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Ok, I'd Like To Get A Few Things Straight Here
Ok, I want to get a few things straight here, first of all, I don't nor will add anybody with no picture on their profile, so if you want me to add ya, get a picture on your profile pic and two, I'm not adding anyone that just wants to be added and don't rate my profile or one of my pics to start off, that's just not gonna work with me at all here. Secondly, when a woman has rated one of my pics or profile, I usually leave them a comment like hello and thanks for rating one of my pics or profile, if you'd like to rate the rest of my pics and also fan me and sign my guestbook than go for it and if you'd like to be added to my friends list, etc. Or to the guys, hello and thanks for rating one of my pics or profile, if you'd like to rate the rest of them and also fan me and sign my guestbook than be my guest and if you'd like to be added to my friends list just send me a request and I'll gladly accept it, your profile is a 10 That means, I WILL accept your friends request and no,
How I Know He Stopped Loving Me...
I Knew He Had Stopped Loving Me When His Conversation Changed. I Knew He Had Stopped Loving Me When He Stopped Saying My Special Name. When I Told Him I Was Ready To Be More Than Just A Friend. Instead I Got It Backwards And Now This Is The End. I Said I'd Wait A Lifetime For You To Want Me To. So Then I Sat In Misery Not Knowing What To Do. But Now I See In Front Of Me The Way That I Must Go. But I'll Always Have You In My Heart, And That He Surely Knows.
Tests Results
I went to the specialist this past Wednesday, and the news I got wasn't the greatest . I was told that I have nerve damage in both of my hands , and carpal tunnel only in my right wrist . The worst of the damage is on my left side the damage on the left goes all the way up my elbow. I will know more on the 5 of next month. That is when they an on telling me if I am facing surgery.
You've Been Tagged
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. Damn..Here Goes... 1.I absolutely detest unfaitful friends 2.I am probably one of the best friends you could ask for. 3.I wear my heart on my sleeve 4.I despise BS 5.I have an ex who won't let go after 4 yrs apart 6.I hate game playing on here or any other site 7.I became a grandmother at 35 8.I managed the same store for 15 yrs 9.I have a bad temper if pushed too far 10.I am a....CORRECTIONAL OFFICER Giggles Karen Curt In My Dreams Hvac Tech
Valentines Day
Ok,Valentines Day is right around the corner so do I give up my virginity on valentines day or hold on to it and join a club for virgins ? Now the girl I'm seeing is no virgin,some might even say shes' a whore.Men can be whores too,don't get me wrong.If I give it up to her I just know I'll fall in love,either with her or with sex.She is nice,good personality but ugly as hell ! Built like a dream though,or at least the dreams I've been having.(you know the type) I've checked out several good virgins only clubs,the only problem is how do you prove your a virgin ? I am sorely perplexed over this one.Maybe they ask questions and if I can't answer or give the wrong answer I'm a virgin,I really don't know how they do it. But anyway,I'm looking for someone to test me before I apply for the club membership,if I with-hold my virginity from her.
Kiss Me Softly
Kissing is an art, one most master Kissing slowly is better than faster Kiss me slowly Kiss me tenderly Kiss me sweetly Kiss me on the lips Down to my finger tips Delicately sample my nipples Kiss it, tease it, rather simple When done right, let me be precise Kissing itself can be rather very nice Kiss me slowly Kiss me tenderly Kiss me sweetly Kiss my body inch by inch Till it tickles and starts to flinch Kiss me in the left and right ear Whisper sweet words of passionate care Kiss me by the neck With little kisses called pecks Kiss me hungrily in the mouth Hear my groaning delicious shouts Kiss me below and yonder Till my juices begin to ponder And turn on fire with desire Kiss me slowly Kiss me tenderly Kiss me sweetly Kiss me once, twice, thrice Oooo! These kisses are very nice
Is It Just Me?
It looks like I've had another dating meltdown. I've been talking with somebody for about a month and a half now. We met online and we have not actually met in person. This was one of those cases when I really wanted to take things slow and see how they went. And they were going great. She's intelligent, college educated, successful, sports oriented and funny as hell. Really, what's not to like? When I say taking it slow, not only have we not met, we have not even exchanged photos. No a/s/l, no sex talk, no pictures of body parts. I don't even know if she has those parts. She could be a hermaphrodite. Or a eunuch. Regardless, I don't know. I thought we really clicked. Similar interests, great conversations (and long ones), desire to get to know eachother before taking the next step. Then a week and a half ago she hopped on a plane to visit one of her best friends for her Bridal Shower or bachelorette party or something like that. And that is the last time that
Dark Valentine's Fetish Ball - Photos 2
Ty Ty Ty Ty Round 2
I have some AMAZING FRIENDS! Love these people up and give them a big Thank You from PebblesinAZ! They have all contributed to my Spotlight Fund in one way or another. Tinkerbell is making custom graphics if you would like one for anyone who donates more than $10,000 fubucks. ~*TinkerbellMN84 Member of Downtown Bombers~Fu-Owned by ΨMÌŃĐŞŢ0ŘM]@ fubar The 2 Wonderful Fu's ...My Wyomie me a blast which of course will help the cause. (o )( o)MunkeeFu -- ^sins^ SLAVE(o )(o )@ fubar and EZ 2 FU ****Munkee FU's FU Wife****@ fubar The following have all donated FUBUCKS to help the cause! They are completely amazing and selfless! RËÐÑËÇK@ fubar Jennifer ~ Club F.A.R. Member ~ Fan~Add~Rate... Fu~Angel@ fubar GARY~rl engaged 2 Christina~shadow leveler~FU OWNED & FUMARRIED TO~¢¾ BooBoo¢¾@ fubar angelwingz25~ N.A.P Family~Fu_Angel~ MilitaryHumveeFamily~ BBW train@ fubar MyZtErY ☆ DirtySouthCrew ☆ I.B.I.C. &
Men hva er så løsningen for Elisabeth? Sett mot broren i et (aldri fullbyrdet) forhold til Salome må dette spørsmålet ha drevet henne til vanvidd. Men det at ting ikke ble bedre etter 1900 må bety noe. Kanskje brorens sykdom spilte inn. Å se ham i en fravœrende salighet over en periode på 10 år må ha virket inn. N i galskapen er fra E's ståsted det samme som N i Sils Maria. Begge steder er han hos Salome. Men fra 1891 i en tilstand som gjør det hele alt for synlig. Han er under morens pleie og etterhvert under hennes. E var fortvilet da N forelsket seg i Lou ettersom hun var gammel, over 30, og fortsatt ugift. Det at han ikke fullbyrdet forholdet kan bare ha gjort vondt verre. Og å se ham i salig søken oppe i de italienske fjellene må ha gjort det mer enn ille. Og ikke minst at han brukte et sinne og et vidd som var nœrmere hennes natur. N spotter kvinnen ved å vise henne det tragiske ved Jesus ekteskap med (en kvinnelig) Gud. Og han gjør det i tillegg ved å bruke den f
Taking Up A Collection!
I need to get a divorce. I have been wait for 4 years for him to do it but he's having "problems". I wish I had his probelms. He had his laptop that he just paid off whiped by an ex room mate. He had to get a 3 bedroom mobile home. I want his problems. The divorce will run between $250 and $300 and I am only asking for half. He works full time an can't come up with $125 to $150? He can when it comes to the stuff he wants like books, computers, music, movies and so on. So here's the deal. I am taking up a collection as I live on only $400 a month and have a 16 year old that I still have to take care of. Anyone care to help?
My Face Looks Like Who?!!?!? Wow!
pictures are good but need more,ladies your not showing any areyou going to get the guys that way? someone shows me everything i guess i be there with bells on.
Someone Stole My Photos.
Someone has stollen my photos and is now using them for there own profile. They are going by the name of Michelle. If you see this person, block them please.
Dont Know What To Think....
Im in a situation... Its one thats hard to explain.. Well I'll try.. Do u think u can read a childs reaction even before they are old enough to speak? & Would those reactions cause u to think somethings going on? Or that nothing is going on? There have been instances where I've read my childs body language to understand what they were trying to say, whether it be that they didnt wanna go to a specific person, for reasons unknown.. Or woke up screaming in the middle of the night from a nightmare.. I guess its mothers instinct or just an intuition in my gut that gives me a funny feeling or even nightmares for that matter.. Sometimes I check them making sure theres no bruises I didnt notice from before & question "Could that really happen?" "Would they actually do that?" "What should I do?" Its suspicion that I think my gut feeling kicks in.. But Im stuck.. I dont know what I should do..
I Am Up For Action
This is what the winning bidder gets 200 11s a week for a month during hh all pics and stash rated during hh will be there crush for a month be added to my family for a month will have in my name "i am _____ valentine for a month", u can have "pjcountry is my valentine for a month" a link to your profile in my about me section for a month you will stay shit faces for week a salute made for u by me if bid is a hh/blast/vip will get special pics depending on what it is, hh=6pics, all made special for you(will be discussed between winner and me) SPACE HOTTIE's AUCTION!!
In Every Life
She looks into air, herself falling rain Dripping coldness past, memories old pain. Drops fall, the puddling her damp water-life. Spiraling a mirror, self-lonely strife. A sigh, one frown, crying soft saddened tears. Storms of remember - through bleak yesteryear. Clouds a-whorl, dark sky sheltering fair heart. But how can she joy, while taking no part? Cov'ring cold soul, corona of defense. Defying the stab of her fate's intents. This is madness, she thinks in plaintive cry. I'm here, on the cusp, of lay down and die. What my destiny, but an empty-off dream? A plaything with which gods and angels scheme. Am I doomed then to live, time never-free? Subsumed wholly 'neath life's scattered debris? Is justice, outside this torrential doubt? Perhaps more than sorrow, painful fall-out? Is love, perhaps, just a sliver of sun? Shining through mists, revealing Avalon? Personal paradise, which I can own, Evoking happiness, hither unknown? She raises fro
Plzzz Repost For Our Future Familys To Put A End To Violence
Think its OK to boss a girl around?Slap her around a few times and teach her a lesson? She's just a dumb "bitch" a "slut". No! Shes human being, a girl that deserves to be loved and respected. Not used and thrown out like a piece of trash. A "man" should NEVER hit a woman. And should never force his girl to have sex with him, thats not something you do to the person you supposedly love. So if you're against Spousal Abuse please repost this!And if you don't you're not going to die or be raped by a toaster, you're just cold at heart.And if your a guy thats man enough to repost this GOOD for you.
Instructions... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1- I put my ice cream in the microwave before I eat it. 2- I prefer my toast in 3's. 3- I am not afraid of dying. I dont care when it happens. 4-I watch the Disney channel in my spare time. 5-I am obsessed with playing cards....not actually playing them..but the card themselves. 6-I brush my teeth every time i drink tea. 7-Bridges make my stomach turn. 8-I fear boats. 9-I want to learn to salsa dance and speak fluent Spanish. 10-Fire and water amaze me. I could stare at either of them contently for hours. I'm tagging; Jimmy. Matt. Andy. Becky. Andy. and. Lord.
It Never Ends Does It?
omg, i don't think i will make it through the remainder of this day, which is not long, without totally unleashing all my fury onto somebody or something... i have been dating around here and there with someone i met off fubar, thought we were really good friends... i logged onto my myspace to check my mail there and accept some friend requests and low and behold there was a message from some girl i didn't know saying on the subject line "there is something you should know" omg, of course i had to check it out, even though it was probably a 'myspace virus', i just gotta know (sorry mom)(no it wasn't a virus) the email stated that this person (who shall remain nameless at this time seeing he is on fubar) has a 2 month old son, and pushed her and the baby out of his apartment... saying that he is trying to sign over his rights, blah blah blah so i confronted him about it, just thought for some insane reason that this shit was untrue... yeah right, lmao he said it was a
Help Out, Iahve More Me And Europe Pictures.
I have some new pictures of me, please stop by and take a look at them. Please rate them so i might as more. I am not here for ratings, i am here for friendship but I would hope you might help me level up so can share more pictures about me and my life to you. HUGSsssss to all of you and talk to you soon.! Pete
More Europe And Me Pictures
I have some new pictures of me, please stop by and take a look at them. Please rate them so i might as more. I am not here for ratings, i am here for friendship but I would hope you might help me level up so can share more pictures about me and my life to you. HUGSsssss to all of you and talk to you soon.! Pete
My One True Regret
I rarely regret anything. I'm usually happy with decisions I've made in my life. Even the ones that turned out badly. You know why, it happened for a reason. What that reason is isn't always presented to me at first. I don't dwell on it. However, there is one decision... One I made a very long time ago. One that makes me cry to think about it to this very day. Even now as I type this, my eyes well up with tears of regret. The decision to stop dancing. I know it may sound stupid to some of you but to me, it changed my life. When I was dancing, it was the only time I was truly happy. I was free and able to express myself. I could slip away into another reality and my soul would be light and void of stress and worry. Not just any dance; ballet. The truly graceful, beautiful, painfully exquisite form of pointe. I was at the apprentice stage when I walked away. There are three stages: The beginning dance stage The middle dance stage The apprentice stage I can't help
I have some new pictures of me, please stop by and take a look at them. Please rate them so i might as more. I am not here for ratings, i am here for friendship but I would hope you might help me level up so can share more pictures about me and my life to you. HUGSsssss to all of you and talk to you soon.! Pete
Read This And Help....
I have some new pictures of me, please stop by and take a look at them. Please rate them so i might as more. I am not here for ratings, i am here for friendship but I would hope you might help me level up so can share more pictures about me and my life to you. HUGSsssss to all of you and talk to you soon.! Pete
a long time ago there were a group of people who worshiped the petrols of the forrest and of the afterworld. these people all came together and prayed to their petrols for freedom, when the deal was made a tree was planted on a mountainside that symbolized freedom.
Do Not Rate This Blog, Read It And Help Me!
I have some new pictures of me, please stop by and take a look at them. Please rate them so i might as more. I am not here for ratings, i am here for friendship but I would hope you might help me level up so can share more pictures about me and my life to you. HUGSsssss to all of you and talk to you soon.! Pete
Death Note..season 1..episode 5
Death Note Season 1Episode 5
I Have Been Bought
I have been owned by Momma Tasha for one month. Not only is she a great friend, she is also my R/L wife. Stop by her page and show her much LOVE. I know she will return the favor.
Hello......i Need Your Help!
I have some new pictures of me, please stop by and take a look at them. Please rate them so i might as more. I am not here for ratings, i am here for friendship but I would hope you might help me level up so can share more pictures about me and my life to you. HUGSsssss to all of you and talk to you soon.! Pete
Just Music
More Europe And "me" Pictures.....
I have some new pictures of me, please stop by and take a look at them. Please rate them so i might as more. I am not here for ratings, i am here for friendship but I would hope you might help me level up so can share more pictures about me and my life to you. HUGSsssss to all of you and talk to you soon.! Pete
Please Read
I have some new pictures of me, please stop by and take a look at them. Please rate them so i might as more. I am not here for ratings, i am here for friendship but I would hope you might help me level up so can share more pictures about me and my life to you. HUGSsssss to all of you and talk to you soon.! Pete
Tequila And Salt
This should probably be taped to your bathroom mirror where one could read it every day. You may not realize it, but it's 100% true 1. There are at least two people in this world that you would die for. 2. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way. 3. The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you. 4. A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don't like you. 5. Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to sleep 6. You mean the world to someone. 7. You are special and unique. 8. Someone that you don't even know exists loves you. 9. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it. 10 When you think the world has turned its back on you take another look. 11 Always remember the compliments you received. Forget about the rude remarks. And always remember.... when life hands you Lemons, ask for Tequila and Salt and cal
Help Out If You Care...... And Please Read!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have some new pictures of me, please stop by and take a look at them. Please rate them so i might as more. I am not here for ratings, i am here for friendship but I would hope you might help me level up so can share more pictures about me and my life to you. HUGSsssss to all of you and talk to you soon.! Pete
Tagged 2
The rules are: Once you've been tagged you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose 5 people to be tagged. No tag backs. 1. Almost every time I hear a song, any song, I say "I love this song" 2. I once had an iguana that I had free-roam of the house. 3. I am such a reading freak that when I was a kid I would sit on the toilet and read the back of shampoo bottles and sit at the breakfast table and read the back of cereal boxes. 4. I've never lived further than an hour from the hospital in which I was born. 5. I used to have the characters from The Little Rascals and Timmy from Lassie as invisible friends. 6. I lose EVERYTHING. 7. When I drink, I tend to do so excessively. 8. A lot of times I can't fall asleep without putting the individual parts of my body to sleep, one at a time, in my mind first. 9. I still sit "Indian style" 99% of the time. 10. I don't shave my legs all tha
Car Show & Our Drifti Season
Definately want to go to the Expo next weekend and check out the Hot Cars, HAWT Models and Live Entertainment going down!The "official" UnNatural VIP afterpartyAnd yes, oh yes.... the Drifting series is back for this season!Repost this, friends! :)
Dark Valentine's Fetish Ball - Photos
Lastnight was a blast!! We had our Fetish Valentine's party... enjoy the pics... and don't forget to rate this blog for Me ok...
Modern Immigration
I'm sorry but I'm getting sick of this crap. I'm the descendant of Italian and German immigrants who were HAPPY to come to America and glad that they were welcome here. Yes I believe immigration is a big problem now. Too many people come here and don't learn English. I don't mind people come here from other countries to pursue a better life. But damn please learn english. I don't see Instructions for electronic devices being printed with Italian in them? Why not? Plenty of Italians immigrated here. But I guess I'm just a racist I'm not(I have more ill feelings towards white people then anyone else), but I suppose I'll get called a racist for this. Please if your going to come to America, learn english, respect the flag, and don't be a dousch!
Be A Friend And Help Out
I have some new pictures of me, please stop by and take a look at them. Please rate them so i might as more. I am not here for ratings, i am here for friendship but I would hope you might help me level up so can share more pictures about me and my life to you. HUGSsssss to all of you and talk to you soon.! Pete
The Dark Queen
I want to thank the Dark Queen for her help, please look below where you see those who came to visit my page and go to her site to help her out as well too.
Security Officer
Thank You
I want to thank the Dark Queen for her help, please look below where you see those who came to visit my page and go to her site to help her out as well too.
Help My Friend
shay@ fubar Show her some fu-love please!
Think It's Ok??
Think its OK to boss a girl around? Slap her around a few times and teach her a lesson? She's just a dumb "bitch" a "slut". No! Shes human being, a girl that deserves to be loved and respected. Not used and thrown out like a piece of trash. A "man" should NEVER hit a woman. And should never force his girl to have sex with him, thats not something you do to the person you supposedly love. So if you're against Spousal Abuse please repost this! And if you don't you're not going to die or be raped by a toaster, you're just cold at heart. And if your a guy thats man enough to repost this GOOD for you. (repost of original by '
Tag...........guess What Ur It!!!
Only b/c you all wonder what goes through my head! LOL YOu have to do this since I had to, so have fun. BUT you have to post your 5 things in my comments under this!! Just to make it ooh yeah along with doing your own too. Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. Alrighty, lets see: 1~I hate Baked Potatoes, but LOVE mashed's completely different. 2~The ppl I work with think I have toretts...I don't know why. 3~I am always freezing! 4~I absolutely can NOT stand it when I can hear ppl chew!!! I mean seriously... 5~I have a small case of OCD! 6~I love to make ppl smile! 7~I Hate the lakes, I don't like that you can't see the bottom of the
You Should Realy Read This
there was a pic to but woulnt let me put it on. it was hands fron baby to elderly in a circle GRANDMA'S HANDS Grandma, some ninety plus years, sat feebly on the patio bench. She didn't move, just sat with her head down staring at her hands. When I sat down beside her she didn't acknowledge my presence and the longer I sat I wondered if she was OK. Finally, not really wanting to disturb her but wanting to check on her at the same time, I asked her if she was OK. She raised her head and looked at me and smiled. "Yes, I'm fine, thank you for asking," she said in a clear voice strong. "I didn't mean to disturb you, grandma, but you were just sitting here staring at your hands and I wanted to make sure you were OK," I explained to her. "Have you ever looked at your hands," she asked. "I mean really looked at your hands?" I slowly opened my hands and stared down at them. I turned them over, palms up and then palms down. No, I guess I had never really looked
10 Random Things About Me
1 - I am an insane Met fan. 2 - I have an extreme type A personality. 3 - I love my husband beyond reason. 4 - I suffer panic attacks. 5 - I am more insecure than I come across. 6 - I want to live in Italy for a year. 7 - I love being a housewife. 8 - I am a Republican and proud of it. 9 - I am a Christian and am proud of that more. 10 - Once I am your friend you have me for life no matter what.
I Am A Three Timing Asshole
I have played to the game with three women and i did not think it would come back at me....well it did....I lost two great women who have been there every step of the moment for me....then there was one that i was infatuated with and she has nothing to do with me due to the fact that i have lied to her and i have lied to a girl that I was with for 4 years and to a woman that bared my children for 13 years...i am a complete no good for nothing asshole...and i just want everyone to know that i can not be trusted and that I am a worthless piece of shit...and i want to say sorry and ask for forgiveness for what i have done...but i know they will never forget what i did...i will live up to the name of asshole because i am one... from the asshole
Do Not Pass This By....please Read This.
I have some new pictures of me, please stop by and take a look at them. Please rate them so i might as more. I am not here for ratings, i am here for friendship but I would hope you might help me level up so can share more pictures about me and my life to you. HUGSsssss to all of you and talk to you soon.! Pete
The rules are: Once you've been tagged you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose 5 people to be tagged. No tag backs. 1. I use tooth picks to clean under my nails. 2. I still play pokemon on my gameboy. 3. I hate my mom. 4. I have 2 brother, 5 sisters, 7 nephews, 4 neices, and 2 more on the way. 5. I have trust issues. 6. I have a tendency to fall madly in love with geeks/nerds/dorks. 7. I can't drive with shoes on. 8. I hate bras. 9. If I could give up 10 years of my life for one more day with my dad, I would do it in a heart beat. 10. I hate mashed potatoes more than George Bush. TAGGED: Alchemist Papi Wolfie 514x0r Dante
Be A Real Friend.
I have some new pictures of me, please stop by and take a look at them. Please rate them so i might as more. I am not here for ratings, i am here for friendship but I would hope you might help me level up so can share more pictures about me and my life to you. HUGSsssss to all of you and talk to you soon.! Pete
Help Me Add More Europe Pictures
I have some new pictures of me, please stop by and take a look at them. Please rate them so i might as more. I am not here for ratings, i am here for friendship but I would hope you might help me level up so can share more pictures about me and my life to you. HUGSsssss to all of you and talk to you soon.! Pete
Please Read
I have some new pictures of me, please stop by and take a look at them. Please rate them so i might as more. I am not here for ratings, i am here for friendship but I would hope you might help me level up so can share more pictures about me and my life to you. HUGSsssss to all ov you and talk to you soon.! Pete
Weeeee! What Fun!!!
Instructions... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1- I can "pop" just about every joint I have. My body will probably rebel against this one day! 2- I am pretty sure I am addicted to silly games like The Sims and any kind of build your own type of thing...IE Monopoly Tycoon, Rise of Nations, Age of Empires...etc etc... 3- I will never outgrow funky outfits and makeup even if it makes me look like a total fucktard! Screw ya I like it :P 4-I chew gum ALL THE TIME....even when Im sleeping, smoking, drinking, but not when Im eating. Gum of choice...Extra Polar Ice! 5-I love shoes but hate wearing them...I probably own about 40 different pair and only wear one pair of fl
New Pictures.....
I have some new pictures of me, please stop by and take a look at them. Please rate them so i might as more. I am not here for ratings, i am here for friendship but I would hope you might help me level up so can share more pictures about me and my life to you. HUGSsssss to all ov you and talk to you soon.! Pete
Just A Thought
I have been hurt more by people that say I love you then by those that call me scum
Sweet! I'm A Fuberlord Now!
I'd like to thank the four people who made it possible, but mostly banditgirly (yeah, I don't think I mention her enough). On the most part I just logged in and did other things while I racked up free point bonuses for being online. So yeah, I guess the greatest contributor to my success is some time based site coding. WOOHOO for Random Geek Stuff! Now if only I can find some way to get Bada Bing off my list of lounges...makes sense that a lounge is permanently on your list if you get banned for giving the DJ a hard time. Stupid god-trippers, enjoy your power til the site's servers crash (again). Now let's see how many hours of doing nothing it takes to reach the next level :D
So What...
