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We Got Married 10/18/2006
We Got It!!!!!
We got the house that we put in a bid for! We will be moving at the end of Jan. It's a 3 bdrm, 2 full bath, finished basement w/ kitchenette, 2 car attached heated garage w/ breezeway, 6 ft. fenced in yard w/ a 3 year old above ground pool, deck, sandbox, kids playset, treehouse, garden, and tool shed. It also sits on a 1/2 acre of land.
We Got It.......we Finally Did It.......
Okay everyone, I didn't want to say anything before about this just because everytime my hubby and I have gotten our hopes up and said something it has fallen through. We got the house!!!!!!!!! We are now home owners as of January 20th, that's when we go to sign the final paperwork and get the keys. I am so happy. I just wanted to let you know that, that's what I have been busy doing and again I apoligize for not being here as much. I have been working my ass off trying to get this done. Soon though I will be back more often. Now I am packing up this house so we can move as soon as possible. This is the best Anniversary Gift my hubby and I could ever give each other, especially since we are signing the papers on our 11 yr. anniversary. Here are a couple pictures of the house......
We Got Another One Please Please Dont Send Them To Me
YOU'VE BIN HIT BY THE |^^^^^^^^^^^^| |SEXXXIIII TRUCK | '|""";.., ___. |_..._...______===|= _|__|..., ] | "(@ )'(@ )""""*|(@ )(@ )*****(@) ONCE YOU'VE BEEN HIT, YOU HAVE TO HIT 8 SEXXII PEOPLE, IF YOU GET HIT AGAIN YOU'LL KNO YOUR REALLY SEXXII! IF YOU BRAKE THE cHAIN, YOULL BE CURSED WITH UGLYNESS FOR 10 YEARS SO PASS IT HIT WHO EVER YOU THINK IS SEXXXIII Ok... If you think I'm sexy, just let me know here
We Gotta Look After #1 To Help All The Rest
I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody. --Bill Cosby "Oh, how I wish my dad would get sober." "Oh, how I want my friend to get help with her eating problem." "Oh, how I wish I could make my mom understand." When we become obsessed with how we want others to change, we put our own happiness on hold. As we wait, hoping and scheming about how to get others to see their many problems, we are neglecting ourselves. It's almost as if we think it's not fair for us to be happy when others are miserable. But when we detach with love, we still care, we still pray and wish for the best, but we know that other people's problems belong to them, not to us. Today let me accept the fact that if I detach with love, no one will die from it. I'll just be more healthy and happy.
We Got One Now!!!!!
We bought a pony he is only 3 feet tall. So cute and small.
We Got A B-day Comming !!
We Got 2settle This
Just thought id throw an idea out here We obviously got a problem here fam To be juggalo mafia or not to be? I think that maybe we should post a MUMM and let the family vote to see how things should be settle this like true juggaloz and lettes Dont u see whats happening? - juggalo family is at eachothers throats right now it seems over this concept and that isnt the way to be. We are our own safe haven. Come on Fam lets get some feedback in one place so we can all see whats on eachothers mind- we got to settle this before we fall apart -MMFWCL- Majick Neden
We Got The Boys!!!
Yesterday was our final court date for our custody battle for my husbands two oldest boys...which sounds odd to say cause they are my boys and I think of them as my own.... But we Won custody of the boys, their biological Mother does have visitation but we have Custody...hip hip hooray!!! She made her self look like a fool. She couldn't remember what grade our oldest boy was in. One of our witnesses was the Special Ed teacher for the 11yr od. ( for behavior he's adhd and lots of other stuff) and she testified that we had be very involved in Travis's school and his behavior at school and his homework etc. And that she never was that way.... (she testified on many other topics too) then once Kim was called to the stand she sat there and said that she was involved in all sorts of things and school and listed the stuff that Mrs Dugan our witness had said that we do and she did not... Which made her look like a complete IDIOT. Because what she didn't know is her standing ther
We Gotta Call.....
We didn't get to bed till after midnite last nite and Tiger had to be up at 5 :/ Anyways about 3am the phone rings and Tiger jumps up and answers it. When the phone rings at 3am you get a bad feeling just because ya know? So I hear Tiger talking and asking why? So he walks back to our 17 yr old sons room. I laid there waiting for him to come back to bed..took awhile. When he finally came back I asked him what was up? He said it was Adam .. I said why is he calling this late? He said to tell Jordan that some people died in a car accident. I said WHO!? He couldn't remember the names, so I went and asked Jordan. Well it turns out that it was a couple of his classmates, 1 of which is our cousin. So needless to say I had an extremely hard time falling back to sleep. Then when the alarm went off at 5am for Tiger to get up I ended up getting up. I hate 3am calls :(
We Got Rain............
I know this sounds nuts but few days ago I had asked for help from the Wicans and American Indian friends on here as we are in a very bad situation here from lack of rain. This is probly the dryest Ive seen this since Ive been here and its really lookin bad Welll guess what yesterday we got rain and a fair amount. looked good...... Not a drought breaker but non the less,its all good
We Got The Beat By The Go-go's
We Got 2nd
Thank you to everyone who helped!! We stayed in 2nd and ended with 3393 comments! The prizes she got were a Diamond Ring and Dozen Roses. Thanks again! WICKES STROM CREW RULES!!!!! Luv, Maria
We Got No Food, No Jobs... Our Pet’s Heads Are Falling Off!
Here's some idiotic ramblings from my brain... You know, lately I have been completely amazing people that work at some of these local "convenience" stores. You know what I mean, the "Food Mart" type places with gas pumps outside. Nothing against people that work at these places in general, as I know quite a few people who work at this type of establishment that are very intelligent people... just at the ones I frequent they tend to be easily impressed. What have I done to completely awe these individuals? Well, there are two particular such places that I stop on a regular basis and I usually will buy an energy drink and get some fuel. I know the price of the energy drinks is $1.99 plus tax at both stores, which equals $2.11 when tax is added. So… in lieu of ending up with 89 cents worth of coinage in my pocket, I will usually take a $10 bill or a $5 bill and just pump the rest of it in gas. So… I pump my $7.89 in gas, for example, and go into the store and place my $1.99 + tax dri
We Go Every Year Rockabilly Weekend
We Got A New Song On Our Myspace Music Page
Copy and paste the link if ya wanna check it out...its pretty groovy :) WWW.MYSPACE.COM/LOCUSTANDSWYLLA
We Gonna Try This One Last Time
Freedom Fighters Motorcycle Club is now looking For A Fewe Good People. We are Re-opening For One Last Hoo-rah Come See US AT
We Got Fu Married 01/12/08
Well we Finally did it Holly and I ....1/12/08 at 8:00pmcst we were joined together in Fu Marriage...She is so special to me....she makes me laugh , keeps me sane when I feel like I am not....she is a best friend who will be there No matter what or who decides to get in our way ..God has brought us together for some reason or another ...and I just want her to know How much I love her and thank her=) Now I am complete I have Holly and my Hubby Kelso!!!! And our 8 kids 5 kids and Holly's 3 Also I would like to thank everyone who did show up we know who our true friends really are ...ty ya'll are the best and we love ya'll imikimi - Customize Your World
We Got It Fixed.
We got our computer fixed and hopefully we have no more problems. We had a virus that removed our system32 file which is vital to let the computer run. We worked all day yesterday and finally around 7 or 8 pm got it back up.
We Got Pictures!!!!!!! Fu Wedding Of The Decade!! Rain & Babyboy
Rain aka Nicole The Beautiful Bride BabyBoy aka Willie The Handsome Groom The Happy Couple Please go by their pages show them Fu Luv and good Fu Wishes. Just click a pic to transport. ~☠~Made with much mad luv by~☠~ Music provided by WYKD Radio
We Got Pictures!!!!!!! Fu Wedding Of The Decade!!
Rain aka Nicole The Beautiful Bride BabyBoy aka Willie The Handsome Groom The Happy Couple Please go by their pages show them Fu Luv and good Fu Wishes. Just click a pic to transport. ~☠~Made with much mad luv by~☠~ Music provided by WYKD Radio
We Got Hosed!
We Got The Beat By The Go-go's
See the people walking down the street Fall in line just watching all their feet They don't know where they wanna go But they're walking in time They got the beat They got the beat Yeah They got the beat See the kids just getting out of school They can't wait to hang out and be cool Hang around 'til quarter after twelve That's when they fall in line Kids got the beat They got the beat They got the beat Yeah Kids got the beat Go-Go music really makes us dance Do the Pony puts us in a trance Do the Watusi just give us a chance That's when we fall in line We got the beat We got the beat We got the beat Yeah We got the beat Everybody get on your feet We know you can dance to the beat Jumpin' - get down Round and round and round
We Got Adopted By A Cat
     Back in April we were adopted by a cat. He had kinda been a neighborhood cat for the past year or so. He would pop by for visits, and of course we'd put out food for him. Durring the winter we wouldn't see him and I suspect somebody else took him in. We probably would've except we still had our previous cat(Gushy).      This spring his visits became more frequent and eventualy he just didn't go away at all. We'd go to bed at night with him sleeping on the hood of our car and wake up in the morning with him waiting at the door for food. So finaly I just held the door open for him to see what he'd do. He came in and never looked back. We had been planning to adopt a shelter cat after we lost Gushy, so we fgured we'd take him in if nobody was looking for him. We checked the lost animals section of the paper and placed a found add with no results. Buddy showed no desire to be back outside, so he became ours.      Now that he was our cat, we took him for a check up. Everything was fi
[we Got Time To Talk About Food?]
My dog is doing that thing where she licks me for 20 minutes straightWe've decided to find it charming. Let's get one thing out of the way real quick.I'm sick.Again.Same thing.Pretty scary. Let's talk about food. Tonight I stayed in Indy while my parents went up to see their dottering mothers.I am a bad son and grandson.What I didn't tell them is that I'm sick. And not just in the middle of a major depressive episode. I had some dreadful leftovers for lunch (my mom cannot fry potatoes) And I had managed to talk the woman into getting some anchioves so-That means ziti aglio e olio e peperoncinoOr at least jalapenos. Since we didn't have peperoncino. Lookput anchioves in your italian food, you'll thank me later. So 3 anchioves (in oil)3 tbs of olive oil (I used butter- cuz I'm a bastard)saltpeppertsp of tomato paste2 cloves of minced garlic1/3 of a jalapeno minced fine and what the fucklet's throw in 1/4 a cup of chopped green olivesand a tbs of paprikaand 1/2 tbs of red pepp
"we Grow By Our Willingness To Face And Rectify Errors And Convert Them Into Assets."
Authentically you Causing others to lose is not the way to win. The way to win is to create value where there was none before. What you truly desire you cannot take from anyone else. Your effort and your commitment are what will fulfill your dreams. The mere tokens of success are feeble substitutes for success itself. Real success always comes from the inside and spreads outward. Don't waste your time chasing a fleeting, superficial image of fulfillment. Put your energy into creating and living the magnificent substance of your dreams. The moments you'll always treasure are the moments when you allow yourself to be authentically you. Choose to fill your life with those golden moments. Let go of the self-defeating desire to take what anyone else may have. What you have and what you can do with it are so very much better. -- Ralph Marston
We Grow Accustomed To The Dark
We grow accustomed to the Dark When Light is put away As when the Neighbor holds the Lamp To witness her Good bye A Moment- We uncertain step For newness of the night Then- fit our Vision to the Dark And meet the Road- erect And so of larger- Darknesses Those Evenings of the Brain When not a Moon disclose a sign Or Star- come out- within The Bravest- grope a little And sometimes hit a Tree Directly in the Forehead But as they learn to see Either the Darkness alters Or something in the sight Adjusts itself to Midnight And Life steps almost straight.
We Grow Accustomed To The Dark
We grow accustomed to the Dark When light is put away As when the Neighbor holds the Lamp To witness her Goodbye A Moment We uncertain step For newness of the night Then, fit our Vision to the Dark And meet the Road, erect And so of larger Darkness Those Evenings of the Brai When not a Moon disclose a sign Or Star, come out, within The Bravest, grope a little And sometimes hit a Tree Directly in the Forehead But as they learn to see Either the Darkness alters Or something in the sight Adjusts itself to Midnight And Life steps almost straight - Emily Dickinson
We Greatest Mixtape Cumin Soon....
Poetic Black Presents Upcoming events Tuesday, February 10, 2009 9:00 pm Kava Lounge Kava Lounge, 2812 Kettner Blvd, San Diego, California 92101, USA (MAP) Friday, March 6, 2009 9:00 pm Live at Riley's Riley's Club, 2901 Nimitz Blvd., Pt Loma, CA, USA (MAP) Previous events Tuesday, January 27, 2009 10:00 pm Portugalia Ocean Beach, 4839 Newport Ave, San Diego, California, USA (MAP) Great food, free to enter, all ages and genres of music Monday, January 26, 2009 9:00 pm State of the Union Second Wind Bar, 8515 Navajo Road, San Diego 92119, CA, USA (MAP) Come out and support Poetic Black! $10, 21+ Saturday, January 24, 2009 12:00 pm Battle of The Artist The Stage, 5th ave, San Diego, California, USA (MAP) Battle of the Artist, hosted by Trey Peezy is a competition of local underground artists. More information at: Tuesday, January 20, 2009 9:00 pm State of the Union Second Wind Bar, 8515 Navajo Road, San Dieg
We Grow
The Cycle   The other day I saw a group of children playing in the park I was walking by. I also, saw a group of teenagers playing basketball on the courts near the swings. I began to see how the teenagers yelling and cursing at each other. Now at the same time I looked back at the little kids playing by the swings and realize that these little kids will some day will grow into teenagers and they too will begin to develop bad communication skills, just like the ones on the basketball court. I began to feel sad due to the fact that the cycle will continue to repeat itself. I thought that maybe I should say something to the teenagers about their language and at the same time I was scared. The teenagers in a large city like New York really don't care for advice, especially from strangers. I was torn between doing the right thing which is to speak with the group (teenagers) or maybe live to my next age. Some how I didn't have to make that decision, you see another teenager that was part
We Have Babies :o)
HA, no not me... Not sure if I mentioned it or not but about 3 1/2 to 4 wks ago I finally caught a cat that had been running around our neighborhood... I had been trying to catch her for awhile, I guess at that moment she was just to cold and hungry to run anymore... I brought her in and she ate and ate and ate... I noticed a little bulge on her belly and thought "UH OH, what have I done!!", LOL... When she first came in the house she was pretty scared of us, not wanting us to touch her to much... It only took about a week or so for her to realize that we weren't going to hurt her and then she turned into a LOVER!! Always wanting to be in my lap and even wanting the kids to pet her... Oh yeah and her belly kept GROWING and feeling them moved only confirmed she was pregnant... About two hours ago "KiKi" (that's her name) came out and rooted her way inbetween my laptop and me... She layed down and purred and then fell asleep on my legs... I guess she was there for about
We Have A Family That Is Growing Bigger And Bigger
We Have A Winner!!!!!!!
CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR WINNERS!!!! 3rd Place: WINNER OF A FREE SKIN MADE WITH HER WINNING PHOTO! "~*~Ass Kickin Redneck Bitch~*~" 2nd Place: WINNER OF A SIX PACK OF HIS CHOICE AND A FREE SKIN MADE WITH HIS WINNING PHOTO! "Figgy Pudding" CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR BIG WINNER!! 1st place: WINNER OF 2 DINNERS FOR TWO(One for her and one for the Cherry Tap Member of her choice), AND A FREE SKIN MADE WITH Her WINNING PHOTO! "Lacey" Congratulations to EVERYONE... You are ALL winners for participating! Music Video:HAPPY CHRISTMAS (by John Lennon)Music Video Code provided by Video Code Zone
We Have An Ass Here
We Had A Car
Also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of budweiser, a pint of raw ether, and two dozen amyls. But the only thing that worried me was the ether. There is nothing more irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge, and i knew we would be getting into that rotten stuff sooner or later...
We Have All Been There!! If Not Your Not Living Your Life . Your Wastseing It!!!!
We Have Rights As Well
LEXINGTON, Kentucky (AP) -- A teenager is suing her school district for barring her from the prom last spring because she was wearing a dress styled as a large Confederate battle flag. The lawsuit filed Monday in U.S. District Court claims the Greenup County district and administrators violated Jacqueline Duty's First Amendment right to free speech and her right to celebrate her heritage at predominantly white Russell High School's prom May 1. She also is suing for defamation, false imprisonment and assault. "Her only dance for her senior prom was on the sidewalk to a song playing on the radio," said her lawyer, Earl-Ray Neal. Duty, 19, is seeking actual and punitive damages in excess of $50,000. She said she worked on the design for the dress for four years, though she acknowledged that some might find the Confederate flag offensive. "Everyone has their own opinion. But that's not mine," she told reporters outside the courthouse. "I'm proud of where I came from and
We Have Our Own Paths
STYLE type="text/css"> Thanks To D-7 stan Make a Wish ¢¾ Although all men share a common destiny, each individual also has to work out his personal salvation for himself. We can help each other find the meaning of life, but in the last analysis, each is responsible for finding himself. --Thomas Merton One of the great spiritual truths is that each person must work out his or her own personal growth. When a person you care about is in trouble, you can reach out to support his or her healing, but past a certain point you can do no more. No matter how much you love, you cannot carry another person's burdens. What can you do when someone you love is in pain? First, affirm that there is a purpose behind the experience. Know that the spirit has some important lesson to learn that will be of great value to him or her. Second, although you cannot directly intervene, your positive thoughts and prayers do make a difference.
We Have Lost Another Cherry Soldier.....don't Believe It!
For all the compassionate persons to went to great lengths to pour out your sympathy for this person, I applaude your efforts & hope that are fighting forces will return to us safe & unharmed. With that being said, this posting about "Charles/dragon" guy dieing in Iraq last week is a total fabrication. After reading this posting, I found something very odd & decided to dig into this a little bit. Here's what I found: dragon@ CherryTAP Link To Original Post Charles gave his life protecting our country and may he and his friend rest in peace. Charles died saving the lives of 26 men. More than likely, for Charles to likely to save 26 men, he would have more than likely been a officer. If you seen Charles' picture in his photo page, you will notice that he's only a infantry guy. So, that doesn't really wash. But, things could happen so let's continue...... Charles died saving the lives of 26 men. If he truly saved 26 people from dieing, you would think that every news service on
We Haven't Learned A Damn Thing...
Many people do not realize how different things are in Iraq as compared to our troops in WWII. Stop and think about it... when Japan surrendered at the end of WWII, that was the last time that any war (or UN Police action) was fought to an unconditional surrender. Take Korea.... when Harry Truman, relieved General MacArthur, we wound up in a negotiated peace. And today we are reaping the benefits of that peace. North Korea has a megalomaniac leading them and exporting nuclear technology to terrorist states. Vietnam was micro-managed by Robert McNamara, and again, we wound up in negotiated peace. Bosnia and Desert Storm were both a negotiated peace thanks to the UN and the failure of our "allied coalition" to follow through. All of them have been fought to a negotiated peace. It seems every time we get the politicians running the war instead of the military, we wind up just about where we started... in a virtual stalemate. We have the greatest military in the world. If we giv
We Have No Illusions.
We have no illusions. The Children of the streets will not see. Laughter is still a luxury they cannot afford. Tonight our cries of Joy will become screams of rage that millions of young hearts will again freeze in the gutters of our goodwill
We Have A Birthday Today!!!
/"> MyLady Tina (There is a Birthday Girl in the House, Today, ME!!!!)@ CherryTAP Get your own glitter and more at
We Have Got To Be More Careful!
Something to really think about. 2 questions Question 1: If you knew a woman who was pregnant, who had 8 kids already, three who were deaf, two who were blind, one mentally retarded, and she had syphilis, would you recommend that she have an abortion? Read the next question before looking at the response for this one. Question 2: It is time to elect a new world leader, and only your vote counts. Here are the facts about the three candidates. Who would you vote for? Candidate A. Associates with crooked politicians, and consults with astrologist. He's had two mistresses. He also chain smokes and drinks 8 to 10 martinis a day. Candidate B. He was kicked out of office twice, sleeps until noon, used opium in college and drinks a quart of whiskey every evening. Candidate C He is a decorated war hero. He's a vegetarian, doesn't smoke, drinks an occasional beer and never cheated on his wife. Which of these candidates would be
We Have A Winner!!
I've written here before about the......interesting....people I often found myself working with while doing community theater in my hometown. These people mean well, but are completely without a clue. You may remember when I told the tale of a show in which an actor argued that the doors for the kitchen, bedroom, etc., be labelled as such, otherwise, he felt, the audience would not know where an actor was going when they made an exit. I used to think that I would never hear of anything dumber over there. But I was wrong. The current production is a period play, taking place in the 1930's. The lighting director designed a beautiful light scheme for the show, including a gorgeous full moon. When the cast saw it, one man asked (and I wish he had been kidding, he wasn't): "Did they have full moons in the 1930's?"
We Have Reached The Weekend!
It's Friday and I am so very glad it is! It has seemed like a very long week to me, for some reason. I'm going to try very hard not to turn this blog into an ex-bashing blog! Truly, I understand where he is coming from, but I do not agree with him. Taylor, his only child and my fourth, will be turning 16 on April 16th. He wants his lip pierced, badly!! He actually wanted a double lip piercing, but I got him to hold to just one - let's see if he can handle the pain, lol! I have no problem with this at all - the piercing! My soon to be ex has issues. One of the main things I have problems coming to grips with is his need to make fun and denigrate anyone who does not believe as he does. Basiclly, if you don't see things his way, you're an idiot!!! Now this man is 13 years younger than I am, food for another blog, I'm sure, lol!!! I have pictures of him with long hair!! He has issues with Taylor's long hair - it's only to his shoulders, for Pete's sake! Of course, he really had issue
We Have Freedom Because Of You
We Have Freedom Because of You There are troops stationed over seas, Fighting for freedom, fighting for people like me. The Army, Navy, Air Force, and the Marines, Heroes of all races camouflaged in brown and green. Still as statues so boldly they stand, Helmets on their heads, and a weapon in their hands. A thousand yard stare with their heads held high, They salute to the red, white and blue as it rises in the sky. There is a platoon stationed over seas, Fighting for freedom, fighting for people like me. They come from all different states in the USA, But freedom doesn't come free as most people say. Left by right they stay by each others sides, Without people like them we wouldn't have American pride. They stick by each other when times are rough, But every person in the platoon is mentally and physically tough. There is a soldier stationed over seas, Fighting for freedom, fighting for people like me. The young individual so brave and st
We Have Freedom Because Of You..
We Have Freedom Because of You There are troops stationed over seas, Fighting for freedom, fighting for people like me. The Army, Navy, Air Force, and the Marines, Heroes of all races camouflaged in brown and green. Still as statues so boldly they stand, Helmets on their heads, and a weapon in their hands. A thousand yard stare with their heads held high, They salute to the red, white and blue as it rises in the sky. There is a platoon stationed over seas, Fighting for freedom, fighting for people like me. They come from all different states in the USA, But freedom doesn't come free as most people say. Left by right they stay by each others sides, Without people like them we wouldn't have American pride. They stick by each other when times are rough, But every person in the platoon is mentally and physically tough. There is a soldier stationed over seas, Fighting for freedom, fighting for people like me. The young individual so brave and st
We Have Picked Out Names
Damien Rocky Hardy Jolene Annabelle Hardy The girl will have the same initials as Josh.
We Have A Winner!
Okay, folks, I now have a new winner for the weirdest question ever asked of me. On Friday night, I performed in my play. As is my habit, I journeyed to the bar afterwards with some of the cast. While we were there, we ran into some people who had seen the show. A man I had never met before began the following conversation: Him: Hey, man great show! You were fantastic. I really enjoyed your performance. Me: Thanks, I’m glad you liked it. Him: Are you circumcised? Me: …………………………………. I still don’t know what the hell he meant by that. I wasn’t wearing tights or snug slacks, after all. Some folks who witnessed this did know the man, and they told me he is weird. Yeah, I figured that out on my own. Others think h was hitting on me. So there you have it: After forty years on Earth, someone finally hit on me.
