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I've always been guarded about anything concerning my innermost parts of my being.  seven years ago I was in a messy marriage but at the same time, I loved her..she was a cheating skanky scandalous cunt, but I loved her.  Since then, I've been searching, trying to get that same feeling-- feel that all encompassing warmth, that lets yo uknow that someone loves you..many times I thought I came close, but they were all lies and near misses, but now....   it's different I know, I know I me crazy, insane, fucked in the head, whatever you wish, but I'm attracted to her..she's witty, she's beautiful on the inside AND outside..she says she doesnt smile but HOT DAMN, if she did I bet it would be thermonuclear.  
Infectious Disease Risk In Swine Flu Jabs
LEADING infectious disease experts have called on the Federal Government to abandon its mass swine-flu vaccination plan because of fears the vaccine is a contamination risk that could spread blood-borne diseases. Health Minister Nicola Roxon yesterday announced that the Government would start deploying its first batch of swine-flu vaccine in coming weeks, with an aim to vaccinate as many people as possible to prevent further spread of the virus. But in a letter sent to Commonwealth Chief Medical Officer Jim Bishop, the Australasian Society for Infectious Diseases expresses deep concern about CSL's use of multi-dose vials for the vaccine and urged the Government to abandon its plan until it had single-dose vials. The letter, written by the Society's president, Associate Professor Tom Gottlieb, says multi-dose vials - bottles containing many doses of the vaccine - had been shown on many occasions to transmit infectious diseases, ''resulting in considerable morbidity and mortality''.
I Don't Know When I Will Be Back.
Hi anyone who reads this....I'm sorry if I have not been here on Fubar much these past few mo's. I found myself with few friends...the ones who remain true have stopped by..."Bearhugs" "Darlin Mother" "Curt" and a few others...Thank you so much for being a true friend. I found myself spending a lot of money on such silly things on this site....I rated and rated until I was blue...never to get the favor returned..the old rate me..I'll rate you trick grew old....yes there were a few that would drop a rate here and there....Bearhugs never let me down ((((HUG)))) I hope I can get my mojo up to come back here...but right now its gone....with working and such...I have little time for rating up.... Take Care my fu-buds..... xoxo ~ Tracy
    Wastin away in my own disorientated anti-socialism. Lost deep within myself, alone to face the darkness. The darkness to which is me. This place I say is not for you. This, my realm of jaded self pity. I am no good to anyone person, so go away and let me be. Happiness for al, jus wait youll see. Lost inside this dead zone, a lyf to well adjusted, to accustomed. These demons I bare, they are a real comfort to me. For you see, these demons, there my friends. They are home to me, always will be. To many to let loose, now.
        Her eyes they twinkle, yet scream out in pain. Her life troubled, but fair. Haunting and frightful images she does bare. Thoughts of terror and torment they do reign. Your heart I do see, for to a trail of tears it does lead. Broken and forgotten an eternity it will remain. Her soul twisted and drained, lost and outta control. Control and faded, her lyf pitiful and jaded. Her aura completely dark, lost and dreary. Lyf fadin fast, leaving her weak and weary.   This life I see standin in front of me, wasted and lost completely stricken from thee.   Good night sweet princess, may winged demons bring you to there eternal restin below, to there skies.
Suicide Ride
Suicide Ride Hey, does it feel goodwhen the knife sinksbeneath your skinand you blood gushes from withinThe crimson red sticky liquid, rains down your armAnd then you go insane , you never meant any harmand the scars that remainare nothing compared to the painThat you feel insideyou can't escape or hideand you hate yourself so muchwon't let others get close enough to touchcause you know fairy tales just aren't realYou and I know reality is a different dealand now they send you to a shrinkTo find out, supposedly what you thinkThe say things behind your backthe lies and rumors start to stackThen they give you false hopethe meds will help you copeand all the pain will be relievedOr so thats what you believedthough now you try to cover what you've doneHey I did it too, we both thought it was funAnd you can come back againcause we know the knife is our only friendand now you can say you triedyour own little suicide rideby Darkdaydreamer
Robort Bartender
 A man walked into a very high-tech bar. As he sat down on a stool   he noticed that the bartender was a robot. The robot clicked to        attention and  asked, "Sir, what will you have?"                                                                                                        The man thought a moment then replied, "A martini please."                                                                               The robot clicked a couple of times and mixed the best martini the  man had ever had.                                                                                                                            The robot then asked, "Sir, what is your IQ?"                                                                                            The man answered "oh, about 164."                                                                                                        The robot then proceeded to discuss the 'theory of relativity',     'inter-steller spa
2 Nuns And A Paint Job
Two Nuns and a Paint Job: Two Nuns are ordered to paint a room in the convent, and the last instruction of the Mother Superior is that they must not get even one drop of paint on  their habits. After conferring about this for a while, the two nuns decide to lock the door of the room, strip off their habits, and paint in the nude.  In the middle of the project, there comes a knock at the door. 'Who is it?' calls one of the nuns.   'Blind man,' replies a voice from the other side of the door. The two nuns look at each other and shrug and deciding  that no harm can come from letting a blind man into the room, they open the door. 'Nice boobs,' says the man, 'where do you want the blinds ??'
Just Wat I Did Feel Abt U ...
butterflies don`t know colour of their wings,but human eyes know how nice it is .Like wise you don`t know' how good you are 'but i know how special you are for me.....
Major Skull Fucking
The Dash
Unlock Iphone
Sold My Soul By Kevin Presley
Funny how my son Rebel Presley's father expresses himself...Luckily this times not about me!! LoL But regardless it hit me and cant wait to hear the instrumental parts when he gets home from Michigan. Hes my Monster and Ill always love him even though Id prolly kill him if we were together still. LoL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I've got my hands gripped tightly around your neck as you come to find what you thought you'd never see the look in my eyes I'm sure you'll not soon forget as you realize all the hate that you've unleashed in me (CHORUS) Well, I've sat down and talked to all the angels Heaven's got a secret they're too scared to tell cuz I've finally struck a deal and sold my soul now I'm not even welcome at the gates of  Hell cuz the demons don't think they'd fair too well and the Devil's just afraid that i''ll take control Finally it seems the predator has now become the preyI'm seeking revenge for the knife you left in my backyou'll find out soon enough that you wrote
Who Wants My Crush???
Take Me
Take me to your world, Take me to the world of colorful dreams, Take me under your majestic wings.   I long for your touch, for your whole being, Give me all you have, give me all your love Word by word, step by step, lead me to your kingdom.   Let me be part of your fantasy, Let me be one of your strings. Open your heart and let it sing, Let me stay, let me cling, let us dance and swing, Let’s drink the magical elixir made by Egyptian Kings,   This is not a fling. Let me kiss your tender lips, Let me touch your brawny chest, This is the greatest moment of all, Don’t let me miss a thing.  
For You My Love
You are such a blessing I am thankful everyday, you make life so joyful, in every single way. People say love is a beautiful stranger, when sometimes, there is always that one danger. I love everything you do, my biggest fear I must say would be losing you, I always look forward to that one kiss, if you were to leave me, sweet kisses I would miss. I love your attitude, even your sense of style. Your eyes are so mesmerizing, but most of all, it's your smile. I can't explain the things you do to me, but it's there even if others may not see. You're the only one I want in my life, I want to be there next to you, right by your side. You make me laugh, even at the worst times, it feels so great for me, not to have to rely on another's lies. I will always be right here, for you patiently waiting for your return, every time I see you pull into the drive, my knees get weak and my heart starts to burn. It is so grand, to be able to love all over again. With you I feel so much better, I am
Hyperion Dawn
Years ago he sat under a tree, pondering his own life... and what would happen afterwords. Eventually, he was driven mad by the assumption of a celestial after life. In his madness, he drove to take his own life, destroying his physical body, but not releasing his mind to the celestial plane. It was there he resided on the Astral Plane. The same pattern repeated, as Zero's madness made him strive to ascend to higher forms of thought and existence. The rules of the metaphysical existentialism flowed through, entwining into his thoughts like a code. The code that which held frameworks of constructs of the planes. Ascendency, in its entirety, was the key. He struggled, fighting with his own reality, his temporal signature, his placement in this existence. He had at that point  begun to ascend once more beyond the variable realities, linking thoughts and reaction with perception. He had entered a loop of a constant reality. But even in this, he saw a higher pattern. The signature of his e
Paulina James
Just about every other day I get some cool beauty tips in my email. Todays was kinda neat and I thought I'd share it with you all. You take one tablespoon of olive oil and a small squeeze of lemon, and put it on your ends just before bedtime. Its supposed to help out your dry ends. I haven't tried this myself personally but Im pretty sure its safe because olive oil is a wonderful moisturizer for hair and skin. Try it out and let me know!
Dumb Cunt!!
OK, I've had it with that dumb cunt!!I was out walkin with MY daughter today and ran across an old friend. This friend proceeded to tell me that she had run into my lil girl's EX-mother. I say EX-mother because the worthless whore decided that seein her child and helpin support her daughter(a whole 30 bucks a month was ordered) was too much for her to do. So SHE decided it would be easier just to sign over ALL parental rights.Like I said, SHE decided!!! That stupid BITCH called MY lawyer, not the other way around.Anyways, back to point. My friend told me that the cunt told her I TOOK my daughter from her!!BACK UP BITCH!! Think back, SHE left her so she could be with her piece of shit pedofile!!SHE didn't bother seein her!!SHE skipped her 3rd birthday after lying to her face and tellin her she was comin over with gifts!!SHE made the decision to give up her rights!!SHE is the worthless cunt that tried claiming her as a dependant for unemployment and got caught!!SHE is the one who couldn'
Worthless Azz Daddies
Another Scorcher Today...
It was another hot day in Iraq today. We took shelter under some trees while the engenires fixed to hoopty. Apparently, the hoses rotted out. How do they expect us to fight a war with ghetto ass victors like this? When the sun reached it's peak, I thought of you. Wondering what you're doing, how things are at home. I wonder if you miss me. I wonder if you are ok. I wonder if you can handle being alone for 18 months. I wonder if, when I get home, will I be able to see your smiling face, or if another will have taken my place. I haven't gotten a letter back from you yet, probably just got short stopped at battalion. I know you're thinking of me. I know your mother must be extatic knowing I'm not around to tell her to go fuck herself when she tells you that you shouldn't be married to an Army guy. I'm sure you're doing a great job on your own with that. Anyway, someone just negligantly discharged an M203. Better make sure no one is dead. I love you. - Captain Jason Vine
Characters…   King Samuarian Princess Starlet                                                                                     Castle Staff…   Heather (serves Princess Starlet) Shima    (head of cooking staff) Dizzy     (head of cleaning staff)   Knights…..   Eldaran-Gothic Demon Knight NightCrawler
My Dad
Today is my father's's a shame he is spending it in heaven. I miss him everyday. I wish he could see how my children have grown up. He would be so proud of them both. They have already accomplished so much!              R.I.P DaddyXOXO
No Speak English
   A Russian woman married a Canadian gentleman and they lived happily ever after in Toronto . The poor lady was not very proficient in English, but did manage to communicate with her husband. The real problem arose whenever she had to shop for groceries.  One day, she went to the butcher and wanted to buy chicken legs. She didn't know how to put forward her request, so, in desperation, clucked like a chicken and lifted up her skirt to show her thighs. Her butcher got the message and gave her the chicken legs.  Next day she needed to get chicken breasts, again she didn't know how to say it, so she clucked like a chicken and unbuttoned her blouse to show the butcher her breasts. The butcher understood again and gave her some chicken breasts.  On the 3rd day, the poor lady needed to buy sausages. Unable to find a way to communicate this, she brought her husband to the store...
The Science Of Thc Medicine Regardless of the smoldering controversy cannabis stirs up in Sacramento City Hall, the state Capitol and Washington D.C., the global scientific community has examined the drug with increasing interest recently. Local patients and doctors can't say enough about the groundbreaking potential of THC as a pharmaceutical.
Wow! Two Years!
WoW!!! It's been two years since I was pointed to this site and found the love of my life. Hiya babe! *waves*  I came to this site having no idea what I was looking for, no clue what I was doing here, just a need to move on with my life.  I found that special someone who took my journey with me. It's not because of what we've done together that I thank you for, it's that through you and because of you, I was even able to be here for them. Thanks love.
Feeling Sexy And Sensual
Today was an interesting day for me. I went to the city to look for school supplies for my kids, but instead I found some tantilizing tidbits for my Daddy and myself. It is because of him that I purchased these things. When you get new panties and bras that make you feel sexy and sensual it blows your mind away. When I see the look on my Daddy's face it gives me pleasure beyond my wildest dreams. To see the excitment and knowing what is waiting for me when I did a job well done it is worth every penny. Daddy I cant wait for you to reward me. I also purchased a pair of black high heeled shoes that make me look and feel sexy. My legs seem to go on forever. My bras and panties are a matching set. I got a white lacy bra with shear white g string. You can see everything. It makes me feel so excited when I wear them, not leaving much for the imagination for my Daddy to see. Another one I bought was a grey set, they too make me feel like I never have before. And finally  a blue set. they mak
August 21st
Why. . .   I find serenity/balance in the pain, in the pleasing, in the helplessness, and the surrender. There is a place inside myself that I come to when you use me. The helplessness I feel while you tease me, choke me, fuck me, even when you pull on my collar opens me up. It makes me feel whole. I feel peace and pleasure. I’ve never felt more loved than I did last night and this morning. Or more open to that love. The fear and the anger and the distrust was gone. Melted as if it had never been. I was finally me. Alone in a space that was of my choosing and not forced on me by some outside influence of what I should or should not be. I simply existed. The guidance, discipline, and the punishment curbs my penchant for self sabotage. It keeps me grounded and mentally fed. Alone I have a nature that is self-destructive and easily overwhelmed. I crave a strong hand to take the lead. On
Better Version By Shinedown
Excuse the mess, I didn't see you from behind I caught a glimps, but the reflections only mine Its almost like I am paralyzed and locked outside myself What I don't need is to concede because I wont be someone else I'm not perfect, and I don't claim to be and if thats what you wanted, then I'm so sorry How about a better version of the way that I am? How about a better version that makes me understand? How about a better version of the way that I am The way I look, the way I speak How about a better version of me Excuse the wall, I put it up from time to time A silver shade, and the design is all mine Its just a maze that everyday I seem to be stuck in It never seems to fade away, but I pray for the day it ends I'm not perfect, and I don't claim to be and if thats what you wanted, then I'm so sorry How about a better version of the way that I am? How about a better version that makes me understand? How about a better version of the way that I am The way I look, the
One Wish
ok so if you could have one wish in this world come true what would it be? and why?
Listen My Heart
Listen to my heart when I say "I love you." Only my heart can tell you the truth now. You should know my heart is pure of lust and true. Listen to my heart, when I turn and walk out of a room, here you will see how I am feeling. Listening and learning how my heart can be, you will soon understand the way that I am. Listen to heart to see if it is pure, and only can tell you what you are wishing to find, in that darkened room. Listen and you will learn the ways of what your heart is saying, following what your heart says will lead you to great mysteries...
A Poem Written By Myself And Solpavilion (ok So I Only Wrote The Title And One Verse Lol)
The Bar Beneath the stars That shine so brightI went to the barsLate into the nightInto them I went smoke filled the scent of the crowded air, and a scene of despair. low and behold! a figure of lightshe filled up my visionand made my heart so tightfor her i spentevery dime and centfrom my pocket they camethe register they wentnot to seem unseen, from fellows i weened, their loose change afloatin, an their pockets i cleaned!
One Special Lady To Level
I sit here and cry, Until there is no more tears, There is nothing left.   I am nothing but a walking corpse, You took everything from me, My love, my trust, my body, my heart, my soul, It was all yours and you crusted and ripped it all apart.   Now I am left in the dark, To bear this sorrow, To know I didn’t mean anything to you.
Sweet Dreams And Happy Thoughts Forever
So...I came up with this phrase about 16 years ago.  It was a school assignment to come up with a new way to say goodbye without the sadness of a goodbye.  I couldn't think of anything better than cya later and then my GF at the time told me sweet dreams at the end of a steamy chat on the phone.  Thats when I thought about all of the forever, and goodbye's out there and coined the phrase "Sweet Dreams and Happy Thoughts Forever." Its a wonderful saying that lets you know that no matter what happens, no matter where we end up, I will always be thinking of you and wishing you the best.  There has been a lot of happiness and sadness in life, as each day there are good things and bad things happening to all of us.  In the end, as rude as someone may be, there is always a feeling of hope. Hope being something we all share in common.  Whether it is selfless thoughts or greed, we all desire something in life at any given time.  This is what we have been blessed or cursed with; endless thoug
Knight Of Darkness
'What time was it he thought', as he looked around the bar. Everywhere there was movement; so much movement by the mob. Leather and lace flowed with the hypnotic rythem of the beat. Women glistened, their hair slicked to their brows. Each heave causing their breasts to swell. This was such a mortal time; such heat and blood.   He sipped lethargically at his martini; the bite of the gin causing a momentary lapse of thought. Had it been Berlin or London when he had first sampled this very concoction. No matter. The sights of the eternal night surrounded him and yet he saw not a soul. Spinning slowly and raising his hand to the barkeep he signaled for the bill. It was then that he noticed her. Not young but certainly not as old as he. She sat motionless, a ghost he believed at first but then she lifted what looked to be a Lambrusco. He stood transfixed, his eyes darted as her ruby lips closed and teased the liquid. How many times had he drunk ever so slightly from his own vintage.   H
I am no Preacher, but I am gonna get my preach on for a minute here. See it's ot our words that are gonna stop the world in its tracks. Our words will not changed the world, they've heard it all. It's npt normally our music. Normally we make our music for us, for the body, to sharpen each other, edify the body, to Glorify our God. Once in awhile a song crosses over, but it's not typically the music that's gonna stop the world in it's tracks. Our music is not gonna change the world more than likely. It's not our buildings as grand and beautiful as some of our church buildings are. It's the architecture that's gonna change the world. I believe what will change the world, is when we begin to love each other and when we beging to love the world. And when we begin to reach out to the orphans and the widows and the lower income families in out communties. When the world sees that kinda of love, I mean undeniable love. I believe they will stop in their and tracks and say "Yo, what ever you pe
Anything Interesting?
     No, not really.  Well there was the trip to DisneyWorld, that was pretty cool, I mean it's DisneyWorld and I'm a Mickey nut but it was very big, very far and super hot and humid...Oh and we got drenched in rain which was warm so it was just uncomfortable in that "I just showered with my clothes on" way but then you get on the bus to go back to the hotel and they didn't adjust the air conditioning so for 30 minutes you were wet and freezing...Thanks Walt! :P      I also decided that since it didn't look like I'd be moving out anytime soon I needed to make the place more bearable, so I demo'ed the deck and put in a flower garden and took down the kids way too small for them now fort/swingset.  I'm going to use the wood to make outdoor furniture like a daybed and table, maybe even some benches or planters.  It's mostly labor, only spent $28 on plants, mulch, vitamins and fertilizer.  I figure I'll never get out of here if I go crazy with money renovating.       Also, because someo
Yesterday, I get a phone call telling me some pretty great news. Since I am unemployed for a few weeks, I'm going to be in debt unless I can get help from somewhere or if the bills can wait for me to be able to catch up. Yes, I have filed unemployment and for some reason the amount they told me I will receive is slightly over half of my paychecks. This will not help me enough.Anyway, the phone call was my aunt telling me she went to a charity place that will pay rent for 4 months. She had asked me to go with her, but I couldn't find my lease and knowing she would have to go back we agreed that I would go with her then. Seeing as how I did not go there or talk to the people myself, I do not know the truth of what they offer. If they are willing to assist with rent for several months, I would be able to catch up on bills and it would help me so much. Getting a roommate would be hard having only a one bedroom apartment and two children.Help me decide what I should do with the cash that I
What I Am, What I Do!
Heya peeps, I am a graduate student and part time model comes from a family of dentists. I once worked as a hygienist in my father's dental practice, now I am now in my third year at NUS on my way to becoming a Dentist myself :) Cosmetic Dentistry Veneers
Oh these men in my life, They give me nothing but strife! Married twice I have been, Not making that mistake again. Me?! Walking down that aisle? I find the thought quite vile As a matter of fact, And I say this without much tact... I think I may just begin, A new life as a lesbian!
Missing You
  Juan Christopher Carter Pack also known as ''Saheem'' and DJ Wizz was born on Oct 5 1978 in Philadelphia, PA He suffered a heart attack and departed this life on Sunday, August 16 2009. Juan was very special Music artwork electronics and a talent for creativity was displayed in the clothing he designed, and the parties he worked He was an excellent dancerand possessed a great sense of humor His style was his own You never knew what he was going to look like until you saw him Juan was a big man with a kind soul who was a good friend great listener and sincere help to all who needed him Please show some respect Thank you
Fire Fight
My unit got engaged in a fire fight today. I lost a brother in it. I made the decision to flank the enemy, knowing one of my soldiers might be wounded, or killed. By the book, I did the right thing. We destroyed our opposition, and protected the RCT, and the civilians in the city. I don't have a lot to say today. I'm struggeling with the death of my soldier. He did his job. His family shold be proud. I better get to writting the letter to his mother. I love you. - Captain Jason Vine
Geek Armyand The Rock Erie Music Awards
I would like to call all MY FUFRIENDS to help me help my very good friends THE GEEK ARMY.. They are an exceptionally good cover band from right here in Erie,Pa. Lasyt year at the awards they took home 4 wards.. and this year are nominated for 5 awards... Please come and help me help my friends achieve this.. Follow the link below.. once you have gone and voted. please come back and leave a comment on this blog so I can thank you personally Thank you on and all for your help. THE GEEK ARMY NEEDS YOU TO GO AND VOTEGo to the link below and VOTE VOTE VOTE FOR THEMreminder:http://www.rockeriemusicawards.comwe sure would appreciate your vote in these categories... cover band, male vocalist, guitarist, bassist, drummer. or after you register, search for "geek army" under the show all category and they'll all show up!  Thank you once again..
How I Feel
When I fall in love, I will miss herthe very moment I say 'goodbye'and my heart will yearn forthe very moment I say ‘hello'.When I fall in love, all my old hurtsand pains will seemlost and faded away and I will be strong andbrave once again.When I fall in love, I want youto be happy always, everand feel like the happiestperson of them all . . .Because that's what I will feel,when I fall in love, with you. tell me wat u think
Now What? Well, I'll Tell You...
Ahhh... The internet... The modern day melting pot for all of us who are too shy to join the real world and get rejected. HA! Fubar has taken it a step further in this online meat market, and WOW! Have my eyes been opened! Here's the scoop: I used to drink and party and rock the night at bars. Then I got pregnant... It happens.  So, I suddenly became "normal" and a perfect example of pregnancy. Then I had my daughter, and I am working so so hard on being the world's best mom! Now, I herniated my back during pregnancy... I'm feeling a bit shy because I'm still pretty fat...It happens, and I can't really change that as I'm still healing... SO... Now what? A friend brought me in here... He figured that, with how sexual I am, and all the dirty texts we send, that I'd fit in just fine here! How right he was! hahaha! Fubar is, now, my favorite place to be! I have so much fun and am always entertained by someone anytime I get online! I get the always welcomed ego boost of compliments, and
why do people take life so serious , that they forget how to enjoy life and that we forget that enven though that we are human ,there are some people are so smart that they become so stupid ,that common sense is no where to be found in dealing with life in general period.
For All My Dear Friends
VERSE 1:Sometimes late at nightI lie awake and watch her sleepingShe's lost in peaceful dreamsSo I turned out the lightAs I lay there in the darkAnd a thought crosses my mindIf I never wake in the morningWill she ever doubtThe way I feel about her, in my heartCHORUS:If tomorrow never comesWill she know how much I loved herDid I try in every wayTo show her every dayShe's my only one.If my time on earth were throughShe must face this world without meSo the love I gave her in the pastWould it be enough to lastIf tomorrow never comes.VERSE 2:Cause I've lost loved ones in my lifeWho never knew how much I loved themNow I live with the regret, that my true feelings for themnever were revealed,So I made a promise to myselfTo say each day how much she means to meAnd avoid that circumstanceWhere's no second chanceto tell her how I feelCHORUS:If tomorrow never comeswill she know how much I loved her,(how much I loved her)Did I try in every wayTo show her every dayShes my only one.If my time on ea
Aussie President Kevin Rudd
Prime Minister Kevin Rudd - Australia Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told on Wednesday to get out of Australia, as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks. Separately, Howard angered some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by saying he supported spy agencies monitoring the nation's mosques. Quote: 'IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT. Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali , we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians.' 'This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom. We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society, Learn the Language!' 'Most Australians believe in God. This is
I'm waiting for my super berries to go on farmsville on facebook to grow so I can go to bed..yea yeah...stupid kari got me addicted to that game now. She kept bugging me to go on face book, so I did..and now I'm on that farming game. My boss came around with a card asking to sign it for one of our co workers who is a type of manager...he's leaving to work a different shift and I asked him jokenly "So do I get to take his place?" He said sometime soon that I'll be able to train more and being able to manage more of work...yay!!! I haven't done that in a long time. I like learning more stuff at work and being able to do more stuff....slowly moving up Oct I'll find out if I get my raise or not..I hope I do. I'm work a extra day this coming week...debating if I would want to work on Thursday as well...that would be 60+ hours of working that week....I hate working extra days but I need the money....