Okay so I am not trying to sound conceded or anything but it is really f’ed up that I have on my page marked as "in a relationship" but all this guys seem really cool and we talk and the second they actually pay attention or find out that I am taken they f'in don’t talk to me anymore. The internet is not always meant to "hook up" I want to talk to you whether or not I am taken and our conversations don’t have to be about sex and everything else! I am happily taken and I just want to talk to some other rad people whether they are a guy or girl. So if you are looking for a "hook up" you are not going to find it here so don’t waste my time but if you are willing to just have a conversation and a friend then that is cool I will talk to you!
Here is your life. Fubar Here is where you find your friends. Conversation. Pics, stash, blogs, mumms all share the inner most parts of who you are with your friends and potential new friends. You laugh, gossip, send fu-gifts, fupal fubucks and fu-drinks to your friends. You go to their page and leave comments. Friends are so good to have. They make you laugh, comfort you when you are upset. They share your deepest secrets. You buy (with REAL money) blasts, VIPs and HH for your friends. THEN WHY IN THE HELL do your friends have to post a bulletin asking you to help them level. help them in the contest they are in by leaving comments and rates WHY? Get off your ass and BE A FRIEND!!! Know what your FRIEND needs so they shouldn't have to post pathetic bulletins. Not that they are pathetic. but you as the friend that knows your friend is in need and all you do sit there looking at your monitor, DUH!!! Not Helping your friend you ar
You've Been Tagged
I was Tagged by Jade Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1. I have adult ADD 2. I was in Japan my 1st year in the Marines 3. I graduated during the year of the Bicentenial 4. I HATE Lies 5. I am pro equal rights especially when MEN are descriminated against 6. I have been to Canada and Jamacia 7. My favorite Pro teams are the Chiefs and the Royals... no matter HOW many times they lose 8. I was a virign till I was 30... and I am proud of it 9. I am neither a conservitive nor a liberal 10. My favorite food is fried chicken
Hello everyone, Sorry I didn't write sooner. Being cuffed to a bed can cause a problem. Ok dream stalker might be fun but tons of kandi and tweak, and more dick past the dream stalker up so bad, The friend I told you about had tons of surprise for me including spiked drinks, handcuffs, and tons of abuse for my little body. No, I didn't get a stun gun to my clit but i did get tons of beatings and pain. I'm so sore and I really don't know the details.
No Matter
no matter how we feel and how we react we are all the same in a mental speaking sort of way. we act like we need to get somewhere and feel good about ourselves but the truth is we need to stop and relax and just go with the flow. we should all stop what we are doing and just take time for ourselves and just sit back and relax. i know to all of you that have seen my blogs feel like i am just looking for sympathy well i am not i am looking to find ways to vent my feelings and emotions and i don't care if you don't care i am doing it for me and me alone. i write cause i have a pure good-hearted soul and feel getting things out helps. so just for the record when you read this just remember i don't fucking care what you think i am just being me
Blue Lounge Hotties And Fun
Come Join in the party at The Original Blue Lounge!! We have lots of hotties (guys and girls) We have the best music and promise you nothing less then a great time. So stop on by and show us some love, have a few drinks, and party it up with our awsome staff!! JUST CLICK HERE AND ENTER THE (BLUE) LOUNGE
Ohhhhhshit And Purple Satin
Tag Your It!!!!
TAG YOUR IT !! The rules are: Once you've been tagged you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose 5 people to be tagged. List their names and why you chose them to be tagged. Don't forget to leave a comment thats says "You are tagged" on their profile and to read your latest blog. Have fun! OK ten odd facts about me goes 1. I have a metal hip. 2. I'm afraid of heights. 3. I have a terrible fear of mice. 4. I have only been in 4 states my entire life. 5. I forever fear that I am not a good enough mom. 6. When I love I love intensely and completely. 7. My favorite food is chocolate. 8. My favorite color is pink. 9. I've never been on a plane but have purchased a plane ticket. 10. I have been spotted using a walker/cane in the past and man did I feel old using them. I'm going to tag Noone cuz I don't wanna forward
En typisk nazist er ganske sikkert en nødvendig del av det mennesklige vesen. Tenkt i et huleboersamfunn vil de antagelig stå og brøle når sabeltanntigeren lusker utenfor inngangen. Og de ville opplagt ha slått ned enhver neandertaler som forvillet seg i nœrheten. Naturens forsvarsverker. Tilbake til reisen til Paraguay. Den foregikk fram til 5 år etter at N var blitt gal. Både N og E søker altså i det samme tidsrommet desperat etter ensomhet. N drar til Italia. Men ikke til den katolske kirken. E drar til de Amerika. Og hun tviholder på Luther i tillegg til jødehatet og vegetarianisme. Hitler var vegetarianer. Og det er derfor ikke interessant hvorfor H ble det, men hvorfor E ble det. Det kan virke som om E holder seg borte fra det som skjer inntil hun er helt sikker på at broren ikke blir frisk. Og det må ha vœrt en god grunn til det. Jødehat, katolskhat og vegetarianer samtidig sier sitt. Alle 3 betyr "et liv uten Salome". Spørsmålet blir da om hun ønsket Salome,
How To Apply
If you wish to apply to be a disciple of the Se7en Sins... send us a private message telling us about you... We are only taking 49 Disciples... So apply now... Each week apps will be held until Saturday where they will be decided on, approved and sorted into team what team you will be on...
Hva skulle til for at det kunne skje? En generell mistro mot kristendommen. Og ettersom F i så stor grad spiller rollen som Salomes elsker må han ha vœrt hoveddelen av E's ståsted.
She Is Awesome!
PLEASE go show this very special lady lots and lots of love for me. Jennifer ~ Club F.A.R. Member ~ Fan~Add~Rate... Fu~Angel@ fubar Rate her pics, stash, fan and add. Whatever you can do to help say Thank You for me! She just donated $200,000 to my Spotlight Fund! This Thank You brought to you by: ~PebblesinAZ~ OwN3d by Domking123~@ fubar
A Little Experiment
I posted 3 universal mumms with three different types of situations. One was a real medical situation (which happens to be about something that happened to me), one was about the ideal date, and one about sex. I have been paying attention to what is going on with the mumms as far as the viewing, voting and commenting. Obviously all three have a purpose, but what I looking to pay the most attention to was the comments. The commenting is moreso to come back upon me as a person, but it doesn't make it any less important. Since the mumms are really used for fun or a way to get people's opinions, without knowing the person who is commenting (mind you, they also don't know you either), I wanted to see how much people would actually "judge the book by its cover". I have written on my page that you should look beyond the texts sometimes. Now as I look at comments posted on the last 2 of the 3 mumms, I know I have been judged and maybe even branded, yet these are by people who don'
Alrighty. I AM OK!! after the emo ranting blog i posted the other day, i felt an extreme need to un-emo myself to my friends out in fu-land... i can at least say i am better than i was before. the guy i dated but stayed friends with is a lying sack of shit. but unfortunately i can't simply kick him out of my life. we have too many mutual friends, my photographer uses him as a model, and we do work at the same community theater. so i guess the most i can do is just try to stay friendly with him. i refuse to be one of those people who makes their friends choose who to hang out with. and if he makes the effort to rebuild his friendship with me, then i will meet him halfway and consider what he says and does, but i make no promises about the outcome. and the other guy...i just can't be friends with him. end of story. i'm not gonna sit and listen to him talk about his new wifey-poo and the baby and know that he told me that he wanted to end up with me instead of her. that just do
And So It Goes...
I met my bf's grandmother today. She's a feisty thing LOL I like her. She's not afraid to tell you how it is. I also met his one uncle and his wife. His uncle is a pilot. Owns a plane that I believe is like a Cesna but its from 1947. Old plane and its really awesome looking. Seem like nice ppl. I've been there might as well say all week except for Monday lol. Mykah was with me tuesday and wednesday while down there. But i've stayed the weekend with him. Its been great. Yesterday we went out on his motorcycle for a ride. We were out bout an hour, hour and a half. It was great. Had a blast. He was a bit crabby today, but I think alot of it has to do with his ex calling him this morning... and later this afternoon, lol. she likes to cause havic LOL. But he has to take her calls because she had his boys. But i know he would ignore her if he could. Wont see him much this week. I go home tomorrow and pick up Mykah, then I gotta get moved into my house on tuesday. Friday-Monday he will
Tag Ur It!!!
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1) I have 6 dogs,2 ferrets,1 cat,1 gerbil, & 4 fish. 2) I never get enough sleep. 3) Listen to music about 15hrs a day. 4) I Love eating cool ranch doritos with Cheese. 5) I'm a smoker, but not really a drinker. It's sad for me being a bartender. 6) Love Thunderstorms & hurricanes, especially when the power goes out. 7) Hate being a single parent. So friggin hard. 8) Is a romantic at Heart. 9) Needs a maid. Never have time to clean. 10) Struggling to find 10 things to say about me. Mystêfyï☼ Micki.Blue Splash JustMEEEE DJ*~DiRtY AdDiCtIoN *~*SASSY
Catch Me If You Care...
What I am going to say here is probably the most personal thing ever I am going to admit or say to anyone, in fact, I had never shared this even with the closest people in my life, and I really don’t know what elated me to share it here, perhaps I don’t really care if anyone would read about it and what would the reader think about me afterwards, apart from labeling me as insane. For many years now, I have had this weird fantasy… Not sure if it’s actually a “fantasy”, as we tend to associate the word with a more pleasant meaning, but let’s name it fantasy until I find a more suitable word. The fantasy is about standing on a very high cliff together with the man I love (no one in particular, just in terms of “man I love”), someone with who we really, REALLY love each other. And then, looking in the man’s eyes, I’d take a step back, approach the edge and… my feet will slide, but I’d be falling with my face to the sky, tensely watching the edge of the cliff, where the man I love stands
Em.jay You Suck.....but I Still Love You.
You know how this works. Make a list of 10 things not obvious to the 'net world. They should be quirky/odd/bizarre/random as hell. Then, at the end of your blog, tag 5 friends. Don't forget to leave them a comment saying "you're it!"... 'cause then they won't know to blog some interesting factoids about themselves & tag their friends & keep the vicious cycle going. heh. 1) i need to build my new dvd tower, cause i ran out of room AGAIN :s 2) i want to live in washington cause they don't have income tax. 3) i hope rick will go through with his plans of going to helicopter school. 4) aparently i started talking in my sleep... 5) we are hopefully getting a free car from some old people who live in my parents neighborhood 6) wants to lose weight, but is WAAAAY too lazy, and lacks motivation 7) i need to see a chiropractor. 8) i cleaned my desk's been messy for months... :s 9) i started to follow a trend...i got a pair of big sunglasses.. 10) i need to go throug
Fav Movie Quotes
Don't forget. I'm just a girl standing in front of a boy...asking him to love her." --Notting Hill * * * * * * * * * He was like an angel, you know? I never knew life could be like that. He was the one thing I followed through in my life, the one thing I didn't give up on. I was good at loving him. -- The Untamed Heart * * * * * * * * * I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair. I hate the way you drive my car. I hate it when you stare. I hate your big dumb combat boots, and the way you read my mind. I hate you so much it makes me sick; it even makes me rhyme. I hate it, I hate the way you're always right. I hate it when you lie. I hate it when you make me laugh, even worse when you make me cry. I hate it that you're not around, and the fact that you didn't call. But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you. Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all. --Ten Things I Hate About You" * * * * * * * * * "Take love, multiply it by infinity
I Need A Machanic Lol !
Ok I got my jeep 3 years ago about lol and when I got it I replaced the front cvc joints both of them ! OK today I had to replace the front left one again ! What is the deal ? Any one have any ideas . It is a 1998 grand jeep cherakee strait 6 4 wheel drive . Is there something that could be bent causing pressure on it to break them ? Any ideas let me know lol Thanks !
Sarcastic Quote
Sarcastic quote of the day: "I love how people say your a racist if you don't want people to sneak into your country ILLEGALLY. So can I sneak into your house without your permission,I could use a bigger place, c"mon I just want to better myself!!!" This made me smile:) I can't help it!
Uh Huh Another One Fun Fun Fun
1. Were you happy when you woke up? no i was tired as heck from being woke up 4 or 5 times during the night 2. When was the last time you felt unbearably guilty? its been awhile 3. How is life going for you right now? could be better 4. When was the last time you held someones hand? a few days ago i held devons hand 5. What are you doing right now? making tess's day by answering this survey! 6.What color is your shirt? white 7. Who was the last person you talked to on aim? i dont have aim 9. Have you ever kissed anyone who's name started with a J? yep 10. Would you get married if you could right now? depends on who the person is, but i would have to lose the loser hubby i have now 11. What's the best feeling you've ever had? when i gave birth to my kids, and knowing that i was the person they depended on for everything. 12. Who was the last person, of the opposite sex you talked/messaged to? kevin 15. What is the next concert you're going
A Dream
This was made for me by a dear friend.Thank You Jim ** hugs hun ** A love so far so far from me in distant lands is where I want to be For not just a lover but also a friend to be together until the very end For she loves the oceans and the sea for everything I do she will be there for me A love that has just a short start it feels like a lifetime we have been apart For the thousands of miles between you and me may seem far but you are close to me For when I close my eyes I see you sitting here next to me We go for walks amongst the trees holding hands in the woods the sunset we see We sit and we watch this beautiful sight loving each other with all our might We go for a ride on my bike you on the back holding me tight We ride down the winding country streets for me I find this such a great treat We sit in the evenings by candlelight sharing a meal savoring each bite Then we move to the floor by the fire we share passionate kisses and show how we care The smell of your
I Was Bored......
Instructions... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. I don't really like music that doesn't have a lot of bass to it. I twitch my toes at all the dotted lines on the road, even when I'm the one driving. I love anything with Dragons on it. I eat all candies like M&M's in twos via color. I take cigerettes out of my packs in a specific order. I can't keep my fingers out of my mouth if I don't have my nails professionally done, But if they are done, they never get near my mouth. I hate watching T.V. I have 14 piercings, but I'm terrified of needles. I hate country music, but know more counrty songs than any other. I hate men, but can't talk myself into going gay. I am tag
Poem From My Good Friend Jim
As seasons come and seasons go I dream of a love made not long ago Even with a distance so far I know that our love will not bar For you on one side and I on the other I see you every day, in my minds eye You are here right by my side I find myself in a place unknown to me For other women I don’t even see For my world around you it does abound No matter who else may be around. If only the courage to tell you I had Then to fly out to see you what a time we would have Just to hold your hand, and kiss your sweet lips To see your face, would be total bliss Yet here I lay like a bump on a log Sad to say I’m as broke as a dog One day it is my deepest desire To come to your arms and lay by your side I could then die happy everything would then be right.
Tik And Crazy Suckered Me Demmit...
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. Weird/Random Facts 1. I like Peanutbutter and Potato Chip Sandwiches 2. I like to drink beer over mixed drinks 3. I have a cold 4. Snot is dripping from my nose 5. I wiped my nose 6. I like the color pink 7. But is not a gurlie gurl 8. Thinks Tiklin is sexy 9. Thinks Crazy is sexy too 10. But would sex Twisted_Fate up before anyone else OK now my buddies its ur turn next... Tag ur it... The Strange One@ fubar The Legendary AXL(scorpiogirl_242005's RL/FU hubby)(vp@looking glass)Devious Dungeon Enforcer@ fubar Razor{Dj Saberoph's Fu Wife}{Promoter For The Devious Dungeon}@
Starbucks - Damn
I like a really great cup of coffee... But I guess I won't be drinking Starbucks anymore!!!! Recently Marines in Iraq wrote to Starbucks because they wanted to let them know how much they liked their coffees and to request that they send some of it to the troops there. Starbucks replied, telling the Marines thank you for their support of their business, but that Starbucks does not support the war, nor anyone in it, and that they would not send the troops their brand of coffee. So as not to offend Starbucks, maybe we should not support them by buying any of their products! I feel we should get this out in the open. I know this war might not be very popular with some folks, but that doesn't mean we don't support the boys on the ground fighting street-to-street and house-to-house. If you feel the same as I do then pass this along, or you can discard it and no one will never know. Thanks very much for your support. I know you'll all be there again when I deploy once
what has this world come too? Where people dont depend on themselves anymore? This is the question that i ask to you... the desprate fans of the world. Where will it all end? The chaos, the fighting, the anarchy? This is a society of those who do do things for others... but for themselves.
i race friday the 8th and saturday the 9th with a poor running machine i finished 4th out of 8 rider on friday 5th out of 7 on saturday
Lifes Lessons.
This was written for another site, However, I have had several people tell me I should post it here as well, so:) enjoy!~Julz Well, its been awhile, since I felt this strong. I know I can survive. I know, that I can make it through, whatever life deals me. Things are looking up, its gonna be a long road, and i know there will still be days, when i cry myself to sleep. I know there will be "what if" days, however, I expect those days to become fewer, and farther in between, until this portion of my life becomes just another story. Just another chapter. 2007 was a year, of so many ups and downs. This year, was a country song, and well, i think, after all is said and done, that it should be a novel. I can't figure out how i have survived, to take a breath this very day. I should be dead. honestly, I should have probably killed myself. I was under a maddening pressure this year. I cried one to many days this year. I laughed to few. But, through it all, I learned. I
F*ck Startbucks
I like a really great cup of coffee... But I guess I won't be drinking Starbucks anymore!!!! Recently Marines in Iraq wrote to Starbucks because they wanted to let them know how much they liked their coffees and to request that they send some of it to the troops there. Starbucks replied, telling the Marines thank you for their support of their business, but that Starbucks does not support the war, nor anyone in it, and that they would not send the troops their brand of coffee. So as not to offend Starbucks, maybe we should not support them by buying any of their products! I feel we should get this out in the open. I know this war might not be very popular with some folks, but that doesn't mean we don't support the boys on the ground fighting street-to-street and house-to-house. If you feel the same as I do then pass this along, or you can discard it and no one will never know. Thanks very much for your support. I know you'll all be there again when I deploy once
They Say That It Is Better To Have Loved And Lost, Then To Have Ever Loved At All....
.....Just like asking is the glass half empty or half full. It all depends on how you look at it. When you love someone you experience feelings and emotions you never thought possable. But then you get hurt and thats the point of which you wished you has never fallin in love in the first place. If nothing else, love is the only truth out there, it never tells you any lies, there is no "i think im in love" your in love, your just to scared to admit it in fear of getting hurt. But its just something that has to happen, yes its painful, and yes it takes a while to get over. But we do get over it. But there is that one special person that when you look into their eyes, you see more then love. Its a feeling that is highly unexplainable and unavoidable, and those are the ones who kinda sneek up on ya! You dont really look for them, but you find them either way! And they also happen to be the ones who change your world. They show you things that you never thought possable. Then, you drop the
Random Poem
This love for you ive never known at all. My hate and dispair has overthrown me. Do you promise to catch me if i fall? Or will you let me crash and leave me be? The answer to my question, i must find. You said you loved me, is this true? You have a heart, so warm, gentile and kind. They say love is blind, but i can see you! You say that you love me, tell me you care. I would really like to know how you feel. And if i look for you, will you be there? Just tell me, are these feelings for you real? Or are these feelings for you just loveless? Tell me that you love me, and that i shoulsd know this!
10 Random Facts About Me
Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1. I enjoy reading 2. I am learning the saw and the tenor banjo - fits my environment 3. I take naps for the simple pleasure of it 4. I really do not care at all about any sports....makes a fine guy to have around, cause i aint the one who'll be spending his sunday afternoons watching some sporting event 5. I like puzzles, but I like em best when i can share the fun of doing them with someone else. 6. Animals LOVE me....probably more than I love them, yet I have no pets, but I do have a few deer that visit the yard from time to time, and they are perfectly happy with allowing me to converse with them, while they graze. 7. I wish I
Omg How Bad Is This?
I like a really great cup of coffee... But I guess I won't be drinking Starbucks anymore!!!! Recently Marines in Iraq wrote to Starbucks because they wanted to let them know how much they liked their coffees and to request that they send some of it to the troops there. Starbucks replied, telling the Marines thank you for their support of their business, but that Starbucks does not support the war, nor anyone in it, and that they would not send the troops their brand of coffee. So as not to offend Starbucks, maybe we should not support them by buying any of their products! I feel we should get this out in the open. I know this war might not be very popular with some folks, but that doesn't mean we don't support the boys on the ground fighting street-to-street and house-to-house. If you feel the same as I do then pass this along, or you can discard it and no one will never know. Thanks very much for your support. I know you'll all be there again when I deploy
October 2008, 5 Days In The Caribbean!
We've put together an awesome cruise in October if you guys would like to join us. It's sailing out of Miami Oct 25 for a 5 day Western Caribbean cruise stopping in Grand Cayman and Ocho Rios. It's only a $25pp deposit to secure a cabin and total costs start at $400pp including all fees, port charges and gratuities. You can have up to 4 ppl per cabin and if you take kids, they have an awesome Camp Carnival program where the kids have a great place to play very well supervised. You can pick them up and take them with you wherever and whenever you want too. Here are some more amenities on the cruise: $100 onboard credit per cabin Champagne and Chocolates in cabin 1 hr OPEN BAR meet and greet Carnival Tote Bag ($25 value) photo coupon Just think.. You REALLY deserve to get out and do something and have an awesome time! You can make payments towards it til the final payment date of Aug 19th. It would be absolutely awesome to see everyone! You can make memories of a lifetime f
I Carry Your Heart With Me
I carry your heart with me I carry it in my heart am never without it anywhere i go you go, my dear; and whatever is done by only me is your doing, my darling. I fear no fate for you are my fate, my sweet. I want no world for beautiful you are my world, my true and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant and whatever a sun will always sing is you here is the deepest secret nobody knows here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called life which grows higher than soul can hope or mind can hide and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart.
Hey all!! I need a lil help hitting 10,000 comments in order to win a VIP Any help is very much apreciated!!! click the pic link below to begin comenting thank you all very much!! (((( hugs )))) Jersey xx
Hardy Har Har.
Ok people. Heres my issue. I added someone last night in one of my random point gathering phantom raids. This is the shoutbox conversation i just finished with this person. ...BBW... ...: bye* ...BBW... ...: ok fime u r teh one send me a friend request!! not me soo i was teying to be nice!!! so fine fuck u and byr ->|| Wicked ...: Your* even. More clear? ->|| Wicked ...: You man. Doesnt mean a hill of shit. If he's an ass and you deal with it...thats your own lifetime movie. Im here for entertainment. If youre an ass. Fine. Great. Good for you. Glad you can join the club. But your ability to deal with me....being relative to your ability to handle someone i dont know. Doesnt mean anything. ->|| Wicked ...: Hold on. Let me make this more clear. ->|| Wicked ...: Oh. I guess i wasnt clear. ...BBW... ...: I'm an ass too! ...BBW... ...: i read ur profile i have a man the ios an ass to i just deal with that ...BBW... ...: mmm?? ->|| Wicked ...: strkel. um. fir
I Am Real!
listen people my sister just called me having a cow it seems some people have to hurt others to win a stupid contest. I am real see i have a salute now. I jus got a camera to put pics up i had my best friends pic here till i got one never said it was my pic ever and unfortunately we only have one cpu in this house so not everyone can get on at the same time. SO BACK OFF LOSERS!
Just Another Survey
Take this survey 1. How old will you turn in 2009? 33 omg 2. Do you think you will be married by then? yes, sucks 3. What do you look forward to most in the next 3 months?? getting thru my 1st two classes of school 4. Do you like to say I told you so? 5. Who was the last person to call you? mark 6. Do you prefer call or text? call 7. Do you have any pets? yep 8. What were you doing at 1:30 am? sleeping 9. What were you doing at 3:00 am? sleeping 10. When was the last time you saw your mom? today 11. What is your mood? tired as heck 12. How many houses have you lived in? 3 13. How many city/towns have you lived in? too many 14. Do you prefer shoes, socks, barefeet or sandals? shoes 15. Are you a social person? yes 16. What was the last thing you ate? mcchicken 17. What is your favorite color? blue 18. What are you doing for your next birthday? nothing like usual 19. What is your favor
Turning 40/420/and Route 440.