We Have Just Lost Cabin Pressure
Well I honestly didn't expect today to end up going down like this. I have a lot of thinking to do.
We Have A Winner In The A-z Contest
We Have A Winner
We Have A Birthday Girl
Brandy@ CherryTAPshow her some cherry love
We Have A Winner In The Million Dollar Mansion Contest !!
Congrats to = cAUSE iM tHE fCKiNG pRiNCESS..dUHH =] ♥ ~~ Mike's CT Wifey ~~ The Mansion will be handed out at next Happy Hour
We Have A Colorado Shack
wife called tonight at 7:10pm eastern time telling me that we got the ok for the trailor in colorado so now i'll have to take a few days off from work and maybe fly out to sign papers or have them fedex to me to do up.yeeeeeeee fucking haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
We Have A Voice
We are being overrun by the hordes of brown immigrants who cross our borders on a daily basis, and to think the very governments we elect have done nothing to stop this. It is us the white majority tax payers who are given the task of feeding, clothing, incarcerating and welcoming these men and women from the third world, it is us who are being hurt by the uncontrolled flood and it is us who have had enough. We pay our taxes and abide by laws set forth by our government, and all we ask for in return is to have our voices be heard by the people who can change our country, however in the past several decades our voices have fallen short of being heard. In today’s world we are being placed on the back burners of the government, we are no longer allowed to exercise our first amendment right to freedom of speech, we are no longer able to elect from a pool of uncorrupt officials and we are being forced to live in a nation where it pays to be of non European decent. It is far past due tha
We Have New Candies
CAN WE SHOW OUR NEW CANDIES SUM SWEET LICKABLE LOVE :) smarties ~*Smarties~Lolly's Candyland Candies*~@ CherryTAP humbug humbug aussie guy of CANDYLAND & A.O.M Bomber #1@ CherryTAP
We Had 6
finally she gave birth to 6 healthy pups. she had a little trouble, but all in all she did real good. Everyone is happily sleeping now. 4 girls and 2 boys. woo hoo the girls won. hehehe I am puttin up pics.
We Have Been Friends Together
WE have been friends together In sunshine and in shade, Since first beneath the chestnut trees, In infancy we played. But coldness dwells within thy heart, A cloud is on thy brow; We have been friends together, Shall a light word part us now? We have been gay together; We have laughed at little jests; For the fount of hope was gushing Warm and joyous in our breasts, But laughter now hath fled thy lip, And sullen glooms thy brow; We have been gay together, Shall a light word part us now? We have been sad together; We have wept with bitter tears O'er the grass-grown graves where slumbered The hopes of early years. The voices which are silent there Would bid thee clear thy brow; We have been sad together. Oh, what shall part us now?
We Have An Announcement!!!
Hello Family & Friends! I know it's been a while and I apologise for that. We have been so busy. Working for one, then of course every day life can get hectic as you all are aware of. May 8th, 2007 marked the 3rd year anniversary of the passing of my only child. That day, as well as others, are hard for me... but this year, something special happened... let me explain. I took the day off from work - because I knew I would be an emotional wreck - Chris took the day off too to be with me. As I predicted, it was a day of mixed emotions - missing Ryan so much and wanting him here with me, so many memories and so many tears. Later that day I was on the phone. While I was talking I got on the computer real quick to check my email. There was an email from Chris. He told me not to read it till I was done with my phone call. So, after I hung up, I looked at the email, it was an e-card. I am not going to recite it word for word, but it was a nice card saying how much I meant
We Have No Water Pressure...
Yeah. We have no water pressure and if they don't hurry up and get things done...then I won't be able to go to work because I won't be able to take a shower and there is no way I'm going to work without taking a shower. That's just wrong. Freaking jerks having to lay new water pipes is just an inconvience. *grumbles*
We Have No Secrets
We Have No Secrets
We Have Shared
When you my lady to me are near, When my ears your soft voice I hear, My heart swells full with reward, But to my surprise I grow hard, The love of your touch the sound of your sighs, As closer you pull me between your thighs, The sound of your voice beckons me you see, As I hear the words I want you inside me, I know you are nervous as I slip in, God you are so beautiful, I find you wet within, Your passion so sweet makes me throb, As your sighs turn to moans, I push deeper inwards, You love me, you coax me with I want your load, And as upward you arch we both explode, As we both render a warm feeling so tender, You and I both together Relax in warm surrender, After we have shared The most sensuous Climax
We Have A Lounge!!!!!!!!!!!
Pete created a lounge for us yesterday, Laurie did up an awesome picture and I helped make it 'pretty' LOL Come check it out!!!!!!! All are welcome to come and check it out!!! Spread the word! LOL L.U.V. Lounge
We Have All Had Our Share
We have all had our share of hard times shed many tears in hopes that someone would always be there to wipe them away. We have had our share of heartaches hoping that there would always be someone there to comfort you. We have had our share of losses hoping that someday we would understand why. We have had our share of laughter hoping someone would always be there to laugh with us. We have had our share of good times hoping someone would always remember and never forget. We have had our share of dreams hoping someone would always be there to share them with us. in many ways we are alike. We have had our share
We Have A New Co Founder
We Have More New Members
WE NEED TO WELCOME OUR NEW MEMBERS SO FEEL FREE TO CHECK THEM OUT AND SHOW THEM SOME SUM LOVE ~/~ Sassy Laurie~/~ Bartender Fusion Club F.A.R. D&DC@ fubar chief_firedancer@ fubar Bobby Bones-Dirty South Crew@ fubar deedee-D.S.C. ~D & DC~@ fubar billymac39 (Please Fan, Rate,and Add Me) CLUB FAR and member of DSC@ fubar Sinful ~Jadez ~ Down & Dirty Crew@ fubar
We Have A New Lounge Join Us
We Have A New Lounge Join Us
We Have Our Own Bus!!
GO HERE TO JOIN THE RIDE !! Ladies and Gentlemen of The Storm! We are in the process of getting our own short bus, the bus will be part of the Jokers Wild Short bus line, we may even be the beginning of a complete fleet 2. Woo HOO!! All you have to do is visit Jokers Wild Short Bus Home Page and then to the blog marked "Small Bus" leave a comment that you are with WSC and want to be put on our Bus! Joker has given us 72 hours to get as many of our peeps as possible signed up or he will fill our remaining seats with random riders. There are only 25 seats available. So far we have Ozzfanatic2 as our Driver, and me Luangel ( guess i get to sit up close to my baby baby) So get on over and sign up! Heres a link to the JokersWild Short Bus Home Page. Make sure to show Joker's Wild and the home page some Wicked Storm Crew Luv!! Come Ride Our Bus!! Posted by Lucretia~~LuAngel
We Have Been Fubared
I got knocked off completely and now everything is going very slowly and during a happy hour to boot!
We Have Hired Our First Person
we have hired our first employee today and ihope it is the first of many. im so excited that thingsare starting to hopefully get better for me and what makes it even better is that it is near christmas and our job offer is helping a dad put christmas presents under the tree and make an unemployed man and his family happy.
We Have Monitors Everywhere........
We Have A New Co Founder
We Have New Members
WELCOME WITH ALL THE LOVE YOU CAN TO THESE NEW MEMBERS AS WE WELCOME ALL NEW MEMBERS IceAngel ~Dirty South Crew~ ~Ice's fu wife~ ~CO-Founder of D&DC~@ fubar DJ SQUEAK`ROO Jacquie BF~n~Crazy Bytch's Desi Aussie(K.O.P.E)~(D&DC)@ fubar
We Have Even More New Members
LETS SHOW OUR NEW MEMBERS THE LOVE OhioBBW *Single* {D&DC} ~Fantasia Greeter~ *FU-Bombers Family Member*@ fubar Lady Raven~D.S.C 4life~I.B.I.C~W.T.C.~Spirit Bombers~D&DC@ fubar BunnyNeeds~`D&DC`~@ fubar MICHELLE~~ GREETER_FOR_SPIRIT_BOMBERS~~VIPER_PIT_GREETER~~MEMBER_OF_D&DC@ fubar stilts@ fubar ~locnload67~Real hubby to CCA~D&DC@ fubar
We Have Tonight
Kenny Rogers Videos | Music Videos | St. Paul Homes
We Have A New Level System
Levels Points Unlock... 0 Freshmeat 0 Up to 50 photos 1 Newfu 250 Being known as Meat =) 2 Fu-ling 500 Set your own online status 3 Grasshopper 1,000 Vote on a MUMM 4 Chill Fu 2,000 Post HTML comments 5 Fu-Fighter 4,000 Create your own MUMMs 6 Twisted Fu 6,500 Rip a photo 7 Wasted Fu 9,000 Up to 70 photos 8 Psycho 14,000 Up to 750 profile ratings 9 Freak 25,000 Up to 6000 friends 10 Friend of fubar 35,000 Create your own lounge 11 Barfly 50,000 Up to 110 photos 12 Regular 75,000 Up to 10,000 friends 13 Bad Fu 100,000 Up to 140 photos 14 Minion 135,000 Up to 25 family members 15 Idol 170,000 Up to 5 MUMMs a day 16 Fu-gee 210,000 Up to 175 photos 17 Pimp 250,000 Up to 1000 photo ratings 18 Assassin 300,000 Up to 1000 profile ratings 19 Ninja 350,000 Up to 225 photos 20 Rock Star 425,000 Bolded nickname 21 Fuberlord 750,000 Up to 1500 profile ratings 22 Henchman 1,500,000 Up to 500 bulletins 23 Insider 2,250,000 Up to 280 photos 24 Fu-king
We Have Many Features About Us
We Have A Winner
the answer was he held a glass of water over his head!!! Nephilim
We Have A New Member To The Flamming Hearts
We Have New Members
We have a couple new members so it would be great it we could all take a moment to add them as friends and family, maybe say hi send a gift and just be our loving friendly selves :D that is Fireblade and that is Obi.hayve check them out guys and show some gunslinger love!!!! Long days and pleasant nights ~phoenix~ The Dark Tower Tet Contents
We Have A Dream Inside Ourselves
We have a dream inside ourselves, A gift to us at birth, To guide us and protect us On our journey on this earth. We all have something special, Each one of us’ unique You have to find the courage To find the peace you seek. So dream your dream and live your dream Don’t be afraid to try. Just take your soul by the hand And let your spirit fly.
We Had Better Live
we had better live as we think otherwise we shall end up by thinking as we have lived.
We Have A Problem
We Have A Problem
We Have A New Head Couch
We Had A Blast!!
Well my 8 year old daughter and I had such a blast in San Francisco and will definitely go back. We stayed at the Radisson on the Wharf, great Hotel, typical hotel, never absolutely quiet as a hotel is not unless you spend lotsa money but it was very nice. Got there kinda late the first day, so just kinda walked around the Wharf a bit and had dinner. Next morning, did the Alcatraz tour. What a trip!! Never knew so much history there and would love to do the night tour. Ooooh scarey!! Went to the Aquarium on the Bay which was very cool. My daughter loved it. Took the BART to Downtown Berkeley to see an old friend and had dinner with her. It was a wonderful visit. The last full day we had there it was kamakazee!!! Rode the old trolley car, chinatown, Gheridelli, Museums, did alot, I mean ALOT of walking. Spent the last evening on the Wharf and just enjoyed all the sights and sounds. Didn't get to do all the things we wanted to do but next time we will do things differently. At least n
We Have A Blast!!
Hey everyone there is a blast out there that was bought by BABYFREAK (thanks so much) for the family page, if you happen to catch it and know how to do a screen shot please get it and send the pic to the page here please and thank you!! Thanks again BABYFREAK YOU ARE AWESOME!!
We Have Live Djs 24/7
COME CHECK OUT OUR LOUNGE!!! LIVE DJ'S PLAYING ALL YOUR REQUEST... (repost of original by 'DJ CHIEF OWNER OF HILLBILLY LOUNGE' on '2008-04-04 11:39:46') (repost of original by 'TîÞÞý16²008~Fu-Owned by Passionman71~¶®ºmº†º®@Hîllbîllý £ºµñgè~Proud member of Freak Raters club~' on '2008-04-04 11:44:14') (repost of original by '§mºkîè Ǻ-Øwñè®@Hîllbîllý £ºµñgè/Êñƒº®¢è®@Ǻwbºý$ Rºdèº&Tè×å$ ص†låw/Gî† R кñè Rèbèl Fåmîlý ߺmb$qµåd/Øwñè® Øƒ Áñgèl Êýè$/Øwñèd ßý Ðèådlý' on '2008-04-04 12:02:16')
We Have Live Djs 24/7 Takin Request So Be Sure To Come In And Reqwuest A Song And Kick Back And Have A Drink With Us And Join
We Have Live Djs 24/7 Playing Ur Favorite Country Songs
bully's by... »-(¯`v´¯)-»»ÐJ ǵ££êÐ Ðê§ïrê »-(¯`v´¯)-»» §låvê †ð Öñ¥z, Èmåñðñ & Ðj þrï¢k@ fubar Please Repost
We Have 2 New Members
we have 2 new members that poetic justice brought to us so please go by their pages and add fan & rate them thank you all tica@ fubar C.C.,read my profile please@ fubar so welcome tica and c.c. to our family we are very happy to have you guys ....ladymoose760..aka..laura
We Have A Winner, Thanks To All That Took Part!
Contest is now closed WE HAVE A WINNER!!! First place, winning happy hour: Noexquz™Manager of Chill Factor Lounge Second place, winning 500,000.00 fubucks: *CO~ VICE PRESIDENT OF THE INDEPENDENT FAMILY* aka ~Fran3270~ and & 1 OF PONYBOY1966's BRATS Third place, winning 250,000.00 fubucks: Cuban Hotti3*R/L GF toTomm401~ Fu Owned by™Fire⇐Ice™~L ollipop Gurlz Club~Shadow Levelers thanks for taking part...congratulations to the winners.....thanks for taking part...congratulations to the winners... BROUGHT TO YOU BY: tra71 (W.I.S.E UK Friend, UK Leveller & Rising Stars)@ fubar
We Have To Be Apart
We have to be apart, I know... but thoughts of you are never far from my mind. Your love still wraps around me like the warmness of summertime... but I long to feel your arms around me, too. Until we can be together again, dream of me, night and day, as I dream of you... And remember the love that is always waiting for you & you alone.
We Have Mindless Fools
We have mindless fools filling our streets up with fear right about drive-time. Somewhere on the AM dial, an accident is waiting. 4-16-03
We Had Fun At The Fu County Fair...
Come Visit The Fu County Fair... Who doesn't love the county fair?? Cotton Candy, Carmel Apples, popcorn, rides... having fun with your friends... Visit the Folder Linked Below and rate the pics 10 or better and recieve a pass to the Fu county fair... Message me after you have rated the folder and u will recieve a tag that you attended the fu county fair... Anyone attending the fu county fair will be entered into a drawing to recieve a bling pack. Okie doke here's the train list... It's not in any particular order so please don't be offended... Please A/F/R{add/fan/rate} everybody... make some new friends and have fun… Carnie@ fubar ♡Suga Love Dj @ The Body Shop☆♡@ fubar ~♥~TEXAS TWISTER~FU~SLAVE TO MASTER P♥~SHADOW LEVELER~♥~CLUB UNITED~♥~SJEWSP♥@ fubar ~TotallyHugeObsessedMariahCareyFanatic4Life~@ fubar ~TexasAngel~Rating Revolution Crew Member~Fu Angel~G-Spot Leveler~@ fubar the girl next door~
We Have Normality, I Repeat We Have Normality
Whatever that is … I’m at work today putting in my eight hours while Martha’s at McDonald’s until five p.m. and Mary’s watching Sarah and Jeffrey. She stopped by my office an hour ago with the kids to pick up the stroller and take them to Roosevelt Park Zoo. (Update: I just got called at 1301 hours CST and told the kids are asleep; since none of us work tomorrow, we can take them to the zoo Sunday afternoon!) Before that I’d fed the kids after coming back from our first Breakfast with the Boys, the Saturday morning men’s breakfast at my church, and brought them to our newly furbished North Hill Bowl bowling alley where our nephews Patrick, Mathew, and Brandon and our niece Breanna are on bowling leagues. This year Patrick and Breanna are on opposing teams, so we get to cheer one of them on when the other’s out of earshot … Friday at work I finished reading a collection of Edmund FitzGerald’s translation of “The Rubayyat of Omar Khayyam”, the Persian poem most of us probably reme
[we Have A Problem]
Uh... I have nothing to do no one to screw and I'm fresh out of ambition. I'd drink myself into a coma, but I can't afford to. I need work... real work. I need friends. Real friends. I need life. Real life. I need love. ... meh, not so much. I need a drink. I don't wanna be... but for some reason in my idle hours, I sure am thinking a lot about my ex. And not JUST the betrayal, injuries, cheating, lying, and money bleeding. *sigh* What the fuck do I do now? This whole time I've been so detached, so divorced because of the HUGE scab of life that crusted over it. But now that's deteriorating... I dunno where my thoughts and feelings are, but they're not mine. Not... well... they are mine, but I don't want them. I want to be free.
We Hate You
Everyone knows someone that has been touched by this horrible disease It is an evil, wicked horror that comes to torture and tease Nobody deserves to die in such a horrific way Lingering on day after terrible day For weeks, months or even years until the end Trying to be strong for your family and friends I speak for everyone who has lost someone near and dear Someone special for whom we still shed our tears Cancer, we hate you - Me
We Have A Temporary Recruiter
As of right now my recruiter is not online so for the time being Lori is gonna take over the recruiting duties til DJ Lucifer comes back so if you know of anybody that wants to join please send there link to Lori..Her link is below.. ¢¾ Lori ¢¾ Wife 2 ScOoTeR/ D.S.I.P's Babygirl@ fubar
We Have One Of Our People Back!!!
Mz Attitude had to take some time away to deal with some things going on in her life, but she has gotten stuff straightened out and she is back. She is back in her crew leader chair so now we are gonna have 4 crew leaders instead of 3. This is good because we are back to taking on new members and we are gonna need all the leadership help we can get. Please welcome her back...And newer members please make sure you have her R.A.F. Thanx your friend Scooter!! Mz Twisted & Disturbed aka Mz Attitude~ DCF & Rating Revolution Member~@ fubar
We Have A New Recruiter!!!
Over the last week two of our members have been competing for the recruiter job. The winner of this contest was Texas Angel!!! She recruited a huge amount of new people over the course of the last week!! And I offer my congratulations and you can go offer your congratulations also!! ¢¾TexasAngel¢¾~Rating Revolution Recruiter~¢¾Fu Angel¢¾@ fubar
We Have A Bday Coming Up
Mrs.Samm ~Dangerous Curves~Member Alrighty Ladies We Have Our 1st Birthday Coming Up, And So far Its The Only ONe I see ON The Chart! Mrs. Samms Birthday Is November The 22nd So Lets Show Her Lots Of Love!!!
We Have New Members..
PLEASE STOP BY AND SHOW LUV TO THE NEW MEMBERS.... BBW LOVERS Roll Call AND JOINING... In order to become a member of the family,you must R/F/A all family members. In friends request state "Joining BBW LOVERS" if you are already friends with someone leave a comment stating the same.Blank request's will not be accepted! If a member has their profile set to private,pass them up.After you become a member they will R/F/A you! You will encounter problems with the bouncer,while trying to add everyone. Just remember to change things up when he appears! Example: Joining THE BBW LOVERS...(3 dots on the end) Bouncer shows up-enter his code Joining THE BBW LOVERS..(2 dots) Everytime he appears add or remove dots! Now let's begin! DJ Chocolate Bunny **Owned by ~Tee~ Owner OF THE BBW LOVERS~The Click Club~~Sarg@ fubar ~Firerose~PegasusProject~RR~Bartender@NeonMoonSaloon@ fubar TLC BETTER KNOWN AS TINKERTLC!!!!!@ fubar ? Be@uTiFuL DiS@StEr ?@ fuba
We Have Been Asked For Help....
My fu-ownee, and friend, Ms. Sassy, sent me a message... "I have a huge favor to ask of you!! SGT DV (my number 3 friend) has auto 11's on. Can you send some Club Mystic members to her page to rate her? She is going into Cancer Treatment Center of America next week to hopefully find a better treatment plan for her breast cancer and I am trying to help her get as many points as possible before she goes. " This courageous young lady is about to undergo treatment for breast cancer, so plz send her some love today if you possibly can...I have f/a/r'ed her, and let her know that some Club Mystic members will be visiting her page today, plz f/a/r her and let her know that you are a member of Club Mystic, and pray for successful treatment... ~SGT DOMESTIC VIOLENCE~ALWAYS HOT & READY~ASST. GENERAL MANAGER @SOUTHERN RADIO*~~~@ fubar ----------------------------------------- SouthernBaby's auto-11's went well! Thanks to all who rated her pics! She is
We Have Cookies!!!
We Have Bad Boys Coming Our Way-join Up Guys....mmm I Love Bad Boys
Carrie's Bad Azz Boys The purpose of this group is to promote the gentlemen of Fubar... There are several Ladies only groups... So, why shouldn't there be a men's only group? The gentlemen that wish to join should be serious about the following: * Being a gentlemen first... You can be a Bad Azz without being disrespectful... * Helping others achieve goals on Fubar... * Drama and hate FREE... * Willing to participate in group activities... * Having NO fear of rating other guys pages... Some of the ideas we have in mind are the following; * A folder on Carrie's page with ripped pictures of all the members, so others will have access to the link to members pages... * A folder on your page where you can keep tags and other pics that relate to this group... * Member of the Week... Each person will rate in order to help him level... This person will be listed each week as Carrie's #2 FRIEND... * Periodic auctions to help members get special prizes for
We Have A Little Problem..
I feel like a fucking recording have to repeat all the time.So here is repeat again. I get so fucking tired of people thinking they own me or I am with them.This is the internet & until we meet up it is what it is.I see status all the time of people letting me know how they feel about what I am doing.Yes I ask then they tell me it was for me.It is fucking crazy. I do not live on this fucking thing and will not stay on all day I have other things to do,but when I am here I like to have fun.That is it.I do not wish to talk about my private life or what is going on,if I do then I will tell you.I will no feel isolated again like I did before it will not happen I will just start taking you off list and blocking I don't give a fuck if we known each other long time or not. When I am in my lounge I am what I am.Sometimes I talk sexual,sometimes I have orgasms ,but it is hard and sometimes I just like to have a friendly chat,but if your ass is coming in there to spy on me or see what I do th
We Have A Long Way To Go....
We've got a long way to go..... Jungle fever, Mud Shark, Cave Bitch, Sell Out, Traitor, N-Lover........these are some of the names and terms I have heard being said to me or whoever I've dated that happen to be of a different race. And as much as it really doesn't surprise me to hear some of these things, it surprises me that it's still that big of an issue to many people, dating someone that's of a different race or culture. I bring this up because of a young lady who I used to date last year basically emptied her soul to me just a few hours ago. She said the reason she stopped talking to me was for other reasons, but now I find out that the main reason is that she felt embarrassed and ashamed to date me because of how her family would treat her or think of her if they found out. And basically she was looking for my forgiveness. As much as I empathize for her, I can't offer her my forgiveness. I'm not asking her to forsake her family for me, but I do deserve more than to be l
We Have A Winner
Congratz to Pooka aka Ravyn for guessing duct tape aka the silver ribbon of St. Tenacious.
We Have No Bananas Today
Well, I guess it's a bit cold out. I got to work this morning and my banana that was in my bag was frozen. Hmm.
