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We Care A Lot
We care a lot about disasters, fires, floods and killer bees We care a lot about the NASA shuttle falling in the sea We care a lot about starvation and the food that Live Aid bought We care a lot about disease, baby Rock, Hudson, rock, yeah! We care a lot about the gamblers and the pushers and the geeks We care a lot about the crack and smack and whack that hits the street We care a lot about the welfare of all the boys and girls We care a lot about you people cause we're out to save the world YEAH! And it's a dirty job but someone's gotta do it We care a lot about the army navy air force and marines We care a lot about the SF, NY and LAPD We care a lot about you people, about your guns about the wars you're fighting gee that looks like fun We care a lot about the Garbage Pail Kids, they never lie We care a lot about Transformers cause there's more than meets the eye We care a lot about the little things, the bigger things we top We care a lot about you peo
We Can't Forget
We Can't Forget Some would say we should forget the events of years gone by, Forgive and forget, they would say, Just let sleeping dogs lie. Then there are some, of which I'm one, who say we can't let go, We can't forget the horrible wrongs that hurt our people so. We can't forget Wounded Knee, Sand Creek or the Trail of Tears, Because the things that happened there still happen after all these years. People are still forced from their homes, still driven from their land. The government still dominates our people with a hard and merciless hand. Promise are still not kept, Treaties are still broken, the government has reneged on every word it's spoken. We must keep fresh the memory of the ones who've gone before, and not forget the awful pain they bore. To honor them we must remember the high price they paid, The suffering that they endured and the sacrifices they made. We must keep and teach the traditions they held dear. And
We Can Be Free From Frustration.
Free from frustration You choose your frustrations. And you can just as easily choose to be free of frustration. What is it that makes you frustrated? What kinds of things bring on so much frustration that you can't get anything accomplished? Actually, nothing makes you frustrated. Frustration is just the way you respond to certain situations. Frustration is useful when you first feel it, because it calls your attention to the conflict between your inner values and your outer situation. But once it has your attention, frustration has done its job, and it is then time to let it go. As soon as you feel frustration, ask yourself what that frustration is attempting to tell you, and listen carefully to the answer. Once you truly get the message, the frustration has done its job and it falls naturally and easily away. By immediately understanding and appreciating what your frustration has to say, you can quickly get beyond it. Then, with a new sense of purpose and positive d
We Can All Recall
We can all recall insensitive instances. We've all known our share. Indeed, we can all recall when we were the one at fault. 9-13-03
We Can Make This Happen!
*****IT'S ALL ABOUT CHUCKIIBOO***** This man is the most amazing honest truest friend!He has a heart of gold!He's done a lot for just about everyone on fubar!Even if he's not yet on your friends list!You would not have as many happy hours as you do if it was not for chuckii....he has had TONS of happy hours along with giving them as a gift to other ppl...!Sit and think without chuckii on would not be the same!Thats why i dont understand with as many Happy hours he has had himself...Why is this man not red yet??? Good ?!!!!So i'm asking everyone on my friends list to plz go and FAN/RATE/ADD HIM A.S.A.P!!!Let him know i sent you:)Also If you can get Five of your friends to also F/R/A Chuckiiboo then i will either rate 100 of your stash or 100 of your pictures!Not really into the points?...Thats ok to...i can make custom pics...check out my alb of the diffrent ones i made....and if u can get five ppl to f/r/a chuckii i will make you a custom pic of your own!!Make sure you ha
We Can't Spank The Kids, But We Can Carry Guns
HARROLD, Texas — A tiny Texas school district may be the first in the nation to allow teachers and staff to pack guns for protection when classes begin later this month, a newspaper reported. Trustees at the Harrold Independent School District approved a district policy change last October so employees can carry concealed firearms to deter and protect against school shootings, provided the gun-toting teachers follow certain requirements. In order for teachers and staff to carry a pistol, they must have a Texas license to carry a concealed handgun; must be authorized to carry by the district; must receive training in crisis management and hostile situations and have to use ammunition that is designed to minimize the risk of ricochet in school halls. Superintendent David Thweatt said the small community is a 30-minute drive from the sheriff's office, leaving students and teachers without protection. He said the district's lone campus sits 500 feet from heavily trafficked U.S. 28
We Can Share Every Day.
There is no hope of joy except in human relations. --Antoine de Saint Exupery It is hard to imagine being really joyful and excited without our family and friends. We can imagine a birthday party with no one but us attending. Even if we got many gifts, we would feel empty if there were no one around with whom to share our excitement. Our joy comes from each other. Even the hard times furnish us with wonderful memories for later in life. We share the good and the bad, and the rewards of both. When our lives together seem too difficult, when it's too hard to share, too crowded to think, when there are too many disagreements, we can find comfort by looking at one another once again and seeing all the ways we are truly alike, and what we share every moment that we sometimes take for granted--our food, our thoughts, the very air we breathe. What are the things we share right now?
We Call It Samhain
Hallowe'en has its origins in the British Isles. While the modern tradition of trick or treat developed in the U. S., it too is based on folk customs brought to this country with Irish immigrants after 1840. Since ancient times in Ireland, Scotland, and England, October 31st has been celebrated as a feast for the dead, and also the day that marks the new year. Mexico observes a Day of the Dead on this day, as do other world cultures. In Scotland, the Gaelic word "Samhain" (pronounced "SAW-win" or "SAW-vane") means literally "summer's end. " This holiday is also known as All Hallows Eve ("hallow" means "sanctify"); Hallowtide; Hallowmass; Hallows; The Day of the Dead; All Soul's Night; All Saints' Day (both on November 1st). For early Europeans, this time of the year marked the beginning of the cold, lean months to come; the flocks were brought in from the fields to live in sheds until spring. Some animals were slaughtered, and the meat preserved to provide food for winter. The
We Can Call This A Blog Of Satire.
Seven ways to sin so deadly, and our loving leaders.... So, as you may know, there are seven deadly sins. And why are these sins so deadly? Dictionaries would like to call them as sins that lead to damnation. But perhaps damnation isn’t so bad. After all, recall who’s done it..... Lust, the act of intense desire, committed by the BELOVED Bill Clinton. This wonderful man won the Presidency in 1992 with a popular vote of 44,908,233 yet committed a deadly sin. Clinton publicly stated, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky." Later he annouces the fact that he did, in fact, upon mutiple occasions. So are these deadly sins waived at the level of class one is at? Or how one may talk through an action?.... Envy, the act of wanting what others have. Let’s use the democratic party, beginning in 1812, not stopping through today, and beyond. So they’re party envies other nations, France for example, oh how green they ar
We Can Only Get Pimped 3 Times!!
The new rules are.. your only allowed around the block 3 times.we only get 3 pimps. so why cant we get pimped more then 3 times.if your friends want to pimp you they should be able to.if i new this i would have picked demon. at least you can shitface someone 10 times.I say a least 6 time are friends should be able to pimp us.please comment on this..tell babyjesus what you think on this..thank you..ryellowfast07..
We Can Get Beter-poem For Couples Having Issues With Marriage
Each step you takeas Man and Wife,will build the memories,of your new life.With love and trustand forgiveness too,may God bless you both,in all that you do.In times of troublesthat pass your way,remember the vows,you took on this day.May your hearts be filledwith a love that grows,in the joy of a union,that only love knows.
We Can Forget...
Here I go again...Questioning myself, Was she right? am I really crazy?,Extracting falsehood from her shelf?,DAMN IT!!!!STOP WITH THE DOUBT!!!,We know who we are!,Calm longer a shout,Yet here I go pacing the floor,Nerves racing, I reach for a smoke,And head for the door,Yes a smoke will do, it will do just fine,But only for a moment,As I am unconciously locked in my mind,What if shes right and I am truely flawed?,Explanations for the letting of blood,Scarred flesh previously clawed,STOP IT!! TAKE A DRAG OF YOUR CIGERETTE!,Let the nicotine take its hold, We'll close our eyes and just try to forget it,Let go and let loose the penitration,For to ponder this is little more,Than a mind fucking repeatitive masturbation...
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We Can't Forget
Some would say we should forget the events of years gone by, Forgive and forget, they would say, Just let sleeping dogs lie. Then there are some, of which I'm one, who say we can't let go, We can't forget the horrible wrongs that hurt our people so. We can't forget Wounded Knee, Sand Creek or the Trail of Tears, Because the things that happened there still happen after all these years. People are still forced from their homes, still driven from their land. The government still dominates our people with a hard and merciless hand. Promise are still not kept, Treaties are still broken, the government has reneged on every word it's spoken. We must keep fresh the memory of the ones who've gone before, and not forget the awful pain they bore. To honor them we must remember the high price they paid, The suffering that they endured and the sacrifices they made. We must keep and teach the traditions they held dear. And against injustice we must raise our voices loud and clear. We must teach o
We Can't Forget Who Are The Elders?
            It seems that there are many people these days who are trying to find a spirituality that they can believe in. For whatever reason, we are beginning to pay more attention to our spirit and to our direction in life. Many of us have found ourselves drawn to the First Nations beliefs, perhaps because they are seen as clean and pure, and based on the simpler times that we all seem to miss. As we make our way along the Red Road, with luck we are led to a person who has been given the wisdom and knowledge to be a teacher. We call these people Elders, and from them we begin to learn the ways and traditions that form the heart of First Nations beliefs. While these Elders generally do not think of themselves as anything special, they are usually highly regarded and treated with great respect. For some of us, however, these early times can be dangerous. Being human, most of us have a desire to be respected by the people around us. When we see the respect being gi
We Can't Chose Who We Fall In Love With
I am writing here to let out thoughts and feelings.. Its more for me but if any of what i am feeling or thinking makes you think or you have a comment by all means...   How is it when you meet that ONE person who is your Everything, the person you thought never existed, all feelings are magnified to crazy levels?? The Happy Times are Euphoric.. you never imagined you could be this happy and your heart is filled with joy and love. You have never in your life smiled soo much. you laugh and smile til your stomache hurts and your cheeks ache. You think ANYTHING is possible.. You thank God for finding this person for you or leading them to you. you look forward to seeing them, talking to them , being with them.  You can't imagine how you ever lived without them. You can just look at them for Hours and never be bored.. You don't want to close your eyes for fear you will wake up and its all been a DREAM. You don't even look to the future cause TODAY is soo perfect THAT'S all that matters.
We Can Love Someone
We can love someone and just be happy about it even if we know that it cannot last forever. It is not about having someone. It is not about owning a relationship; it is just about being happy because you know you have loved someone. There is a purpose and meaning behind all events and this purpose and meanings develop you as a person and a lover. Whatever relationship you have in your life now, they are precisely the ones you need at this moment.
We Can Compete At The Same Level And Understand The Game That Much Better." Joseph Had 19 Points For Canada (3-4) In A
CARACAS, Venezuela -- Canada will have to settle for international experience instead of a berth at the 2014 Basketball World Cup. The mens team lost 73-67 to Argentina at the FIBA Americas Championship on Sunday, ruining Canadas chances of qualifying for one of two spots at the World Cup. For head coach Jay Triano, Canadas downfall was in his young teams relative inexperience at the international level. "Our three best players are 22, 22 and 23 years old," said Triano, referencing Cory Joseph, Tristan Thompson and Andrew Nicholson. "Were going up against men who have played this game for a long time and have played at a high level for a long time. "Thats why were here. Were here to get the experience and play against these guys so when were that age, we can compete at the same level and understand the game that much better." Joseph had 19 points for Canada (3-4) in a losing effort, while Nicholson added 17 of his own. Thompson finished with eight points and 10 rebounds. Lu
Wec Girls
We Choked.
Ok, so I have been a die hard Tigers fan since...oh, I was born? Finally this year it looks like we are going to take first place and be awesome, which we were for the first half. After the all-star break we completely sucked. Then our final 3 games are against the Kansas City Royals who lost 100 games this year and we had beat 14 of out 15 games. I thought we had it in the bad to clinch the division. But NO...we have to lose all 3 games and allow the Twins to win the division. Beautiful. Now we are off to New York to play the Yankees on Tuesday night as our first playoff game as we are the AL wild card. It's quite disappointing, but at least we are in the playoffs for once. Ok, I'm done venting now.
We Changed A Cofounder
desi is no longer a cofounder due to personal reasons she is still a member so welcome our newest cofounder Broken ¢¾Broken¢¾CoFounder of Down & Dirty Crew@ fubar
We Chose Our Dates!!!
MOST OF SARGES BAD GIRLS PICKED THEIR VALENTINE DATES; CHECK THEM OUT! FuOwned By Photobug & BigSexy ~ MishNumber1 ♥ WISEUKF Owner ♥ SUP & ClubFAR@ fubar chose: ~Tom~ Fu-Owned By ~sTaR~@ fubar ♥sTaRr♥ of The Graveyard Family & Owned By RelliK ~♥~ Sarge's Bad Girls@ fubar chose: RelliK the BerzerkeR of ThE GraveyarD-sTaRr's Master-Security for DLS@ fubar milfsweetie/ Fu-Lover to TNT Bunny/ EAGLEFISH is my Valentine Date!!! / fu-wife of DEISEL@ fubar chose: eaglefish@ fubar Goddess }|{ Devine~PapaJoe's Valentine~Fu-Owned by Shalamar & LizzieK~Sarge's Bad Girls~
We Changed The Name.check It Out.
We Chose Each Other
You chose me I chose you you said I do I said I do some times were bad some times were good you hurt me I hurt you we both have regrets we both have sorrow I made you what you are you made me what I am I'm sorry your sorry I still love you do you still love me? I wrote this as a txt message after a fight with my ex. Feel free to use it if you want.
We Couldnt Get Much Higher
We Connected
Hard 2 Handle@ CherryTAP
Wecome To The Jungle
I had such a crush on AXL..yummmmmmmmm
We Could All Use Another Fan
Fan me and I will Fan you back.
We Could Have Built 400,000 Windmills With The Money Bush Wasted In Iraq
Bush wasted over $400 Billion in Iraq so far. Imagine Paying Half Price For All Of Your Electric Bills The best way to keep money away from Arab terroists is for America to get off of imported OIL.
We Come We Seek
so we al come here to find some one special. might be there choice of life style, be they are seeking a party animal to get down with. Som come to seek freinds and maybe more. Other come and see special things only what that special person can give to you..... So who and what do you seek on that land of cherrytap... to fill a need and an hunger.... to fill in some time.... so what is it you seek here,,,,,,,,,,,
We Come To Mourn Today For Mr. C. Sense
Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Mr. Common Sense. Mr.Sense had been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old >He was since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape. He will be remembered as having cultivated such value lessons a Mr. Common Senses knowing when to come in out of the rain, why the early bird gets the worm and that life isn't always fair. Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than you earn) and reliable parenting strategies (adults, not kids, are in charge). His health began to rapidly deteriorate when well intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place. - Reports of a six-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition. Mr. Sense declined even further when schools were required to get Parental consent to admini
We Control No Other.
There are as many ways to live and grow, as there are people. Our own ways are the only ways that should matter to us. --Evelyn Mandel Wanting to control other people, to make them live as we'd have them live, makes the attainment of serenity impossible. And serenity is the goal we are seeking in this life. We are each powerless over others, which relieves us of a great burden. Controlling our own behavior is a big enough job. Learning to behave responsibly takes practice. Most of us have behaved irresponsibly in our lives. Emotional immaturity is slow to depart, but every responsible action we take gives us the courage for another - and then another. Our own fulfillment is the by-product of the accumulation of our own responsible actions. Others' actions need not concern us. Today, I will weigh my behavior carefully. Responsible behavior builds gladness of heart.
We Could All Use One....
We Control
We want the sun to rise into a blue sky, but who can know? We want the air warm and a light breeze to cool us, but we can't say for sure - The only thing we control is who we sit beside as first light breaks. © All rights reserved
We Could Use All Ur Help!!! Thanks Bunches!
We Connect....
Your soul is on fire. You are unable to control this feeling any longer. She has touched you deep down inside. No one has ever been able to touch you this way, and she did it so…so effortlessly. It’s almost as if she was always there with you, inside you. Your thoughts are consumed with her. She is everywhere. In your mind. On your lips. Sleeping beside you at night. Your heart is pumping blood just for her. She whispers to you in a language only you can understand. She has stirred emotions within you that have lain dormant for years. Feelings of passion and darkness. She’s sprinkled your soul with her essence. It’s dripping with desire for her touch. She makes you realize that the life you live is merely an illusion. Who you really are is slowly emerging, as the mask of you former self is slowly being stripped away, layer by layer. Inside you always knew. She brought it all out of you. The darkness is thick and seductive. You feel lost and found all at the same time. You wonder how
We Could Use A Little Bombing Help
Lets get on this team come on.. We can get these done in no time.. Hurry ... 20k for a 3 month vip... 20k for a 30 month vip
We Could Talk
we could talk about how mutch i love you but i don't know you we could talk about the weather but that sux we could talk about religion but i don't believe we could talk about politics but they're a bunch of aholes we could talk about me but i'd have to kill you lol we could talk about kids but i aint got none we could talk about others but i aint like that we could talk about how stupid this is but i'd rather not so lets just talk about you!!!!!
We Could Be Ours
You could be mine, The taste of your skin rolling Gliding over my senses. Erotic fantasies flashing over In my mind, to let me know how Much they don't compare to you. I can almost feel the soft press of Your body, warm, firm, molding with Mine to form a perfect being. Nimble fingers and hands working Their spell over my desires. We could be one, you know that, We could become trapped in our Fancies staying tied down in our Own little play world held back by A thirst that can't be quenched. I could be yours, wrapped in clear Blanket on display for your amusement To show everyone the catch you've made The servant you're found, the lover you choose. We could be ours.
We Could All Start Out As Wormwood
“Now, if we can keep men asking: ‘Is it in accordance with the general movement of our time?  Is it progressive or reactionary?  Is this the way that History is going?’ they will neglect the relevant questions.  And the questions they DO ask are, of course, unanswerable; for they do not know the future, and what the future will be depends very largely on just those choices which they now invoke the future to help them to make…. We have trained them to think of the future as a promised land which favoured heroes attain – not as something which everyone reaches at the rate of sixty minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is.” C.S. Lewis’ writings to me range from something to think about to something insane, but “The Screwtape Letters” from which I excerpted the above passage really stands out.  It’s a picture of Hell from a Christian standpoint as a bloated bureaucracy where the goal is to draw forth human souls to beco
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We Control The Quality Of Our Products
[we Could Not Find This Post]
Welp, tomorrow I have to take back what I said, and have to come up with a... polite explanation as to why I don't want to take a physically dangerous job for $2.50 an hour.   I'd be less conflicted if I was a bastard, but pretty much everyone I know has reaffirmed that ... this is not a good idea.   What the fuck ever? Meanwhile my online "social life" ? If you can call it such continues to deteriorate much like everything else around me.   I haven't had the opportunity for a followup confrontation with a forum-goer who went pretty far out of his way to either malign me, misinterpret me, or just troll me.   Either way, he's not been seen since, but the owner/operator/moderator of said forum has a stick up his ass, and I was ... somewhat in the line of fire of his /rage.   Not something I want to deal with or come down on me since that forum's a good distraction, and of some use to me. His hissyfit was ill timed for me since I had taken about as much infantile fuckery as I
We Continue Seeing Each Other.
Things get a little under control Abel stays house sitting and i stay at my own home. Two days later i get company from out of state and now Abel is staying home for week i let company stay in Abels and another Mans rooms to make my guest feel at home. Abel and his friend will share my room with me. i put a cot in my room for Abels friend and allow abel to sleep in my bed with me. All the men at home are enjoying the company seeing is its my cousin and her two friends. We buy drinks and make dinner its a great night. We are all laughing and enjoying the company. We are all up till late maybe 2:30am i decide i need rest. i let everyone know where they are sleeping for the night and Abel and i go to my room i am really buzzed and laughing at the talk earlier. His friend comes into room and lays on cot. The house is quiet and sounds like everyone is asleep i push my ass against Abel now laying in my bed with me and he slides my panties to the side and suceeds to make me hot. I give in and
"w/e Cunt" So He Said....
Today i was rather unappy with a person who seemed to show just not how to treat a lady and how assinine people can be in their decisions. A guy on my yahoo IM'd me begging me to turn on my cam so he could supposedly "see your beautiful face." I highly doubted that was all he wanted. There was something going on there. After telling him no politely he refused to accept the word no. I told him I dont turn it on often and today I was buisy around the house doing chored and comming back to type. I wasn't around. He insisted i turn it on. At this point I knew he wanted more than just to see me. I told him it was annoying that he was asking me so much and starting to beg and to wait until a time that I approved for him to view it. Otherwise he should just accept that I did not want him to view it. He insisted I had lied to him about having a camera (which i have not to long ago aquired. and recently got to working on my slow computer only to have it break down here and there and refuse to w
We Cut Off Our Heads Lol Find Out Y Here
sorry we cut off out heads but we have a profile on yahoo 360 that we cant show our faces on......come on over too it and check it out....the link is;_ylt=AgBGTsFRc5GOE2Nu.MyyilKqAOJ3
We Cud Do With All The Support You Can Muster Ty Xxxxx
UKdelights is a new lounge, opening its doors on the 14th! Come check it out! Feeling like getting Fu-Employed? Think you have what it takes? Then click one of the above images and come drop us a line!
