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The Past
Yea, so the past has come out again Why is it I can't get rid of it? All I want is to live my life in peace Yet once again, the depression sinks deep If I could go through life without feelings I would do so in a heartbeat But always I must feel Always have this pain in my chest Like I am under water and can't find the surface Choking on the scream that wants to get out My heart pounds in my ears The blood pours out my veins Yes, I have cut myself again I can't live anymore, not here Watching as the blood pools around me Maybe I'm hallucinating, is that you mom? No, I've heard people see things My fingers play with the wounds Oh, there goes some more fresh blood Joining with its friend on the floor My vision is fading now, getting dark I think I'll just go to sleep A few hours should do me some good I remember the past, and it scares me
New State New Start
Well finally in Georgia. It was a long move. First we helped out daughter's mom move into the house that we own (they are renting it) and then loaded our stuff up. The drive its self wasnt too bad just long, as we knew it would be. The kids are loving it down here. They have a good yard and a pond to play in. The dog is loving the fact that she doesnt have to be on a leash. She is a lot better than when we first had her, she doesnt run off too far and just stays with the kids. We are all settling in nicely. I know not every one likes it but we are in a little itsy bitsy down. from our house its like 15 min into town and a 1/4 mile just up our road to get to the kids bus stop. the best part....NO thump thump music, no traffic noise and TREES!!!! its great to just be able to acually hear yourself think. which ive been doing a lot of lately. thats it for now...ill write more when i have more to write. hope all is going well for every one else.
It Was Time To Say Good Bye
Today we pull the plug on my gandma now she in a better place. She die with no pain.:( Plz pray for my family
Help On School Essay
I am doing a paper for school and I need a little help. If you don't mind I would appreciate your opinion on Welfare if you have or currently receive assistance. I will be using this information to write my essay on how well welfare works. If you don't mind please fill out the answer part of the questions below. If you happen to have friends that might do it too please give them the link to the blog. Just copy and paste in a private message please. DO NOT ADD as a comment. Thank you to anyone who does this I really appreciate your help. I am working on a new site and the Gems and I will back in the swing of things soon but school is kicking my butt right now. Sorry :( Grim Welfare Interview The following questions pertain to Welfare recipients, past or present. Welfare meaning; (TANF) Temporary Aid to Needy Families, this does not include Food Stamps or Healthcare. However, if you do receive Food Stamps, Healthcare, Childcare or any other assistance please feel free to add it as
How Well Do You Know Your Body Digging Corspe Fuckers
Name Them 1. Lee 2. John 3. The BoogieMan 4. Satan 5. Jimmy Dean 6. Jen 7. Tim 8. Ky How did you meet? 1. Cherrytap 2. Cherrytap 3. He used to sleep with my mom 4. He is me and my big bros father 5. College 6. Work...long time ago job 7. College 8. Well I saw him on a porno site haha.. *Randoms* have u ever done anything with any of them that u regret? No not at all. which one could u be around for more than 24 hours straight? Maybe Jen I dunno and def not tim or jimmy dean... Did you ever hate any of them? I thought one was annoying.. a girl Go to School with any? yes ree ree duh gosh Have any seen you cry? just one. no wait maybe two. *Specifics* what would you say if 3 said they love u? Ask him to have boogieman bondage??? what would you do if 2 went both ways? Whatever floats his boat haha Idk that is a bit oddd what would you do if 7 died? I rather not think about that...lost one close friend... what would you do if 8
Open My Heart
Open my heart, seeing that you already have the key, Open my heart to meet with the pleasure of your life, Open my heart, So far you will find your heart desire, Open my heart to come accross your life wonders, Open my heart, To determine that it was for good, Open my heart, To get to know utterly its aspiration, Open my heart, In order to find what i devoted for you, Open my heart, That's the only way to verify the truth, Open my heart, To find no difficulty to trust me, Open my heart, This where resides the true love, Open my heart, I'm so exhausted to give evidence of love, Open my heart, I can't resist no more, even for a second, Open my heart. ...and that would be a passionate triumph!
District Champ!!
MY SON IS THE 2008 DISTRICT 3 CLASS 3 HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION!!! I cannot convey in words how proud as a parent I am of his heart and determination and talent. God granted me a gift.. his name is Justin Britt! Ok, I was granted 4 gifts, Christopher, Justin, Allyson and Dalton... but tonight was Justin's time to shine and shine he did!!!
Pin Ups 100
Pin ups are cool!!!!!!
Motley Crue 200
Just Cute Lil Me
Is It Really Worth It?
So, here we are again. Second time around and this place just gets worst. It's like being on a training exercise back home. You know there really isn't shit to do, when you hear about Marines picking up trash in the villages or towns. We start a base wide cleanup in a couple days. I thought this is what we paid the local nationals or third country nationals working for us for. But, who am I? Just a lowly E-4. It's boring enough that some NCO's don't have anything to do, but think up bullshit jobs to keep us busy. I guess there's something wrong with having time off and trying to relax. It's bad enough that out of around 40 of us in my platoon, at least half is getting out! And that's all people they thought would be staying in. Sometimes, I really do wonder why I stay in. I have committed 11 years so far of my life to the Army. 7 years of it on Active Duty. 6 total deployments, 2 here in Iraq. Well, I have the time to figure out what I am going to do. I'm up for reenlistmen at
Hot Sex Mmmm
Can't Upload Any More Photos! :(
I just realized since I got reset (bastards) that I can't upload anymore pictures. And I'm in a bad mood and I want to! The only way I can is if I buy a VIP and I'm broke due to my motor mount breaking and no one is nice enough to buy me one. :( Fu-life sucks. -Lushy-
Ashli Aka 'babygirlashli'
Ashli aka 'BabygirlAshli' Some newb rated my Tag a 4. Hmm ok, so maybe their the one that makes other people feel the way the tag describes :P So just a heads up, the Newb's links are below. View Downrater Block Downrater Leave Comment For Downrater
Im sorry for the way I feel, and always making you mad, Im sorry for showing my fears, and always feeling sad. Im sorry for the way I wonder, and always questioning why, Im sorry for revealing my weaknesses, and how i sometimes cry Im sorry for the way I feel, and jumping to conclusions. Im sorry for the way i think, and trying to make solutions. Im sorry for my selfish ways, and not always thinking of you Im sorry for my one way mind, and not looking in your view. Im sorry for my foolish past, and not acting too mature. Im sorry for my silly mind, and how its not really sure. Im sorry that i'm fickle, and i can never make a decision, Im sorry for not being exact, i dont have that precision. Im sorry i dont have the answers, and im not really that bright, Im sorry i cant deal with pain, and think into the night. Im sorry for my confused heart, and how it used to be, Im sorry for the way i was, but i've changed beyond belief. Im sorry for everything, and i wish i could s
Thanks A Million!!!
MyHotCommentsThanks to all the men who have stuck by me even though I don't look like the Hottie in my old pics. I now know who truly is my friend and who only looked at me as a sex object.
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1- I like SciFi movies 2- I love helping others 3- I am loyal as a dog (look my nose is even wet) 4- I like chick flicks 5- I enjoy having modern conveniences 6- I love nature (in moderation) 7- I enjoy learning new things 8- I love a good cup of coffee in the morning 9- I enjoy World of Warcraft 10- I like comedies I'm gonna tag Too sweet perfectly imperfect dragonmage onesxybrat Hellyion
2-12-08 Thu 2-21-08
Say everyone I will not on line for about a week starting Monday I am going into Have a Surgery done and will be layed up for a week. Will chat with everyone when I return Take Care everyone Richard emails can me sent to
A Soldier's Last Words
A Soldier's Last Words: Listen Up CBS, CNN, Cindy Sheehan, Al Franken by Louisa Centanni SGT. Edmund John Jeffer's last few words were some of the most touching, inspiring and most truthful words spoken since the tragedy of 9/11 - and since our nation went to war. SGT. Jeffers was a strong soldier and talented writer. He died in Iraq on September 19, 2007. He was a loving husband, brother and son. His service was more than this country could ever grasp - but the least you can do for the man who sacrificed his life for you ... is listen to what he had to say. Listen up and pay attention to all of the Cindy Sheehans and Al Frankens of the world. To MSNBC, CNN, and CBS. To all who call themselves Americans ... Hope Rides Alone.< /FONT> Hope Rides Alone By Eddie Jeffers I stare out into the darkness from my post, and I watch the city burn to the ground. I smell the familiar smells, I walk through the familiar rubble, and I look at the fri
The Truth
[Roisin Murphy] Go ... Go to the mountain if you must Go to the burning bush Happy would ease your troubled mind How do the fade just stay behind? I know you better than you think I do Don't worry babe.. this is why i fell in love with you The man in the looking glass Is looking back at you at last You can't hide from the truth Because the truth is all there is You can't hide from the truth Because the truth is all there is You can't hide from the truth Because the truth is all there is You can't hide If happy times are too few and far between It's a pity dear, we can't erase the things we've seen So disappear, vanish if you wish Just go before you're swallowed up by bitterness And the truth is you can't hide from the truth And the truth hurts because the truth is all there is I realized some time ago that I would have to let you go May not be true to see that you would return one day But in your present state you may as well not be here at all You w
You're It
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1. When I first met my husband I was suppose to be a one night stand. ( didn't find out till years later, of course he didn't get any on the first night though) 2. I still collect Cabbage Patch Kids 3. I bite my nails 4. I love playing on pogo 5. My brother rents a room in my house 6. My favorite color is black 7. I work at a carnival 8. I have way too many stuffed animals 9. I love Disneyland and go about 6 times a year 10. I didn't go to my senior prom Carnie Manly Casper Kat Sully
ya might catch me on yahoo,,,dan,!!!!!!!,,,come chat ,,
If theres a knock at your door would you answer or just ignore the silence can always make me fall with the remaining blood on your door The stores are all closed they all say i just posed "with a heart to fit in a soul without a day of sin" Drop the dagger in front of no fans you have time to see the blood on your hands the blades are too sharp for us to see they exist in people like you and me A mirror that is cracked won't show a perfect picture of what we don't know something in the way she said "i love you" leaves me to believe you really do but i am always wrong in your eyes my dead heart is your real prize
When I Said "i'd Hit That"...
Thirs Time Around?
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1. I live in medford oregon, have most my life 2. I have been ingaged 3 times yet never married. 3. I have one child ,wish to have more in future 4. I am a people pleaser. 5. I am a big flirt 6. I cant not spell and at times dont care . 7. I have the bestest friends on here any one could ask for. 8. I live with a friend i have known since i was 8 years old and her 3 children 9. One of my biggest fears is to die alone. 10. The thought of really falling in love scares me. I am gonna send this to blueeys, Remy,Phil,theresa, Tom
I Believe
Tuesday Feb. 12th marked two years since I held Gus in my arms for the last time and watched him breathe his last breath. It's hard sometimes to believe it's been two years. Sometimes it feels like it was only yesterday. Other times, like now, it seems like our love and our life together was all just a wonderful impossible dream. I believe our spirits live on after the death of our bodies because we are energy, and energy can not be destroyed only changed. I believe Gus' spirit remains with me somehow still, watching over me and guiding me. I can still feel his love. Lost and alone after his death, something told me it would be at least two years before I found happiness again. It wasn't a voice in my head, or any sort of a sign, it was just a certain knowing. I didn't want to believe that, didn't want to even think about spending two years of my life feeling the crushing loss and abject misery. So I kept pushing the thought aside, trying to get on with my life. The who
Mother To Daughter
when i was little my mom always said that life is not a fairytale that it does come to an end but if you are lucky one day you will see that someone in the world will love you as much as me I hope you find your prince i hope you fall in love just be carefull with your heart because people could tear it apart take this warning i give to you becareful in love and don't give it to all there will be one who makes you feel like you are walking on clouds even though you are on the ground take mothers advice and hold on tight this love comes once a life time hold on like a vice to my darling daughter you will find that one special person in this world so wide
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1)I like sunsets. 2)I hate traffic jams and waiting in lines. 3)I don't want to live life alone. 4)I keep falling for women that just use me. 5)One of my old girlfriends stole my pillow and held it for ransom. I didn't pay the ransom and it was destroyed. 6)I'm an economic conservative, but a social liberal. 7)I lost my virginity at 15. 8)I'm addicted to poker. 9)I love to fish. 10)I just want to be loved and live a simple life. I tag [[PER]] Fuzzybunny ~J~ Mac & Cheese Fubored
Tagged? Read This!
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1] If I'm eating at a fast food/casual place, I like sittin where I can see the road 2] I wear size 10 shoes 3] I play guitar, just not very well 4] I love the feel of new socks so I'm always buying more and more 5] I'm a huggy bitch when I drink 6] I'm a sucker for a girl with a pierced belly button and/or lip 7] I fall asleep within 10 minutes of getting on a plane 8] I'm most comfortable in basketball shorts and no shirt 9] One of my goals is to drink an entire gallon of Tampico fruit punch 10] I won on the first lottery ticket I bought Tagged! Andrea Mary Danii Brandi Sin
Want Some?
Have you seen these photo effects? Ever thought hey I want one of those...well here is your chance! I will make which ever one you want for just $1000 fubucks each! Go here to see the different effects you can choose from: And decide which #effect you want and fupal the fubucks to me with the number of effect you want and a link to the photo you want me to use. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I WILL NOW OFFER FOR THOSE WHO DO NOT WISH TO SEND THE 1000 FUBUCKS...FOR EVERY 100 OF MY PHOTOS THAT YOU RATE A 10 I WILL MAKE YOU ONE PHOTO EFFECT FOR FREE! OR IF YOU RATE 100 PHOTOS 11 I WILL MAKE YOU TWO! WHEN YOU FINISH RATING FOR EFFECTS SEND ME A PRIVATE MESSAGE WITH THE LINK(
Need Help Plz
need comments for contest
an invisible veil shields her eyes.. all you see is a face thats fake deep within she isnt the same she crys for her freedom she crys for her name she walks with grace never complains gives to them all they ask only deep inside shes torn she hides who she is desnt make a sound follows hidden in the shadows they seem to see right through her as tho she didnt excist underneath it all she is broken she is pained but through it all she hides it well so those around her can smile just the same..
She sits and stairs blankly at what seems to be a wall.. The room so black, filled with silence.. nothing is heard not even her tears that fall to the floor.. She cant figure out what she has done wrong, why others turn away, why others give her hopes only to smash her dreams.. Her life seems so empty, as if there was nothing there at all.. As if she was a shadow inside the silent room, as if when someone finally sees the light she quickly fades away, becomes nothing, just been washed away.. All her life she sits in darkness, waiting for her time to come, but as one day passes another comes, but not once is it her time.. her heart trys to heal, she allows others in, she tells herself not to, yet she cant turn them away.. She wants to be there for anyone in need, she wants to care for everyone who is without.. but all she ever wanted was to be needed in return to be loved, and cherished and cared for by those she has allowed in.. "What is so wrong with me?" she asks.. her head held low.
Falling fast like tomorrow will never come oceans turning black falling stars, crashing down what am i anymore, Where do i belong, where should i stand and empty place an empty hand fevers rush the midnight sky's i seem to be forever lost within your eyes.. gasping out no breath to take just an emptiness within this place..
Tonight...what I Did, Where I Was, And Who I Was With...
I went out tonigbt. I normally hang out exclusively at Newport on the Levee on weekends, but I was there on Wednesday night. So I balanced that out and went to the OPPOSITE end of NKY. The location was Hebron, Kentucky. I went down to the Top Shelf Sports Grille. You see, I was and still am friends with one of the employees there. Her name is Lindsay Zeis. Now we haven't talked face to face in 16 months...until tonight. I showed up there about 20 minutes after 7pm. I tried to get there independently...didn't go too well. NINE miles from my house to where I was going. So I got help and made it the rest of the way. Well I got there and the owner greeted rare for a restaurant like that. I told him who I was and who I knew there...and immediately he told her. Wow...she has changed in almost 18 months. Did she expect me there? No. Some of you think she did...but she had no clue I was coming. Needless to say when I was ready to leave, she offered to take me home since she too
Obama Suppoerts Barf
im truely disappointed........... Barak Obama THE WORST canaidate for president...Blowing smoke out his ass and lying everytime he trys to break down hillary clinton............Look at there views they are somewhat similar...She just has more experience..Do me favor stop looking at bill and LOOK AT OBAMA.........he thinks he can just go into the white house and rip the troops right out of Iraq........Clinton wants to slowly bring them home which is the proper way to do it. Her health plan is better...........Im sick that Obama won my state...If you honestly believe Obama is the next president of the united state DONT talk to me...Because JUST HAND THE ELECTION TO MCCAIN NOW!
Love Pie
INGREDIENTS: 5 Cups Honey-dipped Fidelity 2 Cups Caramelized Thoughfulness 5 Thick slices Sweetened Devotion 4 Tablespoons Chocolate-rolled Patience PROCEDURE: Mix all ingredients inside your system. Pre-heat every now and then. Repeat when needed. Love Pie will make you the most loving and sweetest person in the world. Enjoy!:D
Alright, I know this is a pretty heavy subject for a first post, but... I wonder if we can really find Nirvana? I've become fed up with Catholicism, and I've decided that Buddhism is probably the best religion for me. But I'm also wondering about the need for a religion at all. I don't if there is a god out there at all, but I think maybe there is not, and if there isn't do we need a religion at all? also, most of the problems on the world are caused by religion and the fanatics it creates, so maybe we should just get rid of it altogether? Buddhism seems to be more of a way of life than just a religion, so I think that's why I choose it, I'm just wondering if it will ever lead to the heaven it promises, of if the Catholic god will just send me to hell in the end for trying to switch over. Sounds like the phone company...
Throw It Away
i want to let go of everything i just want to throw it all away why do i have to deal with this all how and where did it all start i wanted no worries nothing bad at all but yet here i am feeling sad how the fuck did my life get this bad just let me push it all away i cant let these feeling stay they are fucking up my emotions in a very terrible way just toss them aside is what i want to do but no, i cant i am stuck here feeling like this i am sorry i am if i hurt him in anyway but he was not for me he never was why couldnt anyone see i had someone already that is waiting for me but this could have fucked it all up just throw it away can i really can i throw it away and never look back how will i do it please someone let me know i am feeling damn now i dont know
What Kind Of Seducer Are You ?
Your Seduction Style: Fantasy Lover You know that ideal love that each of us dreams of from childhood? That's you! Not because you posess all of the ideal characteristics, but because you are a savvy shape shifter. You have the uncanny ability to detect someone's particular fantasy... and make it you. You inspire each person to be an idealist and passionate, and you make each moment memorable Even a simple coffee date with you can be the most romantic moment of someone's life By giving your date exactly what he or she desires, you quickly become the ideal lover. Your abilities to make dreams come true is so strong, that you are often the love of many people's lives. Your ex's (and even people you have simply met or been friends with) long to be yours. No doubt you are the one others have dreamed of... your biggest challenge is finding *your* dream lover. What Kind of Seducer Are You?
Haha God Is Good
Alice Grayson was to bake a cake for the Baptist Church Ladies' Group in Tuscaloosa, but forgot to do it until the last minute. She remembered the morning of the bake sale and after rummaging through cabinets, found an angel food cake mix and quickly made it while drying her hair, dressing, and helping her son pack for Scout camp. When Alice took the cake from the oven, the center had dropped flat and the cake was horribly disfigured. She thought, "Oh dear, there is not time to bake another cake." This cake was important to Alice because she did so want to fit in at her new church and in her new community of friends. So, being inventive, she looked around the house for something to build up the center of the cake. Alice found it in the bathroom -- a cardboard roll from the toilet paper. She plunked it in and covered it with icing. Not only did the finished product look beautiful, it looked perfect. Before she left the house to drop the cake by the church and head f
Send It Away...please
they say its not my fault but still i am sad still i sit here and cry just wanting to die inside i feel like i did something wrong even if i didnt i feel like i did how do i explain whats going wrong inside my heart is it worry from everything else or is that just a small part i have so much i am dealing with at this point in time yet here i am crying over nothing really big how did my very good night turn in to something like this to tell you all the turth i never thought of it this way never did i think that my life could start to crumble like this i thought, no i knew what i was supouse to do i was not ment to worry about thing that couldnt be changed yet here i am letting myself take all the blame i know now i do alittle of this it may not be my fault and they may not be pissed but still i am sad but its all ok i am not to blame but still i hurt i just wish all the pain in my heart would go away please just let it go away
No More Tears
silence ive hear a voice is it posible someone reminds me i cant even believe this i feel ur eyes hiden in a thousand names so many names tho the air doesnt know whats happening the wind takes every news silence ive heard a rumor thought i was fallin in vices just a second feeling lonely so lonely tho the air doesnt know whats happening the wind will take u down no i cant hear ur voice always so far no i cant hear ur voice always so broken nom i cant sleep with these tears leakin on top of me
If You Dont Comeback
if you dont come back every sea will dry and ill wait without you scarving to te end of every memory if you dont come back my will will come down ill wait right here next to my dog spying horizons if you dont come back everything will become a desert and ill wait in case a heartbeat is left to this earth that was so calm when you loved me there was a fresh perfume id breathe so beautiful so big it had no end and everynight will come a star to keep me company that tells you how i am and so youll know whats left of me say my love love love im right here cant you see if you dont come back there will be no life wouldnt know what to do
Not Mad
so many things are going through my head right now so many big factors in why i feel like this she wants to help i knows she does but she can't i have to just sit here and let my feeling out please stop worrying i am not mad at you this is just something that i have to deal with alone you are still my friend as it will always be but right now i need to write cant you see just please please let me be dont think i am mad i am not please see my feeling on everything just needs to be free just know please hun right now i am fine, well not really fine but as good as it will get but i am not mad at you i promise you this i will talk when i am ready but now i am not this has been coming for awhile these feelings and stuff you know all the things i am going through right now so you see why i need my time to write i hope just know i am not mad at thee
Bulletin I Did For Mamabear
Hey everyone! I'm in need of a little help from each of you! I'm currently in a contest/giveaway to get a Happy Hour. I need 50,000 Coments on the pic above (click it to go directly to the giveaway). This has to be done by March 23rd!!! Help a girl out.. NO RULES!!!
I occasionally do some really stupid things. Things like believing that someone could be in love with me when they'd never met me. Taking that stupidity further, I love them back. Small wonder I remain single IRL. This last is no exception. I made a mistake, and paid the price. I allowed someone to use my emotions to suit them. Once again, I gave my all to someone. In the last end of it, I did something bad, and without so much as a word, she decided to leave. I only found out tonight, four days after her decision. My reasons for staying in San Diego are gone, and soon I'll be leaving. My career continues to supply me with endless possibilities in all parts of the country... Recently, I had a severe accident while riding my bicycle. It left me with some pretty ugly cuts on my torso and legs, my shoulder re-broken and a few ribs fractured, along with a ruined bike. I'm waiting to heal from this before I leave... In happier news, I'm still alive! kinda...
Writing in this format... The blog... For me, is as natural a process as anything could be. It is total stream of consciousness, pouring out, through my fingers, and onto these blank entry fields. In fact if I were one to keep a journal, I doubt that it would be as stark and honest as my blogs tend to get. And this fact, in and of itself, is both a blessing and a curse. My downfall, you see, is decorum... A sense of propriety that others seem to have and which I seem be totally vacant of. "We", I have been told, over and over again, by more people than I can count, "Do NOT share our intimates with the world at large". And, apparently, "intimates" means just about every single bit of personal detail that would ever matter. This is the Internet, for Gods' sake! LIE LIE LIE is the battle cry. Anonymity is armor here. One should never be real in an artificial place. It's just common sense. We don't want strangers knowing our affairs. Or worse... Our real life contemporaries st
Hi To All
Im back online Hi to all
Busta Rhymes
Busta Rhymes was born Trevor Smith Jr. on May 20, 1972, of Jamaican heritage. He was born in Brooklyn, New York, and raised in Uniondale, New York. At the age of 12 his family moved to Long Island where he met up with other MCs from the growing New York hip hop community. Around this age is when Busta started to get involved with rapping, he started going to contests and eventually met what and who he wanted to be. This was, MC Charlie Brown, Dinco D, and Cut Monitor Milo. Charlie Brown who at the time was a ninth grader started to rap with Busta and the pair went on and won a contest sponsored by Public Enemy. Public Enemy liked them them so much they wanted Charlie, Busta, and company, to start recording songs at the Public Enemy studio's on Long Island. They soon became a big hit and were named 'Leaders of the New School' and signed a deal with Elektra Records right out of the gate, when Busta was only 17 years old. Much respected in the hip-hop underground for their Afrocentr
Only If You Could See
I loved others. But I have not really loved anyone but you. Before I met you, I neither knew what it meant to love, nor what it meant to be loved. I wish that it was to you that I had first given my heart, first shared a kiss with, and first danced a dance. It was not with you but it was with you though that I first learned how to truly love with all of myself. I can never thank you enough for all that you have done for me. You have helped me face my past, embrace my present, and love my future. You are the best friend in the whole world. The best friend I shall ever know. Love illuminates life, and your love has illuminated me. For I do love you, as a parent loves their child; as the inquisitive mind loves knowledge; as the spring flowers love the morning sun; as the laughing children love the rain; and as the weary body loves to rest. I love you because we need to love, and because it is only you whom I may love so deeply and unconditionally. To the world you may be one person, b
Please Pray For Us
At 4 am 10 Feb I got a call that my 32 yr old brother Brian shot him self and is in critical condition in Louisville KY. I am getting ready to leave with my girls to take a 10 hr drive to get to my family. I want him to live but not if he is going to be a vegtable and if he dies I ask God or Whomever give my parents peace if that is even possible. If you have my cell number please text me occasionally I need all the love I can get. This is where the seraphims are truly counted on...Love to all
Lil Kim Life
Lil' Kim was born Kimberly Denise Jones in Brooklyn in New York City. She received the nickname of "Lil" due to her petite 4'11" frame by the her friend and mentor Notorious B.I.G. At the age of nine, her parents separated, which marked the beginning of a tumultuous and often difficult lifestyle. However, while in her late teens, her rhyming skills came to the attention of rapper The Notorious B.I.G., real name Christopher Wallace, (a.k.a. Biggie Smalls) who himself had just signed a record deal with Bad Boy Records. Notorious B.I.G. introduced Lil Kim to his New York rap group Junior M.A.F.I.A., in which Kim became the only female member. In 1995, they released their debut album 'Conspiracy', which debuted at number eight on the U.S. Billboard 200 chart and spawned the top twenty hit "Get Money." After her success with Junior M.A.F.I.A., Lil Kim went solo, releasing her controversial debut album 'Hard Core' on November 12, 1996. Hard Core was a hit, debuting at number eleven on
Missy Elliott
Missy Elliott was born in Portsmouth, VA, in 1971 as Melissa Elliott. Missy's professional music career began when Jodeci member/producer Devante Swing signed her and her group, Sista, to his Swing Mob record label. Unfortunately, Swing Mob Records fell through and along with it the plans for Sista's debut album (DeVante would not release any of their recordings). Elliott was already writing with her long-time collaborator, Tim Mosley aka Timbaland, she concentrated on songwriting and production. Determined to move forward, Missy turned to longtime acquaintance Timbaland, who happened to be producing some tracks for Aaliyah's One in a Million (1996) album. It proved to be a key move for Missy, as the album racked up enormous sales. Soon record execs were knocking on her door. Missy began working with a number of artists as either a songwriter or a vocalist/rapper. Her distinctive "hee haw" rap on Gina Thompson's "The Things You Do" brought her wider exposure, and several offers from re
R.i.p Baby Alijah
Guess What Some Funny Shit
Woooohooooo! Outa Here!