The "real" Me!
Come For Me
As I lay down tonight I will close my eyes and await the cold touch of the only one that can truely take me away from all my pain and mistakes in my life for this one person is DEATH and yet this cold embrace I welcome to myself with ever so open arms that are outstreached to him... In my darkest hours I will wait for the touch of him to guide me along my path for nothing I say or do makes sense anymore and nothing I feel makes sense anymore... I have fought my battles with my demons and thought I had won the war only now to find out that I had never won a battle at all but only was made to believe that I had won these battles.... So into my dark world I will drift off and pray that I will never awaken again but be taken to a better place among other useless souls that had failed in their lifes journeys also.... With final words spoken now and my shadows closing in upon me with a final breath I shall be nothing more but a faded memory......   As I lay in wait for you to come for
Helpful Stuff To Get Started With
ive been working on computers 20 plus years since i was very young ,other people contrube things they are talented at so this is my contrubution .now i cant give the links in here ive tried and fu says they block links in blogs so im going to give you some site names to google antionline this is a great site it is a online community where alot of white hats and other computer experts come together to share and exchange knowlesge its not limited to secuirty feild althouth that is the main focus of the site , freecreed this is a good yahoo related site with such things as links to other useful sites on everything remotley related to yahoo also included are arcives of old messy builds various other programs some not related to yahoo at all theeldergeek  this is a great site i know such a wide ranging amount of stuff its impossible to remember stuff so i go to this site alot when repairing windows computers i use it on a regular basis its the most comprehensive windows related site ive
The End
The hate and the rage I feelI feel like my life is being torn away from meTHe air I breath the gravity that makes my world spinRiped from me I am free falling and struggling to breatheTHe lives I made that became my lifeThe identiy of who I am the thought of someone else being that personBurns through my soul and kills meHow am I suppose to live without all of these thingsSomedays I feel as if the the little lives I have made are better off without meI feel like I am worthlessI feel like I am nothingI am nobody without themI look at him and I want to screamHe could never know how it feels to have that taken awayThe one thing that was consistant in my lifeThe one thing that I know appreciated meThe one thing that I knew needed me The one thing I that I knew would always love me THe one thing my arms cant be withoutHe sits there thinking that he knows whats bestHe sits there and tells me how its for the bestHe sits there and tells me its a change for himHe sits there and says its going t
Long Drive Home
well we came down to San Jose CA for the third and final time for this summer.  We only came down  for my mother in-laws 80th birthday the day after my 48th birthday to have dinner with her .  We all had a great time and went out to dinner.  All of her sons, grandchildren and great grandchildren.   Now to drive up to Seattle and arrive LATE tonight.    Now I wish we flew ... lol
What A Group Of Losers These People Are
  Recent actions by a few have finally pissed off the quietest, most easy-going peron on this site, and I've taken action on it. My action may only affect me, and maybe some of you will think I'm over-reacting, and to those I say tough shit.I have gone through my friends and fans of lists and deleted ALL MFKN members and ALL red members. They are nothing but self-serving, lying, step on whoever they want when they feel threatened, parasites and I'll have nothing to do with any of them. I won't list here the final straw, but I will say that an innocent, 4 year member of this site, quiet, shy, and totally non-threatening, was banned on a lie, and by a Fubar Family member, who will remain nameless. That person has also been removed. It's pretty f#cking sad when slug losers have to resort to lies all for a top 50 position. Grow up asswipes, it's not real. You get nothing for being 'red', especially when you don't earn it, you steal it.So I publically am announcing here that if any M
"all Them Negative Waves"
last night around 8 or so, I had to call the sherriff on my next door neighbor, because he, in a drunken frenzy, threw a bag of feces into my back yard..lemme tell ya, I wasnt too thrilled with the man and I confronted which point he wanted to start a fight make it short, the deputies informed me that I would probably have to go to court and settle the issue through a mediator..which I have no qualms with.  But, it begs me to ask the question "Where the fuck do all those negative waves come from?"  and I have a movie that I love to watch called "Kelly's Heroes"-- a 1970 world war 2 film starring Clint Eastwood and Donald Sutherland...Donald plays the hippie like tank commander nicknamed "Oddball"..who always manages to look at the bright side of things, and always snaps at people when they "bring those negative waves, baby".,..   why cant we all be like that? no negative waves whatsoever...I mean, I live on the west coast for fucks sake..mellow and serene and sublime...
Life Changes So Quickly
So much has changed in just one year. I moved to colorado where i got a job and my own place.. Joshua moved out here from cali and after 4 years of talking on this site we are finally together. Soon after he moved here I got pregnant with our little girl keyla. she is the love of my life. For those of you who know me things are so much more different then when i was homeless and heartbroken...I thank all my friends and family for the advice and help. My life is great and i look forward to spending the rest of it with my daughter,friends and family.
Letting Go
How do you walk away from someone you love And take the road of friend; Can you reroute the course you have taken And start over once again? I don't really want to let you go But inside me I know I must; The times we've loved . . . the times you've left My heart says stay . . . but it's my mind I must trust. We have shared so much together Laughter . . . fun times . . . tears; Yet sometimes we can't turn back time We must walk away, and allow ourselves to heal. I know one day you will be happy And your soulmate you will find; I know we each have one out there Even if for now . . . only in our minds. May life be gentle with you May God's best come your way; And on some quiet tomorrow You will realize things were better this way.
Were Not In Love
So often people say they found their lover in their friend.I just have to wonder if they ve found a means to fit their end.I thought I knew you for so long, but now I ve come to seeThat this man is a stranger, and you don t remember me.For the first time in my life I wanted someone I could keep-To treasure me both heart and soul, to hold me in my sleep.When I saw you I was overjoyed, my search at last concluded,Who knew that I would come to find that I was just deluded?Because as we grew together something still kept us apart,I have your body and your mind, but I ll never have your heart.And I still wish that we could have that true love and forever,But reality stole my happy ending, leaving me with never.And if you asked, what would I say?Would I dare to throw it all away?Would yes be right? Or is it no?But we never ask, so on we go.And still I know that in the end,You re not my lover but my friend.This is the truth that I despiseWhen I suddenly realize:We re not in love.
Singlez In The City Launch Party!
Hey Everyone! I'm just starting out as an event planner and I'm doing singles events! so every one that lives in colorado should come check out my event! It should be so awesome! rsvp and get more info at  
Shea Shea
in search of a real man
Love Bites
Ya know what? i`m starting to wonder if this "love" thing is really worth it? Every time i fall in love with someone, it always seems to blow up in my face for some reason or another, idk, maybe its me, i do everything i can fot whoever im with and apparently it seems like its never enough. Maybe i should just start being an asshole and i will get farther in a relationship, because i`m always too damn nice and giving and willing to go outta my way for people. its been like that since i was a teenager and it seems that old habits are hard to break. Dont get me wrong, i`m by no means an asshole at all, i love going out and doing things and sometimes just hanging out with who-ever, but like i said, sometimes whatever i do doesnt seem good enough for anyone. I`d give the shirt off my back for anyone but alls i get in return is either used or dum   ped or cheated on, wtf is wrong with me?    H E L P  ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Your Gone
i said hello,i think i'm broken and the world was was only jokin',It took me by suprise when you went away.I was trying to be clever,for the life of me i never would have guessed how far this simple truth would lead,You knew all my life,and all my tricks,and how to heal all my pain,that no medicine could ever fix.I blessed for the day i meet you,and i  i'm thankfull that he let you,lay beside me for a moment that lives on.the good news is im beter now because i can look back at all the time we spent together.Looking back it's still suprising, i was sinkin' and you were ricing.with this look that caught my attention every day.Now i know god has his reasons,but some times it's hard to see them,I lay awake at night,and find that your not there.You made me find hope in hoplessnes,you made crazy,sain,you became the missin' link,that helped me break my chain,and i'm so blessed for that.But the bad news is your gone,you only got a one way ticket over their,and i will miss you so much....
Chris Ayala's P.o.v. On Women And Their Issues Part2: The Platinum Pussy
INTRODUCTION:Hello friends, this is the first time i have ever spoken my mind on this site, but have to address an issue that has been annoying me for some time. In various jobs I have had weather corporate, bartending, personal training, or others I have had to hear the mouth of women and their issues. The issues tend to vary based on situations such as weight, appearance, relationships, personal self worth, etc . I am taking this opportunity to express my opinion and feelings about these situations. I am in NO WAY degregating or criticizing ANY WOMAN that this may apply to, so please do not be offended. It is not my intent to insult anyone, but just to give my point of view, and anyone who reads this can respond to it and give me there feedback. I welcome everyone to read and respond to this and give their opinion as well. Once again I am basing this solely on my life experiences, and IS JUST MY POINT OF VIEW. This week I am going to address the issue with women who believe that thei
I Got My First Fucktard
Well looks like I got my first fucktard. Just like everything else online you get fucktards that want to ruin a good time. If they are in a bar I kick the shit out of them, and send them on their way. But online they can hide their cowardly ass behind the computer. To bad I am not able to find his IP address yet, so I can become his worst nightmare. Not sure why he decided to target me but he did. You may be wondering what it is he did. Well he went through and started to buy every person I owned. I am not sure if he was targeted recent purchases, or my friends list because he did not show as seeing my page. I did manage to down rate a few pictures on him before I got the pimp slap.   I would sure like to know how he got all the fu-bucks to be a PITA?   Anyway here he is: ☣MisterJueseppi™☣ EnGaged 2 Spectacular Amber™ Feel free to down rate this ass. And I would love to slap that wanna be Marine hat he was wearing because he is no marine. Marine
 i have been offline for awhile but i am back to stay
I`m  thinking of you in silence no eyes can see me weep but even in my aching  heart your beautiful memories i  keep..
This is a shout out to my friends..We have an idiot in our mists. His profile says it all! Let's all go show him a Fu welcome he won't believe!    thanx in advance! 
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Another One For Whoda
Let me tell you about this once certain girl,when I talk to her just take me for a whirl.She does some DJing for this particular show,its the main reason why I go. Her eyes are blue and green, they are deep as the seas.When I hear her sultry voice,it brings me to my knees.Just being around her puts me in my happy place,I just want to see her smiling face. Whoda is what she calls herself ,and I just wanted you all to see.She`s always been nice and comforting to me.I dont want her to take this the wrong way, but I pray to god we will actually meet someday.
Prince Charming
Often my status will say something about prince charming blah blah blah. Thought I'd give a little detail in the matter. For one the guy in the story books isn't the guy I'd ideally like to meet. When I dream my dreams I see a tall dark haired man athletic lots of tatoos and rides not only iron horses but living ones too. That's just a dream and in no means excludes anyone. What I do expect is kindness, understanding. Someone with a giving nature that has the ability to evaluate all sides of a situation not just his own. Honesty and loyalty and rather tell me the truth than to ever lie. Ideally knows at least two other languauge to include Japanese as one of them. Must have goals of his own and be happy and confident with himself. There's prolly more but i'm sleepy..... Thanx for reading this
Anywhere You Go..i Will Be There
When ever the day comes..anywhere you turn..ill be there..far..but always me..and will find upon me..and i shall be there..without care for my own well angels flying watchful always upon a dream..i am sand floating by you in the wind..the darkness of night..manifested whole..from nothing..i am something..whenever you need me..ill be there..never said things would be fair..but i will stand by your side..good or bad..if it is bad we do..then i have no second thoughts on it..for i sway with the winds..and chaos is neither good..nor bad..if the world bears down on you..and did not love you..if they called out your name..and brought shame upon you..i would be there..and stare them in the eyes..and without mercy..i would beat them down..without a feeling going through my cold heart..for i am here..when the world turns its back..anywhere you turn..ill be there..anywhere you go..i will be there..just like a shadow to the body..i am to
My Favorite Quote
**“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and famous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in all of us. And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” Used by Nelson Mandela in his 1994 inaugural speech**
Yours was the love that was my strength.Yours was the wisdom that chased away the nightmares.Yours was the touch that freed me from addiciton.Yours was the Life the showed no fear of death.Yours was the laughter that dried all my tears.Yours was the comfort that ended my anxiousness.Yours was the kindness that lifted me when all others were cruel.Yours was the sorrow that could not overpower.Yours was the time that enlightened me.I am lost, confused, afraid for now is my life without you abandoned in the dark
Recipe - Sally Lunn Bread (for Oven And Bread Machine)
Sally Lunn bread. As delicious as it can be controversial! Some believe that Sally Lunn was an 18th-century woman from Bath, England, who created rich, slightly sweet and cake-like buns, which would be split and topped with thick, clotted cream, to serve at tea-parties. Others maintain there was never a "Sally Lunn" at all, and in fact her name is simply a corruption of the "soleil et lune" cake made by French Protestant refugees. Either way.. There are a remarkable number of Sally Lunn theories, just as there are a number of varied recipies for the bread that bears her name. This bread, loaded with butter and eggs, is hardly dietetic, but so absolutely delicious, you'll never see leftovers! Here are two recipes I know will satisfy and delight! I prefer the bread machine version. Not everyone has one.. But if you love the aroma and taste of fresh-baked bread without all the work and mess, I would highly recommend purchasing one of these machines! (PM me if you own one and want some a
Day From Hell
Well, today is August 24th. Today started out the wrong way, I woke up late.  After getting a late start I took the 20 mins instead of 45 to help a fufriend by dropping links to her leveling mum and managed to meet the one person whom I should not have. Of course this person then proceeds to go off on me. Me being me I said something to be a smart ass and she goes and craps all over my friends mum.  I then go to work where I knew the General Manager was about to fire the person I was relieving.  Needless to say that went real unwell.  The lady getting fired started cussing and yelling at the top of her lungs and tore up the bosses office. Then procedded to hit the General Manager with her purse. Not really the smartest thing to do. I then had to call my most unfavorite people, yes the men with the disco lights on their cars, and fill out a report on what I had seen and heard.  Thankfully the rest of the day went pretty uneventfull and i only feel like a heel because I caused a friend(f
[most Peculiar]
Now, creating a hybrid alfredo/pesto sauce isn't such a big deal using blended hard boiled eggs though was interesting. This was my clear outI had old spinach, old milk, old pork, and 3 deviled eggs that I was... completely uncomfortable with eating without recooking (my mom made them and left them at room temperature for a couple hours)so I threw everything into the blendy and started braising my aging pork results were atypical, the sauce is creamier and of course thicker, and the mustard my mom used in the eggs is still detectable *shrugs* I might have to do it again in this hybrid sauce, it adds a level, but I'll probably just used hard boiled not deviled. The color is significantly brighter- I'd say from cream lime to neon. Texture and richness are definitely bumped up.I dunno kids, you might wanna play with it. I'd offer you more but lately its been work, more work, FFT, dog's not eating enough, schoolyard crush for a girl that might not remember my name, and allergieslots a
Chlamydia Helps Young Men Feel More Manly
Chlamydia helps young men feel more 'manly': Swedish study Young men who contract sexually transmitted diseases often view their afflictions as an affirmation of their manhood, a new Swedish study shows. Sweden refuses asylum to gay Iraqis (18 Aug 09) Sharp rise in cases of gonorrhea among women (13 Aug 09) Paedophile sees jail term cut to five years (5 Aug 09) Upon learning they’ve been infected with a sexually transmitted disease, some young people simply see themselves as unlucky, while others undergo a maturation process which leads them to be more careful in their sexual habits, according to midwife and University of Skövde researcher Kina Hammarlund. But members of a third group – consisting entirely of young men – succeed in transforming their diseases into a sign of their manhood. With other male friends slapping on the shoulders and offering encouraging comments about “success with the ladies”, young men who contract diseases such as
i feel im watching the world and its in slow-motion. i see the social parasites sniffing out new hosts. i observe with disdain the machinations of the spiritually-challenged, the emotionally stunted, the unenlightened. i cringe while in the presense of the oblivious wretched masses, their ignorant slurs, disjointed vernacular, lazy attempts at commnication. im appalled by what passes for acceptable behavior. where has this species gone wrong? who told people to ignore it and hope its just a "phase"?for there is not a carpet big enough to sweep this horrifying trend underneath. the right ones dont speak and the wrong ones wont shut the fuck up. i hope it wont be a war between the races. i hope its a war between the cognitively sound and the fucking braindead human filth that are slowing draining this world of all light and warmth.i wish to close my eyes sometimes so i wont see too much and then wont care, block it all out and end up like THEM.
A Pen And Some Paper
day and day go by and i see things in a different way. i ask myself why am i here...whats so special about me? what can i offer to this world? i dont know...but i search for a pen and some paper. sitting in the silence watching time go by outside. i wield the pen like a baby beginning to walk and im unsure of what to put down on the blank paper. slowly i jot down one word...then two...then 3...and before i knew it i was controlling and mastering that pen like i was a swordsman. cutting that paper deep with the anger and sadness and fears i have inside. and now im writing a story from the heart. a story that other may not understand but speaks volumes to me. in this story...this somewhat of a hate letter that curses the heavans and even God Himself. yelling with the words i put down on the paper GOD!!! WHY SO MUCH PAIN AND SADNESS!!? U KNOW MY NATURE IS HAPPY AND KIND AND GIVING. WHY DO I FEEL USELESS AND UNEEDED? and as if He was sitting next to me i hear....because it makes u stronger
The pain in my heart intensifies. I reach out my hand only to watch you turn away. Tears fill my eyes, the pain in my heart intensifies, and still I reach out to you. I want to save you, I need to save me, and in that we’ve lost us. I call out, one last time. A hope and a prayer is all that’s left. You’re gone and all I have is my outstretched hand.
The Game
The game of life. Empty promises are just meaningless words from someone who doesn’t really care. Why should I have ever believed you would? I’ve been down this road a time or two trying to make sense of what has come to pass. I try another long road and wonder what will happen when I get there. Will it be another set of lies that await me? I will find out one way or another, I guess In the end it’s all the same. It’s not who wins or loses- It’s how you play the game.
I have always wanted a blog! Let's see if I can make html work on this... SEO Austin internet marketing Austin Ergonomic Chairs Ergonomic Laptop Stands office space Austin
Dont Sell Me Lust.
If all you want is lust..then i have nothing for you..i am of lust..but i am of thoughts..and you can not just take me for a ride..and play with my mind..for anyone who crosses my path..will get read..just like they try to read me..dont use im a just another normal show a hint of think then i will trust..your sadly mistaken..try that on some other loser..but dont try it on me..ive seen all shapes and forms..your charm..has no effect on just assume they do..i could care less..for that of the me..hate me..still i have no the matter..if you have an agenda..please..go find another..with less sense..then i..for try as you dont earn trust that showing me a boob..or a thight..i can see that for free..and trust that..but i have no want..nor need..of temptation..hence..the part of me..being a ghost..i long not..for the touch of skin..but that of the mind..if your mind is focused on your vanity..then you can not t
Could Care Less What They Say.
I may be judged..but who really fit to judge sins..we all life we all are not me..and i am not you..your words could matter less to me..your life I could care less..these words i say..are just that of a man..that is tired..of the users..of the fakes..the cheats..the liers..the whatever..been here by my own will..and that of god..i could care less what another thinks of me..for they arent helping me..nor care for me..i handle all things that come my way..without a helping hand..just a man alone..and if so..then so be it..never needed a co signer on ****..and still wont..been on top..and the is full of ups and downs..just been around to let another talk down on if they are my are not my are as i am..human..untill you reach are the same as your older of younger than me..still going to be the same..bleed in pain..and reborn in gods name..but belive this..i would rather burn all i
The Darkness
"When you come to the end of all the light you know, and it's time to step into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing that one of two things shall happen: either you will be given something solid to stand on or you will be taught to fly" Sitting here, I find that I am afraid. I have reached the end of what I know to do, the end of my capacity to see or control and I'm lost. I know that I say that alot...but I really am. I have noone to call my shoulder to lean hands to pick me up when I fall. That is MY's what I do and I do it gladly but when it's all GONE..what then? I step into the darkness alone and I wonder what will happen. Will it consume me as I fear, or will there be someone somewhere to catch me. And the voice in my mind whispers..Am I worthy of it? In my heart I know the answer and it brings hot burning broken tears to my eyes..because I know that I am not. "A genuinely good person" is what someone told me I was..and I don't believe it, ev
Leaving The Fu?
Well fubarians...It has come that time again. :)   I will be leaving fubar indefinitely.  I will leave this page up and check it probably once a month or so.   If any one is interested in the Gypsy Queens, or the Gypsy Queen movement, please shoot me a message and I'll get back to you ASAP.    This place is not condusive to the things I have going on in my life right now.   Love my friends...the rest..pssh. :)   xoxoxo  
Plz Read
So im going to school now, and im going for a double major in engineering. which isnt easy and doesnt leave much free time for work. so im having trouble paying my bills, and of course right about the time classes start, my car starts to try to fall apart around me and give me all sorts of trouble. so i guess what im trying to say is that i could use some help. if anyone is interested in helping out in even the smallest way, send me a private message or hit my shoutbox and i will give you my paypal screenname. Anything will be appreciated, and if you want something in return such as pictures, salutes or anything else feel free to make requests and i will do what i can to help out. thank you everyone
August 22nd - Bridge
The night is dark and I feel so at home. The soft breeze whispers across my skin and I smile. My Master is beside me and I snuggle closer. We cross the open courtyard and then onto the wide expanse of the old tressle bridge. Strong hands catch my hipps and push me agianst the wooden raillings. "Touch me" is the command this time and I obey, sliding my hand against his warm thick shaft. I love it, so smooth and silken. It stiffens further and I feel a whimper in my throat. "Do you want it? Here? Now?" He asks as he slides a hand up under my skirt, fingering my sensitive pussy. Surprise rockets through me. Shaking me further as he dropps my panties to my knees and frees his cock. Spreading my theighs, he places the head of his shaft against my cunt and thrust inside. I tried not to scream as pleasure rocked me from head to heals. Headlights from cars passing on the nearby bridge remind me how close we are being discovered. Another couple walks below us in the park. I want to stop this bu
One White Rose
One White Rose Current mood:  sad A call for help goes out at three,Setting off pagers all over town.Somewhere, an unknown 1050And the dispatcher cannot calm down.Rescuers leap out of their bedsLeaving with no backward glances.They can only guess what's aheadAs they leave in fire trucks and ambulances.The ambulance departs the stationAs the dispatcher repeats the address."The injured require extrication,And most of all ALS."inside, they feel so empty,Not knowing what awaits.Also, unsettling urgency--They're responsible for other's fates.Dread reaches out icy clawsAs they hear the latest news.Officers are requesting the "jaws"And even more backup crews.Firefighters are also on the way--Hearts racing, a touch of fear."Jaws of life, what's your ETA?"Less than a minute, now they're here.The police were first on the sceneControlling and directing trafficAnd updating the rest of the team(Although the sight makes them sick.)The scene is a wicked nightmare,Broken glass and plastic litter th
My Real Scars
Okay so, a few years back, on the morning of halloween about 12:30 am or so we was getting our costumes ready and suk. well we heard yelling from outside. Now I lived in some apartments on the second story in the very end. Anyways me and my roommate at the time went out to see what was going on. It turned out the mexican straight acrossed from me was beating on his wife. well I had friends living down stairs at the time and they was out too so they was calling the police. I yelled at the guy to stop hitting his wife and he got pissed at me and said something like "you want some too?" well at this point my room mate said "if you come up those steps there's gonna be trouble.". Of couse he did, we didn't know it at the time but the dude was methed out. So the fight was on, he got his ass whipped and we thought he left. I went down stairs to check on my friends, and lo and behold he was in the apartment next door getting a butcher knife. Well he came out and stabbed me in the side from beh
A Life Challenge
Hey guys, I'M BACK!! Another Tuesday morning and I'm up at 5 in the I'm going to write the blog about one of the MAJOR things that we all do: COMPLAIN!! When we complain--we usually gripe, bitch, mope, sometimes throw tamtrums, or just simply say things that irks us. But what do we ACTUALLY get out of just complaining about something we can't change?? Nothing...that is unless we do something about it right?? I remember when I complain, someone will always tell me " Suck it up and press on with what you're doing" And it usually happens in many different situations and I become very if we could just stop complaining for a day, let's see how much of a difference it'll make---I think we'll look at many things from a postive outlook and say " you know it could be worse..." But as far as our GOVERNMENT is concerned: I will complain about that, but I will also do something about it...If all of you feel that our government is full of shit and they take this coun
help anyone know how to change ur IP address on ur computer.using a proxy server to get here but cannot rate or shout or comment or even buy drinks...not even sure it is gonna let me post this
Joke Of The Day
Joke of the Day A woman is in bed with her lover who also happens to be her husband's best friend. They make love for hours, and afterwards, while they're just laying there, the phone rings. Since it is the woman's house, she picks up the receiver. Her lover looks over at her and listens, only hearing her side of the conversation . . . (She is speaking in a cheery voice) "Hello? Oh, hi. I'm so glad that you called. Really? That's wonderful. I am so happy for you. That sounds terrific. Great! Thanks. Okay. Bye bye." She hangs up the telephone and her lover asks, "Who was that?" "Oh" she replies, "that was my husband telling me all about the wonderful time he's having on his fishing trip with you."
Getting Something Out!!!!