Yea. So last night I turned 40. I had the traditional Birthday Dinner with the Folks (the parents not the gang). It was good….even got a wee bit tipsy on vino. I came home and did the Fu thing for a bit….whatever that entails. Looked at assorted nonsense on line, btw, for me Synths – PORN! ;) A friend I shall call Rui, heck that is his name messaged me and asked me what am I going to do for my birthday? I told him probably nothing, just some hot n heavy Nintendo DS action. Nothing gets me worked up than a good game of Tetris. A couple of ideas were bandied about and we decided to goto my nemesis of nightclubs..Qxt’s. Of course Eric wanted to go as well but I had to pick him up (that’s code for Eric wants to get utterly and completely mind f*cked) and I was again relegated to the designated driver status. So the Honda is gassed up and I’m on my way to Herr Eric’s lair. Apparently nothing has changed in his apartment since the last time I was there (which has be
Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there... to serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson or help figure out who you are or who you want to become. You never know who these people may be but then you lock eyes with them, you know that very moment that they will affect your life in some profound way. and sometimes things happen to you at the time that may seem horrible, painful and unfair, but in reflection you realize that without overcoming those obstacles you would have never realized your potential, strength, willpower or heart. Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by means of good luck. Illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul. Without these small tests, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to nowhere. Safe and comfortable but dull and utterly pointless. The people you meet affe
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. a) I do not like to use the phone for social chit chat b) Animals like me more than I like them c) I inspect restaurants, supermarkets and teach food safety for a living. (Coot, don't be afraid of the leftovers, be afraid of the ice machines) d) I am a denim snob. Not into labels...but selvedge type jeans only, preferably loomed in Japan. Cd) If you call out my real name, George, in public I probably won't notice. But if you call out Pussy! I'll turn around. e) I MuMM standing up in my kitchen whilst cooking food for my family. f) I have been mugged, twice g) I'm having a hard time being a husband and an easy time be
Leather Slave For Life
Leather Slave For Life My leather fetish had been with me ever since the age of twelve. Sine that time I had always wanted to be leather slave to a Mistress. A leather slave is someone who is kept in leather 24/7 365. He is usually locked into a leather bondage suit and his Mistress holds the key. His Mistress controls when he speaks, what he hears, when he eats, what he eats, when he goes to the bathroom and when, if and how he is allowed any stimulation at all. My time had come. After searching for years for a Mistress that would accept such a task and a devoted submissive as myself I finally found her on a personals web site called Fubar. Her name was Twisted Goddess. Her title “Twisted Goddess”, gave me a strong indication that she might very well be the Mistress who would want to take a freak like me lock him up in a leather bondage suit. After Mistress and I courted for several months I gained her acceptance as a true submissive and she gained my trust. Which for me was
Getting There! Need More, More, More
I AM SAVING FOR SPOTLIGHT! I have officially set up a Spotlight fund and have had so many friends step up to help out that it's AWESOME! I am about half way to what I need to start bidding. If you're fubucks don't matter to you and you are looking for something useful to do with them I would be most grateful if you donated them to my cause. I am making salutes for everyone that donates and pimpin' your profiles in special bulletins. Any donations of $10,000 or more will also receive a custom graphic from my friend Tinkerbell cause she's awesome like that. Any donations of $200,000 or more will receive a weekly solo pimpout bulletin for one month as well as a spot on my profile for a month as well. I always do whatever I can to help my friends and will give back however I can. Pass this on! xoxo PebblesinAZ ~PebblesinAZ~ OwN3d by Domking123~@ fubar
Do Not Stand At My Grave And Weep
We found this poem in grandma's bible and it was read at her grave side. Do not stand at my grave and weep Do not stand at my grave and weep. I am not there, I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow. I am the diamonds glint in the snow. I am the sunlight on the ripen green. I am the autumn’s gentle rain. When you awaken in the morning hush, I am the swift uplifting rush, Of quiet birds in circled flight. I am the soft star that shines at night. Do not stand at my grave and cry. I am not there, I do not die. Mary Frye (1932)
Oh My God...
let me tell you what i have finally realized today... so bj's 'baby' conner was born on dec 28th, and he told me he cheated on me the night i left him last january, which he showed up 6 hours later and talked me to going back home with him to wv. if that was so, the baby would have been born in sept or oct, right? so for this baby to be his, so he says, he would have had to sleep with her in feb or march, in which i was there, in wv, with him, married, living as married, doing the married thing... so i was there, he was fucking some little 18 year old wv hillbilly bitch, and i know her. she has been to my house with her mother. looked me in the face, gd... and on top of that, i talked to bj's cousin for about an hour today. yeah the whole damn town knew what was going on, him running around on me, knocking her up, and him abusing me worse to get me to leave (so i think)... now he is down here, supposedly to get his taxes done with me. that never happened, and he ripp
Moving Stillness
Moving Stillness With feeling words said, once knowing signs are shown, And every need fulfilled by staple, task and time, Named requirements portrayed in fixed design are known That trace the steps to states of generalized totality. So every block and chip will find a certain function When gears turn out their course, the cogwheels of a destiny And goals are reached with steady motive through their circuits So that mission has its name inscribed upon a dream. Then all analysis complete, the architects forgotten, The builders pack their tools in melancholy admiration Of brainchild grown and fantastic thought made real So daily planning cannot feel the same anticipation. A plethora of measurements and cuts transforms Space, toil and investment in the weighty enterprise Into its own place of regular commerce and congregation Where further work is negotiated in steady mediation. But smaller plots and progress do plod on, The grinding dirge of day labore
Its empty.. for now, but I hope to collect somethings for it at some point.
Who Cares
What is love but a crud attempt to convince ourself that there is a mutual caring connection between too people. love is not about the other person, love is all about your self. you convince your self to let another person take advantage of you and for you to take advantage of them it is all just a poor game to try and and put all of this in a socially acceptable form. just as people hide behind "marriage" that is just a word for socially allowing to grown adults to live together and produce offspring. with no more binding power then a single piece of masking tape to stop a freight train. people as a general rule have not evolved past the "club them over the head and there are yours" stage. which is a bunch of bull crap. sex is sex and no piece of paper will stop people from chasing down what or who they want. I really don't care what you think of this one I have had my feel of being taken for a ride. it seems like a good woman wants to be treated like shit and a shitty woman wants to
I'm Here
I am here! Here I am, standing Strong and Tall with a lot of Courage and Great Spirit. You don’t even see me and you will NEVER because you don’t believe in who I Am or who I will become one day.
Steven Seagall Mountain Dew Commercial
The rules are: Once you've been tagged you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose 5 people to be tagged. No tag backs. 1. I eat grape tomatos weird. I'll bite a hole in them and then suck out the juice and then eat the rest of the skin, leaving me 1/2 a grape tomato. I'll then do the other thing with the other side. 2. I once fell while hiking and tore the skin from my knee like a banana. 3. I got my first job at 14 and have never been unemployed since then. 4. I play the flute and used to play the french horn. 5. I would do a complete and total career change if I'd have known that there was such a thing as "music therapy" when I'd gone for my first degree (need a bachelor's degree in music to be a music therapist). 6. I love to swim and grew up in the water. 7. I think burps and farts are funny. 8. If I absolutely, positively, had to choose a favorite song or die, I would probably
Tag Your It?
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1. I get real irriated with people who can't use caps. Gah! 2. I think the original Power Rangers are still badass while the new ones are X-treme pussies. 3. i hate mustard and mayo. i hate them more than anything in this world. 4. Four is my favorite number.(ZOMG Sidnee!) 5. I am afraid of being upside down. I get very spastic and fail all over the place in a total freak out. Needless to say I also hate roller coasters that loop. 6. I think I sleep more than I stay awake. 7. I have a thick Boston accent, even though I live 2 hours away from there and visit it about only twice a year. 8. Goth girls=hawt. 9. I take cl
Shakira-hips Don't Lie
Can I Have My 25 Yr Old Body Back Please?
Damn, I am hurting all over! It sucks to not be 25 anymore!!! We went to a wedding yesterday and it was at a country club with a beautiful golf course. The wedding was inside being that it is February and chances are, it is going to be either cold or raining. Where we sat for the ceremony was over looking the golf course and just beautiful. The ceremony was short and to the point. I am not fond of wedding ceremonies that drag on....blah blah blah! The day was absolutely beautiful and sunny and warm for a winter day! The reception was above where the ceremony was and we had names of where we were supposed to sit. We were sitting at a fun table. After the dinner and cake, the dancing started! I danced the whole night and boy do I feel it today! I guess the 6 or 7 Vodka drinks didn't help the situation today either! At least I didn't dance on the table top! I did however try to get my brother-in-law to dance who was not wanting to. How did I get him to dance? I went behi
True Love
I "stole" this from J... too damn funny. 1. When she asks how she looks, shrug and say "Could be better." This will keep her on her toes, and girls love that. 2. Never hold her hand. This can be interpreted as a sign of weakness. (Or--if she grabs your hand, squeeze hers really really hard until she cries. This will impress her by showing her what a strong man you are.) 3. Once a month sneak up on her from behind and knock her over. Girls are like dogs. They love to be roughed up. 4. Call her in the middle of the night to ask if she's sleeping. If she is say "You better be." Repeat this 4 or 5 times until morning. This will show her you care. 5. When she is upset about something, suggest to her that it might be her fault. This will pave the way for her own personal improvement, and every girl needs some improvement. 6. Recognize the small things . . . they usually mean the most. Then--when she's sleeping, steal all her small things and break them. Because jewelry
Not Ignoring You???
Hi, i been getting a lot of emails asking why i have you blocked in the shout box.. I have my shout box turned off today. This time is for my mom and myself, and i really don't feel up to talking much. It is nothing personal...Read my blog about "Dad", then i think you will understand.. For those in the contest just send me an email and i will get back to you as soon as i can.... Thank you for understanding... onesxybrat
My Missing Dog
My baby boy has been missing for 5 days now, i miss him so much. someone stole him from my backyard, His name is Blue, he is almost 2 yrs old and he is a Pitbull
Well somehow and I don't know how, but my husband's ex wife found me on here. I don't how she did, but she managed too. It actually kind of irritates me. She has no reason to look me up and try and see what in the hell we are up too. Freaking A, get the fuck over it. He is married now and we have our own family together. Sorry that you had to fuck things up and you weren't able to keep him to yourself, but that is no where near our fault, since you were the one who was cheating on him and shit. Oh and as far as him being abusive, sweetheart get your fucking story straight!!! He is no where near abusive. I should know I have only been married to him for almost 8 months now!!! Her and my ex pretty much the same and would make a wonderful couple together!! They can't take responsibility for their own actions, they have to make sure that they blame everyone else around them instead of themselves. Yes I am a bit aggravated about the whole situation. Because why is she looking me up and why
Are You It?
YOUR IT TAG cuz Furby said Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. Weird/Random Facts 1.- I was born naked 2.- I can make wookie noises 3.- I drink lots of soda 4.- I once fell off my roof 5.- I have never been on a cruise 6.- I have road rage 7.- Love to make people laugh 8.- I hate Iraq 9.- Dont care what people think of me 10.- I busted my front teeth out with a skateboard I will Tag People at a later Date
Reevaluating Personal Self Worth...
My thoughts are that we are told from the time we are tiny in all venues constantly that we are special and handsome in our own ways until we become numb to the fact. And, as we mature, and are subjected to the REAL world a cynicism is created in many of us that breeds devaluation of self. Atop it all, many of us will never live up to the physical image purported as sexy everywhere we look. It seems to me you are having a moment of epiphany, and you should revel in your newfound strength of purpose or confidence in your physical magnetism.
I'm going to be working a lot not much time on here so leave me a message Ilove you all :)
One For The Armed Forces
I didn't write this but I still love it. Being ex Army twice this really hit home. I come from a long line of military family and I am proud to say I have served. Here's To You To all of our soldiers At home and abroad, We want you to know That we stand and applaud. Your courage and strength Your patriotic unity, Your undying efforts To help keep us free. For risking your lives So our Nation can grow, We thank you so much For the pride that you show. You are mothers and fathers Daughters and sons, Brothers and sisters You all are great ones. Our hearts will be filled With great love and pride, We want you to know That we stand by your side. We continue to pray For your safe return home, And we hope that you know You are not alone. Although you are far You remain in our hearts, As the toils of your day Keep us apart. We know that your hearts Will always ring true, And ours the same For all of you. And one thing r
My Beautiful Sister A Texas Rse No Doult
Christy Moore
Re To Adele
Every one that knows adele and me knows i have said some nasty things to her i freely admit that, but i'm not the monster that she makes me out to be.. i have no feelings for any other woman in here and i NEVER will have she know's i'm in love with her and she knows how to hurt me so BELIEVIE what you want i DON'T CARE AT THE MINUTE SO WHAT I WILL LEAVE HERE! AND LET HER GET ON WITH HER LIFE But UNDERSATAND THIS I Am IN LOVE WITH THIS GIRL AND i will live for her FOREVER!!!!!
Seat Assignment
The following scene took place on a BA flight between Johannesburg and London . This is a true story. A White woman, about 50 years old, was seated next to a Black man. Obviously disturbed by this, she called the air Hostess. "Madam, what is the matter," the Hostess asked. "You obviously do not see it then?" she responded. "You placed me next to a Black man. I do not agree to sit next to someone from such a repugnant group. Give me an alternative seat." "Be calm please, the Hostess replied. "Almost all the seats on this flight are taken. I will go to see if another seat is available." The Hostess went away and came back a few minutes later. "Madam, just as I thought, there are no other available seats in Economy class. I spoke to the Captain and he informed me that there are also no seats in the Business class. All the same, we still have one seat in First class." Before the woman could reply, the Hostess continued: "It is unusual for our company to permit someone from Economy cla
Thanks Sis
YOUR IT TAG cuz Furby said Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. Weird/Random Facts 1.- I am a little bit of a control freak 2.- Hate the Dallas Cowboys.. with a passion 3.- I drink Coffee 24/7 4.- Love being Mama 5.- Dont like flowers for valentines day 6.- Drive fast 7.-Love to make people laugh 8.- would do anything for my friends and family 9.- Dont care what people think of me 10.- love to surprise people with random things I will Tag People at a later Date
What The Hell Is This?
Him: misterak25...: hello... you are a good slavegirl material?? that was just a question... and i am not here to joke arround... when you are curious about that theme... and when you are curious to behave like a slavegirl... to act like one and to be treated like a submissive by a dominant... adress me as sir and give me your yahoo or msn id so that i can contact you... if not... have a nice day Me: ->misterak25...: alright bitch you can get on your knees and suck my cock! Me: ->misterak25...: I am no mans slave by any means so go find someone else that has no self confidance I dont know how many times I have to make the comment that stupid ppl need to leave me alone! My case in point, if ppl need to be a slave to someone else then they need to check their life and see that its going no where and there is nothing that they are going to gain by allowing someone from the flippin internet control their life!
YOUR IT TAG cuz Furby said Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. Weird/Random Facts 10. I LOVE HATS!!!! 9. I would go in to a state of depression without my JEEP. 8. I have been in 48 states. 7. If you’re next to me at the red light ….. It’s a race!!!!! 6. I have retied twice. 5. PIMPIN IS EASY!!! 4. I would break your wrist if you touched my cell phone. 3. I can shotgun a beer in under less than 3 mins 2. I love Doin what I DO!!!!! 1. Boots with the FURRRRRR!!!!!!!!! 0. my cellphone is my BEST FRIEND!!!!!
Blow Your Load! A New Weekly Show!
Ok kids! This is the show comments are welcome, I'm just getting this started, from the ground up, so bare with me, show some love, share it with your friends, and also, you pick the topics, the day the show airs, hell even what I wear, taping the show! This is your show, you tell me what you want! Make on Snapvine | Copy This
02-10-08 (love)
February 10, 2008 Happy Sunday to YOU and yours! Ahh Yeah ... The sappy love song, Surrounded by hearts - The month itself ... *ick* it must be (time for L O V E?) The subject matter seems to give many C H I L L S One way or the other ... I know that "LOVE" and All matters of the heart! It seems to be as night and day as: well ... Night and Day! Your either IN it or Hate the thought at times. This time of year will make the ones IN it ... even more so -OR- Drive the ones who are NOT (IN it) crazy Either avoiding the whole sappy subject or looking feverishly to be part of the ones IN it! For the "Nay-sayers" that don't believe ... Just google the word ... "L O V E" It's second only to it's counterpart ... "S E X" For related interest & searches, lol
To Every Guy
To Every Guy That , To every guy that's said, "Sex CAN wait" To every guy that's said, "You're beautiful." To every guy that was never too busy to drive across town to see her. To every guy that gives her flowers and a card when she is sick or down. To every guy who has given her flowers just because thats how he rolls. To every guy that said he would die for her. To every guy that really would. To every guy that did what she wanted to do. To every guy that cried in front of her. .... To every guy that she cried in front of... To every guy that holds hands with her. To every guy that kisses her with meaning. To every guy that hugs her when she's sad. To every guy that hugs her for no reason at all. To every guy who would give their jacket up for her. To every guy that calls to make sure she got home safe. To every guy that would sit and wait for her for hours just to see her for ten minutes..... To every guy that would give his s
You Have Been Tagged
YOUR IT TAG cuz Furby said Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. Weird/Random Facts 1.- Believing in Dreams 2.- FootBall Is A Passion--EAGLES-WHOT WHOT 3.- I drink Coffee 24/7 4.- Love the Color Red 5.- Love making People Happy 6.- love to smile 7.-Love to Work For what I want and Usually always get it-lol 8.-My best friends from Fubar who i love to death~~~Becky, Misty, Phil, JM 9.- When I smoke i get to Giggly-which can be SEXY 10.- JM You are Just Like a Star to ME I will Tag People at a later Date
Final Fantasy Video
Hey, I am looking for a webpage that would let me stash the final fantasy version of papercut. help me out if you can and check out the other vids i have under stash
kris22@ fubar
Tag! You're It!
Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. Have fun! 1. I smoke, but I can't stand the smell of it. One of these days, I'll quit FOR GOOD! 2. I can't fold a fitted sheet to save my life. 3. I'm left-handed. 4. Although I'm a brunette, I have plenty of "blonde moments." 5. There's probably something in my refrigerator (right now) that needs to be thrown out. 6. I speak four languages...some not as well, but I can get by. 7. In high school, I used to force myself to cry once a week to relieve stress....Think I'm gonna start doing that again. 8. My hair color changes with the seasons. 9. Yes, they're fake, but I got them because I hate to wear bras. I had several differ
Can't Touch This
Guardian Of Angels
Guardian of Angels To wonder where the night goes, beneath the summer sun. To wonder where the time flies, when all of life is done. To wonder where the dreams hide, under the age-ed brow. To wonder where the dragons flew, when I can hear their growl. Oh Thou, who art the dreamer, Guard my dreams for me. And I, who am the angel, Will bring my dreams to thee. A guardian of angels, Who guards me in my sleep. A guardian of guardians, Who knows the dreams I keep.
Whole Two hearts, as one no moon, no sun no break of day the world is gray One heart, to stay yet far away The distance kills the strongest wills The heart is whole Only one soul The distance breaks but stronger makes To have found you the one, the true Gives me the strength to bridge the length Someday, not far by one true star Together we'll be as one. You. Me.
Just in case anybody asks ... It seems that there has been a breakthrough in "Fusion" technology. Unlike the current "Fusion" that requires a hydrogen reaction, to create "clean" energy, which creates damaging "neutrinos" that, because of the heat that is produced, can damage or destroy reactor walls. (A fusion reaction takes extremely high heat) There is a new technology that uses a substance called "Helium 3" which can be harvested from decommissioned nuclear weapons. This substance can be used instead of Hydrogen and results in a cooler and more stable reaction which can be better controlled and maintained. Of course there is a limited source so there is a plan, (are you ready?) to go to the moon, establish a base, and strip mine the moon's surface which, because of its lack of atmosphere, is rich with Helium 3 from the natural radiation of the sun. There will be Laboratories to extract the Helium 3 from the moon's soil and then send it back to earth in quantities sufficient to po
Who Is There?
Who is There? Who am I to forget you? Who are you abandon me? Strangers? Friends? Who? Who am I to call your name? Who are you to bring me shame? Who is out there to bring us close? No one? Anyone. Who am I to turn to you? Who are you to tear me in two? Who is out there to keep the peace? You? Me? Not I.... Who am I to be your friend? Who are you to call the end? Who is there to return the past? ... "I don't know...."
Tag You It !!!
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1. I am a Mother,Sister 2. I have 2 Beautiful Children 3. I Live in West Va,Use to live in Pennsylvania,Orginally From California 4. I'm Music Lover & Bengal's fan! 5. I drive A Saturn Ion 6. I have 1 Dog, A Beagle " Brandiwine",I miss My Other Dog A Rottie " Bear" Never Forgotten 7. I have wonderful friends and family. 8. I only drink Pepsi 9. I don't do drugs! 10. I love to travel! I TAG FRIENDS: Smiley,Irene, Popey,Don, Ron,Twisted Dan,Dude
The Lady Of The Dragons
The lady of the dragons The lady of the dragon sleeps When all about her life is quiet Her deep love of life awakens in her the brilliance of a new day She hastens to care for those about her - Her dearest friends They eagerly await her gentle ways, her warmth from within As she cares for them, Showers love in her endless words and manner Unknown to them is her strength- her courage, her humor And silently, proudly her mother watches as this woman-child grows Into the beautiful lady of the dragons that has always been her dream
well i am in goos spirts today a friend came by to hang out for a few days i hadn't seen them in months so yea it should be fun
10 Random Ooh Ahhs!
Instructions... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1~ "I have a thing for things" such as lamps, butterflies, candles, food, books, photos, music and jewelry. 2~ I love odd numbers because I'm odd. The only exception is 8 seeing as it's a number that symbolizes eternity. 3~ I dance in public for no reason at all. 4~ I make funny faces just because I can. My favorite is when I am faking being gangsta. 5~ I get sick to my stomach when I'm around somebody with negative energy, sometimes resulting in my having to puke. Even upon seeing a picture of somebody with negative energy I have such a reaction. 6~ I love gems. I have a thing for hematite, amethysts, aquamarine and turquoise
Taking Sometime
well im thinking about taking sometime off fubar for alittle bit i need to think about something and reevaluate things and maybe take alittle trip south but i just want you all to now that you all are in my heart and i thank some of you for bein there for me in my time of need
Abused Women And Children
Cute As A Button
Myspace Glitter Graphics
What Is?
What is? Is death lonely? Not as lonely as being without you... Is sleep silent? Not as silent as being away from you... To smile when all I feel are tears, To laugh when all I see are fears, To live without you near. Is life living? Not when living without you... Is breathing necessary? Not when I breath without you... To dream when I can feel your lips, To reach when I can't see your fingertips, To live without you near.
The Things You Can Learn
Alone Alone is not alone any longer, with so many voices, I must grow stronger. But when I look up from my dreams, I still can hear the screams of tortured souls and mindless men, and when I fall asleep again the torment is a breath away, And so alone, I must stay.
Make Me Feel Better
i wanna see how many of my pervies are paying attention :) im not quite feeling like my sexy lil self today feel like helpin? LOL show me ya sexiest pics and i'll show ya mine fair trade whatcha think?! let me know Muah* Aries
How Can People Do This?
Earlier this week, I was out running some errands when I started feeling lightheaded. I became very incoherent and I collapsed. It felt like another seizure. After several minutes, someone finally came over to help. Here's my problem! I was in a populated area in plain sight, and it took several minutes before anyone actually came to help or even call 911. Are people that cold, that scared or that blind? I don't know why people do what they do, but I find it scary how people can do nothing when another human being needs help! I guess I'll never know!
Feeling Pretty In Pink
Make your own Glitter Graphics
Forgiven Forgiven by the Darkness, for casting light on my soul. Forgiven by my friendships, for returning all I stole. Forgiven by the Sunlight, for descending into Hell. Forgiven by my Lost love who has bought the heart I sell.