After 50 plus days couped up in this shack out here with less than 4 days off i have an accute case of being severly shack wacked. So tuesday am...the truck will point south and mesa arizona bound i am by way of kingman...then henderson...then back to kingman and over to havasu city....back to 93...and its a straight shot corner pocket to phx az. Tired of this non stop snow out here and i need to be able to walk around in flipflops and shorts once again as appossed to looking like the michelin man tryin to beat the cold in the oil patch. I'll be checkin in here and there from a hotel...where ever i should land in mesa...but it'll be somewhere off the red mountain 202.... Laters back to your regularly scheduled fubarness.... And if any of you are in that area...drop me a line...diner? drinks? Laugh be merry? DW
Hell To Pay!
I am just on here to advertise my loves band go check them out @ Yes the are a cover band, they rock all the good old stuff from Elvis to Ozzy, so if your gonna be in maine New Hampshire come guys check em out! ya know ya wanna
Renegade Lounge
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1. I love top ramen noodles 2. I hate veggies!!!! 3. poker is my game 4. I do not know how to swim 5. I love animals 6. I'm a people watcher 7. Fall is my favorite season 8. I love to take naps 9. I wanna be rich so I can spoil my wife 10. I like to "WATCH"
Dysfunction Junction Tonight
If the DJ is live you may yahoo them at DJLive_Request DJ Jokers Wild Will Be Playing Live tonight in the "Dysfunction Junction Lounge" Click To Visit The Dysfunction Junction Lounge Dysfunction Junction Feb 10,2008 8 Pm - 11 Pm Central Time Listner Contest ? You never Know..... Attendance Prizes in the Lounge ? Come Find Out.. Listen To a Crazy ass DJ that loves to have fun and plays good music and some off the wall Shi*. Link For External Players
Remember When?
If you are 30 or older you will think this is hilarious!!!! When I was a kid, adults used to bore me to tears with their tedious diatribes about how hard things were when they were growing up; what with walking twenty-five miles to school every morning ... uphill BOTH ways .. yadda, yadda, yadda And I remember promising myself that when I grew up, there was no way in hell I was going to lay a bunch of crap like that on kids about how hard I had it and how easy they've got it! But now that... I'm over the ripe old age of thirty, I can't help but look around and notice the youth of today. You've got it so easy! I mean, compared to my childhood, you live in a damn Utopia! And I hate to say it but you kids today you don't know how good you've got it! I mean, when I was a kid we didn't have The Internet. If we wanted to know something, we had to go to the damn library and look it up ourselves, in the card catalog!! There was no email! ! We had to actua
Bitches, Haters, And Hoes.....
Society is full of them....the unhappy souls who feel the world is against them in one way or another....the bitches....the haters....the hoes. Do you know someone like that? Do they make your life miserable? Lol...even on the internet... You know whom I'm talking about...your fraudulent friends who cannot defend their own opinions with reasoned arguments so therefore they resort to character attacks on you. Someone who speaks badly about you or takes negative actions in an attempt to create problems for you. One who will either verbally or physically inhibit another's "game" primarily due to jealousy, envy, animosity, bitterness, resentment, and contempt. A hater will exhibit one or more of the aformentioned traits but usually it stems from something much deeper......INSECURITY. A hater will smile to your face while stabbing you in the back. Are they that insecure in their own skin that they need to attack someone's character for no reason? In a world full of haters...the bitch
Random Shit Part 2
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1. earl grey tea is awesome. 2. music is like oxygen for me. 3. i´m clumsy as fuck. shit like frontflips with my bike, falling in the shower happens to me all the time. 4. i quote way too many movies. 5. i think britney spears is the definition of rock and roll. ooh and white trash. 6. i´m hung-over. 7. one of my nicknames is the name of the mascot of the 2006 soccer world championship. 8. i had my first operation when i was 3 weeks old. i had a hernia. 9. i drink my coffee black with no sugar. 10. my cell phone is 5 years old and its my sisters old one since this shit is spreading like herpes. blah tag you´re it fu
A Game Of Tag!
One fine day I got tagged to play this game... forced to write a blog as well then :P Aight, this is how it goes! Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. Simply eh? Aight the list! 1. I love Souvlaki! You dunno what that is? Check my photos :) 2. I am a caffeine and nicotine addict. 3. My classmates used to call me Wardrobe or Bear... 4. I am a geek. I played wow like a maniac. Finished the content so now I am relaxing :) 5. I drive a VolksWagen Passat 2005. Love it! 6. I don't have a clue about coding, yet I managed to make bulletins and a nice looking lounge (that worked for nobody else but me... lol) 7. I love animals. Some times more than people... lol 8.
Yotd Made Me Do This
T, dammmit, this is twice... You fucking fail Supervillian. And you too Fathead for starting this shit, and number 10 is specifically for you. Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1. I have an unbelievable memory. 2. I'm not stubborn, just right most of the time. 3. I love tuna fish and potato chip sandwiches. 4. My childhood is identical with Charlie Brown. 5. Have a weakness for chocolate chip cookies. 6. I perfected procrastination. 7. I'd sell my first born to be able to live in Sydney. 8. I once sat for 5 hours to make sure my daughter ate her beans and franks. 9. I slapped bumble bees with my bare hand as a kid. 10. I never get mad, I get even
Lisa Del Giocondo
Lisa del Giocondo Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Cite This Source Lisa del Giocondo (June 15 1479 – July 15 1542 or c. 1551), born and also known as Lisa Gherardini, Lisa di Antonio Maria (Antonmaria) Gherardini and Elisabetta Gherardini, also known as Lisa del Gioconda, was a member of the Gherardini family of Florence and Tuscany in Italy. Her name, Mona Lisa, was given to a portrait and painted by Leonardo da Vinci for which she was most likely the sitter. Commissioned by her husband during the Italian Renaissance, the portrait's Italian (La Gioconda) and French (La Joconde) titles are her married name as well as nickname — in English, "jocund" or the "the happy one". Lisa's marriage to Francesco del Giocondo slightly increased her social status in Florence because her husband's family were wealthy textile merchants. Less so perhaps but Francesco is thought to have benefited as well because Gherardini is an "old name". Lisa outlived Francesco who was about twenty years
Saving Me ...
NickelbackSavin' MeMusic Video Codes By Music
Tag You're It!
cuz Furby said Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1. i am a literary geek 2. i am a gypsy at heart and love road trips 3.i absolutely love to sing.....anywhere! dream was to be an artist :( 5.i never knew my father 6. i fucking smoke!!! why do i do that? 7. my middle name is arrienne 8. i love being barefoot and pregnant 9. i was a teen model :-S 10. my children saved my life (really) (P) giggity funkmunky nik arkham
here are some truths about redheads (along w/ some myths) 1) redheads require more anesthesia. (it's tough to knock us out and hard to keep us down) 2)redheads are more likely to bleed during surgery 3)redheads are more sensitive to thermal pain (maybe why we tend to burn more easily?) 4)redheads are less sensitive to pain from multiple modalities (except for the above mentioned thermal pain) 5)women with naturally red hair require less of the painkiller pentazocine than do either women of other hair colors or men of any hair color. 6)Red hair is the rarest type of natural hair color in humans. now for the myths: 1)redhair is a sign of a fiery temper 2)redheads are untrustworthy 3)redheads turn into vampires when they die 4)redheads are bad luck 5)redheads are witches That's all i have for now. let me know of any facts or myths you may have regarding us redheads. Redheads rule!!!!!
TEll me about yourself ::About Me:: Name: Chris Nicknames: C.J. , Joker Birthplace: Sturgis, MI Current Location: South Bend, IN Hair Color: DARK brown Eye Color: brown Height:6' Tattoos: 4 and counting Piercings: does my ear count? My Car: Buick Roadmaster, Ford Maverick, F-100 Overused Phrase: FUCK YOU ::Your:: Bedtime: when I get tired Best Physical Feature: eyes Most Embarassing Moment: I'll never tell Most Missed Memory: Dad Weakness: many Best Friends: got em Goal For The Year: To still be in business at the end Greatest Fears: losing my loved ones ::This OR That:: Pepsi or Coke: Diet Mt Dew McDonalds or Burger King: Burger King I guess Hot Tea or Ice Tea: Ice tea Chocolate or Vanilla: Strawberry Water or Milk: Milk Coffee or Hot Chocolate: Hot Chocolate Hugs or Kisses: Both please Cats or Dogs: Dog Summer or Winter: Summer Scary Movies or Romantic Comedies: scary movies Love or Money: both Green Grapes or Purple Grapes: Green ::Lo
Stuff Stuff And More Stuff...
Went to Louisiana to get a car... and it was not there... in fact we found out from the cop shop (my favorite hang out) that the house has been abandon for 3 to 4 years... grrrr... I still got paid a bit for the trip but I mean really... I want to get the car... Now I am am determined to get it. I will find it and I will drive the shit out of it when I get it. Oh the woe's of a repo chick... I do love my job... Wouldn't trade it for anything. It does however keep me pretty freaking busy... blah blah blah blah blah... I could ramble on forever but think that may get old and boring... Oh!!! Going to see Devil Driver!!! Also I will be going to my friends bridal shower in OKC. I am not a big fan of Oklahoma, I am a Texas kind of girl, but for you Kerrie, I will make an exception. *HUGS*
Strange Dream
i have to write some of it before i forget. In my dream i went back to being a teenager, yet i had all my memories of now. The man i was in love with was now too old for me and wouldnt believe i was the same person, yet we were friends and always hung out. It was heartbreaking being with the man i loved knowing i couldnt be anything more than a friend now. theres more to the dream but that was the main part.
Gonna Be A Bear
In this life I'm a woman. In my next life I'd like to come back as a bear. When you're a bear you get to hibernate. You do nothing but sleep for six months. I could deal with that. Before you hibernate you are suppose to eat yourself stupid. I could deal with that too. When you're a girl bear you birth your children(who are the size of a walnut) while you are sleeping and wake to partially grown, cute cuddly cubs. I could definatley deal with that. If you're a momma bear everyone knows you mean business. You swat anyone who bothers your cubs. If your cubs get out of line you swat them too. I could deal with that. If you're a bear your mate EXPECTS you to wake up growling, He EXPECTS that you will have hairy legs and excess body fat Yup GONNA BE A BEAR
What If?
Okay, so Hypothetically........thinking of course.... say tomorrow doesnt come? or the person you havent told you like....ends up not being there the next day? or how about a bad relationship with your dad and something happens to one of you? think about it.....People need to put pride aside and their crazy "beliefs" ...if you like or even "Love" someone............You NEED to tell them is short, people make mistakes.....its how you grow from those mistakes and how you learn from those mistakes that sets your path or way of thinking. if you have goals in life..stop letting "excuses" stop them already.......seriously......everyday we see the sun rise and set is a blessing, we should be so grateful that we can look forward to tomorrow....alot of people cant. so go say your "i love you's" and fix your relationships and follow your dreams, happy for will set you free ........
Recruit Pic By Bigdawg69
Wyoming Cowboy A young cowboy from Wyoming goes off to college, but half way through the semester, he has foolishly squandered all his money. He calls home. "Dad," he says, "You won't believe what modern education is developing! They actually have a program here in Laramie that will teach our dog, Ol' Blue how to talk!" "That's amazing," his Dad says. "How do I get Ol' Blue in that program?" "Just send him down here with $1,000" the young cowboy says. "I'll get him in the course." So, his father sends the dog and $1,000. About two-thirds through the semester, the money again runs out. The boy calls home. "So how's Ol' Blue doing, son," his father asks. "Awesome, Dad, he's talking up a storm," he says, "but you just won't believe this - they've had such good results they have started to teach the animals how to read!" "Read!" says his father, "No kidding! How do we g et Bl ue in that program?" "Just send $2,500, I'll get him in the c
Coke V. Psychology
->Mistress C...: Damn you..damn you..Why ya letting me win..I wanna know more about your relations.. ->Mistress C...: yes..i do study psychology..BTW ->Mistress C...: the good news is you probably have a high IQ..but likely you were ADD/ADHD as a child ->Mistress C...: portraits of pioneering in psychology.. My Coke Re...: better yet, dont bother, im not a matter of fact, im outtie, I have better things to do that to waste my time with some "wannabee". so you go have a hell of a day. My Coke Re...: please.....if there are many books, im so sure that your smart enough to give me one without having to look...... ->Mistress C...: brb ->Mistress C...: ok just a moment let me go to my library..i will get one My Coke Re...: name one ->Mistress C...: well it shows examples in many psych books and no mrs robinson did not tell me anything My Coke Re...: did mrs robinson tell you that? lol My Coke Re...: where does it says that einstein? ->Mistress C...: well when
Tag Ur It
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1/ have a habit of playing with my tongue ring 2/ when i have a good buzz i want chocolate and a dr pepper :) 3/ im the type of person that will bust out laughing about something that was said or done days ago 4/ im a MUSTANG FREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5/ like playing in mud with the boys Wooot!!! 6/ im a sucker for blues and an awesome smile but a wicked personality wins everytime 7/ been engaged only god knows how many times 8/ used to play the guitar when i was younger 9/ all my friends have same angel nickname for me...hmmmmm i dont get it but i LOVE THEM just the same 10/ rick your not the only one that doesnt like
A Soft Rain
A soft rain A soft rain, On a warm morning, During a walk, Is an invitation To refine those Memories That have faded since Childhood. Is it the falling of the Drops through the leaves That we hear? or Is that the movement of Peals of water rolling over the Once dry creek bed? I have thrown aside My umbrella… A quiet that is only Broken by the swish Of car tires as they Breathlessly swirl by, Rain flattens my Hair, running rivulets Of nature’s tears over My unshaven face. My dogs prance the Prance with what we foolishly Call a smile on their faces. That is obviously just Contentment! The rain is irrelevant To them. Poet
Tag Ur It
TAG YOUR IT !! The rules are: Once you've been tagged you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose 5 people to be tagged. List their names and why you chose them to be tagged. Don't forget to leave a comment thats says "You are tagged" on their profile and to read your latest blog. Have fun! 1)I am afraid of lizzards 2)I can't stand it when people touch my pillows 3)I love scary movies 4)I use to be in gymnastics 5)I have 4 peircings other then my ears ;) lol 6)I hate driving under bridges 7)I have a weakness for funny people 8)Sometimes I think I see things that others say they cant see..maybe its just my eyes lol 9)I wear contacts and or glasses 10)One of my most fav drinks is called Turtle piss...its madori..malibu..and a lil bit oj lol I choose Eroticicdreamer because she kicks as* Latenight cause he is like a brother to me Reece because he is my best f
Sobe Life Water Super Bowl Commercial: Naomi Campbel
Sobe Life Water Super Bowl Commercial: Naomi CampbellAdd to My Profile | More Videos Ah man now i crave sobe and i want to dance to Micheal Jackson's thriller
Lounge Playlist In Case Some Happenes To The One In There!
the one on bottom is on auto play! To hear the one on top please stop this one first!
I Hate Being Jealous!
I try and I try NOT to be, but it's so hard. There's a whole big story here and I don't feel like displaying the whole thing in detail, but the gist of it is my husband and chatting with other girls here, there or anywhere. It bugs the shit out of me! I know he loves me. I know he'd never hurt me by cheating on me. Yet, I still get this white, hot furry balled up inside me when I find out he's talking to other women. I feel like I've been punched in the gut, my face gets all hot and red. I feel like I can't breathe. It's so stupid! I hate women who think they can control their husbands and who they are friends with...yet, I find myself doing almost the same thing by questioning him all the time about who he's yaking with. It's so anal and I don't know what to do to stop it. He's nothing but a big flirt and loves to meet new people...that's why we both are here...but every time he talks to someone new, a woman, it hits me again, this wave of jealousy. I HATE IT! I know he's probably
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1.i love reading romance novels (dont ask) 2.i have a thing about picken at my feet(ehww gross) 3.i wanted to dance in the ballet(shhhhhhh) 4.i once spent 15 hours or so learning to ride a unicycle i did it and have never touched it since 5.serious anxiety problem 6.i feel like somethings chasing me when i walk in the dark 7.i still count numbers with my hands 8.have a hard time with oppisate sex and relationships 9.i love the powerpuff girls cartoon 10.and last but def not least when i was a kid i had under wear with an alarm for bed wetting the only catch was by the time the alarm went off i had already wet the bed
Everything Eyes
Everything Eyes Can we make a compromise? Always must we analyze? When we try to scrutinize all we find are many lies. There is no time to memorize as our thoughts we organize asking us too many whys the questions always terrorize. Tell me, do you realize this is no time to socialize the questions only paralyze forget it all... everything dies.
I just wanted to share my thoughts about valentines day with you all. I didnt write this and dont know did, but I wish I could give them a big hug. Valentine's Day Hearts and roses and kisses galore What the hell is all that crap for? People get mushy and start acting queer. Its definetly the most annoying day of the year. This day needs to get the hell over with and pass Before I shove something up cupid's ass. Ill spend the day so drunk I cant speak And wear black the rest of the week. Guys act sweet but soon it will fade For all they are doing is tryng to get laid. The arrow cupid shot at me must not have hit Cause I think this love thing is a crock of shit. So here's my story. What can I say? Love Bit My Ass. Screw Valentine's Day.
Shattered I am your vase. Use your hammer to smash me. I am your poem. Use your scissors to shred me. Why won't you put flowers in me instead? You won't read the words that would strike you dead. I am your silver. I tarnish. I am your picture. I fade. Why do you leave me to chill air? You won't glance at me; you don't care. I am your viper. Beware of my venom. I am your sword. Beware of my edges. Why did you pick up the serpent? You don't seem to know when you're cut. I was your error. Erase me. I was your heart. Remove me. Why did you effort to make me when you just wanted to break me?
What Is But That
What is but That An image is but that. A picture is merely a memory. A memory you have of me. That is but an image. A memory is but that. An image in the mind. An image lost forever, one you cannot find. That is but a memory. A friend is but that. The one who cares for you. For you who gives all for them. That is but a friend.
Happy Sunday 2 Everyone On My Friends List
Create cool Profile Comments
TAG YOUR IT !! The rules are: Once you've been tagged you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose 5 people to be tagged. List their names and why you chose them to be tagged. Don't forget to leave a comment thats says "You are tagged" on their profile and to read your latest blog. Have fun! Ok, so here's my 10 weird/random things/facts/or habits about me 1. i belive in dragons 2. im a true red head 3. i walk on the pads of my feet 4. never eat chicken nakied 5. i love nakied walks at day time 6. spank me i love it 7. im up all nyte 8. not shy at all 9. care to pull a finger 10. woohoo my tattoo is rising im going to tag no taggin back 1.fallen 2.zac 3.lil devil 4.spankins 5.sheilab212
To To touch, to die. To kiss, to cry. To love, to see. To want, to be. To try, to hate. To want, too much. To mourn, to lose. To fight, to choose. To cry, to hate. To fail, to wait. To reach, to try. To jump, to fly. To be, to soar. To fall, too poor. To win, to cry. To lose, to die.
Things You Might Not Know
Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1. I used to be a substitute teacher 2. I used to act in a renaissance faire 3. I hate heights, unless there is an airplane under my butt 4. I am truly computer stupid at times 5. I am painfully shy in real life and blush at the drop of a hat lol 6. I am Wiccan 7. My first choice in music is Spanish pop music, but it depends on my mood 8. I am a huge flirt :D 9. I love Mountain Dew 10. I suck at filling these things out...don;t think anybody would be interested in any of this lol
What Are Dreams?
What Are Dreams? What are the pictures in our minds, when we are in deep slumber? Who are the figures in the shadows, which conquer in alarming number? "What are Dreams?" The spirit asks, of his knowing master? "You cannot know, my faithful friend," he said with kindly laughter. What is the force which burns the mind's eye and conquers all defenses? Who are the ghosts that haunt our souls when troubles cloud the senses? "What are Dreams?" the spirit sighs, to the knowing expert. "You will not know, my silly friend." this time his answer curt. What is the key which opens doors to reveal the greatest mystery? Who are the people who sometimes appear, even throughout history? "What are Dreams?" the spirit whines, to his troubled leader. "I do not know, you silly fool," his answer no completer. What is the strength which pulls the heart to it's final destination? Who is the voice which calls to you, and brings endless celebration?
Butterfly Tag1
Add Glitter to Pictures
Make Me Feel Better
i wanna see how many of my pervies are paying attention :) im not quite feeling like my sexy lil self today feel like helpin? LOL show me ya sexiest pics and i'll show ya mine fair trade whatcha think?! let me know Muah* Aries
Alone Alone is not alone any longer, with so many voices, I must grow stronger. But when I look up from my dreams, I still can hear the screams of tortured souls and mindless men, and when I fall asleep again the torment is a breath away, And so alone, I must stay.
well i am in goos spirts today a friend came by to hang out for a few days i hadn't seen them in months so yea it should be fun
Who Is There?
Who is There? Who am I to forget you? Who are you abandon me? Strangers? Friends? Who? Who am I to call your name? Who are you to bring me shame? Who is out there to bring us close? No one? Anyone. Who am I to turn to you? Who are you to tear me in two? Who is out there to keep the peace? You? Me? Not I.... Who am I to be your friend? Who are you to call the end? Who is there to return the past? ... "I don't know...."
What The Hell Is This?
Him: misterak25...: hello... you are a good slavegirl material?? that was just a question... and i am not here to joke arround... when you are curious about that theme... and when you are curious to behave like a slavegirl... to act like one and to be treated like a submissive by a dominant... adress me as sir and give me your yahoo or msn id so that i can contact you... if not... have a nice day Me: ->misterak25...: alright bitch you can get on your knees and suck my cock! Me: ->misterak25...: I am no mans slave by any means so go find someone else that has no self confidance I dont know how many times I have to make the comment that stupid ppl need to leave me alone! My case in point, if ppl need to be a slave to someone else then they need to check their life and see that its going no where and there is nothing that they are going to gain by allowing someone from the flippin internet control their life!
Seat Assignment
The following scene took place on a BA flight between Johannesburg and London . This is a true story. A White woman, about 50 years old, was seated next to a Black man. Obviously disturbed by this, she called the air Hostess. "Madam, what is the matter," the Hostess asked. "You obviously do not see it then?" she responded. "You placed me next to a Black man. I do not agree to sit next to someone from such a repugnant group. Give me an alternative seat." "Be calm please, the Hostess replied. "Almost all the seats on this flight are taken. I will go to see if another seat is available." The Hostess went away and came back a few minutes later. "Madam, just as I thought, there are no other available seats in Economy class. I spoke to the Captain and he informed me that there are also no seats in the Business class. All the same, we still have one seat in First class." Before the woman could reply, the Hostess continued: "It is unusual for our company to permit someone from Economy cla
I'm going to be working a lot not much time on here so leave me a message Ilove you all :)
Are You It?
YOUR IT TAG cuz Furby said Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. Weird/Random Facts 1.- I was born naked 2.- I can make wookie noises 3.- I drink lots of soda 4.- I once fell off my roof 5.- I have never been on a cruise 6.- I have road rage 7.- Love to make people laugh 8.- I hate Iraq 9.- Dont care what people think of me 10.- I busted my front teeth out with a skateboard I will Tag People at a later Date
Tag Your It?