Baby im sorry for what i did i cant say i have a good reason for it but i gotta let it out. Im still struggling with my grandmas death i really came to her for comfort. What have i become i still have dreams of her lettng me know shes ok but i still feel im alone without her i know its no excuse for what i did but i felt i needed to get away from reality if you could only understand its still very hard for me and i think about her everyday. Waking up from my dream hoping that she is still alive but realizing shes gone from this earth. At times ill cry to myself thinking the one who loved me the most since day one is gone *tears are falling* I just cant seem to let it go she was a part of me. Its been 3 months since that day she passed from this earth altho it feels like yesterday she was so full of life one day and then the next shes gone. I miss you so much grandma i wish you were still alive so i can say forgive me for everything bad i did and the way i treated you. It shouldnt have
Phrophecy Is Being Fullfiled Whether You Believe Or Like It Or Not....not Our Time But God,s!
" The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than success, than what people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance,giftedness, or skill. It will make or break a company... a church... a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we embrace for that day. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you... we are in charge of our ATTITUDES."........      
A Letter To A Friend I Lost(rip)
Dear You,  How are you in your other life. Me I am still here on Earth. Seeing how much it's changed since you left. It's a ugly world now. It feels like it rains everyday but no water falls it's like you don't cry. Your too happy where your at while we are here remembering you crying and sad because I miss your friendship. You helped me more than you know. I would have lost my ability to love if I haven't had met you because even though I was a stranger on the other side of the world. A different culture even but you looked past that and called me first friend then brother. I still wonder what might have been if we had the chance to meet but GOD called you home before that chance was given. You were so young not even given the chance to live your life really. You were just a little girl really in this big world but really you were a grown woman by the world's standards. I know it's not suppose to be questioned as to why you left but sometimes it can't be helped. You told
Crazy/psycho Defined
I honestly giggle to myself everytime one of these "no drama" dudes comes up in my shoutbox wanting to converse and ends up leaving a trail of drama a mile wide. First off.... any dude who goes on and on and on and on and on about how he hates drama..... is so full of sh*t its not even funny. Its those very dudes that are starting the sh*t and bringing it on themselves. I try my damndest to stay away from these guys cause "projection" is their main reason for existance in most cases (projection is where the person with the issues projects onto whomever they are interacting with, their issues as if they were not their own. It gets rather complicated as it is a very twisted rendition of reverse psychology to some degree). With that said..... I find it even more humorous how guys define most chics as "Crazy" or "Psycho" (see my screen name - LOL) or "Insane". Here are a few things that will indicate you are "Insane" in some guys books: 1. You are emotional (seems most guys just dont u
A Riddle Every Day
i'm doing riddle every day and if u give me the right answer u get 1000 fubucks so give me answer in my sb so i hope u get the answer at midnight i give the answer the riddle will be in my status  
Is She Right???
A cop tells a Hooker that it's illegal 2 sell Sex...     She says 2 him.....     "But Officer, I'm not selling Sex...     I'm selling condoms with a free Pussy sampler!!!    
Country Roads Saloon
Science And The Bible Finally Merge...
Current mood:  sad ok.... something is bothering me today and will continue to for a while. When I got up this morning its like all the other mornings when i still am draggin ass because I'm still feeling very tired. I sit here are the computer and wake up some and then I look out to check on the animals, (dogs and a family of stay cats that have adopted me and my mom). Something is not right today tho.. I get a feeling that something is missing. I look out at JoDee in the back doing something and I get that REALLY bad feeling. Sure enough she got one of the kittens. I immediately see red and start yelling at her. I go out and take care of the remains of this poor creature and tell JoDee to get the hell out of my sight.... "HOUSE!!! Get the F*CK in your House!!!" I know its not her fault... she is mearly doing the instinctual thing of protecting her home as all Shepards do. After I come back to the house I watch momma kitty looking for her lost little one and just feel the dread com
Why is it when you say some1 is annoying you they never leave you alone.Do people seriously need a restraning order to get the hint.To finally leave you alone I mean my god.
New Auction
i m up for auction again come and check it out and bid
Nothing On Tv
earlier today i was browsing through umpteen channels provided to you with cable and THERE AINT A DAMN THING that my thumb looks like a syphlitic monkey penis because of all the clicking i am gonna go continue job hunting...maybe get disablility and blame the cable company   bbl
Banned From Wal-mart.....
This is why women should not take men shopping against their will.After I retired, my wife insisted that I accompany her on her trips toWal-Mart. Unfortunately, like most men, I found shopping boring andpreferred to get in and get out. Equally unfortunately, my wife is likemost women - she loved to browse.Yesterday my dear wife received the following letter from the localWal-Mart:Dear Mrs. GilbertOver the past six months, your husband has been causing quite acommotion in our store. We cannot tolerate this behavior and have beenforced to ban both of you from the store. Our complaints against Mr.Gilbert are listed below and are documented by our video surveillancecameras .1. June 15: Took 24 boxes of condoms and randomly put them in people'scarts when they weren't looking..2.. July 2: Set all the alarm clocks in Housewares to go off at 5-minuteintervals..3. July 7: Made a trail of tomato juice on the floor leading to thewomen's restroom..4 July 19: Walked up to an employee and told her i
I'm Lost
there are some days when things happen I just can't understand.  My childrens father, who won't support them, has now moved his girlfriend and her child into his house.  He will support complete strangers but not his own flesh and blood.  What gives?.....Pfft...
Its Not Ur Fault
If you find yourself in love with someoneand that someone does not love you be gentle to yourselfthere is nothing wrong with you love just did not choose to rest in that someone's heartIf you find someone in love with you and can not answer that love feel honored that love came by and called on door but gently refuse the feeling you cannot returnas love did not choose to settle in your heart If you find yourself in love with someone and the love returned it still can happen that love chooses to leave do not try to reclaim it and do not assess any blamelet it go despite the pain there is a reason and meaning to cannot choose love by yourselfLOVE CHOOSES YOU
Here I am. trying to rate photos as fast as I can to earn some points, and WHAM! "You're rating to fast! Ignored!" I just want to level up... Okay, I realize that there is an actual purpose that the bouncers fulfill, and they are only doing their job, but is there actually a problem with people creating subroutines that just rate photos willy-nilly? This blog is just tongue-in-cheek. I'm not trying to bad mouth the bouncers and the work they do. I guess I'm frustrated that I can't figure out the timing I need to get as many points as I can without alerting them! Keep up the good work, bouncers! This site would not function without you...
47 Things
Crappy Pennsic Party
Crappy Pennsic Party:The first Week of Pennsic is called Pennsic Light? There are only 3 parties nightly.You get there and during the day you might help other put up their tents. Toward the late after noon. You go fuck it. I am on vacation. So you take a nap in your tent. You wake up it is night fall. You hear the sound of drums pounding off in the distance. So you grab you trusty mug (how else are you going to get a drink from the bar without one) and these days you ID (Didn't use to be that way. But that is another couple of stories for another time). You follow the drums out into the forest. There you see to long lines checking ID at the edge of a camp. You get past that. To the right of you are two more long lines. But these ones are worth it. One it is for an imported ale and other is some sort of tasty liquor concoction (that is as smooth as glass). And what does it cost you? Simple you hand them your mug. Wait it gets better...Over to the left of you see a roaring camp fire. Men
Whats Up
about 2 weeks ago I had 2 junk my ride cause the motor blew,so I have been driven my mothers caddy now tonight I have a blow-out in her car...dang whats up with my luck lately....lady luck please shine on me,,,
A Kisses Meaning
a kiss should be everything you are and feel deep in your soul looking into that persons eyes and seeing the passion in their eyes seeing the way they are looking back at you the passion flows from what seem your feet up to your head traviling through every part of your body till when your lips touch its like fire burning and it takes your breath away the passion flowing through both of you while you kiss and it longer and longer you dont want it to stop but when the kiss is over you lok into her eyes and kiss once more foreheads against each others and then you kiss again  always be who you are kiss like theres no tomarrow kiss with all your passion cause you will know when your next kiss is comming from
A Night In Time
           A Night In Time sliding down slowly into empty spacegoing days on end with very little sleepclosed eyes peacefully knowing my placein this world could only take me soo deep Black and white fur is all I want to feellooking into my past through anothers eyesmy past, present, future thoughts I peeluncontrollably brining out a few more cries you are watched with trusting eyes upon youmotionless tonight is not a morbid place to beknowing that rest is possible even for a fewthe stillness under the blackness one will see lights dimmed borrowed time to stand stillinterupted by thoughts in the middle of a dreamalone not tonight is what you peacefully feelmiles apart, closeness like a stitched seam A night in time yourself with burning skin comforting touch can be felt by no one aroundbed rest ordered brings torture from withinLaughter, positiveness, and strenth are abound
It's amazing....I haven't had any bad dreams in months. I can't really recall when I had a bad dream. I would have a lot of bad dreams about Rich..dreams of harming myself weird dreams of worms, snake and spiders. A lot of the dreams were reacurring dreams...same type...different places...Maybe when I finally seperated from him...those dreams had stopped. Went out with Kari and Myke today. I got Kari started on liking the lotions from Victoria Secrets. So we went there and she bought a bunch of Love Spell stuff. After I got off work yesterday, I hung out with them and we went to Hot Topic...I bought myself a skirt..It's pretty cute actually...I don't really wear skirts..but some people have told me I should try wearing them...I Don't think I got the legs for them though..but I'm giving it a try...It took me forever to wear tank tops out in public. I have no plans for tomorrow..probably do some cleaning... Rich is barely home anymore...which doesn't bother me much. But he really needs
Senator Edward Kennedy
BOSTON (Reuters) – U.S. Senator Edward Kennedy, a towering figure in the Democratic Party who took the helm of one of America's most fabled political families after two older brothers were assassinated, died at age 77, his family said. "Edward M. Kennedy, the husband, father, grandfather, brother and uncle we loved so deeply, died late Tuesday night at home in Hyannis Port (Massachusetts)," the Kennedy family said in a statement early on Wednesday. One of the most influential and longest-serving senators in U.S. history -- a liberal standard-bearer who was also known as a consummate congressional dealmaker -- Kennedy had been battling brain cancer, which was diagnosed in May 2008. His death marked the twilight of a political dynasty and dealt a blow to Democrats as they seek to answer President Barack Obama's call for an overhaul of the healthcare system. Kennedy was a longtime advocate of healthcare reform, a signature issue of Obama's presidency. Obama said on Wednesday he
What I Mean
I am an object of desire an illusion created by longing open to Suggestion submissive but in demand. You use me to fullfill fantasy filling a void unable to satisfy ashamed to admit what you need. I can tease you, I can please you knowing I have what you want, what you need you use that against me ignorant of the cost to me. She doesn’t give what you need she doesn’t care to satisfy so you seek relief elsewhere turning to me. Offering nothing of yourself expecting all I have to give stealing my love leaving me empty and hollow.  
Obama's 5 Big Lies On Healthcare
Are Obama and his friends taking you as a fool? You have to wonder what they really think about the intelligence of the American people. Obama repeatedly has out-and-out lied about his healthcare plan. Here are just 5 of the big whoppers. Lie #1: 'You Keep Your Doctor, You Keep Your Insurer' This is a complete fabrication. Under plans Obama has backed in the House and the Senate, almost any business can opt their employees into the "public option" — the government health plan. That means you could lose your insurer. And if your doctor is worth his salt, you'll lose him or her as well. Why? Because great doctors probably will not want to get the very low rates the government will pay private doctors who are part of the new government system. So, without your consent, you very easily could lose your insurer and your doctor. Lie #2: The Elderly Will Not Face Rationing or Medicare Cuts More baloney. In fact, just last week, The New York Times, a very liberal and very pro-
**hurt & Disgusted**
Diguested I will sit here and write, To get it all out!!I should not have to fell this way, betrayed, lost confused by other people and the life choices the chose!!Can you make your way outta a dark hole? Can you pick yourself up and make your life right!!Seams like no matter how hard I Try to make new woman friends it never works out!! They are devious and sneaky** not saying that men do not do this to!!** But when i See deception in front of me should i say Nothing or should i spill what is in my heart!I spill!! NOT only do i spill i get angry when someone else treats someone bad!! Why cause they did not give you the action you thought you deserved maybe if you where a better person!! Outside and in, You would have what you need! Or deserve!!!YOU DON'T CHEAT!! HATE CHEATERS HATE THEM SO MUCH MAKES ME PISSED OFF!! THERE ARE NO REASON FOR CHEATERS!! AND THERE IS NO REASON TO DO THAT TO ANYONE!!!! I MEAN HOW HARD IS IT TO JUST TELL THE TRUTH!!!I was waiting for the truth it never came!!
Mom - Hangin' With The Stars. Lol
So, my mom just called me. She said I was going to be sooooooooo impressed. She just met, are you ready? Jennifer Hudson's Cousin! LMAO Of course, she was joking about the impressed part. I asked if I could touch her arm cause she was so cool now!
Hemp: A Replacement For Common Food Allergens? Hemp is an easily digestible, gluten-free protein. It has an overall protein content of 34.6 g/100 g, with a low carbohydrate content. Of the shelled hemp seed carbohydrate, 6% is in the form of fiber. The fiber content of hemp seed flour is 40%, which is the highest of all commercial flour grains. In addition to containing the basic human nutrient groups, hemp foods have a high content of antioxidants (92.1 mg/100g). The high content of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids make hemp foods beneficial to cardiovascular health (the chart compares hemp milk to soy, rice, and almond alternatives - click on it to see a clearer image). Additionally, hemp seed contains a wide variety of other vitamins and minerals. The most basic hemp seed product is the shelled seed. The other major hemp food products are hemp seed butter, which resembles peanut and other nut butters, cold-pressed hemp seed oil, hemp seed flour, and hemp protein powder
With One Decision My Life Was In Ruins
You've probably heard some version of what all has gone on with me. To be honest, the majority was lies, thought up by my family as a ploy. Because of the lies they have spread I've lost people in my life I always thought would be there. My life, most recently, has begun to crash down. I'll admit I made a bad choice, but no one gave me the time to explain them the actual situation they just continued on with their own assumptions and this is why I am in the current situation. I no longer have people to call friends, no one will even give me the time of day, and in search of people once in my life I've had more than one door slammed on my face from people closest to me. If this wasn't bad enough, I find out three weeks ago I have cervical cancer. So at this point I am left without support in my life, without connections, without my health, and I am left stunned, shocked and exhausted.     
Listening To The Midnight Radio
It was just after midnight as I was driving through the foothills of the Smoky Mountains in southeastern Kentucky when I tuned in the radio to an outstanding live track of the Allman Brothers " Midnight Rider". Next to my surprise was a cover of Dylan's "Baby Blue" followed by a bluegrass spiritual from Allison Kraus and then Van Morrison "Stoned Me".   The station continued to play an eclectic mix of blues, folk, bluegrass, country and rock. I heard music by performers I knew and some I had never heard before. I had been considering stopping for the night but the music refreshed me and so I drove on into the night until I lost the station coming out of the Cumberland Gap just outside of Knoxville   I remember when there lots of stations like that where you might here music as diverse as Johnny Cash and Pink Floyd on the same station on the way to work. And long songs too. In the 70s 'Stairway to Heaven' was the most requested song on Chicago's WLS. When was the last time anyone pl
So Cold It Would Freeze The Balls Off A Brass Monkey
I can't take credit for the following.  It was passed to me by a fellow historical re-enactor of the Greater St. Louis Renassaince Faire Organization.  It's a good read, so take a few minutes to enjoy it. It was necessary to keep a good supply of cannon balls near the cannon on old war ships. But how to prevent them from rolling about the deck was a major problem. The best storage method devised was to stack themas a square based pyramid, with one ball on top, resting on four,resting on nine, which rested on sixteen. Thus, a supply of 30 cannonballs could be stacked in a small area right next to the cannon. Therewas only one problem -- how to prevent the bottom layer fromsliding/rolling from under the others. The solution was a metal plate with 16 round dimples, called, for reasons unknown, a Monkey.  But if this plate were made of iron, the ironballs quickly rusted to it. The solution to the rusting problem was tomake the plates of brass - hence, Brass Monkeys. Few land lubbers
Clearing The Fog Off My Glasses......
You don't have a face, you are nary an idea, I know what you will be like, magic, gorgeous to me, you will have a wonderful smile, the kind that lights up a room, you will be light and graceful, we will enjoy one another, want to talk to each other, we'll hold hands and embrace warmly, you will fit perfectly in my arms, when we cuddle you will make me tingle, I will stroke your hair as I pull you close, yer kiss will make my heart scream, and each goodbye will be agony, I know you exist, I may or may not know you, I dream of you, you are in store windows, reflected in creeks and lakes, I saw you yesterday in the rain, you were dancing and so alive, moving, turning, all I could do is smile at a phantom image, I have a longing deep inside to find you, but I never look, I will know, the day I meet you, the day you reveal who you are, I will know it is you, and I will secretly, and softly, in my soul, introduce myself to you, and I will know where foreve
For A Special Guy
I sit here pondering how someone could love me as much as you do There are times when I think I don't deserve you You make me happy and you make me smile You make my life joyful and worthwhile You make me want to shout and you make me want to sing You make me more excited about life than the birds that sing I get up in the morning with a big smile on my face I have so much energy I could run a race Just know that I love you and I'm glad you feel the same way I pray for you more than I pray for myself every single day.
My Man
i dont understand why my mom, sister and my uncle  cant accept who i am dating. the only things that matters to them is that thier happy. i guess my parents dont want me to be happy. they dont want me dating phil again but guess what if they dont like it then they dont have to talk to me anymore. i love phil and me and him are engaged to be married and if my mom, sister and my uncle cant accept it then they will not be going to my wedding. i want to be happy and phil makes me happy so i dont give a shit what anyone has to say.
A Holiday Love Story
Two years ago as I hung the ornaments on my tree and put my ceramic Baby Jesus in the manger, I had more than the holidays on my mind. A diamond ring sparkled on my left hand. After years of teaching me contentment and comfortable singleness, God had led me to say yes to Bill Page – a godly man who was an old friend, a widower, and a pastor. On December 30, 2001, Bill and I married. So this month I want to share with you a love story – but not the one you think.When my first husband died 16 years ago, many people quoted Psalm 68:5 and Isaiah 54:5 and tried to comfort me by saying, “God will be your husband.” It didn’t work.I repeatedly told the Lord, “I want You to be my God. I don’t want you to be my spouse. I want a flesh-and-blood husband.” God did not get mad or withdraw. He stayed close and waited.As my grief lessened and my single parenting intensified, I turned to the Lord as never before – as I had turned to my husband befor
For Lee
take your sorry, shove it up your ass, twist, forget my name, forget my face, lose my number and die! and where the hell do you get that hurting me was harder than letting me go? ha you chose to leave me! it's been said that if you truely love/care for someone that you just want them to be happy, well fvck i must not have loved/cared for you at all, cause i really do wish you the worst in life! and like i said, don't even think about calling me when the fat bitch leaves you for another woman! hope you're happy you bag of douche, you did more than just hurt me, you completly destroyed me!
They Twinkle For You
They Twinkle For You Have you ever looked at the stars Wondered why they twinkle so Well I have the answer It's time that you know They've heard all about you I talk to them the whole night through I bet you didn't realize All the stars, they twinkle for you CHORUS When they shimmer They're trying to get your attention When they shine They're letting you know That I'm telling them right now And they know my heart is true How much in love I am All the stars, they twinkle for you They know how beautiful I think you are How I've given you my heart How much it hurts me Now that we're apart Each night they put on a show Trying to get through So when you look up just know All the stars, they twinkle for you BRIDGE If they seem a little blurry It's from the tears in their eyes When I tell them how much I love you It always makes them cry CHORUS When they shimmer They're trying to get your attention When they shine They're letting you know That I
Life Can Be
"The world is a cold, nasty place and it will beat you to your knees and keep you there if you let it. If you know what you're worth, then go get what you're worth. It's not about hard you can hit. It's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward
My Love
Rivers of my love run deep,Into the valleys of your heart,Neither height, nor depth,Nor mountains too wide,Could show you,The depths of my Love,Way beyond the seas,Throughout all eternity,Could never show you,The depths of my love,Into the sun,Far beyond the sky,A thousand tears,That I have cried,Could never show you,The depths of my love,Forgiveness beyond measure,Memories to treasure,Love written as a lullaby,Enchanted dreams of you and I,Could never show you,The depths of my love,Miles and time,Song and rhyme,Money or gain,life or pain,Could never show you,The depths of my love,Loving me, embracing me,Eternally,Will show you the depths of my love. Poem By Tammy C.
The Beauty Within
There is so much beauty inThis wondrous, blue roseIf only we could capture itWithin our very soulsIf we could take its beautyAnd apply the glow withinSearch a little deeperIn the soul beneath our skinYou know you can't touch beautyWithout it rubbing off on youAnd spreading it to othersIn the kindness that you doThere lies within each one of usThe beauty like this roseWhen it's used in touching othersThen its beauty overflows. Poem By Tammy C.
Like A Tree In The Woods
The grassFlat with fallen fruitBruised -Folded and mattedIn your shadow.Behind your headWith your wild eyeStaring upwardAt the mottled lightOf clouds and sunThrough leavesAnd branchesYou are hungry.But the fruit is fallenAnd you will neverStarve.So you leave the fruitWhere it will surely rot.Browning the grassFor another season.I stand behind another treeAnd watch you.I touch the rough barkWith my cheek.I am hungry tooBut I have eaten that fruit.Soft and wet in the grass.Tasting of moss-greenForest fungus.I hallucinate from theWild forest floorAs I reach for youMy arms extend - retract -I cannot touch you.Starved as I amMy body fallsAnd I sound like a treeIn the woods.That no one hearsCrash down. Poem By Tammy C.
What I Did On My Mri Day ...that I Didnt Know About Till Later
Okay so i just felt like sharing if anyone else want to also..thats fine... Well on Monday I had My MRI, which is why i wasnt here all day. I hate tiny enclosed spaces so they gave me a part of a XANAX and told me to lay down and go to sleep. And well a few minutes later i was still laying there and they come into give me an iv for a contrast dye that they had to use for some pics. And as soon as i got done....i guess they released me ....i don't remember much about it, but i guess i had insisted on going to IHOP. I found this out later and just had to laugh at myself for it... i guess my grandmother had sat there watching me eat..and i kept missing my mouth. So anyways i then we got back into the car some how. Well I found out later on that that happened. Thinking back on to what happened that day its tooooo funny....i find humor in the oddest things i hope that this makes others laugh as it did me.
Come And Join The Fun
Where All The Fun Is
My Best Friend.
Today, I am writting you a letter with my heart torn out. My best friend Ben died today. He was shot through the neck just behind the trachia. I saw him go down after he got hit. I froze. What do I do? Is this real? Then my training kicked in. I returned fire on the shooter. My fireteam hit the shooter 8 times before I ordered a ceasefire. After the Iraqi died, I ran to Ben, who was still alive. I looked at his wound, and knew instantly, he wouldn't survive. I knelt down and picked him up and held him. I looked right at him and drew my Ka-Bar and put it in the sand. I asked him if he wanted to die slow, or if he wanted me to end it quick for him. I knew he couldn't talk, and told him to blink once for no, twice for yes. He blinked once. I closed my eyes and knew he was going to go out painfully. I held him until i saw the life leave his eyes. When he died, I felt nothing. I was completely numb. Like it was just a nightmare, and I would wake up any second to see Ben fucking around with
For You
"Touch me" I whisper in the candle-light as your hands reach out to me and caress my heated skin Fingers sliding, exploring the curves and shadows of my body "Kiss me" I whisper in the ear that I've been nibbling on Warm, wet lips press against mine as I savor your taste flooding my senses "Love me" I whisper as I lay back against satin-wrapped pillows piled on the bed Tongue traces swollen lips as you lie atop me Fingers fist in my hair as you enter Pleasure spirals up and out as you move, thrust within Sweat glistens across our skin Deaf to everything but our heartbeats in a wild crescendo as everything splinters and we come apart... "Touch me" I whisper in the candle light as we catch our breath and you pull me to your side Your touch has been more than the tantalizing slide of your fingers on my skin tonight   
Do I??
Baby, what are we becomingIt feels just like we're always runningRollin' through the motions every dayI could lean in to hold youOr act like I don't even know youSeems like you could care less either wayWhat happened to that girl I used to knowI just want us back to the way we were beforeChorus:Do I turn you on at all when I kiss you, babyDoes the sight of me wanting you drive you crazyDo I have your love, am I still enoughTell me don't I, or tell me do I, babyGive you everything that you ever wantedWould you rather just turn away and leave me lonelyDo I just need to give up and get on with my lifeBaby, do I?Remember when we didn't have nothin'But a perfect, simple kind of lovin'Baby, those sure were the daysThere was a time our love ran wild and freeNow I'm second guessing everything I seeDo I turn you on at all when I kiss you, babyDoes the sight of me wanting you drive you crazyDo I have your love, am I still enoughTell me don't I, or tell me do I, babyGive you everything that you e
Cycling Club
Taking my cycling club idea around to some doctors, physical therapists, speech therapists, United Way office, high school, other places as I think of them ... to get their support and spread the word ... on a one woman campaign to get our little area of town physically fit and maybe this will spread... Reduce high blood pressure, relieve stress, physical therapy, reduce obesity and basically have a huge support group to accomplish all the positives of cycling and to have fun. What do you think... who else should I contact in my area?