Will You Be My Valentine?? WANTED: A Fubar Valentine's Date for Sarge's Bad girls. All you have to do is leave ONE comment on why you believe you should be that girl's fubar valentine's date. The person with the best answer will get the girl for Valentine's Day! It will be up to the girl to which answer she chooses as "best", so don't be worried someone already did a great answer! The Bad Girl will send the winner at least one Fubar gift on Valentine's day and also attach to her name that you are her Valentine's date. This is NOT an acutal AUCTION, so that means you can save your fubucks and real money!!! How sweet is THAT? It has already started so be sure to check on who YOU would like for YOUR Valentine's date! The Bad Girls will be making their choice by 8:00 PM Fubar time February 13th. SO CLICK THE PICTURE AND SEE WHO ALL NEEDS A FU DATE FOR VALENTINES DAY. Sarge's Bad Girls
She Picked Me..
YOUR IT TAG cuz Furby said Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. Weird/Random Facts 1.- I'm underage but get served at bars. 2.- I can sit and eat cream cheese right out of the container. 3.- Coconut cream pie makes me sick. 4.- People who are too cocky make me want to slap them. (Jeepman, please read this one! lmao) 5.- My best friend is my mom. 6.- I take better care of my hair than my body. 7.- Pink is my favorite color!!! 8.- I typically always wear black, but I'm not gothic. 9.- I swear incredibly too much. 10.- SugarSpice made me do this and for that I'm mad! (lmao, Love ya Suyer!!) *I'll post those who I pick to do th
A Gift
A Gift "If I should leave, before you go, There is something you must know. There is a gift, I would bestow, To let you know I love you so." "If I should die, before you wake, There is something you must take, So you'd know I'd not forsake, The one I love, who shall awake." "If I should dream, before I sleep, I have a gift that you must keep. You shall not cry, nor shall you weep, Keep your strength, the cost is steep." "If I should fade, before the sun, You must know, Beloved One, I have a gift, when I am done. This present is surpassed by none." "If I should dim, before night's start, I shall give this, before I part. With final breath, I shall impart, This gift you hold, it is my heart."
Butterfly Tag1
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The End Of Summer
The End of Summer The gentle embrace of time gone by, The incessent buzzing of the fly, The fading jet paths in the sky, The gentle close of summer. The frost that touched the beating heart, The sadness of the autumn's start, The gap that breaks us all apart. The frost that ended summer. The death of passion on frozen lips, The light touch of tender fingertips, The salty tear, forgotten, drips. The death of lonely summer.
What Are Dreams?
What Are Dreams? What are the pictures in our minds, when we are in deep slumber? Who are the figures in the shadows, which conquer in alarming number? "What are Dreams?" The spirit asks, of his knowing master? "You cannot know, my faithful friend," he said with kindly laughter. What is the force which burns the mind's eye and conquers all defenses? Who are the ghosts that haunt our souls when troubles cloud the senses? "What are Dreams?" the spirit sighs, to the knowing expert. "You will not know, my silly friend." this time his answer curt. What is the key which opens doors to reveal the greatest mystery? Who are the people who sometimes appear, even throughout history? "What are Dreams?" the spirit whines, to his troubled leader. "I do not know, you silly fool," his answer no completer. What is the strength which pulls the heart to it's final destination? Who is the voice which calls to you, and brings endless celebration?
Things You Might Not Know
Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1. I used to be a substitute teacher 2. I used to act in a renaissance faire 3. I hate heights, unless there is an airplane under my butt 4. I am truly computer stupid at times 5. I am painfully shy in real life and blush at the drop of a hat lol 6. I am Wiccan 7. My first choice in music is Spanish pop music, but it depends on my mood 8. I am a huge flirt :D 9. I love Mountain Dew 10. I suck at filling these things out...don;t think anybody would be interested in any of this lol
To To touch, to die. To kiss, to cry. To love, to see. To want, to be. To try, to hate. To want, too much. To mourn, to lose. To fight, to choose. To cry, to hate. To fail, to wait. To reach, to try. To jump, to fly. To be, to soar. To fall, too poor. To win, to cry. To lose, to die.
Things Not To Say To A Policeman
THINGS NOT TO SAY TO A POLICEMAN Care for a doughnut? Met your quote?Happy now? You're NOT going to check the boot are you? Just had to try out that new siren ,didn't you? I bet your wife really likes these handcuffs? Hey ,you must have been doin'150kph to keep up with me!good job! Let's not forget who pays your salary here! Hey officer ,is that your baton or are you just happy to see me? I was going to be a cop ,but I decided to finish high school instead. Oh,No.It's about the body ,isn't it? You look just like the guy in the picture next to my girlfriend's bed. You're going to have to speak up.This is my favorite song. Thanks officer! The cop yesterday only gave me a warning too!
Glitter Graphics
"relationships" ... Down upon my mind, the forces come.... Like the whirlwind of the soul.... Introduced, I say, "..." and curtsay to the host, Love. Their are three of him? or four? Dancing, whirling, he does not allow himself the chance to capture me. "***..." he says. I cannot garble my words enough to please him. He cannot choose. Niether can I. "Love?" I state, preoccupied, as he tugs on my sleeve, sipping a punch I cannot taste. "????" he inquires, plaintively. I cannot read his eyes, and I cannot touch his soul, so I dismiss him, as he dismisses me. "~~~," a voice whispers from everywhere and nowhere. I see him there, not Love, but a dark stranger. Again he says, "~~~," and it is a taunt, a challenge. "!!!" Love cries to me, but the stranger has claimed me. I am his, for he facinates me, enthralls me, where as Love paid me no mind, as I paid him none. "!?!?" Love pleads. "~~~!" The stranger growls. And I am tak
Yummy Banana
TAG YOUR IT !! The rules are: Once you've been tagged you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose 5 people to be tagged. List their names and why you chose them to be tagged. Don't forget to leave a comment thats says "You are tagged" on their profile and to read your latest blog. Have fun! Ok, so here's my 10 weird/random things/facts/or habits about me 1. i belive in dragons 2. im a true red head 3. i walk on the pads of my feet 4. never eat chicken nakied 5. i love nakied walks at day time 6. spank me i love it 7. im up all nyte 8. not shy at all 9. care to pull a finger 10. woohoo my tattoo is rising im going to tag no taggin back 1.fallen 2.zac 3.lil devil 4.spankins 5.sheilab212
Happy Sunday 2 Everyone On My Friends List
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What Is But That
What is but That An image is but that. A picture is merely a memory. A memory you have of me. That is but an image. A memory is but that. An image in the mind. An image lost forever, one you cannot find. That is but a memory. A friend is but that. The one who cares for you. For you who gives all for them. That is but a friend.
Happy Sunday To My Friends
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Shattered I am your vase. Use your hammer to smash me. I am your poem. Use your scissors to shred me. Why won't you put flowers in me instead? You won't read the words that would strike you dead. I am your silver. I tarnish. I am your picture. I fade. Why do you leave me to chill air? You won't glance at me; you don't care. I am your viper. Beware of my venom. I am your sword. Beware of my edges. Why did you pick up the serpent? You don't seem to know when you're cut. I was your error. Erase me. I was your heart. Remove me. Why did you effort to make me when you just wanted to break me?
I just wanted to share my thoughts about valentines day with you all. I didnt write this and dont know did, but I wish I could give them a big hug. Valentine's Day Hearts and roses and kisses galore What the hell is all that crap for? People get mushy and start acting queer. Its definetly the most annoying day of the year. This day needs to get the hell over with and pass Before I shove something up cupid's ass. Ill spend the day so drunk I cant speak And wear black the rest of the week. Guys act sweet but soon it will fade For all they are doing is tryng to get laid. The arrow cupid shot at me must not have hit Cause I think this love thing is a crock of shit. So here's my story. What can I say? Love Bit My Ass. Screw Valentine's Day.
I Got Bored...
Instructions... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1~ My nose twitches like a bunny rabbit for no reason at all... 2~ I hate Odd numbers...they're so harsh with no rythym or flow 3~ Always the first to laugh when I hurt myself...I'm not really a clutz, but I end up making others laugh at my expense lol 4~ I've only ever broken 1 bone in my entire middle toe on my left foot 5~ I have quite an affinity for Stars & Sparkles 6~ My favorite color is also my eye color and my birthstone 7~ My hair has been so many colors in the last 7 years that I've lost count 8~ I have about 12-15 different nicknames that I go by 9~ I have 3 Legal last names 10~ I have a few weird O
Everything Eyes
Everything Eyes Can we make a compromise? Always must we analyze? When we try to scrutinize all we find are many lies. There is no time to memorize as our thoughts we organize asking us too many whys the questions always terrorize. Tell me, do you realize this is no time to socialize the questions only paralyze forget it all... everything dies.
Tag Ur It!!
TAG YOUR IT !! The rules are: Once you've been tagged you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose 5 people to be tagged. List their names and why you chose them to be tagged. Don't forget to leave a comment thats says "You are tagged" on their profile and to read your latest blog. Have fun! Ok, so here's my 10 weird/random things/facts/or habits about me. 1) I hate fubar but I’m addicted 2) My favorite color is blue 3) I eat pasta & shrimp every day 4) I love some good art work 5) Pain turns me on 6) Music is my passion and keeps me going 7) I enjoy long walks on the beach during the sun set 8) I love to learn new things all the time 9) I’m an attention whore 10) I’m a very good friend I am going to tag: K CANDY APPLE Dj TINK SIN DeReLla Miss.KittYK@t
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1.i love reading romance novels (dont ask) 2.i have a thing about picken at my feet(ehww gross) 3.i wanted to dance in the ballet(shhhhhhh) 4.i once spent 15 hours or so learning to ride a unicycle i did it and have never touched it since 5.serious anxiety problem 6.i feel like somethings chasing me when i walk in the dark 7.i still count numbers with my hands 8.have a hard time with oppisate sex and relationships 9.i love the powerpuff girls cartoon 10.and last but def not least when i was a kid i had under wear with an alarm for bed wetting the only catch was by the time the alarm went off i had already wet the bed
My Fu* Friends
Admireably observed witnessed from afar none'theeless stretched beyond great devides Felt as'though sweet purity upon connecting indeed , come again ! It's the Fu* one might add , myself I'm impressed Like sacred'Stones if not before Fubar yes a place to be , within , hey friends ! Once upon a time yesterday's untold views Secrets of passions so ever-more Sending collecting loves and laughs A astonishing rush such a blast , I know uh ! well once again its the fu* , Right On , Rock On !! Im whoo'hoo doing you
Death In My Family Today At 8:15am
This morning my uncle Robert nick name Bob has passed away in the hospital due to he died in his sleep peacefully,The cause of death was his donor liver failed and his kidneys failed and he didn't want to prolong his life on a respirator he wanted pass on his own so now god rest his soul he is in heaven now,my family is sad now cause of the loss today and the funeral is either going to be this comming tuesday or wed well God Bless you Robert Adamo....Rest in Peace!
You"ve Been Tagged!!
TAG YOUR IT !! The rules are: Once you've been tagged you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose 5 people to be tagged. List their names and why you chose them to be tagged. Don't forget to leave a comment thats says "You are tagged" on their profile and to read your latest blog. Have fun! Ok, so here's my 10 weird/random things/facts/or habits about me. (1) I love NASCAR. (2) I work with drugs on a daily basis. (3) I collect Coca cola memorabilia for fun. (4) I have been told I am a frigid old bat. (5) I am one of the best skaters you'll never meet. (6) I hate feet with nasty yellow toenails. (7) I am fun to be around most of the time. (8) I can't stand drinking water. (9) I got to drive a blue VW Beetle (10) I am very extroverted and not shy in real life. You can NOT tag me back. I am going to tag: 1-Fallen 2-DJ Slasher 3- His Fallen 4- Ashley 5- Dave in KY
Hot Water
Last week started off great. My ex and I were back together and I thought we were happy. Boy was I was fool! We have spent alot of time together this week and last night we were back in sync with one another has far as what we say, even finishing each others sentences. He said he was finally happy. What a crock of shit. Today, the happiness ended. I'm not in tears, I'm not even angry lol Just wish it would have lasted long enough for water to get hot or at least past Valintines day but as per usual, I'll be alone on Valintines day. Now I know that it's just another day on the calander and it's a holiday created by Hallmark so we will spend money, but flowers would be nice. Guess this is my lot in life, to spend this Holiday alone. I should be used to it but I'm not. As for the break up, I knew it Friday night...guess I just had to wait till he was ready to call it quits. I guess today he was ready.
In Another Contest Woot Woot
Sexy Voodoo Woman
Can you dream about dreaming? And if you can, does that make it real? It starts out as a dark red vapor... Misty, hypnotic It ends as the woman I desire The one who moved me with her dance and made her navel the center of my universe I can't move... Paralized by her eyes, pinning me to the bed, bound by the sheets In the time it takes to blink, she's close to me Levitating above me, filling me with her presence, her smell and rythmic motion Sweet breath and hushed words echo Something about heated nights... Tender embraces... And a gift to last all my days Then... Anxoius blackness swallows me Wrapping me in moving dark red vapor I open my eyes Gone The woman I desire and the dark red vapor Nothing... Just a dream Brought on by the woman I saw bellydancing Her body displayed for my viewing pleasure
You're It !
YOUR IT TAG cuz Furby said Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. Weird/Random Facts 1.- I like to eat greasy Cheeseburgers which are bad for you. 2.- I love doing the un-expected to people, but usually get in trouble for it. 3.- I love giving to people but find it hard to receive, but working on it! 4.- I likely think about sex to often and just light another Cigarette. 5.- Been smoking too much lately. lol 6.- Know the unexpected entertainer at the Party it was likely me. 7.- It kills me to hurt anyone, I can't be mean! Damn-it. 8.- I am to damn shy ! Then I am too Damn bold! ya never know what I may do! lol 9.- I wish I was taller
I Need Friends.
hey everyone. im new to fubar and i dont know how to work it. like the points and ratings and levels and shit like that so if you can help message or leave me a comment. thanks. amanda.
Target Rich And Poor
This weekend I bought "Across the universe" I'm almost done watching the second disc. It is an odd movie to say the least. But it does get better once you listen to the commentary. With out giving anything away there is a really weird but interesting Eddie Lizard (I know that isn't right but you fans of his know who i mean) scene. All in all I like the movie. The thing to remember is that is a musical so that tells all most all of the story. The other thing is that if you see the previews for it and like the guy who sings voice then you will like the movie but if his voice you don't like then there is no sense in seeing it cause he isn't the only character but he kinda leads it. I found that all the actors can both act and sing pretty good so it is very enjoyable. That being said if you are "beatles purest" you might not like it since they kinda tinker with the songs. Some of the visual aspects are really good. I admit I thought Bono's part was going to suck hard and not in the good wa
Things You Might Not Know
Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1. I'm 5' tall 2. I have a chow and 2 cats 3. I'm scared to death of heights 4. I do volunteer work at a local Elementary school and I LOVE it!!!! 5. I love sunsets at the, surprise 6. I really don't care for sweets 7. I rarely turn on the tv..would much rather listen to music 8. I was a cheerleader...eons 9. I live in Fl and hate 10. I have a zillion allergies...maybe not a
You've Been Tagged
TAG YOUR IT !! The rules are: Once you've been tagged you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose 5 people to be tagged. List their names and why you chose them to be tagged. Don't forget to leave a comment thats says "You are tagged" on their profile and to read your latest blog. Have fun! Ok, so here's my 10 weird/random things/facts/or habits about me. (1) I love NASCAR. (2) I work for a bank as a collector (3) I collect knives for fun. (4) I have ADD and have been told I'm OCD. (5) I am one of the best cooks you'll never meet. (6) I hate feet. (7) I am addicted to those little flosser things. (8) I can't stand drinking water from a glass, I can only drink it from a bottle. (9) I used to own a blue VW Beetle (10) I am very introverted and shy in real life. I am going to tag: 1-Lil Devil 2-Crossfade 3-Princess RBK 4-BrandiWine 5-Sharon-MOM!
Perhaps I'm An Awful Mother.........
I'm having one of those days today. The kids are at each others throats, disrespecting each other, disrespecting Kliff, and even disrespecting me. I've cried more today than I think I ever thought I would have to cry over this kind of shit. And I feel like such an awful mother., I don't even like my kids. What I mean by that is this. Even though I love my kids unconditionally, no matter what, I'm really not liking the people they are turning out to be and I don't know what to do about it. Talking doesn't work, screaming and yelling isn't working either. Punishments are pointless......I'm at my wits end. Kliff gave up SO much to move here to be with us, and the kids are just plain disrespectful. It's getting me to a point where I'm feeling torn between them and him, and I'm terrified that he'll leave. I know him well enough to know that he would choose to walk away from us before he'd ever come in between me and the kids relationships and that's the part that scare
I Hate Being Jealous!
I try and I try NOT to be, but it's so hard. There's a whole big story here and I don't feel like displaying the whole thing in detail, but the gist of it is my husband and chatting with other girls here, there or anywhere. It bugs the shit out of me! I know he loves me. I know he'd never hurt me by cheating on me. Yet, I still get this white, hot furry balled up inside me when I find out he's talking to other women. I feel like I've been punched in the gut, my face gets all hot and red. I feel like I can't breathe. It's so stupid! I hate women who think they can control their husbands and who they are friends with...yet, I find myself doing almost the same thing by questioning him all the time about who he's yaking with. It's so anal and I don't know what to do to stop it. He's nothing but a big flirt and loves to meet new people...that's why we both are here...but every time he talks to someone new, a woman, it hits me again, this wave of jealousy. I HATE IT! I know he's probably
feel free to mutate me i disassemble easilly force the blueprint with hammers and hot irons distort me into a parody simply because you cannot conceive that i ever was what i appeared to be i guess you're more comfortable with cliches then deities i'm not sure if you're trying to enlighten me but i'll repeat myself and try to speak a bit more clearly i am no man and i never claimed to be every road i travel on leads back to my decomposing destiny i'll hurt you to hurt myself because i am amused by suffering for the most part i don't care about anything that i'm not killing or fucking you are garbage until you have worth but once you have worth you hold my everything i may not be king but i am a fucking jerk i will eat all your shit but without warning burst after hearing a single word ain't ya heard? i know how to be hurt so i know how to hurt I AM GARBAGE ROLLING IN DIRT but that in no way means i'm not head and shoulders above most of the earth yo
Upgrading My Site
A Prayer For The Drivers
"A Prayer For The Drivers" This is a prayer to say before every race begins To keep all the drivers safe and God bless whoever wins So bow your heads with me, and together we will ask That God protect every driver for each and every lap... "Dear God in heaven we ask you to watch over this track and keep these drivers safe and sound for every single lap watch them and protect them with your caring watchful eye and bless them each and every time a green flag lap goes by we pray there are no cautions because of a crash and let them continue to race this race until the very last so which ever driver makes his way to Victory Lane we, the fans, know you heard our prayer and blessed us all the same... Amen"
Wtf Are You Waiting For?
If your looking for a drama free lounge with friendly members and over 6000 songs to choose from why would you want go elsewhere. Other lounges have top Fubar members in there, we don't we keep things real for people who want to have fun, sit back and relax. There is no high ranking clicks in here that will say hi to you when you join and then never talk to you again after that. DJ Master Tough T caters 100% to the members, he plays what you want to hear not what he wants to hear. No other lounge has a DJ that dedicates himself like that to their members. So stop in check us out, join Club Poison, and have fun what do you have to lose? If your looking for a lounge that plays the hottest music, then look no further Club Poison has what you crave! Click on the pic and check us out!
Those Were The Days....
If you're under the age of 11 or shouldn't even read this, and if you do, you should not repost this. It's not like you could remember the original Simpsons. I am sorry but a couple years of the 90's just wont cut it. You're old if: You remember watching: -Doug -Ren & Stimpy -Pinky and the Brain -AAAAAAAH Real Monsters! -Rockos modern Life. -Animaniacs -Gargoyles You've ever ended a sentence with the word "PSYCHE!" You just cant resist finishing this . . . "Iiin west Philadelphia born and raised . . ." You remember: -Step by step -Family Matters -Dinosaurs -Boy Meets World -Full House -Saved by the bell You remember when it was actually worth getting up early on a Saturday to watch cartoons. You remember reading "Goosebumps" You still get the urge to say "NOT" after (almost) every sentence . . . not When everything was settled by: -rock paper scissors or -bubble gum bubble gum in a dish or -ms. mary mack when kick ball was
Dad Is Recovering Just Fine.
Well, Dad is coming along nicely in his recovery. He is still in the hospital and this may sound nasty but Mom and I prefer it that way. If he gets sick the doctor can treat it right away with him in the hospital. If he came home we would have to take him to the emergency room and I think everyone knows how long the wait can be there. They have taken his throat tube out and now he has this big hole in his neck that they are letting heal on it's own. We don't know if they are going to put something in it to help him do anything or not. All the mess in his lungs and sinuses is melting so when he coughs a little fluid comes out of the hole and he has to suction it off his skin . He also get the hole clogged up with something like the mucus plugs that babies are born with but the doctor said that was normal. His energy is coming up. They have been walking him around a lot in his room and in the halls. He sits up in a chair 3 hours everyday and has started to be able to lift his h
Lounge Playlist In Case Some Happenes To The One In There!
the one on bottom is on auto play! To hear the one on top please stop this one first!
Life And Love
How long does it take to get past another heartbreak? Seems like I just can't get it right. He seemed like he was perfect. Sweet, strong, hot, fantastic in bed, hard worker, good father. WTF? Do I just have a black heart-shaped cloud following me? He sd all the right things. Did almost all the right things but, hey, none of them are perfect, are they? One small flaw. One little thing he lied tiny little unmentionable. Ahh the joke is on me this time. Karma IS a bitch and she wears high heels. Stiletto's man. I was a fool. I loved him. I trusted him. Small thing...his wife...yeah, she kinda loved him too. Funny thing, lies. Him living 600 miles away helped out a lot. I think he really wanted to get away at one time. Then, it just all got out of hand and he didn't know what to do and now? He's staying there. For her? Maybe. For his 8 year old son, probably. So, I'm here and alone and really, really don't want to start over. Really, really wanna just
Hillary Clinton called Bill into her office one day and said, "Bill, I have a great idea. I know how we can win back middle America and secure my presidential victory in 2008". "Great, but how do you propose we go about that?", asked Bill. "Well", Hillary responds, "We'll go down to a local Wal-Mart, get some cheesy clothes and shoes like most middle Americans wear, and then we'll stop at the pound and pick up a Labrador . When we look the part we'll go to a nice old country bar in middle America , and we'll show them that we really enjoy the countryside and show admiration and respect for the hard working people living there." A few days later, all decked out and with the requisite Labrador at heel, they set off from New York in a westerly direction. Eventually they arrived at just the place they were looking for. With dog in tow they walk into the bar. They step up to the bar and the bartender takes a step back and says, "Aren't you Bill and Hillary Clinton?" Hillar
May Have Fried Motherboard
This morning we had not one but two power outages the second woke me up because puter was beeping. We have tried resitting the processor and fan as well as taking cmos battery out waiting and putting it back in so far just a set of beeps and no boot. Unfortunately this means some fubar but not much as this puter is 1/3 the speed and 1/2 the memory of mine. This also means no djing until I can get it fixed :(. My neighbor is calling her tech tomorrow to see what can be done. Keep fingers crossed its not as bad as it seems and I'll be back on soon. Though as they say everything happens for a reason and this may be my chance to get everything done on house. Having first moving sale this Thursday - Sunday. Once I know more will update everyone
Re: Harmony (for Perky)
There is a bulletin posted on here by a friend about the death of a friend of hers. (It was one I had reposted!) Her name is Harmony and she took her own life. She had been afflicted with mental illness for many years before this. Harmony is not alone - there are millions of people in this world with some form of mental illness, but how often do we recognize it? Many times, we turn a blind eye to just how serious and how widespread mental illness can be. Depression, bipolar, schizophrenia, anxiety complexes, personality seriously do we take these or even recognize them? How often do we reject someone because they have something like this? How often do we label people because they are on certain medications? Thousands of people in this year alone will end their own lives because of such illnesses. We need to get the facts about them and learn the signs. You or someone you know may have some kind of illness as well and not even realize it, because most times mental
Remix I Made
Sobe Life Water Super Bowl Commercial: Naomi Campbel
Sobe Life Water Super Bowl Commercial: Naomi CampbellAdd to My Profile | More Videos Ah man now i crave sobe and i want to dance to Micheal Jackson's thriller
Join The Fun...