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1. I get real irriated with people who can't use caps. Gah! 2. I think the original Power Rangers are still badass while the new ones are X-treme pussies. 3. i hate mustard and mayo. i hate them more than anything in this world. 4. Four is my favorite number.(ZOMG Sidnee!) 5. I am afraid of being upside down. I get very spastic and fail all over the place in a total freak out. Needless to say I also hate roller coasters that loop. 6. I think I sleep more than I stay awake. 7. I have a thick Boston accent, even though I live 2 hours away from there and visit it about only twice a year. 8. Goth girls=hawt. 9. I take cl
Who Cares
What is love but a crud attempt to convince ourself that there is a mutual caring connection between too people. love is not about the other person, love is all about your self. you convince your self to let another person take advantage of you and for you to take advantage of them it is all just a poor game to try and and put all of this in a socially acceptable form. just as people hide behind "marriage" that is just a word for socially allowing to grown adults to live together and produce offspring. with no more binding power then a single piece of masking tape to stop a freight train. people as a general rule have not evolved past the "club them over the head and there are yours" stage. which is a bunch of bull crap. sex is sex and no piece of paper will stop people from chasing down what or who they want. I really don't care what you think of this one I have had my feel of being taken for a ride. it seems like a good woman wants to be treated like shit and a shitty woman wants to
Its empty.. for now, but I hope to collect somethings for it at some point.
I Carry Your Heart With Me
I carry your heart with me I carry it in my heart am never without it anywhere i go you go, my dear; and whatever is done by only me is your doing, my darling. I fear no fate for you are my fate, my sweet. I want no world for beautiful you are my world, my true and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant and whatever a sun will always sing is you here is the deepest secret nobody knows here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called life which grows higher than soul can hope or mind can hide and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart.
Omg How Bad Is This?
I like a really great cup of coffee... But I guess I won't be drinking Starbucks anymore!!!! Recently Marines in Iraq wrote to Starbucks because they wanted to let them know how much they liked their coffees and to request that they send some of it to the troops there. Starbucks replied, telling the Marines thank you for their support of their business, but that Starbucks does not support the war, nor anyone in it, and that they would not send the troops their brand of coffee. So as not to offend Starbucks, maybe we should not support them by buying any of their products! I feel we should get this out in the open. I know this war might not be very popular with some folks, but that doesn't mean we don't support the boys on the ground fighting street-to-street and house-to-house. If you feel the same as I do then pass this along, or you can discard it and no one will never know. Thanks very much for your support. I know you'll all be there again when I deploy
F*ck Startbucks
I like a really great cup of coffee... But I guess I won't be drinking Starbucks anymore!!!! Recently Marines in Iraq wrote to Starbucks because they wanted to let them know how much they liked their coffees and to request that they send some of it to the troops there. Starbucks replied, telling the Marines thank you for their support of their business, but that Starbucks does not support the war, nor anyone in it, and that they would not send the troops their brand of coffee. So as not to offend Starbucks, maybe we should not support them by buying any of their products! I feel we should get this out in the open. I know this war might not be very popular with some folks, but that doesn't mean we don't support the boys on the ground fighting street-to-street and house-to-house. If you feel the same as I do then pass this along, or you can discard it and no one will never know. Thanks very much for your support. I know you'll all be there again when I deploy once
Lifes Lessons.
This was written for another site, However, I have had several people tell me I should post it here as well, so:) enjoy!~Julz Well, its been awhile, since I felt this strong. I know I can survive. I know, that I can make it through, whatever life deals me. Things are looking up, its gonna be a long road, and i know there will still be days, when i cry myself to sleep. I know there will be "what if" days, however, I expect those days to become fewer, and farther in between, until this portion of my life becomes just another story. Just another chapter. 2007 was a year, of so many ups and downs. This year, was a country song, and well, i think, after all is said and done, that it should be a novel. I can't figure out how i have survived, to take a breath this very day. I should be dead. honestly, I should have probably killed myself. I was under a maddening pressure this year. I cried one to many days this year. I laughed to few. But, through it all, I learned. I
Poem From My Good Friend Jim
As seasons come and seasons go I dream of a love made not long ago Even with a distance so far I know that our love will not bar For you on one side and I on the other I see you every day, in my minds eye You are here right by my side I find myself in a place unknown to me For other women I don’t even see For my world around you it does abound No matter who else may be around. If only the courage to tell you I had Then to fly out to see you what a time we would have Just to hold your hand, and kiss your sweet lips To see your face, would be total bliss Yet here I lay like a bump on a log Sad to say I’m as broke as a dog One day it is my deepest desire To come to your arms and lay by your side I could then die happy everything would then be right.
A Dream
This was made for me by a dear friend.Thank You Jim ** hugs hun ** A love so far so far from me in distant lands is where I want to be For not just a lover but also a friend to be together until the very end For she loves the oceans and the sea for everything I do she will be there for me A love that has just a short start it feels like a lifetime we have been apart For the thousands of miles between you and me may seem far but you are close to me For when I close my eyes I see you sitting here next to me We go for walks amongst the trees holding hands in the woods the sunset we see We sit and we watch this beautiful sight loving each other with all our might We go for a ride on my bike you on the back holding me tight We ride down the winding country streets for me I find this such a great treat We sit in the evenings by candlelight sharing a meal savoring each bite Then we move to the floor by the fire we share passionate kisses and show how we care The smell of your
I Need A Machanic Lol !
Ok I got my jeep 3 years ago about lol and when I got it I replaced the front cvc joints both of them ! OK today I had to replace the front left one again ! What is the deal ? Any one have any ideas . It is a 1998 grand jeep cherakee strait 6 4 wheel drive . Is there something that could be bent causing pressure on it to break them ? Any ideas let me know lol Thanks !
Em.jay You Suck.....but I Still Love You.
You know how this works. Make a list of 10 things not obvious to the 'net world. They should be quirky/odd/bizarre/random as hell. Then, at the end of your blog, tag 5 friends. Don't forget to leave them a comment saying "you're it!"... 'cause then they won't know to blog some interesting factoids about themselves & tag their friends & keep the vicious cycle going. heh. 1) i need to build my new dvd tower, cause i ran out of room AGAIN :s 2) i want to live in washington cause they don't have income tax. 3) i hope rick will go through with his plans of going to helicopter school. 4) aparently i started talking in my sleep... 5) we are hopefully getting a free car from some old people who live in my parents neighborhood 6) wants to lose weight, but is WAAAAY too lazy, and lacks motivation 7) i need to see a chiropractor. 8) i cleaned my desk's been messy for months... :s 9) i started to follow a trend...i got a pair of big sunglasses.. 10) i need to go throug
Tag Ur It!!!
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1) I have 6 dogs,2 ferrets,1 cat,1 gerbil, & 4 fish. 2) I never get enough sleep. 3) Listen to music about 15hrs a day. 4) I Love eating cool ranch doritos with Cheese. 5) I'm a smoker, but not really a drinker. It's sad for me being a bartender. 6) Love Thunderstorms & hurricanes, especially when the power goes out. 7) Hate being a single parent. So friggin hard. 8) Is a romantic at Heart. 9) Needs a maid. Never have time to clean. 10) Struggling to find 10 things to say about me. Mystêfyï☼ Micki.Blue Splash JustMEEEE DJ*~DiRtY AdDiCtIoN *~*SASSY
Tag...........guess What Ur It!!!
Only b/c you all wonder what goes through my head! LOL YOu have to do this since I had to, so have fun. BUT you have to post your 5 things in my comments under this!! Just to make it ooh yeah along with doing your own too. Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. Alrighty, lets see: 1~I hate Baked Potatoes, but LOVE mashed's completely different. 2~The ppl I work with think I have toretts...I don't know why. 3~I am always freezing! 4~I absolutely can NOT stand it when I can hear ppl chew!!! I mean seriously... 5~I have a small case of OCD! 6~I love to make ppl smile! 7~I Hate the lakes, I don't like that you can't see the bottom of the
Modern Immigration
I'm sorry but I'm getting sick of this crap. I'm the descendant of Italian and German immigrants who were HAPPY to come to America and glad that they were welcome here. Yes I believe immigration is a big problem now. Too many people come here and don't learn English. I don't mind people come here from other countries to pursue a better life. But damn please learn english. I don't see Instructions for electronic devices being printed with Italian in them? Why not? Plenty of Italians immigrated here. But I guess I'm just a racist I'm not(I have more ill feelings towards white people then anyone else), but I suppose I'll get called a racist for this. Please if your going to come to America, learn english, respect the flag, and don't be a dousch!
Dark Valentine's Fetish Ball - Photos
Lastnight was a blast!! We had our Fetish Valentine's party... enjoy the pics... and don't forget to rate this blog for Me ok...
Tagged 2
The rules are: Once you've been tagged you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose 5 people to be tagged. No tag backs. 1. Almost every time I hear a song, any song, I say "I love this song" 2. I once had an iguana that I had free-roam of the house. 3. I am such a reading freak that when I was a kid I would sit on the toilet and read the back of shampoo bottles and sit at the breakfast table and read the back of cereal boxes. 4. I've never lived further than an hour from the hospital in which I was born. 5. I used to have the characters from The Little Rascals and Timmy from Lassie as invisible friends. 6. I lose EVERYTHING. 7. When I drink, I tend to do so excessively. 8. A lot of times I can't fall asleep without putting the individual parts of my body to sleep, one at a time, in my mind first. 9. I still sit "Indian style" 99% of the time. 10. I don't shave my legs all tha
Tequila And Salt
This should probably be taped to your bathroom mirror where one could read it every day. You may not realize it, but it's 100% true 1. There are at least two people in this world that you would die for. 2. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way. 3. The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you. 4. A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don't like you. 5. Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to sleep 6. You mean the world to someone. 7. You are special and unique. 8. Someone that you don't even know exists loves you. 9. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it. 10 When you think the world has turned its back on you take another look. 11 Always remember the compliments you received. Forget about the rude remarks. And always remember.... when life hands you Lemons, ask for Tequila and Salt and cal
I Have Been Bought
I have been owned by Momma Tasha for one month. Not only is she a great friend, she is also my R/L wife. Stop by her page and show her much LOVE. I know she will return the favor.
In Every Life
She looks into air, herself falling rain Dripping coldness past, memories old pain. Drops fall, the puddling her damp water-life. Spiraling a mirror, self-lonely strife. A sigh, one frown, crying soft saddened tears. Storms of remember - through bleak yesteryear. Clouds a-whorl, dark sky sheltering fair heart. But how can she joy, while taking no part? Cov'ring cold soul, corona of defense. Defying the stab of her fate's intents. This is madness, she thinks in plaintive cry. I'm here, on the cusp, of lay down and die. What my destiny, but an empty-off dream? A plaything with which gods and angels scheme. Am I doomed then to live, time never-free? Subsumed wholly 'neath life's scattered debris? Is justice, outside this torrential doubt? Perhaps more than sorrow, painful fall-out? Is love, perhaps, just a sliver of sun? Shining through mists, revealing Avalon? Personal paradise, which I can own, Evoking happiness, hither unknown? She raises fro
I Am Up For Action
This is what the winning bidder gets 200 11s a week for a month during hh all pics and stash rated during hh will be there crush for a month be added to my family for a month will have in my name "i am _____ valentine for a month", u can have "pjcountry is my valentine for a month" a link to your profile in my about me section for a month you will stay shit faces for week a salute made for u by me if bid is a hh/blast/vip will get special pics depending on what it is, hh=6pics, all made special for you(will be discussed between winner and me) SPACE HOTTIE's AUCTION!!
My Face Looks Like Who?!!?!? Wow!
Ty Ty Ty Ty Round 2
I have some AMAZING FRIENDS! Love these people up and give them a big Thank You from PebblesinAZ! They have all contributed to my Spotlight Fund in one way or another. Tinkerbell is making custom graphics if you would like one for anyone who donates more than $10,000 fubucks. ~*TinkerbellMN84 Member of Downtown Bombers~Fu-Owned by ΨMÌŃĐŞŢ0ŘM]@ fubar The 2 Wonderful Fu's ...My Wyomie me a blast which of course will help the cause. (o )( o)MunkeeFu -- ^sins^ SLAVE(o )(o )@ fubar and EZ 2 FU ****Munkee FU's FU Wife****@ fubar The following have all donated FUBUCKS to help the cause! They are completely amazing and selfless! RËÐÑËÇK@ fubar Jennifer ~ Club F.A.R. Member ~ Fan~Add~Rate... Fu~Angel@ fubar GARY~rl engaged 2 Christina~shadow leveler~FU OWNED & FUMARRIED TO~¢¾ BooBoo¢¾@ fubar angelwingz25~ N.A.P Family~Fu_Angel~ MilitaryHumveeFamily~ BBW train@ fubar MyZtErY ☆ DirtySouthCrew ☆ I.B.I.C. &
OK, so I haven't vented in a while and I am realllllyyyyy feeling the need. First of all to my annoying crazy psychopathic stalkers a big "Fuck off" I can't understand why people cant just accept the words "NO" and "not interested" or maybe "leave me the fuck alone" isn't clear enough. My question is why would anyone want to bother and harrass someone that they know hates them and wants absolutely nothing to do with them. Ok that was my forst issue. Second is men...I have turned down atleast 15 friend requests today alone because ppl dont read and dont have the courtesy to atleast say hello or hi in the request, I mean god damn how clear is my "about me" section? And NO I dont wanna show u anything after 2 seconds of conversation..lmao give me a frikin break here. The fucktard, sexually deprived ugly sad ppl must stay away from me because Im about to lose it. Now to my boy toys...much love to ya guys and this has nothing to do with most of you...lmao ok I feel a little better..
Tag Your It
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1) I am 46 years old 2) I was born and raised in Augusta, Maine 3) I have 4 grown sons. 2 live here in Ocala with us and the other 2 live in Maine. 4) I weighed 300 pounds back in 1990. 5) Karl and I first met at our local Starbucks and a year and a half later we was married at that same Starbucks where we first met. 6) I am disabled. I have several health conditions that keep me from being able to work. 7) I love all animals except SPIDERS YUCK !! 8) I am a member of AA. Yes I am an alcoholic. I have 3 1/2 years sober. YAY ME !! :-) 9) I have lived in Maine, South Carolina, North Carolina and Florida
A Wonderful Weekend...
Just when I thought things couldn't get better, my boyfriend goes and tops himself again. This weekend, he got me my favorite food, not once, but twice. He not only massaged my back, he massaged my feet as well(full massage with lotion). We ate our meal by candlelight in my kitchen and then we snuggled and watched movies together. I won't mention what went on behind closed doors;)And all this was after I got to meet his beautiful daughter, who got along with my children extremely well and was a gracious hostess at her birthday party. He really is more than I ever expected and hoped for. Muah.
Three Dreams (what I Can Recall)
Ok, I need help. I look up stuff in a dream dictionary, some makes sense but I don't seem to realize the extent of it. Dream #1 - My apartment, my 4 yr old, my cat and myself. There is a pair of tigers, male and female, that have escaped from wherever they were kept. My daughter and I did our best to avoid them cuz for some reason we were outside. My daughter and I came upon the tigers accidentally. I saw that the female tiger had killed my cat. The male spotted us and attacked my daughter. I jumped on the male tiger and got my daughter away from him, then proceeded to hold both of the tigers down and was looking for help when I woke. Dream #2 - Somewhere between a bus and a fast food restaurant. My daughter, some guy I don't know but knew in my dream and myself. The guy hands me a $20 bill and I hold it while we wait in line. My daughter is standing next to me. Then some other guy steals the money right out of my hand. Being the only way I can feed my child I chase the guy, pi
Tag You're It
Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. Have fun! 1. I have 3 sons that are loves of my life. 2. I am a supervisor for the county buses. 3. I love with all my heart and soul. 4. I hate people who are not thruthful. 5. If you are a friend of mine you are one for life. 6. I am scared to death of flying. 7. Miss my dad who passed in 2-20-2004 8. I love the thought of being in Love. 9. If you dont know by now I love dolphins. 10.I grew up in Staten Island New York. Passing the tourch to. Texas Twister. Ut oh it Pam, Browneye girl, Poohbear. Honeybear. Tag you're it now pass it on
It seems that I trust others way to easily and to quickly...which can be a blessing and it can be a problem as well. Its great to be that way, to see the good in everyone...but it also sets me up for heart ache. The internet is a wonderful tool to make friends and to meet new people. But, it can also bring heartbreak. It gets even scarier when you trust those that you determine your friends. I'm kinda at a cross roads now...not sure what to think of a situation. Do I take a chance, hope that I'm truly not stepping on toes, or do I stand back? Do I take a chance at happiness, or be cautious? I'm not wanting my heart to be hurt again...yet, I feel like I should take this chance...I'm scared that this easiness to trust is going to cause me to get hurt once again....
Tagged By Kristina
Instructions... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1- There is nothing more attractive to me than an attractive girl playing violin. Absolutely nothing. 2- I aspire to be a luthier, but no one wants to buy an instrument from some no-name punk in suburban Maryland. 3- I still play Pokémon. A lot. 4- Four of my last five love interests have been people I met on the internet. 5- I like to mix drinks. It is my goal to make the perfect drink. So far my best is 3-4 parts lemon iced tea to 1 part triple sec. 6- I long ago decided I was going to move to LA. The original plan was to be there by last month. That didn't work out. The current plan is by this fall. 7- I spent
Tag Your It!!!!
Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. Weird/Random Facts 1. I love Arnold Schwarzenegger movies. 2. I like to mix cheap beer with Coca Cola. 3. I like the color blue and green. 4. I know a guy that knows a guy. 5. Earth girls are Easy. lol 6. People who do not wipe good enough are always scratching thier butts. 7. Remember remember the fifth on november. 8. Obama is Bushes 7th cousin twice removed? 9. I love chocolate. 10. I'm allergic to cats. OK now my buddies its ur turn next... Tag ur it...
Damn You Kristina
Instructions... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1- I sneeze in 3s. 2- I cant stand wearing sneakers other than Cons. 3- I am horrible at saving money. 4- I shower at least twice a day. 5- I honestly think voting republican is a sign of low intelligence. 6- I hate small dogs. 7- False patriotism, like the shit plaguing this country at the moment, disgusts me. 8- I firmly believe the rich are whats wrong with the world and should be liquidated. 9- Ive come to realize that Americans really are among the most ignorant people on the planet, and for some inexplicable reason, they're proud of it. 10- I don't consider protestants to be real Christians. I'm
Oh My God...
let me tell you what i have finally realized today... so bj's 'baby' conner was born on dec 28th, and he told me he cheated on me the night i left him last january, which he showed up 6 hours later and talked me to going back home with him to wv. if that was so, the baby would have been born in sept or oct, right? so for this baby to be his, so he says, he would have had to sleep with her in feb or march, in which i was there, in wv, with him, married, living as married, doing the married thing... so i was there, he was fucking some little 18 year old wv hillbilly bitch, and i know her. she has been to my house with her mother. looked me in the face, gd... and on top of that, i talked to bj's cousin for about an hour today. yeah the whole damn town knew what was going on, him running around on me, knocking her up, and him abusing me worse to get me to leave (so i think)... now he is down here, supposedly to get his taxes done with me. that never happened, and he ripped t
Need Help Earning A Blast! Bomb Me!!
Here's what I need. I entered myself on a fubar contest hosted by my hot, juggy gal-pal Pam. It's going on from February 9th through the 23rd. Here's what I get if I win. Rates=5 comments, number of comments multiplied by5, 2500 commets before any fubucks, first one to 10000 comments gets a 7 day blast Can you help me out? xxxooo Ox
Tag, Your It
Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. Have fun! 1. I love the Ga. Bulldogs 2. I am a plant supervisor @ an auto parts manufacturer 3. Served my country in the US Navy 4. I have kissed Marie Osmond 5. I rode wave runners with Hulk Hogan many times 6. I love too parasail. 7. I'm a classic rock junkie. 8. I was born in San Diego 9. I love meeting new people 10.I love warm weather and being outside!! Passing the torch to. Hoakiegirl,Phantom,Kelly,Shelly Tag you're it now pass it on
Sweetheart Tarts
1/2 recipe Sugar Cookie Dough, at room temperature, chilled Confectioner's sugar, for rolling 1/2 cup seedless raspberry or cherry jam 36 canned or jarred whole dark cherries in syrup, drained Equipment: Non-stick mini-muffin tin Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Sprinkle a work surface and rolling pin with confectioner's sugar and roll out dough to 1/8-inch thick. Move dough frequently to prevent it from sticking and add more confectioner's sugar to the work surface and rolling pin as needed. Using a round cookie cutter the same diameter as the top of the muffin tin cups (about 2 inches), cut 36 rounds of dough. Gently press a dough round into each muffin cup and press evenly into the sides and bottom of the cup. Continue with remaining dough rounds. Bake until set and edges are light golden, about 10-12 minutes. Let cool in the pan completely before removing with a small offset spatula. Heat the jam in a small saucepan over medium heat until melted. Add the cherries
If You Could Know Something.......
if you could ask me one thing & want to know one thing about me what would u ask me? shoot... plz! lol
Sitting here alone, shivering because its cold knowing the only warmth ill find is from a blanket My realizations are hard to swallow, and bitter when i do... Self sacrifice for what i ask? No response Money? Love?...Security? I provide my own ...i even have enough self love to contain my heart. Tired of the games of life and love, Tired of being me Tired of trying to save something that shows the signs of defeat before it has even begun. Tired of so many trying my patience...... All i can do is sit here and do my thing and be me... Hopefully one day it will be enough to look back on and laugh having serious doubts though I think it has come to the point in this reality we call life, that some things are just not what they used to be and stability, loyalty and love are just words thrown to benefit ones self. The true actions behind these words have seemed to cease a cold dark desolate place that becomes familiar, and familiar is better than hurt rig
This is one of the cleverest E-mails I've received in awhile. Someone out there either has too much spare time or is deadly at Scrabble. (Wait till you see the last one)! DORMITORY: When you rearrange the letters: DIRTY ROOM PRESBYTERIAN: When you rearrange the letters: BEST IN PRAYER ASTRONOMER: When you rearrange the letters: MOON STARER DESPERATION: When you rearrange the letters: A ROPE ENDS IT THE EYES: ! When you rearrange the letters: THEY SEE GEORGE BUSH: When you rearrange the letters: HE BUGS GORE THE MORSE CODE: When you rearrange the letters: HERE COME DOTS SLOT MACHINES: When you rearrange the letters: CASH LOST IN ME ANIMOSITY: When you rearrange the letters: IS NO AMITY ELECTION RESULTS: Wh
Wish I Had What I Want.
At times of my life.I wish for things that i want.Like a close relationship,or finally get married,but Can't have it,cause it's hard to win the heart of a woman.All of my relationship with women turn out short.They lasted a half a year,a month,half a month,weeks,and even 1 freaking day.Don't know what i do wrong thou,but i guess it had to be that i'm to damn nice.Well found out that women don't see me for my heart,they see me for my wheelchair.People don't what to bother with the wheelchair.I know,cause my family does.I can see it in their faces.anyways another thing i wish for is that to have a case of beer,a bottle of Jack,or Vodka,so when i feel sad or down.I could just drink my sadness away,and sleep it the hell of.I think i'm becoming my father.He used to spent his hardworking money to booze,and left us without food for the week.Funny thou all my life i never wanted my father life,and i had.I quit being my father and just minimize my drinking.Now i can't drink,cause i'm diabetic.
Hello......i Need Your Help!
I have some new pictures of me, please stop by and take a look at them. Please rate them so i might as more. I am not here for ratings, i am here for friendship but I would hope you might help me level up so can share more pictures about me and my life to you. HUGSsssss to all of you and talk to you soon.! Pete
The Girl On The Train
The Girl On The Train A month-long holiday in Europe had seemed like such a good idea. Jamie was starting out in Holland, land of windmills and clogs... and unrestricted access to cannabis, a small fact he had neglected to bring to the attention of his parents before setting out. Now it was one in the morning, his plane had been delayed, and he was standing in a cold railway station under Schiphol Airport awaiting a train to Utrecht where he had a room. Not only was he cold and tired, but he had heard from a guy on the plane that Holland had clamped down on sales of drugs to non-Dutch people. Aside from the random announcements which Jamie could not understand, the station was almost totally silent... so he was a little surprised when he heard footsteps on the concrete. He looked up to see a girl appearing from behind one of the concrete posts which held the airport's meeting area and shopping arcade over their heads. She had a lot of long, red-brown hair. Her body was largely hid
Curious And Questioning
What Have I... X
The bitter taste of grapefruit, when all I really wanted was a peach. A chorus of electronics. Humming softly, pulsing, regulating the moment I am to hear that it's over. I just don't love you anymore. There's someone else. The dog ate my phone. A mr. spell is the harbringer of my downfall. I just don't feel it anymore. There's too much going on. A dark room, exploding in psychodelic sorrowful light. Blues and electric yellows, spiraling orange, signifying nothing but the beat of a tune. An ambience I can no longer feel. The rhythm whispers to me. Right next to the tiny hairs on my ear. Cold. It's always so cold here... and so empty. Like so many liquor bottles left in the vanishing snow. I don't know. I don't know what went wrong. What I did wrong. What's wrong with me. I just know somehow it's my fault. I left the oven on too long. I bumped the soufle'. I payed for the abortion. I skipped on the bill. I got the wrong kind of grapefruit juice. W
Wanna Own Mzmic? Lol
And now, Please allow me to introduce to you the Valentines that are up for auction for 5 days only! ******************************** Click Pics to go to Auctions!!! Woohooo!! Mz. Mic Daily Fu-Gift. Daily Shitfacing. Add to my Family for term of Ownership. Pimped in my blog Pimped out in my "About Me Section" Stickied Pimpout in the Bullys Rate all Pics during HH Rate all Stash during HH Special Flashy Tag made for You. SFW MzMic/MikeS Salute for You. Flashy Name Tags 4 You! If the bids go higher, I will discuss throw in my bombing skills for any bombing contest that you want within reason, ya'll know those persons that I will *not* bomb for lol *hugs* ******************************** Kimmy Fu-owned in name Your profile link in my about me on my profile A permanent pimpout in my blog A weekly pimpout + 1 sticky pimpout 1 SFW shoutout & 1 NSFW shoutout Added to family for the month Rate all pics and stash during HH’s (me and my bf
Horton Hears A Who
I love that Disney is bringing one of my favorite childhood stories to life, and with one of my favorite actors Jim Carey. It's a great story with a wonderful message for life. But selfishly speaking I gotta love it cuz FINALLY, people will get what I mean when I repeatedly holler "BOIL THAT DUST SPECK!"