Stashed And Now Blogged
Daffy Duck
Daffy Duck calls the hotel desk and asks for a condom.  They ask him " shall i put that on ur bill sir"??   He says " Don't be thuckin thupid i'd thoffocate !
Staged But Funny
Why Beer Is Better Than Women
WHY BEER IS BETTER THAN WOMEN 1. BEER don't get jealous when you grab another BEER 2. When you go to a bar you can always pick up a BEER 3. A BEER won't get upset when you come home with another BEER on your breath 4. You don't have to wine and dine BEER 5. If you pour a BEER right you'll always get head 6. Hangovers go away 7. When you finish with a BEER, the bottle is still worth 10 cents 8. You don't have to wash a BEER before it tastes good 9. A BEER always goes down easy 10. You can share a BEER with a friend 11. BEER is always wet 12. You know your always the first one to pop a BEER 13. A frigid BEER is a good BEER 14. You can have more than one BEER in a night and not feel guilty (for some guys) 15. You can enjoy BEER all month long 16. BEER will never cry for no reason at all 17. BEER doesn't care how you look 18. You can kill beer before it gets old
Bkps - Savv Bumper Concept.
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Symbols Of Love Around The World
Love is a powerful emotion, celebrated and immortalized in symbols of love by cultures throughout history and around the world. Many images immediately convey the message of love, and they are generally taken from ancient associations and superstitions with nature, fertility and passion. Red Heart: Centuries of use have made the heart a global symbol of love. Early beliefs that the heart was the center of the mind as well as the emotions helped the stylized heart evolve to the iconic symbol of love and passion that it is today. The heart shape could be seen in natural objects then associated with love, such as the heart-shaped seed of the silphium plant (an herbal contraceptive), the back and wings of a dove (associated with Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love) and the necks of two mating swans (created in negative space). Apple: This delicious fruit has been a love symbol since ancient Greece, where it represented ecstasy and fertility. Apples were popular gifts given at weddings,
F*uck Love I Need A Trophy Wife
ok heres the deal i wrote a blog about a mth ago about if money can buy love referring to a conversation i had with someone. well scratch that! im sick of trying to prove to someone how i feel or going through a bunch of hoops to only find out things arent going to work out. there were quite a few ppl who responded to my other blog and wanted to participate in it but at that point i could tell they just wanted to be taken care of n at that time i didnt want someone out for just money. although im not rich yet but within the next 2 yrs i have millions comming to me n much more to come throughout my life. well im tired of trying to wonder how a woman truely feels about me, im tired of trying to figure women out, im tired of not knowing whats going through their head from one day to the next so to make it simple id rather just be with someone who does want me for my money so that theres no confusion. but heres the catch, its not going to be a free ride..... if ur going to get something th
What's New My Fufriends?
So it's been a while since I've really had a chance to get online and see how the hell my online world was doing.... so far so good.. For those who care, I'm back in Michigan working my ass off for a better living and thats working out well for the moment. Life sucks for the most part but better than it once was.   But this blog is for all of you to tell me what's new in your world and to get back into the swing of things.. So hit me up and let me know how things are!!!!
A Wish, Read It
Make a wish... place it in your heart... Anything you want, everything you want. Do you have it?..good. Now believe it could come true. You never know were the next mircule is going to come from. The next smile... the next wish comes true. If you believe its right around the corner and you open your heart... your mind to the possiblties.. to the certaintlies of it, you might just get the thing your wishing for. The world is full of magic,.. you just have to believe in it. So make your wish... do you have have it? Good, now believe in it.. with all your heart.
The Candle
Destroyer of my soul Binder of my heart I will take it allpain.. misery.. darkness..light.. hope.. love..Everything sent my wayDemolish me I will still standI will hold your shadows when they wear me downI will still standAlways here Never letting goBound are weDrift slowly awayBut you will seeForever the light Showing you the way Back to that placeYou hold it allI will not break When all seems shatteredLook again Still here the sparkFor you ...
I'm In A Contest! Please Help!!!
Hi All! I've entered myself in DJ Wild's "Sexiest Men in Fu" contest, and I could really use everybody's help! Let me know if you stop by and vote for me, and I'll be sure to drop by and give you some thank you rates! :)
The Mind Of The Unknown.
People often wonder why so many people have changed. They say that what we have done in our past defines our now, and changes our future. In reality the only thing that changes who you are is you. You have control of your life. A lot of people out there will fill others heads with lies if it gets them what they want, why people do this is still a mystery. Whether it be something they enjoy doing, or if they do it for the "sport". I find people that will say whatever they have to, to get what they want very sad. It's unfortunate that they don't realize that they are being loved for something they aren't. I'd rather be hated for something that I am, rather then be loved for something I'm not. I'm a very frank person, and I'll tell someone exactly what is on my mind. Some people can't handle this, and it's unfortunate. I have given a lot of people really good advice and they never take it, ending up paying the price in the end. Society has trained people to follow "clicks". I rather le
Harvesting Hemp At Hartacre Farms For Biofuel Because it’s a test plot, the seed was provided to Hart, but he said the input costs for the entire season were much lower compared to corn, but similar to other crops. Based on soil tests at the beginning of the season, he added 100 pounds of potash, 25 pounds of 11-52-0 and 20 gallons of UAN. The test plot Hart used is a randomly-tiled field and he said “you can see the patterns of the tiles in the height of the plants.” “I added no chemicals after planting and that’s one of the biggest savings right there,” he added. One other positive impact of hemp is that it breaks the disease cycle of other crops, as it is added into a crop rotation, according to Gellatly.
My Crush
Andie22">@ fubar
Eyeball fetish.
Why Is 666 Considered To Be The Devil's Number?
  Answer Because people are superstitious     Answer The Number of the Beast is described in the Book of Revelation In the Greek manuscripts, the Number is rendered in Greek numerical form or sometimes literally as "six hundred and sixty-six. Scholars such as Dr. Ellen Aitken have speculated that the reference to this passage was a way of speaking in code about then contemporary figures about whom it would have been politically dangerous to criticize openly. Many scholars believe that 666 refers to a Roman Emperor such as Nero (whose name, written in Aramaic, was valued at 666, using the Hebrew numerology of gematria, a manner of speaking against the emperor without the Roman authorities knowing).   Answer Certainly, the number is believed to refer in code to a Roman emperor or some other enemy. Thus, it is politically and not divinely inspired. However, some early manuscripts give the number of the beast as 616. Either way, it can't really be called the "devil's nu
"let Me Be Myself" 3 Doors Down
"Let Me Be Myself" I guess i just got lost Bein' someone else I tried to kill the pain Nothin ever helped I left myself behind Somewhere along the way Hopin to come back around To find myself someday Lately i'm so tired of waiting for you To say that it's ok, but tell me Please, would you one time Just let me be myself So i can shine with my own light Let me be myself Would you let me be myself I'll never find my heart Behind someone else I'll never see the light of day Living in this cell It's time to make my way Into the world i knew Take back all of these times That i gave in to you Lately i'm so tired of waiting for you To say that it's ok, but tell me Please, would you one time Let me be myself So i can shine with my own light And let me be myself For a while, if you don't mind Let me be myself So i can shine with my own light Let me be myself That's all i've ever wanted from this world Is to let me be me Please would you one time Let me be myself So i can shine with my own
I Dont Understand
i dont get why ppl has to hate on some one cuz of what they belive in and what kinda tunes they listen to. in my eye icp is the shit and they will always live on in my eye that the way i feel dont mean others has to feel like that. dont get plz let the world just rest
21 Guns
Do you know what's worth fighting for,When it's not worth dying for?Does it take your breath awayAnd you feel yourself suffocating?Does the pain weigh out the pride?And you look for a place to hide?Did someone break your heart inside?You're in ruins.One, 21 gunsLay down your armsGive up the fightOne, 21 gunsThrow up your arms into the sky,You and IWhen you're at the end of the roadAnd you lost all sense of controlAnd your thoughts have taken their tollWhen your mind breaks the spirit of your soulYour faith walks on broken glassAnd the hangover doesn't passNothing's ever built to lastYou're in ruins.One, 21 gunsLay down your armsGive up the fightOne, 21 gunsThrow up your arms into the sky,You and IDid you try to live on your ownWhen you burned down the house and home?Did you stand too close to the fire?Like a liar looking for forgiveness from a stoneWhen it's time to live and let dieAnd you can't get another trySomething inside this heart has diedYou're in ruins.One, 21 gunsLay down you
Marijuana: Should It Be Legalized? Part Ii In part one of this series we took a look at a couple of the key figures whose campaign of lies and propaganda helped stoke anti-marijuana sentiment among the American public. There were many more. Lawmakers who eventually voted to outlaw marijuana had little factual evidence to assist them in making their decision. The case that was layed out before them had almost no basis in fact. In part two we will look at the cost of marijuana prohibition, not just in dollars, but in destroyed lives. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, as of 2008 there were 2,310,984 prisoners were held in federal and state prisons, or in local jails. 20 percent of those were incarcerated for drug offenses. The latest DOJ statistics show that one in eight prisoners in the U.S. are jailed for marijuana-related offenses, at a cost of more than $1 billion a year. The most recent FBI figures estimated that 786,545 people were arrested on marijuana
Marijuana: Should It Be Legalized? Part I People have used marijuana since before the beginning of recorded history. It is known to have been used thousands of years before the birth of Christ and its use was legal for the vast majority of that time. It was legal in the United States until the early 1900's, when a campaign of lies and propaganda brought about its prohibition. Recently many prominent people, including California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and former Colorado Congressman Tom Tancredo have advocated the legalization of marijuana, or at the very least having a national discussion on that possibility. Many people have come to realize that if marijuana were legalized, regulated, and taxed many of the problems caused by its prohibition could be erased, and tens of billions in revenue could be generated. Thousands die yearly in accidents or due to health related problems resulting from the use of alcohol, yet it is legal, and it should be. It is the responsi
Pretty Please?
My Hate
So I decided to go and jump off the deep end.... Don't exactly know why, but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the fact that every time I try to change myself for the better (my attitude towards others, my general outlook on life)..., I feel like tearing the walls down with my bare hands........ Leaving everything in my path in ruins for someone else to pick up. Am I an asshole? Or are people just that stupid.
Troubling Rumors
  Ok now, children... We need to talk. Bad.Please. Those of you talking shit, come STRAIGHT TO ME AND ASK ME WHATS GOING ON!!!I just had a concerned friend whom was visiting from out of state hear some nasty shit about me from mutual friends. And I'm pretty sure they are on my myspace/facebook/all the above. So I'm putting a stop to this right here and now.Here is the letter I was sent *I'm altering the name and the area they are from* "hey, I just wanted to ask you a few questions (as well as make you aware of stuff that I heard). as you know, I just got back from visiting. But I was talking to some of our mutual friends and they were concerned about you because they heard rumors about you when they were at Haven. They didn't want to confront you about them because they know you are going through a tough time now. But I am concerned - I know most of them are rumors, but I want to hear it from the horse's mouth, so I can set them straight. Somehow, my friends and I stumbled across
Privacy Concerns (facebook Etc.)
Jeans Hung Low On His Hips And He Was Bare Chested
"trouble sleeping"? he murmured.      His voice slid across her skin like the best sex she'd ever imagined. "Uh, Yeah. I've never been this close to an ocean. I'm not used to the sound of it.    You get use to it after a while. I find it soothing. She raised her arms to chase away the goose bumps raised by his centerfold sex appeal. Her palms itched to glide over every inch of that yummy chest. To hook her fingers in the waistband of his jeans and tug them lower. To see if he wanted her half as bad as she wanted him. His eyes were black in his shadowed face. Unfathomable. Unreadable
Had I
Had I a wish, a precious wishThat would make my life so fineWith no debate, to contemplateI would wish, that he was mineHad I a dream, a special dreamThat I wallowed in each nightWith all my heart, right from the startI would dream, to hold him tightHad I a smile, a loving smileThat was on my face each dayWith him to see, most endlesslyI would smile, my life awayHad I a love, a one true loveThat would surely warm my soulWith heart and mind, no longer blindI would know, he made me whole
I've Sold My Soul To The Your Worst God
push has come to dad is coming home...his wife has no power of attorney...she cannot make decisions for him...and last nite she turned and looked at me and informed my "it's all on you...this is your decision" so ...i'm in it til the dad will be taken care of if i have to be there round the clock 24/7 to be sure she doesn't neglect him as she did the 3 weeks before he was admitted to the hospknow one knows how freaking hard this common sense says to deny him the right to come home...but that is where he wants to can i tell him no? his mind is being eaten away by all the things he has not completed to secure the future of me and the kids..he thought he had the time and now he realizes he doesn't...and it won't let him rest...the only thing i can think of is by coming home and being able to be where he is in control of what is happening and get those things done that he wants will ease him and perhaps then he can accept what is to this point
Sodomy In Your Life....
Subject: PASSPORT LETTER This letter is a thing of beauty (even if the language is a bit rough).. You definitely feel the guy's pain! An actual letter to the passport office... Dear sirs, I'm in the process of renewing my passport, and still cannot believethis. How is it that Radio Shack has my address and telephonenumber and knows that I bought a cable t.v. from them back in 1987,and yet, the Federal Government is still asking me where I was bornand on what date.For Christ sakes, do you guys do this by hand?My birth date you have on my social security card, and it is on all the income tax forms I've filed for the past 30 years. It is on my health insurance card, my driver's license, on the last eight damnpassports I've had, on all those stupid customs declaration forms I've had to fill out before being allowed off the plane over the last 30 years, and all those insufferable census forms that are done atelection times. Would somebody please take note, once and for all, that my mother's
Sleeping Angel
The Angerl folds her wings And lays her weary head down To rest and heal after her long journey.   She dreams as she sleeps of a new world. A world without hate, jealousy, envy or drama. A new world full of passion, hope, peace and love. A world of pure magic.   She awakens in the morning looks towards the sun. Spreads her wings and takes flight, In search of a new magical adventure.
She's Amazing
  she doesn't feel she's beautifultoo many men have hurt herevery greeting whispers dangerand romance stinks of murdershe stays calm, quiet, and collectedher thoughts remain her ownsurrounded by a crowd of peoplebut this girl is all aloneall this cruel world has shownis that she can't trust a wordeverything has the tone of a liefrom businesses to curbsno place is really safefrom the conflicts that she facesa torn soul, screaming outat an evil she can't erase, it's.... . .it's absolute tortureespecially when she knows what she wishesthe stars speak to her of hopebut deep inside, her heart twitchesa nervous reaction to the lightshe's far too used to the darkthe past ending was so brutalshe can't even imagine a fresh start ...damn... and it's a struggle to witnessevery single step of the wayfrom an arms length or a phone calli can't take her troubles awayshe's stuck within a cellfar different from the prison where i was ati still saw sunshine through the fencesbut her, all s
"Mistress"My MistressI stand on the brink of your mindLiving inside a nightmare from whichI just cannot awakenStand on the edge of your lifeJust give me another momentFrom which I will never awakenStand on the brink of my own demiseFallen again for anotherMistress of burdenTo idolizeHoping that one of them will decideTo let me inMy MistressTo stand on the edge of the knifeCutting through the nightmare from whichI just cannot awakenStand on the edge of the nightLiving inside a momentFrom which I will never awakenStand on the brink of my own demiseFallen again for anotherMistress of burdenTo idolizeHoping that one of them will decideTo let me inLook at what you've done to meYou've become my enemyPoisoning the world for meTake away my everythingWeakened as I amNever awakenStand on the brink of my own demiseFallen again for anotherMistress of burdenTo idolizeHoping that one of them will decideTo let me inMy MistressDecide to let me inMy MistressDecide to let me in
Omg, I'm so tired and have no energy today. Didn't get too much sleep last night, took me a while to sleep. Maybe got about 3 hours. Work was just blah...nothing exciting there. One of my coworkers asked if I had been loseing weight. I haven't been losing any weight in a while..but I haven't gained, which is good... I think I'm still 19 lbs lighter since my highest weight... Ugh...been at this weight forever...needs to go down more! I know i know..I need to go work out too.... I don't think I'll work any extra days at work this week. MAYBE Thursday...we'll see... I still need to go through some boxes to unload, pack away, seperate from mine and his.. Man, he has'n't done shit around the home. I know he's barely at home..he's been staying at his friends house pretty much all the time on our days offs. I'm taking the idea he doesn't want to be around me, but at least help out with cleaning still..I'm not home all the time either but I clean. Just annoys me...It's nice that he's not hom
Have You Ever Wondered?
I sit here, most nights and watch for a few minutes while a varied parade of people...people of all age, shapes, sexes, races and sizes scroll endlessly along the upper portion of my monitor.  It is interesting to take the time to read what these people have posted.  One could say in many cases....a window to thier inner most thoughts.  How many times have you simply watched the parade of humanity and wondered just what their real stories are? In this cyber world.....we are often cheated from the real possibility of actually getting to know this stream of fellow human beings.  I guess there is still no substitute for an old fashioned face to face encounter.   Thank God, I hope that that will never end.    What about it.....Is it your real story or are you letting yourself go and exposing your inner self to the vastness of the cyber-reality?  
Become A Fan Of This Page!
Hey everyone, If you have Facebook, please become a fan of this page. I would really appreciate it. It would help me out alot. Thank you. :-D Btw: You need to be signed into Facebook first, then click on the box to become a fan. Thanks again.   TicketLeapPromote Your Page To
As a lot of you know, my brother in law died tragically a couple weeks ago. It was so horrible and we are all still trying to deal with the shock. He was my nephew's daddy and a true brother to me. I still can't believe he's gone. He didnt' show up for work and didn't call in which is not like Kenny at all. By 10 am everyone was really worried. My ex, who I am on great terms with, Took off to see if he could locate him. He went to Kenny's house and no sign. Then he remembered Kenny was staying at his gf Karens while she was out of town. Denny got to her house and the door was unlocked which wasnt a good sign and lights were on in the house too. He started looking and calling for Kenny but no answer and he couldnt find him inside. He noticed some of Kenny's things outside on the deck and went to investigate. He didnt see at first and then that's when he saw him. Kenny was in the the bottom. Denny's first reaction was to jump in and he did. He tried to get Kenny out but couldn't
Vampires- Abstract
Abstract     There are several medical disorders that could have led the belief of vampires actually existing and one of these is PORPHYRIA which comes from the Greek word porphyros meaning reddish-purple which refers to the a substance that is prominent in the blood and urine of a person that has the symptoms of Porphyria which is a combination of 7 main types and 4 acute types of diseases, which were first identified in the nineteenth century. These diseases are rare and it is only in the twentieth century that they have been pinpointed and described.   A factor to bring in to the account is a psychological affliction that is not officially recognised by the psychological board and that is Renfield Syndrome or the technical term Clinical Vampirism which is in it self a form of Schizophrenia.
The Best
I'm In Another Auction: Click The Pic!
This Was Written For Me By Dj Renegade. My Heart Will Always Be Yours.
she sits alone and wonders why? why does she hurt? why does she cry? emotions deep within her soul well up into her mind, a longing for answers a longing for peace is what her spirit tries to find. she sits and ponders days gone by, of past heartbreaks and times of despair. she runs her nails down her arms tearing at the flesh feeling no pain but the pain inside, she stares into the abyss, it stares back not knowing her pain it knows nothing of the love she's missed. it sucks her emotions bleeding her dry, she has run out of tears to cry. it gives nothing back, she feels no relief, all she feels is her soul's deep grief she longs for a moment of welcome release, she longs to feel love, she longs to set her soul free to hope once more and to love. a minute goes by she sits frozen not moving an inch, not a tremor not one tiny flinch. she raises her head, on her face is an expression of deep comprehension. she stands up straight and faces the clouds above and unleashes a banshee-
I slept wrong last night so my shoulders really ache. I hurt my shoulder muscles years ago when I was working out at the gym, and they haven't completely healed and I guess I repullled them, Sometimes it happens.. I was real tired last night and started to fall asleep in a position where it wasn't too comfortable but I was too lazy to adjust myself. I remember telling myself last night that I was gonna be sore in the morning, but I was way too tired. And now here I am sore muscles...This is going to really suck working today....and I am still real tired....    
"Democracy is buying a big house you can't afford with money you don't have to impress people you wish were dead. And, unlike communism, democracy does not mean having just one ineffective political party; it means having two ineffective political parties. ...Democracy is welcoming people from other lands, and giving them something to hold onto -- usually a mop or a leaf blower. It means that with proper timing and scrupulous bookkeeping, anyone can die owing the government a huge amount of money. ... Democracy means free television, not good television, but free. ... And finally, democracy is the eagle on the back of a dollar bill, with 13 arrows in one claw, 13 leaves on a branch, 13 tail feathers, and 13 stars over its head -- this signifies that when the white man came to this country, it was bad luck for the Indians, bad luck for the trees, bad luck for the wildlife, and lights out for the American eagle."
Does Anyone Really Read This Stuff?
its been a long time since ive had the opportunity to sign on here. ive been busy trying to pick up the pieces of my shattered life and move on. my wonderful wife has decided im not worth her time but refuses to give me the divorce i want because shes not done using me for her own personal gain. thats a little too involved to try to explain here for now. she thinks other people around her are not smart enough to realize the kind of person she is which she of course denies. for years she has been sleeping around behind my back or so she thought it was behind my back. so now i i try to move forward in my life, she does what she can to hold me back. she uses people around her including her new person in her life who isnt bright enough to realize this. she takes his entire check from him to use as she pleases as well as whatever she makes from her job. she constantly puts this guy down behind his back and has admitted that shes with him because she loves the control she has over him and hi
About Me
SO lets see Im a 22 year old female I am engaged to a wonderful man whom I love to death! He has been with me through thick and thin. I am a redneck and I love it and wouldnt have it any other way! I love country music, 4-wheeling, mudding, hunting ,fishing,working on cars, and anything outdoors. I like to have fun but I dont drink or do drugs! Im a clean fun type of gurl but I always have a blast!! My family is going through alout right now and I am pulling through! I love them and hope we all can make it through this hard time!! If you want to know more about me then just ask me!!!
i am eating an "everything" bagel with garlic butter and cream cheese and it is good     that is all
Rip Emmy Lee Cole - A Story About A Child I Knew
Since I don't blog on myspace anymore.  I have to catch ppl up with something I've to been a part of.   The article below is talking about this asshole.  Gamache beat my friends infant little girl to death.  He got off easy already.  He plead guilty to manslaughter.  Still he claimed the whole thing was a horrible accident.  I have read the MEdical examiner report.  There is no way possible that Emmy got those injurys by the story he told.  Which I might dig up and and post the old articles. Well.  Now its going to be another trial for my friend and her family to go through.  Which the first one was hard enough.  I was there beside my friend in one of the hardest times of her life.  Which still to this day, she is lost without her little girl.  She also lost custody of her other children because of this.  I don't feel like Gamache got enough time from what he did to that baby.  Now he gets to torture my friend and her family some more.  I think if you PLEAD GUILTY!  It's DONE! Emmy L
Hero Of The Day
Ashes ans blood (hero)When the chips are down a hero of Ashes and Blood,bone and,steel/will be there.When you're at the end of your rope,Ashes and Blood,Bone,and,Steel/i'll be your hero.You need someone you can count on,and that's what you'll find/here inme.someone who'll go/all the way,who'll protect you,no matterwhat.Ashes and Blood,Bone and,Steel,i'll always be your hero.(Don't Lose Hope.)Jose Hermosillo jr
Your Seduction Style?
Your Seduction Style: Fantasy Lover You know that ideal love that each of us dreams of from childhood? That's you! Not because you possess all of the ideal characteristics, but because you are a savvy shape shifter. You have the uncanny ability to detect someone's particular fantasy... and make it you. You inspire each person to be idealistic and passionate, and you make each moment memorable. Even a simple coffee date with you can be the most romantic moment of someone's life. By giving your date exactly what he or she desires, you quickly become the ideal lover. Your abilities to make dreams come true is strong. So strong that you are often the love of many people's lives. Your ex's (and even people you have simply met or been friends with) long to be yours. No doubt you are the one others have dreamed of... your biggest challenge is finding *your* dream lover. What Kind of Seducer Are You?
I sit here all alone at home. Thinkin wishin i had that thick fine white curvylicious bbw to hold & cuddle. To have & snuggle. Bored with nothin on my mind. Feelin all dissociated. No one never around. My life i feel is down. Not even wantin to know why. Sometimes i rather just go & hide somewhere & cry. Instead of bein here. I just wanna tear. Word's society is fucked & i don't have any bbw friends. All my life just feels like its end. N if i could i would & if i could I would. Yet i'm on fubar always showin love. But the love i want never gets back. Some people just don't answer. Every lil thing is just a taunt. All i'm sayin that i want. Is a nice thick fine white bbw. With 42dd or ddd size breast & fhat thick ass to go with that. Oh & nice thick thighs & legs to. N also freaky & kinky to, Cuz i ain't never knew. I ain't never knew. I just never knew. I be this to fine black fella to attract. Have you layin on ur back while legs are spread open. N ur feelin my 9 inch deep in ur tigh
Life Pill
July 10th, 2009 by Leila Gray ( -- While applauding findings that an Easter Island compound extends the lives of middle-aged mice, University of Washington longevity researchers caution that healthy people shouldn't start taking the drug in the hopes of extending their own life spans -- at least not yet.   UW scientists Dr. Matt Kaeberlein, assistant professor of pathology, and Dr. Brian Kennedy, associate professor of biochemistry, study factors that control aging. They were asked by Nature to write a commentary on a paper published in the July 9 issue showing that dietary supplementation with rapamycin increases the life span of mice. They observed that, until recently, compounds that slow the hands of time were in the realm of science fiction, but with this finding may be closer to reality. "The possibility that such compounds might exist, and might perhaps even be within reach," they wrote, "has gained scientific credibility." Their News & Views editorial, "Age
It's Time For A Rant...