What My Handwriting Says About Me:
You are sometimes a very energetic person, but you are sometimes quite lethargic. You're moody, prone to ups and downs, and you don't have a lot of endurance.You range from very outgoing to very shy. You are a shapeshifter who is very versatile. You adapt well, and you look at things from many angles.You are very detail oriented and meticulous. You are a careful thinker and a true intellectual.You need a bit of space in your life, but you're not a recluse. You expect people to give you a small amount of privacy, and you respect their privacy as well.You are conservative, old fashioned, and a little stubborn. You are resistant to change.You are a good communicator. You work hard to get your ideas across effectively.
A Soft Rain
A soft rain, On a warm morning, During a walk, Is an invitation To refine those Memories That have faded since Childhood. Is it the falling of the Drops through the leaves That we hear? or Is that the movement of Peals of water rolling over the Once dry creek bed? I have thrown aside My umbrella… A quiet that is only Broken by the swish Of car tires as they Breathlessly swirl by, Rain flattens my Hair, running rivulets Of nature’s tears over My unshaven face. My dogs prance the Prance with what we foolishly Call a smile on their faces. That is obviously just Contentment! The rain is irrelevant To them. Poet the poems i get are from very sweet friend thank you sweety
Is This Wrong?
Is it wrong to want to find out the e-mail address of a soldier in Iraq and tell him that his girl stateside is fucking other guys? I feel a need for vengance right now, and to let him know that the person he wants to marry is busy fucking around while he is away. I know this accusation to be true because I am one of the guys she's been fucking. I have multiple Yahoo accounts, so it would be easy to hide that it is me telling him. Also, I'm not a snitch, but I think it is fair to him to know this. Am I right in wanting to do this, or am I just being a vengeful brat because she has spurned me?
Hopes and dreams are empty promises you make yourself Only reality can set your soul at ease when it's gone Pushing forward going backwards in the eyes of confusion Instinctively letting go of your own thoughts and cares Never gets you anywhere except falling alone and empty Gathering all the truth behind all the darkest lies of humanity Together with your emptiness in a world which dont care However unspoken words can paint a much bigger picture Everyday you wake brings you closer to the ultimate endding Each moment of clarity brings you to the breaking point Not even a single care of one's own life will begin to help Doesn't matter what you do you'll never gain true serenity Watching time go by in an inferno of disgust and animosity Inches you closer to the true meaning of internal hatred Loathing your exsistance believing that it can't be real Living in a dream of someone else's own rotten mind Consequence deadly savagely beaten into
imikimi - Customize Your World
My Last Goodbye
I never got to say goodbye it happened just to fast With this I speak my final words here and now at last I invisioned a world, a life which the two of us would share Forever and a day, a very long time thought our love would take us there Your beauty amazed me everyday, and more deeply my love would grow I took pleasure in knowing that you were mine and how such happiness I could know Everytime you touched me I lost my breath a feeling I never wanted to lose I could get lost in your eyes for days at a time, my favorite of all the views When we kissed it sent shivers right through my spine I knew you were the one Who I could give my whole heart my life and my soul, but now that all is done We've been through this before time and again but never with this much pain From this day fourth and years to come, our memories will leave my crying in the rain You'll never know just how much you meant or how much love I have for you I'm sorry for everything t
Kelsey Briggs _ Please Watch & Be A Voice
Kelsey Briggs lost her life before the age of three due to Child Abuse. It is a Tragic story but one that must be shared. Hopefully Kelsey's story will touch your heart and you will be willing to step up to the plate and help children who can't help themselves. Please Read her story below... Kelsey Briggs was born in Oklahoma on December 28,2002 after her parents Lance Briggs and Raye Dawn Smith were divorced. At the end of 2004, Raye Dawn Smith started dating a man named Michael Lee Porter. The first reported incident of suspected child abuse regarding Kelsey was made on Jan.17, 2005. Raye Dawn Smith married Michael Lee Porter on April 18, 2005. On May 3, 2005 Kelsey was taken out of her home by OKDHS. May 4,2005 Kelsey was moved to her maternal Grandmother, Gayla Smith. After months of documented abuse which included a broken collarbone, multiple abrasions, new bruises, and faded bruises from head to toe, and two broken legs court hearings followed, but afte
Cnet Shares, Options Up On Google Rumor
Shares of media company CNET Networks, currently battling dissident shareholders who want to expand its board, soared more than 7 percent on Friday, on speculation that Google might be interested in acquiring a stake in it. Options volume also soared on the speculation. "There is a rumor circulating that Google might have an interest in CNET. Therefore, the options volume has picked up dramatically on that rumor," said William Lefkowitz, options strategist at brokerage firm vFinance Investments in New York. Google officials declined to comment and a CNET spokeswoman was not immediately available. Steve Weinstein, an analyst at Pacific Crest Securities, said Google's interest in CNET is "highly unlikely." But "potentially, that could be moving the stock," he said. Shares of CNET traded close to their year-high of $9.88, rising 5.2 percent, or 41 cents, to $8.09, on the Nasdaq on Friday. On the options market, roughly 19,000 calls compared to 514 puts changed hands i
Tag Ur It
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. all my family on fubar & here. 2.i smoke and wish i didnt but cant stop. 3.i think good of all. 4.i get hurt alot because of caring. 5.ones who hurts me i cant hate. 6.i believe in second changes. rather lay back at home with a man instead of being wine and dined lol not sexy,skinny what guys want but im am a damm fine lady who the real men want. 9.i have the most sexiest guy friends on here and family and they are all the best.same for all my sisters ur the best. 10.and im lookin for a man to have lots of good sex and times with till i cant go no more lol ok sorry my great friends heres my list
Random Ten Things Blog
Once you get tagged you have to do the samething.Write 10 random things about your self and then let 5 of your friends know. The best part is,NO TAG BACKS!! 1. My friends say I have way too much talent to not apply myself at somethings, like music and playing pool, etc. 2. I am very outspoken, often to the point of getting myself in trouble in the workplace and with authority. Hey, it's not my fault they would rather change facts than fix the faults. 3. I believe I am destined to die alone 4. My worst fears are drowning and heights, though I taunt my fears at every chance. 5. My father was murdered by Kentucky police officers. It was then covered up by state police who investigated less than 24 hours. 6. I am manic bi-polar. I have severe highs and I harness them to get work done on my house and cars. 7. I consider my fu-friends to be real friends, hey, we have been there for each other, sometimes when real life friends weren't!!! Some of you have my phone/text #
To Whom It May Concern
I have tried to be nice and now i am getting were told to stay off of my dads profile..he works all the time and has no time to talk to you..He ALREADY HAS A WIFE, FOUR BEAUTIFUL DAUGHTERS A SON-N-LAW, A GRANDDAUGHTER, A GRANDSON AND ANOTHER GRANDSON ON THE WAY..My family is doing fine with out you trying to contact him all the time...if it keeps on i will have his profile deleted and u will not be able to contact him have a MASTER and its not my FATHER so leave my family alone...Please i am asking you nicely to leave my dad alone and if you are calling him STOP..I am asking nicely....Please Stop calling or talking to him....
Tag Ur It
TAG YOUR IT !! The rules are: Once you've been tagged you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose 5 people to be tagged. List their names and why you chose them to be tagged. Don't forget to leave a comment thats says "You are tagged" on their profile and to read your latest blog. Have fun! 1)I am afraid of lizzards 2)I can't stand it when people touch my pillows 3)I love scary movies 4)I use to be in gymnastics 5)I have 4 peircings other then my ears ;) lol 6)I hate driving under bridges 7)I have a weakness for funny people 8)Sometimes I think I see things that others say they cant see..maybe its just my eyes lol 9)I wear contacts and or glasses 10)One of my most fav drinks is called Turtle piss...its madori..malibu..and a lil bit oj lol I choose Eroticicdreamer because she kicks as* Latenight cause he is like a brother to me Reece because he is my best f
Blah Blah Blah
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1. As real as I try to be on the internet, I'm a very shy person in reality (this may come as a surprise but doubtful). 2. I rarely get cold and have in fact worn shorts on a daily basis for the past year and a half. 3.Sometimes while playing video games or watching football I get really angry and punch myself in the head (not smart I know). 4. I still pick my nose. For one, gross I know, it's just a boredom thing. 5.I'm a lazy bastard, plain and simple. 6.Love animals, someday hope to be a veterinary nurse. 7.I'm half Cypriot, not that I look it, but my mum is a greek cypriot so I am. Have a lot of family fr
A Soft Rain
A soft rain A soft rain, On a warm morning, During a walk, Is an invitation To refine those Memories That have faded since Childhood. Is it the falling of the Drops through the leaves That we hear? or Is that the movement of Peals of water rolling over the Once dry creek bed? I have thrown aside My umbrella… A quiet that is only Broken by the swish Of car tires as they Breathlessly swirl by, Rain flattens my Hair, running rivulets Of nature’s tears over My unshaven face. My dogs prance the Prance with what we foolishly Call a smile on their faces. That is obviously just Contentment! The rain is irrelevant To them. Poet
B.f. Skinner
"The real problem is not whether machines think but whether men do."
Crazy Lady
Shes Crazy Shes a lil Psycotich!! Shes Dj Crazy Lady!! Rockin out in Paradise Cove!! Come see the Insane Crazy Lady live and Hear great tunes From Rock to COuntry To Metal and everything in between!!!
For Fun
Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1. i have a phobe about needles. hate em bad! 2. i about passed out when i had my vasectomy, just from the locals 3. i like my feet tucked in real tight when i sleep 4. i eat my food in order. vegies first, the meat is always last 5. i have hazel eyes 6. i am 6 foot tall.. but finger tip to finger tip is 6'4" 7. i am a soccer coach, ref, field director. during the soccer season i put in a min of 20 hrs per week at the fields doing soccer stuff 8. i never played soccer 9. i wrestled for 4 yrs in highschool 10. we have pet rats. 2 boys and 8 girls *bonus tidbit* i am a fu-junkie
Re-opening Tonight At 8pm!
Hot Rod Lincoln
Tag Ur It
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1/ have a habit of playing with my tongue ring 2/ when i have a good buzz i want chocolate and a dr pepper :) 3/ im the type of person that will bust out laughing about something that was said or done days ago 4/ im a MUSTANG FREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5/ like playing in mud with the boys Wooot!!! 6/ im a sucker for blues and an awesome smile but a wicked personality wins everytime 7/ been engaged only god knows how many times 8/ used to play the guitar when i was younger 9/ all my friends have same angel nickname for me...hmmmmm i dont get it but i LOVE THEM just the same 10/ rick your not the only one that doesnt like
Nascar Passing
Pure Romance
Hey everyone!!! Need that extra umpf in your sex life or just wanna have some extra fun in the bedroom? Then you have to come to a Pure Romance party. It's a blast and you'll laugh your booty off. Get everything you could possibly want.. things from lubricants to fun toys. Book your party now, dates are filling up! Let's have a blast! Email me at SMYLEESARAH@YAHOO.COM See ya there! Sarah ps. I'm in Ohio
Life Or So Thats What They Call It
Why is it when people look at you they smile. This piss me off everyday cause when you know exactly what they are thinking. Lets just get this straight if you hate me say so cause I hate to faced people. When you have family like mine you know when things are good and bad. Look if you think this life you are living is good think again. Shit mes up for a reason and its called fate so deal or roll over and die. There itt is off my chest.
The Reason Im Sad...
Im sad because of Stevie, his fubar name at the moment is "No One". I feel that I have to post this blog as a warning and also a cry for help. A lot of you probably have already had brief encounters with him as he hates me talking to any guys.. Let me get this straight, im single. He doesn't own me. But he likes to think he does. He controls a lot.. He is nasty to me, talks to me worse than anyone else ever has. He is (VERY) aggressive to me and swears and shouts at me if I don't pay him every bit of my attention. I guess you're thinking, why don't I just block him and have done with it? He threatens me. He says he will kill himself and he blames me for that, I don't want that.. I don't want to be a cause of that. But then he has said that he will haunt me. It's scary and I feel trapped. I don't care if he gets angry with me and turns into my ex.. for posting this, he needs to be exposed now because he thinks the way he treats me is acceptable but I disagree. Thanks to everyone who has
Coke V. Psychology
->Mistress C...: Damn you..damn you..Why ya letting me win..I wanna know more about your relations.. ->Mistress C...: yes..i do study psychology..BTW ->Mistress C...: the good news is you probably have a high IQ..but likely you were ADD/ADHD as a child ->Mistress C...: portraits of pioneering in psychology.. My Coke Re...: better yet, dont bother, im not a matter of fact, im outtie, I have better things to do that to waste my time with some "wannabee". so you go have a hell of a day. My Coke Re...: please.....if there are many books, im so sure that your smart enough to give me one without having to look...... ->Mistress C...: brb ->Mistress C...: ok just a moment let me go to my library..i will get one My Coke Re...: name one ->Mistress C...: well it shows examples in many psych books and no mrs robinson did not tell me anything My Coke Re...: did mrs robinson tell you that? lol My Coke Re...: where does it says that einstein? ->Mistress C...: well when
Tired Of The Sporks Bullitens
Guys as much as it is a tragedy a small child was killed by ignorance The bullitens are realy getting OLD the father is caught and the mother is still at large and as much as I think she is a Bitch myself the 24/7 bullitens are getting OLD REAL Fast the police will catch up to her.... She aint that smart. I just Blocked 4 people that posted and reposted this sh*t Let the Police and the courts do thier Job and keep it out of FUBAR. Yea I know if I dont like it dont read it, BUT if you are a friend it is in my bullitens and I still have to see the Title so the next best option is the Block Link......
Have A Heart And Please Rate My Pic For Contest
(repost of original by 'Joyridin2w--DB Crew member' on '2008-02-06 08:21:54')
It Can Happen To Anyone!
This bulletin is going around about spousal abuse and domestic violence and I felt compelled to share a little of my story with you. I am not going to get into details because well, there's just too much. BUT IT CAN HAPPEN TO ANYONE AND HAS HAPPENED TO ME. I spent ten years married to a MANIAC. He sought help from time to time so like a "good wife" I stuck around. This was last February, 2007. He is currently incarcerated for trying to kill me that night. I am not asking you to repost this bulletin or to have pity on me. You don't have to "awwww" or tell me how sorry you are. But if you know someone who is a victim, stand by their side and support them. Let them know how important they are to you and how much more they deserve for themselves. They won't get help til they are ready but it will help to know there are people that care. xoxo PebblesinAZ Think its OK to boss a girl around? Slap her around a few times and teach her a lesson? She'
Just For Fun
Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1.I have 3 kids 2.Both my girls are autistic 3.I have 1 person on here I consider to be my sister shes such a sweetheart 4.My dads dream was to be a police officer which he did before he died. 5.I had a very sweet friend on here who died in Iraq 6.I have met alot of great people on here 7.I have 1 sister who lives in Indiana 8.I have 1 neice and a nephew 9.I have a very best friend in R/L who I Love to hang out with 10.Im still really good friends from some people I went to high school with I am gonna send this to:Emerald,Dennis,R.J,Trucker,and Mr.Salicious
Losing Someone You Love
One day someone special will be gone. And on that clear, cold morning, in the warmth of your room, you might be struck with the pain of learning that sometimes in life the most important things get lost along the way. No more hugs, no more lucky moments to celebrate together, no more phone calls just to chat, No more "just one minute." No more smiles, laughs or silly jokes Sometimes, what we care about the most goes away. never to return before we can say good-bye, Say "I Love You" to that special friend or partner. We all need to feel love, 'be' loved by friends or someone close. So while we have it . . it's best we love it And care for it and fix it when it's broken and take good care of it when it's sick. This is true for marriage .... and friendships ... And children being children; And dogs with bad hips; And aging parents and grandparents. We keep them because they are worth it, Because we cherish them! Some things we keep -- like a best friend wh
Tag Tag Tag Blah Blah Blah
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1/ I often take one sock off and pull the other one so it just covers my toes 2/ When I start something, I cant stop....even if it takes me til 5am! 3/ Im spontaneous to the point Ive gone for walks or drives after waking up in the middle of the night dreaming 4/ Im absolutely facinated by the universe, planets, stars, and black holes. 5/ when I got to 35, I felt 25.....yea weird cos when I was 25, I felt 50! 6/ I love how logic and philosophy can mix and create chaos.......but mind bogglingly fun chaos 7/ Ive been married twice, and am still officially married, not happily, and WILLLLLL!!! be getting divorced 8/ I play
Wyoming Cowboy A young cowboy from Wyoming goes off to college, but half way through the semester, he has foolishly squandered all his money. He calls home. "Dad," he says, "You won't believe what modern education is developing! They actually have a program here in Laramie that will teach our dog, Ol' Blue how to talk!" "That's amazing," his Dad says. "How do I get Ol' Blue in that program?" "Just send him down here with $1,000" the young cowboy says. "I'll get him in the course." So, his father sends the dog and $1,000. About two-thirds through the semester, the money again runs out. The boy calls home. "So how's Ol' Blue doing, son," his father asks. "Awesome, Dad, he's talking up a storm," he says, "but you just won't believe this - they've had such good results they have started to teach the animals how to read!" "Read!" says his father, "No kidding! How do we g et Bl ue in that program?" "Just send $2,500, I'll get him in the c
Officially Alone
Well I am officially alone in life. I am stuck here in hell with no way out. I have no one here, no family, no friends nothing. I have lost everything in my life that kept me sane. It is bad enough that I am extremely depressed with everything else that is going on in my life and now the last person that I could count on left. I am now here alone. I don't and can't trust anyone here cuz everyone that I have met has lied and betrayed me in some way and if they haven't yet i am sure they will down the line. I have tried to do everything in my power to stay happy for the sake of my son but I can't do it anymore. It is so much harder to do then people think. I have done nothing but fuck up since I have lived here. My life has done nothing but go down since I was young. I am weighed down by my own pain and suffering and there is no help out there to get me out. I am and will always be stuck here. no matter what.
New Pics
Well i just wanted to let everyone know please RATE the NEW pics.. Just had them taken and want to know what everyone things.. So FEEL FREE to SNOOP around as well
What My Name Means
What Erika Means You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone. You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together. At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together. You are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. You're always up to something. You have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle you. You're very intense. You definitely are a handful, and you're likely to get in trouble. But your kind of trouble is a lot of fun. You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing. You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long. You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start. You are a seeker of knowledge, and you have learned many things in your life. You a
Tag. You're Turn.
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1. I'm severely afraid of spiders. Every time I see one, they make me cry. 2. I have a giant red mark on the side of my face from talking on the phone so much. 3. I'm scared of being alone. 4. I hate having water on me. The only time I tolerate it is in the shower. 5. I collect dried flowers and picture frames. 6. I'm on the computer way too much. 7. I torrent like a fiend. 8. Snot is the only thing that grosses me out. 9. I'm leaving in 4 days. I'm so fucking excited. 10. I photoshop and scrapbook wildly. Its one of the only things that keeps me occupied. I am going to tag: The Bitch, e
Just Do Not Get It
Why do people, women in particular, feel they have to whore themselves out to get stuff from people? I have bought a VIP for one lady here, and it was not to see her private pictures, she had added me to her family long before I bought it. I just did it to be nice. I have bought some ladies blasts, again for the same reason.....if I have to spend money on you to see you in the nude, than no thank you, I will save it for a whore. At least I'll get a piece out of it.
The New Rules Of Attraction By Nina Malkin (msn Article)
The New Rules Of Attraction By Nina Malkin ( ( Link:>1=10886 ) ) When it comes to finding love, there are certain truths that seem so irrefutable that any single person would be a fool to not follow them. Maybe you’re a firm believer that you can tell within seconds if you’re attracted to someone. Or, maybe you adhere to the idea that a first kiss says it all: If you feel fireworks, your date’s a keeper; if it bombs, cut your losses. While these romantic maxims have their fans, experts insist that these laws no longer hold true in today’s dating world. In short, many rules single people follow need a little revamping. To that end, we’ve consulted authorities in the field to bring you the most up-to-date tactics for finding someone you’ll click with. Old rule: You can tell if you’re truly attracted to someone in three seconds New rule: You can’t tell if you’re truly attracted to s
Broken Pieces/ Please Don't Rip
standing in shattered glass looking into deep reflections two sides of me glancing back one so close to tears the other looking cold and numb both reflections only shadows of an old soul barely able to see myself desperate to look ahead, terrified at what I'll see once so open an honest now so cold and alone where are the right pieces or the glue to hold the old unable to define either too scared to pick them up holding on to broken pieces blood poring from my hands, no tears or pain in sight i close my eyes to keep from screaming my mind so close to breaking no one to talk to no one who will understand
Male Perverts
Yes Or No
New Graphics Profanity Images Top Comments
A Friend In You
New Comment GraphicsSexi Graphics
A Desperate Attempt
New Graphics Drama Images Top Comments
Tag... Yo'
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1. i can walk on my toes. 2. sunlight makes me cry 3. i always read magazines from back to front 4. i randomly pick up super heavy objects, just to see if i can. (i love testing my body) 5. i talk to myself... in accents. 6. umm.. i can knot a cherry stem with my tongue. 7. crowds/groups make me nervous. in a hands wont stop shaking and sweating kinda way. hives dont make an appearance though. 8. i make a awesome monkey sound.. 9. i catwalk when no one is looking (sometimes when they are! lol) 10. you cant take me to the park. i have more fun than kids do! you'll catch me climbing on things you sho
Recruit Pic By Bigdawg69
All My Poems Dont Rip Or Copy Please Just Read
Love You When heaven opens up the tears Fall from all their loved ones of You and me. They are so happy. I may go before you but I will Always love you. Second by second, minute by minute, Hour by hour, day by day, and year by year My love grows for you. The tears I shed for you is just love for you. So when I am gone before you remember all the Memories and love for you I had. When the rain comes down it is just My tears of love and happiness for you. Written by: Tim Starman The Worry The Pain The worry the pain. Am I fine or am I worse off. I pray day in and out that I am fine. I don't feel fine. I feel worse off. I might die. I might not ever work again. What should I do? I want to be here forever. I want to watch my kids grow up more. It is rough on them any my husband. I wander how far did it spread. I say I might die. But everybody says I will be fine. I miss being the o
Drama Drama
New Graphics Drama Images Top Comments
Big Trucks
I been workin on my truck for awhile now and i wanna finish but i dont know what i wanna do next....
Tagg Yoour It
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. Weird/Random Facts 1.) I have a 1990 New Yorker 5th Ave 2.) I love red heads 3.) Green eyes are a turn on 4.) I have a sweet side. 5.) My tongue will make wemon wiggle. 6.) I'm a Plumber. 7.) Anything over a handful is a waste. 8.) I'm into HeavyMetal Music. 9.) Faverate color is black. 10.) things to wander?...why do Ladys wear teadys?, they never stay on. GUESS WHO HAS BEEN TAGGED BY ME?! MakeMePurrr ♥ Fu Wifey To Losted In Love ♥ DJ@Fyre 'N' Ice@ fubar Anna@ fubar ~countryhottie bad angel ~owner of skull fuked ~fu wife to will~@ fubar Storm '
Playing Tag
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1)I use the little period button too much when I write, but I like it!........ 2)I like to chew my gum really loud 3)I fucking hate the sound the ice maker on the refrigerator makes, makes me cringe 4)I have a serious problem with lights being on when noone is in the room. Turn off the fucking lights when you leave the room! 5)I hate my cigar ashes to be thrown away before I'm done smoking. I like keeping them all together. 6)I like to bury my finished cigar in the ground when I'm done. Kinda like returning it to it's beginnings 7)I don't like being touched when I'm sleeping. 8)Fact: I believe in Adam&Eve
My Valentine
Take the Who is My Valentine Quiz at!Make Your Own Quiz
All In The Way You Look At It
This is kinda long but worth the read :-) …My favorite is #9. 1) NUDITY I was driving with my three young children one warm summer evening when a woman in the convertible ahead of us stood up and waved. She was stark naked! As I was reeling from the shock, I heard my 5-year-old shout from the back seat, 'Mom! That lady isn't wearing a seat belt!' 2) OPINIONS On the first day of school, a first-grader handed his teacher a note from his mother. The note read, 'The opinions expressed by this child are not necessarily those of his parents.' 3) KETCHUP A woman was trying hard to get the ketchup out of the jar. During her struggle the phone rang so she asked her 4-year-old daughter to answer the phone. 'Mommy can't come to the phone to talk to you right now. She's hitting the bottle.' 4) MORE NUDITY A little boy got lost at the YMCA and found himself in the women's locker room. When he was spotted, the room burst into shrieks, with ladie
Today's Blast Contest! (has A Winner)
ok be the first one to catch my blast(screen shot & Post to your account) then link me to it...will win a one day blast! I'm shoting for godfather this month and will be giving more away all month! Btw tell your friends to add me for more updates! 504 Bourbon member Mademoiselle wins today's blast! ~*MÅÐëmØï§ëllë ÐÅmnïëllë*~GrëëTëR @ ~504 BØürbØn §TrëëT~@ fubar Show her love, rate, fan add her!