Sellings Monkeys
Once upon a time in a village, a man appeared and announced to the villagers that he would buy monkeys for $10 each. The villagers seeing that there were many monkeys around, went out to the forest, and started catching them. The man bought thousands at $10 and as supply started to diminish, the villagers stopped their effort. He further announced that he would now buy at $20. This renewed the efforts of the villagers and they started catching monkeys again. Soon the supply diminished even further and people started going back to their farms. The offer increased to $25 each and the supply of monkeys became so little that it was an effort to even see a monkey, let alone catch it! The man now announced that he would buy monkeys at $50 ! However, since he had to go to the city on some business, his assistant would now buy on behalf of him. In the absence of the man, the assistant told the villagers. "Look at all these monkeys in the big cage that the man has co
Outta My Mind
sittin here thinking, all i can think about is you. I cant get you outta my mind. not talking to you all day had made me go outta my mind. ive gotten so used to it and enjoy it so much that i dont like when i cant. but then agian i know that we both have our own lives. why cant i get you outta my mind? you shouldnt be there yet. at least not this much. you are such a great guy. i cant help but wish we were physically together. holding each other...curled up togehter. i so cant wait for the day that is possible. i know you will keep me happy...well every chance you get. no matter how hard i try i cant get you outta my mind...
Goodbye For Good
You came into my life, like a shadow that comes out from the dark Displaying love, showing me again what it is to trust Now I’m mending myself of the pain, I fell in love Then I made up my mind, I’m not wasting no more time You left me alone, without a care, but for yourself You can’t even begin to imagine the pain I feel. You hurt me, just like everyone else. I can’t pretend everything’s going to be all right I can’t believe all the bullshit lies I can’t see myself through one more night I can’t stop the pain, and the heart that dies I can’t hold onto something out of sight I can only walk away and say my goodbyes You walked out of my life, with a few tears and a smile Displaying love, showing me again what it is to feel Now I’m dying from the pain, I lost all of my love Then I made up my mind, I’m not wasting my time You left me alone, without a second chance You can’t even begin to imagine the pain I feel You hurt me, just like everyone else I can’t pretend
Wishin You Were Here
sad and alone want to feel your touch hate being by myself all i want is to be with you to feelyou warp me in your arms pull me close to your chest and kiss me gently cant wait for that feeling want to know how much you care and to be able to feel it all i have been doing is wishin you were here
He Replied
I hate what sex turns people into. Mindless humping drones. All conversation turns to: Wet Hard Sticky Cum The thought of it all just makes me yawn. I guess I've heard it all before. Do you want it? Tell me you want it. You're such a naughty girl! What happened to ideas, relevance, topics to inspire change? What happened to passion about something broader reaching than the end of a cock? What happened to life? The most intelligent people in the world loose all focus of the thoughts that keep their mind a blaze. Everything becomes trite and mediocre in comparison to the thought of warm flesh hugging their raging hard member. " I brought about world peace today darling" she says triumphantly. "Great, do you think you could give me head before you start dinner?" he replied. I often wish I was the worst lover in the world. Perhaps then they would take me as seriously as they did before we were locked together in a sweaty embrace. Then the men in my life would call to talk to
2 Girls, 1 Cup
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Life And General
Time goes on and on and for me its a lonely time. i spend many a day, many a mile behind the wheel of this 80,000 lb giant. my days consist of many a child waving there hands wanting to hear that air horn that so many children love. the looks and the fingers of so many unknowing and ignorant drivers of other vehicles (us drivers just call them 4 wheelers) that always seem so angry be cause i cant stop on a dime for them or move out of there way. i watch the news and listen to the radio about many accidents involving trucks and 4 wheelers and how the 4 wheeler is griping that if there were no trucks this accident wouldn't have happend. what he does'nt realize is if there were no trucks nothing would move. take a look around your house. everything you own at one point or another was transported on a truck from some point between the manufacturer and the store where you purchased it! but you never hear about the truck driver like the most recent in texas that drove his truck into a retain
Ever since I was young They said don't smoke You'll lose a lung I hear it again with every toke There keeping me lighter There everywhere I look I've quit before But always come back There here with me now Turning my lungs black They say it takes years To clean out the shit Who are they kidding They've rotted to shit Even if I quit now There is no telling Will I live longer Or die screaming and yelling The doc says it's fatal He say's six months if I'm lucky He say's live your life Find a new hobbie "HOBBIE!!" I say you dumb fuck a new hobbie will kill me sooner with my damn luck so now I wait counting the months sitting, waiting thinking "just be" asking the sky. "Why me."
The Poem
I close my eyes; feeling the heat arise. I find the burning spot; all moist and all so hot. I touch the sensual flower; giving my fingers all the power. Thinking of you; Oh, if you only knew. Touching it real nice and slow; letting the hot lava flow. Anxiety gets the best of me; freeing up the desires in me. Rubbing harder, faster now; Getting all the pleasures I T will allow. As I scream and thrash about. Passion overcomes me without a doubt. Creamy eruptions float to the surface.; Huge explosions burn through me like a furnace. I cannot withhold any longer! letting out one last moan; the volcano erupts as I groan. Smelling the erotic odor of my passions scent. Lifting my fingers up to my nostrils letting it liqueur Putting them to my lips; I taste the sweet nectar, wishing U were here to make it all that much sweeter. This is all I have to give for the moment. Until the day comes when yourself can enjoy the sweet seductive scent.
Today's Quote Beware the barrenness of a busy life. -Socrates
Something About Brittnizzle
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1) I crave alligator meat even though I haven't eaten it since I was 7. 2) I totally believe in karma. I try to do nice things for people as much as possible. 3) You can tell when I really like you because I will do your dishes, maybe even go on a whole cleaning spree. 4) I'm a sucker for cover songs, good or bad. 5) My pinky toenails grow on the side of my toe and never get longer than like .0000001 millimeters long. 6) I HATE Dora the Explorer with a fucking passion. 7) I tore my ACL in marching band. 8) I feel uncomfortable telling people I'm a christian b/c of the bad stigma associated with it, but if you took the ti
Getting Off My Ass
our freedom to live shall not exceed that of the corporate entities which feed off our collective energies we are the slaves of industry our reality is shaped by profit margins and acceptable loss To exist in the here in the now to apply our mental faculties as best we can in assuring self-awareness and liberty are preserved The Constitution of the United States and related Amendments as common sense guideline a manifesto for existence which defies the church and any other institution which seeks to control the minds of free men
Soccer Vs. Mommy Time
I have been wanting to take my girls somewhere for Spring Break so we can have some bonding time. My oldest is graduating from HS this year and will be going to college and working. She won't have much time for me anymore. Anyway, I found some killer airline tickets. I called their dad to see if he would object because they would wind up missing half a day on Wed and all day Thurs. He said it sounded like a nice plan, however they will miss 3 soccer games which is one third of their soccer season. And the time they will be missing from school will NOT be excused so if they have any tests in that time they WILL NOT be able to make those up. I feel that he is putting soccer before spending time with their mother. What do you think???? They wanted to head to the midwest and do some historical sight seeing and visit some family that they haven't seen in over four years. Guess I'm just going to get stuck working during that time.
Prince Equivocal
I've had some time to think and I've come to this conclusion. All the things you've said were just an illusion. You've worked your way in to a place I said I wouldn't unlock And yet I gave you a chance But in the end it was all a crock. You are full of so many sweet words & you put on this cute act Yet everything you've said were just words not fact. And although it seemed fun and charming There was no substance, no truth, no meaning Reality definitely hit leaving my heart careening. By ME {Amitola} February 11, 2008 @ 1am
Force Of One
Have you ever looked into my eyes? Really looked and saw through to the essence that is me? Have you seen the colors that have faded or the new ones that have formed? Maybe you thought it was an optical illusion Created by the devil in me that you swear must be there There's no way this woman could possibly have a soul burning this bright Oh I'm sorry, were you blinded by my light? I have so much passion, more than you'd care to see I'm priceless and better than you want to admit After all the ups and downs, I'm finally discovering me I've come to appreciate that no one can change who I am I will not bend, I will not blend, I will not succumb to the stupidity that is expected You can walk in and walk right back out No matter what you think of me, I don't give a damn I'm growing and I'm stronger, I'm happy, sad I will be no longer My time is now and will continue forever This woman you see before you has forgotten the word doubt She's confident and optimistic, for her w
Lost Inside
You have always told me that I was the strong one between the two of us and that I could always take more upon myself than you could at any giving time. Well I'm gonna break that image you have of me and that you have always had of me for I can't stand being away from you any longer and everyday that passes with no word from you makes me weaker than you know. I love you with all my heart and soul and I know your dealing with a hard time right now yourself on your end. I feel like I'm going crazy here because I can't eat,sleep,drink or even pay attion to anybody or anything for longer than 5 minutes without my mind drifting back to you. Baby please if you see this or happen to feel me drawing close to you like I have been doing for the past 3 days then please give me some kinda sign here. I'm losing my mind without you to talk to me at night and during the day. I love you so much and I don't want anything to be wrong on your end with you. I hope your safe and I hope that yo
Comment To My Mumm From Sammyy
I guess the world could sit here and tell you it's going to be okay.. and eventually it will happen.. but you are the only one who can make that decision luv..... you're the only one who can decide to move forward and love again..... you're the one who has to think Celeste would want me to be happy, she wants me to move on in my life... You're never going to find the SAME love you had.. it's impossible.. and I can't even gaurentee you'll find a better love or a stronger love... but you'll be happy again that I can promise.. if you allow yourself to be... It's not to forget about it.. or her.. it's not to replace her.. cause you never will.. and her memory will always be there, and you know she's always watching over you, you know she's right by you're side with every experience and smile you have... she's right with you whenever you're sad or crying.. It's only been a year.. and one hell of one babe.. You've come such a long way! you really have.. there was a time when no light
Bring Him Home Santa
They are; Mothers, Fathers, Brothers, Sisters, Aunts and Uncles, They are our American Soldiers and they need to be remembered, Our Freedom came with a price They paid the Ultimate Sacrifice: Please take a moment to remember them when you are with your family this year. Pray for their safe return to their families.. LCPL G****** USMC prior Service
Pray For Our Children
Pray for our Children...
I Write To You My Love:
You want me to read your poems, yet you don,t bother to read what I trully feel.. > I can,t say this when im talking to you , or chatting online, my mind goes blank.. So I type words here for you ,to read yet, you could care less.. You dont bother to read them, or even try to pay any attention anymore to me. Guess it,s like a new penny .. when it is tarnished then no one wants it any more. oh well. Diana
Bible Stuff
"HAYDEN, Idaho - A man who believed he bore the "mark of the beast" used a circular saw to cut off one hand, then he cooked it in the microwave and called 911, authorities said." The Book of Revelation in the New Testament contains a passage in which an angel is quoted as saying: "If anyone worships the beast and his image and receives his mark on the forehead or on the hand, he, too, will drink the wine of God's fury." The book of Matthew also contains the passage: "And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell." Maybe the bible should come with a warning label or disclaimer. But, it would most likely be better to ignore this. In the end, it was probably the fault of Heavy Metal music and video games. The true culprits of war and death.
If Your Wondering
Just recently i deleted a few people.. If your wondering why.. i just thought that i hardly ever talk to you * or else i wouldnt have deleted you* and i thought that it wouldnt have mattered anyway.. but...BUT.. all the people that i deleted.. sent me REfriend request.. so that tells me 2 things. One your paying attention.. and 2 even though we dont talk you still visit me and check on me ever now and then. and then to your dismay you seen that i was gone.. Hum.. so sorry about deleteing those of you whom i did.. but all of you replied within one day of deletion so i took you all back.. maybe this time you wont be such strangers.. lol.. Siyra aka VANKA VIDALGO ~ EXOTIC DANCER 4 CLUB SEXY~
I Got Tagged
Instructions... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1~ I have a severe affection for guns and knives. 2~ I am physically incapable of killing animals or spiders. (I will watch two humans fight, but will put myself in the middle of a dog fight because I can't watch) 3~ I believe everyone has ulterior motives at first. 4~ I've broken 7 bones (Most of them sports related) 5~ I am powerless against only my son. 6~ I don't wish to fall in love 7~ I once accidentally dyed my hair so red, it looked like someone used my hair as a maxi pad (It was called "House of pain" red.) 8~ Only the people I grew up with call me Cindy (And as much as I tell them to stop, they never
Just Because
Ive wrote many songs and poems However this was the first poem I had published. Its appropriate because recently Ive seen the world from a new perspective. comments and rates please:)) Just Because Sitting beside the window, the world passes by Vanishing footsteps, and the colour changing sky. The thoughts of a million souls, whisper through the air, How many times you hear them, how much do you care? When you stop to realise, within the warmth of your own shadow. The world seems to cruel, yet can it ALL be sorrow? Watching a young girl laughing, seeing a young boy cry. Oh so many feelings, you close your eyes and fly. You search through the clouds, and the images you seek. Are those of pure fulfillment, of strength, not of feeling weak. But life as it's shown you, no matter how low you feel. Theres real joy amongst us all, not always so surreal. You look among those you see, and you think just as you do. Your face becomes a smile, and you care, just because you do.
Functionally Retarded
Functionally Retarded I have come to the conclusion that a "man" cannot be taken seriously until he is at least 28. Until they have reached on or about that age, then they are functionally retarded. Silly boys and their silly games. I am not "dickin' " around with these little boys anymore because frankly, my patience has been tested and I am just not up for exercising my patience any longer. Every single 20 - 24 year old that I have agreed to go to dinner with etc. has been a disappointment in the fact that they are habitually late (which those who know me, know that I don't do well with "late" ). I usually begin resenting them before we even get to the restaurant. So NOTE***: If you are late, then consider the date canceled***. (I saw a 22 year old the other night, only because he drove over an hour after dickin' around for 3) What these little masturbatory freaks don't realize is, my time is just as important and in true "young 20-something" fashion, they act as if th
Tag, You're It!
Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. Have fun! 1. I'm born and raised in Yonkers, New York, woot! 2. I am hopefully getting over this stupid new strain of the flu. 3. I seem to be attracted to Sagitarians for some reason, even though I don't follow astrology. 4. I am still waiting to sell my tiny house so I can buy a bigger one. 5. Mom just recently had a mild heart attack but is doing well. 6. I love my children and grandbaby more than life itself. 7. I have this weird glitch say if I accidently hit my right hand walking past something I have to hit the left hand as well so it's even. lol 8. February 15th I will have been living here in Oklahoma for 20 years. 9.
Cecil Brown Lyrics
Well my name is Cecil Brown and I'm from a little town and people don't think much of me I never understood why they thought I was no good But this is how it seems The feelings of this worn out cowboy will make you feel so cold I've traveled up and down so many kind of lonesome roads I once took the high road and it took me straight to hell and I stood there all by myself Cause all alone's where I feel like I belong Cause it don't matter who's right or wrong The feelings of this worn out cowboy will make you feel so cold I've traveled up and down so many kind of lonesome roads Pickin' up the pieces of my broken family Is not an easy sight to see And as the leaves have changed it helps ease the pain and sufferin' they left for me The feelings of this worn out cowboy will make you feel so cold I've traveled up and down so many kind of lonesome roads
Tech Support ( Humor )
Dear Tech Support: Last year I upgraded from Girlfriend 7.0 to Wife 1.0. I soon noticed that the new program began unexpected child processing that took up a lot of space and valuable resources. In addition, Wife 1.0 installed itself into all other programs and now monitors all other system activity. Applications such as Poker Night 10.3, Football 5.0 , Hunting and Fishing 7.5 , and Golfing 3.6. I can\'t seem to keep Wife 1.0 in the background while attempting to run my favourite applications. I\'m thinking about going back to Girlfriend 7.0 ,but the uninstall doesn\'t work on Wife 1.0 . Please help! Thanks, Troubled User..... ____________ _________ _________ _______ REPLY: Dear Troubled User: This is a very common problem that men complain about. Many people upgrade from Girlfriend 7.0 to Wife 1.0, thinking that it is just a Utilities and Entertainment program. Wife 1.0 is an OPERATING SYSTEM and is designed by its Creator to run EVERYTHING!!! It is also im
My World
Noone ever said life was going to be so hard sometimes i wish there was a whay that you could be warnd by more then just your parents b/c all they ever tell you is not to do it they been there they know hen they tell you if you wont to do something come to us but then if you do they say no no thats not possible parents are someone that are suost to trust you, you would think that when something come up that has been said for excample you are on drugs but no insted they belive your sicottic ex-feoncia who never really gave you your own space wonted to be attached at the hip but gets mad when you wont to go see your friends then the other part of the family gets inalved because you have a dad that likes to go run and tell your grandmother everything and they belive anything that she is told y your dad and in the end you lose the one thing that is supposed to mean the most to them you lose the respect for them that they have told you, you were supposed to have for them What about the
Cleaning House
I have begun removing those friends that have been around for a while and haven't been keeping in touch with me. I rate their stash or take the time to rate them and they cannot even thank me, let alone acknowledge of what I just did for them! So I'm sorry but I want to keep in touch with those friends that do take the time to appreciate the things I do for them, with a shorter friends list I can focus more on those that do stop by my page periodically! I wish all those that have been bumped from my friends list the very best in life but I want to be surrounded by those that value a friendship! Happy trails to you!
Monday, Monday
Good morning all! Hope you are having a good Monday. Well, at least as good as can be expected, it is Monday after all. Freezing here in the Northeast again. Today we have a windchill of -3. I will be so happy when spring gets here. I am just not a cold weather person. Supposed to be in the 30s all week and raining & snowing. If the sun would at least shine one day that would be something. Oh well, better start doing my work for today. Don't forget to drop by and say Hi! It will make my day :)
Cops Ultimate Drinking Game
Game Name: Cops Ultimate Drinking Game Category: TV/Movie Buzz Level: High Directions: Take a drink when a suspect does or you see any of the following. Single Drink: - Runs from police - Denies ownership of any drugs or other contraband - Has missing teeth - Receives Miranda warning - Cries or throws fit - Lives in a trailer or mobile home - Has a prior record or warrants - Damages any vehicle - Has a gun or knife - Is or acts gay - Is partially (or not) clothed(includes bare feet and underwear) - Any prostitute - Cops use stop sticks - Cops conduct sobriety test - Officer says he likes night shift - Anybody bleeds - Female cop Take a shot: - Dog finds anybody - Any woman beats up any man - Any transvestite - Presence of numerous or inappropriate number of animals - Fire - Anybody fires a gun - Dead body - Cop uses tazer or pepperspray
To Help People Understand Law Enforcement A Little Better
----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: Ross Anthony Date: Feb 11, 2008 5:42 AM ----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: James R.Date: 11/02/2008----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: Krazy_BitchDate: Feb 10, 2008 11:22 PM“OUR HERO POLICE OFFICERS RISK THEIR LIVES EVERY DAY TO PROTECT AND SERVE US. AND THEY ARE SUBJECTED TO STRESSES, PRESSURES, AND DANGERS THAT FEW OF US COULD EVEN IMAGINE.”THEY ARE FATHERS, BROTHERS, SON'S, UNCLES.....THEY ARE MOTHERS, SISTERS, DAUGHTER'S, AUNT'S.....YOU GO TO WORK IN A SUIT AND TIE AND CARRY A BRIEF CASE.....THEY GO TO WORK WITH A BULLET PROOF VEST , PEPPER SPRAY, AND GLOCKS STRAPPED TO THEIR WAIST.....
Want To Be Added To My Family
If you want to be added to my family, another way is to help me help my friend. If you comment at least 200 comments on the following contest picture for my friend, I will add you to my family for 2 weeks, if you do more then I will add you for longer, Send me a private message letting me know how many comments you left and I will add you. Thanks
Hell explained by a University of Washington chemistry student The following is an actual question given on a University of Washington chemistry mid term. The answer by one student was so "profound" that the professor shared it with colleagues, via the Internet, which is, of course, why we now have the pleasure of enjoying it as well: ) Bonus Question: Is Hell exothermic (gives off heat) or endothermic (absorbs heat)? Most of the students wrote proofs of their beliefs using Boyle's Law (gas cools when it expands and heats when it is compressed) or some variant. One student, however, wrote the following: First, we need to know how the mass of Hell is changing in time. So we need to know the rate at which souls are moving into Hell and the rate at which they are leaving. I think that we can safely assume that once a soul gets to Hell, it will not leave. Therefore, no souls are leaving. As for how many souls are entering Hell, let's look at the different religi
Good To Be Back
Stupid Chain Letter
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1)I really hate people
I Hate Being Sick
GAWDS I HATE BEING SICK had this damned cold/flu since last weekend started out small now its keeping awake and no sleep.....wish i could just keel over and die, i know thats bad today for i have family and friends who would definitely miss me, but i am miserable...absolutely miserable! coughing sore sore right now i think id prolly lose my voice if anything else.
going to the docs today to get an ultrasound on my thyroid....during a doc visit they found the left thyroid was much bigger than the left. I went in the first place because I woke up about 2 Saturdays ago with extreme dizziness. It was so bad I fell. Happy that the bed was underneath me. Well went to our after-hours and they diagnosed me with having fluid in my ear, gave me a script for meclizine and sent me home. I had to sleep for the next week w/ 2 pillows under my head and in an almost sitting position for my vertigo to cease. What a terrible week. The 2nd week was not as bad. Just couldn't sleep on my right side with out the room spinning, and thats my fav side to sleep on. I called my doc and told him I still have the symptoms even though they are not as bad now. He is sending me to get an ultrasound and bloodwork done on my thyroid. I get that done today. Hope I am dying a slow death or something to joke about. I hope I am is not dying or something lol j/k I know it is not funn
'jaws' Actor Roy Scheider Dies
LITTLE ROCK, Arkansas (AP) -- Roy Scheider, the actor best known for his role as a police chief in the blockbuster movie "Jaws," has died. He was 75. Scheider died Sunday at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences hospital in Little Rock, hospital spokesman David Robinson said. The hospital did not release a cause of death. However, hospital spokeswoman Leslie Taylor said Scheider had been treated for multiple myeloma at the hospital's Myeloma Institute for Research and Therapy for the past two years. Scheider received two Oscar nominations, for best-supporting actor in 1971's "The French Connection" in which he played the police partner of Oscar winner Gene Hackman, and for best-actor for 1979's "All That Jazz," the autobiographical Bob Fosse film. However, he was best known for his role in Steven Spielberg's1975 film, "Jaws," the enduring classic about a killer shark terrorizing beachgoers and well as millions of moviegoers. Widely hailed as the film that launc
Cappy Is The Man!
In case you missed the bulletin, everyone that donates to my Spotlight Fund will receive a salute picture from me and be included in a Thank You Pimpout. If you donate $10,000 or more and get in touch with my wonderful friend Tinkerbell she will make you a custom graphic of your choice out of the options she has listed on her page. IF you donate $200,000 or more....You will receive all of the above as well as a solo pimpout from me and a spot on my profile! Thanks for all being such AWESOME FRIENDS! SHOW CAPPY LOTS OF LOVE!!! I woke up this morning to a $250,000 donation to my Spotlight Fund from CAPPY! Add him, Fan him, and Rate him and give him a big Thank You from me while you are there. Cappy@ fubar Not only is he real...he's REALLY AMAZING! Brought to YOU by: ~PebblesinAZ~ OwN3d by Domking123~@ fubar
Losing Your Love
DEDICATION Sometimes I sit and wonder as the years go by, how it would have been if you hadn't died. Remembering the times, the laughter we shared, how I wish you were here instead of up there. I remember the color of your eyes and that time we got caught in a lie :) You were taken much to young, our lives together had just begun. The touch of your hand, our first kiss, you just don't know how badly your missed. you were my life, my lover, my friend my love for you will never end. DMP 8/06
Ok heres the deal I have entered any contest on here This one is just a comment bomb. Come by and comment bomb my pic. Thanks.