It is hotter than heck in my little shitty apartment, I have no a/c and i figure it is the perfect setting for me to go on a rant off the top of my head again... I am sick of working my ass off and getting nothing in return. I work so hard to barely provide for my family, and I can't get ahead for shit. For the most part, I try my best to just stay positive about it and do the best I can, but every once in a while it just overwhelms me. I get so frustrated that my older daughter just does not fully comprehend the phrase "I have no money", how she bitches that there is 'nothing to eat' because she won't make-do with the groceries we have. I am doing the best I can, and can't seem to catch a break. I am starting to loathe the weekends because it gives me too much free time to think, and also because I am too broke to do anything anyways. Blah... So here it is, a Saturday, and I am asking myself "Is it Monday yet?" But, that's for a whole other reason aside from just the di
chary\CHAIR-ee\ , adjective:1.Wary; cautious.2.Not giving or expending freely; sparing
The Bird's Eye View
Okay,  Can we start seeing some pictures other than the Bird's Eye Views that show nothing but Breasts and Cleavage ? I have noticed that lately a good many of my viewers on my page have dozens of overhead shots that show alot of breast and cleavage but, none of the legs and posterior. Could it be ?  That the 36DD, 38DD or 40D breasts have a size 14, 16 or 18 ass attached to them on a FuBarian Female ( Fu Shamu ) that is tipping the scales at 175, 190 or 200 plus pounds ? Could it be ? That the females are trying to deceive the FuBarian Males with these illusionary photographs making them look like a pin up girl when in actuality maybe they need to push back from the Desktop or Laptop and get out and do some physical training. Could it be that ? Women on Fu that think having some big breast shots will lure some unsuspecting man into having the Fairy Tale Fu relationship online ? ( Lord knows that any well established man would not be seen in public with about 90 percent of th
Week 2
Away                                       Home Panthers                                        Falcons Bengals                                          Packers Raiders                                          Chiefs Saints                                            Eagles Cardinals                                       Jaguars Vikings                                          Lions Texans                                          Titans Patriots                       &nbs
Week 3
Away                                          Home Redskins                                              Lions 49ers                                                   Vikings Titans                                                  Jets Giants                                                 Buccaneers Jaguars                                               Texans Packers                                               Rams Falcons                              &n
Week 6
Away                                         Home Texans                                            Bengals Ravens                                            Vikings Browns                                            Steelers Chiefs                                              Redskins Lions                                               Packers Giants                                             Saints Panthers                                         Buccaneers
Tonight was awesome! I had a very good time at the concert...Tenth Avenue North is the best Christian band ever. You need to check them out! God is great and wonderful!  I pray that each one of you will know just how much He really loves you. I am praying for each one of you...I may not know each of you by name but God does. And I am counting on him to do a amazing work in each one of ur lives.   Love, Susan
As FUBAR only gives you so many 11s my"Family" always gets dibbs on my 11s.  If I have any left over then they are given to my friends and then the outside world.   So don't be getting your panties and bvds in a bind if you see the VIP logo and are being rated dimes..... For the most part, I will only rate pictures of you.  If you have nice pictures of cows or other assorted creatures, landscapes, etc., I may look at them but unless that pic really strikes a cord(which every once in a while one does) I will not rate them. I am not a "bomb" or "auto 11" hunter. I do not scan the masses for the icons noting of these features on a person's profile.  Re-rating stinks right now as FUBAR has increased the number of days before pictures/profile can be re-rated.    
Marketing Ideas Small Business
marketing ideas small business superbadasslistbuilder
Please keep the drama away from my page, and I will keep it away from yours.   Thank you. Kella
Destroying All Authority-ha Ha Ha Ha ......
Destroying all ha ha 25 hour work weeks-2 weeks a month business closures(conservation)...a parent off for the entire summer...overthrowing all government no longer needed...ha ha ha ha.....
A Hot Taste
You whisper into my earSweet things that make me weak,Then you look into my eyesWith your mysterious provocative gaze,Causing you to touch my skin To feel the burning of your flames,Caressing me with a love that is real,Then you kiss me...As I feel your wet eager lips Our hungry tongues indulging in their craving,To feel the poison...Of your blood boiling throughout your soulSending electrify emotionsStimulating pure intoxication,As your hands flows over me;Touching every curve and every part of me...It seems I move my legs apart automatically,As you lift me on the mystical rideWhile my body you know I will guide,Just listen to our songMaking love all night long,The flames of passion, desire and loveIs taking control over us,You put your hands in my breast,As I feel a sensation so exciting,When you kiss my nipples with your eager lipsEvery time you do that,It gets more and more fulfillingLet me feel those sensations,As I feel you deep inside meFeeling a rage so incredible to resist,As
I'm Very Lucky
she said "I will" she said yes. she is very beautiful. how can I be this lucky? I must confessed I had a crush on you the 1st day we talked. you look so good. your lips taste delicious. I can kiss you forever. they are playing a beautiful slow song. do you want to dance? I love it when im in your arms. do we stay or we travel? doesn't matter to me as long we are together. I must confessed I wanted you the first time we meant. all i been thinking about is you
I have read several MuMMs where people are constantly insulting people over the subject of what is often called "hidden disabilities", (this has aggrivated me at so many different levels) yes it is easier to understand someone who has a physical disablity because we can very easily 'see" what disability the person is dealing with. A hidden disabilty is one that you can NOT see easily just by looking at the person, and yes it deals with psychological disabilities and yes I have heard how psychology is one of the newest levels of medicine and how much hogwash it is . With the medical field constantly advancing ( because people always want to know "why") we continue to research not only physical medicine but medicine concerning the mind. And even though most see physical medicine as advancing to new levels they also see psycholgy as a farse. I have heard all the insult and uneducated arguements concerning people with "hidden disabilities" such as its just an excuse to get out of being
Ann Arbor Variations - Frank O'hara
1Wet heat drifts through the afternoonlike a campus dog, a fraternity ghostwaiting to stay home from football games.The arches are empty clear to the sky.Except for the leaves: those lashes of ourthinking and dreaming and drinking sight.The spherical radiance, the Old Englishlook, the sum of our being, "hath percedto the roote" all our springs and fallsand now rolls over our limpness, a dailydragon. We lose our health in a loveof color, drown in a fountain of myriads,as simply as children. It is too hot,our birth was given up to screaming. Ourlife on these street lawns seems silent.The leaves chatter their comparisonsto the wind and the sky fills upbefore we are out of bed. O infiniteour siestas! adobe effigies in a landthat is sick of us and our tanned flesh.The wind blows towards us particularlythe sobbing of our dear friends on bothcoasts. We are sick of living and afraidthat death will not be by water, o sea.   3The alternatives of summer do not removeus from this place. The fain
...obama Birthers Should Join...
It is ironic that Hawaiians loyal to the monarchy are protesting the statehood of Hawaii. I understand the legitimacy of their protest. I am told that some dishonest colonialists influenced by the Army pressured the U.S. government to annex Hawaii by taking advantage of the hospitality of the queen and her people. But in reference to the claim of the few Republicans that President Obama was not born in the U.S., and some even producing a fake Kenyan birth certificate, I wonder if in their desire to unseat him, will the birthers now join the Native Hawaiians and declare that annexation of Hawaii as a state is invalid. This would prove that President Obama was not born in the USA. These people should help the Hawaiians separate from the U.S., then when Hawaii is no longer a part of the United States, their claim of the illegitimacy of President Obama's birth place would become valid. Will the Hawaiians then accept President Obama as the president of the Hawaiian Islands? Let's do it.
My friend and I were having a conversation about the current state of the economy and finances in general.  It struck me that money is an alien concept probably planted in the brains of early humans by UFO people to wreak havoc or laugh at us. So consider this... Primitive Man: " I just slew this Wooly Mammouth, fought off a sabre tooth tiger while i was gutting it with a sharp rock, i've deboned the meat, remaoved it's tusks, and now I will carry it back home to my wife and viilage." Carries Mammouth home. Primitive man: "Wife!  I have brought home enough meat to feed the village for a week.  I am a hero and i brought you this Mammouth hide so that you may make yourself a new winter coat. Now I get sex!" Wife: "Make a coat?!? I don't want to make a coat!  Mammouth hide is so last millenia!  I want to go to Macys and buy a coat!" Primitive Man: "Buy?  What's buy?" Wife: "Purchase with money.  You know good old greenbacks you big oaf.  Paper Money." Primitive Man: "Paper Money? 
There is music to this and for those who don't know it...well, let just say it doesn't really seem to flow all that well ;) My band wanted me to take some of my old poems and make a song and I did. This is a song based on the guys i've had in my life over the years and it is bitter, but I don't really care. Lol! It's short for now, but we're working on gaving it more body. This is just the skeleton of the song.V.II loved you open heartedlyLet'n you see my deepest secrecy But your just a boycan't deal emotionally your no good for me(no good for me)I should have told you long agoI wanted to leave, but I let it goPush away all my fear 'n doubtBut I'm gonna scream it outPre C.I thought I lost myself Never realizing What I feltNow I'm numb to you(numb to you)Don't care what you doF!#@ any girl that you choose(yeah)I'm numb to youC.II'm forgetting you forgetting meI'm done missing you not missing menothing is gonna keep my memoriesYou nothing to menothing to meV.III walked with you so blindl
Love's Old Sweet Song
Love's Old Sweet Song   Come sit with me, alter my mood,take away gloom and despair.I need a welcoming interlude,a rest from all worry and care.Come to me, make me feel 'good'with your humour beyond all compare.Gaze at me ~ laugh with me,yes! Even cry with me..."Love's old sweet song" is for two to share.
My Wild Rose
My Wild Rose   You 're the full moon of my nights And the sunshine of my day. Like a queen upon her throne, You rule what I do and say.It's God who makes us beautiful And the Devil who makes us mean. It all depends on whom we follow Which way our lives shall lean.With one foot in the future And one foot in the past, Let us try to live our daysAs though each was our last.You're the wild rose of my life, My flower of desire.Made by God for me alone Out of earth, stars and fire.
Divorce......look A The Numbers
I recently attended a High School reunion here in Texas.  While I overjoyed to rekindle friendships from my past.....I, after talking to a great many of the alumni realized a startling fact.  The vast majority of the people attending that function were, are now or have been divorced.  Several more than once.  Out of 100 or so couples........not but only 5 had been married for any real time at all.   What does this say about the state of marriage in this country?   I myself are recently divorced after 24 years of marriage.   Statistics be damned.......there is a real problem in this country.  Marriage just is not what it used to be......not at all!  A frightening thought when looking over our history and society in general.   It only proves what many have said.......the decay of society is even more profound that I had ever imagined.    I guess I long for the good old days.........there is no longer any room for an old-fashioned man in todays society and that is a crying shame!
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.  -  Sigmund Freud
Mother`s Glue
Mother's Glue   I wonder how she does it, holding it together the way she does.It seems no matter how life gets out of place she puts it back the way it was.It's always been a mystery, but I guess it must be true.That there is nothing stronger than a mother's love when she uses Mother's Glue.Now Mother's Glue is not a recipe, or that sticky stuff used in art.But it's that special love that mothers use to keep your life from falling apart.It's the way she is always there to listen so you know that everything will be okay.It's that special bonding hug she gives you to help you make it through the day.It's the way she is able to touch your face and hold the tears away.It's the way she stays up all night with you to hold the fears away.It's the way she makes the sacrifice because she'll do anything for you.Because she knows you just wouldn't make it if she didn't use Mother's GlueBut, if you're still not sure then ask her, and I'll bet she'll just smile at you.Because a mother
Poem: I Stand At The Threshold Of The Devil's Doorway
I stand at the thresholdof the Devil's doorway.The windfrom a pair of tinyflapping wingscould push mein eitherdirection.I stand in aweof God's creation.His light illuminatesa pathHis stars shine downupon usHis wrathis coming.ComingForMe.I am an outcastof loveit has alienated mein all its gloryand good intentions.It has taken advantageof mymindand soul.The Devil is inthe details.Love lingersin the detailsthe forgotten cracksand crevicesthe unexplored regionsof hate.Opposite sides of the sameBlade.Do alleged murdererslocked up in their iron cagesfeel the tugging in theirgutwhen they think aboutthe onewho gotaway?In a world of domeswhere isa cube supposedto find acceptance?follow the tinklingof glass on glassmusic on the heartscreams against metal wallsof whats trappedinside of you.There you findthe only onewho trulyaccepts.For all the acceptancegainedyou must live withall the foul playand all the liesThe crueltythe hatethe love lostand paradisenever found.
Chris Ayala's P.o.v. On Women And Their Issues Part 3: Body Care And Hygiene
INTRODUCTION:Hello friends, this is the first time i have ever spoken my mind on this site, but have to address an issue that has been annoying me for some time. In various jobs I have had weather corporate, bartending, personal training, or others I have had to hear the mouth of women and their issues. The issues tend to vary based on situations such as weight, appearance, relationships, personal self worth, etc . I am taking this opportunity to express my opinion and feelings about these situations. I am in NO WAY degregating or criticizing ANY WOMAN that this may apply to, so please do not be offended. It is not my intent to insult anyone, but just to give my point of view, and anyone who reads this can respond to it and give me there feedback. I welcome everyone to read and respond to this and give their opinion as well. Once again I am basing this solely on my life experiences, and IS JUST MY POINT OF VIEW. This week I am going to address the issue with women who believe complain
2,700-year-old Marijuana Stash Found Researchers say they have located the world's oldest stash of marijuana, in a tomb in a remote part of China. The cache of cannabis is about 2,700 years old and was clearly "cultivated for psychoactive purposes," rather than as fibre for clothing or as food, says a research paper in the Journal of Experimental Botany.
Man Finds 35 Pounds Of Marijuana In Car's Gas Tank A man who brought his newly bought car in to see why the gas gauge always read half full got quite a surprise: a stash of marijuana hidden inside. A mechanic in Sandy who took a look at the gas tank discovered about 35 pounds of pot, which Sandy police say is worth about $35,000. The packages of drugs were wrapped in plastic and could have been in the tank for several months. The Nissan Armada had several different owners and was once a rental car. Police are trying to figure out who stashed the drugs in the tank. Police say the current owner is not a suspect.
Never Forgotten
as i try to sleep, tossing and turning in bed i realise this 2nd year, you were no longer be with me, with us. u're the only one i could trust for the longest time i dreamt of you this morning and told you everything that's been happening and i swear to God that i heard you saying 'you'll be fine' i dunno if it was you or my hallucination or maybe i'm just going a little crazy but i'm glad i heard that. misery indeed loves company even though each year i give u 10 mins secretly on my birthday but it nvr fails to happen every year cept 4th May 08 and from now on. missing you really cant be help could you blame me?  could you blame any of us, for missing you terribly? I'm gonna start blogging again, even though no one will read it. cos u were the only one who goes to the page every day to see if i had updated something encrypted, something only you and i will understand. 2 months after your passing, i had to stop writting, because writing reminds me of you. of you leavin
In My Memory, Always.
In my memories, always. Jordan Tay 26/4/83 - 4/5/08 You disturbed me when we were young and ignorant we fell in love unknowingly short but sweet it was memories for me  i couldnt find a reason why i got mad because nothing u did ever made me mad all these years we lost contact, and we gained it back We've drifted apart so many times but each other the friendship becomes stronger you've grown so much thru the years no longer the boy who goes around disturbing others or playing prank  now a responsible man who's standing with the Lord Do not stand at my grave and weep;I am not there. I do not sleep.I am a thousand winds that blow.I am the diamond glints on snow.I am the sunlight on ripened grain.I am the gentle autumn rain.When you awaken in the morning's hushI am the swift uplifting rushOf quiet birds in circled flight.I am the soft stars that shine at night.Do not stand at my grave and cry;I am not there. I did not die.- Mary Elizabeth Frye As i press the rewind bu
All My Pain
i wish u were here with me walking me thru these rough patch in my life i'm sorry i took you for granted i'm sorry that i was barely there when u needed me the most i'm sorry that we couldnt make it i'm sorry I couldnt make it i never knew how to treasure the diamond in my life and now its all too late. how can the love so beautiful ever slip ever oh god i'm missing you its driving me so insane standing all alone in the pouring rain cant explain all my pain
She Her Lots Of Fu Lovin Please!!
Lajes Air Force Base Azores
well...once again im off..but at least to a much better location.should have internet while im there so should be online in the evening..will try and take some more pics of this beautiful island...when i get back have to leave right away to rhota spain...yup poor be safe while im gone..and hopefully see you soon                      andy
Home Alone Culkin ‘is Dad Of Blanket’
By DAVID WILLETTSin Los Angeles Published: Today ACTOR Macaulay Culkin is the mystery dad of Michael Jackson's son Blanket, it was claimed last night. The Home Alone film star is said to have donated sperm to help Jacko create his seven-year-old offspring - real name Prince Michael II - with an unknown surrogate mum. The two celebrities became firm friends after Culkin, now 29, shot to fame as a child in the 1990 box office smash. Mystery ... rumours surround identity of Blanket's biological dad Rex Features He went on to star alongside Jackson in the video for his h
Dont Sleep With Your Husband
The phone rings and the lady of the house answers."Hello?""Mrs. Sanders, please.""Speaking.""Mrs. Sanders, this is Dr. Jones at St. Agnes Laboratory. When yourhusband's doctor sent his biopsy to the lab last week, a biopsy from anotherMr. Sanders arrived at about the same time.  We are now uncertain which onebelongs to your husband.  Frankly, either way the results are not too good.""What do you mean?" Mrs. Sanders asks nervously."Well, one of the specimens tested positive for Alzheimer's and theother one tested positive for HIV.    We can't tell which is which.""That's dreadful!  Can you do the test again?"questioned Mrs. Sanders."Normally we can, but the new health care system will only pay for theseexpensive tests just one time."''Well, what am I supposed to do now? ""The folks at Obama health care recommend that you drop your husband offsomewhere in the middle of town.  If he finds his way home, don't sleep withhim."
I Know What You Did Jan
A few months ago I had done a mumm and a few of the bad mummers decided to start calling me a man.  I ignored it as thier is no truth to it.  However the next day on my facebooks a so called friend had posted a pic of a man and tagged me as the old dude.  She of all people know that I am not and have never been.  We did go to the same schools growing up.  So I know your on here and your not being a friend and have not been for awhile.  So if your wondering why I am no longer a facebook friend you can now figure it out.  Enjoy your popularity, you earned it by being a bitch to others and that is no one I want to be friends with. 
Uss New York
        GREAT NEW PHOTOS Here SHE is!  As you scroll down, notice the two twin towers on top.
Twitter(from Help Page)
For those of you who are new to twitter, do not be scared. It is super easy to use and will compliment everything you do here. There are already hundreds of fubarbarians on twitter. Twitter will give you the ability to not only reach out to your friends on fubar but to the rest of the world.1. Think of twitter as setting your status. If you notice, you can now twitter your status.2. Following people on twitter is just like adding them as a friend. You will then be able to follow their updates.3. The @ sign when used @fubartweets serves as a link to your twitter page when you tweet (post a message)4. The # is a hashtag and will helps people find you when they do a keyword search.Your twitter page is a great place for you to drive more rate, meet new people or ask for whatever it is you need. I look at it is a bulletin board on steroids.  DO NOT think of twitter as an alternative or another site to learn.  Twitter is your new weapon to increase your visibility on fubar!  Don't be skeeeee
Quick & Easy Penne Pasta
1 package Italian sausage (1-1/4lbs - Remove the casings) 1 can or jar (approx 26oz) spaghetti sauce with meat. 1 can (6oz) tomato paste 1/2 cup hot water 8oz dry penne pasta, cooked Shredded Parmesan cheese   Cook sausage in large skillet over medium heat until browned and crumbled. Drain. Stir in spaghetti sauce, tomato paste and water. Add penne pasta and stir until well-coated. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer about 10 minutes. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese.  
I am throes of my denial, logic in me crumbles I take this fateful ride through my mind Daydream fluid thoughts washing shores of warm confusion I'm one with this beautiful disorder Another world, was this the transition? Slowly I returned to the familiar,spiralling in costant flux What have I created? The experiment is over
Hmm, Brain Storm
If I sold something what would people buy?   What would you all...or just people generally, buy? i really dont want to go the perverted route and sell my used panties, haha But hmm...what can i do, that i cant make money off of? Any ideas?   (and no hooking, sex is to be enjoyed not to be sold, although Dan calls me a prude for that)
If It Was Today
If you are thinking it is today do you want it to be today? If you think it is today, would you change what you do today? If it was to be today would it make a difference? If you knew you had today ~ what would it mean to you?
Roses are red, nuts are brown, skirts are up, pants are down, body 2 body, skin 2 skin, motor's running, lets begin.
Jet Black Stare
Jet Black Stare has agreed to do an interview on JFL Radio, the only place you will be able to hear this on fubar will be in the JFL radio lounge, so join today, date and time will be available soon, thank you!
What's The Word Again?
September 08Your bright eyes draw me in, make me selfishly weak. At times I wonder where I left my heart because it’s so gone…let me look between the sheets. I don’t want to scare you, but if I can I most definitely will. Hold your tongue, be spent. I can’t pretend this right I feel is wrong. We should skip the games and steer clear of tears…I only want to stare into your bright eyes. Not recessive I might add if you care. I know you do. Actually, I hope…A time of confusion, of lust, and not fate? I sense that you are drifting…snow blown in September? Have you lost the push?A lump of trust has looped my ribs. It hurts because it’s been jabbed, pinched and torn. Now, left responsible for this invasive abrasion. I was only playing jlee. Not a registered game I guess.Just turn around…I want to stare into your bright eyes
Re: So....
yeah just forget the blog i wrote yesterday, i was having an emo moment.   fuck him. i'm better off.   anyone wanna dance?
Mfkn Zombie Ants...this Is No Joke
In a bizarre parasitic death sentence, a fungus turns carpenter ants into the walking dead and gets them to die in a spot that's perfect for the fungus to grow and reproduce. Scientists have no clue how the fungus takes control of the brains of ants so effectively. But a new study in the September issue of the American Naturalist reveals an incredible set of strategies that ensue. The carpenter ants nest high in the canopy of a forest in Thailand, and they trek to the forest floor to forage. The fungus, Ophiocordyceps unilateralis, prefers to end up on the undersides leaves sprouting from the northwest side of plants that grow on the forest floor, the new study showed. That's where temperature, humidity and sunlight are ideal for the fungus to grow and reproduce and infect more ants. Once infected by the fungus, an ant is compelled to climb down from the canopy to the low leaves, where it clamps down with its mandibles just before it dies. "The fungus accurately manipulates the inf
Do You Have A Hard To Handle??!!??
As the term goes "hard to handle"...What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you here this phrase???? So many meanings in such a simple term (as is life) hard to handle!!!!! so many questions in this fraise....Is this hard to load is had to handle.....Ah but wich load do i speak size/thoughts on this blog/this weight/time/lesbian trio/winning the lotto.....who knows....All i know that in my own life the only thing that is hard to handle is thoughts unanswered.....!!!!
A Pic For Me From Ozzy!!
  Thank you soooooo much Ozzy!!!! This is amazing!!!
The Nights Little Angel
something bad happen on the weekend, i wrote a poem.   the nights little angel It was a warm summer night, the moon was bright, the moon had a smaile, in a instant the moon had changed, then it had a frown, as soon as you got hit, tears were rolling down, god had taken you from the ones you loved, we watched you take your last breath, it started to rain that night, for 3 days and 3 nights we kept on asking ourselves why, we shed our tears, we said our goodbyes, we will see you again soon, the nights little angel, r.i.p baby dylan,  your life was to short. bedrock  
Me In A Nut Shell..
Whats Wrong With Me!?
My husband and my financial situation isn’t that great right now. The bills need paid and I currently don’t have a job to back this up. I know that I quit my job thinking I would better myself if I did but, I don’t know at this point if it was the right thing to do. The electric bill is 2 months behind. Bill didn’t pay it the previous month lord only knows why he didn’t maybe he forgot. The cable/ internet bill is 2 months behind as well. I can understand this one he was waiting to get his new cards in the mail so he could pay it by debit card. I currently am looking for a job but, no luck! Well I shouldn’t say luck because I am not really pushing hard enough. I am trying to get my sleep schedule under control which isn’t working out as great as I think it could be. I am so depressed that I don’t even want to get out of bed reason being I don’t want time to think about things. When I think too much I get myself into trouble. When I
"let's Get One Thing Straight"....