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1) I really do get annoyed by stupidity 2) I'm far more intelligent than even you give me credit for 3) I'm also far more lazy than you may realize 4) I lack ambition, or I'd be rich already 5) I have NEVER failed at anything I have attempted 6) I play the Alto Sax 7) I'm not gonna masturbate tonight 8) If you are, I wanna watch 9) I'm too emotional, I fall in love way too easy 10) I tend to care more about others than myself Ok then...who to tag? Can't tag Stacie or MJ.... Sharon Jamie Sam JWH You
Elisabeth fortsetter sin seierstokt ved å gjøre det samme med de nye hindrene som dukker opp. Det Elisabeth sier er følgende: Jesus, hvis du er Gud, hvorfor vil du ikke ligge med datteren din? Det spørsmålet er ikke mulig å svare på for Jesus ettersom han da avslører Salome (som har veldig lyst på å ligge med Elisabeth). Og ved å fortsette å stille spørsmålet mot det absurde vil Jesus til slutt måtte gi etter eller ta livet av seg. Dette er hva som gikk galt mellom tilstandene Salome=gud til Elisabeth=gud. Den eneste personen som kan møte Elisabeth og ta over arven hennes er en Hitler.
E's agenda er å bli kvit jøder. Og det må vœre en grunn til at det ble hennes kampsak. Wzm tydeliggjør den delen av N's skrifter. Den delen av Salomes virkeliggjøring blir det eneste viktige. Det første spørsmålet blir da: Kunne Salome blitt synlig uten jødeforfølgelser? Ja. Når Nietzsche snakker om 200 år mener han ganske sikkert ikke 195 års bearbeidelse av 5 års nedslaktinger. En kamp for en kvinnelig gud kommer i direkte opposisjon mot jødene. Deretter kommer en kamp mot Jesus som gud i seg selv eller som sønn av en mannlig guddom. Hvis vi stiller oss sammen med E i 1870 ser vi at det kommer til å ta tid. Elisabeth har Salome som gud personifisert ved Lou. Hitler har Elisabeth som gud. Noe gikk galt mellom de to hendelsene. Hvis vi ser E i elskov med S sammen med N er det fullt mulig å forstå som et incestiøst scenario. Gud, faren deres, er død. Og både E og N har antagelig et ønske om moren sin. Og begge forstår at det er et virkelig bilde på gud og oss so
What If?
Okay, so Hypothetically........thinking of course.... say tomorrow doesnt come? or the person you havent told you like....ends up not being there the next day? or how about a bad relationship with your dad and something happens to one of you? think about it.....People need to put pride aside and their crazy "beliefs" ...if you like or even "Love" someone............You NEED to tell them is short, people make mistakes.....its how you grow from those mistakes and how you learn from those mistakes that sets your path or way of thinking. if you have goals in life..stop letting "excuses" stop them already.......seriously......everyday we see the sun rise and set is a blessing, we should be so grateful that we can look forward to tomorrow....alot of people cant. so go say your "i love you's" and fix your relationships and follow your dreams, happy for will set you free ........
Elisabeth F N Det er fullt mulig å hate henne. Hun legitimerte jødeforfølgelsene. Samtidig er hun antagelig grunnen til Nietzsches verk. Hva er problemet med å ligge med Elisabeth Förster? At hun er ond og står ansvarlig for mordet på 6 millioner jøder? Nei. At hun er Salome eller virkeligheten av Gud sett fra et kvinnelig ståsted. Det har fått verden til å rygge vekk fra problemet og stole fullt og fast på Hitler evt på godheten i verden. Alle har hele tiden visst at Elisabeth var den skyldige, og de fleste med innsikt har ant at det har en direkte tilknytning til troen på Gud som kvinne. Problemet ved å godta det er at Salome derfor kan vœre skyldig i mordene. Hvis det er tilfelle er det ingen poeng i å leve. Kjœrligheten er sten død. Hva kan vœre årsaken til problemstillingen? Kanskje Jesus. Jesus er jo gud, og han er det utfra sin tilknytning til Salome. Elisabeth er gud på samme måte sett fra den synsvinkelen. Hitler har sin styrke fra Elisabeths godkjenning
Tag Yo Mama
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1. i played the flute in high school. 2. i have a guitar... i never learned to play. 3. i'm getting a divorce. 4. i hate vanilla. 5. i'm allergic to squash. 6. i'm in college now, after a 4 year hiatus. 7. english is my least favorite subject, but i'm great at it. 8. math is my favorite subject, but i suck ass at it. 9. i can wiggle my nose bunny-style. no, you can't do it, but it's amusing to watch you try. 10. i just turned 27 and this is the first time i've ever lived alone. i'm tagging rich, chris, mel, johnny, and janet. ;)
"Oh Father. Why have thou forsaken me." Hvis Nietzsche var ironisk med Gud drept av oss og i tilegg kanskje til og med at Jesus syntes det var en umulig prøvelse å vœre talsmann for Salome da blir hans siste ord forståelige. Hvis han visste at Gud er Salome er "far" ironisk. Og hvis han ville bli fri er spørsmålet om hvorfor hun har forlatt ham også ironisk. En dobbelt ironi som bare var forståelige for de tidlige kristne. Nietzsche. Hvis teorien om Salome stemmer viser skjebnen hans noe spennende. Han dro til Italia. Sils Maria. Og der utforsker han den romerske siden av Salome til bunns. Til en slik grad at han ser for seg et samfunn frigjort fra kristendom og en skapning av nye verdier. Hvis Elisabeth er den andre siden av Nietzsches oppdagelse, hva betyr det? Foruten at E går mot jødehat pga et umulig savn etter Lou, kan ikke dette illustrere et totalt manglende gangsyn hos N? Hva ser E? Hun ser broren gå hand i hand med sin kvinnelige Gud. Og han går mot fjellene.
Dan Wallace Tribute
Dan Wallace Tribute
Want A Blast With No Bombin.....
Im gonna be holdin a contest which will start Mon Feb 18th at 8:00am CST and run till Mon March 10th at 10:00pm CST. Its not gonna be a comment bombin contest just based on rates! With the new ratin system the contest will last for 3 weeks so make sure you get all ur friends to come back and re-rate the pic each week. The theme will be party! I love to party and well I wanna see some pics of some of ur nights out or in which ever! The pic must be SFW but its also gotta be a pic of a night out or just a simple party at home but I want them party pics!! Heres a break down of the rules... 1. Pic must be SFW 2. NO DRAMA! No ifs ands or buts about it! 3. Prizes will be based on the number of rates u get and there will be 3 awarded. 1st place will be a 7day blast or vip only if the rates are over 250 if its under then a 3 day blast will be given. 2nd place will be a 3 day blast unless 1st doest reach the 250 mark then a 1 day blast will be given. 3rd place will be 100k fubuck
F. Nietzsche ble venn med Lou van S. Elisabeth hadde et problem med det. Et stort problem. Hun måtte bli igjen for å "samle krefter" etter at hun var blitt introdusert for dama og de andre dro videre. Det er i det lyset det er mulig å forstå Elisabeths forhold til Førster. N og E må ha vært nært knyttet til hverandre (over 500 brev til henne sier sitt). Det er mulig de begge forsto. Elisabeth knytter seg til en jødehater og tar siden kontakt med Hitler (som møtte opp i begravelsen hennes). Hun benytter den andre veien for å nå Salome. Men antagelig var begge forelsket i henne. At hun benytter Nietzsches skrifter (og i tillegg omskriver dem) for å fremme jødehat og hjelpe Hitler kan derfor sees som en måte å nå kjærligheten til en annen kvinne. En kamp mellom bror og søster. Og søstera vant kampen. Og det er jo tross alt bare rett og rimelig hvis vi snakker om en mulig vinkling av Gud som kvinne. Eller? Det skulle bare 3 brev til mellom Strindberg og Nietzsche for
Have You Ever Seen A Fire Rainbow?
New Lounge
I Need Blogging Material!!!!
Make on Snapvine | Copy This
Tag You Are It
This is so not my fault lol Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1. I hate chains letter 2. I'm a smoker 3. I hate drama 4. I HATE listing facts about me (LOL) 5. I'm a good listener 6. I worry to much 7. I spend too much time on fubar 8. I love crafts 9. I like meeting new people 10. Fact: I LOVE my friends dearly
Tag Your It
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1. Im ocd about my alarm clock and locking my doors..i dont know why 2. I cant stand my 2 dogs..i wanna give em away 3. I hate rap music..i wanna fight all rappers 4. I hate veggies...They all suck. Well i lie i like green beans 5. I love heavy metal than most people. I wake up to Lamb of God on my alarm clock and go to sleep to Trivium. 6. I like fucking with people while im driving. Ill stop at a red light and roll down the windows and blast some metal and headbang the whole time scaring old people. 7. Im a loner.. i go to the movies alone and to concerts alone sometimes. I also go on roadtrips alone to j
You And Me
I would like to express my self to you, but you do not exsist. Your in my dreams and in my imagination, but I have no idea who you are. When I dream of you we have fun all the time, a lot of fun when the lights are out. I dont know what the dreams are made from, but I know if you exsisted we would be together. In my imagination you are the perfect date, movies and dinner, or a night out on the town we are a perfect match. Who are you where are you from, This I dont know, but i know for sure you are smoking hot in my dreams. Well all I wanted to say is that I wish I knew you and have a happy valentines day where ever or whenever you are.
What do people think the meaning of life is
Abunza Scam
Abunza Scam Are you ready to learn the SECRET to online wealth? Abunza Scam or Reality - Abunza features an English and Spanish website and products, and employs a team of bi-lingual sales pros on their "Dream Team" to close sales on behalf of its members. Ad co-ops targeting both the English and Spanish speaking markets are also available. Abunza is a true ground floor opportunity and combines the high ROI potential of a start-up company with the security of a proven and tested model, concept and software that has been very solid and very successful already. The Abunza Dream Team will call back prospects in both Spanish and English so that members don’t have to. Members are notified when funds are transferred into their accounts. A commission is then paid to the Dream Team member. Generous two-tier compensation plan pays out 100% commission. $797 on the first level and $200 on the second level. The business plan was approved by Gerry Nehra, the top specialized attor
Take the Who is My Valentine Quiz at!Make Your Own Quiz
Gonna Be A Bear
In this life I'm a woman. In my next life I'd like to come back as a bear. When you're a bear you get to hibernate. You do nothing but sleep for six months. I could deal with that. Before you hibernate you are suppose to eat yourself stupid. I could deal with that too. When you're a girl bear you birth your children(who are the size of a walnut) while you are sleeping and wake to partially grown, cute cuddly cubs. I could definatley deal with that. If you're a momma bear everyone knows you mean business. You swat anyone who bothers your cubs. If your cubs get out of line you swat them too. I could deal with that. If you're a bear your mate EXPECTS you to wake up growling, He EXPECTS that you will have hairy legs and excess body fat Yup GONNA BE A BEAR
Strange Dream
i have to write some of it before i forget. In my dream i went back to being a teenager, yet i had all my memories of now. The man i was in love with was now too old for me and wouldnt believe i was the same person, yet we were friends and always hung out. It was heartbreaking being with the man i loved knowing i couldnt be anything more than a friend now. theres more to the dream but that was the main part.
Stuff Stuff And More Stuff...
Went to Louisiana to get a car... and it was not there... in fact we found out from the cop shop (my favorite hang out) that the house has been abandon for 3 to 4 years... grrrr... I still got paid a bit for the trip but I mean really... I want to get the car... Now I am am determined to get it. I will find it and I will drive the shit out of it when I get it. Oh the woe's of a repo chick... I do love my job... Wouldn't trade it for anything. It does however keep me pretty freaking busy... blah blah blah blah blah... I could ramble on forever but think that may get old and boring... Oh!!! Going to see Devil Driver!!! Also I will be going to my friends bridal shower in OKC. I am not a big fan of Oklahoma, I am a Texas kind of girl, but for you Kerrie, I will make an exception. *HUGS*
Ok so i was tagged by Misterfeet.....The rules are: Once you've been tagged you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose 5 people to be tagged. No tag backs. 1. I can play the Tuba like a pro. 2. I like to crunch up salt n vinegar chips into my mac n cheese (don't knock it till you try it) 3. I have eaten a lot of weird calf brains and calf balls (prairie oysters) And the brains were sooo not my idea i was 6 or 7 and my dad made me do it ICK....but the calf Nuts were DELICIOUS LMAO 4. I actually live in an igloo 5. I, like Misterfeet...know that masturbating will not make you go blind....Yeesh who ever thought that idea up :s 6. I LOVE the snow 7. I drink way too much coffee...4+ big cups a day 8. I have never gone to someones page on FUBAR and clicked the add as friend button...all the people in my list have added me. 9. I worry that my breath i chew gum or pop mint
Ive talked to a few people lately, and of course everybody is asking, how I am. Well the truth is not very well, I feel as if I am a little rowing boat in the middle of the largest ocean, just sailing around aimlisly, without any direction. I have been spending more time with my children and family as well, which is natural. As for the future of me on fubar I dont really know, Ive still got 3 weeks left of my VIP, but my heaert isnt in it at the moment. I know I could take a break from it, but i know from experience the last time, a lot of people just forget about you, you become a distant memory. To leave Fubar would mean to leave behind the lots of good friends I have on here, maybe over time I will be guided on what to do. A couple of people have asked me lately to do them graphics, to be totally honest I havent opened my paint program since last week, or if I do it just sits there blank, my creativity has gone also for a walk around. Hopefully within the next 3 weeks i mig
Tag You're It
I had to start this because of Becca lolol... thanks Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1. My only OCD is that I count stairs everywhere I go... there are 14 at my house to go upstairs and 10 to go down to the basement and there are a total of 28 here at work lol.... it's a really bad habit that formed when i was little. 2. I have 7 nieces and nephews... sometimes I forget about the 7th one because she's my half niece... oh wait actually i have 9 - 2 more hal nieces but they dont talk to us - their mom is a psycho bitch and my half brother goes along with it. 3. I have a birthmark on my right butt cheek hahah 4. I used to want to be an archeologist 5. I really hate my
My Coke Rewards
Ok I know it's long as hell but damn is it funny! ->Mrs. Robinson: then why do you still reply My Coke Re...: maybe if I gave to shits on what you really had to say I would actually listen ->Mrs. Robinson: maybe we need to just agree to disagree and find you a new psychologist My Coke Re...: no, if YOU hadn't said anything, we wouldnt be in this situation. ->Mrs. Robinson: well if you didn't get so angry and defensive in the first place we would be in this situation now would we My Coke Re...: I would have if you did make that rude comment, but again, that's your ammo, getting people pissed off & then trying to see what truly is wrong with them, when in most cases it absolutely nothing. ->Mrs. Robinson: you could have moved on yourself as well but you chose to be an angry fucker My Coke Re...: well if you didnt want my shoutout, you should have blocked them.......not my problem if you left it open.....again, all you had to say was nothing & I would have moved on, but if you
How Sex Starts..
How Sex Starts ...a hug leads to a kiss ...a kiss leads 2 makeout ...a makeout leads 2 finger ...a finger leads to a hand ...a hand leads to a lick ...a lick leads to a suck ...a suck leads 2 a fuck. So tell me how many people are you gonna hug after you heard this cuz sex is like math. ...u add the bed ...subtract the clothes ...divide the legs ...leave your solution ...and pray you dont multiply! Send this right after u read it
This Is Just Odd
Strange coincidences between Abraham Lincoln and John F Kennedy Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846. John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946. Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860. John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960. The names Lincoln and Kennedy each contain seven letters. Both were particularly concerned with civil rights. Both of their wives lost their children while living in the White House. Both Presidents were shot on a Friday. Both were shot in the head. Both were shot with one bullet. Both were rumored to be killed in a conspiracy. Neither was confirmed to be a conspiracy. Lincoln was shot in the Ford Theater. Kennedy was shot in a card made by the Ford Motor Company (a Lincoln no less) Lincoln's secretary was named Kennedy. Kennedy's secretary was named Lincoln. Both were assassinated by Southerners. Both were succeeded by Southerners. Both successors were named Johnson. Andre
Tag You're It
cuz Furby said Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. a pet giant african land snail 2.i hate spiders 3.cant spell 4.i got my nipples pierced fave holiday is halloween 6.i dye my hair red and black (big shock to them that know me) 7.i'm really close to my mum 8.a few years back i was so depressed i thought about suicide 9.i am going to a slimming club need to shift some weight 10.i will always try to help my friends and am always there to listen if they need me. Maggie Kit Daisy blue Boss Art
Listen To This Bullshit!
Omg! So, last night I went out with some friends to a hookah lounge. It's cool - you can still smoke inside and it's byob so it's hella cheap... plus you get to puff on da hookah, man. Anywho, Jonathon shows up looking all good n shit... we all went to HS together so yea but in December he and I were supposed to go out.. .you know, like dinner and a movie, got the sitter early and all this shit... the fucker TOTALLY blows me off. He claims to mutual friends he feels so bad and blablabla, now mind you we're 2 months later and not one word from ol' boy. Whatever, I didn't say anything about it, why ruin a fun night, right? We go here, we go there; this poor guy is driving us girls all over the city - literally. We drop off the other 2 girls and I tell him how to start heading towards home, and he turns the opposite way and says somethin like, "You don't wanna go home yet, it's only 3 - let's go get rocked at my buddies house (way the fuck on the other side of the city). I
First Message Of The Day
So I got to wake up to this dumbass message in my inbox today....I wonder if this guy would walk up to me on the street and say this?? Many Smiles April ♥
What Would Life Be
What would life be with out friends like thee I'll tell you, like no longer being free. Imagine what life would be so sad and blue To go through life without that special you. And I know we live so far away Through the internet we are like castaways Never get to touch or hug you for this I only pray For some day I hope we can meet To hug and laugh and dance to the beat I know this would be a treat For now this is all I see Is my good friend here with me Just think what life would be Without friends like thee
Friends Without Faces
We sit and we type and we stare at our screens, We can't help but wonder what all of this means. With mouse in hand ...we roam through this maze, On an infinite search...lost in a daze. We chat with each other, we type all our woes At times we'll band together to gang up on our foes. We wait for somebody, to type out our name We want recognition, but it is always the same. Soon friendships are formed - but - why we don't know, But some of these friendships, will flourish and grow. We give kisses and hugs, and sometimes we'll flirt, In IMs we chat deeply, and reveal why we hurt. Why is it on screen, we are so easily bold, Telling our secrets, that have never been told. The answer is simple, it is as clear as a bell, We all have our problems, and need someone to tell. We can't tell real people, but tell someone we must So we turn to our 'puters ...and to those we can trust. Even though it s
Your It
I'm so gonna get Tik for this one. I got suckered so others will now have to suffer.LMAO. So here's what you have to do if I tagged you. You need to post a blog and put up 10 unknown or weird facts about yourself. Then post 5 friends to tag on the blog. Leave them a profile comment and telling them to read your blog and don't forget to say your it! Shit...lil FYI you can't tag the person who tagged you! oops left that part out. 1)I like the Jungle Book movie 2)I hate people who are loud in restaurants 3)I used to play darts in a league 4)I am a pool shark 5)I sleep with 5 pillows 6)I dance around the house like a fool at times 7)I laughed when my ex would injure himself 8)I like to spend Sundays curled up with someone special just talking or not saying anything at all 9)Love movie Gone With the Wind 10)I can belch like a sailor Chip Micke blue eyes Sc(0)ttyH(0)tty Wolf Eyes Wicked Intentions You are all it!!
Friends Forever
I live my life, miles away Needing you closer to me I wish I could vist, then stay Only if airplane tickets were free You're the most beautiful person I know More beautiful than anyone I've met I love you more than I can show You're the greatest friend anyone could get And even though we're far apart You'll forever be in my heart Dedicated to all my dear friends so far away
A Friend Needs Our Help
A very good friend of mine (and probably yours too) 'mizotte59' is in a contest and needs 60,000 comments for a Happy Hour. He is already half way there. Mizotte does SO MUCH for each of us why not show him how much we appreciate him and all that he does! Thanks so much in advance! 'mizotte59' This pimp out brought to you by aGEM4life
I Like Turtles.
Ten Things About Me
1. I hate to be late, but I also put things off til the last minute. 2. I am about to turn 40, but don't feel any older 3. I started playing the cello in 5th grade in order to get out of taking gym in elemetary school. 4. I am a hasher, (google this one if you aren't familiar with that term) It has nothign to do with drugs just in case you were worried. I mostly bike hash. I never did enjoy running. 5. I didn't learn to ride a bike until I was 19, but within a couple years I was working in a bike shop and ended up managing a couple of them. 6. I have sold cars that are more expensive than my house, but I drive a 99 Honda Civic. 7. I learn by listening, never was good at taking notes. Its hard for me to do more than one thing at once I suppose. 8. The older I get the more I sneeze ( you can tell I am running out of stuff here, I guess I am not that intersting either) 9. I had my wisdom teeth out last year, I wasn't smart enough to have them removed w
That's All The Bullets We Had!!! *snortz*
Some 'dirtbag' in Polk County Florida who got pulled over in a routine traffic stop ended up 'executing' the deputy who stopped him. The deputy was shot eight times, including once behind his right ear at close range. Another deputy was wounded and a police dog killed. A statewide manhunt ensued. The low-life was found hiding in a wooded area with his gun. SWAT team officers fired and hit the guy 68 times. Now here's the kicker: Naturally, the media asked why they shot him 68 times. Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd, told the Orlando Sentinel: 'That's all the bullets we had!' (Talk about an all time classic answer!!!)  
TEll me about yourself ::About Me:: Name: Chris Nicknames: C.J. , Joker Birthplace: Sturgis, MI Current Location: South Bend, IN Hair Color: DARK brown Eye Color: brown Height:6' Tattoos: 4 and counting Piercings: does my ear count? My Car: Buick Roadmaster, Ford Maverick, F-100 Overused Phrase: FUCK YOU ::Your:: Bedtime: when I get tired Best Physical Feature: eyes Most Embarassing Moment: I'll never tell Most Missed Memory: Dad Weakness: many Best Friends: got em Goal For The Year: To still be in business at the end Greatest Fears: losing my loved ones ::This OR That:: Pepsi or Coke: Diet Mt Dew McDonalds or Burger King: Burger King I guess Hot Tea or Ice Tea: Ice tea Chocolate or Vanilla: Strawberry Water or Milk: Milk Coffee or Hot Chocolate: Hot Chocolate Hugs or Kisses: Both please Cats or Dogs: Dog Summer or Winter: Summer Scary Movies or Romantic Comedies: scary movies Love or Money: both Green Grapes or Purple Grapes: Green ::Lo
Irish Luck: The $5,000,000 Shamrock
This game is now closed. It ended early with permission from the board leaders. Congratulations, RogerLee! Game F.A.Q. 1. Who can I buy shamrocks for? ~ You may purchase as many as you like, for as many members as you like, with only one exception. I WILL deliver to bouncers, but I will NOT deliver to "yellow". This means, no shamrocks for babyjesus or Scrapper, etc. will be valid. They have enough to do without being swamped. 2. I sent my bucks, but I haven't heard anything from you. What's the deal? ~ The deal is that I go from back to front in my inbox. I do this so that I can make and deliver shamrocks in the order they were received. Once I've opened your email,you will get a reply from me. After that, your hearts will be delivered in my next set. I usually do about 75 orders at a time. During previous games, I received HUNDREDS of requests daily - this is why I appreciate your patience. I will get to them, it just takes a while sometimes. I do have a life (and
here are some truths about redheads (along w/ some myths) 1) redheads require more anesthesia. (it's tough to knock us out and hard to keep us down) 2)redheads are more likely to bleed during surgery 3)redheads are more sensitive to thermal pain (maybe why we tend to burn more easily?) 4)redheads are less sensitive to pain from multiple modalities (except for the above mentioned thermal pain) 5)women with naturally red hair require less of the painkiller pentazocine than do either women of other hair colors or men of any hair color. 6)Red hair is the rarest type of natural hair color in humans. now for the myths: 1)redhair is a sign of a fiery temper 2)redheads are untrustworthy 3)redheads turn into vampires when they die 4)redheads are bad luck 5)redheads are witches That's all i have for now. let me know of any facts or myths you may have regarding us redheads. Redheads rule!!!!!