Wec Wrekcage
VERSUS PRESENTS ALL NEW EPISODES OF WEC WREKCAGE® Aug-13-2008 New York, N.Y. (August 12, 2008)—VERSUS, the network that celebrates real competition and the national television home of World Extreme Cagefighting® (WEC™), presents all new episodes of WEC WrekCAGE™ the next two Wednesday nights (Aug. 13 and Aug. 20) at 9 p.m. ET. WrekCage is a show that features a mix of the top matches from WEC events never before seen on television and VERSUS’ best live events. The episodes will be presented in High Definition where available. Tomorrow night’s episode features “The Last Samurai” Hiromitsu Miura and “The Menifee Maniac” Fernando Gonzalez in an intense middleweight bout. Also, in this episode, a smashing fight between All-American wrestler Shane Roller, who makes his WEC debut, and "The Pride of Texas" Todd Moore. Finally bantamweights Scott "Young Guns" Jorgensen and Kenji Osawa battle it out in the cage. The episode on August 20th will feature Tim "Wrecking Machine" McKenzie batt
whats up people - ray and i are going out to the brick bar in fort myers tonight c-ya there
Wed. 10/3/07
MySpace Graphics & MySpace Layouts
We Danced
We Day
well thta what I call it I was boring so far today..classes were. Caleb is coming over after he is done shopping so yah.
Wed Aug 8
Having trouble sleeping, almost to the 5 year anniversary of Mom's death. Tomorrow Aug 9 at 1:12 pm. Woke up Tue morning at 1 am. Thought it was time for me to be on watch with Mom. Realized I have reverted to 5 years ago and felt the huge empty ache again. Went and watched tv till about 3:30, then tried to get some sleep. I guess I got about 2 to 3 hours, then was up and off to work. Here I sit now at 4:20 am afraid to go to sleep. It's gonna be a long day and Thursday will be pure hell.
Wed 05-14-08 (action!)
Wednesday, May 14, 2008 As always, A pleasure to see you again. Although I gathered from our last blog that was a 'movie' theme with marquee lights flashing and looking rock star ... That I wont be seeing you or your names up in lights? (blog that ask if you wanted to be famous or not, 99% were NOT!) Which just means I have a few friends that are more 'grounded' and focused than a lot of folks who I've encountered on the Internet. I'll not bore you with my rehash or claim to fame ... For the newbz just say I was a 'wanna be' who ended up a
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"we Danced"
It was a dark and stormy night, when five children of the Lotus crept into a local cemetery, their intentions were nothing more than to smoke marijoowana leafs and drink acholic beverages. But these five young boys were soon joined by some very unlikely company. If fact, for the children of the Lotus, this was some company that they could only dream of. I'm talking about the dead. Not just any dead. I'm talking about they were joined by 5 ravishing, beautiful, lovely dead women who opened up to these boys and gave them their all.   Do you like the Ouija, we dance Blood, flesh, romance Right there, right in front of the tomb Beautiful, horrific, and the moon Dead flesh, crazy hormones Me with a hard dick Her with her neck broke We did the tango, she breathed She wiped blood on a killa's sleeve Now I ain't ever been one to pass She might be dead but she got a nice ass Riding to the bone, I like dead meat Wearing nothing but her panties Shaking to the beat So you like to d
Wed 05-07-08 (bump)
Wednesday, May 07, 2008 Question ______
Wed 04-16-08 (chicken Scatch)
Wedding Guest
I have a wedding to attend today so i will probably not be on much. Knowing me i will take my laptop and be hiding somewhere at the reception checking out Lost Cherry LMAO.
The Wedding Is In
The Wedding Party
Tired streamers fall all around. Burst ballons, refuse on the ground. Scent of smoke still lingers on telling a tale of revelers gone. Carpets stained from dancing feet Couches disheveled, a latent heat. The stereo silenced, CD's unbound music and dancing, ghosting around. Here was a party, laughter and joy For a pretty girl and her golden boy But the party its over all but the mess And returning the evenings fancy dress. Fifty years from now they'll remember the date. The wedding party, their ecstatic state. And hold each other so lovingly As they say goodnight so tenderly. © Copyright 2006 Amawitch-granny witch
Wedding Crashers
"Wedding Crashers" is one of the funniest films I've ever seen. The film is basically about two divorce mediators, played by Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson, whom likes to get together and crash weddings in order to meet and seduce women. Not a bad idea, considering some of the girls they meet in the movie, but things change when Owen Wilson's character falls in love with a girl at one of these weddings. Thus, changing both their lives forever. Owen's character, John, falls in love with the "Secretary of Treasury's" daughter, Claire, and she's already engaged. However, John devises a plan swoon the young lady's heart. Unfortunately, though, this also puts Vince's character, Jeremy, in some ackward and in some cases hurtful positions in the film, yet it's just too damn funny. Audiences will laugh outragiously when they see Vince tied up and getting seduced by a guy. Or when they play touch football. This film was just a laugh riot. Of course, you still have the typical Hollywood cliche l
Wedding Gown
I need to find a fancy black gown or wedding dress I can dye black. Preferably victorian style. Does anyone know where I can find one?
Weddin Stuff So Far
wedding invites
Wedding Ring And The Finger The Ring Is On!!!
Why wedding ring should put on the fourth finger ?? Pls follow the below step, really god make this a miracle( this is from a chinese excerpt) 1. Firstly, show your palm, centre finger bend and put together back to back 2. Secondly, the rest 4 fingers tips to tips 3. Games begin, follow the below arrangement, 5 finger but only 1 pair can split 4. Try to open your thumb, the thumb represent parents, it can be open cause all human does go thru sick and dead. Which is our parents will leave us one day 5. Pls close up your thumb, then open your second finger, the finger represent brothers and sisters, they do have their own family which is too they will leave us too 6. Now close up your second finger, open up your little finer, this represent your children. Sooner or later they too will leave us for they got they own living to live 7. Nevertheless, close up your little finer, try to open your fourth finger which
my ex came over to my house last night and we hung out. we watched scary movie 4, the ending of evita (and i sang as much as i could), the brothers grimm, and comedy central presents. my dad could hear me dying cuz i was laughin so hard at this big latino and dammit, i cant remember his name! then there was bryne who was also VERY funny! and now i have to go look for their stuff so i can laugh my ass off more. my ex and i played pool and i made so pretty amazing shots ^_^ i was impressed wit myself lol. he stayed from like 6 something until after midnight but watever, my friends stay late. it's freezing and raining here. i was so cold last night, i put on a bunch of winter clothes and it ended up NOT being a good idea cuz i was sweating by the time my ex left. it SUCKED!! i have to go to a wedding today so i prolly wont be online from 3 pm onward until tomorrow ASSUMIN i'm not kidnapped into sleeping over (since it's a family that's close to our family and the youngest da
Wedding Yippieeee
Well, Im getting married 8 weeks from last Saturday. We got the flowers, ribbon, cake decorations on Saturday. I bought my headdress from eBay, so that will be here sometime next week, hopefully! We've been having problems with the postal service here! :( heres a list of what we have; - Date. time. location - Minister - Bride Gown - Flowers - his birth certificate (without it we couldnt have gotten married!) - candles ...candle holders (not like the kind I broke and sliced my foot open with) - Bubbles - wedding cake supplies - decorations - cake plates - napkins - the invitation stock, ink cartridge, envelopes, and mailing labels - I bought my headdress on Ebay - Ribbon - cake topper - little castles - veil material (its gonna look awesome, for what moms gonna do with it..I'M SO HAPPY) - IT'S ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL ABOUT ME ME ME ME!!!! - guest book/pen What we need; - a print program that does invites - get
Wedding Jokes
Wedding Jokes How do most men define marriage? A very expensive way to get your laundry done for free. The most effective way to remember your wife's birthday is to forget it once. Getting married is very much like going to a restaurant with friends. You order what you want, then when you see what the other fellow has, you wish you had ordered that. At the cocktail party, one woman said to another,"Aren't you wearing your wedding ring on the wrong finger?" The other replied, "Yes, I am, I married the wrong man." Man is incomplete until he is married. Then he is finished. A little boy asked his father, "Daddy, how much doesit cost to get married?" The father replied, "I don't know son, I'm still paying." Young Son: Is it true, Dad, I heard that in some parts of Africaa man doesn't know his wife until he marries her? Dad: That happens in every country, son. Then there was a man who said, "I never knew what real happinesswas until I got married
Wedding Night Manners
The nervous young bride became irritated by her husband's lusty advances on their wedding night and reprimanded him severely. "I demand proper manners in bed," she declared, "just as I do at the dinner table." Amused by his wife's formality, the groom smoothed his rumpled hair and climbed quietly between the sheets. "Is that better?" he asked, with a hint of a smile." "Yes," replied the girl, "much better." "Very good, darling," the husband whispered. "Now would you be so kind as to please pass the pussy."
Wedding Day
These are the vows I was to read at our wedding. Me and Jay had always planned on getting married. He was and always will be my heart and soul. He went to be in heaven before I could say this aloud to him. we both however took vows in our hearts from the begining. That has not changed and never will. He is my life and one day we will be together again in heaven. Wedding Day today, on this our wedding day the day on which we come together for all eternity the day on which our lives and future are changed for the better I say this to you my love that I will always love you today and everyday with every breath I take my love for you will be shown that I will protect you with every ounce of blood in my body if so needed that I will be considerate of you at all times that I will always respect, honor and be loyal to you, my husband, that I will, as your wife be a good woman and a loving mother to you, my husband and only you I make these vows swearing on the
Wedding Ideas
Give the bride and groom a gift they will love and cherish for years to come. wedding cake You can order the wedding cake from a caterer or a bakery. Some hotels and restuarants may also be able to provide a wedding cake. But ordering it from a bakery who specializes in wedding cakes will probably be better. When ordering the cake you have to choose the flavor, size, design and shape. Size is determined by the number of guests. Choose the flavor you want. The most common flavors are carrot, chocolate, rum, white and lemon. You can also add a filling to your cake like custard, strawberry and chocolate. You can always consider having tiers with different flavors. music The ceremony music is played during the ceremony that includes the prelude, processional, ceremony, recessional and postlude. Prelude music is played before the ceremony begins and while the guests are seated. The processional music is played when the wedding party enters the ceremony site. Ceremony music is played durin
Wedding Day
This will crack you up!!!!
The Weddding Test
The Wedding Test My girlfriend and I had been dating for over a year when we decided to get married. My parents helped us in every way, and my friends encouraged me. My girlfriend? She was a dream! There was only one thing bothering me. That one thing was her younger sister. My prospective sister-in-law was twenty years of age, wore tight miniskirts, and low cut blouses. She would regularly bend down when near me, and I got many a pleasant view of her underwear. It had to be deliberate. She never did it when she was near anyone else. One day little sister calls and asked me to come over to check the wedding invitations. She was alone when I arrived. She whispered to me that soon I was to be married, and she had feelings and desires for me that she could not overcome and did not really want to overcome. She told me that she wanted to make love to me just once before I got married and committed my life to her sister. I was in total shock and could not say a word. She
The Wedding Night
Wedding Night ~ The wedding date was set and the groom's three pals -- a carpenter, an electrician and a dentist were deciding which pranks to play on the couple on their wedding night. The carpenter figured sawing the slats of their bed would give them a chuckle or two. The electrician decided to wire the bed - with alternating current, of course. The dentist wouldn't commit himself, but wore a sly grin -- and promised it would be memorable. The nuptials went as planned and a few days later, each of the grooms buddies received the following note: "DEAR FRIENDS, WE DIDN'T MIND THE BED SLATS BEING SAWED. THE ELECTRIC SHOCK WAS ONLY A MINOR SETBACK. BUT I SWEAR BY GOD ALMIGHTY, I'M GOING TO KILL WHOEVER PUT NOVOCAIN IN THE K-Y JELLY!"
Wedding Bell Drinks
1 oz. Dubonnet Rouge 3/4 oz gin 2 tsp. cherry brandy 1 tbsp. Pernod 1/2 tsp. Cointreau or triple sec In a mixing glass half-filled with ice cubes, combine all of the ingredients. Stir well. Strain into a cocktail glass.
Well peeps yesterday my beautiful cousin Alicia got married to Brody at Lighthouse baptist church in Abbeville and then we all went to the reception that was held at the Stoney Point lake clubhouse and most of us got hella drunk and had a damn good time. Of course my cousin and I's side of the family is rednecks lol and Brodys side...well they are kinda the snooty stuck up type....guess who's side of the family left long before anyone else....Brody's!! So the rednecks win once again lol!! I just had to say that....I had a blast and drank PJ juice..lots of it I might add...and I had some champagne and I had 3 Budweisers I think.....needless to say I was wasted...I had loads of fun and I hope the bride and groom did as well!! I talked my aunt "Wamda's" (Wanda) ear off but Im glad she didnt mind and let me hehe. Poor Aubri...which is Alicia and Brody's baby was very tired and had a cold, but I enjoyed playing with her. She is so adorable! The only thing bad that happened was this girl na
Wedding Dress Tailor
A woman getting married for the fourth time visited a tailor to get a wedding dress made. When the tailor inquired about the color, the bride-to-be said "White". The tailor was a bit suprised by this, and said, "Excuse me, I don't mean to pry, but since white is the color traditionally worn by a virgin on her wedding night, I can't help wondering if you might still be a virgin? How could that be?" The woman replied, "I'm sorry to say, but that's the way it is. You see, my first husband was a psychologist. He just wanted to talk about it. My second husband was a gynecologist. He just wanted to look. My third husband was a stamp collector. God, I miss him..."
Wedding Rehearsal
During the wedding rehearsal, the groom approached the pastor with an unusual offer. "Look, I'll give you $100 if you'll change the wedding vows. When you get to me and the part where I'm to promise to 'love, honor and obey' and 'forsaking all others, be faithful to her forever,' I'd appreciate it if you'd just leave that part out." He passed the minister a $100 bill and walked away satisfied. It is now the day of the wedding, and the bride and groom have moved to that part of the ceremony where the vows are exchanged. When it comes time for the groom's vows, the pastor looks the young man in the eye and says: "Will you promise to prostrate yourself before her, obey her every command and wish, serve her breakfast in bed every morning of your life and swear eternally before God and your lovely wife that you will not ever even look at another woman, as long as you both shall live?" The groom gulped and looked around, and said in a tiny voice, "Yes." The groom leaned toward th
Wedding/new Years
omg! my new years was AWESOME! my cousin got married on dec. 31st and i was the maid of honor for it :-p needless to say i had a blast! got some married guys into some trouble, my bad >:-) i will have some pics uploaded soon. so come on back and take a boo. have a good one
Wedding Crashers
Ok, I saw this for the first time last night on HBO, and I thought it was going to suck balls, but to tell you the truth it was realy good. Not "I'm going to cry" good, but still good. I GIVE THIS MOVIE 3 AND 1/2 STARS OUT OF 4.
The Wedding 1
There were 4 or 5 couples that hung around together in college, but the kinkiest of us all were Jim and his wife. Before they married, they used to try and get one of the other couples to stay at their apartment. This always led to a lot of sex talk, drinking, etc.. My guy would stay at their place whenever he came to town. Gary and I never got to the part where we switched partners with them, but it was obvious to me that Jim really wanted to get into my panties. He would invite me out to his place when Gary was due in town and try to seduce me before he got there. He’d ply me with drinks and rub against me and just leer at me. It used to get me pretty aroused, and I’m sure that he and Adele would watch us fuck later on when we went to bed. We all eventually got married and moved away. Our last friend to get married brought us all back together after a few years. The wedding was in August and it was hotter than usual. Everything was going fine – lots of drinking and partying at
Wedding Night Surprise
More Videos from
Wedding Night
An elderly gentleman married a girl in her early twenties. The wedding went fine and they left on their honeymoon. The elderly gentleman didn't get right with the program, as he was in a bad mood that night. The young wife felt that he was probably tired and let him sleep for a while. A couple of hours later being excited for having sex, she decided that this had gone on long enough, but wanted not to appear over anxious and let him be the one in charge. She woke the old fellow up. "What is the matter", he asked. She replied "This side of the bed is too hard, I want to lay on your side." He got up and walked around the bed, got in on her side and went to sleep. A few minutes later she was starting to really want to consummate things. She awoke him again. "What now?" He asked. She said, "You know I think I was wrong, maybe that side is more comfortable let me lie on that side." Again he got up walked around, got in, and went to sleep. By this time, she was really ready to make
Wedding Ring
>>Recently a man had to go to the hospital to have his wedding ring cut off >>from his penis after his mistress found the ring in his pants >>pocket and got so mad at him she stuck it on him while he was asleep. >> >>Now I don't know what's worse: >> >> 1) Having your mistress find out you're married. >> >> 2) Explaining to your wife how your wedding ring got on your penis. >> >> 3) Or finding out your penis fits through your wedding ring.
Wedding Auction
Wedding Auction
The Wedding Day
During the wedding rehearsal, the groom approached the pastor with an unusual offer. "Look, I'll give you $100 if you'll change the wedding vows. When you get to me and the part where I'm to promise to 'love, honor and obey' and 'forsaking all others, be faithful to her forever,' I'd appreciate it if you'd just leave that part out." He passed the minister a $100 bill and walked away satisfied. It is now the day of the wedding, and the bride and groom have moved to that part of the ceremony where the vows are exchanged. When it comes time for the groom's vows, the pastor looks the young man in the eye and says: "Will you promise to prostrate yourself before her, obey her every command and wish, serve her breakfast in bed every morning of your life and swear eternally before God and your lovely wife that you will not ever even look at another woman, as long as you both shall live?" The groom gulped and looked around, and said in a tiny voice, "Yes." The groom leaned t
Wedding Dress Lol
Halter100%Sleeveless100%Strapless90%Long sleeves70%Short sleeves.60%Miniskirt10%What should your wedding dress look like??(Beautiful dresses)created with
The Wedding Ring
This was in a newspaper in the southwest. Subject: The Wedding Ring Recently a man went to the hospital to have his wedding ring cut off from >his penis. His mistress found the ring in his pants pocket, and she got so >mad at him, she used petroleum jelly to slip the ring on his penis while he >was asleep. I don't know what's worse: 1) Having your mistress find out you're married. 2) Explaining to your wife how your wedding ring got on your penis. 3) Or finding out your penis fits through your wedding ring.
Wedding Day Wishes
I wish that you could be here, To share my special day; To walk me down the aisle, And give my hand away. I know you want to be here too; You look down and hold me In your warm embrace. I cannot see your arms But I know that they are there-- They comfort and they hold me And I know that you still care. It wasn't right that you were taken Away from us so soon, But I see you every night When I look up at the moon. And every now and then I sit entranced in calm and wonder When the wind blows with gentle ease-- For it's your words of love I hear-- Echoing in the breeze. done for my cuz and his wife to be . done by christine
Wedding Day
This is your very special day Your vows you had to say Remember them throughout your life You have now become husband and wife Treasure the moments that you share Always show how much you care You'll have good times and bad Some will be happy, some sad Share your feelings, don't try to hide This will tear you up inside Take each and every day slow As the years go by your love will grow Patience and Understanding you'll need But Love is the strongest indeed Happiness is wished for you On this day you said " I DO " done by christine
Wedding Bells?
is it just me or are there wedding bells up in the top corner of the screen instead of the beer mug? anyone know what for? It's driving me insane.
Wedding Breakdown
well, after sitting down and realizing there would be 50+ people at my wedding when i wanted a small function, today i flipped shit and broke down a bit. so i took my marriage plans into my own two hands and grabbed the phone. i dis-invited everyone, but under 15 family and very, very close friends and pissed off some people, but I DONT CARE. i have dealt with too much shit in the past month and a half due to this pregnancy to worry about what everybody else thinks. i have spent my whole entire life trying to be kind to my friends and forfeit my own wishes, well newsflash!!! this is my damn wedding and i will have it whatever way i want and however will make ME comfortable and happy! for once in my life i am going to be selfish as hell. i will have a soft goth wedding with no one to stand up with me and billy, i will be me and billy and the preacher and everyoneelse can sit back and watch buit stay the hell out of it - i want a quiet wedding with immediate family and to hell with what
Wedding Anniversary
OMG.....This is funny! Well I think so A husband was in BIG trouble when he forgot his wedding anniversary "Tomorrow," his wife angrily told him, "there had better be something in our driveway that goes from zero to 200 in two seconds flat!" The next morning, the wife looked outside and saw a small package in the driveway. She brought it inside, opened it, and found a brand new bathroom scale. His funeral is on Saturday at 2 p.m.