Ok, I signed up for this site back in 2006 because I was fascinated with the idea of sharing comments and rates of pics from different users including the unique and lovely nsfw pics. At the time, there were no "bling packs/credits/tickers"...But you had to prove you were worthy of being on the "family" list to see each other's wild side. Here I am 3 years later and it is impossible to find those who still have the "show me yours and I'll show you mine" mindset. Now all of a sudden, all of the users who want bling packs are nothing more than your average whore...shit I can't sugar-coat it because it's true. I am interested in being friends with users on here, but if I have to pay you to see any of your nsfw pics...then your wasting my time because I got no time whatsoever for you....others might have the stupidity to blow their money on you, but not me. I don't charge for mine, so you shouldn't charge for yours. If for some reason you feel the need to charge people on here just to see
Hooooaaaahhhhhhh Shown The Military Some Love
*Dear Civilians, 'We know that the current state of affairs in our great nation has many civilians up in arms and excited to join the military. For those of you who can't join, you can still lend a hand. Here are a few of the areas where we would like your assistance:* 1. The next time you see any adults talking (or wearing a hat) during the playing of the National Anthem - kick their rear.2. When you witness, firsthand, someone burning the American Flag in protest - kick their rear.3. Regardless of the rank they held while they served, pay the highest amount of respect to all veterans. If you see anyone doing otherwise, quietly pull them aside and explain how these veterans fought for the very freedom they bask in every second.Enlighten them on the many sacrifices these veterans made to make this Nation great.. Then hold them down while a disabled veteran kicks their rear!4. (GUYS) If you were never in the military, DO NOT pretend that you were. Wearing battle dress uniforms (BDUs) or
Don Heanley - Heart Of The Matter
I got the call today, I didn't wanna hearBut I knew that it would comeAn old true friend of ours was talkin' on the phoneShe said you found someoneAnd I thought of all the bad luck,And the struggles we went throughAnd how I lost me and you lost youWhat are these voices outside love's open doorMake us throw off our contentmentAnd beg for something more?I'm learning to live without you nowBut I miss you sometimesThe more I know, the less I understandAll the things I thought I knew, I'm learning againI've been tryin' to get down to the Heart of the MatterBut my will gets weakAnd my thoughts seem to scatterBut I think it's about forgivenessForgivenessEven if, even if you don't love me anymoreThese times are so uncertainThere's a yearning undefined...People filled with rageWe all need a little tendernessHow can love survive in such a graceless ageThe trust and self-assurance that can lead to happinessThey're the very things we kill, I guessPride and competition cannot fill these empty armsA
Eagles- Love Will Keep Us Alive
LOVE WILL KEEP US ALIVE EAGLES I was standing All alone against the world outside You were searching For a place to hide Lost and lonely Now youve given me the will to survive When were will keep us alive Dont you worry Sometimes youve just gotta let it ride The world is changing Right before your eyes Now Ive found you Theres no more emptiness inside When were will keep us alive I would die for you Climb the highest mountain Baby, theres nothing I wouldnt do I was standing All alone against the worlk outside You were searching For a place to hide Lost and lonely Now youve given me the will to survive When were will keep us alive When were will keep us alive When were will keep us alive
In Life, Love
        In LIFE, LOVE is NEVER planned nor does it happen for a reason.But when the LOVE is REAL,It becomes your PLAN for LIFE and your REASON for LIVING!ONE. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.TWO. Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their conversational skills will be as important as any other.THREE. Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want.FOUR. When you say, "I love you", mean it.FIVE. When you say, "I'm sorry", look the person in the eye.SIX. Be engaged at least six months before you get married.SEVEN. Believe in love at first sight.EIGHT. Never laugh at anyone's dreams. People who don't have dreams don't have much.NINE. Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it's the only way to live life completely.TEN. In disagreements, fight fairly. No name-calling.ELEVEN. Don't judge people by their relatives.TWELVE. Talk slowly but think quickly.THIRTEEN. When someone asks you a question you don't want to
The Death Penalty
Earlier this week i read an article out of Texas where the most recent death penalty execution victim may have been innocent.  Apparently, new evidence has been brought to lite that corroberates the executed man's story. I have been an opponent of the death penalty my entire life, not for the reasons of cruelty but for this very reason.   I believe it is wrong to have an 'ultimate' penalty in place when ANY legal system will be flawed in some way.  There is no 'oops' in death.  Even if a person is wrongfully incarcerated for decades, some compensation and justice can be meted out. It bothers me more because, as only the 'State' may execute, that means WE, all of us, as we are the "State' of murdering an innocent person.  I simply do not want that on my 'soul'.  As a collectve people, do we want it on ours? While this is the exception to the case, there have been a number of wrongful and incomplete executions since the '60s.  All the murders were horrifying and the wrongful state end
Fighting Those Right-wing Terrorists
FIGHTING THOSE RIGHT-WING TERRORISTS By Neal Boortz @ September 2, 2009 8:18 AM Permalink | Comments (10) | TrackBacks (0) You'll get a kick out of this. On this Organizing for America website (, liberals in Illinois have decided how they are going to push for government healthcare. Their brilliant idea is to use 9/11 as a day to inundate lawmakers with phone calls in support of government healthcare. Fine. They can do what they want ... but the message itself is priceless. It goes a little something like this: All 50 States are coordinating in this - as we fight back against our own Right-Wing Domestic Terrorists who are subverting the American Democratic Process, whipped to a frenzy by their Fox Propag
Be Informed
Stay TunedCheap LaptopsCanadian Pharmacies Online
9/2/09 Dilbert
No Double Cheeseburgers After Midnight
Today’s title just stuck in my head after I heard it through Martha’s room door last night at Trinity Hospital.  One of the night shift there was going to order something from McDonald’s, we guessed, up the street from there.  The establishment where Martha used to work that her sister Margaret and her own high school senior son Patrick still do have a twenty-four-hour drive thru, but apparently it’s a bare bones operation.  Don’t ask me what’s so hard about making a double cheeseburger; it’s remembering what medicines you take that can be difficult sometimes.  The aide who entered Martha’s information was snippy when she couldn’t name them off the top of her head, and when I asked why you can’t just look it up in your system (since a Trinity physician DID prescribe them) I got a rapid-fire response along the lines of well, what if the power’s out and we double dose a prescription and patients really need to know as much
Dad Was A Pow---"the Pueblo"
  My dad (Tuck) was awarded this - but none of them will see a dime.  But at least North Korea is being held accountable for the torture of my dad and others..... N Korea must pay $94m for torture: judge December 31, 2008 A federal judge has awarded more than $US65 million ($A94.04 million) to several men who were captured and tortured by North Korea after the communist country seized the US spy ship USS Pueblo during the Cold War. North Korea never responded to the lawsuit filed by William Thomas Massie, Donald Raymond McClarren, Dunnie Richard Tuck and the estate of Lloyd Bucher. US District Judge Henry H Kennedy Jr entered the judgment against the country. The USS Pueblo was seized off North Korea while it was on an intelligence-gathering mission on January 23, 1968. The North claimed the ship was inside its coastal zone while the US Navy contended it was in international waters. One of the US ship's 83 crew members was killed and 10 others were wounded. The cre
♥my Absolute Fav♥
Okay, so this is my favorite entry from the book because I know this is how my parents felt: Even though this is mainly about motherhood... I know my father felt the same way... so I assume it is safe to say that fatherhood changes a man just as motherhood changes a woman, if not on a more intense level. "...when she cried her deep soulful cry, I was filled not merely with panic but with passion.  I loved her even more for not being beautiful. But was she comfortable?  Were those sunbeams perhaps a little too strong?  Did they cause her a moment's inconvenience?  I would smash the sun to smithereens if they did.  It would be the work of a moment: nothing easier.  I would weep tears of anguish the while.  There seemed to be lots of anguish about.  I only had to imagine her suffering anything at the hands of anybody and I sprouted claws and fangs.  I would tear her assailants limb from limb. Motherhood seemed to have turned me, overnight, into a sabre-toothed tiger"
Love This Song
Hello. I'm Sweet Kream, new to the sight and just wanted to say hello.  Sorry no pictures as of yet, but the face is as Sweet as the name.XOXOXOXOX
This Is Why I Hate Going To The Dentist
So, personally, I'm scared. Mostly because I don't know what to expect. It's the fear of the unknown I suppose. SO, went ot the dentist today. The one I went to, well they were assholes the entire time. even yelled at me for yelping when they hit a cavity. The patients aren't separated by rooms but by little dividers. You can see your neighbors feet and them twitching in pain. They didn't talk to me except to tell me to shut up. Litterally. No "how ar eyou today I see you haven't been in in years, nervous? heres the proceedure we will be using" I asked what instruments were to calm myself down. They told me not ot worry abou tit. I got my teeth cleaned and checked. I've got 4 cavities they say are new and caused by my 3 wisdom teeth pushing on my teeth and cracking them. I've also very sensitive teeth. -_- well. I need to fill the cavities. I'm cool with that. and they need to pull out my 2 wisdoms that have grown in, and the impacted on under the gumline. They want to cut OPEN my gum
Garden Of Love By Sondra [poetry]
Garden of Love   Love starts out Like a new garden spot A heap of dirt Open, unwalled, unprotected, Yet viable Able to grow, nourish us, And beautify two lives If proper care is taken. Water it with affection, Not tears. Feed it with understanding, Not fears. Aerate it with warm hugs, And open, honest Communication, Not lies or fake flattery. Light it with trust, Truth and laughter, Not emotional battery. Weed it with full forgiveness, Not old grudges and hate. Harvest it with affection And honor, Not words that berate. Mulch it with protectiveness, Not anger and mistrust. Reseed it with kindness, Affection, truth, passion, And some sensuality, Not forgetting to add in Some extra spicy lust. Keep it warm during Cold winters, Making the effort to make it grow, Allowing it to flourish At its own natural rate, Not forcing the harvest of two souls To hurry along, Then your garden of love Will always grow and be strong. By spiritwoman © 2009 spiritwoman (All
How To Stay Young??
The man that wrote this was very smart!!   HOW TO STAY YOUNG: 1. Throw out nonessential numbers. This includes age, weight and height. Let the doctors worry about them. That is why you pay "them." 2. Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down. 3. Keep learning. Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening, whatever. Never let the brain idle. "An idle mind is the devil's workshop." And the devil's name is Alzheimer's. 4. Enjoy the simple things. 5. Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath. 6. The tears happen. Endure, grieve, and move on. The only person, who is with us our entire life, is ourselves. Be ALIVE while you are alive. 7. Surround yourself with what you love, whether it's family, pets, keepsakes, music, plants, and hobbies, whatever. Your home is your refuge. 8. Cherish your health: If it is good, preserve it. If it is unstable, improve it. If it is beyond what you can improve, get help. 9. Don't take guilt trips. Take a trip to t
One Step At A Time
Just an update on what's going on my end....I finally had the courage to tell one of my parents today about what's been happening in my life. I had given him a phone call the other night telling him that I needed to talk to him that was really important that involved me and my husband, Richard. We made arrangements and we went out for lunch together on his lunch break. It was really hard for me to tell him because I had no idea how he would react. But to my surprise, he took it pretty well. I had explained to him that things have been real rocky in our relationship for a couple years and that I was finally fed up and I wanted a divorce. I told him how I have been really unhappy with him and I couldn't keep living like this and wanted to move on. I also told him that I will be moving out by Feb and then will be getting a divorce.He was real understanding and said he will help me out in any way. He even offered me to stay in his house but I declined that. I have my cats and I don't think
! Dare You..
One question, one chance, one honest answer. You can ask me one question (to my inbox only) Any question, no matter how crazy, dirty or wrong it is. No catch. But I dare you to post this on your status, and see who asks you a question
Forever Has An End
I love you,I hate you,I want to hurt you,I want to save you.I want to run away from you,I want to run to you, I am so confused,Dont know what to do. You create  me,You destroy me,YOu complete me,You make me feel empty inside. I want you to hurt like i hurt,but i cant stand to see you cry,I want to destroy you like you destroy me,but i cant stand to see the pain in your eyes. So what do I do?I dont know.Do I stay,or do I go? Will we ever walk in the rain again,hold hands under the stars,kiss at midnight,promise we will go far. Maybe this is it,the end of it all,Maybe this was written,on some far away distant star. So I turn and walk away,Look back once more,there are tears in Your beautiful eyes,but I really have to go.Please dont be sad,and please dont forget,that I will love you forever,But forever has an end.
Lies Given Names
Why do we say " I love You",when we really hate?Why do we say "I'm happy to have You in my life",when we really think it is a big mistake?Pasted on smilesPlayers in a play.Desiring to live in our perfect worlds,but life gets in the way.Masks of deciet,what's really real?Going thru the motions,but daring not to feel.The world is but a stage,and life is but a game,Watching the people around us,Lies that are given names.It saddens me to look around,and see what's going on.My sobs are carried on the wind,like a sad sad song.Pasted on smilesPlayers in a play.Desiring to live in our perfect worlds,but life gets in the way...........
Ode To A Dark Messiah
Dark eyes hiding a darker beauty,mysterious looks of a complex man.A cynical laugh to hide the pain,Walking thru life painfully aware,Faking a smile,A happy ruse,Unwilling to let people see the real You.Forced to walk alone,but it's better this way,No one should knowthis cross that You bare.A healer, A guide, A messiah of sorts,helping the undeserving, the uncaring,It hurts ,But still You walk on along this path,Always alone....always alone.It is better this wayBecause no one gets hurtAnd You can hide....Hide behind the cynical smile,the happy ruse,Serving the uncaring, the unbelieving, the undeserving......
Fear 1 (story)
"Where are we going?" Tammie asked as they turned down the dirt road. "Alittle patience Tammie," Larry chuckled as he looked over at the redhead beside him, "and you will see soon enough."  Tammie pouted alittle but sat back in her seat and looked at the landscape thru the window. Uneasiness started setting in as the woods grew thicker around them and she looked over at her boyfriend. Larry merely smiled and reached over and ran a hand up her thigh. Soon their destination came into sight and if anything her uneasiness grew.  "What are we doing here?" she asked with a wary look in her eye, as she read the sign in front of them.  Welcome to Milestown, we hope you enjoy your stay, is what the sign read and it was easy to see that this small town was clearly deserted.  "YOU BROUGHT ME TO A DESERTED TOWN???" Tammie screamed at Larry.  The man visibly flinched, but recovered quickly as he explained that it was not the town that he brought her to see but a certain building. Tammie sat up
Fear 2
A man's angry yells, a woman's terrified screams and a young boy's cringings in the shadows. Unseen by his father, the young boy watched in terrified silence as his mother was raped repeatedly to be followed by her brutal murder. Blood was everywhere, the smell in his nostrils, the taste in his mouth, his mind burned with a fever unlike any he had ever felt before. The older man dropped his wife on the floor like a broken toy and walked from the room. Looking around the 5 yr old crawled from the shadows to where his mother's ravaged body lay and he touched it, smelled of it then lay down by it. In his fevered mind he heard the lullabye she always sang to him, now little more than a haunting and torturous tune. He looked over at the knife his father had used on his mother and reached over and picked it up. Coherent thought was no longer an option as he stood up, his small body covered in the blood of the woman he loved more than life itself, his mother was his world and now that world l
Fear 3
Larry shook Tammie hard, trying desperately to awaken her from the grips of the horrific nightmare. She opened her eyes, but they seemed sightless and he knew that terror had taken her over. Turning her head towards her boyfriend she simply mouthed the words, Help me. Larry didnt know what to do, but one thing he did know was that he had to get her out of this hospital. Larry jumped as he heard a scream.  "What the fuck????" he shouted.  Instinctly he looked over to make sure Tammie was still beside him. She still sat in a dazed trance seeing things he couldnt see. Larry got to his feet leaving Tammie where she was and set off to find the source of the screams. "I bet someone followed us in here and is playing a stupid joke." Larry whispered to himself. The dark figure watched as the man walked down the halls, looking in the various rooms. He laughed to himself as he entered the room where Tammie sat, helpless and alone. The next scream Larry heard made the hair stand up on his nec
First Day Here
Ok so its my first day here, actually first 2 hours and I have a question or comment I guess. Im watching the telepromptor above and almost every pic of the women I see on there. their boobs are hangin out all over the place! Is this to get more points? Just kind of wondering as I sit here, but Ive seen more boobs in the last 2 hours here than I have all in gym class in school,lol
As I cross from the darkness into the light I find myslef haunted by ghost fron my past Decssions Ive made, so many were wrong And the people that Ive hurt in the process Will I ever be free from that that haunts my very existance Or will I be forced to endure this endless pain What have I done to myself ?  Ive been this way too long Blinded by that that is unknown Tired of being the hero just want to be saved When does the hero get their hero Someone please save me from that for which i have become Is any one there???
Back to the oriaginal rhyme at stand. Uninsane hallowed fast part kickin off with shit to start. Throwin darts unperfect insanity. How's my life made out to be. G ever wonder why i feel so down. 2 loose let fit clown fuck with this play urself to go against kriss. You ain't shit wicked rhymes i spit. True at what's know to kickin this & i'm just so serious you delerious fuck this. Everybody & the god dayum world. All in it's fucked up society. Never thought i was anything to be. G what does that make me. All fine sweet & sexy but kriss ain't bout take none of ur shit. Step down you don't like it try urself hide & fight it. Never it myself toothless bitter a quitter aquite of i'm rid of. All rhymes in times you shit. Ain't nothin but a whole bunch of mimes. Gimmicks stick to where urself's at bite off at that bat hit the bone get gone. Everything i've shown hope you urself not alone. Kick step in with how i'm runnin in gunnin blast. You ain't shit to last. All in ah i ever wanted was so
Things Have Gotten Very Interesting...
Wow...I go forever so lonely I could scream and now.... I started communicating with this guy from a dating  site. He seemed really cool but until we met I didn't really have a clue....he IS really cool...and adorable, laid back, smart, interesting....a real possibility. Then there's Paul. Paul and I were in puppy love when we were 13 or 14 and were inseparable that summer. I recently found Paul on Facebook after my sister told me she saw him on someone else's page. When she told me she found him I said "OMG! I wonder if he's single." I was so totally joking. Turns out,  he's never been married...he's  actively looking for a wife...and oh man! LOL  His personality is still the same as when we were kids. He's smart, funny, shy and ADORABLE!  And soooo sweet! Here's the kicker...bleh....Paul lives just south of Nashville. I just LEFT the Nashville area 6 months ago! Grrrrr!  BUT he has been considering moving back to IL. I'm not asking for advice...the only thing to do is wait and se
New Changes Started
As you are aware I am new this site and the lifestyle of BDSM. With the help of my Daddy I have come along way and I am grateful for everything he has done for me. Before being introduced to this lifestyle I would never have taken the pictures I have posted. With his guidance and patience he has transformed me from a boring female into a sexy, hot  slave / slut I am today.   My rewards will come to me at the end of September when MasterDaddySir and I come together for a wild rough intense training schedule we have planned for a 4 day weekend. It will be my fantasy come true and I only have Daddy to thank for that.   Also Daddy has been a tower of strenght for my kids and I. He has stepped up and has become the kids step-dad and I couldn't be more honored or privilged to have him in my life and the kids. He is an awesome step-dad, strict but understanding and that is what is needed in rearing up kids today.
Come And Live In My Heart
baby your the one that i need tonight.. you only seen that i am true.. you know that i have yet to say this to you.... come and live in my heart, see that i am true to you... only you need to listen to your heart and see what your made of... you need to listen to your heart to see that i am true to you.. only then will you see that i am to you.. come and see the way i am, for this is the way i am to you.. only come and live in my heart now. make it not so broken. make the heart stop bleeding out of control. come and live in my heart for you are the one that i have a spot for now.. you only see that i am hurting now.. you see that lovely eyed girl that you wish to hold at night.. only you can make that come true now. so come and live in my heart for free, and see that i am true to you.
Engagement Poem
We walk hand in hand with our hearts between us unfolded and for all to see.We feel the gentle breeze of kisses against our lips,the compassion of Fall beneath our feet.We walk hand in hand unafraid of the world ahead of us,unaware of the dangerous before us,we walk in the shadows of love and the beauty of pain.We are whole,we are lovers,we are spirits of the unknown.We steal strength from one another but hold strong to the love above us.We love strong but hate weak,we are one,we are here for all to see.We no longer hide our desire for one another,no longer hide between the shadows to steal kisses, for we are free,we are free to love,we are free to give our hearts away.The love we have is our power with it we have the world and each other.    Side Note: Worship the time we have with one another because one day they will be gone
Believe In Ur Heart
Believe in your heart that something wonderful is about to happen. Love your life. Believe in your own powers, and your own potential, and in your own innate goodness. Wake every morning with the awe of just being alive. Discover each day the magnificent, awesome beauty in the world. Explore and embrace life in yourself and in everyone you see each day. Reach within to find your own specialness. Amaze yourself and rouse those around you to the potential of each new day. Don't be afraid to admit that you are less than perfect; this is the essence of your humanity. Let those who love you help you. Trust enough to be able to take. Look with hope to the horizon of today, for today is all we truly have. Live this day well. Let a little sun out as well as in. Create your own rainbows. Be open to all your possibilities; all possibilities and Miracles. Always believe in Miracles.
I Want...
I Want... ~ A guy that will love me inside and out for who I really am. ~Somebody who won't use me for money or sex. ~Someone that wants to spend their time with me. ~Anybody to appreciate what I have to offer. ~A guy who I can cuddle with and feel safe and protected around. ~Somebody that treats me with respect and doesn't hurt me. ~Someone I can give all of my heart,knowing they won't break it. ~Anybody that confides in me and knows I'm there for them. ~A guy who will support me in my decisions and not try to argue. ~Somebody that makes me feel like the most beautiful girl. ~Someone I can talk to about anything and not be judged. ~Anybody to take the time and get to kno me as a true person. ~A guy who wants nothng more than to be with a girl he loves. ~Somebody I can be myself around and have fun with. ~Anybody to tell me that they care for me and mean every word of it.  
Former "Manson Family" member Susan Atkins, who stabbed actress Sharon Tate to death more than 40 years ago and now is terminally ill, was denied parole Wednesday, prison officials said. The parole hearing was the 13th for Atkins, 61, who is battling terminal brain cancer. Held at the Central California Women's Facility in Chowchilla, California, the hearing stretched to more than six hours. The panel set another hearing for Atkins in three years, said Michele Kane, spokeswoman for the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. Atkins was 21 when she and other followers of Charles Manson participated in a two-night rampage that left seven people dead and terrorized the city of Los Angeles in August 1969. She and the others -- Manson, Leslie Van Houten, Patricia Krenwinkel and Charles "Tex" Watson -- were initially sentenced to death in the slayings of five people, including Tate, and two additional deaths the following night. Their sentences were automatically
A Day In The Life
Alone in the dark, adrift in the sea of emotions.  Lost and confused, hurt again, time slows down, till every minute seems to drag on.  Pulled from every direction, your held in a delicate balance of indecision.  Any choice you make the wrong one for one reason or another.  You can never make everyone happy.  closing one door to open another.  half tempted to say fuck it all, and just make a move, any move, consequences be damned, just to make the pain and stress go away.  To be free and happy.  I can still hear her voice lingering in my ear.  the sound so sweet one minute, and as the conversation comes to a close, her voice drops to little more than a whisper; the sound alone enough to break your heart, so vulnerable and fragile.  my heart in my throat as I think about her.  Feelings of impotence flow through me, overwhelming me with my inability to do any of the things i want to do.  Held in a prison of my own making.  Seamingly thrown to the sidelines to watch your own life as it pa
Hi Every Body..
I am going on a tour for some days..and will be back during last week of this month and again will leave by 30th of this month and will be back again on 12/13 Oct 2009. plz don't forget to shower ur love plz do tell me how u miss me and in  last I would like to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to those my friends for them I will be not available and I wish many many returns so the sweet day for them. I love my fu family and friends..and plz wish me happy journey and prosperity . I will ever miss my fu friends they r amazig. Plz don't forget I am single and waiting for u friends to visit India so that I can give my excellent services to u in visiting all around the India where ever u want.   bye for now..xoxoxoxoxoxoxo vijay
Scarry As Hell Pull Your Head Out Of The Sand
The Transforming Of America One Child At A Time Please shot me or PM me about your thoughts PRO or con on this one.
