Superfly and F50 adizero TRX FG hands of newspapers, excited, pointing to a photo in the newspaper. "Shang Qi Sister, you see this picture, this handsome cool man in t
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There are so many top web development companies in India. It is difficult to choose the top web design companies in India as well. At the end of the day, it is the matter of quality and also the creativity which makes a web designing company most desirable.   Are you in search for best and professional and best website design companies in India? If so, you have landed on the right place. We are amongst the leading best web design company for you. Our customers, who have undertaken our website designing services, know about our quality designing. In our best websites design company you will get great quality web design at affordable prices. Our web designing service charges are easily comparable. Most the popular web design companies are depended on the web site designers. At the end of the day it is their creativity which works and people get satisfied with. Here at our web design company, we have bunch of creative web site designers who are flawless and very innovative with thei
"we Are Absolutely Open To Throwing Him
CHICAGO -- Two days after a surprise move to Tottenham, Clint Dempsey was selected squad in the United States squad for its upcoming World Cup qualifiers against Jamaica. Christian Ponder Womens Jersey . Though Dempsey has not played a competitive match since a qualifier in June, when he scored the lone U.S. goal in a 1-1 draw at Guatemala, coach Jurgen Klinsmann wouldnt rule out using him Friday, when the Americans play at Kingston with the top spot in Group A at stake. "We are absolutely open to throwing him in the water right away in Jamaica -- if hes really in a good physical condition and feeling really fine," Klinsmann said on a conference call. They host the Reggae Boyz four days later in Columbus, Ohio. The U.S. and Jamaica have identical records of one win and one draw in qualifying for the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, but the Americans lead Group A on goal differential. Having Dempsey, who is fifth on the all-time U.S. list with seven goals in World Cup qualifying, i
We Are All The Same!!
Times have changed, and its not really prearranged. Take my hand and see the light, one second later we will unite. We are all the same, different likes with a different name. Today is the first time of all, you may choose to rise or fall. I can help if you'd like or not, sharing is mutual, sold or bought. All we are is all we've been, we can't change with a loss or win. All that ever has mattered is within you, the first star will help you see through. Cry out it might feel better, to release the pain, in every letter. I am here just till I burn out, you are here to shine in all you are about. Stand up and stake the claim, we all are the same.
Wearing A Football Shirt Is Entertaining
Football Shirts That Talk Your MindDo you recognize why large organizations put up hoardings and banners all over the city locations? Obviously, to promote their merchandise, but that is not the sole response. Firms put Maillot France simply because they cannot go and inform every single personal how great their product is. Therefore, the top way is always to place up a banner so that every passerby who goes from there can see it and give it some thought. Football shirts possess the equivalent impact whenever you put on them. Individuals wear football shirts to support their staff however they also tell individuals and passersby that this man loves this certain group and it is enthusiastic about his football.Wearing a football shirt is entertaining since you don't really need to go and inform everybody which crew you help and which player you idolize. The football shirt is created to communicate your mind and when you put on it and walk into a bar or right into a grocery s
We Are The Meek
we are all great as we are... need not change for the other... just be as you are... nothing good comes out of doing only for others... we are as we are... be in the present not what could be... we are what we should be... justice comes to the just... we are the meek... the meek shall inheirt the earth... the meek have inheirted the earth... we are as we are...
We Are All Tiny Screws - Football
Whether the arena, or the playground, as long as the football front, all are supporting characters, only that leather oval sphere is the protagonist, it is the only competition for the audience focus, it is a symbol of victory, be happy source, it has different colors, different personalities, different height, different shape, different backgrounds, different ages of the participants become friends and even his comrades magic. cheap nfl jerseys Rugby is the only one of all ball games can not pass a motion before the project determines the specificity of arena football is not an individual star, the court must go all out for all of the end zone toward each other to move forward together, any one of them left behind, all efforts will be reduced to ashes. This is reflected particularly prominent in the arena. In football, 2, 8, 9, 10 positions are linked around the front of the "bridge", once the location of any one person changing situation on the field to make inaccurate j
We Are Urban Indians
We Are Urban Indians As an Indian I sing this song for you Who feel like you're on your own The Indians in cities may be very few But I'm telling you, you're not alone   There are those of us who'd like to be With a lot of others of our kind And if nothing else, we'd like to see Other Indians, 'cause we're hard to find!   We are Urban Indians Far away from our tribal land And as Urban Indians We should form our very own inter-tribal band   Of urbanized Native Americans
We Are Close
When I see that you are online I won't even lie to me, I am joyful you have had a passing thought someone has had an excited journey. As much as I might want to believe it does seem, honey I already know inside and out its really nothing more than a dream.   Take just a sec and realise I am not pursuing,  anything you are saving or all you don't want to ever be redoing. If I ever cause a complication you are more than entitled to relocate my memories location.   I just want your life to be complete, enjoyed to the fullest from me to you I hope you click repeat. Not trying to drill in, but I need you to know I am right here, now and then.   I am your friend not your foe, I will love you even if you have to go. we are close even when were are far apart, we are close together in our heart.