Today On World Rock Radio
Click banner to enter lounge 12:00PM EST (Noon) For requests, hit me up on yahoo at doc777_777 Click banner to visit Rebel's MySpace page! 2:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at jrmoose75 Click banner to visit Moose's MySpace page! 4:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at anthraxbio Click banner to visit Evil's MySpace page! 6:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at anthraxbio Click banner to visit Evil's MySpace page! 8:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at anthraxbio Click banner to visit Evil's MySpace page! 10:00PM EST For requests, hit me up on yahoo at cajunbeauty985 Click banner to visit Trudy's MySpace page! 12:00AM EST (Midnight)
The Day I Met You
The day I met you I found a friend - And a friendship that I pray will never end. Your smile - so sweet And so bright - Kept me going When day was as dark as night. You never ever judged me, You understood my sorrow. Then you told me it needn't be that way And gave me the hope of a better tomorrow. You were always there for me, I knew I could count on you. You gave me advice and encouragement Whenever I didn't know what to do. You helped me learn to love myself You made life seem so good. You said I can do anything I put my mind to And suddenly I knew I could. There were times when we didn't see eye to eye And there were days when both of us cried. But even so we made it through: Our friendship hasn't yet died. Circumstances have pulled us apart, We are separated by many miles. Truly, the only thing that keeps me going Is my treasured memory of your smile. This friendship we share Is so precious to me, I hope it grows and flourishes And last
The Instant Message Stalker
A pest Imed me today, He emailed me too, He asked if I were single, and asked, how do you do? He asked all kinds of questions, wanted all the details, of my very private life, demanded that I tell, Age, sex and location, he insisted that I share, along with exact sizes, of my bras and underwear, I politely said no, refused all his requests, I told him very sternly, Stop this, don't be a pest, His Im kept on poppin up, he asked if I were wed, by then I was quite annoyed, by all the things he'd said, I asked him which part of NO, he didn't understand, I told him I was 85, and wore 6 wedding bands, but all my husbands now were gone, and I had all their money, you want to know about, their accidents now, honey? I told him I fart when I walk, the hair's gone from my head, I keep my teeth in a jar, at night I wet the bed, Sometimes I wander nekkid, till somebody brings me home, you wanna get together, so I won't be all alone? Suddenly the
Weapon I Am:
A Quetion For One And All
What has power over you? The answer, Nothing really. I mean Realy think about it. For some thing to have power over you, you must first give it power. Example. Take any religion. For the God or Gods you must beleve in them and then submit your self to the rules of that religion. another example, fear. Thay say theres nothing to fear but fear it self. that is true. To fear something you have to give it power over you. Any comments please sare!
My Valentine
Kenny@ fubar This is my boyfriend's profile.
Tag Ure It
Oh and because people tagged me I get to make 1 and tag 15 people.. LMAO Of course it had to freaking happen to me.. Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don\'t forget to leave a comment that says, \"You\'re it!\" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can\'t tag the person who tagged you. Weird/Random Facts 1 - I love putting sexy pics up to torture my dads.. 2. I believe all fakes on fubar should be blocked and sent back to my space.. 3. If I make a friend smile everyday I feel I did my job to make it happen once a day.. 4.. I watch sponge bob and hannah montana.. lol 5. Kissing laura is like a box of chocolate u just cant have 1... 6.Im so pissed my sis sent me this lol.. 7 My bestest buddy on fubar is tombstone.. 8.. I really am a point whore lol 9.I dnt like to eat seafood..
Survey Says
100 questions 1. What time do you get up in the mornings? 5 am on days and 5 pm on nights 2. Have you ever had a one night stand? Yepper depper 3. How do you take your coffee? I dont drink taste like beaver piss 5. Do you eat breakfast? Sometimes 7. Do you prefer sleeping alone? a loner by nature. I do alot of stuff alone and love it. I make myself laugh, so im cool. 8. Do you smoke cigarettes? negative 9. Have you ever burnt your hair? not fucking micheal jackson 10. Do you sleep with a pillow? Yes 11. What were your habits as a child? i have a slight ocd problem with some things..haha 12. Do you want kids? dont want anymore..gonna go get snipped really soon 13. Are you an only child? hell no..1 sis and 5 bros 14. Do you like road trips? i love em.. 15. Who are your 6 best friends? not sure 16. Do you brush your teeth in the shower? i have 17. Do you eat leftovers? Yes 18. Do you prefer being s
Addition To Our Family Rules
my mood has been going downhill the last week or so. it's times like this when i wonder about whether or not i'm depressed. i was diagnosed with bipolar affective disorder when i was 16. i haven't been on meds for about 13 years, and i've done just fine, so most of the time i think the diagnosis was bunk. anyway, i go through these cycles sometimes - my mood sinks to a certain point where i want desperately to be in the world around me, but at the same time i feel cut off from it and don't know how to make contact. hard to explain... when i get to that point, i write. i'm not there yet, and it's really frustrating. lol i tried to write last night, and it came out really lame, so i pitched it. guess i'll have to wait a little longer. in the meantime, here is seepage from Mike Knott's brain. he is one of my favorite songwriters. it's called "rocket and a bomb" all I ever wanted was a good job some bus fare a rocket and a bomb uh huh, yeah-heah had a dream i'd be a
New Voice Blog~
I'm taking the blog to a new level! Im going to try this voice feature, and if you crazy kids enjoy it, give me a ballsss! Or if not tell me to shut the fuck up! This is your blog, Im just the janitor! Make on Snapvine | Copy This
Who Cares?
I'm cleaning up my friends, fans fans of, and if you don't want to talk fine... you will be deleted......
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1. I'm a baseball umpire. 2. I'm Polish and Hungarian with a little German and Irish. 3. I hate bagpipes. 4. My favorite soda is A&W Diet Cream Soda. 5. I once worked at Taco Bell. 6. I like the sound of the Hammond organ model B- 3 amplified with a Leslie brand speaker. 7. I cut my hair after 14 years. 8. I used to weigh 306 lbs. and had lost at least 40. 9. I own a Gibson Flying V guitar. 10 I used to be on cable access TV when I was in high school.
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1.) I am quickly becoming a TATTOO JUNKIE. I have 4 and plans for many more. 2.) My kids are most important in my life. 3.) I am and always will be in love with someone I will probably never be able to be with. 4.) I have more that 1000 HotWheels and other 1:64 scale diecast cars. 5.) I am obsessed with Doro Pesch... GOOGLE HER 6.) I HATE PARIS HILTON... why is she famous? 7.) I love girls with tattoos, but it can be overdone. 8.) I have had my jaw broken 3 different times.. I guess there were times when my mouth wrote checks my ass couldn't cash. 9.) two words: SOUTHERN COMFORT 10.) I own my own au
Standing Behind Them
i try to understand everything that is going on in the world today but some of the things i see just wont go away they wont fade how can people live way they do why is there so much anger in the world today i know just alittle about things i should i dont really want to know about it, even through i should what i really want is for all of it to go away to stop befor it all starts but no there is nothing i can do to change the things i want why is it everything i want is impossible to change the world is full of fighting and war anger and blame are there in the mix but yet there is nothing i can do to stop any of this i support our troops dont get me wrong and i cant wait for the day when they come home atlast but so many have fallen to fight for this cause and that saddens me more then anyone knows i am so tired of turning on the t.v and when i do seeing another gone befor they got to come home so i choose not to watch and i like it that way but still the dea
Tag You're It!
cuz Furby said Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1. i am a literary geek 2. i am a gypsy at heart and love road trips 3.i absolutely love to sing.....anywhere! dream was to be an artist :( 5.i never knew my father 6. i fucking smoke!!! why do i do that? 7. my middle name is arrienne 8. i love being barefoot and pregnant 9. i was a teen model :-S 10. my children saved my life (really) (P) giggity funkmunky nik arkham
Your Opinion
If you don't like what people call "BBW", then don't bother looking at my pic's, or leaving me messages... cos honestly , i dont give a fuck what you think. If you dont like "bigger" women , then dont look, but at the same time , don't leave me bullshit messages sayin you don't like them.. Everyone has thier own opinion , and everyone has thier own likes and dislikes, but to go out of your way , tryin to belittle someone cos they don't fit your "criteria" on how women should look... is rather sad.. Take some advise from someone who's heard every "fat" joke , from "fat chicks swallow , cos thier hungry"... to "sex with a fat chick is great , cos she don't when shes gonna get it again "... just cos im not what people class as "socially acceptable"... doesn't mean you have the right to be a moron. I don't mention you have a small cock , so why bother mentionin i have a fat ass. Your opinion is your own , but don't voice it to me
39 Years Without A Stranger's Kiss
If you are 50 or older and would date a married man 2-3 days a week, please let me hear from you. Other than my kisses and a long-smoldering passion I have nothing in particular to recommend me. I can play 9-5 only and like very much to tour the canyons near Amarillo, lakes and parks. If you like to hold hands or walk close together you will be most welcome to do so. As a retired photographer I like to keep my skills sharp by taking lots of photos, so dress and act accordingly.
About Who I Am
The Day I Died
THE NIGHT I DIED Tonight I died well it happen the way I didn’t want it to happen. It was suppose to end like this. I was happy on could nine (if there is such a thing) I was enjoying my life and everything in it. I’m so much in love it wasn’t supposed to happen to me but it did. But who was to know that she would be the death of me. I didn’t think it would be. She didn’t even know she would be either but she was. Now back to the story. There I was trying to figure out how I was going to get to there to be wit her for the rest off my life. I’ve drove myself insane trying to get there. But everything I tried didn’t work at all. Out of the blue I got some news that I had an opportunity to get the great job. I packed everything I could to take wit me up there. I left half of what I owned and left the other have for a later date. All day long I had the shadow hanging over me. I couldn’t get that feeling out of my head. Hours later has past and I got everything ready to go.
In The Corner
As I sit in the corner thinking bout her and what she means to me. She’s my whole life and I can’t see myself wit anyone but her. I don’t want anyone else I can’t be wit anyone else it’s going to be unfair for them to compare to her. I need to stop thing right now and try to wait to see how everything plays out but I cant help but to think to hurt myself I scratch and clawed at myself hard enough to make myself bleed. But it still not enough I want the pain to go away but I can’t make it go away. I cried too much that my eyes a blood shot red and my head hurt so much. I cant sit here anymore I walked to the kitchen and looked around wit this blank stare trying find something to do more damage to myself but I cant but I need this pain to go away. So I grabbed the bottle of pills on top of the fridge. Oh wait I’ve been down that road before. And I could do something else that won’t kill me but just enough to hurt and reminded me not to do it again. I reached out for the knife and starte
Death Becomes Me
Saving Me ...
NickelbackSavin' MeMusic Video Codes By Music
Can You Stand Not Ebing A Part Of The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread
UKdelights is a new lounge, opening its doors on the 14th! Come check it out! Feeling like getting Fu-Employed? Think you have what it takes? Then click one of the above images and come drop us a line!
Hey All
Just saying hey to all my friends and fans..sorry I havent been on that much lately..had a problem with my laptop, was on business travel, then i got sick...followed by my job blocking this site..but i hope everyone has been well and havent missed me too much..thank you for all the comments and pms during my absence.... muahhh exotic1
Trendy Shit That’s Stupid: Goths
Goths: Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails is the only man who can pull this look off without looking like a gerbil shaver. Anyone who is not Trent Reznor and is ‘Goth’ is fucking beyond retarded. Goths hurt my eyes like the band “The Darkness” does my ears. Why are Goths inherently albinos? Is it because they think they are vampires? and they can’t go out in the sun? Then they dress head to toe in black - the one color that makes them look even whiter – if that’s possible. Goths wear black cause they’re so evil and/or depressed. If I’m depressed, I’m not going to dress in all black and hang around boring people who are void of personalities. That’s adding insult to injury, or more appropriately, adding even more stink to shit. And if I hear one more Goth justify the way they dress & act because they are “different” and don’t feel the need to adhere to the norms of society, I’m going to harpoon them in the neck with a jumbo Crayola Crayon. When you buy mass produced clothing at Hot
Hmmm....What is it I Want? I bet sum1 knows exactly what I want :D
Lisa Del Giocondo
Lisa del Giocondo Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Cite This Source Lisa del Giocondo (June 15 1479 – July 15 1542 or c. 1551), born and also known as Lisa Gherardini, Lisa di Antonio Maria (Antonmaria) Gherardini and Elisabetta Gherardini, also known as Lisa del Gioconda, was a member of the Gherardini family of Florence and Tuscany in Italy. Her name, Mona Lisa, was given to a portrait and painted by Leonardo da Vinci for which she was most likely the sitter. Commissioned by her husband during the Italian Renaissance, the portrait's Italian (La Gioconda) and French (La Joconde) titles are her married name as well as nickname — in English, "jocund" or the "the happy one". Lisa's marriage to Francesco del Giocondo slightly increased her social status in Florence because her husband's family were wealthy textile merchants. Less so perhaps but Francesco is thought to have benefited as well because Gherardini is an "old name". Lisa outlived Francesco who was about twenty years
Artist And Early History
Artist and early history Leonardo da Vinci began painting the Mona Lisa in 1502 (during the Italian Renaissance) and, according to Vasari, "after he had lingered over it four years, left it unfinished...." He is thought to have continued to work on it for three years after he moved to France and to have finished shortly before he died in 1519. Leonardo took the painting from Italy to France in 1516 when King François I invited the painter to work at the Clos Lucé near the king's castle in Amboise. The King bought the painting for 4,000 écus and kept it at Fontainebleau, where it remained until given to Louis XIV. Louis XIV moved the painting to the Palace of Versailles. After the French Revolution, it was moved to the Louvre. Napoleon I had it moved to his bedroom in the Tuileries Palace; later it was returned to the Louvre. During the Franco-Prussian War of 1870–1871, it was moved from the Louvre to a hiding place elsewhere in France. The painting was not well-known until t
Mona Lisa
Mona Lisa Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Cite This Source Mona Lisa, or La Gioconda (La Joconde) is a 16th-century portrait painted in oil on a poplar panel by Leonardo Da Vinci during the Italian Renaissance. It is arguably the most famous painting in the world, and few other works of art have been subject to as much scrutiny, study, mythologizing and parody. It is owned by the French government and hangs in the Musée du Louvre in Paris, France with the title Portrait of Lisa Gherardini, wife of Francesco del Giocondo. The painting, a half-length portrait, depicts a woman whose gaze meets the viewer's with an expression often described as enigmatic. It is considered by many to be Leonardo's magnum opus.
Yotd Made Me Do This
T, dammmit, this is twice... You fucking fail Supervillian. And you too Fathead for starting this shit, and number 10 is specifically for you. Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1. I have an unbelievable memory. 2. I'm not stubborn, just right most of the time. 3. I love tuna fish and potato chip sandwiches. 4. My childhood is identical with Charlie Brown. 5. Have a weakness for chocolate chip cookies. 6. I perfected procrastination. 7. I'd sell my first born to be able to live in Sydney. 8. I once sat for 5 hours to make sure my daughter ate her beans and franks. 9. I slapped bumble bees with my bare hand as a kid. 10. I never get mad, I get even
A Game Of Tag!
One fine day I got tagged to play this game... forced to write a blog as well then :P Aight, this is how it goes! Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. Simply eh? Aight the list! 1. I love Souvlaki! You dunno what that is? Check my photos :) 2. I am a caffeine and nicotine addict. 3. My classmates used to call me Wardrobe or Bear... 4. I am a geek. I played wow like a maniac. Finished the content so now I am relaxing :) 5. I drive a VolksWagen Passat 2005. Love it! 6. I don't have a clue about coding, yet I managed to make bulletins and a nice looking lounge (that worked for nobody else but me... lol) 7. I love animals. Some times more than people... lol 8.
Eclipse Feb 20
On the night of Feb. 20, the full moon will pass into Earth's shadow in an event that will be visible across all of the United States and Canada. ADVERTISEMENT The total lunar eclipse will be made even more striking by the presence of the nearby planet Saturn and the bright bluish star, Regulus. Eclipses in the distant past often terrified viewers who took them as evil omens. Certain lunar eclipses had an overwhelming effect on historic events. One of the most famous examples is the trick pulled by Christopher Columbus. Shipwrecked On Oct. 12, 1492, as every schoolchild has been taught, Columbus came ashore on an island northeast of Cuba. He later named it San Salvador (Holy Savior). Over the next ten years Columbus would make three more voyages to the "New World," which only bolstered his belief that he reached the Far East by sailing West. It was on his fourth and final voyage, while exploring the coast of Central America that Columbus found himself in dire straits. H
How Do I Spruce Up My Blog?
Any help will be appreciated. ~ Slim
Want A New Place To Work, And A Steady Place To Meet New Friends?
UKdelights is a new lounge, opening its doors on the 14th! Come check it out! Feeling like getting Fu-Employed? Think you have what it takes? Then click one of the above images and come drop us a line!
Random Shit Part 2
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1. earl grey tea is awesome. 2. music is like oxygen for me. 3. i´m clumsy as fuck. shit like frontflips with my bike, falling in the shower happens to me all the time. 4. i quote way too many movies. 5. i think britney spears is the definition of rock and roll. ooh and white trash. 6. i´m hung-over. 7. one of my nicknames is the name of the mascot of the 2006 soccer world championship. 8. i had my first operation when i was 3 weeks old. i had a hernia. 9. i drink my coffee black with no sugar. 10. my cell phone is 5 years old and its my sisters old one since this shit is spreading like herpes. blah tag you´re it fu're It!!!!
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1.I LOVE SCARY MOVIES 2.I MISS MY BROTHER 3.I STARTED DRIVING AT 12 YEARS OLD 4.I SECRETLY WANT ANOTHER CHILD 5.I LOVE POTATOES 6.I AM A 2PAC FANATIC 7.I LOVE MY DAUGHTER MORE THAN MYSELF 8.MY FAVORITE COLORS ARE LIME GREEN AND PURPLE 9.I LOVE SPICY FOOD AND SPICY MEN 10.SOMETIMES I FEEL VERY ALONE I AM GOING TO TAG: DA TWISTED CHILD PHYRE PHLI ANNA FU-BOMBER MISS STRINGER SUAVE DA GREAT 1
I Woke Up Pimped! Yay
****************************************************************************** ______________________________________________________________________________ ATTENTION: ____________________ I just want to take a minute to pimp out one of my favorite FUbarians! I showed her a little friendly FUluv and she returned it 3fold! PebblesinAZ, the friend that never stops giving! She is one of the most real and genuine people I've met on FUbar. When you take the time to be nice and help others out, you never know what good friends might turn up. :) Thanks for everything, Pebbles! CICK HERE TO SHOW PEBBLESINAZ LOTS & LOTS OF LUV! Or at least donate some FUbux to her spotlight fund! You'll be glad you did! Your Favorite Lesbian, EZ2FU *pimpin' ain't EZ*
Come Check My New Lounge.......
Help Wanted----please inquire within Wanted: A strong black man who is able to stimulate my mind as well as my flesh. Candidate must have the ability to speak to me without ever uttering a word. MUST possess the iiiii's....integrity....intelligence....intrigue....inspiration....intensity Must be willing to share their inner self. Seeking a more dominant type who is willing to express themselves in the bedroom in a manner that is conducive to that lifestyle.... Must possess the ins & outs in the fine art of lovemaking....Oral skills are definitely a plus but must also be willing to take a licking or 2 or 3 Nibbling is optional. Pssstttt....I like nibbles on the side of my neck and inner thighs Candidates looking to fill this position must be freakier than the norm....Let you inhibitons go and your creativity flow.... Trust....Honesty....Respect....must clearly be shown to be considered for this position....
Bitches, Haters, And Hoes.....
Society is full of them....the unhappy souls who feel the world is against them in one way or another....the bitches....the haters....the hoes. Do you know someone like that? Do they make your life miserable? Lol...even on the internet... You know whom I'm talking about...your fraudulent friends who cannot defend their own opinions with reasoned arguments so therefore they resort to character attacks on you. Someone who speaks badly about you or takes negative actions in an attempt to create problems for you. One who will either verbally or physically inhibit another's "game" primarily due to jealousy, envy, animosity, bitterness, resentment, and contempt. A hater will exhibit one or more of the aformentioned traits but usually it stems from something much deeper......INSECURITY. A hater will smile to your face while stabbing you in the back. Are they that insecure in their own skin that they need to attack someone's character for no reason? In a world full of haters...the bitch
Happy Sunday Morning Fubabies
Remember When?
If you are 30 or older you will think this is hilarious!!!! When I was a kid, adults used to bore me to tears with their tedious diatribes about how hard things were when they were growing up; what with walking twenty-five miles to school every morning ... uphill BOTH ways .. yadda, yadda, yadda And I remember promising myself that when I grew up, there was no way in hell I was going to lay a bunch of crap like that on kids about how hard I had it and how easy they've got it! But now that... I'm over the ripe old age of thirty, I can't help but look around and notice the youth of today. You've got it so easy! I mean, compared to my childhood, you live in a damn Utopia! And I hate to say it but you kids today you don't know how good you've got it! I mean, when I was a kid we didn't have The Internet. If we wanted to know something, we had to go to the damn library and look it up ourselves, in the card catalog!! There was no email! ! We had to actua
Ten Random Things
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1) When I was a little girl I had a stuff Miss Piggy. One day when I was sleep she came to life and bit me. True story. 2) I'm a chocoholic 3) I have a fear of spiders...(eeeeewwwww) 4) I've never dated someone younger than me until now... 5) I'm into earthly science 6) I have 3 boys and now I'm about to have a girl....(scary) 7) I'm addicted to sucking things. 8) I cry very easily...but I kick azz too 9) I have a fear of sharing dairy. 10) Deep down inside I carry a deep dark secret
Sunday morning 4:46 am suns not even up yet but i am cup full of coffee so it aint all that bad
10 Things About Me ......... Hmmmm...
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. This is really hard.... so i'll try to get 10... if not.. f that.. you'll get what you get. :) 1. I'm friggin obsessed with my kids (weird.. maybe) But..okay... they are the best. 2.Where the f to begin?? Let's start with my habits. I'm a creature of don't f up my schedule in anyway whatsoever or my day will be screwed up, and someone is gonna pay for it. *big ass smile* 3. I'm completely obsessed with Football...from Thursday night... to Monday night!! Doesn't matter who's can't make plans with me during football season! Okay...I may squeeze you in if it's worth my time! *wink* 4.
You're It!
Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. Have fun! 1. All men I have been attached to... that being dating or whatever have been unavailable in some way... mostly I think because I know there is no risk there... I'm scared to death to be loved and to love, so much so that I would probably choose someone who I merely got along with as opposed to someone who pulled passion and desire out of me... because it's the safe thing to do. Being aware of that... I tend to avoid anything long term altogether... sad right? So I deny myself one of the things I want the most. :D 2. I am more tenderhearted than most would know, but unless you're really close to me you would never know. When I choose to
Recurring Nightmare
Nearly every time I dream, the same nightmare ensues. A dead friend haunts me. I scream, rant and cry whilst telling him to stop and leave me in peace. Some nights are unbearable and I wake in a cold sweat, barely able to breathe, like he was holding me underwater, hoping I die and join him. He took his life and this is what he left me with. Death by any means I take seriously, but I've had enough. Maybe I'm going crazy or just still mourning his death. I just wish he'd leave me the fuck alone.