Wedding Present For Victoria
Wedding Day
We decided on the date so now is to patiently wait for the people we asked to be in it to answer before christmas so if not we have to ask others so far its set on my side everyone is going to be in it and if you want to see the wedding party on my side its at they are on the wedding page so you can see them and some of the ones on his side
The Wedding Of
There was once upon a time an old fox with nine tails, who believed that his wife was not faithful to him, and wished to put her to the test. He stretched himself out under the bench, did not move a limb, and behaved as if he were stone dead. Mrs. Fox went up to her room, shut herself in, and her maid, miss cat, sat by the fire, and did the cooking. When it became known that the old fox was dead, suitors presented themselves. The maid heard someone standing at the house-door, knocking. She went and opened it, and it was a young fox, who said, what may you be about, miss cat. Do you sleep or do you wake. She answered, I am not sleeping, I am waking, would you know what I am making. I am boiling warm beer with butter, will you be my guest for supper. No, thank you, miss, said the fox, what is mrs. Fox doing. The maid replied, she is sitting in her room, moaning in her gloom, weeping her little eyes quite red, because old mr. Fox is dead. Do just tell her, miss, that a young fox is here,
Wedding Stuff
hey everyone, i know its a ways away, not until the first week in july but my best friend melissa is gettin married and i get the wonderful joy of being her maid of honor. she just let me know that the colors are gonna be red and black, and im freakin excited since i get to wear flip flops too, which helps cause both of us are freakin amazons. anyway trying to think what kind of style of dress i should try just to get ideas. so hit me up with some ideas and let me know what u think i should do. your opinions would be greatly appreciated. thats ya'll. show some love and let me know what u think k. thanks, JULIE
Wedding Vow
You are God’s precious gift to me, my springtime, my hope and my joy. You are everything that’s good and pure and true and I worship you with my mind, body and soul. How blessed I am to be able to say that you are mine, to be able to love and cherish you for the rest of my days. I vow to always put you first in my life, always be there to comfort you in your sorrow and rejoice with you in your victories. May our hearts and very breath become one as we unite this day as husband and wife. I promise to be your true love from this day forward and forevermore…
Wedding Anniversary What They Stand For
Anniversary Year Associated Gift 1st Wedding Anniversary Paper 2nd Wedding Anniversary Cotton 3rd Wedding Anniversary Leather 4th Wedding Anniversary Silk or Flowers 5th Wedding Anniversary Wood 6th Wedding Anniversary Iron 7th Wedding Anniversary Wool 8th Wedding Anniversary Bronze 9th Wedding Anniversary Pottery 10th Wedding Anniversary Tin 11th Wedding Anniversary Steel 12th Wedding Anniversary Silk 13th Wedding Anniversary Lace 14th Wedding Anniversary Ivory 15th Wedding Anniversary Crystal 20th Wedding Anniversary China 25th Wedding Anniversary Silver Wedding Balloons - Click Here 30th Wedding Anniversary Pearl 35th Wedding Anniversary Coral 40th Wedding Anniversary Ruby 45th Wedding Anniversary Sapphire 50th Wedding Anniversary Golden Wedding Balloons - Click Here 55th Wedding Anniversary Emerald 60th Wedding Anniversary Diamond
A Wedding Prayer
So I went to SC this weekend to get fitted for a tux to be the best man (2nd time ever for this honor) at one of my old high school friends wedding. But the title of best man is very overrated. If I'm the best man,what's the bride doing marrying the groom? Aren't we all suppose to get married to the person that is the best for us? :) Why also whenever I'm in SC it takes a longer than usual to get to my destination? Have anyone noticed that when they're traveling there? Okay I cross the Talmadge Bridge, and before I get to US 17 ALT. it says Hilton Head 25 miles. So I'm traveling along for about 10 mins going close to 70 mph. Then I turn off to SC 170 and then it says Hilton Head 23 miles. Now I always have noticed this but this is the first time I'm being outspoken about it. I highly doubt going 70 mph for 10 mins. I only traveled 2 miles. So m y so-called O.C.D. kicked in and I decided to set my gauge to see what's the true mileage between Hilton Head and Savannah; Remember my
Wedding Nite
Chinese couple gets married - and she's a virgin. Truth be told, he is not too experienced either. On their wedding night, she cowers naked under the sheets as her husband undresses. He climbs in next to her and tries to be reassuring. "My darring," he says, "I know dis yu firss time and you berry frighten. I pomise you, I give you anyting you want, I do anyting juss anyting you want. What chou want?" he says. A thoughtful silence follows and he waits patiently (and eagerly) for her request. She eventually replies shyly and unsure, "I want to try sometin I have heard about... numbaa 69." More thoughtful silence, this time from him. Eventually, in a puzzled tone he queries, "You want... Chicken wiff broccori??
Wedding Night...
The wedding date was set and the groom's three pals - A carpenter, an electrician and a dentist were deciding What pranks to play on the couple on their wedding night. The carpenter figured sawing the slats of their bed would give them a chuckle or two. The electrician decided to wire the bed - with alternating current, of course. The dentist wouldn't commit himself, but wore a sly grin and promised it would be memorable. The nuptials went as planned and a few days later, Each of the grooms buddies received the following note: DEAR FRIENDS, WE DIDN'T MIND THE BED SLATS BEING SAWED. THE ELECTRIC SHOCK WAS ONLY A MINOR SETBACK. BUT I SWEAR BY GOD ALMIGHTY, I'M GOING TO KILL WHOEVER PUT NOVACAINE IN THE K-Y JELLY
Wedding Test!
THE WEDDING TEST I was a very happy person. My wonderful girlfriend and I had been dating for over a year, and so we decided to get married. There was only one little thing bothering me... It was her beautiful younger sister. My prospective sister-in-law was twenty-two, wore very tight miniskirts, and, generally, was bra-less. She would regularly bend down when she was near me, and I always got more than a nice view. It had to be deliberate because she never did it when she was near anyone else. One day this "little" sister called and asked me to come over to check the wedding invitations. She was alone when I arrived, and she whispered to me that she had f eelings and desires for me that she couldn't overcome. She told me that she wanted me just once before I got married and committed my life to her sister. Well, I was in total shock, and couldn't say a word. She said, "I'm goin
Wedding Crashers: Motorboat
Wedding Update
A lot of people we know keep asking when we're finally going to get married. Derrick has proposed to me something like 7 different times now... lol. Well, here's the scoop: We were originally gonna get married on my birthday (April 1), but then we decided that wasn't such a great date after all. Someone I cared about died on that day (my 21st b-day), it's my birthday and it's April Fool's Day! So, we moved it up a week to April 7th. Well, that happens to be an unlucky and lucky day for us, seeing as it was our anniversary, but, it was also the day we got into our car accident. Plus, by March 1st, I still didn't have a dress, the place we reserved flaked on us, nothing had even begun to be organized and we really couldn't afford it anyway. As for a new date... the answer is... we have no idea! We want it to be sometime this year, probably near the end of summer and we are now going to have it on the beach. I DO have my dress now (see last blog post), we don't yet have a place for
A Wedding!
i'm brides maid and you're invited to the CT wedding of Lord Lestat and Pain is my Passion click here and join us in this beautiful wedding now!
The Wedding Chapel Banner
Wedding In Real Time
May 19, 07 at 2:00 pm Master Kris and kitten say I Do all is welcome to come out and have a great time Note: kitten ask if you wish to give a wedding gife that it not be something for Master Kris or her but for the baby as We still have alot of things We need !!
Wedding Ring
Wedding Ring Recently a man had to go to the hospital to have his wedding ring cut off from his penis after his girlfriend found the ring in his pants pocket and got so mad at him she stuck it on him while he was asleep. Which is worse? Having your girlfriend find out you're married. Explaining to your wife how your wedding ring got on your penis. Or finding out your penis fits through your wedding ring.
Ok Wedding day is almost here! Only 3 days left YAY then its over! I cant wait till all the stress is over im going insane! Dont worry all I will be posting lots of pictures! Its been a long time since i wore a dress let alone a white dress lol! This should be fun!
Wedding Vows
Wedding Vows A grandmother overheard her 5-year-old granddaughter playing "wedding." The wedding vows went like this: "You have the right to remain silent, anything you say may be held against you, you have the right to have an attorney present. You may kiss the bride."
Well all I finally took the plunge and got married! It was a very nice ceremony, The only thing that went wrong is the flowers didnt show up in time for the ceremony! We went to Canada for our honeymoon that was great! We will be taking more trips,hopefully here in the near future!
The Wedding Dress......this Is Just Wrong!!!
A Son asked his mother the following question: "Mum, why are wedding dresses white?" The mother looks at her son and replies, "Son, this is an old old tradition and it signifies to all your friends and relatives that your bride is pure." The son thanks his Mum and goes off to double-check this with his father. "Dad why are wedding dresses white?" The father looks at his son in surprise and says, "Son, all household appliances come in white."
Wedding Certificates Needed & Minsiter Needed
A couple of my friends here on CT are getting married. They are needing someone to marry them and would like to see what type of marriage certificates are available... Can anyone help? Thanks in Advance! The Father
Wedding Hellraiser Lounge
I would like to invite you all to a Wedding! Tonight at 8 pm Eastern in the Hellraiser Lounge... Bulldog & Babygurl Would like all of you to join them for the festivities.
Wedding Song
WEDDING SONG © lyrics Lady Bridget and Sarah Hanson, Sept 9, 1997 sung to the tune of "There Is Love" We are gathered in this sacred space of tenderness and care To witness this most blessed rite, your happiness we share. The union of your spirits here is wondrous to behold This is the greatest magic that the Universe does hold. It is love, it is love. Well a man shall leave his mother and a woman leave her home They shall travel on to where the two shall be as one As it was in the beginning, is now until the end Woman is the chalice, and the athame the man. And there's love, there is love. Well is there a better reason for becoming man and wife? It is love that brings you here, and it's love that brings you life. For as constant and as steady as the stars that shine above And as solid a foundation as the stones shall be your love. There is love, there is love.
Wedding Pics
check out the pics from my cousins wedding
The Wedding
Today is wed June 20th. Sat June 23rd my son is getting married. It is a busy 2 1/2 days before the event. I was thinking back on all that has happened since Aug 22 1979. That is the day we brought him home from North Platte Ne. He weighted 4lbs 12 oz. I was afraid he would break but I couldn't put him down. Brian is adopted. I was so afraid we would never get him. Not knowing it was a him. I wanted a child so bad I cried myself to sleep for 3 yrs. I tried not to let it interfere with my daily life. In the end it was one of the reasons for the end of my marriage. But I could never even think of my life without Brian. The terrible 2's didn't prepare me for the horrendous teens. I can laugh now but at the time I was so worried. He was a very strong willed person in his own right. He had a temper that he used a few times. Even broke his hand hitting the wall because I told him he couldn't go out at 9pm on a school night. 16 has to be the beginning of the turnaround. He h
Wedding Day!!!!!!
It is 2:40am Sunday June 24th. I am just winding down from the last few frantic days. My son got married Saturday the 23rd. He gave me the daughter I never had. Jamie has the patience of a saint and she loves my son. She is a reasonably decent mother to the 3 grand kids. No body is a perfect parent. Not even me. But now I can tell every one I have a daughter-in -law. I now have bragging rites for all 3 boys. Treston is now officially a step grandson. I have been his grandma since he was 2yrs old. And you know that doesn't make me feel old. 3 grandsons. Wow! A girl would have been nice, but I just can't imagine not having Treston and his obsession for his Game Boy. Or what would I do with out Bryce and his leprechaun smile. Or Caleb who has the most wonderful disposition and infectious smile. Nope not old at all. Just very very happy. And looking forward to the next big event. Caleb and Trestons combined birthday party. Good night. I know I will sleep well.
Wedding Season Is Scary
lol just a few funny as hell wedding vid clips I had to share for all my friends who are "at that season". Especially my sweet Alysa and Brad!! And Joey and Marlene I loves you guys!! lol Never go to the little bakery for the cake! The flowers flowers- Spice it up- Make sure you wait until the reception to pop your viagra Save it all for the end and remember- it could always have gone worse ;) In the words of the wise- Now Lets boogaloo til we puke!
Subject: wedding Below is a true story about a recent wedding that took place at Clemson: This was a huge wedding with about 300 guests. After the wedding at the reception, the groom got up on stage at the microphone to talk to the crowd. He said that he wanted to thank everyone for coming, many from long distances, to support them at their wedding. He especially wanted to thank the bride's and groom's families for coming and to thank his new father-in-law for providing such a fabulous reception. To thank everyone for coming and bringing gifts and everything, he said he wanted to give everyone a special gift from just him. So taped to the bottom of everyone's chair was a manila envelope, including the wedding party. He said that was his gift to everyone, and told everyone to open the envelopes. Inside each manila envelope was a 8x10 picture of his best man having sex with the bride (He had gotten suspicious of the two of them and hired a private detective to trail t
The Wedding
Wedding Ring True Story from Houston Medical Center > > A man went to the ER to have his wedding ring cut off from his penis. > According to the Nurse attending, the patient's girl friend found the ring > in his pants pocket and she got so mad at him, she used petroleum jelly to > slip the ring on his penis while he was asleep. > > Now you decide what's worse: > > 1) Having your girl friend find out you're married. > 2) Explaining to your wife how your wedding ring got on your penis. > 3) Or finding out your penis fits through your wedding ring.
Wedding Vows To My Ex
“Vow” (With A Poets Heart) by Jöseph Lee Foster-Shumpert-Lear, 1997 Published 19 March 2004 :: Poetry Read more by Jöseph Lee Foster-Shumpert-Lear “Vow” (With A Poets Heart) “Vow” (With A Poets Heart) écrivant le 25, novembre 1997 With a poets heart I stand here before thee With this ring in hand And vow upon my lips For the love you have given me The kindness and concern I will cherish your heart Placing it upon high with my own Making a whole... Where a half once stood For the warmth in your touch The sympathy in your eyes I will cherish you for now Until eternity ends For with this ring Unto your finger I lay I today marry my friend The only one for which Shares my every hope And dream In sickness Or unjoy By your side I will sit with tear in eye Until the day We say good-bye And Beyond And in health With you in love I can never part For today I combine My heart and soul With yours Making a whole . . .
The Wedding Singer
Wedding Night
Three sisters decided to get married on the same day and to save their parents money, they also resolved to spend their honeymoon nights at home. Later that night, their mother couldn't sleep so she went to the kitchen for a cup of tea. On her way, she tiptoed by her oldest daughter's bedroom and heard her screaming. The mother thought to herself, "That's normal, especially on her wedding night." She snuck by her second oldest daughter's room and heard her laughing. "That's normal too," she said, smiling to herself. Finally, she slipped by her youngest daughter's room where she didn't hear a peep, but she thought nothing of it. The next morning in the kitchen, after the husbands had gone out, the woman asked her daughters about last night's noises. "Well, Mom," the eldest replied, "you always said if it hurt I should scream." "Mom, you told me that if it tickled, I should laugh," replied the next daughter. "Now it's your turn honey," she said turning to the younges
Wedding Count Down
Well.. Im not sure if every one knows... but we finally set a date for our wedding some time ago... I just havent gotten around to telling everyone about it.. but .. the days keep passing by and its getting closer so I thought I would run a Count down to the BIG DAY!!! .... August 30th, 2007.... 49 days to go and counting.... Wish us luck!!!!
The Wedding Of David & Angel
Ok, so like David and I are getting married in May of 2008. I am trying to get things in order as far as planning and things go ~ STRESSFUL ~ Geesh ~ anyways... so far I have everyone in the wedding that we wanted ~ I am still waiting on one more person to let me know what she wants to do ~ Anyways, other then that, things seems to be moving along pretty good ~ We picked out our invitations and all the stuff we want to go with the wedding ~ David picked out what kind of a TUX he wants ~ (imagine David in a TUX) I can't wait to see him in it ~ *SIGHS* ~ I have my dress picked out ~ I just gotta order it ~ I have been doing pretty good with losing weight too ~ *Yeah* ~ Still trying to figure out food though ~ Not sure what kind of food to do ~ If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know ~ We kind of want to do a buffet ~ that way everyone can get up and move around and mingle a little without worrying about missing dinner ~ Plus they can come back and get as much as they want too ~
Wedding Night!!
You are invited to the wedding tonight at 12:00am EST (Midnight) in the World Rock Radio lounge! Come witness and congratulate Angel and Lady Jessie Bryan AdamsOn A Day Like TodayMusic Video Codes By Music Click banner to enter lounge
The Wedding Test
I was a very happy man. My wonderful girlfriend and I had been dating for over a year, and so we decided to get married. There was only one little thing bothering me...It was her beautiful younger sister. My prospective sister-in-law was twenty-two, wore very tight miniskirts, and generally was bra-less. She would regularly bend down when she was near me, and I always got more than a nice view. It had to be deliberate. Because she never did it when she was near anyone else. One day her "little" sister called and asked me to come over to check the wedding invitations . She was alone when I arrived, and she whispered to me that she had feelings and desires for me that she couldn't overcome. She told me that she wanted me just once before I got married and committed my life to her sister. Well, I was in total shock, and couldn't say a word. She said, "I'm going upstairs to my bedroom, and if you want one last wild fling, just come up and get me." I was stunned and frozen in
Wedding Starts In Less Than 10 Min
10 MINUTES TILL THE WEDDING! :) Click and bookmark the lounge or become a member.Wedding Will Be Held In The SanctumThank You allThat's 10PM EST
Wedding Is Off...
That's right folks, it is over. I asked him to leave cuz I just wasn't ready and now he being a jerk...I guess he has that right, but in my house? What to do now? Anyway, I only have less than 6 wks of school before I get my full-time job and I am very excited! Medical terminology is very hard...I didn't think it would be but memorizing words that don't make any sense to begin with is well....weird? Maybe even seems I updated my profile "about me" section just a little bit too...hope you all like it. I also hope you all have a great day...everyday of course.
Wedding Bands
Well it's been along time since I have written a blog, One reason is that My editor & I broke up.. (something about pay for my edits.. every four words a dollar..) go figure. Well anyways this blog I will try to do it all on my own.. I scan thought profiles here on "Fucked up beyond repair". As well as photos folders.. & one thing that gets me is the foot fetish men .. come on how many of you guys are out there, Then the wedding band photos!!!!!! I'm not a guy from the Mid West but hey!!!!! YOU GUYS LOVE YOUR WOMAN & really guys.. "If Your women's finger is bigger than the wedding band. You might be a redneck" & Ladies of the Midwest just don't accept any old wedding band Who cares if it was his Greatgrandma's from her 1st husband. she was married 3 times..(what does that tell you?) Pick your own ring that fits.. not this lil old diamond chip..??? what the fuck is that? I'll snort that much just to see if it gets me high? Good Luck summer is the the time of Love .. & new
Wedding Night
WEDDING NIGHT Honeymoon at Home: Fred and Mary get married but can't afford a honeymoon, so they go back to Fred's Mom and Dad's for their first night together. In the morning, Johnny, Fred's little brother, gets up and has his breakfast. As he is going out of the door to go to school, he asks his mom if Fred and Mary are up yet. She replies, "No". Johnny asks, "Do you know what I think?" His mom replies, "I don't want to hear what you think! Just go to school." Johnny comes home for lunch and asks his mom, "Are Fred and Mary up yet?" She replies, "No." Johnny says, "Do you know what I think?" His mom replies, "Never mind what you think! Eat your lunch and go back to school." After school, Johnny comes home and asks again, "Are Fred and Mary up yet?" His mom says, "No." He asks, "Do you know what I think?" His mom replies, "Ok, now tell me what you think?" H
Wedding Invitation
You are invited to share in the blessed wedding day of Texasman and Southernbelle9 Location: Pimpin Lounge Time: 4:30 PM EST everyone is welcome!!!!!!!!
Wedding Night
A young couple on their wedding night were in their honeymoon suite. As they were undressing for bed, the husband, a big burly man, tossed his trousers to his new bride. He said, "Here, put these on." She put them on and the waist was twice the size of her body. "I can't wear your trousers." she said. "That's right,'' said the husband, "and don't you ever forget it. I'm the man who wears the pants in this family." With that she flipped him her panties and said, "Try these on." He tried them on and found he could only get them on as far as his kneecaps. "Hell," he said. ''I can't get into your panties!" She replied, "That's right...and that's the way it is going to stay until your attitude changes
The Wedding Story
True Story from Houston Medical Center (???) A recent wedding ring story in the local paper: A man went to the hospital to have his wedding ring cut off from his penis. According to the Nurse attending, the patient's girl friend found the ring in his pants pocket and she got so mad at him, she used petroleum jelly to slip the ring on his penis while he was asleep. I don't know what's worse: 1) Having your girl friend find out you're married. 2) Explaining to your wife how your wedding ring got on your penis. 3) Or finding out your penis fits through your wedding ring
Wedding In The Wrr Tonight !!!!!!
Wedding tonight to join moose and angee in marital bliss is in the WRR at 9cst 10est all are invited. Special thanks to Miss Evil and Warlox and Csc and Dj Darkness for makeing this posible you all are just the greatest!
The Wedding Plan!!!