[we Have Begun Negotiations]
She waited all freaking day to get back to me.That's an entire weekend I'm going to piss away that I could've been at someone else's house watching moviesand various other activities. Like playing pong.Wait... I can still do that. I don't have anything particularly interesting to say. Tomorrow will be good because it will be quiet.I won't have to beat anyone to death with an improvised weapon unless I want to.And... I dunno, isn't that cause enough to celebrate? No?Well fuck you then.And fuck the boat you came in on.And fuck that boat's mother. Alright, I've all but decided on a few lineups.       "Paint it Black" Zaku II 1/100 with Hot Licks decal.Now if I could just find a 4 inch mic stand... Dom colors 1/144 Gouf with 9 ring chinese broadsword 1/100 Mass produced Zeta C-class.I know... a few things about this kitIt has fewer beveled armor surfaces, and fins rather than plates when compared to the original Zeta.It has blue beam sabers.I like that.The story's inundated with
We Have The Power
We elected these corrupt individuals through lust for power and greed and driving this planet ever closer to extinction. Don't vote democrat because you believe the republicans are to blame. Don't vote for the republicans because you believe the democrats are to blame. All share equal guilt for the state our country, our very world is in right now. Headed full speed ahead to disaster. We need to vote in people who love people, not unions, lobby groups or organizations that all have an evil agenda. Vote in the local grocery store owners, the neighbors, the friends you know that are good and pure and we will bring a change to this world and forever cast this evil out of our lives.
We Have Exited Milwaukee
We rolled out of Milwaukee early this morning with a group of riders we have never ridden with. Holy cow! After THREE food and top off stops in less than 2 hours we peeled off and rode like we wanted to, 80 mph. For 100+ miles at a time. They wanted to shop and eat but we had 500 miles to ride today. So we are sharing a hotel room with the other rider who knows how to go from Point A to Point B without a burrito stuffed in his mouth. We rode across Minn. today. We will go to Sturgis tomorrow and stay at our riding companion's brother's house. It was a great ride once we got away from the new riders with the food / shopping issues. No rain or tornados. No wild animals running in front of us. No moron drivers trying to send us to Heaven. Amen! I will try to blog tomorrow. Lisa Ann *Drama Queen*
We Have To Be Apart
We have to be apart, I know...but thoughts of you are never far from my mind. Your love still wraps around me like the warmness of summertime...but I long to feel your arms around me, too. Until we can be together again, dream of me, night and day, as I dream of you...And remember the love that is always waiting for you & you alone.
We Have Broken Up."jimmy Choo Aggy Waxed Suede Boots
"Your big night in what this crazy hair, I have no time to accompany you. Liang Yan Christian Louboutin shoes heart is your woman, you go back." Jiang Siqi the original can not give up, but her attitude is very firm He Mingzhe front, "Do not forget, you have a marriage in the body of man. " She turned and walked into the apartment you want, a powerful force drew her to a spacious arms. Heming Zhe Jiang Siqi despite the resistance of Wen Zhu handed her lips. His tongue to pry her white teeth, she not only did not let his success, but one bite of his, let him eat back pain. Jiang Siqi tried my best to put him away, hard to give him a slap. "He Mingzhe, please do not forget their identity, we have broken up."Jimmy Choo Aggy Waxed Suede Boots Song Qingxiao hiding in the door heard that loud slapping sound, quickly jump up the sofa sit, it seems this time they are really gone. Jiang Siqi come directly back to his room, although Manolo Blahnik Something Pink Satin Pump
We Have The Surname Football
Now many companies choose to expand new training like training, the purpose is to establish a new concept of solidarity employees, enhance team's combat effectiveness. Football does not need training, which is an outdoor sport, it is natural to put people tightly linked, slowly, football has become a pass in foreign companies, your resume written "football" words, there will be admitted priority; in the embassy, ​​data read, "football player", the most difficult to obtain a visa for the British Embassy will immediately cover chapter; in front of foreigners, you say "my husband is a football player, "he would raise beer mugs, thumbs up; in front of the children, once say," I played football, "or" I am a football player, "he would use the eyes full of desire and reverence watching you ...... cheap nfl jerseys No matter the size of event, whether amateur career, after the end of each game, win a team will take the initiative to stand in two rows and defeat a team
We Have Made It So Far
We may have seen wars, tragedies, and even tears, Across the world, everyone can't know what is known by every twinkling star, We have made more friends, made love and still after all these many years..... we sometimes look past this fact, We Have Made It So Far!!   The fighting will stop when there is nothing to fight for, the death will stop when there is nothing left to die for, we may be celebrating the birthday of one country but it is more than that to me the world has allowed this day to come, we aren't any where near all done.   As long as one light is left on, there is still life abroad, as long as there is a gentle kiss and nod, there will be angered people in the light of dawn. They can't ever see any where near or even past, why the fact be true that the bravest is always last.   Like the very last light in the blood riddled night, the brave can and will fight for the lifes and loves who just might bring unthought of joy and so much more, I'll stand
We Have Done A Lot Of Hard Work To Get Him Here
Jeremy Helan to Wednesday Sheffield Wednesday F.C. have signed former France Under-19 winger Jeremy Helan from Manchester City for an undisclosed fee,Wholesale jerseys Sky Sports understands. Since joining City from French side Stade Rennais in February 2009, Helan, 21, has spent time on loan at Carlisle United, Shrewsbury Town and Sheffield Wednesday.A number of clubs in the Championship were interested in Helan, including Wolverhampton Wanderers, but the player wanted to return to Hillsborough, according to the club’s manager Dave Jones. “We have done a lot of hard work to get him here,” said Jones.Wholesale soccer jerseys“Other clubs were aware of what he did here last season and wanted him on board, but he really enjoyed his time here and wanted to come back. “To get Jeremy on a permanent transfer represents a really good signing for the football club, and is a statement of intent because he is a really talented footballer. He is young and has a te
We Have Benefited A Lot From The Power Banks
The growth of smart devices(such as mobile phones and iphone, ipad etc) continues to increase. However, when it comes to the duration, all these smart devices will become headche for people. Quite often, some of the users take a larger capacity battery into consideration. However, they aren't able to meet the needs of users while outside the home or are traveling most of time. Therefore, many manufacturers released the first kind of power bank primarily to meet up with the requirements of mobile phone owners. In a matter of fact, there are a lot of great benefits of having a power bank with you. Using such power banks can be extremely beneficial on various occasions so that you won't miss an important call from a colleague, boss or friend. On the other hand, many users tend to consider their power banks as a backup power source that will enable them to keep their mobile phones recharged at all the times even when they do not have access to electrical outlets. Here we will list some be
We Hold On
"We Hold On" How many times Do we tire of all the little battles Threaten to call it quits Tempted to cut and run How many times Do we weather out the stormy evenings Long to slam the front door Drive away into the setting sun Keep going on till dawn How many times must another line be drawn We could be down and gone But we hold on How many times Do we chaff against the repetition Straining against the faith Measured out in coffee breaks How many times Do we swallow our ambition Long to give up the same old way Find another road to take Keep holding on so long Cause theres a chance that we might not be so wrong We could be down and gone But we hold on How many times Do we wonder if it's even worth it Theres got to be some other way Way to get me through the day Keep going on till dawn How many times must another line be drawn We could be down and gone But we hold on
Wehre I Come From The Country
Well most of you all when you come to my page you ask me where I am from so i decided to do a blog about where i come from...i live in a small ass town in west virginia not alot to see an do here but lots of trees and mountains...and beautiful country myself I live exactly 22 miles from to most of you on here your like OMFG...well it ain't all that bad being in the country it has its upside and down sides...first foremost it's quiet...nothen but the night and during the day the birds...and the bees...i live a quiet life with the kids and they love it...yes west virginia to many is the most made fun of state...but if thats the case why so many of yall come here to retire and to vacation I live in a tourist town...frankly when its that time of the year I hate...because it brings in the city...which my town is sometimes a hassle because..well theres only 5 stop lights..yes i did say 5 we dont have a shopping mall but we have subaway and mcdonlads and som
That's the german word meaning "women's carnival". It's the beginning of the phase, when the carnival clubs leave their headquarters and take to the streets, mardi-gras-like floats are manned and womened, musical groups arrange themselves in interesting patterns and long processions of costume-wearing, very happy and very drunk people fill the cities. You can get some more info here. On "Weiberfastnacht" the women storm the city halls and are given symbolic keys to the city, men's ties are cut (a phallic symbol of course) and moral standards are stowed away somewhere. Lot's of love will be made today and those who manage to make out faster than they drink might even experience it consciously ... Just one rule: no rules. Nearly all of my female friends take part in this today and I just hope they have lots of fun and don't get too many of those men, that think today every woman is out to get some or give some, no matter who is asking. Keep safe, girls. Please. Update: I'm
Weight Watchers Soup
1 chicken, cooked and deboned 1 med. onion, chopped 2 ribs celery, chopped 4 or 5 carrots, sliced 1 c. cabbage, cut fine 1 can cut green beans 1-2 cans tomatoes 1 can garden peas Cook onions, celery, carrots and cabbage in broth until tender. Then add green beans, tomatoes, garden peas, and chicken and simmer 30 minutes. Cauliflower, broccoli or zucchini squash can also be added.
Weight Of The World
Feels like the weight of the world like God in heaven gave me a turn don't cling to me, I swear I can't fix you still in the dark, can you fix me? freefall, freefall, all through life If you love me, then let go of me I wont be held down by who I used to be she's nothing to me Feels like the weight of the world like all my screaming has gone unheard and ohm I know you don't believe in me safe in the dark, how can you see? freefall, freefall, all through life If you love me, then let go of me I wont be held down by who I used to be
Weight Loss Tips
Independent Articles About: 1. Lose Weight Fast 2. Diet fads & Dieting 3. Long Term Weight Loss Lose Weight Fast - Six Sensible Tips for Long Term Weight Loss By Sacha Tarkovsky In this article we are going to show you some sensible PROVEN Ways to lose weight fast. The good news about the diet tips enclosed are they do not involve starving yourself, or using fad diets that can actually be bad for your long term health. 1. Drink water Water is quite possibly the single most important catalyst in losing weight and keeping it off longer term. Water acts as an appetite suppressant by keeping your stomach full and fending off dehydration which can lead to false cravings/hunger. Water also helps your body metabolize stored fat by helping the kidneys flush out waste. When you don't drink enough water the liver which works to provide stored fat for energy helps the kidneys eliminate waste and becomes less effective at metabolizing fat. Drinking water ice cold burns
Weighty Issues
well my personal trainer and i have agreed on a goal weight. 120lbs Im 5'10 so when i get to this goal, im going to look amazing. =o) my fasting starts tomorrow. wish me luck
The Weight Of Love
"Accept me for who I am ... and that I'm only human, and there are more important things than what we fight about. We say hurtful things sometimes ... and it gets hard when you love someone so much ... everybody's got highs and lows. It's alright ... We will grow old together, even for worse or better. Nothing will ever keep us apart!" ~~~Leann Rimes~~~ NO, I still don't care for love ... but that was for those fairy tale wishers of you out there!
Weight Loss: No Quick Lasting Fix
Lately I've been seeing and hearing a lot of commercials for weight loss products -- most of them offering fast and lasting results. Of course we all know that that isn't the complete truth. What are these ads telling our children and those who have self-esteem problems based on appearance? The ads are, in a way, telling them that they could be happier if they lost weight; and if they use this product, it will happen almost overnight. Losing weight takes work. Like a million other people I've tried the weight loss pills --stackers (which actually did work), slim quick, the green tea ones, to name a few. The thing is, if you want to lose weight you have to change your eating habits and probably activity level. The numerous pills are diet aids, not solutions. For a long time I did the stackers but didn't change anything else. I was like a lot of other women --wanting the perfect body that was so commonly seen on tv. I grew up believing that that is what all men want--the size 3 waist,
Weight Loss Program
A fellow was reading the paper one day lamenting the fact that his doctor has ordered him to lose 75 pounds. Next thing he sees is an advertisement for a guaranteed weight loss program. He's skeptical, but says to himself, "Let's see what they can do." He calls them on the phone and subscribes to the 3 day, 10 LB weight loss program. The next day there comes a knock at his door, and when he answers, there stands before him a voluptuous, athletic 19 year old babe dressed in nothing but a pair of Nikes and a sign hanging around her neck. She introduces herself as a representative of the weight loss company. The sign reads, "If you can catch me, you can have me." Without a second thought he takes off after her. A few miles later, huffing and puffing, he finally catches her and has his way with her. After they are through he kisses the girl one last time and thinks to himself with a nod, "I like the way this company does business." For the next two days, the same girl shows up and the
Weight Loss Rewards
Ok, I'm on a mission to lose 75 pounds. Well I've made myself a list of several rewards. I'm using 15 pounds as each goal, so that means 5 rewards!! 15 pounds - tanning!! 30 pounds - tattoo 45 pounds - undecided, but I'll probably need new clothes, lol 60 pounds - belly button pierced 75 pounds - woohoo, I'm having a party!!! LOL Shannon
The Weight On Me
Ok, this is my first blog on this site and I know I should probably do this more often but I dont see a point in writing about what I do in my life everyday. But right now.....I NEED to blog. I have some issues on my chest that I just HAVE to talk about so I will hopefully feel relieved. Understand that this is just a random blog so what I talk about might skip from subject to subject or just may not make any sense to any of you but, fuck it.....I know what I'm talkin about and thats what matters right? Let me just say that if this blog offends anyone, I apologize for that and its NOT my intentions. I'm just someone who says EXACTLY how I feel and I dont sugarcoat (haha...even though my name says it dont mean i do it) anything. With that being said, I want to start with confusion. Right now I am so confused that I am going insane. I am SICK of being single. But at the same point and time I will NOT settle for someone who doesnt fit my criteria. Ok, that may sound a little harsh
Sleep weighs heavily upon my eyes. No real reason for it that I can ascertain. I'm tired, and not from deprivation. It has been an emotional roller-coaster of a week. Full of ups and downs from the peaks and valleys. I could sleep for a week, but everything would be much the same. I just don't know if I have the strength to carry on. This battle that we call like. I know that tomorrow is a new day, but it seems so far away. From work to women, life and loss, it all weighs heavily on my soul.
Weigh In And Workout
Weigh In And Update. 3.25.2007 I Lost 2 pounds.. hellz ya. and this was my gym workout today * 4 miles on bike * 1 miles on my arms (using some machine) * 1 mile on the treadmill * 1 mile on the bike All this i did in a hour.. so this is really great..
Weigh In
Down to 230 lbs thats 5 lbs down from My Last Post Sooo Yesterday went to the Store and got some hella groseries and from here on out I am brown bagging it to work.
Weight Watchers & The First Step To Weight Loss
well I went to My first weightwatchers meeting. My weigh in was 266.8 lbs Initial goal is 10% thats a 27 lbs loss to reach 240 lbs Once I reach this goal I will get a reward of a keychain for every 5 lbs lost you get a star or reward sticker to mark off your progress. Next Monday at 6pm is my next meeting i need to take with me :::::::: Notebook and pen $12 for meeting fee $25 for starter kit $30 for water cup, snacks or shakes or one of each total $ to take 70ish i am also starting that monday going to start a walking goal up my steps by 100 steps/day WELL there ya have it
Weigh In
Weigh In!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Current mood: accomplished Sooooo I was bummed today and just felt blah.. Well i was talking to a new friend of mine and was like oh crap weigh in time.. 5 Pound Loss So total for 5 weeks 12 pounds.. maybe it is getting to be a brighter day out.. we will see
Weight Watchers 2nd Meeting Notes
Well todays Meeting was how to maintain the weight you have lost. here are the main points Got a Bravo star for just being there (as a newbie) How d o i keep it off? *WALKING *DIARY everything its a WAY of life not a diet Attend meetings *Chew gum (zero cal) * update points after every ten point loss *MUST eat all Points everyday *Measurements once a month (neck shoulders bust waist hips thighs calves ankle upper arms wrist)
Weight Watchers 3rd Meeting Notes
Well this meeting was about changing old beliefs (negitive ones) to more positive and empowering ones. As of this Meeting I had lost 5.5lbs in one week ***does happy happy dance*** (but due to an initial gain of 4.4 lbs that only tecnicaly counted as a.8 loss on the books) but still that is something HUH? Next week my personal goal is to have another 5 lbs loss (plus maybe a few more lbs) To acheave this I am going to do the following::: *Start Walking Boys to school and Home From School on My days off *Start doing my kick boxing cardio video everyday after work and on days off instead of sleeping *Start doing push ups *Start Doing Yoga every morning *Start doing meditation every night *Religiously log my daily points *NOT EAT OUT AT ALL *Start taking a Lunch to Work EVERYDAY *If I HAVE to Eat at Work get only Chicken noodle soup and not eat the noodles and only get one of the medium bowls *Start Drinking 96oz of Water (that is 3 of my 32
Weight Of The World
Weight Watchers 5th Meeting Notes
Urges and Cravings was the Topic Weigh in 260 SW 266.6 for a Loss of 6.6 in 5 weeks (with an initial gain of 4.4 so really a total loss of 11) WOOOOHOOOOO Got my 5lbs star lastnight
Weight Loss
If you haven't noticed by my profile, I am a BBW. Well I have been fighting with my weight my entire life and I have failed every diet I have tried. I saw a commercial on TV today for Optifast. People who have lost A LOT of weight and have kept it off. So I called and made an appointment. As of yesterday June 3,2007 I weighed 252 pounds, and I am 5'6. I want to lose at least 100 pounds but hoping to lose even more. I am a Big boned person so I think losing 112 pounds would be great and I'd look great at 140 pounds :) I have No family here to support me, I do have a few friends here and I know they will help and support me. I need to do this for me....then I will work on quitting smoking. That is going to be harder. Wish me luck!
Striking violet in black sand. Words fall from the mouth Spoken from the cradle of this man's war. You see money, falling from the sky. I see pain, falling from your sight. The silence, like stones, weight us into the black oblivion. Glass reflects the utter tragedy of our simple lie. The lie of our spoken love. Wondrous, boisterous, chilled love. Flying through the Greek fire. Flowing from our veins. You fall. I fall. You see nothing. I only see you. The long time works this modern man. The eternity rises and ebbs from you mouth. Red velvet drips from your sex. Blue violence drips from your lips. Cursed, dastardly, painful scenes come all from you. And all i can see, Is you.
Weight Loss
Several months ago, I entered a "Biggest loser" contest at the local World Gym. The contest was 12 weeks long. After 12 weeks, I weighed in at 199 pounds, I had lost over 50 pounds, and yes, I won. :) It really is simple, and anyone can do it. You take in less calories than you burn, and you will lose weight. Take in more than you burn and you will gain weight. I ate small portions several times during the day and did 30 to 60 minutes of cardio each day. The contest is over, and I am no longer concerned with losing weight. I still am interested in remaining healthy and reducing my body fat while increasing lean muscle, and have modified my eating and exercise habits to help me achieve my new goal. If those actors in "300" can do it, why can't I? :P
Weight Loss
So I moved to Vancouver, Washington on the last day of May this year. It's now July 20th. I did have some lazy days through out this month and 20 days, but I have lost 10 pounds since moving here. Maybe in another 1 1/2 months i'll have lost 10 more. lets hope so. lol
Weights & Measures Used In Herbalism
Herbalism has some serious fundamentals...things you really must know in order to navigate through all the information, formulations, recipes and old herbals. Next in importance to knowledge of the characteristics of the herbs themselves is "weights and measures". You will encounter many different ways of preparing ingredients and you need to know what some of these terms are and how they equate to a measurement term with which you're familiar. For instance, you will often see the term "handful" and you might rightfully ask yourself how that could be considered much of an accurate measurement since some hands are large and some are small. Just remember that many old herbal recipes were passed along by women and you can figure it means a medium sized hand, but that also a "handful" actually is a measurement with specific qualifications. When formulating herbal remedies, it is important to have accurate measurements. In cases dealing with very potent herbs it is absolutely vital. In res
Weight Loss
yay im so proud of myself right now. i've lost alot of weight these past few months and its just great. =) im down to a size 18 from a 24 which is awesome. i know that alot of it was from all the stress i was going thru but i also did alot of walking and have been working alot which is also helping. and i dont eat as much anymore either and have been going out dancing which helps too. i feel so much better and im much happier with myself. =) yay me! lol i still have more weight to lose but i know that i can do it. ok thats all i wanted to say. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Update 4/3/07: i just realized that i've actually been wearing a16 lol and i thought they were an 18. so i've actually lost more weight than i thought. =) my other pair of pants are a 13 which fit snugly but still fit. =) I still have more weight to lose but I will do it....slowely but surely. =) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Update 6/24/07 Im
The Weight Of The World
I am not sure what is wrong with me the last couple of days. I feel the weight of the world and can't shake this feeling. I have to force myself to eat and sometimes that doesn't stay in me very long. Could I jsut be overly worried or heart-broken? A lot has happened to me in jsut the last 4 months. I met the most wonderfu lman who captured my heart, shown me New York and made me feel beautiful. I lost my van to a fire, school grades are in and I have to talk to a teacher to straigen it out. Life is hard but I must go on. The only way I have survive thus far is God. I have spent so much time in paryer and reading the Bible. Somedays I am nto sure I can't handle more and God sends someone to bless me with his words. SOmedays it is the love of my life, Rob who calls and brightens my day. Right now he is in a fight that I KNOW he will beat it. He is strong and very much loved by everyone. I jsut wish he woudl see just how much my feelings for him have grown in the past few
Weight Loss!!!
I just wanted to keep you all up to date on my weight loss before I went back to work. As of today I have lost 102 lbs..I am so happy and very proud of my accomplishments..I hope you are too!!! Everyone have a great weekend!!!!
Weight Loss issue I have dealt with my entire have many. So this is the scoop.... I dont make excuses anymore....I just do something about it. of my lifelong best friends and myself have been tackling this issue together now for several months. He has lost a total of almost 200 pounds and I myself 45. What an amazing feat! It has not been easy and there is so many times you want to quit...but were both incredibly strong individuals..and were treading through. We are one another's inspiration! So wish up luck ..and that our success will be an ispiration for others!
Weighty Thoughts
Ok its 12;14 am where i am & i can't fall asleep.Just have alot of thoughts buzzing through my brain.Me i kinda think i'm on the chunky side.I'm 4'11" , medium legnth red hair , blue eyes & around 150lbs.I'm not what i would consider BBW but i'll never be model thin. What hurts is when folks say i'm huge or obese..I had one guy say after reading Hubby& i's profile that if i was a "sub" i had eaten one too many :(.Pretty much most all my clothes are size medium.. i wear a youth size 4 shoe.. i don't know perceptions of people can needlessly hurt. I try to be nice to everyone. It is in my nature to try to take care others. Just i guess i'm confused. What does everyone think.. Comments would be great ty much if you take the time to read this
Weight Loss Program
Came froma bulletin. lmao Takes time to read- but it is perfect!----- A guy calls a company and orders their 5-day, 10 lb. weight loss program. The next day, there's a knock on the door and there stands before him a Voluptuous, athletic, 19 year old babe dressed in nothing but a pair of Nike running shoes and a sign around her neck. She introduces herself as a representative of the weight loss company. The sign reads, "If you can catch me, you can have me." Without a second thought, he takes off after her. A few miles later Huffing and puffing, he finally gives up. The same girl shows up for the next Four days and the same thing happens. On the fifth day, he weighs himself And is delighted to find he has lost 10 lbs. as promised. He calls the company and orders their 5-day/20 pound program. The next Day there's a knock at the door and there stands the most stunning, beautiful, sexy woman he has ever seen in his life. She is wearing nothing but Reebok running shoes a
Vag Weight Lifting on
Blues and reds with yellows now and then popping out. Nothing but the sound of wind constantly around me. So much distance from the blurry ground, everything has become so strange looking. The passing wind sounds the same as it did when I was a child swinging on those long chain swings at the local park. That rush against your ears with every swing, harder and harder you push your legs until you feel that scary feeling of weightlessness when the chains become loose in your hands. That split second that you would wish could last forever without the fear of falling , till gravity grabs you and whips you back the other way. I guide myself through the clouds in total silence except the sound of my heart thumping in my chest along with the wind. Passing through the tops of clouds like something soft but not there. I was afraid to go this high but I couldn't resist. The same feeling you get standing on the very edge of a high cliff, right to the edge as close as possible. That fifty/fif
Weight Loss
hey yall..i am so excited cause i am seeing results on my diet!!! i have lost 3 pounds already since the weekend..go me!! keep ur fingers crossed for goal is fifty pounds (47 more to go)! then i'll post pics of the new and improved me!! much love to all!