We Are The Terrorists
It’s Official, Everyone Is Now A Terrorist According to The US Government     Anthony GucciardiInfowars.comAugust 2, 2013 It’s official, every single American can now be classified as a terrorist by the US government. The label of ‘terrorist’ no longer applies to members of al-Qaeda of ‘extremists’, but the average citizen of this nation. And I can show you how literally 100% of the population can be classified as a terroristunder the truly outrageous Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and FBI characteristics t
We Are Not Of Same Blood...
We are born & grown in...different places...We have different tastes &...lifestyles...But...Still our hearts are connected....with a single miraculous feeling....called “Love”
Wear Sweet Sweaters Go Dating In 2013 Winter
  Preface: How to be a sweet girl? Sweet appearance and sound, of course, are important points, but more emphasis is the color of the overall. Do well in matching skills from head to feet, so as to make people want to be with you when they see you. Let’s have a look several sweet styles below. Try Japanese style clothing to change yourself into a sweet girl and go dating with your men!   There comes the New Year big holidays, no matter travel or stay at home, lazy women who are confused to clothes matching skills. If you do not want to spend too much time on it, then try sweaters and you will find they are really good for you   Yellow is the most striking color, so yellow sweater coat can catch people’s eyes. To match with skinny jeans and blue sneakers, look and sweet and lean, and matching with red baseball cap, black round glasses and brown bag will be super sweet.   Light green sweater coat to match with white T-shirt, white pants and pink shoes, will catch peopl
Weasel Phrases - Embedded Commands
An embedded command is a Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) technique for "planting" a thought (state, process, or experience) within the mind of another person beneath the person’s conscious awareness. This is done through presuppositions, which are assumptions implied within verbal structures. In the English language, commands end with a down turn in tonality. Embedded commands mandate the use of a commanding tonality to be effective. The commands usually possess the word formation of a question, but the tonality of a command. For example, "What's it like when you become incredibly loving!" The purpose of using embedded commands is to move your target’s mind in the direction you want it to go without seeming to be intruding or ordering in any way. Weasel phrases are suggestive predicates designed for use in the construction of suggestive sentences to set up an embedded command. Combine the Weasel Phrase with a command verb, like "get", "b
We As People...
We as a people need to see what life is and what it has to offer. No longer should we constrain ourselves to the chains of the "normal" socological ideal that doesn't even exist and furthermore isn't even truly followed. Jobs, homes, small-talk, they are all just tools used by man to seem stable and "normal." Without them we would seem "odd." And what's wrong with odd? Odd is okay so long as happiness is linked. "normal" is a painful burden that creates nothing but strife and sorrow. To roam through life pretending to enjoy the pain. No one can say that they arn't frustrated with following the stream of stupid ideals of the financial strains of society. Money is the root of evil and the social currency, not just for goods, but for acceptance. To be "cool" requires money, to be "normal" requires money, to be stable requires money, to be taken seriously requires money. There are no new philosopers, it's all money, without money to pay for college and a home, and a car, no one will ever t
We As A People
Society in this day of age is that of a double edged sword we ask and plead for peace but we demand retrobutions, we plea for understanding but we demand for control but we dont share that control equally so can you see the problem we all make and thats the leason we all must learn to learn how to bend.
We As A People
WHY do we as a people accept the fact that our tax paying dollars go to scum that sell drugs to our children!!!?? WHY do we as a people allow savages in schools with our children!!!?? WHY do we as a people LAY DOWN for someone other than OUR PEOPLE!!!?? OUR PEOPLE ARE THE ROCK AND ANCHOR OF THIS WORLD!!!!!