I Did It
Here are some of the characters people are using in their name. You don't need to know the codes. Just copy and paste!∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩╔═♥═♥══♥♥══♥═♥═╗╚═♥═♥══♥♥══♥═♥═╝★¯`'•.¸(¯`'•. ¸*★★*¸.   •'´¯)¸.•' ´¯)ღ ✿ ¤ ´¯`-´¯` ¤ ✿ ღ*̡͌l!*̡̡ ̴̡ı̴̴̡ ̡̡͡|̲̲̲͡͡͡ ̲▫̲͡ ̲̲̲͡͡π̲̲͡͡ ̲̲͡▫̲̲͡͡ ̲|̡̡̡ ̡ ̴̡ı̴̡̡ ̡͌*̡͌l!*̡̡Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ¸. •*´¯`*• Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
Be A Happy Person, Will Make You Have A Long Healthy Life
We know the economy is not good at all in the USA but we have to think positive, liv life to the fullest, try to be thankful for our family and friends to be there and support us, is that keeps us alife and happy each day. So don't take life for granted live each day as is your last. Be good to yourself and to other, and good will come back to you before you know it.   Hopes this blog will brighten your days, and help you to be happy and slow down a bet and smell the roses, think of what you have today and don't worry about tomorrow.   To all my Fubar friends, hopes will put a smile on your faces and heart, and smile after you read this!!!!:):)
A lie cannot live.  -  Martin Luther King, Jr.
wonder what i did why you arent talking wish you would tell me what did i do im just not sure why
Pocket Taser
Enjoy....Pocket Taser Stun GunWhat a great gift for the Wife, thought the guy who purchased his lovely Wife a pocket Taser for their Anniversary, and submitted the following:Last weekend, I saw something at Larry's Pistol and Pawn Shop that sparked my interest. The occasion was our 15th Anniversary and I was looking for a little something extra and different for my Wife, Julie. What I came across was a 50,000-volt, pocket/purse- sized Taser. The effects of the Taser were supposed to be short lived, with no long-term adverse effects to your assailant, allowing Her adequate time to retreat to safety……… WAY COOL !!!!Long story short, I bought the device and brought it home. I loaded two AAA batteries in the darn thing and pushed the button. NOTHING!! I was disappointed. I learned, however, that if I pushed the button AND pressed it against a metal surface at the same time; I'd get the blue arc of electricity darting back and forth between the prongs……&he
Top Ten Reasons Why Men Prefer Guns Over Women
#10. You can trade an old 44 for a new 22.#9. You can keep one gun at home and have another for when you're on the road.#8. If you admire a friend's gun and tell him so, he will probably let you try it out a few times.#7. Your primary gun doesn't mind if you keep another gun for a backup.#6. Your gun will stay with you even if you run out of ammo.#5. A gun doesn't take up a lot of closet space.#4. Guns function normally every day of the month.#3. A gun doesn't ask , "Do these new grips make me look fat?"#2. A gun doesn't mind if you go to sleep after you use it.? ? And the number one reason a gun is favored over a woman....#1. YOU CAN BUY A SILENCER FOR A GUN
It is my belief that the vast majority of people are just pretty god-damned useless.  Most are incapable at looking at a chain of events and seeing the root cause of a problem.  Most are incapable of following a train of thought to a logical conclusion...who am I kidding?  Most are incapable of following a train of thought.  In summary I would just like to say the following: I hate my job and the fucking idiots I work with.  I'd fire about 80% of them for incompetence, 5% of them should be chemically castrated (what is the female version of this?), and the other 10% are probably safe...probably.  I thank you for your time and wish you a wonderful evening. Sincerely, Me   P.S.  READ MY GOD DAMNED PAGE BEFORE SENDING ME A REQUEST... P.P.S.  Emanon...I'm coming around to your brand of thinking!
Stupid Stuff
So.. I need a nickname for here on FUBar! any ideas?!    
  Once the religious, the hunted and weary Chasing the promise of freedom and hope Came to this country to build a new vision Far from the reaches of kingdom and pope Like good Christians, some would burn the witches Later some got slaves to gather riches But still from near and far to seek America They came by thousands to court the wild And she just patiently smiled and bore a child To be their spirit and guiding light And once the ties with the crown had been broken Westward in saddle and wagon it went And 'til the railroad linked ocean to ocean Many the lives which had come to an end While we bullied, stole and bought our a homeland We began the slaughter of the red man But still from near and far to seek America They came by thousands to court the wild And she just patiently smiled and bore a child To be their spirit and guiding light The blue and grey they stomped it They kicked it just like a dog And when the war over They stuffed it just like a hog And though the past has
Visit My Youtube Channel?
just a quickie here;;;;;;;;; my YouTube Channel: Check it out if you like!  
The Real Number Of Members On Fu
 As with anything numbers or statistics that are placed on anything one must remember that there are 2 that stick out in the mind. The REAL NUMBER and THE INFLATED NUMBER. There are claimed to be 3.5 Million Members on FuBar. I beleive there may be in the neighborhood of 3.5 Million accounts but, I have some questions.  How many of these accounts are subtracted from the real numbers when they are deleted ?  How many accounts are fake, meaning that they do not have salutes ? that a member having a verified email and salute has, so that they can obtain some level or stalk accounts from which they have been blocked?  I am positive that if you get down to the REAL numbers that one will find that there are maybe 65 to 75 percent of the 3.5 Million accounts that are actually real. People can say that I am critical and maybe that I should leave Fu if I have nothing good to say but, I stay for the the fun and amusement of it all. I will never forget that I met the Love of Life here, Clas
Don't You Just Hate ......
...kebabs when you find little pieces of ground up bone in them. Now I remember why I stopped eating them *upchucks*
They had run for two days, driven on by the enemy and in fear of their lives.  At dawn on the third day, they felt safe sitting in eachothers' arms watching the Sun come.  And in those moments of peace, they realized spirituality and intimacy that a lifetime of searching had not revealed to them.
The Ninth Amendment, (first)
The numbering of         certain Rights                  in the Constitution          Shall Not be construed     to deny OR disparage other Rights retained           by the people.
Outdoor Recreation
This is one of my blogs please read and contribute if you find any thing ineresting. Here is another one that some may find interesting.  I've put together yet another one this may apeal more to the ladies feel free to contribute or comment.  
Obama's Spawning .....
The Foundation Ten-Point Program Vision Legacy Home e-mail The Ten Point Plan WE WANT FREEDOM. WE WANT POWER TO DETERMINE THE DESTINY OF OUR BLACK AND OPPRESSED COMMUNITIES. We believe that Black and oppressed people will not be free until we are able to determine our destinies in our own communities ourselves, by fully controlling all the institutions which exist in our communities. WE WANT FULL EMPLOYMENT FOR OUR PEOPLE. We believe that the federal government is responsible and obligated to give every person employment or a guaranteed income. We believe that if the American businessmen will not give full employment, then the technology and means of production should be taken from the businessmen and placed in the community so that the people of the community can organize and employ all of its people and give a high standard of living. WE WANT AN END TO THE ROBBERY BY THE CAPITALISTS OF OUR BLACK AND OPPRESSED COMMUNITIES. We believe that this racist government has
Darkend Life
darkend lifeby andrew Q tainted soul,out of control,his life is weak,his life gonna freak,wonders if his life gonna break,knows that his love life is a fake,knows now that things in the world are not real just fallacy,wonders if he can survive now
Do I Look Like A Prison Guard??
  POOR ECONOMY FORCES TAX ACCOUNTANTS TO DO STRANGE THINGS:  I HAD AN INTERVIEW TO BE A "RESIDENT SUPERVISOR" AT A DETENTION CENTER NEARBY....TO ME, THAT IS A "PRISON GUARD". That interview was a real eye-opener. Lol   I do NOT want the job...but am tempted to take it if I am not working, just for the paid training.When I got there, I was told I have to take my purse back to the car----not allowed inside!!! So I walked back to the lot..........Then,once in, I was told I had to take off my boots (just like at the airport).............and again before leaving the office, just to prove that I had no contraband!!!There is a uniform I'd wear: burgundy polo (okay),,,,,,,,TUCKED INTO khaki pants (NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), with a big black belt and black a blue jacket if I want to wear one ( I would, just to hide the shirt tucked in. Lol).You wouldn't believe all our tax  money that is given to those illegals there....and all the stuff they get...they should all be depor
Falling Windward.
Today I felt my life ending through my fingertips.Familiar, like the smell of honeysuckles, or the feel of a thin fuzzy blanket on my cheek.It was a depth of silent bang and crumble.But to the casual observer a meer passing.Weirdens my heart, darkens my gaze,as the sun refused to risethe songs refused to rhymechildren refused to playToday she did not smile.And in so doing, slammed my heart shut like a blocked ventriclemassive event.Seized, clogged and hardenedI gasp for lifesupportmy two servings of kindness and flitting beauty before winter.The promise of never again gripped me about the throat like Samael's unfeeling grin.Today I reachedbefore I could catch that bedeviled arm of mine, pass it as another spazmshe did not turn.
Make Money Selling Photos
Sell Digital PhotosCamera Dollars ReviewEasy Photo Biz ReviewHow To Sell PhotosSell Stock Photos
A Friend Who Cares!!!!
When we honestly ask ourselveswhich person in our lives means the most to us,we often find that it is those who, instead of giving much advice,solutions, or cures, have chosen rather to share our painand touch our woundswith a gentle and tender hand.The friend who can be silent with usin a moment of despair or confusion,who can stay with usin an hour of grief and bereavement,who can tolerate not knowing,not curing, not healingand face with us the realityof our powerlessness,that is a friend who cares. ~Henri NouwanTHIS WAS SENT TO ME BY MY DEAR FRIEND ALEX GIORDANI. Annette...
Gotta Love Drama
People always talk about drama. They don't want it and don't need it, they all want to be happy and find either thier prince or princess which is all fine and good. There is just one problem with that. Sadly enough there are alot of people out there in cyberspace that just don't quite get it.   Drama and Happiness go hand and hand. They co-exist for a reason. They balance eachother out. You can not have one without the other. It is just not possible.   Point and case....and it's very simple.....for example, take a good look at any Walt Disney movie/cartoon. The Litle mermaid, look at all the BS Ariel had to go through just to be happpy. Snow White, put to sleep all because her mother the queen was a shallow person. Look at Cinderella and all the hell she went through just to be happy.   Happiness can not exist without Drama. It's a part of life that makes us who and what we are. Sadly enough no one will ever admit to that.
Hemp Revolution Part 1
Hemp Revolution part 1 of 2 33:40 - 3 years ago This documentary covers a whole lot of ground. It deals with every historical and contemporary aspect of hemp usage and cultivation (mainly in the U.S.), which turns out to be a lot. From describing the production of a fibre much more durable and economic than wood, the documentary discusses hemps multilateral uses as e.g. food products, as a non-polluting fuel and as a pharmaceutical product with much less griveous sideeffects than chemical pharmaceutical products. The film also investigates why America went from a country which produced vast quantities of the non-narcotic industrial hemp, to the complete ban on hemp production in 1938. This story in particular is interesting, and it points out that the large oilbased industries actually had a key role in the aforementioned ban. Food for thought! The conclusion of the documentary could be that hemp may prove to be a valid alternative to both oil and wood in the future.
Wanna Be More Beautiful In Your Own Time?
Ladies, Do you want to order all your Avon needs right from home without looking for that book or an Avon Rep? I have NOW OPENED! My Avon ONLINE STORE JUST FOR YOU! All the beauty products for your "TEEN GIRLS" with acne and skin issues, cheaper and safer than that "other" brand plus much much more AND don't forget about yourself and tell your men to buy you something nice just because!! Click this link and have fun! The best part is I dont have to know you ordered anything because it comes TO YOUR DOOR! Thank you Ladies and if you have questions contact me here or my "personal" info is on the site... HAPPY SHOPPING!
I'll Trade You: Pain For Health.
Take the pain,make thee well.Give them one's strength, and remove darkness which fell.Give them one's blood,to replace what they miss.Take the headache,leave thee a kiss. Replace the dizzynesswith lack, there-of.This thing I do,shows my love.From sickness to health,til death do thee part,and forever after,you'll still have my heart.Relinquish all dark,even which wasn't named.Exchange for thy light,which will always remain.May the magick of the wolfspeed the healing of they wound.Undo what happened, fix it soon. Heal it quick.Heal it fast.Create a shield,make it last.Engulf thee in light,to make the darkness fade.Remove the eviland leave good in place.To finish this poem,my dearest peice of work,I love you, I'll say,as I mean every word.
In An Auction
I'm in a Auction, well worth it if you know me.  The link is below come on over and bid!!!  Thank you!  
Airline Questions....
  1.   A woman asked for an aisle seat so that her hair wouldn't get messed up by being near the window.  (On an airplane!)  2.   A man, who wanted to go to Capetown.  I started to explain the length of the flight and the passport information, and then he interrupted me with, ''I'm not trying to make you look stupid, but Capetown is in Massachusetts .Without trying to make him look stupid, I calmly explained, ''Cape Cod is in Massachusetts, Capetown is in Africa '' His response -- click.  3.  A man furious about a Florida package we did. I asked what was wrong with the vacation in Orlando. He said he was expecting an ocean-view room. I tried to explain that's not possible, since Orlando is in the middle of the state.He replied, 'don't lie to me, I looked on the map and Florida is a very thin state!'' (OMG)   4.   I got a call from a lawmaker's wife who asked, ''Is it possible to see England from Canada ?''I said, ''No.''She said, ''But they look so close on the map.'' 
Labor Day
Where I Find Beauty And Hot-ness
I don't know.. just hanging out on Fubar for a little while.. it's prompted me to want to make this little post.. just cause... So what is beauty? The kinda problem is.. there's this kinda hot thing.. For a women looks can be so all important.. and the kinda problem I see, or have always kinda felt is.. that we are kinda whole people.. and that the surface can sometimes have so much attention paid to it.. that the rest of us gets ignored.. and I don't mean by the world so much as by our selves. Where I find beauty, real beauty.. is where that beneath the surface stuff has had a lot of attention paid to it.. where what we are talking about is a whole person.. not just a barbie doll...  It's maybe a terrible prejudice on my part.. but often when I look at the perfect sorta barbie doll type women.. I get sorta repulsed.. like that's not someone I'm likely to go talk to.. you know.. like if that's what its all about I'm just not interested.. wether I'm looking for a lover or a friend.
10 Things I Hate About U
I hate the way you talk to meAnd the way you cut your hairI hate the way you drive my carI hate it when you stareI hate your big dumb combat bootsAnd the way you read my mindI hate you so much it makes me sickIt even makes me rhymeI hate the way you're always rightI hate it when you lieI hate it when you make me laughEven worse when you make me cryI hate it when you're not aroundAnd the fact that you didn't callBut mostly, I hate the way I don't hate youNot even close Not even a little bit Not even at all
I am currently taking donations, in order to buy someones points for 12 hrs. I hope you will all help me out people that donate a mil or more will be featured in this blog and i will ask that everyone show them mad love for their support in my attempt to level to 27
Garden Of Stone
Stranger than fantasy - you came to me in a dream One step... at a time -  we came to close to destiny. I wrap my wings around you giving to you peace Tortured by what might have been... I let you fly away   Oh will you wait for me where time is unknown I will be with you again in the Garden of Stone   Just one beat from your heart would fill this empty void Just to feel your breath again - so alive and warm Grasping at the power from which you did not know... You fell away from heavens gate...but I never let you go   Oh will you wait for me where time is unknown I will be with you again in the Garden of Stone   Standing in the fire - naked and alone Floating in the center ... you can see what heaven holds   Out lived by humanity  - the mother bears our shame We sold our souls naively, caught up in the human game Weary of the journey...that only fate could play Breaking free from the flesh You will never feel the pain   Will you wait for me where time is unknow
Tears Of Confusion
I thought you once hated me i thought that was our destiny traveling down this road alone like a dog looking for a bone hurt and pain my only friends wishing someday that it ends then this becon that you send what is hidden around this bend?
My Thoughts Today ...
I'm sitting here wanting to help a man I love dearly, he won't give me a clue as what to do.  I don't want to dree him away from me. I'm sure he doesn't realize how much I hurt not being able to do anything. I feel helpless. Rght now I'm so so lost. What do I do??? I'm even a lil pissed off I have the kind of heart I do.. if I didn't care so much or love others I wouldn't be hurting. *sigh* ... life goes on.
smoke smoke smoke iz all i want to do!!!!1 who's wit me?
Me - I - Meg -mig - Moi - Jag
I met myself along a roadand thought I was a jerk, so I punched myself in the noseand wondered why it hurt. I called myself some dirty wordsand was the only one who cared, I looked around to see who heard, but no one else was there. It was frightening for me to findI hadn't any help, And how did I get left behindalone to face myself? But there I was with only me,staring myself down,so I looked deep in hopes to seesome good that could be found. I wasn't overwhelmed with stunning qualities, for sure,but I felt that if I stuck aroundI'd get to see much more. So now myself and I are friendsunited in a faiththat we'll accomplish better endsthan what we met that day. That be me and I.. in Bed..
The Hunt
  Roman watched the room for signs of healthy prey. The dance floor was packed and all the couches in the lavish mansion were full of party goers enjoying their drinks and exchanging small talk. The men of the room were either showing off the beauty of their wives and the jewelry they had bought them that cost six figures or more or trying to entice the hookers in the mix with more than just their wallets. The latter still confused Roman, if all they needed to do was give the women money then why not just hand it over straight away? The women in the party weren't stupid they could easily see through the flashy smile and read between the cheesy pick-up lines that the men tried to use on them. Were they hoping for a discount maybe?Roman had little interest in the call girls present at the party, money wasn't something he had in unlimited supply and most of them charged enough to buy a used car. Besides, why bother with the hunt if your prey was all too willing to wander into your trap?
It All Works Itself Out.
Sunshine and rain … ups and downs … good times and not so great times … But if you can hang on through the not so great times you will see sunshine is on the way. I have had some trips and falls this week but I am hanging on and making my way through it. Life is all about working hard to be where you want to be and do what you want to do. Time to shift into the next gear, leave the nonsense behind and get things done ! I have the will so I will find the way. I am done with all the players and the Drama on this site.I say let them destroy there self!!!
Divorce With Children
I have been divorced  for a year now and it seems that most women dont want anything to do with a guy that has children.I am wondering if this is just typical of a women.I only have two little girls so its not like we are the brady bunch.
Winds Not Always At Our Back
I Did Not Write This -But It's So True The Winds Not Always At Our Back The wind's not always at our back the sky is not always blue. Sometimes we crave the things we lack and don't know what to do. Sometimes life's an uphill ride with mountains we must climb. At times the river's deep and wide and crossing takes some time. No one said that life is easy there are no guarantees. So trust the Lord continually on calm or stormy seas. The challenges we face today prepares us for tomorrow. For faith takes our fears away and peace replaces sorrow.
Linda; Is Resting In Peace Now
The Angel Lady
not really an angle just a nice lady named Diana - my wife arranged to get a loan so we casn get th breaks fixed on our old car  and some food  - she walked 4 blocks to the bus stop in 100 degree heat and waited.  Just then a stranger named Diana stopped and asked her if she needed a ride - this lady has a personal mission about helping old people.  She took her to the loan place - to the store and back to our house.  She gave my wife her phone number in case she needs another ride sometime.  She also took photo of the fishing boat we are trying to sell and will post it at the place where they lounch boats at Lake Elsinore. One person  made a difference today,  And the timing had to be just right for this event to have happned at all. Being down and out  has it's perks - you get to meet the real angles among us.  As well as the hypocrits of course.    
What I Think Of Love.
It is with the greatist pleasure..that i ideas of love..i love a its my last..i treat her..with the up most respect..she is my little rose..and i will care for her..way beyound the grave..i want a woman..that will be by me..untill i decay..with all the ups and downs that come with being together..i dotn care for never mattered to me..and you may read this and laugh..but you know me?..i love..i hurt..i try my not perfect..nor do i play it off like i am..i havent time..for is too short..i want someone..who can hear me..and know..what i mean..without a blank expression on their face..i am not always the best the show..i try to please my lady..and i hope..that she will return the feeling..i cant read minds..never could..i will pick you up..and wipe the tears..away from your face..because i love by you..when your alone..and when the worlds on your back..i take my time..and work towards a good..instead of a bad..
For those of you that know and those who don't I am having surgery tomorrow on my right hip. The doctor is taking out the screws and fusing it together. My sacrim moves and it is not suppose to. As for those who are wondering why I am having it done. I am in a lot of pain when I lay down. Now I am facing the fact that it hurts when I am up in my electric wheel chair. I hope this surgery will help my pain. For those of you that will be praying for me tomorrow I thank you for that now. This accident as taken its tole on me but I am still fighting even as I am home from the nursing home. I may never be the same again but I have my life and I am sooooooooooooo Thankful for that. I Thank God, my family, and my friends who have been there for me through out this whole process with out them I might have given up. I can not forget the little guy I was watching Edin. I had his picture in my room at the hospital, rehab, and nursing home. I missed him so much. His mom has said I can start watchin
Old Myspace Post.........
Love is kindLove is patient Love is strongLove is.Love is ToughLove is softLove is TenderLove is.Love strict Love is leneiantLove is obedientLove is.Love is cool Love is refreshingLove is clear Love is.Love is actionsLove is wordsLove is silentLove is.Love is hereLove is ThereLove is everywhereLove is.Love is yesterday Love is today Love is tomorrowLove is.Love is foreverLove is togetherLove is apartLove is.Love is gained Love is lost Love is foundLove is.No matter what it is Love is here, today, foreverLove is found, everywhere, togetherLove is Love in my eyes.
Obama's Education Speech!!
For The Z-squad Members
Wheeew got a LOT to fit in here so I'll just start off by saying thank you to all the new members that have joined,love seeing the group grow as it is. You guys rock all of you do and we WILL make a difference her on Fu by showing the love back. Now with THAT said I've been getting a lot feedback from members saying its hard to tell who's a mamber and where they are....I'm going to fix that problem VERY EASILY. I'm making a folder a ripped folder with a ripped pic from each of your pages so that all the members have to do is go to that folder and you can get to each others pages easier and we can finally have zombie squad members.....RATING ZOMBIE SQUAD MEMBERS lol. BUT I NEED YOU TO PUT YOUR CARD PIC ON YOUR PAGE if it's not on your page unless other members see you while rating someone else's pics they won't SEE YOU. SO THAT'S going to be started and done soon hopefully with all of your participation and cooperation. Now speaking of participation I'd like to take this moment to pers
If Love.......
If love.... Current mood:  depressed If love was a place, It'd be in your arms. Away from evil and fear, Away from any harm. If love were a tear, i'd never cry again. Unless it was joy or happiness, of a change: now since then. If love was a sunset, it'd be the most beatiful of any red. It would easily take your breath away, and that would be enough said. If love was a song, i would sing for all time. In the sweetest of any melody, and the prettiest of any chime. If  love was a book, it would never end. The pages would always turn, and be dedicated to my best friend. If love was a dream, then i guess mine came true. Nightmares are forgotten, now that i've got you. If love can be seen in your eyes, then I guess thats how I know. That forever can be seen in you, through your eyes into your soul
Unacustomed Fantasies
What would you do if I died todayWould you careWould you cryWould you want to know whyIf I needed to talkWould you sit down and listenWould you come to my doorstepIf I needed a reminderOf what I should live forOf why I should stayOf all the people in this worldDo I stand out in your eyesDoes your heart skip a beatWhen ever I walk byTell meDo you love me the way I love youOr is this just a fantasyUnable to come true?
Life Life is nothing but a great big joke, you're born, you live, then you die. There's really no perpouse for living, all you do is feel pain all your life. After a while people jsut get sick of it, and they do something about it. Some people get so fed up with life, that all they do is go to partes, get drunk and do drugs. After a while it just builds up inside and they can't take it anymore. And turn to drugs and alcohol, or they just stay away form everybody. Lose their friends, family and even lose themseves. They're not going to tell people that they're down. They're just going to do what they think will help, All that life does is kill you. With every breath you breath, you're dieing. With every single step and every single move you make, you're dieing. People think that life is the best thing that could ever happen to them, they're wrong. The best thing in life is love, and the one and only love. They're first and true love, and most people don't ev
Open Ur Eyes
  Lately, I'm not quite myself. Maybe I do need some help. It's just my confusion. I trust my delusions. Don't you regret you met me? I'll go through these steps to get me back to where we start before I fall apart. If I could black out it'd become so clear. Standing face to face with everything I fear. I watch so closely but still I don't see. As bad as it seems a peice of mind I'd steel in ordinary life the consequence is real. I'm past the point of reality. This isn't me, this isn't you but it's just everything we do. Till you open up your eyes and understand this isn't real. This isn't me this isn't you. This is everything but true. Till we come to realize it's what we put each other through. It's like a bad dream thats becoming all too true. Leaving me with nothing else left to do. Now so helpless, I'm not so selfish. Tell me how does it feel to have a face like that? How does it feel to be replaced like that? Now so faceless do you still feel. This
  How long would you wait? just for me to call. I know you make mistakes. yeah but. I hope some day you have it all. Cause I feel like a prisoner trapped inside your broken world. While I'm playing the victim again. Running in circles to me it's all the same and though nothings gonna change. I hope some day you'll have it all.
Welcome To Hell
Don't come to me with your problems I don't need them.Your conscience is a weight that I won't hold. You'd rather ne the only who pretends. Is it cause you've been bought and sold so young? Don't ask me questions cause I don't got the answers. If you only knew what time will tell. It's all a test and lessons that you can't learn. You'll know when you spend your time in hell. As your bloods running thin your times running out. No one will be listening not even when you shout. When your angels turn to devils you'll finally figure out that no one will be with you in the end. As hypocrite you're just a contradiction rapped up in your lie who knows whats real. Well this is it your loely life of fiction. Do you even know how to feel? As your bloods running thin your times running out. No one will be listening not even when you shout. When your angels turn to devils you'll finally figure out that no one will be with you in the end.
A Shadow Among Souls
True Love
   is true love really out there?  does real devotion and comitment really exist? does it mean? that a relationship begins with 2 people becoming the best of friends and build there relationship into a very strong loving relationship full of trust, and they are very devoted to eachother, they hold eachothers hands when there out and about,call 1 another all day when at work, neither 1 cant wait to hear eachothers voices.always making time to see eachother, holding her in his arms when he can nomatter where they are. when his friends see the 2 of you together he tells his friends very proudly who you are before they can ask.he always tells you how beautiful you are everyday,and how much you really mean to him.does she tell you how important you are to her? when 2 people fall in love with eachother they seem to put eachother first ahead of everything & everyone else just think about it.