Site: To be determined.  Outside. The wedding prayer: Cherokee Prayer "God in heaven above please protect the ones we love. We honor all you created as we pledge our hearts and lives together. We honor Mother Earth and ask for our marriage to be abundant  and grow stronger through the seasons.    We honor fire - and ask that our union be warm and glowing with love in our hearts.  We honor wind - and ask we sail through life safe and calm as in our father's arms. We honor water - to clean and soothe our marriage– that it may never thirst for love.  All the forces of the universe you created, we pray for harmony and true happiness,  as we forever grow young together. Amen." Possible Wedding Vows (Will change a little): GROOM STEP 1: O’ my beloved, our love has become firm by your walking one with me. Together we will share the responsibilities of the lodge, food and children. May the Creator bless noble children to share. May they live long. BRIDE STEP 1: This is my commi
The Wedding Plans!!!!!
Site: To be determined. Outside. The wedding prayer: Cherokee Prayer "God in heaven above please protect the ones we love. We honor all you created as we pledge our hearts and lives together. We honor Mother Earth and ask for our marriage to be abundant and grow stronger through the seasons. We honor fire - and ask that our union be warm and glowing with love in our hearts. We honor wind - and ask we sail through life safe and calm as in our father's arms. We honor water - to clean and soothe our marriage– that it may never thirst for love. All the forces of the universe you created, we pray for harmony and true happiness, as we forever grow young together. Amen." Possible Wedding Vows (Will change a little): GROOM STEP 1: O’ my beloved, our love has become firm by your walking one with me. Together we will share the responsibilities of the lodge, food and children. May the
Wedding Cake
Prep Time: 20 Minutes Cook Time: 1 Hour Ready In: 1 Hour 20 Minutes Yields: 24 servings "This is a very simple moist white cake. It works best if all of the ingredients are at room temperature." INGREDIENTS: 1 cup butter, softened 3 cups white sugar 7 eggs 1 tablespoon vanilla extract 3 cups all-purpose flour 1/4 teaspoon baking powder 1/4 teaspoon baking soda 1 cup sour cream DIRECTIONS: 1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C). Grease and flour a 9x13 inch pan or a 10 inch Bundt pan. 2. In a large bowl, cream together the butter and sugar. Beat in the eggs, one at a time, mixing well after each. Then stir in the vanilla. Combine the flour, baking soda and baking powder, add to the creamed mixture and mix until all of the flour is absorbed. Finally, stir in the sour cream. Mix for 1 or 2 minutes just to be sure there are no lumps. Pour the batter into the prepared pan. 3. Bake in the preheated oven for 45 to 60 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into
Wedding Rings!!!
Yesterday Brian and I bought our wedding rings. We expected to spend around 3,000 but instead spent a little bit over 1,300 for all three! For those who don't know Brian poped the question with a "temp" ring. This being because we were broke and Brian also wanted my open opinion on a ring. My maid of honor picked out every ring I hated, so he was confused! I wish I had pictures to share but they don't allow you to take pictures of pieces of jewelry in store. But once we receive them I'll show everyone!!!! It's so exciting. I get mine is 2-4 weeks and Brian's anywhere from 1-6 weeks. We went ahead because we wanted to make sure we had our rings for the wedding, that is what mainly matters. So! Brian got a GTS tungsten band from Littmans. It was originally 395 but I got it for 299 instead. It has gothic crosses and side work etched into it. It is so beautiful, I'm kinda jealous!! Mine came from Whitehall Co. Brian helped me pick it out since I was getting a whole new set. My tem
Wedding Night
CHINESE WEDDING NIGHT A young Chinese couple gets married. She's a virgin. Truth be told, he is a virgin too, but she doesn't know that. On their wedding night, she cowers naked under the sheets as her Husband undresses in the darkness. He climbs into bed next to her and tries to be reassuring. "My darring," he whispers, "I know dis you firss time and You berry frighten. I pomise you, I give you anyting you want, I do anyting - juss anyting you want. You juss ask. Whatchu want?" he says, trying to sound experienced and Worldly, which he hopes will impress her. A thoughtful silence follows and he waits patiently (and eagerly) for Her request. She eventually shyly whispers back, "I want to try something I have Heard about from other girls... Numbaa 69." More thoughtful silence, this time from him. Eventually, in a puzzled tone He asks her... "You want... Garlic Chicken with corrifrowa?"
Wedding Invitation
Guys You Are Welcome To My Wedding Electronic Gifts Are Best For This Cyber Wedding. Drop Some Cherry As Gift....Thanks...EmOn
Wedding Toast
This is the toast I wrote for my brother's wedding. Keep in mind he stands just over 6'2" and is built like a tank and when I was younger I was as scrawny as a stick. And we used to fight like cats and dogs when we were younger. I couldn't ask for a better brother now! Family, friends and honored guests, it gives me great pleasure to say a few words about Jim and Melissa. I think of all the kindness and gentleness he gave me as we were growing up. Whenever I was being picked on my brother would be right there to support me. He would always stand up and protect me by smacking me around, to show that no one else but him could hit me. He even helped my parents out by throwing me against every new piece of furniture just to make sure it was sturdy enough. So as you can see, I have fond memories of this gentle giant…..a man full of compassion. But seriously that is exactly what my brother is. Underneath that gruff exterior lies a man with a heart of gold who would do anyt
Hello everyone MolyMascot and I are getting fumarried tonight at 11 PM EST... click the image below! please be punctual.
Wedding Speech
Excuse me ladies and gentlemen, if I could have your attention please! I’m Matt Padilla, Rich’s best man, best friend, and brother! First I’d like to thank Greg and Patty, and Tony and Liz for the beautiful wedding and reception, and for everyone attending this joyous day! I’d like to take a few moments to say a few words about our bride and groom. I grew up really close to Rich. I’ve seen first hand how he puts his heart and soul into all that he does throughout life. Rich was telling me about the first time Larisa and he met. I guess they really hit it off great that night, because one of Rich’s friend’s said, “Man your done! Your off the market, I’m calling it right now!“ I can already tell how much Larisa means to Rich, he has already told me so much about her, like how her laugh makes him melt! And in the short amount of time that I’ve been able to meet Larisa in person I can see how much Rich means to Larisa. It’s a beautiful thing when you can see tr
Please come to my wedding I would like all my friends and family to be even if you hate fubar weddings I want to make this exciting..and its going to be LIVE ON AIR!!! or Click on the bouncer Lookin Guy Under My Lounges on my Profile
Wedding Theme
Ok we have chosen a theme for our wedding and reception. We are doing the 1920's theme. We both just love this era in time.
Wedding Date & Honeymoon
Ok well today Robert and I got our wedding date set. It will be SEPTEMBER 27,2008 and our honeymoon will be a SEVEN DAY CRUISE TO JAMAICA. We got it all finalized today and we are sooooooo excited!!!
Wedding Invite
Join Us In Celebrating the Wedding Of Dirty South Crew's and Extreme X's Own DJ Ivory Tigress and Earthwalker at Extreme X lounge on Sunday, Oct 7 at 10 PM EST. " /> " /> Free Graphics at hostdrjack.comVisit www.hostdrjack.comHost Your Images & Videos FREE CLICK HERE! Free Graphics at Plan to be there with us as we share and celebrate this beautiful time with two of our closest friends!!!
Wedding Invite 2
Join Us In Celebrating the Wedding Of Dirty South Crew's and Extreme X's Own DJ Ivory Tigress and Earthwalker at Extreme X lounge on Sunday, Oct 7 at 10 PM EST. " /> " /> Free Graphics at hostdrjack.comVisit www.hostdrjack.comHost Your Images & Videos FREE CLICK HERE! Free Graphics at Plan to be there with us as we share and celebrate this beautiful time with two of our closest friends!!!
Wedding Day
THE WEDDING Mike was going to be married to Karen, So his father sat him down for a little chat. He said, "Mike, let me tell you something. On my wedding night in our honeymoon suite I took off my pants, handed them to your mother, and said, "Here - try these on." She did and said, "These are too big, I can't wear them." " I replied, "Exactly, I wear the pants in this family and I always will." "Ever since that night we never had any problems." "Hmmm," said Mike. He thought that might be a good thing to try, so on his honeymoon Mike took off his pants and said to Karen, "Here - try these on." She tried them on and said, "These are too large. They don't fit me." Mike said, "Exactly. I wear the pants in this family and I always will. I don't want you to ever forget that." Then Karen took off her pants and handed them to Mike. She said, "Here, you try on mine." He did and said, "I can't get into your pants." Karen said, "Exactly.
Wedding Night
WEDDING NIGHT Honeymoon at Home: Fred and Mary got married but can't afford a honeymoon, so they go back to Fred's Mom and Dad's for their first night together. In the morning, Johnny, Fred's little brother, gets up and has his breakfast. As he is going out of the door to go to school, he asks his mom if Fred and Mary are up yet. She replies, "No". Johnny asks, "Do you know what I think?" His mom replies, "I don't want to hear what you think! Just go to school." Johnny comes home for lunch and asks his mom, "Are Fred and Mary up yet?" She replies, "No." Johnny says, "Do you know what I think?" His mom replies, "Never mind what you think! Eat your lunch and go back to school." ; After school, Johnny comes home and as ks again, "Are Fred and Mary up yet?" His mom says, "No." He asks, "Do you know what I think?" His mom replies, "Ok, now tell me what you think?" He says: "Last night Fred came to my room for the Vaselin
Wedding Poem - Yesterday, Today And Tomorrow
Wedding Poem - Yesterday, Today And Tomorrow by Kit McCallum Cherished are the memories that Brought us to this day, For yesterday, was just a dream ... A wish to contemplate. A fantasy where in my mind, A fleeting glimpse I'd see ... A vision of the true desires I longed for endlessly. And when I dreamed, I did not know The love I'd feel today; The height of my true feelings, And the depths they would portray. And if I had one wish today, A simple wish t'would be ... Is that the love we feel this moment, Lasts eternally. Reality has merged now As you stand here by my side; And as I join your hand in mine, My heart does fill with pride. For as I pledge my love to you, I see in many ways, Reflections of my love for you Are mirrored in your gaze. And by our presence here today, And for the love we share, I thank you for our yesterdays That brought us to be here. But more than this, I vow to you, My wishes yet to come ... Tomorrow's dreams a
A Wedding Invitation To All!!!
You are invited to attend the wedding of Lady Sunmaid and Templar Knight in the Wildcat Lounge October 11, 2007 at 9 p.m. EST Two hearts joining together to become one.... ~Brandy Lady Sunmaid~ ~Lady Sunmaid~Ŧ.M.Ä.Ғ.~I.B.I.C~Future Fu-Wifey of Templar Knight~@ fubar ~Chris Templar Knight~ ~Templar Knight~ "THE BOSS" Future Fu-Hubby to Lady Sunmaid@ fubar Sharpie is the offical for this union of love
The Wedding
here the thing i was in a bar and i decided to get married yea lol thats fun bad thing is tho i need alot of love to get it done on time so on happy hr please help me get the points i dont want to run out on my wedding lol so plz help lol
Wedding Bully For Meric And Fireman185
YOUR INVITED TO : MERCI AND FIREMAN185 MONDAY NIGHT AT 8pm Est. PLease click on our photo to enter ...Join us on our Happy Day COME SHARE IN OUR HAPPY NIGHT SAY WE SAY OUR VOWS
after much blah blah blahing about it we have set our wedding date and location, oct/18/2008 in albama
i am getting married to my bestfriend and lover we will be tieing the not on may 24 2008
Wedding Ring
True Story from Houston Medical Center : A man went to the hospital to have his wedding ring cut off from his penis. According to the Nurse attending, the patient's girlfriend found the ring in his pants pocket and she got so mad at him, she used petroleum jelly to slip the ring on his penis while he was asleep. I don't know what's worse: 1) Having your girlfriend find out you're married. 2) Explaining to your wife how your wedding ring got on your penis. 3) Or finding out your penis fits through your wedding
Wedding Plans Begin
My long time boyfriend, fiancée, and father of my daughter and I have decided to tie the knot. On January 8th, 2001 he asked me to be his girlfriend as we were still High School students. Almost 7 years after and one child down, we are happy to say we want to get married. We have had our ups and downs, and our LOVE has conquered it all. So now we celebrate our Love and ask for God’s blessing. I’m starting the wedding plans, and due to financial status, we will have a small wedding and reception. Here is the path for our wedding page, please come by and leave us some of your thoughts and suggestions.
Wedding Today At 1pm, Pls Come...
Wedding Today At 1pm, Pls Come...
Wedding Now!
Wedding at Abyss Lounge -
Me and sugar are going to get married i hope all my friends and family will be there it is going to be at little after 9pm est hope to see you there click the link and thats where it will be ThE ViPeR PiT New Look, Same Attitude The Viper Pit @ fubar Viper Pit Radio Thank you for coming DJPhilburg&Sugarspice
Wedding Reception
I'd been infatuated with Vanessa for years. Since before she started dating my brother, back when the three of us spent most of our time together. She was Edwin's age, two years older than me, and I knew that I'd never be more to her than Ed's kid brother. Particularly when their hormones kicked in, and they found each other's company more interesting than mine. We still spent time together after that, but never as much, and usually in the company of Vanessa's little sister, Virginia, a gawky, irritating brat who delighted in tormenting me. So I eventually lost interest in staying around them. Throughout college, Vanessa and Ed had a rocky relationship. They split op several times, only to make up during vacations when they would see each other again. Perhaps it was all of those breakups which led them not to rush into marriage after college. They did eventually buy a condo together, but I was in my senior year of engineering school when they finally decided to tie the knot. I th
Wedding Announcement
The Wedding Chapel Link
Wedding Singer - Grow Old With You
Wedding Ring
According to the attending nurse, the patient's girlfriend found the ring in his pants pocket and she got so mad at him, she used petroleum jelly to slip the ring on his penis while he was asleep. Now you decide what's worse: 1. Having your girl friend find out that you're actually married 2. Explaining to your wife how your wedding ring got on your penis. 3. Or finding out your penis fits through your wedding ring.
A Wedding
PLEASE JOIN US ON OUR SPECIAL DAY Friday Nov 15 @ 9:30pm Central time Wedding will be held in the fubar wedding chapel, Party in STUDIO 54 after JASON@ fubar ~♥~Sugar & Spice~♥~@ fubar (repost of original by 'ACHIŁŁES™ Married to Tiffany' on '2007-11-14 23:58:58')
Wedding Invitation
Today I had the pleasure of preforming the wedding ceremony of a friend. Her second. A much better man who loves her and loves her 10yr old son and even thinks she is fun. She is smiling all the time. Giggling now and then. And doesn't even care if her EX falls off the face of the earth. As long as he doesn't neglect or abuse his son, she can tolerate him. I got to see the look in both their eyes as they said they would love and protect and honor and forgive each other. I got ordained as a sarcastic response to a co-worker that said all internet minister are snake oil salesmen. I dressed up in a collar and brought a copy of the Farmers Almanac to carry instead of a bible. It was a fun Halloween watching the look slowly change on her face as I showed her the ordination documents that I printed off and the laws governing ministers in our state. And I was all legit. I have preformed 2 ceremonies in the last 2 years. Both as gifts to the couples so they had one less expense
Wedding Invite!!!! Be There!!!
Wedding Anouncement
Com to Hell Fire and BrimStone for the long awaited Wedding of Wdpirtle and his love AprilbabySATURDAY DEC. 7, 2007 time..TBA
Wedding Plans
Are fucking stressful... and i just started this morning.. Damn.. i picked out my dress.. now i just gotta figure out what colors the wedding is going to be in.. and who is going to be in it.. and where it is going to be.. oh lawd there i go again.. AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wedding Bells!!!!!
I made a big step in my relationship with my girlfriend of a little over two years. Christmas day I proposed to her on bended knee. She accepted without hesitation. It made me a very happy guy!! We've been together for two years and I hope it will be a long happy life together.
Wedding In Aftershock 8pm Est
Wedding Bands
imikimi - Customize Your World
Wedding Rings
imikimi - Customize Your World
The Wedding
Some of you may already know Im getting married. It was supposed to be last month. But obvioulsy thats been delayed. The now set date is : Jan. 26th Saturday at One O'Clock. I know you guys wont be able to make it, but i still welcome wedding gifts :) We are pretty much broke after buying all the shit..Caint wait till I can go back to work. I want my own spending money soo badly. But my dress is simply beautiful.Its perfect. Just hope my belly doesnt get too much bigger in that time :) Anabelle Rose is growing so fast. She was kicking again real good last night :) I want her now. His parents have bought so much clothes for her. Just hope she gets to wear 'em all before she outgrows them.
Wedding Plans
Just to let those that know me, I am sorry that I have not been on here for a while. I have been making wedding plans and cleaning house all week. lots of laundry, got done and the tree taken down. busy stuff..
Wedding Details
ok so heres the thing my dad is giving me a car which meens i dont have to buy one with my taxes so on 2-17-08 to 2-20-08 me and robby are going to be in jamacia his birthday is on 2-19-08 and that is the day we are getting married so not only will this be his birthday present from me but also our honeymoon
Weddin Invite!
DJ WOW and DJ DRAGON request the pleasure of your company for our fu marriage vows saterday jan 9th 2008 between 7:45PM east and 8:pm east at VIP SOUTH OF NORTH RECEPTION: on saterday JAN 9th 2008 between 10PM EASTERN&WHATEVER IT GETS STARTED place and music by !
Wedding Test #2
Wedding Update
Ok my wedding date is drawing near. I have my dress, tiara, and veil paid for. I have nice jewelry my parents bought me (something new). Now, I need the shoes and garter. Andy has already picked out tuxes for the guys. He has also paid a deposit on the cabin in Tenn for our honeymoon. The cabin has a hot tub..... I found a photographer and put a deposit down to reserve her. She will also be doing our engagement photos. Can't wait for that. My great aunt is doing our cakes. And my mom's boss will be doing our food. I forgot to mention I put the deposit on the church. I still have alot to do, but it is coming along now. Wish me luck. I can't wait to be Mrs. McCrary.
imikimi - Customize Your World
imikimi - Customize Your World
Wedding Dresses
Son asked his mother the following question: "Mom, why are wedding dresses white?" The mother looks at her son and replies, "Son, this shows your friends and relatives that your bride is pure." The son thanks his Mom and goes off to double-check this with his father. "Dad why are wedding dresses white?" The father looks at his son in surprise and says, "Son, all household appliances come in white." It was a Brave man that wrote this...LOL!
Wedding Tonight @9pm Centural Time!
Wedding Ring And Gf Its Worth Reading
True Story from Houston Medical Center A man went to the hospital to have his wedding ring cut off from his hoohoo. According to the Nurse attending, the patient's girlfriend found the ring in his pants pocket and she got so mad at him, she used petroleum jelly to slip the ring on his hoohoo while he was asleep. I don't know what's worse: 1) Having your girl friend find out you're married. 2) Explaining to your wife how your wedding ring got on your hoohoo. 3) Or finding out your hoohoo fits through your wedding ring (PRICELESS)
Wedding Ring Problem
True Story from Houston Medical Center? A man went to the hospital to have his wedding ring cut off from his penis. According to the Nurse attending, the patient's girl friend found the ring in his pants pocket and she got so mad at him, she used petroleum jelly to slip the ring on his penis while he was asleep. I don't know what's worse: 1). Having your girl friend find out you're married; 2). Explaining to your wife how your wedding ring got on your penis; 3). Or finding out your penis fits through your wedding ring.
Weddings Off!!!!
till tuesday, same time same place, i'll make invites tomarrow.
Wedding Bully - Arwen N Carlos
so im in the middle of planning my wedding, ha more like a late start to a wedding in 4 months. im so torn on the dress. reception halls in my town cost more then my dress ceremony at the country club tuxes etc together. i may have to have my reception in a town 45 miles from the wedding its frustrating. but hey i miss everyone
The Wedding
COME JOIN SyNfUl_DeZyRz Owner of Synful Dezyrz Lounge@ fubar AND UrNxtSyn69¢¾Ownd4rl¢¾Engadged2¢¾Synful dezyrz¢¾@ fubar ON WEDNESDAY THE 26TH @7P.M EST/4 P.M PST IN NIKKI'S SYNFUL DEZYRZ'S LOUNGE TO SHARE IN THEIR HAPPINESS OF FINDING EACH OTHER.
Having a wedding or know someone who is? Check out my packages, with unbelievable prices! 4 hours: $350 6 hours: $500 8 hours: $650 If the wedding will be any longer you pay only $55/ extra hour. Unlike other photographers theres no limit to how many pictures you will get. With all these packages comes a cd that will be ready for you to print at your own convience 48 hours after the wedding. I will have an assitant with me to capture all expressions and details. call (586)932-7617 and book your 2008 date before the last day of April and get 10% off your package.