Weight Loss.........
A guy calls a company and orders their 5-day, 10 lb. weight loss program. The next day, there's a knock on the door and there stands before him a voluptuous, athletic, 19 year old babe dressed in nothing but a pair of Nike running shoes and a sign around her neck. She introduces herself as a representative of the weight loss company. The sign reads, "If you can catch me, you can have me." Without a second thought, he takes off after her. A few miles later huffing and puffing, he finally gives up. The same girl shows up for the next four days and the same thing happens. On the fifth day, he weighs himself and is delighted to find he has lost 10 lbs. as promised. He calls the company and orders their 5-day/20 pound program. The next day there's a knock at the door and there stands the most stunning, beautiful, sexy woman he has ever seen in his life . She is wearing nothing but Reebok running shoes and a sign around her neck that reads, "If you catch me you can have me".
Weight Loss
This is really interesting.. i watched it this morning. Just look..The net and friends can do good things for you!
Weight Loss
So I haven't been able to go to the gym lately because I had been going through alot of family stress and my dad hasn't been able to come out to my place to watch my son and it's all together way to much money to put into gas for me to drive my son out to him, and then drive back to the gym I have a membership at and then back to pick up my son and then back home..just couldn't afford it.. so I went job hunting to figure something out, and got a job finally.. (that's another story completely) .. but anyways.. I lost more weight at that job than I did while working out at the gym.. in just 5 days I have lost 7 lbs... woot!! haha.. I hope I can keep it up!!!!!!!! I feel great right now
The Weight Of A Snowflake
"Tell me the weight of a snowflake," a coal mouse asked a wild dove. "Nothing more than nothing," the dove answered. "In that case I must tell you a marvelous story," the coal mouse said. "I sat on a fir branch close to the trunk when it began to snow. Not heavily, not in a raging blizzard. No, just like in a dream, without any violence at all. Since I didn't have anything better to do, I counted the snowflakes settling on the twigs and needles of my branch. Their number was exactly 3,471,952. When the next snowflake dropped onto the branch--nothing more than nothing--as you say--the branch broke off." Having said that, the coal mouse ran away. The dove, since Noah's time an authority on peace, thought about the story for a while. Finally, she said to herself, "Perhaps there is only one person's voice lacking for peace to come to the world."
Weight Training
A new friend of mine is a body builder. We went out today and did a lot of cardio a the gym: elliptical trainer, treadmill, swimming ect. Starting this next week we are going to be doing weight training. That is what I like to do. I did a lot of it when I was in high school and some afterwards. I stopped when I married my ex husband ( he thought it was stupid). I started a little of it since I left my ex- but not like I should. It will be nice to have someone push to do what I know that I can. After the work out we came back and watched the MET-RX worlds strongest man competition. I find it fascinating always have, that is what started me on my weight training in high school are all of the fitness shows that I would watch. Do not get me wrong, I do not want to be this huge female body builder. I have never wanted to look like that. I just want to be toned with some muscle definition.
Weight Report
A small town doctor was famous in the area for always catching large fish. One day while he was on one of his frequent fishing trips he got a call that a woman at a neighboring farm was giving birth. He rushed to her aid and delivered a healthy baby boy. The farmer had nothing to weigh the baby with so the doctor used his fishing scales. The baby weighed 32 lb. 10 oz.
Weight Loss Journey
Not sure if I told you all.. but I've lost like 20 pounds since January.. But it's also because I've been trying too.. Eating healtier and exercise does work... Just never give up..
Weight Loss Program
A guy calls a company and orders their 5-day, 10 lb. weight loss  program.  The next day, there's a knock on the door and there stands before him a  voluptuous, athletic, 19 year old babe dressed in nothing but a pair of  Nike  running shoes and a sign around her neck.  She introduces herself as a representative of the weight loss company.  The  sign reads, "If you can catch me, you can have me."  Without a second thought, he takes off after her. A few miles later  huffing  and puffing, he finally gives up. The same girl shows up for the next  four  days and the same thing happens. On the fifth day, he weighs himself
Weight Loss...
Weight Issues
Okay, so I'm having some issues. I just can't seem to get motivated to lose the rest of my weight. I have to find a way to do it. I'm down because I seem to stay at the same weight but I'm happy I've lost this much. It seems like a never ending struggle. i have to figure out a way to get motivated. How do I do it?? I want to lose it to look good and to feel better. I'm not doing it for anyy guy or anything like that. Please..............anyone, any ideas??? I just moved to the area that I'm at and I havent' really meet anyone that I could have to be a motivational partner or to workout with. I have 3 kids so money is a little tight....... Any ideas would be wonderful.......... Please.........
Weight Loss Program
A guy calls a company and orders their 5-day, 10 lb. weight loss program. The next day, there's a knock on the door and there stands before him a voluptuous, athletic, 19 year old babe dressed in nothing but a pair of Nike running shoes and a sign around her neck. She introduces herself as a representative of the weight loss company. The sign reads, "If you can catch me, you can have me." Without a second thought, he takes off after her. A few miles later huffing and puffing, he finally gives up. The same girl shows up for the next four days and the same thing happens. On the fifth day, he weighs himself and is delighted to find he has lost 10lbs. as promised. He calls the company and orders their 5-day/20 pound program. The next day there's a knock at the door and there stands the most stunning, beautiful,sexy woman he has ever seen in his life. She is wearing nothing but Reebok running shoes and a sign around her neck that reads, "If you catch me you can
Weight Loss Plan
A guy calls a company and orders their 5-day, 10 lb. weight loss program. The next day, there's a knock on the door and there stands before him a voluptuous, athletic, 19 year old babe dressed in nothing but a pair of Nike running shoes and a sign around her neck. She introduces herself as a representative of the weight loss company. The sign reads, 'If you can catch me, you can have me.' Without a second thought, he takes off after her. A few miles later huffing and puffing, he finally gives up. The same girl shows up for the next four days and the same thing happens. On the fifth day, he weighs himself and is delighted to find he has lost 10 lbs. as promised. He calls the company and orders their 5-day/20 pound program. The next day there's a knock at the door and there stands the most stunning, beautiful, sexy woman he has ever seen in his life. She is wearing nothing but Reebok running shoes and a sign around her neck
The Weight
I pulled into Nazareth, I was feelin' about half past dead; I just need some place where I can lay my head. "Hey, mister, can you tell me where a man might find a bed?" He just grinned and shook my hand, and "No!", was all he said. (Chorus:) Take a load off Fannie, take a load for free; Take a load off Fannie, And (and) (and) you can put the load right on me. I picked up my bag, I went lookin' for a place to hide; When I saw Carmen and the Devil walkin' side by side. I said, "Hey, Carmen, come on, let's go downtown." She said, "I gotta go, but m'friend can stick around." (Chorus) Go down, Miss Moses, there's nothin' you can say It's just ol' Luke, and Luke's waitin' on the Judgement Day. "Well, Luke, my friend, what about young Anna Lee?" He said, "Do me a favor, son, woncha stay an' keep Anna Lee company?" (Chorus) Crazy Chester followed me, and he caught me in the fog. He said, "I will fix your rags, if you'll take Jack, my dog." I said, "Wait a minute,
Weight Loss Goal!
I joined the gym! I have gone 2 days in a row now!
Weight Of The World
Cause the weight of the world's on my shoulders. Fly From The Inside Leave A Whisper Here’s the weight of the world on my shoulders Here’s the weight of the world on my shoulders On my shoulders All alone I pierce the chain And on and on the sting remains And dying eyes consume me now The voice inside screams out loud I am focused on what I am after The key to the next open chapter Cause I found a way to steal the sun from the sky Long live that day that I decided to fly from the inside Every day a new deception Pick your scene and take direction And on and on I search to connect But I don’t wear a mask and I have no regrets I am focused on what I am after The key to the next open chapter Cause I found a way to steal the sun from the sky Long live that day that I decided to fly from the inside I can’t escape the pain I can’t control the rage Sometimes I think that I’m gonna go insane I’m not against
An Average Boob weighs 2.5 pounds.. Do you know how much a pussy weighs????? Answer: Step on the scale and let me know....
Does it matter what I think or how I feel? Why do I feel like I must wear the weight of the world on my shoulders along with all my weight? Don't people see this is gonna make me crash and fall? Just cuz I was strong once, doesn't mean I have the strength that I used to. I am ready to run, ready to hide. I can't tend to get a break in this life, and I am done taking it in stride. I can't do this, it's tearing me up 24/7. //end vent
Weight Loss Program
A guy calls a company and orders their 5-day, 10 lb. weight loss program. The next day, there's a knock on the door and there stands before him a voluptuous, athletic, 19 year old babe dressed in nothing but a pair of Nike running shoes and a sign around her neck. She introduces herself as a representative of the weight loss company. The sign reads, 'If you can catch me, you can have me.' Without a second thought, he takes off after her. A few miles later huffing and puffing, he finally gives up. The same girl shows up for the next four days and the same thing happens. On the fifth day, he weighs himself and is delighted to find he has lost 10 lbs. as promised. He calls the company and orders their 5-day/20 pound program . The next day there's a knock at the door and there stands the most stunning, beautiful, sexy woman he has ever seen in his life. She is wearing nothing but Reebok running shoes and a sign around her neck that reads, 'If you catch me you can have me'. Well, he'
Weight Loss
ok so i have decided to lose weight in the new year. i am doing this by going on a low carb diet and slowly increasing my excercise. i also decided that i am not gonna use pounds to judge how much i lose but inches. i will be updating this every week with my new measurements so my friends can keep up with how i'm doing. please feel free to leave comments as they will help me along the way. day 1 measurments neck 19 inches arm 23.5 inches leg 40.5 inches waist 57 inches hips 75 inches day 1 pic start of week 2 measurments neck 19 arm 23.5 leg 40 .5 in loss waist 56.5 .5 in loss hips 74 1 in loss total 2.5 in loss so far no pic i forgot start of week 3 measurements neck 18 1 in loss arm 23.5 leg 40 waist 55.5 1 in loss hips 74 so 2 in total loss this week start of week 3 pic remember to check back each saturday to see how i'm doing
Weight Of The World
Feels like the weight of the world,Like God in heaven gave me a turn.Don't cling to me, I swear I can't fix you.Still in the dark, can you fix me?Freefall, freefall, all through life.If you love me, then let go of me.I won't be held down by who I used to be.She's nothing to me.Feels like the weight of the world,Like all my screaming has gone unheard.And oh, I know you don't believe in me.Safe in the dark, how can you see?Freefall, freefall, all through life.If you love me, then let go of me.I won't be held down by who I used to be.If you love me, then let go of meI won't be held down by who I wasIf you love me, then let go of meI won't be held down by who I used to be
Weight Lifting Routines
weight lifting exercises Weight lifting routines
Weight Loss Diet
Weight Loss Diet
Easy Diet Plans
Fast Weight Loss Tips
9/30/2009 Weigh In
Weighed in today.. i am .8 of a pound away from my first mini goal I weight 270.8 now.. which means i lost 1.6 pounds last week. I am on target on my weigh loss! go me :D   2 more weeks to go until i start working out again..
Weight Loss
Weight Loss Programs
Weight Loss
Weight Loss Programs
Weight Loss System That Works.. It Did For Me.
I think everyone is looking for a way to get those few extra "unwanted pounds" off of their midsection. Most have a misconception that if there is a magic pill they would buy it. But then, who here has time to live in a Smelly Gym struggling to lose those few pounds? When I came back from Iraq, I had gained weight ( although I had been doing PT-- even on painful knees). What I didn't know at the time was that I had a disadvantage, and my body was not producing Testosterone. A Metabolism Killer. But I used this system, and in one month effectively trimmed off 9 pounds. This system tracks your food intake, your exercise, it offers suggestions on what meals to eat. And yes there are those "All Natural MAGIC pills" Several different types. This coupled with the new power drink which is all natural ( Most Power drinks use Taurine, Ginseng, and other herbs, as well as over 4 table spoons of sugar to crank you up.). This drink is nothing but all natural B vitamins. It has to be tried and expe
the light dims to embers as night creeps slowly ina romantic spark caressing the horizon in playand as the sun sets on another evening spent trapped withinI find that virtues forgotten have at last found staya purchase once so tenuous and uncertain with timefinally a nest, a home, a place to rest in my mindThe days drag on and the nights can't lastFighting a one man war I can't get pastClawing and tearing away with a fragile heartI find the weight of the waiting is the hardest partin the nights I once feared I find my greatest reprievethe moments of nothing at all, except all we could besometimes i feel so stupid, optimism comes hardbut I can't live forever trapped within my scarsso much better now than I was, I know all too wellthe voices haunting the mind in the quiet momentsI have seen the bitter, self-loathing, personal hellthe one that eats at your soul and never relentsand I managed a whole day to stem the tide of sorrowand for once I still have some hope left for tomorrowThe day
10/14/2009 Weigh In
I just weighed in... and am at 265.8 :D I lost 3.6 pounds! This past week was amazing feeling... i am not eating NEARLY as much.. like.. last night i was helping my friend eva with her kitchen.. and she ordered chinese... i ate.. but while i used to eat TONS of it... now i only ate a little.. and was full...  I am supposed to start excercise this week.. but i am not sure if that is going to happen.. i wanted to start a walking/running thing.. but it is raining too much oh well! i will try to incorporate something everyday! PS: I had to pull some smaller jeans out of my closet to wear... my favorite ones are too big on me! they sag in the butt.. too big in the thighs.. waist is too big... even finding shirts aren't fitting the same now :D HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY
10/22/09 Weigh In
repost from wrong blog postage -----------------------------   somehow i still lost 2 pounds... that is all i have to say about this today
Weight Loss
Okay, so this is my first blog on here and I think it's an important one. I am over weight not obese, there's a difference. I'm at least wanting to be as close to 200 lbs than what I am right now and since I don't have the money to join a gym I found a solution, roller/ice skating. I read up on it and it's a total aerobic workout and why not since I've always liked skating just haven't really done it much since I lived in Michigan when I was married and had access to the lakefront at my ex-wife's uncle's place in the winter. I had a pair of inline skates but never used them and I tried to learn to use them be didn't think they were safe. I've ice skated on and off since I was 12 and roller skated since I was 7 or 8 so I'm used to quad skates so I'm going to buy a pair this week on payday that I found today. I just hope I get to my goal weight in a few months, at least with skating both on ice and land will do the trick I hope it will be enough with diet as well. My diet is going to ma
Weigh In 1/19/2010
Sooo.. Last Tuesday I was at 278.5... Today I weighed in at 274.25 I lost 4.25 pounds in the first week... Without even working out much (like twice LOL)     yay for weight lost! I took before pictures today... going to leave them in my cell phone... no one will see them until i get to where i want to be...
Weight Loss
Newly Discovered West African Herb is... The Closest You'll Get to Effortless Weight Loss Lose Up to 28 Pounds to 10 Weeks WITHOUT Exercising or Changing Your Diet - Your Results are Guaranteed Dear Health Concious Reader, Suppose you could drop all of your unwanted fat … without going to the gym or forcing yourself to eat rice cakes and tofu burgers? I have a new clinical study on my desk that says it’s possible. It may be the most successful weight loss compound ever tested. I'm Dr. Al Sears, and I’ve chosen you to experience this fat-burning breakthrough foryourself. And you won’t have to lift a finger. Just think... No diets… no exercise… no pain… no sacrifice… Your results are guaranteed. If you don’t like what you see I’ll pick up the tab. No questions asked. I’ve never seen anything like it. And it’s 100% natural and completely safe. Let me explain… Take Up to 6 Inches off Your Waist in Just 10 Weeks About Dr. Sears A physician, author, physical trai
Weighing In
Earlier this morning I read a blog, it stated some very interesting things, things that I recall happening. I'm the unfortunate factor in said blog. However I don't think anyone deserves what happened in that blog, regardless of feeling. You may think you deserve this, this and this but in reality no one deserves to emotionally or physically abused. The blog owner goes on to say everything was her fault, but it wasn't. It never was. Idiocy and fear were the main triggers in the 'antagonist' were the main factors in the blog owners blog. Fear and Idiocy have always been the case. The blog owner never knew was the person described was never once aware of what he was doin'. He just did it, but every night couldn't live with himself. Not once. And still can't. Thoughts of suicide ran through his mind a lot, something he refused to tell the blog owner. He didn't do it, because he loved the blog owner to much to do so. He still does, the blog owners flaws, the blog owners everything. As h
Weight Loss Program
A guy calls the company and orders their 5-day, 10 lb. weight loss program...The next day, there's a knock on the door and when he opens  it, there stands a voluptuous, athletic, 19 year old babe dressed in nothing but a pair of Nike running shoes and a sign around her neck... She introduces  herself as a representative of the weight loss company. The sign reads, 'If you can catch me, you can have me.' Without a second thought, he  takes off after her. A few miles later 
Weight Loss
In helping in the weight loss category, the Acai berry helps cleanse the colon, which regulates the digestion of food.  It also helps to boost metabolism, which gives you more energy.  With a healthier diet and increased exercise, then the weight is more apt to fall off the body.  Acai Berries
Weight Loss
In the last couple of years I've really put on some weight.   Starting Dec 1st I'm going on a diet in hopes of losing 2 pant sizes.  I am currently a 34 and I want to drop back down to a 32 and lose this spare tire around my belly.   I'm not really in bad shape because of my activity level, but I drink entirely too much pop and eat a lot of junk food.   I'm cutting out the pop entirely and swtiching to a low calorie diet.   I'm going to take some before pics on Dec 1st when I start the diet.
Weight On My Shoulders 2/24/11
Weight Loss Update!
ok I got tired of being heavy and so on the 8th of June I put my foot down, I weighed 231.2 lbs.  Now on June 11th I weighed myself with the same scale and Im 224 lbs! I lost 7.2 lbs so far! Whoop! Fucking Whoop!! Go me! :) 
Weight Loss In 2012/resolutions
The Psychology of Weight Loss     Strengthening Your Resolve How many times has this scenario played out? It’s January. You make the resolution to eat less, exercise more and finally lose that weight — once and for all. You start out on a path to success, but after a few months, weeks or even days, your momentum slows. Suddenly, the year has gone by, and the weight never came off! The answer might not lie on your plate after all — it could be in your brain. Experts say weight loss is as much a psychological battle as it is a physical one. If weight loss is in your resolution this year, it’s time to get your mind right.   Get with the program. Maintaining weight loss can be as much of a challenge as losing the weight in the first place. In fact, one weight loss study showed that 80 percent of participants who lost weight gained it back within five years. A Yale School of Nursing study interviewed 18 women who had maintained weight loss for
Weigh Out Their Options
Toronto FC created history at BMO Field on Saturday, but their record-breaking moment was certainly nothing to be proud of. Torrey Smith Grey Jersey . A 1-0 defeat to Chivas USA left the club without a point through its first five matches of the Major League Soccer season. Not only is five straight losses the worst start the club has ever made to a season, it sets a new mark for the longest losing run in its history. When Aron Winter was hired in January 2011 the club trumpeted a new philosophy which would provide Toronto FC with its own soccer identity. It was to be an attacking style of play based on the 4-3-3 formation that would excite the fans and permeate throughout all levels of the club from first team down to Academy. It was an ambitious goal, and one that currently seems out of reach. Saturdays performance against Chivas USA did provide some fleeting glimpses of attacking play, but poor finishing combined with some excellent saves by Dan Kennedy left Winters men frustrated. W
The Weight Of Love
The Weight of Love I once was asked concerning love versus hate Why does it seem that hate is so great? While hate is a very strong emotion too Nothing can equal love that is true The weight of hate is very heavy to bear While it seems like love is lighter than air Accounts of hate make a big news headline While actions of love you must look hard to find But when you consider that love is patient, kind, Envieth not, not pompous, not puffed up, not rude, Seeketh not her own, slow to anger, thinks no evil, You soon learn that the density of love is so much, Although the scales be heaped with a great volume of hate It's catapulted by a mere measure of love's touch, Love strengthens the bearer so one feels not its weight
  Waiting   I only write about butterflies if we are pulling off their wings   Damaged and freckled   and   dust covered fingers that aren't so delicate anymore   Humming slowly about Jack & Diane my heart in   wingless beatless flight   Congealed in another time between your filthy   loveless palms     I wait    
Weight Bench
Mmm I love watching a man lifting weights
Weight Loss
Well got my BowFlex equipment have started working out 3 times a week, feeling better and looking forward to slimming down. To any and all who read this if ya want/need to loose weight so you can be healthy, check out great tasting shakes and they will help in your goals. No I'm not selling them I tried that and I couldn't  sell water to someone lost in the dessert. So if ya read this and want them or going to reccomend them to someone do so. Even loosing a little weight can and will improve your life.