Are such assholes. Really, I've had it with every single one of them. The hot ones are either gay, taken, or shitty people. The ugly ones are single fat, old, and dumb.   Yes, This is my experience and good LORD! I'm so pissed really I could care less if I get bashed for this.   I GIVE UP! -____-  
What Is Cheating Really
really what is cheating? does it just have to be sex to be cheating? I feel that cheat is more than that. lets say your spouse was spending time with someone else either sex more than you. lets say they play videos games or go out to the movies or go out to the club. to me that is cheating you out of you time with your spouse. lets say your spouse talk is about how they feel about your relationship to a friend or relative and doesn’t talk to you. to me that is cheating you out of knowing there feelings. do you feel that this is cheating or not?
I want to be sure of what it'll costI want to strangle the stars for all they promised meI want you to call me on your drug phoneI want to keep you alive so there is always the possibility of murder laterI want to be there when you learn the cost of desireI want you to understand that my malevolence is just a way to winI want the name of the ruinerI want matches in case I have to suddenly burnI want you to know that being kind is overratedI want to write my secret across your skyI want to watch you lose controlI want to watch you loseI want to know exactly what it's going to takeI want to see you insert yourself into gloryI want your touches to scar me so I'll know where you've beenI want you to watch when I go down in flamesI want a list of atrocities done in your nameI want to reach my hand into the dark and feel what reaches backI want to remember when my nightmares were clearerI want to be there when your hot black rage rips wide openI want to taste my own kindI want to be wrapped
This Is My One And Only Blog Prolly
hey this is my one and only blog on here prolly but here in the last few days i have had alot on my mind about this guy i have been talking to on and off for about 3 years and i figured out im in love with him i have always been in love with him and im the one who fucked our realtionship up because i heard some stuff about him like he was cheating on me and this and that so i listened to them and not him and i know he didnt cheat on me and me being stupid me thought id listen to the ppl and not him well now i wished i would have listened to him ....but i was gonna come clean to him tonight and i sorta did and he has a gf now and i told him that i was inlove with him and now i feel like a fool and a dumb bitch word of adivce if you find love please dont let it go because it will bite you in the ass and make you feel low and stupid but im gonna go now   love cassie
I never thought I would actually enter a contest, but I thought I'd have a little bit of fun and give it a try! Now I need both ratings and comments, so if anyone would be willing to take just a few minutes and rate and/or comment on the following, it would be greatly appreciated!     (Note: If this link does not work, use the one on my page!)   I promised all rates and comments will not go unanswered or unappreciated!  Thank you all in advance!   Rob "The Black Winged Angel"
Annabel Lee
 Annabel Lee.   by Edgar A. Poe  It was many and many a year ago, In a kingdom by the sea, That a maiden there lived whom you may know By the name of Annabel Lee; — And this maiden she lived with no other thought Than to love and be loved by me.   I was a child and she was a child, In this kingdom by the sea; But we loved with a love that was more than love — I and my Annabel Lee — With a love that the wingéd seraphs in Heaven Coveted her and me. And this was the reason that, long ago,   In this kingdom by the sea, A wind blew out of a cloud, chilling My beautiful Annabel Lee; So that her high-born kinsmen came And bore her away from me, To shut her up in a sepulchre, In this kingdom by the sea.   The angels, not half so happy in Heaven, Went envying her and me — Yes! — that was the reason (as all men know, In this kingdom by the sea) That the wind came out of the cloud by night, Chilling and killing my Annabel Lee.   But our
First Kiss, Part 1
                                                                                    1.        He had not planned on kissing her just yet. He told himself it was too early, too bold a move. Better to wait for a more definite sign that she would respond favorably.  Maybe it was the moonlight on her vibrant skin, or the way the stars sparkled in her eyes when she looked just past him to the heavens that made him pause. Something about her presence sang to him, her symphony holding his body in rapture. His nervousness and caution melted away and he saw a beauty far greater than anything he had experienced before, a beauty beheld, it should seem, only by angels. Funny, he thought, how the senses cross when they are overwhelmed: the sight of her he could almost taste, he could hear the way her breath might feel on his neck, and that symphony sang to him as always, pulling his body close. The sudden certainty that he must kiss her flooded his awareness. Bold, yes, but absolutely necessary.
Empathy For Our Fellow Man
I just finished a conversation with my closest friend. I told her she needs to start a blog as she is much more eloquent an empassioned than I am. I will start off so that she may add to my blogs, or may well be the writer of them.  This Country, The United States of America, is in fact losing it's grip on reality, or at least her people are. We have lost sight of what is real and good in this land. We have attached ourselves to the dollar and a dream turning into a nightmare for more and more people. It used to be we would help each other because we could and wanted to. For example. My grandmother, who raised two kids without a husband was so poor she could barely keep food on the table 2 times a day and a roof over their heads. Everything they owned was second or third hand from the church, friends, and neighbors. Several times a year there was a knock at the back door. Some poor soul with even less than they had would ask for any food they could spare. My grandmother would take f
New Survey Just Out
according to a new survey just out. if asked which  on average do working people want more, at night, great nite sleep OR great sex? polled men  52 percent  preffered  great nite sleep polled women 56 percent preffered great sex And they say  men are sex fiends lolol
Update On Nsfw
A photo is deemed NSFW if it is: Explicitly sexual in nature (suggestive) and includes real photos, cartoon drawings, and all styles of animations Overtly tasteless Slandering to any person or ethnicity Contains exposed body parts and no face (chest, etc. for both men and women) In addition to the above criteria, if a photo is a primary photo, it will be flagged as NSFW if it also contains a suggestive body part without the member's face in the photo. If you have a borderline photo that is not considered NSFW and it was marked as such, there's a chance someone who has ripped that photo is using it as a Primary Photo. Remember: The Bouncers will be MORE STRICT with those used as Primary Photos. Accounts will be terminated for abusing the adult content policy. This includes your Home page, Bulletins, Comments, MUMMs, Stash, Blasts, Spotlight, and Blogs.fubar will not dispute photos that they have marked NSFW as it is at their own discretion.
Wicked Game
The world was on fire No one could save me but you. Strange what desire will make foolish people do I never dreamed that I'd meet somebody like you And I never dreamed that I'd lose somebody like you No, I don't want to fall in love [This love is only gonna break your heart] No, I don't want to fall in love [This love is only gonna break your heart] With you With you What a wicked game you play To make me feel this way What a wicked thing to do To let me dream of you What a wicked thing to say You never felt this way What a wicked thing to do To make me dream of you v And I don't wanna fall in love [This love is only gonna break your heart] And I don't want to fall in love [This love is only gonna break your heart] {World was on fire No one could save me but you Strange what desire will make foolish people do I never dreamed that I'd love somebody like you I never dreamed that I'd lose somebody like you No I don't wanna fall in love [This love is only gonna break your heart No I don't
Im Up For Auction
come bid on me and own me  
Dave Barry - Colonoscopy                  "It's never too late to be what you might have been."                    ABOUT THE WRITER:        Dave Barry is a Pulitzer Prize-winning humor columnist for the Miami Herald.        Colonoscopy Journal:        I called my friend Andy Sable, a gastroenterologist, to make an appointment        for a colonoscopy.        A few days later, in his office, Andy showed me a color diagram of the        colon, a lengthy organ that appears to go all over the place, at one point        passing briefly through Minneapolis.        Then Andy explained the colonoscopy procedure to me in a thorough,        reassuring and patient manner.        I nodded thoughtfully, but I didn't really hear anything he said, because my        brain was shrieking, 'HE'S GOING TO STICK A TUBE 17,000 FEET UP YOUR        BEHIND!'        I left Andy's office with some written instructions, and a prescription for        a product called 'MoviPrep,' which comes in a box large enough t
A very good friend of mine, a coworker was in a tragic car accident. He was hit by two vehicles right after another. He is 21 adn fighting for his life right now. Please say a pray for him. His name is Joey. Thank you all. GOD bless.
The Castle
  The castle was isolated from the rest of the world for at least six, sometimes as much as eight months out of the year. In winter, heavy snows sealed off the narrow mountain passes. In spring, the roads were either washed out or turned into knee deep pits of mud from the runoff of melting snow and ice. Although the mountains were their most beautiful during autumn, very few people ventured into them for fear of being caught unaware by an early blizzard. Throughout the year, in nearby villages and farms, other, darker reasons to avoid the castle were also whispered about, usually on stormy nights around the fireplace. Only in the summertime did visitors of any sort arrive at the castle, and over the years, especially following the death of the mistress of the castle, the number of visitors each year could generally be counted on one hand. But every summer, for at least a month at a time, the three girls, Eva, Heather and Shelly, came to visit the lord of the castle, their uncle. Th
Kinda Scared...
    So this stems from a couple comments in the mumms.
The Three Phases Of A Dominant
I think one of the most common questions a submissive has when considering a 24/7 relationship with a Dominant is, “What kind of behavior should I expect from him?” Conversely, many Dominants also wonder how to act in such a relationship. They may often be unsure as to what kind of behavior is expected of themselves. Are they are always “on stage” as Master? It’s a great question and one that deserves a detailed answer. The nature of a relationship, even one of long standing, will undergo a significant transformation as it progresses to 24/7. That's true of a vanilla relationship, and even more so of a D/s relationship. I understand that in many ways this article is an oversimplification of the nature of a D/s relationship. Please accept the necessity of doing so in order to focus upon the topic of this article, the phases of a Dominant
Friends Are My Energy
"When I find myself fading, I close my eyes and realize my friends are my energy."
"Hey, I just wanted to write an tell you that patrick and I decided that when we move up there that you are only allowed to see tha kids on holidays or if we say otherwise. I just wanted to let you know that so when we get there we won't be bringin the kids to see you nor will you be able to come to the house to see them. I just wanted to let you know this seein that we will be there next month. Thanks."
Big Brother Problems
No, I don't mean the show where the douchebags all vote on who the biggest douchebag of the week is and then who gets to be the supreme douchebag at the end of the show. My relationship with my brother has been quite strained since my daughter was born and I'm not sure why.  Well, I have some ideas, but nothing definitive.  My whole family has been up to meet my daughter, except my brother and his family.  This fact hurts me more than I think he knows or understands.  When I left California in 2003, the hardest part was leaving my brother.  We went to every Raider game together, we always went to concerts together, and he was one of my best friends.  We would always see each other at the holidays and I'd make occasional visits.  He and his family visited Florida once and Boston once.  Both times, were incredible.  But, both of Florida and Boston had something to offer other than me and my wife.  Florida had Disneyworld, Boston was just Boston.  Calgary has nothing.  It's nice, but I
Cyrano Debergerac Act Iii: A Kiss
A kiss. The word is sweet. Why should your lips fear to pronounce it? If it burns them now, what will it do when words turn into deeds? Do not be frightened. Even now I felt how you stopped teasing and passed fearlessly from smiles to sighs, and then from sighs to tears. Oh pass once more, slowly, unconciously- from tear to kiss is but a quick heart's beat. A kiss when all is said is- what? A compact sealed, a promise carried out? An oath accomplished and a vow confirmed? The rosy dot upon the i in "loving"? A secret for no ear, but for the lips? The velvet humming of an amorous bee: the endless moment of infinity? The heart's communion cup that tastes of flowers? The breathing in a little of the soul when the pure spirit rises to the lips? A kiss has such nobility that even the Queen of France, the Queen herself, bestowed a kiss upon her favorite lord. And so, like Buckingham, the lord, I've suffered and been still. Like him, I love my Queen unswervingly. Like him, I am faithful and
Phenomenal Woman
Pretty Women wonder where my screet lies.I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size ut when I start to tell them, They think I'm telling lies.I say, It'ss in the reach of my arms, The stride of my step,The curl of my lips,I'm a woman Phenomenally.Phenomenal woman That's me I walk into a roomJust as cool as you please, And to a man,The fellows srand or Fall todown on their knees.Then they swarm around me, A hive of honey bees.I say, It's the fire in my eyes And the flash of my teeth,The swing in my waist,And the joy in my feet.I'm a woman Phenomenally.Phenomenal woman That's me Men themselves have wondered What they see in me. They try so muchBut they can't touchMy inner mystery.When I try to show themThey say they can,t see. I say, It's in the arch of my back,The sun in my smile,The ride of my brests, The grace of my style.Phenomenally.Phenomenal woman That's me Now you understand Just why my head's not bowed. I don't shout or jump aboutOr have to talk real loud.When you see
New Stuff
OK...up to NINJA level... that gives me over 200 pics, and I've added more videos to the "Stash". Olympic Wipeouts(bronze, silver and gold) and a guy having a bad day in his cubicle!
The Battle
this is just forwarded on from a friend. its a nice thing he wrote.   The Battle When you have a setback you must focus your energies. Unfortunately, most people focus on he problem and not on the solution. They take their eyes off the goal and focus on the challenges all around the goal. They spend all of their time worrying about the problem and very little time thinking about the solution. If you are going to think about and dwell on what might happen, why not think about the good things that can happen, the positive things that can happen? Worry does not solve problems. It usually adds to them. Worrying is a misuse of the imagination. Most people worry themselves into bad health, which creates more problems and more worries. Medical experts agree that most disease is not so much what you eat, but rather what is eating you. Worrying never solves problems. Do not focus your energies on the problem, because the problem is already here. Focus on creating solutions and then acting on
Meet Me In The Stairwells
Damn Ace Tomato Company...
Sorry for those of you too yount to remember the Cold War and "great" movies like Spies Like US, but I had to make the reference.  My household effects finally arrived here from the States.  I found out why they took so long.  They were on the road to Dushanbe.  Yes, all of my boxes were labelled US Embassy Dushanbe, Tajikistan.  Awesomeness.  And you people want the government controlling MORE of your life?
Wanna Piece Of Me?
U Know U Wanna...
Surface Area Required To Power The World With Renewable/sustainable Energy
Have we as human beings become so shallow that  we have lost respect for others? I meen how hard is it to say thank you when we recieve something? Have we forgotten manors? And not beable to help ohers when they come to us with something that bothers them that we have done? i know our parents have raised us with manors  and is it such a chore to pratice them every day?
Twistedpixie's Auction
TwistedPixe's Auction All will be done durin HH500 Pic rates50 Pic comments50 Stash rates25 Stash comments14 Profile comments1 SFW Salute*~*If Blinged 10cr+, 7 day Blast+, VIP~ALL the above PLUS~700 11'sAll Pics & Stash ratedRate 200 pics of 2 friends you choose1 NSFW SaluteYahoo add2 SFW Webcam chatsIf Auto 11, HH, & Higher~ALL the above PLUS~ALL Pics & Stash commenetedRate 200 pics of 5 friends you choose2 NSFW Salutes total3 Phone calls Bidding Starts at 1Mil Starts Now! Ends Sept 18th 11:59 futime! Opening bid starts at 1mil to bid please post amount bidding here on this blog below Once a cash bid is made bucks cannot be bid alone! Bid Below!
Godly Humor
THERE ARE SOME NEW ONES HERE - GOOD ONES!          ? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Empty Spaces
In where of myself i feel. One's own in self livin off in creativity. No where in bein lost in society of madness. Secretive in discovered un deepened lil hearts break apart. Off into where nothin ends starts Fallen into knowin where nothin is nothin Is Deep inside my heart goes mind shows. Idk where all shallows where all Follows Follows Where in all the places of waste is livin off in misplaces of evil's lil wishes insaned mind ones come to far off in leadin. Were all these lil face's in empty spaces.
H Totc And Epic Fail Rogues
So there we were in WoW, mostly guildies in a raid that we're all learning and we invite a rogue named agginor or some shit 'cause we needed a rogue. In this specific raid on this certain boss there's a debuff that you get that makes you leave a trail of flames where you have walked and this guy would stand right up next to the boss and then he'd die from standing in the fire that he left, 'causing the group to wipe because he was the only rogue in the group that could do someshit to the boss (Apparently I don't pay attention). After several wipes our raid leader gave him some unsolicited constructive criticism and he blew up, throwing f bombs every which way and was like "you guys fucking hate me..." This 16 year old boy definitely had some psychological issues because he literally was getting worked up because we were trying to explain how to do the fight and QQ-ing around. Needless to say he went into general chat and tried to bash up and a fellow guildy decided to call him out on i
New Band Setlist (so Far)
Hair Of The Dog - Nazareth Mama Tequila - Circus Of Power Voodoo - Godsmack Godzilla - Blue Oyster Cult Killed By Death - Motorhead Moon Baby - Godsmack Click Click Boom - Saliva The Beautiful People - Marylin Manson Bodies - Drowning Pool   Now, if we can only come up with a name! First gig is on 9/25/09 opening for my other band.
Looks Can Be Decieving
I am one pissed off slave. I am tired of people (females) thinking they can just run over me and get away with it. Recently this female, which will remain nameless, came on to my Daddy. Saying to him that she is better than me. Who in the fuck do she think she is. I will not sit idolly by letting her or other think I am a pushover. I am far from it. My picture might show you I am this nieve little girl but far from it. When someone steps into my territory I will defend it with my life. So beware I might look innocent but I pack a mighty punch.
Favorite Sayings
Remember... Once you get over the hill, you'll begin to pick up speed. If it weren't for STRESS I'd have no energy at all. Whatever hits the fan... Will Not Be Evenly Distributed. Everyone has a photographic memory. Some, like me, just don't have any  film. I always know... God won't give me more than I can handle. There are times I just wish He didn't trust me quite so much. Dogs Have Owners ~ Cats Have Staff If the shoe fits... buy a pair in every color.Never be too open-minded, your brains may fall out.  Just going to church doesn't make you a Christian. 
Sunflower Fubar New Member
You are correct- I did judge, and misjudge at that! It comes from years of learning to be cautious; I was fearful of what I read in your profile, and I put up my armor. If you cannot accept my apology, that I suspected you of ulterior motives, then there is no more that we need say to one another: agreed?=== 'MasterDaddySIR r/l bf to MDSIR's Slut.' wrote the following at '2009-09-08 17:38:10'..>> if you know how to read and wear glasses , all I did was rate your profile and fan you , I did not do anything else , I did not judge you ...> > but you sure have provin me you do judge > > > === 'Sunflower' wrote the following at '2009-09-08 17:35:45'..> >> > Ok, ok-I give: whatta you expect? Your website comes off as a brochure for "this is all this guy wants"- just look at your profile, and tell me if it doesn't exactly describe what kinda female you are interested in, ok?> > > > Like I said, if I was wrong, I apologise for jumping to the wrong conclusion.> > === 'MasterDaddySIR r/l bf to M
Attorney- Witness
These are from a book called 'Disorder in the American Courts' and are things people actually said in court, word for word, taken down and now published by court reporters that had the torment of staying calm while these exchanges were actually taking place. ____________ _________ _________ _________ _____ ATTORNEY: This myasthenia gravis, does it affect your memory at all? WITNESS: Yes. ATTORNEY: And in what ways does it affect your memory? WITNESS: I forget. ATTORNEY: You forget? Can you give us an example of something you forgot? ____________ _________ _________ _________ ____ ATTORNEY: Now doctor, isn't it true that when a person dies in his sleep, he doesn't know about it until the next morning? WITNESS: Did you actually pass the bar exam? ____________ _________ ____ ___________ ATTORNEY: The youngest son, the twenty-year- old, how old is he? WITNESS: He's twenty, much like your IQ. ____________ _________ _________ _________ ____ ATTORNEY: Were you present when your picture was ta
Fairy Tales
Fairy tales have ancient origin Popular fairy tales and folk stories are more ancient than was previously thought, according research by biologists.   By Richard Gray, Science Correspondent Published: 9:00PM BST 05 Sep 2009 Dr Jamie Tehrani, a cultural anthropologist at Durham University, studied 35 versions of Little Red Riding Hood from around the world Photo: GETTY They have been told as bedtime stories by generations of parents, but fairy tales such as Little Red Riding Hood may be even older than was previously thought. A study by anthropologists has explored the origins of folk tales and traced the relationship between varients of the stories recounted by cultures around the world. The researchers adopted techniques used by biologists to create the taxonomic tree of life, which shows how every species comes from a common ancestor. Dr Jamie Tehrani, a cultural anthropologist at Durham University, studied 35 versions of Little R
An Open Letter To Family And Friends
Time was when I knew who I could count on for love and support. Lately tho, I have to wonder. I always thought family loved unconditionally and without judgement. I am not perfect, never claimed to be, but I am in no way solely responsible for the turns my life has taken. My son is no way responsible for the things that are happening, yet it seems like the family has turned on him because he supports me. He is the one who is getting hurt the most by all of this, yet no one is there for him. those who are, you know I love and am glad you you are there for us. But if you cant be supportive of what we are going thru, please, dont make comments like you did this to yourself. Always remember there are 2 sides to every story and if you arent willing to hear both, then dont pass judgemnet on just one. If you love me and Erin, then be there for us, and help us over the rough patches. If you cant do that, then we dont need you in our lives and we dont want to hear from you. Somehow we will surv
Left For Me By Arctic Heart: A Poem By Edgar Allen Poe
Romance, who loves to nod and sing,With drowsy head and folded wing,Among the green leaves as they shakeFar down within some shadowy lake,To me a painted paroquetHath been - a most familiar bird -Taught me my alphabet to say -To lisp my very earliest wordWhile in the wild wood I did lie,A child - with a most knowing eye.Of late, eternal Condor years,So shake the very Heaven on highWith tumult as they thunder by,I have no time for idle caresThrough gazing on the unquiet sky,And when an hour with calmer wingsIts down upon my spirit flings -That litle time with lyre and rhymeTo while away - forbidden thing!My heart would feel to be a crimeUnless it trembled with the strings.~ Edgar Allen Poe
Movies,television,series,drama,comedy,action,adventure,science,fiction,dvd,box Set,complete Series,collection
X-files,Sex and the city,Gossip girls,Gilmore girls,Golden girls,The king of queen,Queer as folk,Star trek,Deadwood,One tree hill,Xena Warrior Princess,The west wing,The wire,Veronica Mars,Homicide,The War,Civil war,Ken burns,The shield,OC,OZ,NCIS,The sopranos,Nip tuck,Prison break,24,Scrubs,Six feet under,Seinfeld,Tales from the crypt,70's show,Friends,Frasier,Ghost whisperer,Hogan's heroes,Macgyver,Lost,Micheal Jackson,Bones,Alias,Charmes,Buffy and vampire slayer,Charmed,Felicity,Cold case,Everybody loves raymond,Babylon 5,Ally Mcbeal,Battlestar Galatica,James bond
Perfect Penis
Little Johnny walked in one day on his daddy in the bathroom. He asked his father what that was hanging between his legs. His father replied that it was the perfect penis. The next day at school, Johnny pulled his pants down in front of his classmates. ''What's that?'' asked Jenny. ''Well,'' said Johnny, ''if it was about 3 inches smaller, it would be the perfect penis.'''
Sexiest Men On Fu Contest
the sexiest men on fu contest is now open round 3 i have changed some of the rules so here it goes if 3 of you are the high rated pics you will move on to finals and then at the finals if you get the most rates you will win and you could win a free month vip or a bling pac witch will be first place and second place will win 1mil fu bucks third place will win a 50k fubucks good luck and have fun ty DJ WILD
It's A Metaphor, Fool!
the people here are living with their eyes half open. Nobody really sees what's in front of them but they make out the blur into whatever it is they find is mildly entertaining. An ashtray full and an empty bottle is all they’ve got to show.. I'm not foolish. I can see what's going on to the full extent. But I've got a backbone much stronger than everybody else's. Your stares are cold but my mind is colder. I'm too careless to be bitter but i grew up the cold, keep that in mind.
Then The Fighting Started....
then the fight started.........My wife sat down on the couch next to me as I was flipping channels.She asked, 'What's on TV?'I said, 'Dust.'And then the fight started...******************************************My wife and I are watching "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" while we were in bed.I turned to her and said, "Do you want to have sex?""No," she answered.I then said, "Is that your final answer?"She didn't even look at me this time, simply saying, "Yes."So I said, "Then I'd like to phone a friend."And then the fight started....******************************************Saturday morning I got up early, quietly dressed, made my lunch, grabbed the dog, and slipped quietly into the garage. I hooked up the boat up to the truck, and proceeded to back out into a torrential downpour. The wind was blowing 50 mph, so I pulled back into the garage, turned on the radio, and discovered that the weather would be bad all day.I went back into the house, quietly undressed, and slipped back into bed.
When you rate someones page and pictures, Don't you think that person should return the love!? What about gifts? I think when someone does sends you something and or rates you, you should return the love, Its only fair right!!!???? Tell me if I'm wrong??
I'm Not From Here
while cruising the news sites while her boss was busy, my mother stumbled across an article on KSDK about a pair of songwriters, one from Indiana (a real Hoosier) and the other from Saskatchewan (that's Canada for those of you that don't know Canada). they moved here and have since written a song about the bizarre quirks St Louis is known for. here are the lyrics and their video. i may be from here, but i'm not *OF* here. dig ?-----------Symmetry - I'm Not From Here(video link here -- )i just wanted some direction to a place i'd never beenas i listened intently for the street namesinstead he rattled landmarks and places long torn down"Go past the old Arena and the Famous Barr downtown,""turn left at the big Amoco" and right at the "Old Sears"I don't know what he's talkin' 'bout cuz, hey, I'm not from hereI'm not from here (I'm not from here!)I'm not from here (I'm not from here!)I can't your find your dusty buildingsI don't drink your k
A very dear friend of mine is going thru a health battle right now. Please keep him in your prayers and show him some fu love Iamthebestchef *Fubar\'s Only FuBountyHunter*">@ fubar

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