Weddings Comming Up
UP COMMING FUBAR WEDDINGS TO BE PREFORMED Damien & wicked lil Angel 5-2-08-wicked intentions john & micky 4-20 7pm eastern wicked intentions
The Wedding Prank
The wedding date was set and the groom's three buddies : A carpenter, an >> electrician, and a dentist were busy deciding what pranks they could play > on >> the couple on their wedding night. The carpenter figured sawing the >> slats >> of their bed would give them a chuckle or two. >> >> The electrician decided to wire the bed - with alternating current, of >> course. >> >> The dentist wouldn't commit himself, but wore a sly grin and promised it >> would be memorable. >> >> The nuptials went as planned and a few days later, each of the groom's >> buddies received the following note in the mail : >> >> DEAR FRIENDS, >> >> WE DIDN'T MIND THE BED SLATS BEING SAWED. THE ELECTRIC SHOCK WAS ONLY A >> MINOR SETBACK. BUT BE FOREWARNED: I INTEND TO HUNT DOWN AND KILL THE > S.O.B. >> WHO PUT >> NOVACAINE IN THE K-Y JELLY
Wedding Night
Fred and Mary got married but couldn't afford a honeymoon, so they go back to Fred's Mom and Dad's house for their first night together. In the morning, Johnny, Fred's little brother, gets up and has his breakfast. As he is going out of the door to go to school, he asks his mom if Fred and Mary are up yet. She replies, 'No.' Johnny asks, 'Do you know what I think?' His mom replies, 'I don't want to hear what you think! Just go to school.' Johnny comes home for lunch and asks his mom, 'Are Fred and Mary up yet?' She replies, 'No.' Johnny says, 'Do you know what I think?' His mom replies, 'Never mind what you think! Eat your lunch and go back to school.' After school, Johnny comes home and asks again, 'Are Fred and Mary up yet? His mom says, 'No.' He asks, 'Do you know what I think?' His mom replies, 'OK, now tell me what you think.' He says: 'Last night Fred came to my room for the Vaseline and I think ..... I gave him my air
Wedding Of A Life Time At Sweet Sernity
Wedding Bells Are Ringing
WEDDING WEDDING BELLS ARE RINGING You are invited to be a part of the wedding between KY-SNAKE & ILLUSIVE ANGEL May 4th 2008 9:30pm in the Tigers Den Click the bells to join the event Reception to follow in DIXIE REBEL Click the cake to get your slice
Got married May 3rd. Uploaded a photo. :-D Details laters. Am truly happy and excited.
‘wedding Ring Finger’
WEDDING RING FINGER ‘WEDDING RING FINGER’ EVER WONDERED WHY WEDDING RINGS SHOULD BE ON YOUR FOURTH FINGER AND NOWHERE ELSE? READ AND TRY THIS, YOU WON'T BELIEVE IT Why should the wedding ring be worn on the fourth finger? There is a beautiful and convincing explanation given by the Chinese The thumb represents your Parents.. The second (index) finger represents your Siblings.. The middle finger represents you.. The fourth (ring) finger represents your Life Partner.. The last (little) finger represents your children.. First, open your palms (face to face), bend the middle fingers and hold them together,back to back.. Second, open and hold the remaining three fingers and the thumb - tip to tip.. (As shown in the figure below): Now, try to separate your thumbs (representing the parents).. They will open, because your parents are not destined to live with you lifelong, and have to leave you soone
Wedding This Past Weekend
Well this weekend I had a blast I was in my brother's wedding. I can't believe he finally got married. He couldn't have pick anyone better we love her. We hade so much fun and got wasted. I love you Bro!!!! Congrats!!
href="¤t=l_9b098cae3f2121cb0f807a1a35fde54c.jpg" target="_blank">
Wedding Bells
We have a very special event happening in Rough Stock on the 25th of May 2008. Two of Fubar's Finest have decided to tie the knot. We have all been here once or Twice or well you know. But in the midst of all the Fubar Drama these two found each other. And want to make there internet hearts and lives as one. Won't you come and share in there joy by toasting them on this Special day.
Obviously, one would want to examine possible trigger events, such as other weddings in waking life, before too much interpretive work goes into this dream. This dream may be simple wish-fulfillment or personal anticipation. However, if you aren't in the midst of such activities, other scenarios may exist. Initially, it is worth examining other commitments in your life. Are you becoming over-committed, or on the brink of making a major commitment to an employer, romantic partner, or other relationship? This dream may be commenting on how appropriate the commitment is for you. If the wedding goes well, you may see yourself as entering a sound union. If the wedding is a catastrophe, or your role in it is unclear, you may need to reexamine your commitments.
A Wedding Prayer
During this wedding,may all who attend find time to reflect on the glory of human relationships reflections, as they are, of the goodness of God.
Wedding Slide Show!
Wedding Of A Life Time !!!!
Wedding Prayer
Wedding Invite
Click The Banner And Can Join Us In Our Celebration!!!
="50" cellspacing="0" border="0" background=""> Love is a mystery that can never be solved, a dream that will never come completely true. Love is what we look foward to everyday of our lifes Announcing the Fu-Wedding of Rydz & EastBolt!!!! Details: When? Friday, July 25th!!! Time? 10:30p.m. Eastern Time, 9:30p.m. CentralTime Where? The HideAway Lounge Why? Because They They Can!!! Tomorrow we Have The Special wedding of Rydz & EastBolt!!! MikeS Will be joining the following in FuWedded bliss: ~Mike S ™ ~( Taken by MzMic HER Mikey) HideAway Lounge
Suggested Wedding Music Ceremony Music: Prelude Music Processional music for the mothers and grandmothers Processional music for the groomsmen & clergy (if walking down the aisle) Processional music for the wedding party & bride Recessional Postlude And if needed, Interlude Music: Ceremony / hymnal music Unity Candle music Communion music Reception Music: Background Music to announce bridal party First Dance In-Law Dance Father/Daughter & Mother/Son Dance Cake Cutting POPULAR SONGS · “Breathe” –Faith Hill · “Can’t Help Falling in Love” –Elvis Presley · “Chances Are” –Johnny Mathis · “Don’t Want to Miss a Thing –Aerosmith · “Endless Love” –Diana Ross and Lionel Ritchie · “Endless Love” –Luther Vandross and Mariah Carey · “Everything I Do, I Do It for You –Bryan Adams · “From This Moment On” –Shania Twain · “Have You Ever Been In Love” –Celine Dion · “Have I Told You Lately” –Rod Stewart · “Here And Now” –Luther Vandross · “Hopelessly Dev
Wedding Wishes
A marriage...makes of two fractional lives a whole;it gives to two purposeless lives a work, and doubles the strength of each to perform it;it gives to two questioning natures a reason for living,and something to live for; it will give a new gladness to the sunshine, a new fragrance to the flowers, a new beauty to the earth,and a new mystery to life.
The Wedding Test
I was a very happy man. My wonderful girlfriend and I had been dating for over a year, and so we decided to get married. There was only one little thing bothering me...It was her beautiful younger sister. My prospective sister-in-law was twenty-two, wore very tight miniskirts, and generally was bra-less. It had to be deliberate. One day her 'little' sister called and asked me to come over to check the wedding invitations. She was alone when I arrived, and she whispered to me that she had feelings and desires for me that she couldn't overcome. She told me that she wanted me just once before I got married and committed my life to her sister. Well, I was in total shock, and couldn't say a word. She said, 'I'm going upstairs to my bedroom, and if you want one last wild fling, just come up and get me.' I was stunned and frozen in shock as I watched her go up the stairs. I stood there for a moment, then turned and made a beeline st
The Wedding Of Lord Rahl And Irish Mist
COME JOIN US FOR OUR WEDDING ON AUGUST 14TH, 2008 AT 1 PM EST IN SPANK ME DADDY LOUNGE!!! CLICK EITHER PIC TO ENTER THE LOUNGE!!! foever in darkness Written by Lord Rahl for me surrounded by the woods at night, blocking all but the firelight, i crawl towards you, surrounding you in total black. forced to your knees, you obey my every whim, caressed by the whip, harnessed to the board, crashing against you, as you shiver in delight. wicked tongue exploring deep inside forced among the folds, caressing you from the inside, far from the cries of men, far from the lights of the city, this demon of the dark will take you, in every shape and form. His vows to me I Lord Rahl Master of Darkness take you Irish Mist The Goddess of Night as my Loyal Queen of Darkness, surrounded by the night and subjects here by known as our friends. Taken by the one ring that will forever bind you to live under my rule forever. To be forever bound to my whim,desires,and urges.
Wedding Dress Test
What Your Ideal Wedding Dress Says About You Your Personal Style: Eclectic and very unique. You don't follow fashion. You prefer to create your own trends. Your Ideal Wedding: Just the two of you, saying your vows while skydiving or flying around in a hot air balloon. Your Philosophy on Marriage: It's a risk like everything else, and hopefully a big adventure. Your Perfect Marriage: Having someone to share memories with, without feeling tied down or constrained The Wedding Dress Test
Wedding Is Off
fuck it the wedding is off
A Wedding!
no clue whos gettin married but ya know what it means........FREE BEER! HOORAY BEER! lol leaving tomorrow morning, will be back late sunday night happy birthday krissy! If Im hung over, Im blaming you no matter what! lol as for the rest of FU, have a great weekend!
The Wedding Dress Test
What Your Ideal Wedding Dress Says About You Your Personal Style: Funky and a bit retro. You draw from a lot of inspirations, but you always look put together. Your Ideal Wedding: A simple outdoor wedding with a few close friends. Your Philosophy on Marriage: Marriage is a journey. It's not all about who you're married to. It's also about how you approach it. Your Perfect Marriage: Has lots of open communication, flexibility, and understanding. Where both people are happy to give more than get. The Wedding Dress Test
Wedding Bully
YOUR INVITED!!! ♥Jason and Whiskey Girl Are Getting Fu-Married♥ You Can Click Either Picture To Be Taken To The Ceremony! Please stop by and take part in this very special event! Reception for Jason and Whiskey Girl will be held after the ceremony! The Playground NSFW Lounge
MY WEDDING UPDATE: Well, the plans for my wedding keep changing and re-arranging themselves. I am finally almost ready to book the trip I have been waiting my whole life for. This has been a long time coming and will still be a long time off. In February 2007 Jerry and I got engaged. No it wasn’t all silly and romantic and blah blah blah. We both knew we wanted to marry each other. It was just a matter of deciding that yes we are infact for sure going to marry each other and we are officially engaged. Did I want the frills? A little yes. But in the end, I got to choose the ring I loved and that was going to be something that means so very much to me. Then life got complicated. Most of you all know the story so I need not rehash the details. If you do not know, read my year in review blog. That pretty much summed up how badly my 2007 sucked donkey balls. So back to the subject at hand. The wedding! Currently Jeremy and I have been engaged for a year and about 7 months. B
A Wedding Tale
DJ Elephantcock and Boy 13 played their first wedding this weekend. That is not our real names obviously, but for the purpose of this story, I am Boy 13. I was excited to do this for many reasons. Number one, it was a paying job. Number two, I got paid to hang out with DJ Elephantcock. Number boobs. Number 4...I work on occasion for the competition, so I was curious as to how they handle a wedding. Let me tell you, they handle it well. The place looked great, very bright, very open, and a nice view. The tables were done up nice, the flowers looked great, and the people were really friendly. Some of them worked with me before, at the other place, so I knew a few people. There I tend bar, here...I was Boy 13. I'm gonna gloss over the regular things we did, because they're boring, and you do them at every wedding. I'm just gonna hit the highlights, and lowlights of the night. Hopefully, you'll get how much fun we had. The good times started at di
The Wedding And The Cowboy
I have a wedding this weekend on saturday. My roommate Jamie is marrying the Marine of her dreams and it makes me sick. I mean they love each other so much it makes a girl want to gag. But its all good. I am just jealous that she loves someone so much and he loves her more. And thats ok. Love like that is a blessing and to find it means something. They both have had it rough and they both have found what they have been missing their whole lives....(shit I just shed a tear over that shit). Lucky fuckers. Now the Cowboy. There is this cowboy in my class and hes always staring at me. So yesterday I sat by him cause well he makes me laugh and laughing is one of my favorite things to do...besides...well Rocks knows. So he was talking to me all through class and playing footsie with me and it was cute cause I felt like I was in middle school but I didn't like it at the same time cause I felt like I was cheating on someone....and I don't even have a man. Sometimes I just make things harder
Wedding Bully
Wedding Anniversary Wish
A married couple in their early 60s was celebrating their 35th wedding anniversary in a quiet, romantic little restaurant.Suddenly, a tiny yet beautiful fairy appeared on their table saying,'For being such an exemplary married couple and for being loving to each other for all this time, I will grant you each a wish."Oh, I want to travel around the world with my darling husband." the wife said.The fairy waved her magic wand and - poof! two tickets for the Queen Mary II appeared in her hands. The husband' thought for a moment: 'Well, this is all very romantic, but an opportunity like this will never come again. I'm sorry my love, but my wish is to have a wife 30 years younger than me.'The wife, and the fairy, were deeply disappointed, but a wish is a wish.So the fairy waved her magic wand and - poof! the husband became 92 years old. The moral of this story: Men who are ungrateful bastards should remember fairies are female.
Wedding Invitation
You Are Cordially Invited to Attend the Eternal Uniting of: ____PIMP™©____Fu-Fiance to Chelle Belle and ChelleBelle** KandyKiss Girl for ck2 & PIMPS fu-fiancee Ceremony to take place in CK2 Lounge on Friday September 26th at 9:00 PM EST. You're attendance would mean so much to Fubars newest bride and groom to be. There will also be lots of drinks at the wedding so please make sure to appear. Any donations would be greatly and appreciatively accepted. And in addition I PIMP am going to be Flying out to be with my Wife the day after (if not soon after) to celebrate our Honeymoon. We look forward to seeing you there and Please if possible RSVP by Clicking here! and leaving a comment on the blog.
Wedding Invite
Wedding Bulletin
(repost of original by '*§Á§§¥ÁÑGÊ£* FU ENGAGED TO MAXIMUS & GREETER @ TWIZTED MINDZ RADIO' on '2008-09-24 15:00:59') (repost of origin
A Wedding At The Waffle House
As the famous twang of Hank Williams Jr. blasted from an SUV stereo Friday afternoon, about 30 folks socialized, sipped soda and puffed on cigarettes. No, this wasn't a Fourth of July backyard barbecue. It was the run-up to a wedding. In a Waffle House parking lot. The lucky couple, George "Bubba" Mathis and Pamela Christian - both 23 and employees at the Dacula diner located at the Ga. Highway 316/U.S. Highway 29 interchange - wouldn't have it any other way. "I don't know, it's something different," Mathis said while fixing his tie prior to the ceremony. For years, the couple tried to marry on their Independence Day anniversary. But the bride was always scheduled to work. Instead of waiting any longer - she got the day off at the last minute; Mathis had to report for the morning shift - the couple of nine years decided to seal the deal at work. The result was what a NASCAR tailgate might be like if Hank Jr. himself stopped by with all his rowdy friends: Loud and prou
Wedding Tonight @ The Playground!!! 7pm Et Fu Luv Member (repost)
WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENT!!!! True Cherry Rose and Juggalo_Craze Join Us at The Playground Lounge Tonight at 7pm ET. Just click the picture to enter!! Much Happiness from your Fu-Luv Family!! OFFICIAL FUBAR PASTOR Ctgirl™ OWNER OF FU-LUV BOMB SQUAD-OWNED BY Just a Guy in Jersey and Marine Co-Owner Playground@ fubar
Wedding Gown
Inspired by a recent mumm I am such an unsentimental POS...after my wedding, I just left my gown at the inlaws house in California. My mom in law hung it up on the wall in a bedroom, she is such a sweetheart. I am awful with keepsakes, even ones like a wedding gown. I wanted to get married in Vegas, but everyone flipped, and I said I was just joking.
Wedding Blog
We get the question "How does one get married on Fubar?" just follow these steps...Step 1: Find a wifey/husbandStep 2: Contact a Fubar Pastor or JudgeStep 3: Get married and have lots of Fubar babiesBelow is a list of some Pastors or Judges:Stevens (Shoutbox Me)Pain Is My Passion (Shoutbox Me)Stryke (Shoutbox Me)Lady~T~
Wedding Contest (closed)
Who wants to be my next Ex? She Just Wants To Be is a bride looking for a groom. Are you the man that can handle this challenge? Rating and Bombing Contest Rates = 10 points Comments = 1 point Self bombing is encouraged! Bombing families welcome 30K Entry Fee Begins Monday, Nov. 3, at 6am Fu-time Ends Monday, Nov. 10, at midnight Fu-time The Man with the most points at the end of 7 days will be the lucky groom. Winning groom will receive the following:
hey last night my fiancee came was great..he told my sister that he is never going to leave me and that when i was a way from him that he was thinking and said told me that I am his soulmate. So we have been thinking about getting married! He would like to get married in MAY 2009. I have no problem with that. I love him so much. I want to have a causual wedding but i dont know where to have it. Since i am In Buffalo, NY does anyone have any ideas on where to get married. * Buffalo is still somewhat cool in MAY*
Wedding Annoucement
"> This is a FU-Marriage announcement. We have 2 members that want to spent there lives together until death do they part on FU, hopefully they will gain more happiness with there lives. We ask for your Presence to show yoour respect. Couple to be wed: Mistress Godess & LoneStar_Tech Lounge: Mistress Layre Date: Fri, Dec 5th, 2008 Time: 9:00 est I will be performing the ceremony. Brought to you by: ღஐ Cindie ღஐ Club Elite Staff Tagmaker ღஐ Owned by: Grlskikass2@ fubar Blessed Be!
The Wedding Night
Fred and Mary get married but couldn't afford a honeymoon, so they go back to Fred's Mom and Dad's house for their first night together In the morning, Johnny, Fred's little brother, gets up and has his breakfast. As he is going out of the door to go to school, he asks his mom if Fred and Mary are up yet. She replies, 'No'. Johnny asks, 'Do you know what I think?' His mom replies, 'I don't want to hear what you think! Just go to school.' Johnny comes home for lunch and asks his mom, 'Are Fred and Mary up yet?' She replies, 'No.' Johnny says, 'Do you know what I think?' His mom replies, 'Never mind what you think! Eat your lunch and go back to school .' After school, Johnny comes home and asks again, 'Are Fred and Mary up yet?' His mom says, 'No.' He asks, 'Do you know what I think?' His mom replies, 'Ok, now tell me what you think.' He says: 'Last night Fred came to my room for the Vaseline and I think... I gave him my airplane glue.
Wedding Band
Wedding Band Feathers of an angel Slice through me Like razor blade ribbons Of a harpy’s song Binding me to the doom Of immortal love and damnation Faustian wishes Granted in perversion By opium house djinns Wizards watch in amazement As imps and fairies Host mythic orgies In my mind The dragon in my groin Breaths fire across The wasteland of heaven Between her thighs
Weddings That Are Wanted Done Bye Me
HI IF YOU WOULD LIKE FOR ME TO DO A FUWEDDING THIS IS WHAT I ASK FOR i am charging for weddings on fu if u want a wedding done it's gonna be 2k for a wedding and 4k for a fu divorce
Wedding Thriller Dance
Wedding Prayer
Wedding Vows & Readings: 20 Tips For Writing Your Own Wedding Vows
Wedding Vows & Readings: 20 Tips for Writing Your Own Wedding Vows The 20 questions you need to ask when you're writing your own vows. Photo: The Art of Emotion * save to notebook * email this article * print this article * bookmark + share So you thought it'd be great to write your own vows, but now a healthy dose of writer's block (not to mention fear of embarrassing yourself) has hit you squarely on the head. Don't know how to transform your heavy, life-altering, feelings into a string of coherent words? You're not alone -- but don't worry, your goal is within reach: Just take it one word at a time. Here's the homework you need to do (and the questions you should ask) to make your wedding words letter-perfect. Prep Step A: Get clearance Make sure your officiant will accept personalized vows. Catholic and Episcopal congregations, for instance, may require you to recite all or part of the traditional vows, though in most cases that's left to the offi
Wedding Songs: 30 Hip First Dance Songs
Wedding Songs: 30 Hip First Dance Songs Go against the grain. Indulge your inner cool with a first-dance song that reflects the hip music you love. * save to notebook * email this article * print this article * bookmark + share Is the hipster in you urging you toward tunes that are unique, creative, even cutting edge? Mom and Dad may have danced to Johnny Mathis on their big day, but that doesn't mean you and your sweetie can't sway to a more modern beat. Scour forgotten mix tapes and your up-to-the-minute CD collection, and check out our top 30 list. 1. "Alison" (Elvis Costello) 2. "All I Want Is You" (U2) 3. "As" (Stevie Wonder) 4. "Blood Of Eden" (Peter Gabriel) 5. "Crash" (Dave Matthews Band) 6. "Everything I Do" (Brandy) 7. "Forever in My Life" (Prince) 8. "Heroes" (David Bowie) 9. "Ice Cream" (Sarah MacLachlan) 10. "If I Was Your Girlfriend" (Prince) 11. "In Your Eyes" (Peter Gabriel) 12. "Iris" (Goo Goo Dolls) 13. "It Must Be Love" (Mad
Wedding Cakes: A World Tour Of Wedding Cake Traditions
Wedding Cakes: A World Tour of Wedding Cake Traditions Wedding customs and rituals vary significantly around the world, and the cake is no exception. Here's a roundup of wedding cake traditions from around the globe. Photo: Erin Johnson Photography * save to notebook * email this article * print this article * bookmark + share Asia Japan: Many Japanese actually use imposter cakes at wedding receptions. Made of artificial rubber, these faux confections are iced with wax -- and even feature a slot for the bride and groom to insert a knife. Believe it or not, some models have even been known to produce a puff of steam! Other dupes consist of elaborately frosted Styrofoam dummy cakes. While the imposters are just for show, sheet cakes hiding out in the kitchen are cut and served to guests. Korea: Many American-style wedding cakes would be considered too sweet for Koreans. They opt instead for a cake made of ground steamed rice covered in red bean powder.