Weihnachtszeiten, Schmelzender Topf, Wo Mischung Heilig, Profane Anregungen, Der Kult Und Die Populäre Sache, Uns Gleichzeitig Tuend: Männer Und Fraue
Weihnachtszeiten, schmelzender Topf, wo Mischung heilig, profane Anregungen, der Kult und die populäre Sache, uns gleichzeitig tuend: Männer und Frauen, der Stücke Arbeiten und auch des Glaubens. ________________________________________ Ein Junge ist in einer Krippe in einem Remoteort eines Landes geboren; wenn ihre Eltern vom Zorn eines Reglers fliehen, bevor die drohende Gefahr der millenarian Kristallisation von einer prophezeien. Ein Junge erstaunt zu den klugen Leuten seiner Zeit - Priester, Verfasser und pharisees-, wenn beibehalten werden eine geheizte Debatte, auf den Unterseiten und den Grundregeln des Glaubens, zu der Zeit des Reframings die Relation mit der Gesellschaft und die Kultur seiner Zeit, seiend disqualifiziert und beschämt, indem sie einfach ist: der Sohn eines Tischlers und der Hausfrau, nicht ein sachverständiger Gelehrter von der Struktur der Auslesen. Der Junge, bereits gewachsen, schw50rt vom Mosaik-Gesetz ab und synthetisiert die Aufträge, di
Weihnachtszeit Stempel Mit Heiliger Familie
WASHINGTON (CNS) - US Postal Service freigegeben weihnachtsgeschenke stamp image Flucht der Heiligen Familie in Ägypten am 10. Oktober. Episcopal Church der National Cathedral in Washington, hielt eine Zeremonie, um den ersten Tag der Ausgabe Briefmarken feiern. Dargestellt das traditionelle Bild der Heiligen Familie, ist Madonna und Kinder zuerst Weihnachtsmarken zu ändern fast jedes Jahr seit seiner Veröffentlichung im Jahr 1962. Louis Giuliano, ein Moment, ein Mitglied des Rates der Postal Service, räumte bei der Zeremonie, die 50-jährige Tradition der religiösen Stempel Gründen. "Der primäre Grund von Weihnachten ist die Geburt Jesu zu feiern", sagte er. Seit 1962 ein säkularer religiösen Stempel sowie Spezialprodukten, wie Christbaumschmuck, immergrüne, Nussknacker. Die religiösen Stempel ist seit jeher die klassische Musik Werke von Kunst, die Maria und das Kind Jesus. Giuliano sagte, in diesem Jahr, das Board mit einer anderen Darstellung der Stempelsteuer zu gehen entschi
Weihnachten In Vergangenheit Und Gegenwart
In Verfolgung ihrer Aktien des £ 3 Mrd. schöne weihnachtsdekoration Spielzeug-Markt einige Hersteller gegangen retro. Sie erwarten Warehouse Lasten revisited 1980er und 1990er Jahren Favoriten wie Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Cabbage Patch Kids und Twister verkaufen. Die Furby, eine kleine runde pelzige Kreatur, wurde aktualisiert. Die Furby war eine Sensation, wenn seine Fin-de-last-siecle Mikrochip hatte es Englisch zu lernen. Es kommt jetzt mit einem iPod, die es spuckt hat Essen. Ehrlich gesagt, ist es an der Zeit das Spielzeug ging zurück fertigt den anständigen und unschuldigen Tage der 1950er und 1960er Jahre. Ein modernes Kind würde gerne ein Busleiter Outfit erhalten. Er oder sie wird einen Strich mit dem Hut, der Cash Schulranzen, und das Ticket Maschine geschnitten. Als Cartoonist Bud Neil beobachtet werden, auch in den 1950er Jahren junge Busleitungen sah aus am Weihnachtstag in einer Straße voller weans in Cowboy und Indianer Outfits. Ihre einzige Zuflucht während des
Weihnachtszeit In Pendleton, Williamston öffnen
Pendleton und Williamston läutet die Weihnachtszeit an diesem Wochenende mit einem Baum Beleuchtung und einem Weihnachts-Park Opening. Pendleton seine Baumbeleuchtung Programm-Anfang bei 6 präsentieren Uhr Freitag auf dem Village Green in der Stadt. Pendleton Elementary School Chor Mitglieder singen "Jingle Bell Rock". Die Pendleton School Ensemble "Carol of the Bells" und einer szenischen Lesung von "Twas the Night Before Christmas" ist geplant durchzuführen. Um 7:30 Uhr wird Bürgermeister Frank Crenshaw einzuführen Harry Evans, der den Baum leuchten. In Williamston, wird Mineral Spring Park in weihnachtsgeschenkideen freundingute Park Anfang bei 6 Uhr Samstag einzuschalten. Die Zeremonie wird auf den Park Amphitheater Stufe beginnen. Bürgermeister Carthel Crout wird der Chor von Bessie Road Baptist Church in Piemont willkommen. Santa wird fahren in über der Stadt fire engine and Greet Kinder im Scout Hut in den Parks. Er wird in den Park, um Kinder Weihnachtswünsche durch 23. Dezem
Weihnachtsgeld Gibt Für Lokale Käufer
Die jährliche Weihnachtsbummel ist gerade bei uns und als Ansporn, lokal einkaufen, die Conrad-Bereich Chamber of Commerce und lokalen Unternehmen bieten Chamber Christmas Tree Cash (BKT). Es wird, so zu arbeiten: die CofC stellt jede teilnehmende Chamber Business Mitglied CCTC zur Hand, um ihre Kunden. Diese Dollar gesammelt wie die Leute Geld in den lokalen Unternehmen, und brachte den Baum Auction zu verwenden, um auf einem Baum und andere Auktionsartikel mitzubieten. Die CofC werden bestelle ich Geschenkgutscheine von Unternehmen, die an der Weihnachtsbummel auf dem Chamber Baum zu setzen. Die Woche der Holiday Wonders beginnt am 26. November um 18.00 Uhr mit einem Lagerfeuer am Schwimmbad Parkplatz. Komm raus und Aufwärmen zu Winter und haben einige Popcorn, heißen Kakao und kommen Sie in den Gesang von Weihnachtsliedern. Barbie Killion der CofC sagt: "Während der Woche können Sie mit etwas Besonderem, wie Sie 'Spaziergang' von Unternehmen zu Unternehmen wird begrüßt. Santa
Weihnachtsschmuck Kommen Zu Parken Trotz Besuch Von Grinch
BURLINGTON - Freiwillige aus dem Burlington Gemeinschaft wurden auf die Burlington Commons Überschrift ein Samstag im letzten Monat den letzten Schliff auf dem jährlichen weihnachtsdekonaehen weihnachtsdeko naehen anleitung-Display dort abzulegen. Als sie dort ankamen, fanden sie jemanden beschäftigt gewesen war in der Nacht zuvor. "(Die Lichter) waren zerrissen und zerbrochen in zwei Hälften, geworfen auf dem Pavillon," Margaret Pennington, Präsident der Concerned Citizens Dekoration Ausschuss sagte. "Sie abgeschraubt Glühbirnen und brach sie auf den Beton. Wir mussten alles wieder von vorn anfangen. " Und starten in der ganzen Gruppe von 12 zu kommen mit den Engeln, Rentieren haben, Mr. und Mrs. Santa Claus und Krippe die Gemeinde freut sich auf jede Weihnachten im Park für die letzten fünf Jahre. "Wir wurden darüber aufregen, aber das passiert", Pennington sagte. "Ein paar von uns Senioren kommen zusammen, um dies zu tun. Wir reden. Wir spielen. Wir essen. Wir reden über unsere
Weihnachtsschmuck Halten Besondere Erinnerungen
'Tis die Jahreszeit für profi weihnachtsbeleuchtung aussen. Während viele Leute Magneten oder Schnapsgläser aus den Orten, die sie besuchen zu sammeln, bin ich immer auf der Suche nach neuen Weihnachtsschmuck. Dieses Jahr habe ich die Zugänge aus Disney World und Branson. Meine Kinder halfen nahm sie aus, und sie werden Erinnerungen an die Reisen für die kommenden Jahre. Die neuen Ornamente passen in eine eklektische Sammlung, die lokalen Sehenswürdigkeiten und Veranstaltungen, wie die Golden Driller und Philbrook Festival of Trees umfasst; campus Wahrzeichen von meiner alma mater, Mills College und anderen Reisezielen wie Mount Rushmore, wo mein Mann und ich verbrachten unsere Flitterwochen. Meine Familie hat konkurrierenden Profi-Football Ornamente - Dallas Cowboys für ihn und Pittsburgh Steelers für mich - aber für College-Football, es ist alles OU Sooners. In den letzten Jahren habe ich eine Reihe von Lebensmittel-themed Ornamente, darunter winzige Teekannen und Teetassen, ein
Weihnachtsdekoration Wettbewerb Beginnt 10. Dezember
Die 16. jährliche House, Business and Condo Dekorieren Contest in Gang kommt bald auf Marco Island. Das led weihnachtsbaumbeleuchtung kabellos aldi House and Business Dekorieren tagte kürzlich in Sanitasole, veranstaltet von Paula und Richard Robinson, für die letzten Vorbereitungen für den Wettbewerb. Im vergangenen Jahr wurden mehr als 1.700 Häuser und 125 Unternehmen beurteilt. Der Wettbewerb wird von einem unabhängigen Unternehmen von den Mitgliedern des Ausschusses, gefördert und finanziell von Sponsoren und Mitglieder des Ausschusses unterstützt betrieben laufen. Der Wettbewerb wird von LCEC und Centennial Bank gesponsert. Th Dekoration Wettbewerb läuft 10-14 Dezember, mit privaten, geschäftlichen und Wohnung Dekorationen nächtlichen während der Woche von 6.30 bis 10.00 beurteilt Abschließende Beurteilung wird Freitag, 14. Dezember, von 6.30 bis 10.30 Uhr Die letzten 10 Wohnungen von der gesamten Mitgliedschaft des Ausschusses Reiten auf einem Wagen beurteilt werden. Die Ge
Weihnachtsdekoration Wettbewerb Beginnt 10. Dezember
Die 16. jährliche House, Business and Condo Dekorieren Contest in Gang kommt bald auf Marco Island. Das led weihnachtsbaumbeleuchtung kabellos aldi House and Business Dekorieren tagte kürzlich in Sanitasole, veranstaltet von Paula und Richard Robinson, für die letzten Vorbereitungen für den Wettbewerb. Im vergangenen Jahr wurden mehr als 1.700 Häuser und 125 Unternehmen beurteilt. Der Wettbewerb wird von einem unabhängigen Unternehmen von den Mitgliedern des Ausschusses, gefördert und finanziell von Sponsoren und Mitglieder des Ausschusses unterstützt betrieben laufen. Der Wettbewerb wird von LCEC und Centennial Bank gesponsert. Th Dekoration Wettbewerb läuft 10-14 Dezember, mit privaten, geschäftlichen und Wohnung Dekorationen nächtlichen während der Woche von 6.30 bis 10.00 beurteilt Abschließende Beurteilung wird Freitag, 14. Dezember, von 6.30 bis 10.30 Uhr Die letzten 10 Wohnungen von der gesamten Mitgliedschaft des Ausschusses Reiten auf einem Wagen beurteilt werden. Die Ge
Wei Less Fear Of The Season
  Wei less fear of the season Chicago Blackhawks jersey Beijing April 27, according to the NBA's official website reported, Thunder today announced their star point guard Russell - Westbrook will have surgery to repair the outside of the right knee meniscus tear. Thunder There are currently no the public Buweisite Brook offseason, which means that it is an indefinite truce, and this offseason surgery is usually 6-8 weeks. Beverly collision injuriesMontreal Canadiens jersey Westbrook was injured in the series and the Rockets in the second war, in the middle section II of that game, his knee Rockets guard Patrick - Beverly collided. Westbrook pain called timeout, and later he insisted so after the game, eventually scored 29 points, five rebounds, four assists and four steals to help the Thunder to a 105-102 victory over the Rockets in made the score 2-0. The news came too suddenly, because previous news that Westbrook did not cause illness, but is expected to play the third game of
Weiners And Such.
Chicks love wieners. It's a simple fact of life and any chick who claims she doesn't is a lesbernan and lesbernans are just chicks who like wieners but don't want to admit it because they'd get kicked out of the Chicks with Really Bad Haircuts Club. Did I say "wieners"? I meant donuts.
~ Weiner Bite Contest ~
This was on Speed Channel and i got to tell ya if someone marks in NSFW then you really need to get you butt off here and through your TV out the window.
We Indeed Also Maintain With Regard Not
We indeed also maintain with regard not Only to the fruits of the earth, but to every flowing stream and every breath of air, that that the ground brings forth those things which are said to grow up naturally,____ that the water springs in fountains, and refreshes the earth with running streams,______ that the air is kept pure, and supports the life of those who breath it, and only in consequence of the agency and control of certain beings whom we may call invisible husbandmen and guardians; But we deny that those invisible agents are demons....
This message is brought to you by Oscar Myer. Because we all wish we could be one. Well work is getting better. Think we only hit about 100 calls in queue. Which is pretty good. They want average handle time down to 12 minutes. And for this quater I have mine down to 11 minutes. But my acw is too much. Oh well you win some you lose Some. Gio and I went to work out last night mainly did cardio. Since my arm is still hurting from trying to donate plasma. That was painful experience. Shoulda remebered that my veins are tricky. The nurse said they kept hiding. Oh well got a bruised up -junkie looking- arm and 20 bucks
We Interupt Your Regularly Scheduled Blog To Bring You Something Sexy
Hello, My fellow Fu-maniacs, Well, you all know what happens when you leave your internets open, and someone goes online and checks out your webpages, and views your "recent activity" folder, and sees just how much midget porn you REALLYwatch... ...well... This is one of those times! Seems, ol' Misha left his web browser open, and well, here I am.  And who am I you may ask, in your about to be elucidated ignorance? Well... It's me, It's me ...Its R-I-P!!! Rip McKewl, baby, back on the scene and ready to make ALL the honeys scream ..."LAWD have Mercy!" I'm the man equipped and I'm like the ultimate I'm the man of the hour, the man with the power ...too sweet to be sour.  I'm every mother's nightmare, and every school girls dream. I'm the man who put the Man in MANN Act, and I'm keeper of the sexy.  I'm the reason that husbands stay awake at night, and the reason that their wives sleep SOOOOO very tight.   Yet, I'm mostly known as the "Last Bull in the Woods" H
Considering I work third shift, I'm the only one in my department working in the building. The only other employees on my shift are housekeeping, most of who are two-faced old gossipers. One woman specifically, named Joyce. She'll be all smiles with you and tell her about her sick dog, but loves to tattle on me when I'm talking to the only housekeeper I call a friend. Anywho, I found out that she wrote a letter to a building administrator stating she over heard me telling the housekeeping supervisor that ANOTHER building administrator could "suck my weiner"... (get all that?) What's funny is the supervisor I was talking to doesn't even remember me saying that, and she's quick to try to get me in trouble. Turns out, the convo she THOUGHT she heard had to do with a button I was wearing from Nathan's Hot Dogs which has a resteraunt in our building... "Ask me about my weiner" Anyway, there's alot of supervisors coming to my defense and trying to get it squashed knowing I wouldn'
[we Interrupt This Broadcast]
You ever just have a great opening line for a poem and then some dipshit calls you to tell you all about the latest installment to a game franchise that no respectable ludologist has liked or respected in 10 years? yeah. That happened. More on my crazy ass rants later. ---------------------------------   Alright.I just got (stole) 100th window. I'm pretty sure most of you know Massive Attack from the House theme song. ... and Danny the Dog OST (Unleashed) I'm kinda into triphop and ambient. So I'm a little surprised and disappointed with myself in not having downloaded and listened sooner. Today the christian dropped a bombshell. And the moment the christian announced that she was dating the christian eunuch was the very same moment she said she was done with him. And I noticed that she really seemed to want my opinion and approval on what she was doing. Going even so far as to call herself a terrible person. I know one of two things about that- one she needs my input and persp
Weiner - The Real Deal!
Anthony D. Weiner: What issues are you debating in Congress?
Weird Dreams!
i had a weird dream that there were spiders all around my house and i was trying to kill them all and i couldnt get away! and then after that i had a dream i was driving and i made and wrong turn and went off a cliff all in the same night! lol
Weird Al/james Blunt "you're Pitiful"
Weird Facts
Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things or habits about themselves. People who are tagged should write a blog with their own 6 weird things or habits, and state this rule clearly. Choose 6 people to be tagged, list their names, leave them a comment and tell them they are tagged and to check your blog for details. It's fun! 1. I can't stand to have long hair 2. I have 3 dogs that drive me crazy 3. I read a lot 4. I hate Pepto Bismal 5. I'm going deaf 6. I hate country music
7 Weird Facts About Me
1. i absolutly hate feet they gross me out 2. when i get mad and i try to talk about why im mad i cry. 3. i love the smell of fireplaces burning in the winter time 4. im an extremly shy person so if ive ever told you anything personal u should feel special 5. i love ketchup but i HATE raw tomatoes 6. i hate going places on my own and ive just recently started to and im really proud of myself for it. 7. i have to sleep with atleast 4 pillows and one little one otherwise i cant sleep
Weird Al
omfg this guy cant get anymore funnyer cuz if he dose i wil die laughing
Weird Al Is God!
okay i never wrote in this one before didnt even know they had so but anyways iam not going to write much cause iam not feeling my best today.. but humm yeah thats about all.. lol.. much love amanda
ok well this guy i kinda like is talkin to me and i dont know if i should be upfront about it cuz i donno if that works i have never tired it :( o well i will jsut see how it goes let ya know about it later
Weird Written By My Son
if ur moms a man and ur dads a hooker then somethings wrong if u think ur sisters a looker. Kelly
Weird Name.
Your Outrageous Name is: Hugh Mungous Outrageous Name Generator
303 Weird Facts!!! Some Thing We Shoud All Know Lol
A mole can dig a tunnel 300 feet long in just one night! A cockroach can live several weeks with its head cut off - it dies from starvation! A crocodile always grows new teeth to replace the old teeth! A group of geese on the ground is a gaggle, a group of geese in the air is a skein! A hard working adult sweats up to 4 gallons per day. Most of the sweat evaporates before a person realizes it's there, though! A hedgehog's heart beats 300 times a minute on average! A hippo can open its mouth wide enough to fit a 4 foot tall child inside! A hummingbird weighs less than a penny! A 'jiffy' is an actual unit of time for 1/100th of a second! A lump of pure gold the size of a matchbox can be flattened into a sheet the size of a tennis court! A quarter has 119 grooves on its edge, a dime has one less groove! After eating, a housefly regurgitates its food and then eats it again! Apples are more efficient than caffeine in keeping people awake in the mornings! Bulls are
Weird Fact About Your Blood
Blood accounts for about 8% of a human's body weight. new Each day 400 gallons of recycled blood are pumped through the kidneys. A woman has approximately 4.5 litres of blood in her body, while men have 5.6 litres. Blood is such a good stain that Native Americans used it for paint. By donating just one pint of blood, four lives can be saved. In the early nineteenth century some advertisements claimed that riding the carousel was good for the circulation of blood. Seven percent of a humans body wieght is made up of blood. There are approximately 100,000 miles of blood vessels in the human body. Two million red blood cells die every second.
Weird Dream
Last nite I had a dream I was hangin wit some people in a place that looked like my grandma's apartment and we befriended this guy who tried raped one of my friends and left wit her after threatenin us wit a knife. I stalked found him and led the police to where he was but he got away. Time after time he got away. That's when I found him, lured him back to my house and hacked him up wit a machete and rubbed his blood all over me, lickin my hands and fingers and laughin. My friends cleaned me up and we buried the body pieces. They were kinda wary of me but the friend who was raped wanted to thank me. I was sittin in the livin room watchin tv in the living room she was sittin next to me and next thing I know she was in my lap, pressed into me, she bent to kiss me and... I woke up
6 Weird Habits About Me
1.when im really tired, i laugh a lot. 2.i love to sing, so i sing every where i go. 3. i need a fan on to go to sleep. 4.i need to shave my legs every other day, i hate it when my legs feel rough. obsessed with usher, he is so sexy. 6. i put on lips gloss on every where i go. Each player in this game starts wit 6 weird things or habits about themselves.People who r tagged should write a blog wit their own 6 weird habbits,and statew this rule clearly.Choose 6 people to be tagged list their names ,leave thema comment and tell them they are tagged and to check your blog for details.its fun I choose to tag Dr. West,kool j, what's really good, speakupiwannknowifyoucankeepup,da tekas pussy beater and girbaud
Weird Facts/habits
Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things or habits about themselves. People who are tagged should write a blog with their own 6 weird things or habits, and state this rule clearly. Choose 6 people to be tagged, list their names, leave them a comment and tell them they are tagged and to check your blog for details. It's fun! 1. I hate bullies. 2. I have three dogs and a cat. 3. I write poetry. 4. I shouldn't even watch sports, I get too disgruntled. 5. I am a home nudist. 6. I'm a gun totin redneck. Tag your it just me classyladymay blossomrose theoneandonly totallyme
Weird Shit!
Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things or habits about themselves. People who are tagged should write a blog with their own 6 weird things or habits, and state this rule clearly. Choose 6 people to be tagged, list their names, leave them a comment and tell them they are tagged and to check your blog for details. It's fun! 1. I rub my earlob when I am cooking up a lie 2. If I drink a lot (alc - about the amount of 1.5 L smirnoff) my eyes turn yellow and glow 3. My DVDs are in MY kind of listing, anyone messes with it gets a beating... It's MY logic, don't question it! 4. Shoes off AT THE DOOR!... you get a slipper if you wish... socks more like it... 5. Only touch my blades if you want to die without asking me first and hearing for sure I said yes you can touch ..... 6. Don't ask me where I know things.. I KNOW! and thats that.... 1. Syd 2. Xaph 3. Ember 4. Nem 5.Skarlett 6.Bella
6 Weird Things/habits
1. I usually forget the easiest things to remember. 2. Addicted to vanilla wafers and i gotta have em w/ milk. 3. I never got a speeding ticket,people say i drive slower than their grandma. 4. I actually miss my hometown alot (Danville,Il),its funny cause its not anything to do there,just go to walmart. 5. Yeah i'mma geek, i like to do the worm 6. When i'm bored i got a bad habit of sendin text messages to people i work w/ when they are right next to me.
6 Weird Things About Me Tag Game.
6 weird things about me. 1. I'm playing tag with a blog and have never done this. 2. I drink water milk and coffee for breakfast. 3. I have a pig farm. I've never been a farmer. 4. I am addicted to my computer. 5. I am shy in nature but outspoken in behaving badly with a camera.(if you have ever gotten a pic of me you know what I am talking about.) 6. My favorite ice cream is Superior Dairy Banana Ice Cream. 6 friends I will tag to list 6 weird things about themselves: 1. rx8bear 2. mailman 3. snow bunny (sorry hun) 4. Cajun Cherry 5. Shazz 6. Country fuck
6 Weird Things About Me.
1. I hate liver 2. I dont like fowarding things 3. I hate people that talk about other people. 4. I get annoyed with people that grind there teeth or scape there teeth on there silverware. 5. I Love Jeff Gordon # 24 Nascar :) 6. I dislike somebody thats nice to your face and stab you in the back.
6 Weird Things
Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things or habits about themselves. People who are tagged should write a blog with their own 6 weird things or habits, and state this rule clearly. Choose 6 people to be tagged, list their names, leave them a comment and tell them they are tagged and to check your blog for details. It's fun! 1. i can stare hours with out blinking especially into the eyes of someone that i love. 2. i have premenitions in my dreams. i dreamt of a guy i knew since 2nd grade killing himself 2 months later he did. 3. i feel stalked by a ghost or vampiress though starting to think it's a ghost but hope for a vampire. 4. i rarely care but when i care i care too much. often times things will effectly emotionally too much such as if someone is mad at me. i get overly worried about things that or just don't care at all. often i try to help people i think because i feel bad that i don't really care. though it makes it easier to help when it doesn't emotiona
6 Weird Things
Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things or habits about themselves. People who are tagged should write a blog with their own 6 weird things or habits, and state this rule clearly. Choose 6 people to be tagged, list their names, leave them a comment and tell them they are tagged and to check your blog for details. It's fun! 1. when im dreaming that im laughing, when i wackup im laughing. and when i dream that im crying when i wackup im really crying. 2.i dont like to dream at all cus when i dream that someone is going to die it really happend in days or months but it happend. 3. i can stay all night awake till the other day an feel like i have dream all night long. 4. sometimes i stay looking at people to their face so i can record every detail of it in my mind and thats the way i always remember my friends faces. 5. sometimes i dont alowed my self to fall in love cus im scared to get hurt, and i finish hurting others. 6. im to emotional i cry in every sad,
6 Weird Things
Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things or habits about themselves. People who are tagged should write a blog with their own 6 weird things or habits, and state this rule clearly. Choose 6 people to be tagged, list their names, leave them a comment and tell them they are tagged and to check your blog for details. It's fun! 1> i eat pb and sour cream and onoin potato chip sandwhich 2> i am a mind nympho, i crave it but i dont go thru with it 3> i ignore almost everything my family says about my new guy friend 4> i want someone who wants me but we cant be together 5> i hate most chick flicks 6> i love peanut butter the people i am taggin reyna {{{{{{{Xdealer}}}}}}} cowboydaddyb aurias mi vida loca cin
6 Weird Things Or Habits
Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things or habits about themselves. People who are tagged should write a blog with their own 6 weird things or habits, and state this rule clearly. Choose 6 people to be tagged, list their names, leave them a comment and tell them they are tagged and to check your blog for details. It's fun! 1. i often find myself staring into space wondering how they make legos. 2. sometimes i pace around my room just waiting for sumthing cool to happen 3. i like eggs lmao. 4. i often wonder how they make peanut butter 5. im a pot head 6. i often wonder y the sky is blue
6 Weird Things About Me
Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things or habits about themselves. People who are tagged should write a blog with their own 6 weird things or habits, and state this rule clearly. Choose 6 people to be tagged, list their names, leave them a comment and tell them they are tagged and to check your blog for details. It's fun! 1. Before I leave the house every morning, I have to check 4 or 5 times to make sure that I unplugged/turned off the hairdryer, curling iron, etc. (my OCD coming out). 2. I can only eat cereal dry. I can't stand it with milk. 3. Anytime someone asks me to repeat something I said I always say "I said" before I do. 4. I hate onions in my food, on hamburgers, etc. but I love onion rings. 5. I have dated a former (male) stripper. 6. If i could live anywhere else in the world it would be Nashville, Tennesse (and no i don't want to be a country singer). I would tag 6 more people but most of the people I would chose have already done this.