Dysfunction Junction Tonight
If the DJ is live you may yahoo them at DJLive_Request DJ Jokers Wild Will Be Playing Live tonight in the "Dysfunction Junction Lounge" Click To Visit The Dysfunction Junction Lounge Dysfunction Junction Feb 10,2008 8 Pm - 11 Pm Central Time Listner Contest ? You never Know..... Attendance Prizes in the Lounge ? Come Find Out.. Listen To a Crazy ass DJ that loves to have fun and plays good music and some off the wall Shi*. Link For External Players
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1. I love top ramen noodles 2. I hate veggies!!!! 3. poker is my game 4. I do not know how to swim 5. I love animals 6. I'm a people watcher 7. Fall is my favorite season 8. I love to take naps 9. I wanna be rich so I can spoil my wife 10. I like to "WATCH"
Come On
ok, i was in a lounge, i got booted, why can't i delete that funky ass lounge?....ok i'm gone
More Stupid.
i aint taggin anyone else. cause i said. 1. i have a four year college degree. 2. i LOVE 7-11 slurpees and drive almost 45 minutes sometimes (one way) to get one. 3. i like burning things. fire rules. 4. im definitely not 'normal'. 5. the carpet matches the drapes. 6. i enjoy the company of some you fubarians more than i do 'real' humans. 7. if i didnt concentrate on not giving a shit, id have some serious OCD problems. 8. rocknroll is religion. 9. FUCK valetines day. 10. i drive sometimes up to 6 hours or so away to see a band play....usually by myself. im awesome. bow down to the greatness that is I.
Woohoo! I´ve Been Tagged And Shit
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1.i broke both of my arms playing soccer.but not at the same time. 2.i like to yell at people like the arnold from the mad-tv sketches. 3.i was on the cover of a french newspaper once. 4. i fucking hate hate hate mushrooms. 5.i had 3 pizzas once while i was watching a soccer game with my friends. of my vertebrae(probably got that wrong)is fucked up. 7.i like rap and i am the whitest black person on earth. besides michael jackson. 8.i want to kill celine dion for making that stupid titanic song. actually make that the whole titanic filmcrew. 9.i´m shy as fuck but when i had a couple i turn into a big fucking child.
I Has Been Tagged, Thanks Papa,j,urby,mo And Daisy:d:|
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1)I collect transformers,video game figures, and comic book toys:D 2)I put ice cubes in my milk. 3)I could stick my head out the window of my kitchen for like 10 mins at a time, just cus the air smells good. 4)my oldest son can kick my ASS in def jam:| 5)I hate hate HATE being called Natasha, but dont mind being called Tasha. 6)I wear black eyeliner.. only cus if I dont..people claim that I look high or just havent slept in 2 weeks :| 7)I laugh uncontrolably at the thought of Chris freakin out if he has to put a wooden spoon in his mouth..I snort even at the though lmao. 8)Im scared shitless of clowns and f
Renegade Lounge
cause i was 'tagged' (x2 actually) so i gotta post 10 random shits about me. if i tag you, do the same. thanks for the gayness fathead. 1. i got hit by a car when i was 12. 2. i didnt break anything when hit by said car, but after i was healed and could walk okey and such, i tripped while running backwards and broke my right wrist. 3. i broke the same bone in my left wrist 2 years prior. 4. i hate olives. black, green, who gives a fuck...theyre the taint of life. 5. i shaved my legs once in highschool, and the hair on my calves didnt grow back. 6. a picture of my chuck taylors is in the pictures of a CD for a fairly large band. 7. i love chicago hotdogs. 8. when i was in 6th grade i won the 'guess how many M+M's are in the giant container'. 9. i recently had a mullet. 10. i wear a size 12 shoe, give or take. oeky that is all. lilhoochie sidnee scumbag fathead erin jo and thats all because i cant think of anyone else.
Starting A Lounge....i Need Help
come holla at ur boy...i just started a lounge cause some people take this shit too seriously
A Thought...
Math is allegedly the universal language. Did Stephen Hawking instate that load of rhino dookie? I'm sure that typographical-talking bastard had something to do with it. If this is the case, I'm fucked. Due to severe numeric dyslexia, the numbers spewed from my mouth would no doubt start an intergalactic war. Non-earthling says "What the fuck is she talking about? Batteries not included? It's obviously a vow of hostile intentions...let's zap them, then take over eBay!". Even to Greylings, and giant-fanged fungi, shopping victoriously has an unexplainable draw. Allow me to apologize in advance if this ridiculous scenario actually happens to be prophetic. Destroying 99% of the human race isn't a concern, but denying the surviving population of worthless, overpriced gadgets, and genetically engineered carrots that appear the have vaginae is more than I care to take credit for. Yes, we're all fucked.
Off To Wales For A Bit...
everything is all good today, feeling mentally and physically better. not been well for a while, but i got diagnosed with a psychotic disorder! fancy that. they can't tell whether i have either paranoid or disorganised schitzoprenia. which is fun. yay! off to wales today, with me mate abby to get away from my shithole town.
Pour Some Sugar On Me
Nickelback Rocks!!
Nickelback is a hard rock band formed in Hanna, Alberta by Chad Kroeger, Mike Kroeger, Ryan Peake and then drummer Brandon Kroeger. The band is one of the most renowned of the modern post-grunge genre, along with groups such as 3 Doors Down and Black Stone Cherry, performing in a slightly more radio-friendly manner of audio apart from the traditional 1990's grunge music era. Although the founders of the band hail from Hanna, Alberta, a small town east of Calgary, they are now based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The band's name originates from the nickel in change that band member Mike Kroeger often had to give customers in his previous job at Starbucks, and would frequently say "Here's your nickel back". The band is signed to EMI at home and Roadrunner Records for the rest of the world. Their hit single "How You Remind Me" from their third album Silver Side Up reached the top on the Canadian Singles Chart and the Billboard Hot 100 at the same time. This makes them the
Well one of my most hated holidays is coming up and if you have not guess what is it wow get some fucking help its valentines days and you think to yourself why does this person hates this day?? well its because I’ve been fucked over way to many time to ever wish to enjoy in this day, for one if I do have a boyfriend with out fail we always brake up right before this day or I start dating someone right after so yeah!! And what I truly hate about this year is that I have meet someone who I feel like they can truly make me happy!! And well with that said one would think to them self why are you still hating Valentines Day?? For your fucking answer it’s because it’s just not going to happen cause life is a fucking bitch and does not want to see me happy ever!! I can say he makes me truly happy and I believe that I do the same for him, he great! We have so much in common its kinda funny, but like I said life is a bitch and I believe that she does not want to see me happy, I’ve been though
Hell To Pay!
I am just on here to advertise my loves band go check them out @ Yes the are a cover band, they rock all the good old stuff from Elvis to Ozzy, so if your gonna be in maine New Hampshire come guys check em out! ya know ya wanna
Woooohooooo! Outa Here!
After 50 plus days couped up in this shack out here with less than 4 days off i have an accute case of being severly shack wacked. So tuesday am...the truck will point south and mesa arizona bound i am by way of kingman...then henderson...then back to kingman and over to havasu city....back to 93...and its a straight shot corner pocket to phx az. Tired of this non stop snow out here and i need to be able to walk around in flipflops and shorts once again as appossed to looking like the michelin man tryin to beat the cold in the oil patch. I'll be checkin in here and there from a hotel...where ever i should land in mesa...but it'll be somewhere off the red mountain 202.... Laters back to your regularly scheduled fubarness.... And if any of you are in that area...drop me a line...diner? drinks? Laugh be merry? DW
Guess What Some Funny Shit
Deep Dish Ft Stevie Nicks - Dreams (dj Muzik-al's Cut Em Up Mix)
Deep Dish ft Stevie Nicks - Dreams (DJ Muzik-AL's Cut Em Up Mix) 6'53min remix To listen/download[]
R.i.p Baby Alijah
Missy Elliott
Missy Elliott was born in Portsmouth, VA, in 1971 as Melissa Elliott. Missy's professional music career began when Jodeci member/producer Devante Swing signed her and her group, Sista, to his Swing Mob record label. Unfortunately, Swing Mob Records fell through and along with it the plans for Sista's debut album (DeVante would not release any of their recordings). Elliott was already writing with her long-time collaborator, Tim Mosley aka Timbaland, she concentrated on songwriting and production. Determined to move forward, Missy turned to longtime acquaintance Timbaland, who happened to be producing some tracks for Aaliyah's One in a Million (1996) album. It proved to be a key move for Missy, as the album racked up enormous sales. Soon record execs were knocking on her door. Missy began working with a number of artists as either a songwriter or a vocalist/rapper. Her distinctive "hee haw" rap on Gina Thompson's "The Things You Do" brought her wider exposure, and several offers from re
Lil Kim Life
Lil' Kim was born Kimberly Denise Jones in Brooklyn in New York City. She received the nickname of "Lil" due to her petite 4'11" frame by the her friend and mentor Notorious B.I.G. At the age of nine, her parents separated, which marked the beginning of a tumultuous and often difficult lifestyle. However, while in her late teens, her rhyming skills came to the attention of rapper The Notorious B.I.G., real name Christopher Wallace, (a.k.a. Biggie Smalls) who himself had just signed a record deal with Bad Boy Records. Notorious B.I.G. introduced Lil Kim to his New York rap group Junior M.A.F.I.A., in which Kim became the only female member. In 1995, they released their debut album 'Conspiracy', which debuted at number eight on the U.S. Billboard 200 chart and spawned the top twenty hit "Get Money." After her success with Junior M.A.F.I.A., Lil Kim went solo, releasing her controversial debut album 'Hard Core' on November 12, 1996. Hard Core was a hit, debuting at number eleven on
Please Pray For Us
At 4 am 10 Feb I got a call that my 32 yr old brother Brian shot him self and is in critical condition in Louisville KY. I am getting ready to leave with my girls to take a 10 hr drive to get to my family. I want him to live but not if he is going to be a vegtable and if he dies I ask God or Whomever give my parents peace if that is even possible. If you have my cell number please text me occasionally I need all the love I can get. This is where the seraphims are truly counted on...Love to all
Tag You're It !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tag Your It!!! hahahaha Instructions: Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1. I refuse to eat peas 2. I hate wearing a bra 3. I traveled with a carnival for 23 years 4. I spend much of my time alone 5. I don't stop reading a book until i'm all the way done with it, even if it interferes with my sleep 6. I went to private school 7. I love Coffee in the morning , but only french vanilla or chocolate 8. I can cook and bake from scratch with ease 9. I make Soap 10. I wear glasses cottoncandyprincess@ fubar lawrence1978@ fubar rose@ fubar Pª©kMªи™@ fubar ~GoddessWildCherry~Owned By Pr Mamii~Owner of Kitty Kat Suzie~Member of the Spanker
Come N Help Her Win!!!!
N.w.a. Group Biography:
This posse permanently changed the face of West Coast rap and the whole hip-hop nation itself, and is in many peoples eyes the most notorious group in the history of rap, ever. The Godfathers of rap even! Emerging in the late '80s, when Public Enemy had rewritten the rules of hardcore rap by proving that it could be intelligent, revolutionary and socially aware, N.W.A. ("Niggaz With Attitude") capitalized on Public Enemy's sonic breakthroughs while ignoring their message. Instead, the five-piece crew celebrated the violence and hedonism of the criminal life, capturing it all in blunt, harsh language. Initially, the group's relentless attack appeared to be serious, vital commentary, and it even provoked the FBI to caution N.W.A.'s record company. N.W.A became one of (if not, the) the first gangsta rap act to achieve widespread commercial success without radio airplay or many other conventional mainstream promotions. In fact, they were banned from many radio stations. But follow
Only If You Could See
I loved others. But I have not really loved anyone but you. Before I met you, I neither knew what it meant to love, nor what it meant to be loved. I wish that it was to you that I had first given my heart, first shared a kiss with, and first danced a dance. It was not with you but it was with you though that I first learned how to truly love with all of myself. I can never thank you enough for all that you have done for me. You have helped me face my past, embrace my present, and love my future. You are the best friend in the whole world. The best friend I shall ever know. Love illuminates life, and your love has illuminated me. For I do love you, as a parent loves their child; as the inquisitive mind loves knowledge; as the spring flowers love the morning sun; as the laughing children love the rain; and as the weary body loves to rest. I love you because we need to love, and because it is only you whom I may love so deeply and unconditionally. To the world you may be one person, b
Busta Rhymes
Busta Rhymes was born Trevor Smith Jr. on May 20, 1972, of Jamaican heritage. He was born in Brooklyn, New York, and raised in Uniondale, New York. At the age of 12 his family moved to Long Island where he met up with other MCs from the growing New York hip hop community. Around this age is when Busta started to get involved with rapping, he started going to contests and eventually met what and who he wanted to be. This was, MC Charlie Brown, Dinco D, and Cut Monitor Milo. Charlie Brown who at the time was a ninth grader started to rap with Busta and the pair went on and won a contest sponsored by Public Enemy. Public Enemy liked them them so much they wanted Charlie, Busta, and company, to start recording songs at the Public Enemy studio's on Long Island. They soon became a big hit and were named 'Leaders of the New School' and signed a deal with Elektra Records right out of the gate, when Busta was only 17 years old. Much respected in the hip-hop underground for their Afrocentr
Dmx Life
DMX LIFE AND CAREER BIOGRAPHY: Dmx was born 'Earl Simmons, on December 18, 1970 in Baltimore Maryland, USA, in the projects. He moved with part of his family to the New York City suburb of Yonkers while still a young child. A troubled and abusive childhood turned him violent, and he spent a great deal of time living in group homes and surviving on the streets via robbery, which led to several run-ins with the law. He found his saving grace in hip-hop, starting out as a DJ and human beatbox, and later moved into rapping for a greater share of the spotlight, taking his name from the DMX digital drum machine (though it's also been reinterpreted to mean "Dark Man X"). He made a name for himself on the freestyle battle scene, and was written up in The Source magazine's Unsigned Hype column in 1991. Columbia subsidiary Ruffhouse signed him to a deal the following year, and released his debut single, "Born Loser." However, a surplus of talent on the Ruffhouse roster left DMX underpromoted,
Basic Facts On Wicca [from A Group Post]
Keeper of the Northern FiresDate: Feb 9, 2008 8:29 PMBasic Facts on WiccaWicca is an earth-based religion that is centered around the respect of all things living.Goddess or Great Mother Goddess: That is her name to me; usually I just call her Goddess. To others she might be Aphrodite or Kuan-Yin. She is in everything, in every person or plant or rock. You can speak to her and pray to her. She takes many forms. She is the moon, and is often thought of as the Triple Goddess as manifested in the Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone. Her symbol is a full moon flanked by crescent moons. According to Wicca, there is both a Goddess and a God. (However, I only believe in a Goddess.) The God is the Sun. He is the hunter and Green Man; the father.Goddess and God:Traditionally, the Goddess and God are lovers. They are equals. Almost anything can be categorized as either in the Kingdom of the Sun or the Kingdom of the Moon. They are in everything, according to tradition. Wiccans in no way worship th
Hi To All
Im back online Hi to all
x-ydr@ fubar
Writing in this format... The blog... For me, is as natural a process as anything could be. It is total stream of consciousness, pouring out, through my fingers, and onto these blank entry fields. In fact if I were one to keep a journal, I doubt that it would be as stark and honest as my blogs tend to get. And this fact, in and of itself, is both a blessing and a curse. My downfall, you see, is decorum... A sense of propriety that others seem to have and which I seem be totally vacant of. "We", I have been told, over and over again, by more people than I can count, "Do NOT share our intimates with the world at large". And, apparently, "intimates" means just about every single bit of personal detail that would ever matter. This is the Internet, for Gods' sake! LIE LIE LIE is the battle cry. Anonymity is armor here. One should never be real in an artificial place. It's just common sense. We don't want strangers knowing our affairs. Or worse... Our real life contemporaries st
~~ Good-Bye ~~ I should of thought faster I didn't have a clue I was irrational and what not but i should have come to you The sad thing is, you came back trying to bring me home Ur eyes were filled with so many tears Oh... now i feel so alone Why couldn't i look past the void that kept us far apart I couldn't find away to forgive you because u had broken my heart and now it's all so different we both changed a lot u moved on and found a new girl It's like u just forgot While I'm slowly punishing myself for not figuring out why and I'm completely lost and so confused because i can't Say GOOD-BYE
My Poem = ~~ I Was Loved ~~
~~ I was Loved ~~ I never got to tell you the most important thing I never got to try a dimond ring You never told me I was cared and thats why now i am even scared My parent told me never to drink and i made the right choice, I think I really want to tell you, in my wildest dreams I never imagened though it seems I lie here in the road in my large pool of blood Never to know that you were true In my last seconds while you Hold me in my blood I want to tell you I Love You And you finally tell me that I WAS LOVED
Tag! You're It!
Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. Tess said do it - and I listen. Passed on from Sproet and I listen to her! :D 1. I am the black sheep of my family. 2. I lived in New Orleans from 1987 - 2004. 3. I worked as a bartender for over 20 years. 4. I managed strip clubs in the French Quarter for 12 of those years. 5. I miss my husband every day.(He passed away 2-11-99) 6. I feel guilt because my younger sister was killed in a car wreck, and I feel that I deserved that and not my sweet Melissa! 7. I went back to college when I was 47 to get my degree, graduated with a 3.88 GPA, and I love my new career as a medical coder. I passed the AAPC"s national certification
~j~ Did This To Me Because Her Socks Dont Match
Evil ~J~ did this to me Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1- My Name is David Rex . 2- I cant sleep without a sound machine on. 3- I wont eat leftovers because Im afraid of food poisoning. 4- I have to rinse out cups before I use them 5- I am afraid of spiders and clowns 6- I am a detective 7- I translate bible verses back into hewbrew and greek as a hobby 8- I always hug people even if they dont like it 9- I hate my hair because it is deserting me 10- I wearglases. I tag Blondie yssuP Robinetta V1rus Punky I tag
I occasionally do some really stupid things. Things like believing that someone could be in love with me when they'd never met me. Taking that stupidity further, I love them back. Small wonder I remain single IRL. This last is no exception. I made a mistake, and paid the price. I allowed someone to use my emotions to suit them. Once again, I gave my all to someone. In the last end of it, I did something bad, and without so much as a word, she decided to leave. I only found out tonight, four days after her decision. My reasons for staying in San Diego are gone, and soon I'll be leaving. My career continues to supply me with endless possibilities in all parts of the country... Recently, I had a severe accident while riding my bicycle. It left me with some pretty ugly cuts on my torso and legs, my shoulder re-broken and a few ribs fractured, along with a ruined bike. I'm waiting to heal from this before I leave... In happier news, I'm still alive! kinda...
Funny Jokes
Woman stands in front of a mirror and tells her husband, "I'm ugly. My boobs are sagging, and my ass is too fat. Give me a compliment." The husband retorts, "Your eyesight is fucking spot on" ------------------------------ Friends are like underwear - always a comfort. Good friends are like condom - always protecting. Great friends are like viagra - lift you up when you are down ------------------------------ A guy walks into a local pharmacy and walks up to the counter where a lady pharmacist is filling prescriptions. When she finally gets around to helping him he says, "I'd like 99 condoms please". With a surprised look on her face the pharmacist says, "99 Condoms!?! Fuck me!" The guy replies, "Make it 100 then..." ------------------------------ Patient: "Doc, you gotta help me. I'm under a lot of stress. I keep losing my temper with people." Doctor: "Tell me about your problem." Patient: "I just did, you fucking jackass" ------------------------------
Hi everyone, Im just here to make new friends. If you are a bloke and want to add me thats fine too!
Bulletin I Did For Mamabear
Hey everyone! I'm in need of a little help from each of you! I'm currently in a contest/giveaway to get a Happy Hour. I need 50,000 Coments on the pic above (click it to go directly to the giveaway). This has to be done by March 23rd!!! Help a girl out.. NO RULES!!!
Bulletin I Did For Dead Rose Lounge....
DEAD FLOWERS (WORK OF ART IN THE WORKS)We are a relatively new Lounge, We are looking for coders to help us with the look and the feel of the site, we are also looking for New DJs to help us with the music and getting the word out about the lounge....We will be playing mostly metal, rock and alternative genres of music...Interested in joining the lounge click the banners aboveIf your a coder or a DJ and would like to help please click my link below, all help is highly appreciatedHAVE PATIENCELOUNGE IS UNDER CONSTRUCTIONPLEASE JOIN MY LOUNGEVicid Flow@ fubar
Auction Is Open
!!!!ENDS TODAY!!!! The Auction is now OPEN!!!! Stop by and bid on your fellow fubarians :) It will run from now until Feb 22nd at midnight eastern time! Be kind with the bidding :) Do not bid if you dont intend to pay... If anyone has any problems at all feel free to contact me and we'll get them resolved! ~*~The Fallen One~*~ Mistress of Daddy Lo~*~Fuowned by Domking123~*~Member of Az's Angels~*~@ fubar Happy Bidding!!! Here are your fellow fubarians up for auction this time. Click on a picture to bid on the person:
New Nsfws...but Please Remember!...
I just had a baby two months ago so I'm not at my best right now. If you don't wanna see that, don't click but PLEASE don't comment rude stuff. =/ Love you guys!
Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. Have fun! 1. I have a 9th grade education..However I also have 2 years of college, most of my general out of the way..and out of boredom, I took my GED when I was 30. I was appalled that I scored at or above the 95% percentile. To think that this test is based off High School Graduates scores..WTF? 2. I am a bleeding heart liberal when it comes to animals, small children & mentally challenged. I will do what I can for them. And am a contributor to a few different non-profits. 3. I lost my virginity way too young, wish I would have waited for someone who I at least liked a lot. 4. I was born in Los Angeles, CA, raised in Glendale CA. Grew
I Didn't Reach Goose In Time
I've been tagged, so I have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about myself. At the end, i'm suppose to choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names but since i'm H2 if u'r in my recent viewers i expect to see u make this same blog, a'ight? Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "I did it!" on my profile and ask me to read your blog. You can't tag me, ever :p 1)I'm sleepy now but i sometimes don't go to bed til morning, like 7am-ish, crazier days 12-2pm. 2)My legs felt like linguine after my first workout with a trainer today. 3)I over think and over plan things to where i sometimes end up not doin' them if it's not perfectly thought thru. 4)I'm not a playa, u jus think i am :p 5)I'm probably too nice to everyone, but i trust only a few. 6)Out of site out of mind is a sad fact about my character, the most present ppl get my attention unless ur ultra interesting. 7)I play bass by ear but i can learn a song after about 2 listens.
Annual Illumination
It's February, and I finally did it... took down the Christmas lights from the house. I know, I had plenty of time New Years weekend to do it, but yeah, I procrastinated and thought I'd wait until the following weekend. And that's where my problem arrived... three nasty viruses, all in a row. I had strep throat, a nasty intestinal virus (enuff said), followed by a cold and horrible cough. All that lasted nearly 3 weeks. And to top it off, the following 3 weekends were rainy. I don't do so well on a 24 foot ladder in the rain. So there you have it. All done. Now I can put them back up for Valentines Day.
Tag Your It!!!!!
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1. I sometimes eat cereal with a fork. 2. I have discovered that quality is not always better than quantity. 3. I hardly ever touch food with my hands..LOL. 4. I smoke too much. 5. I sometimes avoid stepping on cracks. :) 6. I am addicted to the scent of vanilla candles. :o 7. I love peanut butter sandwiches with chili. And yes, it's good!! LOL. 8. I am an honest person. 9. I am shy. 10. Comedies are my favorite movies to watch. Ok, I haven't decided who to get yet but I will find someone..LOL....
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. here they are.. 1. I love to flirt. 2. Ill blurt out the first thing that comes to mind no matter how perverted. 3. im actually kinda quiet and shy untill i get to know someone (thats why im slow to say something) 3. Even though im a big perv i dont view women as sex objects and have nothing but respect for them 4. I used to have a threesome with a married couple(im straight) 5. I like to watch (oooh i know what your thinking now lol)i mean people interacting 6. I like the little things like a light touch in a crowed place. to be shown because actions speak loader than words 7. I dont care for fo

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