Wedding Customs: Traditions From Around The Globe
Wedding Customs: Traditions From Around the Globe Here's a taste of how couples have been tying the knot in China, Morocco, and many other places for hundreds of years. * save to notebook * email this article * print this article * bookmark + share The toasts. The bouquet toss. The dreaded Chicken Dance. These are rituals that, for better or worse, brides in the U.S. can expect on their wedding day. But have you ever wondered what your wedding would be like if you weren't American? Trust us, it would be just as wonderful. Whether you want to learn about wedding customs from other countries, or you'd like to personalize your own with a little international flair, we've pulled together some of the best traditions from abroad. Italy When: In Italy, wedding festivities usually kick off in the morning, ideally on a Sunday. According to regional Italian folklore, you should never marry (or leave for your honeymoon) on a Friday or Tuesday, or you’re bound to ha
Wedding Dance First As A Couple Funny Baby Got Back
A Weddding Of A Life Time
Wedding Comment Graphics
Wedding Bully For Redhottie And Biggodsmakinfan
Love fills a lifetime and a lifetime begins when two begin a new life together It is with great pleasure that we @ Rach's Playland invite you to share in a celebration as we unite DJ Redhottie & Biggodsmakinfan in FU-MATRIMONY on Friday Nov.7th 08 @ 8pm at Rach's Playland By Rach
Make your own banner at!
Wedding Anniversary Wknd (2 B Continued)
So I told you that I wanted to tell you about my wknd. Friday night thankfully did not set the tone for the wknd and that's a good thing because I was suppose to meet up with someone I have been chatting with for a bit and well....... he stood me up (sort of- he kinda dropped the ball on the planning aspect of things and just didn’t get back in touch with me on the where and when although I slotted the time out to meet), we had a text message argument and I told him to go f*ck himself for wasting my time. I guess I just "knew" that he was probly not gonna follow through, but I do try to give folks the benefit of the doubt. Saturday morning around ten-ish I guess I got up and started to get things together for the day. I needed to run some errands to get ready for the evening. John and I's real wedding anniversary was Thursday of last wk (2/26; we had 2 weddings, courthouse and cruise ship for the family’s attendance). So Saturday night was the night we chose to celebrate. I got
Wedding Shite
so me and rocky got married on christmas but didnt invite anyone :P soooooo im in the process of putting together shit for the big one this summer, blah, i hate being the girl :O new song added to the list as of last night Soft kiss and wine what a pretty friend of mine We're finally intertwined Nervous and shy for the moment we will come Alive tonight Secret valentine We'll write a song That turns out the lights When both boy and girl start suddenly shaking inside Don't waste your time Speed up your breathing Just close your eyes We'll hope it's not for nothing at all Lay down be still Don't worry talk they will I'll be loving you until Morning's first light Breaks tomorrow I'll take care of you tonight Secret valentine We'll write a song That turns out the lights When both boy and girl start suddenly shaking inside Don't waste your time Speed up your breathing Just close your eyes We'll hope it's not for nothing at all When guil
Obviously, one would want to examine possible trigger events, such as other weddings in waking life, before too much interpretive work goes into this dream. This dream may be simple wish-fulfillment or personal anticipation. However, if you aren't in the midst of such activities, other scenarios may exist. Initially, it is worth examining other commitments in your life. Are you becoming over-committed, or on the brink of making a major commitment to an employer, romantic partner, or other relationship? This dream may be commenting on how appropriate the commitment is for you. If the wedding goes well, you may see yourself as entering a sound union. If the wedding is a catastrophe, or your role in it is unclear, you may need to reexamine your commitments.
Wedding Date Set
The date's been set and the venue's booked! On the 2nd January, I'll be a married man!
Wedding Lace N Hawt
May I have your attention please? It's time to tie the knot!!! Tonight @ 9est @legends Saloon!! The very lovely Miss LaceMarie will Fu-Marry our very own... Dj HawtLixx Don't miss it!!!! This hosted by..... ღMz.ǵffêÐ Manager@Legends & *2nd Alarm Hottie*!Your Next Ex Gf SEE YOU THERE!!!!
Wedding Singer
Comment on this video! More videos at myYearbook
Wedding Postponed.
Well, another hunk of shit just put a capper on another messed up day.
I Recently got engaged to the man of my dreams after loving him secretly for years. We finally told each other how we felt and fell even deeper in love with one another. I never thought I could be so happy with someone as I am with him. We will be married July 13, 2009 and I am so excited about it. I cant wait to start my new journey with my new husband.
Wedding Inviations To All
The Palace would like to take a moment to invite each and all to it's first Virtual Marriage. In the past I've been told there have been many marriages held in many of the 1000's of Palaces, but this will be The Cantina's first. I think you will find it about as real as it can be, with out being real. The staff has worked hard to make this a wonderful experience for the couple being married. Wildfire the goddess at The Cantian and Ghostrider will be saying their vows to each on Saturday May 23, 2009. With love and affection for all family, friends and visitors to The Cantian we wish to invite you to join us in wishing them a happy and fulfilling lifetime of love. Event : Wedding Date : May 23. 2009 Time : 2pm PST 3pm CST 4pm MST 5pm EST Location: The Cantina  ( If you have never downloaded palace and need help please contact one of the members of the forum and any will be glad to help you get here. For those of you that will be seeing this on a site like
Wedding Day Dance
Eyes meet hands touch To feel this feeling…. Such a rush To see your face and touch your lips To feel your hands upon my hips Amazing… Stars shine bright We dance in night Round and round my heart we dance We cant escape this lucid trance Unbelievable … I follow… you guide Two steps forward, one to side Just me and you A love we knew Living a dream… Hearts thumping thoughts a mess You look at me in my white dress We say our vows and then were done Our life together has now begun I love you .
Wedding-the Oc
      TO CHAPEL:
Inside Edition was just on and it showed a clip of a wedding where the party made their entrance dancing. I figured it would be tacky, but it ended up being pretty sweet and made me ALMOST want to cry. What can I say, I'm a girl. Anyway, I'm thinking that IF I were to ever get married again, I would want something like this. Not the traditional wedding march. Something fun that people would remember. I mean, when you get married, you're happy, right?   At any rate, here is the clip. If it doesn't work...I'll post it in the comments.  
Wedding Invitations
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Wedding Music
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I wanted to take sometime out of my busy day to let you know how things are going. I am getting lots of wedding things done. The wedding favor beading is almost all done. Just have to finish putting them together. I have ordered wine with out picture as the label. It should be ready at any point. I also got hersey kiss labels for the bottom of the kisses. We are putting them on the table. I have sent my dress & Kieyah's flower girl dress in for alterations got a great price for all the work tha needed to be done. I am busy getting the last few things done before the big day. Hand delivered the wedding invations to everyone that we could. Mailed the ones that where out of town. J & I also picked out wedding bands there are not what we thought we where going to end up getting but they are perfect. My mom ( Year of the Dragon) is making all the wedding food as well as the wedding cake. I dont think I could have asked for anyone better to make all my food then my mom. I am heading back
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Wedding Bell Nightmare
Wedding bells in the distance ring loudly for all to hear I run to the chruch to see what the commotion is, to see what occasoin has been brought about this sunnyday.Wreaths,orchids and lillies all lined in a row upon the banisters people dressed in gowns and tuxs while others weeping tears of joy.This all seems so strange seems as if a puzzle pieces is missing I stand in the back hidden so no one can see my rags I am wearing. The bells stop and the music begins a beautiful woman unfamiliar to me appears behind open doors she looks gorgeous with a smile upon her face and a glint of happiness in her eyes she walks down the aisle to her suitor/ I am blinded by a dark shadow upon me the sunnyday suddenly turns gloomy but no one seems to notice. I move forward to get a better look at this magnificent looking angels' suitor As I get closer the day grows darker and I realize this is all wrong I recongize who she is walking towards I am speechless and invisible to all.You stand hands folded t
Wedding Vediography Vancouver
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Wedding Table Centerpiece
With the economy suffering brides are looking more and more to cheaper wedding table centerpiece alternatives.  However, even cutting cost, couples still want centerpieces that will get the attention and talk of all their guest.  Well, when you start deciding on your centerpiece remember this, at the end of the night you get to take home 15+ centerpieces from your wedding that you won't have any use for, except the good memories.  But at the end of night you will often find many guests wanting and asking if they could take them home, so why not create centerpieces that your guest can take home.  If you do this then you can choose or make centerpieces with pieces and then offer them as your favors at the end of the night.  Can we say "killing two birds with one stone," or at least two large expenses of your wedding.If this sounds like something you will want to do to cut cost on your wedding table centerpiece and favors, then lets go over some options that you have for these centerpiece
Wedding Dance
Wedding Photography Toronto
My name is Antonio Nery from Toronto Canada. I am into photography and I have my own photography business. Sometime this year I will put up a wedding photography toronto website. If you have the same interest, lets have a chat.
A Wedding To Remember
  Your Invited to the Wedding Between            Worshipful Master                  ~~♥★TexasBabygirl★♥~~                                       Date: November 22, 2009                                       Time: 10pm est 7pm pst                                       Locate:                                         
Wedding   Obviously, one would want to examine possible trigger events, such as other weddings in waking life, before too much interpretive work goes into this dream. This dream may be simple wish-fulfillment or personal anticipation. However, if you aren't in the midst of such activities, other scenarios may exist. Initially, it is worth examining other commitments in your life. Are you becoming over-committed, or on the brink of making a major commitment to an employer, romantic partner, or other relationship? This dream may be commenting on how appropriate the commitment is for you. If the wedding goes well, you may see yourself as entering a sound union. If the wedding is a catastrophe, or your role in it is unclear, you may need to reexamine your commitments.
Wedding Vow
One ring to show our loveOne ring to bind usOne ring to seal our loveAnd forever to entwine us
The Wedding Of The 18th Century
On February 10, 1863, Charles Sherwood Stratton and Lavinia Warren were married in New York City. What makes this wedding special is that Stratton was better known by his stage name, General Tom Thumb. In the mid to late 1800’s, Tom Thumb was a star show biz attraction. He got his start in show biz with the master showman, P.T. Barnum. Together they toured the U.S. and Europe putting on shows for everyone including the rich, famous and powerful. At 18 years-old he was 2 feet 6 inches tall. For more on Tom Thumb go here: Tom Thumb would have loved BlastFM. We are small but growing fast!
The Wedding Service I Would Love To Have With My Fiancee Part One
The Wedding Service I Would Love To Have With My Fiancee Part Two
  Prayers for Couple's Cord            
The Wedding Service I Would Love To Have With My Fiancee Part One
Script for Filipino-style Wedding in America Extract from the seiyaku website pageon weddings in the Philippines Introduction Celebrant: The ceremonies you are about to witness, the Unity Wedding Coins, the Unity Veil and Unity Cord, the Wedding Rings and Vows, and the Unity Candle Lighting, are uniquely and traditionally a part of the Filipino wedding. If there is anyone present who feels that this unique and beautiful wedding ceremony should not take place, let him or her now come forward and state their reasons or forevermore hold your peace. Blessing and exchange of coins As the coins are offered on a pillow by the Coin Bearer: Celebrant: Lord, bless these coins. Grant (Groom) and (Bride) not only material possessions, but abundant spiritual strength, which these coins symbolize, so that they may bless others. Hold the coins in your hands as a sign that your blessings will no longer be held separately, but together. And may you
Wedding Alterations
Mina Shafiei is the Beverly Hills Tailor and Los Angeles Tailor To The Stars! Her clients include Barbra Streisand, Sharon Osbourne, Paula Abdul, Cher, and more! Call for an appointment.   Wedding Alterations
Wedding Invitations For The Budget Bride
Weddings are wedding invitation wording samples of the most memorable moments in one's beingness. There are umteen group who can't afford a rich ritual. But there are methods where grouping can wee the ceremonial await as if it were real overgenerous, without actually spending much money. This includes the rite invitations for the budget bride. Tacky soprano and groovy wellborn is the prescribe of the day. So there has been a climb in the numerate of brides using cost effective rite invitations.Inexpensive invitations puddle lot of wedding invitation wording samples. Invitations are no long utilised after the ceremonial is over. So it is not sage to pay a lot on these invitations. It is serious to affirm the property when you are reaction the toll. You can't assay bringing the propertied strike. You may telephone it a constricting budget, but the truth is that it is an impressive budget for most of the grouping. By excerpt downwards here you can spend in writer areas where assets is ne
A Wedding Dress Just Fit You
Wedding ceremony is one of the most important days of everyone’s life. Every brides wants to look beautiful on her marriage day. Any one has a dream to get married one day and once you have decided to get married and planning to arrange a wedding ceremony so that your family members can come and attend your wedding then you must also think about getting a good wedding dress for you. But how to choose wedding dresses is just a problem. Should you select a Cheap Special Occasion Dresses, Cheap Pink Wedding Dresses, Cheap Plus Size Wedding Dresses, Cheap Little Black Dresses? There are different and so many ideas that can make your wedding day special but there is not better idea then to take care of wedding dress issue as this is the most burning issue and if you don’t pay attention to it in initial stages and decide that you will buy a good dress for you before one or two days then maybe you are making a very big mistake because you don’t have the experience to buy a
Wedding Dress Trends - Top Styles For The Modern Bride
Weddings are all about personal style. Reflecting the overall trend of breaking away from tradition and steadfast rules, modern brides are choosing wedding gowns that reflect their personality rather than that of their grandmother's. The only rule for wedding dress style these days is to choose one that suits you, whether that means a gold gown, trouser suit or sundress. And even if you are more traditional and inclined towards the fairy princess in a white satin ballgown, you need not worry about being perceived as old fashioned or "not with the times." The modern "rule" for wedding dress style is to choose something that makes you feel comfortable and beautiful on your most special day. The 21st Century Bride - That said, although certain traditional dress styles are always popular, bridal fashion does follow mainstream fashion to some extent. So if you are looking for something a little more contemporary or "now," consider turning to the catwalks for inspiration.The currently popula
Wedding Venue
Wedding And Party
Come and join us in My Fair Wedding as I do my very first fu wedding and fu marry my best friend Bud and his soon to be fu wifey IrishRaina. There is going to be a reception party and an anniversary party and also a halloween party. The wedding starts at 10 pm est on October 30, 2010. Parties will follow. Please contact me for more information and the link to the lounge. We would love to see you come in and join in the fun.
Wedding Attire Are In Several Styles And Designs
The moment in time each and every lady impatiently awaits is the actuality that when she will stroll comfortably the aisle flaunting a lovely wedding dress . and also the most amazing component of the wedding party for any bride, other compared to ring ceremony, will be the wedding party gown. Most from the girls previously have particular wedding party attire in thoughts which they would like being noticed putting on within their personal wedding. Dressok If that's the circumstance then the procedure of obtaining a gown could be just a little easy, offered the bride's favorites are not away from date. But once the bride has no predetermined gown design in mind, the procedure could possibly get truly busy heading via all of the newest and trendy attire while in the market.Cheap Special Occasion Dresses In possibly case, the bride last but not least actions for the aisle in an very stylish item of clothing. Wedding attire are out there in several styles and designs . Cheap Evening Dres
Wedding Attire Are In Several Styles And Designs
The moment in time each and every lady impatiently awaits is the actuality that when she will stroll comfortably the aisle flaunting a lovely wedding dress . and also the most amazing component of the wedding party for any bride, other compared to ring ceremony, will be the wedding party gown. Most from the girls previously have particular wedding party attire in thoughts which they would like being noticed putting on within their personal wedding. Dressok If that's the circumstance then the procedure of obtaining a gown could be just a little easy, offered the bride's favorites are not away from date. But once the bride has no predetermined gown design in mind, the procedure could possibly get truly busy heading via all of the newest and trendy attire while in the market.Cheap Special Occasion Dresses In possibly case, the bride last but not least actions for the aisle in an very stylish item of clothing. Wedding attire are out there in several styles and designs . Cheap Evening Dres
Wedding Anouncement Of The Year
Wedding Apparel Hints For The Petite Bride To Find Their Perfect Dress
Magazine and style content articles typically spend much more consideration in providing hints in searching for plus size wedding dresses .that is mainly because the planet nowadays has acknowledged the developing quantity of much more voluptuous women. But for all those who believe that only the "fuller brides" encounter pains in searching for their wedding dress, then you definitely are mistaken. Cheap Sequined Formal Dresses Petite girls also discover it tough to look for their perfect dress. Oftentimes, it is at all times an concern of obtaining correct duration vis-a-vis the correct fit. much more generally than not, waists are as well wide,Wholesale wedding dress or lengths are as well long. Therefore, it is vital for yourself to obtain the right style. Otherwise, you may perhaps be unnecessarily adding on much more fat or are accidentally creating you seem like "child" bride. You wouldn't want this to happen, would you? So right here are a few of wedding apparel hints for you
Wedding Apparel Hints For The Petite Bride To Find Their Perfect Dress
Magazine and style content articles typically spend much more consideration in providing hints in searching for plus size wedding dresses .that is mainly because the planet nowadays has acknowledged the developing quantity of much more voluptuous women. But for all those who believe that only the "fuller brides" encounter pains in searching for their wedding dress, then you definitely are mistaken. Cheap Sequined Formal Dresses Petite girls also discover it tough to look for their perfect dress. Oftentimes, it is at all times an concern of obtaining correct duration vis-a-vis the correct fit. much more generally than not, waists are as well wide,Wholesale wedding dress or lengths are as well long. Therefore, it is vital for yourself to obtain the right style. Otherwise, you may perhaps be unnecessarily adding on much more fat or are accidentally creating you seem like "child" bride. You wouldn't want this to happen, would you? So right here are a few of wedding apparel hints for you
Wedding Gown Superstitions
Before you start into this article, please keep in mind that superstitions are just for fun. Cheap Plus Size Wedding Dresses Thirteen may be the unluckiest amount in some elements with the globe, the luckiest in others, and of no significance of all in nevertheless others. Weddings can include a great deal to be concerned about for your existence - you don't must best that away having a dread of getting together with a lizard about the way for the ceremony. Pink Wedding Dresses My friend Jean's plan on superstitions is among the perfect I've heard: If she thinks some thing will provide her some additional great luck, she adopts it.Cheap Wedding Party Dresses And if she thinks it will provide her poor luck, she ignores it as although it's the silliest issue she's actually noticed of. right after all, if you're heading to select to think in luck, why not stack the deck inside your favor? Cheap Bridesmaid Dresses Making the attire The 1 unlucky superstition I'm in complete favor of may
2011 Wedding Colors You Will Come Across Most Suitable For The Big Day
Is your wedding arranged on this radiant year? If yes, then you certainly should realize that 2011 is supposed to be about brilliant colors! Cheap Special Occasion Dresses Yes, this year, well-known wedding colours are pointing toward vivid colors-tropical colours that connote enjoyment and extravagance. You do not must be concerned in circumstance you choose chilly more than cozy colors,though our palette addresses a broad variety which will certainly provide you with a great selection of choices. There is in fact pretty a lengthy checklist of the well-known wedding colours for this year. Nevertheless, Cheap Sequined Formal Dresses right here would be the shades you will possibly come across most suitable for the big day! Reds This year, red, mauve, coral, as well as warm pink are on this season. red-colored can be a wedding colour that normally exudes elegance and tends to make for any seductive all round look. Wholesale wedding dress There is no doubt why it has grow to be and in
2011 Wedding Colors You Will Come Across Most Suitable For The Big Day
Is your wedding arranged on this radiant year? If yes, then you certainly should realize that 2011 is supposed to be about brilliant colors! Cheap Special Occasion Dresses Yes, this year, well-known wedding colours are pointing toward vivid colors-tropical colours that connote enjoyment and extravagance. You do not must be concerned in circumstance you choose chilly more than cozy colors,though our palette addresses a broad variety which will certainly provide you with a great selection of choices. There is in fact pretty a lengthy checklist of the well-known wedding colours for this year. Nevertheless, Cheap Sequined Formal Dresses right here would be the shades you will possibly come across most suitable for the big day! Reds This year, red, mauve, coral, as well as warm pink are on this season. red-colored can be a wedding colour that normally exudes elegance and tends to make for any seductive all round look. Wholesale wedding dress There is no doubt why it has grow to be and in
The Wedding Dress - A Symbol Providing An Unforgettable Lesson In Hope
Like many women, after you've accepted your finance's marriage suggestion and your ideas turn to the sensible elements of the wedding that would be to follow, what may be the first factor you think of? TheWholesale wedding dress. The wedding dress is generally a symbol, providing an unforgettable lesson in hope, composed with the organic simplicity and splendor of the born storyteller. Saying, "I think in my future, I think with the guy whom I am providing myself to, Cheap Simple Wedding Dresses I think I have not kept myself in vain, but with the wish of lifestyle and achievement with my husband and the young children we will bring forth." A Bride's Honor It doesn't need to be only Cinderella that's adorned in a fabulous gown! for people who are shortly for being a bride, then the desire of your heart, which you will stand forth in splendor with just about every vision beholding you doesn't require only for being a dream, Cheap Homecoming Dresses but of all rights ought to be brough
The Wedding Dress - A Symbol Providing An Unforgettable Lesson In Hope
Like many women, after you've accepted your finance's marriage suggestion and your ideas turn to the sensible elements of the wedding that would be to follow, what may be the first factor you think of? TheWholesale wedding dress. The wedding dress is generally a symbol, providing an unforgettable lesson in hope, composed with the organic simplicity and splendor of the born storyteller. Saying, "I think in my future, I think with the guy whom I am providing myself to, Cheap Simple Wedding Dresses I think I have not kept myself in vain, but with the wish of lifestyle and achievement with my husband and the young children we will bring forth." A Bride's Honor It doesn't need to be only Cinderella that's adorned in a fabulous gown! for people who are shortly for being a bride, then the desire of your heart, which you will stand forth in splendor with just about every vision beholding you doesn't require only for being a dream, Cheap Homecoming Dresses but of all rights ought to be brough
The Wedding Dresses Or Gowns - How Do Them All Begin?