6 Weird Things
Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things or habits about themselves. People who are tagged should write a blog with their own 6 weird things or habits, and state this rule clearly. Choose 6 people to be tagged, list their names, leave them a comment and tell them they are tagged and to check your blog for details. It's fun! Here goes nothing. 1. i work toooo much not time to play 2. i have 5 kids taht take up my time 3. lol i watch to muck racing 4.i dont like beer 5. lol i do love mmm puss 6. thanks dex for the tag lol 1 tazzy 2, blue eyes 2. mizfiesty 3. mzbitch2u 4.devilbitch 6.txbrat
6 Weird Things About Me..
I was tagged by. .SxyLdy70BACK! My little Cali girlfriend... Here's the rules ,list six weird things or habits about yourself, list six friends you would like to play tag and comment them so they will check the blog for details.(6+6+6 ?) Here Goes: (in no particular order) 1.)When I put toothpaste on my toothbrush I try to do that little curl on the end, like in the comercials or on the box. 2.)I crank up the music in the car then yell over it instead of turning it down....DUH???? 3.)I cant stand it when my socks are crooked.. 4.)I absolutely CANNOT sleep naked.. 5.) I like R&B..SSSHHHHH Dont tell anyone.. 6.) I like to cook.... I TAG Newboston NYC Goth Girl Kort Sexy Italian 76 Christina CutieRoZiE
6 Weird Things About Me
I was tagged by my sexy Diesel Here's the rules ,list six weird things or habits about yourself, list six friends you would like to play tag and comment them so they will check the blog for details.(6+6+6 ?) Here Goes: (in no particular order) 1.I like to bite things as a habit I prefer to bite ppl but most ppl don't like it :( 2.)When I take off my shoes they have to always be placed next to each other neatly. 3.)I actually don't mind cleaning the toilet lol 4.)I hate to be called Ma 5.) I think gothic girls are sexy lmao 6.) I hate wearing a bra I TAG Berto BrushemOff Dave Raid Daddyfatsaccxx Freekish for that Greekish boy
6 Weird Tings
Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things or habits about themselves. People who are tagged should write a blog with their own 6 weird things or habits, and state this rule clearly. Choose 6 people to be tagged, list their names, leave them a comment and tell them they are tagged and to check your blog for details. It's fun! 1. I hate school, but I started back anyway. 2. I am very anal about my hair. 3. I think life sucks! 4. I am a nympho, lol. 5. I dont like kissing 6. I have a weird obsession, for more details, ask . Thats all i am saying for now. People I tagged 1.Deaths only love 2.teddybear 3 ronnie 4.cowboy
6 Weird Things
Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things or habits about themselves. People who are tagged should write a blog with their own 6 weird things or habits, and state this rule clearly. Choose 6 people to be tagged, list their names, leave them a comment and tell them they are tagged and to check your blog for details. It's fun! 1. I am terrified of falling I have dreams of it. 2. I am so afraid of having a accident and not having on nice underwear or my legs have not been shaved. 3 I love icecream and frenchfries together 4 I can handle the rest of my house getting messed up but I hate dirty dishes in my kitchen 5. I am one of those people that if I gain weight I am miserable until I lose it. I look in the mirror and see myself as fat no matter how I look 6. I have little self confidence kinda shy around new people afraid that someone will not like me The following people please fill out the same in your own blogs... 1. Thats Mz Ponygirl Sue t
6 Weird Things
Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things or habits about themselves. People who are tagged should write a blog with their own 6 weird things or habits, and state this rule clearly. Choose 6 people to be tagged, list their names, leave them a comment and tell them they are tagged and to check your blog for details. It's fun! 1. I am terrified of brown recluse spiders. I got bit by one when I lived in texas, it was nasty! 2. I am so afraid of having a accident and not having on nice underwear or my legs have not been shaved. (I stole this one from Ladeeee~I hope you don't mind, but it is so true) 3 I love snakes (check my picts) 4 I am a very laid back person most of the time, but I can come totally unglued over something small if I don't like the person doing/saying something that I don't like. 5. I see the best in others, but the worst in myself. 6. I have little self confidence kinda shy around new people , but when I feel comfortable around them...look
6 Weird Things...
Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things or habits about themselves. People who are tagged should write a blog with their own 6 weird things or habits, and state this rule clearly. Choose 6 people to be tagged, list their names, leave them a comment and tell them they are tagged and to check your blog for details. It's fun! 1. I love driving around following storms. 2. I have an addiction for tattoos. 3. I do tend to worry about always haveing clean underware on..due to the same reason shorty does.. i need to feel and be clean in case of an accident..any accident 4. I do love spiders and snakes there beautiful, and deadly all at the same time. 5. I do get pissed off very easily when ppl judge me before they even talk to me. 6. I hate liars and cheats more then anything. I would love , the following ppl to fill this out and send it on.. DR. TheDarkQueen Gentleman1948 Silver Draco342 bmxr
Weird Rants And Ramblings
sometimes things go in circles.... — Saturday, October 21, 2006 This might not make any sense to many of you. You can try to put the pieces to together, but it's not really that important. People, ya'll know who you are too. Funny two legged mammals with your eyes infront of your head so you can have depth perception and stuff. Use that thing your eyes are in front of more often please. It always amazes me how people exist and somewhat function when it seems that there isn't anything there.. Always keep in mind, that THERE'S PROBABLY PEOPLE THAT DON'T LIKE YOU. As hard as that may be to believe. They might not like your lifestyle, your beliefs, they may think it's wrong for you to do some of the things you enjoy. They may think your appearance is disgusting and you shouldn't ever leave the house. So if you go around doing something to people you don't like, what makes that more ok than if the people you don't like did something to you? You, and your mere exista
Weird Fact Of The Day
can someone help me to understand those facts? - he still comes to my page - he still have the collages he made for me saying "i love you maria" and i think a ripped pic of me too - if he was the one that said it's over... so, why he's acting like he's not over me? look at this lol LOL! as i said my dear friends, who goes far away without being kicked, comes back without being called! and cutie pies of my so loved LC, remember that Paybacks are the hell!!!! ahhh well i think it's funny, but please, comment and tell me what's happening... because i don't understand!!!!!! much love and have a great begin of week Maria
6 Weird Facts About Me
ok, i've been tagged and am supposed to reveal 6 things about myself that are strange or unusual. so, here goes nothing....... 1. i have lucid dreams and have even dreamt things exactly how they happened before they occurred. i also occasionally have sexual dreams that i control and make myself orgasm upon waking. orgasms produced from the mind are amazing. 2. i have had more than my share of paranormal experiences including a bigfoot and ufo sightings, and a lifetime of encounters with all sorts of things that go bump in the night. 3. sometimes i smell things that aren't there like mr. bubble. i read somewhere that that was a sign of mental illness. whatever. i'm crazy. tell me something i don't know. 4. i am very obsessive/compulsive with numbers(especially even ones and combinations that have signifigance in my life like the number of the house i grew up in) and washing my hands. i sometimes drive juan nuts with the handwashing. but they're my hands. i'll wash them as many times
To all my friends,family and fans.I recently had 2 people join referal path supposedly through me.Neither has any type of profile written or pics up,I don't want to be the next person accused of creating fake profiles for comments and ratings.Other than blocking these 2 users and changing all my pass words i don't know what else to do.Just giving you all a heads up.Those who know me well enough know it would be completly out of character for me to do something like this... Sincerly,BCC
"weird Happenings"
Yeah, so I was smoking pot when I saw this bunny rabbit walk into the room. It didn't look like anything special; grey, furry, had the little rabbit ears, one was croocked. Although there was a strange thing about it that I suddenly came to notice: it was humanoid. Skinny, yet it had muscle, and you'd know it when you saw it. I don't know why but I didn't freak out or anything. I just sat there in my chair at my computer, and I stared at it while exhaling smoke. Then suddenly it raised an arm and waved at me! I mean, it waved at me! What the fuck is up with that?? I blinked and jerked my head slightly, my hazel eyes wide behind half-rimmed black glasses. I couldn't figure out what the hell was going on. Was there something in this pot? PCP?? Meth? Jesus fucking Christ, I'm seeing a human-looking rabbit wave at me while I'm smoking pot. This can't look good. So I ended up arching my brow at it, holding out my bong and saying, "Do you want a hit?" I couldn't believe I just did that. Offe
Ummmm something weird is going on here i cant seem to do nothing...argh
Weird Ass Dreams...
last night i had trouble dreams..(besides my mom drivin me nuts!!) they were crazy me being a vampire and terrizing everything and everybody...goes to show how much i wanna be a vampire also who i want to be my mate if i ever do get bit...(twizted..) he would be my first victum...and i well enjoy it... they do exsist...sucking blood and crazy ass sex...damn makes me horney...he he
Weird Town Names (canada It Was To Many To Name For The States Too)
Blow Me Down, Newfoundland, Canada According to local legends, this towns name was given by Captain Messervay. Messervey was an unusually small captain who only stood at 4’2’ and upon his ships arrival into the Bay of Islands, which is surrounded by huge mountains, he prayed that they wouldn't "Blow-me-Down".> Crotch Lake, Ontario, Canada Crotch Lake is located in the Canadian province of Ontario. The name at first can lead to wild thoughts on the origin. However, if you see the lake from a plane in the air, you will see a sharp curve in the middle of the lake making it look like two legs.> Dildo, Newfoundland, Canada This town’s name definitely raises a few eyebrows when people first hear it. No, it is not the Hollywood of the adult movie industry, nor is it a town of perverts. Although residents of the town have tried to have the name changed, it has been to no avail. The origin of the name comes from two possible sources that I could find: 1. It is though
You scored as Drown. Your gonna drown and then probably get eaten by sharks.Oh wellDrown33%Stab17%Fire17%Sufficate17%Natural Causes17%Poison17%Explosion0%Suicide0%Gunshot0%Eaten0%How will you die #1?created with
Weird Sex: Strange Facts, Sex Laws, & Urban Myths
One of the best ways to determine just how wild we can all be in fulfilling our sexual desires (and how ridicuolously repressed we can be at other times), is to take a look at laws on sexuality which civilizations have come up with through the centuries. This is some serious weird sex. And the crazy thing is that you know much of this would never have made it on the books unless someone had tried it somewhere. They`re surprising. They`re shocking. And, quite often, they`re downright stupid. But they’re a great indicator of how people everywhere have struggled to come to grips with this dark, exciting, terrible thing called sex. The laws are presented here in no particular order; just a random survey of this interesting part of ourselves. Modern weird sex laws are presented next to the most ancient ones, with a particular eye toward those now on the books in America’s 50 states. Here’s the first of a few installments... Women can go topless in Arizona; "female breasts," acco
Weird Facts
Did you know: That butterflies taste with their feet. One of the numerous vampire legends claims that stealing someone's shadow (by measuring it against a wall and driving a nail through its head) can turn the victim into a vampire. (You can't do anything similar or analagous to a vampire of course, since they don't have shadows!!) Most babies are born with 250 bones. However, adults typically have only 206 bones in their bodies. According to a book with the dubious distinction of being titled: "The Illustrated Book of Sexual Records.", the most maligned and vilified sexual practice in the world is - brace yourselves................ masturbation. Folks, including some doctors, have tried to tell hormone-filled teens for centuries that "self abuse" can cause impotence, hairy fingers, shrinking sexual organs, stunting of growth, sexual obsessions, every variety of mental illness imaginable, tabes dorsalis (whatever that is....), pulmonary consumption, dyspepsia, dimness of
Weird Facts 2
Every time you lick a stamp, you're consuming 1/10 of a calorie. However, since the glue used on stamps also contains 1/10th of a calorie...... stamp glue in most countries in the world is vegetarian, by the way. Still on the rich topic of dysfunctional or just plain silly beliefs, vampire lore is Count Chocula full of them. For example, according to folklore there are a number of ways to protect yourself from vampires, including the ever-popular wearing of garlic or a religious symbol such as a cross. You can slow a vampire down by giving him something to do, like pick up poppy seeds or unravel a net. (They're reportedly quite compulsive.) Cross water and he can't follow. If you can find the body, give it a bottle of whiskey or food so it doesn't have to travel. If that doesn't work, either shoot the corpse (may require a silver bullet) or drive a stake through the heart. And remember, the vampire won't enter your dwelling unless invited.
Weird Sex Facts
Largest erect pen!s: 13" Smallest erect pen!s: 1.75" The Caramoja tribe of northern Uganda tie a weight the end of their pen!ses to enlongate them sometimes to such a degree that the men literally have to knot them up. In 1609 a doctor named Wecker found a corpse in Bologna with 2 pen!ses. Since then, there have been 80 documented cases of men with the same. During foreplay, a woman's breast can increase in size up to 25%. The maximum depth at which vaginal stimulation occurs is only 2". In the 1950s, it was found out that 75% of men cum within 2 minutes of penetration, with the orgasm lasting no longer than a few seconds. The longest documented for a women is one minute. Among the Mangaians of Polynesia, 18 year old couples make love an average of 3 times a night, every night, until they're in their 30s, when the weekly average drops to a mere 14. (I wanna move!) The maximum speed at which the erotic sensations travel from the skin to the brain has been
so i heard this song once and it has been stuck in my head forever but at least its a good one "Animal I Have Become" I can't escape this hell So many times i've tried But i'm still caged inside Somebody get me through this nightmare I can't control myself So what if you can see the darkest side of me? No one will ever change this animal I have become Help me believe it's not the real me Somebody help me tame this animal (This animal, this animal) I can't escape myself (I can't escape myself) So many times i've lied (So many times i've lied) But there's still rage inside Somebody get me through this nightmare I can't control myself So what if you can see the darkest side of me? No one will ever change this animal I have become Help me believe it's not the real me Somebody help me tame this animal I have become Help me believe it's not the real me Somebody help me tame this animal Somebody help me through this nightmare I can't control myself S
The Weirdest Little Pornstar Needs Your Help (repost)
The Weirdest Little Pornstar Needs Your Help (repost) Studio Skary needs your help promoting! If you support pornography, please re-post Alice Skary is a fetish freak, porn star, and professional Dominatrix. She is also an avid CherryTap user! If you're tired of reading this message and just wanna see the porn, click here! Alice recently started a new paysite: Alice's Sexual Adventures in Skaryland. Alice has a personal goal of experimenting with every fetish, kink, and sexual act known to humanity -- and making up a few of her own in the process! She is documenting her adventures via video and photojournaling on this new paysite. Please check out her paysite, and re-post this message to all of your friends so they can check it out as well! You can also view Alice's CherryTap profile here: (repost of original by '' on '2006-11-14 22:16:58')
Weirdness !
You Are 40% Weird Normal enough to know that you're weird... But too damn weird to do anything about it! How Weird Are You?
6 Weirds Things About Me[ Ej]
TAG - YOU'RE IT! So the rules of this little game are, once you've been tagged you have to write a blog with 6 weird things/habits about yourself. In the end you need to list 6 other people to tag and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment saying "You've been tagged" in their comments and tell them to read your blog..." Well here goes... 1. I'm still not giving up of my thumb sucking that sometimes someone caught me soo... 2.that i still love to watch kids cartoons specially powerpuff girls... 3. that i have the habit of talking all by myself alone [ now this sounds weird lol] 4. that i love checking ppl legs and afterwards look at my legs [gees i sux on this] 5. that im most active when everyone is already fast asleep.. 6 last but not the least, i always go blushing everytime i saw pretty things and i always wanting to have them... ok so i tagged my good frens hollywood joe, reyna,Nicole,sailorBri,& Dorie..& Hennie
Weird Isn't It? All Of My Friends Must See This Blog!
Ralphie Parker - Age 9 from "The Christmas Story" Tracey Russell (me) - Age 9 (1992) from Petersburg, IN Alright, I was looking through my old pictures today and I came across an older school picture from November 14, 1992 and guess what immediately came to mind? RALPHIE PARKER from "The Christmas Story"! Did I not look EXACTLY like him with the GLASSES AND ALL?! The sad part is I always wanted a Red Rider BB Gun for Christmas just as Ralphie AND I was always picked on at that time...just as little Ralphie was. I just HAD to scan this picture and bring out the 'ol Photoshop to show you's amazing at how much I resembled him and how much we were alike (even in character!). I MUST get some comments on's too crazy to pass up guys!!!! Come know you's even the Holiday Season for goodness sakes!!
Weird Al Omish Paradise
Weird Al- Like A Surgeon
Weird Al- Saga Begins
Weird Al Yankovic - Couch Potato
Weird Al - This Is The Life
Weird Al Yankovic - My Bologna
Weird Al Yankovic - Living With A Hernia
Weird Al Yankovic - I Love Rocky Road
Weird Al Yankovic - Uhf
Weird Al Yankovic-headline News
Weird Al Yankovic-dare To Be Stupid
Weird Al Yankovic - One More Minute
Weird Dream
Another Weird Dream Where Does This Stuff Come From? I do not dream all that often or I just do not remember most of my dreams. However, I had a doozy Monday night while staying at my parents due to the power outage at my house. I dreamed that I was in what I believe to be a church. There was something like an earthquake or storm going on that was endangering the building. I was trying to and succeeded in helping people to get to a part of the building where I thought they would be safest. That was at the front of the sanctuary of the church. For some reason I had the impression that the head of a statue on top of the church or near the church was going fall and crush the back of the church or sanctuary. No crushing occurred but I went outside for some reason. Once I got out there I saw a crack appear in the earth and the crack started chasing me. I ran and at some point saw my mother in front of me running as well. She hopped a fence and began to run in a different direction i
Weird Things About Me.
I sort my candy before eating it. I encountered a random sea lion one day at my workplace... 50-ish miles from the ocean. I was face to face with Howie Day, gave him Mardi Gras beads and beeped his nose. I tried to fling a quail corpse over a fence one night and ended up running in circles trying to get out of the way because it went straight up in the air. I messed around with a guy who ended up on Riki Lake claiming to be a real vampire. I hold my breath in tunnels and underpasses. I've had "relations" with twins. Yes, everything was identical. I was born between litters of kittens, and the mom cat wanted to take care of me instead of her babies. I actually work to keep my weight up. ...more as I think of them.
Weird Questions
Have you ever licked the back of a CD to try to get it to work?: Now exactly why would I do that? I can name a few things that I have licked in my life to make them work however . . . What's the largest age difference between yourself and someone you've dated? Dated, 1 month and 17 days . . .you didn't ask about anything else Ever been in a car wreck?: Wreck makes it sound so much more harsh than it was . . .but ok yeah maybe one or two wrecks in my life Were you popular in high school?: Perhaps had I shown up for more of high school I could have been popular . . . though amongst my friends I was one of the favorite gals . . . hehehe Have you ever been on a blind date?: Technically, I guess so. I have went out with some people I have met online . . . Are looks important?: Well they sure as hell hope to attract someone in the begining now don't they? Do you have any friends that you've known for 10 years or more??: Quite a few actually By what ag
Weird Day
Today has had it's ups and downs. It's not that I'm ungreatful about certain aspects of my life, it's just, well as a mom, I need a break from reality. My boyfriend has been assuming that I've this attitude problem, and says he's slightly annoyed, but in fact, I don't have an attitude problem, it's just how I am. But today, yeah I did have a major problem, and I feel bad because I snapped at my boyfriend for me losing a check that I needed to cash in today while he was home. Plus my daughter (I know she's 2, and it's expected) has been very annoying, very whiney, and clingy. I love her don't get me wrong, but I can only handle so much without wanting to go insane myself. I just don't want my boyfriend to think that I'm this bitchy mom/woman, and decide that he wants to separate because it's too much. We all have our bad days, but it just seems as if mine are always in between. I would like to have just one night alone with my boyfriend, that way I can spend the quality time I kn
Weird People In My Garage?? On Myspace
guy wants to stay in my Garage.LMAO!! would you want to stay in my garage? any takers? LOL "Jim on myspace" Hey there- I am thinking of moving to KC and wanted to make new friends. Okay, actually, I'm not moving, but I WILL be heading there soon to perform. Maybe I can stay in your garage. I realize you might be like, " who the hell is this?". I’m a very pale comedian. A clip of my stand up is on my profile if you want to see if I’m funny. No pressure and thanks for your time. Hot pocket, Jim --------- My Reply& friend added some in to the reply: Hi, Just wandering why you want stay in my garage for?, when you don’t know me that well. My garage is very dusty with spiders & bugs, and you would have to share it with my pet fluffy. well not my pet, he belongs to my crazy aunt and we are watching him since she, um, had her accident. wasnt too bad till i found out he was a monster and has lots of friends. normally i feed him one wierd person a week that want com
Weirdness Ensues
Is it just me or am I offensive today? So far I seem to have alienated at least 2 friends. errr used to be friends, they removed me and yet I know not why. Am I that obnoxious? Am I only supposed to talk about sex with my friends? Am I supposed to beg to see their galleries? I give up! damned if I do and damned if I don't. If I offended you by not asking to view your pics I apologize. On the other hand if I offended you by asking to see your pics again I apologize. I'm thinking I'm too old for this crap? If you are easily offended either way, do us all a favor don't post what you don't want seen in private galleries and do post what you do want seen in galleries. I see no good reason to post galleries and lock them then add the title don't even ask! If you don't want to be asked dont post and lock. On the other hand don't expect me to waste too much time rating non rateable pics. This means NSFW pics. I enjoy a beautiful body as much as the next guy but believe me, theres more t
Weird Al Interviews K-fed.. This Is Hilarious
Weird Dreams And Lack Of Coffee....
So I had just gotten to work when I relaized I had some really weird dreams last night. I didn't remember them until I got to work and a couple coworkers said good morning, which triggered the memory. ( of course if you know me, you realize the coffee had just kicked in...LOL) It went like this...It was a crazy hectice day at work and these coworkers were getting ready to go on a business trip. (which in itself was weird because they don't normally travel for work.) Later in the day, we were all huddled around a TV, because the plane they got on crashed. Now when I mentioned this to my friend at work, he looked up what the dreams meant. Evidently death means you have anger, and the plane represents overcoming an obstacle in life. After a few emails back and forth, and knowing what it all means, I can understand why my dreams were so odd now. I was a little bummed, so my friend offered up this inspiration...which I want to share...Here's to good friends! Each day is like
Weird Horoscopes
ARIES You tend to be headstrong and deliberate in your actions. Basically you don't give a fuck about anyone. Most people hate you but you couldn't care less. You're the type of person who would masturbate at a wedding TAURUS Warm and caring are your most endearing characteristics. You get on well with most people because you're bisexual. You hardly ever wear underwear and you constantly smell of piss. GEMINI Your star sign denotes an air of duality in your character. Simply, you're a neurotic schizophrenic. A real fucking weirdo, the type of person who'd kill them self to win a bet. CANCER You have a businesslike attitude to life and a knack for making money. You're an unscrupulous bastard who would sell relative's limbs to buy a mobile phone. You are likely to be murdered. LEO The adventurous type, always looking for thrills and willing to try anything. In other words, stupid. You have the IQ of a garden snail and will never amount to anything. Most Leos are living
25 Weird Facts
1.It is impossible to lick your elbow. 2.A crocodile can't stick its tongue out. 3.A shrimp's heart is in its head. 4.In a study of 200,000 ostriches over a period of 80 years, no one reported a single case where an ostrich buried its head in the sand (or attempted to do so). 5. It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky. 6.A pregnant goldfish is called a twit. 7. More than 50% of the people in the world never made or received a telephone call. 8. Rats and horses can't vomit. 9. The "sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick" is said to be the toughest tongue twister in the English language. 10. People say "Bless you" when you sneeze because your heart stops for a millisecond. 11.If you sneeze too hard, you can fracture a rib. 12. If you try to suppress a sneeze, you can rupture a blood vessel in your head or neck and die. 13. If you keep your eyes open by force when you sneeze, they can pop out. 14. In 18 months, two rats co
Weirdmaker Generator
Weird? Normal? Wtf?