We As Human Beings
We don't not know what we want, but we are responsible for who we are, no one wants to take responsibility for anything really, their actions, their words, their secrets or their desires and the hardest thing,to be responsible for someone else,thats something you have to work for and you wont know if your ready until you try....
We As American's
When One Soldier Is Left Behind~~~~We As Americans Have Lost. Never Forget The POW~MIA
We As True Men Can Do This!
The definition of a GREAT MAN: When she walks away from you mad [ Follow her ] When she stares at your mouth [ Kiss her ] When she pushes you or hit's you [ Grab her and don't let go ] When she starts cursing at you [ Kiss her and tell her you love her ] When she's quiet [ Ask her whats wrong ] When she ignores you [ Give her your attention ] When she pulls away [ Pull her back ] When you see her at her worst [ Tell her she's beautiful ] When you see her start crying [Just hold her and don't say a word ] When you see her walking [ Sneak up and hug her waist from behind ] When she's scared [ Protect her ] When she lays her head on your shoulder [ Tilt her head up and kiss her ] When she steals your favorite hat [ Let her keep it and sleep with it for a night] When she teases you [ Tease her back and make her laugh ] When she doesn't answer for a long time [ reassure her that everything is okay ] When she looks at you with doub
We As Americans May Not Always Agree
I sent out copies of a petition to be signed to friends on my mailing lists. regarding President Elect Obama show proof that he is legally entitled to hold the position of the President of the United States of America. (I have many Mailing lists). I recieved one reply back from somene I hold as a very dear friend of mine. I will not discose who this person is. If you think you know who he is. Please respect his rights to voice his opinions. We are entitled to that It is America!!! And here is the lesson We all should learn if nothing else. We are all able to voice our own beliefs. And we all are not going to agree on everything. But we all have moments when no matter how difficult the problem We need to know we love each other. I Look up to this man who wrote this still. And I will also stess this is a military veteran whom served his country with an very astounding record, and a Commissioned Officer in the USMC That come to visit my father and visited him regularly, whe
Weather Gurl
You Are Lightning Beautiful yet dangerous People will stop and watch you when you appear Even though you're capable of random violence You are best known for: your power Your dominant state: performing What Type of Weather Are You?
The Weather Here
It finally snowed last night and it is snowing again here in WA. It is so much better than all the rain we usually get here and I acctually miss the snow . I guess growing up in NY got me so I like to be out in the snow when it is falling. Oh well just rambling
You Are Rain You can be warm and sexy. Or cold and unwelcoming. Either way, you slowly bring out the beauty around you. You are best known for: your touch Your dominant state: changing What Type of Weather Are You?
ok does anyone need some rain because we are getting plenty here we had enough its starting to flood please ask for rain Creed
I lie awake on a long,dark night I can't seem to tame my mind Slings and arrows are killing me inside Maybe I can't accept the life that's mine No...I can't accept the life that's mine Simple living is my desperate cry Been trading love with indifference suits me just fine I try to hold on... But I'm calloused to the bone Maybe that's why I feel alone Maybe that's why I feel so alone Me ...I'm rusted and weathered Barely holding together I'm covered with skin that peels And it just won't heal The sun shines and I can't avoid the light I think I'm holding on to life to tight Ashes to ashes and dust to dust Sometimes I feel like giving up Yeah...sometimes I feel like giving up Me...I'm rusted and weathered Barely holding together I'm covered with skin that peels And it just won't heal The day reminds me of you The night hides your truth The earth is a voice Speaking to you Take all this pride And leave it behind Because one day it ends
Weather Blog
WEATHER BULLETIN Up here, in the Northern Plains, we just recovered from a Historic event--- may I even say a "Weather Event" of "Biblical Proportions" --- with a historic blizzard of up to 44" inches of snow and winds to 90 MPH that broke trees in half, knocked down utility poles, stranded hundreds of motorists in lethal snow banks, closed ALL roads, isolated scores of communities and cut power to 10's of thousands. FYI: George Bush did not come. FEMA did nothing. No one howled for the government. No one blamed the government. No one even uttered an expletive on TV . Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton did not visit. Our Mayor did not blame Bush or anyone else. Our Governor did not blame Bush or anyone else, either. CNN, ABC, CBS, FOX or NBC did not visit - or report on this category 5 snowstorm. Nobody demanded $2,000 debit cards. No one asked for a FEMA Trailer House. No one looted. Nobody - I mean Nobody demanded the government do something.

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