Did you actually wonder how the tradition of putting on a wedding gown arrived about? wedding dresses were donned by brides youthful and outdated similar for centuries. In contemporary instances nearly something passes for any wedding gown however, in instances of old, conventional wedding gowns had been flowing gowns normally bright in color. White is normally accepted since the "traditional" coloring of dresses, and a lot of designer wedding gowns are even now fashioned on this color, representing the "purity" and "innocence" within the bride to be. a lot of females go for other colors, such as blue, pink, cream, yellow and more. Wedding dresses have altered with time a great deal as almost everything from the planet has. In instances of outdated most females chosen a gown centered on her economic status. females who had been at an financial disadvantage normally do not possess the luxury of picking an extraordinary gown that can be donned only once. Rather, most chosen some thing
Wedding Gowns - Buying Dreamy Wedding Dresses Online
Wedding gowns are actually the icing around the cake on every bride's big day. You'll find perfect wedding dresses online, or just brainstorm which type of wedding gowns to begin searching for while you limit your research. First you have to pick out which kinds of wedding gowns is worth considering. Your wedding gown should tell the planet exactly what you are. In the end, here's your day, as well as your wedding dress is paramount method in which you share yourself together with your wedding visitors -- and, obviously, your husband-to-be. Right now, you've likely given some thoughts in regards to what type of wedding you want to have: traditional, informal or perhaps a theme wedding, possibly. Here are a few general recommendations: In formal wedding ceremonies, brides generally put on lengthy whitened/cream-colored wedding gowns along with a veil, possibly a train and, obviously, mitts. In semi-formal wedding ceremonies, brides generally put on lengthy whitened/cream-colored w
Wedding Gown Fundamentals-five Items You Have To Know Before Finding Your Wedding Dress
Odds are your wedding gown would be the most significant clothing acquisition of your existence. Yes, you will simply put on it once but, are you going to ever put on another dress more anticipated and much more spoken about? And although this is indeed an essential clothing decision, you've most likely never went through procedure for buying a wedding dress so far. Fortunately, I've put together helpful advice to enable you to get began moving toward walking lower the aisle within the dress you've always dreamt of. Start Shopping Early Time is important. Probably, you didn't get engaged following a week of dating, kind you need to hurry this kind of important shopping decision? Planning for a wedding is demanding, and also the last factor you need to supplment your worries is dress shopping. You'll need time. You don't only need time for you to shop, but bear in mind that you'll likewise need time for you to watch for your dress to reach and time for fixtures. Attempt to start searc
Wedding Dresses For Different Season
It is very important to remember every details in your wedding plan when you are getting married it is important to remember It is important to take into consideration what season your wedding date is set for and choose the perfect wedding dress for that season.Fall wedding dressesThe fall season can be a very tricky month; it can be warm during the day, and freezing cold at night. It is important that you choose the right dress. Wedding experts have recommended that wearing a strapless wedding dress will allow you to be comfortable during the day, however if you get chilly toward the end of the day, you can wear a shawl, wrap or even a stole to stay warm. These accessories will accent the look of your gown.It is also recommended that the gown should be off white or cream color with bronze or gold beading. Jeweled accents are perfect for fall wedding dresses.Summer wedding dressesSummertime is the most chosen season for weddings. There are many different options for wedding dresses for
Wedding Gowns - Faq's
You've become engaged and also have set the marriage date and now you have to obtain lower to business. All of the planning and choices could be overwhelming towards the most organized and practical bride-to-be. There's help there for you personally. Here are a few recommendations of how to pull off purchasing your wedding dress. Q. The length of time have i got before my wedding to search for my dress? You need to begin searching for the gown as quickly as possible following the date date is placed. It might take you some time to obtain the "perfect" dress. When you do think it is, there's apt to be modifications that should be done and add-ons to become bought. Q. How can i search for an outfit that provides a number of styles at various prices? Try looking in bridal magazines or the internet which like the Dressok. The option of dresses will be based greatly around the season the wedding will occur, the kind of wedding you plan, as well as your budget. Q. So why do I want anyon
Wedding Gowns-the Magical Stuff Of Summer Time Wedding Dreams
You float lower the aisle for the altar where your groom waits,and without anyone's knowledge,your hear the soulful serenade of Chris Ledoux: "Just give you credit,girl Standin'here with me at night Starlight in your hair Searching wonderful I imagined somewhere... You're indeed an attractive vision inside your wedding dress of French lace and pastel floral beadwork.That's how wedding gowns can like magic transform brides to fairy princesses.So pick one design from individuals lovely wedding dresses to create your march lower the aisle the items that dreams are constructed with. Selecting THE Wedding Gown Something old,new things,something lent-but should it continually be something blue?Modern brides are escaping.from the traditional norm when selecting wedding gowns.It's no more the customary lengthy whitened gowns they would like to put on.They choose something which personalizes their personas as well as their dreams. If you are imaging to drift lower the aisle wonderful,ta
Wedding Dress Guide-how To Buy Your Wedding Gown
You have done the study.You are a specialist on ball gown silhouettes and sweetheart cleavage lines.The years have finally showed up-it's wedding dress shopping day!But such as the relaxation from the wedding ceremony planning process,looking for a wedding gown is a little more complex than searching for your fundamental set of slacks.Know what to anticipate before you decide to hit the shops!First,you have to decide where you will shop listed,here are the most typical options: Individually Possessed Full Service Bridal Shops This Dress store provides a full-range of services for that bride and also the wedding ceremony,with designers and prices varying from moderate to high-finish.While off-the-rack can be done,these stores typically special-order wedding dresses for brides and family and friends,so you ought to be ready to wait a couple of weeks for the gown to reach.You'll mostly likely have the ability to purchase all your bridal Wedding Accessories,for example footwear,veils,und
Wedding Gowns-how To Prevent The Very Best 7 Mistakes Brides Make When Searching For A Wedding Dress
Probably the most important choice you'll make when planning the wedding is choosing an ideal wedding dress.Whether guess what happens you're searching for,or if you're just beginning your wedding gown search,you will find a number of things you should know to prevent making the mistakes a number of other brides before you decide to have.A wedding gown is really a large investment that many brides have imagined of for very long time a choice no bride wants to accept possibility of getting wrong. General findings reveal several factors which are repeated again and again which result in the Wedding Dresses being the stuff of family legend,the main focus of the tv program or feature with an interactive website. Mistake 1 Before you decide to set feet inside a Dress store,seek information.Read magazines,visit websites,attend bridal shows.This helps limit the numerous available alternatives before you begin searching.It's so simple to have your eyes turned whenever you enter an outlet fi
Wedding Dress Patterns, The Benefits Of Them And Ugg Boots
One way to obtain the Couture Wedding Dress you have consistently dreamed of would be to ensure it is your self or have somebody you already know ensure it is for you. Even if you ever employ out the sewing job, it will most likely be less expensive than really getting that artist gown which you saw some film star put on over a newspaper cover. You would pick a wedding ceremony apparel pattern within the identical way you would pick a Wedding Dress from the boutique. pick a design which you adore and that is fine for the entire body type. a single way you can perform this if you ever are not positive if it will match your entire body sort would be to go to some boutique, come across a comparable style, and attempt it on. The most effective method to come across the really best patterns would be to pay a visit to numerous pattern maker's web web sites or telephone call and request for any catalog of wedding ceremony apparel patterns. In the whole, there are some formal patterns, such
The Wedding Story
Okay it all started with a marriage proposal..... I am going to Fu Propose this is My Fu Marriage proposal...I promise to pimp only you, bling you with limited edition blings, HH, Special abilities, blasts and Godmodes till fudeath tears us apart...Do you think she will accep? Totally Rejected so I posted this next as my status cause I was broken hearted...I am FuEngaged. So I decided to FuMarry a70 years young FUBARIAN and I have the feeling the minute we take our Fuvows she will outlive me........from that point it went to this....OH WOW went to give me fu fiance the ring and her eyes rolled back in her head...the FU-neral will be tomorrow....and finally to this...Oh where is the Genu1deal Fu-Widowed button.......then finally this....My blushing 70 years young dearly departed fu wife had 6 ex fu hubbies before me. The 6 of us  had to split her bling.
Wedding Industry Bashes The Self Esteem *explicit Language*
You would think the Wedding Dress Industry would Psycologically help us women out. But No.... *Fucking Bastards* It's already monumental enough, the tasks that need to be done..the Church, the Guests, Flowers and Food..not to mention the Booze, the reception hall preparations, Im a cheap bitch, If I was of the likes of millionaires i wouldnt sweat it... I went to Walmart to buy the invitations....the kind you take home and with templates they provide via a may print out your own on their pretty paper......again * Fucking Bastards*......Very not friendly to use... Even when you get a wild geek squad thought up your ass that ok i can do this and make it turn out just right........Wrong..It doesnt print all you typed, wrong fonts not right font sizes wont fit to paper..its enough to make you cry and scream! I have a wonderful printer...and after several attempt and only greeting failure in the face i had 2 choices left......cry or scream.... I almost cried...So with th
I watched my baby sister get married over the weekend :) I wanted to cry cause im so happy for her! I hope she and my new brother inlaw have the best life together and hurry up on making me an Aunt! I had to drive through 2 states :) It was a lovely vacation :) HAd me a nice room with a Hot tub and a fire place.. The moutains on the way were so beautiful. I Wish i could travel more. The lil shops were nice too. I had alot of fun.Was very relaxing! Just seeing her and helping her get into her dress brought me to tears... I love my sister so much! I wish her nothing but happiness and love! I will never forget all the things she has done for me she is the best sister in the world! I would do anything for her! Love u sis!
Wedding Planner Melbourne- Creates Memorable Wedding
One of the important happenings in our life is our wedding day. A wedding is a memorable day to everyone so a couple really wants the best of it. However, creating a beautiful and memorable wedding is stressful task. There are many things to do in order to have a perfect wedding such as looking for the right venue of the wedding, perfect reception and everything. A couple can’t be able to do all these preparations for the wedding alone without the help of the wedding planner Melbourne. Since, preparing for the wedding is stressful work, a wedding planner will be the one to plan and prepare for everything. A couple can get a lot of benefits in getting wedding planner in Melbourne since this wedding planner will do everything to make your wedding special and magnificent. When you have a wedding planner, you can be away from all the stress in creating a beautiful wedding. In fact, you can be away from the planning and preparing the important things to make the wedding unforgettable.
Wedding Planner Melbourne- Creators Of Magical moments
Our wedding day is one of the important event in our life so you should really want the best. However, creating a beautiful and memorable wedding is extremely stressful becausethere are many elements and tasks such as looking for the right venue and perfect suppliers. A working couple will find it really challenging to do all these preparations for their wedding without the help of the best wedding planner Melbourne. We know that preparing a wedding takes at least 250+ hours and can be very stressful, a wedding planner will assist and make your journey stress free and enjoyable as you embark on this beautiful journey. There are many benefits that comes with hiring a Wedding Planner and that is because they know the people in the industry and will match your needs to their industry peers to ensure you get the best for your money. When you have a wedding planner, you can be away from all the stress in creating a beautiful wedding. In fact, you can be away from the planning and preparing
Wedding Dress Für Den Außenbereich - Semi-formale Hochzeit
Nicht alle Bräute wie die formale Hochzeit, während einige haben ihr Herz auf eine semi-formale Hochzeit in casualhochzeitskleider gesetzt. Semi-formal ist eine gute Regel für Berg-Einstellungen. Dies ermöglicht für die Braut zu sein ausdrucksstark in ihrer Wahl des Hochzeitskleides. Ein Berg Hochzeit ist oft schön und rustikal. Aber eine lange, formelle Kleidung sieht fehl am Platz. Verwenden Sie einen Tee-Länge Hochzeitskleid in Ihrem Bergkulisse, und stellen Sie sicher, dass das Kleid in einfachen. Outdoor Berg Hochzeiten sind große Chancen für Brautjungfer 'color läuft, "wo jeder Brautjungfer ein Kleid in einer anderen Farbe trägt. Brautkleider können im Boden, knielang oder sogar Shorts je nach dem Ort, dass Hochzeit stattfinden wird. Mögen Sie Cocktail-Hochzeit Kleid, das nur für die semi-formale Hochzeit ist?
We Destroy The Things We Love
To quote Oscar Wilde, "They say we destroy the things we love, but really the things we love destroy us
We Decided To Just Be Friends, Nothing More.
He & I aren't meant for one another at this time I called things off, now I wished I wouldn't have made my fubar mail e-address as alswoman! & No way to change it unless I after my VIP status runs out & I come back, I'd give my fu-bucks to someone & then get them back once I came back on so Please someone help me out here ok! Shari
We Define Who We Are Through Our Actions.
Your actions Whether something is possible or impossible for you depends more on what you do about it than on any other factor. Your persistent, focused action is what brings possibilities to life. Certainly there are obstacles that stand in your way. And you can choose to use those obstacles as excuses for not taking action. Or, you can choose to get up, get motivated and get busy working your way toward the results you seek. Once you begin to take action, the obstacles lose their power to stop you and instead become steps along the pathway to achievement. The actions necessary for success can often seem to be difficult, complicated, inconvenient, embarrassing, uncomfortable, tiresome or demeaning. Realize that those undesirable qualities are, for the most part, mere inventions of your mind, and your choice to take action will override them every time. When you know what you must do, then go ahead and make it happen. Stop focusing on the excuses and start moving toward rea
We Deemed It Endless...
Dusk filtering through thin panes of crystal. Holding back the wind, with much rattling protest. The light of the yawning sun paints the attic faintly the color of a bit peach or a lit oven. Flecks of dancing dust mites and fuzzbunnies. Only visible in the untouchable shafts of light. Nothing to wrap your fingers around darling. Only waltzing figments they won't answer your questions. Though they dance so serenely with such calming wisdom. Such infinite silent oblivious voyeurism. Smells like childhood. Dark hiding places. Sneezing fits foiling our marathon games. Of sunday afternoons both clear saphire and muddy grey. Feels like emptiness as yet another tiny, waltzing blind, mute prophet falls to my waiting fingertips. To wait, is the only way to capture the infinite. Feels like emptiness. Feels like emptiness, Withering in my escaped youth. Exhaled from my eager adolescence. Stirring the innumerable, uncapturable infinite. Like so many was
Wed Feb 28, 2007
OK, I decided to try some new stuff. I sang "Cat's In the Cradle". Probably should have waited for the last of the Asian Panda Death Flu to be out of my system. Still, not too shabby. Followed with "Funky Cold Medina" to get the silly song out of the way. Always a good choice. Followed that with "Zoot Suit Riot". That went over well. Needs a little work. Followed that with "Rebel Yell". Needs some work as well. Closed my personal set with "Maria, Maria" by Santana. Broke into a sweat in the middle of the song. It's too high pitched for me. Learned my lesson.
Wed. Feb. 13
Lots to do today... meetings, fundraising, and more. My husband and I will be sharing our V day gifts on Friday since both of us are working tomorrow night. Oh ... is he ever going to get on Friday night!!!!
The Wedgie
It was a hot, sticky summer morning and Paddy decided to go to early Mass before it gets too hot, so he tells his wife he will be back in an hour. Sure enough, he comes back in an hour, but with 2 black eyes! "Paddy," she says, "You said you were going to church and here you been fightin!" "No, Mother, I did go to church." "Well, what happened to you?" "Well, you know it was so hot and Mrs. O'Leary was in the pew in front of me. When we got up from the sermon, I noticed that her dress was stuck up in her crack and I thought it looked terribly uncomfortable so I reached forward and pulled it out for her. She turned around and smacked me right in the eye." "Well, Paddy, that explains how you got one black eye, but what about the other?" "Well, I thought, if that is the way she feels about it, I would put it back in."
The Wedge High Back Cheap Christian Louboutin Shoes Make A Amazing Style Declaration
Italian producer Ash has transformed the way in which we think about Christian Louboutin Shoes . The item, make in Italy in 2001 by Patrick Ithier, has can be found for getting attached with best fantastic and relaxation. It's in the forefront of revolutionary style. Ash shoes take developed to be advised a must-have for just about any style-conscious individual. Their intelligent, afsddgre up industry designs are alone to die for. no occasion whether the structure could be the easy reality that of Christian Louboutin Sale , apartments, shoes or shoes, the shoes are meant for all seasons. To abode on Ash can be to acknowledge style. Ladies acquire a adequate advanced array to bullets from. Ash Thelma Havana beach leather-based with 4 the forefront buckles would lookup amazing recognizing a brim as able-bodied as a adorable outfit. Or even the amazing Ash Instinct, with amber leather-based applique plan is overall for occasion use. Exact goes application the mild Ash Nirvana. Hold
We Didn't See
We were at a party, And you decided to drink. I sat around while you took shots, But never once did we think. We decided to leave, And you said you was going to drive. We did not see the outcome That one of us would not survive. As we pulled away from the party, You started driving really crazy. You began to act weird, but said We would be okay...maybe. I asked for you to let me drive So we would arrive home in one piece. I wanted to get home safe and sound, But neither one of us knew this wouldn’t be. We did not see what laid ahead Around the sharp, short curve. You lost control of the wheel, And we began to wildly swerve. We both held on tight As the car flung out of control. I felt a pain in my stomach, As the car flipped and started to roll. My vision went black, And my mind totally blank. I did not make a sound, Nor any sound could I make. I could hear people yell, And others heavily crying. They wanted to me fight, With sirens screami
We Did Not Get To Say Goodbye…
by Bryant H. McGill, December of 2004 If I die before I see you again A simple thing I want to say No matter to the troubles when Our time was dark or grey For as a whole our time was great And filled with joys and love That no trials can thus abate Nor change the truth thereof Where I am, I hold no grudge And hope you feel the same For time is a forgetful judge That feely forgives blame One day it will be your turn To give this gift again To those you love, you’ll return That you kept within The simple truth that you cared And wish you showed them more There’s no reason to despair To memory - let’s adore!
A woman who had been married three times walked into a bridal shop one day and told the sales clerk that she was looking for a wedding gown for her fourth wedding. "Of course, madam," replied the sales clerk, "Exactly what type and color dress are you looking for?" The bride to be said: "A long frilly white dress with a veil." The sales clerk hesitated a bit, then said, "Please don't take this the wrong way, but gowns of that nature are considered more appropriate for brides who are being married the first time - for those who are a bit more innocent, if you know what I mean? Perhaps ivory or sky blue would be nice?" "Well," replied the customer, a little peeved at the clerk's directness,"I can assure you that a white gown would be quite appropriate. Believe it or not, despite all my marriages, I remain as innocent as any first-time bride. You see, my first husband was so excited about our wedding, he died as we were checking into our hotel." "My second husband and I got int
We Did It All For The Cookie
We Did It!!!!
well right now i am sitting here paying the price of being a big fan of the game..and a bigger fan of the superbowl champions Indianopolis Colts!!! for those who said they couldnt do it..well they did it and i have a huge hangover to prove ya we will be there again next i said in the beginng of the season..i will say it again..superbowl bound!!!!! and to you Bears guys had a great year!! peace
We Didn't Start The Fire!