Tag Game :d
This is attempt last one didn't take for some reasion!!! I have been tagged 3 times!!! Thanks Blondie, Arkham and Justa!!! So I am listing all 15 names here!!! Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1-I am very forgetful 2-I am a very dark person 3-I missed all of my mummer friends 4-I love my dog named Frazier 5-I am disabled 6-I am on SSI disability 7-I love my coffee 8-I get pissed of easily. 9-My brother is my best friend 10-I am glad this is the last one!!!! Tonya Princess Pink Lycan Razz DanteOwns
This is attempt last one didn't take for some reasion!!! I have been tagged 3 times!!! Thanks Blondie, Arkham and Justa!!! So I am listing all 15 names here!!! Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1-I can be a royal bitch 2-I love to be loved 3-I want to be held 4-I love my kids with all my being 5-I want to be more than just a mom 6-I am taken but willing to sell my man to the first person who will take him lol 7-I love my coffee 8-I love to laugh 9-I want more out of my life 10-I am glad this is the last one!!!! Shylo Whoda Joni Razz Angel
~secrets Of Love~
Secrets of Love~ The First Secret - The Power Of Thought Love begins with our thoughts. We become what we think about. Loving thoughts create loving experiences and loving relationships. Affirmations can change our beliefs and thoughts about others and ourselves. If we want to love someone, we need to consider their needs and desires. Thinking about your ideal partner will help you recognize her when you meet her. The Second Secret - The Power Of Respect You cannot love anyone or anything unless you first respect them. The first person you need to respect is yourself. To begin to gain self-respect asks yourself, "What do I respect about myself?" To gain respect for others, even those you may dislike, ask yourself "What do I respect about them?" The Third Secret - The Power Of Giving If you want to receive love, all you have to do is give it! The more love you give, the more you will receive. To love is to give of yourself freely a
Some People Need Lives....
Why can't they leave me alone? It's been almost 2 fucking months, geez! Now I'm getting emails trying to "explain what happened and how sorry they are". It doesn't matter anymore! Not o
Feb 11
February 11, 2008 Quote of the Day You desire to know the art of living, my friend? It is contained in one phrase: make use of suffering. – From Henri Frederic Amiel
I Had To Copy This Hope It Work's....some Thing To Think About
There was a blind girl who hated herself because she was blind. She hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend. He was always there for her. She told her boyfriend, 'If I could only see the world, I will marry you.' One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her. When the bandages came off, she was able to see everything, including her boyfriend. He asked her, 'Now that you can see the world, will you marry me?' The girl looked at her boyfriend and saw that he was blind. The sight of his closed eyelids shocked her. She hadn't expected that. The thought of looking at them the rest of her life led her to refuse to marry him. Her boyfriend left her in tears and days later wrote a note to her saying: 'Take good care of your eyes, my dear, for before they were yours, they were mine.' This is how the human brain often works when our status changes. Only a very few remember what life was like before, and who was always by their side no matter what the situations. Today before you co
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1. I have some weird obsession about my ears being clean. 2. I recieved a full academic scholarship to a university and did not take it. 3. I have lived on my own since i was 17. 4. I think people who walk barefoot in public are disgusting. 5. I hate feet, but mine are pretty! 6. I love having my hair played with. 7. I have lived in another country. 8. I used to own a frog that weighed almost 5 lbs. 9. My favorite past time is sliding down the levees on cardboard boxes. 10. the food i could eat all day and never get tired of .... CRAWFISH!! yum! I am tagging: Bubbie guidomedic g-man simplereasons and lord rapto
well we got about 6 hours of music i have to go through and mix...should have it done in about a week!...then it's time to start promoting and let some of you hear it!
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1. I am ambidextrous 2. My second toe is longer than my big toe 3. I love country music 4. I'm famous you just don't know it LOL 5. I sleep with my eyes half open 6. I've got a 35 year old brother and a 12 year old sister 7. I've driven someone to the point of being committed to a loony bin 8. I've got over 50 first cousins 9. I love to sing really badly at karaoke bars 10. I road rage and to keep me calm I would carry hand squeeze devices and have thrown one out my window at a car I TAGG.... 1 JeSsIcA pOoH 2 ISIS 3 NIBBZ 4 THE HIGHLANDER 5 ARC ANGEL
How It Was And Now
Jamie Marie Osborne is my other half and I Love it. She always makes me laugh and smile everytime I look at her. Ever since we got back together the first time I must admit I wasnt the man I knew I could be to her and It killed us both. We argued and fighted constantly and it was pushing us apart!! Eventually it got to much for her and I lost her she went back to an ASSHOLE and tried to continue her life but she knew deep down I would do anything for her and I did! I Matthew Allen Osborne went through anger management and all asorted help just to change my dumbass ways and it worked because she realized it and also realized that her bf at the time was treating her the same if not worst then I ever did and thats why she left him and now I have her back and we are getting married and thats that........ Jamie Marrie Osborne you belong to me and I pitty the one who tries to take you from me or even flirt cause I'll Get to how i used to with those Punk asses and BEAT THE SHIT OUTTA THEM!!!!
Very Bad Monday Indeed
I totaled my truck this morn ...roads were shitty and i was bringing my youngest to school when some moron in front of me decided to make a last minute turn in order not to hit him i steered into a parking lot hit ice and smashed into a huge steel beam holding up a sign..most of the impact was on passenger 13 yr old hadnt put her seatbelt on and i hadnt noticed as she was late for school and we were rushing..she hit the windsheild with her head and my legs crunced the sttering wheel..we're both ok however..just kinda a wake up call to pay attention to things that are really important..needless to say she will always have that belt on...
Want To Be Added To My Family
If you want to be added to my family and see me and my friends Best pictures, then you need to buy me a VIP, a Blast, or a Happy Hour, depending on what you buy me and how long its for depends on how long your added to my fmaily for. TRUST ME, you wont be disappointed.
Happy Valentines Day
Love You My Valintine
there is a person out there for who i realy care for waiting see you walk thou my door hoping to hold you in my arm so i know you do no harm dont know what to do to prove its you its you i love knowing you is truely a gift and my heart you truely lift when you came to me you love was truly a gift from above i love you my valintine i love you nancee its you i fancy
Chocolate Divinity Kisses
These sweet candies are topped with a chocolate kiss. Ingredients 2 1/2 C. granulated sugar 1/4 tsp. salt 1/2 C. light corn syrup 1/3 C. water 2 egg whites 1 tsp. vanilla extract 2 oz. baking chocolate, melted 3/4 C. chopped walnuts 48 milk chocolate kisses (8 oz. pkg.), unwrapped Directions Combine sugar, salt, corn syrup and water in a 2-quart saucepan. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until sugar dissolves and mixture boils. Continue cooking, without stirring, to 260 degrees or until a small amount of syrup dropped into cold water separates into threads which feel hard but not brittle (soft crack stage). When sugar reaches 246 degrees, beat egg whites in large mixer bowl until stiff peaks form. When syrup reaches soft crack stage, gradually pour in a thin stream into egg whites, beating at high speed on mixer. Add vanilla and beat until candy begins to hold its shape. Quickly blend in baking chocolate; stir in nuts. Quickly drop from teaspoon onto wax p
Gift Operation Successful, And My Dinner Craped
:) ok i gave him the gifts, and yes i wrapped the paper block in gift paper and it was all perfect he even put the card i gave him in one of the walls in the corridor... so sweet! ♥ ♥ note: i gave him the gift cause on feb.14 he might be working, and wont be able to come or me going there... (BUT: when i was about to get into the train, on sunday night, i said till next weekend and he said we will see lol, maybe he comes?) came back home last night very late directly to bed, i swear even my arms were hurting (and some other parts like my back are still) i slept a lot, and not very comfy cause i was so tired that i really didn't move on bed (usually i do and a lot) and that makes my body hurt after some hours now, i cooked a stupid home made soup, with all the veggies and even chicken... and the soup ended up being TOO SALTY!! WTF, i only gave it a lil bit of salt, but i guess this chicken had already some (it had already some spice and other things like oregano
Sex Market
Just a little vent here about lyfe. Sometimes in lyfe we are presented with situations in which we either learn, or not. Today, again, I have learned that not everyone in my zone acts, feels, and thinks as I do. I placed a mumm in the mumm area that was removed, to my suprise. I violated the terms and services agreement. Nonetheless I was afforded the opportunity to see how ignorant some people still are. Some of the comments made were inappropiate, and downright ignorant. To that I have to say everyone gets a turn, what goes around comes around, and its all fun and games until someone gets hurt. Lyfe has a funny way of returning the favor....until next time.
Political Rant & Who Im Voting For & Why
while i am registered a republican.. this country is crazy. and i think most of us want to vote for ourselves at this point (or at least our ideas). Anthony thinks the world is ending in 2012 when the next election is.. just because of the current trend. well, aren't we tired of the same crap in office.. white, 40's, big money guys, liars, manipulations.. etc. well here's my take on this election so far: -mccain is a crazy mofo.. talking about chasing bin laden down and shooting him w/ a m16.. he's really extreme, kinda scary. "supposedly" very rightwing but he seems like the same old guy.. -hillary is a waste of a vote- he husband will be pulling so many strings behind the scenes, you don't know who's doing what. her universal healthcare plan is a communistic and horrible system that will drive prices up and quality of care way down! she's also more manly and close-minded than most men! -who are the other republicans!!? the good ones all dropped out so far.. and the ot
Do You Want To Be Added To My Family?
IF you want to be added to my family and see my Sexy friends album, you need to buy me a VIP, Blast, or Happy HOur, the length of what you buy will determine the length of how long you will be added to my family. Thanks,
Needs Help (& 11's)
He was Deleted for no reason, was a Level 21 & they deleted him. Plz show him some Love.
Tag - You're It!
Instructions: Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. Have fun! 1. I collect piggy banks. I have over 200 ceramic pig piggy banks. 2. I like peanut butter and mayonaisse sandwiches. 3. I'm having the hardest time with the Canadian government trying to get my permanent residency card in my married name. 4. I get really frustrated sooo easily (according to my husband). 5. I'm only on Fubar for the MuMM's, and I'm still rarely on anymore. 6. I have to buy OhImjustagirl like 70 drinks in order to make up for what I haven't bought her in return. heh. I suck. =/ 7. I never, ever plan on having kids. 8. My husband says a weird fact is: I married him. What a goof. =P 9. T
Tag Your It!!!!
The rules are: Once you've been tagged you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose 5 people to be tagged. No tag backs. 1. I AM DEATHLY AFRAID OF SPIDERS!!!! 2. I LOVE TO TRAVEL EVERYWHERE! (JUST PICK UP AND GO) 3. I HAVE A CRUSH ON GREENEYEDGIRL!!!! 4. I LOVE BEER! 5. I BELIEVE IN GOHST!!! 6. I LIKE TO WRITE POETRY! 7. I WALK AROUND THE HOUSE NAKED! 8. I DESPISE PEOPLE WHO ARE FAKE! 9. WALKING ON THE BEACH IS SOOTHING FOR ME!!!! 10. I NEED TO FIND A GIRL THAT IS WORTH MY WHILE!!!!~ I am tagging: THATS HOT TIFFANY BANKERBYDAY ~MsPassions~ *Jaded*rawk*starr* greeneyedgirl
How Should I Tell Her?
how should I tell her no I cant seem to find the way but me without her I'm just not quite myself just cuz I'm afraid of her rejection I count the days 'til I can hold her in my arms how to tell her that I love her, thats she's the light that brightens up my day I'm not eating, I'm hardly sleeping just imagen what it'll be like and I'm going crazy for being such a coward and not having the guts how should I tell her if I turn deep red when she passes and I can't speak when I'm around her How should I tell her If I'm afraid I will get hurt so I keep hiding this passion
Don't Be Lonely On V-day!
Alright. I've heard alot about being lonely on valentines day. I have a solution. I don't care if you're male, or female. I can cure your v-day blues. Simply goto the dollar store, wal-mart, kmart, etc... and purchase a box of chocolates, and send it to me. Large or small doesn't matter. I will send you a hand made personalized v-day card in return. :) The name/address is: D.J.T 1906 Edmunds Lot #11 Brush, CO 80723
Tag You're It
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1. I Have to take at least 2 showers every day to stay fresh and clean. 2. I walked away from a football scholarship at Univ. of Colorado at Boulder and a baseball scholorship at Lamar Univ. to become a Firefighter. 3. I scored very high on an IQ exam 4. I dislike hearing people "smack" when they are chewing food.....argh! 5. I never remember my age when asked. 6. I love being teased by a girl. 7. I want to retire to Europe. 8. I tolerate cats but love big dogs. 9. My favorite past time is knocking young guys down a notch on the basketball court. 10. the food i could eat all day and never get tired of
Tagged By Ishee Ruthless
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1) My first weird habbit is that I have to wash my hands after peeing in a public restroom and have to turn the water off with a paper towel, and can not open the door with out a paper towel. (Don't like touching anything after washing my hands.) 2) I can't leave the house without Kissing my wife and children bye and saying I love them (weither they are awake or not). I never know when it may be the last time I see them and I don't want the last thing they got from me not be special. 3) I always roll down my window in my truck before leaving in the morning and turn my radio off to make sure one of my children does not run
"a Promise Made Is A Promise Kept"
I love you daddy ~Spanky~
Something To Share!!
A Captivating he, his voice so sweet, sound so seductive,every word spoken makes me feel weak.. A captivating he, his voice seems to echoe, everytime I sleep, it makes me smile thinking of thee... A captivating he, seems to have put me in trance, intencely dying to meet thee.. A silent whisper as he trys to speak makes me wonder "mmmmm" he sounds so tempting.. A captivating he "Hmmmmm" can it mean a captivating we ~"inticing"~...
I Guess I'm A Political Activist Who Doesn't Represent The Electorate, Huh?
February 11, 2008 Clinton dismisses weekend losses Posted: 03:14 PM ET Clinton downplayed her weekend losses Monday. Clinton downplayed her weekend losses Monday. WHITE MARSH, Maryland (CNN) — Hillary Clinton on Monday explained away Barack Obama's clean sweep of the weekend's caucuses and primaries as a product of a caucus system that favors "activists" and, in the case of the Louisiana primary, an energized African-American community. She told reporters who had gathered to watch her tour a General Motors plant here that "everybody knew, you all knew, what the likely outcome of these recent contests were." "These are caucus states by and large, or in the case of Louisiana, you know, a very strong and very proud African-American electorate, which I totally respect and understand." Clinton has publicly dismissed the caucus voting system since before Super Tuesday, seeking to lower expectations heading into a series of contests that played to Obama's advantage. His campai
Roy Scheider Dies At 75
'Jaws' star dies at 75 08:29 AM CST on Monday, February 11, 2008 Associated Press LITTLE ROCK, Ark. -- Roy Scheider, a two-time Oscar nominee best known for his role as a police chief in the blockbuster movie "Jaws," has died. He was 75. Scheider died Sunday at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences hospital in Little Rock, hospital spokesman David Robinson said. The hospital did not release a cause of death. However, hospital spokeswoman Leslie Taylor said Scheider had been treated for multiple myeloma at the hospital's Myeloma Institute for Research and Therapy for the past two years. He was nominated for an Oscar for best-supporting actor in 1971's "The French Connection" in which he played the police partner of Oscar winner Gene Hackman and for best-actor for 1979's "All That Jazz," the autobiographical Bob Fosse film. However, he was best known for his role in Steven Spielberg's 1975 film, "Jaws," the enduring classic about a killer shark ter My White Tee
i 'm stoned in my white tee.. yep in my white tee.. now i have to go pee pee..
My New Van!!!
I'm going tonight to pick up my new van!!! Yay!!! (well, used van, but it's new to me!)
1 Year Ago Today
Well a year ago today the only dad I knew was taken away.. I have heard over and over the first year is the hardest yada yada yada, but is it really? BECAUSE to me today seems to be the hardest.. Those memories I CAN do without.. So does it actually start to get better after today? I DOUBT IT.. **will finish later**
A Lesson For All Of Us
There was a blind girl who hated herself because she was blind. She hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend. He was always there for her. She told her boyfriend, 'If I could only see the world, I will marry you.' One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her. When the bandages came off, she was able to see everything, including her boyfriend. He asked her, 'Now that you can see the world, will you marry me?' The girl looked at her boyfriend and saw that he was blind. The sight of his closed eyelids shocked her. She hadn't expected that. The thought of looking at them the rest of her life led her to refuse to marry him. Her boyfriend left her in tears and days later wrote a note to her saying: 'Take good care of your eyes, my dear, for before they were yours, they were mine.' This is how the human brain often works when our status changes. Only a very few remember what life was like before, and who was always by their side no matter what the situations. Today before you co
I Take A Shower Like This =d
Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. Have fun! 1.I eat A1 on just about anything 2.I wont potty in any other house but mine 3.I drink hot tea 4.I have a foot phonbea 5.My sheets HAVE to be tucked in at the end of the bed 6.I like the smell of Veggies but I dont like the taste 7.I still suck my thumb when I ma stressed 8.I hate not showering every day 9.I am Bossy.....I know thats hard to believe 10.I like to solve everyones elses problems.... Passing the torch to: Shea Boston BeatDown 2Big4You EMSTECH G Insanity Jenn K
All I ever wanted is in you: Love, laughter, a pillow for my fears. I want to give and to be given to So I might feel myself flow through the years Alive in you, the wonder of my tears.
Zamba De Mi Esperanza
Tag, You're It
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. I really do work in prison My hair is purple I can't let anyone clean my house or do my laundry because they won't do it correctly. My best friend is a man My main nourishment comes from protein bars I hate country music My divorce will be final next month I only wear white socks My memory is what most would call "photographic" I just broke a nail Five people I'm sending this to: Part Of Me Hates You Defiance Seditionist SleazyRider P
Upgrade Time!
I'm in the MOOD to upgrade my guitar and more importantly my tone choices, which any guitar player will tell you...the more choices you have with a guitar...the fewer you need to get the job done! I recently saved my lead singer's guitar from a certain trip to the junkyard! He had purchased an Indonesian made Squire Telecaster for $200 (the new sale price) a while back. He loves a Tele and although we have other guitars available to him that are lots better...he insists on playing his Tele. So I installed a new set of Seymore Duncan STK's in it and rewired the whole thing and installed all new electronics. It sounded so good when I got done that it made me decide to go ahead with plans I'd been thinking about to redo my own guitar. We have a busy week coming up for RiverGard, so I will be making enough money to have some extra to throw into my equipment. I will be purchasing a new set of Seymore Duncan pickups for my Ibanez S470DXQM(HSH) consisting of a SH-2n Jazz for the neck, a
Being Blocked
I just have to say this. Some people are so childish and stupid, on here!!! I cannot believe how some people take this shit so seriously. How anal are you in real life if you get so upset about a comment on your mumm. I am going to sit here and Thank God that I have still got a sense of humor and that I have a life! Some people are just so futarded!!! Have an awesome week and have fun!!!
Very Interesting Stuff
> VERY INTERESTING STUFF > > > > > In the 1400's a law was set forth in England that a man was allowed to > beat his wife with a stick no thicker than his thumb. Hence we have "the > rule of thumb" > > > > > > ------------------------------------------- > > > > > > Many years ago in Scotland , a new game was invented. It was ruled > "Gentlemen Only..Ladies Forbidden"...and thus the word GOLF entered into > the English language. > > > > > > ------------------------------------------- > > > > > > The first couple to be shown in bed together on prime time TV were Fred > and Wilma Flintstone. > > > > > > ------------------------------------------- > > > > > > Every day more money is printed for Monopoly than the U.S . Treasury. > > > > > > ------------------------------------------- > > > > > > Men can read smaller print than women can; women can hear better. > > > > > > -------------------------------------------
with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose 5 people to be tagged. No tag backs. 1. I'm addicted to FUN 2. I prefer to have MALES as friends 3. I love my crush 4. I love to hit the trails in my jeep 5. I am a JEEPER 6. I am a hopeless romantic 7. I still ride trails every chance I get 8. I collect toy jeeps want to buy e some? 9. I am ready for alot more fun in my life 10. I LOVE JEEPS These are the people I tagged, Cm91b Lars-Retired Moriarti Duvz77 Fullnuduty Berryre86
Going Home
Today was my last day at work, I'm officially on leave til Feb 25th, yay, flying home this friday, I'm really not staying that long cause I didn't want it to interfer with my Wirefly Marathon training, the weather is probably so shitty in Illinois that I won't be in the mood to pull off a 15 or 20 mile run, but I'll definetly be at the YMCA or the Health club doing my spin class, I'll be home for only 5 days and when i comeback to DC I'm bringin the pain, I always wanted to plan a long run to the George Washington Mount Vernon estate..
Thats Shaddy
well the other day i find out that my best freind has a cherrytap and she has all my people on her page and has me blocked i think its shaddy but what can ya do right anyway im bored nsd aint got shit todo imma sit over with beaver and chill ya heard me lol well if yall need anything then hit me up if ya aint got my number then ummm ha ha
Fluffy Starr
Ravens Dream
Ravens Dream In darkness I feel a pull, a kinship, a longing to be whole. I feel detached from the present, the world, the now My time is passed, yet I dwell in this bee’s nest, this world. Why am I here? what purpose unknown? out of context lost in the maelstrom? 6 billion minds fill my head a cacophony of the mundane the bizarre. Where is tranquillity, where is purity of thought, the simple? The beauty of life tainted with selfishness and greed. It saddens my heart, threatens to overwhelm and corrupt my spirit With dark sticky fingers false promises to beguile and dazzle. A candy apple with inner gift gnawing unseen within yet, there may lie the reason for detachment… my defence, a mechanism against the ugly the unclean the unsaid. I look on, insulated from the pain, distant, safe, yet, there is no pleasure in detachment and watching. Judgments sword easy for those who watch, but are detached. I stare into the abyss, confront my soul strive for comprehensi
What Do You Like??
rough hard ,fast sex?,,or nice slow deep sex?,,,,,
Fat Chics
There's been a lot of crap lately about fat girls, BBW's, fluffy, chubby women. Whatever you want to call them. I saw in one MUMM a response that asked "how much validation do fat girls need". So I think I'll take the time to answer that. First a few questions though: 1. How many 'no skinny chics' t-shirts have you ever seen? 2. How many "skinny" women were ever told "you'd be so pretty if you weren't so skinny"? 3. How many "skinny" women have walked through a store and were pointed at by some rude child that laughed and said "mommy look at the skinny woman over there"? How many "fat" beauty/homecoming/prom queens do you know? None! Right? That's because "fat" people aren't the beautiful people. If "fat chics" need validation then give it to them. Lets face're all begging for validation.......A/R/F me please, someone buy me a blast, prove i'm popular, prove to me i'm worth knowing, pay me fubucks to look at my pics (WTF??) no one is
Journey I walk in peace through forests open house A guest privileged I breath rainbows gift Winds dances an invisible tango among lofty boughs, I listen to the song and close translucent eyelids. My vision clearing I breathe with the rhythm of the dance Invisible guests punctuate the dance counter point Tiny hearts joys released shrill proclamation I walk the secret paths insulated by clumsy attire. I discard my shoes in favor of liberated toes and discovered textures. I walk through vaulted avenues lit by suns probing fingers. Warm air stirs like the passing of unseen forms, close unseen. Sweat beads on naked skin, I float ever onwards I remove my shirt redundant modesty forgotten, out of context. Moisture evaporates on exposed flesh raising invisible hairs, caressing the breeze as nature welcomes forgotten senses. My goal unclear I move where whispers lead, secure in timeless wisdom Creatures pause and watch my passing, I smile at there harmony They st
I'l Been Tagged!!!!!
Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. My 10 1. I HATE RUDE PEOPLE 2. I LOVE TO GO FOR WALKS ON THE BEACH 3. I LOVE TO GO DANCING 4. I AM A VERY WILD PERSON WHEN I WANT TO BE 5. I DON'T LIKE MY PICTURE TAKEN 6. I LOVE MY FAMILY EVEN WHEN THEY GET ME MAD 8. I AM VERY OUT SPOKEN 9. I LOVE TO SLEEP IN BUT HAVEN'T DONE THAT IN WHAT 8 YEARS NOW!!!!! 10. I HATE WHEN PEOPLE BLOW THINGS OUT OF CONTEXT!!!! I am tagging these 4 people: PAULY, ORCRUSH,BIG NICK,HE LOVES ME LOVES ME NOT
Stupid Haters
ok so this is a addenum to my other blog.... what is up with these stupid fu girls being all hung up on a guy that you would have to go to another girl and "bitch" her out. Look again...because ppl are stupid...IM not talkn shit about anyone cuz 1. im not that bored 2. your not that special I dont care about u and wanting my x or my x wanting u or yada yada blah me they are X's for a reason! stupid ppl get a life 90% of the time u probably wont even meet anyone from another state and you know wat...get over urself...ur hate is just based off ur own insecurity. and it causes wrinkles. Im not getting mad or even or even after this putting another thought to it because ...ur not worth it. and for the culprit well....all i can say is u live a sad lil life!