On many occasions I have been accused of being “weird”. I also have been accused of being “normal”. My questions to you are, what is weird really, and what is normal really? Those that know me, know I normally dress in sleeveless shirts, old comfortable jeans or shorts, and usually old comfortable tennis shoes with no socks. To see me in a suit and tie would be weird. Those that wear suits and ties every day would consider me normal. But to them to see me dressed normal would be weird. Take that person that wears suits and ties and dress them like me would be weird to them, but normal to me. Some people think strapping yourself into a virtually hallow aluminum tube with jet engines and zipping through the sky at 600 miles per hour, 45,000 feet above the ground is weird. To others this is normal. To stand out in a torrential storm and admire the beauty would be considered strange to most people, but, normal to some of us. Weird and normal are strictly matters of opinion. Since t
Weird Dreams
I have been having some weird dreams lately. I wonder what they mean. Theres this one where Im in like a boot camp and I have to run a race to get home. When I finally win it I go to my mothers house, I keep texting matt but he won't answer me. We are not together anymore but I want him back. I seem to wake up before I get back together with him. What could this mean? Every dream that I have had, ends up like that. Me not with Matt... What do you guys think?
Weird Sex
Actual amout of semen per ejaculation: 1-2 teaspoons Average number of times a man will ejaculate in his lifetime: 7,200 Average # of times he will ejaculate from masturbation: 2,000 Average total amount of lifetime ejaculate: 14 gallons Average amount of water it takes to fill a bathtub: 35 gallons Average speed of ejaculation: 28 miles per hour Average speed of a city bus: 25 miles per hour Average # of calories in a teaspoon of semen: 7 Average # of calories in a can of Dr. Pepper: 150 Average length of penis when not erect: 3.5 inches Average length when erect: 5.1 Smallest natural penis recorded: 5/8 of an inch Largest natural penis recorded: 11 inches Largest penis in the animal kingdom: 11 feet (blue whale) Height from court floor to the rim of a basketball hoop: 10 feet Most arousing time of day/season for a man: early morning/fall Best ways to improve sexual function: quit smoking, start excercising, lose weight. Foods that im
Weird Sex Laws!!!
A law in Faibanks, Alaska, does not allow moose to have sex on city streets. In Ventura County, California, cats and dogs are not allowed to have sex without a permit. In Florida it is illegal for single, divorced, or widowed women to parachute on Sunday afternoons. If a police officer in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, suspects a couple is having sex inside a vehicle they must honk their horn three times, and wait two minutes before being allowed to approach the scene. Women must address bachelors as master instead of mister, according to an Illinois state law. A law in Oblong, Illinois makes it a crime to make love while fishing or hunting on your wedding day. In Ames Iowa a husband may not take more than three gulps of beer while lying in bed with his wife. A law in Alexandria, Minnesota makes it illegal for a husband to make love to his wife if his breath smells like garlic, onions, or sardines. In Bozeman, Montana, you can't perform any sexual acts in the front
Weird Trust
What do you say when trust is an issue? Do you turn around and say I just don’t trust you? Or do you hold it in on the inside? Do you try to conceal your pain? Your feelings you try to hide. What do you say when you think he’s going to fool around? Do you stand up or do you just let those feelings get you down. I know you hide things from me you think I’m a fool, when I’m not. You can lie but I do know when you do it, I’m smarter than that or have you forgot? Don’t tell me your lies I don’t want to hear the words of what isn’t true. Don’t whisper your lies, like the words I will always love you. I don’t want to hear those words because they just aren’t true. The bitterness is a great thing one can’t control. But your lies have the ability to destroy ones soul. I don’t want the lies I just want the truth. Honesty is all I want from you! Don’t whisper your sweet nothings in my ear. Because lies aren’t what I want to hear.
Weird Test
You Are 60% Weird You're so weird, you think you're *totally* normal. Right? But you wig out even the biggest of circus freaks! How Weird Are You?
Posted weird national holiday blogs so click below to view. click view all.
Weird Shit
Am I tripping? Actually, don't answer that one. Anyway, what sort of subliminal messages are they including on this site? Last night, last time I checked, crushes didn't exist. Not a hint. Not a whisper. Next thing i know, there they are. And I'm pissed that I haven't got one! Is that odd? Yes! It seems to be on a par with when you delibrately leave your mobile somewhere, while you go off and do something else, in the vain hope that when you get back SOMEONE will have sent you a message or you'll have a missed call (just me that does that? Ooookkaaaayyy. Feelin like a total loser now. And I've admitted it in public. Great). Cherry Tap is more addictive than smack and wronger than giving you granny a sensual massage. Not that I've tried smack, so I'm only guessing. I'm still faintly disappointed that "crush" doesn't mean "destroy". There are some fuckers out there that'd look like goddam pancakes by now... P.S. If you haven't picked up on the subliminal message in THIS blog, I wan
Weird Facts
#1 Bill Gates' house was designed using a Macintosh computer. #2 It is possible to go blind from smoking too heavily. #3 Most of the world's people must walk at least 3 hours to fetch water! #4 During your lifetime, you'll eat about 60,000 pounds of food, that's the weight of about 6 elephants. #5 If you put a raisin in a fresh glass of champagne, it will rise and fall continuously. #6 A hardboiled egg will spin. An uncooked or softboiled egg will not. #7 The American Automobile Association was founded for the sole purpose of warning motorists of police speed traps! #8 Smelling bananas and/or green apples (smelling, not eating) can help you lose weight! #9 It is illegal NOT to smile in Pocatello, Idaho! #10 Club Direct, a travel insurance company in Britain, provides insurance plans for protection from falling coconuts. #11 World’s heaviest primates: morbidly obese humans. After that: gorillas at 485 lbs. #12 Traces of cocaine we
Weird Sex Laws
A law in Faibanks, Alaska, does not allow moose to have sex on city streets. In Ventura County, California, cats and dogs are not allowed to have sex without a permit. In Florida it is illegal for single, divorced, or widowed women to parachute on Sunday afternoons. If a police officer in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, suspects a couple is having sex inside a vehicle they must honk their horn three times, and wait two minutes before being allowed to approach the scene. Women must address bachelors as master instead of mister, according to an Illinois state law. A law in Oblong, Illinois makes it a crime to make love while fishing or hunting on your wedding day. In Ames Iowa a husband may not take more than three gulps of beer while lying in bed with his wife. A law in Alexandria, Minnesota makes it illegal for a husband to make love to his wife if his breath smells like garlic, onions, or sardines. In Bozeman, Montana, you can't perform any sexual acts in the front yard
Weird Labels...
Well here are a few prime examples of the Label Copy-writer's art. The label on the chain-saw warning that: You should not try to stop the blade with your hand. The label from the company manufacturing wing mirrors for cars and bikes warning; Remember, objects seen in the mirror are behind you. The label on the camera stating; To take photographs this camera must have a film in it. The labelling on Sainsbury's Peanuts stating; Contains nuts And on the subject of nuts, the instructions on the packet of Peanuts provided by an airline which states; Instructions.Open Packet. Eat Contents. The cigarette lighter label which warned; Do not light the flame near the face. The Marks and Spencer Bread and Butter pudding whose label states the clasically obvious: Take care - Product will be hot after heating Rowenta, manufacturers of electric irons felt the need to instruct users that; Do not iron clothes whilst on the body. Nytol, the herbal sleeping mixture whose label
Weird Al Yankovic- Fat
Weird Al- Like A Surgeon
Weirdo'sss O.o
..[Nicole].. - -do you honestly fucking care?- - says: mom made rice crispy squares and the bottoms of them are greasy LOL x0x..(((.l|l..Coÿÿupted..l|l.)))..x0x.. ..x0x....{{..It.All.Seems.So.Unclear..}} says: wtf x0x..(((.l|l..Coÿÿupted..l|l.)))..x0x.. ..x0x....{{..It.All.Seems.So.Unclear..}} says: i want some x0x..(((.l|l..Coÿÿupted..l|l.)))..x0x.. ..x0x....{{..It.All.Seems.So.Unclear..}} says: UGH ..[Nicole].. - -do you honestly fucking care?- - says: lol yeah but there not supposed to be greasy lol x0x..(((.l|l..Coÿÿupted..l|l.)))..x0x.. ..x0x....{{..It.All.Seems.So.Unclear..}} says: LOL ..[Nicole].. - -do you honestly fucking care?- - says: I think this rice crispy is gunna make me vomit lol x0x..(((.l|l..Coÿÿupted..l|l.)))..x0x.. ..x0x....{{..It.All.Seems.So.Unclear..}} says: eat a tiny cookie then ..[Nicole].. - -do you honestly fucking care?- - says: I already did LOL x0x..(((.l|l..Coÿÿupted..l|l.)))..x0x.. ..x0x
Weird Voicemail
last night on my way to work my phone beeped at me sayin I had a voicemail even though my phone never rang. so not thinking anything about it cuz my phone is always gay like that I checked my voicemail to find a creepy message. it was someguy who i dont know saying "later today or late tonight you never know what will show up at your door. good bye" and that was it. i have no idea who it was and no number came up. damn thats sum creeepy shit let me tell you.
6 Weird Things About Me
This is suppose to continue down the friends chain so take a stab at it! I am suppose to name 6 weird things about me. I am not sure if they are suppose to be things no one knows or not. I am pretty much an open book though, so there isnt much that you guys wont already know. You know how weird I am.. Thats why you love me! lol Ok, so here it goes... 1. I like pickles and peanut butter. Yes together and no I am not pregnant. Yeah I know Im weird, thats the point of this blog, remember? 2. I am good acquaintences with the girl my ex left me for. She actually just so happens to be one of my friends here on MySpace. This would be Daniels daddy that I am referring to. Dont ask why, it works. I think mostly for our children we have (or that is on the way) by him. 3. The one thing that instantly makes me happy no matter what mood I am in, is when I get mail. It doesnt matter if it is junk or a bill or a letter, I LOVE getting mail. It is the highlight of my day, to eithe
Weird Weekend
Ever have one of those days where everone around you is pissed off or upset and everything you do to help makes it worse?
Weird Al Viedo - Smells' Like Nirvana !
Hosted by eSnips
Weird News....
Bangor, Maine - Some nudists who have been renting the Old Town Bowling Center for private parties don’t appear to be breaking any laws or ordinances, but they are having fun candlepin bowling and playing pool. "Hey, you can’t go skinny-dipping at this time of year," said Hessa, who organized the events and wanted to be identified only by her first name. "I have absolutely no problem with it, and I hope nobody else does," Charles "Chip" Carson, the center’s owner, said Monday. "They just happen to like having a good time without their clothes on." "Evidently, there’s nothing in our ordinances," City Clerk Patty Brochu said. Nudity falls under a business’ special amusement permit, which the bowling center isn’t required to have. Because the events are private parties where people must RSVP and be placed on a list to enter, it’s not necessary to obtain such a permit. "Everybody’s laughed at it, to be honest with you," said the owner. "These people are the cleanest people t
Weird For The Fans !!
Music Video Codes By Music
~weird State Laws~
Connorsvill,Wisconsin: It is illegal for a man to shoot off a gun when his female partner has an orgasm. Willowdale, Oregon: It is illegal for husbands to curse during sex. Oblong, Illinois: It is punishable by law to make love while hunting or fishing on your wedding day. (Trust me if a man takes his wife fishing on their wedding day, he has an even bigger problem.) Alexandria, Minnesota: No man is allowed to make love with the smell of garlic, onions, or sardines on his breath. Ames, Iowa: A man cannot have more than three gulps of beer while lying in bed with his wife, girlfriend, or significant other--- or holding her in his arms. Bozeman, Montana: Has a law banning all sexual activity between members of the opposite sex in the front yard of a home after sundown -- if they are nude. Newcastle, Wyoming: An ordinance specifically bans couples from having sex while standing inside a store's walk-in-meat freezer. Illinois: A state law manda
~weird Laws~ (some Can't Be True) Lol
Alabama 1. It is illegal to play Dominos on Sunday. 2. It is illegal to wear a fake moustache that causes laughter in a church. 3. Putting salt on a railroad track may be punishable by death -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alaska 1. In Fairbanks, it is illegal to feed alcoholic beverages to a moose. 2. It is illegal to a wake a bear for the purpose of photography, although it is legal to shoot a sleeping bear. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arizona 1. In Tucson, it is illegal for women to wear pants. 2. In Globe, it is illegal to play cards in the street with a Native American. 3. In Glendale, it is illegal to drive a car in reverse. 4. In Nogales, it is illegal to wear suspenders. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arkansas 1. In Fayetteville, it is illegal to kill any living creature,
Weird Sun Rise. Poem
Weird Ass Crazy Nightmares.
So... i got off on telling mark about the fucked up dreams i've had.. So i decided to post them. we all have dreams..few have nightmares...and no matter how much you tell your self they aren't always tend to be afraid of them...well this is the nightmare i had Monday night... Snow was falling around me on the ground, and a child was following close behind. The child didn't seem to be real, he was a shadow-like boy. He attacked me..scratched me and made me bleed...I scream and cry for help..desperate..i cry for anyone.. The shadow boy disappears, and i am left to wonder around aimlessly. I come upon a garage, and is called to come inside by a very haunting voice. I look down, and there is the shadow boy..dead at me feet..his head gone. The garage doors slam shut, and i whirl around to try and leave...the stench of rotting flesh and blood fill my a light flickers in the garage..and written in the boys blood is "you should have never asked for help from the d
Weirdos Untie!!!!!!!!
Yes I purposely spelled it... untie. LMAO More on weirdos later. One must work to provide for one's miniature offspring. Smooches.
Weird Al "alimony"
Music Codes - MySpace Layouts Alimony lyrics Here she comes now, wants her alimony Bleedin' me dry as a bony bony Workin' three jobs just to stay in debt now Well, first she took my nest egg then she took the nest I said yeah (yeah), yeah (yeah), yeah (yeah), yeah (yeah), yeah (yeah) (Yeah) 'Cause she took my house (alimony), my car (alimony) My shoes (alimony) and my toothbrush too (alimony) Too bad (alimony), so sad (alimony) Ah-she got (alimony), got the gift of grab (alimony) I'm in debt (debt), debt (debt), debt (debt), debt (debt), debt (debt), debt (debt) Lawyer's callin' me on the telephony Tryin' to squeeze some blood from a stonee-stony Ooh, I took her for better or for worse, yeah Then she took me for everything, yeah everything She could get (get), get (get), get (get), get (get), get (get) (Get) Well I'm out of cash (alimony), no dough (alimony) I'm broke (alimony), it's no joke (alimony) The check's in the mail (alimony), get off (alimony) My
Weird Shit Part 2
***************************************************************************Let idiots know their idiots. Order your bumber stickers today.***************************************************************************December 22nd was Global Orgasm For Peace Day. ***************************************************************************SWEET! This kid for sure has a leg up in life (so to speak). Think of the advantages.***************************************************************************MY SPACE DEATHS***************************************************************************..">***************************************************************************THE ROAD OF DEATH!!!Visit this link to see: Yungas Road - The World's Most Dangerous Roadbr>Road Of DeathTHE ROAD OF DEATH! A treacherous, winding mountain road with no guardrails along the east side of the Bolivian Andes claims 200-300 lives every year, according to this article. The road is known as Yungas Road. Check out these TERR
Weird People
Ok, so I go to this swingers site, and I got to talking with this guy. He was really nice, very polite, and then he asked me to be his long term girlfriend. I told him I was married, couldn't leave my husband. So he says I can move into his new five story house and that I would want for nothing. Told him I have a family, a young son. He asks me if 1000 a week in spending money was enough, and I told him it was more than enough but he wasn't going to convince me. He quit talking to me. WTF?
Weird Al Video (bunch Of Different Songs Crammed Into One Video)
Weirdo Salute
Something very weird is happening in my place of work. Vending machines seem to be multiplying. A couple of months ago there was one that I knew about. Now there are six. I've never seen anyone delivering these things, and they all look EXACTLY THE SAME. Are vending machines capable of asexual reproduction? Has some one been cloning them? And why do we suddenly need six of them, when we'd managed with one for so long? I have a sneaking suspicion that they might be aliens and they're planning to stage an invasion. When all their troops are in place, they'll attack. Or maybe I'm just being paranoid. I have taken a lot of drugs (not recently though, maybe that's the problem). I'm gonna keep a big fucking stick handy either way. And a pocket full of change.
We Irish
IRISH DRINKING TOAST ! When we drink, we get drunk. When we get drunk, we fall asleep. When we fall asleep, we commit no sin. When we commit no sin, we go to heaven. So, let's all get drunk, and go to heaven! GOTTA LOVE MY IRISH ROOTS :) CHEERS TO ALL MY FRIENDS !
Weird Sex Laws
Weird Sex Laws If a police officer in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, suspects a couple is having sex inside a vehicle they must honk their horn three times, and wait two minutes before being allowed to approach the scene. Women must address bachelors as master instead of mister, according to an Illinois state law. A law in Oblong, Illinois makes it a crime to make love while fishing or hunting on your wedding day. A law in Fairbanks, Alaska, does not allow moose to have sex on city streets. In Ventura County, California, cats and dogs are not allowed to have sex without a permit. Clinton, Oklahoma, has a law against masturbating while watching two people having sex in a car. In Willowdale, Oregon, no man may curse while having sex with his wife. In Harrisburg, Pennsylvania it is illegal to have sex with a truck driver inside a toll booth. Hotels in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, are required by law to furnish their rooms with twin beds only. There should be a mi
Weird & Eminem
Weird Al Is Funny As Hell
Weird/funny Images I Found While Browsing This Week - 3/25/07
Weird Storms
We had some kind of random hale storm today. I had classes all day, but I thankfully didnt get stuck in that!! I had JUST got home from my morning class. It has been windy and really cold all day and when I got out of Linguistics, it was cloudy and dark. Got home and about 15 minutes later....hale. Then when I left for my night class, I'm driving down E.R. Parkway and it looked like something was on looked like a smoke-filled sky. There was tree limbs that had came down too. By the time I got to the end of the street to turn onto B.V. Road, I could tell it was this massive dirt storm. High, strong winds + desert = Baaaad dirt storms!! ...You couldnt see in either direction, so I had to guess when to go, granted not everyone is smart and puts their headlights on! It was so bad. Almost all the way to the college ((which is clear over on the other side of the Victorville from where I live)) it was just this huge dirt storm. It's still really cold and really windy
Weird Swimmer Abuse...
I'm a little weirded out. Why is it that Sibs says "tay tay" but Nene, who's younger can say Titi? That's effed up. Hmmm.
Weird/funny Images I Found While Browsing This Week - 4/01/07
Weirdness On The Radio
Heard this song on one of my 2 favorite stations. It ended, a song I don't really like came on so I switched it to my other favorite station, and not 2 seconds later it came on again. Just...Weird... Forever - Papa Roach In the brightest hour Of my darkest day I realized What is wrong with me Can't get over you Can't get through to you It's been a helter-skelter, romance from the start Take these memories That are haunting me Of a paper man cut into shreds By his own pair of scissors He'll never forgive her... He'll never forgive her... [CHORUS] Because days! Come and go! But my feelings for you are forever Because days come and go But my feelings for you are forever Sitting by the fire On a lonely night Hanging over from another good time With another girl... Little dirty girl You should listen to this story of a life You're my heroin- In this moment I'm lonely fullfilling my darkest dreams All these drugs, all these women I'm never forgiv
Weird Ass People...
I often wonder with all the weirdo's here, and of course the few of us that are normal... am I really normal?? There are a lot of people here whose life revolves around the fact someone noticed them... I am just here to get laid and make some people giggle... My life was fine before I found CHERRYTAP and it will be fine when I leave here...
Weird/funny Images I Found While Browsing This Week - 4/08/07
Weird Easter Picture
Happy easter and all that good shit.        I didn't do much today. I laid around until aroudn 3 or 4, and then called people. Then I cooked some chicken, since it didn't sound like there awas any free food available easily at ny parents or anyone having an easter lunch or anything. Maybe I should have called my dad or something and saw what he was upto.. If he was doing something and wanted me around, then he should have just called me or something though.   whatever. Yah, I did this myslef. No one says happy easter like me!!! lol
Weird Facts That You Would Rather Not Know....
Weird facts that you would rather not know.... Did you know?...It is impossible to lick your elbow. Did you know?...Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair. Did you know?...Coca-Cola was originally contain cocaine. Did you know?...23% of all photocopier faults worldwide are caused by people sitting on them and photocopying their butts. Did you know?...In every episode of Seinfeld there is a Superman somewhere. Did you know?...If the government has no knowledge of aliens, then why does Title 14, Section 1211 of the Code of Federal Regulations, implemented on July 16, 1969, make it illegal for U.S. citizens to have any contact with extraterrestrials or their vehicles? Did you know?...Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times. Did you know?...More than 50% of the people in the world have never made or received a telephone call. Did you know?...The "sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick" is said
Weird/funny Images I Found While Browsing This Week - 4/14/07
30 % Weird Hahaha
You Are 30% Weird Not enough to scare other people... But sometimes you scare yourself. How Weird Are You?
Weird Al - Amish Paradise
Weird Al - White & Nerdy
This morning I came out to get in my car and head off to work when I saw something on the winshield. There was a red rose. No note. I have absolutely no idea who left it there as all of maybe 4 people know where I live. I keep looking at it and being a little weirded out.
so yeah this is my first blog its almost 5 am im tired but i just saw my pic scrolling across the top of the page for the first time so i thought i would write about it haha well guess i should head to bed since i gotta work in 5 hours or so
Weird/funny Images I Found While Browsing This Week - 4/20/07
Weird Latenight Blogging
   I don't know. whatever.    I woke up late today, and by the time I went to the math tutor, they had left for the day. They left early. So I went to the library and did some math. I didn't get too much done though. There was some I needed help on, and I got too hungry to concentrate. So, I went to the mall. Yah, It doesn't make much sense. The mall is mostly just a place I go to calm down and releive stress and stuff. i left my coat in my truck, and my cash was in my coat. So I didn't eat while I was in the mall. I bought God of War II while in the mall. It was used, and I got a discount on it, so I saved 7 bucks. I then went to the liquer store behind the mall, and looked around there. There was a whole conflict going on as to what to get, or to get anything. I eventually got some hornsy's hard cider. The crisp apple kind, not the draft stuff. It's something to drink that's good, and I don't get totally wasted.  On the way home, I went to arby's and then to sally's and got some blea
Weird/funny Images I Found While Browsing This Week - 4/30/07
Weird Us Sex Laws
No man is allowed to make love to his wife with the smell of garlic, onions, or sardines on his breath in Alexandria, Minnesota. If his wife so requests, law mandates that he must brush his teeth. Warn your hubby that after lovemaking in Ames, Iowa, he isn't allowed to take more than three gulps of beer while lying in bed with you - or holding you in his arms. Bozeman, Montana, has a law that bans all sexual activity between members of the opposite sex in the front yard of a home after sundown - if they're nude. (Apparantly, if you wear socks and practice homosexuality in the light of day, it's okay.) During lunch breaks in Carlsbad, New Mexico, no couple should engage in a sexual act while parked in their vehicle, unless their car has curtains. In Cleveland, Ohio, women are not allowed to wear patent-leather shoes. Clinton, Oklahoma, has a law against masturbating while watching two people having sex in a car. It's safe to make love while parked in Coeur d'Alene, Ida
Weird Dreams
It's the same kind of dream every time. I'm in an old, funky, haunted house. Only in this dream, I was kind of like a ghostbuster. They say that dreams are metaphors, and I guess this is one for my having to exorcise my past demons, or some crazy schnit like that. But at least this time I'm after the ghost or monster instead of the other way around.
Weird/funny Images I Found While Browsing This Week - 05/07/07
Weird U.s.
Hm. I just got contacted today by the production associate for the creative team at Weird U.S. If you aren't familiar with them, they do a series of travel guide books for local legends and secret spots and such for states across the country. They also have a weekly show on History Channel. I thought it sounded familiar, but couldn't remember why until I looked that up. Anyway. They might be interested in using some of my photographs of Cave Hill Cemetery, one of the places I photographed when I was going to see Jeff on a weekly basis. The photos would be accredited to me in the finished hardcover book on Kentucky. Sounds exciting, doesn't it? Well it is, but only if they actually follow through with the photos. We shall see I suppose. Maybe the daily horoscope actually knew what it was talkin about today. Maybe.