One of Billy Joels best! Storm Front Released: 1989 Harry Truman, Doris Day, Red China, Johnny Ray South Pacific, Walter Winchell, Joe DiMaggio Joe McCarthy, Richard Nixon, Studebaker, Television North Korea, South Korea, Marilyn Monroe Rosenbergs, H Bomb, Sugar Ray, Panmunjom Brando, The King And I, and The Catcher In The Rye Eisenhower, Vaccine, England's got a new queen Maciano, Liberace, Santayana goodbye We didn't start the fire It was always burning Since the world's been turning We didn't start the fire No we didn't light it But we tried to fight it Joseph Stalin, Malenkov, Nasser and Prokofiev Rockefeller, Campanella, Communist Bloc Roy Cohn, Juan Peron, Toscanini, Dancron Dien Bien Phu Falls, Rock Around the Clock Einstein, James Dean, Brooklyn's got a winning team Davy Crockett, Peter Pan, Elvis Presley, Disneyland Bardot, Budapest, Alabama, Khrushchev Princess Grace, Peyton Place, Trouble in the Suez We didn't start the fire I
We Died For That Right
We died for that right To cast in our vote To decide how to live From a ballot like note We died for that right For a free spoken voice And to elect as our leader Who is best for our choice We died for that right So decisions are made And our rights as a people Won't wither or fade We died for that right To choose where we learn And where we can live From the profits we earn We died for that right To share in this land And not live as slaves Or policed by the man Though we died for that right We're still at a loss Because our people don't vote And we pay for that cost $olo1/07
We Did It :)
MORGANTOWN, West Virginia (AP) -- To the disappointment of school administrators -- and the pride of some students -- West Virginia University is No. 1 on The Princeton's Review's annual list of the top 20 party schools. The school has made the list seven times in the past 15 years, despite efforts to curb underage drinking and rowdy behavior. But not since 1997 have the Mountaineers taken the top spot. Last year, WVU was No. 3, bested by the University of Texas at Austin and Penn State, both of which remain in the top 10 this year. Senior Katie O'Hara, 22, said WVU is No. 1 because "no matter what kind of party you want it's here -- bars, fraternities, house parties. ... If you want to take shots all night, there's a bar; no matter what you want to do, it's there." Still, O'Hara said her friends "know how to manage their time. They know when to party and when not to," which wouldn't explain the school's No. 1 ranking in the category of Their Students (Almost) Never Stud
We Didn't Move
i just couldn't make the move to TX so we are staying here in AR Glad to be where the heart is at home As we all know there is NO place like home
We Did It!! Graduation Is Here
Its been 18 long months! Crazydebi and I finally made it. We are Gibbs College Graduates!! We are so excited and happy to be done and soon to be starting new jobs. A new chapter in our lives is about to begin and Crazydebi and I are going to be life long friends. I'm so glad I met her. Can you tell that we are right next to each other posting this blog? lol
We Did It
We Did It
We headed to Colorado for College road Nationals. We went with high expectations, but with a young team really did not know just how well they would perform. After a strong start on Friday at the Team Time Trial, the team did an amazing job. Saturday they won both of the Division 1 races. Sunday they won as a team in both the men's and women's races. We did the impossible and won the Div I national title. After the races were over we were told that it was the first time an East Coast team had won the National title. An amazing weekend of racing for our program. I am so proud of my team as we begin the long drive back to North Carolina.
We Did It
married by fu daddy 7/24/08 at 11:00pm so happy and happy b day shorty
"we Did It..."
First and foremost, thank you for taking time to read my blogs, again words can't express how thankful I am for taking time if your busy schedules to read this. Although I was scheduled to write on corruption in the Afghan Political system, something remarkable occurred in the past 24-48 hours. Haji Juma Khan, the most notorious heroin trafficker in Afghanistan was apprehended by Indonesian authorities. This was an effort that required much of our time in the past few weeks. I, personally, have been tracking this individual for three plus years, even before coming here to Afghanistan. One of the biggest reasons I took on this challenge was because I felt that I thought I can make a difference here, I felt that working from the States, it was virtually impossible to make an impact. One of the first things the general told me that he wanted to make a major arrest before the year ended, i told him that once we crack our big case, we'll have dinner and celebrate. I never ever imagine t
We Didn't Start The Fire
We Didn't Start The Fire(Watch Video Below) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Let's take a look back through 40 years of history. We will take a trip from the 1940s through the 1980s. Rules: 1. Please rate my "We Didn't Start The Fire" Album. Leave a comment on the last one. 2. Please F/R/A and Comment each member below. 3. Please F/R/A and Comment each new member that joins. 4. Message MscFrk when you are finished to be added and receive your tag. 5. Have Fun!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hostess: MscFrk~Club FAR, Tabu & United~Life Saver~25 to Life~T & L Leveler~ Riders: GnbRebel Head Thumper At Sweetwater's &Owned by Princess Beakers&Member Of The Zodiac Bombers aGEM4life {Shadow Leveler} Owner Of TheLifeSaversFamily FUEngaged2 POOKIE|FUOwned by jade&jaksonsmom ~¢¾Temptress¢¾OFFICE MGR @RASTA INC**CLUB FAR* Slave2Fantasy/Aka/Erotica/AKA/Keeper of Trains see blog~Tat _man73~R/L G/F BrattyBytch Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Suga Love Manage
We Didn't Start The Flame War.
Watch We Didnt Start the Flame War and more funny videos on CollegeHumor
We Did It!!
WE DID IT! I LOVE YOU!!!  ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL! Thank you guys so much for your generosity! I'm about to cry! Not because of the spotlight, but because of the outpouring of support! You have been so nice to me and I haz a happy! LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU guys and gals!
We Die Alone
Verse 1]A moment in time worthy only of solitude.A stranger not meant for another to see.Are we the abandoned?Are we the deserter?Lived in the night so his wickedness way.The faces light up their screens,as the wealthy cash in on the war.The body counts rise, the ratings will soar.Another deceiver.The liar, the patriot.Counting the lies and keeping the score.The score.[Pre-chorus:]Look at the light based on faith that deserts you.You are the hunted, the victim, the prey and the fallen.[Chorus:]We die alone.[Verse 2]A lamb in the line has been lead to the slaughter.Another to join all the ghosts from before.(Join all the ghosts from before.)Another believer, another casualty.Can't tell the way out from a drain to the floor.The floor.
We Did It Once Again People
we did it once again people barack obama is one again our president and we should be happy because now its time to stop the bitching and moaning and get up and do for self. look i dont care bout who u voted for just as long as u voted,now r work doesnt end there he can't do it alone so lets get up and get out there and do r part. if u want succcess make it happen and don't wait for it to be given to u only u gan move forward or backwards u r the onlly one who can sttop u and with God on ur side u will reach the top of the mountain. darkandsmoove69
Wed,, June 6,2007
Wed, Jul 15, 2009 [[calming Down, Mother Drama]]
I've been feeling better today! Last night a great friend from the Fu called me and talked things over with me.  I realized that though I am going through some hard things right now, i'm not the only one plastered with the word 'worry' written over my entire face. I want to thank you so much because you truely helped me to realize that having problems is no reason to not go out and enjoy the things I love the most! :) HUGS! :) Hmmm, what else?  Well, my mothers been blowing my phone up insisting that I'm depressed because I won't answer her phone for ONE DAY! Oh boy, that lady gets on my nerves sometimes! She actually called me on speakerphone today with a close friend (to both of us) with concern for why I wasn't talking to my EX BOYFRIEND lately!? REALLY? We dated 2 years ago for a 2 year period and he wants to get back with me but I don't feel the same and apparently, everyone needs to know whats up with me not talking to him. [[Needless drama]] He tells me that 'he wanted to see
Two more days and hubby will be home! If you ask him though, it's 1 day left, cause he's not counting Friday. Must be a man thing. Anyway, I'm annoyed today. Few things to be annoyed with. The wind, for one, and our weather forecast for this weekend-SNOW! SNOW? Wait, it's only September!!!! NO SNOW!! STAY AWAY! ugh. We might be going to Billings this weekend for my oldest daughter's 22nd birthday- I would like to go down and spend it with her, but it's up to hubby if we will do this, kinda hard to ask him to drive all that way the day after he gets home after being gone for 6 wks! We'll see.... this is my first blog, out of many to come, I'm sure :)
Wednesday Night
that's how it always ends up eventually. everyone has things that keep them busy. everyone except me. sure there are options, but why am i so selective? destined for this life...forever? is anyone else really all THAT happy? it might just be a facade.
Just got back from teh doctor and it was a wried session lol i found out what makes me get pissed off so much lol. i have Bipolar disorder II, borderline personality disorder, and post trumatic stress disorder from abuse during child hood no wonder people think i am crazy lol just kidding i am in college studying to be a nurse so i am not crazy i am a very good mom and love my kids they mean the most to me. Its hard on them going thur my divorce i try to be upbeat about it but its hard on everyone in this house but dealing with it as best as i can with out going off the deep end lol so hopefully everything will be ok
Wednesdays suck but oh well up to early lol can't stand being up this early i am not used to it i am used to being up at 8 with my youngest but thats cool didn't feel good yesterday so i slept most of the day so i couldn't sleep no more. I have decided not to let anyone come and treat me like hell iam going to start ignoring people that are rude to me becasue i can't let people run my life its for me too run not them so i stood up for my self and i feel better. so from now on i won't let know one treat me bad again
Wednesday 13 & Murderdolls Videos For Your Viewing Pleasure
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Good morning I just joined this wonderful place and if anyone out there has anysuggestions for me please let me know... I love to write and I have my very first poetry book being published which will be out soon more updates on that later... I have a two places I would love for ya to check out my writing port at: and The Daily News website at: Okay well I am off to check further into here Everyone have a great day and a wonderful week!
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
From july till now Current mood: cheerful Ok I gave a serious relationship on more try and bless her heart it's not her fault . I was this close to commiting to a small but more than casual relationship. But my cock leads the way again. I had been seeing what must be Am 5 now , but still had am-3. She wanted to be my "Pet" so she has. She knows her place will never be ..1 but she still comes around. We have fucked many times since July even though i was trying to be exclusive with am5. Two weeks ago am 5 and i were toying with the idea of moving in together and that fell through. For some reason she seems stand offish. Our hot and heavyness has slowed down to a see each other twice a week , Well right after that Am 2 came calling through yahoo. She and her boyfriend had split for good. I gave what she wanted a good night of ecstasy ( pleasure not the drug...) And was satisfied at the words she parted me with that evening , "I forgot what good fucking was like , Why the hell did i l
Wednesday 10 17 06
Wednesday 10-18-2006
Ok so Monday I go to school and we learn some new elements (LMAO) sorry can't even write this without laughing about it. 2 of our new elements are Corne, and Keret both of which mean the same thing (LMAO) HORNY!!! OMG!!!
The tummy contest doesnt start til Wednesday, and will be hosted by this great person sExYbLuEyEs@ LostCherrySo go get aquainted with her, and please vote startin Wed. Just look for her bulletin sayin it has started!..Thanks.
Wednesday Blues
i'm not in a good mood cuz my "friends" were being bitches to someone i consider my brother (who's actually an ex but we still get along). the bitches were being...argh!! i started to curse them out in spanish to my bro and then got up and left. my bro, ron and i speak spanish all the time...or most of the time and thankfully the guys i was cursing out didnt understand wat i was saying even tho i said it loud enough for them to hear. i'm doing the opposite of what i said i was going to do; find something else besides the computer...haha yea right. here i am, on the computer. i wish people would just be HONEST with me. tell me what's going on with you. TELL ME SO I KNOW WHERE I STAND! i'm tired of guessing either too much or too little. i want to KNOW, i dont want to guess anymore. it's just annoying...ya know? i start indoor lacrosse tomorrow at the DCJCC. i wont get home until 5:30-ish monday, wednesday, and thursday. i cant wait until this week and next week are o
I will be on the road today for 13 hours and not on the site. Thanks for understanding and Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!! -Mikey
Wednesday Standup At Lucy's
Two weeks ago, I did my standup gig at Lucy's in New Orleans and bombed. Last night, 11/29/2006, I went back and did good. I didn't bomb or kill them but I did get some laughs. It was a good feeing that I came back and did better. That is one thing that I hope stays with me that persistence pays off. I did the same set I did in Baton Rouge last week which had the same effect. No comedian hits it big over night. Many still work their day jobs as they are gaining popularity and making money at it. I'm by no means ready to start making money at standup. Six months or a year from now it may be a different story, but until I am ready for that I need to concentrate to open mic nights and developing my act. One thing I'm learning is the voice I use has an effect as does segues and delivery. My stage voice is also coupled with the fact that I do character voices and impressions as well. My stage voice is more along the lines of like Steve Martin and James P. Connely. The idiot savant/ ryth
Courtesy of
I think I am very ready to go home for the day. And there's still a half hour to go. I'm kinda craving anime.
Wednesday ... Jan. 31
Another busy day. I need to drive over 75 miles to my home office to have my laptop looked at by our techs. I also need to get to a breakfast meeting first thing this morning to discuss last minute activities before our fundraising kickoff tomorrow morning. And then rush back home to pick up my son by 11:30 am since he has a half day of school today. So little time in my day and so much to do.
Wednesday. . .
Get 20,000+ Music Videos at Hey! It's Wednesday! Get up and move! Always, S~
Wednesday Night Poem
Wednesday Uncertainy Stretch out all outside Tangled up inside. Worried about the nights Don't really care at days Watch the time roll by Repetition is always Tired of what is to come Worrisome of everything Waiting for someone to share their life Not share a portion Hoping it all works out Instead of misery instead ~~~~~Timmy~~~~~
Wednesday 2/21/07
Just another ordinary day here again, nothing planned other than working on my cherry tap page (I'm so addicted omg lol) talkin to DJ Cracker and going to Crush FM and my own chat room LooneyTune Hangout later this evening. Hope everyone on here has a great day today!
Wednesday Hump Day Woot Woot!
Here we go again, this time it's the hump day version of my blog. Seems my girl Lexie thinks we should bury Anna Nicole next to Brittney's recently shorn locks of love. Sounds like a reasonable plan to me. Shaving your head is kinda passe` isn't it? I mean Demi Moore did it back in the 80's for GI Jane (one of my all time fav movies!) Specualtion is running rampant among gossip columnists and lawyer wannabe's about why Ms Brit shaved her ugly ass cue ball head anyway. They say the best way to test for drug use is through hair folicles. Oh you THINK she's using? I woulda never thought that! She also checked herself in and back out of rehab in less than 24 hours. Now she's done this twice in two weeks. What's she doing? Checking for the best bargain or the best program? What Antigua wasn't a nice enough spot for you? Nor was Malibu? WTH, try Bangor Maine next, it's pretty far removed from prying eyes, and a Starbucks! ENOUGH WITH THE BRIT SHIT. Sympathy going out to my
Courtesy of Have a good day. Keesxx
Wednesday 2/28/07
Nothing new to report today, I'm just listening to DJ Renee do her radio show and waiting for DJ Cracker to go on and do her show for the very first time today!!Other than that nothing is going on, I'll just be working on my Cherry Tap page some more and trying to get up to Psycho Cherry, almost there just a few more points to go lol. Have a great day everyone.
Wednesday 3/7/07
Not alot going on today just hanging out in the Crush FM room and still trying to get myself out of the sad mood that I'm in due to my online sister's cancer diagnosis, but I'm doing a bit better with that. Anyway, I'm glad that it is finally starting to warm up here, although it's still a bit chilly. Well hope everyone has a great day.
Well I went to the Knights of Columbos last night me and the boys had fun took some pics. Ordered some Chineese it was snowing out (Im tired of the snow)supposed to be 68 this weekand cant wait Spring is my fav season!Got my glasses too I took pics last night in my red ones Their up in my gallery.I'll take pics in the black ones tonight when I do my salutes.I get my stiches out my mouth today,but my mouth is sore as hell!I mean damn!Its worth it I always wanted a pretty smile.Im so looking forward to Ocean City I acctually have someone old enough to go with me to the clubs this year lol!Mark just wont go not his thing well poo on him.Speaking of him Mark "Raine" weaver send him some love pleaz hes feeling bummed cause nobody wants to respond to his kind axtions on this site.Well I also found out this guy I dont care for Kevin is back in jail for child abuse his newborn baby girl he said she fell off the changing table when he was reaching for a wipe but the pediatrician says his story
bored at work,and looking for chatters. Its always the way. Anyone want to work off some stress with me? msg me back.
Wednesday 3/14/07
I think the more I do on this site the more addicted to it i become lol. I do all the mums everyday, even the stupid ones that don't make much sense, but hey it's fun lol. Anyway, was just another day here. I haven't heard from my online dad in 2 1/2 days now, so I'm getting a bit nervous that my online sister is sicker or has already passed away since she wasn't given more than a month to live. I've been trying to distract myself from worrying by listening to Crush FM and just chatting with friends all day. Hope everyone has a good night.
Wednesday Links: Whip 'em Out Wednesday, Mick Foley, Otto And George, More Macbooks, New Videos
LISTEN TO TODAY'S SHOW ON AUDIBLE (link usually active by 3pm EST) It's Whip 'em Out Wednesday and it's getting warmer here in New York. It's almost warm enough for ladies to pull out their breasticles... You should probably make sure you have a WOW Sticker if you want to partake in the goodness. There's a few ways to go about it: 1. GO TO THIS LINK FILL OUT THE FORM, AND WE WILL MAIL YOU ONE. 2. Send a self-addressed, stamped envelope (NOT A SMALL ONE, DUMMIES) to: The Opie and Anthony Show WOW Sticker Requests 111 West 57th Street Suite 500 New York, NY 10019 3. Get yourself an OFFICIAL WOW T-SHIRT!. Don Imus has been known to wear one his show (we know because we've seen it on MSNBC. CLICK HERE AND GET A SHIRT...DAG NABBIT... and be like Imus. Speaking of SHIRTS, check out what WE do now... ORDER YOURS TODAY (male and female sizes available) STILL NEED MORE BOOBIES? Demanding, aintcha? OK, head over to and check out
Ok this entry is a little late because I forgot to blog yesterday before I got offline lol. Anyway, I really thought the dream Mumm was interesting and I do think that it is a form of ESP or at least sometimes, because my mom has had a dream of hers come true before. I personally have never had something come true in a dream yet though. Most of my dreams are just weird random things lol. Anyway, I reaLly enjoyed reading the comments on that Mumm so I thought that would be a good idea for a blog lol. Have a good night all.
Wednesday Links: Whip 'em Out Wednesday, New Boobs On Ratemywow, Gene Simmons, Louis Ck, New Videos
Oh boy... Boobies on Paltalk... totally derailing the show... LISTEN TO TODAY'S SHOW ON AUDIBLE (link usually active by 3pm EST) It's Whip 'em Out Wednesday and FINALLY warming up in New York. SO warm in fact, that you may actually see a pair of bosoms... You should probably make sure you have a WOW Sticker if you want to partake in this goodness. There's a few ways to go about it: 1. GO TO THIS LINK FILL OUT THE FORM, AND WE WILL MAIL YOU ONE. 2. Send a self-addressed, stamped envelope (NOT A SMALL ONE, DUMMIES) to: The Opie and Anthony Show WOW Sticker Requests 111 West 57th Street Suite 500 New York, NY 10019 3. Get yourself an OFFICIAL WOW T-SHIRT!. Don Imus has been known to wear one his show (we know because we've seen it on MSNBC. CLICK HERE AND GET A SHIRT...DAG NABBIT... and be like Imus. Speaking of SHIRTS, check out what WE do now... ORDER YOURS TODAY (male and female sizes available) NEW BOOBS ON RATEMYWOW: If you STILL
Wednesday 3/28/07
It's a yucky, wet rainy day here, so I've not done anything but stay in the house and chat online and mess around on here and I'm now bored out of my mind. I've been trying to ask my online dad about my online sister but he never answers my IMs, so I'm also kinda frustrated over that today, since it's been probably been at least 2 weeks since he said he'd get back to me last. Oh well, guess I just have to wait it out lol. Anyway, that's all that's going on in my life at the moment lol nothing all that exciting ever happens here. Well, I guess this is all I will write for now. Have a great evening everyone.
ok friends and family.....tomorrow night is wednesday....and i go before the court there and ask to sell things dried meats....jams.....home made candles.......and clothing......i hope that if you live here in arizona you will all come out and see what we do.....good night......blessed be
Wednesday Links: Whip 'em Out Wednesday, Webcam Girls, Quentin Tarantino Video, Boobs On Paltalk, New Videos
Oh boy... Boobies on Paltalk... you girls sure start early, don't you... sheesh. LISTEN TO TODAY'S SHOW ON AUDIBLE (link usually active by 3pm EST) It's Whip 'em Out Wednesday and FINALLY warming up in New York. SO warm in fact, that you may actually see a pair of bosoms... You should probably make sure you have a WOW Sticker if you want to partake in this goodness. There's a few ways to go about it: 1. GO TO THIS LINK FILL OUT THE FORM, AND WE WILL MAIL YOU ONE. 2. Send a self-addressed, stamped envelope (NOT A SMALL ONE, DUMMIES) to: The Opie and Anthony Show WOW Sticker Requests 111 West 57th Street Suite 500 New York, NY 10019 3. Get yourself an OFFICIAL WOW T-SHIRT!. Don Imus has been known to wear one his show (we know because we've seen it on MSNBC. CLICK HERE AND GET A SHIRT...DAG NABBIT... and be like Imus. Speaking of SHIRTS, check out what WE do now... ORDER YOURS TODAY (male and female sizes available) STILL NEED MORE BO

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