The Invitation
It doesn't interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for, and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart's longing. It doesn't interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dream, for the adventure of being alive. It doesn't interest me what planets are squaring your moon. I want to know if you have touched the center of your own sorrow, if you have been opened by life's betrayals or have become shriveled and closed from fear of further pain!I want to know if you can sit with pain, mine or your own, without moving to hide it or fade it, or fix it. I want to know if you can be with joy, mine or your own, if you can dance with wildness and let the ecstasy fill you to the tips of your fingers and toes without cautioning us to be careful, to be realistic, to remember the limitations of being human. It doesn't interest me if the story you are telling me is true. I want to know if you can disappoin
Trinity You stand alone in suns warmth easy grace. Assurance template In silhouette suns equal, you gaze upon the work of gods I move beside you, with you. Warm fingers touch entwined A squeeze, brief affirmation. Actions implicit understanding. Your eyes smile longings song Mischief sparks life’s essence. A single eyebrow raised intentions Signals known my heart laughs Eyes closed in desires rapture Silken nape caresses I sigh. Flowers scent, deliberate touch We tremble, life’s blush we dance We descend to earth’s mantle green Fused in desires forge we cry. The world spins beneath our earthly form Time our own creation life’s longing satisfied Remnants of modesty forgotten we lie exposed to destiny’s whim We breath life anew in to the world Our potential incarnate our trinity
Winters Peak
Winters Peak On winters peak I sit, still, subdued Chill harsh winds caress my flesh. Diamonds form on willing skin let winds touch steal my resolve Cleanse my heart, numb the fire within Time to shrug of this mortal coil, be still. Never will she return to warm my heart. Remembered smiles, consuming passion. My eyes close, my soul exhales a last good by I wait on winter’s peak embrace absolution. Yet, I do not leave this realm I remain. A presence awakes me from my self-pity I dark feathered form sits and watches Incarnate darkness fly’s on ebony wings Sun dances her way from despairs clouds, Possibilities illuminated I see life’s purpose Intangible shadows give darkness release. Illuminate despairing souls my gift, my curse Perhaps I will visit her memories, hold them close Would that strengths optimism was my gift To live and love with burdens light as butterflies Dandelion down on summer breezes my cares, Larks triumphant exaltations, sweet refrain
Hearts Can Lead Astray
Don't always follow what your heart tells you to do. Use common sense and judgement. Hearts can feel and mislead as well as our brain. Don't let people use's a tell tale sign that someone is not totally into you if you're feeling pushed away more and more each day. Why waste the energy and time to just end up in worse heartache. Don't always assume that the words "I love you" will fix everything. Why do we as a society continue to punish ourselves and our hearts by being there for people who are not totally committed to us? If the other person can not be totally and brutally honest about everything going on in their life, then it's not worth the time. True love is not worth the time...the pain only gets worse and worse each day that you are lying to yourself. Lick the wounds and move on...being alone is better than being alone with someone else.
Its For A Happy Hour Please Come Help
please come help me get this happy hour i know how much we love them happy hours so please come help me ill show you lots of love as i have 4 months worth of 11s yet lol here is the link please help me
Tag You're It
The rules are: Once you've been tagged you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose 5 people to be tagged. No tag backs. 10. I hate chain letters. This is a little different, but only a little. 9. If I wasn't tagged by somebody I'm gaga for, then I wouldn't be doing this. 8. I'm always naked. Except when I'm not, which is at work, on the way to work, and at the grocery store. 7. I sing karaoke, but I sing alternative rock, which everybody hates but me. 6. I apologize ahead of time to the 5 people I tag. Luv ya, mean it! 5. I like it hot; damn hot, like 90 degrees and humid so I have to get in the cold pool hot. (Yes naked, of course, why would I be dressed while sweating?) 4. I am way too serious, except when I'm online or drunk. 3. I think I'm funny and ppl tell me I'm funny, so it's all YOU'RE fault. 2. I hate chain letters. I used that one already, but seriously folks, I don't answer t
About Me.
Hello, My name is Teresa. I am 34 and currently living IN Maryland. I have blonde hair blue eyes. I am very out going. I am always looking for someone to chat with. Please feel free to contact me.
Dad's Skin Graft
The side-effects of the radiation struck again. The doctor and my mom and I hoped that this would not be a problem with Dad's healing up but it was. You see the surgery required that Dad's throat be opened up and then he had to heal from the wound. When he had his radiation that is were all the radiation was aimed. When the doctor started to take out the stitches he noticed the Dad was leaking an abnormal amount of fluid from the middle of his wound and it would not stop, so the doctor decided to do a skin graft over the whole incision to make sure that it would heal correctly. The doctor took muscle and skin from my dad's left shoulder and side area and started the procedure. When he got in to the wound my dad had a huge hole in the middle of the original incision. He had to rebuild some of the things that he had done in the first procedure. He said that it was a mess in there and if he had not given dad the skin graft he never would have healed on his own. Mom said that whe
Let He Who Is Without Sin
Let He Who Is Without Sin... Try To Survive!!! What's your sin? Gluttony... Lust... Greed... Sloth... Wrath... Envy... Pride... We are the new group on Fubar... We consist of 7 Sins... who all have 7 disciples... We are taking auditions for disciples now... So if you want to join the group... Please read our blog named... ""How to apply" The Se7en Sins Group@ fubar COME SIN WITH US!!!!
The cold metal of the outside door presses against her back Her hands slide through his hair as he growls against her lips She tries to catch her breath but can’t Her mind is racing as the cold wind snakes up her legs She wishes she wore pants but knows he would not have approved He thrusts harder and harder and finally reaches his peak She can’t help but moan as his fertile sperm floods her opening He steps back and fixes her skirt, not caring if his cum runs down her leg They walk hand in hand down the street.
I Long To Dance
I Long to dance I long to dance on a moonlit night with an Angel fair with a step so light to hold her close in my warm embrace to gaze upon that perfect face. I long to dance when the sun does rise To gaze into those dark brown eyes in silhouette her perfect form graces my presence in the light of dawn. I long to dance on a warm summer day In forest glades where butterflies play when happiness lives and cares are few and a kiss from my Angel is a dream come true. I long to dance on long winters nights By the light of the fire and soft candle lights to whisper my love, share my fears to laugh and cry to saviour the years. I long to dance back into the past To meet a girl sad and down cast To offer my heart and my hand to dance to hold her close to take a chance. I dream of the dance that never was I rail against the natural laws But time is fickle I know its true Some time I know I’ll dance with you.
I Entered Lisasweets Vip, Blast Or Fu-bucks Contest
I entered a Contest for a VIP, Blast and/or FU-Bucks, being Hosted by: * lisasweet * The most Photo comments by on Feb 21st at 6 pm central, WINS Please click onto the Photo below and Leave some photo comments. Thanks In advance for all the Help, David
i am so sick of everthing ... i if u bother to read would know and going thru hell these days ...i been living on a sofa ...b/c my dad wanted to play more of his fucking mind games ..... on me and my mother my mother is manic depressive bi polor and a few otehr things mixed in there for u kiddies who dont know that means sometimnes she is in her own world to i sm in that world i depresssed as of lately i have horible raped by 3 men a few month ago really havnt been my self since i went crazy i was in film scho0ol chasing my dreams now i not thats all thre is to that my fahter thought since i wasnt doing it just how he wanted ..... he flew out form alberta changed the locks on me ... i am at my moms on her sofa and my god she lost it she gone and right lost it now everthing is my dooing everthing wrong in her life is my fault tell u when ru depressed and face days wher ur wishing u were dead thats not good when ur so scard and u cant even sleep at night and dont swleep for days then fin
Tag You're It
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1~ I hate mind games. 2~ I'm a worrier. 3~ I love my pets. 4~ I hate hurricanes. 5~ I seldom eat my veggies. 6~ I do not function without coffee. 7~ I am annoyed easily. 8~ I miss snow. 9~ I go to church sometimes. 10~ I am a pain most days.
Tag Game
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1. I tried smoking back in high school and couldn't stand it. 2. I skipped a ton of school my senior year and only got caught one time. 3. I prefer drinking beer over anything else 4. I hate smiling in pictures. lol 5. I hate wearing make up and 98% of the time go without. 6. I have a tattoo and plan on getting another one, possibly this week. 7. I HATE fighting. 8. I love Mexican food 9. I played volleyball in school and was on the track team, briefly. lol 10. I went to college, but haven't graduated yet. I plan on going back in a couple years. This time I tag: dbacks20 truck driving guy
My Aura Color
What Color Is Your Aura? We don't need a psychic to tell us that you're giving off a Emerald vibe. Your bright, refreshing, grass-green aura tells us that you're a relaxed person with a laid-back attitude. Into living a healthy lifestyle — from eating right to trying yoga and aromatherapy — you're down-to-earth and always easy-going. You bring calm and peace with you wherever you go. A bit of a flower child, you're as unpretentious and open-minded as they come. Everyone is invited to your party. Chances are you have quite the green thumb, too, as well as a knack for healing people — both emotionally and physically. Sensitive and compassionate, you're as reliable as the earth and as natural as herbal tea and organic vegetables.
Living In #1 Miserable City In Usa
Touching An Angel
To touch an angel is a sin. Force myself deep within. Screams of pleasure cry my name. Painful enjoyment all part of the game, Once felt your never the same. Listen carefully cause this a swear. Your my every breath even the air! Cry for me softly miss me touch. I hope all i give isn't too much.
I'm So Tired
Ok so I just got home and OMG I am so freakin tired, so I went up to St. Paul to get my brother-in-law since he was stranded get up there and he has gotten a room and asks me to stay and take him to the hospital so he could talk to my sister. I couldn't very well just turn around and come home so I stayed THANK GOD my sister understood why i went up there to get him. And I got to spend some time with my niece although she slept the whole time I was there. I told them both that I was there if they needed me but I wasn't picking sides that I was staying out of it and remaining neutral. I only got like 1 1/2 hours sleep last night because I sat up with my brother-in-law as he cried and had a anxiety attack. It was all a big strain and although I hated leaving my sister & niece so early I am glad to be home. Brought my brother-in-law back down and hopefully if they do end up getting back together this will have helped form a better bond with my brother-in-law. OK I'm off to return love so
Bike Rally
We are having the 2nd annual HogFest Bike Rally. The date is May 23-26. Come check out our website at I hope to see more of you there this year.. I met alot of you at our first rally. Come on down and join in on the party.
Ready For Love
Ready For Love by Ruth Kephart Take my hand and lead the way; tell me all you want to say. Whisper softly in my ear, all those things I want to hear. Kiss my lips and touch my skin; bring out passions deep within. Pull me close and hold me near; take away my pain and fear. In the darkness of the night, be my beacon, shine your light. In the brightness of the sun, show me that you are the one. Give me wings so I can fly; for I can soar when you're nearby. Enter my heart, break down the wall, it's time for me to watch it fall. I've been a prisoner, can't you see? Break my chains and set me free. Strip me of my armor tight; you'll find I won't put up a fight. Release my soul held deep within . . . I'm ready now, let love begin.
My Story
Threesome I had been dating this girl for about 2 months when she first invited me over to her house for a sleep over. I was 20 at the time and on summer break from college. She was a year younger and was amazingly hot. She also had this incredibly hot mom, who must have been around 40, but still irresistibly sexy. I was sleeping on the couch that night when I woke to someone sitting down next to me. I started to get up but a hand pushed me down and started to pull off my boxers. She bent over and began to give me one of the world’s greatest blow jobs and finally I shot cum all over her face. She began to pull down her tight pajamas and I saw a huge black thong which turned me on sooo much. She came on to me and began straddling me hard. She started to moan and whispered in my ear, "Fuck me as hard as you like." I stopped, recognizing the voice. It was not that of my girlfriend but of her hot mom. Then all of a sudden I heard my girlfriend’s voice up the stairs. "Jeff, is ever
Help Me Win A Vip!! : )
Click on the link below and select picture # 1 for AngelnDiscEyes help me win a VIP this is my first contest. Comments only. Thx fu frenz for all of your support!
Blah I Feel Like Poo Poo Butt!!!!
i am super sick and it super sux!!!! sorree if im not online for the next week bc all i have been doing is hiding under a blanket on my couch or in my bed!!!!
Tag Your It!!
Tag you're it: Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1. I have a demon Child I love to death. 2. I can't sleep until sometime after 2 am. 3. I take notions and just cut my hair for the hell of 4. I'm addicted to stupid 5. i'm crazier than most people think I 6. I love me some dirt track racin.. yay Super Late Model Time is here!!! 7. Fried Bologna and Cheese samwiches are the bomb. 8. I have 4 sister's and couldnt tell ya how many other half bro's and sister's. 9. I have my tongue pierced.. hehe I have 2 tat's one on the boob and one on the
Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1. I am the mother of 6 children 2. I never thought I would have or intended on 6 children. 3. I want to go back to school to be a midwife to deliver babies. 4. I love to ride dirtbikes, 4 wheelers, snowmobiles. 5. I love to crochet. 6. Dude WTF wants me. 7. I listen to Roy Orbison. 8. Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. 9. I get bored easy. 10.My husband is a truck driver. Katilac81 Dude WTF Don't need jacks mad eye a1cd
Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1) I am a brunette. 2) I watch Soap Operas sometimes. 3) I get wild when I get drunk. 4) I don't like horror movies. 5) I went to college and never earn an hour. 6) I like purple. 7) I am 5'3". 8) I am always tired. 9) I like romantic comdies. 10) I love my best friend!
Double-dose Of Torchwood For Uk Viewers Wednesday 13th February
Adam - Wednesday, 13th February at 9:00pm on BBC Two. An alien with the power to change memories infiltrates Torchwood. It's up to the team to save themselves before it's too late. With Captain Jack caught up in memories of his lost family, and Gwen struggling to remember Rhys, it takes Jack's love of Ianto to reveal the truth. But there's always a price to pay. Captain Jack is played by John Barrowman, Gwen by Eve Myles, Rhys by Kai Owen and Ianto by Gareth David-Lloyd. Reset - SPECIAL TIME! Wednesday, 13th February at 9:50pm on BBC Three. Captain Jack calls in Martha Jones to investigate a spate of mysterious deaths. When the trail leads to a sinister medical-testing centre, Martha must go undercover. But has Torchwood underestimated how far the testing centre will go to find medical breakthroughs? And how safe are the members of Torchwood? Captain Jack Harkness is played by John Barrowman and Martha Jones by Freema Agyeman.
Please Help
my gf has a contest going i'm asking all my freinds to please help bomb this pic!
Dream Interpritation
Sam, the recurrent theme of your dream life is Divine Inspiration You're dreaming about feeling deeply connected to the universe and to those around you. While you sleep, your mind gravitates toward scenarios in which you feel free of burdens or constraints. Your dreams tell stories of positive relationships that don't hold you back. This means that you're likely tapping into a sense of uplifting freedom and awe of the greater things in life. There are a wide variety of dreams that fall into the category of Divine Inspiration. You may dream of being surrounded by lush or expansive natural beauty. Many people dream about being embraced tenderly or of making love. Flying is also common in Divine Inspiration dreams. Divine Inspiration is your overarching dream theme. Tickle's research has identified seven universal dream themes, including Divine Inspiration. To learn more about your scores on all seven themes, and what your results reveal about your waking life, read o
Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1. I am the mother of 3 boys 2. I am a great friend 3. I'll only ride on a Harley 4. I hate most veggies 5. I believe in God 6. I believe in ghosts 7. I love someone more than he will ever know 8. I want to go back home 9. I miss my friends 10.I am going to CA in a couple weeks shayrae Brad COLE olds870 Hot Steel
Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1) I shave my head 2) I love my m4. 3) I get horny when I get drunk. 4) I don't like my ex. 5) I went to college and not doing a damn thing with it. 6) I like green. 7) I am 5'10". 8) I love COFFEE!!. 9) I like driving in the snow. 10) my best friend is Chris
Little Known Things About Me
Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. Have fun! 1. I love my car, she is my baby.... and no i did not name her 2. I am very good at what i do with both my jobs. I love my jobs. 3. I love my mom's Lasagna, but she only makes it once a year on christmas 4. My hair gets messy pretty easy cause i don't use any product in it to hold it in place 5. If I had enough money to choose anywhere to live I would choose a house on the water right here on Long Island 6. I still talk to the girl I was supposed to marry many years ago 7. I like rain and thunderstorms. I used to watch them on the beach in florida out over the water when i was younger. 8. I am very fast at witty combac
A Video I Made For A Friend In Australia
Dones Crazy Aunt
done am so soory ur aunt is a nut job maybe some day she will grow up a 60 yr old women needs to be doing something with her time other then makeing up fake fubar accounts and leaving messsages!!! damn get a liFE
Tag! You're It!!!!
The rules are: Once you've been tagged you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose 5 people to be tagged. No tag backs. 1. I'm allergic to all seafood 2. I'm completely addicted to Family Guy 3. I love porn...seriously hahaha :D 4. I can't stand to have ice touch my teeth 5. I'm very ticklish :D 6. I used to work for a professional hockey team 7. I love thunderstorms, even though they scare the heck out of me, lol 8. Complete coffee addict, I bleed Starbucks 9. I have the attention span of a squirrel on crack, lol 10. I love to read, and I usually have 4 or 5 books going at a time. I am tagging: Ridin Hard EvilLive Tat2Man Styrian Mysery Atoll
Feelings And Thoughts
Okay here goes, this is how I am feeling right now and feel I need to get it out of my head but don't want to bother Jeremy with it cause he has enough on his plate worrying about the racecar. They say god puts on you what you can take, and I believe that and I feel that god must think I am really strong cause I don't think I can do this. All I want in life is a home of my own, and Jeremy to be able to race. Every time I think we are getting on track we get slapped in the face. I think I should get a second job to help pay things off and save money, but I am afraid that we will spend the money if I earn extra. I just don't know what to do and feel that we are drowning in debt and there is not end in sight. If anyone knows what I can do to take steps to help us get out of debt and start to move forward to buy a house let me know, I just feel so down and like doing my best just isn't good enough, these are just my random ramblings sorry to put it out here.
The Man Rules
The Man Rules­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ At last a guy has taken the time to write this all down Finally , the guys' side of the story. ( I must admit, it's pretty good.) We always hear ' the rules ' From the female side. Now here are the rules from the male side. These are our rules! Please note.. these are all numbered '1 ' ON PURPOSE! 1. Men are NOT mind readers. 1. Learn to work the toilet seat. You're a big girl. If it's up, put it down. We need it up, you need it down. You don't hear us complaining about you leaving it down. 1. Sunday sports It's like the full moon or the changing of the tides. Let it be. 1. Crying is blackmail. 1. Ask for what you want. Let us be clear on this one: Subtle hints do not work! Strong hints do not work! Obvious hints do not work! Just say it! 1. Yes and No are perfectly acceptable answers to almost every question. 1. Come to us with a problem only if you want help solving it. That's what we do. Sy
Project Playlist
from your "my account" page chose the "my playlist option then select the playlist you wish to upload to fubar then chose the generate code option then chose option E you will now have to select the same playlist that u wish to upload again from here u will chose ur options then click "get code" that will bring u to the code page... from here u will right click and select "select all" then right click again and select "cut" now ur done with project playlist ... from here on out u will be working with fubar from ur home page on fubar select edit profile clect the music tab and right click and paste tehe code from progect playlist.. then fill out the bouncer check at the bottom and save once u have completed all these steps u are complete.. enjoy ur music
The rules are: Once you've been tagged you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose 5 people to be tagged. No tag backs. 1. I'm shorter than everyone I know my age or older 2. I have OCD 3. I hate sea food and chinese food! It will make me throw up! 4. I'm blind in my right eye 5. I have lock jaw 6. I can bitch about everything! 7. I have to have the air bag disabled in my car bc I'm so short 8. I sing ALL the time even though I cant sing 9. I'm spoiled to the core 10. I cant lay flat on my back bc my butt is too big The people I've Tagged: 1. cejay203 2. Tcash 3. Jimmy Swagga 4. Alchemist 5. H2
Hello Friends
I know I am horrible, I need to click on each page of my special friends and leave some love but havn't. And won't, just yet. If some of you are mad at me, and think I'm a worthless friend, then I am sorry you feel that way, but I can't change how you feel. I hope when you are having a difficult patch I never lashed out at you and called you a stick in the mud or anything of the sort. And if I did, than I'm not a worthwhile friend anyway. People who do that to friends are sorry.. Anyway,,,, my flu is over, but I feel like my body is still catching up, I feel dizzy and very very tired every single night. It's been this way for several days. I can not wait to feel good again, but as of yet, I don't. Mary, I'm glad your papa is doing better, I hope he was able to go home. Thank you for keeping us updated! I hope you have a very fun vacation! Take lots of pics to share with us. Andrea, hope you find that vip, wish I could hook you up, still having a hard time here with money sinc
A Tribute To Our Fallin Hero's
Come Rawk Out With Dj Babyboy In Hotties Hq!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Relationship Quiz
April, the thing you need most in a relationship is Deep Connection In your ideal relationship you and you partner would be deeply and passionately connected. This sense of intimacy is really important for you. As is the need for certain rules and an understanding of who wields the power in your relationship. But regardless of how this works, your deep need for this kind of closeness will ultimately drive your relationship.
Well i am going to vent one more time tonight..Some guys out there in the land of fubar nation and hell just in the world in general are just massive pricks. In turn there are some really great guys who because of all the assclowns out there make it 10 times harder for us to strike up a conversation and in turn try to meet some really cool people..cause god knows every dude is thinking about sex. Do i think about it yes, but do i let it run my life and influence my decision making..Very rarely. It's at this point to where i dont care if im being old fashioned but i was raised to respect women and who they are.. From now on i am just going to keep being me and be the sweet respectful guy i am..
The New Puppys Passedaway !!!
my tracys babys robby and trixie both new puppys passed away only 2days old r i p ...
My Girl Friend
Last night, my Red Hat friends and I went to a Ladies Night Club. One of the girls wanted to impress the rest of us, so she pulled out a $10 bill. When the male dancer came over to us, my friend licked the $10 bill and stuck it to his butt cheek! Not to be outdone, another friend pulls out a $20 bill.She called the guy back, licks the $20 bill, and sticks it to his other butt cheek. In another attempt to impress the rest of us,my third friend pulls out a $50 bill and calls the guy over, and licks the $50 bill. I'm worried about the way things are going, but fortunately, she just stuck it to one of his butt cheeks again. Seeing the way things are going, the guy races over to me! Now everyone's attention is focused on me, and the guy is egging me on to try to top the $50. My brain was churning as I reached for my wallet. What could I do? The woman in me took over! I got out my ATM card, swiped it down the crack of his butt,Grabbed the eighty bucks,and left!!!!
Be My Dream............
I want to chase dreams not skirts but skirts are just to much fun from one to another i fly every night it's all the same alcohol and cigarettes but my breath is still something of attraction for you that is and if I had a dream maybe you'd be it but some how I find myself looking around and around for more not just you I want them all straight gay or somewhere in between I don't care I’ll change them they'll all be what I want them to and they'll love every second of it you can tell that I’m not a whore but that just makes you think why does she want more? I play the game to win and winning for that night was something I needed I remember it like it happened yesterday but the truth is it's been months you're hands on me as we dance or was it mine on you? doesn't really matter what matters is what happened next the room staked with people so many to sleep in a small room like this but who cares everyone got some oh and I got some I remember we were fool
So I have a question.. Me and my best friend have a vacation coming up from March 14th - March 19th.. The plans that we originaly had fell through.. mainly because my other friend lied to me about the plans... ANYWAY.. St. Patty's day is a big deal for me and my best friend and now we don't know what to do? Any suggestions? -Jaclynn. ----------------------------------------- so you read it but you don't comment? :( :(
A Lil About Me.
SO WHO AM I? I was born in Ontario, Canada. I moved back and forth between the U.S and Canada for the first 8 years of my life. Living on an Indian Reserve was Heaven and Hell. (my mother is Cherokee and Blackfoot and my father is African-American and Chippewa). I have an Associates degree in Military Warfare and Science. 12 Years Army man. Never married but came damned close. Something about the bride sleeping with the best man the week before the wedding just turned me off to it. Oh well. Can't win them all but damn it feels good to get even. LOL Here are the 20 questions for you. Is this enough about me? 1. Height/Weight/Eye Color? I am 5'8", 215 lbs.(NO I AM NOT FAT JUST CHECK OUT THE PICTUREs), with brown eyes, and a shaven head. 2. Occupation? Workin my butt off!. 3. Ambitions? Just to accomplish my goals that I've set. 4. Children? I have 3 boys. 2 are of blood and the third I am raising. As if that mattered. All three are mine. They are
Feb. 11, 2008
My great grandma passed away at 12:30 this morning at a hospital in milwaukee. She had emphzema. I will be in Milwaukee all day thursday an hoping to spend the rest of the day when i get back round 6pm with my man of my life! My great grandma an I really didnt get along, she always cut my father an i down. She never did like my dad cause he got my mom knocked up at a young age an my so called mother ran off to him cause she was young an in love with my father when my father was 30 something years old an she was 17 years old. ~shorty~
Why Women Love Assholes Part Three: Assholes In Disguise
If there is one kind of guy who I can't stand in this world. It's the cock blocking nice guy. I can handle a fellow asshole trying to block my shit... But what I cannot handle is the guy who acts all concerned, is a shoulder for the girl to cry on, and tells her over and over again about the kind of guy she deserves. Guess what? That guy is usually... HIM. Shocker. I call these pussies, "assholes in disguise." I am going to let you ladies in a little secret. All guys are pretty much the fucking same. Each one of us has a cock and a stomach and each one of us can be made happy by a good meal, and/or sexual gratification. Sure, a nice guy will tell you that he wants more, and he may... But I will get to that later. In most cases what makes one of these "assholes in disguise" appear like a nice guy is that this kind of guy doesn't land pussy very often. So, because of that, he puts the pussy on a pedestal because he gets it so rarely. You don't think so? L
Big Thank Yous And Goodnight!