Weird Weekend
This weekend feels weird. I'm on the verge of the last class before I graduate with my masters. All of my requirements are done. I just need to show up Tuesday night and everything is set. I haven't figured out what to do with myself yet. El's still here which is keeping my sanity intact. I'm looking forward to the week off right before commencement, then I can speak with some people and go from there. I know that I want to start back for my PhD soon. School will be in Florida, but I only have to go 4 times a year, so that won't be a bad thing. In between, I want to increase my programming ability as well as get back into my book research. There's Nightlife which will be fiction. There's the analysis of Rt. Rev. Spong's theology and modern Christianity, should it survive that long. I see it faltering in the face of mega-churches and prosperity theology. There's also ethics in neo-pagan clergy with El. I still have to work on my doc's website along the way. I have a lot of thing
You scored as Yeah.. you're really weird. Okay, so pretty much, you're a freak of nature. But you're fun to be around and everyone loves you, so don't ever change. We'd be good friends I reckon =DYeah.. you're really weird92%Bahaha.. normal83%You're getting there =D75%Uhh boring, much?67%You're extremely strange o.O42%Are youu weird?created with
Weird/funny Images I Found While Browsing This Week - 05/15/07
Weird Warning.
The dream I had last night is too long to post right now... I am tired and have to sleep for work. I do need to get this out though... you'll figure out why tommorow when I post. If any of you know a young girl... (Think 11-15) with the name of Larissa, Marissa or Clarissa.. watch out for them. I wouldn't take this dream as a warning except that we put out a shoe today at work called Larissa.. and have never before. Being that the name was prominate in my dream it worrys it. That is all until tommorow when I post it.
Weird Ass Survey
1. You & Jesus go out to dinner - who pays? Jesus does, he has all that money from the church. Actually I think the restaurant should be paying him because he turned our water into wine, and he put bread and fish on the table. 2. You suddenly have to flee the country & adopt an alias. What is it? Max Power 3. Pick one state in the U.S. to get rid of permanently? South Dakota 4. You wake up as the opposite gender, what's the one thing you wanna try? lesbian sex 5. Luke Skywalker or Han Solo? Luke, So I can slice and dice everything nice with my light saber. 6. Toy you always wanted but never got as a child? I basically got everything I wanted. 7. Top three celebrities you wanna do? 1) Julianna Margulies (its that long curly hair) 2) Brigid Brannagh (again it’s the long curly hair.) 3) Minnie Driver 8. What's an automatic deal breaker in a potential significant other? being unfaithful 9. What is the last movie you saw that actually scared you? there is
Weird/funny Images I Found While Browsing This Week - 05/22/07
Weird Gets Weirder Girl calls for police help over messy room Mon May 21, 12:17 PM ET BERLIN (Reuters) - A nine-year-old German girl was so upset about having to tidy her room she put up a sign in her window urging passers-by to call police for help. Pedestrians in the central city of Braunschweig saw the girl crying in the window, holding up a sign up saying "Help! Please call the police!" Next to her sat a small boy. Quickly alerted, officers rushed to the scene to discover the girl had rowed with her mother about tidying her room and enlisted her two-year-old brother's aid to attract attention. "The room looked like a battlefield," said a spokesman for local police on Monday. "Officers told the girl to tidy her room. When they came back two hours later to check, it was all cleaned up. And the mother and daughter had made
Weird/funny Images I Found While Browsing This Week - 05/29/07 (special All Cat Edition)
this website is weird and i don't understand it really
The Weird
Listening to some Dragonforce!! Man I love them. I plan to head into the college today to get my tee-shirt from my club. It's possible that I might go to the YMCA to get lessons on swimming. I do know how to dog paddle and swim under the water but I don't know how to tread water. Weird huh? Ya well there are a lot of weird things about me. Such as corduroy creeps me out. I'm also dislike opera and auctioneers because they put me to sleep. I don't like not having control of my own body and anything that can put me to sleep without my consent is not cool. Okay I just read the last sentence and I think it makes me sound crazy but it's staying. There are no truly sane people in this word just different levels of insanity. HERE is Some Word Salad to feed your madness: I want to adjudicate the cerebral, and domesticate the eternal squirrel.
Weird/funny Images I Found While Browsing This Week - 06/05/07
I know its been a while, so I made sure this week's blog was longer than usual with more images than usual... might take a while to load them all, enjoy...
Weird Funny Place Names
Weird funny place names Would you like to live here? These are names of actual locations: Arsoli (Lazio, Italy) Bastard (Norway) Beaver (Oklahoma, USA) Beaver Head (Idaho, USA) Brown Willy (Cornwall,UK) Chinaman's Knob (Australia) Climax (Colorado, USA) Cunt (Spain) Cunter (Switzerland) Dikshit (India) Dildo (Newfoundland, Canada) Dong Rack (Thailand-Cambodia border) Dongo (Congo - Democratic Republic) Effin (Limerick, Ireland) Fuku (Shensi, China) Fukue (Honshu, Japan) Fukui (Honshu, Japan) Fukum (Yemen) Hold With Hope (Greenland) Intercourse (Pennsylvania, USA) Lickey End (West Midlands, UK) Little Dix Village (West Indies) Lord Berkeley's Knob (Sutherland, Scotland) Middle Intercourse Island (Australia) Muff (Northern Ireland) Nobber (Donegal, Ireland) Pis Pis River (Nicaragua) Sexmoan (Luzon, Philippines) Seymen (Turkey) Shafter (California, USA) Shag Island (Indian Ocean) Shitlingthorpe (Yorkshire, UK) Tittybong (Australia) Tong Fuk (Japan) T
Weird/funny Images I Found While Browsing This Week - 06/08/07
Worth reading all the way, promise: Not really a funny image, but I just had to post it due to high levels of awesome:
Weird/funny Images I Found While Browsing This Week - 06/15/07
Yeah, I know they aren't images but they're still funny, and I still found them this week These guys are actually a serious Hungarian rap group:
wow, two blogs on my profile, that I didnt write. thats kinda weird. first of all the title trust, then the description of "you will never know me" first of all I have friends on here that have known me for fucking years. and two who the fuck are you to come here and change my shit, fuck you, and fuck the rock you crawled out from. I am what I am, I am married... I am happy... you want to start that shit cause you have a crush on my husband bring it on hoe cause I would kick your ass any day, bring it on I dare you too.. I am in the mood right now.
Weird Sex Laws
If a police officer in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, suspects a couple is having sex inside a vehicle they must honk their horn three times, and wait two minutes before being allowed to approach the scene. Women must address bachelors as master instead of mister, according to an Illinois state law. A law in Oblong, Illinois makes it a crime to make love while fishing or hunting on your wedding day. A law in Fairbanks, Alaska, does not allow moose to have sex on city streets. In Ventura County, California, cats and dogs are not allowed to have sex without a permit. Clinton, Oklahoma, has a law against masturbating while watching two people having sex in a car. In Willowdale, Oregon, no man may curse while having sex with his wife. In Harrisburg, Pennsylvania it is illegal to have sex with a truck driver inside a toll booth. Hotels in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, are required by law to furnish their rooms with twin beds only. There should be a minimum of two feet
Weird, Indeed!
You Are 50% Weird Normal enough to know that you're weird... But too damn weird to do anything about it! How Weird Are You?
Weird/funny Images I Found While Browsing This Week - 06/29/07
Yeah I'm breaking the rules again by posting videos, deal with it.
Alright I was born and raised in California, but I go to school in WVA, I miss WVA, holy fucking shit
Weird Holidays For July
July is . . . . National Baked Beans Month, National Ice Cream Month, National Tennis Month, Read An Almanac Month, Anti-Boredom Month, and Hitchhiking Month Holidays are listed in chronological order. At the bottom are explanations and tips on how to celebrate certain holidays or sites you can link to containing more information on certain holidays. Remember this site is dedicated to bizarre American holidays, so naturally the links are of that nature. Also, you can link to the home page, previous month, or next month. July 1 is . . . . . Creative Ice Cream Flavor Day and Build A Scarecrow Day July 2 is . . . . . Visitation Of The Virgin Mary Day July 3 is . . . . . Stay Out Of The Sun Day and Compliment Your Mirror Day July 4 is . . . . . National Country Music Day and Tom Sawyer Fence-Painting Day July 5 is . . . . . Workaholics Day July 6 is . . . . . National Fried Chicken Day July 7 is . . . . . National Strawberry Sundae Day July 8
Weird/funny Images I Found While Browsing This Week - 07/08/07
Looks like video is a permanent part of my blogs now Click the map to make it big enough to read:
feel. the one you can call is gone. when you feel all alone. if you need to fall this is why we hold the path this is why we breathe. feel the path i must go with the path i must die with breathing is less life and more death. bring in the mind.
Weird Dinner Math....strange But True...
Don't tell me your age; you probably would tell a falsehood anyway-but your waiter may know! YOUR AGE BY DINER & RESTAURANT MATH This is pretty neat. DON'T CHEAT BY SCROLLING DOWN FIRST! It takes less than a minute . Work this out as you read ... Be sure you don't read the bottom until you've worked it out! This is not one of those waste of time things, it's fun. 1. First of all, pick the number of times a week that you would like to go out to eat. (more than once but less than 10) 2. Multiply this number by 2 (just to be bold) 3. Add 5 4. Multiply it by 50 5. If you have already had your birthday this year add 1757 .... If you haven't, add 1756. 6. Now subtract the four digit year that you were born. You should have a three digit number The first digit of this was your original number (I.e., how! Many times you want to go out to restaurants in a week.) The next two numbers are YOUR AGE! (Oh YES, it is!!!!!) T
Weird Things You Would Never Know!!
Weird Things You Would Never Know!! (But do now!) A shrimp's heart is in its head. The "sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick" is said to be the toughest tongue twister in the English language. Rats multiply so quickly that in 18 months, two rats could have over a million descendants. Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times. If the government has no knowledge of aliens, then why does Title 14,Section 1211 of the Code of Federal Regulations, implemented on July 16 1969, make it illegal for U.S. citizens to have any contact with extraterrestrials or their vehicles? I n every episode of Seinfeld there is a Superman somewhere. A duck's quack doesn't echo, and no one knows why. 23% of all photocopier faults world-wide are caused by people sitting on them and photocopying their butts. Most lipstick contains fish scales. Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue print is different. If you sneeze too
6 Weird Things Bout You
Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things/habits about you. "People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things or habits" as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you need to choose 4 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says "TAG...YOU'RE IT"! And tell them to read your blog for rules. 1. i get annoyed at people that smacks while their eating ,,,ughhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! 2. hate finding empty boxs in th cupboard ....... 3. i have to say yes ,,,,sex is always on my mind 4. got a thing about top sheets on my bed ,,,i find my self in a choke hold every time 5. can move my bottom eye lid independatly 6. my eyes are two different colors in my right eye
I had one of the weirdest CT experiences I have ever had the other day. I have recently changed my shoutbox to ‘general admission’ from ‘friends only’, which has been a mainly positive experience. I’ve had some good conversations with people and gained a couple of new friends, without too many assholes sending me random junk. So the other day, I got a shout from a very attractive lady. We chatted a bit and I asked her if she had a yahoo address, which I usually do if I’m enjoying talking to someone, because the shoutbox is so slow it makes me want to hurt small fluffy animals. She has and we started talking, kind of. It was bit stilted and I’m started to suspect that English isn’t her first language. But that’s ok. Then she asked me to vote on her picture in a contest. I agreed and she sent me a link. But to vote in this contest, credit card details needed to be entered. Alarm bells started to ring. I said I wasn’t comfortable with that, but she kept asking me why. Eventually I decided
Weird Sex Laws
Weird Sex LAws The following are weird sex laws that are or were in place at one time or another. This listing is for entertainment purposes only and those seeking legal advice should contact their state or country representative or a lawyer that is familiar with the state or country's laws. ~ In Florida, having sexual relations with a porcupine is illegal. ~ In Tibet, many years ago, the law required all women prostitute themselves. This was seen as a way to gain sexual experience prior to marriage. ~ "Female breasts," according to the Arizona Supreme Court, don't constitute "private parts" under state law. ~ The Asiatic Huns punished convicted male rapists and adulterers with castration. Female adulterers were merely cut in two. ~ The penalty for masturbation in Indonesia is decapitation. ~ The T'ang Dynasty Empress Wu Hu passed a special law concerning oral sex. She felt that a woman pleasuring a man represented th
Weird Things You Would Never Know!!
Weird Things You Would Never Know!! (But do now!) A shrimp's heart is in its head. The "sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick" is said to be the toughest tongue twister in the English language. Rats multiply so quickly that in 18 months, two rats could have over a million descendants. Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times. If the government has no knowledge of aliens, then why does Title 14,Section 1211 of the Code of Federal Regulations, implemented on July 16 1969, make it illegal for U.S. citizens to have any contact with extraterrestrials or their vehicles? In every episode of Seinfeld there is a Superman somewhere. A duck's quack doesn't echo, and no one knows why. 23% of all photocopier faults world-wide are caused by people sitting on them and photocopying their butts. Most lipstick contains fish scales. Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue print is different. If you sneeze too hard, you ca
Weirdest Dream Ever was Mark, Dave[[from work]] and I at some kind of movie, Broadway thing... Not sure which, because either way it was happening in front of us, and we were occasionally in it, but we were sitting in theater seats. Anywhoo, it was a weird mix between Cinderella and Snow white. It had the 3 step sisters from Cinderella, and the witch from Snow white. Only.. the three sisters were dog puppets. So much shit went on in this dream, it was incredible.. It had to do with a River, a giant balloon, the kind you ride up in the sky in.. don't remember what they're called at the moment.. The balloon was in the river, too... Well, mark and Dave were in the little basket to the balloon in the river, and i was on top of the balloon, holding on to dear life by a fishing line that was attached to the basket. We were all careening down the freaking river when the witch started yelling and screaming and laughing, when all the sudden we wash up in a cave, she enters, laughs, and zaps us
Weird Fact Of The Day
The characters Bert & Ernie on Sesame Street were named after Bert the cop and Ernie the taxi driver in Frank Capra's 'It's a Wonderful Life.'
Weird Useless Information
The sentence "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" uses every letter in the English language. 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321 The average human eats 8 spiders in their lifetime at night. "I am." is the shortest complete sentence in the English language. A rhinoceros horn is made of compacted hair. The shortest war in history was between Zanzibar and England in 1896. Zanzibar surrendered after 38 minutes. A polar bear's skin is black. Its fur is not white, but actually clear. Donald Duck comics were banned in Finland because he doesn't wear pants. More people are killed by donkeys annually than are killed in plane crashes. Shakespeare invented the word "assassination" and "bump." If you keep a Goldfish in the dark room, it will eventually turn white. Women blink nearly twice as much as men. The name of all the continents end with the same letter that they start with. The word "lethologica" describes the state of no
Ok it is official, I am completely stressed out. Last night I had a dream in which I was at some sporting event and I was cheering and heckling and I got cussed out, I cussed the person back, got into a huge fight and then had to walk off. It's weird I haven't had a fight dream in ages, and the last time I did I exploded my tension and anger onto one person, sending them to the hospital. So the volcano that is me might be exploding soon.
Weird Dreams
dreams, death, heaven, hell — Friday, August 03, 2007 I just have to get this all out. It might be somewhat interesting. I had a dream I died and was waiting in line in heaven. My step-dad, and older brother was there too. There were people wondering around. There was a snowy place where people were walking around in snow making snow stuff without gloves. Like snow balls, and \" forts \" or whatever. It was their job or something. They might not have had any shoes either. I started wondering over there to see what was going on. I was directed to another area. They said to fill stuff out and in minute they would be bringing back some nostalgia for me.There\'s paper work, and you pick out how you want your life to be structured. Whether you would rather just be told what to do, or make all your decisions on your own. You go through line, and then they somehow calculate everything you did in life into a computer. Some of the things on it are how much meat you ate, drin
Weird 9/11 Facts
Sent To Me In Email ... 1) New York City has 11 letters 2) Afghanistan has 11 letters. 3) Ramsin Yuseb (The terrorist who threatened to destroy the Twin Towers in 1993) has 11 letters. 4) George W Bush has 11 letters. 5) The two twin towers make an "11" This could be a mere coincidence, but this gets more interesting: 1) New York is the 11th state. 2) The first plane crashing against the Twin Towers was flight number 11. 3) Flight 11 was carrying 92 passengers. 9 + 2 = 11 4) Flight 77 which also hit Twin Towers , was carrying 65 passengers. 6+5 = 11 5) The tragedy was on September 11, or 9/11 as it is now known. 9 + 1+ 1 = 11 6) The date is equal to the US emergency services telephone number 911. 9 + 1 + 1 = 11. Sheer coincidence..?! Read on and make up your own mind: 1) The total number of victims inside all the hi-jacked planes was 254. 2+ 5 + 4 = 11. 2) September 11 is day number 254 of the calendar year. Again 2 + 5 + 4 = 11. 3) The Ma
Weird Anagrams
GEORGE BUSH: When you rearrange the letters: HE BUGS GORE DORMITORY: When you rearrange the letters: DIRTY ROOM EVANGELIST: When you rearrange the letters: EVIL'S AGENT PRESBYTERIAN: When you rearrange the letters: BEST IN PRAYER DESPERATION: When you rearrange the letters: A ROPE ENDS IT THE MORSE CODE: When you rearrange the letters: HERE COME DOTS SLOT MACHINES: When you rearrange the letters: CASH LOST IN ME MOTHER-IN-LAW: When you rearrange the letters: WOMAN HITLER SNOOZE ALARMS: When you rearrange the letters: ALAS! NO MORE Z ' S A DECIMAL POINT: When you rearrange the letters: I ' M A DOT IN PLACE THE EARTHQUAKES: When you rearrange the letters: THAT QUEER SHAKE ELEVEN PLUS TWO: When you rearrange the letters: TWELVE PLUS ONE
What a jerk. Came to my page, rated me a 1, rated my default a 1, then blocked me. Douchebag #1!!! matt@ fubar If you're bored, feel free to go leave some hate on his page! :P
Weird Stalker Like Person
ok ... im not a bitch, far from it but I just gotta vent about someone I know. I go to TAFE with this guy, he is like 19 years old, and possibly the creepiest person I have met! and that is saying something considering the people I know. he stares at me all day, and its real sly the way he does it, like just out the corner of his eye or from right across the room. I feel insecure when I am around him alone, its weird. he is weird! now you see I am nice to everyone, I try and make friends with most people and at the beginning of the course I tried really hard to be inclusive with him, you know like bringing him into conversation and making him sit with us - all on purpose because otherwise I just know his type of personality, he would of sat alone and talk to no one. I think, could be wrong but I think my gesture of friendship was seen differently by him! seriously I do not know what the hell ticks through his brain and I sure as hell do not what to know. BUT he says he is gay ... t
Weird Facts About Me
I was having a conversation with a friend the other day and we were talking about the weird things we do that make us unique... so I thought Id make a list of my faults and greatness for anyone who's interested... I snore.. sometimes loudly, expecially when Im drunk... and thats when Im not talking or even (I've been told) *singing* in my sleep... not to mention once I woke up kicking an ex in the leg because I thought he was a bulldog that was attacking me (this was after a happy hour night with friends) I used to play the clarinet... the euphonium... and *yes* the tuba in highschool... also piano out of it... and I used to be in the colour guard (flag waving) group in the marching band I've done two many musicals in my life to remeber... I love ancient history, specially archaeology... I actually had plans to do it when I was younger but they never worked out... I secretly harbour a hero worship for romance writers I definitely want to go back to the past if a way i
OK so this guy using the computer next to me at the Library keeps making these noises like he's snoring, but he is busily typing away. Is it possible to sleep type?
Weird Horoscope
It's early and it's Sunday. For those of you who don't know, I've been off of work for the last 3 weeks due to a really bad car accident that I was in. Tomorrow (Monday the 13th) I will finally return to work. This morning I got up with work being the only thing on my mind, I don't want to go back. After having 3 weeks off with my kids getting up at 4am doesn't sound appealing. So I decided to come and check my messages and my horoscope and this is what it said.... Work could be a minefield today, or if you're not working, you may not be able to get your mind out of the workplace. Whichever the situation, take baby steps and keep your spirits up. Keep smiling, no matter what! I just have to say, WOW! Hopefully I won the lottery!
Weird Laws In The Usa
Oral sex is illegal in Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Georgia, North and South Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, Utah, Virginia and Washington D.C. Although some of these sex laws may be old laws it is interesting to know that….. In Utah adultery, oral sex and anal sex are considered sodomy and can lead to imprisonment. It’s illegal to have sex without a condom in Nevada. In Willowdale, Oregon, it is against the law for a husband to curse during sex. In Romboch, Virginia, it is illegal to engage in sexual activity with the lights on. In the state of Washington there is a law against having sex with a virgin under any circumstances including the wedding night. In Hawaii, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin vending-machine condom sales are banned. In Arizona, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Nebraska, Nevada, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Tenn
Weird Picture Thing About Me
Read my VisualDNA™     Get your own VisualDNA™
6 Weird Things About Me:
6 weird things about me: 1>Well, I Like to eat CornDogs with Syrup... Everyone thats around me says its grose..but I love it so, I works for me..=) 2>My Brother and my friend Samantha Are my true best friends... they are the only ones I could ever really tell everything too with out feeling like they would judge me. 3>I Was at work one day.. and my delivery driver was makin Deliverys(der) , and Footloose came on the raido and I started Dancing in the store... When my Driver pulled up and caught me..LoL.. I was so embarrased I had sad my foot was falling asleep so I had to wake it up..HEhe Not the best cover up! 4>I hate my feet. There so ugly.. there fat, and I would never go get a pedicure..I think I would scare the lady..Im very self councious about stuff like that. 5>I have never been to a live concert EVER.Just a thought(It'd be a nice I guess its somthing to put on my ToDo List. 6>I am obsessed with stickers.. I can't stop buying them.. ev
Weird Survey
Underwear SurveyTake This Survey at Quizopolis.comWhat's your favorite underwear you own?my grey and blue boy shortsWhat's the worst pair of underwear you own?white granny panties from when I was pregnantWhat's the most embarrassing underwear you own?refer to last answerWhat's your favorite color of underwear?black or greyWhat color underwear will you not wear?animal printedWhat's your favorite underwear on a member of the opposite sex?
Weird Foreign Guy
Hmm so not yesterday but the day before i checked in these two guys. and one of them is foreign and the other is originally from here.. Well the foreign guy would be talkin to me... saying "why do you work this shift you are too cute to be working this late" then he would look at his friend "isnt she cute?. i mean look at her.. too cute!!!" then he would look at me... "were goin to have ur number tomorrow right?" im like "uh.. the hotels number is..." HAHA!!!!! then tonight.. i picked them up from the bowling alley. and the normal guy was liek i will watch the front desk for you while u go wild! HAHA i was like umm no that sokay i can watch the front desk just fine myself... and he lsike nooo you go crazy i'll watch it! hahaha he was like you guys can go in a clouset while i watch it! i was like A CLOUSET? hes like or a bed w/e u like! the foreign guy was like YEAH w/e u want i can do clouset if u want clouset! hahahaha i was like umm no thats okay! ha... And
Weird Dreams
The last two or three nights I've been having rather pleasant dreams about a certain someone from Fubar.... My Horoscope today "Your dreams are more important than you realize right now, so try your best to remember them -- writing them down would be best. If they don't make any sense at the moment, they should pretty soon." WTF PPP?
Weird Encounter!
Went out for dinner with my best gf. We were having a nice evening. AFter bringing her back to her car, i went for a last drink! I was drinking my glass when i met one of the craziest girls i ever met and guess what! She was from the US illinois. We had a great evening and i ended up bringing her back to her hotel. Her name was Heather, she's just an extra-terrest! Never saw someone like that!
Weird Phonecall..
At like 4am last night we received a message on our answering machine. We can't get it to replay right now but my grandmother says that it was very mumbling and all she could make out was "Eugene, you owe my family big!!" Eugene is the name of my grandfather who passed away about three years ago... I wonder if this has anything to do with the key on a string that my grandmother found while cleaning... hmm..
"weird Al" Yankovic - Bob Dylan

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