To everyone who has been donating to my Spotlight Fund! I am over half way to where I need to be to start bidding! YAY! I set a goal of one week to collect enough funds and so far, so good. I made quick pic salutes today for more of you who have donated. If for some reason I have missed you, it isn't intentional it's just a lot to get thru. (I'm not complaining at all, just don't want you to think you are forgotten.) Nyha has done such an awesome job encouraging people to donate! Some of those funds have been sent thru her which means I don't have you in my inbox which is what reminds me of who sent what. So, just drop me a quick line if you would like a salute if for some reason I missed yours. :) I'm not feeling so hot tonight for some reason. I hope I am not getting sick, I hate being sick. Poo. I took a long nap and still feel yukky. So, I am calling it a night! If you haven't already be sure to VOTE for one of my contestants in my contest folder titled: Five Thing
Fucking Weird.
that's what I feel right now. Just weird. I think since my last blog I've been through some shit that just...really made me realize what I'm wanting and not wanting. People have come into my life that fucked me over some more, and some came into it that offered me what I thought I wanted, only for me to realize I wasnt ready for it at all.I had to be the bad guy for once...had to say: I'm sorry, but I don't wanna be committed. I'm sorry, but I'm not ready to live together. I'm sorry, but I'm not wanting to be this serious. And...I'm sorry, but I'm not ready to give up talking to other people yet. It sucked. Oh well. Such is point in wasting by settling. So anyway I've also come to realize that in more ways than I originally thought, I am just not even remotely the same person I used to be. I used to be sweet and romantic, cuddly, sensitive...just an all around affectionate type of person. Not anymore. I have to force myself to cuddle with someone for longer tha
Lost Account, Account Deleted, Pls Help Me
Monster Vip Pit Club #2
Enjoy the vid that I took from The Monster VIP Pit Club. The Monster Pit Crew and Tommy Johnson Jr. "Setting The Clutch" Turn up your volume!! Winter Nationals Monster VIP Pit Club  Add to My Profile | More Videos
The Koala And The Lizard
A koala was sitting in a gum tree, smoking a joint, when a little lizard walked past, looked up and said, "Hey Koala! What are you doing?" The koala said, "Smoking a joint, come up and have some." So the little lizard climbed up and sat next to the koala where they enjoyed a few joints. After a while the little lizard said that his mouth was "dry" and that he was going to get a drink from the river. The little lizard was so stoned that he leaned too far over and fell into the river. A crocodile saw this and swam over to the little lizard and helped him to the side. Then he asked the little lizard, "What's the matter with you?" The little lizard explained to the crocodile that he was sitting smoking a joint with the koala in the tree, got too stoned and then fell into the river while taking a drink. The crocodile said that he had to check this out and walked into the rain forest, found the tree where the koala was sitting finishing a joint. The crocodile looked up and said, "Hey you!" S
Welcome To Fubar's Bbw Connection Newsletter!
Message from Owner to Staff/Members: First of all...I want to welcome all of you to the first edition of Fubar's BBW Connection Newsletter. I want to first say that this isnt my lounge...or mine and the staffs' lounge this is *OUR* lounge! *WE*, meaning *YOU the MEMBER* and *I*, can make this lounge what it should be..the best fukn lounge on fubar! But I cant do that if you dont give me some input on what you would like to see! Even if you think it is a stupid suggestion...I dont care...your voice and opinions can help make this a kick ass place for BBWs' and their admirers'. *ALSO* I ask that you follow the rules of the lounge. I dont care how rowdy it gets...(and those of you who kno me kno I start it all...LOL) all I ask is you respect all of us that are in there. If there are any problems *I* will take care of it. I do NOT take name calling well. The Staff is also there to help you so if someone is bugging you, we can help you end it even if its not in the lounge. Or if
why am i so fucking sad? i finally got what i wanted. and now all i can think about is anything but that...
So Sad ....
Seach for mom of dead baby continues By Scott E. Williams The Daily News Published February 9, 2008 GALVESTON — The search continued Friday for a woman charged with child endangerment in the death of her infant son. Caren Kohberger remained at large, while the father of her son had been in the Galveston County jail on $1 million bond since Tuesday night. Kohberger, 27, is wanted on a charge of endangering a child issued in Brazoria County, where authorities allege she let Travis “T.J.” Mullis leave their Alvin home with Alijah shortly after 4 a.m. on Jan. 29, even though Mullis had told her he was unstable and could “do something” to the child. A couple found the boy’s body near Galveston’s East End, about five hours after Mullis left the mobile home in Alvin. Kohberger later told police that she told Mullis to take Alijah with him because Mullis had disappeared for days at a time at different points of their relationship, and she thought the child would serve as an
Adware Virus Bs Info...
Ok many people tend to end up getting emails that have hidden stuff. Most times it has hidden adware. Gator and other crappy programs are still out there and still being passed around in what seems to be legit emails. This will happen alot it is hard to stop it all so you must be prepared. So here are some free programs to get that you can use to help protect you. 1. Anti Virus Actualy one of the best ones out there is free, its AVG antivirus. Get this unless you have a payed A.Virus program you already use. All tho having this as a secondary is a good idea. Since no one A.Virus program can catch it all. 2. Get adware, its free and it takes care of ads and trojans the anti virus programs can not get. also spybot search and destroy is a good one but may no longer have a free version. Remember even with these in their payed versions there is no gaurentee it will clean everything. However if all goes well they will at least ID what is on your system, then you can google the e
This Life...
I'm so sick of bein tired...I'm so sick of feelin like I'm nothing but a disappointment to those who mean SO MUCH to me...I'm so sick of crying it isn't even funny. But what I hate most is feelin like no matter what I do, or how I change that I'm never gonna be enough. Never pretty enough, never smart enough, never loyal enough...just not enough... Now, it could very well be the hormones talking, let's face it I am female so that's more than likely the case, but I really don't think that's it. I've spent quite a while thinkin about this and I probably shouldn't make it public but damn it I'm already crazy's time to infect the rest of you with my madness! I'm goin to bed...maybe a good night's sleep will cure what ails me though I doubt it. I'm out ~Luna
Deep Thought
There was a blind girl who hated herself because she was blind. She hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend. He was always there for her. She told her boyfriend, 'If I could only see the world, I will marry you.' One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her. When the bandages came off, she was able to see everything, including her boyfriend. He asked her, 'Now that you can see the world, will you marry me?' The girl looked at her boyfriend and saw that he was blind. The sight of his closed eyelids shocked her. She hadn't expected that. The thought of looking at them the rest of her life led her to refuse to marry him. Her boyfriend left her in tears and days later wrote a note to her saying: 'Take good care of your eyes, my dear, for before they were yours, they were mine.' This is how the human brain often works when our status changes. Only a very few remember what life was like before, and who was always by their side no matter what the situations. Today before you co
~help Me Get My Vip~
My Emotions
Why can't anyone look me in my eyes and tell me, IT'S GOING TO BE OKAY?! Why can't anyone give me some sort of hope, some faith, some inspiration, HELL.. Why can't anyone show me that they love me without walking away? I'm a girl in a dark room with no key. I'm on my knees screaming for some hope and wisdom. Yet, I'm still in this position... With none of the above. Do not pass go, do not collect 200$. Hell, I can't even get a get out of jail free card. Hold my hand, tell me you love me. Run your fingers through my hair as you kiss my forehead and give me butterflies. Show me you care. Put me first instead of yourself. Make me feel wanted. I'm tired of games. Mostly, I'm tired of being confused. And most of all... This is the last time I'll be confused or compromise My emotions. This morning when I awoke from the cushioned coils Eyes pouring their little hearts It didn't feel normal Waking here religiously Thinking the same black thoughts As alway
Mountains Of Makkah
Oh Mountains of Mecca, what can you say Of the day that Abraham passed your way And He was instructed by God to build A House of peace where people will pray And they will come on every lean camel and out of every ravine For the purpose of praising Allah, to glorify Allah Oh Mountains of Mecca, what can you tell Of the day when stones from the sky fell Destroying an army determined to break The House of Allah that Abraham built Oh Mountains of Mecca, how was the dawn On the day that my Prophet Muhammad was born How did it feel knowing he was to be, the last and most beloved of all Rasul of Allah, Nabi of Allah Oh Mountains of Mecca, you were there When the Prophet Muhammad climbed down in despair Engraved in his heart were the words of his Lord To all of mankind this was his call La illaha illAllah, Muhammad-u-Rasullullah Oh people praise only Allah, Glorify Allah Oh Mountains of Mecca, how did you mourn On the day that the beloved returne
Stuck--what To Do
ok, see im dating this guy who is good to me and my kids, but he has is down falls. Ok I have a friend that is a guy im attracted to, and he is really stuck with feelings and dont know what to do..any advice would help...
Lamb Of God - Laid To Rest
If there was a single day I could live, A single breath I could take, I'd trade all the others away. The blood's on the wall, So you might as well just admit it. And bleach out the stains, Commit to forgetting it. You're better off empty and blank, Then left with a single pathetic trace of this. Smother another failure Lay this to rest Console yourself, You're better alone, Destroy yourself, See who gives a fuck. Absorb yourself, You're better alone, Destroy yourself. I'll chain you to the truth, For the truth shall set you free. I'll turn the screws of vengeance, And bury you with honesty. I'll make all your dreams come to life, And slay them as quickly as they came, Smother another failure Lay this to rest Console yourself, You're better alone, Destroy yourself, See who gives a fuck. Absorb yourself, You're better alone, Destroy yourself. See who gives a fuck FAILURE If there was a day I could live, If there was a single breat
Oh Fuck This Shit.....
I'm really starting to hate this site with a passion, it reminds me of the dilly/aka swydm aka'd be great if it actually fucking worked worth a fuck for someone with aohell dialup, but alas it doesn't seem to at all...yes,profanity..I'm fucking pissed because I'm tossing back a few trying to enjoy myself in a chat & the shoutbox hates me, as does every single fucking lounge I have visited...yeah,graphics are all perty & hellacool IF you have an hour, or something aside from shitty dialup, but if you do have said crap on a cracker dialup its for shit, and it will NOT load at all.... Anyone know of a lounge that doesn't have to blow itself for an hour loading images? If so I'd greatly appreciate a heads up...if not fuck this place...sorry for the angst but it just pisses me off as it seems everything these days is made for people that have something better than dialup....ugh....*stabs it*
love can be so confusing.....what if you are inlove with someone and your falling hard for someone, what to do what to do? im lost in love
Thank You Master-- Short Story
He walked up the stairs and let himself into her apartment with his key. She was expecting him, although he was about a half hour early. He simply couldn’t wait to see her again. It was early evening, and with the winter time change, it was dark out already. The apartment was dark. He called out to her, and heard her voice answer, as if she were far away. He turned the corner, and the glow of candles lit up the dining room. He inhaled. Lilacs. A smile crossed his face as he realized that she was in the bathroom. He strode through the living room, noting more candles lit, their flames lighting the room with a warming glow. “I know, sweet, I am early. I just couldn’t wait to see you,” he called through the slightly cracked bathroom door. He heard water slosh...she must be taking a bath, he thought. She grimaced to herself. Men! Just when you start to anticipate their actions, they go and do something unexpected. He was NEVER early. In fact, she always
Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1. Just got out the Navy after 7 years... 2. I love to read. 3. I actually miss snow... 4. I am actually shy...sometimes lol 5. Im a cheese freak.. 6. Im now a bartender. 7. I am terrified of spiders and bees. 8. I have a dog names COCO 9. I swear a lot..... 10. I am a crazy and loyal OHIO STATE fan... TAGGING: B,SPIKE,LuvToSeeU,Florida Marine,The Cherry Picker
Wondering Lost To Find The End
Tip toe, tip toe, through the woods I go. Woods of Dark skies, shiny dots Foggy misty crap in the air dalusional Creepy freaky ugly around trees rocks swamps moss dirt Feelings of dysfunctional loneliness lost and cant figure out how to get out this misconscrewed maze. When will Someone Something Save me I hope it’s a female. I have been here a while. Give me a potion Something But no it never shows. Try Try Try that’s what life is about. Well I do that and no exit. So I figure I need to b saved or make my own way out. Tunes Dragons Rum Animals That’s all I have .I’m a vampire/knite. don't need armor. why I am my own. my dad a nite, me once bitten. i grew up with my dad he tought me what i know now plus mixed vamp Knite stayed Strong Loyal Sensitive Funny Trustworthy Thoughtful Caring mmmmm blood sounds tasty. teeth grows and i jump through trees damn wheres thexit i jump on these trees and through nothing how does a vampire get food aroun
Hey 'sup, Haoules!!
Say You'll Be The One
Technofubarphilia - The Palm Centro And Fubar
For about a month now I have had a Palm Centro PDA and I thought someone out there might find the following information interesting, or even useful should they be so torn in their choice of a PDA that something as trivial as its browser capacities on a site like Fubar could play a determining factor. Picture it, you're not at home, away from your desktop, bored out of your mind, not lugging around a laptop thats going to take 5-10 minutes to start up and connect to the internet, you pull out your Palm Centro and are smart enough to have an unlimited data usage plan, and you go to Fubar... here is what i have discovered about the Centro's capabilities on Fubar 1. The Centro will not store your password the way your desktop or laptop will; you'll have to type it anew each time to enter the site. 2. You will not be able to see your friend/family/fan lists from your home page. To do so you will need to click the public view of your profile page. You can, however, see recent pro
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1. I have a freckle in side my left eye 2. I love peanut butter,jelly,mayo and ham sandwiches. 3. My right boob is bigger than my 4. I fell out the window into a rose bush when I was 2 yrs old. 5. I have never bowled 6. I was shot in the face with a bb gun and had to have the bb cut out. 7. I'm stoled a car when I was 15. 8. I lived in Mexico once. 9. I love Starbucks! 10. I love subtitled black and white films.
Footprints In The Sand
One night a man had a dream. He had dreamed he was walking along the beach with the Lord. Across the sky flashed scenes from his life. For each scene, he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand: one belonging to him, and the other to the Lord. When the last scene of his life flashed before him, he looked back at the footprints in the sand. He noticed that many times along the path of his life, there was only one set of footprints. He also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times in his life. This really bothered him, and he questioned the Lord about it. Lord, You said that once I decided to follow You, You'd walk with me all the way. But I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life, there is only one set of footprints. I don't understand why when I needed You most You would leave me. The Lord replied, My son, my precious child. I love you, and I would never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering, wh
The holiday of Valentine's Day probably derives its origins from the ancient Roman feast of Lupercalia. In the early days of Rome, fierce wolves roamed the woods nearby. The Romans called upon one of their gods, Lupercus, to keep the wolves away. A festival held in honor of Lupercus was celebrated February 15th. The festival was celebrated as a spring festival. Their calendar was different at that time, with February falling in early springtime. One of the customs of the young people was name-drawing. On the eve of the festival of Lupercalia the names of Roman girls were written on slips of paper and placed into jars. Each young man drew a slip. The girl whose name was chosen was to be his sweetheart for the year Legend has it that the holiday became Valentine's Day after a priest named Valentine. Valentine was a priest in Rome at the time Christianity was a new religion. The Emperor at that time, Claudius II, ordered the Roman soldiers NOT to marry or become engaged. Claudius be
Happy Hour Contest!
Life Isnt Fair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I sit here and think of the past and how a man that i know is my age and has been through hell and survived . A car accident that left him with brain damage oh how is he going to live? Is he going to recover? Will he have a normal life again ? Only time can tell. Life isnt fair!!! Five years later he has beat the imposible odds. H lives a normal life again . He works in society has a good job and found the love of his life. Life is good again Recently Married he travels down an Icy road on his way home from work wanting only to get home to his love when out of nowhere he is struck . Once again another car accident only this time he wont make a full recovery . Never again will he be able to smile at his love or laugh at jokes. Never to go to another family reunion . Or to play with his kids who have yet to be thought of. His life was taked by the one thing that he beat in the past. Life is soooooooooooo unfair !!!!!! Josh Holhouser my cousin my freind you will be
021208 Dilbert
I Was Tagged-2 Times
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1- i love the smell of gasonline 2- i watch reality tv religiously 3- I LOVE to wash and fold laundry, but hate putting it away. 4- i am afraid of teeth 5- i love to try on prom dresses for no reason 6- i cant sleep for more than 8 or 9 hours at a time 7- i wear something pink every day. even if its just a bit of pink on my socks 8- i am not a cuddler. 9- extreme home makeover makes me cry 10- i buy toys for my son knowing that i like them so that i can play with whatever he has. ok im going to tagg.... vince (cus he always tags me) geek tiffy krystal spinn
Uh Oh! I'm It!
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1. All of my pets are named after beers - Guinness, Amber Boch, Honey Bear (mix of Leinenkugel Honeyweiss and Berryweiss), and Blue Moon. 2. I make digital road maps for a living 3. I'm a Confederate Civil War reenactor - someone has to fight for the other side 4. My alarm clock is always set for 15 minutes ahead of every other clock in my house - and I know this, yet still do it. 5. I'm a huge Star Wars nerd 6. Favorite Cartoon of all time: M.A.S.K. Yea, bet you don't even know what it is. It only lasted for like 3 seasons 7. Lost my virginity at 19 - I know, late in life. :P 8. I've never gotten a speeding ticket, or
Big Horn Medicine Wheel
High atop a windswept plateau, miles from the nearest town, a circle of stones sits silently, waiting for visitors as it has done for hundreds of years. Approximately 90 feet across, the Wheel is made of an outer circle of stones, 28 “spokes” radiating out from a large central cairn, five peripheral cairns, and an outer cairn about ten feet away from the rim of the circle itself. Visitors must stay outside the rope fence that encircles the Wheel. Off the Beaten Path: What is special about this site? For starters, it’s 9,642 feet above sea level, and a mile and a half uphill from the nearest parking lot – which means it’s quite a bit of work to get there. You have to really WANT to see the Wheel to go there. No one just stops in at random. The trek up from the parking lot takes a while, and if you're lucky -- and quiet -- you'll encounter various forms of Wyoming wildlife on the way. Elk and antelope are easily visible from the walkway, and they too seem to know that this place
Can You Belive This :)
THE fubar RULES ONE If you're ugly, stop acting like you don't know it. The captions under you picture that says "top model pose" "sexy bitch" "arnt i hot" doesn't convince anyone. TWO To the people who have like 25,000 friends, are you serious? Nobody in this universe can keep up with that many friends. You're stupid. Go play in traffic. THREE Don't ever post pictures and say "OMG, I'm so ugly" "OMG,I'm so fat" because if you were, you wouldn't post them. FOUR Nobody cares about threats over the internet. Don't try to act hardcore with the keyboard. Fighting online is like racing in the special olympics; even if you win, you're still retarded. FIVE Making 20 bulletins a day about how you have new pictures and begging people to comment on them is pathetic. Make the bulletin once if you have to, and those who actually care about you will comment on your pics. SIX If all your pictures look the same, don't post them all. Please pu
She's Giving Away Blast!!!rate Fan And Love Her!
Ms. Dallas Just gifted me a blast so I wanted show her some love!Please do the same she will blast the 100th person from me to fan her! M$Dalla$©Gotti Family Don™FAN B4 ADD@ fubar
I fucking hate surverys!!!
Lol..., # 1 Today
I just looked at the list of top promoters for Fubar and today I have graduated from # 2 (yesterday) to the # 1 spot. Just amazing!!!
Passion Todays Comment To All!
The Key
The Hidden Key I had closed the door upon my heart, and would let no one come in. I had trusted and I'd been hurt, and it would never happen again. I had locked the door; and thrown the key, as far and as hard as I could. Love would never enter there again, my heart was closed for good. Then you came into my life, and you made me change my mind. Just when I thought that tiny key was impossible to find. That's when you held out your hand, and showed me I was wrong. Inside it was the key to my heart, You'd had it all along. DMP 6/21/06
Need Help From Friends & Family!!!
Ok....I need you all to comment on this FUCKTARD's mumms, pics, profile, etc...Get the word out that he is a pathetic looser....He thinks that he is going to steel my wife away....He has become a stalker... Mr. Mafisto@ fubar He deleted the mumm....but here is what it said: Sex - To Share Or Not To Share created @ 2008-02-12 07:59:40 -- expires in: 23 hr [EVERYONE] What do you do... You find yourself in a relationship with someone who was in a relationship with someone else. That someone else knows about the involvement but thinks sex was not involved. Your involvement with that person has ended so that the person can focus on their first relationship. Do you... Let the person think sex was not involved? (Its none of their business) Or Let the person know that sex was involved so that they know what they are getting into. (Should you know about your partners sexual past?) Tell me what you really think.... Feel free to leave the following comme
Update On My Lil Brother
My brother Brian died at 850am 10 Feb. A gunshot wound to the head but it seems he may not have been the one to pull the trigger..We are waiting on the DA to give us his thoughts but regardless of how the gun went off he is heart is aching right now to see my father and youngest brother are beside themselves in grief as the boys were all very close. Please continue to keep sending the love....I wait until I am back to the hotel to cry so as to not add to the water works here. so it's just been hard Update- The death was deemed self inflicted but it was conveyed by his gf that he thought the safty was one and was upset and had been drinking. He put the gun to his head not expecting it to go off obviously...
Feb 12
February 12, 2008 Quote of the Day "We taste and feel and see the truth. We do not reason ourselves into it." – William Butler Yeats
The Neww Beee
This is neat..I have no clue why im blogging ahh well so how yaz dooing everybody..Come on over check my pics...buhbye
Funny Q&a
Q.) Why does a penis have a hole in the end? A.) So men can be open minded. Q.) What's the speed limit of sex? A.) 68 because at 69 you eat it. Q.) What does a Rubix cube and a penis have in common? A.) The longer you play with them, the harder they get. Q.) What's the difference between your paycheck and your dick? A.) You don't have to beg your wife to blow your paycheck! Q.) Three words to ruin a man's ego... A.) "Is it in?" Q.) What do you get when you cross Raggedy Ann and the Pillsbury Dough Boy? A.) A red headed bitch with a yeast infection. Q.) How can you tell when an auto mechanic just had sex? A.) One of his fingers is clean. Q.) What do you do with 365 used rubbers? A.) Melt them down make a tire, and call it a Goodyear. Q.) What do bungee jumping and hookers have in common? A.) They both cost a hundred bucks and if the rubber breaks, you're screwed.
10 Things About Me.
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1. I’m kooky for anything Synthesizer related. Mmm synthesis. 2. I’m really into anything Kaiju (G0dzilla,Gammera, Rodan,etc) 3.I love to snuggle. If I was a dinosaur, I’d be a snugglesaurus. :) ROAR! 4.I’m extremely moody and have a self deprecating sense of humor. 5.I’m deathly afraid of heights but flying doesn’t bother me. 6.I’m a sucker for lil kitty cats and puppies. Que “awwwwwws”. 7.I’d do anything for a friend or someone I love. 8.I’m shy and pensive. 9. A good weekend night for me is entertaining friends, watching a movie and having fun. 10. I’m in love. OH MY! I’m tagging : RockGoddess, Bees
So... I Was Wrong
I’m not happy I can’t fake it; Life is stupid I can’t take it! So I’m leaving no returning, all my bridges I am burning. Say goodbye now guess it’s my fate, you had your chance now it’s too late. Will you miss me? Cause I doubt it, I don’t want to talk about it. We have done this all before, I can’t do it anymore. Cause I’m tired and I’m jaded, cause I’m broken and I’m faded. You tried your way now it’s mine, leave me alone I’ll be fine. Cause I’m so weak yet I’m so strong, take a look back you were wrong. It is so hard but I’m trying, all the smiles hide the crying. You don’t get me it’s sad but true; I am trying to forgive you. You can take back all the words that you said, but it’s no good the're in my head. Their replaying they are taunting, they wont quit it they are haunting. I can’t move on they hold me back, they are waiting to attack. Your words hurt me can’t you see that? I am stuck right where I’m at. {This was written
Profile Of A Conservative
Jingoism, Nimbyism, lack of empathy Money is what matters, so let's spend it and stash some away for ourselves, then when somebody asks where all the money went, point your finger in any direction other than yourself and shout, "HE did it!" They talk a lot about family values, but if you fall on hard times, you shouldn't expect any help from the people around you. It's not just family values, conservatives talk about a lot of things, because talk is cheap. The main gist of it is that they are important, and they don't want to sacrifice any of their comfort for anyone else. If you mention someone who isn't doing so well to a conservative, they make up reasons why that person is undeserving of compassion. This is strange, because they almost without exception claim to be christians. (read that as: I go to church, so I'm a christian. I don't have to take any of the teachings on board that don't suit my xenophopia or self-interest.) A lot of conservatives like to make up stori
A Whole New Kind Of Hell
Fuck I thought being homeless sucked but ever since Draven and I have been staying with our supposed friends (who by the way told "us" to move in with them, we never asked) they've been being colder and colder to us. It's like we aren't even people to them they don't even treat us like we're actually there. And we have no where else to go cuz trust me if we did we would but right now we can't afford to get our own place yet. I hate it here they make me feel worthless and like i'm an idiot. And now it's like they're purposely trying to make us feel inferior trying to make us hate it here so much that we'd move out. TRUST ME I FUCKING WOULD!!!! I want to oh god how I want to. I can't stand to stay here anymore with these people they're are so negative. I keep crying at night, I don't even know what we did to deserve this kind of hatred towards us and especially from people who we thoght were our friends. They're sucking out my soul I hope another alternative opens up cuz I truely believe
Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. Have fun! 1: I'm not wearing underwear. 2: My dog is finally learning to sleep in her own bed at night, and for the whole night. 3: Spiders continue to freak me out, despite stories of their contributions to the world. 4: I want a new cell phone. 5: I'm starting a new company... 6: I think the time is right for Carl Weathers to run for Governor. 7: Most of the time, I drink Ice Tea straight but SOMETIMES, I'll add three packets of Sweet'n'Low and buzz. ^_^ 8: I have a heterosexual man-crushes on Ewan McGreggor, Alan Rickman and Ralph Fiennes. 9: I'm riddled with guilt that I use as a kind of humbling power source. 10: I tak
Tagged By Bluedemon
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1. Im Part Of An MC(if you dont know what that is then too bad for you) 2. My best friend on fubar is BSL(if you dont know you that is tough luck) 3. Im secretly kinda falling for my best friend. 4. I have an strange obsession with anything that has to do with the Raiders or Monkeys 5. I love 2 bake....mostly pies and cookies 6. If it wasnt for a certain someone I'd probably be living in the streets or dead. 7. My real life best friend doesnt know that he would have been my baby daddy. 8. I know Im beautiful in my own way, somedays I wish I was the kind that stops random men in the streets in their tracks.
Ok I Made It
I made it here and I'm ok. Hopefully by friday I'll have my place and will be able to get online again. I'm staying with friends so there's no reason to woory. I'll be online again soon. I love and miss all of you. Huggz and kisses and lots of licks.
...the Dreamer..
Utopia is not far for the daydreamer. Reality's Houdini, she'll transcend the daily grind. Consciousness slips, and flight instincts engage. As space and time melt away, she'll find herself in a place where ancient history's what-ifs are possibilities. Emerging only to add a witty remark to an otherwise dull conversation, she hides the vacancy in her voice and eyes. Sink or swim, they would say. But the clock is ticking for the escape artist and she knows that it's much easier said than done. They don't see the chain attached to the bottom. They can't see her wrists bound with guilt. They won't feel the inessence growing as she struggles to keep her head above water in a tank constructed from her own fears, thoughts, and hopes. So the dreamer waits. She waits for the breaker of chains and the breather of life and love. She waits for the singular glance that could sustain her another lifetime. :: Tick, tock.. Tick, tock ::
Tag, You're It!
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1] When people I meet are impressed with my or my job or awards, I can't understand why. 2] I love acting in plays and the attention it brings me. 3] Shopping and getting my hair cut put me in a good mood instantly. 4] Being surrounded by books makes me feel comfortable. I love going to the library and just being. When I get a house of my own, I will have a large amount of book shelves filled with books. 5] Sometimes I don't call my family just to talk, I call so they'll think of me and send money a lot. 6] I'm fairly shallow, but I'm not bothered by it. I'm almost positive that everyone is shallow to an extent
10 Things About Me.....
Ok...Lady Red got it's my And I will allow anyone who reads this to ask one question about one entry and I will tell the whole and absolute truth. ******* Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1) I got in a head on motocycle accident at 17. 2) I am deathly afraid of going to prison. 3) I've been chased by the cops on bicycle... and got away! 4) I don't like my food selections to touch on the plate. 5) I have sexual secrets... lots of em. 6) I can't sleep with the closet door open. 7) I hate racisim in all ways shapes and forms and think all racisits should be summarily executed without trial. 8) I voted for Bush bo
Which You Rather ?
i love fubar it rocks
Good Picture
Life Takes A Change
sometimes i r lives life will throw u a cuurve and u never exspect it. as is the case with me and i could not be happier it did resontly over last weekend someone extra speacil came into my world they had been there but i never knew how they felt turns out feeling r the same on both ends of things.this person who has came into my has taken apart of my heart that no one else will ever have my heart stays closed and gaurded but this person is in a speacil place they have complete and total access to my heart soul and every fiber in my body.people say that there is no such thing as fate well friends there is and it dealt me a winning hand that i will never let go world was plain but not with this person in my life it is fun sunny and only consern it that this is all a crule joke being played by life i've been kicked so many time i'm tired of it.there r desisions i must make that the answers r not totally clear and i can only hope the extra speacil person that walked into my
Tagged Again
The rules are: Once you've been tagged you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose 5 people to be tagged. No tag backs. 1. my oldest child was born when I was 29 but I had her name picked out when I was 17 2. I have had over 40 different piercings. most I had at one time was 31 3. of all the piercings only 5 were not performed by myself 4. my brain is a vault of useless trivia about the 80's 5. I had a pet rooster as a child. it was was my protector, much like a guard dog 6. I used to play bass 7. I love Celtic art 8. I spent 6 years working in and around carnivals 9. I have an odd fascination with sideshow freaks of the old carnivals and circuses 10. I have dated two women who were more than twice my age at the time I'm tagging: FreakinFreak Gigglebug7 RoughRider Jenna Sushi Cat End Feb 21 At 6pm And Has Already Started...bomg Me Plz plz help me by bombing this picture... i need the most comments by feb 21st...plz help out and i will return the favore for you....ty
I Hate Hospitals
It's funny when you go into an ER and say you have chest pains, but not to worry its not my heart how they still freak out. I told them my medical history with Lupus and that the lining of my lungs are inflamed, that is the reason for my chest hurting. It also is amazing how doctors think you are a silly unknowing female, when they don't believe you. I know just as much if not more about my illness and I don't most of the time need xrays, blood work, EKG'S or anything else to tell me whats going on. I am very in tuned to my body and usually can tell you what pain is from what illness. I hate it when you prove to the doctor you knew from the get go what was wrong and proved them wrong. Because then they talk down to you still trying to desperately hold on to their God status they cling to. All I ask is to listen to me and not to talk down to me. I very much know what is wrong with me and only need something for pain and to have it documented. I have learned to hate
This Is Me
I am 4'9 and 110 lbs. I have dark red hair, blue eyes, and an athletic build. I moody and I dont lie, no need to. If your gonna hate me then you will hate me for bein real. I love to be out doors, in the cold or heat. And I love everything tha you can possibly think of that has to do with racing in anyway shape or form!!! I go to the local car shows and drag races in the summer time. uhhhh lets see...I am mother before anything. I have a four year old son who is my life, a (step) daughter who is going to be 13 this year, and she is a looker, lmmfao dad is going crazy!! Also have a 10 year old girl who is turning 11 in April. After the kids then theres my time. I am single but not looking. I am in love but dont want the dramma that comes with it. He is my BEST FRIEND, my left hand, my heart and soul....I just dont think its time....anyways getting back to me. I think I coverd all the basics...I am sweet and happy and smilling most of the time, and I always hide how I really feel, unless
Needs Help
He has 3334 to go yet. All help would be appreciated. Thank you in advance. He only has 9 stash items but over 200 pics. The Romancer a.k.a. The Flirt@ fubar
It's Official!
We're expecting our third (and last) child in October!
The rules are: Once you've been tagged you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose 5 people to be tagged. No tag backs. 1. I have half a toe missing. 2. I have a extra kidney (thats 3 kidney's lol). 3. I also have a 10 inch scar on my head just under my hair line. 4. I am allergic to seafood. 5. I was diagnosed with a rare bone disorder (with me being only 1 of 2 people with it within the UK) from the age of 10. (thankfully i've been in remission for the last 10 years). 6. I am right handed although can only eat like a left handed person. 7. I have a fear of flying, although never let it stop me escaping. 8. I use to write poetry and have had work published in the past. 9. My claim to fame was a shag in a field on the set of a t.v show when i was 19, where we had an audience of coach drivers, dancers and the press. An article about this appeared within the very classy daily mirror lol. 10. this year i wi
To Those Who Hurt Me (you Know Who You Are)
The rules are: Once you've been tagged you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose 5 people to be tagged. No tag backs. 1. I'm terrified of clowns 2. I'm ambidextrous (meaning I'm both left and right handed) 3. I'm strangely attracted to Tim Currey 4. I can't swim and am afraid of water 5. I frequently and temporarily go blind,and dunno why yet. 6. I'm possibly pregnant 7. I'm still in love with my ex fiancee but have lost a lot of my faith in him. 8. I remain Mormon mostly for the shock value 9. I'm one of those weirdos that beleives Elvis is still alive 10. I'm terrified of Hillary Clinton, She's brilliant but I fear she may be the anti-Christ my 5 tagged. 1.Dustin Burnett 2.Trent 3.Chris Leonard 4.Stephanie Hall 5.Chris Frary
Paths Will Follow...
Paths will follow... You will sometimes meet someone you believe is a soulmate; you feel the connection on many levels, perhaps instantly. And as you get to know each other more, you begin to feel the connection deepen and you feel that you must have an arrangement with this person that predated this lifetime. Do not assume, however, that this soul connection necessarily means that you are meant to be happily together for this lifetime. It may be that you are meant to be friends and allies, helping each other out. It may be that you are going to help each other in ways that even involve conflict and separation, but with an end result that is beneficial to you. It may be that you are going to learn some lesson from each other and then go your separate ways. What you need to do with all relationships, including those that have that instant and deep connection, is let be. You need to allow all of life, including close relationships, flow and evolve. You need to let people be who the
10 Silly Things
The rules are: Once you've been tagged you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose 5 people to be tagged. No tag backs. 1. I WANT TO SOMEDAY PLAY IN THE WS OF POKER 2. I WANT TO RETIRE IN RHODES GREECE 3. CROWN ON THE ROCKS PLEASE 4. I LOVE TO COOK 5. I AM A HUGH REDSOX AND PATRIOTS FAN 6. I LIKE TO SHOOT POOL 7. BLACK IS FAV COLOR 8. MY DOG IS BIG AS A HORSE 9. I COLLECT BASEBALL AND FOOTBALL AUTO'S 10. GO GATORS I am tagging: ' ¢¾ DAWN ¢¾ Arcane Angel' '~*princess k *~' WendyCaroline Brenda6598 'Patriot's Babe!'
New Stuff
well just a little new crap all has been going well these days just trying to make new friends to hang out with in this po dung town lol well anyways have fun stay safe and lol
I Know Now
Really tough in classrooms slapped around, dragged out back thrown down. Raped over and over don't know anymore, whats safe and secure, open the damn door. Gotta get out of here and find a way to end your poor field day. Time to fall asleep falling how, Painful, painful, fearful, fearful, I know now. Fingers ran thru flames growing higher, regret came knocking to the crier. Wish I could say he had a face, could of been three in a race. They entered in fast and painful, and then withdrew not so full. To all who think I don't know what I'm saying, Clearly your not me it wasn't my fault, he didn't listen, didn't hear stop fucking halt. The truth is I think of hurting every guy, every guy out there and this is why.
Heres The Contestants! Do You See A Friend?
Do You Know The Perfect Flower
Do you know the Perfect Flower for your Perfect Valentine? Flower: Traditional Meaning Aster: Talisman of love Begonia: A fanciful nature Carnation, red: Admiration Carnation, white: Pure and ardent love Chrysanthemum, red: I love you Chrysanthemum, white: Truth Daffodil: Regard Daisy: Innocence, gentleness Forget-me-not: True love Globe amaranth: Unfading love Hibiscus: Delicate beauty Jasmine, white: Amiability Jasmine, yellow: Modesty Larkspur: An open heart Pansy: Thoughtful recollection Primrose: Young love Rose, pink: Perfect happiness Rose, white: Charm and innocence Rose, red: Love and desire Rose, white and red: Unity
'thunder' 11-11-2002
distante thunder on the horizon..a storm is brewing in my soul...i can feel it's power,i can feel my other self trying to come threw..what do i do when the thunder come's???let it happen or not,,let it happen or not??..i'm lost with what to do..the thunder of my own heart beat scares me..i feel it's about to explode...the thunder get's louder and louder it come's faster and faster...i start to cry and i don't know why....thunder booming in my soul...would someone tell me why??tell me why i have this thunder in my soul................
Is This Communism, Socialism Or Both?
Is this socialism, communism or both? It's just a short one, only 6 questions. If you don't know the answer, make your best guess. You don't need paper or anything. Answer all the questions before looking at the answers. Who said it? 1. "We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good." A. Karl Marx B. Adolph Hitler C. Joseph Stalin D. None of the above 2. "It's time for a new beginning, for an end to government of the few, by the few, and for the few...and to replace it with shared responsibility for shared prosperity." A. Lenin B. Mussolini C. Idi Amin D. None of the Above 3. "(We)...can't just let business as usual go on, and that means something has to be taken away from some people." A. Nikita Khrushev B. Josef Goebbels C. Boris Yeltsin D. None of the above 4. "We have to build a political consensus and that requires people to give up a little bit of their order to create this common ground." A. Mao Ts
Nothing Else
I have come to find that nothing else compares to the love I get from my children.Yes,they hate me from time to time,but I am not their best friend,I am their mother.My kids know me well. They know I fall in love easy and pay for it later.They know even at their young ages that I have be physically abused and that I look at the world in a totally different way from their friends parents.They have come to accept me with all my faults. They understand that things have been very hard on me lately and don't judge me for the way I act.They make sure to tell me that they love me on a daily basis.Sometimes I think they are worried I won't be here when they come home from school.My children see the pain and sadness in my eyes and face and try to make me feel better.Some days are better than others. Today is not the best day and I got the best I love you I could ever get and that is from my children. I am only destined to be truly loved and cared for by my children. I miss companionship,but I c
Tagged X 4
MY 10 (I WOULD NEVER DO THIS BUT JOY ASKED ME TOO) 1. Im claustrophobic... 2. Ive never been on a roller coaster 3. I love fast cars, the faster the better.. 4. When I drink Tequila, I'll fight at the drop of a hat. 5. I would rather ride a horse than drive a car. 6. I hate Bugs, any bug they are all creepy. 7. I can shoot the eye out of a fly at a 100 yards 8. Im a sucker for romance. 9. Id give away my last dollar to make someone smile. 10. Im not afraid of dying... I'll tag 4 another time...
Okay, so I got a job at a place called Alorica. They do some of the inbound customer service calls for Sprint. It is only my 2nd day of a 4 week training class but I've done this kind of customer service calls at a company called Sento in Utah and Wyoming. Anyhow, I'm really excited I found another job like this...I'm very good at it and I love it. I'll keep you updated on how it's going! Amanda
Im With You
I'm Standing on a bridge I'm waitin in the dark I thought that you'd be here by now Theres nothing but the rain No footsteps on the ground I'm listening but theres no sound Isn't anyone tryin to find me? Won't somebody come take me home It's a damn cold night Trying to figure out this life Wont you take me by the hand take me somewhere new I dont know who you are but I... I'm with you I'm with you im looking for a place searching for a face is anybody here i know cause nothings going right and everythigns a mess and no one likes to be alone Isn't anyone tryin to find me? Won't somebody come take me home It's a damn cold night Trying to figure out this life Wont you take me by the hand take me somewhere new I dont know who you are but I... I'm with you I'm with you oh why is everything so confusing maybe I'm just out of my mind yea yea yea It's a damn cold night Trying to figure out this life Wont you take me by
Happy Valentine's
The rules are: Once you've been tagged you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose 5 people to be tagged. No tag backs. 1. i have a social phobia that sometimes makes it difficult for me to leave the house. 2. i knit as a hobby. 3. when i was five my grandma caught me trying to pee like a boy. 4. i once had a crush on a character in a book. 5. i go to group therapy three times a week and individual therapy once a week to work on my "social issues" 6. i'm so broke that i use my neighbor's wireless signal (with their permission). 7. i was a complete dork/social outcast in school and really only had one friend. 8. as an avid reader, as a teen, i once decided that i was going to read every book in the library and started and one end and am currently working my way through. 9. i have a secret desire to do wild and crazy things which my anxiety level won't let me do, like drive race ca
I Took Anotha Test-not Gay! Lol
Your Score: Cancer Man ... Heterosexual Of any man, he is the premier softie, loving to kiss, hug, spoon, and moon. He needs that showering of cuddly mother love as much as getting his rocks off. On that score, nothing imparts more of a pure erotic thrill than letting an energetic top woman have her way with him, boobs bouncing, as she barks imperatives and instructions. In fact, very little in Cancers man's vision of worthwile sex doesn't include breasts in one way or another. He is the zodiac's preeminent tittie fucker, and most of his sexual fantasies involve big bosomed babes in the preverbial pole position. He is anything but squeamish when faced with a partner's outpourings, a proclivity that may easily extend to the peepee department. As well, he's way up for anal sex; though if his mate flashes red flag, he is fine with forgoing it. Of course, he loves being blown- what man doesn't? � bit for him the act imparts a particulary soothing and secure, pacifying sensation. H
Broken Trust
You broke my trust, Not long ago. All those suspicions I held, You made come true. I can not take you back, I can not love you anymore. Once the trust is broken, You never truly regain it. Why waste time anymore, You will no longer be coming to my door. If you have done this to someone before, I hope they realize you will do it even more. She may want you, But I know I don't. I see you with eyes wide open, It doesn't matter to me anymore. Dee Parenti All Rights Reserved
Valentines Sucks
Get More at Get More at
To Much Drama
Why is it that some people crave drama. If there is no drama going on in their life right at any given moment, then they have to create some no matter who it may hurt. These are the people who can't live if there is no drama in their life and they are not happy unless there is some kind of drama. They involve people who are suppose to be their family and friends. They act like they have no life unless there is something negative going on in their lives. These kind of people don't care about anyone but their selves. Screw other peoples feelings, just create drama no matter what the cost and they are the happies people on earth, but let the drama end and they are the saddest people in the end. I AM SO TIRED OF BEING DRUG INTO THE MIDDLE OF PEOPLE'S DRAMA. I just want them to leave me out of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Drama is for people who have nothing better to do, so if all you want is drama, then just leave me the HELL OUT OF IT. Until next time, Very
Loving You From A Distance...
I'm loving you from a distance Protecting me from myself Because when I'm near you I can't control the things I do Big spaces become smaller Feels like I will collapse Sometimes I feel like a failure And that makes me very sad I'll make sure that you know me And how much I feel for you But loving you from a distance Right now is all that I can do
Yes, She Was Caught... But...
Ok, so sporks was caught. Alright. I didn't know her personally, and feel that her lack of parenting was disturbing, but she isn't the one who CURB STOMPED her baby's head. Her boyfriend/husband/fiance whatever the fuck he was, did. I just find it a little callous to be spending all our time on here talking about a girl who has obvious mental issues, instead of doing things like having fun, getting to know new people. And it's a little perverse to spend your time dissing people you have never once met in real life. In fact, you probably haven't spent more than an hour in total talking to them online. So, to have things like "TheBITCHgotCaught" as your status message is a bit out of line, especially if your only beef was some stupid shit that happened on a social networking site. It's the internet. Get over it. Unless you are hanging out with the person on a regular basis, you have no right to talk shit about them because they did something stupid, such as being friends with so
10 More Things (do You Know Me Yet)
Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1. I have broke 5 bones. 2. I have a tube in my stomach that separates it in two parts. (No I'm not a cow) 3. I love to play volley ball 4. I am a Miami Dolphins fan ( They will have their day soon! ) 5. My favorite ice cream is Chocolate in a waffle cone. 6. My favorite tv shows are CSI and Missing Without a Trace. 7. I eat watermelon with salt . 8. I love to run barefoot (shoes suck) 9. I have three chest scars ( preemie at birth) 10. I love my true friends!! You all Rock!!! I tag Holy, Legend, SexieMami, Trax, Partybug
Just wanted to say hello to all my friends.
Come Own Me
all u have to do is click the pic to own me
Hey You
hello fubar! hope that everyone has been good whats up in fu world? things are better im so happy ive gotten engaged and we set a date and i got a planner.. whoo hoo... other than that my health is good right now and i have some spare time to come by and give out some massive fubar love.. missed you guys talk to you soon!
Bombing Dee
ive realy come to love this ladie...shes in a giveaway,and its huge.we are half way there.ive been bombing her for a week straight,but im only allowed 300 comments a day....please help me if you can spare the i can get back to bombing everybody else. aint they cute,,awww
Feeling Blue Right Now
Well i just came back from my uncles wake and 2morrow is the funeral i got to get up early to get ready and go.I am sad but yet i am okay its just sad to know he passed already.He is in no pain and not suffering anymore so that is a good thing.May he rest in Peace!I keep his memories alive inside my heart.I am glad before he passed i told him i love him and he told me back.He knew he was dying and did'nt wanna go through anymore mood right now is saddness but yet i am like okay with it.well thanks for hearing me out hugs xoxoxox kisses2
Things are going good for me professionally. I just picked up 4 contract jobs, and it looks like at the end of the month I will be opening the store for my business. Everything is falling into place there. However, I am going to be making good money, but what good is money if you don't have someone to spend it on? I wish somebody would come through for me and be someone who actually cares about me. I hate to sound all depressed and emo, but it just gets me down sometimes.
It’s Like Ice But No Pick, A Murder Charge That Wont Stick...
Every dawn becomes a new day A time to love, a time to cry Every river knows its own way And its the same for you and i And every heart must have a reason A winding road, a midnight flight Freedom, freedom What we all need, is freedom in our hearts Freedom, freedom What we all need, is freedom in our hearts We fight and die defending honor The pride and prejudice we hide A mothers tears, a fathers anger From trying to stop the pain and lies So we pretend to look for answers While I blame you and you blame me We dont need the pain anymore To move our mountains, to reach our shores What Ive found is the choice I bring What I can do to let freedom ring Freedom from the darkness Freedom from the violence Freedom from the hate Freedom from the fear Freedom from the hunger Freedom from the forgiveness Freedom from the past Freedom from the mistakes Tell the people now Freedom, freedom What we all need, is freedom in our hearts Freedom, freedom What w
Want To See Me Nakey? Live In Nyc?
So There Is This Auction Dirty Little Secrets Lounge Is Havin'
I hate Valentines Day, just so yall know up front. But the rest of the crew came up with this Valentines Day Auction and asked me to be a part of it, more like forced, but asked sounds nicer. Anything to help some friends out right... So the details of the auction I do not know. All I know is it ends on Thursday and I'm sitting at $35K Fu Bucks right now. Not a bad price, but higher would be nice. Granted it is on;y day two of the auction, but it ends Thursday night. Yeah, I know, last minute and all that, but hey, wasn't my deal. Here is the link to my bid page. Take a look and lemme know your thoughts. Like I said, wasn't my idea, and I wasn't too excited about the whole thing so...... Later, J
Daddy's Empty Chair
A man's daughter had asked the local minister To come and pray with her father. When the minister arrived, He found the man lying in bed with his head Propped up on two pillows. An empty chair sat beside his bed. The minister assumed that the old fellow Had been informed of his visit. "I guess you were expecting me, he said. 'No, who are you?" said the father. The minister told him his name and then remarked, "I saw the empty chair and I figured you knew I was going to show up." "Oh yeah, the chair," said the bedridden man. "Would you mind closing the door?" Puzzled, the minister shut the door. "I have never told anyone this, Not even my daughter," said the man. "But all of my life I have never Known how to pray. At church I used to hear the pastor talk about prayer, but it went right over my head." I abandoned any attempt at prayer," The old man continued, " Until one day four years ago, my best friend said to me, "Johnny, prayer is
Dun Dun Dun Lol
Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1 i play guitar and i think I'm mediocre 2 i have an odd obsession with cheez-it's 3 i will randomly start singing to some sappy song that most guys would not dare sing at in public 4 i will head bang to music when no one is looking 5 i love the smell of my deodorant 6 i love the band rammstein even tho i don't speak a word of German 7 I'm the youngest out of 5 8 i have one sister and 3 older brothers 9i cant eat tuna fish sandwiches without sour cream and onion chips 10 i will talk to myself when I'm trying to figure something out but i wont answer my own questions -------------------------
Suicide Bird
So as I was driving down the road today, a few birds passed in front of me and then out of the blue a bird nosedived and hit my car. Feathers went flying and the bird was stuck in the grill of my car. I flipped out because a bird just committed suicide on my car! oh yeah and I spilled coffee on my white shirt before that even happened.
This Sucks.
There. Got that out of the way. I married llw two years ago. I had been recently divorced, and the one blessing of that prior union was that we had decided we would not discuss having children for a period of five years. When the marriage dissolved almost exactly five years later, I reflected on how wise that decision had been. I resolved not to enter into a relationship with anyone who had children. I had nothing against kids, I just didn't feel I would be a good father. I'm not patient, I frustrate easily, and I expect logic from those I deal with. Kids, as I am sure you know, don't mesh well with those expectations. But llw won my heart, and I agreed to marry her even though she had two children. I wasn't stupid enough to think it would be easy. But I wasn't smart enough to realize how hard it would be either. The young girl, upon learning of our impending wedding, asked in all seriousness if I could be kept in the basement and have food sent down to me. It's be

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